Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, December 09, 1859, Image 4

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The South make Fun of it, too!
Ooe would think to read ihe UucbaDao
papers that it was uiurdtr, or treason at
least, ftr thoughtless boys at (be North to J
play a j 'kc ou tlic Wine into in the lirowu j
affair. 15ut the South -mxirncv. tlic ,
j ilting by inipiiifjitig 5 uijjpiT and 17
craiv whites into liuudndt aud tkautnud
of ai'med meu I 7"W if .J .'"' 7" "''
r.i J-J.-C in lt: itit'juc. Have U"l -"tce-tn
en as gool a right to enj 'V fuu as the
iavcocrjoj ?
The Louisville Journal, and a if x'ti
otUtr papers iu the South tbat we Lave
ran, riduuio, most unuieteifuliy, the ex
travagance aud sill J fears of tlic Yiigiui
aDS. TUcy are j'iite as sharp aud satin
cal, often, as any Xurlbern pipers. Tiny
tbiuk it overdoing tbc agony, and making
a mountain out uf a mxitbiil. So it is.
l!ut Slavery is a ticklish sul j. ct, aud be
trays, iu her trepidation, a consciousness
f dangers unknown tothe outsiders. W ell,
tucb uu iustitutiun should to clucked aud
not fostered.
Derision. The Charlestown (Va.)
correspondent of I bo Jliltiuiore American,
cf ibe 1st inst, says, "To give you some j
idea of tbc unpopularity among the people j
of tbe military rule tbat uow pervades the
town, aud bas outlawed good ciliz-ns, :
with its fuss and feathers aud exeiterucut,
1 send y ou the following copy of a procla
mation wbicn lias oeen positu ou tuc cui
tiers during the night, du-pite the vigilauce .
of the seniini Is : j
raitri.4M Ttn!r.
WAereon, Charlestown is now held by a
military force, and ils citiz-Mis ki pt prisoners (
in their owu domieils. A.td. ututn:s, there ;
are numerous reports, prot'a.uaiioiis, tizzies,
and other divers luzzy-guzys, issued by the
liuveruor, commanding and duel oliicers, as
well as other small "loot-horns" of the same
kind by the Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, I
and the Mayor, Sherili, &c
Now, be u known by iheciiizensof Charles
town and its vicinity, that 1. lien. Fu?o Tum
blcbug. by virtue ol the authority vested in
me by l.ieui. Common Sense.do Hereby issue
the following orders: i
Thcs.ildiers.lorlearof an attack by Brown's
men, will remain in their bariaeks, as in case
Iheyeiposc ihemselves on the streets, tbey
may run the risk ol being hart.
The Ueneral eoinmauJiti . the Mavors At
torneys, Colonels, Majors, t'ap'ains. Lieuten
ants aud Corporals beiui mure m ihan
the rank and I'i.e, and, therefore, of more cou
seqiience, are hereby particularly warned to
remain in their uarlers, as in cae ol attark,
ttpccinllu during Ihe Ihe cnizens, who
are able and willing lo defend the to'.1 n from
all attacks, either by Brown's men ' r any
body else, may be ineomm' ld hi ihe pi rlor
majice of liieir duties. All of the above men
tioned hon. Tables will be a rested and court
martialed if found disregarding this onier.
Citizens of the sjt.ite ot Virginia and of Ihe
Southern Spates, and the well disposed cni
zens of the .Northern States, are requested to
isit nur town as heretofore, and they will be
protected by the citizens (rum the insulu of
ihe mushroom, corn-sulk military now quar
tered among us.
Citizens of the town will hereafter be al
lowed lo pass to their homes and places of
hnslness without being interrupted as insur
gents or nigger-itealers. Uy order.
G. Tew m.r. Commander-in-Chief.
Una Di shrill. Military Secretary.
Charlestown, Nov. Smb. lsill.
X. B. Citizens from other portions of ihe
tatc desirous of witnessing Ossawotama
ptrtrruli.m will be proteetid from the -weep-on"
of Ihe valiant corRstalkers. as the de
sign of hanging htm in public was to allow
everybody a sight at hnu, as a warning lo all
future nigser-stealers.
P.S. Come one--come all! The uiililaty
bhan'i monopolize the show !
"Taken in ami ione for." Some
graceless fellow at Altouns, I'a., informed
Gov. Wise that one of "Ilrowu's troop,"
named Coppic, was betweeu that place and
Uollidavsburg, where they should it quire
of Mr. James Alexander. And forthwith,
two of the futtitt families of Virginia came
on tbe irou horse, duly armed with revol
vers, dagger?, hopples, handcuffs, &c. One
went to liud ".Mr. James Alexander"
and fuunl him to be a mouse-colored in
dividual, venerable for his a,i.i,ui,y, crack-
brained, aud as ignontit of reading and
writing as some SO, 000 while adults in
old Virgiuia. .Mr. Oiiicer smelt a prodi
gious rat, forthwith, and beat a retreat,
begging that they should not till the st- ry
until be had g'it out of town: and they;
did n't ! I
Resi lt of the Insane Keforts of
THE DtMiiritATic I'iiess. The New Vork
Timri, au ind. pendent paper of ii.B'ietiee, j
and lately of Democratic tendencies, says !
that the cause of the tremendous defeat
of the Democracy in that State, is owing
lo tbe efforts of the Democratic ) re-s, iu
Ihe Harper's Kerry affair, to make politi
cal capital out of Uuoil .' Their course
bas disgusted decent men, aud driven
tbetn over to the Opposition.
Some lover of the Constitution in Indt ; Hartley t .wnsh.p or delivered on me rirnsn
na telecraphed that a "Mr. L'rown was , Vallrv Narrows road at the end of our Road.
ua leiegrapueu luav Diploma lor a superior sample of
receiving, in a certain cellar, a large uuiu-! riaill(!i ,',, premiurn fr Rails and Shing
ber of pikes." Oo came Gov. W ise s dep- ; irs vete awarded us ai the last I nion Cn.Ag.
