mm (fli ill sr BY 0. N. WORDEN AND J. R. CORNELIUS. At $1.50 r Year, aluayn In Advance. THE LTNIUX-EsTAiiU.siiErj.lSll-,Viit)LE No., 2,391. LEWISBURG, UNION CO, PA., FRIDAY, DEC. 23, 1859. 11 Ml IfflS OIllIII. CIIROXICLE-EsTArurKn, ISJ3-Wnor.E No., 819. ' LJ 1 . , lil May 2!,thi;Tow.i ur I.awr,,e win tn r- predirnts nfmii poisoned chalice lo our own I A Noble Animal for Sale. I At John BrOWn'S Eurial, n. houses hurnpil. nrP .lctrrtvfxl a-..1 : lins." Lei them ilritik it as we did. And thr r : : :.. t i.r..i. T- iui.-: l t. t.. 11, ...a,,.,;.,. - . .1...I.t f lrtfciih-iitv" u-ill rV rpl E.,nii t:w 'I ' cup ib-o ""ed. i,Ilall,ersonsinKanssrrc;.5la,nby.l,;1'"!it''sc11- If te auunal aetuull, .-in, anJ fetter, (probably tbo last ,n-s C r I, n lu tn:s lime, tin inl.iii frlif iimm it ... )...,......, -11 ,1. ....... .t.t ,.....l.t..... u. ' ... . . . . ... I. 1 . 1. l. I; i,i 1 ' 1 man she now Kards so cioseiy, ere ihey poi-! -'-- un iu ..auiu 'l'"""13 , the u J Clan ever wrote,) committed to Kill iUt 11 lilL O Uv ilUl IU ('n'j'ic unu urrn rriirsrn, dui inr luted Hie Male mat wore tnciu ty llinr arts t iorm IQ uic owner scriptural auvt rusc Cl)t tnr anii CJronirlf.1 oimt, ii:c. 1, I Vi. An.1 if "crimson uars do nut follow," villain and murderers hail lieen nainV npitpj hire. v ..i.i. .u. i 1 ' : . i.i e ure; seen or ao,t prIuolcj by the V. S. auihorilifs ! -jj heard of, approves the foray at Harper's Fit- : ry. There are Abolitionists who do, but no' "In point of lime" AFTER AM. TIIKSG Republicans, for it was an act directly contra- "I'TKAGES to wit, on the SGih of May, ry lo their creed. Gov. Wise, with thousands Pottawatomie murder took place, and a of Virginians, applaud the bravery ami the ' "est of notorious rullians and pro-slavery frankness of Cant. Hrown, as well as do the -ets was de.-troyed Dovles, Wilkinson and people generally, however much they may I'erman were enticed away from their homes, . su",?Jf l!oal,"i!' wu)' rHimi from the rrrat Clui-I condemn the bad use he and his comrades a,,a K'Heu, Border Kuliiau lasnion. It is nut Faiiuijr. tait.-rinslt fl.m!ini-iiv.T thi- w ! she mnv be thankful. . W. The Fire-Fiend A. nightmare. rnox as CNrLiiLiHm m. op uic nrr r.T.: a. rut, is Tim VUSeLsSluS Vt OliAhLtS It- U.UlllElTE. In thi- tar'st di-artli of Miluii;Iit, while thn niJ anl Il is nut ' t .U.:. . Ln.,u tl a-hn rfi.l tk. .I.l l,,,i il ih,....,..i... I HOL'tr INti.liOUlK JllillllSlilMlli ..a.ic imii I'm. Aiiere was not a, - -" " - - i, uh lh.-1.. liiu- of air h&fal autl bil- rrason why they should be charged with i aboul Ihejiral OluW tlruck buck. crimes not theirs. Still, we find in different "'n lite last day of May," says Geary's his- rapers among others, lavt week"s Ar&ts torian, when "olj Uronn was absent, optain articles, a tissue of the baldest untruths like the following : "John Urows came to Kansas not as a peaceful settler, but as a -ucn!!a fighter, lie I'ate marched upon Ussawaiomie, and suc ceeded, without resistance, in taking prison ers two of his sons, whom he found eniaed ieIkmiiiuii;, Anil inr ilr- .m. wit itrpnms furer'ljii(lu-l on a liourt foroilttoiuu l to Cnre I'a mj tio Sliori of vcrtisuDicnt : Tlinu canst (rust tliy labor to Iiini, for Lis stretigtb is great. Tli iu canst Liu l him with lis laud in the furrow; bo will barrow tic valleys after tlic. His strcrj"tb is terrible, in wliieb In re known Republican among them, yet ihat is no i naI'n into the I'ro-Slavery ranks, and was In i hmiiVr 1 ljt dn aiuiDi; hj the Sro-Huhr. liiful j,,it.,.tu- J lie glory or bis nostrils is bin priuc; bis neck is clot lie J with thunuVr. i He pawetb iu tlo valley, and waxcth proud in bis speed. lie uiueketh at fear, neither turnctb bo bis lack from the hobgolliu. Lo, now, be movetli bis tail like a cedar; bis sinews are as cables. His hones are like strong pieces of brass; yea, like bars of iron. He catetb grass like an ox ; behold, Le driuketh up a river, and trustctb that be can draw up Jordan iu bis uioulh. Wlio eau open tbc door of bis face? yet 1 thou cuust apiToach him with a bridle. ( His teeth are terrible 'rouud about. j 1 will not conceal Lis parts, nor Lis Jithn Hrown euinmrnced it all that "firtt hi order nf lime were the murders" of 21 May, 56 which it is proved he did not commit. (We expect, next, to hear that the Republi cans repealed the Missouri compromise, and that tSeward led the Border Rullians in person all through their sanguinary invasions!!) It may be well to refresh the memory of all in this matter, to establish how wanton and wicked is this foul libel of the dead, and to show how easily its fals'ly may be proved. Weclean ourdates mainly from the Httmrt of and dt the Voturressiimat Cummittre on the Tntuhltx in ' tf to Krmsui (IS.1, IMk. .S-.-IUV-I lu kiUo and grin this Phantom, a-liru iu terror 1 ! ao!te, ! Ami my fluuibt-roua ej-clijA I etagrjri-n-il to i tho rl.xir. Slill iii that iln-n'l Winn avoiniuir, turnnj my gnzu to- the fflfaltiiiiK llearlh, aiil - Ihi-re ' ob!t!oJ! 1 paw it! auit friun out II. IIhuiiiic jaw It S'at a n-airleMt. M-i'tliinir, liiKiu, huttiliu;, gurgling; Ktri-aw ol gure! IV. Si-iI...n. etrurk wilh Atonv nili'lus-, froron to tho lli..r lfo.,,1; uht ni v hraiu vi lii.i.