Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, December 09, 1859, Image 3

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S ,!' ;FZll't "V Wti.SKMiAY. S uule slavery cuu- Uvval linpronenu-n!. I .15 pays for a Course of Instruction ai llie j FtUS.. -Fur?... Fancy FlIFS ! ' (f ;i (-.-1 f 1 Ttri '!i (furh I NEW Fi3i1 AftiD KEW E&ODS.
MA U Iff, -. U,u,dbvthelVm,ccy On ,he first of January. 1H60. OleWs ' In C.ty Collie of FiWtatvh. I' Voir , . FIX B assortment of Fancy For, is no ; M''-'1" 1 1Vlt, ,.r -, ,
, ,!,,.,,. tw, n t-i u- i iui.icr.tey. j. . , , ,,. , iuuats at this Institution are Riiaran- f , . , wlimrt Manuf- : i W Mt.ttroTtn.fr. fc 4 111. . IMkkl,
FlMIUY MoP.MM:, I!. .. IS.,'.-. ,wwt.SUvery J. ,r.r , g1lp ! IW.i. -U.D.. an... wi.lcnin- (mM1? ,n. book, of any ' V'.h.n h iver ?ren -rl : .'W'ohave te.-tnl the merits of a Ilavin formed . Prr-hip. , lkr t;d
c mtrst b 'twe. n ameinbcrof Yir-mi:, and ! M SeCr'"1 v"ln""" '" " tnmtl ncu' business concern ami qualified t. earn from ,,,. cu.llrv-' hnii ar, respectfully invit.d N.h ,,,ie... t m.r , mir. .sti.iv-.r-i.. ., d .re stnnd r Ksi. & J.u. Brown, Mukd 6i.aboe
XZ''M one from Ten....... . ! Ill . . shape, with-a bcauiilul new head.nK. and jjcr.oo to $1(100 per year. I to call and examine the qnalu v. ua.rn,; l . h ..,... ir m It. .tck I. o. 4th, Lewishur.s
.v. ",cf""n i emu-.,., second uu was : wiIh new tvpe . in everv,i,ing about it , - -r i jtw.uiBsox.Asf. i ,..,. .m ..-... .-... r-: kb :.,.,- a i,w ar-t
"''"'"'' -"",-" taken for ..eakfr. will be new from top to toe. The Paper will , The Wcatbcr, darin? h P . ,.,r..i to r..n, ii.,..rP,tr iV f'!l aifil HITIIt f.r.ot's,
K ,'
j j- Sec li!u'iispi:ii'u!s, '
yCoui"t eoiniiieiiei s iu 8113 il.-r cunty,
text week. In Union c 'tiii'y, we.k alter
next. ct"Tbo New Year will snou Le on
form of eight Pagea to sixteen pages i it trill warm , e.tren.ely cobl. Satt.rday. lh .her- V OTIC 15 is hereby that .-fer, - . ; uto i'-i ludtoZa 1 Yrs lldlitaV'Lh
be a mammoth weekly of 6f.ee., hundred mooter stood IU decree, below free,,,,,.. A TeMamrntary cn the e,ta of . ,na.. , i . . and Broa l.,..cr..S Lt.d.Lgs fch.r-
"V, Jiruau, ia,e o. ........... ,..,,.,., f r '. r . .
(iiliii.r, do
Jl.eoek. AJm. 88
Fcatterir.?, 11 : fn,,3te inches, and u ill contain nearly double ., Sunday, it a?ain chanst-1 to warm.
.Ir. M.,,uiau iacxi U vots of clcotluD
1 .till tltlt .1 S In:. 1 r Aon
u ( .. . tne U.111K, Keeps 1 nut i.um v...- ; - 1 - ,
1 ntor l rtUt liavp hi en eneaeed for it. .k ... m.,..'. J, .1 v..men heaev l!ooi and immediate payment and lhoe havins ca.ms I
J-wiT-h. a sin of lames Vanhorn. aw.l ... - . . . . v L.. .. ' i ... ..,-. ..nii.-'r a-, ii.it. nt wi'l nrrsent then. pr..p-rl anthentirate.l for -L
1 ' . c ano in1 most iioera, arra, "fiorriN o.ivc ocf 11 .iir,j;iMsuHni i.n... - . 'r.i,,t.
. . .. ... 1 - ... ..in f..i.-p, I I see. . Bcnnunw.
IC'I, sueil us will ruai'ic ..n . itauu - -
f.-rinre niches, an I will contain nearly itouu.e i)i "- ,..,, ,n- ,w,H,i hare been enut-I t v t' " ........
, " s!n, hy. slippery, icy.and well, V"ti all know conntt , iiece.ise.1. hare feen aot-1 1 v 1..-
the qnanttty ol rca.ltng matter and illustra- -;( ,0V a0 lb, 0. Marsh, ngh. opposue Usiwr l L'anphmeoui.ty to fie tn!.W,-r. V . ' XV ii TTK V," I
i t.ons that it .... has. A host id'new conlrih- lhe Billllf kl.ep a line rIim:Ic ot liuu, Over- Ail persons indebted to ta.d estate will make - ' '
1 utors an I artists have been e8paRed for it, vhlH Men and Women's heavy Uoots and immediate payment and lhoe havms churns I, i)U fU.il l-V
Laui, and lt,n who wish our r.F-r next tl,.w,t w ami lll(.0 (a was drowuci !" II Z
,i ..1 f...,t ...... 1 : .: - .. . compn
J "'" " " " ". a :"' ' " 1 i,x,n"-i ou I,u! ult- to produce by far the finest ULinraiTMi
to send" or Ir.ug it. tV.e pay. 'O to pet water-, as it is suj-po- , ,u,.MXAt .... . ...t.iished.
,., the ehi.d fellui'oth-sjri.;-, and was: tllrnrUM Bs.
great iiiiprnvcnienis, and aildiUonal expTii-e J
Le;sl.ir, Dec 2, 1--VJ.
. t-.... s . .1 . " ... T.,.ri.l slyes. po-.es.
nTTi-tnn Tl r n f If n e I.' , 1 I I 1 j .
UilXjli xiuiuukf. Tiil.tf i'i.t;n.t r.i.A.. t ioi ttiiu.Mi nt ir.iunui i-f.V .' .r sale by
i I' t T IT ni'l' ii !, '-. i,ch as ni i.es. rha' :ie. J.sn rs,
il.Ai. i laULli ains. l:ar f -s.S.lk.s t; nhi ni-hawl Ae.
A:-o a;: ki:,.N ot -..t:. e-. I.n 1 1 1 e. Hard
rjUMBBHUN rt'Vi". ware, (.Via'teair, areas aiol tila.-mare
f:.t. ;i:r, lohseeo.
NAILS. A.o a:, fc.iid t.f liritli for bnildiag pnr-
Irc.)nutnera o. g-w, wi.t no wen to drown, d beforn its situation wasdi;ce,vtrcJ.
i. i. . .t..: . . ... . i c. ... r.. ,
lOLft l ..o ..: ,.e.4- (V.Mm.liP ,..,,; .!. V..II... ............... ...... c. l i I , l:,r-e n-sorl n.ent of IK.. I O I M C... ! . V u. .
Will put oat thetr light. be that t!..y rj Cn,pv, uf Lewisburg, paraded so very cheap that certainly none can f.-rego pun, and fancy Casts, I am prepared to tike i jO Jl tlilll OiluL .UdliuklL 101 J ) P .J.V' . ., ; vA-km in i-i. VV'I' V'J f (2''JVf R iJf'
arc tea Jy for cold we..t her. ilirou-l. our principal streets h martial the pleasure ..f its weekly visit. Terms, s a Pictures at reduced piiees, f..r the Holidays. a.j mot respecifnllv solicit the patronasc 'f -' " , UM J SliiV Sil-iU 3 iiiUit
iini-i" -md torch li-htstheir r ., f'ar' AAV IMH.:t-D Chestnut St, 1'U.ladel.. All wishini any kind of Pictures can save ,.,.,,,.,., i.rill, hy a strict aticnl.on to 1 L I U U I .'.. ('..111! I V f life II. I- j . 0.lf.,.c.,l oti'i..-;!o tlir-'Mvirre
BrVWe observe that Virl M. I!:...l- ;', . I 1 . r? . - ,i 11 V" V ph.a, Wholesale Aaenl money by uilin them soon. ..,e,s to non, a sl,.e of .he trade. lam J O UvJU ..,.,.,,.. sa. ., .V... , tt.-. .,. . ifpl , X
What surprises us, is that, with all ll.ese at MtlWrV S SKV-J.iSlli (jallCn, T il.WB now i.pene 1 at my Tannery, (for-
eat improveinents, and additional etpene 1 w !IKIVr street. I.ewisl.ur?. H.ivin
).i Monday crct,in; last, tlio Valiant to the i'uldilo r. the price for lSikl will be . 1 iu,t received a laree a-sorniient of I )r
uierly H.W. Pries') in l.ewisbu J, a
1!I.1MHX!:I !; b':.
