Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, November 25, 1859, Image 4

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    ; fi
A r.3n,a Tlinr.or" ,.1
Shortly fter our last War witb Great
7.rif n. n 1 ni;,l.n..n ,n i i , , m
near Fort George, on tie Niagara froutier,
eod enclosed liia grounds with a ti-ht high
f, (il ... . . j ;t,i;.,
.uu . a - c
between tlio Americans at Niagara and the
iiriti.-h at Fort George, aud the men were
permitted to pass to and fro oceaiiunaliy.
Among the American soldiers was one
rj'ieer chap, who stuttered amazingly, and ;
oa a fair day took a boat aud crossed to j
the Canada side to have a hunt. lie went
over several mik-a without meeting game,
but on his return, seeing a crow oa a tree 1
wi:hin the high fence of the liiig'.i.-Imiaii, !
be pealed the fence, fired, and brought the
bit J down. The owner, Cid. , wit-1
ucssed the transaction, aud advanced while :
our soldier was re loadiug. The Col. ii J
very wroth, but seeing: Yanlec stand couly ,
With a loaded gun in his Lands, he gulped (
down his anger for a moment, and iii.re'y j
akcd him if he Lad kiiled a crow . The ,
SiilJitr replied that he bad.
'1 am sorry, " said the Colonel, "for he
was a pet. Uy-thc-by, that is a pretty
gun will you be so Kina as id hi me ioois ;
at it?" The stililkr complied with the,
request. The Englishman took the gun, :
stepped back a few pacts, and then broke j
fonh-in a tirade of abuse, concluding with ;
an order to stoop diwu and lnh- a lite of,
the crotc, or Le would blow out Lis brain?, j
The soldier explained, apologised, and en
treated. It was of to u?c ; tie Colonel
kept bis fingers on the trigger, and steri.ly j
repeated his command ; there was a .-hot in
the Englishman's eve ; ar.d the stuttering
6oldier stooped down and took a bite of!
the crow, but swallow it he could not. I'p j
cimc bis breakfast, and it appeared as if :
be would throw up bis toe nails. The j
... , . i . .i . : ... ,r t:.
Lngltihman floated at the misery of Ll, (
victim, and smiled complacently at every
additional Leave. When Le Lad got thro' j
vomitiug, and w
il, that will tcaeh you ho;v :VllEra:i ScssJom.f this Institution will
, it I cioiimt nee Mo.mot, Sept. l'J, !85U,to con-
Lauded him his
"Now, you rascI;
to poaca on a gentlttnan s ccc.osarc. ;
The Yar-kcc took bis gun, and, stepping
back, took deliberate aim at the heart of ,
' :
h:s host, and ordered niui mstantiv to
ftnnh the riair.
Angry expostulation, ;
prayers, and entreaties, were useless things
there was shoot in Ihe American eye, no
help at hand ; Bull took Lis tunr at the;
crotr. One titc was enough t send all
the good diuuer he Lad lately ca'on on the i
same journey with the garrison fare of the ;
eoldier, aud, while the Englishman was in
an gonj of siekuess, Jonathan cicnpcd to ;
the Americas shore.
The next morning:, the commandant of
VI.Ann via aillin'-r in lii ntlirtcfs. nt.rn
't"'" -"-(. 1" ----
",,?. was announced. ''Sir," said
Uol. was aunouueeu. cir, sain ,
the Colonel, come to demand Ihe pun-;
ifhment of one of your men. who ycsttr -
, , . -,, , ,
day entered my prem.ses and commuted a
great outrage."
..J t
' .rf! ri ..v. .. i .
me t k
who ;
it is you mean,'' said the officer.
The Englishman described him asalong,
dangling, stuttering, stoop shou'd-rc 1 devil.
"Ah ! I know who you mean," said tic
officer, be is always getting into mischief.
Orderly, call Tom."
In a few moments, Tom entered and
stood as straight as his natural bull J would
allow, while tot a trace cf emotion was
visible in Lis countenance.
"Tom," said bis officer, "do you know
this gentleman ?"
"Where did you ever sec lim before?''
"I-I-I," t"d Tom, stutteriug awfully,
but retaining the grave expression na'ural
to his face, " di-tli di-diiud withliim.i -ttTdoyV
We believe Tom was not further f un
ishtd. Indiana &:ntint I.
A Washington SlavehoMer on "Bill
Somarrt "
Arecentlee7,r:;boei,,of Wash- j
. , :
ii. g. on, r.js . a. -.-s iiu. a.
. ri...l aa Wi.ll na anitlsl..! tn lYIOnt ttl
street . respectable citizen of .-h,ne.oa
who chanced to bsve got a thiiubUful of
crog down Lis throat. A knot of ciod ;
f,, . ,. ,, ,. . r i
lelluws were around himall politicians,
BDil tbe exploit of lirown was tbe talk.
C... . ,;t.l a.rer. t,n ...-.r,l .,,!
UUH1Q s I . . j .j . . V i wu . . . ' - ,
hii 'irrepressible conflict,' when our friend !
rqrjared off with 'Ob, bang tint nonsense.
You know, just as well as 1 do, that it's
all humbug. You know Hill Seward don't
go in for such doins. Talk that stuS tu
Homebody besides djc'
"Tbe Democratic 6re caters persisted in
their assertion tlatScwsrd's doctiinc led
to riot and murder that bis 1'. Chester
speech provoked the Harper's Keiry re
bellion. Our friend replied : 'Xatv, look
here I've got two good ntggt rs at borne,
and yon needn't set rue down as an Aboli
tionist. Hut, I tell jou,5cwardwasrigbt.
AH be said was, that Slavery would baek
clown before Freedom tbat it would grad
ually die out be crowded oat of exis
tence an' I tell jou it's . You know,
as well as I do, tbat that's the current
things are taking. We shan't ever sec
another Slave State, boys, an.i what's the
use o' lying about Seward bec-usc Lc
tells the truth V
"I give vou this s'recl talk as a sign of
the times. I know tbe man to be a slave
holder, aud quite resigned to tbe idea Ibat
slavery must go to the wall, and Mr. Sew
ard, or some other Eerublicm, cvculuallv
licttne President "
It is a Chinese maxim, that for every
man who does not work, and every woman
who is idle, some one must suffer cold or
hanger. Loafers, take notice.
by is a hen imittri
sx aner lit."
