JjCtrisburtf, fit. Fuio.w Mokxing, iHr. 2, 1S7J. AllVK'lTiZK! MaiiCta-llr.-ra. M.-rcliant-. l,--lroi;."! I'utiiti- uniii-r in 'it iv nt. i-ut-ii-tuT- - 11 mt- .i-l t --11 "iM ! ,1 (-' n: l. lit. c tlaniu-1 "I H'e .--'? -y-v ' ';-'i . .1... I, ti.. - s l;.r-i- n 1 ni--r'-'rt; ctr.-ul ilt.-u in a -..iiinti",,ti. i-'til;,iuiii a 4r;f ir..-,itl-i .,f a,-li.-. i-r-iaa. fr.-, . u-uiiii.it ui ,.-.,lr., as anj iu the M.ilc . Cj" Sec Xi'iv lli 1 is-siu-iilt. jcir('HAMiiKl;Ll. tiuo'.s Imvo r iiiik'c J tlu'ir Mercantile -atal!isliiiient io tlii-tr fine, lafgf, new mum, comer Maiket aiij 5:b Sis. ltt-Tliiro is ou.j ime daily li-jilro-ji traiu Li-twei-n llani.-burjr, uhlmry, , and (hat arrives au Lour later iLju f ji nurly. B5lpi'l.rolitu l!m?.)in, la'e fi .vit nor ol Michigan, and an ofiL-e Ii-iIiut in Kausa, deceased, x cully, aged I y -ar-... Kx-'jov. Oiliucr ol (ij., id also deal. tay-Vc utiderstati J tl.at f i (.-tn i ii -r W. l'olljik, late Cafliiir of tbc lS-mfc at lo-w-isturg, lias been t'ccicd l'ruiidcut ol the iSbauiukin l'aiik. Vasiiim:tcN Ir.viX'i died very sud denly at bis Limit "Suunysid. ,'' in Ii Tington, N. Y. -Sib ulr., aged 7i years, hung will be Lc run. injured with aff c lion and hotir-r. His lust work was b:f illustrated Life uf Wasiiin'ston. If-There were public Tiuiifc.j'iviiig services held by all the clnin-Iics in l,.-w i--lurg, Thursday of Iat wcrk, i-ic ptitig the l'resbytcrian, wbose pistor was" away from home. Generally, throughout the land, the day was well observed as a ''Nutiouil Thanksgiving." - 1b"A Sunerintcndent's Addresses to the Children of his Sabbath .Scboil," i au ISmo. of 130 pages, uff -rd d at '2D and 25 cents, lately publiidied by the l'rc.-by-tcrian l!oard of I'ublication, 1'hil. It is the production of A. Swineford, E q., (ol eir lierlin) author of Juc Eitou." 9.We hope all Teachers, School Di rectors, and Fricudi of Edncation generally will remember the Institute at M illiuburj;, commencing on Monday ucxt. They in-iy be made very interesting and irCtable oocastons. Tk Snrdcr countv Institute meets at FftcbHrff. Moiiduy tbeGth IK-C. irct'uu.g, 1UU 3 j .tu !. r.talo.Mi,. of lh.i Denirt- v M- """" e ments of the University at Lcwisburg foot up as follows : Theological Department t'ollegiate " Academic " Female lustiluto 12 6.i 01 The Stmleiits The Teachers 21D l-About 2 o'clock tn Mnrnlay mnrn-t- l,. l,.n (Itt II.fikmi.if h. seen in Li night clothes, in the third storey window of Otuit'a Hotel, in II jrris-bur. crying "murder !" aud fchortly jamped upon the pavement; he was takcu up, tut in a few moments breathed his last, aged -I!) j. 4 m. 13 d. A Coroner's Jury found that Lc died with Miriam tirmnts. Mr. 11. i well known as an energetic and prosperous Contractor on public wmks, aud bel-ivcd for his many amiable qualities. He is the l5t of his family, but lias cousins iu this vicinity, whu jesteiday buried him in the : Lcwisburg Cemetery. He was au nricjuul ' Curator and benefactor nf the I'niv. t-ity ; at Lewisburp. Thus has f.illcti another , victim to I'UIMv, who but f ir that r-ubtlc fiend niij;bt loug have reiuaiued a comfort to bis friends and a public blcsing ! Jfc-J. M. Mack, formerly of this town, writes us from Knikakce City, Illinois, that the reports of the uff rriuj-s of the Trench Colony of Father Chitiiq'iy, at St. Anus in that county, are greatly (.xhj gerated ; that they are about 200 or lit'O ' in number; that sumo of them raised gTOd crops, uui many arc mum' m, nu- J tovtdent, and bad managers ; mar, not content with 4U acres eacu, mej ooiroucu frame dwcjiingj twa frame dwelliugs Ly tuoney of "land sharks," a', o percent per Messrs. Donaehy's, one by Mr. Clever, and mouth, to buy 40 acres inure, and thus a '2-storey brick by S. D. Muusuu uuw lost all they had ; and that, since the do- ow,'( '"- , ., . . . i flu A orf A itli St., Mesrs. Alexander Cations tent in to them, they have stnrired ,, , . . ,. '. . . . " ' ' " ' Hutchinson and Daniel teamen have each cutting and hauling wood, and will sim kc, : a framc Jwt.1Iin;, 0 &lllh 7tll laugh and dance until their moticy ifj . 5, lv.cr Mcrtz a frame, and Uco. J. Iluh ptut. He evidently thiuks it best to put a brick dwelling, them on their own resources, aud says, t ()n ,V-JUft gib St., Mrs. 13clr?r a frame any real sufferings will be relieved iu the J,,,.;;,,!;. j TiciuilT without renard to relieious ueiict , or disbelief. Tbe AW..i."e Costtlet, a ... r. ,i. .., ., ifr.utat;e iooKing I'uyvT uuunuuuuu'ji , cuLUrios tuts view oi lue case. The afternoon train on the Northern Central Kailroad, was thrown from tint , 4 I. o . i. r , ,..1 .raCk, o.iurua, wee., vruc ... u,.,..- tbe Conductor, Alfred Crawford, who jumped from tbc train, was caught by the , falling car and instantly killed. Tbe pas- ; teogers in tbe car escaped with a few scratches and bruises. We learn that a clerk in a store, at Linden, Lycoming county, was instantly killed on Friday last, by a hogshead of j molasses falling upon him. His name i was John Creigbtou: be leaves a young I Wife and child. ! A Wnm.i. ItVntra, into Mr. fl.r.lnn,1 millinery shop, io Danville, last mouth, tut was caught and broorosticked before me eonld ret awav with her "ibinrs. ' Oo Friday Ust.Mr.Drowo.of Newberry, eot oat to fell a tree oo Title Cretk it as beard to fall, and after some hours, be Qt returning, March was made, when be s found under tbe fallen tree killed ! Co. Thomas Brandon bas been court- ftwialcd at DaoilIe, and fined 199 for IDS errnr ha KAmmitt.td in relation to 'J tcrtaio militarj eleciioni. pt Hummel, near SeIinjrroT, is ecinr nn nn nf a 7 hiwbe.ft J ebelled corn on 27 acres, this jrcsr. ' Elias Weigle of Lycoming couotj, j 8 bushels from each of seven acres, j ,1 . H'Tro is fa'J to be fixed npnn as I " ite fr thr M-ebioe f bep of tbe Sue-! 