-iu a ith Itmt his.-in, At) tlin Iftct, lonir, linni-riuj; echo of llie Miilnili rliliiie, Liflini; IhruUL-hthe Pnhiv Lillow. tii tlii. Thiihf r I 1 IIII- I'aviu on tin iitarli-.. aih'iire not itoki-n Dom tm Iu a ii'iivrriiii: r-ii-li ill l-artnl-Iroui Ulv t'ouih iu l'i-ar 1 I in their peacelul occupations, and burned the 1 in-l i wx rlr,e. lr..,n h , -,,..n,- ! I.,, ' I....... r I u. .1.... " fiar.-si ... mj in terror, lor my t-ream .i,a..iauii , .. .-j u.....v. . VI jirilllg JUIIII l'IUHII,IUri. JlldU 39UII. 1 t.tT--t rullians, as he never had any properly to be (The same auihor says, "Early in the l'it''nthef.tfui8reafri;htful,nenili-h,Haunu!ifai driven from. All the hostility he met wilh , -,..,., f :.o,h An-mi. Frl..l..r',ei7 lir.,-,i , '. ill. was in retaliation for Ins own barbarous and j hall u nie.l num. mm ..n ,.r l,.h llr.,,. i On the r.-.l health's rejj,n centre, from a blmiiig ku -t brutal deeds, i he first murders n. Kansas was kle, , llle rua,, urar hl5 fath,.rv hvuM were those committed by Old Hrown. He , (,,. Marlln hue. a member of the Lesisla- opeued the bloody ball, and he more than any ; and frmery a clergyman." -Capt. one else is responsible lor the terrible scenes J Hrown, Jr.. is a maniac in c.nse.iienee that marked the protracted political squabbles ( f ,,ie cruel treatment he received while a of the lernlory. Of AM. the acis in the ' rri.ser aie." He is now (IKo'.i) iu Ohio, llleedins Kansas Tragedy, thr firt in urtlcr measui .-ably recovered from his affliction.) of time were the murdrrsrummitlid on thr niht ' oj the 21 of .l,VKi,op IVliawatomie Creek." ! 0,11 llrown Ve& l'e's army, and cap- .i'i- i r r. .u lured it, and his sons and the other Free Slate And so- three, four and five years after the , . - , . ii ii. i.1 inoiiiieis anr ii-ii.asrii. .01. .-iiiiiiuei , willl Kansas war begun the world is lold that a large inrce id I . is. dragoons, hi re inierler- i ' f l.: , Av ,;., itIA mi nt, be must be worth wore than King ' . " KicbarJ olTered for a horse on a trying after parting with his wife, and sent occasion. Hero is an extract troui lueau- i u "er aw naijici s imj . TO I'.E ISSCRIIIED OS THE OI.I) rAMILT .MOM'MtNT AT NORTH El.liA. " Oliver 1!kovn, born lxli'.t, was killed at Harper's Kerry, Va., Nov. 17, 1859. Watson ISkowx, bnrn , was woiiiuli'd at Harper's Ferry, Nov. 17, and died Nov. Ill, 13:9. ( My wife can !ill up the blank date as above) Juli.N Hituw'N, lorn May 1S00, was ex ecuted at Cbariestown, Va., Dec. 185'J. Ill.S LAST WILL. Charleston s, JifTcrson Co. ) Va., Dec. 2, lS.jf. f It is my desire that my wife have all my A Large Fimily. A Democratic Game, Foiled. A correspondent of the OM ' V".', j JmiN K. CtxiK, was represented as an siys there is a family of "high slanditi' ' inoffensive young man, who was led into in liourbon county, Kentucky, whose ! the power of Drown in Kansas, highly and height and weight are as follows : The Father The Mother Thomas James Sarah John Mary l.'l;a!l Maliliew Kh Another Daughter Aggregate i nn Is 2"0 S-B 2-fi 2 1 ' K.5 Sill S2II lH UjO Fi-et. K 6 a li a r, ii B 6 6 70 Inch-i t 1 I 6 6 I I patriotically connected by family relations, Xc, and for this reason it was urged by j many Democratic presses and people tbal : bis life should le spared. But if Drown ! was tbc coin minder, Cook was vJuntarHy j the commanded ; and who will attempt to ! excuse any act on the plea that somebody i ful the offender to d) it ? The law and common sense laugh at such an idea, no less it be that the culprit be an idiot, or a child not yet arrived at the years of mor ' al understanding. Neither was the casa with Couk. It was not pretended that h ed, and persuaded llrown to release I'ate and his men, and peace was again looked for. Uut on the 7th of June, (ien. Rent w ith I VII men, re-entered Ossawaionne. There were but a few men present, and the women and children were plundered and insulted. Tin y robbed all they could, set the town on fire, and then retreated, stays Geary's historian, There are hundreds of well authenticaied accounts of the cruelties practiced by this horde of rullians, some of them too shocking listing to relate, or lo be accredited, . The tears and shrieks of territi-'il u o- folded Till mell. l.o'.l.l,,, , Till i mi m hr--i-tri-am n-.tin?. oozing iroia thorie t.iiu- powers, nor bis comely proportions. Till llie Ii. tiimi w ni'-.l to uame me; then a woulrous ' eotli-. he i. Aoi l-- e.,liii..-. r. :.,i.-i,i-. I lin tail fli.-ka out laHuml." Ami mv l.ri w crow col l ami Jewy, wilh a death dump j arjd I Want to Sell llitn for BOmethiDK I And 1 fell hark ou my pillow in A'Ari'lit aoul rriiio-! V. Thi n. a. in Dealh'n tiei-niiiig t.iadow. iu the iev full of I l:i, flrirki-n, enme a houree an-l hideous murmur to ntj ear Calue a murmur like the murmur of aiuaioius in tlo-ir le.-,. Iutteiiu.'. 