Uties and found ihe cellar a restaurant, par. JOHN M'CALL A BRO's,
in which were some cood 6sh of the pike V7T3 Forest Hill P O, Cnion Co, Pa
species, for sale by a "L'uion-saver" named ;
Brown ! Tboofficer,'letthe Union slide." j
and put "home to old Virginia !" I
fcirTbc Ducks county InttUiirnrtr heads i
the November elections as follows : j
'Wonderful Kff.ct of Old John Hrown's ;
Invasion ! New Yotk, New Jersey, Mas- j
sichusetts, Wisconsin, and Kansas in a .
Slate of Insurrection 1 Republican Yjo ,
lories Every nbcre."
About two thousand inferior "weepons"
lira been told to credulous passengers !
through Harper's Ferry, as one of the
identical "pikes" made for Drown by a
Democrat in Connecticut. The Virginians
seem quite as sharp as the Yankees in that
Tbe Boston A hertitrr suggests that
the cow at Charlestown, Va., was killed
by tbe sentry because she had twoict7.r
hurnt on ber head, and because she bad
been tail-Uarinj among the negroes.
Harrow, in Lis "V i-it to Iceland," mentions
a ramer curious but cHectual plan, in prac-
.... ' f. .
., . . . .
lice among tbe Icelanders, of tying their
atones, which is believed to be peculiar to
Ihe bland. Tbe tie th.l,...! ,. am.
, ,
au ih tan 01 anotner, and the bead ol ooe
owe to the tail of tbe former. Under
these circumstances, if the animals are dis
posed to move, it will only be possible in
circle, and even then there must be au
agT.nt ,3 ,u.n j,, jJeaj? Jiif! saine
s UliS!
Hits and Cap3.
K enure NEW STOCK jut-l receiver! at
GIB-iON's Hal Manufactory, i.ewis-
t. ...... ..t .tv es. meaner inati rn ....
cash. Call in. Ladies and Gents, and "am
ine fur yourselves, and don't stop at places
where ilic stork has been lying around for
half a dozen years.
FCRS r.paited or exchansod Tor newone.
HRKS-j li I S made to order at short no-i.i-e
and repaired without charge when ihey
need it.
JIE 1'all Term, of I t Weeks, will
pen on Thursday rooming, Sept. -i.
COLLEGE Tuition per I erm
li.iom rent and fuel
. sio.no
A.. "ill
Library care repairs
ACADEMY Tuition - From 1 lo.$T (10
C.ire and repairs - . - 45
FEM lSTITL:'i E Tuiiinn.from i7l 10.00
li-pairs - - - - SO
J. K. I.IHI.MI3, Present
Lrwishnrs. A"l- l. I "59
ft i w.oo
F,YS for a full course in the Iron City
College, most extensively patronized and
best organized Commercial School in the Uni
ted Slates.
Four Lftrsrc Halls
For Writinff. Commercial Calculations, Book
Keeping and Lectures.
I's-tal litne to complete a lull course, from
6 to 10 weeks. Erery NudeLt, upon railua
ling, is guaranteed lo be competent lo manage
ihe P,fiks id any Itiismess, and qualified to
earn a salary ol from
;.rou to tsiooo.
Hl;nlent enter ai any lime Ho A'acation
Review at pleasure.
fVr I'umiiims for firt Writing
awarded this Institution. The best and rea
test variety ot Penmanship in any one Hall of
ihe I n ion, is found here.
I Ministers' Sons received at half price.
For Circular and f-pecimcns of riling,
and Embellished View of the College, inclose
five letter stamps, and address
F. W. JENKINS, Piitsbursh. Pa.
, , . . ) . T . , , i iirirtr j
lM,ljllU AuAliLJll.
.,.,,. ...... k , r,hi l..oii..ii will i
COIIIIIK I.Ce .llliMlir, ejM. i:,, ir..m irii- ;
iinne lit weeks : to be .succeeded immediately
bv the W iiitf-r Mt'sKion of the same .
. ngtli. A short Vacatioii will be given during
the Hoiidars. j
All the Branches of a thorough Academic
Course are laitgM, and young men desirous ,
cf qtialifi ing themselves lor Teaching, for en
tenng College, or lor general business, will
lio.i n to their advantage to enur this school.
Tlie Bible i a Text Book.
A large Class of Young Ladies is secured. I
TL'ITIO.x per session of 13 wecks,iucluding f
contingent expenses. j
I'lllMAUY- lt:.-linL'. Writing. Ih-tiner, Arilhmette.
lii.Ki. n.i.I I' S. Ili-terv.) r. nr. ,
A II Not-: li r.Vil.lsll .ill uot inrluded atKiye rl !M
LAM.LA.II.S. - - '",
No additional charges; also, no deductions i
except for protracted sickness. Tniiinn pay
able immediately upon the close of theses-!
August gfi. 1-'!1. Principal. !
IJook IJintlcr'!;
'ill', subscriber having rented the entire
Book Binding establishment of Woiden
.V Cornelius ami ad.led to it nis own tools, is
now predated lo
Hooks, M;i:-'o.i Tuini'lili'tti, Music,;
Ciitiilootiop. Ncw.si:iit rs.iVc. !
either Full or Hall-Bound, in various kinds ol
1. 1 . tii mi or of Mi si.i-i,aiid liuid Willi Marble
1'aper of different figures.
Old Bibles and other Books or Papers which
it is desired to preserve as memorials in a
family, can be made more secure by ihe Bin
der's sktll.
rr Blank V
Books. Poeke
oks. Bibles. Hymn and Praver '
Books, Albums, Diaries. &C,
l.i'llt'rrtl Willi (.old
in legible and durable characters, to order. 1
Ml MC PORTFOLIOS, &c, made lo suit;
customers. !
f good Bindery lias long been desired
iu this v it in 1 1 v. and I therefore respectfully J
solicit the public patronage, irusims mai ,
l' - "' "-U
,,i.il',.r.n nrtres. on ihe Live and Let Live
principle and hope to make it a p erniamnt j
business. !
1'iii.liiir in.? Slurr. Cn'nh tnlm in pay. j
l R-nt and slock requiring money,! expect ,
f'.l Y O.V M.7.I i:iiY of all work..Jtj
Bindery in Beaver s wooden block, .vi niru
street, four doors from Market street. near the
Clin.niclr ell.ee. CHA'S J. STAHL.
