UNION COUNTY STAR & LEWISBUKG CHRONICLE DEC. 2, 1850. C'i P srr i I lartt ruigromtit NOT WI-Sl'. It was thought, when Gov. Wise was a Whig, twenty years ago, that Le was par.iaily iusanc, aud Lid wild o. N. wqKDM ft 1. R. uohmelius. CJe constant, earnest aciivny, auti uer- iintwn .t.-T.. Ltw..,u. f i.iri vous cxcitabilit v strenit lii'ocd the opinion. fil I;.! nn llirtasii STr.m, h thr lr,-rit aud Ut . , , ,. , , ctiTuiu..n c.i.nT s,.,prt id couotr. i Tbe way no has masnihed tbe Harper a -- - -.. mind or something worse. Somo think , their oicn household!' Aggravating real Aftr'l.l ITK P-VTtTTHiv- ta .uvl.li-ll- lvlki-k.Tiv . . i t-: I false : but innocent women and tender chil dren no ways responsible for tbe sin and curse of slavery bave tbe greatest horror and most vivid dread of servile insurrec tions. Ouly t hi 11k what pangs of agony must rend tbe hearts of those daily and . rt rOTuno n iiekh-u muslin. he ;s t ; , ri41ae ,hc Soutu l0 such . AND i jo Not ai.tlirr Inrii or stave Territory r Extension, pitch of frenzied excitement, that tbey wi.l TV,... .. .i i( b, ,b , rrmripi demand him, at Charleston, for I resident, I:;'ui:,h'r::rrJm":,';!..w FiSTX 1 tt he makes matters a, bad as he can T"lla-rM.rL"v7Zyj'jrl' Ca'"'"' " W"h" I "i,u ,Dat 'n T'eW- S ,!je liUle' WltDCredl 1"VT"T. 7."'V ' one-horse "city" of Cbar'cstown rejoices -Tar Opposition Slate t'onrrntlon, to nomin.te a . , . . . , , ndi.ii. t.r iio.rnw, u .pp.,infa 10 inmLVu at an event to bring ber into notoriety, and li ir.McL.i oo wminesday thr g2j Ftn.i ,r.T, i'.o. t0 SCattcr money among them. They now ' bave about Cftecu hundred eoldicrs to feed, BPBMr. hlillioger left Lebanon for Wash ington this week. We believe there is general attendance of tbe Members of Congress at tbe place of meeting, aud a Tariety of rumors as to tbe organization of tliC IIjUSC. State Treasurer. We notice that Han. Ueury D. Moore, of I'hilad., is named as a probable compe titor of Col. Slifer for tbe t ffice of State Treasurer and the allegation is made, that it has been customary fur that Officer to rotate out at the end of a term of two years. J nis will be touod to le a mistake, u-ing their sehool aud church bouses for lunaiks, and all gloaliug or "cupping with burr.rs'' on the forth-coining hat-gin". Kvcry iiuagiuable story from all (juiiter? is propagated, as to TUE WAY that llrowu is to be relieved. lhe last is iu a Su quehanria couuty paper a Virgi nian there resident, lias been cxperimeut- Gen. Tom Thumb will be 22 years old ! in January next. He resides at Bridge- ! port, Conn., where be owns a fine bouse on the main street, valued at $5,000. (le drives a pony which he says will trav el a mile in three minutes. i One of the Democratic members of Congress (Brown of Kentucky) lacks some months of the requisite age to take j bis seat, and if not sworn in until be is le-, gaily qualified, 117 Members can organize I the House. I The leading Administration paper in ' Nashville, Teun., has receutly lost two of ! its Editors. Mr. 1'oindeztcr was killed ! in a street encounter with an opposing ! As a State, Oregon was admitted to editor, A. A. Hall; and Mr. Eastman: the Uuion with a lest population than (.poet, formerly of eriuont) died of apo- Kansas, because the former is allied to P'exy- i ., ,, c, ... It has cost the Government $30,000 to I tbe l ro Slavery Democracy, while Kan ...t,.,:. . t u , . , . ., ' " substitute benches for desks in the House l sas could notbe driven, coaxed, or cheated of ltPprescntatives, when $1,000 ought to into becoming a Slave State ! Was ever j have mure than enough to cover cverv ex- evils is unmanly, nnchristianliko, and everyway indefensible. Editor. PRO-SLAVERy DEDI0CRAC7, vs. KANSAS AND BROWN. Sheriff's Sale. Tf Y virlnr of a wril of Fi. Fa. issncl ill nf y the Court of Common rirat t I'nooi i-iMinly, anil to ine (Jirecini, u-ill be exjm.xrd u, Public Sale or Outcry, on tbe premis s, n Salurday, Urcember 17, l"'.'.'J, at 10 nVlurk A. M., the I M.pwiiiz le'-cribeil Heal rotate, to wit: 'J'h-o certain Tract of Latoi situate in Limestone dm nship. and conniy ot I'limn. No. I. II' tiniltil on the north by lan.ts cf Rinanticl Walter, nntherat by laud ol Aaron tSiuith, on Ihe south by 1'rnns t'rerk an i ,n Ihe west by land of lluh Hellas and oilier, containing twenty-five acres, mure or lrs, ; whereon are erected one and half storey L. g Harellinj llnue, a Log Barn, and oilier Oul Uuildmzs, Ac , with the appiinenancrs. j Traet io. is a Timber Lot, bounded nonh : by J'enni Ureelt, east, south and wei by lands of Huh Uellas, contairiin eleven acres, nmre or less, with tbe appurtenances, A:c., as ihe property of 1'hilip lieairr. Jtmx cnt.st;i:ovK, s,rr,fr i nnerni s cihici-, i.ewisbnrs, .uv BRICK FGUNDUY FOU SALE. t r li.t ;it Johnsoii'w i ti- .... ;.. V. : AiarliiiiTV a!Mrl !'a:. ins f. r I'., tach'iifrv.S'"' i-f tin- I;. -: ;..(,.;. 'ii,e Prf-iT!': r's t.u. ,-. :. aiK'lhrr e 11; i '-'. ii. 'i. , i ;: :i i- I ili-sirs I.' ifi'.'