'Mli-her '. higlur! hiiitu-r' Iain liemon of the lire! I am Aroh-frienil of the Fire! and eaeh hlnring ri.if'emy The father is a native of Maryland, now in his 70th vear. One son. 1'ukel. died ho was 0 feet C inches in height, and ' n' understand fully the natureof tbs weighed 200 pounds. The living avenge expedition, and the consequences that 2:15 nounds in wci-'ht. and over 11 feet 1 ,U Jt fl'w h'm the act. if he not personal property not previously uisposeu , ;n alti,ujc t'ertaiuly a tiue, sulstautial, tMl '"-' ouc "UJ leJ 1'r,jwn ,a,u tbeplao. and that, after her death, the proceeds of TllE Une TIIllli;MT.A flieud 0BCC Jua , " " 8 sueb land be eo.,:.lly divided bet ween all m, ,oM ,h , f , P-W.e speech for took, and The Co- then living cbiidreti; and I bat what would be . . , t '"" (Luchanan s organ) the Argut and a. bill's share bo given to the children ! "'f" t-.-- of eaeh of my two sons who fell at Har fullJ harassed by the waut of sleep. 1 . per's Kerry, and that a child's hhare be such a degree Lad this proceeded, that if, divided among the children of luy now. in the course of the day, any occasion led living children who may die before their tJ h, bed chamber, the sight of bis mother (my present beloved wife.) No j bcJ m3jL. bim sLuJ(.r at the i(Ja cf the formal will can be of use when my ex- , . , , . . , , , ... , , J , restless and wretched hours be bad to ras pressed wishes are tnado known to my lu- . ' tljal and beloved family. most uf the 1'emocratic journals, North, copied and commended it. A combined, universal tjjrt was made to get op sym pathy in bis favor, as a basis fur pardon f il be was a good Democrat '. Cook was also a brother-in-law of Gov. j up ,n it. In this case, it was recommend- i WiII'rJ "f l'"1au' aud aD lff irt wai ml,,9 ' ' I . ...- ... ... .nj ..c John Brgyv.n. cd to bim to endeavor, ;when be lay d wn " " v 3 V " - Mv Deap. Wife-1 have time to in- ' at nights, to fix bit- thoughts onsomelhing, ! service f0U. ,a" econfc ln ? close the within and tbc above, which I ; at the same time vast and simple-such . tle oam,! tf Ioc fc" bce" ,r"eIlD forgot yesterday, and to bid you another ; as ,uo w;Jo expanse of Ocean, or the tU3t FU7P0Se. lut il nM-ra Twin farewell. "lie of good cheer," and God ; clouJiesi vault uf neaeatbat the little "J" the wllo!i T,'"J publishing tha Almighty Vim, fave comfort, guide, and , dis,urbin.e ima-es that Sated "-i k frotn SProle t0 its ei,tat kecpyou to "th? end. 1 our attectton-; I ate husband, John Drown. I buforc hli mmJ ml&ht bc farmed away There followed to the grave of John or bushed to rest by the charming influ- in Indiana, thr,.iit! lrn.n-1.;. widow Mr A nn llrown euce of One absorbing thou-ht. Th0U"h private Secretary 1 fW Bi.An Kti Citt. 'ov. 11, '59. li i Htansos liear Sir: I knew voa h fenaior Bright, (whose was.) as a thvrouh-guin io re. And my l-Weele lima w. e. : d iueeiiM. in the lilood and tear lny ir- and from .V,,ry ami Kama.,, i mrn- 'n .neir lou, emnrace, laiiei to kr llr (tJ.k..n IkHTX -...1 .I....I- il..... " ' ' ,"r" " ' VI. of rmirdf-iril men. mainly correct. ; liancin upon ihe trees, or left to rot upon the 1 I. I prairies or in the deep r turnih The Opening Act in the bloody drama, was fond lor vulitires and wild beasts.tfld frishttul mar stnotij; thf Vr tlu mm- t!i the wanton vit.laiion vt the Cnngressit'nal compromise by which Slavery was alU-wed in Missouri ou mnditton that it ".shall be and is forever prohibited" north of -ifi, .May :U, 154, Pierce sicned the l4ujlas Bill opening Kansas and Nebraska to Slavery, and invi ting the .VrA and South tu -rnttrin and fight it olt!" Acting Vice President Atchism resigned his seat in the I'. S. Senate and hastened lo the western borders of Misouri, where secret, oath bound Blue Luilges Vc. wereorzai.iz ed for the V object of tstubltthing Xfarery in thttse Territories. As soon as the Act parsed, pre;ii numbers of Missourians crossed over into Kansas and took forcible and tibial p'jsats&ton vf Indians and other rich lands. A meeting at Westport, Missouri, in July, Rtfotvtd lo expel and keep otilof Kansas trrry Ahotitionht (as they called all men from the Free States.) Grin August, the first Free State men reached the Territory, and founded the town of Lawrence. On the Gth Oct. an armed band marched from Westport to (wipe out Lawrence," but, ihe Free State men being prepared for them, they retired for rcmforcemenis. The Missouri river was blockaded acainst Free State men, who were searched ou the steamboats, disarmed, and sent hack. The first election for t'tm-'ress in the Ter- M'ized and stuffed the ballot-boxes, and wnh near IHOO notoriously false votes elected lien, i Whitfield. l.v. ! The first Territorial Klection, also, was so! grossly fraudulent that fiov. Iteeder rcfued ! to sanction it. An alleged Legislature pro ceeded, however, and passed the most despot 1 ic and abominable code of laws ever formed in a civilized land stones ot brutal lerociiy trom which the wildest savages might have shrunk with horror.' From this time forth, old Joiis Brows appeals conspicuously upon the stage of ac tion in Kansas