A.Jmlnlf.tra.or'n Xotlcr.
I . , . . ... . Ill!PH.n
UIHL IS uClTu) glltu. " ;
i ' -""' "' ' " ... " . . :
ABRAH Aj KVEIt. Iiie of Lnmn tutrnsnip,
; inioa county, dee'd. have been granted lo the
j undersigned by the Hegister of Union county
! in doe turin ol law; tnereiure, "
. (.dio said estate are requested to mate
immdiale paymcnt.and those having any just
claims are also requested to present them le
gally authenticated for settlement.
Limestone Tp, Cnion Co, Not 17, 185
HMli: Fall Term, of 11 Weeks, will
L open on Thursday morning, 8ept. 22.
fDI.I.EUi: Tuition per Term - - $10.00
It.iom rent and fuel 4-50.
I.itirary care repairs 95
ACAUL'ViY Tuition - From $t .0,57.00
Care and repairs - - 45
FEM. INSTITUi E Tuitii n.from ?7to 10.00
Repairs - - - - 20
J. It. I.iMl.MIS, President
I.en-isbnr;. Atu. I,
1 AYS for a full course in the Iron City
I, ..llese, mfst extensively paironizen anu
best iTaiiized Commercial School in lue tni
ted tflaU-s.
Four Larsc Hulls
Fur .Viitins. Commercial Calculations, Book
Keeping and Lectures.
Usual time to cmnplete a full course, from
6 to ID vt( ;,s. Every Siu'leut, upon trailua
liet;, is ruaraiitecd lr. l-e competent to manage
tlie l inks of aiy ltuir.ess, aud qualified to
earn a salary of from
S",00 lo If.lOCO.
Sf.i V-nts eriier at any time Mo Yacaticn
Kcvicw at pleasure.
Ural I', rmium f-r Tlrsl Wrltiv;
aivar!''! ihii Iiisiiintu n. The best anfl prea
I'-i vaik-tvfl rciiioaiiiiip in anyone liall o
iLe I'iiimu, is foiiTi.l here.
V M !iiis;iT' ?uns if-ceivcd at half prire.
rur i ircuiar ai.a rrrr.imcn ci i iiiing,
;ini ntll!ie!I,,i.Cl, Vicw of the College, inclose
ji.e It-tier stamps, and addtrss
F. W. JE.NKIXS. Pittsburgh. Pa.
M..ie J:J wfek, . u, be succeeded immediately
by the Ml;it r yf'!!lon of the same
-burl -acaitun w.l. nc given curing
the II ilid:ivs.
All the Branches of a thorough Academic
d ure are taught, and young men desirous
10 quail! v illi; lot iiisen es mi ie.iL.uiiif.itii ch-
fring Colleje, or lor general business, will
find it tn ih
ir advantage to enter this school.
'Hie lliblf is a Text Rook.
A large C!a-s of Young Ladies is secured
TL ITION per session of IS werks, including
contingent expenses.
PIMM ItY 'l:i--i!in.'. Writir. tvfiuer, Arilhmetir.
I..-;. I, rum. I !. IIUt,.rv. 5 Of.
A! i l:n l..i.l.Isli nil uul iucluJed abuTi- f So
tAVif.V.KS. 7 -0
No a1! lilii.r.al charges; alo, no deductions
i except for pri-traeled sickneNS. Tuition pay-
al le iniiiiediaicly upon the close of the ses-
JOllN KA.MHll.PIt,
A'IgUst -6, I
f!gl17 .j I 1 1 f
"OK lilllUCI'J .
jriM.ii: suh-cri'ier having rirrf the entire
I Hook Ititiding establishment of Worden
-CatM aml aj,led lo it hls uwn l0l),5i ls
j now prepared to
n . . 11 ii. tr
.i;t''aii!e, i am iincis, jiusic.
Cataluvrucs. Ncw.-iiiiticr.-.ito
cither Toil or H .ill-il.oind, in various kinds of
Li.ATiir.n end Mis lis, and liutd with Maible
Pape r of different fisur. s.
Old Id Ides and other Hooks or Papers which
it is desired to preserve as memorials in a
faniiiv. can be made more secure by the Bin
der's 'skill.
C' lilank Hooks. Bibles, Hymn and Prayer
Cooks, IVek-; I'.o. ks, Albums, Diaries. &c,
UlleiKl Gold
in legiMe and doralile characters, to order.
Ml .-It; FOIITFOLIOS, &c, made to suit
! A good Bin '.cry has long been desired
in this viem.lv, and I therefore respectfully
solicit the puMiC patronage, trusting that my
expTo-nce an t aMenttonto business will give
satisfaciion. 1 in'end to chargemoderate and
uml'nrni f rices, en the " Live and Lt Live"
principle and hope to make it a crniumnt
Pru hi. c 3iid S.'ure Curids tn7.m in pay.
M''nt and sti ck requiring money, I expect
'.I V OA i.7.r;.7.'l'of all work.,ys-
ltin.!'-rv i:i Ile.iver's wooden I lock, X. Third
street, t. or doors fii tn Market street. near the
(:.,c,u,-l. (.ir,ce. CH.VS 1. 6TAHL.
Lewisburg, Apri' I. lfv-'
f1 ' -f 31HKII!!
TIHL subscribers ha-vefir sale rpn,.
I (m I. .ts suit purchasers m'l",-.'m
lnli ' AN ft ,.,rl
inch Sawed Shingles superior quality,
Also S jnai,-Tm.i er f.,r Buildings :
huh are ..lb red h w fur rash, at our Mills
sH,h , ,t!(.h (lf ,p whllf err t:.ek jn
Hartley t nvn-htp or delivered on the Brush
Valley .Narrows m! at the end of our K"a l.
lt: A lltoioma (or a sunerior snmnle of
Planks, and a Premium for Rails and Shing
les, were awarded us at the last I'nion Co.Ag.
Forest 11.11 I' O, Union Co, Pa 1
I.. i. KRi:i:it, rruprlcfor.
