Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, December 09, 1859, Image 2

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'l1, f i ' hV'A1 1 fl l
,V Vo li I Ulill It
N. wobdcn lc J. K. corhelics.
V ffwWMPM .tlru.-T.i LnUdnllt'i ruS'-i' l r-
tl' li-WI oil Ui I'mib St.w. rem th lir.-r-t ul bost
clr.-ulti"b ul'anr New.i.fttr in Unieu Cot.t.t.
r, , ' , .. ,.
Freedom, national: Slavery, sectional!
.':(j!atk rr.omiiox to aulkm a inuim;:i',
Kot aaatber In-h T Mure t. Tri'tiry fcj r.Ifn-!ii.
I'urfhti-c, or t in:;ut-l.
Th.iiSiri. r. anl "CI b- Hie ttr.i Irainr !V:niij leu
M .r. tin ci.imtrT, until 111 y e.i .i.-i-.r; .... : hhI u,.
nail ili-in ti. i.tir ni 't b-a I. ih'To t.i tloit tli- j
in triumi'ii '."-fiTtit N..I j nal CajiLvl l Va.-U-in;Ion
J Ut.r.n.- M,- r.JJj . r'.
' a-Tbr OpikmIIImi staff (itin.-nilnn, t u-?t..
rnit-ii litl). .r i.ovnrit .r. Ar .(,.) u-. .1 i. 3-i..-i'tt'.- i.t
U iLUWttO oil Vi.I!M-:.-UAV Ihf 'J kijt: 'V, lruj.
Disgraceful and Kevalutloniry ! ;
Again on 1 lie rery first il.iy of
Ihc session of Congress anI in i;utu
lirauclies the livery (iut';tioa L;is
Leon foroo.l into debate !
In t!io House," Iiere the Oj'i'Osition
liave a clear majority, the Adminis
tration have consiiiied to prevent an '
orsanization, boldly declaring tliat
thny arc under no rules and that tliey
will talk as lonir as tliev fhoose ! Ila -
viutr nominated' a Virginia IVo SIav -
cry Democratic Disunioiiist for Spea-
K'r, uiev ueiei iuiiie iij aiuiougu ine
minority candidate shall l.e elected,
or no one shall. The true language
of all their threats, their iillii.tistei iug
nn 'I frivolous motions is. that the ma
jority shall not rule. They hope Iiy
agitation and delay to thwart the i
jmlar will excite and stimulate all
the sectional feeling possible and Iry
force or fraud seize' tiji iti the Spe.iLer'a
chair in tho people's Lraucii of the
National Legislature !
Wc hope all true opponents of this
corrupt, unscrupulous, and frenzied
Administration will stand la in airamst
fliis nlteiinit tn iii'iiiiidote or iloiVoii 1
them. If they continue to force Sla-
very issues upon you, meet tle'iii at.
. " i .
llic projier iiiuu a.iu piaee. in uic
inean time, avoid all iliseus.-ion until
r nr,rn..;,.,lv.iTi- o-te'rot,,!
Jate and you will conipier the reek-
2css disorirani.era at last
Keadjirocccdings in next column.
Tbe Execution cf Crown
Took jilace according to order with
out tho least sign of distur'nanec. A
cordon of military surrounded the
gallows', a quarter of a mile distant,
so as to prevent anything from the
dying man licing heard Iiy spectators,
of whom there were almtit I Of 10 out
side of the line. Mr. IJrown was, as
usual, perfectly calm.seren',, cvineing
not the least fear or tt'enitiliutr. He
lo.le with the Jailor on his eofliti. and
.1.- ......,. i .t. i i
us ...... ....-i .u us. u.u rtu.,u.u
Lade the Jailor and Sheriff .'in aflec-
liouaiu liiicnoii. manning iniiii ioi .
their true kindness to him stood on
... .
c. il .i i.: .t c
the drop some momci.ts wl.iie tuej
troops were trying to perform some ;
Fcnsclcss military liianaiivre wh- ii:
the Sheriff cut the rope. There were
few convulsions ; sotti .ittdgo lie died 1
Tery casy,and others that he died very :
hard ; but it was half tui hour before
life was declared c.tinc!,a:.d the body
cut down, and placed in the coilia.
There was a very deep indention of
the cord in the neck, and the features .
6oniewhat distorted. The corpse was
taken to ins wile ami ncr irifiuis.ina
Eight, at Harper's Ferry, and the::."-
sadly, anil avoiding as inucli as
possible all public demonstrations
to Baltimore. I'hiiadelphia.Xew York,
Uoston and Troy. Thence it is an
nounced by J. Miller M'Kini aud
AVcuJell l'hillips, who accntiipar.y
the mortal remains of John llr. v. :i
wero lo be taken to his late Lome, ia
North Elba, Essex county. X. Y. be
tween Ticonderoga anil Adirondack
mountains where he was yesterday
to be buried.
Escorted back and forth bv a troop
or horse, Mrs.Urowii was permitted to
visit her hu.-band three hours in the
afternoon before his death, in a parlor
of the Jail. On meeting, they kis-cd,
embraced for a few nioments, Mrs. I.
in tears, aud the Captain unable to
Epeak. But soon he rallied, and they
jirocecdcdto give such information as
each desired Le cheerful, resigned,
and only concerned for herself and the
family. Occasionally, her feelings
would force a convulsive sob, when he
would instantly calm her by a 'Cheer
unl cheer up, Marv." When compel
led to part, ho could only sav, ''(!od :
bless you and the children !'' Mrs.ll.
replied, "God have mercy on you!"' I
Captain Brown made all possible
efforts to provide for his family, and
liis in anu lasi icuers arc pnuici. j
The day of his death was observed i
in mauy places, thro' the Free Slate:
srirh rivt i-ntirtl i nn rir nml rifton tunst
Star i
extravagant praises not siniplv of his rJencc, and have grown from a weak
general character, but or the partku- bule ,0 a 8rt,t Confederacy, challenging
lar act for which he suffered. tLc admiration of the civilized world.
Capt. Brown refused to have any pro- Mr. Stanton (Ohio) said he apprtbend
glavery preacher pray with him. Hoar- cd that nobody wished to stay here, if the
gucd the Slavery question from tbe Bible j 0bj,ct wag to g1Te tjlnc. Lat ho 6aw t0
in away to confound the iltev'd gentlemen. g,od in rtmaluin , Lclej he kn the
He said he would treat them as gentlemen, , ,, ., . .. ,,
but as heathen gentlemen, aud assured 1 6' n,!c'Dn, on "3 bcr itJe could con
thetn that he couid do more good praying ; eume 'h?.ll','-f 1 tako on mstlf tle re"
for them than tbey could praying for him I Fuus,bl!J "f '' " dj'urniueul.
Tbe only apparent auimosity exhU.ited ! Tbe as decided iu tbe Eegalive
by Capt. Brown, was towards his fcl.ow ' l'J "' "u-'j""y.