Lewisburg, April I, lSt-VJ
MIE subscribers havefor sale r! ?''f0m "
(in lots to suitpurchasersijflTVei"-" Vi
a large suick oi e-- ,. ..-
I'l V; III I 1 .' IS Panel Stud BbuL.4leia
Dank. Ac. Also S.OOO J'iAi. HAII.S.
Jii inch Sawed Shingles superior quality.
Also S.juare Timber for Buildings:
U b.eh are ollered low for cash, at our Mills
. i. . e V- aoip st5-..
i Souih Branch of the White Deer Creek in
I.. I. It It i: vVr.H, IToprietor.
'PIUS House is the largest and most j
I spacious in Lewisburg, and situated op
posite Ihe Coort House, on the most elevated
and pleasant part of Ihe town. The propne-
tor, who has recently pnrcnasea oi me iaie j
firm of Lau she & Sebold, has spared neither j
pains nor expense iu refuting and re-fnrnish-1
nig Hie House.
I o'Tlease give him a call and judge for
yourselves. July 1, 1S58J
iionu:oiMTiiic I'liisitiAX,
In W'.llriiwn'i AYur Block, Market &,
(t-.feen Fifth t Siith.) LEWISBI'RO.
t large and well selected stock of new
GtHids in the Notion and Variety line,
has just been received and opened at ihe Post
Olliee, and for sale cheap tor cash.
Administrator Kollrr.
aTorrton i. L,UL,. .!.... .ho. T.IIam:
ra 1 1 1 11 r. is; 1 fit-11. v 1 1 ru. 1 11.1 1 i.ri 1 i.-t
V " " , J n . , i
l of Administration on the Estate of,
! ABRAH AM EVER, late of Union township, j
Lnion county, dee'd, have been granted to the i
' undersigned by the Register of Cnion county
. in due form ol law ; therelore, ail persons in
,.,, . ..j, are renuested to make "! with clay bottom. The land 1. a larp. traet, dt-
debtetllo said estate are 1 requester! to make , ,Mlnlnuullbrah .nd hondri. from all part, of
immediate payment,and those having any just th.eoo.ttry ,r. now wttiiair and tmiidinr. l b- rrof.
claims are also requested to present them le-: im-Jocd ar. Urn. and r.a be are. rrowinr- Th. cii
i .1. ...il.n,.., I mate i. d-lkthtful, a.d -retire from frot. Term. fr.m
gaily auihenticated for settlement. ti5h.-n,;p,I .:,i,ior..n- .-. s. in.t.1.
ItlUISI Ullll ' ni.l t'O-
imestoue Tp, L'nion Co, Nov 17, 1H59
' .
. . ......... ...... .1' 1 T T. I.s n
i- u.d Ljlj..
OF Danville. Mili-n, Muney.M'Ewensville
v.,..i,,.r. N,,rihumherlaud.8elinsgrove,
New Berlin. .Mit!linbtir.Hartleton.and scores ;
in Lewisburg. have bousht their H ATS and ,
CAPS at Clilison'H Emporium of Faihion j
within the pa,sl year, and are urging their
i.n,K m H.i likewise. Always a hne assort- j
U'eul of latest styles on hand, very cheap, at
hat mam factorv, lewisburg.
STONEWARE mtaunruefkac-
Fii-ukut Street,
(near the State C Hot Steam Fkur Mills,)
Harrisburg, Pa.-
A fall assortment cf Ware constantly on
hand. Ware made to order, ror rnce i.isis ,
address the Proprietor. Orders by .Mail ,
promptly attended to
Arranirmrntt fur the Yuir.
JACOB ti. BliOWN. having supplied Ihe
Lewisburg Market for the pastsix months,
has made the following arrangements lor Ihe
coming year
The best of Beef, Mutton, Veal and Pork
can be had on Wednesday and SHnnday mor
nings of each week, at Ihe Market House, on
Market street, between b'chatlle's and Wolfe's,
Lewisburg, Pa.
His motto is Quick Sales for Cash, and
Small Profits." Examine his meat,
Ap. )5,'5. I. . HTEK.N EH, Agent.
FTER one vear's trial, we are satisfied
that a Hat Manufactoiy can be sustained
in Lewisburg, we are now prepared with the
largest and best selection of Spring 8tyles of
HATS and CAI'S ever brought to Ihis maikd,
such as fine Mole, Milk, Dress Hats. Drab,
Heaver, Oiler, High and Low Crown, Soft
Hats and Caps, and Summer Hats of latest
styles for Sj ring and Summer wear, all of
which will he sold at Coy Prices, tor Casn.
Oer mono shall he, "Quick Sales and Small
Profils,"of which the pi blic shall be the judges.
Hats ma le to order at short notice.
April 15, 1.V.. JO. OIUSON, Halter.
New Hotel in Hifflinburg.
TJ THE subscriber wouhl respectfully in
l5fonn Ihe Traveline Public everywhere,
that he has taken and fitted up the premises
ol George Srhoch, in the centre of
w here he i? prepared to accnmmi'tlate vtrans
rs and traveler men and beaMs in the
best mnnm r, -:ih Hoard and Lodging.
Tirade cive me a call.
TMIII.-i Ware is clear of all poisonous mat
J t( r. 'i'he glazing is made of enmnwn tall
ami clay. Apple lluiieror anything else may
be kept in it with fnrj'rl uftty. There is no
I I'lsoN in it uf tli-re i iu ennmii-n rid Kurtlirn-Wure.
Milk and llntl. r k')' miif-li tu t iu Ihi. nmlerinl llixn
in Karl lint Vt .re. It i. t.uriit In a llliit Imtly. ill not
.hsorn any art ef .li.l m.v ut ul iuto it, and Is nut
llitl.le tt 1're.k rirrrai-k io uiri.
0-Soll l.y Slf.r.-h.ier8 iu LKYVISItVKG and g nc
rail tlin-iiirhnut tiie Sl.l.
Man ufarlorj Robert st, near Hi' SL.tn Ptnnr Mill.
tUnu-i ur,;. WM. .MOVER,
"in i S i IToprietor I
C O 1 1 t o I. t o i L.
TIHE subscriber keeps constantly on hand
. J a large as-ortment of the very best Sha
inokin and Wilkes-llarre COAL, for limeai.d
stove purposes, which he will sell at ihe very
lowest prices lor Cash cr Country Produce.
