Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, December 16, 1859, Image 3

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    IrmVT Mokn-IXG, PIT. Ifi, lS-'O. ;
1' ........
1 ...a. IHi.-er. iQ I tj kll. Country, I UMWl. rs
' . ' -Mli ,.r.ell-w.ul.l.L. well ... en.,.1.., the
' ... the UWmtv I WW. winch ha. a ..',. a
... ..f th bii'-rg ivir....i. wi.irn i.a. mr.-i a
: -
; il.1) iul",!' w"!l
. "TWe XW l4lverli.CM.eBl.. :
Judge WiUou U UoUtng Court iu ,
Jlildietorg this week, and tX..ct8 to
.mmence Court in l.L-wisturg, uexl .inu-
' -
Jit. t-END IS Ylim II'IM.
srn Si Cliuo.NR'LE ! iMany of our farm
... I.-..! i.r.,.d cmt.s and fair tiriees.
.,1 can now take the county paper. -
j ion t iipicc. uiciaiu'ir ii ti.iaM..i'.i.
j, w-ilsy's paper.
I .-We are indebted to Thomas Chamber-
u.r at. illustrated Dutch bun.oreus .juaru.
r'frVhTexcerile";, Town Proper. of Jon-
i u esb.t .iecM taller beina lot up to
i W will be asm. oil.e.l .... Tu.-s,l.iy next.
i-... ..' have br.UL'bt i.tll the
tkof tlarrtware ol Ji's. M'Fa t.ti.i. and hl-
ii it to" their assort.nenl at Merchandize, iu
thfir new House, c
orutr ol D;l. ana Maitei
I.. I.ewisbur;.
At the last Commnniea'ion of Chari'y
I. i.lne. No. Ut.the f..ll.iw.n O.hrers were
necled for the ensun.j Ma-omc -ar : V. M..
f.S Crites i 8. W.. C C- Sh .rUlevj I. W, T.
H Fisherj Sec J. B. MLauhl.u ; Treas., i .
Ii. Evans.
tT"Uv an advertisemi-nt in another column.
,1 will be seen that th' n. led London preacher.
Mr.Srranta. will aprear as a slated c. rre-
ol It.e
turn no "Mental lvtersia" a disease
with which stuic of our p-opl", ( well as
tthiTs) arc afilic'ed, and fhieli bis discourse
is calculated to cure, or at lea.-t to siin.u
l.te a desire tocure. Mr. U'i'.iiits lias the
Tcjulation of being one of the best if
But the best platform speaker iu Auurica.
Let there be a large audience.
yli, A correspondent of the Snyder
eunty I.ocofoco paper gravely argues as
though the " Captaiu .Smelly" stoty were
(rue! and thereupon stigmatizes L-wisburg
and the K 'publicans. II j and the : liior
Bust calculate largely up in the gullibility
of their readers, to pu' forth such a trans
pareut and uudoubtcd yarn when ihey
know it to be such to be takcu for gospel
ty Ibeir party ! !
' Jfjy-For nothing has the Kepublican
party in New York State been to abused,
as for its. introduction and support of two
measures of local reform th
tan Police li!l, and the 11
st. v Law.
These laws were iutetid. d to help no party,
but equally to enforce laws and prevent
illegal Toting. Who could ol j -c' ? Yet
the Democracy did o! j-ct, aud did their
best to onset both laws, liut, election af
ter election has passed, and every ono do-
..hlesl and most esteenie.! ,e..8...s pp-w )r I.-hcnlighter, and one belonging to a ,oluc ""u'"" "" ""M '' , ' e to hat .a every ditlerent stv.c of Home-' 'l " , .,, d ... , d, ..., he sha.l be but sre.Hy lo the m.e.esl
ri -tenee. w a-t.ier n-w.i p.o.e as . , . Iil. ......, ..th ! The Pohiiv'.ki'l county IVuiucracy de- ,.,., and citv aorij. fs.ich ... r.Heinai.iy act i. .n iv.ir him will, to eet lhe value . I me.r in
I . .... t t ---o.v--, -., v w J . - .... i. I. t- I ..... 1 , p .... v ml. I) .. r.fhl or nosi e trie Dilia. wnere Rica. i.....ii..s -i ....... .... .,.,.. pirpn il.Kirti..fl I l.oe no irv ine w u.
SiaXTCicimmed bvV,,:.!,;:T:r th; 0 fr..i;r. i:.,g close o the stove. dared for Fry for tj.vernor. ' uili be a; pr-.-iated by vour .riends equal to ., ,.,.,, , I do n., deem i, ,..Pr,
" . . . ....... . ' i . ...ill ..i 'I- : ct... l n..,,.... Cn.eUe. s rsinnaiion ol a 2f i.ilem.n ii. r,.,..t thia dav on. for one as tz-s ai.d st.K-x ui!K-r v
-ttatrhmati oc K-ilerior. at iiom-h. u was u.l l.ng L.t. re me can txpiouen,; ...... Uw uumniaies i o ... - - . . ,, . . - . i- FK1 hav.n-hides
r..,.,m h.sc ..n,e:.s. w,M b- c r,b."d j ; j.,; t,r,w o-.e of the boys out fur Vice IW.dont .,, ISW, with Jo!.:. C. "T, . . .... rx,,rf. ft ! f' " 'Vi'fV-? s ' P : fad", , an a 5,"7a . br.
, l the immense house of worship h.s . L ,,..., ,.,,,..l i: i. ol ... I'r-si.l.nt. The Col. savs. , U. t & 1.0 0 HI 3 HJiU U. m one l.n.i-e. , . I. r -1 l-s.n- , k nd it an ' -
tnulchJ Mr. l.-onani's boy has since died of bis "(jive us lild'.OK and liUCK and a wink
larTTTTor Is Mr Wrllitt's I.ec- ' inj'irics, and one of Mr. Liehculighter's is to the young democracy of tbo couiory,
rnonstrates the utility and justice of bith of ujs bousehnid furniture, and himself cltcre.l which elect ion was the fruit of the Si.PH M'FADLIX. of the bon-u-h ..i i.?...
laws. Never were laws so well admiuis- aBd family barely escaped with tLeir lives. eulctlucnt of tbe '42 Tariff. Xw for tbe bi.itr and eouniy ol rnn.n. havi,,,-ma te a v..!
1 ... -i .... i i;-n n l n I . . V 11 ...... t.ntarv assignment lo in. Jones, ol said lm-
tered never so few illegal votes polled The Wiiliatu-porters have resumed their ; batlle in lioU. M.tOU.Ou.j y.iwint. 1 r..ia:.i. I..r ilie- brne-tU of creditors. Therefore, -
as tho last election, au 1 the opposition to Course of Lectures. j Williamsporters of both parties "saved : all persons knnwinz themselves io be indel t- i
- . . . ... a.- t C..;...." il.n other niitht rtivinu the ' ed on note, book a-cmi.t or otherwise, w.ll
XnOse laws is cuaujjing .w --I-
plauseof them by all honest citixn
"A Visitor" gives us a very flattering
ery flattering
of the Tlieta '
account of tbe last meeting
.. . - . ......
Alpha Society ot ttic cuivetsny ai ic is-
bure and stirtes that they are opu to the
public, at 0 A. M. of cv.iy Saturday d.,r
r ' J ...
ng College terms. l..uiesani gcniieu.cn,
not connected with the college, aueun,
ad are welcomed. J heir hall is tasto-
fullT furnished, and is oo ine fccouu u-iur
. . ... ... .
01 too D,ain building, we give tue jrr-
ceediDgs of last Saturday, (or once, tucrt iy
as a titecimen of tbe manner iu wbicb
these Societies are couducted :
The public meeting was opened b, the
I r. . .. :
"frosi.lent. Wm. L. Nesbit...l".ssjy, by J.