' prisoner, Cook, who he accused of decciv
iog him as to the disposition of the slaves
to revolt. Ho did not part from hi in as
from the others, but regarded him as a
traitor, while Cook seemed abashed at his
rebukes. Cook was probably tbe agent,
and used Brown as a catspaw.
Tbe testimony of not less than eigh
teen different individuals was laid before
Gov. W ISP, showins the hereditary iusan- i
i.y in old Brown', family. The Governor
DXa IU finttPr t Vslra al.. ....... I
have a judicial trial of tho question, but
be did uot choose to exercise it. He
- . 1. VI l ... 1 I . Ill, .
however, was not present at the execution.
..ucis aecyes, ot Alandna, Va., made I
the rope to hang Brown, knit the noose
itn bu own fingers, and forwarded it at j
k "m" 'Xpen,ae- Bt licious feUow ! He
bould remember the fate of tbe inventor
. ... K.uiviij,.-, Ea Iue gcnilemao Ld '
Ttvui theg-illowe to hang ilordecai.
I CiAr.l.F.TOW N, VA , I'eC. O.-MJ C"m-
F,niis if ,l,e '::cl"" 1 ' " heeling
I Military have been ordered heme, aud
about one fourth of the members of oih.r
coainai.ii'S liave ol.tanit '1 Hiui'lisli'r
eonmai.ios liiivc obtained Iui-idu,
daye. 1 bey arc to return before ihe. ItVh
to attend tliu oiher ex. cutious. A niiiita-
... . 1
I ry lorce will then be Kept up anu manm
1 ,nfr,,.j ,ir(l0(mt ,i,e county. The
.'xciteiiiuit ban jirvatly abate 1, thou-h
there is :reat fociiu of iuiccurity in ttic
rural di.-tricia.
P.f.l- Tie I) -iiiKcraer are loasMn2
.ub.... j u
it, .t .,,. ...1 .t...l . i: r ri vr;is a the liar -
pel's Ferry invirn ctiou" tberel y imi-j for the ac'ion of the gcnt.eman s party, rcuiJing 0 crejli.m fr0IU llrrct (u
n.atiuj; that adopted are more patriotic or j and for the advice they bad given. If j foundation." It was r'g'it in them, for
law-alidiiig than native eit:z:u3. Iut, in gentlemon mako themselves rqials with j the recreants at the North were uot affect
everv lawless effort to exlcud slavery, you j the negro, the effect would be to drive aa-1 ed by it ; their remarks were to operate
wiii a i 1 iiltuty ol i nose, corn on m o"-
rsidocf the "reat deep. And of the
Harper's Ferry .-e ro, Juhii 11. A 'ji, there
kiil.d, was a tiennan i
m o. s.-s to Lava been one in ino p.an, is
an Kulishman, as is a!so Rkhird llcolf,
alio was one of the I'r-ivisional Govern
ment. In fact, thu whole fore was plot
ted an 1 form d in a f.-n iB land and the
1'iesiJent lid. .M'tirw, a white-headed
, Canadian
is a ' gentleman from Africa .
, Thirty-Sixth CoDgm3...l3t e33.Dn.
j Wasiiisoto.v, Pec. 5.
Sexate The Sena'c was called to or
der, at li o'clock, by the Vice 1'rcsidti.t.
1'r.iyer by Iicv. Dr. Gurley.
I'orty-eieht Senators answered to tbe
roll-call. J
n.. . ... t , n m T. 1. .1.
i ne credentials oi jonn i. j en-r.jci, 01
New Jersey, an 1 Henry P. Haun, of Cal
if itnia, were presented. I! ith gentlemen
appeared, a:. a were q'laiified as Senators.
Mr. .Mason (Virginia) submitted a res
olution, fir the appointment of a commit
tee toiLipire into the facts attending the
h!e invasion and seizure of the Armory
a Arsenal at llarprr s I erry. lie sta
kJ ll''lt Le BOu:a cail lLc resolution up ,
... .
v v
he would more to amend the resolution of
.1.1. S..,. frnm Vic..;,.;. I., .len.lln,
the irnniry to the seizure of the arscsal
at Liberty, Mi
Mr. G win (t'alif irnia) gave rotlee ofh's ;
intention to cail up tbe 1 aeiuj l.ai.rjad ,
1M1. Adjourned. j
The absentees were Messrs. nenjynin, 1
Ciav, Ci it'emleD, Pavis, Pouglas, 1'iteh, ,
.. ' , . , , ' 1
rrzpa'nck, Hammond, Johnson of Aik., j
To k, Sebasiian, SewaiJ and Tombs.
' '
At noon, Mr. Allen, tbe clerk, called
the House to order. ;
The roll w is called '231 members an- ;
swercd to their names.
Ao.-aif,cs. Messrs. Stallwortb and La-
drum, of Alabama; Prown and Adams, j
, , ... ... ,. ' :
o, KPDtnc-Ky ; uindinan ant liust, oi at-
.. . i ii : c t -
ansa. , ituj iiaiiii.t.jit, it 11113i. i
The first vote
f .
peaker resulted as
uraian Opp.
Hotel -r
1! c c": A 1m.
Sc itt. i ing
No one having received a majority of :
votes, Mr. Grow siid As I dosire in no .
way to retard the orginiz iion of the,
11 ou-e, I ivithlruv my name as a candi
date. I assure those gentlemen who, in '
kindness, have cast their votes fir me,
that I sl.a'.l treasure through life so disiin- i
H'" n,a,k "f fnond-!,ir and regard
Mr. Lurnctt (Pem.) then moved an ad- (.
j lurnment, on which a vote was ordered
The ni oioQ was negatived
Lavs, 1:J0.
Yeas, 100 ; ,
Mrtlark of Missouri, (Pem.) offered
e f blowing : j
V her. a.-.Certjia members of this Hous",
iw in nomination for Speaker, did en- 1
iVrsc and recount
bd, the booi hcrciuaf- :
tor ti' ined, therefore
i; -solved, Tiiat the d etiiors and ser.ti- , vcr.j th;it was not thrust in by the Uetn
nieiits of a certain b n.k, called the '-7.il- ' ocrats. Tho U.-publicans b id r reserved a
(.-'. i.J the .SWA -. Aoir ti'
),i',-t it, in a purp'-r ing io i.ave necn
wii-teu by II. lt. lb Iper, ar; incendiary ;
anl hostile to the domestic peace and i
tranquility oi me Country, aua tuac no
men. her of this House who rLenmmended 1
"-- - :
or endorsed it or the corupeud, is fit to he I
. , ,, - . '
speaker ot this llou-c. j
The reading of this resolution wa re-
ceived with applause by s .me of tbcSou'.h-
. .n .i,. i il.. . l... .. 1.
cm men c,ar?,g their bands.