-e i l i. . T in lunher pa i I'im hk ;i !.im - Feb. -' :. t II, . i I. I . I ' i ,:l '... f : .Market Meet in iii vn ' fiiiiohctt in f-vrrv riNpif. and iht' li rvt day ! Apr.l ii-xt; i!;" I T such palpable wrong and injustice 7 Since the tragedy at Harper's Ferry, ' the Democratic press arc eupcrhumanly j industrious in attempting to attach there I sponsibility of that affair to the Republi can party, although Drown aud his associ-1 the l'ro-Slavery power in Kansas, for Del . u..M :.l. ... i.:..l. i. : lilt' nuu a udiiuuu, nnu nunu ue luivuus . , , . . , ino i b , ' , j ales and supposed abettors havo always cgate gave Johnson 133 and 1 arrutt o!) : to swoop down upou t,harlestown aud ti.kc i , , . . , ' rniPi as no odc wilhiu our knowledge has served ii th'in three years, unnt a change ij' pirtics intervened. The following, as near as we can learn, arc the Lames, poli tics, years, and terms of office, of our State Treasurers, elected under the Constitution, since 171)0 : been opposed to the organization and ma ny of the measures of that party. Neither Lane, Druwn or Cook have re ceived aid or comfort from the Republi cans, in their laic less acts. Instead of be ing applauded, they have been ccnsural ami condemned. Rut how is it with democratic "Kansas rM.m"fl. Triri. nrnvro Christian Fcbinger Una. li'JO ti years Peter Haynum do 1TD7 " Jacob Carpenter do ism 3 " Jicob Weaver do IH1 3 M'm. Findley do ISII7 1 R. M.Crain do IM8 3 J. IJ. Trevor Fed.andO.S.Ucin. 1 'm. Clark Item, lfsj 6 - Alex. Mahon lieni. l-'JS R Joseph Lawrence Anti-Mason ItUG I " Daniel Siurgeou Dein. 18:17 3 " A II. Read do 110 I " JohntJilinore IVhi; lull 1 Job Mann . llem. 1S2 3 - J. Ross Snnwdca do 1815 3 - J hn Hants AVhig HIT 1 " Arnold Plutner Item. 11 1 " ii teun J. Ball Whig 149 I J M.BicUel Kern. l":n 4 Jis. llailry do l'it 1 Kit Mifer Am. Krp. 1."5 I II. . Majraw Deui. I.r6 3 Eli Slifer 159 So it seems that in every case except when a ctange of parties occurred the State Treasurer has served at least three yan in succession. There is a chance to make a change every year, if the public interests demanded it : but if an incum bent does well, he is continued. The three years' term applies to all tbe Depart ments at Harrisburg to tbe Governor, Attorney General, Surveyor General, Au ditor General, Adjutant General, School Superintendent, and to all those appointed fcy tbcm : and why not, also, to the heal 1 of tbe Treasury Department 1 Unless some cause can be shown, "the usage of rolatiou" can not oust Cul. Slifer, who is admitted on all hands to have discharged his duties with an ability and integrity 1 unsurpassed, and who is the only one, once voted out by a change of ranks, who has been complimented by a re-election. I TriE Execution, to-day Our latest : news is that the country for twenty miles around Charlcstowo, is patrolled; that there arc 2,000 troops iu that town, in cluding four companies of U. S. Artillery from Ft, Monroe. Gov. Wise and Gen. Taliaferro warn all citizons to stay at heme, and watch their "contented and happy servants ;" that women and chil dren will not be admitted to the execu tion; that all strangers will be stopped and searched, or sent back ; that the Win chester & Potomac Railroad will be sitz-.d and held exclusively for Government pur poses; in short, a sort of martial law pre Tails. Northern reporters have been com pelled, by the military, to return from Harper's Ferry ; audit is said that CM Rrown will not be allowed to make an l'in tendiary speech." All these precautions, it is alleged, are necessary. If so, it is the most profound sentence ever yet pronounc ed against the "patriarchal institution I" Rrown maintains his courage to the last. M. R. Lowry, of Eric, recently vis ited Got. Wise and asked that the family of Rrown might have his body, but was ety, in this village, organized for the purpose ;f...mJ that thr ,r. ,,W.7 ,7 ' , of releasing Jhn Drown. It appears that In many parts of our country, there will be public demonstrations of feeling up lirown just in the nick o' lime ! The reported cfLr of 10,000 men, by Gov. l'acker, lo guard the State line, was all a hoax. Gov. l'acker has no sueh power, and if he had is too sensible to use it in this case The pretended Messages from tbe Governor of Ohio, and the U. S. Marshal, that troops were organizing there to rescue Rrown, arc denied by those gen tlemen : but it is probably true that Gov. Wise telegraphed back that he would hold i them to the charge of trcaton if they allow- ( cd any sueh men to come out of Ohio ! j Wc might give columns of extracts of similar alarms. Northern workmen, tra-! . velers, and even old citizens, are driven j out of the Slave States, or indicted, on ' mere suspicion, or for eating some kiud ( thing of old Rrown In short, the trc- pitudc of the whole South in this case has 1 convinced more non-slavcho'ders of tbe j : oljcctiooablc character of Slavery, than j j atiy event of our LUtory. That such a ! handful of fanatics should so shake the ' most suspicious fact, very injurious to that f system, aud greatly calculated to inspire j deeper determination that such a curse I