7 Eric Railroad. j Iin?rovemei.ts in Lr.vi3t)urg 1359. ; Since our report iasi fal, there has lieu at Ica.-t au average amount of labor and caiiiial bestowed uu the visible p'Tllou 1 ul our tout). ! t.'ii the ftri-ct.", a n at uuuiner tf suit-! able crossing places have been laid, con- ' :-i J. i.i lc giad.ug f sin e s and side walks, t ime htreet graveling done, au 1 several miles iu (be aggregate of stuue gutter and brick pavements laid. Ml iul.;s. The (jas House, then no ticed us probable, is tow completed, and every week new pipes are l.iij to obtain the hgbt which appears to be wiubiugtbc popular favor. ln -Market street, we have to notice the new '1 storey briek double duelling bouse of Thomas Howard the o-storey brick cliL-e ud d.ellitig of Ir. I. Iliugger ."Sol. Killer's, J-s!urcy double briek dwell ing lj Ledge Kecd's ll-.-torey double blick dwelling and lieo. A. Cbainbcrliu's and .Mr .-t ipleiou's frame dwellings iu "LinE- Wii,-." j Ss:&;ii!iPr!ilks B?Io li, corner tf "kIi ' an) ltik'i i tiif :reairi nnpiuveinenl iu I. 'UiNtMir ih s year. It ori upies l!n' i;r uii-t Inrint'ily Zn: iiiyt'i lilacksiniib tnp 1 :tiii r,..U"s v.iL"' h.-i; the l.tttt-r part re-! inani" ti pen iVr ttr;if a'nl lor team- la pas tn the if.ir the hui'tini!:. Tlie lfhu k i liu nn'le.l, 1-uilt ul ruk, 5:1 feet on .MTukft Si airl l.'tii kel i n Filiii St. The Maria t Si. . liunt i 41 iron, from iieat and aitrariive Ie ilh, ca-t ly J. S. M.irh .V at t!;e l.ew iiuit Fuiunlry, and pan.icl hivun. 'i'he tier Mtire-px in in ver -d feet by 1 1". coiuiij'.iiKc.iiih id lite rear wtih a (irain Mill n:iil'-r CiniruciiHii1 and en the Mile with en iranef to the st,i:r and cellar, ai-o Willi a i:u?p Moiac-riii'in, a buh rtxtm, slpej ing r oins, private paitur, and counting rccin-. li i li'jliit-i in Iri'iil It immense g'as plaies . ctii.s eacli, and ly fi as tmrners at eveninir. There is a!u aiu ther proiind -lliur ' vh'ie-rocin untinihfd, and the eci-iid ami i!i:rd ctnj!n"di:uis slorrys are designed lor (: lijes, Shi'ps, and llall. We Unovv cf no bu Miifss htue in i'entrat Pennsvlvania uhich presents grejuer acciiniinodatioiis or a more neat and attractive front, than this. Lewis I'alihcr is: the Architect and iMicrinteiHlcm ol ihe building. j j u X-rth 1st St., Pavid Ointcr Las , made a large additiou to his Cabinet aud 1 Turning shop, and John II. licalc made a : li-.-lor.-y lr ie k addition to bis dwelling. ' jllu Siti'h 1st St., Alexauder Lewis bas I put up tiri "J-storey frame dwellings, (un der w ay, but not mentioned last year.) On Xji-lh, 2d St., Win. Carotbers Las , built a 2-storey frame dwelliuj;. t.vn islnirt; I'laiiius .Mill, by Pai. ' mi.h,Kus! A; Co., is ;7 by 70 teet in sie, driv en I y steam power, aud employs an average i id ten hands, exclusive of the Proprietors arm those ensaqed in putttnj np work. A steam . i,rui-tuu-e uiil Le a.tdt-d m iho tuiMiue ! inrihwiih. The Meani is in the basement, i on the lirsi .r mun floor are iwo circular) : M-'.a.vcn.llsaw,IirstH'.iasspiantT,uou(nig . i .i,.., and r.lr'.,ad cut.rnj-olV saw-all a'pparrnllv; P"'' "f M-sMss.rp. w.ll answer of .lie latest and best tniprovemen.,. and e'a-, V"l" "J J"hls Iroin eve.y iinb. pahle ol accomplishing an immense amount j """ : n.rr.n.. Mi. Jr 1. s;,.-,. ill hard labor. I Hr. SVtl, S II ,n. n.ilum .r.-, l.l lo-.r .-ir : 1 rati. ()u .V'tl.'l 2d St., LCWIS Calmer and - M- 1 111 carfiLincr cjouu i'liiici i, . , u n-iuuuciiu and put new fronts to iheir dwellings, and I'ctcr Auraud creeled a frame dwelling. On the ltiver street, Win. II. U'oife put up a double frame dwelling. On Xwlh od St., Levi 15. Herbst has started a 2 Morey Lr it k dwelling. Lewis ... c-.'Mt-S u.ltit..iu.tfuu"l. DililtJ UllCfe dwelling. Samuel llur.sh has adJcd a storey to his dwelling, and David Hebrr and Win. I'rick elegant porches to the 3d St. from of their dwellings!. On Smlh St., wt have first the d .uble 2-storey briek dwell ing of Johnson Walls, the rc-niodelcd store-room of Zimmerman & '. dlers, I lie double 2 storey brick dwelling of Johu oilers, the 2-storcy brick dwelling of John Kabler, and the double 2 storey brick dwelling of Jacob Voder. Ou I nivcrsity avenue, wc notice some neat iiewbous s of l'rof. Cuttis, the contin ued beautifying of the C dbge gioiuJs, and the aJatation of the Academic buildings to accomiiiodte studeuts from alroid with b. ard, next session. On A trth -1th tst. extension, a dwcllinfF ... . . : 1 r t . . i e . t l.y .'lr. atciueri an miproveu irotu ny i I! t.j Atigstadt, and an improved li-storoy j . . i ii- i: : i " t l t.r.cK uwetttn, aojoiuini; uis lornicr, rjy Daniel t'ehafir. fill .S''t 4lh St., firv --sturcj double brick dwellings by Uev ( rs Alumnus, a corner double 2 storey brick dwelling by Prothonotary ltou.sh, and - storey briek dwelling of lir. Wilson. O i ti'iii'li "ith St. a '2 storey brick dwel ling by Allen Shoemaker. Uu iVkA (jth St., I 'r. Gearhart erectrJ a U-.storcv frame dwelling, John Urnsell .,r anJ ;Vm. II. llaritim a double 2 slorcy Ttal new buildtn!r. and several reniodeled, besides various smaller slruc- j i . . t . 1 tun - ?, uud some pcruaps we niaj Ufcvc i : t ...11- .to..t-..,l &lrA..,to B-O l.o... "'eio' iiiuin u.. , of contracting for building next season. e.Ti.e .hterofttie rutio.ic . not .m,n,berr.r n, , rhurcli or con2rction whose pn-micm re ndt.-d, but in : ......r.llo IoTM lh irmo, ,a " ctnCM of this - ,Dd woM hare our mam stn-et . mod-l. re THE BT.tR k COSDMCLB. O. Tcmpnni! 