Mr. Stevens (Pa.) said it seemed to :
mm mat in ti:e pr-s.nt condition ot the :
11"U:C, but two tbirgs were in order one
a motion to a j urn, aud the other to pro-
cecd to vole,
Mr. Clark resumed his remarks by
saying that, iu view of the crisis of the
c. uutry, and representing, as he did, a
glavchoiding constituency, he would
Mr.-Washburne called to order.
Mr. Ciaik continued, saying we have
' . bad two wars since the Pcclaration of In-
.ur. alundigham (Uhio) remarked
that few Democrats were absent; these
might be here to morrow, therefore he
voted aye.
Mr. Clark resumed, but in -a tone not
altogether audible. Ho wished to show
why tbe resolution ought to pass, and to
present to the American people the posi
tion Pertain trrnllen.en wrnni a rnnr.l.
tLe Speakership. Heretofore, there" was
scarcely found an American citizen who
advocated insurrection, robbery and disso-
lution of tbe Union. No party since tho
Government has hid a history, however
fond of power.bat had nutil now, ao much
disregard for tho popular will as to send
forth lo tbe country at large a document
advising the disii-auchiscniuut and murder
f a large portion of the people.
St ITtt T . 1 . I ..I alfunir.
I iir. lllgcreinujcouuci.iut;u3
ly as 1L0 gentleman from Missouri po-51
; (,,'y cjuIJ, t!ie avowal of such seutjrucuts.
(jlaik 1). C ochrane, (X. Y) utterly cou-
.,:., l,os(! which
., , ... i . ..l i
me geuti.man nom .ui.-suun o-u . v..
jir. x aiiuur tarn, iui ub uaic
riKii.in O.ir frii-ni? nn tliG other Bl Je
hav"i. thrust the nro before the House,
uaving i.nuai i lie u'jru ut.1010 mo nu-,
we in .iv as well tin tab the Uiicuson, aua
f then turn him out as quickly as possible,
Mr. Clark replied that the nej.ro would
t . . , ,
, ... , .7 l .
i ..in,, nr. Knnn r.rar.l nn IliA I lined nil!
, v ' "
oiocr cias oui oi luo iiouc on tuo urst
, day of the session
'j;', there j Mr. Kellog; (Ills) rcmirkeJ that t'je ; and intcrrupMn Ir. Stevens, said sotne
ie, who r geut'cinan from Missouri had mado a ! thing about the Union nicel'mi; at Castle
plan, is! statement that the Hi publican members : Garden aud in the North. He was loud-
statemeut that tho Hi n
j hal directly or indirectly sanctioned cur -
tain things in Helper s Hook. The sen-
tiiucnls charged by the gentleman, are
not entertained ty the Republicans.
Without further proceedings the IlouiO
Tlksiiat. n.-r. flTn Mi-h linu.n. tl.c
riuehar.an party ae-iia resumed the Slavery
la Senate, the Americans and Repurjli
!!. i ..
cma an joiaeu in u-manaing an invt'i -
g.ition into the taking of both the U. S.
1 Arsenals. The Dmicrats thou. 'lit it!
f.,.,li,h to inquire aV.ut the taking of the
... . ' . n
. .ii!s oiri arsenals aa the Kansas matter I
was all "settle J."
In the II.)tir, tin
Pemocra's still refu-'
el tc. gl into an election for Spealter, con-' h .,;c,,. GrJ, r lnu,t be c,.fl)rced ! -OTICB is hereby given thai the nnder
timiing the discus:oa of the Slavery ques- After a few moments the Members sea-' 1 siane.1 Trustees u til eil at public sale,
tion. ! ttd themselves. Several L'eutlcmcn pro- '" pursuance to and by virtue ol an Act of
3Ir. Gilmer, (Am. of X. C.) off red a
ulstitu'e for Mr. Clark's motion, a reso
utien. in subslaace, reiteratins the dccla-'
rvions heretofore made by the Wh
; and ;
;'m"s P'rtns.
"Ill!Iyciiris1.lerir(Tllierttiltsntoint -
. v - a
i ments, it is tbe duty cf t viry gooi citizen
l' rcsl,t ail atleuipts at renewing in Cou-
rt V ,' ., ', :
member fcbnuld be elected Speaker whose1
p j!jiiC:1! nptnioa is not known to conform .
t j the foregoiti" scntiincnts. '
Mr. MiiIson,C(I'rn. of Va ) There was 1
no,l!ng io Mr GUmc r's' prc-positi ,n to i
- t i . . i . . ,
which ho might not abs'rac'ly a-srnt, but
, , , J ' .
1,0 lrU!!cJ e:!cm en would p.ril m htm
r.. ...i. . .....
i .r euggw.njt taat Ktico- an inltcation :
should out now erne from tbe Southern
, members. Those whi entertain such sen-;
j timents as advanced by Mr. Helper, were!
.,..( ... C, I , I,. L K. I
"ui oi... u.,ui tu ou i jvj.ti, u.tl urut i.i
J" ' "a wo"',a. n".1 -"P' o.r''e
the reccsse of tbe he-art in relation to mas
lrjll hi, M..kor ,h , .
. . ' ' " i
not m to uie.
Mc, -t, f-. , . . , . -
r. Sherman, (H p. of Ooio,) regarded
this delale as thrown into ll.e II )U'0 to
pfe-yeut aa orgmlziti Hi cased to be '
1 e ,
rca i a letter from Francis 1. liiair, ad-
die-? -1 to Mr. Sherman, th'e-1 the Cel. !n '
which the wrilcr ivs Mr. Helper brought
b::n 1;:
ii.f ii in
hook, af;cr enmining which be j
d Mr. H. of the o! i ctioti ,!,!, parts.
Mr. H.'lrcr repliel that he would nuke.
alterations, and it wis in c ins'-rpisnca of
such asf'jr.ineo that m.mbers t.f Congr-iss
give theirr. c iminendition. Mr. Sherman
presumed that ha did not eign the paper.
lie ual never real olr. llctpors boon or
,'ompenjmin, and bad never seen a cipy
of tithe r. He desire '1 to sav that Lc had
a;wlj j endeavored to cultivito courteous
.ioi! frlj.inllt' r.i'.i.e.ni III. loi 1 nfrnr rr-
vd f ,,'ch langu tg as h id been used
to-rlny. He appealed lo his public recr.rd.
He would say now, tint tht ro was not a
;,, ttoestion a- itut i n ir the mind of the
nonnirv rdativo to i.olilies there was not
! a simile tonic iuvolvinj sectional contro-
stu - iird silence. It was their iutcntbn to
oraanizu the House, quietly and decontly,
wi,ut vituperation, aud he trusted it
mA be shown that the party coull ad-i
i n Ulrr the uffnrs of tho II ouso ami Guv.