'PIUS Utilise is i he lartesl and most
JL spacious in I.eu isburg, and situated op
posiie tl.e Ctonl Il-'ii-e, on the most clevaied
and pleasant part i f the town. The proprie
ty, who has ri rei tly purchased of the late
; linn of Law-she Sebold. has spared neither
pains nor expense in relating and re-fnrnish-
mg the ll-mse.
i I ;i Please give hiin a call and jadcefor
( yotuselves. July 1, IS.iH
, nor.i:oi-iTiiu; i'iiVMCii.,
In H.;ron-' Knn Rlntk, MnkrlSt,
:?X fltae,.n Fih It SUtli.) I.I.WIStll V.ii.
Vliiige nticl well selected Mock of dpw
(huU in the .oticn and Variety line,
j has just bn received and opened at the Tost
Oili.-e, and Tor -ale the.ip inr ca--h.
i.Ewismnc, va.
ic. iii:tzi:i., i-ropv.
' F I" H I S Ho'.r-I is located in the renter of the
I I i..un, one square from Ihe Court House.
1 Persons atieudii.g Conn, or having other bu
siness hi tbe town, will find this a pleasant
a". I ciitnfi.rialile home. Charges moderate.
I.ewisbnre, Pa., spt. fi, lent mil
' William VanGezer,
l T-niivrv t
i-s- I
?" ibiu sr. I'nion Co., r.i.
r Danville. Miiton.Munry.M'Ewensville
Hnnhnrv. N orthomberlaud, Selinssrove,
Hunbury, Northumberland, Selinssrove,
INetrBer I
Kew Berlin, Mifllinburg. Hartleton, and scores
i.otcisbnrir. have bousht their H ATS and
CAPS at UHison' Emporium of Kashiotf
within the past year, and are urging their
friends to do likewise. Always a line assort
ment of latest styles on hand, very cheap, at
Filbebt Street,
(near the State Canitol Stc-nt Flour "lill",)
Harrisbnrs, Pa.
A full assortment f Ware constantly on
hand. Ware made to order. For Trice Lists
address the Proprietor. l'Orders by .Mail
proiupuy aitenueu 10
Mcat Market,
Atrannmtents fur the Yitir.
JACOB !. EUOWX, having supplied the
Lewisburg Market for the past six months,
has made the following arrangements lor the
coming year
The best cf Beef, Motion, Yeal and Pork
can be had on Wednesday and Saturday mor
nings of each week, at the Market House, on
Market street, between Schallle's and Wolfe's,
Lewisburg, Pa.
His motto is ( Quirk Sales for Cash, and
Small Profits." Examine his meat.
Ap. 15, '59. I. 8. STEIiMKIi, Agent.
FTER one var's trial, we are satisfied
that a Hal .Manufactory cau be sustained
in Lewisburg, we are now prepared ith the
largest and best selection of Spring Si) c of
HATS and CA I'S ever brought to th:s niarki t,
such as fine Mole, tsilk, l)i ess Hats, Drab,
Heaver, Otter, Huh and Low Crown, S,.ft
Hals and Caps, ami Siin.mer Hals ( f late.-l
styles for s.nrig aiid Sonitiier wear, all ot
which will be sold at City Prices, tor Cash.
Orr motto shall be, "(Juic.k si;Ji s and Small
Pn fiis.'"i f wiiie.li the pi blie shall be the judges,
Hats ma te lo ordtr nt slu-ri nntire.
April lo, is.')9. JUS. (JIli.so.N, Hatter.
New Hotel ia Kifflinlinrs;.
THE sub.f.riber would respeclfully in
IJ.forin the Traveling Public everywhere,
that he has taken and filled up the premises
ot George Schoch, iu the cenne of
where he is prrpared to arconmii.dato strang
ers and travelers men and bea-ts in the
I best manner, with Board ar.d Lodging.
Please give me a call.
Ap.1,'59 CHARLES tT.OT7.ER.
rilllLS Ware is clear of all poisonous mat
ter. The glazing is made of cummim ttttt
and tin i. Apple Mutter or anything else may
De K'Pl ln. " P'rJ"' "'J"S- ' ls "u
i tn it ai-iiiti-m in rontniun r -i r.arinpn nrt.
.Milk and Hiittt-r kifp uurh Ih ur in tliif iii;it-ri:il timn
in Ki.rtht-tvWar-. It is turnt In a flint U..lv. not
al-Mirh anjr pxrt of what tniiy In- (iut iuto it, and it Hot
liat'lc tn hrfnk irrrark in uinir.
-.ol.i hy Mir-h-)rs iu LKW JSUt IIG auJ -ne
rally tl r- uimut ilie t'tatf.
Mdtutfarton ft tltert ;t, near tli Ptcnm F!rnr Villa
Ilari-itl-tin;. V.M. MOVKK,
CO.il. t on. O ll
rflHE subscriber keeps constantly t n hand
J a large assortment of the very best Mia
mckin and Wilkes Haire COAL, for liineai.d
stove purposes, which he will sell at the very
lowest prices lor Cash or Country Produce.
Also, ISlackimillu (mil, Vluit.r and Salt
Wish it distinctly understood, that I will not
be undersold by anv man Having good
weigh-scales, full weight will be given.
n..ii:..l ... u. J .1.111.
Lewisburg, May 7,'"y.
Ihe undersigned keeps con
stantly on hand Frfiirt Hum of
all sizes, aiid furnishes every ar
ticle required by the milling trade.
Complete satisfaction guaranteed fr every
article sold. Millers who prefer the solid
Burr, by giving 4 to 0 mouths' notice, can
have their orders executed at the quarries in
France. Address VM. II. KEPXF.lt.
April 1, IHSSmG Jlarri-bui!; I'. )., Va
15 U Y
rriIF.Y are the I'ot Calicoes vctof-
J. fin-d to tbe 1'uMir for tlir mo:iey.
C'liromaUc I'i'inllnfr.
T T AVI.(J purchased the right to use i.ni
1 I urn s process lor 1 rinttng with
Dry j
li to I
Colors, for Union Co. I'a., we are prepared lo
execute orders lor
CARDS, Show-Eil's, Etc.
in Ittd, Gtitn. Bhie, lltow. Silrtr. Iiiammit, fir G'ltl
colors, in good style, I Vat the Olliee of the
"Star & Chronicle," Lewisburg.