shall spread oo further. i Gnrrninr Ulsr ani Anonymos Letlrrc There is a peaceful litile town in ihe very centre of this Slate, on the banks of the Sus quehanna, called Leirisburg. It has a pleas ant society, a nourishing University, and a good many smart lawyers, young and old. The sitiiauon is extremely beautilul, and the town thriving. It is about Ihe lasl place in ihe Union to hatch treason against a neigh boring Slate, though it seems to have a few young wags just commencing to hang up their shingles, who would have no objection lo Ihe audacious pastime of making a H'ue man mad. A most ridiculous letter has been pub lished in ih Richmond Enquirer, with Gov. Vise's sanction, assuring bun of a secret so ciety of Aboliiiomsts, sworn in, armed wiib revolvers, who are about to drop in, one by nr. In ,). n..mKAP ,.r r. ... k .... .i .-.I ana i . i. erat'e Brown. The letter is all a bo'ax, from d-Iei d dying son, was rewarded for the lh.V - - o he pa hi in Ud. thrt' PUBLIC SALE. i ,,"l''r- ,u-1 ITTltr K. . .. ..,.,: ., J Juue !. !-.. Dense Wl I'lu-icu ii i nunc nnic tin me j . The charier W!n in Vnw V..rlr r!t. . . Pf"'? A.W"V " ".V ' . . " J i luerntarr im.iu, ins lollowing proprrtr. situa- comcs otT tins mouth. There are now four ted in the Uornngh of .New Berlin: One lot parties in the field Wood's, Tammany, ' and one-half of ground on which is erected a Old Line Whig, and Republican. ! fT ,ar-f ,wo storey Frame Dwelling II.. use F.irt Senit nno nf atrnn nhnl.la nf -t 1 1 and Ollir. ti.gei her with all the neeessa- . .. ,, ll,,,..,,.,, ,. , . ..,!. ... ...... east ,y lands of Daniei Horlacher, smith by -New Market St., and west by lands of Dr. Jo seph K. l.ioz. The and half In twill be sold together or separate, as purchasers may desire. ! Persons wishing to examine the property. I ...... ..v uy i.a.lll- (Ml J.IS. iiiciit-r, r.sij . V '1' I of New Uerilll. If thev wish anv uil.iriii-iln.ii I" -Si-w- ing me at Lorlc Haven. I'a.. or Ueore .Mcr- ULLt, 3 L 1TUA, l iL, V'l" 81 wisnnrg. ra or liv x n ( l.iaj) Coot & Slioe JSflore."TL" CHEAP FOR CASH! YK'V Siixk of Uouis andSh oumf -! .. r u, j. Si J. ua,., s.rei l.ewisburr "' " ''' ' eh'apest t.-k :;' " I';"7-"'-lake, t-all B( ex. ' yxurselve ar.d save at lfjsi --, 1!' '" from $2 to VI i i.i..;,er. . mh A Bf js'lrorr. to it V, c ii.i n'a (ii,:5 f,OIM 5u ,( -j ;' "s .. , ctoi m l rvrri thing iu ourlme cheaper than the ti.l ; f ( r. A i r i Is ,.f I:. .r,t. Shoe 4 Gaiters MA DP '1 1 1 i:M:i:, i I ihe brst mairnal. and lr' r.i.ii l. A li.u- turk t.f home-made l- ;- : . n hand, which will be 0id ne at the shortest untie.. W M. JOH.NfeOX ' 4, lr.'j. l;i:i A I KING (!, -i')f r;l er. -1 on-, (tct. A!. I CAKl'ETS a Cue assortment by Hursb A; Gondm iUorc illcnt. For Sale, ri'llT desir.iMe pri.p-fy. rr;:-r , f S-. I Jclin .in I Wat. r ,' i:, r :i.'''l'I.-'r' IttK'l- I.ts. on v.!m-li :m-i r-i l. ,1 a - :,' ll..u-e, J!.r i. uu.i V. Ii.irl. '1 ins ,., an t xr-'. Irnl l.'r.ilf.ii iol a lli.a r ;o.'t nee l t j-lce Of i'llslllPss. For terms Ac.. , t,, Jn TII . Wfil.Fi:, Agnt. Lewislmri'. Join- h.. ls.'.ll VAUIETY STORE AND I'OST qi-tici:. I. U: li K spf jil of IIoi:ks,.StatioiierT Ac, will be supplied to ihe hungry people by Ihe subscriber, at his shop on North Fifth Leaders?" Their outrages have not only j street, where he carries on ihe Iluf-henng been approved aud palliated by tbe Dem ocratic press but rewarded by thu Demo cratic administration. S- II. Clark murdered a man named Rarbcr, by bhooting him in the back. For this practical illustration, he was made a Purser in the Navy ! James Gardner, who co-nperatcd with Clark in the murder of Rarber, was ap 1 pointed Postmaster at Lawrence! j "Sheriff Junes" headed the mob which sacked Lawrence. He was paid off with j a lucrative cfiicc in New Mciico. Sale to begin at 10 o'clock, when conditions will be made known. Nor. 23, !.-,. JESSE .MERUIT. L. i PUBLIC SALE! j "jOTH.'E is hereby given that Ihe nndrr- y signed Trustees will seli at public sale, in pursuance lo and by vir'.ue ol an Act i. business, and will upply all kinds ,,f Meat I in its seasr.n. (In Wednesday and Satutday i mornings, he will be feiind al Market in frout i of M'Faddin's Hardware Slorel Vat low rali-s ' for Cash exclusively. Calves wanted Beeves i and Sheep purchased as usual. Try the New Assembly approved Ihe lih day of April, Jj uuicncr. i ra 1 1 Hiiiy lite ZHili day of 11,-cem CHRISTOPHER C.EMBERI.1NG. ler, Ihoit, n ihe premises iu the borou-ii ol I.ewisburg, Aug. IS, ISSSy j New Ueilin, Ihe Coart-House, Jail, and all othrrpnMic buildings an I lands, sima e fox eall on r.i.riT : run iini ni.i: fi: mr-a-. 1 l.nts, fill li M.lt..;. , ljai I w ii lain li :." i'i.- .-'ii A r f. T. ti i ih s r- r; an i one nn M.J.d.u -ti I. i Sm. I I.i ; i t l tach -f llie almvr II t;-. - un- 1 r K".t. ts'Alsn, l..r sa. Ii-ur li-.i! Li 7 l.ntsr n North Filth -tr.-. t. J'MN LOLt.li iON, l.rwishtiig, Jan. SO. Is-'li. .A-., ,.t I I" s '. . '-" " '"- -"'I'-eii,.,. l.as, S ,ccs. truit, Nuns, Bak, s. and a auety of NICK NACKa) f.p ::t;:i st tl.