. il.- :..!.,.
i - iiiuiLia mini;., .o -i j. -in uu iui; o;ii'3
nf anv ,.Cfi ,n H0 )U1J ( tread on the
oi any i- ci ti. , irsaa ou toe
right of a sirglo Stttbern citizen, aud dc-;
lied any man to show to the coutrary.
Mr. Lcake.rPem. of Va.,)suid Southern '
. -, . , , i
gentlemen were entitled to know whether, I
it ti, ,..im,. fr,,m O'.m i-, otoi.i
peakcr , ho would let the negro fire bis
'.ake s) dwelling, or put tho knife
to tho throat of his (Mr. Loake's) wife ,
. e tit rl , , .
and four he'ph ss children. Laughter
He was for miking the gentleman face
the music, for it is to be faced. He wantol
to know whether he would interfere with I
slavery outside of the balls of Congress.
Mr. Sherman replied that ho was oppo- ; aiteudins, and not depart without leave at their j
.1 to any iatcrfcrease by the people 0fV"'- J"r"rs are raested to be punctual in ,
I sea to any lutcrlercnse Dy the pcopl
the Free States with tbe rela ion of mas
ter and slave in the Slave States.
Mr. Clark, (Anti Lecompton Pem.) of :
v -, i. k.: . ...l li l i
New ork, having never real Helper s i
"""i " " e" ",-,, "u" ""'s
:no penning resolution. jui tne proposi
tion of Mr. Gilmer he understood, ami for
which he would vote with pleasure. It
presented the platform on which hestood,
and on which the people of ihe North
stand with entire unanimity this day.
He had never seen an Abolitionist till he 1
... , . . , ; ...III.C hi 1.1:1.10.11, ..iiiuu t,uuii.i-, ,iiiu mat
came to M ashington. Ihe .Northern pco- i slia accounts will be presented for cenlir
plo were conservative and L uion loving mation and allowance at the Orphans Court,
men. The slavery agitation sprung uu i to be held at LEVVISDL'Rli, lor ll.e county of
with tho repeal of the Missouri Compro
mtse. If it had been carried out in good
faith, there bad been no disturbance. If
fraud had not iuvaded Kansas, as f ul as
that wbieb was recently practiced in Vir
giniaif the attempt hail not been made
in tbe last Congress to force her into tbe
Union with a constitution violative of the
feelings and interests of the people the
country would not now be in this state of
Mr. Keitt (Pem. of S. C.) conceded
that there were members from and persons
in the North, who are loyal to the Consti
tution, but this was not the point before
tbe House. He then proceeded to read
extracts from speeches delivered by Mr.
Seward, which had maintained that slave
ry must be abolished. He would see tho
fabiic of the government tumble from tar-1
ratio foundation- stoue bofore be would
lakj fine titilo les of the rights to which
tbs Soulh was eulitlvil. We of iboSouih
are on tha di feusive we mean to defend
onr-eWes. Let ta.'h rr,J Co1" ut ,Lt:
, . Mf sterens (of I'a.) believed that un -
"I til the lloubO was orauiz.'d, it wa not
! i comticteot to entertain anv nuestion ex -
i enni nc ten t to entertai n anv triuestiou CX-
, I cept the election of Speaker, or a motioi
ij to adjourn. Ho deemed it wrong to with
; hold-from the public creditor Ihe nieam
i cept the election of Speaker, or a motion
i ..i t-. . -.i
ioauj .uiu. no uee.ru
i lo d-trom the public creditor Ihe means
! 6U1J be theniFpeeOily. II.
i did u tt biamo the irL-ntlctnau troin tin
! d:d n it biatno the irentlemau troin tlic
. . c
Sooth for the laoiuaie ot latitmd ition, or
ou imim men
Mr. Crawford (Dcm. of La.) here rose,
; ly called to order, while others applauded
his n marks.
Members from a'l sides rose to their
I feet jotters crowded to the area, near
, Stevens and Crawford. The greatest ex
I eitcaient prevailed, and at one time it was
1 there would be a collision. Mr.
trawtorJ continuine nts remarks, exclaim -
ed, "IWt sin" psalnu to the Union and
the Constitution till wo get q-iiet." He
il I l.
. O . I.- . 1
i jnr im, Clla of Order! I
Mr. M.n-ris, (Auli-Leeompton Pem
Illinois,) called on the ClefSlto
I the otdrt anJ diS"'KS o
'I'l.. ..Il L. I..I
Tl, l't..rlr .,;,) I,. r, ,!
. " i i i
threw himself on the generosity of the:
iloti'e to corne to order. j
Mr M Tho li.ni. f,,i- nnnnrn.l t I
pose.l an a.'j mrnmcnr,
! -,Ir- Stevens repeated thithe had ma le
P,,int of or'.ier tl",t.,hc "I"1'""3 in
ot.ier were me e.cciion 01 speaker or bii
er were tbe election of
iljourument. He moved
the previous
; ti jn
't - .
.Mr. Ciamott (Pem nf V )
rusrion !:uU nut ' y.i.ei, j7 lltiri: '
nr. p:,irrr in lhi Iluc to st y) it! Ad-
Savannah, Pee. 1 Tbe Grand Jury
yesterday ignored the bill against Kajesta
and Acepiira, charged with being engaged
in the shiver Wanderer affiir. It is un
derstood that the Pistrict Attorney will
enter a ii'ln jirns. upon the other indict
ments on the saino parlies. So it goes
no man can be convicted, in the Souih.for
iSc in is op. n violation of the laws against
the Slave Trade.
-a line assortment by
Huisb Goodman
iVLou iHcnl.
.A i i . I I . - I i ..
.i.., . otr siioioirii to 1 11 iinii;ry reop.et.y
,he subscnl er. at his shop ,.n Nonh Fifth
't.'ee!, Ii'-re he carries in ibe liatchertuK
l ' ! jupi'lv all kinds of Meat
in its seas oi. On Wednesday and fc.nur.iav
tnorninss. he will he f.-ni.d at MarkPt in front
"! M'Kaldin's Hardware &rcl? at low rates
f-.rt'ash exr'tisiye'.y. Calces n-.tntetl Peeves
.no! Sheen purchased as usual. Try ihe New
Butch r.
. . ''''To fir.MBLRUNt:.
l.ewisntir'r, Atnr. It. l-n:y
- --
To the Taz Collectors of Union Co
I S my lime w ill soon expire. I wish C.d-
A leet ts lo bear in mind that my account
n the State and County must be settled by
tin- 1 -tof Jan. I sijo, and I hope all Collectors
will have their accounts sealed by Dec. Court.
lly reference lo mv b o.ks, I have not yet re
ceive I quite ooo of th.p County Tax, al
lli-'oeh s one of my rood friends in-inuate
that I have b-en -bay::i7 Cotin'y Orders. Oa
me contiary. I have advancV 1 Slooo etui of mv
i.-.-n p .cket to ol I -e Irn ods that lit I I Diders
a.'i:n-t the (.ftin'y. I hope every Collector
vv.!! iy e.ttei.tion b tins reqoe-t. so that the
.l irors may be pant in rtnt at De. Court. A
word lo the wise i- snli'ieient.
