HI ST BY 0. X. WOEDEX A XI) J. R. COKXELIUS. At Sl.SO icr Year, :iIvi:ivm hi Advance. THE UN'IOX-EsTAui.isiir.i.. I .SI I Whole V, 2,r,S7. CIIROXICLE-Kstabmsi!::it IS 13 TVihtk No., SI". LEWISIWRG, UNION CO., PA., FRIDAY, NOV. 25, 1859. ill M III 1 nun. VuioarOUnlySlir&LcWbljlirCIirOinclO 4,00 r"c prevail, they iu tff'.et say Fraukliu and Clinton wuuM Dot be admit-1 it you must adupi some pbn of Emaucipa- : that.? hvery and Liberty .re twisters- j led into the Democratic party ; .bile : Z! precise moui hsaed frUy,tUic,s(.rj, ( un OkI a. must and will always exiatside by side j Washington and JcftVrsou would be driv- vf our !esi1aiin, slaves are n.jurion the w hkVi. rm.ii.n o .i -iiiiKii V,',,',..-" r .,11(r,..-o .I;. I t..n-n : wi...,,..! l . r ' nliaticinv exclaime.l ....., . . . . ...... ,v ,, vuijiu'j iu wui-nou iuli j in i vut ut puiiiiai ticuua : k i j iuur j ears. J , . t i . - - r e r i on wk.-.v. -L-.m nr.r .i..rf. n, :.m f r -:i the A oft L- csitrQ I erntorv. J eon-, we will dismiss t beni alt bouiiu cvcD hv- , iWUpji in tl! KminitninK along (tic streeti, i ooervcu. since niy tasi j and arriving fr.-.m, the upper ami IuWif j ui. p. r . ir. " u..P-. . , ..i.. . ...1......;.. tc......r. -0..... I .1 ' .1 I , r - I : TFR V1?. tl.r.f) (ht yi-.ir. t - i:f in . t vi a- 1 t tli twin- r-it- f'r a l-.n ;t-r -r r-i.orl.-r ?-ri I. TJ u-. ; 'i fU will pV f.tr f.-tir in 7 " . I 1t.- n u ..nrli-i, 1 -1. !. lr riC'it m-tntlin. J ili. I t e: u ini'nl !.. .i tin!. I'.r I . t fiir. $-i l'r i'l-ur rojiV ou.- y- ;ir. tltt I. t-u -ir.i.--. yM.r. r. No's, .j m nis y j . t . r t-il in fi. wi-t:ti;i t:iiur-, i,r L ink n t. kI in. ir VIm hr. Mt.wt kml I'rt'iin-f" r- ri-.tfl at t!r tini.-e. B,Vti.-D th timr rxii'i . I-i lt..'li a Ki.-r i ut'.l, (anh-t ADVERTlfEf ir quart d l, 3d-I. T.-iur.- 1 - i .'. M-n-Iiiinif. A no! orTontvlmirtlt 'if ;i ruluum, J . 1 jh r vi-:.r. (Ult.-r (. may t Mjr-f! mj in. A - f:.tr.' i 12 lino ..r mallfttt tvfn. r lo uf n.-tt lar-T. A i rti- ni'-nt .f dfaioraluiiif tfti.l'-nry, nu-l l:r j ul-. H't a limli' .1. Communications -in -1 mi t.-i-u- n",i n: r---t anJ mcrcioiiam -il tv th wril'T -" rt ;i) r uin- mi'l a.Jlr.-. The M A iNKTIC TKUUiJlAI'l! I f ' I- .1 .n Hi 'i!i if the B.ir if- f Ar.ni"r.V.Sy w )' I, w - !' iijt: iuij rrt.mt HfWt in Iran-- of U,.- I'lu.-vl. M .tl. OentMtM wtli lif :! an ;un-'l- matfr? i!- fr mt kinJu.M JOB PRINTIK3, .... . -I v;tu-J .:th Hflntiv aul .e-i;iU-h and "ii T'-. -i. W t.-riu. if.,Jl Job W ork wl:-n .!. :. I. Aix i:iiis i ti. u ivr -TNT-Tr x. oo0FFlCKuu Market. Tim- " -rHi ! -f.irer V (ri1: n A I ((rnt l;'!. an 1 ll.at no one thall j.rue aaiust thtir i ec Dell inel! out of Yiiinuia . . . t i i . , 1 1 i i i . i ... - i v'" auu ug"--; ciiangcu lueir seuiim.-uu. as xucy iiavu uumber, ihnr increaMii; nuiiiLrr, all admon unl.'sj tljcv "ll,resls al"' i""1'"" itie suuvrrMon aud ru- in fit lliiv I 'iimtm.n U'nh h. 'I'hoir nr...nl far al.ove them n to potiuit only a view of tie sur lo pips. I i 1!7. lli.: 6rt steamboat ( Anirl.jj.c) arnv..l h-rc roiig liaruiQDizt: not departed tliis life, and their views wore of '' '!ls- 111 dirtiTeut terms, and in b,fT Geo. WAsIX(:MN biu13elf said j the "old fogy" order, written lg Uf,re .V lie '.'';'' to sre u ( oiifcihrtfu of Free ' Democratic National )nvefitinni (rntinl iti.. Il.ni.c. s.nni'ihin. mn.i he ituni ' .m. icany f ir.l I C(irnnt.iti(luo uf tb Fur A i'brokwiii.J A Visit to Selin3 grove. On Wfdnefday ummiug last, in Comp ny with a friend, I tuck a rido to thin point. The citizens of SelinsgroTc hive apparent. lj caught tic spirit of euterr.ri-e, and are unknowo aa tba Arctic ( eeu. X dctcruiined not to be behiud their si-'cr ! there are over fix bundred teanier!t e jii towns and communities, but rather to j.iio I stantly rlinz to and fr.nn tlii, t.jii t , .... on her way to explore the great ! !:-if sivatna, and State after State have doom- ' worse than Seward in heresy. id it tu death. The West Indies arc ! So, too, we shall have to condemn one u,a. !y clear of it. The most enlightened ; Daniel Weiwteii, who said iu his speech natii uis of the earth arc moving ajiatust IL ,. . i .... i- j r i od the Oregon ui . in ISl. JuIl.N I L.M.IIol N in his day confessed! c ' that "the literature of the world WM have made ur. my min.l. for i.r. that u.i-, . , . c i 'i i ler no eircuinstaiie.es will I coiivui to the agnnst the outli. j tunher extension ol the area otlavery in the Vet Slavery and Democracy indicate ) I'mteit suites, or to ihe lunli. r lller.ae ut' that there must be Bathing said about this s'"f represemauou in u.c House ol liepre D . seniatives. CoiC.ct ot Ages, and those who do so eie.laimeit the eciuieinan Hum D.n-1 the march of progress. As we passed Nearly every day, several are starting fr, ince my last j and arriving fr.'