G. Walker, on the "II ., nance of American
... . ' - .. ... ,. ....
History. ...KeadiDg ot inc gasket
(the name ol the reader not uoatr..oo.y...
Is Tarty Spirit beneficial ?
c, Messrs. Millerand Bray. Ne- l.rU!ib't.rUll cburcb in Williamsport. j 'hat such things are sent out from Ala
essrs. Tucker, Spencer and Kuth. iwbvterb.n nrearher ; bam! . , .
o.tive. Messrs. Tucker. Snencer and Kuth.
a. '
Va-.- L. V II Harrison nn " meri-
...ts.y, b, II Ilarr son on Amen
c.n Literature. ..."lhe LasKet was iur-
... ... .
tber emptied of iUcontributions...Ora.,on,
by Jas. IL Marr, on "Action.' ...The Leu-
.or. Mr. Shanafclt, then read his report,
tBoVton bad the most' tre men de-
0U. "Union meeting." the other night, 1
iffsaCharles Stees
bas taken the Krush
tel, on the road from
Burial of U no wit. The remains ol
ever "beard tell or in an .ew i-.niau'j cennsyivauia, uuuer me ao, was ran- . - . , ------. - - , ,, tr. N, , . , .., n,.r.e. . I
And immediatelv following it, tbe Uepub- U cpened, last week, iu MiUcntiUe, Lan- . 1-J b .T.V..i-e M.k.-.s: .i....v ..t bu: i. ... .,y . ; c ,
nua iiumaui. t. fc , J r ' ' , n;d recent v in New 1 ork, Hon. The- .eiiii...iss: eai.-r.ou M..i.a...- il l Association.
Itcans re elected Mayor L:ucoln by 1000 caster county. I uica iotiiiiy m ,.. . w a 'e...e. .in.. 10 n.-keiiih rnitiLM. ...;... i " a
m.inritv So the iemocracy "saved the ... , , i, ,p, , , . . , 1 odor .u.rr. ...i..-ritvr, ... this
rn.jnr.ty no .lie i.mocracy sav.u tue The W cllsborough (I a.) Ajilator tried e, c-.,,,, niilje , sr,ecch a .ien.tinonriiu i-er.uuuia. I" K) Af,B..,.a.s.B.(..w i. .lesum y.-..".
Uuion" for nothing, that time. publish a weekly paper at SI, but, Pauiel h. fcitkles tuuue a speecu a :.v.: . . i winfrUi.e. m . .aii- nuar.itTia ..tb that r aay ,
Jate of MlfHinburg, Bodiog ;it a losuig game, comes i Sc Mmb. W I 7
John lirown were tinally interred on ; jnse at Kastou. The present odd, nar
Thnrsday, at North Klha, New Y'ork. : row bouse, was built iu King George's
After the face was exposed lo view some- jaV8 j,bout 1754 over a hundred years
titn. io fiont of his late residence, the g
ceffin was borne by six neighbors to the j ,. j. 9tatcj ,bat GoT TA.'ise tccps paij
foot of a rock, where be had directed it to , . g in of 0Ilil) I-C0Lsjlvania,
be buried, and then deposited in the earth. de.cc, 1rown.s rescuera
liefore lcavic' tbe house, bis favorite ; . T , .
hymn, "Blow ye the trumpet-blow," Jfce., I Jubn Urewster, an Assoctate Judg of
and .n impressive prayer was offered by i Huntingdon county, died at hb.rlcysburg,
tb. Iter. Mr. Young, of Burlington, Vt., I 8th inst., aged Co or 0 jcar.-a worthy,
who, with Mr. Bigelow and .two others of beoevuient man.
that city, bad ridden all night to be pres- The Ladies of the Methodist church,
cot. Remarks were then made by J. Miltou, will bold a Fair, during the Iloli
M. M'Kim, of Philadelphia, and Wendell days in their new house of worship.
Vhillips, of Boston. At the grave, M r. j Thoroob culture, pays well. Frederick
YoungquotcdPaul'. words, "I bave fought . nM Seliu,gr0Te, raiscd 30 worth
the good fight," &c, and pronounced a j ofr t0M kc t from , quarter of an acre
benediction a, lhe ltle of 120 per acre.
The Legislature of Virginia refuse to Tja MoDtour irou Company, Danville,
.otnmnte the sentence of Cook and com- 1 -a wme nnder lle hanjs f ,be
Pny who will doubtless be bung on the j shcri, or , large jfartof its lands.
I6'b. A lareer military force than ever .. : ti
is ordered on?, aud Cb.rlestown is cick of
i uotOMtj at i.ei ..ctiCct. at it tulT
Xcios ilcr.15 from iDiljer Counties.
."ns, ..., who was charged
wiiu hiouaiiiui; mree cuioreu men, I IU21- '
Jive slave,) and Carrying them off lo Mary- j
ln.l n l.ia our. lriVit-kiMnnn w...
ou Lis own privateTicconnt, was tried
f.'W days S
cw oays siuce a i Carlisle, ra.. anu nmna !
pailty. lie will have to go to the Pcui- j
lentiary r.r noi io9 man UFe nor more
W ud PJ fiae of
Ucv. j. M. S;llmon WM in,talleJ by .
Co.n...iil,e..f Northumberland Presbytery,
as rasmr i.i tne rresnyieriao vjuurcu iu
lti.rarii-1. on WimI t.psil:. v weilf
" '
Au iiu iiiMisi? pigeon roost is now estab.
'"" iieiiaiig swamp, rawioru
"u"7' ,!' T''0 f'f on3 are DU";l'l'.,cJ !
l? "";lHT 1 ,B b0,,,m ar i
....... .-j ....... ...v.,. !
l'KKft Ilt XTINd. A party, comprised
f r,v I'aer, Ju le Kldr. d, John l'latt,
A j. ,;u,ulJ,il,gt aJ J,tiia Weaver,
V" re'-rncd on Friday evening, with j
'href hoe bucks and the skin of a bear
ktll. - J tv Micm. J.jojmtny UaZ'tte, . jc-
The negro II ulsingi-r, convicted of the
murder of bis wif in llarrisbnrg, ra.,
will be executed on Friday, the 'J-d inst
He is said to be as much inclio.d to re-
eiive the visits of n.inihtors nf relioi.in. as '
Lc was former! v otn-weJ to tbcm. !
It is slated by one of the Sunbnry oa-
p, rS that the same o!d M.n.p is used" it. 1
heirl'iist C,lL,e that was brought i;
i. ..... .......... .1... ..;.,..,,e.I
j .
iu ursv ic.ur iu .uai F.cc.
Pavid X. Junk ill, of IlolliJays-
b-en appointed a chaplain in
1' si .Navy, but we have tiot learned
that uo has acccptej ine oner.
The J.uiibury & F.rie Kailrnad is opeucd
as far cast as Warren, fr.nn Krio. i
Loss til' Canal Moats Man Dkow.v-
i;l. Il. eeiitly, a tow of soventeen canal
boats, from Ualiiinore to Havre de (Jrace,
eiieountered a severe g ale, and iiiiie of the
number broke loose from the tug, tight of
which were sunk. Of the latter four were
totally lost, the remainder being raised
. 1 .1 . iT
and repaired. Jonathan" ln.wcll, of Nor
tliuiii.icrlsinii. Captain (tf the bnut N.ijm1
1 iu. was Urowtit'd. lie hz l teen autivti-
ly instrumental in rescuing
i a number of
hands from the sinking boats, and remain
ing to tbe last on one of the vessels, had
to jump to save bimsc. I from going down
with her: be fell short of the boat he a'-
S 1 1 1. .wa hn.B ..ne rT i ... ... ... ....... . i .....