N. n. All taxes. (School. Koad. Poor. Ac.)
that can not l-e collected and are to entered
against the rroptrtv. mu-t be done on or be
fore the I.-: day of Jan. I SliO a -, after that ,
time, the law prohibits il beini; a lien.
I ti!;)ii ( otml) ( oai l I'rorlamatioii
AlfllllllKAS, ihe lion. AU'.M s. WILSON.
1 President J'.ide for tlie liuiii Judicial 1
Di-lrict of Pennsylvania, composed of the
counties of 1 tui.ii, Mtillin and Snv
, and
,, ,, ..... ,. .
, f-s..Asso-
ci.iteJadcestn .ne'ii county, have issued their
precept, team.? date the Kith day of Sept.
IS'.J, and to me directed, for the holding of an
"'Thans' Court, Court of Common Pleas, Oyer
anil Terminer, and General Ouarler Sessions
M i.uw'bVKt;. for ihe county of UNION,
on the third Monday of Di:i"K. ihetn" the
1!) h day) IS.VJ.and to continue one week,
Nolice is therefore hereby piven to the Cor-
on - r. Justices of the Peace and Constables in
a"'1 lht" Cl,ul"y "' nion.to appear in their
o - an piopei pei-oiis won tiivir recor-is, intiiii-
sitions,exa.ninat,os and other remembrances
to do those thims which of iheir offices ami in
their behalf appertain to be done; and all Wit-1
ncsscs and other persons prosecuting in behalf j
: ot the i. oinnion wealth against any person or i
persons, are required to be then and there I
their attendance at the appointed time agreea-
b!e to nolice
(liven under my hand ami seal at the Pher-
in' :n Lewi-bur, the l lih day c.f.W
vember. in the year of our Lord one thousand
e, ht h:1Ire(1 flfl njne, am, lhe cjEhtv. j
(oiirih year ol the Imlepentlence ol Ihe Coiled
Stales of America. (1. id s ave the Com moo,-
wealth! JOHN ClIQsstJKOVE. Sherirl
"XTOTIl'E is hereby given to all con
cerned, that the following named persons .
nave seined their accounts in tne leeister s
Union, on the fourth Friday of DECEMBER
next, being the 23 1 day of said month, viz :
1 The Account of Henry K. Young, Admin
istrator of I'ttcr lou'ig, late of L'nioa town
ship, dee'd.
2 The Account of Abraham 8. 8ypherand
Charles Holtensiine, Administrators of Jacob
VyiAer, late of White Deer township, dee'd.
3 The Account of Joseph Sanders, Admin
istrator of 1'iler Kaufman, late of Hartley
(now Lewis) township, dee'd.
4 The Account of Thomas Swenk, Admin
istrator of Mary Moore, late of Kelly
township, dee'd.
5 The Account of John F. Kichart, Execu
tor of ihe las I will and testament of .tiry
With, late of White Deer township, dee'd.
6 The Account of John Hayes, surviving
Administrator ol Robert O. H. Ilayet, late of
West Rufljloe township, dee'd.
7 The Account of Peter Stahl, Adminis
trator of AIcAn Slnhl late of Kelly township,
dee'd. (iKOIitJB MERRILL. Register.
Kesister's Office, Lewi-burg, Nov. 19, le'55
I Sheriff's Sale. j
' T)Y virtu? of a writ of Ki. I'a. iun! onlofi
: J the Court of Ci.minon I'leas .t l.'inon
county, and to me dircritd, i:l be eip.oed o
i'",b"i "'T, "r "'"''V'.? !l",T'"; 11
' S:itur.i.iy, Iterrii.lier 17, In.VJ, at 10 tulticlf ,
A. W.. the l-.'lli''iii!! necnor.i Ki-at rotate, to
; wil . Twi) Cl.rl;l, -VneU , L..,ll(, s.,lL. ,
j Li notone towichip, ami county of I'mim.
: I'oumleJ on the mrtti by bin.'s of
' by lau.l of Aaron
tSiniih. vn the south by IVims tlwk auu on
. . . . f ,llhprs
; ,,,,,. iwemy-live acres, n,.,re or lc-s, !
wiiereou are crecici one and null storey i.ojj !
1 liwctlinj lloue, a I. s B iro, an t oilier Uui-
n . .L. i
u""n-.-. c. .... i r.,.
'J'laet .o. i is a Tunlitr Lot, b. on.lid north
by 1'erins t'rc.-k, ea.-t, sooth and writ by
lands of Hire.h lleflas, coi.taii.iiiv eleven acres,
mere or !es, with tbe a.p'.irteiianees, &c.,
as the property rf 1'bil p )",.Iit.
JOHN CUtl.-'-jttKflVE, Shrrtf
Hheriff's Oilicc, Lewisburg, Nov. 2H, InSD
W J ILL be off. red at IVj'.ic Rale on the
premises on Friday lite :i(7j duy uf
lhtrmb-r IK.V.lllP lo'b.u in.. nroiwrtv
ted m ihe Ilorou'li ol .New Ikriin : line lot ;
and one-halt of ground in winch is erected ai
Mlare two stiocv I lame llweiliiiB Mouse
and O.liee. together with all the necessa
, ry tai-b.i;i.lins ; bounded nordi by an alley,
I ea-I by lands uf Daniel llorlacher. isoiuh liv
. .Market M., s
and west bv lands of Dr. J.i-
. sepn li. i.i. tz. j be ,.t and ha!! lot will be
! s"kl 'oseiher or separate, as purchasers may
Persons wishing tn ex.aminp ilie prepertv.
. can
lo so, be callini on J .s. f. Miieiicr. Lso .
f New H.-rori. It" lliee U'isb ai.C i!ifirin'ili..ri
in rcjard to it. they can obtain il by ad Iress-
"'- n,e at i.oeic Haven, I'a., or Ueorsje .Mer-
I rill, h-q.. ai Lewisbtir?, I'a.
I is. lie 10 " ' ' CloCh, WnCO COndaionS
u itl be ma le known,
Nov. 21, is.-,j. JHSSI. MERRILL.
As-cini.iv approved the SI d.lVl.f Anr.l VII
tn.17, on I iiiLiv the dav 1,1 h -e,.,,,.
ot r, ts.i.t.j.n me jneuusejt m lite burougii of
New teilfn, Ihe
Coart-IIouse, Jail,
and all oth-rpuidic biitlditiss an I lan.!,s:tnate
in said bor .oh, belon-ri in ibe county til
I i, on. prior to ihe crei io n ot the near cuntv
out td pan of I'moii, t ailed Snv !er. bounded
and de-.eri. c I as f.llou-, viz : FIVE Lt) I'rt
adjoinin- each .ohcr, a. d bo ind.-.l on the
west by Vine sirt-et. m rih by M uket sireel,
ca-t by l'iun.b sireei.ai.d S'-inli by an a:i. v,
wl.ere.oi ibe t'ouri House and County Uliices
ate preeted.