(;f uil liit.J tuLeu in xcw?m 4tr 1io i.
.Mir!T, Oct 20, ll.'il
ing, otic of the 1. wl.il.nr University alum
Hock Island county, Illinois.
ISSrKcv. A. A. Wii.i.it, .;f I'l.ilad .,
is ii. lite line. After the rouuds o!
tin- town, and imbibing a c ,u.-i leralile ot i Pec. 5. The special New Orleans cor-
ni, is elee'ed SJ,..1 Coiuiui:oucr fr '-laoIe fool" whiskey, some of them be-' respondent of the Courier s'ates that the
cum; a little noisy and were disposed to reports from .S L-mi.-iana jilatitations
be fatitiy. We iii; to see our L 'wisl.ur sbow a d. lieit of 17,000 ho". lieadsof sugar.
iH-i in Mill,... I.nr p ......I .......I m sr.. l... i : l ... .: I. ..1 M - : atl
... , .. ... ..... u... L .u.. ..... . . r i.it'eKi.iii.j'o I u I uru oei ... . i .
wuldeiivcra L etur- in lad pendrtii II... I, ' tlo ir conduct when it discrfcs it. Mil- Gu.hrie iu tho org.n zatiou ol the Ken- iiiir-.
on I-nuaj cveiiiiio, 1'. e. l'. rrulject : f''. ' tucky Li "islaturc. ; Ifcti
"Mental It.Mt..-ia." Tickets for fcale at A da'i'-liter of J din S. M.rtz, of Milton, ai,. lto.-o.L-. the Demncratie candidate i a"''
.. , . rt. near mr-etio.r wi.ll It floriotm aei-i lent ' f t, 1. ;.. t ... ..f 11... t... , C.illdl.C
the usual places. : " ----- -7 't peci, is ; " OBe
- r " "tm: i":. 1,1 n-oimi, i,.r I rsiociit. Lewi-bur" Dec. 9
v v..,. v..'. .-...it., si t... ,.r 11... I t.;..i, .1 . :..i...- " 1
tie Ned Iiantline ..perswasu'i:," promises "..! exploded and set her on lire, but as- tTTftV-Vl 2Ttt I MUSICAL ITCSTRUCTIOH !
.N. B. I irtiires taken in clotMy we.-.tner .......,,.; ,,,,1 l;, M f..r
tin- U.'t AriH-'eftr lie hint Jfjniy,
'iv: 5,000 :;e!r;;i't 10
,.,u i,. , 1. .v,:. ,1.1s i.:.., .i . IIui,.-c, in the Loom latcl
tc!y .
(oviijiR'.J ly A. r-iiigcr.
aU!P'''.e v;'.U Udsrern work in piiees, and
lurni-h a better ariiele. Ii. fact, I am del-r-
out with but little damage. ; tl wcre a M,ecies of potato rot in the human ! I I,
Tin. Ii .,.;....iu nf h.ninmtrr ominti constitntion. w hir.h undermines and corrupts p. ace, where he lias been well known as a and Manul'acturius ad led.
have declared fir Jacob 1'ry for "overuor. ' a" lhe &"Urces of us vitality and ha-iens us ; Teacher, lie always his given satisfaction Thoe vho try me will find this no humbii?,
t .1 " J. i
-.--...., .r. . . ... f. 1. 1 bcitli lor style atol .luralMlity, as il.e u:aieriat p., 1.;.. r.. I.- ! I c i.la a:.u ti.:.j'.t IC da.nti lu.lbl Ul
N , feLfwbu-," VrX. ha, T. except the Morocco, lrli l.t.t t..t ' ; A FALL & WINTER CLOTH-
1 ders of the Lewisburg l.ri.la.. ( .... mat i,.,.,.i, , ,, i. .1. i i,,... nmeure i ' - - - i m n ., as n-.-ne. . n . ..-
Kleetion will be held a! the oiliee cl W il- ,,... Ta,...re.ai,.l , W :,.essl!nT.. H ..r .,i. ." ...
I'....... F.n i.. tl.. It..r.."li i.t "' 1 ' . l f. A l I. I. ... . . . ' "
...s,,., ., . ...s n M,.ck worked 111 u.y slo p, insured ana war- - - tern ; an r. 1 antab ons an i e-t o. sun. Also-
01, Monday, the 2d day of January, ' : I - T"ti l'.JMvt. I'.-erlr.-r r t . I, v: . .. r. .1. , l..,..,.- u
.1, for the purpose of eleclMg one P.esl.i . ..... ' ., wh. ,.,sir- :. -.,n jO. 'i:A - P ' Drawers. M.irt'.. Ae. .,. r.n.
, six Managers. Treasurer and tie. If to u , on f(,r lneaMires ltoe.r residences 1 ; ''"'';.').. ' of liPT. n,,nS t,f ,l.c Ta-est ,vlet.. Also.
luci the concerns ..I said t.ompmv lor j.-ni. near the h..o. bv Mr. - . - .-i. . . i.,7.Va..d r.ii'A eoual t. sir ..:ir.l .k..
year. WILUAM CAMBKOX. ."r,.Z '' ' ' t -A 1 J b.b- 5 . A.- : c , v. . , :f. , . , "
ireMlU'Iit. ..... . ... t- . .i. t ... 1 " ! t-i-t ' I sr.; i-.i r-i k.i. -! i t nua..j . .r,.. ,',
A i l.tlltrtt Wire Krl I r nurt uiu i i-.ni w ,;,.,, .,. r. l-"i u it rk. i m uic :.iir i -. i-n in " n nica 1 Lllrr St
"a .-darti. Ieof ut Hv-f n at .'-'1 ra p.-r
t tl A V I.I l'!.t I ii
US au "cxcliarijrc u we will u-Hortise it to ' " " -v "- t - v , uluiai!iet i:.a; altl ct maukiml. i h(-y are as ri liii- uisrnier nnorms ine c.nzrn m mitn"i t. s- i. :t u r ij.au any cuinpeuuir. ..v y i im - r i rorprri ( 'nT' !!" r'
. .. - fi'lt ft lth tfUt lift iliniuff. ! . r ...... ),. hinnnii ' I I -,...-,..,., iV, ,t l,. riwuirn-.! t. thi ,.t ; .. i. i . . f th' II i (-.sii mires I '"I" i IM. . I'M r t -1 . . 1 -
tbe amount of ?is u.cap at i Pvr . y''::rvrr"z""y.:z: ' "Lr:""'': -k,: . t. . j , .:J, v.-..i, -....o.
cent of that sum 1
very suia.l ndvzr,i e I. r ens..
r?"A'I ktrds , f, nnrv Proituce lakrn in)
a. ............ I 1.., .1- f 1 ..I ... A.
.o l ' s. i.riM.uif. or., itj
n . tiler r.w I
j -i.L... .. e . ...i...... ! ... ..... :i. ....i .I..... ..... ,i..i.i l... -'...ii i ..... ,.r il...... u ki v..!. . M ( i t'. i I I t
. -sa-'i v l c i- oeca v. i dry air iii..-oii.i..iii ...t.i.',..i.s- , ... .... p.. pi..., a.... ..--i - uunnrtnj ... .... ............ .. -l .i.,n. . . - ... . - .