- , l.liV. IMI IIG PCST OFFICE. :i) AND FINE OIL ran fc h.TaTih". POST OFFICE r Ladies andC.Vnn raa lOSTlifUcE To the Tax Collectors of Union Co 4 S my lime will soon expire, I wish CVI lecturs to bear in mind that my account with the State and County must be settled by Ihe 1st of Jan. lSW.and I hope all Collectors will have their accouuis settled by Dec. Court. By reference to my books, I have not yet re ceived nuite siiitlOO of Ihe C.unlv Tar a I. Frcdcriilc Emery, one of the murderers though some of my good friends insinuate rpiIE snh.rn! , r Oiiis, silu.il'' iii I i, - I'tsiius ; i call mi Mr. J.-naii,: h'-m such i;.t .ii,ati July ", 1 s.Vj i:n, hi i; i ;j t.. nn-. n ili,: I .-l..-, V,,., i . I L Wl-b.llg. ha-e. u li! plt-ae e, wiio will zive v ir.iiv i!'--;rt'. . .-I'lIX Alil.E. . A1 of Philips, at Leavenworth, was compen sated by the appointment of receiver of the Land Office at Oden ! J. S- Jlurjdiy, who helped in the as sassination of Philips, and who was nolori-: word to the wise is sufficient ouslv one of the eanir bv whom Honrs II. P. slIELLER, Trea . oo II that I have been shaving County Orders. On tne contrary, I have advanced f loon out of my own pocket to oblige friends that held Orders against the Comity. 1 hnpe every Collector will pay attention to this request. j that the Jurors may be paid in rash at Dec. Court. A V Tt All,9.c CL....I I, 1 i . i was scalped, was made agent for the Pot- j that can not be collected and are to entered against the property, must he done on or be fore the 1st day of Jan. 1SGO as. after that tawotamic Indians ! lluJi Elmore, who made a persevering effort to assassinate Kagi, was elevated to the office of U. S. District Judge ! Jiusstl it Waildcll furnished teams and provisions to tbe Rorder Ruffians, who in vaded Kansas and seized tbe ballot boxes in 1S5G. They have been awarded im mense contracts by tbe Government ! Atchison, Strinyfilloic and Uuford, who organized the ''Rluc Lodges' are un whipped of justice ! The miscreant who squirted tobacco! juice iuto the eyes of Join Rrown'a mur- act with the offieo of U. 8. .Marshal I "Candlcbox Calhoun" and tbe others whys stuffed the ballot-boxes, were nursed and petted by the Democracy to the !ast ! beginning to end, and Ihe inhabitants of this village were like Lord Byron, the other morn ing, astonished on waking up to find them selies so famous. There is no Captain Smelley" in the village, we are assured, and as for "Limber Jim," he too is altogether a myth. In fact, we have ascertained easily and certainty that the story is made up out of whole eloih. We deeply regret that it should be so. but it is necessary lo state the fact for the character of the Stale, and because we bcliere that most, if not all, the letters recei- j Lrole 0pcu the U. S. Arsenal at Liberty, f.f nn thte Cohi.'f-t nr. .rl.nci.a hit.. ! 1 ' time, the law prohibits il being a lien. I'nlon County Court l'roclamallon WHEKEA3. the Hon. AB M 8. WILSON, ! President Judge for the Snih Judicial District of Pennsylvania, composed of Ihe , counties of Union, M i 111 i n and Snyder, and I'mtir tic hi and JsoWbiMiisTos E,-qs., Asso ciate Judges iu L'uion county, have issued their precept, bearing date the ltiih day of Sept. ISSO, and lo mr directed, for the holding of an Orphans' Court, Court of Common Pleas, Oyer and Terminer, and General Cjuarler Sessions at l.EWISULKO. for Ihe county of LNIOV ; mi mc iiiuu mii.iv.u ui IJICIC, (being the 19th day) 1S59, and lo continue one week, Notice is therefore hereby given to tne Cor oner, Justices of the Peace and Constables in and for the county of Union, to appear in their ... ouiu uoiuun, oeionging lo the cumy of 1. moil prior lo the ereeu. n ol the ncwcuniv out ol part of Union, called Snyder. Ix.im.kd and ili icri' ej as follows, vi : FIVE l.OI 3 adjoining each other, ai d bninded ,n the west by Vine stieei, no nh by Maikei street, ea-l by Plumb street, and south l.y an a ley,' whereon ihe Court House and County Unices' aie erected. Also a eert ii.i lot adjoining Plumb street on the east, Market stieet on the son;!,, ,,t of John Set-bold on liie rp.i, and an alii y .n t!:e norih, whrreon the JAIL is erected. Said l. t will be sold separate, together with the appur tenances. Sale to enmmenre at in o'clock. A.M., of said day, when and where the terms ar.d Con ditions of sale will be made known by the un dersigned, duly appointed by said act for that purpose. NEK MIDDLEsWAKTH, II EN It V C. EVER. I Nov.l2,lsr9.iOHN V. BAKUER. Sheriff Sale. T)V vitrne of an alias writ of Lev. Fa. is 1 f sueu ut of the Court of Common on a hall to 1 FOR SALE. F..,fi stri c t, a pri-rTtv f- ' a g .. S ri..m. II ii-. Ji3 : gi. n -, I. '1 , I in - y. A I J..V :v v a li o;;i: FCr. SAIE. 'HE w!l :,,.. T:il-ril .fan!f-5. a; tiie.i,., ,.., ,.; ii.- Unvkl i ivL'e. in 'I.. , i j .,i,:n.- r.-l;-h:(n. Nirillil ,e cli r :i i lr-rn:s. V. Il.i.IAM FLICK. De. 17, I-:. INE tii !d I I Xsj ; I e fail at the l. LI. AI. sells ..I CAVE..8 ,d ulh I.i'-asi Pins and Lar tn-i ra. i.. i.j v. i y ( hedp at ihe POT OFFICE j ) l I I El!, Efgi. Laid and P..n!,'r7taie"n7a 1) Litl,an-e lor (., od at the POST OFFICE FEW li.jes of ilaisins. F, liT.," ' . i. i, " ua I rin.e Prunes lor sale at the tyT OFFICE jia.l.l.S for B.