Al-o a ceriaio Id a'j i n n I'linnb street
on the east, Ma;!.ei Mr,-,.. ,; ,he s,,o:h, lot of
J.din SVetol.i on'tlie e-t. ami an aliev on t!.e
north, wlo ieon Ibe JAIL is erected, 'faid I t
win ne sold separate, tti-ther u-i;b :h
; appur-
fair lo cmninpnee at IO o'clock, A.M., of
said day, uh.-n and where il;.- and con
ditions of sale ttd! be tn:.. known by li.e ur.-tl-rsiue
1, duly appoimml by s;,,'. an j,,r n,.
parpuse. Nl.It MiIil.i:sV.lii'iI,
IlLMiV ('. LVil!!. i
Nov.i; s.,n. .iiiux V. DAiitiUR. !
SlieriiT Sale.
llV vitne
1. su-l Ol
:trtie i f an al as writ of Ley. Fa. is.
ol ft the C. u.t of Common Pleas
ol 1 nitoi c .oniy and :o in- directed, will be
exjio-ed lo Public sale or Ooterv.r.t Ibe Pub
Lc II oit-e if I. D Drewer. in I.-tti-bur.'. on
.Monday ihe I'.nh D.-c.'r next, a! I o'clock. I' M,
The l'..ii..wmj de-cnled ll.nldin.' and Lot
o! liround ot li,,.r..,. A ..-n(.; ami J, !m Lilly,
to wits a d we' Lui' boo-e of i v.i si.-reys, .iv.
"'S a from of thirtv-iwo le. i ni.d a depth of
thirly-ttvo feel, wuli 1'i.une kit, -ben anaohe.l,
and is sitnalt i on a ceilain lot or piece ft
etoiind on Souili :x h vie. t in ll.e b,.rouL.'h
of I.P'.vi-huri.', a'j ufiiia I I of Win LVmnver
on ibe north and lot of Win .Mo. re on ibe
sooth, ui:h ihe .'ippiirienances. Sjeied, lakt-n
ia execution and io I , s,,!d by
JuilN ( i;.)ssi;i;o'K, SlieriiT
SlieritTs Oll'.ee, l.ewisbur;. Nov 1 !, A D I So!)
vai.ijaiji.i: ii;( ii:iiTYi
i i is 1. 1 c s a 1. 1: . !
order of the Orrhao's Court t.f Cnion
I )
roui.ty, will be sold at Public Oiilcrv, it,
UeririfMiay, KMi of lii :n!r ,
next, the large and cooimoious two-stoirv .
brie It
nArjsiou nouss
and LOT. with ihe appnrrtn.inces, property
of Ibe lale Jonathan N.-.-b.i, dee'd, .situate in
Ihe It. roii-.1i of Lewisbur, hounded on ihe
eavi by property of Dr. Win. Haves, on ihe
soinh by Pine alley, on the we-l bv bdol Win. '
Jones, Kst, and on the N: rth by Marktt St.. 1
numbered in ihe seneral plan i t'lhe borough !
No. -17. The properly is MIALLV XKWJ
and built hi u gmul, vrl;mimhli'. mimnrr. unit
i.f mperiur tnulerii.fi ; and if wanted for a
Public House, can be made suuable wiih a 1
few alterations.
Persons wi-hint; In purchsst" can exan.ine
Ihe premises by callini! on the subscriber, or :
on William Joues, L.-tp, adjoining ihe pi em- 1
ises. j
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock- A. M. of
said day when coudilibus of saie will be made
Ht fill P. SH ELLF.lt, Adm'r.
Lewishursr, Nov. 8, Dt.'i!)
Re-Adjourned Assignees' Sale.
"VN IVcdlirNilay, rilst Urri'llllicr '
V next, will be exposed lo public sale a.
certain i.tit oi urouiiu on which is erected
a valuable
c. t-sj s
OlCtlfil 1' i0liriH2 JTIIIi
. ,.,,, t,5..,t.. .
1 ,, : ' " -- "": r",ilc")
-Vo. a)es ricninorn, siiuale on
, raI,er M " et' n"rl.h "'' Mi,rkr'' a borough
wf.f"'? k", ."'Tk?',- a .
B,ua ' Dum 01 V.' 'our and a na,r
storeys hic,h, havm an Engine of forty horse
"'wer aUacl"'d. a hue brick stack, six run of
1 ?ioiic it uouoie set I I it., i mv fl ii.itic m
sary to ...al
ines, and all oiher uearire neces-
...ake (and has ma.le) as irood Flour
as any other Mill in Ihe Siaie.
The location of this Mill, considering Ihe
productiveness of the country surrounding it,
is nut surpassed. (Jrain can be bought as
cheap at this place, as any other point in the
Stale; and there is more grain raised in this
1 section of country than is necessarvtnsnnnlv
all ihe Mills: and for Merchant Woik this
mill is especially recommended
Any person desirous uf engaging in said
business will do well to call and examine be
fore purchasing elsewhere.
C?'Alsn. between 600 and 700 new Flour
Barrels will be offered.
Sale to be at the public honse ofA.JAVeid
ensaul, in said borough, commencing at 1
o'clock P. M.
Conditions made known on rlav of sal.
Assignees of NrsniT, IItu & Fieuruuns.
Lewisburg, Oct 12, 1S39
(-"THE subscriber will either SELL or
JLjlRENT his House and Lot, situated on
South Third street, opposite ihe Lutheran
church, l.ewi.-burg. Possession given on the
first of Ocrober. For particulars, inquire of
Beaver, Kremeri M'Clnrp.or Johnson Wails.
Sept. 16. lnf.9 EI.1SHA STRAl'B.
4 DESIRAI1LE Hiillliilg Lot. 33 feet
V. feet front by lli'J deep. Enquire of
Heaver, Kremer A .V'tlurp.
"ti sr rsiLtn me sixth anmai. ssnucaci:-
MltN'r,' anil brillunt vttvrt, in uuLur tflumo.
'I'll sult-rntifi t H'rt- ' I ihp
,' 'ari;r llin k Fonii-'rv ai Hi'" wc-i
'jT': xil 'n.l of Mall-.et sift, iiictn 'in;
jcKii.'l'.-Tatll'' V. aieri i in, i')'i , at.d lb'
iacntnery aitnchct--aio a tu.- ar.uoi. t -1
Patterns lor I'Mi-nt Kisfc' l"r A.-iicnifnal
Mai.binci y.Sii.v. , Ac. Ii , ir:-i..-! .
of Ibe best luc ....... bra !, sale l i.