Jt-sr, is'.s v.u:t)l;N J: cnn.N Kni'i".
lVotice to Credi ors.
TIHE undersigned. Sequestrator of ihe State
Fire & Insurance Company of Pennsyl
I vania. will meet at his olliee in Harrisbur?
on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, the
17th, 18ih and I'Jih days ol October next, the
several creditors of the said Insurance Com-
Panr- " receive proof of their cla.rr.s against
. . J 1 " I ' I ( . T . . . ,
aiu V'Oinjiatiy. j ui.str lulling 11. jiresrill anu
prove their claims w.ll not be entitled to any
share in the assets.
WM.C. A. LA WRI'NCFl. Sequestrator.
Ilarrisburg, Sept. 15, IS5U ttiwl.
HE undersigned wants One Tliotl-
ftail'l ilollars w of his It. i k Ac
counts to pay on his debts. He oues. and is
unpleasantly urged for payn.tnt. Those,
therefore, who- are in arrears to him I . r
six months and over, will please settle
accounts immediately ; and those in arrears,
under six months, w ill receive a reasonable
discount on their accounts for payment made
within that lime. 11 Belter settle whilst y..u
mn v, and before being enmptlLd j j Also
N. 11. All persons, herealier.'employing
the professional services of the subscriber,
will he called upon lo selile Iheir bills punc
tually at six months after attendance given.
CHARtJES MOUERATK. and a reasonable
amount of charity practice expected to be giv
en where persons have the disposition, but
not the means, to pay. Others, in their prac
tice, may extend or. unlimited credit; but, for
hnnselt, he has, lor the future, fixe,! n the six
miistms tii, which Will he strictly adhered
to in ail cases.
(OStrici attention given lobniresS-s for-
nerly. WM. LEIsER, M. D.
Lewisburg, July 2S, lH.VJmfi j
L-.atiM i.an.1 jeraaie. 'in mil rrr.m l'hila.l-li Ma. I.y
Itcilroaa. in Ihe Stale i-f Ne Jersy. s.nl antottf ,
tne test rr Airrti-ullural ritrpnre. t-ir.r a gtnA leant
w-il. Hh a clay N-tt. m. Thr larc- tmrt, .t-
; Tr-U J ,ritiuM friuK d1 Iiud ItkI- rn m !) rarU of
the fiuUry r- now ivttlinx rij ..itlMin-r. J h" rrits
j n-luivd mr Infrran! cub hf m Th cli-
I null f t-liihlfiil, mb1 wurc frrai tr-lx. T. ro." fr m :
j $b fjfl -r rre, ymyuh le ir h;u fVur Tt-nr in-rnl-j
mmt. T. l-il tbe p'ure lnw Vine ff-. mr at
t I'hiia.lflphta tt'.KA. M.hf hiiroat f. r HrniiroiitD,
I otrnd trrm R J E.rr.fi. ,y . i, r, !) .' i.t- u . '.it ur
; ftpr, A tl ah tic nianty. Nw Jicv. itK Juil . ;
mrct In aa- tL-r ixluiuti. j
Dlixds and Suutteus,
Flooring, Siding,
Framing, Ac.
For fmle ftt th Irn Slnr r.t
Lewfuhnrir. Ort 2&
j"J7Zcz? The umlersigned have as-
FjJi.lsociated themselves into copart
ygTnrjjtSmJnership for the purpose of carry
e!!acing on the Lumbering, Planing,
and Carpentering business in all their various
branches, at the
Cctrnsburg Steam planing iXtillo,
where they intend to keep a stork of Pine, '.
Hemlock, Walnut, Cheirv, Poplar, Ash, Ma- ,
pie, and all kinds of Lumber, Flooring She! j
ving, Siding, Shingles, Lath. Joists, Studding, "
Fencing, Pickets, Door and Window Frames; '
Doors, ShuiUrs, Uliuds, Sash, Mouldings,!
Hrackets, A'C. Planing, Slitting, Scroll Saw
ing, &c, done at short notice and all work
warranted to give satisfaction, both in rice
and workmanship.
Lfvlbiirit riniiins Mittn. April 1, 1S&H.
$3,000 Wanted!
JN pursuance of an art of the last Legisla
ture of Pennsylvania, the Commissioners
of l.'iuon coutiiy desire to llofrow money
to the above amount, in snuis not less than
$100, the inierest to be paid annually, and the
principal within three vear. Inquire of
11. P. SHELL ER. Treasurer.
Lewisbtirg, Pa., May "-, 1K"W.
William Jones,
TTOKNEY at Law. Colled inns
J promptly attended to. Olhceon Market
slieet, opposite the Presbvtenan chinch.
f.9ti L ifc' WISH L'li (1, 1' A .
'J Fruit and Ornamental Trees, fggfc
Esiiij-yiaLyjsiaiir 7&S8p
The subscriber has on hand a splendid
-XI collection of both Fruit and Ornamental
TREES, &c. Ac. embracing the verv best
varieties of Apples, Pears, Peaches, Plums,
Cherries, Apricots, Xec ariiies,lirapes,tioose
berries, Raspberries, Currants, Strawberries.
Large Horse Chestnut, European Mnuntain
Ah, American .Mountain Ash, Mmar Maple
for treet planting, Kver-Mncniin Hose, and
a spk-ndiil rollfctiua of Bulbous and other
i towering l'lants.
rNuery (Iroumls on ihe farm r f Ja's
F. iinn Ksq. on the Turnpike, within hall' a
mile of I.euisbur?. All ordrrs will receive
strict attention. LVVirrn. hivoriuhltf ('ASH.
I.ewishure, Juljr 7. IPiH.
MIK subscriber is engaged in the manuf
acture ol the
Latest Improved
IIUNHF.CKEI. Clover Hallers.which he offers
at very reasonable rates. There have been a
large number of these Hullers sold in this
neighborhood and county, and they give good
satisfai lion as the very best. Any person
wi-hing lo purchase a good marhine. will call
or apply by letter to 11. I. E.MKI1V.