UOi ea in cn u . I .cvu.ut. ati't i-m u.u ,
, i . . .l .of tbe strai -hl-out Amerieau iiisorgani-
tenii. ted to gain, and cried to the tneu to l" luV ' . " , . n i ;
. . I i- . , z-'-rs. is & tain in the tnaikol. lie has ia-
itirow him something on which to save '-" "s1" . ,,,,,.-,:
hi ms
If; but they were in such aarll, .
J . .. .
that they could extend him no assistance,
and be went down, lie had in his pock .
el at ine lime o. nrs ..ronu.ug couic u.c
or six bundled dollars.
Anoiher meeting of Soldiers of 1S12, is
called at Sunbury, -1st inst.
The dwelling of Mr. John Winslow, of
Beech Creek, was cousumed by lireou the
... ....... II. I ". ..!!
ni-ttit 01 lue -1st uu. lie losi neariv an
s r..ttl.i A.i ai'iur-.i. vtnc . ..as;
week, a young man of ihis place thought it i
' would be pleasant to Co buuting, and for ,
(liat (jUrp.iSe proCcejL.j up JJald Eagle, i
jn l!et.illg 0Tl.r a fence ibe gun aceiden-
. .il . .ir i,.i.: f :
iaiiy weuv on, iuuf;...(; . . -
tents in the owner's hat, aud several shot ;
K ,lle fkliu "f "8 k"4.1 7l'" w.a
take it, was about as near being a "horn-
blc ..jj.. a9 wa have recorded for a
lnno ,jlue pp ,rtstnen shon
should De very
cauimus when ou an expedition 01 that
ktuu. 'rH,wlMU-
.. , t
j itQ elatx iuma oi ninonisnurg
buve ticdicatcd a bouse for public wursbi..
J. Oliver II ess, tbo Ilarristurg l.cjuor
seller convicted of manslaughter, (a man
"".ng uiea u ... .u u.s .a..,,v u.s
1. ...... not xliil eft bis bail lo stick.
. .. 1 .1 : 1... . .
The Young Men's Christian Association
of Milton meet .Monday evenings, in the
of Milton meet Monday evenings, in the
Kufurmed l'resbytcrian bouse of worship.
, be h. over m
' . s
. , , . ...
, -r .
fna KeututkV( wa9 lasiwe,k ln Harris-
iaT lecturing against fclavery.
""'fei o fc
; TilBOthy Gra,, Lycoming county, .god
80 ,e,r,f wa3 bunting some time since,
and after a dav'g bunt, shot a deer weigh-
0,111 T
mg iUO pounds.
- Bojd county ha, 90 Public Schools.
The first regular Normal School in
ty. Pa., have at Ion
1 . ... . . .1.-
fe . . .
i.,.j',i;,, f a Dlaio but
suitable Court
The two Upposinon paper, u U.BUB.
s -"J by fctta ceaM.otw.
Valley Narrows Ho- f " :-,.f , , i sVeak with him. ! 'r-'- i 'ZD IZJu u.
Lcnisburg to Kc- '' . , , . J0bn C. llreckenridge Las been elected n.,,..,,.! M-rka-i.. ...i,..i.i.vr.,...t..ieir.s-t i..r.i.. it;i-
The Grand Jury of Northampton coun-1 ""-" . ., ,.. .. iT s i bi.-.ms. ..,i.res of n.w i.,.ert,...,.. i.-re,.-.. ...dis m. y . . r.e . .fr.'..f .irf J..;r
ti. m:i. l.. . .i .-i i i
IUU .'lll.Oal Cti IU"S IJIIOk. II 19 .ICtiaiCU
a semi-annual dividend of 4 per cent.
A u
; man named Jesse Weaver was ;
. . ,,., i,:n.j ., i ., t i .u
K f sh . j
' 3
,,.; ' i;.; ,., , k.m r,m . i
i . i .u ... i.:. i.. .,... '
'J'!' 'X !
v nui:M rl..l.
been formed m Philadeltl.ia and one io
I'S t0
alJ ,l10 Cause aod support the mat. (be
friends of tho cause may select.
' !
IlalJiuan and Lawrence, of Ilarrisbnr, '
are "talking atont "(iuils, tati.-Ueliuii,
'Tesponsiutlity," He., He. i
Late in tl.e evening, Tuesday of last i
week, a firo iu U.llefonte consumed the ;
grocery and dwelling oi dairies lirowa,
n liishop street, and the house of Isaac
Mav, ti.turiPE lo the (,tholie I'arsonag.'.
)Uy was insured, but lirown' was a total
osi Originated from latent fire in cLar-
tox brauds tbrowu lutj a bakery.
I Fill your ice bouses as soon a ynu can
! and Luild a bouse if you Lave uoue.
: i. :m .
. , I
The Milton Dcmucrat IS re suspended. !
A Mrs L'ingaker haa been cnramitled to
;.n i ri.,.s...r niuntr chanted with
isou in Chester count), char el wi.u
smotbertng to death bur child, three
m"olhs old- .
Two men have been committed to the
Sunbury Jail charged with pa.st.ig eouu-
terleit 6s on Sl.oudsbur,
ISauk anU-Usou
v...i i....:....i
I l uumut iiii-
a ImodirW.- then, liut it wouu not g-
too much like the iusr.-lv.-nt fc'.u of
"l!.uk A; liri-ck," of which ali jartus arc
A tierm-an named Myers was shut
th rough the head at a disreputable house
iu llunmore, I.tiz.rne county, by a man
nam. d Shay. Shay was arrested.
A new house on a farm of K-.-v. P. J.
Waller, two miles from Ulooiusburg, was
burned last week.
The pipers are beginning to brng nn big
bogs already. The M id ll. burg Tribune
says Heubeo Keller killed one weighing
Ool lbs. and auntl-.er of ."'11 lhs. Hat
Col. Tate 'takes down" ail competition
, , , . ;niim.n.
ty u vdiiuuiuiit puin" - -
f ..;..i.:.. snt t'.t "
III It- We bUI'ini.sc "i:iE""'K
l-'il'i V seveu thousand and six buuured
3 .
l-bilndolnliin a leader 1
I,rftm. htlatleipbn. a kad.r
sue,, a ca. .or . .... e,. .s
.1 a (Yntn.l t .oniuiittee. ot
which be claims to be Chairman, to take
place on the 21st instant. "O. yes! O,
v.-s! l!uy a liroGtn! lluy a lirooui !"
Who bids?
The November Elections, so far as we
have the returns, are all we could desire ;
tliov fully tunc up to the standird of j
1;;9 which did f.n token tbe Rlorious vio
" . . . .. . ' .
.rv ,,t .".ail. wlien ucn. iiairisou was
Southern . uuiners iuc same c...., ,
the fanatical Abo!itiouists. Light.
Judge Maynard's brief career on the
bench of Alleiihoiiy county, wun him the;
. . ..,.:.: ...l I. b..,l
esicem oi an ..o.u ........
cour,e. Judge liaiiiblo also received a
ri,,('n e..plin.cnt.r, expression ot good
ji jr, bis competitor and olber Mein-
i bera 0f ,bc bar of Centre c ounty.
r. . i..U of Hrrwi.-k. has been I
, llt (e.l to the practice of tbe law, tbtttt
,.ivin.r rwo r nis to Ins bow.
0 c - ......
The National lleptilliein Executive
Committee is to meet iu New York, to-;
1 .1 I -,f .1.. .,r. n.nnlll ,;
wards the close of the present month, to
agree upon a call lor me .nuuuai tuuitu
Fiendish. Printed circulars, bearing
the Dostmark of "Montgomery, Aia., Nov.
9' bave been sent toN'orihern Cities, ad-
1 vi8;n tbe Irish to burn the stores aud
warchullses of aboli.ionis.s and black re-
; ubjcan.. There is no doubt of tho fact
fccOTT has returnea to .sew im,
Un . ,.,fl mil.tt.rs :n . fairtrain of adjustment.
