Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, November 18, 1859, Image 2

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    O. Si, WGEDi-JX J. R. COBKLUb'S.
rfrruUiion uinv Nt-w.it.is,Tir in tmuD Couuiy. I
Freciii.n, national; Slavery, srciional!:
Not nuj'lirr Inch or sime Territory bj F.ittnsloii,
Piirrliiise, or Cntiittsl.
The ViVr r'. ii-t w i'l t lie two t"ft 'inj t'rinrlj.",-),
bifp.r ttir c.tiiilr,. Iiiotl lli.y re Tl'-tiriiU': inil wo
li.nl lli-m l' o.ir ui-th"l. th, tv to tt.i.,1 uuio lltr-v
la trim i; h al v. ttt NKt:..nal C'ii ilel at tta-h-
lu.-lttU I ' ri'.- M. e ,V J-iut.l'.
Thanlvst'Ving ProcIimaUan,
Fiii-low OiTizess: The b'essinys vouch
safed bv a kind Providence through the past
year, detain. I our grateful r." co:;tii1oii, an 1
taiin rail hr tue sacrifice cf tuaiil.M'ivin
au-1 prai"'. L'liii'-r ihe protection ft a jjov-eliiiii-.'nt
ii..tt secures to all. ejoa! r;'.'hls, we
have purULol. unno!N'e.l, the various :,vora
titnie of lue, 'iih move liiaT uu;il prosperiiy.
The ear h, uiui t th? lattnis oi ih hub imi
rnen, has yielde.i her increase, an-i i nr barn-.
id so-re hoHses are crow-Jed wi'h ihe fruiis
Id' the harvest. We have not only been pre- :
ene l Iron', the ravages ol the pe.-tilener, !mt
Ihe past has been a year distinguished for
liealih in ourlart;e cines and tbroiihout all
.ar rural districts. Onr country has been
presrrcd in prace. Oar homes have been
Ihe abodes ol irai'niliiy, and blessings innu- '
W"ralde have chiered around our domestic '
heirihs. Inr vinous schools end se:::inar.e:.
v( learaini are iitfusini; throuuhuot our n
mnn.tya higher intelligeiiceand imparling
lo our youin noule aspirations. J he uishm. ;
lions uf our holy religion are well sustained ;
mid quiier its" pure and senial ii.iluer.ee the .
spir.t of unity and love, the earnest of vet Let
ter davs, is most hapilv devch ped. 'J'o (io,l,
ihe preal and the pood, we are indebted for .
all and to hiu. let praise be reuJertd. i
With these sentiments, and in accordance :
Drith the known wishes of many of my fellow .
citizens, I, Wit-Mi F. lAeKEH, Governor of
Ihe Common wealth of Pennsylvania, do here-'
liy appoint Tliurntui, the tiDtntn-fmrth dninf ;
Kurrmkrr nut, as a day of General Thanks- !
giving and Praise to Ainnhty G.nl, and rec-'
mnmend to all our people lo lay eside on that i
day, their customary worldly business as-;
ftemble in their respective places of worship, !
and unite in praisin God for His excellent
greatness and lovine; kindness towurd lis
eeeehin? his gracious forgiveness, and the i
continuance of his oodncs5. (
Given under my Hand and ihe Greal Seal t
of Ihe State, at Harrisburs. this fourteenth j
day of October, in the yearof our Lord, 159, 1
and of the Conuuonwealih the lih.
W.Vl t. HII.UCK,
By the Governor: Wm. M. Hustle, Sec
retary of ihe Common wealth.
Tuanks-givisis. The i!4ili of Novcm- j
her has been designated as a day of thinks- 1
Kiviug in the followirjg Status, twenty
five hi all : 1
Maiue, New Hampshire, Yermnnt, Mas
sachusetts, Rhode Isl-ind. Connecticut,
V'.. V.lr V Ts,.,- i..,...-..t :.
Delaware, MaMland, Alabama, North Car-
olina, South Carolina, Mississippi, Ken
tucky, Tennessee, Michigan, Indiana, Ilii
rni.s, Wisconsin, Miuuesota, luira, and in
Bf5. We have ere announccuicntof the 1
various public services of Thauksoivio.
day Thursday of mxt ire,- but suj p ise j
others will be stated, onSabbath, from the
pulpits, in all our Towns at least. There
is, as yet, less attention paid tj the Day, 1
in some of the Townships of our eonu'ry.
The observance is yearly increasing and
wo beg our farming frieuds nbo da not
heed it themselves, yet ti) arrange their ,
business and social affairs su a bet to :
accommodate those who desire to devele
that day to home and religious etijoymctit.
Tell or remind all iour urljhbtirt that :
nl laursdaj Is Ihe Na'.liina! Tliaiikstflvlni; ! j
Aluoin.vLD. The Court of Jefferson
Co., Va., has adj lurned, after scntenciog
Coppic, Cook, Crecn and Copelatnl to be '
hung outside of the Jail wads Friday
Ihe 10th Dec. Appeals were taken, but
probably will be futile. j
The, trial of Harrison or Ilaxlilt U put
off until next Term. There seems to be
little or no proof agaiust hiai. '
What deep polii.e-al scheme is hid iu
the partial game to tutu Stevens over to
the General Government f ,r trial, is to be
discovered hereafter. It is to be hoped
he may Jive and be fairly tried.
Meanwhile, all Virginia is gctticg
taorc fussy, CJgety aud nervous than ever.
Ladies, strangers, have Lecn insulted
prisoners' lawyers are harassed visiters
are advised to leave reporters and attiats
ore warned eff aud even two venders cf
patent medicines,
'Irf-rt tretftnii Mrup, with kit it ill",
ArouDU u,eir fH,4'T9 'l llifir ri11,
have been denied the public "hospitality
of the "chivalrv" of the flaarisiiiiiff town I
0 ,
of Charlotte, of the "inccndiary"-namcd j
county of Jefferson, of the State whose !
i,ti ,i,i j
ruotto "JThus (downjvitb) Tyrauts ! j
SguThe'Kansas Utrahl oj ' Freedom is ;
quoted by the Buchanan press as proof of
Ihe Btorv recently trumped up that Old I
. , , . i' ;
Brown ruthlessly murdered five men id I
Kansas before his sons wcro killed. Kow j ,ra" maj0 " actively Anti-oiavery, ue
Ihis "Ilcrald" is a professed Free State cau3e Slavery is and must be oppressive
paper, but is really a spy and a tta-tor ' ,nJ Moody. To accuse such a man of
professing to be on our side that it might MioK in ,be dcad!y wolk l Harper's
do us the more injury. There, it is repu-! Ferry to know that bis couGdcoce had
dialed by our party 1 ojxny tupporkd bee0 "bused by old L'rown and then to
t-v the Otfict-llMtrt under Iiarhman
and sustains, at election, notorious Uordcr '
Human Pro-Slavery Democrats! A pretty
"Republican" paper, that I
It appears that Drown is not and never i
was a Republican, but that is no reason
why be should be belied. He aseeris he
killed none but in fair fight, and we are j
inclined to believe Lint. Rcdpatb and j
others say it can be proved that l'rown ',
waa fifty miles from tho fatal spot Who
killed the men, and for what, is unknown.