Iv'Jn:) I.atirelton P O, l.'nion Co, I'a
VOKTII -1 tli Street. The suliscriler
i. most respectfully informs tbe citizens ol
Lewisburg and vicinity, that he has on hand
and for sale a cheap lot of I'l HM'l I IIU,
for the Spring trade, comprising
Pres.-inp: and Common IJtircans, Fec
rctaries and Hook Cases, Center,
Card and Tier Tables, Pining and
lltcukfast Table?, Cupboards, Cot
tajrc and other Ueditcads, Jstauds,
Solas, and Chairs
of all kinds. COFFINS made to order or
sh.Tt notice.
The public are cordially invited to examine
his work, as he is sure that they will be satis
fied with his stock of Ware, and prices.
Lewisburg, Sept. 15, lHfid
James F. Linn. J. Plerrill Linn.
T F. & J. M. I.INX,
J t Af fonicy.s at Law.
!u I'nion County, Penn'a.
.1. lli nilill ll' r..Jll...Ml-r tlif Flltte of Io,
noli i.wer tf. take llet ositioi..ai-knnwl... ll.-.-da.Ar.
Eroora Handles and Cuttain Rollers,
Mine 0!
IMckoI.'s !. nt llKf lilnrry.
" liavc completed arranjretnents
T f, r tuVin)i l.r'x.ni limn.!-' unit Citrt'iio ttt.ilfru
in a mi-mirr anl jH-rti-tit n Lithrto imttttauiaMt' in tln
ni:tnulnctur-uf tlii-uruclf, nci rr t j-art-l to it!!y
Itrimm Miiki-rc. W iirti'w ."-li.nl- Maniifiirturt-rr- and -Mrr-ct-wnt!-
iih any itiaii'ity ot tht-m at txirt tu-'i'f.
Tltt-y an uiitiif '-I the l-r-f-t I'anrl Muir.at.il in a PUfe
rior manner, ota ni'W marbint-ry DfTcr t- t.-rt um'-I.
W alf' itmke. on -NrIj I'ati-nttii .MacLim-ry, the Wnt
M m h n Hctuh and Jf tu U JScrt art
that liavt- ri-r lis-n b'f.r- Ihe putilir.
Ac Or tie rt- t)iuiiiltly till- d. A-ltr--t
V. O. II l It OK,
HMiRlrmi. Pa. ftnT.t- Ap.-ntol tin- Eacle Wnrtt!..
Vnl IimaUcr
Vtf ana Jrutlrr,
i-Eeii second d.. or above Third.
rjrsi , n Market street
Would respeclfully inform the public that he
has on hand a line assortment of Ciold and
Silver Lever and Lepine Watches a gootl
stork of Cold, Cameo and Masonic Breastpins j
if Ihe latest stvle Hold and Cameo Earrings
&c, w hich he intends to sell very cheap also
a splendid assortment i f Kisht-Davand Thirty
Hour t'l. C fi .Sand Time pieces. Every article
warranted to be what it is sold for.
The greatest care will betaken in Repai
ring; and Cleaning of Clocks, Watches aud
Jewelry, and everything warranted to give
satisfaction. Plea-e make bun a call, and
give him some trouble to show his Watches
and Jewelry. July 21, IMS
si, uu jriiriry,
asA-lth door west of Bank,
Also, particular attention paid to IfE
PAIRI.MI of all kinds.
I have also the agency for the sale of
the celebrated Coal Oil l.ailipN,
which will recommend the'uselves to
everv one. Call and see.
A union and ( t.mmtssltin Ilunse In LmNburg.
rVtiptntrn - .. ..
V&ISi J-fgai AUCUOnCCr !
I'. A.lloiK'liou lr having been appointed
sole Auctioneer lor Lcwisbi.rg, is prepared lo
attend to all calls in his line in town and
Commission Sles.
In April next, I intend lo open on Marke 1
ttreet a Room flir the reception, and the sale
atsiaiert tunes, ofall kinds of Goods at Auc-'
lion. Anvonewishingt,dispr.se(,f anv ar,j.:
1 OlTF$
the best advai..age I can and charge a per '.
ceutage lor ih same
Feb.'-ii, isw F A UO.NEHOWER j
, 1 1 ii w nil ine anu 1 wi t se it m
Wrsl Brasrli Insrnnnre nnijuinj. t
ux K ll a K.N, I'A. j
J. W. CHAPM AX, Srmlary.
I his company, on entering upon the filih
year of their business, submit the following
statement of their assets and business to the
Whole amount of Risks .$3,SO(),000
Rond nn! mortRng-s sveurul tj lirst Ha
. t'nh rn t.mi.'J
111 IlLUdp ly A 'I'llt:
utL-B rt ri-iii l rr .
I ana iu fuice
'rcluiuui5 CQ lous b-rui3
I.o.r. i.Niil lurtn!r Int Tfnr
I'.id aifia, ii'is m:il iMiiuji it'll B..OI j
This Company continues to insure evfry j
description of property, sueh as buildings, :
goods, merchandize, Ac, a?ainsi loss or dam
age of 1 ire, ana lor any lime utuiiea or per
petual. We would call Ihe particular attention o
owners of valuable stock, to the department
of Lire Stock litturancr. Horses, Cattle and
Mules Insured against loss by death, from
either natural or aecnlenlal causes. Also
Insurance on the Uriilth vt Indmiluab lor
the term of one year, at inodeane rates.
Lewisburg, Oct. 2l, 1H-W.
THE CIK.lt. I 1.1ft. lXSfltJI.:H. .l.xyrttT MD
11,1 SI I OMl- l. I, nj I IIII.Mit.Ll 111.1, j
TIKIS.K1IX.W V, IT. sil.nt. JXO f.J AMI.S. A. t.ir.
(apitul pjUJ upi :ioO.no0-t barter prrfrlu-l.
ONTIXt E to make I.NSI KAM'E OX :
LIV L on the iiu.st reasotiatue terms. !
The capital being paid up an.) invested to-
gether with a larse and eonsiantlv increasing -reserved
fund, oilers a perfect security to the .
one insured. j
The premiums must be paid yearly, half j
yearly, i r quarterly.
The following aie a few examples from the
Register : t
J Hum i,r
j A'itlM'.ns.
I isl- CU
I'U filler '
I v The uui!eri2i!cd is A prut for ihe Com
pany in Ciiim county, I'a., through whom ;ip
plicaiions for Insurance can tema le. To
mechanics and hu.Miiess men cent rally. diM
rin i4 rileel In-urance on their lives, it of
fers inducements not equalled by any other
company in the Cnittd Mates.