Rapine .e...Mutau l.tter.r;, . octety II in. Kli S if r. at the reiiuest of fiieiids (.....'.imoiion. Kiieuir.atism. Heart Ilisease. able to do so to thue who will favor linn :lh to the value .1 liieir money. O -tr: .!,.. ;t.; r
of the I nion fcetnitiary bold an l'.shibt- aud le'atives has b. vu apnoitiled Admiu- I.iver Complaints, and Eruptive Diseases their p..tronase. i 1 do n. t deem it important to quote price--,
.ion. next .s!..r,b. ,... ;.. Il n lil.l, istnt.ir ..f ti e r.L.i.. ..f .1 ,,!,(): r. l!. l.-. i... i w.H r-o..,.. . .. ... t...! ...4 II is Tel ins are from this day on. for one as sj,.-s a,. I -i.-.o!, dill, r mai.'tiaoy.
New llerlin. The exeicis.s consist of fellow, deed,
l'oenii, Addresses, Oration?, Song and A lar" amount
Music all orioiiial. ' :'0-- and SiOOs on th
ph. a, have been put
IsyCbarlcs . 1 eale has been elected :IU 1 jSnutli, and $1")
Cashier of the ?hatu..kin 11 nk. A friend Hat. k, in l'hilad.. tho
in that region says that umler the present discovered. Lv
organization their 1. ink is solvetit,ai.d the Nnue days ago, a mm on the railroail We do not Chink a prison can evince a ; r.mrr .v..r r.-f '. Jfr. o-r.-i 6 . .. ! (JaMnet and Ch5ir Ware-Room,
coal-trade is bri"'iteniii". We trust their at Mt. Cai ui.-l was killed while rutin inj: a more Lri.evoirtit trait ol character ihan beinj ' l.ewishors, I fee. B, lS. ' AND
naiiii-ear, i ue ertitiK siriuinir rim on in.1 ".". . .s ........... , ... ,
. , " . - . . . . , New Arrac-eraents-.-Kevv Coods !
I",;,.:, V,.:, loSKPil L I.W.N tavin-x taken tbe
, HAM. ....... - I ..V , ,r., k,;.
n ff.Cl: II .VI STOkE, has
rtVpt-pji VOT CY I! !"!.-! r. i.'ti. i ;., ati'j i.i.eii iu an extensive variety of
"in.:: Wl.rre.l,ereare,wor,n,repu- PA IIM EIW hay p., lodes .d.srs, of .may . J, , .,, m.x- J.',,.,, Cj,, Cu:t'. m.n, CU.,1,!, dr.
rrrrt..ttw,m..r....rr ..t .i ..-.u.'i. r. 1...1 1. pits ii. one house. lor 81 lessons. t,,t it anadvai.tavei.. brtns thrm to tne aid. .,.,, ...... .. . h -.vi.k-i.is i m.-s. vu , at;i, . "
nf exact cnunterfeit ' .iv. u...t .... ,..,. ..... u...--.r la...... ......n. .!...... Those desinois ol :akiti instruction who u, u ,...re .-iH be made to then on h..b - --- - , ... , i AsM.V .K!. Ac' whxh l-e ! m'h,li
, I . . . L . . f It.:l . l , - I - i . i . Have no 1'iano, can tie aecotiiin. oate.i in lane .p i; hr I'uce n,r ill.ti'S in ca.ii u. . . .L l. au . o not i , - -- -
e I ink ot 1 hlla.lel- r. a i-r-. .., . i... ir, in r.t. i. h ...i-.rT.-r i will a., l.itlrt ' ' . .. . . . . .';''....: i.r.or. as he still continues lhe I a ih.ru, e Husi-
i0 .at at tbe West J 1 '" - , -to' '." '"' ' ieson au.t praence ai nis rrsi.it...... ....i, ami .-noes. : - ,.e.s. e is prenared I.. ,f0-, ...
an 'ai at mo llul . , . , .. ,, . 1. , If. k l. . oineru.r new 5 iH-l.nye Piano ' l,.r e nl n! lirres.oll aCCom- .. ... . ... . 1 ' .'" ",r" r a.iworir
,(Hit) were taken bv v.. ,.,.,, a...-. s . --o-o,,, , ,. u .;.-.,.:, ;..-: f , hp!1,.,:, ',,.,,. ,, ,,, , ,,:.,..nt a.ML.- terms and a: low Pnees. A I. I A LI .-Al.l. c,,t,utr i to b.s care, to the satislacuoa ot the
day the fiaud Was , ' 'r?4'i!',u,"!',"i,., .mo. i..i'.iV. .io,o.. .v. i.' ' lone and elastic loach, at a reasonable puce. E. i. lll'I.!.. fi K r'Kl..(.' round A. Hill, lar-..fili . .. ..,. id-
. --- -s.--- Please call and see. i Lewisbursr. X..v. 7. Is.V) IJ u..ut,.,.-,,.t....i. , -'- --,"; " 'u """',',""
RPMVPlIMr. enmtr. v! Kr'l , ,n-..-m-t tN b '.r'er. I.ee. isburL', rnl in. 157
Liglicst anticipations may be rcalir.d.
and fiiiiherinore anxious to do all in their J-() SALE Oil EX.'H .ViE.
i i . ... i t i : ... i .
.... 1 .-n-r to Itn ( t.y pv. rv p-Mli.e numni; fin- , , -y n 1 ...... .. v ... . - s,
fThe allfgeJ Itittor from LfWlsVur.' the track, vuvn ha was run uv-r ( tlic t. n,.rf. i u.n- ..t u,V . we .iu n..t ku. t,..w I A Si;(t)!) I! AMI I!l u a i most re.p'ctfd:' mirr-u the cii:z-:s
to Gov. Wise, is vari.iu-ly accounted U. '. ", J received such injuries tint death i V, T,,;.'K W-VS"X f'"; 'o'" ''""S '"" and surroiind,.., cumiv th,t
T. ,,, , , , M. . . , ensued. Pwo u.eu working 111 the lllllies tar .l.ru!. . ..I ib.. ..a-.... I.. 4 ... .r.,a.- "' ) wv...... . . " n- ,i.,s oil u.l. I OT s.i lie: .d. . .. o. . .. ... y-
. v.. ..... nesr that rdaee also had their le-s crushed ':" ' .. ' ., ! ..7.7: c neaped .-sort.. o a ......... u r . ,
was .11 a lioax. 1 ne Anbury f;:e if ty a fjl, uf slaI(.. We have no, learn- H 11 Alii) i 1)1 KS OU 1 DOM ySJ ?'
attributes it to some I mvorsity stu-l-nt. c,l the names of any of these uuf.TluuaU. i-r,.n Uli t .:,. ..?.. -n . Au.....l-t , - sr. -:.-!-. J-.r - r r IV
r F, ke)i.i .oiist.int ftipvlv (if.Yo-- .
M i.
81000 Itacc
,cr H Li-: '-V:.' at 1 1- i r : a' I' i.-,;- r : ur
I ' r ! s ' M' 1 I It 1
"PO c me of, ,n-t spterrl.fr.
J cr a.,tr. ri.re.n Fltra Teir.pli
The .4ryus and the Time ball way p k- Smtliury Unz'lte
win. !..- I..-H H.ru.;ti.-i.l iv ...tr.-l. ll.i-I.I I.i- nll'.n . !
I... ... li ot ,1.-l.oi ... o, J ....... II. ti.ii.l ... tlu.tl-.ia...
JOt I V V 4 I.I.N & O.
... ... n-l.il,. tl. f , r.n. r is -lire i 1 n ,s c . . u 1 . Cl 'it 1- A,.,.: l . .1. P. .-. I..-. t .lint I'-ii.t. .-..i. . ...o.iy, i... TAVE just received (in addition to their Pot, 1 1, n i H' . . i
while the loriiur is sure it was tn hstorday week lat, SIiTifr A an- , , ,r . . r. ul.,uV. H aree t..ck) a Ire'h s.,;-,-.v -f ;.!.. st... tV.i.is- Va-.,...t
Some ''friend and correspond, nt of ours, dykes.ld real estate, leKmeiug to M:.j. ri....u '''j. ' ; "'I''l .I A' ' IS I Kit Kotilis, n ! .'.-; M.f d-of al. k.til-.