The l'ro.rictor lime is wh-bv ci rrn.-.-.l m
anotbrr ciiip!ovntciit, vh.rb is ibe r i!fc' ti I
drsiro i.i disj.ii'if nf tins ft ui.'liy. F'i ai.y
lunber paiticni t, a't-'.te-s
WILLIAM HCil.K. Lewi.-! nrj.
Fell, isss l i.it. i. fo. I'a
SII I. resilience of the snl.-ci .1 cr, on K
Maikct stnet in li..' 11. r.o eb
Lewi-bnr:. The hi-ns i el tliH.K, !!
finished in everv r"ptct.
'IVrins One half In bp paid b-tucn tb -and
ihe first day of April nut; tbe baiancc
In be paid in two. three cir live yarj, as ma y
suit ihe buyer. 1'ossessii.n t'iven ,-inv titi.e.
June 9, ts.-, IsiAAtJ W ALI I'I!.
r pt
I " UuJB
r"I II AT desirable properly, corner .
I John and Water Sis ,-..n. r.-inz'f
; ItlvtT Lots, on uhirh ar-nrcicil a mi,
H .use, tsi.c I, and Whirl. Ti.i is an ei
lent location lor a K.ver residti.ee 01 place
of business.
For lernis Ac. apply to
Lewi-burn, June Hi, ls.' j
v two inn ii li; Ft: wii: n.'-f--v.
two lamihes ,
one nn Jihn -Irei, hrSi c. i 1 :ii i t-1 each
of tie above II ar- f- r KVm.
tt"AK(), for sale. I'-mr lim! in 7 I...rs on
Niirth Fifth ri. JOIi.N il(( (il'i f .
J.ewi.sbiir;, Jan. 20, l;,;. Auv rit
r T " v
ffIin sTi'..ri!-r f-r U r ;,,vrn! -
J H HM'K !!( :, ar, 1 . tir i.mbji
ttin?, sit!ia! in ih-' ilof tt-.'!i 1 I .t vi ; -f -n '.
Vrsoni x' Jim 2 l r':i m i i p 'p-;ie
nil on .Mr. J..finih;in .nc, w rm u,il -,t:
thcrn snr h ir id rinal. un as :h- v m-iv v.
;. m iin a i.i.i:.
tree!, a pr.-r'-rte A.
I.-'. Fr..i:.t il it-,i-i..i
d. 'I ' l li; - -a v. A : !
a i; vorsi;
ON 8..uth F.i.li
Con-l'u;Lr el .1 I
on a hail' lo t !
lo I'Mav
i 1'.
UK well l no i n Tim r:i MamtA-V
alliieia-l ei.d ol liie l.cwi-i.n. : i J
Lud:;, in iiilii -on;:.; .e b un-h n. N . ii
Co. It w:'l Le s.dd ..-n re a- i :.l ' i.o:-....
In'i'. r- ,.f WILLIAM FLICK.
Leui-i uri. Pie. 17. I-'".
I sent i v W a ho ; II
I i - n e
Gabion. I a--v a; e - ai.;.
Fi r Tciiis ap; y tu
Jan -e7 1- .
' !- r I I )'
joiin i: 1 1"
t i,::r-
Lj iTIl.r.l sited, I
Dr. l".
1) mi: t ii
V ver LK
II i I:. An .M
I'I't s.l
- a . e a i a
w ,v j c i;
L ro
MAN I.'!.
- N I
k. nK.No:
ew- Pic-
W.-'Jl i.inin inli I'... e.
LA Rcn, hi! I- .,1
. 1 and ve v r.onf
1 le H. hasle.
f:;e I tip l,-r Hie it
'yA- - -
: in.-.tato n i '
i.o.s. 'rerrt,
. Hut SLL.
a I ate.
I c-N.C an 1 i liier s llitla
111. 'leiit'e. A; ..y n.
I.fwt.-I.ur Jir.e :?. 1-
X. nr
.S. il.
law oi-Fifi-: i:r.Movi:i.
JjI.a Jj. I iLn,
rToi:r at i.w,
J li;- I.i o.-e ou N. i.i..,t:i .
''s I.i M i: ;,
! rt. I-
i:. t'
( F.T
X ca
ET rnari.i.i i Io n i . '' n i I. . i 'v -o v. o
I at MP ID.N's P I.!.'o
sioRn.and s.-ia lii-st r:tt Coi'K s'luX I; a-lii-t
co-l, a- 1 wal.l to c'" -e . i.i ii i -t.. i.- , i
cook sieve-. J'..--. MTADD.N.
Levvisbur, March 11, ls.',s.
sa.iui:i. is. cr.v,u..
Ittiii'iK j :. I.;: ti.
FFICE on S nth Secret i.ear .Malket St.
I.I. w isr.t r i.
t e- AN I rtdes-ioi ai Io.-n ess enirnsied ti.
hi- eare w iil be iaiiiilolly and prooip !y a'.tcn
lie 1 t.l Sepl. 1 I. 7
reicived a I a hip anl
assortment t.f (.(Mills, adapted tn ih-
I -eason and wants ot liie cioniuunity, wiiu h
i will be sold very low. Call an I -ee.
HEAVE!!, Ki;EMi:i! A. .MlCLI'RE.
Sept. 1 1, V.K
Another Chance fur Cheap ricluro?
MRROT VPES will be taUn at MOW.
Ii " ?k y-I-ishi ;.w!f ry, ai rei'iu-f t! ratt's
ivt a IiniiltM (inic. i'rioes raninc lrcm ?n
ct-nts upuarils. This reiiuctu't, i nia-V to
prtpaie Ir Ihe iniro'Iurtn-n o! eiTt riMve tm
pnvemeHis. The retlucci! prices will not be
continued Ion 2. therefore ail desiring cheap
pictures .shuultl call nnuietiiaieiy.
I.ewisburs, Sept. II, .$.".!.
Titos. ;i:ii:r
nAS jnst received a splendid assortment
of the very best, cheapest and mn-i
la-iiionable Jewelry in ihe market. His
Stuck cuinprises
Brpawt Pins),
liar Rliisr,
l'iin:T liingrsi,
Mine Kill ton.
which will be sold extremely low for Cash.
He respectfully asks the patronage ol ail
his oltl cu-tnmers ; and also invites new ones
lo give h.m a call before making their pur
chases. Call at lhe sign of the liig Watch,
Market street, east of Second. Dec. 2I,'5;(
(iood Hats and Caps
(Iheap Hats an ' Caps
A very large slock of Hats and Caps-,-
Young (iem's styles Hats and Cap
Bovs' and Children's Hats and Caps
Now ready and fur sale by UiBSON, the oniy
Hatter in Lewi-burg
I HEREBY notify all persons not to trust
or humor mv wne Elizabeth er daughter
Mary .irin.as they have been making many
debts that I know nothing of, which I wid mil
pay onless compelled by law. and further I '
will proceed accor.ljig to law asainsl any
person or persons who shall trust them with
out my knowledge or consent.