It is erj bandy to ebarge it to "Urown;"
and any monstrous falsehoods the Lokeys
may want to invent for tho next dozen
tears they will pretend they " found it in
old Brown'i saddle-bags ! 1"
III. Senator Douglas has been serious
ly ill, at Washington eity, for a week past,
with tilliou, fem ofgout u ,le stomllcu
On Friday evening great fear was enter
tained tht his d;M9 wouU pre fu, .
but be is since rcporud convalescent.
Tlie NovcmbiT Elections,
t 1 1 1: n o i a n, A U N I T.
Th8 'C1J Erjwn" Gan.e a Failaro!!
If the I
iiix'i'arv lid not r.nnasc
Ihe llan.ei'.-s lYrrv lV.lv from first to
last, it is certain they seized t.witl,Lewi'6nrsio"th
auiij '" ' V, I distance, time nor expense, remaps me
; ill the then pending elections. lnt j lnust celllra ls via Harrisburg, Piitsburg.atid
")!tl I!:0 n' couldn't save them. In j ijjanano;,. 0:her routes are on the .North,
, New Jersey, Cll.kni.E3 S. OLDES liasj ja E1J)irai Dunkirk or Buffaloc, Cleveland
llliij. for Governor Over the best an(J Chicago; on the South, via the Baltimore
Hil l most popular Democrat ill the j g. 0hio Ruid. These connect at different
l:tle,v!iutipeiit more time and money ,.,jais jn their course, by incatis of intcrmcdi
to .irtiiil that oiliiM! th in any man has a.e rals, and also with other routes, thus giv
l'Ol'oro him. In Massachusetts, Gov. jn (ne traveler a choice of several.
llAXKS is re-tle-.'teil, by a larger vote ! St. Louis is situated on the right bank of
than ttll his opponents, mid the Lctlis-, the Mississippi. H miles below the entrance
ia'lli e is lai Lre!v IJcpuliIieatl. III New : of the Missouri river, 183 miles above the
York, hoth wintrs of the Democracy:
COtisjiiied with tllC KlIOVV NothillLTS :
and r-'KW AKD's licrsoiinl 1"CS, 011 half!
t! f,le Ticke l.tf 7 of the 8 cVtU '
. tali, llcKcl, ii ti. I vi i.io o iio.ii
llepuhhcan candidates O.'O chosen,
Mime l.v 125.1100 liltij., and the Iteptlb-
I "l....- . .' .'..w. t.l'tl.rt .Iml.wi !
York, hoth winirs of the Democracy
liealis have tw o to one cf the Judges
and l.o oi-l.itui e chosen. In W iscon -
sin, Gov. ltA.NU.w.L is re-elected, with
ilie whole Krpitldican IStaic Ticket
a. id l.eislatuie, l.y thf largest mtij.
ever iriven at ablate IHeetioii. And
; i'l Kansas, the Itepilhlican-S carried
tiio leiTitorial Io-i.sIaiuic, anu gave 1
Mr. r.untoTf o.dOO m.ij. as Dele-ate;
to Tuneless, liis opponent, a Ju le '
Jojinsoii. was sustained hy the Uorder :
Ittiliiatis, llio National Democracy and
the "Herald of Freedom. ' i
Thus have closed State Elections '
in all the Atlantic Free Stales ALL!
are IJcpubliean or Opposition, viz. :
(Indiana and Illinois, held no State
Election this vear.) These States can
mil proiialdy will elect the next I're
And it was iiit such an ava-
of victories in lt-ii'.l that :
l'avvJ tlie w:,-vlor H'Cva-iory oi .
in the Insane Asylum.
Cinior S.M1TII was last HCtk conveyed
from bis home in IVltrboraugh Utica.
lie hastheroem farmeily occupied byGov. !
Ndes, U.S.Jccator from Conniulicut, and j
npiires to be guarded with the utmost j
rigor to keep biin Lota ii'jjiitig Lituscif. I
This tuaialy is Lcrcditary Lis father, a
rich Iudian trader, having sutTLrC- fioni
melancholy; and Lis brother, the late
I'eter Sk -n Smith, of I'hilad , Laving
bctua pitab'e wrick, in his last years.,
from mental ditord . is. Geirit's friends !
have for some years noticed, iu bis singu- i
lar opinions atd pisi ins, variableness
and eccentricity. His running for (. ivir-'
uer iu New Ywk, !at ye-nr, was luJicrous.
A few months .since, lie paid for, as an ad
vertisement iu the Tiilunr, a very long
letter, p-irt of it replete with true Chris
tian principles and a part utterly at vaii-
etlcc with the very foundations of that re
l'gi.iu. His large business operations
management if bis immense property
have of late peculiarly embarrassed Li;u.
Not IctT since, his house was rubbed of,
money, and valuable papers mutilated.
The receipt of the s? intuliigence (de
signed as a political trick) that Gov. Wise
i bad demanded him, from Gov. Morgan, as
; a participant or guilty party in ihe Ilar
I por's Terry outbreak, was probably the
i last source of i'X'.-itrm"lit that completely
dethroned reason. His mind now dwells
most on that them", regarding Lis best
i friends as rlTicers, desiring to tear him
i away to Virginia, aud that ail medicines
are chiorof jrui to aid them in overpower
ing him.
There is not living a more generous nr
betler-hrarted man than Gi rrit Smith, and
few tuicu of better minds. We say this
i,w .l..,,t, ... ,.t .. ni;,!..l !
nl,uuu. vu.....-.., j '. jji...-.
or otuer opinions. All whoknow, admire I
an(i 10TC tbe man, even though they may !
. ' J .
aLhor bis sentiments. His persoual pop-
uJ'J elected bin, to Congress in a dis- j
trict wucro his party had not one fourth (
f ''lC votp- DJuD Jislikos violence
n l bliinil.hed mnre tli m he and this
aDi fioousnea more man ne . ana tuts
suppose he personally was to be delivered
UP t0 tue Sh?e 1ower. was to macb U
b'8 sensitive spirit to endure, and aeems
,0 LlT8 leea ,ue immediate occasion of
,Iie eclipse under which he now suffers, j
.- I I.I ' I. . 1 ,1 t '
uu n uieu vs el t 111:111 miuutu uiau uiu.- .