-oks ,.r (iocds'or any tZ t promptly at:ei,d d lo al the POST OFFICE I AMES ran find the larcest and tJnj. I j mer.t nf Letter and Jiote PAPER f;,,,.. pes Ac. at the POST OffCE 'i? ltWij,lDr? Waning Mill, ri.nstar.flr nn hand and ' ' I loorinr. hldiar Miulti-rM, lillKda, panerns. :n ol all l.,i: J.rwi FOR. I sent ! . ,i i Siiioon. Ti.. nr.- v For Term- n; p 'v :u Jau -7 1 . fr1 nt i.i: i - illTinr I stf . t. o RENT ! ii Iflit.-h .lt!l! ': d at pre : n .i a I i'S. 1 1 .. The played oil" upon the Governor of Virginia The Enq'tirrr assures us that these letters are accompanied by '-responsible names.' We believe ihe Treasuier of the State of Pennsyl vania lives in I.ewisburg, but we ran assure CJ.ir. Wise his name is lo no such letter, ex cept by forgery. There are probable one or two gentlemen from Virginia it is possible they may have been "Sold," as Gov. Wise certainly has been. But we repeat it, so far as any leitcrs from our State are concerned, (and the one published is not the only one.) Wise nine relieve his mind of all apprehen sion. There is no danger of Virginia and Pennsylvania ever being other than good frien-.ls, we firnoy believe and earnestly hnpe. lint all these ho-ixes arid practical jokes on one side, and gullibility i n the other, may do ol I'nion county and lo me directed. M ill l e exposed to Public Sale crOutrrr.ai the Pub lic llou-e of I. i) Brewer, in Leu-isbnr-, on , Monday ihe lllih Dec'r next, al I o'clock, I' M, The following described Building and Lot of Ground nf George A JVirk arid John Lilly. ; i'1'..wJ';lla ,,wHing house of two storeys, hav- ; thirty-two feet, with frame kitchen anaehed. and is situated on a certain lot or piece ol , ground on South Sixth street in the borouuli 1 of Lewisburg, adjoining lot of Win Reninver own proper persons wilh their records, inuui- 011 ""r, and lot of in Moore on the sitions.examinations and other remembrances 1 outh, with the appurtenances. Seized, taken lo do those things which of their offices and in ,n "ecution anrt to be s .ld by their behalf appertain to be done; and all Wit- JOHN CKOSSCROVE, Sheriil' nesses and other persons prosecuting in behalf i ""'"is O'hce, Lewisburg, Nov 1 1, A JJ IS..!) Whitfield was admitted as Delegate in or ihe Commonwealth against any person ori. .TT ' - i n ,. , . 1 ,. . .i persons, are required lo be then and ihere j A J IJ JKlilll I'JIOl'KllTY Congress and by his aid all those rascal- ',,. and ' lIell!lrt ithnlll a. ... itics were paid for from tbe U.S. Treasury ! peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in ' I I" II I. I C SALE, The Judge and other Jlissourians who , ,hcir attendance at the appointed tune agrcea- Given under my hand and seal at the Sher- iR s Ollice ;n Lewisburg, the 14th day of No- .-, ir. .j , j- .. . I vember, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, and the eighty fou rth year of the Independence of the United States of America. God save the Common wealth ! JOHN CKOSSGIiOVE.Sherid 7t:!:sos : Mini It r,v T ,-rli-ni. til .1 7) I i v. r it it ::. n.u i: u a i tati'ii n r: ,1 -i .. I a E. iii: . i:t. by I r. ' ( II -.V .1 ih . !i it r.- .eep ii t-ile lo i r littxi s. .jih tloii'itiin an.. .1., . r discriiiiions of V.....I u-...l in I'o '. irg. ' " I'iIts rrpeerfnl'T soliefed andprrm.if, li o I. A.I m-iii uarraniedtoeivesatisracf.n : . An riKiiMi-e lot ,.f I.UHllNT of all i . r f-:n r.s m hhr.a for sale. I , .Wrlh iitcoMl itnet.Ltxifarr rm A pi. I !.". 5 TlOVRYa SKY LIGHT GALLERY, OVER J s. M Fad.ien's Hardware Store, li T-nerlv !louhiou"s Shoe Store, Maile i t, l.t-H 1-l.iirg, I'a. Aur.norri'Es, m f.t. a ixo tytes, e.. iii ine ii-iial si.r-,,r style. In adduioa : 'l.e.e p. :;,rrs. I ilIn dob, prrpared lo lake i ! .(iili ;ij ,s. lare or small, equal to t'-t li: l: lie miiul.r. li.. u.ttr. i i.' -e picttin s are rolorea l I I . - r i r ii JllOi;. il.If, t: : V l..vr.i;i:. h;.i. 1 aii 1 V lo; He .; I.: litte I op (or i lie . Pu--N:c and . tii-r moderate. Arilv Leuisburg Jin: lo rep- a'e streinr to an oil painiinf, t'oi- ;ii .ii I- lei 'y ol ipresn aa) feature ' '' I'lti d'.f e,l p,.!r t.v f... " Tj'l'.Id' '! ?!:J have Jhj men.. April 21, IS5SI. -;aSSgr NtwGtcds jbrthe Million. ri-'ill t, i:i... .,, i, ,, .o..s. T. r,i liol'M.L. l. 1 -:,:i. and stole the National arms and ammuni tion to help tbe Rorder Ruffians in their work of pillage, rape, arson, and murder, were well known, but not one was ever tried or punished ! REGISTER'S NOTICE. 7?i fttr nVF ftutHsh. rrnv tired In r taliation, old llrovn is sure to get the gal- MOTICE Is hereby given 10 all COH- T)V order of ihe Orphan's Court of Union ) county, will be sold at Public Outcry, on ! Tt edncMday, lltli of Iiernili r next, the large and cominoDious two-storev i. ... i. 1 HAWSI0N HOUSE and LOT, with the appurtenances, property of Ihe lale Jonathan Ncsbit, dee'd, situate in Ihe Borough of Lewisburg, bounded on ihe east by property of Dr. Win. Hayes, on the south by Pine ailey, on the west by lot ol Win. Jones, Esq., and on the North by Market St., numbered in the eeneral plan ol the boronrrh I No. 47. The property is NEARLY NEW. A law ui i ii i' :;i:;uvi:i. John B. Lira. t r t.nv- '- Ttoi: j:v Ins nou?e in N. Aim... : : s I. iii IV MARRIED ET married . 