Now these are all Petnocratic pipers If-w-irt, cf Siiabury, to the amount of .".!i ...Li. h: ... -at.-iy .--r -o.,n n m .I... ...ij-.tnn- pertfully to inform the l.: lies a.,.- ;.-i.'i..,n i Hair. 'h. r.. I
... ...-li.it
. a ...i.ki.1 s
all tirofess to have knowledge' of the writer v'otJ-'O.
of that letter. We have not. We I.-ru w
Inn. I, desires to thank the I.i. lies ol tbe ,
!. . r....-, ,. . .11. .... ol .Mai II, 11... rl, 11.- I.I HOrv ir. 'I-.,..,. r,.rl,. ,1... I 1. . ,. f P ' Si IT ' . . .F ,
II. .1MI I..UI.1. IH'll lll.OI or ..!iliO.. IO..I I.:,- I.O . . . . , ; . .. , , . . , . . , ,. , ... . - - . 11 . .. , . .... , --l
ii -1 . f .1 -.ft. n . . ii . i. . .1 ii u .... Ill aiivnini. ill in... . I i.e. 01 1 1 .1 .. s. ,e, 0 ...ji ..-1. .-11. . 1. . 11.0 1 ... . 00 --.. ...
1 he IVtaident of the .diltnn Cornet 1--1 ! .i, ...i.......ia;.. i"; ,, -. - 1 t ,., ,
.thin. .h.H.. of il ...;! ... It i.. '"o'i "i s. re, 10 ....... o. ...e ......,es o. ,oe , ., ..,, ... , ,r .,,r. .. r..- ,.;U i.u. o ; .... .....ff. an 1 Utile ,.! eyerytlmu la I urn.ture line.
,,,, ?.: ,r, V . Tien , -i Iv t r ('1,("r- """"gh ,be M'" "" ZZ " ' .t. m"' , f IU. 7:..;; M.i t,.Fr,.hM-' Met lllic Cl.-"s .111 I Wrodcn-f IHlls eilher
tbe lia.limore .. 1 he most uk-Iy pre-. f,,r kindly remembering them, by sending ...n.,:, ... . . .. , .... ... mil. ... fr n i. i..--.,n -. .-. i.-h-..-.. . ..... i -. t,. ..... ..... on Inn I , r ma ' ,.. . 1 r. at.d PL-NLRAI.S
sumption is, that it was pot up by some ,, ,, K;e on Satuiday evening last, .'.'k'!'''.''. sk"-A''""i;ro. V:,V. n "-. . T' ' iJ t"W ' " '" ' l-..mr: as u i...l.
Democrat, to injure the Kepublicau, and Wc rP;:,et , ,carn tLc death of A... L,:;,'; -?Jt W' h"" ' i,JJ""a ,--!Tpu:J.:.r!:ZZ-. ' "f "'l ' ", ."'"- 'Vm ,' h
Lewisbunr. f As to the mvtl.v "Captain." Ml'rl.,l K- . f l'i,ii.,.l,..,i..... - . K,., Ki, , ,, V-. " J'L'.? J''. . L' ". v
, v 111 ., , Vi'il.l Ihorrv kin.ls K i.i.roi n-s, mil I. ui lic j-Is . ( . u.- I ! s u . u ; l.el o K N I Tl U ...c , . , ,. i . , I
in whose name sonieb .J v dr.l.t.eil i.s an ,, V, ,h,y the IStl. u:t . whi ,. on a vi.t. I'f. Vl Is'.llf b.llMllll 01 lilt t fll'm. -c,.,i. - I'.,.,- n .....1 ii , ,,i i;,,: ,. .s .. " ff"t a mn :! Mt pn . Iro-ii
- j ... - ...... -
tn invmous note to soot he the nerves ol to bis brother at the coiiierv of Shepherd w h. r. .!...ai-o.. 1 r. pini....! I. k.i.in. i i .:t...-1 l.ir l!i I'cnl Irmon. i h an 1 or Tari.e.! or S....td to ur-ler, u.i'.rei.i . .
Borne who took the tin led p .rt iu ear- lv- M'Farlaud, near Mt. Cirinel. lie had ., "1 .''J. n-' -'.". .v,.rt,o-. t.n-mi. .1..' t-t sni i....-.-
nest,wedid not know the l,-.,,.It,!ln!;.l.Bt 1, tt bors-bavk at unon. The Lore re- I - ' " ;V 'r.:;'- 1 Vi.i-- 1 .....'..i'.o.I. ..'. ..i-".-.....'...!?.:
eupposin" he mo'i' p i-sibly I.e the autiiir turuin.' in the eveniti" without, a rider, ' ..i-'i-r.-;:.:,.... 1 i -, .i ... n.- .0-! sna.!.. ii...jn...j.. ri .ti.,i..-, 11 ... ...i i.t ji u :V Clo'ttp.-r ihin Ever lerllraly l'ay...j.:
-m n' In ., 1. ..in.- t- si'.-dini pa. ...I..-.
Purtouiie to order, llepau'ri a- u-u.;l.
in rnien
e and Lhe
r .1 I., n-- Is'nn 1.
1'i.t. lt'",,rra. 1 seen a V-'-er rsei. n..
I?V, T!vf. O.it-i p.i .1 p!1 r'p.iI- o!' :.... on Third street in le-w:-ljr.
...tnritt. on t sr. '. J't'i, An wl,;it was 0
'"t-':il-J .. I' '- S-r-..-:r.-;ie the IV-tr-'e n'la-rhri-ir-
1 I- I I.I. a i rllio -,t l::V I. ;)(?, i.ew b eirrv (f.m he...! to lut.
il I " - tt I ' ' ! m l. VtT..,.,. J..:i .u'h w cl..' !
I' I. O ! '. In! v -a. n't there a r.a'eCo.r,
: Pant-no 1 Vest t r 'l ? .hi' tli e u.ts li.w..
t! to s.1.1 ' an' c. u.:a l.at - Ok if . a' !'.. i.i
?'-" l:l'a- h::-:.n.ye m : 1 : carpets tr.-m U
' '-ri.t- ayar't si, r, l,,JU,,rs ,
.'-ocii.ts i,ni 3:i- t. i .T,, r,,s. , -tja...,! pan;,
ar,. i l a-sin:, u s. Pier eh Cl. :h. fiiensda'r...
aid a poner .-'..tber c. .! f.r j.-t
ai ' in .hi; il." i r..-t. 1 r.rili.' ;i.e iii'i.npi,rll.u
.' .'' I route that's hat the;- rail die t rjno
.i.'i l no' li-.e ; And. t. .'. unov, i: v. n
ant to help ionr-r r 10 a rh'ju to Z. A.
Z."s Ss.r.-. ai ..)-.. e i . sj :;, . ,,,
'. C Ml i, 1 ,1 vi e th- i-r,T !T!llle
i:ie i'.:r o,. .: il.. Pi ri:i- J. a . t n i.s .t n.lr
''' 1 ' " t-' t I - c t'l - ve. J II.H.I.iI
i LWAVS oti liuu .1.
J.Y. rn.tvttnr.i.tv rtrt i-j
lilll.S. Frosli it li.K I. it; ?s-
..II. p.. . -....u. A I
.:.-u I. -t - I. I I.OI I I.I.I l P.
a"ateil ci:ac!;;:::s.
I I.A ' t KM . PI... s
i'tia.il.!iil l.-r ne.irlv liiirv'vears ol Ir.urii i
t the nise canar.l, we c lied his note, . auJ cudeuilv ii.iurcd by a fall, search ... ..;...',,i,.i,.i..j.,,i.,n.... AI... all linds ,,f (;i:i CE!!I PS. II Cf). !
with our condemnation of the whole affair, was wide and the body of Mr. M'Farlaud, .:-!-.' .' : ;;': " ' """ wakk. tfrt:nK5VAiB, s.M.T, A AIL?, ' r1''"' p'....'i--e. I 'M"-'"''v a.k a r...:ni
r.'t... :.., ..l.. 1 , - . i ii . u-., .....i r. ..in. .on .!- inn., r .1 : 1 II .; .w.......)( I uaoee lit lhe same, al.u h- ti" I.. -e I' e I '.
lhat is all we kiow al) it ) bund in the road, llts r-nuins were ta- i .,,., .... t ... ii 1..-1 .wei ..... it,, .r i.i.e....i 1 tl. Ar. . .... ..... ......