" 1
Ty-'y soon pass away,
. I
how over, is such that we fear he may never ,
be hiu.self again : but the grave will nev
er claim a-nubler victim.
Mil. Bates asd tiie Fbesipescy.
Hon. Edward Bates, of .Missouri, has come
out emphatically on the Republican side,
having published a document clearly defi
ning bis position. This brings Mr. Bates
within tbe ring of Presidential candidates
on the part of tbe Republicans.
Cixcixnati, Nov. 11. The Suspension
Bridgo over the Scioto river, at Ports
mouth, Ohio, fell to-day, killing two men
who were passing over it at the time.
Gas is Kasas Leavenworth City.
n..u, was to ie i-gnicu wnn gas, lor I
me ursitiuie, on the 1st ot November.
Cinr.Ton'l-e" of ib Star Ct re ilcla.
Sr. Locin, Mo. Nov. 3. 1859.
II iving been requested by mat y frie ids lo
writs them all about this great Cny of the
West, I have conclude! lo jot dou a few
items and ken! you fur all.
Ti.ere are several mutes by Railroad from
iis city, anJ so far as I can
i mouth of the Ohio, fits miles frum the f:il!s
mouth of the Ohio, SIS miles from the falls
of Si, Anth-ny, II8S. miles above New Or-
leans, and 15 miles below Jeirers-on City.the
Capital of the Slate of Missouri. The site
' .
rises from ,e over b, two plateaus ofhme.
stone rormatlon.tlielirst twenty and the .second
six iv feet above the fl ic.Is of the Mississippi
' sixty feet above the fl .c.is of the Jnssissippi
: rivir- The aiCP'" lhe firl r:a,"u is
uh it abrupt, the second r.ses more gradually
and spread, out an .xtensive plain or prairie.
This plain, west of the city, is not perfectly
lilt like some of the prairies of the west, but
r..:in.!. im.Tsnersed with little hill, rocere.l
Willi a native rou til of maple an I oiher forest
irees. The limestone is generally found so 1
fir as I hive examined in regular siramled
layers, "eneraliy trom twenty lo lilly teet be-
low thesur.'aoe. It is iiiuch lighter an.l more
easily tiroken than our Pennsylvania liaie
sione. 'J'lie soil in this region appears to lie
a rich clayey loam, similar in apperance to
the subsoil of ihe uoriliTii pari ol !. isliarir.
ilie present site ot tt;e t ny oi ft. Louis
a, .u. j,.,. ..j, ..,,
at,d for defence' against th
savage Indians !
who then held almost undisputed sway
lb s western country.
Probably, in selecting
tins ne.we irapner coii-ijerca principally ,
ness from the continence of the diderenl
rivers. Tune has confirmed his foresight in
this respect, but this is not ad: siluated, as
Si. Louis is, midway in the Valley of the Mis. !
sissippi, an 1 inidwaybelwcen the Alleiehenies !
and ihe Kocky Mountains, nearly in the 2eo- j
graphical centre ol oar preal country, there is
I no inland city which can lock forward Willi
so much confidence to the future as this,
j The population of St. Louis, in lStio, was
! about 15IU1, more than one half of whom were
- absent, a great part of the year, etiffafred in
trapping. Iu ISsO, the census shows the pop.
ulation to have been only 3.1 la ivhile U is
now estimated at nearly uHOjOO. .More anon.
I M.
1 O ic of the numerous soft patos with
which Virginia abounds, has offered a re
ward of So,(00 for the hea l of Hon. J. K.
GoidiPL-s. We hope the "patriotic'' indi
vidual vill go to Ashtabula, and ccdcavoi
to take it Li 111 self: there Wuu'J tc one fool
the less in Virginia.
l'nio:i ( oiiiily C'ouii I'rot laiiiatinn
iriii:i:i:.f, the n..n. as m .s.wilson,
f President Ju l;e for the 2l!ih Judicial
District of Pennsylvania, composed of Ihe
counties of l.'nton, Mitllin ami Snyder, and
Pin ei p KniL and J su W Si xiivtus 1'sqs., Asso
ciate Jadctes in l.'nion coitniy.have issued Iheir
precept, bcarinu date the lii h day of -Sept.
I.':, and to me directed, for ihe holdirit; of an
Orphans I 'onn, Conn ot Co mrnon Pleas, I Iyer
and Terminer, and General 1,-iaricr Sessions,
at LEW sj ((;, c,,r ii,e county of I'.MON,
on the third MONMAY of li:t .'!, (beins the
19 h d.iv) ts.'y. and to continue one week.
Notice is tiierefore h'-rcby civen to the C r
oner, Jiistic. s of the Peace and Constables 111
and f r the county of I "nu n. I i appear in their
men proper persons wilh Iheir records, iuiui
sitions, examinations and oih-r reniembrauees
to do those tilings ivlreii of their oliices and in
Iheir behalf appertain to be done ; and all Wit
nesses and other persons proserinim; in behalf
of the Coininonivealih against any person or
persons, are required to le then and there
a:t"ii din?, and not depart without leave at their
peril. Jar rs are requested to be punctual in
th .-ir attendance at the appointed tune agreea
ble to notice.
Givn under my hand and seal at the Pher
ifl's Odice :n Lewisbttr?, the 14th day of No
vember, in the year of our Lord one thousand
ei?ht hundred anil fifty-nine, and the eitihtv
seeonil vear 01 tne nvo'pcnaence 111 ine 1 nnea
Slates of America. God save the Common
wealth ! JOHN CHOS.sGKOVE.Shernt
Issue List for Dec. Term, Ibbd.