.in, the npper and lower visit, many luinrovemeLts. ibe streets . Mississirt i. the Misseun. lllirj.i-. and declaration, in the countenance ..c n I...a e A ...I ...I... must soineilmi? be done ! Itcaiise it not, ; ar wen paved, and many of the crossings ' Ohio i iv. rs. sayMUe yeniieman trnm i,ami.Oell, the lUroals : . . , . . , , - t l-i.., ........1 -.1 1..,.. I,-,. macauainizca. a uumut roi nue ounu-: - j ings have been erected, among which are i ISarnuru' has the reputation of being the several stores and mansion booses. j ' Xir!T fell, tit The new Baptist church Is building a , house fully ni'ial, iu p .int of ejiuf rt creditable edilice, which will soon be ready I nJ maoagement, to any first-cla hou,c ol all the u ltilt people ol Viiinia will he cut. No, says the prntleman from Dinwiddle 'J'he whites can not be conquered Ihe throats of the Anr. t ill be cut.' It is a tr'Aim; dif ference, to be sure, S-ir, and matters not to the argument. For the fact is conceded, that one race or the olher must be exierminatrd." for dedication. It has been erected most- j Philadelphia or New Yoik. are ''traitorous' distutbirjg the peace, ' uer 'iici;iiigiusurreciious,"encouragiug John j observid eve . .-'n,ii,ii.-ipnr ,ii.n n..,',',. ., ! lv l.v th wner..itv of a few individuals. ' many years sine, And in liuffalo, X. V., about a y-ar , dangers that must nmnarily press, aie aiil.e I "3 the couL'renntion isas vet rath-rfeible : """J"113- fber and broth Mr. Uir from ore his decease, the old gentleman also ; rresent. W nh a sinle elance he embraces ,i I irsiuia now. with Uie elements of ilestruc- I'robally." iltl l.,. -.1 .. 7 ' 'Ves."' "(ill, won't that ba jv ' j "V. s, ind-e.l.'' 'Oh, may I le Lera t. see I i.-ii I cu!d Wiit 'i!' ii was ail d..tie.-' ' (1'aul laughs, a.tiJ l-.cjks adusiriug'y Ca the vlvaci.i'is speaker ; "Then, I'aul, they'll ratf'i th is.' oiler villians, Giddin'.'-1, ar,d all those, and haug thsni, tuj, won't they J ' j "Wc h"pe " i "i)h. 1 mat be her.', Iaul ; g t m : sotio water." Water, gentle lady, why did yon n"t a-! for bbo i ? It wnnld h ive bt-ttrr aat isfi.d your p-irtieular thirs', I knew. i uri:-t:y f t(e rsf1M. j I'eofle may ay whit they please of the indifference, of the tegr.ivs t.-. the pass intr cv.'t':, but it is n it tine. They bnru I never woul 1 consent, and never have conseuted, that there should be one foot of. litown, and worthy of deuuueiation, oblo ouy, and punishment. Aud docs the Slave Tower rcallv sud- . slave territory beyond what the old ihirieen ., . . . , ... Males had at ihe formation of the L'nion. pose that it can crush the natural, Inhe- .eVer"never!" I rent, Constitutional right of the Freemen i hls reccnl Oration at the Inau-rura- ! i.l the ortn, Jvist ana est to uiscuss ,; of the veostl,P s,atuo, iu lioston, ik ' It ff iiFv tti !(.ii i'Vfrv r. irt ..! !.ir hit but if the Lord has need uf it, it will be a J e ' . " t!.T f,ur , ,ht.w lt. A l .tei Servuat lu- . i - . . . . ... i.:ii r v:.., - una rcpnMii? quiciiy upon Her bosom, atul useful instrument in promoting 11 is King- "'"""K luc u"""' cuiuuijui.-uu-ji. gi llii'r-e'f the b -V m ni-K au.y ur o'w-th' wztJr, " s-p A-r Wi: i;,Wif ;;b! .-o s,ton f, ... ,i,i? and massacre. It i, not sutr.cieni f,.r him Jestiny of the universe. raIlls nr,t lh" -uurt ,,uu f " -'- ePraiu fbc ,.tJ u Ur.,Kt wllfcout that the match is not yet applied. It is j Another noble addition to the pcrma- ty an, immense building, of hnieatoiie, ; ? , k . j: ,., fl,10s,iur, ,t enough that the magazine i ..pen, and the . - , ,. ., i brought from St Genevieve a t.lace but a ! P ,? 1 match will shortly be applied." n'nt "'"Tests of fcelinsgrove, is the L-i "ouonl "on Uenevitvc, a plate but a , j fM Iu addition to all this, we weep to re- lan Horn, Missionary Institute, origi-: r'jW Jbls tul w wan'. d. "Well, Sir," he said very tint- Hon. Euwauu Evekett that E.nbodi-1 "! tLut llo.iER A. Tkvor, late ! ""'"J J 'be venerable Dr. Kurtz of llal-, """" idly, "what do you think they'Ii d , after ....r'.u.li' l .-i i ..-. Editor of ihe most fire-eatin" Demorr.nir timore. rrinciallv with the desiuu of edu- 1 r """"'"r. I url' JJJeeu, me .-'.ate , ;., i. ;t.,K T t,,l.l I..,.. Ml " l 1 I . uicuiui vu"i wuujLiiai isiu jvciji 1J lllill " : ' i. ,. . , -j .... - . y x. oum m au .u.e.esuug ;as .o al- , u Mr Webster! not only confident-van- J"urnal ,n K.eh.nond, a., and no a mug. eating pious men, who can not undertake , -""" .esou.ee,. , ,a. ,s s,. wouM .. hj()j, U nipt to gag tho Million and a Half of , ticipaied what the lapse of seven years' has l"ocrutic M.mbtr if Cur from lint j ,le l.)Ilgtr course of studv, but who are a!'ii"J'4I"i that the value of a tract of land ' ,je sii , ar,.um,.n,.l,iVl.;T ...j,,u-t VoU l f.l MOMElts-mostly Sons of the Sires witnessed and is witness,,,-, ihat -he newly District, prtctdtd Senator Sewa.d in his fain- j wiIin t0 cn e n h .Ah.tiou of ' Ul,t becau-e of it, unless in a : :l wu;j be a pitv to i!) auy'thingsj "brupt."' of '7-j. It would be a pleasant job to un- I rnLtwM row n' Fe" UKe'"''i" ,'W"0WiB8 ' 'be waste places of our country. The j ' I'M Lie I.V.wn w. r not di-p,s- dertakc to blot fiotn existence all the "ir- bin, in comimm wuli all or nearly all the , " " ' ..... . ! In, titut,- is l.i aoiifiil'v ln.