. , .... .. , . . , , , , it.. 1 .. I'l.il i 1 1 l Mi- 1 1 V 1 1 1 li : . I 1.1..
1 ' Il...f.i,.l:.l -I..I. 1 ;,t...... n. .-.. , MAI,. A larce oil.illtity of .Sue
.. cu ... ar .rtor. ha-(.era ,v;, , ,,'.., ,...,
ti.'.'. . v. 1..' H tinur.- .!. ipeil.tV ol .
... t in 1 uri,l : ir-r...... :. ... w ... ....
I.L kii'ils l' S;'i'-i' !rlfl A Vi-1'-
. I J 'i ic.) f .lcrir-- I'i lilt " Li r f :t '-.
i t j. .i.i.. v urx u;,..! th-- f-ri.cr Lb a iiut it,r
.n'lLiiv.iix'a !
TJ-c-i-Thc Virrinia IjfL'i.-laturc n)-t on
Monday, when Gov. W:se sent in , fi.ry, Vbfei Trca-urcrof Ho u..
I.sni. l...o .n II.. .1... ll, I.I.- r ............. 3 f .MHWl
,n.l rrvtiin p. ptiTr "in
I to sir. niot.ttlS illililis.iIiUient ill the n .,.... ..1 ..... .. ; ; ,- i f,.p. - I.-,, in. Leti-nuin. r.- C....I. I'.lw U....1 ur.i In rwUl.se for ST 15 '-Hit i i.V.ii .! . II il f" II V
the letters about rcscuii,' llrown, wen- L.ncaster county Jail, lor procuring c--r- rV '" '" ":: . ' (:nsh paid f. r a'H in.'s of t;i: ! "I'ABiotS t-.m-t-ry !!...:.--
l,.v. .Vlr.-nt.. J- i., r,r..,. V I ......... si I . f' '""." ' ". ". " ' ' .' '";. "t ord-r. : d - i P . -1 e ' V a t e II 1 . !
ui'vavo. i ..... ...... u. . .i r ut- v i d I II lid III 1.3 V'J is I'l M1J I -.il V UVib Ul Ul 'JJJ 1 1 ; i - : t:i - f -" " ' .it n . . i- - i . i . n .. - - - ....
campromizing no more temp. .lUing with und-r ' false pretences." : ;;; '; ; ; ,,aJ, VZXm- FatUllt Pocket COIM DETECiTOit,
lie.-:. I
Cat ;
Fall Vii.itr (dio.
UlSh St iTuJ.a.V tf: t, U..U l Air!
!:,.. T..t,v t . -s i.'.v- P ... ! V'" '---tv d t:t. 1 rrci.fl a CIIOXK
e, Drtei-ne s ;. 1 , ,, s t 11 '-'''"t,' ..Its. !,i--l Mil.s f
f... k.,SK.is. , f p.,- C. :,
I ..in a. I'iee Ipiic. P ,iv. i j I
I.e. (1.1. .:: ..-.. Ca.-c I : .-.l I'n re!; Sf ... ...1 -. a V. ........ 1 1 .....
the Constittjtioii I" The South dcmai.ds Fine The dwellin; of George I.ellis, '''V.'..ii'ia.."'.'.'; :'.' i.i-o'r
hat the North shall in ;ko tli.tn s-eure. in M uncy township, about 4 miles from "' ', "t.',Z "
Tbe fanalie4 are iuereas'in- i the North. ll,,J Uorotigh, was dc-tiny.-d by tire on i.'. '..p. , ;:' "
l. 1 ;. .. l . .. . 'It., fi.. r ... ii s. -( (-'. "" '"
Tbe rcmainic? convic's will te ix-catf-d c..."B i.. . .... u..s...a.:u -,.,..,.., .
unless the Legislature or ler otb rwi-e,.l;v
aS" 0 do not believe any m in bi.t
I.' lPci'iso iiik A ; . 1 1 1 s kip- ok
rr l I ..... mi oi i: '? i.i:...
-tniOi.-.' 1. ... cure
... .. ..ir )t j. .,:,. t.T,!t n 1.. i, i.t ,., ;!., -
,.. ....( k,,. .r.. , y..
.ri vivc ii.i' V M'i'a-I T. r-h-t-n.'
I.. IVl.iii r A- .i' I.-u
I't-r-.-i!! K; :7 I i i ti i!.!t-
U'orl; in our l.iit v.;I '.'l'.t ;
I- r .1 .v ..-1. it,. t l'.f 'I'l.A fir nriirlt.-itoil
; .... i .... . - . I... 1 ... i ... i -.-i. i - -' '
111 .in tnj:iiiiu't nil. iJ ii.1 It lid i II til Ul l II j. !...'............- j - . v i sf - r- '
ai.v lire us.d f..r so.:.- t:...e. i.nd as tbe Molar's j! -hmii ." II'.'. .'..(.' ra-oui- i.r .- .w.
..-.-M.ls.. ... r,,l,l. .! .i::.il..r I ll .. nr.-l.rr.--.. itt'il iCll 1:11 i'.'.I.'s' t-lO".
O0V. Wise thinks he was r.o! et.ei.i.lv ..I the lire, of ah ul Nlot'. in i;oid and iil- . . , ,... ".'','.''.,.... ..-l:i. tr..... . It., f l-..-i . . i-:...r ... ......
honied. Hat if mercy may be shown to v. i, tin re is suspicion that it may have
Cook, whv cuuid it not have been slnnri " 11 ,,,t' w lk "f i'icri..lury. several
lirown ? " Why was it so anan- d thai - ' ',f "' af"r' U f U,"J
1( i ii i . , ' '' riiil .iril iiiciiiiu tit:tr w hirri' thi: htiU-t!
;lruwu suoul-j be Lu:i ou V tWJ tlaVb be- . i w i r .1 1 . t
J - t:ot i. c ut'iieve tlie i-nocij'il put ol
fore the Legislature m-t ? lr. ,lr,,iiUre was sav.d. Ikro was
a-In opposition to Dr. M ick'.- opinion !1 il""r;nc,! "u "e I ' I'1
civen in our last paper, we have re.-. iv,,l " U.utii-port, n .Saturday Light
lo. J..-'.' .b'., (V tUUJj
Je v 1. ls:'l m
p.,',.-,'- -. It ,',.1'. ( ., ... !!..
... .'.,. s..l r- - :., A-:.. . ,
til. a-e. U... tea P.. :-. Pu'.-.t '.in. . V. 1.::.
ihl.s'ae.l. and 1 ; 1 -. , , 1. , . .i p; ,
: ices. We is...,,,.. t,. , . -. .... . ; , : . .. , !t
.1 'iDli'KIIJ Blt'l S'!.MI. Al'.''.
1 -e. -rary P, r -.,1 L v t i: AM !. Ill.biA UUO'd.
- !" l.e-.v,.l ti '. An,:. - J, I-'.!.
' Fiiiuiiv Grocrrv Store.
T. G. EVANS & Co., I
I il l. a! ! i .i; ri t.i i .;s. l K. r;.r.tn!ar
a ei;.:i. ix ol .;.e La.!.. cil.'e i la ia,r Mvk
o'' 1,1 i
l.'-e-s SI L, .. . ,s
I -f" '. i'" efa-.t 1
I 1 :.rrtl':.;:u (.i:.r.
: L "
i -':: Ib.rrtins
P . f.r.N II',-..,
! ' h.i..-.
Al.SO :i..th. P:a.., and fatu I .... ,.,,
I J.a'i . Vw.t :., oV y,,. ; .,,i.