1 T . ... -
Tho Demneeats nf deoritia have ueclar-
' e(1 ,uI! Cobb for President. Io
0hio ,)oog,M has carried the great major-
: it . r Iel,...ates to the Slate Convention,
' 0 ... .
Parson Drownlow says that "Gen. Dick-
. ley," of Baltimore, has engaged 19,000
. 'en to invad, ..Mexico iron, mc .0.1
I ssonstne from Keutuckv
1 "
Tho Southern papers are full of accounts
of unponisbed assaults and indignities of -
f. red 10 citizens of the Union, whose sen-
I timcnts real or fancied they may dis
approve. The most disgraceful and vio
lent treatment is of daily occurrence.
Our bookseller in Cincinnati ordered
700 of Helper's Crises atonce, since it be
came so well advertised in Congress.
I km eompoxsi nf 5S leltora.
Mj 4 II It II 21 15. a kind of MM
ii U 20 26 IK . "e by .T.rjr Issly
In lit 'J 7 2T 1. a man", name
IU a 2t II 6 H, I das. of people
3 17 11 2S W 27 i. may be lean in Uwltburg
1ft 6 12 11 20, usasl no a Karm.ut
11 10 2o n7 17, k Irind of Uriak
IS 21 7 2S. a measore
1 24 IS 27, k kind of drink ... ,
Sly wbol. ii k useful book L- A., LiwuM.
Time-TaWe Lew isburs R.R. Station.
Express (mail) do
Freight 6i Accommodation
in-.4ti AM
5i J0 P M
Jlttt.Vlr livntll.
rre".r,v A Acconuaodanea A M
I Liyrt-s ,Ttat.' paSs:s Lwiit"ar5 I. I .M
... .l-iiiff.M-lr ha. ad li-il a rol inir nil 1 ...i.e. iheir If i..:s an M.oes ol
wn EHr-ppt-U altlllll V.' . v. I iit.uvti.1 v ' - . iMn... rl..- .t-ia, ou tr m-rt . miu i m :n - ine j ,-,,.. ,u mi,nit"n it utr tem-i '- j u
r-i'i.. .Aine.r,. f ih Union cnontv Acri-1
a a- 's --...v
.... . - nnAhl 1
I en tnra isoctetv arc requesnw- w p"" i
ral Society are requesie " punctual
e (Quarterly Meeting," Vcrelary's
, SOiU Dec. 1959. vC'o h at '
! at the
J A Ree See
ekljr Paper.
A Sew Weekly Paper.
On the first of January. I860, Mr. Gieasoo,
. . .. ii,. n.,i.iir.inn f,r
,m nosio,,, ... -
the largest, most mininceni ann
ll,erarr verk'' '""!" 'mP '
! rT W f. 1
.J1""1' ""ehaoeon hmily intn""
. , . ,c
ure, uit ami iumnr. prose and Mi.e S'm'
An untiva( ro., oi contributors has ben
eneaej fr the sa,ne, anJ every depaitmci.t
... .,..,. ,, t;UiSl.eJ system that
lhe ,, .ipi,11Ce of Mr. tiieasou. as a pub-'
lih!T, cuuM dev,se. 1
In size, lhe" I.itiv C.iri"i" will he
some rz'ttn Iv.tnilmi .;unre ic't, formni- a ;
,n,,m.h naner of s.teen octavo ..ies. an I
will contain about twice as m ich reaiiius
mailer as any other ?4 weekly. Our frieni
n,i doiilit will be surp'ised at the aslouishins
low price of this valuable paper.viz : 5". a year. ,
A. Wisrn, 3SJ Ciiesnutst., Phiiadetphia.Cen-1
,. ....( '
rL.. -
f;i.ullcinan. DilTercnt p-r-ons
have dillercnt ideas as to what constitutes a
sentleinan. Haw Crocket said (and many
. v
ton. after stit.nit out ihedrii.it and iiivm..?
hiui lo help himself, turned his back in bun.
o lhal she stfe of the ..rink would not be no-
need ; iud hence be inters that he :s a rerfeei
ceu leu. an ant friend. As lor our views, a
person may shotf an equal kindness by Lv
in.t land adv.Nii.x all iln-ir luends to .!.. the
... SI),
C'trrrrlrii Wtkty
Wheat $1.10 Kg-." ? I'i
liyn 70 Tallovv VI
Co:u 7'1 I.urd I1'
I ).j t s oil li ieon HI
Flax.se.d 7,1" Ham l-l
Pried Apples. lrMI Shoulder V-)
i;utt r IS Cloversecd Itod.OO
Poik ' 0 Potatoes oO
liecf 0
On Sill irt.. lo- II.'V " II l.e!..l i.. I.. JollN" F I". It W ."."
, . .( t,it! .:, ti- SAUAii . Ua.il.LT ol bile.--:
II. o..il.i. -.I' l.."ri-'.'!T-.
AT .l.i-l K--0'..-'. V w ro'.tml.n.. 111. Co . -.toll .... .
I.r !,., vil H:.e... r. H.I A Mil s .... Ml- V A l;T!l A
AW II A 1. 1.. I.. It. (.trolioi.1 I
111 U- I O.rl.nr.. "il. tt.-l ! ISllAtl M MAM' K
an.l' IIAIII I.. I.'.l IS. I...H. ..l..s .;..,-to...
At Mi-iMf-ii tit- Pin .lo-st. C.iiirii.M.imrt..nE; t hv l.'-ih
..It I.WiD ll'.vl Alltl. f".n.-..v it I i .., I .... ;i
'. i'lb .r Mr 11 1...1 u-'-u t.r v-.r. an.i. o-.i
i,,.,iii,. ni ...t.nii.-. b.o u u-i--r rui-ti.r.a a biou.1 i.s-
sel, ir.'.a kl.i.-li. arili re-uli .1 in a l-si I. oils.
kill. hi. alfoei. tr tli sl-.ii.j. I.; le-r-tioa iu u-ui
vounm-'. .li'.U ,-i r.Z u.v. wt.r -;... r.
-. .,B ,.tttW,y.,urdj,a, h.r a.-
t.v l.iwn. New P . on.
Al I.t n.-f.l.. "-. or Atwnt.-r.in Sl.r.m-Vin. 1-t b.-t.
air-l .u v. ..-. Mr.. V.VIIV wife tt Ktl. Albtrt IMI.n-st-
in. Sr , of Tr.-i'Tte...
At A.l.m l-.oiT.t-r'.. in Wi'tinriKi.rt, lib inst., Mr..
FA KA.il S 1 IIKIIIV. in l .-r THIi v. r.
.In Ih. 21.11. nit . t.l.AIlKlll. le of llei.rr Kl.u,tf
Ci.....r Ai.ict.-1a Tf, In l.-r '-"It. ' ar.
Is, fee .n -. SI, nr. fo.. fa .C'.h ..It . Mee. Lt-CUKft A
I'lT. ii.-l le.' y. fcrs, 1 iti'-iilh and li. .lay..
t.1 I I III. i.y l.ev. -s. . . ...... . . in .i
A . M ll.I.ITS.in Ii -
denendeni Hall. Frnlav Lvenins. llec.le.
r"s()all wlo.in ttits- m.1V eonerrn : On tb
I Slid, i'i.v of l'ecember. . 1. Is. 'J.JO-
please call and seltle tie same, as no further
indulgence will be given. And also, all per
sons hav ins claims a?aint said J: rph M'-
Faddin, will present the same for settlement,
UM. JON Lt, Assignee.
i.ewispurir. i.ec. i . i-jj
HE Great I-omlun r.-catltcr,
Kit. t liurlt s IJ. Miui r-ruM,
sinltrn is .
liEC. i: LA i Co s TIM DUTO 11
; t'BB'STI tX W IWHS l a CErtri ti.lt. B-atoa.a.