-it, ,1 ni.ont or,,.. ' 1 cn'- Lvul is very abuudaut, iu the ed of, the people in irgiuia wuuli think south-western put if the State : and in ! themselves iu a baj scrape. "1 ity tl.ey L7 . .1.- . ! It ,n n.,- n.tA..tt .. ...... ... . . 11.1 IV UTlltl itl ,(..., rill , I. .11 ..I' .r .,lh.r ..I , .... .... . til.' tl, tk.r tl IS:.rl Ihl.o m .1, t . ..j ..F " - " e"1 ,, cuwi.iu, nu.f HI ..-un... iuvu.u cm.., --..e. . inriminmi me wuiiiru. ne inuuejii ne saw ,, . . . ... ,. . , : uiauu aceessioie oy a sunsiauuai Doaru- ; 1 ' ; ,0,,(l. ,!;.., ,ir..-t-.-t mat, iu the operation ol the same causes ; ' . ' . . ' I .....I- ti. i...:i i: . 1... . i. ... i - Sulid iron or.', so euro that. 1 have been (EJjf c$tar on!) (Cljwniclf. IHliV, -a. IS-".!. An "Irrepressible Cojillict." hEWtKU SOT Til AtTMI'li Ol- IT. , , i n ui I 'freely and fully Slavery, or any other TUm nn ;., l.r.n.l I",.t..n ttt.tc i, ft H I. a t ! V. . r ? day, a better abused man or, perhaps, a greater statesman than tho c niintnt Sen ator from New York Wm. II. Si.W'AUii. Two years or more ago, he planned a j iur nev to Europe, for health an I recreation, with Senator Husk, of lexas, whose death repressive conuici writings ol tue worta. - - ";J ';"' ;. very and abolition. The siri.-le will end : fourth of a mile from the town, and is j - postponed the visit. public notice was taken of the fact, that neous boeks in our magazines and news- the tw pone discomposed. Tiir Trttiune. asarcsrdte from the crosLins toils of papers and in our very school books. It ,,,,, an,.' i..V I until defeat is inevitable ! The sireneih o! cost of about tweiva thousand dnllart. ";1 "P:" u t reliable testimony, I think tin' re. pie here dj tot like Tim years Senator Seward bad started on a breathes in the prayers of Christian people place iu the Mates north of the cotton-prow- , J'-, V-rai' s tI a r---a ' Derarljr aII tf wLaicU Imsi itn u t r i lj c ly I I -CJ.ia manufacture from the j Tumi sr.. lis circulation is forbid-leu, tour to tho Old World, intending to return in the Declaration of Independence-in j l"",,..' iSienceof phv" ica! and ' ( ew VVnems theloreeLlabohmm, ! the citizens of Selinsgrove and vicinity. . ore u at kast ouu uf lUcm "" !j''? but it leak? in nevertheless. I saw a mau with the opening of Congress. As soon as be bad reached Eugland, his f es has tened to declare that he was gathering bags of British gold, and help from Kxctir Hall, for the Presidency in Germany, uu ue .ii. um, "8, "r. . Lvc of freedom and b. ..... ... ,. ;..a f. 1 1 .t, Kr"aUt ,nttf ""f "ry """"""""'J -k-- 4 fancy until our dyiu economical so, under ihe influence of physical and j , meal causes. Free Labor would be ,.' the Preamble to the U. S. Constitution i . ',. .. . . Jip rmintiv mnrLc I h p r-min 1 1 a.l' tii in the .speeches of our r ourtu ofjulyars mctt productive, and would ilicrelore t . ,f 1 i ... . x- , ,. i be ultimaielv established. j in our a;cnpnon3 10 our auouai iira- u tnje jl(lerpreiin IU UUI PUIIS IU Tlie laiitl af the Fr and the home of the bnT atid in the thousands every decenialcm.nlofthepopuUUonot, Itiaof thr?e gt containing a carv c.il.til. e. m.irks Ihp r.'imH iW ,.t .hi . J ' c . uteusils, or even edge tools, without pre vious smelting. This ore contains more t .-day tear a cepy with Ins teeth, af'er cious chapel, several recitation rooms, and, smemng. mis ore contains more . reading something tb.it d.-p.ea-.a t.im. ... ...... Ili-in Atitlifv ,...r fc.nl nl nn,. ip.n a.f , I WS . irnr.i'il I'L.lE S.l lll.'.'f.ll.llru a. 11. -11. Ii i. fr..A .I.-, . ... f 1 feo much for Mr. Spuranl nrininalilf. an.l . a number Of tlleasant stlllllpi). anil fl.irml- . rr. J hv vvu.. v. fu.o ,..u, uu I t J law ihe Constitution 1 on this subject tsla I so much for a comparison between what a i tories. As we strolled through its hall.. ! cc-diugljf fibrous in its character, mi meat did uot Lata his ai.'uih. 4 Kii'.w ) ii'... who "UM W Iri-, ll..-u.i-l... aiti-t itiUt tlit- tlii.-:''' .-tii-.v lmur of vir, utm 1 1. w.ti tli nL. le l.ti-riiH; i.l tt'Xi.Isgt' ' be was of course getting the suffrages tf the gentlemen from Africa: Lut now, i'iotatiouf,in Eittj.A Itrnirn. VI r lllfl I.Tok'.-n I. lit. ll.fV . .-I'.Mlnli, V uf lli -111 1. :tl lir.-V Tltn. ... f .1 , .t . c 1 ' .i,-l l'..lio,Dii N:,turt- i.-11,. march of Man." EWCar luai le is peiieeiij en ai iuai .-ewaiu only went across the water to be out of the way of datiger, which, "he kucw," would arise at Harper's Ferry ! ! Wc do not recollect that Douglas, La!las, liucha Dan, or any other Democratic candidate for President, when abroad, was thus haunted, and misrepresented at every step. The Democracy seem, to fear Seward more than any other prominent Republican : and. if be should not happen to be our choice for Prcsideut or Vice President, VerV. a dlt'erSltV ol Ollllllon tliMWeen Ihe two pw V nrbpp mntr ,.i,dr l.lld.n..T .l !,..