. I o ..ii e--. i .:.s i e.s. L. t :i and
S Jl:::. .ii.d C,
? w.r..wr... ......:,.... , :.,.t ,,y ',.:..'..':; .:'1';,:; 'r;:'; TT A i: mi,V arr3ir-.wnfsv.il! i:. : '"M-u fttt... -. i te,e :.cr :;i a c. a..f:u tf
Ii......,, ...I- .,,.,;, e, 1 o:r.., nvK ,, ,,. ; . ,, , ,. j ' ' ' i. . v. , n , I .........- I I . ., IM a IV. t j '.Lt I. .-'.T arO, ito .
, .t.i,i,.,;y ....... w ..t. ii .vi.. to. j pt..,tt....: .s, i.i i .... . ,.i,.s-i .,.. by the IU. an . H..0 I... a, earap as it can C; If A IX. I"!. t:J AM I' K !'! . n'l , " v 1. , h w,l' te -'i .r,.-e 1 .,1 on as lavor.
II ..'I,;;.-' Ii,, ,',-... i.'.-i..." las,',..',,, .', I".. - ..;;....-,,: be I., II. ,.t II. 1 1 ,a 1- ; h .... p J V ,,,,'!(. VI t.- S 1 ''"'"o asile-un.e ;,ni, ,., te oU.
v,r-w,..:,.-u..i..,,...i o. i. '.r.j., .!.,. .v..,.---, T' ....... i .. .-, ... : ei ..., U- . r.ev h.iee also j.t.i rece.ve.I a general as- ... , ., '''' i : ,- ' I a-.d ativwbcrc. .'.r-..' '
-t.l.,..rl,. I. re. .,,.,.., 1 II P. ll...-e .ll...:lsl ... . I.. .,. ..l u; .. ..It. -p.... So I .OKI. I o. 1 A I.. . I I . i .- , 1 i . I I . " K..n.l.
1- : ..... i- .-nr.-. . r: ii . . .t .
A l.'o..l in . n 1 1. i.t,. ... I.t. p
I" 1 tie un.Ft .Ill.u .(.ui.
!a-t. between nine and ten o'clock, a fiht
tool: place in a l ier bei r saloon, on l'me
6everal testimonials, from ino.-t re.-e
60urces, in favor of the worthiness, nf Fath
er Cbiniiiny's people staling that they ,,.,.. ,j jj i(,gitls flom j;i:flira, X. V.,
are several buudred in number, who are ati I a man uau.id Thi s. Laird; during
suffering much and that ui'k:u of the op which Higgins was severely stabbed in
position to their appeals arises from i:i- the abdomen and bis companion badiycut
. . . j . . 'i i i . t . .- iu tbe arm and hand, llti'tuns it is said
tcrestcd sources. 1 he we: -lit of tesiituo- ., , . . ,
, . , . , , can not possibly survive, lucre is bot es
ny appears to be in their favor, but wc ,j( , -Ja T,c ,!CTy.
it-aru iu.l tueir wains u.ive i.e-'il auu.laljT
I , -ri in ..y i i-i .p. ft- 1''. f '.J !' f l ,' 1 " 1 '' ' I I.COH '1I3IS i 41-
.Moron,,. ,.,,.-,,... yziviiij sUi.-a.Jluoai 7... ..-'. r.,- r..i cj--t, xona:: .-,r;c:.:: toner::?
rj, r; . . . TAV!X;ji-!r,'l.iirf:!f;itmtLcntv
'- ' - ' se
r.iuviiKs axi. run rM k;;v.
elrcir.t. ami a.ti toy. pr. pa i.l in s.lljrods
r man rat. be l . ul.i eisewb'.e en this
i le of Pi..iae.e.t 1.13.
l.-l.tl.:,- I ullj,, .JulU?, Art,
II. Ii M AP.TIN'. V. P.
TI.--eiie.ii:.. i.-i .T.J "T. IU TL- ...i .1.. rj I- r. '
BOSTON. ' tl.i..i..r iL-kiul i..,u! red to lb iui.lir.-J : J- 1 ',M1 ''....' "- -t-J
K..r...!''tv tl,. ir n.- i.i- -v.-r.i. tier.-, arnl in I .wis- ..,r.r. :: .
1 .r I,. 1 a ., I, .1 . .i, , P. s ...1,:.. Ii. ....lit, N. , . Itfc. ir. rni.l - P .tie r. .-rinr.,. n," ir in ..,.:!.. f ... . So lJ . v
strict, b.-'ween the pror.rii (or and a man i:-..:u ily :.ir... i.r.:.r.-i .i. sir.-.s. ru;. .,n.. o .i....
... ... . 1 1 ... i n I.T. v. .vrrr.
Tiiac-TaWfLow i-lurs K.R. Station. ' t.r:iX VZZ: ' r fifi F E CT1 GK E F; Y. FAwCY SQAP3 V i:,:,;s !",1,'s,M1'i""-
.VuVl.Xi; suLIII.
T'xpres.s (mttit) do I0:li'
Pleuill A A.-eonimodatl.'l, 5:U0
moii.xi; south.
I'reijhl A Arcomiuodallon G:."0 A M -I -n tt.r Omliii.nr. an 1 II.. :,t.!.-t lii III. W. ,1.1. ,. .1 ... ..... , e . ,. I ft-. I'll' .'!.. I'ii'.Ui ul"
Ilioriss () passes Lewisburs :ti I'M '-'-"-r.-'i.r... ...i ...l.-r. r..,'.,..i ,1.i, I. ,.p, I u i .,!..,.... st .
i . t l . . ii - . - . - . , - . , , ... , . ' A I'm aiM".o artu'ic !! re.t f. i
IV SnnnllPfl fiir tho f,r.i,.Mt at J..-it i,v t ... . - .... .1 v i w- Jt Jl Y ? v M.nl In v. I t.nr. nn TPnr. Si 110 Cl : V I Fill ( . I .1 1 beii.fif Luvil.tf
... ' . w ' M ' ' J w ; the h"tisf ot a man mmc-i Sauthard, res.- ! WWUlUii tHltt ?. n i-'.t .mI;K .'h r,ir, - Cie-v'Te ( r M..it. i :'"'5 ;-,t ni iri v r " " : r
c. ... . if. . r fr"m , iamp..it. ana seizing roih Mr. heat 5 5 Id . iitntt.i f.- :.: v ii.i.r.-M- .-: it,,- in , . , , .. , f 1 " '" kK '' -i ' '.;i.tx . t -i,,.- s -ti.t I'!. Inc: i.atcnk
VI:" .D.HEn.S i --,la,,d Sis wife, gW5 and tied ! Ilye 7, Tallow 12 J'l ... ... . B,."
. OI ,u.c., nu a.s . n. ce.,j.u s.-o, a!J ,heU robbed the bouse of about Coi n ..
il..;. .V.,. l:ti, ,l-r, 7..W-!.
A .dr.- :f.e !.'. ... I ii. tv .1 lii.-i; m i..;-.-: I Cl'TLKKV, Iil K.X.XU H.I ' n'. - l'.i..'..-' 1'ie.p.s (,.,.. . Ilarow-.r. . I. ndwarr.. llarrtwsre ! ! !
I I'M. Tin- r.por'.rle.s n for il..,,., ....... ,!.,.,.,.,u. PiRO Oil, ll!! pillll.ir 1 llll'llt .lll'lU'int's. , 1 bills. I I '.-! ...IT ' ' I I. -. I" : , -, t.,.., ,Us.. pul!v 'a .l,',ntart
l;(iiit)rs.T.iiarc.SiiiHr.IiiKs.S.M!a Vl"- u-i'"-;i u!' u fii!i!i-.R ... .. ,. a, .,.i.'l.ii,i.,r.
till ib-o.-ilM.lKis, i
Im-r.lij: 8 l'3'.I". croutMl, i
i .. i.isi i ...e p. u.-e tr tain !entv r-er
ceoi. I, w-er than ever Irl'iie. 'Ih.i inn
I ;. '
CAI.TPN IXllS. I.ere you can eel il.e eele
rated l.'ieci 'i-! i'-....... Kpear A J.'.rkson'a
efa tram winter, fc-ud "certain signs S70K. in cold and silver. This was a da- Oats 80 Bacon 10 i msi-. ,L.i- .v. .vJ'..i"V;...;iV.;. i int. .5 unbii. .
are br tha said "w ather wise." never i i r . rr mbbt-rv. and it is to be bon.d the : Flaxseed 1,12 Ham 121!
l.-.. , :. . .. . .,o...l.. .1. I, r...e....,l n... d,,l i I.r;.,l 1 Aft KI..,nl.W Ull CT1I AVM AL lMl M Ktlll.M!