1st A . I ii. ( 1 f rail at M I'Al ! STORE, and gel a lir-t i first cost, as I want to i Cool; stoye-. Lewisburg, March 11 i i ii ; iN'-i H I.iH ' l:K V E .V'FAI DiN. Such is Eoajoco justice ! Odice at Lewisburg, Union county, and that "nd built in a good, workmanlike manner, and FI to Ikaeen fur vengeance t ll,e saiJ accutinls will be presented lor conlir- f '"P'rwr material, . and if wanted for a ) J ination and allowance at the Orphans Court, 1 1 utilic House, can be made suitable with a if . , yi , j- i 11 CI iiciutujiiifti iug luiiuwiiig uauicu uosun, loics ! Only ruffians in behalf of Slavery hAve s,,lleJ ,ieir accounIS 1D lhe Rcgisler-S are honored' Will il not cry to t. " " " , , , ' . . to be held at LEWISBURG, for the ciinntv ol few alterations. 11 auorus us a meiancnoiy pleasure 10 i l:nioni on ,he fourth Friday of DECEMUEK 1 Persons wishing lo purchase can examine Witness the cordial unanimity of the Ucm-: next.being the day of said mouth, viz : , the premises by calling on the subscriber, or ; ..... ,1,1.1 it,r.,nh u. .1 oer.tos nrima in ,Uiiiini, Ilia l,.,cn., a lie .iccouili i.l iicnry n. luting, AtlUlin- especially to those distant por.ions of idthe tIo attcmp; f 0;d lirown6lo stca, y: "7"" y"U"g' " lWn' extreme North and the extreme South. Let ... 1 ,, . , , . . i '.,,. . . ,.. . , (;v. Wise aci wilh dignity and a Imle more : 8 D'ggs. This shows that in time of he Account of Abraham 8. Sypher and b avta natu I w nc nci-i'um 'i iaiu uniiutjis, xauiiiiii' S-itii ui. if. ii.-r r. lt;i:m ;. I FFICE on s..n:h s. ,-.... .ar v. I.I. V. '.; I ;. -r. t t-.ll Pr.-i.-- -. II i-:; e his rare w i.l be taitb:;)!!.- at,I ded In s. p:. 1 1. I miUYER & SOW Vi:;.i-i ,eie:ycl their general snpp'v I 's I r the sl'KIXG & SI WMI R ' t i' :. Tier stock consists in part of lia iat.-l .1- .! m i. !,,, ;,(, j,3rs u( mi fi .,- Si...s. .Vantles. M ks. B.regesJis. si., s. .ie L.m.es. Ginghams, Punts of all 1 1. 'in-. Kihlons. Laces. Bonnets, U,it;.t Ti imnnniis. Hosiery, C us. ll.iu.!k rchiefs, Ac." KOIt Tin: (iKNTU-MEN "' ' -"vr " heavy assr!,r,,n, , Cloths, CaJ Mi. ii Cm, nets, Ve-tirgs. Half Hose, i . ,v.,.. , at; i :ttr de rnru. nsof ii' I-, i.i.i c i 2,-rrv."vhn h can 1 '' I" ait n in this regirn. - - 1 1. 1, I take a look al our assortment, a' ' " ::! c' evinced that v a ean'l dn I t er ai i in ic eise. if Connirv Product l.ii.-n us n u n. J. SChREVtK Sil. I. r- a, . 1- M. '.!. rMrilS'fd ti " tnptiy atii-n TCR SALE. :o .! l;tiM.i if the-ro f,7 . V .... ,.,,, to,..,,.,." Address Box is;. 1-. m isl org P. (). May 27, 1S59. Corre,,pinl.-tie of the Stnr k Chrpnlcle.J Sale of Lorufoni llovrrnnrs. M:gsn. EniTons: I noticed in yonr last issue an extract from a letter from Lewis burg, written to the Governor of Virginia, in forming him to the existence of a secret soci- for the ignominious death of one, who, however misguided and wrong, has ex bibited traits of true nobility and lofty he roism. tSfTbe following arc the most proml ntnt candidates for Governor of l'cnnsyl Titiii, on tbe Opposition side : Andrew G. Curtin of Centre county John Covode of Westmoreland Andrew H. Rcedcr of Northampton Thomas M. Howe of Allegheny David Taggart of Northumberland Gideon J. Ball of Kris Samuel Calvin of Rlair Levi Kline of Lebanon George V. Scranton of Luxerne. The Administration have Jacob Fry of Montgomery Jeremiah Shindel of Lehigh George Sanderson of Lancaster Wm. II. Witt of Philadelphia Henry D. Foster of Westmoreland Arnold I'lumcr of Venango. The Constitution, (Rucbanan'f Wash said letter has gone the rounds of the news papers, atid no douht produced some conster nation in Ihe minds of III- more credulous portion of the people. Therefore, I deem it my duty to post all such in regard to it. As joking is quiie common in uull limes among lun loving chaps, I, being one of that kind Rrown, wc intend to ask them to give us their views on the following Ityi'i'J llur.ri of Senator Broderich. "They have killed me because I was op posed to tbe extension of Slavery and a corrupt Administration." S.ad Death. We are informed of a most heart rending incident that occurred in Greenwood a little over a week ago. On Sunday, Mr. Runyan, residing at tbe Montgomery Mills, bad occasion to leave borne to be absent till the next aflernonn. istrator of 1'tter Kaufman, late of Hartley (now Lewis) township, dee'd. 4 The Accouut of Thomas Swenfc, Admin istrator of Mrs. Mary Moure, lale of Kelly township, dee'd. 5 The Account of John F. Rlchart, Execu tor of the lasl will and testament of Itmry High, late of White Deer township, dee'd. 6 I he Account of John Hayes, surviving on William Jones, Esq., adjoining lhe prem ises. Sale lo commence at 10 o'clock A. M. said nay when condttillns of sale will be made known. HUGH P. SHELLEK, Ailtn'r. Lewisburg, Nov. 8, 18.VJ nasr AUBIVAL! of Tl'ST received a liifce de ,J I van-1 .! i., il nv, u ll.l Re-Adjourned Assignees' Sale. fy WvdiiCKdar, 'ilst Ucrrmbrr assoitiiieiit ,. .l4)i)S a-L.n season and wnnts ot th" i-.