Reuben S'.eninger vs Aifred Kneass
P O Campbell et al vs 'Feed it Marr
David Steninger vs Wm II Marr
I. F Albright vs Adam Schrcck &c
Daniel KaiigltT vs John Lapp
SA: 1) U'eiilensaul Ir Shirk vs ChurrhAForrpy
Levi K Shoch, deed's admrs vs J Yearger
Paluur ind of Liun vs Wm l.eiser
same vs U others
Christian Bar. eh vs Daniel I.'ei.ntr
same same
John Kessler vs t!ediies, .Marh & Co
Abrain and J. hn Aurand vs ("has F SchalTIe
Giirge Meixel vs Leib A: Leib
John Miner A wife same
I-a ic K Dunkie vs Henry Ruhle
Daniel Reneler Jr vs Chamberlin & Stout
"e .MBSS(,r T! University
s, hit.ner l-s Jacob Klnss
Samuel II Orwig vs Henry W Crotzer
B vs l"k Sheckler
has S tlritz vs in U Shriner
saml L Beck vs Charles Sices
Jul,ni,' J;t;nn""sr"y
Thl; ,; 0rwj f(ir s 0ra.i; Ts J M C Ranck
Scots Presby'n Church vs John M'Call
Jacob Swartz vs Conrad Blind aud wife
M.c .,.ate Vi R s Brc ,)Sl
Thos Kaser's Admr's vs Amnions Sc. Kawn ,
Wm Frick & Co vs Wm Wolfe
Cyras Eaton vs S F & V S Bogenreif
David Glick vs Saml ts Barber
Daniel Gosh vs Ludwiy & ltanck and J R
l'hilip Ruhl vs Francis Wilson
Samuel B Pawling vs Samuel Showers et al
Mnldlcswarth Kerns &. Co vs Chs II Shriller
Frederick Wortnan vs Jacob Smith
John Wertz vs Peter Kevins et al
Samuel W Snodgrass vs Wm Young Jr
I'lsh for Gntelius' Admrs vs Geo Dreisbach
Abraham Black vs Andrew Spitler
I lieorge tsarkdoll vs II vv I'roizer
T church & Co vs Wm II Kleckuer
itimii.l l.nnv nnA vifi. v l..c.,V, W I.rV..,
- --,... .ssas,
llnhl n PnismlitA. ,rS U 1 UA I .. I
i- vumiiHiit;.. .a .-.in,, iinum lavil Ciai,
J & J Young vs Thos G Orwig
Charles Siees vs Saml I. Beck
Krrihni. A- P..b - s I k..l l'
Wm Price Jr vs Robi M Musser
North, Chase & North vs Joel Hursh
John Sankey vs Andrew Gutelius
Joseph Christine vs Beaver, tieddes M & Co
Dr Wm F Seebold vs Saml G Wilt
Lanson Burrows vs Chas D Mowrer
High for Dentler vs A Messinger with notice
Steninger & Raueh vs Black & Fisher
John Cawley vs Wm H Kleckner
Youngm. & Walter vs Noah Walter with no.
Mathias Singler vs A Nickel wilh no.
Reuben Keller vs Mathew Morton
It U Bowes for Steel vs John Locke
Levi Crnmley vs Wm Brown Jr et al
Ralph Ditty vs Henry Mason
Hart Cummings 4c vs H W Crotzer
James S Keen vs J A C Kleckner
Matilda Krick vs Martin D Reed
i S K Ilanm for Peacock et al vs Jno M Baum
1'eacock el al ind. of S It U
vs do
vs do
17nVinCharIcs O.dt. Henry tlibson
lwUb:trw. Joel Dieliiderler, Joseph Walker,
I'eter Nevius, Dyers Ammons, (ieofieed,
Ansstadi.Wm Brown. Joial Oirton
ilf.v vl rlt Halfpeuny. James Auhle, Mi
chael Sehnre. Hyroniuiua Halfpenny
W UuJfih'fliiUu U Urown, John Zellci,
8imuel Dunkie
Wut lliiJF-il Ueorje ILiurk, ('has Moll
iY'in r4iid'has lU-imtiaeh, H E Baus
Mijpinbtrgtn W Tbuinjisoa
LieiV-John l.ucas
Wtiitt Dter Jonas Fisher
rtiA i:itsi; junons
Wet Btitfikie John Klei kner, Dav KlecUner
John Laurence, Andrew Fosler
Ijwis Isaac Iteish, J tcob S)iifelmyer, Adain
tieiz, (ieorL'e P iiuhl, Jidin Ktih
iAWi-burg '1 no's tiraharn, Jao II Goodman,
Jno F Miller. Adam Heaver, J seph (ilass,
J :sse M Evans, II j (! Deniler.l.evi Lawshe,
Jos Gibson, W in ly J'ainier, Win W iUoii,
John Sidam, Jos A Krcamer, Win Moore,
Charles J'enny
Slittl nbtirz Hani Mans, Joseph Ferrey, Ber-
IV It i i 1 Lell, Joseph l.ilert, S Snodgr i'
aml Milz;r
, i.,r,,.(; Mtahl.Thos Clinsan, David Leiby.
'.,e--Vwu Hauek, Wm W l.indenniiiih,
' Sieaii.. J.isiah Kelly. Henry llau, k
y, (.rn-I):ivid Horlacher, Michl fpecht.
J ,tlWesi s )' ina r H
j ..Wsone Henry K .Sanders, fa ml I'clhn.iu
' ,,,, Toslmn k'narr .s.iinnel ',.rl. Mam nel
Hirtlfv Joshua Knarr. Sjtnacl Curl, Mamnel
Union !Jai id Gross Hai imau
0 th3 Heirs Oi William Ta?A
' .; l.s;. ..,-, ccu,yt , .. Vu (;,,.
' wulih f i'tmilraiiia.Vo Jane Tat;,wi low ol
1 sai l deceased ; ilii'h I). Tale, who resides in
I '"enlre County i M'llliain Tale, Uho resides ill
WilliainsSuig, Itlair county ; J unes L.Tale,
who resides in Biookville, Ji tfcrson county ,
s-'anui' I ('. 'fate, ulin resides in Hartley town
ship, I'mon copniv; Caihanne Tate, who
also resides in sai 1 Uardcy township : Lliz.v
b 'th. intermarried wiiii Mahlon Breyuian,uho
, resiilcs in Miilliriburs in said county ; Jafie,
j intermam"d with Abraham Klingin, who re-
sid-vs in l'ippelio-e Valley, Lyconiiiig coui.tv;
and Mary Ellen, intermarried with Levi Kline,
wh(, a.M, ,.,,,1,. in sxi v,ne.i..se Vallee
neirs anil lesal represeiitanves ol William
: T,ti I i:e ..I II ir:l..v i. . ,, s I, , r, I , ,
a,,.., i:r,;,.
I hereas hv an inonest for thnt nnrnnse
.1..1.. au.,r,i.i i, ,i. iirhan'. Conn i.i ihe
POMnlv aforesaid, the Heal Estate of the said
V ttnam i are was appraised as follows, to wi
The tract of improved land situate in Hart
ley township I'mon county containing one
hundred and forty acres more or less, ad
joining lands of John Keisii on the north,
lands of Jacob Spigelmver and others on Ihe
west, lands of David Fiilman and Abraham
Mover on Ihe south and land of Samuel
II oiipt Esq. on the east at $15.00 per acre
auiouiitin; lo ihe sum of -! 7.1.00.
The saw mil! tract, situate in said town
ship of Hartley and county of 1,'nion contain
ing one hundred and foriy acres, adjoining
t.iiuis mine heirs o: David Hayes Esq., dec d,
John Fill man, I-aac Bird, Samuel Arncy, Ell
as Ketherinan, John Keiherman and others, J
at the sum of ffi on per acre, amounting to'
Ihe sum of $310.00. I
And whereas none of the heirs of the said
deceased appeared in Court, on the return of
the said inquisition, to take the premises j
therein mentioned, at Ihe appraisement, you j
and every of you are hereby cited lu be and
appear at the licit General Orphan's Court, 1
lo be held at Lewisburj for the county of :
l.'nion on the 19th day of December next and j
accept the real estate at the valuation or show I
Cause why the Court shnll no. 1.crt. tho l Ol
same to be sold. By the Court.