0, Mores t ow, lwi.t.urg n m ftauty wat 1. M)0 tlif Sii"ta-bann, Vhre romiy tiling" you'll fiatt are dont Original iu mai.inr ; Anil Market i fumouf trrt, 1 hat run.juit ttiroii'b th4 town, Vhrr lwllti much n-oyilrt rinall kutl great In utaturr anil rt-nown : Th'Tf utantls a noble rUiticr, With aftirKlicii lntrh, Fur llmuili it Tv-tn u(-nn tbe groanJ. It point up to tlif pkr. And iu it Mcn-d. le..4-aut wall, ito ever" Stttbalh daf. Tli'tf fHtif inTf to evngrfjrul Ulinitimk It tlie richt mmf. Tif MiJ. urmr l-f ttirrr ODW rrpoted Kfu.atuK f hivttl ooe dt-ad. Thai nttr mrv plrfpini, uuJislurbrd, In mrr rural ItrtJ, e-t li.or lour t'tmb-ptiifl ptil! rrmaiD, Nvlrtvmlr. beititie Ihrm Wrrp, Hut wandtTin; multn aod htwing cowa Tlitir - Uu iictl" ttrr-p. Atid all thr KrouDdK. whu h might be mad Nj ht'althful and fo fair, Tlif -u)irtrurrd(t and biptiis rude lu n.lf pt-ndrurt aharp; ThTf. oiuat duk. a tifadman oones. On -inunlr ruwia' intvat. And aid to nr thi favored spot By tyrant Death i k nt. And h.-o the hilo.d mom ntarns, tf all the wrk tbt bett,n A rturtly gander with bis gecaa Maktw H no iNy of reft. Dnt 'round and 'round the bouw of Ood lie lra.1 In notv elaa, H hile oft it h. ard their cackling din Above t ote of man. A n-1 are thrre. thf. ni -pnwer that be W'ht can thff-e tumult q irll T Wh, Ur beyoni Ihe tSablwtb school, Tiii DuiHbnre can eivl If not, theu roure. ye rhurcb men all! Kiterni:itMT tt tfl' TrU and beautKr Tour land, And of.De fcbaii dart JBft' CT. iWy. iMftOTttAlOka. UtflOiY COUNTY STAR & LEWISBURG JCimOMCLE-DEC. 2, 1859. Mary A. Stroup, widow of John Siroop, residing near IJellevid-, Milllin county, was f 'Uud dead in btd mi Fa'urday no ru ing last. She had retired the evening Le fulc iu br-r nu il coo. I health. t Vlrof Uii-s will aihlrrss the fSociply.cf liniuiry if the I'mrpi-tiiy ;it I eaihurs on huii lay nest at 2J P. M. at the Itaptisi hou-e. Itt'tliruliuu.- On Snn.biy the 4 Ti Dec. m xi..l!e new Kv.inclieal t'hurcli on Spruce Kuu i.v Io be Jeuicait J to Uou. All are uiviteJ ' to attend. I . ra:ii!Hon.-lt is rstimatrd. that, were a. the l.te.l .-ta.es a. .Icnscl, ml.abi - let! as M js-achtisettswe won ,t hive a nopn a- in,.......,,,. , .- i ! 1 ,. In. n ol 1 10. Olio. ot)il.-o:i s.n hi, h I cia-woo J ...... , . , , , . . have oO,oon,l!io, m.d l.cwiburz wnu d have .iholll ns in iiii- a a liitU ..- r:i'l.-,l v- Yolk: when thai happen, (!. Man-h will have ) to enlarge his i,ek ol" Hoots and alli es sonic - .. . r . . i ii i can he well supplied, wall an excellent arti cle, at trenien.hoivtv Uo.v prices. cheaper t!ia:i the cheap. v ; ttiht cppusite Ihe Hank. Teichsrs' Institute. Th" Kiii.oi r.iimtv TeacherV lustiiute will meet in MirTl.l.MSI lit;, on Monil.n, the .'ch of December, tf.'tti. at Id u'cloi k, A. M, to linue in session about live davs. All the ' Tciletiers of Ibis Cioime are r o oe -lei In br in alien, lance, as Mibj.-ets will bt brought be- for, -ii,,. :,;Mitille that inavabl verv much to their success , tea.-liu.. e .b-si,,. to s..c S, hol Directors, ai.d other fr,. n U i f cduca - lion ill attendance, 11. II ickok, Male Sn - I'll I rue ii tit ill. I i.i ' , ... - .rim ii ii, e.uiue Hill IIL us the liec.ciit ol Ins live years' experience and observations in the iubli.T .sscln.nl nt ibis and oihei Si ,tcs Piol il- udricks has a 'iced 10 be Willi us part of the nne. Kev. A. D. 11 lu n, late Couniy iStipermi.-iident of Milllui county, has expressed his willingness to sive us a helping hand, and may be expected. Other distinguished Kducators will be with ll.s , at least dunni: the evening sessions. I 'l'he leuiale teachers will be entertained in j private iambics. The male teachers and oth ers w ill find s.'cd accommodation ai ihe Ho tels at from fitly to seventy-five cents pcrdav. i The followinji Sol jects have been ns.ip;ned : to Members of ihe lnsinuie. each of uhonr it is hoped will make as lull, condensed a Re port, as possil c : In.tii.-iir:il A'l lros (. W. ChaniWr.i. i iiuu:- J i. Hi j'T. lt. it lnitf - V in t- "r-l--r. M riling I 1. I r in. Imrili-i tua! Aiitliui. tic . E. Plinth. r itt- ii - I.aaj KiUjf. 4;-,,j:r i liv- O. W. Sti-fTttili. Kn-li-li tlivniitiinr -B It X-iuW. I hiM).. U m II. V-'-h'-nc- '.iitii. -itii.ii Mm J. Th'm'rin. . lu.-.l Maiiit'i.-iiifiil J. II r-tiutli. T. ti-I,rr-' hotiti.t.i . o. M Ctirlj. Mu.-ir in .S in... In 1 K. Il:tu-t. iit;- rt.ii:c- i-f Mltt iniiiig li.-trii't tij Count Inpti-t,n-- Ti.,,,. T II ... Jlnw to rfvD tin n fflxn rf 7Vs--liitis ' it- proir ftii'tHnl aii;"ii i-th-T .rfff"i"i .l"hti A 1 Mt.ruti,D ol 1 at -iita itL it aclivr Sllf h. Klrck- n, r- li:ilifi. aliont f S hfi lir. t r H. nry K. .ManJcw. i'hM.ai tJucatiu-c "';':';-:. U. II i'-l 1 t .N IK Mk., N-w II rlin. Not. 9, T-.M. C'liairmati Kx. t urn ll M'll.MM UK 1 1 111 Uf 1 . e inula uic iniinw niu iruri iniin are- irr.al ,l.-ur.- in is-lilmc a rafroi l.m.i.r tit", mm! t'.l''llr lii.iiluiit.l Cills. .liv l.ri.tli.T, J ir-.ii. li.-i. I uu l -n Mltlirt,-,! vitli IliU awllil ill-,-!,-. II, ..i- rir.-t tla,-ki.,l wliilr illllr ..m,-. Ilr .ouiil li.r. nn- or I .ti rii4m at ..in- iiltii.lt .1 tirm : but an ti- sr.- oM-r tti.-v M-i nml t inrr'-iis litu wi-i- t'j. to tin liuir h. r..niin.-iir.-j rahin jour rills, hi iii.di .-rv ori.-n nun.! In'l ll" r.-i -. ri. u-ly: Lot no., I hiii Iiap V, fav. In I riirnlol lIl"Hf Ills. i riir. il ol lti"Hf Ins. il.- has i-itj..yMl rini lii.ltn .-r rliv lust e.r tn..i.lli .at. Ill-milt I Ii i. ai-o rrturii- i.,l to it-- i.ri;in:il .n ti 1 1 iiio-.. All tlii. I taki- a ' j . ... .... iiu-ari. i.l .lirt'liVj otflr. to tin rlui-iljr thai will i-nrt- tli.-m. Youra ri.K' tru!ly Ac. V. r. I.IOON t. ir i- alter litis, for a supply ol his inestimable niedicnie. II ts price, are as billows : nne box !; two s5; twelve 1 sen! by mail lice, on the receipt ol a reiiuiiat.ee Aildress Slim S. H t set, HIS lialtnnore llcel, Ualti-int-re, .Md. Dr. iVislur's 15dls;ini of Wild Cherry. Wli.-Tv tin-itl)T prt'(taritMn t4 knon. it in (it-ll..ji. t.tl. i-iif i.n u.l tl.il lf K. lii.-.iy f.ir tt.- rtirr-J' ,,,,!, 'iiM. Mr T'mHif, "irffj, nrm'ii. .