Known to
o fail, inasmuch as they arc made scoundrels may be ferreted out aud duly j Dried Apples. l,.r,0 Should-r 10 j
r i r rutii-hid. I liut ter IS CloVcrsced 4 tod.fifl i
s fowls Kiiirrels, beavcro, bears, I 1 ' ..... ... .
r .;...,.!. .Lieh !..,..., , I Counterfeit twenty dollar bills on tlo rk b 1 otatots oo-d
ty divers
and other animals, which, however good
their instincts
they may feel
not endowed w
tbe weather tbau
to suppose that
brute beasts m
ih.n ti. .
.... uc gi.ia .o it. in, o. i.i .nan ... 1 ( ..... . - -. j rTjr,"X
- " I n-i :.: ... .1 . JJlfW.
ISTAt a .nccial tuecli.iLt of the Nor- . ".re.wa . "' ", u ; , ...c ,0,i, nlt , UlAltlA, .ICof P.ni.1 ;
, , , , lion ot i tic error in me incoming cmui. ,r. . ,.i ,i,.,t . v.a
Ibumbcriand Fresbytcry, Nov. 29, held at of (.,,c(inn fr Trea-urer, and Mr. :";,.
Ashland, Hubert C. liryeon of M'Kwens- Waddle, (O; p.) of Jersey Shore takes the JLlJ
Tiile was ordained and installed pastor of office bavin'' ill niaj. TP BCTCRB by Key. A. A. WII.LITS.in In-' i.nin r. ..rn.r p-..i. . .ueb . trir,. ii.- n,.-r:.-
, o a J , rinrf H. , trry Pirn-.-n..., !.... ptoo... ei. I.-.ty i ..
toe church of Ashland aud Gordon. Tn men were sentenced to Jail in Ly- ii -'r'"""" t.-tu,i.......n ,,,.; t., JS ....i,,.. ,n.k.... u.n. .,..,. .,. , uit.
the same
i f I ,a ',.-.! . Willow tiad l'4'(!:ir Ititrr.tdfn- -1'iares.;..aar.l.. n ferews.f. n.ra-sstaws.
i)rC?S UOCli?, tit I0t! arc.iu.. ..si.i, Mi;.i ll,. u. i 111 :, ,-,'. s Ii, o n e,. s.Ac. f '
I TEAVr:i!. Kit KM BR A-. Mi'Li;uC have "'' K - , .'''-" -"'-v- 'Kt'N-ALI.
I 1 determined to sell, a' their , ". O.I, t.ul.'.IU-, Or, ( .,.,.,, ..,.'. K ... i-ar. . c...i p. . ue.tual. b.-nnd and
rn,ns,iUs,..Ess ..,, ! Sumaer Silks and Tress Guis, ! - .',' ";"-. '- ; '.'-': .lot-siow. Vr't. ii'te1. elc!
C'osmopulilail Art .it.soia.ltn. ' TiT .4T 0T I'Oll 4SJI! . - Soups ol all k:im-. U !i.-'-l t .ivstso. ct. pill rllKLKi L.i:s! '1 n! ,e Kn:m and
f...i..r v.... I l l !... ... ..... Heel a .....,. ,, ...,...k..., ...o II you wish to purchase. ca:l ano eaoiin-.ur IL orilCCO illlu yiitstl. tl t IPIti; rilrl':. ''"-''"" -i . ,-s. s, .
may be, aud however (ruck ..., ,. . ' I - - . 1. ..u..r Ar. i .n in. hmi. ..,,... ; St.. b., K. A M. , r.-A1!,. ,. M,.:,t l',,..,tno- ('.,, ' ..;,'..'.'.,', '..''.I : ..L .',..'
atmosj.licr.e changes, arc -,.k. i . . .t,.,.. The nat.er is ltebt IAltI.II'.l. . I ,,r,.. , , ' ai.r .. Ju... 1 ... ... . , , , . harfl. ! -"" ' "-: Jl-l.-"
ith any more foresight of UIlJ ,be engraving somewbal imperfect. IbK".' ITSS I . ,'.,W r,e .'....r-. . c..rr. ' tt t, ,,,i:, .4a. i , i.-n. i-.i'. r..
mania. How rid.culous ofV.,i,,,M,. ..i IU:-V3 .,d,.. '..'.. M- ii..r..A. ""-H.'.' j ..
tin. .ml ('r,..t,,r ;.... ". i' l" 1 . i t. I, ' ' At M..r.l..tir., ill-. 1-t . I.v 11... A. M. K.-..r. I LMS I ,..' j J.HWISH I'l.i;, '.I. r , ..roniol , ri...n. .-:.:.. 1 lhe nrti.-I.. .tiirJ. ' i f , l 'I I.
tue great creator gitta eouimcnced railroading last Slaich, Las ,,,..., ,lhK -ud ,,, KbLt. M. untttKii. ot i.t- i j.-j...pa.'.'rM.rBW.(7.'..r..'..j.4...'j...rr.,r,.eWr. ., i,,...-1 ..- ;, ...m i. .u., -.;:-. m, i.-o-. , . ,.,..., i., ..... .,1 T
,e knowledge of the future been promoted to the position of Cnduc- ' .nti ! rpill. ITot.Vis b.c inVhe c" "er ,'t ii'e i' :'''ir,:.;::;."o: .V.:':;. 'J ! VVUUl Vl '.11111 hiUiil
I . .. t M I .p r.n 1 ha rl inm I nlilrnl I . ,1 1 1 ft ill il. 1 f Vrl nr.. nirrmt U s.ul..(-ril r nn I'rr-iiii titu mt.rU.i-ir .......... .h. v. ... h. I... I.i :l.' ..' Cl. 1 .-i. Ii ) l:,
ri...... P:.,.,.ii,...,s.-.,l.rnr..,Outlivs, ir. I.j 1U.-1...1 1 low n. one s. mire ti om lite Court 1 1 , ,u -e. ..-,; u." i..u. ..u..t, .1,1. ..u- lo.. 1 J -TILL .Lt'.i:2 t!:.-l:T:. IS TLI. I S I
An-.-rirHii ,i.i r.ir.i.'i. Aru-i. I erson . al'.en J:i ? i- our I. or n.iv 1 n 01 tier 1111- u.-n.ali
.101 Ks.ili.vis... wliirli .T.ry.nherril. r.ro r , ,,. ,,,. ..,:! n ,. 1 this a nle'.- ii.. i IP .... -
.1 .!,,. o v.arn. . ...1.. ....'. ,(, . on r.'.i... i.t ... ...... .-... I.-. I r .