Witness my hand and the seal of said .
Court, at Lewtbiir? the 5ih day of October
A V is..!l. SA MI EL KOLSII, Clerk.
Heal Estate at Sherirs Sale.
V virtue of sundry writs of Vend. Ex.
ev. Fa. issued out of Ihe Court of I'uiii-
, nion Pleas of L nion county and 10 me directed, !
will l e exposed to putlic sale or outcry, on i
the dates and at the places following, to wil :
, 11.. s;..i...i ,i, 111,1. .!.. ,.r v
. . Ul..iuu, uuj "V"
. yeiiiher next, al ihe public hot se of Jonas
1 isiier 111 ism.c icer lownsuip iu 1 nion)
' couniy, at 10 o clock A M,
ceriam tract oi
Unl Mtu.iie in the county aiul luwnNhip afore
said, boiiniled and dfcrittetl as lolluus: bf
ifinitri at a pl j:n tree on the U esi iifanch
ii' liie nver Suqiicti.inna liience by land of
Satauci an 1 Hopewell jrlepburn si'uth .6 de
crees utt perches to a post, thence north
- decrees cat Ub perches to a post, thence
south 75 degrees west lo a post, ttieuce south
ll'Z degrefs east 51 perches lo a post, thence
north i l j decrees t-at Ut'J$ perches lo the
aid Suqiiehaiina river, thence down the
said river to ihe place of beginning, coiitan.-
the above described tract now occupied by 1
William Walter containing 4'J acres more
or less, whereon are erected a one and a half
storey log house, a frame barn, and other out-
buildings, with the apputtenances.
No. 2 is the balance of the above whole
described tract, containing 113 acres more I
or less, whereon are erected a iwo storey
frame dwelling house, a bank barn, and oth
er outbuildings, with the appurtenances. j
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold
as the property of Ihmirl Ludwick now in j
Ihe hands of Robert Candor and Joel Ranck, I
Executors. Notice is hereby given to Wil- '
ham Walter, Jacob Leiserand Adam Schreck
and all other terre tenants of the land bound-1
ed and described above. j
Also, at ihe same lime and place, a certain !
Iwo storey brick dwelling house and store
room, situate ih While Deer township and
couniy of I'uion, bounded on Ihe east by the
public road, south and west by lands of Rob
ert Candor and Simonton, and north by land
of Robert Candor, &c, with the appurtenan-
j-a A th nh,n,rli, nf .ST. ,.... II '.....
Af , . r . , . !
0 On JlOllUay tlie otll day Ol He- j
... ,, at lhe Puh,,c h"use r W illiam
W olfe, in the boroogh of Hartleton, at 10 o'-
clock A M, by virtue of an order from the ,
couri, iwo oiner certain valuable tracts ol
limber land will be exposed lo public sale in j
lots to suit purchasers, situate in Hartley Tp. j
uu.iuuui) oi union, iu wn :
une tract cauea -icoss s fancy," contain-
mg 154 acres more or less, described as fol-,
lows: adjoining Morlica Linton on one side
and V hitman's land and the mountain on the
other sides. !
No. S tract contains 211 acres more or ;
less, described as follows: beginning at a
stone heap on the line of land of Henry Miller .
and on the soulh side of William A Lloyd and I
north to a stone heap and thence to a pine
and land of Patrick Jlayes and land of Abra-
bam Witnier, Wagner and Montelius
I By a decr.e of the Courl, the above tract of , ' ,n.e, la,e Joa'han Ncsbil, dee'd, situate in I T -vl ' M F v . ,'vV t ' , '
! land will be sold in two tracts-first: Br.'Sh of Lewisburg. bounded on the j,R " Vrs re I (1. .K i'rnVP :
I No. 1 will be sold, bounded as follows: on ' P'P.T of Dr Wm. Hayes, on the ""V f t!r , , ' ' a
the north by land of James Black and others. ! s,"""' b' P'"e alley, on the wesl by lotol Wm. eook . , ve ns . K , ,', 'v " .-
on Ihe west and south by land claimed by Ja- 1 'oncs' k"q., and on the North by Market St.. , "' 'i' " VarrV, ,, "KV ' ' " ''
...i. i :. i u. . e.. .u ..... .e i numbered in ihe crnoral ni.. ..f k i. i-ewisturg, .Larch II, a!. ;
in-; M'W sit-ura mill i"u iJtitiiCS more or less. . . ' ......s.v o., itioiicny rp i i. . ..i
Which two tracts are now bounded on the : Barrels will be offered,
soulh by lands of Daniel Strouse and Jacob Sale to be al Ihe public house of A. J Weid
Caldron, on lhe west by land now owned by , ensaul, in said borough, commencing at 1
John Ifoflmnn nn k nnrih l. I..J P ' ..! 1. m.
rick Hayes, and on the east by lands of Luke
Bird, Jesse Zimmerman and others. A small
' - ... y ioi.u oi , ai-
portion of the above described land is clear
ed, whereon are erected a log house, a log
barn and outbuildings, wilh the appurtenances.
As the properly of Juhn A. Loyd and Lcuita
. Jfouxe.
The above land will he sold on reasonable
terms. JOHN CROSSGROVE, Sherilt
Sheriff's Office, Lewisbug, Oct 25, 1859.
Auditor's Notice.
IN the Court of Common Pleas of Union
County, in Ihe matter of the assigned es
tate ot John Houghton Account of Jonathan
Wolfe.Assignee for lhe benefit of the creditors.
The Auditor appointed by the Court to dis
tribute the balance in the hands of said ac
countant, will meet the parlies interested, at
his office in Lewisburg, on Thursday lhe 1st
Iday of December, A l) , 1 859, al 10 o'clock.AM.
JOHN B. LINK, Auditor.
tl.VKl'Kl'6 a Cue ms or Intent by
I Ilarsb k Goiidtti-iu
B i . ,p p1t!,i,r, nfTKInn Pfi
1 a U19 liX t3.ie.t3rS 01 UIOfl 00
4 S inv time will soon emirr. I wish Col
Itctt-rs to bear in mind lliat my account
uiiii Ihe Mtate and County mut be setiied by
the 1st of Jan. ISBO, and I hope all Collectors
will have their aecouuis seitlrd by Jc. Court.