a harbinger uf death and de struction to the Border II u Ilia u crew. No longer a quiet settler, acting on the defensive, he retaliated "carried ihe war into Africa" and no man was more vigilant r successful in saving Kansas for Freedom. Thai he was held to be somewhat deranged even then is evident from the testimony of the tunes. He I was newer taken into the Free Siale Councils j was regarded as ofien wrong and yet he i was everywhere that an enemy was to be met, or a slave to be rescued, until the Republicans triumphed, and the U-t Border Rut. an w !f was driven bark, howling, to his den. If with his brave Kdward and his unfortunate Frederick most brutally slain, and his fa- j vonte namesake a maniac if with three nons j there sacrificed, and burned homes, and prop erty taken revenge overmastered bis better nature, it is still most infamously false that ; Ae opened the: bloody lull" If he retaliated if bin reason, stung to madness, swung from its moorings Heaven knows he had sullicit ni provocations! Nearly two tears of Border j I KulTian sway, "in point of time," intervened before the Free State men if it was them struck back the first fatal blow at Possauato- I mie, and gave them a taste of their own mode j , of warfare. I Last week's Buthr County Jmniftm has j an article from a Kansas correspondent on ! this general subject, with which we close our j t notice of this foulest hbel and most gross and palpable and malicious falsehood : knsa, (orropiindrnre. can pay tny debts with. Virginia Insurrections. TIio execution of Johu llrown rcmiuJs us of the fact that Virginia has been some what noted for its slive insurrections, as vitl h siipn friini tbo f.HfiwiniT ftivfiiint'i ... n 1 I 7 f A . derived from certain Old new-papers :J ruwu ins ..uu, ..,..ry auw.u, - - - o -- c - ---- o- Dimxmt, an I I rake trie l:ber:v of ailresini; Sixty years a"0 one Uabriel a smart the widow ot bis son Uiiver Jirown, and ' - - .v...6.".i. "" Vou at an Iml aman ad A I'KVOCRAT. I slave accumulated monev enou 'h to pur- ! ,lie little pirl Kllcn ; tbo widow of bis son ! advice suggested to bis mind that if enclose you an article which 1 slave, accumulated money enoubn 10 pur i- 1 an oli. ct at once vat and simnle was to ed m your paper a ediu.rtal. M illard is m chase bis freedom, and then set about or-i ats0 1!r0WD I the lJuw of " an olJ . i't ""t. va and simple, was to lr . Co,lk is irroiher-iu-law. .nd we gatiizing a plot for the slaughter of al! the i Thompson, also lain at Harper's Ferry ; ! be selected none could serve the purpose are trvms m , VVise to pardon h,m ; Kjr. C OI O ... , i t - . 1 e.-i iaa.ll nri tlpil tf f..Ii 11.- r,-f.!iraiil tixnn PI Hi a t till Tlirht Ofl the MUftfCt. the JLfiP- th . i n- i i t -i it inn fi i ninn l.rnwn im nia s iT'rs v,v. .j. ,ui.u, - - , while luuauiranis 01 liictiniona iu iue , . . . , , , e ,,. n. fc.... .i ... ... i.. ...j Henrv Thompson, wirh Iiuth. his wife. t0 mLlkc tnaI aaJ ihlt- Him. ui at p. tier, tutjr ivt.ii; uiv v,,Ji u t. .i.- e .,i ; m,,;nn eldest daupbtcr of John lirown ; Koswell . , ri "i . .i" Thnmnsr.n and wife r fronts nf the two hopes: in thinking of God, be fell asleep out the fl lines, thev intended to seizo the 1 "ompson anj wilt, rsrents oi iue two o r arsenal. Some of the fairest, youngest ladies were to be spared for wives. Ga briel had established d 'po'.s of arms in The plot, bowevcr,was discovered, and a reward of 20,000 offer- ed for the rim r.. ., t i... i r.,..i cuided Hero ! rest. ' lr 1. . 1 ., . T t. 1 .1 .t in! onn.,a 'I Im enma 1 .hn l.i u is siatea mat jamcs licupam, me -"-.... . -v MlJ Abolitionist, is to write his Life for the repose at night, was in all bis thoughts by benefit of bis family. Thaddeus Hyatt, of daJ- And at the time this person sp .ke N'cw York city, sends a good recent like- ,0 me t 13 revealed in the Gospel of ness of llrown for SI, the profits of which . His Son, was "ail bis salvation, and all bis go t) the fame end. These, in addition desire." to liberal direct contributes from various j TIjc Sut of 5orjtIl clroiua wLieh is number of 150 or 200, they rose upon the Jf ' hu fof tUc "tcrna.., threateningto dissolve the Union, inhabitants, on a Sunday night, and ir- waIlts of Ljj btia;ttrtj family. j b" ap'-'j tarmed, by the Lebanon I f'jurirr, a little aristocracy. The few poor Brown and Wise. ! i,r John llrown was bung for a crime nii f,, MmM, Wfl:M : u;J l Pi"jr " Virginia-would not abide it, p , ,, , ,. - ,, , . ' i and, fur the first lime,) a Democrat baa suffered for the same crime as an Aboli tionist, so may it bo always, hereafter. The result exceeded his most saoguiue hopes; in thinking of God, befell asitcp. Thompsons slain at Harper's Ferry: and W'1 aIter " resorttd to the same tbc other friends and neighbors. Here I expedient. The process became delight were fair ui.'uvs Audthree ..jrtf.,bereav-' ful ! mh s. that he used to long f r ed in that short but bloody conflict, bear-'. tne uful B"ur "t retiring, that be miht ing their beloved and trusted leaderto his ' W (a3 -' termed it) in God. What id. rs. Gabriel escaped tomb in tLc saaJo' of greit rock. ..Mis-, began as a more physical operation, grew . ... ....;.!.t i bv imDerceptible decrees into a eraeious 'II. . I n-Tt-l iid th rairii ! llua oo"s - H'.a I lanh ahi n from the Tillajre ir I Hiinii- i-hlni-H, An 1 I h.