' - ii" r"i'li -
I His manv tiiends in tins country who have
read his tsermoes with profit, will hail wn!i
pleasure lius opportuniiy for holding more
inn mate coiniuuiiicatioti Willi 111 111.
c,lln.nencc B.h lhe fst
paper in January, lStJO. .
Mamp e copies of lhe papr sent tietween
this and January, Isili), to persons who may
order them for examination.
Publishers, U iston. Mass
Prepare fur Ike (.real 1'i.liilral lanumUn or biO!
T... Tumi xr nn more than .iirliteon Tears nl-1, an.l
! r,
i CZZ;'
j kb.te.rr win eon.i..-. ...or nan Bwia u irtu.-,
ludu-trr.Kr.nwl.ii.-e n.el ITo-j-enty.
, nn; .v.u ioi.k dmli riirnrx,:
i -,2
; ;- .r
..... .... m r..r. .p.-.. .t e.iiititin" a niinnnirv ol
Jtmat doiuiis. with the more iaip-.rto.t -i..e.-ie.. W
j .hail, a..
lier.-loIore.UiaS. tin .-. - n.a . ......
a. w.ll a. a ..litii-al uew...il'.r, nn.l we nre.le-
that il shall remain iu the fiulil rauk ot faun-
, t;.r,,,.J
ly ua era. ' .ei '"' rr.xler. ol ruia.'..uu.i, .ui,..a.
TKI1MX: .'. s!t.Ktri KK AMI MIS IlilbMlS."
One CopT. out year, $j On j li eCni-i e.nn.re:ir. -11 - ' ((f R u, uuuaiine.! pivasure and eatis
Illtniil, one .a-ir, .". no r.-n, .1 . l...-Wr.u.uniri fii.,u. .V. w.rk ol e.,'i.il ,.lue wa. ev. r h.l..r., i.sd ;
Aliv fr?n e-mlin u a eliin..f.wetitT. oro.er, wi.l p n , , j.(,l. at sueh a nri'St. '.he Ki.-ra- !
b entitled to aneitraeo.y. I'nr a club of lorty, e .ill . (ij ja , erf Uwc ynu j on he.., ..lo I
aa-od 'lh. Daily Tr.t.i.ne ..no yenr. I ,lsil rl, i hv i... If s. .nakii 'a in -st -uj ro in iuuie.it
TflK .Vt'll lOl.'K WEEKLY THWCSE. t'mxUW f..r'lhe.i.l.i.'ile.".l";rli e norary. l ..r!or, or ..111 e.
k lari:. eijl.t-rai;e .acr f.-r the e-.untiy, is !Hih"-b'J j ii ,-.n I sent lo any fart of Ihecouniry, hy k.a.1. wnh ,
rrvry Salur Jny. and contain Editonala on Ihetniisir- aatety. ll..i; liaa-la.-d iu a eyl.i.Jer., -.pta;e Jt.nl.
taut ionic ol tl.e time., th. n.w. ol the '. li.tere.t- . Tui.ki il! Sn.i. a arurk. d-li.rr.-U !r. ol charge,
iui .-oro-sludeuec tmui all (.aru. of the world, t it Ne : ,j ii,. Art J:u,Ml. Tear l-.r -Worj;
VorXCaltle, II"ro and I'r dure Market., ii.i.re-tml ,L HSCU1I' I'loNS will be rere.v.d until th-.' eTen.n:;
and rolikia.- Folitieal. Meehani -al, kud Agricultural ar- , rf a.-dav tl. 31.1 J.inuur., l-' U, at ki.ieh nu-e I... i
Uelea, Paper, on Cikery, le, e. ' ,,.. w.ncl. fenn.l I h' I'r.ui.uai. beni" n lo-ul .ihetj. ;
W. shall, during ll.i .ear, ka bi.herto, eonatant.y la- ; ; ,,,,,, is restii. oil t - asnfle suha.-riiliou. Ihoao i
bnr toimprore tb. onalitr ot th. iii.lr.i-tiT. .nteroOn- ! ri.,uuii Sli are .uulied lo .is kieiuuer.hiiw. ,
MM atior.led k TI1K EKKI.Y TIUBUSK. whieh we . SuljStllllioi,. ir. m Ckl.fon.ia. lis. Co lo. a..l .11
intenl. shall conlluiw to be tbe latst launiy Weekly : rore. irotini.niol be W juiuattadol iJ, lu order to
New. paler published In tb. rona. "e ...........
Cattle Mkrket Report. .Ion. richly WOUU to ckiuk ii
mn k yekr". subscription price.
One Ootty. em year, i.' I H Coptef, one yekr, S
Threet'opla.ooe year. i I Io Copula, one Jeaar, J.
Twenty Coplea, loot.- a ddrcu, f
Tweoty Copirsi, in o.f.frcii r taeh MSkrr.srr,
An. nem.u aendina o k club of I' went jr. or more, will
. .i..i ...... ..... eo,T. lor k elilbof torty, w.
cwillmM tlllt SK.Ml-WKKKLV TK1KLNK : and kr k
C."i .To. U...1.I Til.: LA1LV IBlbCNE will U
lubof Ouellundnei lUrl bAlLf IBlbCNE
want eratis.
..i.j..a .... e.smm.nea at kOT time. Terms
.0 IoIt.iio.. Alll.tler.to
...h lna.lT.noa. All letter, to U k Idrekkkd ta,
K.-,juCi. itu.v Co piit -sk
, "
a-iart,Nw l'--rk
"i ARPETS fiac assortment by
., ,
1 II.... k A- .AAflmin
w ' huuuuu"--
ittorc ittcat.
., will lie supplied to the hiinrv people by
subscriber, at hit shop c.n North Fifth
the subscriber.
r(i w,ir.cunnlv a!I limis f Mat
W'aMjday ...d b. ....!
au,, ttp purcbd -tut T.ylUeXew
.Butcher. ..,,-,.
: I.eii.ur. Aujt. l. IfeSay
C ii il &. t rillUttiaO.
at ,VlVns SliV-Libt fidildT,
. arKET ' t1rrtl ' .,il.(,rs.n.is
l ;,. received a larse assor'meni ol
..aiu and fanev Cas's. I an. prepa.ed io la'rfe
r.ciure at re.n.ceo price, .... .... -
All w.slnn i. iv kiwi of Pirtuies cau sate
ioi.i'V by 'j.ti.i.ie them sotn.
D. I'ict.ires taken in cloudy wea:her
sv'OTICi: is beiehr p.vcn t; the S..;"hhol
il oeis f the l.ewisbu: ISrS Co :!
ai. Ll.cii. n l.l be h' .1 at ih- ot.i.-e ol
I. am Cameron. i:-i-. m Hie Uoroun . f L-"
isb.iri:. . i. M .ndav. the Sd .IjV. I Jn.'uiv.
1m; i, i,.r ti.e purpose of r!een., one I le.i.
, M4l)j,2,., -f,,, ,tt t de.k I .
cm. Inn ihe coiutn.s ..I sa..i i.. n.i .nr ....
one e..r. WILLIAM CMLI!"N.
L-m-i.uri, Iee. 9. I'resi let.
rplii: snbsriiber in.'oi.i.s tl.e cit.i'r.s ol
l.ci-!.ul4 lii.it be lias ic nrri'd to lh.
p. . ice, w at re lie tils irrnsr.ii.i'.n s
'. te.-iuiilully encased, and ot a brilliant .
t:K atiM t'l.th
t. iif-juti, at a uajoiiuu'v j.....