(n'in-i tf i;'l, I 'nin in (At flrstrf, 'ti-Hf. It ') It, mul v rv f..riii nt l'i LM"i!V ( '-vi'iMiT, ihsii it w-rc wurk of Mi'i'rrr"!'ili-t Idfjili ! lt. nuTiti. i'ir.'F.Ttil )'' n w.-il know ii (iliv-n ian mnn- llcin twpn iy fiirn fiiicr. it liit-I y ll.f -.nitl.-rIiii nir-" it ha tl- I til hci. .f.'.r-tantlv trTilin. in I'tit'Iic !;iv.r. untM its usf am) it ti pii ration nrt alik- urn vt rJtl ; Mint it i t.r known ;iii'l rln-i i-ln-il I'v nil inini tht-ir "iiiiiin- if 'f ho liHVt- tHTi! r.'-tt.rl t.i dtitli it . a tin- iiKhat Kmno r-r aii-n.-. ..- .10.11 it pr,.i,sj.-iopnr.. n .liiui.-s i 'i.irl. )h i bicmu lotuiipu t ii'l.iria. iiAs iriFPU Mi u a i.w j.ibi.-u that 0,iumi,tion rnn U Cnrnl ! ' ... Tli wliolf hiitiry jf ili! Mitlifitie fully rvinflrmn th ojinitui oft lint rimm-nt man. Tiinuatinl-i rn tf-tit v.an J t.iiT.- fstifr 1. tint wh.n nil oIImt r.-ui.'li.-f hn-i tt,i!..l. ttii- tit coiiii'tt ly riirt-l ; lh:t wh.-u tin- n'tFc.vr h.ni 1 writ null !' ; iinii. Hi;- liitA air-rd.-d iiiiDt-'lMtf r M.-f ; that wlt'-n th.- !ii''i.in limt jot'iiotint'ol tlie 1)cum-iu-cufitl.it4, this La r-in"Tt-ii it ctitire ly. 1 i.f vii tiii x ol tl.it . f'-iiiw r alik-4 apr-lii-al'l tn rnr a fliiiit t ot-l. or t'-u firia.il f'.nw-jii -ii, u-t it jmw-r a (,! ', f;-"Jy, j irasaht and it-tn.tt rzimtfy TMnnot l 'limit ! I n .i'.i:ri'.N .' I'urrh if n:-n tin h it it htlht wniTTF.X ;t .it.it.irr ut -I Itt Tin" on tin- w ..-it'itcr, ut well as ihv !i nil d nmp th j-roiTii lors. II Utar's JlxUnm "f W'.'t.I tny rcconu , DtiH-hd by VhyM'ritin. A" nt rv. s-i t fi, ir. P W. FoitLt:.! Vet. Sirr:1 mttut .htrl'iii,y nl'l uiy , t."-Hiii"ny in favored liu- Tnl-am Ictvt- nct! it in our f.nnlir. in rn!iiirtti.trv air.-' lioiia. dnjt.ji an-l Ciil.'s. und t-ft.-i in il a m-.t vnlunl l r ui'-lv. rnd hair rfem ' ui'-ii'l'-l tt in v.ioit piinii.Iaiiit. "I thi nntur.- with in. 1 iaril.l liaj jy r-uiii. W. It. LVNt'll. V . MvniLT. Tr.;. Ot-, 1'.. Ati-. l. C n'rwn : Hnvinic tiI in mv iTai'li tli. In-d fuir y. :ir- W i-iar'i !.:.!-nm id i l.i ('h.-rry. with irrt-at. mki- .vi, I in-.-t rl;i--r!ii!l rf mm. lid it to lliou kiLiCtfd Hit uh.-luiatc LuUftUi, CoMi-. Ahiua, II 1 MAUTIX.M.n. Tin (.'nuint i.Lrnt d "I. I.L"lT" on tli wr( M-r. s. ii . i oi i.i: .s. .. i'i oii it ioi I1DSTKX. Fir mite hj ihrto ,-nls Ti-rvwlipre. and in I..wi- huzr by j J iv.n. ant k. s. c.u.ii, an,i in w by ,M"' M'i""'": '""7? . . . . . . . : Tiinp - Tab t-I PWhblir0, II II ri 111 1011. f lrirvr- xittrnr I Kvpress tmuit) do 1010 AM j ' ' 1 6: J0 1 AI , f f.:"0 A M 1 r.Li0i.i o. """ jU(l.f atAi. Freicht & Accommodation Kxpres (mf) passes Lcwisburg 4:-Mi HM UtrtDWUiirfl IHrtiUtt. Corrrcrrt rekly Wheat 1,15 Eggs Kyc 70 Tallow ... (rn.... 70 Lard Oats oO Haeoa ... Flaxseed 1,12 Ham Dried Arplos. lr0 Shoulder. 8 10 10 10 l'i j ' ..10 i iSuttcr 1$ CIovcrsccd4to4.f0 Pork 0$ Potatoes 06 Beef 5 MARRIED. Ut Rct Gforer Fri-ar. in Ktdinc, Wth nit., PAMKI. SIIAAItKR and Mim A?E.N ATU daughter of Ad aod Johnston, Kt. hr B.-T.C. O. TiilW. In Miltnn. ISlh nit. PAVID D. fl I U.MAN and Miss CAXIIAU1NE CASU.NKU, both of Blark Hole alI-T Ii. it.-.. Peter M-I...S4I1. oil . 3nm R liriifn and ; M... M OtV J. t'OSri-'K. bnlb t,f We.t rf.IT... Tp. On IheTth of Aupnut latln hr 4th Trtir, the Wife of Rpt A. LoneorT. She wm buried in iHwmnport. At hi fVu Wm T lntrnnr.. In lwin Tp. Nor. Co, 21 ult, i4Vlb !MNTtitMKltV. nhmit Wi ynn. In Sodt-rCo. Chnptniin Ti. J(4B KKliKI.. airrd 0 jr. Id lrokliu Tp, LUZ.UJfc.TU Butt tKSU.V, mpv In ItunTilk, rwntir, Jon aha i-wr. n M.LL..1.. l.-iih ult JACOB I1LNSICK l-.lt. irM rxmt f. v.--.ru. 17th utt . Hum LOt'lA, ilaubt r of Km II. frvmirf. ia uer fui jmr. In SunlFur', lath ult tt C.--nfinmptinn. ll EtTZA AVN MART., K.l3J)Mff. faiwuliy.O. it F rrK t'l. fornHTlT KaifHtT ood K-fiW ff Nortlmm-w. A.'Bt liV. mn nf nj t-'Bitf Warren. 0Kl 1 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE, j 1,!!U' "imfcHMi hbiii. VSKCOXI) HASD BLUaEV and a T HAVE now opfneil at my Tannery, (for TKIJI K WAtiOX for sate orchanSe i- ) " 1-ewisburg, a lorllayorCrn. I.,.,u,re al this Offiee i IjAAt illlflSlmi' AI;1 1111 1:1 f'tfiPV. . , Furs... Furs.. Fancv Furs! A1 FIXE assortment of Fancv Furs is now lor sale at the l.ewishiirx Hal Maniil- actory cheaper than has ever been off-red in thit coiiutrv. IjKdies are respectfully invited to call and examine ihe qualitr. JUS. GIBSON'. Agt. Mrs. Hannah Jordan' ISlalc. U'OTICE is herehv iva that I.rtters i . T(.tamf ntary on K, Mlafe uf n4Bah - , , . . . . . . i Jordan, late ol !w.itara township, U.mphin . ' . . , . i .i ! county, decrasfd. have been eranlrd by the , rn i . , Ti i i '. ' ' . ' i-i au" "i. All pcrons indebted to said estate will mike ' . ., , . . . , ' w ill present them properly authenticated lor setileincnt. JAMES U. MTI.I'iiK, I.ewisbur, Dec 2, 1S.1U.) I'ecutor ATTENTION ! PKsUi ! TIIIHIP. Yon are hereby com manded to meet at the house of Win. Wolfe, in Ihe lloroneh of Hanle t.m. at l o'clock. A. M. of atitiday the day I 7." fcl'.c.--' "next. 1' order of Captain S s R.ir .er : i illAlihtd lllllk, O.S. j -"V. .1, IS.dl. H.UiTmuFsmrnmxT. ........ "ui.-v.m.i J4)II If ll.J.S & (O. AYE iust received tin ad bii.o. ... iheir lame stock) a lreh sorirlv of -.I.. t . 1! l.Ti:il tiiiolis, and bes leave res. pi'Oifiilly tn inf.. rm the Kadirs ami ;-ntlriiH'ti of 'I'ou 11 aritl Comity, thai' Un-v ran stut ilini in anviliinir in then line, oi tratU', iiyie, qual ity and pner. ?uh rinin nl Ktn.-r S.It. ltlsn-V, Siiki, Krfnrh V r n". h.-tdirt. n. iti'-rt -, I'Mtihl.-i h. ii-fi. I ii.-- n a I'ijiii-, Mtlitir ,Mtt nn-H. tn!iiiir,-il S.irt-. klft n MtiiN. Ar. Trint. ft..m t,, S . Itt , ,1,1, ;,,,) h. -t M.-ri-nit.t li. I'-M-li-rit :iii. Kiti.:i.-li I'riMii, vitrl- I-r t in Td.t-l-r.'' a iiire !.- ti- n ft l.srt ,.' Shiitof nil -i-rit i-tir, fur- i.l :ll tiim.