-.i lhf i-hrii-kiiof Tro, with a l.ilu in rv breiili! H I i-i-r. am ilti IiiuiWlit lauirht-r, ui I luiri ach i-nirkiini: ratii r I'.mn tin- t. i: l.s of Kin-, moil hi :!i-r. hitnT. hi.'h.-r. : l ac Ihn III. li-l'ric.l. uf OiV Altar iu tht-ir un-rrv o.iul-i; I of!i:" I VII. "I urn MoMnrrri "f thf Pre ' I mn ttil-Kiii ot I'iitl. '. , 'tII nrin-liti, nli ill fliadt'W nf it !ui iit)a tny t.rralh ! : W ill, tlit- nilxil of II. r nit- r l!rim in; fr m nu f.i'iil fa---: I ronuiiHii.l the I tire! II i her, lnlirr, liibfr, 1.1'iip niy oiintiitig Iemns, lit." ihtintasni9iirnric 1c- TariOUS localities, ' minis Hut'j l oiHTFal Nature in thtir hiJ'ous race '." VIII. Tl.en a i tnbrt nilftic phut ine in srtmn, shrouiIi-J j Ami I liMntrl lik AO iufaut in the "("ntJIt rf th 1 Till tin- Im II.-j in tltt- Fortvt quiver J ith tb- initio .iii.U, And tl.t martini", from thf elfn ijt its Il'hn li0ttl i i ii". ' Shiuiiti. T.-l thrvitch tlic rufct an htrn kIit Ihflifilit in j torn tilf niiiri-lif h. j I.ikf riiutt-J muiv, trur.-Iiutlirouf;Ii tl.eri d ranks of ok. j j !. ! Thronph my iTy-fn-ttfJ msnm-ntf filtTf-l in a tremulous I K'ltf j , Fn.m thti tall ntiil ftntily linJcn where a Rut-in nwvllcJ , Lis thrfRt ! QutTiili-u. t.'nnktT-hrraNti-.t Rn!-in. rnllmi; iitaintlj f- r himiiifl Th.n I ct.irt.-'i up, uiihitlJen, from toy sIunituT Nitil-m.r'-riih n, 1 Willi th Ri'-mnry rf rhit Tirt th-mon In mr isntrnl Firt Uu luy eye's interior mirror like the ohuduw of a r ub-1 j . I AO: mi1 m-niu-n rire uau Munuiuuri-i m a wuioi ana fornili-mi hi-a. Ad,1 no knot of oak uu Itamini; as it flamo hit; Kut arounj itA vi-ry ci-nlrr, alurf tlo, lii-uion l'aco haj h Ii,-. r..rk.s .ha.l..s rau4 to Ur.,rr, r"intlnw w with rfrr- , fr snTerr.l lnoliths: but he was finallv To ,ral,';,'X "cai.e, g.J,n, on a till, an,l ' .,,,nt(,,7 ..r,,,,, , oxeenti-il. His f.te fM 10 f,ect 1 l '"""tic 1'resideUt. on board of a ship ready t,o sail for St. ! Domingo, tried and executed. j Thirty years ago, a moro successful plot was carried into effect in Southampton county. Nat Turner, a negro preacher, with several others, planned the destruc tion of the white population. To the ihrC'l ff'y-V'jht of them before the alarm was given. The people rallied and drove tbo rebellious slaves into the swamps, ' shooting them down like dogs until the upon my wjluje bjrjj was annihilated. Nat escaped from bis pursuers, and dwelt in a cave, Stnnt'tra in Congrt ?.t, and all the leading men. will si-in a peiiuon for t'ook's parlon but Wise is a caiolulaie for the 1'residency, and we must ileal with him as such, hence this article, flattering him. Ac. Please publish il as soon as you possity can. and send a num b-T of your paper containing it, marked, to (iov. Wie, Richmon 1, Va., and another copy to (inr. il'drd. and one lo me at Washins t, n City. The Western press are all right. The Pioneer A Li'tnocrat at si. Paul, the V i ri.ina riemocrai. The Prescott Democrat, tha Hi-irferMm Ieinocrat, Ac , will ail come oat next week ; the press of Illinois, Imliana ami Oroo. whom I have seen, will ehime in, anl I am now nn my way lo Iowa. Missouri, Ten-n-see and Kentucky, to f thi-in to toin in also. Truly yours, K. S. SPKOl'LE. Mr. Iliehardson deserves the thanks of the country for his integrity, for had the , plan gone on unexposed, no knowing what ' might have been its effect npon the Exec utive of Virginia, who could only have in terpreted it as the honest opinion of tba , country. It was a Democratio trick to save a brother Democrat, but the people which Henry A. Wise, who signed his Tjut ,t,e gr(.at portion 0f tue population death-warrant, was the first to counsel, aud which Gov. Wise's frieuds now avow their intention to commit next year, should n An i i how..,!, an, i mij, "All iv.wr i of io.i.f i.,.i formed the topic of a sons commemorative '":" , , . . , - , 1 of the insurrection, from which wo j'iote . Asrkiiliun.lloii.rnil..nanoLerlare..l.ilc t sr. f0HnWinrr stanza : j It is proposed to have what may be, ..Hr., ,,"., him. w,.,.,Lin,- I termed a' creat agricultural "protracted ii oi tin,. . h,i,i i ,rii,u : ; C n j Th-ti v.-mm uii linn ntrl Mr 1,1014 him ! meeting" at Yale College during the pres- j HaM iim.- in m i ir-iuii ' 1 ent W inter, to last throughout the whole ; Think or the I'onit.. How rj, i t.iin.'d I ttt :i i-h ih rw- l't:T. i" I'la-i l.t-itty ciziio of Harper'; Terry Arsenal, Tlint. id 11 V htrh. in th The are negroes. The census of ls50 showed the white population to be only IT l,jt"3, : while the negro population was S03,!U1. j Ceme.naktof Amkrkas Methodism. This shows South Carolina to be cniphati- The one hundredth anniversary of tha ca'.ly a Negro Slate, and if she were divor- introduction of Methodism into the Uoitel ced from the Union, which is the bulwaik States is to be arprorriatelv celebrated b which in Johu llrown was Treason, is in of her safety, her whites might be murder- that denomination. The I hristian A,ho- I Gov. Wise "noble and gallant'' l'atriot-' ed in less than a year. Yet it is she that 0r fav3: tlc true centenary of Metho I i.