- .. ... , knor It neeil lar V U4.'t,il Inr niirnns.1 aa mill i. Hn.iBi.1. of ways in which the sections of the Vniou presents itself. This y.r.mia LecofoTo maV ZZLt ! S ! ";. ,. 'L atred of tyranny arc ' .as ev"r bePn ",e case, first or las', in rela- j Jenged ! comtog in collision witn its preceptors, i r . brated phtiantlir .pist aa 1 authoress n t souls from our iu-; "j .,, ",,;,7 .. JU""oa wn,ca nas aivi- Xast of all, we will give Senator Doves' J of introduction and sociable cu-, - ; " " "--- kn.,tng that Capt. Urowo had any living ;hours! j .. ' ; testimony in favor of unprecedented etforts , tertainment, we were reminded of our "uu "" U,J"- l" a lemale iriend, wr.-te a --lai'- letter t r..,hl.a ii it,. !. nn,i i,; i" siruciure. so iuai a uign ponsn may no i mm, enclosed id a letter to t.ov. Misc. Il.itn ti.il nil r,.mi.tiKi.r thn familiar . ' e ! for L'niversal Einaneinalmn. At ihp Kdili.ri. Rr!,nnl ilnv i ourschoo! day copy-books?- ! f,L (. ,',, . . " Tn f ' hMd ot he .e-wbich has fuiversit, which adds so much to the lus- S""n " "tn ' lle " V s eon- ' I of the Constitution, but then, as be did , bonslas ,. n,n,n.n,,n r..r l'r,.k,,tjn. I .. . U,m,liii.,n whi. h m:.t,. il. r,. huemeut, and w.it upn him. She bal not belong to the glorious Democratic pears, prom.nent.y. the following ,uo,a.ioi. i r.' TZ Whole ! ",,J;Vr "'"C 1 c ' party, what signify bis opinions about the from that leadin, Democrat : j ",J"fiie T "endanee .t Ihe fee- J J , but Our W ise wro e a long reply, no. ...,.....:,. t.i ...i i. -We are bound to extend and rM,1 .,l i I'grove Institute, nearly one-half under muuuu"s "a'ue. P V, art, , very mMls 43 wc lll0U,ut( acculng her T .. : " "h ' . " " . "m ! we absorb the enure i:.,,,p,,. J a ......... I . tl,enlo,ri,..,l eoi.rs., nf ;.r..nt:n Tl, 80 ,ar M UM Deun eP'". '"" ' cu- : and others of the blood at Harper's Ferry. j bor. Ilcwasplaiulyol the Seward stripe, j ,c,i1Ilg ,he adjacent Islands, and become ! .i:fi .l,..!;,.,.,,,,! nn t.t V...ln..I-.v ! ,ain "O'Liog but the richest iron ore, so saying she might gj if she chose at her wur sciiooi-iiia-e-ra nn.i senooi-ma ams , auj mote UcserviU2 of the roDC if hewere : onecrand Oceau-bouml Republic. 1 do net I . .. ,. . . . i that it does not rermire ".i;,F.;n intn ihp own risk, but she ha I better not. e . t i:..l I Id C 1IC liri lUU UWl.V It (If lllll : I'llll ra.. . ' mormnn m-1 1 an , I . I r,,: hn i:.iw II..HW, " . .w -ww . , must no lonjrer "sei euen mcenaiary hviok. . . . - . 1 w-tMfc VJ vi . , , , - - ,,- i Mr, rL.ii -copies," for they arc rank Scwardisms! There was also a certain IlENItY Clay, , I(111',ine, was set apart as an a,,.lum fr h, ' f ''"ster city. Thus another I It is already a crime, in parts of the somewhat noted in bis days for gifts of pprtss,d of the whole world, and as a num-' sl,r Das '"kcu its position among the many South, for a Sunday School teacher to oratory, who, from bis youth up, declaim- r teach a slave to read God's Book. But to cd roundly against tho extension of hu- shelter under ihe shadow of the great trte of 1. . ..IT Al....tl nil .rr.,.:ci.ma nf Til fl II IlOTlll I P W ll ll-ll llP POI1 silllTill ililliri. 1-1 U t. K t 1 . blip uui, eil.eiuany, au voicoiu.. v. , h 1 "J it; one uee-1 ouly to back a wagtn or a , i i . . . : Riipeehes lie 1.3,11. ship must be excerciseu, anu spies iuusv i 1 11 1. . 1 ,r , f,;r ' "So Ions as (iod allows the vital current to dark-11 every nook and corner ot our lair. . , ". , , j u 1 flow Ihrouirii my veins, I will never, never, land. Wc must expurgate all the ancient never, by word, or tlmuent, by mind or will. is'TEPMI.!! A. DoC'lLA!. Douglas, it seems, is far ahead of Seward and John Drown he goes for Liberty all over both Continents nf the Western Hemisphere not only throughout the L'nion, but in Central America, lirazil, (he West Indies, Cauada, the which already best-ancle the literar. hr-av. : ettr UP ,J ihe n-0""""" "J shovel iu ens. uue laj, 01 hu. wm. ..... . .t all that be can obtain, rejecting nothing. cr until the whole flame, like that which tho ancients fabled, will burst from cverv John Brown and the trifle. hamlet and "len. and fill the earth itself L A fbarP crpondent of the Xew with brirliDc?3. au:l,nrs c.-rcti illy the orators and poets aui in aamimng one rood or iree i-rritory 10 uusiun i ossessions, ftCAc. fe I Anr. klr.ine In av nntur ilhctn ml t nrr nil hrnu'ii 111 n:iiia. k.'t ru un a rai v no- The Female Semiuary building at So-1 cuut ot m:iUcr3 there, to the great annoy liusgrove is located near the Institute, and j aiiCC 0f the Virginians, win threaten him, is so nearly completed that it has beeD ap-' but can not controvert his statements, priated to the operations of the school. ' W copy four of his items There are some thirty moils in atten-i Browi aai hbi toapan la Prla. 1 j . ,1 ,, . . ,- ,f' Browu's converratiou is bingiilatly at dance, under ttin ahlo ailmiiiistratii n ol . a j . certain Editors will think they have told hostility to slavery, a more rigid censor- ous to both sides, aud in ono of his last i a monstrous heap of lies tor uotlung . But for a year past the greatest pos sible changes have been rung ujun the phrase at the bead of this ar;iclc. It is mt,. turn if a thnu-acd f-trilj.'-. upon ,r, 1 ,.( l',, ,.f 1",, ,.K,,.t of uv " ' K " O ' - , 1 1 I HA. . a.lU O. IIUUIU. V. . v , . . I Which the Democracy have sawed most rrauce SUJ 0f Germany. Wm. Tell, and 1 , 'Pe -.guage-worse, lllfse .irrepreSs,bIe confl.cf sen.imeuis. ut- ri . v, i 1 , . . , ,, . . ' decidedly, than his friend and confidant, ; tered VEAKS BKKOliE SEWARD I'TTER- inonrnful music, as every lrec Mate (aud n tQ c ncrulc ideals of all time, must be ' ' . k.i-,,t- .... ... ... , ,. , , , , . ,. ., t u i M ni Ins ! i i rri iti : Mr. Seward but then, what did this Mr. LD II uttered, some of them by . Slavehold- v , proscnoeu. aue senoo.-oo, t Cs loonune u( lhe Uemoeracy cundu the : Prof. Baughman and his young lady as- ha. thundered tts condemnation of the , more .,,... thc Irwh oratu "buto te g ny? ,Ie the , lhcir M A.M.,siitJDl& Xhe luilJilJS t'M .....JiJ . ivvjiavti; " v' iiie "lirubisuui- Lcuiug ui l uhcimi - , , .. , . , iy an me viais vi ineir icrnoie wram upon , ' . . . .. rt ... , , . . , discovery of that healing balm for every J , , . M . . 1 Nany honest. Biuiple soul?, imc ut-eo Kmancioatiou never more declaim with , . , , ... -seward s devoted head for just repeating one I "conUict that patent remedy which so i,pmncrnli. i,Ipaanii ,ha. i. ; h JllOUG M UtllSH. a.uK - ' I taint. IV II CUT Y. U iC IUU JJiUVl J"K" (T . 11 tt 1 Hi . tf - i ' ' a f ' . II C l ' it it ir -n.rt ! , J' , ? , effectually "repressed ' all "agitation" in ,nore nruintied considerate mcderaie ariii ture, faint emblem of Ouitjipatcuef, pours openly declared for an armed, forcible cod- ; nie iVath" never aaio use the words of ,r , . Z . Tr , ,nor H'W". considerate, moderate and i i r . ... j,, c. . . ... ... 7 ,, T1 Kansas, and works so beautifully in Ltah ! cuarded form than ihev uttered it ! forth her beauties aud Iuxunauces wiiii a tiict Kataann in a rpp aim ii h i7,iivt: eiiuica. i ,'n it nrrcn ru n iiikit iiiii. lit: vuilc " a-a uvuw ..h - - " - - ' - - 1 Ve do not remember one Democratic pa- of our fathers comes to fo'lv c-ioted craves, My sons : scorn i t j-i i : u i . ' All theso we must fore . y - -'loounce-proscribe: for, do they not have I aa TVcsident. signed . . nralAliil tn Ill.tIA nm i tirra . . . . i. . .' I ' l it 1. rpeeeu , uc, v I "'the "color ot the idea ot.tlie "irrepressi- ... . mmA CnnmHM on,i i..,nt SUrt. , ana an sPeaK t t.ii . noes not me n.s-, , . niail!!i,ic ..JB1I. unsUrnass- part here and adding a part there, thus , ie conflict" of the Xew York Senator 1 ! . , . ,, , 1 lory of our race confirm it! Is it not a fixed j , , i his five buKets, iu bead aud breast, wih . I mil nf I Irnnnn-cn that. I'olL- ntsn ... . I pit Wlll'i. IhA KUlltti-:lin4 Apeined to aaUCC : 1 e " lari u nrmiiineiii. ev-er-iirespiii- at-ii-rviiipn. Jlrs. Child was nut pleased with this "chivalrie" exposure of her private letter, but as it has appeared, she also publishes the following calm and ' touching letter from Capt. Brown, in reply 1'iLuJ (such you prove to be, though a stranger): Yuur mist kind letter has V ik 7i-i6i.nr, fr mi the present abode of, reached me, with the kind e.Q". r to a'.m cupola, from which I was favored with a view of Ibe surrounding scenery. "Xa- llll i.JC voice ' ' guarded lorm than they uttered it ! wru uu uumo iuu iuiumuui mn to "lb C- tain's" i us from their Besides, Col. Poi.K beat Mr. Clay for j Rceuca ! after all the epithets heaped upon ' liberal band, in every variety of form to nble'exc t to be slaves." , President ; certainly, then, Mr. Polk must j that man, tell us, from your inmost soul, do j gladden the heart aud to delight the eye. j ' - , ego avoid rc- ' have been the best man ; yet Mr. Polk, j nt'' Seard and M'Dowell and Faulkner and ; The waters of the broad Susiiuehauua j bl,m;tlu't;3 8 gc,s Wi.'mot Proviso ' ol'"'rs Kr nave quoted, ail say tne same tning, and all speak thi trith Does not the lns- glide away to the abyss of the mighty j bore and take care of in.'. A'.Ijw me to express my gratitude for your great tym pathy, and at thc sun.' liiu.' t; prjpo.-o ti you a different c urse, tog-th.r with my reasons for wishing it. Iskjuld certaiuiy be greatly pleaded to become personally tractive. His manner is magnetic. It j acquainted with one so gi.ted and so uiu; attracts every oue wbj approaches him, i but I can nut avoid sceiug some objection and, while he talks, he reigns. The oth- to it, under present cire-jiustaneCi. First, er prisouers venerate kim. Stephens I am iu charge of a m.t humane gentle tits in bis bed, Usually with bis face j man, who, with his family, Lave rendered away from the window, aud listens all . me every possible attentiuu I have desired, day to "the Captain's" words, seldom of- I or that could be of thc least advautage ; when called upoD. and I am so far recovered from my woubdi little excited, and : as no longer to require uuriug. 1 hen, springs forward to make clear suie piint i ag'in, it would sul j-ct y iu to great per about which the Captain is in doubt, but j soual inronvenience and heavy expense, i quite as wrong as Clay. than Seward, and from whom, doubtless, Brown, Cook, Coppio, Copcland and Green They should be executed patching op a scrap to suit their purpose, lB ruading the Bible, hereafter, we and palmtDg it off upon their more igno- ; must not notice that it denounces Oppres rint readers as truth. (Would not oien, jjiuu and Wrong, aud requires good people who would do euch a thing, be quite as tQ take ,be tiJ(;S of tbe poor aD(j foele apt to sign your name to a note ot ban V that remark asrtetrowK?) W c propose, once for all, i ( to give Mr. Seward the advantage of his "Lout "Gog and Magog -about fighting own words, in meir lair conuccuan auu - " t J , 1 tncik their cuo a l . a. r..ii- j i. sounds so much ike Seward that do Hood t l00K lour cua IUCU IU IU1IV UCUIUU3H4IG tuav ia uvt , r L e a 3 e .1 tbe first, nor the only one, who has enter- ' Democrat can tolerate it, for treason before Seward is, for their tained the views thus expressed. After j In perusing History, moreover, we must . crimes are older. For instance, the Hon. referring to the two systems of Paid aud , be careful to shut our eyes to any fact Mr. M'Dowell, once Governor nf Virii L'npaid or Free and Slave Labor iu ' tuat 00ts like one people or race rising nit, did declare in thc Legislature of that different ages and nations of the world, he f ,ainst tueir C0Cquerors, and striviug to State goes on to .ay ; h . condition. Do not allow "Who that looks to this unhappy bondage -Increase of populatinn.which is filth)" the . 'ul c I of an unhappy people, in the midst ol our so Ptates oat to their very borders, tosether w.ih yourself to trace, with a philosopher s eye, , clely, ad thinks ot its incidents or issues, a new and extended net-work ol railroads and : ,BC gradual amelioration and advancement bal weeps over it as a curse as great upon olher avenues, and an internal commerce ' fc , harbarUm serfdom aud him who inOicts as upon him who sutlers it ! which daily becomes more intimate, is rapid- ! of 80C1C,J. I"1 bbarism, sort lorn, aua Sir you may paCeihe slave w here you please ly bringing the States into a higher and more slavery, nearer and nearer to civil and po- ! you may dry np, to your uttermost, ihe social unity or consolidation. Thus these j litical equality. If you see any signs of! fountains of his feelings, the springs of his antagonistic system, art continually coming ' ailTarJcl;I'uent and struggles for human ! ihought-you may close npon his mind every inw closer contact, and collision results. ?. TP. , bad as Seward avenue ?' kowleJge' aai c,0!"i '' ov" w,,h Khali I tell you what this collision means t r'Sh,s Jou arB JUat M bad M Swara- anilicial nicht-you may yoke him to your Tney who think that it is accidental, unne- I However, in many cases, lt may be , labors, as ihe ox, which livcih only to work eessary, the work of interested and fanatical arueii SewarJ is wron-for the "con-1 workeln ony to '?"T0 1 hlm a.,mtor and iherefore enhemeral. mistake ' ' , I under any process which, without destroying :T"IT l .Cnr Zle L. Aict" between Great Britain and her re-; nis value J , s,ave, wj debase and crush sur- immor- nalure which oppression can not rend. It is a torch lit np in his soul by the hand of Deity, and never meant to be extinguished by the hand of man.' More than this Chas. James Faulk ner fate Congressman from the Harper's Ferry District, and Chairman of tlte Dem ocratic National Committee during the campaign vhich elected Mr. Buchanan, President said, on the same floor, Vain and idle is every effort to strangle this inquiry. As well might you attempt to chain the ocean, or slay the avenging thun derbolts of Heaven, as to drive the people from any inquiry which may result in their better condition. I would approach the sub ject as one of great maznitnde and delicacy, as one whose varied and momentous conse quences demand the calmest and most delib erate investigation. But still, Sir, I would approach it aye, delicate as it may be, en compassed as it may be with difScuiiies and hazards, I would still approach it. The peo ple demand it. Their security requires it. In the langage of the wise and prophetic Jeffer son, 'You must approach it you must bear it, j .i i. 1 .1 - , , - , buu u jw ii, aui uu is fcoou e i u a u . e 1 1 i " w verity in .r experience, as . nation, pas, and their surface ,f ..cptuiie had o. i ' .broogh which you may Kaeh mo ....... i iv. h . . . ,1,. 1...1. i.l-. .iu.n.i r miiiiiipil nil the anuenua elements to min- ' J : c .. . sending messages to the Captain, assuring j with your sympathies much more et.ee.u hiiu that "it was uot they who confessed, j ally. 1 have at hoina a wife, and three about doing me any g.od. Allow me to uame to you anoiner ehan- But there are other "irrepressible j present ? Do not the leech like demands of ! matided all the aqueous elements to min conflict" men notr living in thc heart of. Slavery cause nearly all of our National tur- ister to her sileut jubilee. The face of . T T f I ........ 1 I 'i .. ,h. tlmnolinm nf I ha 1 ....... .. . . I C 1 . 1 1 . . . ot; i..aiz-wno are inuuuc.y worse ."";."", 5 llle eJ""' " """tu ""'"' ''M,S . - j l ... .1...... Janvier., .he vouairest lot litlia plmliP in nmnh the narh wh eh the hand " ". J o - - . . . r .... ........i ! Cook." 1 Jlid between oppotin' and enaurimr Jnrmi, and , bctliOUS Colonies wa3 Teprcsseu, mu uu unu s . "i j - . it mean, thai the United States must and will, ... ..... tu .i-pmnt nf th the ld( tha,.he wa born .,0 be fr sooner or later, become e.iher enurely a luK ' , " , "r" vive it all. It is allied to his nope ol I a ot 1 oland ana Ol iiuocary, auaius. . talitr it is ine euicnai pan oi ins Klaveholrim. n.iinn. or entirely a Free Labor PCOfil nation." their masters, have been sternly rebuked "It remains to say on this point only one , f f u , word to guard against misapprehension. Il J """"b these 8tates are again to become universally that similar antagonisms are now going on laveholding, I do not pretend to say with j ItaIy, Germany, ie. True, half the what notations of ike Constitution that end ! wortli jg heaviug in convulsions caused by ahall be accomplished. On the other hand j up-rising and Strug- while I do confidently believe and hope that . "v r. y, i.i:.i my conn.ry will yet become a land or oniver- f glmg sometimes, alas ! like a blind gl ial freedom, Ido not expect that it wU be mode j ant for Liberty ; but the bayonets and otherwise than through the actionif the SE- cannons of Josephs, Xapileons, and other bavo put down a great Brown and lilacs: iie- VERAL STATES, co operating with the Ke- ..powc,rg that be" 1 deral Government, and Al.l. ACTIXli IV ! f , , STRICT COXFOKMITY WITH THEIR RE- mJln,y 01 ,U0 XlL0 SHECTIVE COXSTITLT10XS." puuucaus. This latter paragraph essential to an We might quote column after column konest rendering of his views-the whole of sentiments-identical with tbe "irre kmocratie press conceal, and thus in cf-' prcssible conflict" remark of Mr. Seward fcot totally misrepresent and falsify him. -from the writings of such old Cont.nen- The dision of this simultaneous howl ; tal "rebels" as Franklin, Jay, Clinton,, f the Slave Power and .11 it. allies, evi- ' of the North, and Washington, Patrick tly is, not only to unfairly injure Mr. i Henry, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, La. Wd, but also to suppress all free, tpecch of the South. Happily, those gentlemen Jree printing en the subject of Mat ey, very well meaning in their way, but "rath la denouncing him fur saying be hoped to , er ultra" b.ve passed away ; and, now, hean for Freedom, ever be repressed ! Can free Americans be ground down to the level of the chattel slave ! The Republican party occupies the true ground between the two extremes of Havery Extension and Abolition. It is the on))' real National, peaceful. conservative power. That party says, "LET SLAVERY ALONE IN THE STATES, BUT LET IT SPREAD NO FARTHER!" a position, which, alone, can repress undue agitation, and avert the dan gers which may threaten our Union. LADY FRANKLIN. BV ELIZABRTH H. WBITTIKK. Fold thy hands, thy work is over! Cnol thy watching eyes with tears, Let thy poor heart, overwearied. Rest alike thy hopes and fears Hopes that saw, wilh sleepless vision, One sad picture fading low Fears, that followed, va;ue and nameless, Lifting back the veils of snow. For thy brave one, for thy lost one, Truest heart of woman, weep ! Owning still the Love that granted, Unto ihy beloved, sleep. Not for him that hour of terror. When, the long ice-battle o'er, In Ihe sunless day, his comrades Dealhward trod the Polar shore. Spared the cruel cold and famine, Spared the fainting heart's despair What but thai could Mercy grant him ? What but that has been thy prayer! Dear to thee, that last memorial, From the cairn beside the sea: Evermore, the month of roses Shall be sacred time to thee ! Sad it is, the mournful yew-tree O'er his slumbers may not wave ; Sad it is, Ihe English daisy May not blossom on hisjgrave j But his tomb shall storm and winter Shape and fashion year by year Pile his mighty mausoleum Block by block, and tier on tier Guardian of its gleaming portal Shall its stainless honor be, While thy love, a sweet immortal, ilovers o'er the winter sea ! of "thc great Original" stamped upon it in "Creation's morn.'' On tbe east side of the river, as far as the eye can pene trate, there runs parallel with it a liue of mountains "f lioiinc thir .hallow, from on rtih. Like ilialii which Ih. wicura Tnuti Had ralMU to cuuot Ola b;. can not forget bcatiu Brown over live years old, the oldest nearly mx- cxpress himself on the tubject of the j teen. I bavo also two daughters-ic-Iaw, threatening auonymous letters that have whose husbands have both fallen near mo been received by Gov. Wise, relating to here. There is also another widow, .Mrs-, bis case. "Well, gentlemen,'' he said, Thompson, ho?e husband fell here. Whe ther she is a mother or not, I can not fay. All these, my wife iucludcd, live at Xorth Kiba, Kssex county, Xew York. I bavo "I tell you what I think of them. They come from no friends of mine. I have nntl.itiir lis ilii will, hiiph friptula U'hi The whole view is full of beauty and . ..,imn f .it ,i, .i,i ; . .,ri,i attraction, resembling iu grandeur the , hat I despise, auonymous',letters are the j middle-aged sob, who has been, in some bills and dales which tkirt the Kurotas, ! worst. If I had a little job to do, I j degree, a cripple from his childhood, whu and the snaeious uiaD of mountain and : would sooner take ono half the meu 1 i would have as much as he could well do , , ' 1 I.. A 1 ... k .1- .1 ... 1 ..... . ... t plain interposed between the tributaries """K"'"""" " ""H i loo earn a living, no was a most ureauiut ..... .... .i . i ! many of theso fellows as could fail al Jef- r . . - v ... .-, ..ii,.,,: i. ofCephisus. .When we take our stand coautyj anji ,,,,, opon fferer in Kansas, and .ost a,l he la, up above the common level, luxuriate on the inch lf t ., get ", of Jajl blf. He has nut enough to clothe h.mse t for wonders of nature, our spirits are enliven- f,re Ueh such dcodIc as thei are take aie i ,lje Winter comfortably. I have no living ed, and we niouut on wings of admiration to the islands of the blest far beyond the azure canopy of God. "Noni mora ailmiiss. th patnt.r marie akill, Vt hu ho m Ibat which 1 hll uocr aac, On.,.. ii a lntU.nl country into miuc ; Bui luiilatw atniaca can do no mora Than plaaae tlw ja awcat Naturu'acTerj aanje." Kelly Tp., Nov. 12, 1S50. J.M.M. St Louis. Corranpontleacs of tba Star t Chronicl. St. Louis, Missouri, Nov. 9, 1859. out, 1 shan't go very soon." A Woinaa's Win. I was standing at Ihe railroad depot this morning, amusing myself with tbe manner in which the soldiers and citizens collect to take note of all arrivals. Tbe traiu from Winchester came in. A wo man lifted oue of the car wiudows, and gazed out with much iuterest. She was very nearly a beauty, or else tbe entire se- The first thine to arrest the attention of elusion of tbe feminine part of Charles- i. ..-.p... a stranger arriving at St. Louis from the east, is the great number of Steamboats along the Levee, extending almost from one end of the city to tbe other, and in some places as many as three or four moored side by side. The abeance of wharves is also peculiar feature. Since there is no tide to regulate the rise and fall of tbe water, that can not be made a criterion for the erection of wharves. Tbe river is subject to such great fluctua tions, also, that, were wharves ereoted, the steamboat, mightoriag a portion of the year, ride over them probably, and during another seawn leav the wharves town has deprived me of standards for comparison. She very soon began to talk in a loud toue, with the evident intention of being overheard, (ot her handsome eyes glanced slyly round at every moment, to mark the imprcsoion she created. I am going to tell you what this pleasant crca son, or sou-iu-law, who did nut suffer ter ribly iu Kansas. Now, dear friend, would you nut a soou contribute fifty cents now, and alike sum yearly, for the relief of those very poor aud deeply afilictcd persons ? To en able them to supply theinselve s and their children with bread aud very plain cloth ing, aud to enable the children to rcceivo a common English education ? Wiilyou also devote your own energies to induce others to join you in giving a like amcuiut, or any other amount, to coustituta a liillo fund for the purpose named 1 Icn not see how your coming hero can da me tbe least good aud I am quite certain you can do me immense goi where yon are. I am quite cheer. ui uu- ture and bcr companion, ber husband, I dcr all my afflicting circumstances and prospects; baviug, as 1 Dummy iru.r, the peace of liod, wUictt pas-eiu an un- trig, suppose, said : ,.r.: j .n T-..t 1.. it..., "the reae 'ilia vuu .on uii.-, i am. iu.. ... .is w i ,, , , . - . ' ! derstan lini." to ruio n my heart. ox . . . K . " I El another caught t "Yea, another was caught yesterday." "Then there are six no ?' "Yet, six altogether." "Will thej all be hanged together V may make such use of this as you see fit. God Almighty bless you and rcwaid joa a thousand fold ! Yours iu aiuiwrity and truth, Jous Buowx. --a