Tuo. II. Wilbur. M.U., Kxaininin Physician
S. H.OKWUi, AcenI, Lewivhurp. Pa
Common wealth Inura nctTo.,IIarriatig
t ti ai:ti i;i it t iimtai. i!o.(ioo.
11 K subscriber is appointed agent for
this well established Company, which
insures Buildings and tuber pri-peny against
loss or damage l y foe, perils of inland navi
gation, transportation, c.,on most lavorable
ftt, i-'t t-Ct fi.Vn.yr.iMi i; r,y.
fut I't.t-ltKXJ. fAl.kl. I ;.
ic.reiuty .V .S IM ti ti It ti. I m" Hnilftinrjt.
J. U. .M I.Al lill I.I.N, Agent.
Lewisburg, ib. 1, ISol) n.S
American Life Insurance & Trust Co.,
(Capi'al ?tock j(i0,0(l(i) .
ClOMTA.W'.s Buililin?s. a!,iut street.S E
corner of Fourth J'iitadtjJua.
tv Lives insured at the usual Mutual rates
or at J. int rk rates about '-0 per cent, less
or at Total Abstinence rates ihe lowest in the
world. A. I111.I.U1., I'lesidciit
Jmiim C. Sims. s;,'.
i j tr.n.r.)iiLLt.K, jigtnt, Lewisburg
The subscriber has cn hand for
sale Inn Xnv IfllUgai'Si, which he
oiler at a bargain lorl'a-h or will Exchange
for a good llUIkE. Call si on or von mil
miss it. II. K. HI RsII.
at lliir.ti ft i;.o.lm;in'i St. r.-,
or if absent, inquire ol W H. Kilter, at W in.
Brown, Jr.'s store. Lewisburg, Feb. 15
rrM) the Citizens of Lewisburg and vicinity
J. :. I.. llim'S has removed his Barber
Stiop from the liiviere House to .Market street,
basement of Widow Anions' building, one
door above the I'ost Olliee. Thankful for all
past favors, he hopes to merit a continuance
of the public patronage.
X. JJ.
TV rJI who tnrrr Iipi till thfir 1-car.U prtw Inrg
T.i ''ft m iilca!snt )inT. !'rt.T t-tr (r:if,
.1 iim ciiil r.n Uim. at lit-i Mili i.n. l-!v nit rn.nr or corn,
T-.neis cli-an, r:.zorn ?L;irp ud r;.-ur.-i k. rn.
I.ewitur, April !, I8.VJ. K. I,. HINTS.
HE subscriber con
tinues to carry on the
l.lirrjr I?iisIimki at
the Did sitand on tsoutl.
Third street, near Market,
atul rrspectlull.
solicits the patronage i.i his fnendsand tin
iHiiiui. priici.ini. ii.iiinijo i . lit.
Lewisburg, Mav
lruj and Chemical Emporium
M.irket Street
- - Lewisburg, I'a.
James B. Hamlin,
IV fOHice on Second St. west side, .no
door south of .Market, l.l' l iltn j
6m.r.l:i I nioii Co. Ta. I
Aeur llarllclull, I'tiiun Co., I'a.
THE suliscrilier, lliankfiil
lor past patrtM.aire, would miurm ,
his friends and (lie public in pene- j
rat, that he continues to niannldc- :
ture all kinds of Woolen 4on19 smtIi as ;
Cioih;, taimeres. Tweeu,l;ai tine its. Je;:n.
IHankets and Flannels; also. Carpet and
Stocking Yarns. His machinery being of the
best kind in use, and having employed the
best of workmen, he feels sate iu saying
that bis work shall not be surpassed by
any establishment in ihecountry. Agoodstip
ply of the above goods kept constantly on hand
for sale or lo exchange for wool, at prices
that can not fail to please. WOOL will be
Carded in the best mannerand on the shortest
notice. Terms for carding, cash on the de
livery of the rolls. MARK HALFPENNY.
W infield Mills, March 30, 1857.
(aureeMor t.i J.L.YoDrr.)
Wafcluiiaker and Jcwrllrr,
Located two rt.r ea? of the "tan.l n rent!, ocrui ltd l.
Mr. V.-ler Ll.tt IMll Ktl, !.
CllOfUs, Watches, Ac. repaired on shott
notice and warranted to give satisfaction.
rtTAn excellent assortment of Waiehee
! Clocks and Jewelry cn hand (7(op fur fault.
CilLT FRAMES of all sizes made lo order
Lewisburg, April S9, 1S53
. Tl TS
in. opening, direct Irom M'Cdllum &
iL i o. s
Carpel Manufactory, (ilen F.rhn
ills, Hermann. un. I'a . one il,. r,.,,...,
and best as'sortments of iiritcts ever bro't
' Lewisburg, such as I
J'hrte J'u.
ll.mp 1
Manilla Mats
Snp. Jmrnin
Lllinn Jn '
tororr ilt..
. . m ...
.V... fif .!
J'iJi a. hmirrit.
v-i :-"
i" t".
1 t
., , , , ia"'"'"i i'4 "'l C!:h, !
' ' ' '., 8-4 do do., . i
Ve do., Ct y,, .f.
J IC itiM-tion of i:a-t.
j MERCHANTS and all P' !-"
' shipj'ing lio uls lo and lifti PioUi!'"'! Ina
j consult vour own intere-t!
;.io.!s' shipped fr. in H lo 1- percent. less
: per 1011 lbs. than bv any other I me:;.
; of DAILY l'Ali.1 are carrying freisl.i l and
, f.
I from that point at Ihe following liieat y
: ;Pjiiced Rales :
sl Class
M.I i ts. prr K o pom.. Is
i: I c:.
57 ci'J
;t e i
3 d
4 do
Dei ol i:i
.!.. I!
I ke! .-I
lliarhutaa. si s Jt -!0 M
Persons should le cutr!..i t.
Goods n.aikei! ill cue i t' tl.c
nrevent iinri si'n n In in nther l.'ii"
I. .1.1
Nov 13
Evar.3 fiVTatson's
M LA VlMII.lt Mils,
No.:iel Chesinu'. St.