-. II. -cry. hiiiI lut sinf-I. .l kititln KrnLrtjiitrit.t, abj iK.tUi-rtic &vis uf ctitv iitr-t-cni.ti- u. I'or I Sir fi'iitlcitirn, llir T--5t uml li rir-"! a-Hrtii nt in V wn, -nilrii-Jn tli iiii..t ta-litotiab' t I-fI nl l int 1,-. I n'-iiii.'! .'. ..-luit, v. r- iM'in-', iiii'l ii. nt-' I-urMi-l.iiiv; ti. .-n-ral ly, Sltiiwl. K.-a Jv tu.-xJe CMlim.., Il.tt" ainl t';tj-, i--r .M. n ami ti g. Also all kinds ..f (MiOI'KKIKs, HAKl) WAKi:. ivL'KK.VSWAKi:, SALT, .A1LS, VI. AS I I'K, Ac. FISH in j. 1 and j bids. t'tiAI.. A larce itiantity of Stove Coal, wliirli will il.-liv.-r to mir ,tl ..r I'.wii ..ri .ti'.rt n..- Ilre, at np l.,w . tiuri- as tin- -null .unlily uf . ,rx-nr.l tinuh rt' f l-f in town. AkmiJiII. -rmit kin-:n..r I l-im-litirn ra L:iJ. litn H Ukvu in xt haitj;.; t.-r r,1Jt). 1 5? rash paid for all kinds of (JRAIX i Patent Pocket COIN DETECTOR, I 1' lit Tf.STIMi THE VAIllot S KIMS nr j J- MILD tll SII.VKI! tlllNS! I It i ndmittisl t all to U- tin. moiit .i-rfi-rl lliir bf Ms i ltin.1 f rer oil. r.J to th public. It la m Fimill th.tt it ran carrlisl ia tli.poi-kift vithnut any iui-ouVi.tiii-iir. Hitrn -W rrtfint ,.V,mi hare ,7.' it'er-a .srrrtrrii- ..Wf.t hire, it! rrrti .W-r-iMi.- ,;,. httrr if.' I'.rtig Mitn in llunnr$t th'il-l hare it It il.-t.-pU at thr aamp tn.-Dr nt 1-tU ttii.-kin ns a arpv'tit. rr.'in a Halt liiini- lo a liollar in silTt-r. an-l tr- m ft in ijiilil u. t,. ?-1l, li-.i.ip f..rpii:ii lit ind siir. nii'l UK tik,kly mm sven, itliout I In n-ni tttr.-.. a uitl. (l im1PjU) emufttt-'y itulj duraWe, i-i'uut-iuicul mud I f(aCU PKICF ON F lull I It l','o.i.l , rt , r ilo. I i.ir..,l ,M ia .nit"ttl uptQ will. iirtu. nnii. A-m-j. l-It-rtino in Mir, -Tt;.iu, lllTHKll! .rr. J-mr. i a itiiitu uitiu wiiii unr id iiii (nsH-rVion stay I'tilU'-n- ' v ". It itl,o,it ho.it.iio ti n.,t r-rfet ,..-p. ' W lik it. nnrl cnrJblly rrrdoiai. nd it to public fanr. MitMi TFI. ' An Ai-nt wanted in nr. rv Count, in tin-1'nitisl Statea, ' with it-rms nt BUfTirr. i.D rt-rei.t of .m.- .I'.iiiir. j idreail .....fi-!. to I . W A It I i'K Nt: I.l.':, - Thf I.fpnrtfr iti Iki-D Inr ttiirly ynrs the r.inoiftut j ii't nFffiry riii van inn if tl.t i;-lii-r. I tvlmnt. t lerk. Trlt r. MecliAUic and lh I'tiiilr. twintr tin ni l- .-I ..ti ti.ft ..i.iin. in. kiii ti. aiiM in w.-iii. .i . ..ibwriUr. lli.n .11 l.i.a.1 ... liil.li-h.-J iD the Island loth ol each mutii. mi Hit- UA- j low m if i-rift-rt : loitl;ly. iry.on y)ir, ?t 00 S-M.i-M.-nthi v. 1 t.t(.y.onr yrar. - (hi inclittlinir willmut xtr etinric mpT f tin tiuff 1 tit U nrl.J. roiitnmidi a I-inp-r ikjiiiIht ! nutir;ii:iffi!t ly illiitrt l ri- Mintiw imi'r j'tt"n'i or th t.ri'ni- f.'.i't, i!v-r ai.il otlti r i' litis of all nluii. tti.in rnti tv fmintl in uiii'ftlifr w.rk. and wtii. h tan U ol tiiu--d Irt-m do -ii,,-,,,.--, i,v .uHHil.iiit f niPatiF. A-t lr-rt-. 1MI.W A IM' KNKI.I.S. 'Joiil5 Jiank Xte Jirtrrt Vti'.fr...i, 'a. i CTII AVM1L AWOl A KMKMI CT5VTIS1 Til SI CEfW OF TUB CoHiiiopoIHaii Art Anno iat ion. all F'i-ti"'n "f tdf country, unltsrrihi'rii to tl.it - M-pi;lnr Art Inntitxtinn. (ni'w in it." ith ynr) nr.; Itfiim rii't-ut-d iu a ratiu uu-uratl.-li-d with IImI i-i auy tv mu! vt ur. An prrMin ran bcromr a Mi mbrr b ,u!lf riliinj; Wlll. lt WILL txTlTLE TO i la T'r l-raut it'tit at'tl -.'npriirrn'. "Shnl.'jarr and hit I'l-ietfis'' '2ilA '" J't'tt- rl'ymlhf ii'm-wl'il. AifJ-utrr.il vir. Hit AJrr .v-hj.fw t.ttMirsun til tf IviU' i irt. liro-i-hnty. In fi..litin to ltii-li.iiV-T.'''r l.uniinti ninU,, qthi f-f Art nrt ttt uli-.-rilfi .-m I'ri iuiuiu.t, t-.-uif-rif.ii: riit.iff i'uiiitnik., .S'ul-tiirt', Outltueit, Ac, by llie Iu.t AiiFt-rir.111 and t-i.rriii Artitr. '1 nt. ?i f:kd h.l; !.... whtcli eTt-nr u Vntti. r will r- , i:iB unm-li'it-li on ruiipt of cul'.rriiti.'n, ftilttltd j -HAKKM't-itltH Hi HilKMrV j 1 i of a rliiirai-tt-r to tfivt un-'Hithin ! i-H ii.'uri- nn! Pnt- ' l:n-iii.n. Nit w.rk of .-.411a I chIui wat tit bfti.re -Ijut'tl a ulmi n-ii li i-f tlif If nt f-u.-li a .rir.. Tin- hnra ' tin ii'I"vT iar,:.- su.-. l-'iiij; .nnifd ou ltt-j.vy I'l.tf m-tr. U liv :i itir-hfji. nuikintr u m-t Finrl nrtmitH'-t fcu:t,tljli- for tliHll.of' .th.Ttl.n li!-r;.ry, .'.r!-r. .r lti. e. ( It ran tB i- nt t. any .nrt i t tliecoUitrT. t.y mail, with I Fiit.-tv. Ifinjr itj'fkni in a cvhii-t.T.. ft nm- pur fniii. t linukwtk Mien a work, d-lh.r.-1 It.- t-t viirr, aii'I It." Art Jtiiit-nal, uiie fear fwr tf.vf tl-Utri ' M hM.'liiriU'NS will b.i rt-i"l until thf eT.-niiii: ( of Turlay tlif -Uft of.ljinU:try. Ii 'i, at wluHi time tli. I U-'k- iilcloe)Ht-l tli iTfiutum-bfciv. n .ui Sfrilvr.. . rn.r--..ii iii n-t No rn'r-. H ii ri'ftriftt-d tn a ii)f.r fulcri(tiuu. 'ihow milium l.'t an-1-ntitl.'d lo 'x llnnl'-lllI. nnntnois nn-finiti.-i to-ix lll.ml.1l. 1 MiL-H-rii'iitine irom t ani'-riiiii. inn 1 nanm. ani an d 'ray t-xtra i-'istiite?'. I'.-rht.nf wifhiuri ti form clubs will epIj fira circular 0l t,.rm, Ac Tin Itfiiuiiftlly Tlluftratml Art Journal, piflnp full jinrtl.Mi.ars, wiiM-e eeDt on n-rript of et-ntii. in Mjiuis orcoiu. A-idrt-s tJ. t. Artuarv f. A . &lr.an.l M ltr alw:iv. N. vr York. SnlrriptionM alfon rt-i.-. hvJ. MKIUClLL LI.NN. rNq. N.-n..-c. fur l-wmliurir aud i-inity. linlj .ins, FURS FUKS! Hats and Caps. VX entire XKW STOCK just receiveil at CIUSO.VS Hat Mitnulactory, l.ewis liurs latest Mvles, chrauer Ihan ever fur cii?li. Call in. 1. allies ami tit tits, and eiam- ne yourselves, ami lon I stop at places where the stock has been lying around lor half a dozen years. FI RS repaired or exchansd for newones. UUKSrl HA IS made lo order at short no. lice and repaired without charge when they 1 need it. ! "Industry must Thrive 1" 'PlNatiil SIIEETIUOXEstalilishnienr. J Jusl opened, in Heber's Buildinj, Market snnare. 