-m. So say his Democratic endorsers, is continually shaking the disunion appar- dism is tha year ISOi). Dr. Koberts of j So echoes the Democratic Dress through- ition in Northern faces, to scare us from !Mtimpre, has folly demonstrated this i"y out iue mion. u-aaj moy iavisn, in ; our ciuaDiinuyr ani to drive us into ao;n 111 .my out iue mion. ij-aay tuoy .avisU, in ; our cmiammitv. anj ta drive u mh iL,:n. f l..aT j j . - . n. . - - . - - 1 - 7 o "v,i uuau iut.41 m nuit uviuiucuiBi iuu " j . , amoD us, wncn lucy teci me rttrciiifr. ui-: the same brcatn, curses UPjU Ibe CrazoJ : what our ms t ee condemn ! It i t m .w.:.t.. 1 i i u 1' 11 . . ( - , WtUll IHUCUIV3. 1 UO ItliC liUVil 1 consist of Lectures by leading, reliable , blasts of winter, five a thought M o.!.,. .li.-.I h.1.;,ns,... n......,f. i i.t 1 , ., . . . . . n J t i.3 vuut:utiuu, at. .'aLiuiuir. j.' .uiui tru a . . . -.---.- consist 01 noctures oy leaoiug, tlIlg lus 0, wlljtCPj ,ve a thought old man, who died because he made the at- such lament the Harper's Ferry as earnestly i mcD etnincnt in the (iitlcrcut departments as t0 tue condition of the many poor fain- tempt, and fulsome eulogy upon tbc Gov as any man who loves his da". Hut I have ( of agriculture, horticulture, stock raising, jiiea ; our towrj ? iiow mi0 pur30ns ; . wl0 tlircatens to do the same ihini! etc. About eighty lectures are provided rcveling in tbc lap of luxurv, who civc i himself. Hero is Virginia authority for i the statement : cone to combat under the eye of ihe Hero of Oisawatomie," a privileged favorite at his Pr Sine antler were snoiu-il sent aw-iv ' camp table, a companion of his quiet house. a ' ,or Iw0 10 ,l)Ur elcn anJ eaea "-"'"re : orders from their richly furnished and coin- by force, and their female friends insul.e.l, ' tr'',"i ln " 1 k"ew, him b'!' tu U'V h""' to be '"ei by conversational exercises, j fortab!y belted drawing rooms, cast one . ? A ii. I rwiu, n-hn lh Ulirav. mil man 9. I .. .... J ' systematically appeals to the (ieneral (iov rrnment for redress in vain, and tiov. Keeder Anj now, when Ihe "orave out man, as we loved lo call nun, is about lo appear in Ih scene of his uagic, erring life, a word may made powerless by the under-orTicers appoin- j not prove to you ted at Washington. I I knew the man an industrious farmer, pros- t a is, -ii . perous, surrounded by his children and his In Mav, m. Phillips, an eminent lawyer 1 .. i . . - ' , 1 , , , children s children, "under his own vine and la Leavenworth, was tarred and feathered, (y. re. wth every prmise , lhe biooIni and sold lo a negro (afterwards, was shot aj where all the life so free from wron was down in cold blood.) drauing in its sunsel hours lo a peacelul old Methodist ministers were warned away, gr- A day passed, aud his children were ... i ii r - i . living by the licht of their blazini homes over and the Parkv.lle Luminary was destroyed. 1 pla,ns, fr tllc - Uuffian-band Gov. Keeder was elected Delegate to Ton- j was upon ,nem . Their cornfields were turn gress hy the bona CJe settlers, and a Con?ti- ri to deserts, their homes laid in ashes. The tutional Convention called at Topeka. But earnings of a life of industry, guided by more Congress refused Reeder his seal, (and the I 'ban ordinary intelligence, were scattered and , . , . . , . , n . I Pillaged. Homeless lhe gray head sought the ... f,. ... - j n . . .n.., nc ; mnihpr eanh. till lhe nrst nass- The Democracy of l'erkley county, Yir- a meeting. Cbas. J. ei-io iT'estions to the lecturers, and discussions, i thounbt upon the poor wretches, "of friends C'uia, have held Iwenty or thirty gentlemen, well known I atlj fl)rlune qnite disowned," who huddle : raulkncr, cx-.Member ot Lougress, prcsi in Agriculture, besides the l'rofessors of: themselves into a corner to keep off the i deJ' fnd i an able, conservative and na- tioual speech, thus showed the policy which A Ya.nkke in a Virginia Kaii.roai. committee to consult the general confer Car. A few days since Marshall Jewell, ' CuCe respecting measures for its due ob Ksq , of this city, passed through Virginia : evince, h " TVJ coincidence that on bis way borne from a business trip to J tLc Sl'cl conference meets in this grand the South. Tbo train was searched, at j epochal year. It will be, not, indeed, tbs Culpepper, for iucendiary documents and ! centennial general conference, but it will individuals. Mr. Jewell had a revolver j ha tLe centenary general conference, with bim, and was requested by the vigi- T, . :s ineomrtibIa"wTlh a froa j . verntnent, is shown eviry day in the ex- afterwards dispersed by a company of I". S. Troops under Col. Sumner.) Buford's Georgia desperadoes ravaged the country, inflicting most unheard-of cruellies. Aug. 8, J. W. B. Kelly was lernbly beaten, and driven out nf Atchison. Collins was killed, at his own saw mill, by a rang headed by I.aughlin. Kev. Pardee Butler was sent down the riv er oa a raft. Nov. Slst, Dow was murdered. In December, Sheriff Jones calls for three thonsand men Irom Missouri lo enforce the Border Ruffian code '. laws. Dec 6, Thomas W. Barber was shutdown. in the presence of his bro:her. Robert F. Bar ker and a brother-in-law, by the Indian Agent, Geo. W. Clarke. 