Bv rlerence to mv books, I have not yet re-
reived ouiie S-:niii)of the Coiinlv Tax. al-
though a one of my Rtntd friends insitiuaie
tne contrary. I have advanced fluOtl out of my I
o a'ii pocket to oblige friends that he! I Order '
ainst the County. I hope every Collector'
will pay aiteniion to tins reediest, so that the i
Jurors inav be paid in tf A at Dec. t.'ourt. A i
word to the wise is suliicient. j
II. V. MIKI.LIli:, Tr.-a. '
K. n. All taxes, (School, ll.-ad, I'oor, Ac.) ;
that ran not be collected and are to entered
against the ropeitv. must be done on it be
fore the 1st day nf Jan. ISSD as, alter that
tunc, the law prohibits it hein a lien.
j rT 4tt 4XXtt
' fj, illOZC AtlClll.
j f'tp"'! C tiwi.' vrTTnvrrn
CCKCfta Ihhf , Mil lv)., l..l,
' Ac., will l,e supplied to Die hunery people hy
ie sul sen- er, at his sl P Nor,i. Filih
i slre.-t. whre he carries on the IJat.henns
business, and will supntv all km. ,,r M.al
in i:s Mason. On Wednesday and Saturday
niorninrs. I,e will l,e fi ned at .Market in front
of .M'F.i l.liii's Hardware S-orcI Z"at low i lies
fir Cash exclusively. Calves warned lb-eves
and Siheep iiurthased as u-ual. 'J'i v ihe Xtr.v
U.I teller.
cunrxToriiKic ge.
I.ewi-burL', A us. ls. IMMy
OTICE is hereby eiven that the under -
signed Trustees will sell at public sale,
111 pursuance lo and by virtue ol an Act of,
Assembly approved the ISth day of April, A D '
1857, on rihLiy the 30!Ji day of Decern- '
ber, Isi.o. ,e jlrenuses 1a the borough of,
New Bcilui, t!ie j
r tt i
ujuii-jUJUSd, Ju.ll,
an I all oiherpublic buildings an I lands,sitna'e
111 sam oorough, tielonging to the county of,
I moil prior to the erection ol the new county I
out of part of CiJoii, cailed Snyder, bounded
and described as follows, viz : FIVE LOI S
adjoining each oiher, aud bojnded on Ihe
wesl by Vine street, north by Market street,
east l,y Plumb street, and souih by an alley,
whereon the Courl House and County Oliices
ate erected.
Also a certaia lot adioiiu'112 Flumb street
j on the can. Market street on the south, lot of ,
j John Seebold on the west, and an alley on the
i north, whereon the JAIL is erected. Said lot ,
1 will Le sold separate, together wall the apnur- 1
I ''ale 10 commence at 10 o'clock, A.M., of
said day, when and where the terms and con
ditions of sale wdi be made known by the un
dersigned, duly appointed by said act for that
Nov.ie.lSf!). JOHN V. BAKBER.
Sheriff Silo.
BY vitrue of an alias writ of Lev. Fa. is
sued out of the Court of Common Pleas
I nion county and to me di'ecfd. will be
exposed to Public Sale or Outcry.at Ihe Pub
lie Hou-e cf I. D Brewer, in Lewisburg, on
Monday the l'J;h Dec'r next, at 1 o'clock.P M,
1 ne loitowing tiesenhe.t Building and Lot 1
of Ground of George A Friek and John Lilly, I
to wit : a dwelling house of two storeys, hav-
nig a front of thirty-two feel anil a depth of J
thirty-two feet, with frame kitchen attached.
anJ ls snualtd on a certain lot or piece of
r."""d on South Smh street in the borough j
"' Lewisburg. adjoining lot of Wm Reiimver
" ",c anu 101 01 itin.noore on tne
south, with the appurtenances.
in execution and to be sold by
Seized, taken
SherifT Oir.rp. I.PttMji.trrr v i. n
, s.0, - . MS IC-IJ
P v a Ii I C SALE.
I)Y order of the Orphan's Courl of Fnion
) county, will be sold al Public Outcry, on
W ctliicsday, lllh or Oereiiiben
next, the large and commodious two-storey i
No. 47. The rronertv is NEARLY NEW i
and built in a giW, workmanlike manner, and ,
nf tuperinr materiuh ; and if wanted for a :
Public House, can be made suitable with a '
few alterations. I
Persons wishing to purchase can examine '
the premises by calling on ihe subscriber, or
on William Jones, Esq, adjoining ihe prem
ises. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M. of
said nay when condiliGns of sale will be made
Lewisburg, Nov. 8, 18o9
Re-Adjourned Assignees' Sale.
ON W ctlnexday, 21st Ueronhrr
next, will be exposed to nuhhr sale a
certain Lot of Ground on which is erected
Steam Flouring Mill,
aim -.ne appurtenances, Known as the property i
of Nesbil, Hayes St Fichlhorn, situate on
ater street, north of Market, in the borough
of Lewisburg in Union county.
Said Mill is buill of brick, four and a half
storeys high, having an Engine of forty horse j
power attached, a fine brick slack, six run of
stone, a double sel of Bolting Cloths, two
Smut Machines, and all other Gearine neces.
sary to make (and has made) as good Flour
as any other Mill in Ihe Siate.
The location of this Mill. rnnsi,l,;n .,.
productiveness of ihe country surroundin" it :
is not surpassed. Grain can be bought" as
cheap at ihis place, as any other point in the j
tate; and there is more grain raised in ihis
section of country than is necessary to supply
all Ihe Mills: and for Merchant Work this '
mill is especially recommended. I
Any person desirous of engaging in said'
business will do well to call and examine be-!
fore purchasing elsewhere,
& Also, between find .? 7nn p.... I
u UIMIK I . 11
Conditions made known on day nf sale.
. ti. L.A1KD ar. WM. JONES.
Assignees of Nob it, Htm 6t Fichthobs.
Lewisburg, Oct 12, 1859
rTHE subscriber will either HRI.I.
LdLi-RENT his House and Lot, situated on !
oulll I nirn street, opposite the Lutheran
church, Lewisburg. Possession given on the
first of October. For particulars, inquire of
Beaver, Kremer & M'Clure.nr Johnson Wails.
Sept. 16, 1859 ELISHA STRALB.
feel front by 1B7J deep. Enquire of
Beaver, Kremer & .V'Olure.
rpo all Diinj fumi Mt adTertioaunt of UammoB
ton LAniia.
rrrr..' 't he su!-eii!-ri Il'cr lo .1 lii-
ITT", j'are IJurU- Fi :ir! t S' '
; iJ-d -d M.ket ir ':, v..- :u ' -
- hfi. j.-Vrga the Waieroim, Oiine, and tio-
Aiacmuery a!iacl;n!--n o Ure ;n.i u i; I f
: Fain rns for I'aiei.t K.?V-, r A. i :.! :. r.-;
Macliii.rry.Si..v-N &. li i-i. : .. ....
of tiie best loeaitoi s ti r a : . .:,-a!e t u -.i.e-.