Also, lilucktmiths' Caul, I'tatltr and Salt.
Wish it distinctly understood, that I will not
be undersold bv any man Having good
weigh-scales, full weight will be given.
Coal Yard near Weidensaul's hotel.
Lewisburg, May 27,'5y.
ihe undersigned keeps con
stantly on hand French Itttrrn of
$)all sizes, and burnishes every ar
ticle required by ihe milling trade.
Complete satisfaction guaranteed for every i
article sold. Millers who prefer the solid i
Burr, by giving 4 to 6 months notice, can
have their orders executed ai Ihe quarries in
France. Address WM. II. HEFNER.
April 1, ts.r9iufi Jlarruliurp !'.(., Pa
f I'lIKV arc the Iii-st Calicoes yet of-
J. iuTvd to the 1'uMic for Ihe monry.
liuLRrLC A'irTS,
6m7Ha Xew Vorli.
tliiomtific I'llr-.tlns.
HAVING purchased the right to use Rnn
lim's piocess for Printing wilh Dry
Colors, for I'uinn Co. I'a., we are prepared to
execute orders for
CARDS, Show-Bills, &c.
in lint, firien. IHuf., I.oiew. Silrer. IHammtt, fir CiJrl
eolors,n good style, IT'at the Office of the
Star A Chronicle," Lewisburg.
Notice to Creditors.
niHE undersigned. Sequestrator of the State
, J Fire A Insurance Company of Pennsyl-j
; vania, will meet at his cmce in MarnsDurg
1 on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, the
; 17th, 18th and ltlih days of October next, the
several creditors of the said Insurance Com
pany, to receive proof of their claims against
said Company. Those failing to present and
prove their claims will not be entitled to any
share in the assets.
WM.C. A. LAWRENCE. Sequestrator.
Harrisburg, Sept. 15, IH5U. 8nrw4.
rpHE undersigned wanls One TIlOll
J Kami Ilollarn out of his Book Ac
counts to pay oil his debts. He owes, and is
anpleasantly urged lor payment. 1 nose,
therefore, who are in arrears to him for
sir months and over, will please settle
accounts immediately; and those in arrears,
under six months, will receive a reasonable
discount on their accounts for payment made
within that time. lsTBetter settle whilst you
tiny, and before being eimpellrd.ji- Also
ji. B. All persons, hereatier, employing
the professional services of the subscriber,
will be called upon lo settle their bills punc
tually at six months alter attendance given.
CHARGES MODERATE, and a reasonable
j amount of charity practice expected lo begiv
' en where persons have the disposition, but
I not the means, to pay. Others, in ihcir prac
I tice, may extend on unlimited credit; but, for
I himself, he has, for the future, fixed on thesix
mouths tfhx, which will be strictly adhered
I to in all cases. .
(jj-Strict attention given tobnsinens as for
WM. I.hllSfcK, M. LI.
Lewisbnrg, July 28, 1859m6
. Kiiro.d.i th. suti of New Jm,,. mi -m,
--. uu -.a. .-I- at :t. ni.ii-. ii. vi. w,K
th. be.l for AcriealturaJ rnrpoav.. beit.ir . good loam
. . . - r - ' r .' J
me.ta. To l.it the pi are teare Vine ftreel Wharf at
fhtid.i,hi. "74. u ,by n.itro.d for Hammtint...,
or addres. K J. Ryrn-a. ky lett.r, llamuionton f.t OI-
tsv. stl.nttc etmnty. N. . J.r-vej. f full atlvrrti-t-
1 nfcnt ru atietii-r .tfluatB.
SA3LI and D00K8,
Clinds and Shutters,
Flooring, Pi'ling,
Framing, Ac.
ror f 1 at the Pros 5t..i ..f
K S. I A l.bV, t.l.L.
Lowi.bnrr. f"l
The umlersincil have as
sociated themselves into copart
nershiD for Ihe purpose of carrv-
i . fr rn thm l.miihitrinn. IManin".
aiul Carpentering business in all their various
branches, at the
Ccaiiobnrg Slcitm pinning Xllillo,
where thev intend to keep a st ek of Pine,
Hemlock, W nlmit, t lierrv, roplar, Ash, Ma-
pe, and all kinds of Lumber, Hoorins hel
ving, Siding. Shingles, Lelh, Joi-ts, Studding, .
Fencing, Pickets, Door and Window Frames, !
j Doors, Stiinurs, Blinds, Sash, Mouldings,!
j Brackets, Ac. Planing, Slitting, Scroll Saw- j
ing, Ac., done at short notice and all work
i warranted to give satisfaction, both in rice j
aud woikmauship.
l.ewl-bunr rt.nin; Milla, April 1, 1S..S.
63,000 Wanted!
IN pursuance of an act of the last Legisla
ture of Pennsylvania, the Commissioners
ot 1'tiion county desire to llorrow money
to the above amount, in sums not less than
$100, Ihe interest to be paid annually, and the
principal within Ihree years. Inquire of
H. 1 S1IELLER, Treasurer.
Lewisburg, I'a., May '-, Iffls.
William Jones,
TT0RM:Y at Law. rnlleclions
l promptly attended to. OlTlceon Market
street, opposite the Presbyterian chinch.
Sim u:isi;ii:t;,f.i.
Fruit and Ornamental Trees, cr?
Hi;? li.'tt-.'.'iiiCT 'i'kufi?. JL.
y5l The subscriber has on hand a splendid
collection of both Fruit and Ornamental
TREES, Ac. Ac. embracing ihe verv lest
varieties of Apples. Pears, Peaches, Plums,
Cherries, Apricots, Nec ari ies, Grapes, Goose
berries, Raspberries, Ci rranls, Strawberries.
Large Horse Chestnut, European Mountain
Ash, Ainorican Mountain Ash, Sugar Maple
for street planting. Ever-blooming Rose, and
a splendid collection of Bulbous and other
Flowering Plants.
liT Nursery Grounds on the farm of Ja's
F. Linn Esq. on the Turnpike, within hall a
mile of Lewisburg. All orders will receive
strict attention. C & Term invnriulhi t'ASII.