J 'hiiai'i ...''.
Tl. ll XI II!
:ni...... ,.! :.
i t tr..-
To the TTe-U' nt
P. ri f y : 1 lie .u'.. n r-. yi.:.r
tl e r' lit. nt. I u S.. lu,:, i,.. r S:
nlier t. mi.' . M '.- t I" h :r..ni' fc
t or t.r..t.i
f.-r i -itl L'.ui... r. --. Ituliv f n - i.t
Ti.nl alt. r m 1. ..I . .1 : I tilt- ''!)"
I. al I.. i-t, c..ii)iti::. .J ai'.io.i II..- s-I-.n . . t - I.' i
II. . .f ' ... el I!.--' n trot.,. . .i..i I.. .. i.
out. a littie H ..rii..l. I.r.t II..I rv. ti .... rl.' l.
....T.tl si!-r l. r. i :- r r . iw- if , 1, r: n
lifarturer... mi'l inf. ; Iit v -tl . .. t-: m
11. .-l.f-. -Il I .-.oil,- ..'.t . r t::. ni l. ...I !
TI rx .-ril.i.-et .Mti-t..'! ti- .1 II (..;-itv if s -
f.f III;., kll.ij t.t J'T' il.-i't ci, t, i.Is llilu il.. Iu. V ii. i.
tt.-v uinl I (:- l.
llii; C'.liiluiU. . ij a If l ' n: ail si'T- - M.-'.i!.
...... U . O . , H .t;..,
J . -. Oil.
WllMTS'tT s
,t t-..s. I-I.i .
ni iniitiii-ttiii.. j-
.r I.......
..r..ur .
I T.Tf iv tru t l
M- I.-!
though u.f
I nttil i; tin p. w Jt
! Mil-, 'ii.t- u
v -i
, I i
V tHJ L"t -t.
t-i m .... i
o:- il.- i,t -Ui..i
1 . I- nt
- I t It-.- I- .-' r ilili. .t. I ..I .,!:.!-
t-il If It- iti lit.- ;inr 1 ;ti. l I. r i .-.i .i h la; - i, .r .
t hi- li ii;i .f.-l. :ti 1 i, Il .uii '1 r.
-ut. -h. w. d Iln- , t Ic.-i. n ui.i I . . ii a -n... !i "t .
it li- t f -r- iJ . j i:. . ,-u' ri . .-r .-r ri
(' r art "t lli- i:i.ht nt ik i.i'. U u. : 1: t r!-
i:..t kt lli. t-u.t . I il.f nt!. t :.. . t.:. r t. I .1 tl
:tl 'x tacts art- i t a. v f. r . i . hi jio- i.I t ; tj t- l--tLvuia
V 'i.r-, tru' .
t; . Willi A J. A -.
tiiT.AT r:i:r-.i"i!ii.i: ..; 'v'
Kv xmii i. 1. 1 i... Mit.- U 1. , -J.
M.--rii. I.V A W .N. I h: ,n .. .: I, ..
;'.'. im n It !:! fl op ;if ; .i-;ire t'- m f - II
tli.it I. .-j.I;iiii!,:..J r . li' i. I .ui i.. I . ! 'i j:(
rcl-ru irv. 1 . j.r -i li. I t- .,..: ; ... t- m i i . t -
a pure r-t. ittu trt in tn' M i.r . t. i
iti- -f. r; t (.. i v... 1 ii r ii '.l o. tl..- .T- t .i ti li
la.-t. lltl-.-i,. I. II n-, iu'.-. II.. .i.ii.a: ,..,.
!'.- J ! nit- t.-i- Iv.n ! r -r . r i. i.t I . it. :.i t ..:m
il tltkrll f; -ill V,.f til tl- ttl.-l . I,- -I, a ; i!- i ..'!--r-
t' lii.'l l" r in i fM-rin't f;...-. ti i- i - i'i n
I it j r .- tn t i i in ir iitj.in tl m.y m L:.t.-' r. I .ii. ! i : Li
ly n nu.m-n . jt.ut .'if- tn tli- i iiii: utpj1 . t . t.r
a.-1 U''. tl.jit tl.v at.-a-n. -ir 1 r-- I j.- it i- i- -
1.T anv -!. tt. Ir m t..-. "I It-.. r .1 r-iV. 1.1 I..
.V A iai-.- a- rH.i.rt if tt.e- ...-. ,AW a...
mi ti-i-t. nt ( Ii. ,-tuut u-. l. . 1-U ; uih ii-urw.
M.. r-tnla.if t'.t.ia.
j. EuawcoL-Y a eeo.
X .MFIICIIANTS fr ihe sale of
I'fnur. I.i.i;n. si-.-.Is. and P-nltirr em, rail).
t7" Warehouse, Central B.'i-ek, I IS liroa !
st. below I. are rtuintii!; h:n tVl.:'ni '
..! shipped fr.-m IM.lla !'; hta
Ae. by WM.lMWl U S I...... r .Sol -i,.
shtpptd a; Il.irrisbui." (as w..-il I appear by
Mr. I't-ipliei's auveitisrti.ehl, but u lot . Hit li
without .1. lay !
qut-lianna t r ti;e
July -0, 1 -."!
thetr of.liii.
West Itiai.i
C. (i.
ti-.-n on Ii..-
FIMt'K. A-er.t
at C Ci':i .Mot e.
I)C1.(. in a re-treet Ahee iv t -
) pfMscs are very Iiht. the 'l!' ni ci i.
t-nabitj to vil a.t t:.t- -rv l.(-.v.-i i'i,ct.
I't-r.-on. vii'.ti:jr I'ii ; ' .ii'r "j'ti a. ;iu! w ;
buy Carpet, Oil ( !n h., .Man. i. ... c, w iii
Jt- ttc!l tu ex Limine tlie large an rt.t.ei t ,1
'i'apetry liiu-c., a
Imperial :i-ply. CARPETS,
lncrain aiut enitian. 1
and Oil Ch'ths it all nl:lis in Erc.jl v:iiii-:y.
Alsy, Cantcn aiu! C!:.'ti ,1 . t a..
kinls, uiih a larse a'-iTMnent ( t" U w-yru f.i
Irirra'n - arpets. and I.i.lry and u t ; !-.