' Tne J'rojTietor's t.me is un y 1 ii.
another riiiiiloi ir.ei.t, li.-ti h ilie ia i.e
desires to djioe i
ills Fotil.
I V.
il -s
i. .
rlll F. resi,i,.lCP ,,f i,. sul -ei.! er.
f Market sirn-t in liie i
Leu isbuiif. 'rii" In use ci Ll.l
finished in evcrv r sj.icl.
Terms One lia to be pa: I 1
and the first day ol April i n;; ti
to he paid ih tv.o. ii:.eeor li.eT' at'
suit the Icav-r. JV-sscssii n i.-i. n :
---- - -- . . 1 .'.
. riMIXT derahe rr.fi.r,rr,f ,fs.
j Joiin and WimM r,rr.- : -Si ref
I Fiver l.ols. .... lo, i, a . ,
j Hott-e. Mied. and Wliaif. 'I'.. - ,. Bn , .......
I " loe.aiioii :,,r a K.vtr rc ;J i.e.- ..i f ....
June y, ,;s I.sA Ai; V. A I.
: ol business,
! For terms A e.. r.-.' -1 . to
JOXAT...W V.T.I.m, .j
Lewi-bur". Jiio- in. I -." i
. "
ii i ;
; n;
i h
i ia.AM.-s a i.
IlIsFs .vol I
I two laniioe .-i.e on ,. i : ;, L i.
one on St. John -ii1 ci, i-: s i
! i f the above II us-- ai- 1. i II. r.
i 7"Mso, t,,r sa e. I nr li.nl u-i?
j North Fn'tii street. JOHN Iio:.(.;i
Lewisljur,-, Ian. 2i!, Is: a.
I ... I s ,
P'' , r
"""a"' 'h'.'
Persons m i-!,,,. u.
r. J o a:!,
Ii :i
j them sncii ii.l. rinanoii as
July 5, !:,
G. M'liNAbl.i
S u-h F.lih sue,-, a prifi-itv -
roni.-iing i l a g ..ol t 1:1 me II n-. x 1 .
on a haif l.ot ' f er. iiiol. Tiiu.-o.-v. A; 1
10 May I', A i;. oi.vE
rpilE well kr.o-.ni Taw I II .v:iiu!S
I at the ta t ei.d i t the l.r-d,iin:ii;
liridire. in Chilli-quinine to-ai.-hp. til,
Co. It will be sold t n iv.-.-01 ., Me no 1,,..
Inquire of WII.i.iA.M 1 j;ic ,C.
Lewisburg, Dec. 17, IS.'im.
rpiEK TWO KOO.IIS . ceui.ie ! at pre-
I sent by Vahingi..n IL.trh n as a
saloon. They are sui.alie K,i I I ( )1 S.
For Terms apply lo
Jan S 7. Is.'.s. JOHN II. I.INN.
f-f TO I.I. S- The corner lo iis-.N. 1
J-ljeThird street, orrttpii d I v Lr. Mev lert
lHJlsoNS wi-Mis 10 Mtst-Ii-h Vr.rtif:,-ti.r: . in a i.. -.v
A Mini llimiin. !srr h-i.. l,-,n. . i li'.I, svt au
V frtiM'inriit f llif Itiimuii-L
S. ill- HI, ut.
A'AV. 'll (Ad:. An excellent s,
ver LEVEK W ATI II lor sale at
bargain must Incnire 1 f
A E. DKNllllMA N HIE, Lewtsbnr;
P I c
" Wi'"II jump Inlo ttiu VI :
LARGE, han Nome
and very eomf..ria
Ide ntMIV has been
ui.eo up lor ine especial acc, I " .d!o u i .
Pic-Nic and cthersiinilareiciir-ii ns. T. n,,
moderate. Appiy to Ji iS. M. HOI'sEL.
Lewisburg Jane:), ls.-o.
la v or i-1 c i : i: i : m o v j: i.
John B. Lirn.
TTOIt.MIT T I.llV-O.P,r at
. V his nouse on N. Market St. l et. It &
I. w isl:ni sr. Ia.
s.i.Mi s:ii u. our. u;.
Aitot llt t i:t I nil.
FFICE i n s. iiili Si con ; near Mai Lei M-
Lt: lsU ,(,-, ,-..
I 7AI! Professional B isu.ess ei.trusvd to
his care will be faithfully and promptly alien
ded to Si pi'. I 1, lf..,7
Tl'ST received ;
,) assoitinen! i.f
a Lira' a n I
V.I I U"
IKIDS a.l.ip'cl i..
season anl wants id the community, wh;i h
will be sold verv low. Call and s.-e.
SepT. !
Another Chance lor ( heap rictiire
m nm. i i rr.is win r- laKen at slttw-
R Y's Sky-Light Gallery, at reduced r.ites
! for a limited lime. Prices rnne-n;: In in fui
cents upwar.ls. ims reituction is r.ia.'e to
prepare for Ihe introduction of extensive im.
provemeHts. The reduced prices will not t e
continued long, therefore all desiriu- cheap
pictures should call immediately.
Lewisburg, Sept. I I, IS.V.I. '
THOS. ;. . HI lilt
TTAS rrceiv,J a splendid assortment
I l L ,l,e very best, cheapest and
, fashionable Jt-wt-lry in the market.
ill ol the very best
Stock comprises
BrriiNt rins,
4 b:iins
tar Rinsr.
I'inut-r King,
Mceie It ut ( oik.
which will be sold extremely low for Csn.
He respecllully asks the patronage ol a. I
his old customers; and also invites new ones
to give him a call before making their pur
chases. Call at the sign of lhe Big Wa'ch,
Market street, east ol Second. Dee. 2l,'5i
; Good Hals and Caps
Gheap Hals an.) Caps
A very large stock of Hals and Caps
Young Gem's styles Hats and Cap,
Boys' and Children's Hats and I aps
Now ready and for sale by GIBSON, lhe ouly
Halter in Lewisburg
I HEREBY notify all persons not to trust
or haroor my wile ElizuUth or daughter
Jlary Ltdia. as ihey have been mak ing inaiiv
"su.s ma, , Know nothing of, which I will not
r-J ""'ess compelled by law, and lunher I
""'I proceed according l, law against any
. person or persons who shall trus. ihem w,i
on. my unowieage or consent.
st BulTali e, OcU2, lt.vj.
NIC. "wi
n, ,'iinl ail ti.ke r
Alio! iter It t at Johnson's
C li. up L'oot k Shoo Store.
L'cot & Shoo Store.
c::zl? FOR CASH!
k of Jloo'.s anJSLoes next
:. i lo J. A J. Walls Store, Lewisbare
i ... I uud ihe cheapest Mock ttr
a. .:..s pla.-e.no mi-uke, falland,,.