,., mapv if..r iiM.ni,. r.. i - .. aud comli.i riahle home, t harires u.o.ieraie. Ai,.i .. .. :, i.;.i, -..... t. .:.
return ol election lor i rea-urer, anu .,ir. , -sua. si r.ia.. isi .111 1 ...mm.. , .... , , ...... ., , , T i lv n .'. V t
1,tur r ler.on if M'r.r. ..- ... ,. s It ul .1 .1 '' '' " " . f. rl,,r s-.. u..,..,.!.!.. .1 p . .-..rr n.l Mti- Lew , -blue. Pa .. S-epl. t.. 1 So'.l II. -t -V,-...- 1. 1. ' I A - a , . . ( ; y.sy,,,., J. I
, Kobert L. Lrjson ol .11 fc wens- addle, (O; p.) of Jersey bbure takes the . I ,. N .,.rko,..,,..i r..i.. ... r b. r...-a ; j ' . ,. , , ...... ,ltfVi
I ordained and installed pastor of office having i)i niaj. I TP BCTI'RE by Key. A. A. WII.I.IT.in In-1 .i.i.in r. ..rn.r p.-. .i. .eb . rrir,. lb. ,.?r-1 ., 1 SCO. I " IaJ-Stry Ellst Ihrival" ' ,'.' "v '
o J I I . , . ,. r. , ,. ..... .inrf H. , trrv Pirn-.. . I... !.... piiiocl ei. I..I..V , .. " ' " " il
irch of Ashland aud Gordon. To men were sentenced to Jail in Ly- Jl J dependent nan, rrniay juvenilis, nec.io r, i. js i.. mk.,.. .uirt. .,r.,. ... , i ir Rest IVolU ami I.afcwt Sljlrs ' i 'i m.il S!l I! il i i Nl li?' ' 1 T.m f . r;CT CT'C rot PfifUl
r , II . I 1 ' - j .Ultl.l. f.r ll.r ...lis "I .if!..' i- ti..' nl.ri.rv. p.irtor. - .r .ri ... , m.r.r. I . . .. ... bllM l.'!. IV.l L..! J
I). Hawn, of Lewisburg, was at coming coonty r.;r dea'lly assan.t and t.al- i t,TATEME'T,.f,hel.riburtlbMk I " "' rti,.utry.i.T u..oi. ...u , - T a I u 0 u hi fi , d Jast . -pei la U '.- - P. i:....,.;, v., , k. -i i .. ...n, . d , v ., ., ., .t r.
? time ordained to the Gospel tery, and two to the I'CU.tCDtilirv for lor- ; as re.piired by the second seci.on ol the , --l II H JO'TV jl '.trI r:, . p.".-. -;j d-or ab..v-e :.;.;':;'.',.;.; U "l..j j Mme.
, ' clary, last weei. . I Act of General Assembly of ih.s Common- ... a j...,....,r,.i.rrurP,,.r..'.'.r..' f-,-rdi , " , have ..t all U'ti s a lu.i ..s-o. . it , f ,:, i , ;. ., r ,- :, ,;, ,., i0..e ,rad
, aoa appointed statid supply lor . i i.i. ........ .i,. ii.i. i,.. x n is.v?. sfiisvnlfiioNs i ro-i.rd ..! n. evrainr t : : 1 lha...ul 1 r i . . t . ti. w ...io iI:m.. i .' . ' . .. ... ...
"(,... i ' 1 ij lure,
ri Ttr.,l. rs:ri.e.;.ti. Jo e times ra:Jer bar
I ni 'l no I.r. M an . . i l l i ' 'Pa
Ministry, and appointed stated supply for S ari lat wccf'
the churches cf ihaiuukin, Trevcrtuu and .
Miss Ann Nicholson, of l'hilad., w I wealth, approved lhe Plih Oet. A.L. Ioo7. .,Tn. tUii..i'r..;r7l M-b ..;..: I r. Jif J , ;
I II! l.r-, !H C I 1 PC, ' ; ;..,.
rr.ii. nt . 1. 1. 1 .o.'f y..io-. o -. i ji :,;i
. r to ta.l aud let It
's r
n mornhia in mistake for nnii.ne. bv : .rt. i,L..i:ic.a,,.i ur,iu... i .D..:u:..-,.,.rs U I If A r- ,.!. 1 11. .li.ur r. --. ..-. .... ... .", at r.is s-,..- ,.r.a
Uulandltnn. . I J . c. , ., S,-ei in II.nk ....1 .preH. lund. Ul I'&llaJ.. J.V-s Sf. , i...r-.-olsrr.Irl.lr.ll..a......i...i.s.i i..u. ... f- j ,.'. . , , also make lo older. I'll s.ioll 11'il.e-.'. I in I'llt- f , .. . ... : ,,.,, r
u ' " "' a el.rk in a drug store. Sbe tuok the pre- i.-1...,. ,.n,. r uuiu .., u . rrmiw.si.rrriiiirji.. m-wt--..,.... y ! ' Fa-l.t t .o --, i . '.. ...,.. u. ... ..... r ; b,V0 ul hJi .3 C(a'...
-- - . . , . ,r , . .. 1:1 r-l ST ; . .I,,,n.,i.i Iriim l':,lil l,,i.i. Illr l'.i...l.'S 1.-1 .'I . A 'I . S -.. ..-.. . I, : ., ... , P V t : tr I ? lo'ltlll ..r an) k.H" ol w o. .. . II II. J .11.. .... ....
Contested Election Wiu 0 Vine , -'':Pt'oni wbicn killea ncr. i : i or.i... rr..mr, .., i.ji-e.n.ir.auii:, in orur m ; I rtrM' ' '" . ,," .f business. 1 -;.ir-in.u i iu ; a . s , s , , . e at
uMt, lUIXtu ITO. H0i.V...ine, ( r,( II,,ti,An-lVin , ,,..y r.r., e. I .l Yt pai.u.-uls -u.:.a.. Iw.i I j i ' - Men.lin" and J.-ubin ' "ener.. lie pro ;e pt 1 v : vrrv inn erte r i ne; .it. J.LPAlKlf. at il.e
ft Opposition candidate, was returned as . ', I V " 1't,B0ATri1 i 1 I.iabilllica. r., -.l.i.,t , ... el.u .in .r.iy f..eirrai., 7' f eudca,...-. as h-,eto,., , - ifa- hlil; , yL t ,
r. , ,, .,. . . t.. Moothead, Lsip, l'resiuent, aud Charles -,... is is,, oo ' ,'r""-- -.i.rj-. '.'ui".ne is ireii sat.- Uciu- ai.e.M.n 10. a. n.... . .... -.,.,... 7
ireasurer of Miffltn county by iiro niaj .r- .... t..1,' . , '. c i V"" . . - .... .'.' V. ! Tu. brnniir.iij i.iu.tratrd A. .)-.urni. r...i : ...... I Lew is nue, Oct sr. ls-J i - 1 ' 11 ' ' !r' I r'-" Ul"r '" J-
, ' . . J (jibbon, l-.-o,., Solicit, r of the J-unbury i'a.o,i,.-rit...k.r.iComman.r!ih si.o.j i: lirul nii.rr.m,. r....ei..i.itsr... ...... M..U11.. nly to all l.nvisbtirtr. O.-t ls.o.t , ' 4 J U...V .v,-r. LRM tr.l Vi.
over Thomas Mayes, Administration. aiiJ j.;rie iu,irn3,l have ruled for Kng- f--' Jlll" , r r.,,.. "'"'"''.'V'v. ' ra. g- g g - l.T.rv. H TIVH thE-,.Si...... n .,-, i.i.. r .Mae 9. 15! WILLIAM JOIiNfON
Ibe latter contested bis election; five law- land. Their object is to negotiate three kt,o..o ... n,t-,m'.rJ.Kii'us ..' mfJ,.,., rrnn',-tt'.?Z-i "."T-"".';'..-1''',-'i'.' f. '"J 'i.r.?:.'1u ' "
Is, and one hundred witnesses were en- and a half millions of Eve percent, bonds. rersonally appeared before me Andrew u.y;:,. pll 1K1L1.S M G I S r. r, ,n 'V '7: " - Er. C. KT.TAL,
twoday, nfCou, were oeeupied, which shall be one half of'a u, o,g ,ge of i'f Hlam VGexet, Tb-e -'cut.-.a nd Ma-; T I Tp a","'" 'rn'fvrwvi'cr
tu tbe couttant withdrew claim, s.v.n millions on tue road. H ia(r toaU,litItc.,a TTOVYFY nt Uvc ktc, in Soo4 style areorlio m the best r.s!,. p y . yrr fof J.,.:;,ps ,.c . L.' ; ,.,1'' Lwi,. ,7,.1
, hl ' Py 'I'i" expensive ' bu'f is in pos-evsion of the State, as a con- : ,he t,tS, b. km. wled-e.-l.ee. 7. IWJ. A TTORaLV at IT, ion,. Give o a eaai.ee. aud see ,f jre eaa , j I . ,'.,.,,.:,... .P. t.;',, Ll P K. . -7
SUttV19 ie '''- AM,Kt,:. j - WkSo" rftt nWi.i... C-,ACG-! oJr; iu. ci,,. av, i n i; -.:r "7 !uhz