Lewisburg, July 7, HT.s
THE subscr ;.er is engaged in the manuf
acture of the
Latest Improved
HUNSECKER Clover Hullers.which he offers
at very reasonable rates. There have been a
large number of these Hullers sold in ibis
neighborhood and county, and they give good
satisfac tion as the very best. Any person
wi'hing to purchase a good machine, will call
or apply by letter to C. P. EMERY,
lv!53 Laurellon P O, Cnion Co. I'a
VOIITII -J ill Street. The Miliscril.fi
1A most respectfully informs the citizens of
Lewisburg and vicinnv, that he has on hand
and for sale a cheap lot of I'l (CM I'l KV,
for the Spring trade, comprising
Pres-r-in"; and Common Utireati?, Pcc
reiaries and Hook Cast's. Center,
Card and Tier Tallies, Oiiiing and
Urcakfast Tallies, Ciijilioai-ds, Cot-
tape ana Oilier neusicuus, ciauua,
Sofus. and Chairs
of all kinds.
COFFINS made to order or
short notice.
The public are cordially invited to examine
his work. as he is sure that ihey will be salis
Oed with his stock of Ware, and prices.
Lewisbnrg, Sept. 15, lK!i6
James F. Linn. J. Merrill Linn.
& J. M. LIXX,
Allorui') at I.aiv,
5M Lnion County. Penn'a.
J. MHII'.ll.l llN CmmnssliwiK for Ibe Flat, of T(a, !
with K.wer totuke Jle osilion.a. knn l.-.le leed..Ac. .
Broom Handles and Curtain Rollers, !
HK tisi
Ilitkok's) rat nt .Maclilncry. j
WE lmvc t'ontileted arranfremcnts
T J for tnakfiiE Hro-.ni llan.lles ami t itrtain K..neri
In a manner and l'rrwti..n hilhtTto uuatliiiii.l.le iu Ilie
mnnnlaeturror tin. article, an.l are r. re.l to mi.plj
llrnnio Maker., V in l.'w Slu.d .Vaunt... ! liters anil Jler
rli.nt. with anv ,iiantily c.r th.-m at -I...H n..ti,v.
Tlie. are a-ade ot tlie lt I'.mel stuff. ani in a supe
rior manner, on new ir.arr.in.-ry neTrr b f..re ii.e.1.
We al. make, on Newly 1'aU-nte.l Marl.iiiery, Ihe ne.t
Vuoihn Jkitth, ami Jlund Hirtict
Utat ha. ever been tM-f..rethe puflie.
MS Orders irunii.lly riin-d. A-I.lr...
W. O. lilt HOK.
II vnBlsBCCf., r. Pnii ;iJt Aju nt ot tU Kple Work.
ofSWand Jeweler,
second door above Thild,
on Market street
Would respectfully inform the public that he
has on hand a fine assortment of Gold and
Silver Lever and Lepine Watches a good
stock of Gold, Cameo and Masonic Breastpins
of the latest style Cold and Cameo Earrings
------- - .- i,-. e,i
e, which he intends ;to sell very cheap-aiso
a SpieillllU asst. 1 uiirnt t.i uiH.-wn , ...u ..... .y
11 'oi ner t IT;W. ..-
1 1: , . . v;l.. ito.. nn.l 11. .(..
rioui. ... .ii... ...... j....-. u..ju. .....
warranted to be what it is sold for.
The greatest care will betaken in Repai
ring; and Cleaning of Clocks, Watches and
Jewelry, and everything warranted to give
satisfaction. Please make him a call, and
give him some trouble to show his Walches
and JewelryJuly 21, 1S58
t lockK.VTalcIi
n, and Jcnelry,
1th door west of Bank, .
Also, particular attention paid to RE
PAIRING of all kinds. . 1
I have also the acency for the sale of
the celebrated Coal Oil Lamp,
which will recommend themselves to
every one. Call and see.
Sept. 9. mat A E I'SyORMAMn B
Aurtlon ana rommissloa llunse In It wlsburg.
lesal Auctioneer!
F. t.nonrlioivrr having been appointed
sole Auctioneer for Lewisbt.re, is prepared to
attend to all calls in his line in town and
Commission Sales.
In April next, I intend to open on Marke
street a Room for the reception, and the sale
atstated times, of all kinds of Goods at Auc
tion. Any one wishing todispnseof anr ant-
. . . ,. ... ...
1 CIC can UepoSH It Wltn me anu 1 Will sell It at
: ,he hest advantage I can and charge a rer
, , ,l
J". . v rsnrvv. rr.
Feb. I'., I S F A UO.NEHOw ER
Hot nranrb InNnrnnre Company.)
I.I!K IMVhN, !. j
ON. C.G. HARVEY, rei,frn,
J. W. CIIAP.Vl N, Srrrrtiir,.
J'his comnanv. on enlerinz upon Hie tilih
year of their busiHess, submit Ihe followine
statement of their assets and business to Ihe
pn hlic.
Whole amount of Risks 3,800,000
. 1 N.
Rtnd. and mnrtfrHgn Rvcurrd by first tlen
C:ili en liMml
In lir.uj. Ir AfiitK
utei rrrri.ej r-r I'rrniiumf oniony trrnia
ana iu fore
Snn.fMto j
T..I.I lf.ii .no !
!., I mhI .lnrln? ta.t Teir ii.il
l'aul aiti'l U'l. aU'l.-luIi.i-.ion. S.-'O-J ,
This Company continues to insnre every !
description of property, sueh as buildings, :
goods, inere.handtze, Ac., against loss or dam
age of Fire, and lor any lime limited or per
petual. We would call ihe particular attention o. j
owners of valunble slock, lo the department
of Lire Slnrk Insurance. Horses, Catile and !
Mules Insured against loss by death, from j
either natural or accidental causes. Also i
Insurance on the llrullh of Jmlltiduala for
Ihe term of one year, at modearte rales.
I.ewisbnrg, Oct SO, 1H59.
rim ciRAUf I f f: ixhi-kax'.k, .i.wmr j.i
ti. i .vr o.vi:i. i; i iiii.Ant.i t iiia,
TIIII?. ItlIil.WAV, l-r.siil. nt- JM). F. JAM K.. Actuary.
taalial taalil uil 300.oo- hnrirr perpriual. .
j LIVES on the most reasonable lerms. i
The capital being paid up and invested to- !
gelher with a large and constantly increasing
reserved fund, oilers a perfect security to the
one insured.