.traTrr,i ITssITwC'IT !
lVtuie call ii
-.,.-r ,r y-.rth KM .i,'t.V! Mr. 'jjind iuJ.-v l
TKI.'Civ U A'iO.X for sa'e . reich.il
i..r ll.iy oiCrii. In.jnire al lais L'uice
39H WALLS & tO. '
T "I AVE just t'rri-ived (in addition to lh"ir
f 1 lare slock) a tresli siippty ot I Ai
A.i WIMEIl (HOL)S,n, iiea 1-a.e i
lar-e slock) a tresh supply of f'.lU.
p. ell'.iliv lo lei. rui the La lie and Ueiiilemen
. ... . . ...
ol Town and Cuniy, that tnev can sun ih'.o
in anvibii.K in ihcir une.ol trade, style.qual-
i.y and price. I
a-.., I inti., i
s..,h .. Pi.i.1 l,n,5 si IK s. ..,a.-' S-Ka. Freaeb Me-
ri-.li-., M.-i.ni Mitu i. i.vitiiwrai ftKirt.-. at.-t-t"ii
I.. . I. ' . "l.... I t- .,..1. I'r.i.t. U ...r,l. t,.r rlti i'hrt-
l.-r. ' in ... -.-in-ti'ii. it sii.mt-t.1 N:Mfiwr. t..,u-.
i... .... i. ........ ;
a waav. si . k w mmm . a
II... l i-.t sn l lari;.-.! a... .riiii.nl in l. n, emb.-ario tb-
... t la-loens i'e ft. i.t. . i '"ititi... i a.-in.-rei., A e-iitm., '
s:.i lit- riri,.i" iii.' i;fit- ri.o.. -
ao ni.iJo citibtu;, Hat. ana ii..s, i..r i-.n
it;!,l. ;
an.l it. ..
Als., all kinds
... it ii. on
w a i; i
UU.I.MH.IIO, .iaiL,
1 Ml in A. ! and j bid". I
C.AI. -A larse q i.intity of Store r,l
0. s'i.tYfT.l'a'illlurVa '
1. rbw'Jt.rt'i! nny'.j'.Ain'ban
.V fash pant for all kinds of GRAIN
Patent Pocket COIitl CETECIOR,
is (It Tlsri.V; IIIC VAlilol s KlNl.s OF
1 t.lllb AM) S!Lt til (tbS:
Il o a.liu t V I t a'.i In 1- tL oiuKl Irlict tLlu ,l lU
al. -I . t . .' r. 1 I--1'-- I ilbli--.
It i, , . .....Ii tl.al it rau be earrL"i .a llie j..Kk.-t
k,lt...u. a. y iiu--ii..i.i-i:.-.
l'ltr i ! n' '.'-i Sin. ..'
,ruU hnc it.'
'.. tUirn9 nn.I
iti Mi-r. a'i'1 Irt-iit
I I Hti 1 St'vr. .I':'.
Wllirfnf n wr.l.t.
Il rl.'t. fit !-:tni' m.'iut -nt U I
v-.lit. Ir. 111 ft it-t'l I'-uia- i.t;.r
?; it. :, d it; t-.- li-i l-- f rei.n t
tt if -1 rt
puii'E nK n-i.i tt.
Poat-I-ai.t. n. imv !arl ..f lie- I t.it.d States,
.s.f. 117.. ( . I'M I i:-.s I I'I
Til. r.s.-'-M... cl -I I-k r-eri....! tiarnula.- aji.iaist be-
il.iri-i'l. 'xu u;. .11 Willi ;.-.i'l 11.
11 i- sun-, 'ert'iln. tnerit.l-l. ..v. J.nr.
A l.l.n.l ni.ii will, ..i.ein 1.1. r.".-in ue.j liJ.l fl
a i.e.- in iLu must s.iiilai cuunlvil.i:i-r ..I the Uaj. tfr.
. .mnnnnreit killim.t h.i.itaii..n the ln.i-t r.rf..-(.
ii;,..,. a .u..ua .er.:i.r.a io im-yUt.i.c.-i
itkk. it. nnl ot liiiHv r-'t'timmf nil it ty rubii fiTur. '
to h"Ui hfHTy .liMrtmnl will t-r tna l-. ht.ntptus fiil,
wilh Itsiins ila' n--v. ,.n lie r- erij.. ,,i . ,1. u.r.
Address all ,,i..-rs I . 1M I.A V I tlb 'K Kt.l.'S.
The !terter !. W 't.HMr Z'IZ.Lt
n-i t.tiejiitry rtiitii'liiinn " :i-; t r. ..I'-n iinui,
i 1. li.. 1 IM.liT. Mrt'lpiltlR foil tii. I'i ftt-lf. I- irt ii:- u: I ;
. -I "n tin C.mtin-nt. -initli- ablest in th-V..tI I. j
I' .-.it.' mtir nui'ss-riUrx ilbtn all others n'mViinfl. I
1 i.l.li li- ii nn Hie let mini ."111 ot ich mouiti, rat. tbr fcir '
lowing l-rie.-s :
M . ..it 'ii v. 1 i""r;.v. nn. ear. 51 r,0
S iio-M. i.thlv.'l r.ii,y'. on- rsir. - o'
inclii.i.n.' w.ll.. nt elra eii..r-.- a opt ,.f the r..mof
tli. l..rltt. c'.i.tm.l. a i-iri;. r uu.nti.-r ef ma.-oitic-itly
tllu-lrat.-.l laSonllT i.'.il I'.-'ti. II. er the Tarmu-i...i,
Silver an.l otl.er t.,i. ..fall nstien. than ran Is. f..ui,J
in tin-oilier wnrlt.au. 1 wiii. h l.n he o:.la.u.d Iruul bo
oilier M.UR. hv imv pu.sil.nilv ot m.-.n...
A Hr ... lll..Yt 1.1-'KVKI.I."S.
-.pjsli iual- -V.e Arp-irfrr. J' .i7.,,iVp-..i. J'a.
eta aa.m At- tAoiMi.T.Ff:
iilii.i, ... w In. h..'. r ..
...luni.iew .tk.,
cf Art .r. to sut.M-rii..ra n. I'ri-aniiuia. co.n.ri.iu
cl...,-e llnliii.t. ru:,.inr. s. aui,.ua., ..... j ...uu...
J .'.m.-riean an.l rnri-iirn Arii.-t-..
. i lu .s, ...hh tS'iAVlMi. wl.ieh .very sul.sciio. r will re
defray extra p.M.a.;e., a.-.
IVrwu.. wisbUi. to form club, will apply form circular !
ot btruis. Ac. .... i '
Tu kkkiiufully Illwtnted Art Journal. iriTlnirr.iil
pal lieulars, will be ' nn iw-eipt f IS cent., m Matupl
irco.n. Addres.0. L. IiBllliV. Aeluary ;. A. A ,
k4., and i.45 BroadwaV. New lork-
gubJcripttont slsorec.u byj. MkKKlLL Ll.sN, K-.
V ,t
Hon. Sec.;jr.awuloury uu .e .u...
WiUiara VanGezer,
t TTORNEY at Law,
II. tewJi-fcurr. 'cJca Co., I" a
CiTOacc ftpesuf av.iae a neiti
Furs... Furs. .Fancy Furs'.
VFI.NE assortment of Fancy Furs is no
for sa!e al tl.e l.e.st,ur Mai Manul-aciory-cbeaper
than his ever been ..tlerej in
ihis ciintrv. I.a.l.e repertlully invited
lo call and examine the quality.
Jit-). OIBisON. Ag.
."iri. Ilanuali Jurilau's) l.otatc.
VOTICB is her-bv eiven that Letters
Tes-.amentarv on the esi.i'e ol li.nnau
Jordan. I'c of X:.'ra lownsh'r., Ii.nph.Q
c ..ii.'V. decased. have I een im.;- I bv th
K.-.:.r .Hun; ..!
' r..-rs..'. :n l:-i.. .! to s .:d estate ros-e
i no'f diare pavme-t; a.. I :. - hv.2 Daon
w; 1 pre-ent them pr p-r'v aiilhenneat-d tor
:...,K. J WtC.S C. M Cl.t .ft-.