Kii2S -Mat--, lr;.?2et M.nr II. :.!;.: ti:j
Cuitun tat pet", Ac.. Ac.
li. u. i:r.i !::nf;Fr.
No. -13 Sirau 1 ctr, M .,"-"!.!.. r t I :-in'.
I'il.I.Al.ir.l I ! I A .
I V S'raw b-.Try is tl.c i i-t Mittt rM .!'
Si-rond. a -iii-I
The Vonder of the Ace .'
I'oiir. 4 Mils- I i iisio; v-;iim. ir.t ;r,
guaratitecd t.. tlo anv i r :;'::-.r- uti-l :i
in .'i.e lu-ur s tune an l u. n ;.o ;
, U-sS ll-jtiry In i-i. :i:t-s tl'l.ll 1'V li e ,.! u:i ., d
I IVun'y rights f r sale in ti.e S'.itt- .1 1'- i.i.
i sylvaiua. an. I also .Ma.-hti.es In sale in it-
; sale and llt tail bv Ms-rs.
i 1'I.tlU MAN A M l'llll'i:.
i ..'lili.j lo i n : r.i :. r ni ia. !c . p
io ami FiioM rmi.A ki.i.i i;:
IllimiltlV III' ll'liniiT.
I.t fl-s fi i. ut. I . r 1- ; in. i.
.1 .1 .
4:1. .lo 7
S - r.i -JZ
M I. .-at. ftye at .1 I'
i-rn, la cent j-.-r lul .-1.
I hil.1.1. lt p..t with
I'rctd, Ward Ftrtd. r-1 1 Market .t.
Thankful for the liberal patronage given us
we hope bv strict a'ti ntion lo business lo
merit a ccmuiuance ol ihe same.
Fe.rfiu.hfr in Torn. .-.'i. n applv t.i
UVM.) f I! MCIM.V. .Ig.'. L-wisbiirg
1)ERso.NS shipping (;, ,ls to Phtlad. will
please be particular and
Mark them in care of Peipher's Line ;
otherwise, they will lc re slupp.d at Ilaius
liirsr, which will Le alien. led nli it.lar.
May is.-iii THUS. PEIl HI'.!!.
1)1 RE ai d No. I tin mid Per per.
(iingrr. Cinnamon, A;!pice, Cli ves.
American and Eiisltsh .lusl.rd.
Cayenne Pepper, Xuni.e;s. M ice,
fup. Ci.rh. o.la. Saltpetre, s.ileratus.
Caran.ty and 1 onander Seed.
S:il S, da, Indtgo.
Ashimi liairy and Ground S;i It, A p.,
F.-r Sale at the Eagle Mil's s 11 and
2Ki North Fri nt street, cmer i f New, Phil
adelphta. HovVARI) (l:I!KI.L.
t i Purchasers will li:..l it greatly to their
interest both iu quality aud nee to buy these
goods, which are uarianted as repr.-s. nied.or
forfeited. A ti iai is solicited. i'vl
n. s. lav;rekce s
Paper, Printrr' f an!, and r.i-
1 l
Xo. -iO.j, Coiiiiiii'ri'e t., l'Lildilt'llad.
n." Cash buyers will find it for their interts;
to cail. Phila I, Jan I, -:'. y
i.rivis i'ai..iii:k.
A 1U IIUTI.T ami l
Avers Sarsaparilla
T r-!v, in !.- h w .aTe j,.
' i' " ;- w ?' t-ial alierut -.-
.f i .:i -. ... l ie. It i. a '. .m-i i.Trjtt d . xtr.e t
i' i " i ; "i n.rw I w.th .tLr
-.:-'. I .-r- .'-r !:. n.rir p..wtr
' ' ' t- -t...- i.nt: I.-L: ll r tl. rl,.,
r- i; ,., :.i i . i 'i't I to e..re. It is I., h, . ,
.: ', .. -. Iv is via:.l.-l by tla.se :,,
t r .... . t ..n: - ' i. :.ts, and rl ut f ile
v III' I
il' I'i: 1
.; I . ,r ea n.:i-t proag
" ' ' !:', '!; elasn .,f nur
.- t-. I: ..v : ni;,b . !y this
i; !. i- ii i.r.t n by e'xi r
t' ; V r ! t IM tuUlld
- : -.. r Co;:-; ttsr.
-. . ''. ' ,.,.,.
. I s.'..- Hi...,.,,
-.- i S-....::i.;ij.- .r-.:-
'" i -'. l:t.:-v,X:.-.
' s, I I. liil I : , Jt,;.
-' -. i: -.-ii-i.m.. i:..
: - t ! .I :'!., !...
... I :. -.i .ir v
"lli ' f . .-.1 a gr. .it jrv
' ' ! i-. th prii.g, f
' ' ' I I !:
V .-. Ilytl: -...
: i . y 1 . i.:.z d;-..:u
- :. M : ,..,! , ,X. ir
. : -lv.n St .i'.i
' : '- " i 1 '.I -r....s
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- : '.". 1 ..tit tin
: I. . i '- t:ri:i t
-. -r :;.t...i..,
i I. '.I i I o-
. t ' . ; el. a: .e it
. ; r ! :.:... vill t.-ll
t - .. . ; --:i: ;i ir tl:-.rd.l
. r :. .::!!, a-:d
I .- ' I'- I. K-e-, t!l?
i ... . ' I. ; lot wit:. t,:
: i l. tar. !v n
I : - ..: ::.a :.:..;iv . f
. :. t : : . s r.- ih, t!i
-' i I' ;
. . : .- : i . '. '. y
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-. : ; '. 'i ..v. ii-:. p
. t , u.t, rt
.. . . ... .i .r st
- :; : tie- si. V. f r
. -.. .. -:'. it ;.: y. S. : :
.:::-.' t : I ' :1: : ii ;;:..:.t
:' , - . . ll . . -. -..tra,:. .f
:.',:.. :....i. t. t.i. t.i tl.t
. ' -. -,. .r., M.t; ia-t.ei.rte
. ."..I .:. ' :. .. '. .!,..'. ..!
; I . '.: : 1
ti. - i .. 1 . I til- i..y vt :.:. it r -i
.. .1 . :: .. . tn i .-. . gr- d t
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