The premiums must be paid yeaily, ball .
I vearly, or quarterly. j
The folluivnig are a few examples from the j
' Register :
!.r. nut ill' l' h-1 i
Umntnr j Itmitit.ii.h'ii.iT'ii
Ailil'tiuM 1 lr full rr tiil'ii'v
III I li r til
e. J
i ' f .-ii-
, 1.0
. SO
.T . I I
V'j The undersigned is Agent for the Com
pany in I'nioii county. Pa., inrongh w horn ap
plications for Insurance can l e made. ToW
mechanics and business men eer.erally, desi
ring lo ell'erl Insurance on their lives, it of
fers indui fluents not equalled by any other
company in the Tinted Slates. j
Tuo. II. Wn.s.i, M.D.. Examining Physician :
S. II OK WIG, Agent, Lewisburg. Pa .
runinioinvtaI.il Insuraneil o..Iarrkb
II AMI Lr l) ( VriTAU MIO.0OO.
11 E suhscriler is appo nut J a2nt for
this well estaMiliji Coir.i anv which
iiiMire.N I'.ml'iin.s ai.d other propt-rty aaui;-l i
hs or ddtiiiie ry lire, perils vt inliintl navi
paii n, traiup. itatit n, Vc.,ou moi lavoiable
Uruis. j
lrriUntCji $r.Vft.m r.t.Vt KOX. j
l.o i r.s ..7. lAf.ht. -7- I
SvttUix H. ' Ah .A. .... jSuiWina. j
J. It. MXAl'ltliM-N, Agent.
Lewiburj;, Kt h. 1, nifi
American life Insurance & Trust lo., ;
(Capital ltock .r,tn,(,0)
C10MPA.W BuiMin--. Walnut street.S E
t corner tf Fnurih rttiaffrf.fiia.
tv Lives insured at the UMtal Mutual rates
or at Ji int Stt.ek rales aluut -0 per cent. Ifss 1
rr at Total Abstinence raw s ihe lowest in the
worh!. A. IllLLULN. rriiieit
J-iiiTi C. Sim, Sec. i
747 C;i:o. F. MILLER, ASfnty Lewisburc
t The subscriber has on band for
sale Tut .' irttcp.-si, which he;
t lfer at a barsain for Cash it will Exchanse i
for a good iiORE. Call s n or vou will
miss it. I!. F. HI R.-'H,
at Ili.r-I. A 11. ...tmai.'. st r
or if absent, inquire ol W. II. Ruler, ai W in.
' jnj Jr-iore. Lewisburg, ten.
i rp0 h(1 rilizrns uf Lewisburg and vicinity
J. i:. I- I!ines has removed his Barber
Shop iroin Ibe Riviere House to Market street,
basement of Widow Anions' building, one
door above the Post Office. Thankful for all
p asi favors, he hopes lo merit a continuance
of the public patronage.
X. 15.
Tn nil who (nrrr hr till tin ir WM tmw lng
To nvt a p'fn-mtt stisivr. piMit as I arU-r vTrr pnvet
Jti.-i mil on lltM- nt In- hwy iih rn. fitr or ooon.
Xi'r!ii clt-ao, morti .harp iti-l n?vif krn. j
Lewisburg, April 1, Is:'.!). E. L. HINES.
. 1 IT f Tl ...1. . -M . .
' I jii', bUit.M nuer e:i---i
A. 1 1 II tic s it .ii i t t'u inr J- ,
I.iiri'y ItusiiH'si
Ihe Old Stand on Soutl.'s .TrinXi
Third street, near Market, and respectfull)
solicits the patronage ol his friends an.l tlu
public generally. CHARLES F.HESS.
Lewisburg, May 22, 1K.'0
Drug and Chemical Emjiorium
Market Street - - Lewisburg, Pa.
James B. Hamlin,
J. V. tt? Office on Second St. west side ,Sno
door south of Market, Lc.i Isliin g,
Oin.'iHJ Lnion Co. Pa.
Aeur llai'llrlon, L'niun Co., I'a.
twrrfSZ THE subscriber, thankful
j2yT fur past patronage, would inform ,
his friends and Ihe public in gene- I
t-ral, that he continues to manufac
ture all kinds of Woolen (.ootlst, such as
Cloths, Casstmeres. 'Pweeus, tsatnnetls. Jeans, I
Blankets and Flannels; also. Carpet and
Stocking Yarns. His machinery being of the
resi Kina in use, anu navine empioyra inr
; leit of workmen; he feels ssaIe sayig
best kind in use, and having employed the
; , ,.
i !' rls
work shall not be surpassed by
anyestablishmentin iheeountry. Agootlsup-
1 ply of the above goods kept constantly on hand
I for sale or to exchange for wool, at prices
! that can not fail lo please. WOOL will be
1 Carded in the best manner and on the shortest
notice. Terms for carding, cash on the de
1 livery of the rolls. MARK HALFPENNY.
N infield Mills, March 30, 1857.
lVaf rlimaUrr and Jc.vrllrr,
Located two door, ea.t of the .t.n.l reeently ociufird by
Mr. Yodel l.tV. ll-lil IIO, I'a.
Clofkst, Watches, Ac, repaired on shot! 1
notice and warranted to give satisfaction. !
tTvAn excellent assortment of Watches, 1
Clocks and Jewelry cn hand Chap furl'enh.
GILT FRAMES of all sizes made to order
Lewisburg, April S9, IS5S
A RE opening, direct from M'Callum
Co.'s Carpet Manufactory, Glen Echo
ills, Germantt.w n. Pa., one of the prettiest
and best assortments of Carpels) ever bro't
to Lewisbnrg, such as
JVtrte JVjf, Jfimp Yenitian,
Sup. Jnirain, Jfaniffa Mats,
t'uirin do., Vvrna tin.,
4-4 Tieilkd Ytnitian, 4-4 OH Cloth,
3-4 do. do.. 8-4 do. do..
1 Flat
Cur Jut landing, t(r.
W.-t'.Tl" !