2d door above he Dank, where 1 will ,- Bssorln,.nt of Tin Ware Move Pipe COAL BUCKETS, Meet Zinc, c. r. I will also make to order, on short nolice. Tin Cut ters, Spouting or any kind of work iu my line of htiMness. t'MeniiiDgandJobbintTgeiirrallvprnniptly attended to. JOS. A. KKA.MEIl l.tjwishilrg, Oct t0, 1H59 1,REKH Tl 4RE t.nertmF-ii f ihi.i.ijr-.-ror Wwrf fmbritrinK lrrrrTiii! Krftl44. Sanr- fun. Wajhbow.i..rup ttr rblldrra, Lwllt y nnrh'd fr ojhj tuo Froueli BaM to 2 Fmot, 4o. LA IL AD F .MS A. KKTAtKR ; vv miiu kB vv iitn-''-'" ; j I and mol re-pccifully solicit the iiatronage cl" ,ne comn.uni.y. nupin, oy .ricia.ir..iiou ,o liiisine-s to nient a share of the trade. I am determined Iu sell, for Cash the Ltst Arlit le fur the hast Honey, both for style and durability, as the material is of mu awn Tutt'iage, except the Morocco, ' Kid and French, of which I have procured Ihe lest in market. My own I a tin a ire. an J stock worked in nry shop, insured and war ranted as recommended. I.ADIKS and others who mar desire it will be waited on for measures at their residences or at my d eellintr, near ihe shop, by Mr. Fi-her. rnv lorernau. AV llatltrn wire kpt f-tr tale, bul I can ' compete with Kasteni work in prices, and j furnish a better article. In fact, 1 am deter mine 1 lo sell lower than any competitor. My IlltlUCI lildil .III V CIMIIJ.CI I." I. ... f liposdf mv Hides at cash prices cturin- added. obj- ci is to aiid Mariulact I hose -.ho try me will hndthisnn liurnbin:. i , vIT! P.uintrv Cnrc l 11 1 b, cr. atly to the ,..-res, of those who - ()()() TJIti-t to 2t the value ol their money. i pli 1 t n amiikiii.ix I'-iors. 1 do not deem it important lo iiiote prices, as sizes and iot:k diller materially. FA liMKKS bavin.' hides lo dispose of. mav find il an advanbipe t i brii theui to the ard. as au ullewance will be made lo !h-nl on hub's. The Highest Price lor Hi les, in Cash or IJoi-ts and Shoes. I. alllfr for sale al all tirr.es, on accom inudaimi: terms and at low prices. E. J. JIL'LFj. Lew ibiirz. Nov. 7, 13.VJ Cabinct and chair Ware.Ro0m, AMI STI'.IM Tl It . tti S II O I XoKTII 11 and Fnmt iSt. The sub-ciibcr A iiion! rc--pcitully informs the i'ltizrns ol l.futtjui and Mirioiint.ing ctuntry thai . he li.is on hand for sa.e the laise-t, best and . rlK-;i;fM aioiiint'iu of 1'iiriiiUire ever ev r nilVied to the pul.In: c'inpiisn ( . j itup'aus, Iuncy ani Ootniium CeJ-sii-a.ts.j Jfriny Lin-I. ColUf, J'ri-ncli I..in'l Ci.init). n Tables, I 'eri!;T. t'-ir t, l'ier, luii:iLf, H'eitUlast and Common II. il . int". Collate U a. slit lands, and cuii:mn Viands of all kindt JIair. Clot... r.n I ?7 CAM: si: AT Chairs of all Lint!-. . If.lltw:., vii.tn ft...: . .1.. ' 1 Common and K .ckini Chairs- and a little of everything in Fitrin'tire line .Metallic Cases and Woo len C ll'.r.s rither on hand or made lo order, and r'L'LKAI.S attended Io promptly as usu.1l. Bein? provi lc! with Circular and Scr.dl saws driven bv steam pineer, 1 can lurni-h all kinds i f C.ilunct TU RN I N G -o!"" I'osts and ll.innisters and ll-ind Kaiiois on hand or Turned or Sawed lo order, ditlererit sizes and pane rns- r'urmture to ordr. Repairing as nnal. 1 1' 'Cheaper than Ever lor Krady I'ay. j .naiik.u. i..r nearly unity years t.t uucra. public paironace. 1 respecllully ask a contin- uanec ui me aaiue, auu iii.jir n. ui-srivr i. DAVIl) Ul.MLH. I.ewisbur?. Sept. 3K, IH-J9 DENNING & CURRANO. STi: tllltillMlK llannliU Hii t rs AKIOIS paliern. Omrlery Railins to onlf-r. Ac. OrJcrs nrotnnnv aiienJetl ' rt This firm ha- b-ii Ions el;ihhhf J. ami ran rive manv saiifaciory rrf-'reiH'es. Wc name I.. 1'almer A dt. al l.ewi-burj;. IVrsuns wiJi.nz lunher Miforuiaiicn or any wurk in our line will pirate aMre&s n- at July I. !.VJ Josiali IJaker & Co., I I Al L VlMe nmillTf filOHlS Willi K 11 I- l.c ocke Ac Co. to 1'tiiriisfi 115 per ceni- ATiCOIIol, . hv Ihe Ilbl. and II ill l!hl as i-S. -.. ;, ,' , , l.i i I t i I litv have also jnt recciieJ a gfnrral a- sortllieill Ot" Paint and 0 1 1 S . i I a S UI Iu(ti , 7 C 0 P A V A-F? S f f K S iniu.iiKs axd ri:i:FLMi:i;v, ; CONFECTIONERY, FANCYSOAPS, cun.Kur, nrnxixu fl l 10, 1'ine Oil, all jiojiular Talent McJicincs, ' Liqiiiirsjoliatco, Sim lT.Inks, Swla Ash. Wlni'l i;rias.v He &o 1 Ail tln above articles nllVred VEKV I'llKAl KOlt CASH. Call btfurc buvui; rlev.luie. ,ir M.tto is- "Small Fiulils K quick Salts." l.ewishnrs. M;iv 13. Ih.V.i. Dress Goods, at Cost ! InVKIf. KIIEMEli rk M'CI.I KB have t tlclcnniiieil to sell i ll tl.eir Summer Silks and Dress Goods, if' iT HOST 1'IIK 1SH!.,;; Il V"ii wih lo purchase, call and e.amine our st" !.- li., K. A. M. I.ewislinr;. July IS, IS.Vi. Auditor's Notice. riHK iimlersisne.1 Amliior appoinlej l.y ihe .Irj.lians' Ci'iirt i.f I'liion County lo d. rule upon e.xe.eplions liied on the Account of H'-nry oll, Adutintsliator ol II.xj..iy hk- mk.u. iU'C iI., will nietl al ihs bullaloe 11, .live ni ihe Don, null of l.ewisbiir;;. on Fmit.r C.I day ol Uecemtirr uet, at Id o'clock, A. M l,ir Ihe purpose of discharu'in Ihe duties ,.f his appoiniintint. whn all persons iiuei'j-ted may ail'-ud who think proper. JOHN t-cllKACK, Auditor. October 20. ls.-)U. BIV1EKE HOUSE i. t:Msiiriti:. i-a. n. u. m:rzi:i., i-rop-r. rriHIS Hoitl is locatcl in the center of tlie 1 tow n, one square from the Court House. Persons attending Ciuut.or having other bu siness in the town, will Iin.l ihis a pleasant and comfortable home. Charges moderate. I.ewisbitre. Pa., tsept. 6. ih.'i'.i riil William VanGezor, A TTORNEY at I.avr, il Lew ixliui', I'liion Co., Vim. I"? Oilice opposite Kline's Huh-1 :". I is.