-inn, ir, will be si M very !oiy. Cull an,! .-e. HEAVE!!, KKE.ViLIi A. Mel LUKE. Sept. 1 1, TiJ r. next, will be exposed lo public sale certain Lot of Ground on which is erected ! a valuable i Another ( hanec fur Uicaii 1'ict ure- MnrtOTVPKs w,'t 1, ann soiripwiiai nrcsnmniunns as id ine trn 11- ... ! b.l.ty of Pro-siavery Executives, tried my i "e lc" uw' n lir Usual i hand on Gov. Wise a short time ago. As Un returning, Monday, he found his two the saying is, -he bit like a mice," but I did little children in their night clothes, shiv not expect to see friend Packer gnawing at ! ering, and almost perished with the cold. I the same bone which has been ihe case, as it j je inquired for their mother: they told is stated Dial Will offers Hen frn thnutand , ... . . . r,,.,,,. if necessary, to prevent "Limber , t,m sb,e 11 P B'alrf ,a bLcd- I JimVirAifinrrrf.W.olrom releasing the j ,D1 that tLc" could not Wake her; that ; old hero, lirown. Ii Gov. Wise was laboring j when they awoke in the morning, in I lo elevate man, instead of trying to degrade I order to get warm, they got up into her mm, ne woum mu nave oeen -iaken in in bed, fas doubtless they bad often done be the style he has and would have no fears in I fore) but ,uat sbe wag ,j ,b t ,h regard to Limber Jim s army. But the i , , ' truth is, when any one is engaged in a bad j ou J not, 6ct warm; that they then went cause, ihe text is applicable to him : -The , Dae, o their own bed, and finally got np MI.KO I i I I.S vvi I l e l.ii.i -n at MOW RV'S Sky-I.ight G.ilb ry. at reduced rate lor a limited lime, l'r.i rs un king hom ill Z iMllL j cents upwards. Tins le-luciu n is made to O 9 I nr.nnr. l'.,r tK. i r...i ........ . . - ., . . .. ., , .. ,L . . , , ,.v ...it, .,,, , A,( lll i r lilt- ..uiuiiiisiraior oi nnorn u. n. nayes, laie ol ' ,;' , IT ,, tr5' ,m,"s tne property ; provemeiiis. The reduced prices will not be ' . ; ...... I i- ' ""'", Miuaie on continued lung, theieli re ail desiring ch. i lie ntci'iim oi niri oiani, Auminis- : 3,.r:., iivi ,,, oi marsei, id tue Dorougn pictures should e.iil i:n int . IialeU . trator of .Wi'cAoe Stahl late of Kelly township, ol Lewisburg in Union county. ! 1 ewisbur cp'l li lS'i dee d. GEORGE MERKILL, Register, j Said Mill is buili of brick, four and a half ' . - - ' " Register's Olhce, Lewisburg, Nov. 19, 1859 storeys high, having an Engine of forty horse j : power attached, a fine brick slack o, nn, f lEO. (.icil.K NEW FIRM THE Ol.ll M!OP!The snWriher l s j . t- i ii i ; v annoui.ee to ihe citizens o i.. ,.! ,.. a, V1c,v that they have fumes a 1 .iiineiMiip in the Tailoring Business, at the well-known stand of James Criswellea Maikei siret-t. where ihey are prepared to ff V .1 A ) X.lKf: I u, (.r.-pr , ,u very "esi sne, Vas and Boys' lot bint: ef every description on short nonce. We a ihiiicol Ihe public pairoriage JAVEs I PIMVELL, J. F. SCHAKFtR. Lewisburg, April -t, lfcSU ueap Real Estate. Real Estate at Sheriff's Sale. On MONDAY, the 5th day of De cember next, at the public bouse of William Wolfe, in the borough of Hartleion, at IU o' clock A M, by virtue of an order from the Court, two other certain valuable tracts of timber land will be exposed to public sale in j mill is especially recommended. lots lo suit purchasers, situate iu Hartley Pp. j Any person desirous of engagin stone, a double sel of Bolting Cloths. Iwo Sinut Machines, and all other Gearing neces sary to make (and has made) as good Flour as any other Mill in the state. j The location of this Mill, considering lhe j productiveness of the country surrounding it, is not surpassed. Grain can be bought as I cheap at Ihis place, as any other poini in lhe Stale; and ihere is more grain raised in this section of country than is necessarvto supply all Ihe Mills: and for Merchant Work this in said business will do weil to call aud examine be- wicked flee when no man pursueth." Be sides, as common men, women, and children, are mid ivrry day at the South, why may not their Governors also be sold ? JAMES SMELLEY, Captain. aWuThe Captain is altogether mistaken as to Got. Packer, however correct be may be in bis estimate of Got. Wise. It should be remembered that See. Floyd is severely censured for not paying attention to his Mutton organ) charges Seward, Giddings j warning, and Wise chooses to err on the and other members of tbe Republican j gafe aide. But this practical joking, how- ruxj, as atressortes and accomplices in i ever innocent in intention anions fricnnV r . . . . b is altogether wrong when operating on l crimes nf Irmi.m . Th. F n . . .... I "-y ton, in reply to this, char- i ......... .1.. ti.. r r . l . ' 1 I .11.1.1. U. I uc UUI.V. Ill, AC.S UI IUC gea BucrjASAN with great nrghet of duty ; Sootn are weii fonndcd, in eeneral. And 10 not bavinr lhn. .......a a .