J lt :u linn i f Hair.
MERCHANTS and all p.-rs. i.s ei ";,-..,! ,n
shipping tiooils to and lioiu Phtladt .ploa
consult your owu intt re t ! j
Goods shippi d fr. in 10 to 1! percent. I. -s
per loo lbs. ihan by anv o i.er lines.
AVAU.0 i;k s i.ixh
rf DAILY CAIIS ar carry in? freight t-i a:.-l
In 'in tli.tt p. int at the lulluw.i.j; Uieat.y
Iltuuctt! L.ttf-s :
1st Class
2 do
3 (lo
4 do
. per Il'o pounds
S eeial
.1 .
t' Det.ot in Hii!a.!f !phis ' -. Z, II .
lUntLnmn. M.S ti H() .M;,rk-I M
Persors should le rureiul to l.a;e mi-;
Goods niaiked in rare i f the above I .i.e, t
prevent imposition (r- ril oilier Loo-
Iv.",.y :t J.MI WAI.LOWr.ll A M'N.
Evans k V7atsot.'s
o.yt'l l lie.stnu!
AMjinr r run ki ii:
I'l i: i-i ti ti.
To th rr-U-'nt Ini- Pt-i.r.-y . .
?i ri. ty : Ti- !!-' rnrs y.t;r f iin
tin f'titt-iit-i,l h ,n!.iui.iiil. r r t'l
nfr l.-ii.f fxi - ! tn it r n .s on 1
f r -irit li nirn. r-----t . ni l v f j r- m i t
ll:..t IV r rrtru .01. 1- ! i,.t v.. . .1 ;
likd Kvli ruliMHiii J fjfi.i.ril ,
ihr .r. f-tirf t th.- o.nmiitt.r. m, t i1
out. n lit (If .unii 1. I-m i.-.t r 1, ..i
l-eliTnlMlliT ..! -.'-r- I, e,-t. ; 1.,.
tifa f iirT'. m,l l;irv t f i
tlr nfi . :U 1 r;iiiu- i-tif . . : i r '.. in u -
1 lo-( i-r.oiil (Mti-i' l t,- 'f r
-f If.: lo J-ri l. l ul r ti- Ui
t!ity itiny ! xj"'-f.l
Tlic Ct UiiujlUe a urJ'-J nlprinj
.I . L'1
srrr.K a ;.
ffll.MIVT'X. TJ.-i
W HT-I.V r i.i.a-t. !( l 1.1.
t.. ut r r.fi, ; I ... - 1!
m 111. tin I tir. I' :.r. fi;i-t
A tlMir. tt. tf'nr .I'.i.
trr-:v tro ij 1-y huiL '
tlv ulh tin y '. ..1
ami uu " 'i--r. tli v
t"f. ' i.t- l.i.. k (-. ir,
' K.fV t
u f -1 I t!
:i tl- :.i.-r 1 i.t- I :
'IT! itfij. ari.l Bifn
! tli'
It ;! n- t f' r..
t r j itrt "I lii- 11. Ii'
:tl (If l---tilt t
t-iif tat If mi- cl la t
llii-ia. 1
t -I. !
I i.t.. Uy
r:: t .' s
;i i' ::
I. 1 , .
(ii:f.A T t lit I' ' A 111
I . s.
r. k Al-o
nn. mm - It ..'Vol- r.
t! ;.l tl..- ..I .1. r .
t. l-tuarv, 1-. -. .r- ..!!.. 1
a .r.- r. I
W lilt .-f'.i rn1 ') .
U-t. 'ILi-!.
j-.-.l t.. m:. i .
it wm ti.l.rn !-. l:
t-r- ffi.r.l t.i ti-
I ;.(-r- i" te'.i-k: it
tv rTtm nt-it I V"i
"- I if-, tl :.l tl . y ii
i-r n a1l- t. i
Mm A I.,-.
r.li ,r.li.L ,.t 01 ( I.
it.. t ill Mai-.l
-it- - In t:
t- If ..r I :
1 II. .M K- . I '
V0KWA1.DIM. an!
.VI'Ki.'ll ANTS r the sale ot
I'lntir. t.raln. Virls. ai.d Pind'nr irm-rjlly.
r? Wait hoiie, (' t.ir.tl II . el.. .N .. I r. It..
St. below Kurr ff.i'..ioy h:tl l'e!l'!:i '
m ccr.rxciicrt:.
:,. ts sh,r.j.. Ir 'HI Pbila.'e';.!.!
.Vt. by U.I .."It li's .u,e ;,re Ndl' -f
shipped at II if i i-l in (.is ,: I j,t j .,ir I
Mr. i'l-il'liel's JH.Vi '!' 1 ; 1 . I . t I lit li.i 0
witriont .b lay t . tlo :r .I.'-i.a.,!! u ou ti.t .--u-ij'o
l.at.lia or 1'ie e: Mraorh.
July in, lso'J C. ti. HJICK. Agent
at I.iU -lav s t !.::. !uie.
)EI.G iu a bje tteet. where the store ej
J p-:nsts are very liht. it.e su-cr e l is
ablfd to sell at the Very Low est I'i.i.s.
Persons visiting Philadelphia, and wisinit..
buy Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattines, A c, w.ll
do well to examine the lalge asst rlu.t l.t of
Tapesti v lit nsseN, .
Imperial 3-plv. CARPETS.
Inrrain an.l enit:an.)
and Oil Cloibs tl ail uotihs in ereat var e'v.
Also, Cai.t.-n ai.d Cotton M.ittins , i i
kinds, with a lare assor'inei.t if i.w-pt:.
Inerain Cati,et, a:r! Ei.ttv and So. ,r l 'arp. ts.
liuss, Mats, l'ru;eev.S!aii Ki ds.Kaj, Cat; els.
Cotton Carpets, iC, Ac.
11. II. EIMlU'Cn.
No. 13 Strawberry st., -M door ah Ch.-.-nur,
PIlll.AIUII.I 111 .
1 1?" S'rawberry is the f.rst strict -. -til
Second, jr : M '.'ti.'l
The Wonder of ths Ace !