-.y tsv.o. wt . . a, . K. . " " J " TAILUi.li.tt.: JOHXB. MILLER thanklul for past favors would ;talS that he has re reived the FALL & Winter Fashions, and is pre rared n CUT, MAKK.arrd LKIMIR ; garments as ost-al. He will i endeavor, as heretofore, to eiecuie his work salislacio- rilv lo all. I.ewisburz. On 159 ! C1 Il tRLES MGKEf.Olt carries on the above bosiness in r ricks ilrirlt Blorlr, Xonh Third streel. Culling and Ma king in cnod style accordine lothe best Fash ions. f.ie u a chance, acd see if wt can not "nnf rotj. C. 1AVG. Le;!ting(?fov. !, 1":3- 1 C!jautl)frl!u Bra.'s CariJNEw Fif.M akdkew eoods. .Wcli:ivc tinted the merits of a ca.-h t.u lr.. u ..ur mtiro uti-bcu-a. anil tnJ i " ' ., ' ,.rt.ruri...l.orp.tr,.,...ilh..-rjth.iIQOri... of 1 uins. .1 the Ioet pri.-Wi f.-r Cn-li. er in elii;e . Wlwst, . .., IMM, Cloven Brl. y,Tioll.j MI-.I, ll.x io -J, 1'iUluti, lljcuD, Huiur, Lut, lit'. Tii:w, Su.p, Ac. W a! ijjt ci.li f r at! kiuil. "f lTiJuc- 1' OH sale hj rilAMKRLIS l.K""9- . ilVJii3-' N AILS. KEliS .Nails and Spikes, assorted sizes. fur sale by CIlAMHEitt.lN m:0'3. 10 , - . I IKlMr. Miad auil Dry .-alt llrrnns i 1 .iioit.Kiti.iN t:c- . AVIHTH MARSH LIMK, T 71 II i:.II from tin; kiln, for sale l.y l llAWnHH 1 HKip'S. 1 r CCLS. K;itj)Oit Herring just i. TKA?!TKA.!TEAS!- -YV 1 -yr hme r -v- iT-l m Ur lot f fiMf'T qulilj K ,.,;r.-.'tt iin.l Hhirt TrHH frtn N'W York. A i-".a arti. Ic of Vuucc llxrrn itt rift y-r .h ' i'MM:i'l'l IN I i: kufki:; coffee! corrr.!-:: liiM.i. lit-, aud J.v ... ...I;.,,, ... hr in i:i:l i:i.i n' - LvlAItS! ItlAUS! SIC AT--! J ( f all k.n-if, sujnii r i ll Mi:i Kl IN i:t: CYi:i;r.-: molasses; syi.mts! i - s .1.. i 1. , ti. D i t -vrni - nr,l si..:... .I , s- lnw'j ! -r;ec. VllAHI;KI.Lt. I l... IV; I.I"Enit'l White IMtitoi-.pinl Coal. v nnvtu Ki.tv inf. SALT SALT ALT. fi EN E.-EE.l 1 l'ollli J Altllll. Mai'.-Itall .1 bic rail, t-.r fiaV I v 1 lll'tl'Ftl IV l:t:o"3. FLOL'K. V"E kr-i.a ciiii.sliint fiiiily fifWcs- 1 T Wru W u. lc tit at li iir; a!-... I' ., :' F i--tir. ri:i;D. p. Oittrt nii'l all kintls ol CO V v 1 Loo stull, 'c ustarjt jr n !.-. n I I'll tMt'I'Vt f X 1'tt-i LOl'K, roi.'DS & TWINE. . .,... r ,.,r ,;,, t -i-t,w w I.HM", iit-a t . rJs. i;rot-m Twin-. ft Imnc. 'l ,K l. rt-. A- ( I! MI'H:i lr n - 1 C1ILLSE I 1 r W 1 V' 1 1 -a. A j vu 11.1 IK I . FISH FI.H FISII. 1 0() IJIiLS. Fn-li .M:.cktit l. i ns- J ft" I ! !' . - I. - "fi 3. 'lhp.,.a:itp i- uioi-uallv ttm Has M .-oU. Al-o. .-l.-l. ll. rm,,.. .ul l'ill.-l. I..r t-y t IISMIll.KLIS lil.ii'.s. v'ati:i; CUACKKUS. WE got ti monlltlv .supi.lv. frct-lr 1 rn.m th. Bakery, of if.- .''. i,.,j ' in i.ii rm iiprs. i HsMiii ci ts iikhs j fcSUX OKIES. ; IL kimls nf Spii-ps DrloJ Allies, i lined Praches I'riines.Currarits.lliinch II. usin.l'n, .kins Raisins. cheap Ciin.. L'i. ru St.-lPpli l'-.p..... .'I..... L-l - .- tr irt Ohve Oil. Ptjp asJ UntJ 11 !.! . ,i . . a . , 1 I't ri, i(F,isir ann i-iri'unu ci ii'e,.;'Jatn.TTiiiie ' Caii!.e.. Tallow ramile.. Ohvr soan. Kin !"oap. Detersive St-ap, I . i lei Soap. Castile Snap Hiker's Chncoli'ir. linker's Coca. Ba km" fs,..'a, s.il K, da. ."..da Ah. W'itno Urease, Wooden I'atls, Tohs, I 'hum. hue is.ind. I.'oscn.ln'e Cement, Calcined i'iaster ! lleans. Ilini ins, Itriixhes. A lare as. r;inent I I Tultart u iin.l Srirsirsi. Ac. Ac. I For sale by CM A M II tllLl.N 1IKU S. j I.cu'isbnr. April '!l, l.s.'i'.l. i Family Grocery Store. T. G. EVANS & Co. lit.Mili.tl. l'KAI.ll;.s IX GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, .Mt.rii.i; .-i f:I. le .-... t.. tk. tial. n r M UKAIX, U.Ol .U A.M 1- l'l'i) TKA. (I Ii l'i;i:. M )!. s--i -X ' J S-TiSAir CIIKKSK, I'lSlI, ' i 1' Ul Ac. A c. Ac, i .Vitri't stf t, oySiVe the Fust Oni.t Lew itltitrtr, l'a. rV (. V.. A Co. liavu just rcoi ivctl ' 1 . Ii.-. I. ir-ui I'liiii"!. '!-!.,!. lr. iu-il..u5 stfi.-'i ,, ..! Kle.-t.sl lir.r;r 1 . i. ry kn.-Kaim,!,;; win, tare '. a. It. -a ami T:iialu-s, l-til U- ill I..U-. atij aarrautci iu. ana In.-h. ; hiicl Ai'i'los, LVatltt-s, 1'i-uuc?, Cur ! raiit-s i'lCrt-i viun; Citrons, Vie, ' latt'S,Kai.-ins h-ohi tli lo cts. ptT Ih., I'it-kits of all '.it'rcii'tio!is, I'iii-p J-.a ( ! I I C.croitiitl, au-l -ut u,t,t air-li -Itl -aus, rii,r. . t- r ri.mi.T use. A 111'!;, I;l f , erir MAV KL li El., Sit Al), VOU 1 111, IIEiiUI.0, It A 1, HAVV e. A 'i- r.-Tal assortment -,f Willow suit! !'-tl;tr lVsiro. i. l:s- air, j!:-.-t;sisir.-. i::irll: i. van-, li-jc, luinr. s.f. iVst 0,1, 1 In!,. ',- Oil, tViH.'., C-itnr (im J.irnip Yl'iif.; Tm'hir, J. iril, -.(.-. Soaps of all kiii'l--, AVlicul G t ease, tte. (iTobaccij aiib Sciy.r5, a cljoicc uatictn. l'loiif, Coin .Mfal, rolatocs, Cuin, Jvf, Oats, Ac, always on hand. ; U,rnl ti-lii-rtJ jWe ii, eharge lo ru.V-:irr. rrMrtmtr I' ti'im the t.,-HiUtt. T-.all. rr.it I,. r..i.'o.-riite a!l the nr!l. F Mrh we : Hp art t'-ll! irlli tl l-.it,n lr Id Ct-ai tli. t 'AU It- fiti:l.l ll.i.i aiit- ! I I. .1).! .-1 l,t. W.- t. ui I - trlti uidl I v Mjlinlour auLU) lil. i.Jj to.Ft4 ue a .-ail: I. r aud i at it.- Iiiarti a aiit 1 -.! tl-r. I I.. w..ilu(k:. A;ri!. T. i F.VAN i r,. ' LF.wisaran B..k, Iti l. i -, lo-j. "YOTII'E is herehv jiven, that an ele.-nr-n ' iN for thitti-en Dnectors Hill be held at : I ' tin- llatikiii; House tn Muniav. Nit . SIsi, lei'.a. brtueeii the hours of 9 o'clock A. , and ;i o'clock. 1". M. And a t-nerjl niet-ung ; ol Hie SiiickholJ. is a ill be held on 1 ueMijy, Nov. Ul, at 10 o'clock. A.M. DAVlU KEBER. Cashier TAKEN UP. CAME lo the premises of the subscriber, about the uih cf Viusl lasl.a daik ltd STEER about 8 inontns oi-.l. Theouner is rtijueaied to prove property, pav rharces and lake il awav. GEUIK.F. KI.I.NU Kelly Tp, I'uion Co, Si pL BO. Isr9 BLANKS? 1 for Jusiirrs anri Ollsrauifs, ll.r .ale I or iiu;i J !,. orut r, al ll.e C r. t :s icles. 'flice ' UtllJIrunn Jr 1 1.. w . ! Jlavin? lornifd, Pani.tr."l..p. at ,hn,:i , "land cl Wm. A J.H. brown, Mi krt M. .ue,v 1 ,, 11 UU I I I I l l.mf i.ii.imi.i; ut l.cady Aiaec tioilm k. Ci,.ii-, Ca-in.crc.-., t'i..iiii,. . Vriiin?. I 'rr.ri...a. : liii-aeh-d and Drown Linens, 1iiJ!ii,s,, t'nir i lintri.