I..-v:sV,r-.P e t -!
IBBU" PiasUtUlMt C-ll EilMJ lTHUi.L.
IHAVE oowcp-nel at my Tarrert. (kr
merly H.W Fries') in Lewis .uu. a
i . .....i".ii".- ,.lini the ratn.naze 1 1
,h, eommuury. b-, ...s by a str.et a.renlicn to
bos.ne-, ... mer.l a share .,1 ll.e If -de- "
Jiteui.inr J to . i:. I. r Ca
ll.r tV.f . I. .'.'' " '" ' -V"'.'t
both tor siy sn.i u .raoil.u. as toe i..a erial
., . I mv ...en V '. "ik-". ee I the M ' ""I"".
K d and Fr-ueii. ..t !. I have pr c i-e
tne tesi i-i u.a..' t. Mr t- n Tanuase. and
r i W. Ike:l 10 IT y 'nop, llisuitu "' - "
f i .,. ,rt-uin.-i.de I.
. u,r.si a"..l . ih-.s .
. . , . . r ., ul
who may desire i" will
ures al Iheif resi tenrrs
j( M( j.( .., i,Cjr lhe n.
,.sfi. mv U'suu.
y,l..t,r u-it k-yt fr fir.
j, tear lhe hoj, ty .Mr.
hut I can '
c ui o'e w in ti eiu work in pi...
1,,,,,'jsU a be tcr an.de. In fad. I am deter-ii,....-t
:o II i..wer ihananv compel. lor. My
..I . ri h lo dip e of ...v Hides at cash pace.
ai .1 Ma-iu:aet.ir..)' k.h.cd-
ti.id this no hu iiloe.
,1 loose wuo :n
..i.t to quote prices,
materia, y.
i. disposi" ol. mav
ihtm to t:.e ard.
ie to them on hub's.
Hi !cs, iu Cash i i
M tiroes, on accom- )
m..Jat;i.e terms a-.d al loa.- I""',-"- i
' ' "
Cabinet aad Chair Ware-Room,
S TIM 31 Tl-B.m SHOP.
'Illi I'll 1st and Front sit. The Min-criher ;
I resj-.-CUul'V liil -riu" me i '""
LewisL-ura and sniroundtna cuniri ini
l.e h ,s on bi.r.3 for sale .io- l.is"st. tn-st and
.......... ...... v .r
eie..pest ei ."
cv-r r . iV-re 1 to t-e potlic c "ii'i-usii'.- i
Itoresos. 1 JIICV an-l 1
""f" st' .-.its Jenny LlllJ
Cotta-je, r tencn
:-rr?r:.i..dC..minnn Tab
bles. cen.er. carl. ;
r.i Common Hal :
I'o-r II no. 7. B-e.;Ust
Stands. C .tta-e dl.st--i, ami cuii.mon
'.a...i- o: in i.m-:s,
II ... ' .. I 1
CAM: SEAT Chairs of all k.u4s,-j ;
UUI.SL. nu.. i uairs ai .
Common and It. crtins Lha.r-
and a lillle of everyinnm ... lurmiuie tine.
Met Ul:C CMS. -s and Wooden C thus e,U ;
mir:i.ied to irut.i(uiy a u-ua.
iVlI)? Ti
i if-i with Circular an
5Jas driven br Mraiu pu.rtr.l can lurni-n ;
hsnd or Turned or Sawed lo order, did'erem ,
s.es and pr.t!ern. j
Fti rn ilure to ordar. Repairing a nsual.
.. ,
"Cheaper than Ever tor Ktady t
rspeclu vast aconun-;
iiiaiiKi.ii en iir.ii I
, . , .
', .... ,., ,.,., . ,lr.prce il.
I.AV1JJ til.M'ER.
. . , , lc.,,
t.ewisl.nrg. S. nt. -0 Is.J
ST K t M IH I I.C H Mitntiiadurcrs
s-i;ii)I S p.tierns Cemetery Uailmes
T, order, Ac. Did rs prompt y a tcinie.i
to. Tills firm has been Ions established, and
ran rive many s4ijstar.t1.ry 1. fereaees. We
name I.. Palmer Co. al l.ewisleiru.
l'eisons wi- bine further iu:.. rotation or any
work in our line will p'erise address ns at
lo, Mtrktt llirriJjurj, j
Jul v 1. tsT: pdiim !
Josiali Baker cc Co.
TTAVE nnitle arr.inct'P.fnts wilh E. !
Locke & Co. t fnri.isb 'Jo net cent.
j .- I jf I ) I I C ' I i
: 1... iI.p R',1 ...! II il' It ,! as cheao a. it can
" ' . , , , ,
be b. nul.t in 1'hllad-li l.ia.
They have also jusl received a geneial as-
soriil.eli. Ol
VIl"lTs' l- . v.- V-.'
'U'tlltllM II 1 1 1 1 I I" I I M
I JJiiiiilJ-J -Iiwl4lJJlililJ)Jj
ais Sllld Oi isi.( ' lassi .tilt! I'Utty,
, ... . . i.stri'ei.
t.Un.5. WttiJAi".UT3k
j ilt-. ills.- -av 1 l . iait 1
c( ru:i:y, r.rnxixa ill in,
T'W Uli, !! ll.'Ptllar Plltfllt lifi'leS,
Litjiiors,Tiib.RCit, Snaffjcks. Soda
A.li, m l.reasi, c.
'l tb- :.b--i"e articles offered VFr.Y
CHKAP FOR CASH. Call before buying
elsewhere. Our M.oto is
'Sitistll l-rolii 4 tiik Sales.''
Lewis'. in-.. Mav til. I Noil.
Dress Goods, :tt Cost !
1i:.VKR, KliKMER .v MCLI'lil" have. . ' ., ' '
) delerminrd to , II .11' their F.A ', H,.l f'-e 0,f, ...ej ( on.Ih
Summer Silks and Dress Goads, ! '"' J--i' u,' JM"r' rJ' xSc
Cir vr (oyr I'osi f ismj Siapsof all kinU!, heel Grease, etc.
If youwisU to purchase, call and examine our
s" fk. l., K. AlM.
Lt-wi-l ui2, Jnlv '.
it. t;. ii:i :t:i.. r o;i.'r.
rlilllS Hotel is located in lhe center of the
to n.one square trom lhe touri House,
persons attending Co-.iri.or bavin; utiier bu
siness in the town, will find this a pleasant
and comfortable home. Charees moderate.
I.ewisbnr:, Pa., i-epi. fi. lHoil mlt
1,VJ.--1 :.
rue nest work suu LutoMt sijic
ft 1 A X Aa U Ik 1 111 U .
thankful for past favors i
"s J would siaie tb.ii he has re- i
4 cetvea inerrti.utx uut-i
t'LT, MAKn.ana KKt'AIK
g-iritt-ftit-i as usual. Htr witl
endeavor, as hretofiir. to
,tx-cute his work saustacio-
nlv t all. i.eui-klmrj:. t
. iitilll X i ll"(;i:l"(.OK carries on
lae above business in if.us fcr.cn
j Lie above business in iwu 1,1.1.11
Pone.'.-. N. rih Third street.
cuiune ano aia-
I kin; in rood style according to lhe best Fash -
,oqs. G,ve us a chauce, and ,ee if.ic.ii
I av yort. . C. .ACar.
. l.e.Ttura. Kav. 1, 1559
Ci)flnttirrlin Bro.'s (Tart.