- j e Bimmi lua iricu. Is not Buchanan virtually an auatory of ur fAe f,ct, if be rcfusei to da so 1 it should be remembered, that it ii not tbe guilty politicians and alave mongers, who suffer most from alarms, whether real or j for killing Drodcrick in a duel. Sale to be at the public house ofA.J.Weid- ensaul, in said borough, commencing at 1 o'clock P. M. Conditions made known on day of sale. R. H. LAIK l 4 WM. JONES. Assignees of Neurit, Hans & Krutuubx. Lewisburg, Oct. 12, 1859 and county of Union, to wil : One tract called "ltoss s fancy," contain-i fore purchasing elsewhere. ing l.YI acres more or less, described as fol-1 IV Also, between CU0 and 700 new Flour lows: adjoining Monica Linton on one side Barrels will be o lie re, I. and Whitman s land and the mountain on the I other sides. No. 2 tract contains 211 acres more or less, described as follows: beginning at a! stone heap on the line of land of Henry Miller ! and on the south side of William A Lloyd and north to a stone heap and thence to a pine and land of Patrick Hayes and land of Abra- : ham Wltmer, Wagner and Moniehus j Which two tracts are bow bounded on the i south by lands of Daniel Strouse and Jacob Caldron, on the west by land now owned by 1 John Hoffman, on the north by land of Pat- : rick Hayes, and on lhe east by lands of Luke Bird, Jesse Zimmerman and others. A small : portion of lhe above described land is clear- i U, WUCICtlll lie ncicu lug utJU.sc, It log j 1 . barn and oulbuildings.wiih the appurtenances. TOTl SATjIj. As the property of John A. Loyd and Lcii.a a DESIRAI1I.E ItuHclillc; l.ol.33 feet n. House. t .... rr.,ni i. u:-, i .i.. l- Th. ,K. 1.. -ill K. ..U . ..,.! .J' - I ' unc Ul I'OU SALE Oil KENT. and came down stairs. He immediately went to ber room, and to his horror found that she was iVW. It appears that sbe had put tbe children to bed as usual, and then retired herself, but died in tbe night ! We deeply sympathize with the bereaved husband and motherless little children. Bloomsburg Republican, Nov. 24fA. A meeting was held on Saturday eve ning last, in the Tremont Temple, Boston, to raise funds for the relief of John Brown's family; $100 was raised in a short time. Similar efforts are to be made throughout the Eastern states. John C. Terrel bas been convicted in Marlborough parish, S. C, of murdering his grandfather, and sentenced to be hnng. JudVe Terrv baa been indicted and , i . ... . . .ireuw.runwiiiinHiiin rrasonaoie , lleuvpr K r.m.r JL U'n nlaeed under Lai n 10 ilfin tr. .. 1 . inuv i.d.uiud,iiiii I ueaver, fvremer V ".lure. -- v .Mint.. . 1. ...... .''II., Il ,..-". I, , f , l, .Iir,l. , . . herirOtIicr.Lewisbug,Ocl.3:., IH.VJ. i .'V""- " "7 ' "n'm. vvoimk TTAt just received a splendid 1 1 oi lashiunable Jewe ll t in the market. His stock couiprises Itrcast Tins, C Haiti1, Cur Ititis. l insc-r l!li;!r. Iis;t'4'l-Ii. f lliitlons, Mil.Jif.iH',, which will be sold extremely low ft,r (. He respcctliilly a-ks the patronage ol all his old rtistmner-; and aKo myites new ,,les to give him a call before making their pur. chases. Call at Ihe siyn of the liig Watch, Maikct street, east ol 'Second. jlAc. 2-1,'jsJ HOUSE BUILDERS, rjMAKE NOTICE I The undersigned ar J appointed Agents for the sale of 'uors, ItTimls & Viiiilow .ak i f all sizes, made of Ihe best material. All work warranted. tT"Made by I..BPROl'T, nu-.hesvilie, Pa. and for sale fv t.i i F S CALUWELULewisburf 1 "'OR slip I'll F l p I ImiPrmwJ ? Trimming Kuijr, a convenient aiticle for I'i inters to (rim lamrhlets. &e. May SI, ':,9. C. J.STAHL.Book Bmd'- Uo Griiitlstcnes. Groceries, orHonkej Ccats, 1 V T hundreds of Hals and Caps of .1 ) latest stylrs.a little cheaper than ca ba louiid elsewhere. Call and see them al liiUuii't Hat Manufactory, L-cilurg,r IASliluNABI.E H its and Caps . (iood Hats and Caps Ghean Hats an J l aps A very large stock of lints and Caps loutig Gent's styles H.its and Cap and Childten's II; e utny J. ECHREYER & SON received iheirSECONl) AKW II ys anil Lluli hen s m. -,,,,1 i' .. THE subscriber will either SELL or : Hatter in Lenisburg ' ' ' ki-.a I bis House and Lot. situated nn . South Third street, opposite the Lutheran f 4""TTfiTT church. Lewi, burg. Possession given on Ihe ! WlUliU.M. first or October. For particulars, inquire or1 T HEREBY notify al! persons not to trust Beaver.Kremer & M'Clnre.or Johnson Wails, j .1 or hnrhor mv wile i:ii;,lt ,.r .lau-h't. r 8pl. t. 1859 EtlfHA8TRAi:B. ! Lydia, as they have been m;.k,n3 ,any ucuis uiai iiinow nothing of. winch I nli ,.t pay unless compelled hv :aw, an. (nr'l -er I Will proceed flc.r.,rd,ng't.. law :.,sl anv : person or persons !, iUM j out iny knowledge or ci n-ou. ,,- II-' II "Csl B'lffali e, Otl :, ic.y. viring and suuinier , , Il.. -nl a lallie - en ori lis. ..iaii.li -- f Ladies C. liars and Sleeves fr. m, '""" AI-oasener.il assonment rf Men s vie Trimimr-s. C. ttona.les. Cassimers I'""-' which will be sold cheap. M-iy l.". ls.'U. ? o.,l,a,k,r.d..nhander.oen.e -i.e -isburg Ilo, kinder. I H: 1' '" ;;:;t::oi-rht,M. ' - . m. .1 I ;,iii..