&'c. Al-o a lar? vaii.-tv rf I. AIiIEf .7,7.S aius. IUra:es, Sitkx. U,n thanis yhawls Ar I Aso all kinds bl .,iiom, liroceries. Haul -i ware, L'rdarwair, Queens and Uiaswarc. ri b. al'. I obarro. A!oail kindofllrlCkfor tuildm- ror- 1 P"'; , . , ' a" an'! f' ' ronrselres. Produce of all kinds taken in fr h..i.je for ;r.i-,'. i liP.oW.N A bLXKLE. I.ewibiir7, Oct SO, lb:,'J ..,. ; 1, jt 'J VffJ'l' II I IMil'll liV H Mhlt i, H Ju-t 01Clir-i r..prisiH tlic JklvR-rc llou.-c, in ilic Ikuotu lately occupied Ly A. Singer. FILL and fpmji.ete assorlmpnt of FALL & WINTER CLOTH- I NGj'M'i as Overci.;,ls.l)re 4,'i.ais. Busi ness Oats, and t i ai i f e-rr .tlr an.4 pat tern ; and I'ltniHlenns and Vpsu rn'soit. Als. a larse t.inciv t,f I mier t'loilm,. .nrk J lraer, tshrri--, Ac. Also.a tar assi rimcni of !' Cl.-tliins of the latest Mrtr. Aisn .iV.Vand C.I 'A equal Iu anr ( ITerrrj in this c, tintrv. in tact.Il.aveererrihirneres.sary in the shape i.l l.'liliin, which J tfltr ai a very small adrancc f,.r cash. I I HII.IP I.IIOPMAX. Ar'i. t"? AH kind. i, Cc.nntrv f'rnilnrr takrn in rvcli..n-c f. r ficr.ds. l-cwisbiir. Oct SJ.) new Arrangements New Goods' USLI'II L.IMWM,a, in-taken lie .J we;: ttmii .s'VA't': II A I 7 tjA;.hM r. lined it, km! tlllid in an eiteii.sivr varinv ol Hit, r..i, CiHt'tmiu't Cl',!hiit;,lc. A!-i a lar-e ai.d sptcnilid Mock of CLOTHS CAI.MI.RKn.Ar. which he i 'ill tnuke tin . ".a' be suit rcnlinues li.r 'l a, .... less, lie is prepared tn eieeu e all w.ok enirustrJ to his curc.lo Ihe saii:action ol the ciiu,n,pr. .N. 15. Cntifn? ard Krpainr.e j- ,l,,ne to 'r':''1'- ;l eu-is!.:ir7. f nl lo, If57 81000 Race ryn erne t-ir, last September, in Unioti I ci ni.iv. Ictinrn t'l. ra 'retuj !e and Uio uoislrr . f l.i Island, j I'iU. It' o- rra. I seen a lo'srrer race our hat. on Third str el in l.f wisbui". 1 Jim. An' hat tras it S.irc.an'it u:i- the Par!e all a-hrow-' ZIV.VKKMA.N A ZEI.I.ERs'A,,rf farihiiuiUe Cl tiim; it-re. to buy IbrOiSeltcs lieu' i"ary In. in h.n in 1 ut. J-m. Au' hi u-ch,ipe ? l'.:t. Och but vr.isn'1 there a nae Coat. 1'ani.s and Vest li.r v;? an' fine suns from i 5" ' o'c n.iaihai le Overcoats In m M.ro upas huh as tv niind carpets rcm to 6i cints a yard f lrts and llrarrs f.-r .'.touts up? an' 11, vs Ci ais, Vest. and I'anis. ard Casstrr.erfs, frri ch C!,.ih. farrnatian . Ac. and a poner o" other roods fur jii about u-h.il the)- e st, barm.' the thmn.pmtl,. -'i.'' il I, lave that's uhat ihev call ihe briaa in ol em' here.) And. i.w Jeminv. if v. u want t.ihelp v,.ir,e f tn a tr.fr. rhuii lo '.. &. .- isiore. an,! save -A lr. .fill nn rour ed- :!"'7,sui'' t'1' ' ! !e ,h' n,,.,,. "'7 "he I'rinter-Heaven blfVen-n J""- I shan I it.rjcrt m thn rerj minim , a in. i.ar sae, m a dnilar aimed, any day. i : Kx:t Jiminv ar, und the corLcr et a trot ler 'iinuiVi r Fall and Winter G'ood HafSh & GOuClinaiX. rtotatsj.ctcultiri w . . . r, ' ' I I A I. Frci lve.l ;ir., vrrr.e.l a CHOIC1 i m. '.n.i,f 1,1 ot all itic lyiL.t jiyits (,r t.M.l. aJ Wm-rr 'I h. pailiclar aneiii:, u fl the UJis i- rt!a tu tdeir atv.k ol IJlilllittiH Die-, ilks l-r;n!, Ucl.il Mrs bha. !;. liK.Kr.Meriois fi.ilar. Kurals I!,..,, OiiH-ham, Inxriinxi Fti:i!, E.liti..j: AI.S.O CI..Ih,. l-l,- ,a. r,nrrc Jeaiis, ' , I vreils, VeMinss, Muslins, J trill s, Tllh.Hi;.. r'liiiii.ei-. tl.,1.1. an. I I'.' W,., Ma's at.il l'ap. jj ti -.-e-'ntf truh a n nmleie as.. rim.iit r.r ; t , (ji'vict-fh-n, ll;inhian j (.Ytlarwarf. t'liconstrnro, Ac. I all ..I hirb ,,! br tlispo.-. ,,f t, as TnYcrt' . Me ieirt.s as the ..Rme aitti les can ba purdU" j a-til anyuhvre. t;,- U4 ra; LOOK 'I 13 IS Mtl! xoTJtf:: xonct.:: xorcr::! I 1 I ' I VI 1.. .a a - U.ii jum R-iniEi'u in m me t it wuh an unusallv larje Mi-clt and well selected, and am now prepared to s,n eo,,d9 lower man ran le bouchl ebrwUere uu this si: of I'lulaitrlphia. ! Hardware? Hardtrarc!! Hanlw 3 m f 4 I ilil aili 1. cks, La'chrs. Hinsn 6cre wsi lilass, Pulty. I'an.'s, Itifm racl CI CI 1 1 llillt' you n-ay wan lo build t ool sell a lirsl-rjte hi-use of baTu Iwetily per err.!-, lower ihaa ever before, 'litis Jrr. 7 . uu. ti .' .' ' CAI.l'KN TKR". hi re Von c.m tret ihe reT t rated titettit'ield I'l-mes". spt-nr A Jarksoa liaiiil. irnoFi and nn taws. lititchrr's, tlealiv' and iirati v's Chisels and J'lane In ts, pat.nt and t-.-nmirn braces, trace Cuts, Aujrerj, iinarf.s,in.T;es, Ii, n crrwj.fonipa.ssMws, Hani-'inl's Ilaniniers, &c. Hiiilsniiihs'ltou It; OS IROXALt. KIMi.- J!ar. Mrt.Hop.Tvte, Oval. Kound ant) ,iiart Cast Steel, Sj rins and Knrhsh 5iFel, i-f-i. Anv.N. lielinws, crew I'lare., etc. IIDI ."KKEKI-KKS! Table Knives anit Firl.s, Cnrvers. Spoons. Ketires. I.asnps, Cait- d!.-Mi. k.. IVII.., Vii;.l,,lr!,.ll,. MaU.l-l:fc U,la.ac. n i. I'Arr.i; V, .iiit,Udn tt.. at.,.. ..th . uiauj- iu, r.- .1 thr llABi.n.rs ,.h lr,,. str rr nt J -H II H UIifCV IP '. e eli H- i tllT. S SUa-J, ! V Islll Kl). f. Tint H .u ; 1W3 u tl l 1 , T 1 f (Mrrtit (txnfniinii! M MILl I.I.HIIK IMIIITICN 1.1 RH; ill' nndt-ripned.findmc limes ratker kar a-d nn nrv srarce. oilers bis E.V i nn: stock . f iimns ash shuesiyI i now on lmn: (which is ihe laigrst id ihe" I Couniv) at ! COST Pn!3S FOR CASH! o mistakt- call and exirmtno for yetir selves eiiher HAi..'!.-oe ir lltai!. x- Moie- keepers and others rnsaed in ihe s.nlf ira,e ill I'u.d it M iheir advantage to call and In k at Lis Mi cK and save at least 25 per cent.! .M aim far till-ins; of all kinds d. r.r l very luubrrate prices and KLfAlKI.Ma at the shopest nnijee. I? Ilon'i foruel the place f-x iuor t J . A J. lr,,.' Start, LKV l.-KI Kti. May 9, I'Sj WILLIAM JOHNSON Dr. C. n'iVEAL, TT A VIfJ resumed the practir of VEDI J CINE, if n Her, his professional service. ihe fit zens of Lev;ber ar.d viciair olftre ,n,i reM(J,rre , , a Janis V. Kos,. iou.c ftunh sttttt