JOii.N l't.SH.
tt Buffalof, Oct. II, le.Vj. '
j ;
T.nu;K?vj-ilw;. i:t.bks,S!ati(.nerr
- , 1 ' v. '!'', -(i.tcrti,:,,!
... , i .-j." . I ii.. t, .N. is. ili..,.
I'. i ll::' .! -Vf K V ft t - . '
"I M tl
' inr
i.i. w I Li I.'; 1 1
1 t'tltE.
1. 1
.M) l :.m. i,:l
r;"t. La I at ik.
'' I 'i t'll E
. I. (;. .:
I t.'.W.
1 (..
I bfilCE
ai d cider
1 ar 1.
can Ir h.d
I I).
. I.;..
r (.,
- at li.i.
J o-s r ornt e
I I.M I x
I' t I'.
'-". F,7., L'a
.'.s aud
salt- ar :he
ri's r ornt e
Li I.
I "
i (.,
fl ar.y
I A1!
I 1 .
::r, f, " !
' ! I.e.- I
t assi.rt
'"AI'Kk f;r,,tl.
-I Otl'lCE
:.( r
I t
'it J illllSt Il's
v- S'lirio V-
I 0.1 CASH!
I' -b's ::n.! S:t nrl
Sii.t !; t
:., .1. A
I :;
y 1,1,,
I. V. a - !
- ' lit. J
tc. Lewsbure,
io -si st. ck ever
'""" allandx.
J save at least 25
V .
fr m .J to $3
s'ln n. l to S-2
io l" 75 cts
S7C to l
cheaper tl.an the
. a r.
Tn O .I
- t i-
a I. ar.d war.
t li. rr.e-ma.le worx
wb.ch ui.l be sold
br.rtut nri,jee
I let.
41U V It. A
' V, ll.-.r luare fn re,
.::.: i.'s M,i e s;. re, Maike
77.X .1.
-op i
I ' -. I ;
j. '. In audition
v. i upaitd it mke
' t 1 sn. ait, f i:n&) I0
if. A -.. l.'ALI.O-
. r.t c 'i f r i) to rfp.
:. i to li, oi! tannin;,
r --i. n at.,: laturei
i iv i y li.e Cauif ra.
i1. '. I bate the
r. c y. fail jc4
Api.l 21, Is." a.
lu i s.
:' r I i
!' p t!i,k
1 i lilv. .HU
- I I'.- r V t eral sltpp'v
. . e it- ;:, part ci tht
! ! - Jl's of
-'. '. 2 I' L LlSy
. V.. let''.-, 'I iS
' . tn-. I't: i.i- i.t all
. . . -. 11. 1. 1. els,
t lit stery,
! : :-. Ac.
r.- . I i l.-tn-. lis
. e-. Ha t Hose,
1 ' - e- . li. r.s t f
. ' v !.:. h can
. ; - to; . s.
'.. : ' t i.r as-i rtrcer.f,
: ' tl.t yi n can't do
''. ! " C- in. Tv Produce
n n"-s. j . j , r.Lvza
i.. P i!.?i: r. a. to.,
.v.'.; lure; J'iair,v: Xill,
, t '-..-'....i y on i.m.,1 and
. I i oi in-, s ic.ii.s,
::. "i.; lit i s. I !:...,
: - . : .... ' at" u s,
.-. I.j ti. L tl lliU Wllk U"f 1
j 'v .-dieted and preWftly
. - 1 1 .: . t- ,t - it . ve satis.ac uon
t : . I I.un; bi-r of al!
i. : ,t .1 ;. i -a e.
.s.c n.l :Uttt,l.(iciburg.rii
t.. - . i
i Oil SALE.
!S S' M lit
.1 stiil 1 1" ike " Iron ( Uf
;" A ''-tress B. x 17,
M .y 27, 1S09.
. o.
TN TIM! rl i. HO'!-The subscriber
1 rt -pt et!.: ' y ai-.t. 1.1 cc 10 ibe citizens 0
Lew i-i-i,i' ai.e. en ii. ry ii.at ihey Lave Krinnl
a i'lii-ci.-ioj. 1,1 ibe
Taiioiiitg Ei:sirPES,
at ihe well-ki.e n stitr.J t I Jan.e- Cr -we'lea
itaiKCl sue. l. wneie tiny are pterared 10
'''. IAi X. '.',. I i" i.i u. i r in tie very
I r-t -tile, Mei.'s .11. 0 It. Vs" ifntliinS 4'f
cvt ry i)i -e:,p ,. i. , -b. rt n.t.te. Me ask
ash are i. iLe j L lie p.-.'r. i r e-
JAVEs l.lsUTLI.,
J. F. Mll.Ml LR. '
Letvi-berg, April 1, ls.''.i
ARE NOTICE ! The ueeer- irnt-d are
appointed Asenls t r tbe s.. e t f
) Elltfll-K. Es:.. S. a- i.ii'.itt 21tll
of ail ,zr, iiiaile , f ll.e -: l;....vri:tl. All
w.inai.ted. TV Ma e I 1 .ll.sl'1,01 1,
. I'a. anO f. r -a Y I v
F s CAl.DU ELL. Lewi-burs
1 OR SA! E. t HEAP-A i
Tni.nitnt Kt '.'.a c. f.vel.o i.t
',.... end
ait.ele i--r
t inter- io
1. , i-. e.
TALL. Be. k B.ricr.
.VJ. C.J.
Uo Griuuitcnts.Crcctrics, oiJIOEkcy
1) late
Itiir.. Ire's ,.. Hats and Cnps ef :t
late-t :yit -
te i hr.. tr tl.an can c
i ai.d ste tie ni at
.,'; v, J.,,Lidy-r
Jiuid el.-e w lit i e.
iiisou's llat
AVE r.'p,-ive.lii..ir.-F.CONl'Ar.KITAl
i i Spr.n z and s
. 1, i ef
V. ..:.!i
a i d a I. :
Ladies' C.JIar
A l.-o a ret.er;. I
; d S.fPl e ifl t"
i r id. ni t f M"'
Tr-mn.ti tt-, 't f. '
which u ..i be ;d
M iv IS. l-.'U.
a.'t CassiU-cis
i lis'.
- I'tXl-.ct l-.!:Lian''e:i-.cr.i:
(t the
I! ! ' ol ..iil,l kit 0 . I. bal d or to or.
( II: sT.JhL
.. .Le-i-l i.iJ I'o :-' '
II. .'
IS! tllT,
vrV,-.l!rl -'.-
r io f.i .' "
Ktt'ei- s -
i i.t;.
.lr. .. i