; r yui-clves and save at least 15
i. '.
fnim $2 to $.1
' &. Ef js'fron, to 5
ti.sl.om oto75ct
L " 87c to a
; 1:1 our line cheaper than the
; ', ..fl: ' 's, fs' - es A Gaeers MADE
...i, cl the best material, and war
A l. r'.e stork cf home-made work
n s ,u laud, which will be lold
.'.:;';! neat the shertr.t notice
r,i . r. WM. JOiLsox. '
I i.'. 'i 4, 1KR:.
.1 I' r
!;! ' f ri'bks.SiationerT,
. . Jl ilV. Ti S", Cl),f,cil,"o.
Kn: I,
"tv of
ilK .NACKsfor
i.V. i:
li 1 1
' ':'A. ran le had at iht
' r !.; s Jr(; f.v
t CA.VLOS) anTTthTr
I ar K:r,;s eau be had
I ilsTjOI FIt E
'' uliry taken fa
1. t !,
ii-'i:s. Fis, batna tZi
r Sa'e at o,c
I t iT tFFK E
. -1.
r I.
.1 1
1 r G
l's of any i.ki
J !
er ifir
I. ..! e l. r: .saroHsorJk
l.-t...-rai.d....e I'AFER.Em..
J '-. R l:i,-. j .j. m,,
.. r.ii.ju:R & Co., '
wi-'urx' l lacirg Jlill,
e,' 1 1 1.-' n.Cy i,n hand and
''"' I iiil ins. Mtling,
Miu:t r. Iilii(ii,
Ii i. i.h it a,i patterns,
i -; : .. i:s c I V, od Werk nsed
'e sr lie'ed and promptly
v. .-ii j:, : ;) i.. ivc sattsiactien
ii..v lot , f i.umb-r of all
n 1 ..I. i !i r -.lie.
th : iv, , -,' (I, Ltu:itiurg,Pit
IK ;l
a :
til ,-: .1 s. M'fa.l lei.-s Hardware Sure,
Hardware Store,
hoe Stere, Marke-
1 ru i lioi..tons
-lli.l, I.. -.1 :-i ii,". i'j.
1 .;..- irn 7 i:s, mel . i ixo types,
u-iu, I
si p-nor style, in addition
I iiiii tow i( rartd 10 take
i, lai.e oi small, equal 10
!'l,;i- 1 ;jj .
-i i: -,, an vn I i re. Also. H AM O.
i l i 1 . 'i in j.u iurr arc cidorra lo rep
' 11 o'. ; i. ! ate Mip-ii, r to an oil rainnr.f.
; i iha: I i .' , v i i i xpn ssion and fraturct
. it t.-n i e p 1 1 ;i need fly by ihe Camera.
1 :'' "' i' . :iiie j atei.ted, and I have the
.. . ..w ,.(,, ,. r I i. ion foumv. Callanj
ex. in. me s;.,,. men-. Arrii SI, Is?9.
NtwCii ds (It the Million,
-Ut! I
Jli-t ICCetv
d the r general snpp'f
consists in part of lU
lal-le su !es of
r g ...
- The
.a I--.H. Ti..
.atesl i.i : v ld
A.aiitii s, i:ks. Eereces. "1 1.
s ii
e. GinstLanis. Punts of ail
'rns. !;,,!, .,lS. Laces. Bonnets,
loii.et 'J'uniniines, Hosiery,
v rs. Hauill.erehiefs, c.
iv- a i.envv assi rinitnl t-f Cloths Cas
Ci l i l ets, e.-t.rcs. Half Hose,
a: 1 all other rfescriptn tsif
i l : '.i.e Ii ggt iv." which can
' ! c 1 , aten iii this iceien.
ai.'l use a look at onr assoTtmeDt,
i le convinced that you can't do
liierc el-e. r?" Coiintrv Produce
.I. J stiiREYEK &. SON.
1 OR 5-ALE.
1; St Li I:n sl:ii nf the "Inn f.7,
Address Bl x I;,
May 27,
Ling i'. (I.
IN 'li.t: fl D MloIT The subscriber
I it , !.... y aiiiii'uin e to i he citizens o
l.ewisl-iirg :.:,; i :c naiv that they have feran'
i I'arti.ei -Il ;-, !le
Tailorins ruslncss,
at tbe tyeil I.i),, u-n stand 1 1 James Cnswe'lcs
-.i. i.ot s ic i. whcie th.y i.ie prepared to
Ci I AM) X.lht IJ'to.r er a ire very
be-t Mil,, Mci,- and Bus' t lulbinF
ev.ry dt-.ci.p-i, n on sh, n n, i:ce. We
a i'uaie e. i.e joiliic ( a i, i . i'c
J M I Ills WELL,
J. F. M llAKFtR.
Lewisburg, April t, ls.'n
rpAKi: NtiTICE ! Ti e ineier-igned are
.1 Oi pi iuied An I. - :, r the sale of
limits, Itliu.U .s, limlt aIi
of ail sies. made i t material.
Work Walianted. I i-" V, .
: v l..U.?l'K0tT,
iluehcsviiie, Pa. an,! ,. i -a ' iv
l.".i F s CAI.DVi EI.L.I.ewisbarf
Iol! SA, E, CllE.t
' nut imtt hutff, a
A I i
; ai::ci
I'l ililel s io
ui'l lot :s. Vc.
Wu Gniiiiatoiifcs.urcctries, ci Hon7
IHT hnn'reds of Hat'
and Cap' pl
1 ) la'e-l sivles.a little cheaper than fn
loiind elsew here. I'all and see thim at
C'U's 11,1 Jlii.-jirtvry, L.uUvJ-'
T c-ntTTJTrvr-O Si SCM
- t v
A V E r: eeived lheir.-I.rO- V ,
I sprineai.d Sumn er tf
. inn lis, .ia:iiii as, .! - r.,,,ra.
and a l."fe
Ladies' C. iiars at d
Sleeves lrcrfl
Al-o a seneial assorlll.enl ll -,.i.lB
Tr iiiiuin-.-s. Cuiti i.ades, lassinitrs
tthich will le soid cheap.
May 15. ISii.
. , ..rartid"
I'llt krl ltOKan.iu.u.. w
t thai kind on hand or to .''"'Hl.
I.e-islur; Ho.kn.'er.(H:-' ...
Brc" '
sti eel. next oo'r
1. r.rxi ooei "- - ,
l.EWIsblhl-. F-
su re.
tu; :-, , L-IUr ll -O t
; ...i.niri i S.O
. n ,1 . nsle i-
r "i r i
r- r ,
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iLi li-.i is. leiiiu
mielil li.J H-a-W"'"