1R50. Ian. 15, an election was appointed under the Topeka Constitution, and the Free State na had to rely npon iheir arms in some owns to hold an election. During Mil nwnM.CiPT. Enwaan P. B.owi, oa if old John Brown, was taken prisoner while faarmrd, ly the Kitkapoo Rangers, and most "luuny t pces hi hutelitts. Buford't gang was taken into pay as lr. S. rns comitatus. My 19, one Jones was shot dead, and May 1(1, one Stewart was shot dead (both. rV neriff Jones' armed posse on the mdich '6 Lawrence.) lunate burst of grief was gone, and then he swore his bitter vengeance against the rob bers of his home, the murderers of Ins boy. The old man's day of reckoning had come. The gray eye glared like a tiger as his mur derous guns swept down the enemy al fAo wuttornie; grapeshot tore through the ranks, but he held his men steadily to lhe storm till the last cartridge was spent He stood expo sed to every ball thai swept over his little band at fire Jack,- a ictor there, he show ed the vanquished that he was magnanimous as brave. Beside hnn, on that day lufire .wrfnee," all through that Sabbath afternoon whose wonted qoiel was broken by the crash of the musketry and sharp crack of the rifle, I sat on my horse watching the grey head, bared to the tempest of balls, eipecling to see il fall at every discharge. Calm and cool, as if conscious that his life was a charmed one, he moved from post to post. The old brain is crazed, but who crazed it? Let.the sons of Virginia delight lo pile Ihe sod of their Stale upon a breast bared a score ol limes to their bullets in Kansas. Let them Niow that they helped lo ruin him, to destroy his horae.murder his children.and oowea auwn lhe grey haired man, who had never harmed them let them lead him forth, maniac though he be, lo an ignominious death. But let them remember, when they bory Iheir dead citizens, how many they have slain of ours. But for the hands now so eager for his blood, there would not be so many mounds for the snow to drift upon lo-nighi here. The hoary hea ded warrior, transformed from the peaceful V! i '.' Inn-r am nnifnniiil tn Inl-A n.rl In : 1. 1" r.. l.e A the exercises as lecturers and teachers, j the poor, winter is looked npon with Z j Uaiit son of' " . while numerous other eminent agncultu- WUch dread as an epidemic. Therefore, ! Yirginia, Henry A. Wise, declared, as 1 . ' P rtrluu- ' r- : perience of the South. Those great rights rists and horticulturists have expressed j )et those who havo an abuudance of life's 1 was said he did, in October, ls:,ii, that, if . objected, and casually remarked, ""n? . that we boast so much of the rights of their intention to be present and partici- j blessings bestow with a liberal band a j Fremont should be elected, UK WOI LD the conversation, that the vigilant had j frtfe ch anJ a free rres9are denied small share upon their less fortunate fel- ,!"JrZVJvvu Al,'-t'l : "c"or clear out-some nony mignt get nun, eTeryd:ly in oursis,er gtalM Mmob i i a, i. .i . . . ai iiiiiiii'iiu i ii"") u. il. .,-uiu ncs nu i su'iui uea'j mu urst iuau iuui . , T. -low beings. However small the cift, it ! . ., . .. .. i u .i i i i. i . . . and Dix ,,, . , , i iiim iiuic u.. ji.u,.u u kuiia auu uu- put hand on him. As he was determined will bo received as a great bounty. l o- cided a measure ? It is the fortuue of " . , , -n ..ii . .i ., . "u1 , . ; in his manner, aud as the vigilants num- erty will inevitably be the lot of a portion I SOme great aud gifted minds to see f ir iu . r . .,,- of humanity so long as the sun rises and j advance of their cotemporaries. Should j bercJ ou! f,,rty or nt'J the Uft Llm ,0 sets. There is flo escape from it. "The ' Wm. H. Seward be elected in LStiO, where 1 go bis way in peace. -Oh, Jewell," poor yc have always with you." It is by j is the ,man D?w .in our, n"dst "1" ou!d j nncicnt writer, "thou art a consistency V A,..iucu, .u.....u,u., .,. is i- uiiui... ! ner of Virginia who would silently suffer see the beneficence hidden under the atlltc- j tuat Armory to pass under the coutrol of tivedispensation. Our busiucss, therefore, j euch an Executive bead?" pate in the discussions. Among the lecturers are Lewis F. Allen, Cassius M. Clay and Francis llotch, ou Cattle ; Sauford Howard and Dr. Gulliver, on Horses ; C. L. Flint and others, on the Dairy; tbo Hon. Marshall I. Wilder, Dr. C. W. Grant, Messrs. V. Harry and 11. G. Pardee, on Fruits; Professor l'orter on Organic Chemistry ; 1'rof. S. W. John son, on Agricultural Chemistry; l'rof. li. Stilliman, Jr., on Meteorology; J. Stan ton Gould, on Grasses and Irrigation ; Judge