11011 li
a PVVIs- (l ! :s.i!I U.tslMM, yiuiiim.
gtmr.itit.-i d t. do atiy or-liuary w usio: -j
in one boor's lime and w itli .".o p. r re;.t.
less injury to cl. tin s than ov tt-e o,.i u r , A.
County rights f. r sa.e in il.e Suite ol I'. :io
sylvama, ni..l a!-ii M;u ii;nes U r sale n. .e
sale and Retail bv M-ssr,.
l'l.OW M N A- M BniDH.
79tm3 13 o.Thn.l M. l'bii.iiie'; Lin
Ill I'll i!0 OF II.HHIT.
l.t Cla-i 4 i-rut- T ,-r 1 U I niiij.
.1 at. 4 I !'
I 41 ti .io 17 tl tin
Sleeial .-J .lo .!.
I M heal, Itje at.,1 Corn, 1 cint.- j'er Lufvl.
Pbilad. lienol with
Vtrrf, llurrf .V Freed, Sll Matliet Pt.
Thankful for the liberal patronage t:iven rs
we hope by strict attention io business lo
merit a cuntinuance ol ibe same.
For further inrorma'i.-n apply lo
l v7!5 C R M 'GIN I. V. A j-nl. Lewisburg
JERSONS .shipping Good to Philad. will
I rleae be particular ai.il
: . , , , - .
Mark them m care of Peiphcr's Line ;
otherwise, ihey will be re shipped at Hatri:
burg, which will be attended uith ..elav.
May b, ls.-9. THUS. Mill HER.
I'Jl'RE and No. 1 Ground Per per.
Ginger, Cinnamon, Allspice, Cloves.
American and English .Mustard.
Cayenne Pepper, Nutmegs, M.ice.
Sup. Carh. Soda, Saitpette, fa let at us.
Caraway and t t.riamler Seed.
Sal Soda, Itubgo.
Ashton liairy and (.'round Salt. Ae..
For Srile at the Eagle Mil's N... "11 and
! 116 North Front streei. confer of New. Phil
adelphia. llOU AlU) WORRELL.
I tr Purchasers will find it greatly to their
interest bolh in quality and price to buy these
goods, whit h are wananted as repr. st ntej.or
' forleited.
trial is solicited. Till;!
Taper, rriiitt. i-k' ( aid, aud l'n-
No. 4U.3, t'oniniene St., rbiladt lihia.
tlfCash bnyers will hnd il for their inteies!
to call.- Pbilad, Jan 1, 1 "! y
I.LYIIS I' ll. Ml It.
1 TvCiniVl T ami l-.I III)!'!!.
il ..it .st in;.
' I
d Office in ihe I'nivei- tv li til lu s
I. V. .:,,,.
' . . -ot. i..t.str
. . o'li'i.ti -i evtri. t
I H.lii r
t r. p- . r u
' I'-! li. , ...
i' v.l
1 'y ' . !..,
' . . ol tl. ;t nut
: t j
:! .-; tl.:.
I ' o.r.
' o- ! b. lotmil
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' M . t l
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I i . v. ,i..lu
.. i i.' i..n br
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I. ::. -dy
o.i: tiitt
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.i -e :t
-- v.-.:i t-.u
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a .tt live
1. Ivp tl.e
: ! t tl .
' ... I'l
. :.. : iv uf
: the
.-. Hi:t
I .v 4 Uy
tv ih-.'j
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..r-v .sr.Iia,
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l.y- t
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tu i!..i.liv;., v.u
. ' - v
.r . ( . a v e: a to.
I iV. I I . M A'---.
Tl ii r, V I -U'e ; -.t Lotiita for J3.
Avcr's C'hcrry Pectoral,
. . ... e . :. . r ... ... - . r (Vr. .,f
, v . . . . .i ' :...:!. .t
. . . ..-e
; .'.::''- L.t :r 'h-u
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, . - . : , .,, t hp'r. i ft
. . :.. i. .... a . fnx -tcu I ui.- u tii
Aycr's d:th:irdc Pills,
i o:t cj:.e op
r -. .7 ! i-iT. Lttli?'$tt'on,
I . j' . ,. . (4.. i-.'l...l.C,
i . s, . . ; ; . . M.4t,
J , r ( , ' ', in i , 'k':mn ad
. ; i , . . i- . , - J A-"tu . ' tt
.--r I .: ,:. : i r th.- ii-'- u.i.
'I j '.-'1. T'.: : !- f li i'-t '!.-
t' . ,i t :.i ' " ' Ii'" v '' 11
. : ,l.i. ' ui.u lut ILc L'li i k.--t.a
T.;cj ce-.tj p:r re- 1 fcxej for CICO.
foin! Vr-. '"CI- r.:-. mfn.Tllvsieat -.?I.t'-
,:: ..-oi s. I..- l-:ti-.ir
i .!..-. i it.. r. ;:;.,!.-. ' . - -t--o
h.lcvtli ' ' '-e
i . ..; ..: '': - ts i- - v.-"- : '
l.;.i - .. ,r A:' Mt N A 1 M s v i v i.i 1
! . I.
... tit IU
; I !.. ?.
I..,-.-I. -i
All ,..-r !':' f r 'r
f , .-..I'd I v C W s, h it 'eand FS Cardw'l
Lev. .-' ii g ; I' l R. .li-ii. New Berlin ; J I
t.-i ?.!:i;iu,l uii: ; an.l all Lliuiists L!vr
V I it il 1 I it i'l I . i:. or
L c..i:.j..tur,i Extract i-t'Jui;lanslU'.;ia,
t- r. . i-'- tt' -1 t rt't'inr- of tula r.ii ''.! r e
,i I U t- Lm r. h t.! .h L t I ::
J.,it ' . .-. I : - j . IT i 1 L.::-. i n to- hlIi.1 i 3
i!:u; 1 I iinp-il t . iim;:u In ti. "N - i..;
t i . ' ; ;it. : It.: t ; v 1.1 1 Iii.it 1 - to. d'o-Il I1 " ""
k It - !" -I l-i. 1't.z NirMsAM "-
I I r. i .-. r. .i - .-i i K... ut- : I '..-.. '.-. 1
..u ,.r 1 1 . . . r l. i. . - !-. M t it- .!..? . itifi '- '
I : !-... i..i t V .t. r- I i.tj :i. i
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