We have tested the merits of a
mk tu4iHM, Ik sMir ralir MtUfMtlM. r hllf
4MUrmimv4 mt t 4wto tr-m KU 0r Mack k m
larger. ftD'l wnorm enaWu tbM inr, mm4 wm w yrv
pri to f'trBUb oar ptroa with wrjTth.u iu
f Wa-tars a 'h U.wt prip hr Cut r -
luT feermt, Rv . O.r. nn,OfrnNi aUjrW. TImU.
tor, l ax -4, tMAtoaM, 1U. ftaltM, Ui, lOS
U pt-e h -r I! Via-, ttf Prorl.
n :: w v; ii i r e w i i eat flou p.
l.'Uii talc I t
i rnTMerBLisi aao-a.
r KLGs .Nails and Spikes, assuntd sixes.
lur w!t by
rtuvtxitui aarra.
I) DIM i: ?l a.l anJ Iry ?alt Ilrrrln j
f.., ..... . cMawltKKt.li ttunr
1 X ( fl I.DS
1 S'W . S
I.D-s. Conntrr Curfd 15a-
jjrt, st-.t.'a-r.. .M I.... ar
( II . w i.Lh Lis ii.
f.om the kiln, for fair; br ,
' i n 'Him us ar.es.
1 l;DL. L i- pTt llerriu; just
X ' ' 1
1 .-.1. S.W.U.. IT. -I
o..n.,..i. a.
.k... hK...I k Uu. l.t -f urrkc tMltr
It . . irk at.a K'.rk Tra. tr ai N- Vork.
"a .- J rli-.l. t Vouur ll.-i.n st r-. ... per IK
i ll SWKI-KI-IS, ITKtVa.
j l...-n. k... ..J J.TH t"..e l:nt.-l ! CT-o
.....,i'lv II S SI I l-K I IN BH.S.
O '-t.l.k.nJs,
luf-eiiwr .-unhtT. srel t rrkrr.ki.bl
Cimil l-ULIN BKO" -
iT - ts rtK,.-r I.flitJ. of
v..' sr-i Slf '.s-.. at x
) IX K and WLiic I'bster. nml Conl,
rii sTMiKiu.ix BKes.
'S ENESEECrotinil Aluui.MarsLaH
bu ana It-its- tall, t r T-r
i HAvntm.iM anos
! iirr!.M....(,..ti.m,.lffW.
!1' 4N!!li!lL!!?iri.
"0L!X. fTye. Oats mi'l all kinds of
a - .
j n.,.,, ,ifl.-,,..t,i.tiT
i FL'I.L nrtmcr.t of ILiv Kopp,
T(, ; ,. t-. j r.r.oj. m T.in.rs.l T..n.,
V t. 1
. .1V:U:I,1. IIKO "S.
AY.S on haml.
catJiECRLis tmn-s.
J QQ DDLS. F.l. MlfklTOl. in 8S
. IDI HuiaH 6 u
t II V tTLKKI.IN l(Kti.
kiS'le Cra.-k-
u w-DtM appk
il Dried P. aches- Prnne.Curra..ts.Bunch
Ita is ns.Corl,-Hi's K iisins, cheap Citron.Coin
Starch, F.iriua. K.ce 1 1 ur, 1 avirine tx
iricis. Oi.ve Oil, Nap ":.ao Cheese. Dried
lieel. Roasted ano lireuiid Collee. Adamamin e
Candles. Tallow Candles. Olive Soap. Rosin
Soap, IV'ersive Joap, T. i;et Soap. Casiilv"
Soap ltaker's Chocolate. Baker's Cocoa, Ba-
km: si. .!a, Mul m, .la, oda Ash, Wagon
(;reai;v v,.,,,ien Pails. Tubs, Churns vt hue
j,,,,, sen,lale Cement, Calcined Plaster
I Beans. Bro. ms. Kru-hes. A larce assorment
j c '-uIiat"C'i tls! Sresir-k. &c. Ac.
, y.,t t.,.,. br CII AM 1! KKLIN BRO'S.
j LewisLurc, April Sl, t5a.
Familv (Jroccrv Store.
T. G. EVANS & Co.,
POnprDIC? AKTI PistrSVllflW?
Kiiil.ra.-ii..3-et'-rvarti. I. remmun to lhe ..Ml.. u bae
.nitv vt urn vti VI. Pit
I llll.UA. I l."tll il.'l' a a.k.aS,
1 . . . . .-, .-... a..,. lp'
1 . . , , .'-1- i i '1 1
aTl.AI.ua. I II l.l.CI., I Isll.
- 1 t
MurLt itrt.', t))-i'e th'. J'ust 0t:t,
I.i-it isliiirc. Vs..
1 C. V.. A Cd. IiiivL- i'.ist rccoivcd
fre-h from I'hi la'i.I ( h-a a treni-n'.ou. .tnrh of
Wa.i i Ir I d Or. Cir.e- i-i i'.hj uu.. .mwui. .i..t miw
I'catiU'K 'I ina loess,
rut op :u l nn. a.;-l warraufe.1 I.UTT aud lis-sh.
Jlri'cJ Api'!'?. IVm iios. rrunr. Cur
rants, pi-fM't'titi"; Ciiroiis, Yiz,
laIC?.R:iis-i"S IVnIll fti to lci
cts. ) r Hi., I'ii kk'S of
all .it'.-.'riiitioi.s,
rtirr Jilt a t HI 1 I L. crofliid, -
aud uul u.tn air-t.ht Cans, .'i.rt-.-.:v f..r lautiy Ufa
.1 lui .,," Ill rrv.r .l.'.i CA .Sf.s ,
COD Ji-s.', 'H LKKI.SU. I.'.l V, HACO.S.r.
A li.ni.ral a-tv rtn.enl aY
ITillutv and t'l'tiar arc. .las
tt are, ii''iisarr . l-arlln-ii- .
ttaic, l(oit', ittiue, &.C-.
tfobiitCO OHu iJCgiltS, a tljOUf panel;.
I .!,,. 1 '.n il Mm! I'nliilms. Coi 111
s. . , . '.
Rvo, UalM. tVc, always, on Iinnii.
i.". litlirirt.l frre r" rkargt lo tuttmtr
rtfiWint,' uiio'i ll" liinufh.
1" alteml.t to rii'inierate a), the article, wbh-lt .
...re f.r sale' w-ni-l he .mpo-.lt.ie. V. would te.err.
Iii.i. lUT.iellia I nl.iH- to. .lla.id.aaroi.ieoi:r k-et'Ttiurkl,
... Un-cerM.. We ate eonh-rent of h, m at Ve wll mm
cheap a th. y ca h" l-unl.t ibaa a d.- ! phi'll'htk.
W v...ol.l -...'iti.u.ly solicit our cauutry tlVbs to.iT.
IU. k ri.il; tor
He imr'h'is' nil mnuufr if t roaucei
an 1 ..- lo'h a .,7 bedy else.
L.W.HU.H. April 1.. IS.. TO KVANS0(lt
! " Industry must Thrive 1" "
'i"llXaibl SI1EET1R0N Eitalilishment.
l Just opened, iu Kebers Boildmr, .tlarkei
: ss.juare, -u .i-mr aoove ir.e ua..., w.ia.c .
' hive at all limes a lull assoriment ot
Tin ttuic, Stote l'ipc,
rOiL El CULTS. ''. c- 4'- I wit
a'so make to order, on short nonce, Tib Col.
u is. sirn.uiiiig or auy kind of wurk ua my lin.
ot business.
!aVMen ling and Jobbins generiltvprnmptly
auended lo. JU-. A. KKEAMtR
Lewisb.ire, Oct SO. 1SA9
. H.i. rn
nibr.r... Preftel.Ti.S k.tti. S.UC )'.
' wai,buwn.' up hiidr.o, U.i.-s t-un.b.
j jjs. A. K
pun.-b. a or ilkr
- jjs. a. kiikajikr
j .j- . -vyir.1 for Justice, and
K d V K CousluWl!.. lor .ale
! .'TAT:.. a.rk,r.i,a.fr.
of fi.uata tt uiuci... sea.. - ...v..