French, on Drainage; Joseph Har ris, on Cereals ; l'rof. lirewcr, on Commer cial Plants, (flax, hemp, tobacco, etc ;) Geo. B. Emerson, on Forest Trees ; Dr. Comstovk, on Fish Culture; Donald G. Mitchell, (Ik Marvel,) on Kural Economy. The whole is to be free, except the nom inal charge of say tea dollars or less to meet the necessary expenses of lecturers and other incidentals. The occasion will doubtless be one of great interest to culti vators generally, and call together a large attendance from all parts of the country. Inquiries with reference to this project may be addressed to Prof. John A. Porter, New Haven, Conn. Ajriculturit. An Iufidol Convention met at Philadel phia on Monday last. What next ? Xd- is to make the best of that which we can not evade. "Mate mt-n-y on thf po-ir. thl nichl. Ollnt! ! Tin honn-li'-a of thi rM'i rivat hrotro-rttoo,. Tim iitili-torm a-i.A m idly onwanl OVr tin Itint. hiiih.ay. Th tiinii-liil traA Anil tlim-y trAiipiiiiri. (lik human vamfiri-a) Ciiiiliiiif lo Ih,. Iioiuiis of I'lrnly. triill With t-hilliliz i'-e anl irlim'oiilir froat, thia roM Ib-is-mUr liilit. Tim riry m n sn-irui IroAvu A. it .ha.lo.a lM.lfry. .ala- an.l hnal, ram-ront an, Ain. ail Khttorini; ami lrirht l.ikr hup-, hrilli nit iclarit-ra i t th North. Hark those h"am awwiung wiml. that boom along lok thi troa, of hoary caralry, au-l ai-ui Ut w-our Tbr rrry rarlh. arr ,ierrtinr throiiiih looio-Dtiilchiuka III lh 'ii.j'-iiilo'l hiiiniv of honr.t pnfarty llrrathini; liarshly an -rial lament r'r Uitrir ili r-k-tati .us." Impressive Scene. In Leghorn, Ita ly, oa the 7th of October, a remarkable incident took place. For the first time, the Jews of that city offered up a prayer for a Christian Prince, and invoked the blessing of Heaven upon Victor Emanuel, King of Sardinia. At the first word, the three thousand Jews present rose to their feet, aud remained standing until the close 1 ictZZ i !!Xt."-J- fo .Va.) African F i mil lojMnr. .... ,.f .!. neater in which thev all resounded tne i j--' - . - ' Tbo Cbariestown Convention is with au ovtm helming "Amen." Here, again, rank Treason is threatened, but you will not find a Locofoco pper, North or South, who will dare to rebuke it ! Novel Advertisement. The most rcmarkablo among the many remarkable advertisements which daily fall under onr notice, in scores of exchanges from every section of the couutry, is the one given below : "A PEW is For Sale in the meeting bouse of the First Parish in Amherst. The man that owns the pew, owns the right of a spaco just as long as the pew is, from the bottom of the meeting house to the top or roof, and be may go as much higher as be can get. If a man will buy my pew and sit in it on Sundays, and repent and be a good man, ho will go to heaven if God lets him go. Let a man start from the right place, let him go right, keep right, and do right, and be will goto hea ven at last, and my pew is as good a place to start from a3 any pew in the meeUDg bouse" "It was not your advice that finally de termined me to vote your ticket, nor wa it your eloquent appeals from tbc stump : IT WAS THE- MURDER OF 1U()IER1CK. 1" So said tbo Hon. Thomas Ewing of Ohio, recently, as be cast, for the first time, a Republican vote. Mr. Ewing is not the only man, who bad been deluded with sham "popular sovreignty," whose eyes were opened by liroderick's murder, llroderick was honest in bis opposition to slavery, and because he was thus honest, he was killed, and Douglas rejoiced at his fall. S.n E.M. A courtezan called "blue eyed Mary," was buried in St. Louis, last week, only tba driver of the hearse and a negro sexton accompanying the body to the grave. Five years ago, she was the respected and lovely daughter of a wealthy merchant of that city, but went astray. A celebrated divine said that the more be undertook to reason about sin, the I moie uiiiea:-ouabIe it f eared. son a line, r-carcelr a mail comes that does Dot bring us an account of some one's being mobbed by a rabbla or arrested by law eEeers for speakiogsen tituents at variance with the popular feel ings. T.'n n is no lilnrly fur ichite men where slttv ry exists. Yet this is the in stitution the Locofocos want to extend. They say the price uf a deuial cf this privilege, will be a dissolution of the Union. There may be some who will not think the price too high. How to Live A venerabla minister, who bad preached some sixty scveo years in the same place, being asked what was the secret of long life, replied : "Kise tarly, live temperately, work baid, and keep cheerful." Another person, who lived to the great age of one hundred years, said, in reply to the inquiry, "How he lived so long?" "I have always been kind and obliging, have never quarreled with any one, have eaten and drank only to satisfy hunger and thirst, and bave nev er been idle." Bkoderick vs. Pour.LAS. "They have killed me because I was opposed to tha ex tension of Slavery." BKODERICK. "I dou't care whether Slavery ia voted down or up "DOUGLAS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers