IS 'Ji : it I i: i 4 hi? Two Ways of Hinaiin2 a Hus'jaad. Few tLii:gs are more commou iu do-! mcsiio life, than fur tun husband and j a ift in clriTii for iI.a inc.ter,.hin: and . . . ... ' .. I thus, uutuau tiling', alio ougui 10 j rich other, and daell together in affec-. tion, fr. ('if nily a life of discrd, ren-. tiering each other uuiiappj-. The buabauil, , who is ii't grcaily lLfluencid by a Pru' dent and aficctiouate helpmate, is utiwnr-, tby of Iter; aul tbc wife wbo far for gets herself as to try to rule ber Luslauil, ; not it crease ber by usv.r( - in ' bis authority. 1 he husband, when be is aware that his wife has mote fruJeue', iulftneut, and talent, than biuiseif, does Well lo avail tiir.sclf of tbem. Ii is a , purely selfish motive that actuate either ; bu.-baDd or wifa to rulo each other, and : jet this motive, unworthy as it ii, t-X'-rts j its baneful influence ia ten thousand times J ten thousand hearts. Hr. Conner was a well meaning man, of very little energy of character, and was i completely under the control of his wife. Mrs. Conner was continually boasting that Bo man should rule her, that sho took j earn to let her husband see that the bad ! epirit, and that the could make him do What fhc liked at any time, I'oi.r Mr. ; Conner Eubtuittid to this thraldom very . . . .. . :.e i . : pitiently, ratber man coincnu wnu uer, i for, when be did try, the got into such j dreadful passions that the actually terri- . Bed him half out of his tenses, and be . trembled like one in ague. To secure ', Lis own j face, therefore be consented to fcer ruUi.f; i.iiu, aud rule him she did, in tltreryliiii . ! iMr. C-...pir, a neighbor, was fond of laugl.ii:g at Coi.ut i's kne.-S. ''Would j I," he often said, "be such a poor, spirit less Iciug, as to be ruled ty my wifel'j No, ncTtr! l'oor Conner dare nut say that the sun shines without asking leave of his wife; tut my wife knows, very : Well, that my will must tc obeyed." j Now this ?ery positive, ovetbsaring dis-; fositien on Cooper's par bis wife to manage him easily. If the want- ed to stay at borne, abe projo-td ligoout, ; when he immediately detcruiincJ uot to j .tir . font, nut of doors, to show be Was : master; if she really wished walk, she j bad only to retiuest him to allow her to finish what she was engaged ia within , i t T l ... n 1.1.. hat 4rit uoors, ana ne woum puv j - ) in a dictatorial manner, tell her to put on ber bonnet. Mrs. Conner and Mrs. Cooper onec agreed to have a day's pleasure; it was thcrefure settled, between them, that their bnsbands should take them ta a place of popular rescrt, about twelve miles distant. It was only necessary Lr Jits. Conner to express her iateutioo, in a dotcrmiaei way, when her husbaud, tu avoid a nuar rel, agreed directly tu drive her over. Mis. Cooper, however, went another wy to work, ijhe was determined to go, arid j commenced with her husband as fohowt : "Would you te'ieve," sa:d she, "that our neighbors, the Conners, are f:tiy enough to ppend a whole day ia a visit to lioxville ? They mean to go to morrow." Says Mr. Cooper, "I do not knew that there is anything so silly in it ; if I disposed to go there, or anywhere else, I would go.'' "Certainly," said Mrs. Cooper, "you might go, but you would not be :o unrea sonable as to take mc against my will." "Against your will, indeed ' ' said Mr. Cooper, "a wife ought to have no will but that of ber husband; if I thought proper for you to go, you should go." i.r ..,Jn von hnv liaJ vour wav too ' J . ,,! much: if I were uctcimirieil not t fi ' you'd find some trouble iu persuaJing mc." "Trouble in pcrtuaditg you !" faiJ Cooper; "then I am resolved to go, and jou eball go, too. I will have niy way, Mrs. Cooper, and no wife iu tie world shall control me; gn, to-morrow morning, prepare to go to IJiixtiill; f ir, whether tbejr will or not, there shall jou go." "Mr. Cooper," said his wife, "I know when you take thing into your head, you ; will have your own way. I never yet met with to determined a man !" Very Good. Whii6 Tom Corwio was addressing a ! large meeting at pprtti.'uelu, Unt", not long since, aud was soaring iuto the higher , . . I-,- i i . i.i..rtl, i regions Ol jeimicai civijuviivr, . vi-v, niiddle-tiged. a'ol nmrosi -looking bull ter rier uiouii.,' lue pia'form, and, taking his place bis.dn tin spi nker, surveyed the as- .cuibled sovreij;.. with a tevere eounte- ! , , , , , . , . i nance aud a melaucholy wag of bis caudel i :uinp. His 'sd( was greeted with roars; of lau-hter, and Corwin paused in the : id.f sentence. Turning toward, the intruding animal, he waved his haud courteonaly, saying, -Com, one at a time, j ' if yoo please." The terrier retired a few paces, aud glanced quizzically at the j , i n j j .v I speaker, when Coiwm advanced t the edge of the stand, and said to the people, inaTeryconfidentiaUone: "I do believe , ,1 be intcods to leave the other dogs and join the Republican party 1" This palpa ble hit was received with a tempest of laughter and applause, ia the midst of which hi dogship trotted out of the ball with ilia tail at an ancrle of intpnae Hionsl 6 The reason our rooster did not come out m JJIg ouse js jfej largest ami most and crow over the late election, is, that Le X spacious in Lewishorg. and situated op is setting. e intend to have at least a posite lhe Court House, on the most elevated dczeo to ernw over Ponplas' election in 1 and pleasant part of the town. The proprie lrCO. Spirit of Democrai u. 'or, who has recently purchased of lhe late Tfc .1,.. i . firm of Lawshe A Sehold. has spared neiiher laae baclt tbat la.t assertion ; your piins nor expense in refitting and re-furnish-roosteri will all be lauuu ibea.Gretne iuz the House. County RrpulJuan. "Arrah, barr-cy ! if that gibbet had its dues, where the devil would you be ?" "Bedad, Pat, I'd be .walking to Dub'.ia U by myself alone." UN 1 VEIISIT Y SCHOOLS. rpjJE Fall TiTHl, cf 1 1 A OCkS, Will ilE Fall 'lYnn, cf 1 1 Week: open on Thursday morcing, t ID!. LEGE Tuition rer Term 510.1 0 l.Sll 'J.i Room renl and furl - Room Library care repaiis ACADEMY Tuition - From 1 to.$7.00 Tare and repairs - - FEM. INSTITUTE Tuition.from 7 to 10-00 Repairs . - - - SO J. R. I.i HIV 13, President I.ewisburi. Aui. H. I- ? JO.GO 1 yYS f'r a fu;l course in the Iron t Hi t'liKei-. f lit iisn-dv patronized and tit si organized temmercial school in lue in ted Stales. f, f v. Four I.nrcc Halls ri'ins Cnminerci il Calculations, oVrk Keejiu.s and Lecllll'i'S. t"oal lin.e ti r. in leie a full cctirse. from 6 in III weeks. Leery Miu!pM, upon eradua m.. is "iiarantceit I" l e competent to manage ilitr Bonks of any liiiMiieas, and qualilied to earn a salary ol lu.m .-03 lo !ICCO. Stiidnnts enii-r at any tune io Vacation Ueeieiv at pleasure. J-i'ri-l I'.miiums f"T rel Vi'rttivy awarded ihi luMiiuiioii. The best aint srea tct ;ai ib" I "' ly ut reniuansh.p iu anyone Hall c iiion, is iiiiimi nere. 'Ministers Sons rereivei ai ha't priee. For Cn-rular mI peciniens t t rnmr. and Kmlielli-lied View .f ilie College, inclose five letter Mi:n:p. and addiess 7-f.M F. W. J1-:.KIX. I'lttslmrph. Pa. LEWISBUKG ACADEMY. liF. Fall K'pssiasinf tnis Insiitutton w il. niiii nee Mumiat, Sept l'.t. IsM.KiCun. llnu'1 ' ek ; lit oe siiceei .u-a immi uiaieiv by i!.e ti IlllT ScvNion of the same leac'h. A simri Vaeauou u ill be given dunii" the H.ilnli.vs. All lhe Drr.nehrs of a tin rruuh Aea lemie Tnurse are tattsh', and youni men ile-inms li" qtiaiifyiiis ih-'ii-.-"lves i't.rTeachiii?.f.-r en. tei -in.-; t't'illece, or lr general liiiiness, w ill tinri tt ni iheir a !v.Tnt;iL-e to emcr this school. The Bible is a Ten Cm.fc. A lane Cir.-s of Vi ui'; l.a.lies is secured TCITIO.S per (- of I I n eel,incluiling C'lntii.fnl etpi-nes. PKtlt P.Y 'IVa lti'.'. 'V r:t:i-i: ii foi'T, Arithmtir. ;. -. . i im. :.i,d I s. II. I- r . I ;' !' li Kli l-..N'il.-U- ;!:i l:i-l inctii,:i -I l i- "'iKs 7 '" .i eharaes : also. D ilnltirtions except r,,r i,r,,iidi-i;-d able immediately u; kTies. 1 ll itinn pny i!ie el. -. of ih e-- JOUX IIAMIOI.I'II. l'l ineipnl s"':rnM is.-,n 'I lilll sulcrier havin? milnl the ennri- Hook Uindins eslahii-liinent nl Vonlin A. Cornelius and ad led to it his own leui, I I now prepared lo j EKJD CP. F.E-EIND ! Rook?. Maira.inr.--. 1'ji h.ji'.iK ih- Muic, I'nir.I'iL'f.c?. Nfiiiii rs.iVc i ei:her f'Uii or Hail-li 'uad. in iiri ius kinds o! I.EtiKK or of M ns. and lint 1 wiih Marble ' 1'arer of iliiferenl lisures. j Ild li.l-les and o.hei lou 1 or Tapers v.liich it is 'Jci.r:! in pre -i-rve as ii.runirials in a ; oi.nilv, can be iii' ie ..ecure by lite Din i der's skill. I '. It ,ii.k Vi "'ks, U.bli":. Hymn ar.d Piavei I lii'ils, P.-ek-t !!. ks A.! s. iVC in IP-!!.!- and itnr u-.e eli.irae'.e.-.s. lo order. .Mf'-;; lull IFDl-IOiS, &c., wade lo iuil customers. , c.o.l Dimlerv has Ion? been desired liu'iiiis vicinitv. iiu'l 1 thJTel'.ire re..-vetiully I solicit lhe public pa:r..n.-,e. truttne that my ; an I a'.ieniion to bn-iness will give ' sansfaction. I intend lo charge no derate and uniform prices, on the " Live and Let Live'' ; principle and hope to make it a ptrmmunl ! business. j ' .'i' TnJ Sl'ire C,U In!:' n hi put. I r-.f Kent and stork reinninz money,! expect : f'.t V OS DICI.l V of all work. I Binderv in Heaver's wooden I. lock. N.Third ' street, four doors from .Market sireet.r.ear lhe CAr,:i.Ve otHcr. H A S J. M AHL. I Lewii-hur?, April 1, loS PENCIL SKETCHES, Ol!, Outlines f Character and Mann-rs by Miss LOLItt. One large lSmo. voiutr.e, rloih. I l . ). This l.iilily iuti-reiitilievn uni-r. nl.iiulhrl.i-rl wrl. F oiuotr i.i t:iiia imniwi run. it ren la.tin : !r- Washington l'ctti. Mr. s,iih. 1 u. I.- ehilip. Ttie 'ff tm. A P ( irr of I hi l;.-t War ith Knicti'J. 1 i.k Al' i.t.1. I. 1 , t ..I I i.ina. Tli.-oll Frm IIi.iifi.. Lauri-I l.. i . Ui..t ii. iill. nisn: ,r, I'eDiil J.,i.t.V.U..UTtPon.TlitTlp i'..' i n .-h':,ii"iJ. rfiViit. ,s...-iMl,.. i.-iiii-. T!.r' I:n'l. r., 1-Ii:i,. Tl. s,T.-t.!.f!. Ciiii-ti'nir AII.T:i.n;or, Tht- 1 ti- i:i-J It, x ; i r, Pr.-ni-!. at Muuiuiu Suits. lli li-nrt W i. j lo-. ROMANCE "OF HISTORY, VS exliibned in lhe Lives of Cel. -Dialed WOMEN of ail apes and countries c..inpri-inc remarkable examples ol Fems.le I u."wat- !i-ii.liT.,.t.,ln.-M. -I'.l wll-r. . ntW. Ilv lll.NKV i. iin I .rtf",- Unni.cli lh. fl.i.j. T-.s.t tw-r.-ri- tl.i- tt um.-n nf At.i. rn- i saint I.-, l.-r mil it.iti'.n in 111" UK.-1 In in riirliia.lanr.- i I I.i-..' jrl .1 .. , ,.....,..-. .. . . L i ... ll.. .. ...i,,.. .....i. rir-u-ii writ r..,i our wi.-. mother.. ni..ti-r null r. wn! Iii-..iii- ni. n- n n-nlia for rr,iutj, .. t --ru:u,i-, na wif nn-rnv-i-, h..d iLf;,,srii. 'ill ti ind (Wia hro a ct-rj cf tain hiiflil; iuu-rvFiii. Uik. J. S. COTTON & CO. Publishers, No.43, chenut St. Philadelphia The Publishers wiil send either of lhe above popular Books by mail. tree of any ParI, "f ,,,e u""eJ s,ales- uf;'.n,ar'7lllt f lh' puiilicaiion price U9w4 LU.MIIKK ! LU-MIJKK ! ! fllHE mbscnhers havefi.r sale j-i-y-V- art punh"g pixi: Ho Aims Panel Miii'i'-''-f;' Plank. &c. aim. 5.iO I IM. kails. sti inch Sawed bh'ngles superior quality, AS0 square Timber fur Ituildmgs: Which are offered low for rash ai our Mills on Souih Branch of the VV hue Deer Creek in Har,,rv twnsh,p or delivered on the Brush Valley Narrows road at the end nf our Road. ,l5A uf" ,,,r Yuffri. M,m&Vr Planks, and a Premium for Rails and Shmg- Ifs wtre awarded os m the last Union Cn.Ag. Fair. JOHN M'CALL & BliO'8 Iy7'3 Forest Hill P O, Union Co, Pa BUFFALO KOfiSE, I. D. BREWER, I'roprlclor, CVPIease give him a call and judge for yourselves. July 1, 185S DA. I. BRUGGER, UOlT.OP.4TIIIC 1'UISIC'IAX, fa IV.Brvwn't Acts A cAr, ltarkrl St, . :js ;ttMvi rif:h i stii.) itTn ern. UXiOX COUNTY, STAR j CITIZENS ; ' F Danville. Milton. Muncy.M'Ewensville !l ) s.Unburv,Norihuiul'erland,8elinsRrove, n..i: ti. in, ., hnrT Harlleton. and scores I .,t. u-i ...,... ---"--... UIK .j i ! in l.ewisbura. have Dotisni inrir , ' CAPS ai OHiNon'a Emporium of Karhioa within the past year, ana are urgms ...c.. , friends lo do likewise. Always a fine assort-; meut of latest slvles on hanit, ery cnea,., . HAT MAXrt'ACTORY, 1.EWISBURO. WIIXIA1I aiOYL'It, l'lI.KtKT S?TKEKT, (ucr the FtU- Cui itol Steam Floor Still',) Harrlsburg, Pa. A full assortment of Ware constantly on hand. Ware made to order. For Price Lists addiess the Proprietor. f,-jrrds by Mad promptly attended to f in H-'i.U;TiV)t IT'irlt'Pt HJ 1 Brackets, Ac. I'laninR, Slining, Scroll Saw rf y:. ?Ji-ULt,'tl -;ial IVV- - i iiiE, &c, done at shi rt notice and all work Arrmnifnirn't fir the loir. JACOB (i- KP.OWX. bavins supplied the Leuisl Market for the pastsix months, has made the following arrangements lor the reniinj year The t est of life f. Mutton, Veal and Pork ran he had on Wednesday and Salui.lay nier-ni-rrs f each ive-k. at the Market House. n Market slieet. Letttceu Schatilc's and Wolle's, Le ishur?. Pa. His motto is " Q iick Pales for Cali, and Small Profits." Ljaimue his meat. Ap. 15,'f)9. I. S. f lT.UXLK, Ajent. SECCKD YEAR. FTER one year's trial, we are satisfied that a Hal Manufactory can be sustained in Lewishur", we aie now ire;iiirea tin me 'nrRest ainl het selection ol bprinj Myles, ol i HVTSaml (."Arseicrl.ioiidiitothismarUt.j t'r K "aili tw.1, i Il.ns and Ops and Summer Hats of Utesl . ... i L- ......... a ..f si:es lor form? anu summvi c.:i. u , inch will be sold ol C.iy k'nees, tor (.ash. ! Our motto shall l e. ' iiiick aics ami omaii I'u .tits.'Vf hie lithe pi blie shall be the judges. Hats male to mdrr at shoii notice. April IS, l-'."9. JOs. HUf!OX, Haiter. i'Jcw Ilctel in Hifilinburg. Till: Mib-rriber would respectfully in- iif'irm lhe Traveling Public everywhere. ilu.i he has laken and filled up the premises i ot Ieorsei horh, in the centre of j MAIN ST. MtKFMNT.L'Ita, j uhcre he i-- prepared lo accoinmodate stranj- vrs and travelers men and beasts in the j bet maimer, with Hoard and Lodging. ; Please rive me a call. Ap .1,7,9 CHARLES CROTZnn. HARF.ISEURG ETONE-WARE. T lUln Ware is clear if all pt-iwinnus ma!- If T. 'I'lie is inaih't.l emnmun uttlt inn! cfiitf. .ppie iiiuirr ur aiivmiTi ee mv.y he kpt in tt with prrjrct t'Jtm','- There is no tiVtt- w in 'niui' i' r-'I harti.i n fir. i m 1 Ittit ;-r k -j' ut -! !-t! in i; .rrl .-ii-W -r.-. I' i Imri.t t. ii. aiv pii't -f lit m:.v 1- r tn t)iii" niMcrint i.n a Hint ixxlv. n til Dot I- j ut iuto it, aoJ is Qui : ti- r-n ;ii t rr:i k in u-inr. !tt i v hfi '-rj. in LKW!.aitt'l;J aoJ pene raMv ti t- i.lI. ut l! .-!.:. j:imilj lur iiibtri :l, atar tl.-- ieam I i.-nr Mill vv.m. Mtivi:; l'r.?rielf.r tOU. 1 AI. (Oil.. T M1K subscriber l:.eiv, c-..nManl!y i n hand a larre a-orir.i-nt of the vi-ty best Sha- inoiiiii an-i ii. rs-r r.rie i i'.i.. i-'i nuicui.u t:ve purposes. Inch lie iil set! at lhe very loues! i i.ei-s lorCa-b. rrt'i u-.try J'rodiice. Also, it-jcinaithi" ' .,, i hr-ltraml .al!. Wili it iii!:ui!ly unilersiood. that I iil not oe niob-rsold by any man Having good weiv;U-scale, fell fc.;ht i'l be flven. C,al Yard u.-ar V'eIdnsaJs hotel. a:oiit;r: iiolstkix. Leu :,'t,ur. May 7,7.11. rRKXCH lil'RP. nZJ,L ET0?J3 HANCFACTOY. -fc The undersigned keep con- tuY' stamly on hand Vrench Hurra ut l-jTfViall size., and furnishes every ar-"-S- required by the milling trade, tor.ipleie satisfartinn guaranteed for every article sold. Mrlers who prefer the solid Burr, by uivinir to ti months,' notice, can have orders executed at lhe quarries in Prince. Address VM. H. KEPNER. April 1, lsiii'Jmii Hurrislurg l'.().,Pa IJ U Y TflZ WAMSUTTAPRINTS. r IMIEY arc the JJost Calicoes yet of- A r,u-.l lo U.e 1'uLtir f..r ttie moui-y. V.I10I.r6tE A-.i-NTS, BKrOKEST, A CO, Pm'iKii Jew lorh. lis'omatic l'i Intiiz. IT AVINti purchased the right to use Rnn- .n s process lor l'rmtirig wuh ilry Color", for I ni" n Co. Pa., we are prepared to execute orders for CARDS, Show-Bills, tc. in Rrtl, ;rvn. I:ue. V..m-. SJrrr. HiamnnH, or Crl'l colors, in good siyle, fV at the Ollice of the Slar i Chronicle," Lewisburg. Jcs-r, 1S. S WtniliKN k COIUiliUrS. Wot ire to CreSi-ors. riHE undersigned. Sequestrator of the State Fire & Insurance Company of Pennsyl vania, will nr.eet at his ollice in Harrisburg on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, lhe 17ih, !Sih and lth days of October neit, the several creditors of lhe said Insurance Com pany, to receive proof of their claims against said Company. Those tailing to present and prove iheir claims will not be entitled to any share in the assets. W.M.C. A. LAWRENCE. Sequestrator. Harrisburg, Sept. tft, 1H59 Mifiwl. HOWLY V ANTED ! riIHE undersigned wants One TIlOll 1 Hand IolIurm out of his Book Ac counts lo pay off his debts. He owes, and is unpleasantly urged fur payment. Those, llieielore, who are in arrears lo him for six months and over, will please settle accounts immediately ; and those in arrears, under six months, will receive a reasonable discount on their accounts for payment made within that lime. ITtf Belter seiile whilst you mtiif, ar.d before being eompritd. Also N. B. All persons, hereafter, employing the professional services of the subscriber, will be called upon lo settle their bills punc tna'ly at six months after attendance given. C'HARUES MODERATE, and a reasonable amount of charity ptactice expected to be giv en where persons have the disposition, but not the means, lo pay. Others, in their prac tice, may extend or. unlimited credit; but. for himseif,he has, for the future, fixed on the six muxth mi, which will be strictly adhered to in all cases. (j Strict attention eiven to business as for merly. W M. LE1SER, M. 1). Lewisbnrg. July 28. 18.r.9m6 FAHM Land, ft.raale.25 D-.IVa from rbilad-lihla, lij l:.,l PI,.,I in tl.w S . . r.f X I... finll th br-t ft r Asrlraliurml rttrpo. behic food Iom wil. with a flaj bottom. The? land is ft lurpr tract, dt ti.1h1 lDtonjnll ftrmp, vd tiumirrdp from alt part of tbv rou.Jtrj arv now wttlinfr aud builiiinaj. Th crona produci-d arc lricrand cao bm -tn srowinr- Thw cll matf i dftiKhtt'ul, and rrure from fror-ta. Tt-rma rr"m Jll- to$i prr acr, paral.le witbin four year by fnatat-mt-ntji. To Tbit tL plf Mar Fttrmt Wharf at l hiii.Uirhia alT', A. M , by Kailroad for HamroootoB, oradtiraH K J.Byn.a, by letter, fiatniBrntoD Pull Of riow. Atlant'c luiiuu. !... Ji E. fn i matt o another cSwiaD. 1 & LEWISBURG CHRONICLE KOV. 18, SASH and DOORS, Dlixds and ShcttEks, Flooring, Siding, Framing, Ac. for ! at the Dran Stoi of K. S. C ALLWKLI.. LewlNtiurr, Oct S CO-PARTNEKSIIIP. The undersigned liavc as- f sociated lliemselves imo copart- iTj uership for the purpose ol carry and Carpentering business in all their various branches, at the cDjiGbnrg Stctim planing Ulills, where they intend tu keep a sli ck of Pine, Hemlock, Walnut, Cherry, Poplar, Ash, Ma ple, and all kinds of Lumber, Flooring Mi ! vine, fidin. Shingles, LiMh. Joists, Siuiliiinu'. Fencing, Pickets, Door and Window Frames, Doors, Mhiiuts, liiimis, rasn, .iioiininis--., arranied lo give satisfaction, both in rice and woikuiaiiship. J. 1., MAirilX DRF.ISUACH, HEY KKS AMMtlXS. I.wMiiri Planiim lill, 1. ls'. $3,000 Wanted! X pursuance of an act of the last Legisla I ture of Pennsylvania, lhe Commissioners . ol Lnion couniy desire lo HoiroH money to the ahove amount, iu sums ia less than slOO.the iuteresi in Le paid annually, anil the principal uilhin lliree years. Inquire of II. P. isllELLKK. Treasurer. Lewisbiirg. Pa.. May iC, Ifi'iH. NOTA11Y ri'ULIC. William JOIieS, TTORNEY at Law. folleclions 1Y rrontplly altemied lo. Olhceon Market .irr.i ..nn..vit0 ih Prplii-le rl.i n rhiiirh. T.. . .! I.KWlsBVktl,tA. Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Tt, apO ficu'k'i'iiig ll:i)lS. jT? The subscriber has on hand a spier, -J-collection of both Kruit and Ornamenlal TRKKS, Ac. Ac embracing the very best varieties of Apples. Pears, Peaches, Plums, Cherries, Apricots, Ner ari!ies,(irapes,(ioose berries. Raspberries, Ci rrants, Sirawberrie ALSO Larpe Horse Chestnut. European Mountain Ash, American Mountain Ash, Su?ar Maple for street planting. Ever-blooming Rose, end a splendid eollccuun of Bulbous and oilier Flowering Plants. FiT Nursery Grounds on the farm ef Ja's F. Linn Esq. on the Turnpike, within half a mile of Lewisbur?. All orders will receive strict attention. liTTerm inrnrinhlii CASH. WILSON I. LINN. I.ewisbure, July 7, 1K5S. T MIR subscriber is engaged in lhe manuf acture of the w . 1 I latest iititiruvU I HITNSECKER Clover Hallers.whieh he olTers j at very reasonable rates. There have been a laree number of Ihese Huilers so'd in this neighborhood and county, and they give good i .satisfaction as the very best. Any person ! wishing to purchase a gowd marhine. will call I in- apply by letter lo '. P. EM El! V. j lvU.":i I.aure'ton P O, futon Co, Pa UUr.IiNETAVAIiLllOOM V0KT1I 4th Street. Tlie subscriliei i. H most respectfully informs the cili.ens ol Lewisburg and vicinity, that he has on hand aud l'i r saie a cheap lot of FI K3ill I Itl", for the Spring trade, compiising Dressing and Common lJurcan?, Sec retaries ami l't'ok Case?, Center, Card aud Tier Tables, Dining and Breakfast Tallies, Ctijilioards, Cot tatre and other Dedateads, Stands, Sofas, and Chairs of all kinds. C O F F I N S t0 rJer 01 short notice. The public are cordially invited to examine his work, as he is sure that they will be satis fied with his stock of Ware, and prices. SOLOMON YOUNG Lewisburg, Sept. 15, IM6 James F. Linn. J. Merrill Linn. T F. & J. M. LINN, J Attorneys at Law, LEWISUL'ltC, oi l l.'nion County, Penn'a. J. MFPnilL 11'S Co)ns!if.sii for the Slate of Inir, with iwer to Ink. nrP0'iU0Tin.fltnn"l'lpt Ileeib.Ar. Broom Handles and Curtain Rollers, HIDE G!f Ilitkok's Patent Sladilnrry. WE have completed arrangements for nrnkinp llrooui lliinjles anil I'orUin Itollrrp Id a manner ami perflation hitherto umtlHiiinble in tlie manufacture of tt'is arlirle. anil lire .r.,.nr,.l In inii,!y broom Xiiaers Window Mind.- Slanufitcturen. ai.ll ller cliant aitfa any quantity ol them at r-hort notice. 'i'liey are mail.- of lbe best I'anel stulf, anil in a aupe lior mnnn,-r. on new machinery neti r bi fore ui.e.1. Vi e aliio make, on Newly 1'ati-ute.l Marninery, the best lit Wen Beiu h ami lltntl i&rtict that hare erer been Wf ire ihe pul.lie. aVai-Urileri. iironiLtly Mled. Al.lre.a a. O. 1111 HOK, JlAFRlPBrSQ, r. CidTOS Agmt ot the Kajjlr Worktt. ABR'BI E. BOWER, Watchmaker and Jeweler, second door above Third, y on Market street Would respectfully inform the public that he has on hand a fine assortment of Cold and Silver Lever and Lepine Watches a good stock of Gold, Cameo and Masonic Breastpins of ihe latest style Cold and CameoEamngs A c, which he intends to sell very cheap also a splendid assortment of Eight-Hay and Thirty HnurfXOCA'Sand Time pieces. Every article i warranted to be what it is sold for. ! The greatest care will he taken in Repai ring and Cleaning of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, and everything warranted to give satisfaction. Please make hnn a call, and give him some trouble to show his Watches and Jewelry. July SI, 1858 ('lorkN.Watrh- , and Jewelry, 4tn door west ot uank. Also, particular attention paid to HE rAlKHtu ol all kinds. I have also the agency for the sale of the celebrated Coal Oil Lamp, which will recommend lliemselves to , every one. Call and see. Sept. 9. 1NBH A E I'ENtmMAWUlK aarlloa aai CoMlssloa House la Lrwisbarg. fSSSSMS T.prrfll Anftinnr.prt F.A.DoncbOWer having been appointed sole Auctioneer for Lewisbnre, is prepared to attend to all calls in his line in town and ' countrv. J .... commission sales. In April neit. t intend to open on Marke street a Room for the reception, and the sale at stated times, ofall kinds of Goods at Auc tion. Any one wishingtodisposeof any arti cle can deposit il wiih me and I will sell it at the best advantage 1 can aud charge a per ccotage for the same Vtb. !, 18159 r A DONEHOWER J I lid (;KT 1NSUHKD! Wnl Branch Ittirniire ( iitnpanj. ) UH'K UAVfcN, A. j TTOX- C.G. HAKVEV, Vrridrnt J I J. W. CHAI'M X, Srcrrtrtn. This rompatiy, cm entering upon the filili jrearof ihi-ir business, sulmni the foltuwinx Maternal of iheir asseia and bustneaft lo the Whole amotiiit uf Hrsks Aim t. l!-rrj- n! wrtCM Brcurttl tj rt lif r-h n Iimi. 1 Notto rr i-I t- r I'oifums on lony trra aiiii in furcu l'm. illtl irn lc aliii i'- Uitiii-otOlU This ('tiitpjny ci'iiimups to innre every Hrsrriplion of proprrty, Mh as builtlinps, ntf r l.nmt,zi , &c , against oss or dam- j of Fire, ami It.r any time limited or per- J pciual. j He witiim can inr .ihiioi - owners of valuable, to the dfpa'ltnent , of Live SttH-fc himranrr. Hordes, ( altle and Mules liiMirH asainst loss ly dettht ftum either natural it ariiVntal ratisev Also Insurance tm the iMih nf hulriduuh ivt the term of une year, at indeart- rales. J MKS II HAMLIN, Agent. Oct "'K LIFE INSURANCE. riir err: r i '' k.ix'.k. v siity jyi n.i .-i I. 'J l iui.M-t.n ui., Till I.IIlOWAV. IT. fi.t.l.l. JMi.l.J.I)i:i..rl'I- ! tapltal nnm up. :inu.O(Mi-l barter prrpriual. (' -tlM I.M F. I" make I.NM KANt.K OS i I.IVES on lhe most reasonable terms. i The capital leins paid up and invested le ; ;rether u iih a larue and constantly increasing 1 rei rved fund, oilers a peiiecl security lo lhe , ' one insured. ' The premiums must te paid yearly, half vear.y, i r tjiiat iei i . The f llowing are a few examples from lhe Houisier: 7'i i V tii-d Xo. of 5fii hu,. Ii-n tutor (hi i I"? Th un!erint'i Aiz- nt for ihe LYm pany ia 11. it'll cotuitv. J'a., ihron-li uhtm ar piic;iiitiiis fur Iti-m ance tau be ma'.e. J'n rnechaiiirs and buines men "eutrally, desi rinR to rUVrl Insuram e en their live, it cf fer i;iilu: emeiits not eqiialltd by any other rniiipany in the t nind Siaip. Tuo. IlWn.aiiw. M.D.,l.xaminirjr Physician aS. H.OKWKi, Affent, Lewisburg. Ha (.'omnionwtalih Inurancf('o.,IIaniili'g iia!.ti.i:i I) t tnitu r:o.tio. T tun subscriber is appointed aent for this veil established Company, ni; ures Pi.ildiiics and oilier properly against loss or damnse ty Hie. perils ot inland navi gation, transpor'.ation, e.c.,cn most luvorable lein.s. w r '. n'-r, 'i v'.vi.v r i vr.To.v. i . - J i' i i i t ( . .'iitu. u . .s r.l . . . I, I .' n 'tii-VoiTf. J. U- M i-AI CHl.IA, Agent. Lewisbar-, Feb. 1, is.'. 11 American Life Insurance & Trust Co., I (Cipi'a! fleck $."(10,0011) , CtOMPA.Ni" Building, Walnut street.S E coi ner of fourth l'itlud'l; ftia. W Lives insuied at :he usual .Mutual rates ! ur at Joint Cli ck rales about HO per cent, less or at 'i'otal Abst.nenre rates ihe It aesi in lhe v.or!.!. A. li.I.I.ii.N, Picsidttil I Jons C. ins. ee. -. 1? CEO. 1 .MILLER, Agent, I.ewis'jur; AT A BAH CAIN! t ? Tlie subscriber has on band for sale 'Ino vV'V lllt--i:i'. which he idler at a I ar;nin lor l'ah i r wiil Eachanze for a eood HL'KE. Call soon or vou wnl uiiss it. Ii- V. HI KH. at Iliii.ti A lO.Minian'a Mrr, or if absent, inquire ut W. II. liiiier, at Win. Brown, Jr.'s store. Lewi-burg, Feb. 15 NOTICE- TO lhe Citizens cf Lew isborff and vicinity I". I.. HillCN has removed his Barber siiiop from the Kiviere House to Market street, basement of Widow Anions' buihtui?. one door above Ihe Post Ollice. Thankful for all past favors, he hopes to merit a continuance of the public patronage. X. IJ. Tn alt who tarrr hirr till th.-ir bf nrd rr.w long To itft a iilfunaut ll;le, fri-ni a l url-iT rTtr fu, .Inn trail on Him t at lii. ?j.lo,n. t. niorn.tfTver noon. Towels cleaD, raxoro rbar aud KitMire ki-vu. Lewisburg, April 1, 165!). E. L. HINTS. THE subscrilier con- l tinnes to carry on lhe l.lvrry I5iiiIiim' at lhe Old Stand on ionlb Third street, near Market, and respecifullj solicits ihe patronage of his friends and tin public jtenerallv. CHARLES P. HESS. Lewisburc. May 22, IH.'.ll C. W. SCHAFFLE'S WHOLESALE and RETAIL Dnnj and Chemical Emporium Market Street - . Lewisburp, Pa. James B. Hamlin, A TTOKNEY at LAW, 1Y 17 Ollice on Second St. west side ,2nd door south of Market, Lew f l;urp, bin-'.'JJ L'nion Co. Pa WINFIELD FACTORY! Acur llarllclon, L'nwn Co., I'a. 3 THE subscriber, thanliful for past patronage, would inform' his friends and lhe public in gene ral, lhat be continues to manulac-1 tnre all kinds of Woolen faOOllM, such as ! Clolhs, Cassimeres. Tweeu, Sattinetts, Jeans, ' Blankets and Flannels; also. Carpet and Slocking Yarns. His machinery being of the best kind in use, and having employed the best of workmen, he feels sate in saying that his work shall not be surpassed by anyestablishmentin the country. A good sup ply of the above goods kept constantly on hand for sale or to exchange for wool, at prices that can not fail to please. WOOL will be Carded in the best manner and on lhe shortest notice. Terms fur rardinsr, cash on the de livery of the rolls. MARK HALFPENNY. Winfield Mills, March 30, 1857. THOHAS G. GRIER, (a ncceaaor to J .L. Yodk&) Watchmaker and Jeweller, Located two door. ra,t of the .land rrfwntlv occupied b) Mr. Yod.r LKH Ism Kli, I'a. CIorkN, Watches, Ac., repaired on shot! notice and warranted to give satistartion. tTAn excellent assortment of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry cn hand Cheap furCtuh. OII.T FRAMES ofall sizes made to order Lewisburg, April 29, 1CM J. SCHREYER k SON RE opening, direct from M'Callum & xV. Co.'s Carpet Manufactory, Glen Echo ills, Germantown, Pa., one of Ihe prettiest and best assortments of Carpets ever bro'l to Lewisburg, such as Three J'ijf, Jfrmp Tenitian, Svp. lmjrain, Manilla Mutt, Union Jo., Coena do., 4.-4 TtcilleJVeitian,4-i Oil Cloth, 3-4 do. do., 8-4 do. do., Fine V, l'arjt J3;ndiiijtAe. Philadelphia. y-VfiU.v Evans &WatsonTs jSVNo.yoi t-'httnut sr. j.ori:rt run vi nt j i: i phi v. pr. i" IVi.n-y Vitui A-'ri-uHuriil -i;r r. Ut' " rtnltl ,r ,Iilf ti:'r I. II t li-e- fall titOUI-J r-.rrf.t- .H I u:.J ti.f-vf . ntnt tl- Cut- ULi talwii Tr tl r'M.-nt ff tn p. 1 1. (y I 'if "' rj.'r. afar I-nii:: -". f..r itit h-.Kt.. rt-- - 1 1 'i'f.:t uTt r I'm! I,. ii rr:if.'im '1 ai tlii- j ? .m - I in 1 lit. M lit It" rin 1. I.i.t li'-t -v, Ii !.M,rh' t. i -.1 i!fi h. irt' l- r.- n f i" 1 : H"1 mn- i'jft ii r 'r". ni ! it Inr'- ' uniid 1 f p.if.-. nf t inii.e out ii'irfJi 't In t-nj -rlui' nt imli-ti'-.l u t tiii! kit '1 t-. l'i ' t I '.t.ti-nt J,.-v limr fXp' l- (.t 'i' ri.nn 1.19 fd ia tir.ii if 'I r ti n i.1..:tv f Ik in fci tirtrtu whi-lt J. IV If TJILP.F"! .', A-.HI.ItJ5 til.HT. STif.T. -t n 7 :;. ,v 1 1,1. n hux. urn ;il. -Um t . ,.f v. nianti:.!' ttir--. -.:r- ItMti l- u A liam-tt.U nur ' i'. r XfTv.y i ri ! t-y l Iji- i ur A-ui -lit. ki. i !- li tl:-y a i M' ,i;J If t -il' H i ' t .,f".l ..i . I' : t !!: I r in'" , ri'f.l, U..J 1 1 Ml lo in II iii' n e' . I ll ,1.1.1- .-r i I .1 .i l !,. I. i 1 1 r.U.,, l.ll It." -I Kli 1 i.ut, -1 '.w. A lie i il u ii"i I r ii t. r J an . I 111" I.i 11.. 1 :it III'- l--ii:t :;l..t.- tie U H.-L U IL-J1. n: r t. ni- t u '-, :l- ul ..Lt-iti U l.-- ;: ti .1 j-iNKi. i iti '"'ii ' .. Ui, !. 1 ., . 11. 67: a.i r jiv-tuhh K- - M i . 1. i.i -tu. t:V INi V, AT-". 1 lo .. . Mi- It in,. I.I ,:.,... I. I i .jn- r, li. t,i T' il tt:tt I h .-ahm.tii. I- r , I if I iu lit . l..-u:try. I'.j. j r .r. t t wl.ii ''"" it tuire r tt-i-M' ti Ii'in ft" Viy -n.r.l, miii h-.i ii-.' ' ti i-, ,v t ..m. 'I r-. t...' . la-t. 1t.r.-:.f .; tlirr.n. i. in:-i r! " I -..I t. inti i - 1 1- .t l. r -. - r i.h: f.. it " tii I. en t" m tl - i 'i ii h vi "ji- i. .t- fi. n il t" ( :n u. i! t -t.iti-. ti.if I :.t- rr' rii't i n j-.:. 1 ii w;.,it - x. r. ill. Ill t.ti'J in M;t L. t. or- ali i tli I rnn - 1,,- rf-.l-iitii: v. !:.' i.n:. iy ri oaniT. ti i -i;r S.I t" at 1 i!-.. li :it tli- an- j- U i.r i.r r I a- it I- " I r a ."fr tn I- oi : 'J i 1 1 1 ' I A " J I'-V. U.7-A !ar a, -f It.- ur- v- ; VI aiwfit- ii h n:., l .lUt L'L- .-tnut t:r;-t, (lU- -i C -nth VuuiiU tt.. 1-hiU Mi ! ia. ! J. DUMWOOLY & ERO. OUWAULI.M. am! COMMISSION MPRCIIAMX for the s..!e of J Itocr. t.rjl.Snd. and P.n.!iirr s.m rallj. i nr Warehouse, f-mral Block, No. 1 12 L'roaJ ; St. below Hare i"ii.irAii Dci.r'm j ,rn ccrjiECTicN. , iy Ciods shipped from Philadelphia ! Ac. by H.l.Lt' M.H Line are NOT -r.--! shipped ai llam-buic:." (.as would a ptar by Mr. Peipher's ailveru-- i:.f nt) but po iliroiixh vithout delay to iheir destiaati-.-n on the us- i quebatiua ft lhe west Li.u.rn. Ju'y-o, Is' J C. li. PKICK, Ajent ! CARPETS i at t.iti: I!irt 'i tbc-a:i More. I "1 ll'.INti 1:1 a bye-treet. where '.be store ex ! 1 petits are very i ; 1 1 , '.oe stibseiil er i ienaoiil lo si-:i ai ihe V ery I.i west Pi ices, i Pcr.-ons v; i. i..'.' 1 i.i :i :e ; h:.t. a:.d u ishina n. .:-v arpu.-. Oil (o;li, ..l..u.i'.i). ie., -.:! iio well to es, u.iiie 'l'ai'-!rv U:n-t. U:e iiss. iiu.ei.t i t Imperial !v. C ARPETS. I: rruin ai d eniiian. 1 ar.d On Cloths i l a. I xoiiiis in cn-al vaiie:y. A!s, 'ant m and Cotton Mann;- .1 a ! kinds, with a lame i runent . I b w-prired Ingram Carpels, mid Ki.iry ai.-l M;ur t ',ir'e. Li Mat-, Hi u j-;ei-.:a.r Kou-,1..! I ai ; l;-. :a.i U. Cc'.toli I a: pit , i '. il. II. KLl'IlIPfi, No . 1.) Stravvberrv -i., " 1 door ;:i. I nr-irut. Pliil.AIH I.l lil A. r.-i-i brtirv is lbe fr-t sireet wi-slii il. -. si sn.: The Wordier cf the t;s ! Klllllt 1 tll'.''i: I'lilNi. ll'lEI'l IS lo do at y i r'.ioirv,: in one In ur's Ii:ih an I ui:li.'.u per cenl It -s n.iurv 1" el. liies iliaa i'V toe I n i l. Cuuntv iijh:- l' r sale in if.t' S;;.:e i f IVtiii- .vvlvainn. ai.d ;ilt Mni h.ncs U r ale hule sale iinJ Iltiiail bv A!"-r. 1'I.OU MAN & M'RRIUK. 7yim:i 1j S.-. Ti.iicl t. rhuaiielphi.i PEIPHER'S LINE rpo AND PlIOM rilll. ADULPHIA. j UKullTlttV lit li.MI.HT. .t Class 4'. .vats 1 er I'.'J ( ui:Js. 4 . ut, Uu ; .1 .1., li.l a ll ilo IT iio ,i. St', v illi Lj il l ,:i3 V t. -iil, !!y ai..! I'oro.. 1. 1-el.ts ri r t usLt-I. PLilad. Pepol with , Vrml. Kurd Vrerd. S 1 1 Markel St. Thaukl'u! for lbe lit eral pain nace civen us we hope by strict a'teii'ion in business lo merit a continuance vi ihe same. Til O'.s PKIPHEII For further informa'i. n apply to C Ii M'l.IM.V. A.""t, Lewisbnrt; KOTICE TO SHiPFERS. -IF.KSONS shippm? Coo.!-- lo Philad.wi'.l pb ase be particular ar.d : Elark them in care cf Peipher's Line; , oiherwi.-e, ihey will be re-sh pprd at llains I burs, which wiil le attended with iiel.iv. j .Vay ti, 1.-.VJ. '1 litis. PL'il lli:i:. SPICES! SPiCES! SPICES! T "l KK aini N . 1 (lu uiiJ Pepfrr. JL (iiiiiror, (.'ii.nanu'n, A!!p;re, Cloves. American and Enclish Mustard. Cayenne Pepper, Ntitini ps. Mace. Sup. Carb. Soda, Saltpetre, Saieratus. Caraway and l onauiier Scid. Sal Soda, Indif.'.). Ashion Dairy and lironnd Salt, Ac, For Sale at the Easle Miiis No. 2-1 land IK V....I. .1' X 111. . I .... ii.iwmmi .,i:pn I i IV Purchasers will find it trreailv to Iheir inierest boih iu qualny and price lo buy these poods, which are warranted as represrnied.or forfeited. A trial is solicited. T'ltfyl w. s. lawhekce's Paper, 1'riuterM am, and I n aeloiic WAREHOUSE, Xo. 40a, CiiniDierce St., l'liiladi'ii.Iiia. CaTCash buyers wiil find it for their inierest lo call. Philad, Jan 1, 1859 y VARIETY CF VARIETIES ! 4 large and well selected stock of new XX. Goods in Ihe Nolion and Variety line, has just been received and opened at the Post Office, and lor sale cheap Inr cah. LEWIS p.4I..iii:r. ALCMTECT and BUILDER, J.LHtSHfHG. r.i llf Office in the I'niversny B-nlding 6s;t RIVIERE MCUSE LEWISBCHK, VA. It. ti. IIETZLI., Prop r. THIS Holel is located in the center of the town, one square from the Court House. Persons attending Court, or having other bu siness in the town, wiillind this a pleasant and comfortable home. Charges tnoderair. Lewisburg, Pa, Sept. 6, 1H59 m3 William VanGezer, A TTOSNEY at Law, J l Lew lturft, I nU nion i'o., I'u. IjTimice oi.posiie Kime1 Hotel AyersSarsaparilla A t-:i:jr--UT.i r-.r.c.r, in nf.nhti? have Ia t:;.it c i i L" ii; ce. I: i- r t m i:irutd extract ut i' i:.i J i"!a, - c'nli!:etl unh otu?t .,1 r.ll '4iiatr i lit rative pmvr u t. tT the riuc&M-fi it is Ulittrd !y i a:it '1 hy th ,o .-''.I'llit f'l'i (Tlijiluiiits, ami that ont i M a v' ni tii--.r nut inu-t prove m i:- ?4iv. ti ii..- tiaM id our . i: i-.i Ji'tw (.. n.j.ii-teir tin Ui.'l Wiil d it h.i' h -it ; r.vt-n hy cxM-r-t..i . ut t1! .' H. i.t--t .;l-4 tu U; found i-.:lr..iuz Ji.t.i:- :,(it.v A- : i : '.t.t r.tri!Tl, ; l.ii .'.r-L I;-;:Ali, VtJttL , J!:. . T'ii.s Tt vi Su.r K.illh, . IS-!. r!!!Ii4 A5 1PlltLITlC Af Mil. i it. i.-i. v-ie, I Ik i-stf kc ii m:. '!':-' I ' -r-'it: ki.i x, lU;iui.irT, I- V M '!,, Kl:Y!Phl.4, iift . A ; i i-.y i-'ih.-, n:i't t ihu vx'twlt nf it ir.Iuii-l-t UXi'-ii'g UoIU Jjli'LiUIT Of '.'I U' fo ::o! a srrsnt pro. n Tui. i. ia th.-piiiiif, tij .1 .'.. t, ! ll..! 1 ir.aii- rs wh..':i fit.-r in tlig i o:i ol '.li.- v- ar. Ilv the time i. i of t; ol ;.. i .y r.i ik'i-(liiorders t ri t'..: f,u i. M .1 can, by !.' i Iv. l!i :u-elvo frora .. , -. : ! ,:l or.ij-ii .ns a.'i.l ul.jeroua n"i v.i.i.-li t!,..- sy-l.-m will utrivc 10 a .- ri '.. .1 :.-,t n-it.-d tf do ', :, i...' , .! l ii.i'.'i Is .,1 the UAf i-.-tivv Iu '.1- .:.. ChailsO out tint ' : tiiiil its imp'.iritin r .'..-!. f.:.' i . ;i:r te. errptiona, ;',.- il v.i'. .i y , i .-it.d IE i ob ,. ii -.iiLi h r. l1...-v -i-.s ; choose it it i- f'i'ii, Jl'iil i...r liv'iius iiU tvlt a.:: m h t. l.o .-i: :i.'-.:liu dlsordrt en; .r bit! r 1.. -i:ii, and lire r i i.'.i.i-i.; t. .- b! i-iL Keep the :;-iy. a ,1 i- !!; tttt with tin i.; 1 :. il, i i r' 1, there can lie no .S t or something mm iu'. u...l ili- iiiULLitry tf :1 .! i V lt::-,..V'i. i.o.i I..;;, a ot II---1VJS inucK tht .. . 1 - . .: ih -e fi: la. But 1 1:;.- I .v.i i-n i.u-ly d.-e.-ived i of it, , -i-y i'f.ii-t the ilri.J : ,r i.'.i il...- ot:;-.- tl:at L. cl-ijneil t :i l.-v l;...-iy l.r""..';r;itii.La, . t,, !.o , t :,' d xla.ts it it, .: :'. ' f v.: r..e of Ifisaj aruiai , i..t:.i ' . ,.r ;i iv t:..: Hi'.:..; : i v .- y. a;s t. f 1 ure 1 in : :.. a .art t ,: .. -.: .. .ii.i V i t r.e I'- iinr li?l I, t u I:;.niS ej.on tl.c si-k, for ,, '.y t..:.t..::i Lttlc. if a: y, ftuta;a 1 i lii-ii i.o i propeiti.-s !.a:ev- y :., 1 Jii iu-e. I i:t.r uoil ji.iii.lui liia iiLtmert 1, I1..W1.1 the UM- 1 1 tl.i various cMrnct cf aparilia wi.ith ll i d ll .' market, until the , i:k1i i. j'.;iv d -p;..--.d, a:.d hij bcurre -. vi... v in. ' s ii. ii a: d cheat. Still ;!.. : i i . r:-.;; i.r. I;;,, nrd ii.tcr.d ..j ; .v h a ri:i.iiv : sl.aii re-iue tl.e tbe l..u.l ft 1 1 '.i iii v vl.iih rc.s . it. A d c ib.i.kv.i ! ,.ve ?n ui.d f.T '. .: z il viiti.. v.l :, ). are !m-i-t.l.le i : v ni:: ci l! " ill-. it is .Hi.-. Li i r.!' i to s i-ti.iir e'n.plrie ,: n :, : f. ::: t:.i y-'' ' ' :.!!' 'bei-U .il i. .i-.v tt-1; 1.1.1 riili 2 ij uurcliosa oa ri:::r ir.rn i v DC. J. . w i: u o. I.OWI.I.I . MASS. i'rii r, I per lioltic ; sia lloi'lca ror S3 Avct's Cherry Pectoral, m f-r s':eh a rrr-,,-n f-ir t';-1 fire of iv. : x..;.. tv . : ;;' !.t C.-:;.:..ii.t. that .- i- t i r '.. ut f r t'- r tiT.t the I ;-.,.. . t' ;rt :.-. t it vf i it i. lc. u tra .. . .- :t ii.. l ie ?'!' i: "i-.i.t use t '. -,i r - i -: . 'i n:'rc tliao : .. . ;:s. ti . ;. ut - t- ti:e t-t ;: , t : . .i I t , ' ii !,',iv l.f rtii'd fn W .o : : V.-.U niiv.:" it L.a ver Ucc luwid to tit Avct's Cathartic Pills, foe tt:e cci-.e or C ti -.'.'.r..., Jifii'tiif, Jii..:s,.iifj, Inilifjrtfioitf I . ,;.',..'. ,. X 1,.. , i.yOlt, lUdncAe, i ,'. -. . ' . ', j..-,. .; ,.;,.. i v.. i ( ii X'uniJrf. ..- 1 ', iii .-.', Trior. TumorsWHd ,..'! I, ?', tl.i... liol.r, Arurn'cirt, as 0 I '.inr i.-i "' tr Vunii;iny tht BiwtL '1;., nre 0 il. si. that the n,osl fen! tii - , t ,'ki- tl i iii I'ii ii-ajitlv. and tliry aie lhe t-i -t ; i' : t tlie oiiii for iUl U.c j,uriisea of a Ur..i. i,lo-iv. Plica 2j ctits per Tox; 1 Foxes for TICO. rir. ar til.::.! i rsofl 1. ririeen. rhvsi.iar..-. Statea ni. n .' ! !::. it pi w i..iL-es. KM 'leir n.o-.i - to ,- rl;: :i.e ur;.ar..U. led iM-Mres-of thest r v., .vs. i l l i ur si r,. i- here wiil not . :!, :l re i:: of ti.i m. ''lbe Avji-nts l,elo saMto- l .-h vi ;:i- ot r AMl.hli s .i.i.nai inh;.hthcy i. .- -ii,.,; :t; osi fi.'.i i!i-ihi;k.'( tfcet fin,: !:. i.t-. atnl Ihe trealn;ll.l tbat should be fcla I)..;..i le m: o:f bv iirp'-inripTed dealera aith oiior rations tt.ev n.ake mote rr;'nt on- 1 ,. i v; ::'s. .11. ii t'.-ic ro oil. rrs. Tl.e a.ek ii,; ihe U.-t aid there 's lor -.iicm, od the; shuuii ii. o. ii. .Mi .".r l;.t...-!ie. :.r r.-r .V t v :' Soi'd bv C W Schaffle and FS Caldwell I.rui.sburi ; C D Roush. New Berlin ; J D 9 lijst. M.Iiiinbutg; and all Druggists Lly764 1) IS. l4tlV Ii:rt K4TIVE, er luiiipciind Extra it of Julians Kesia, I. uni rvcei.-nti dfr tht? run of ?rmful and !1 rhrrBit ii c -ri; '.'is'afu cf Ih" I-iTtr, Kullifia antl B.kililrr Jaiiril.i-.-. I'rt y-r. Itri nrbitii-.t'lircnir I'cueb, Tlirpat vil ?j inn. if !! oi. rir-tit t'numptKD. ri;r-.lft 1 !.r ri uikI I()!!amJilory Kbt-uiunlu-ni, Co-ue Hbny M. k H. Hiin. bi-. l'T-rl-i, liziinffii, rrrni. Ar?rrirW htoLi- ro!uiu? rrf Em d-J Kyrlid.( hronntii" i!u!nr J il.irc-mrnl. Vvhit wfJlinf. Id aotl chltnilt I n't r., li rcurial I Irfrauu Kructioim Ntle. wrI!iBf ol' ll..' !iti', Lui u, tfttir.p Vii rri Of Ihf tm r..aEl I I. M .lifZiiant fititft if yraih. Tirfu, II. M at t.ii'1 it l alate. It-tit r, ltailrr'i llcb arnJ aii IH ;L vm of inr .Hiv, dJ ail am-? ari.iin ircm id r li i t MTt 1 1 hie uLvtiiD, whcLLttr hcntliurv. actjuiivA ' tr 'i ntr.ii t I. i Tlo- ur' ut ;-f rularitT wliicL thi!iDa!n3Hm' fr" j attrunui i oiiu; to itiitilrii.ri-n;-rii. oi l li"- '1 . .f:t r in. t. r. It ii un.-i 1 MKir i thr- r.lir it tin- fouiitrT. fcaTing iin!w.: jr. -.nJrrful , A I.TKK ATI LAM Ct KATI H fftT in tbr rwn : thritaic UiM.--c. no not faoitatv ti mrttBcnvl iaa I T U VL1 t AD ftLHIil t " , vr.-e. 4V2 Rjlcv MiVel, here It Iwf ,D, tt J i d nil ii.fa . . tali at Itf Vrot and prorarf Cirruar? cfBlainLlf l-iec uaab vi Xhv Baut rein-Iat rTuJenct. i i.Risirixs. I Tlie rditor ef th. Vi -V, s; ' lem... iu ia,r .1 Ji.ioi.o. -W. 1-. .'. o ao nnt IT. Hunt Dri-mmim, alinh cur.d l.m cl k.-jnri- Ur. IiAVIS' I.KPl RATlll.-i- c' 1 j" "J.'if I ef e. nun- iLiinc to. ur re.l. the a- 1 1""' ? : tamra. alul ooMrums. wkirh may l 'l ! ' , 1 m-I iu rur c.:i.n,i... llaa.OiT. I. .r. " , !, inr m.d 1. i.n.i il to I i.aily I" " ' 1 r,.r..l,.-, .r l'r.r; . la.-. f"" 1 lnaa.lnaxv.aail comni.Dd.iiK Itf DuraU" U olMra ; Ihua attiivted. niIElM4TIM. j Mi.iaiirlvlia. .r.-n.!-"'' I In fanuarr. is:,l. m, dai-hlrr. :l,-i. in ' ' ",'"''" u viar. ti. allaitod Willi Inlamati-rj "''I' "I., r ji inis ! aiui b sai.llrn. ai.a she . .wa m rxi-iuu .ltp '.in lor llirM-, i-r bi, le l a i-h.-irian. ho niiliauril t.. atti-rj t. T :. "J I .mi !.,. in. r.t. lirttica much Ji.-ii.urni.i-ii. I '' U. irv 1-r. Mi-..' '..r.-tov; Ik- tir I. it- fTJT ! m a .1. ciled jhanaa St lhe tMlfr. eha "''"'Jl-JI. nmllniK. d.r Mian umt and il .lT.-v-teil a l'r'' J 4 ha r. main. .1 lrrai f unit h.r tcaiui ,r aiuee, Hug r. U ',r,Mr''T,,oMr?OX. I io li llot.binsenfk i tiiro4T pim:am:. j Thislantrrl.wnfiiinasr.. imlu.liag l " ' !fl t r,. Ilr. i.rhial Irritat i-ns. 1.-- " " " ' dPr. I h.llv tr.t.J I, thf oar ol Ur I-..I. i.;nr.n ar I l a, i ll,r.t A fikalien. l.r.J th l. .lnil ' rirrvlf cure allv r l.,i-e evntinunl sulti nn : T .-ir: ,t..'m", . Mi ut tirlrann. I wa attarai-il ,,ri ".b, I th It.roi.t. a hi. h ni.. raiiualif. tol ". rj I I .l.l U.r ri anil ne.nn ' (nth ,a i:i-trr,.ii,. an i.,niaiiii-ii with 1. r of S 'r Tb ! .alrut that I cnhl D. I arak al. rr a . 1 .al I ci iilinu.Ht trttiuir "'r-",,V? .iih.rvo-- . ,l,r ll.r ,.,o. al if f.,ur .lilVrrai , B.1-. mii.e al.nm.a at nv n nditu n. I "W ,,rr, 1 ii I bilaUrli I la nr4 n.taM..t . "k-rfc . rT in the 1 ihe intrrivli"..i. ,...., - - ,til. r l,,.r.iiv,;.ri h, lhe ..'" irrlf rennrii. 11 ilh l. l inn -i 1 - ---- u,,a rurrd. an.l h-.r r,m.i. -ell. H K .e - -m: kIIakitW file" '. . JolTVITI, -r, tin Dl'!S'ATI M Mi. a . Jvefal. . T I". t I l'l" I li Al loN -Mold ac., rj. . ! ,.'nc.e.if.-crUuU,ualliaai.dll- I "''-' a n.vrKiCO" 1 l". I'a'I on lhe A cents. J. B I, . .I.n-.-. :.d -"Jr rir'u':.-" amies v.nie. .n i--t !- r-'"' .hllvllo. I1'HI"""1"' S