u 1 hi: ft .Lit, .rt: Oi)cj of i'm gjing toei. r bet. a. asaairaa. 1 faivr mt answer, if you will r VI linlicr coest thou, litile rill I,f;tp.ti. laughing, uight aud day, I. ike a happy child al play ht?rr the parched tongue, Flowing there lh herln among Wilh a gurgling, babbling flow. Ever cheerful as you go ! " Thrnuzh the roe allow, field, and wood. On my timsiun doing good.' Bmy wanderer, ei"g s'iH. Now it I urn-, the heavy null, . yaw upon its bootn wide Fulling b:ats of commerce ridev First it spoke in murmurs low, lloini g.md f.r this I fl'iw." Now the deep, the rolling flood, Kcliues lou ler, -IK)ing good." In the pecan's trackless deep, lilc will its waters s-leepl No; on sunbeams rising high, t'lmtd borne, floats it on the sky, And, in raiu descending, yields Dlessings to the parched fields, Otergraa and flowers strewed. In ritls garnered, ooixa aooo. Thin, as erst, it speeds away, Snorts again like childhood gay, Eabbliug, singing as it should, On my mission, doing good. O that they, who, life-time long, Idle time, would catch its song. And, like it, become a flood, anh to bless by noiso coon I lloii Sat Lovritgne. Dosed kto Bof. When I were a boy, my )eg oot long er than John Wentworth's, dad fotched Iodic a worthless, mangy, Hca-littco, gray, eld foxhound, good for nutbia' tat to waller up what orter lined tie bowels or a brata. Well, I nat'rallv tak a distate to bim, and bad a sort o' bankeriu' artcr kurliu' bis foelios, an' discotuflttin' ut bim, every time dad's back were turned. Tbe dog sorter kep a big skcer a'lcrs afore bis eyes, and a oreful yell ready to pour ut tbe first mobbuo bo seed me make. So be larnt to swaller things as be run, and allers kep bis legs well oaJtr Lisfelf, far be didn't aevcr know bow boob be Biougbt want ts dm 'cm in lotto bis car cuss beyond tbe rearh or a 8jin' rock, lie know'd tbe wbii uv a rock in niosbun I well, and Le. never stopped to see who ! ' rr Bung ir, cut jisi iei his neaa ny open to i gin a bowl room to cam, and sot his legs I pwioe tbe way bis nose were pintiu'. He'd shy round every rock he seed in tbe road, for be looked upon it as a calamity to cam artcr bim some day. I tell you, George, tbat runniu' are tbe greatest in vensliun od yeartb, when used keerful. Wbar'd I a bio by tbis time, ef I badu't relied on tbese 'ere legs 7 D'ye tee 'em ? Don't tbey niiud you uv compasses made a purpose to divide a milo into quarters ? They'll do. Well, one day I tuk a pig's bladder, nigh onto tbe s'ze ut a duck's aig, filled with powder aad eorked with a pure of sputik, rolled it up in a tbin skulp ut meat, and sot the spunk afire, and flung it to him. He swallerud it at a j rk, and then sot to git tin away for doiu' it. I herd a ooisc like bustin' sumlbin, and bis tail lit a top uv my bat ; bis bead were away down tbe bill, and bed tuk a dead bold ontcr a root ; bis fore-legs was fifty feet up tbe road, a makia' runniu' mo sbuns ; and bis bind uns a straddil ut tbe feocc. Es fur tbe dog Lisself, cs a dog, I sever seed bin agin. Well, ibid flung five or six hundred on d r my shirt with the dried skin uv a lull's tail, and gin me tbe remainder next way with a wagon whip what be borred fruin a feller while be wur a walrin' bis horses; tbe wagoner got sorry fur mc,aDd sulk-red to me to turn my hoggin' and iqnallin' into fust-rate ruouin', which I eiui-ju'.ly did, and tb lat Lick missed abuut ten feet. Poor Pat. An Old School minister Las giveu tbe public a short chapter in the j'resbytcrian JlcralJ, showing how some good people pay tbe minister for bis servi ces, ile says : ul preached seven sermons at a certain church, spent four days from hone, sevea dollars for my horse, and my reward was tbe warmly expressed thanks of tbe people and whatever of good the sermon may have don. Two years later, I went by boat eae ban tired aad ifty Biles, to aid a good brother ; was Rone four days from borne, preached, as well as I could, four sermons, and paid five dollars for tbe priv ilege. A legal friend went and returned tbe same boat with me, made one fpecch of an hour and a half long, aud charged two hundred dollars for his time, jabor aud expenses. He asked me bow much I received for my services? I re plied, tbat I bad paid five dollars for tbe privilege ol leadcring the in. His ouly i Kplj was for he waa a wicked man Didnt you cum ike cc Injure you left them T ' The State of Mississippi a imraiacDt aoger from m carpenter named W'm. Landberg, who actually said, right before witnes, that "negroes had feelings as well as any bod; else." Thereupon, Jonathan Weathersbj, nigger owner, of Sanders Creek, prists half a column in tbe Missis ij.fwn, warning the South against this Iiigblful abolitionist! Is Philadelphia, according to tbe dire'e try, there are 595 Smiths, 412 Browns, 3J0 J ohnsons, 304 Joneses, 269 William- wa, 22 WiUons, and 17S Dayiscs. Of the Smiths, J0 rejoice in the Christian name of John, while of the Joneses there re 2C who are known by tbat excellent pnfix. Of the Johnsons, one half the num ber are colored. A tnin calling hirslf a "Deer" o icrtock to run against a horse in Lock Ha ven, but waa so beastly drunk that the horse beat the other "critter." Some of the Democracy who sneered shout "Heeding Kansas," rt Uhj Aotrf f 'j aluat llaron's irry. i UN1VEUSITY SCHOOLS. THE Fall Term, of 11 Weeks, will open on Thursday morning, Sept. 23. COLLEGE Tuition per Term - - 10.(10 Room rent and fuel - i-M y Library care repairs W ACADEMY Tuition - From $1 to;70 Care and repairs . - 45 FEM. INSTITUTE Tuilion.fron) $7 to 10.00 Repairs ... - 20 J. R. l.OOMIS, President Lewisbare. Aai. 18. 1859 $40.00 -i- TS for a full course in the Iron Citv I College, most extensively patronized and best organized Commercial bchool id lilt LIU ted States. Four Large Halls For Writing, Commercial Calculations, Book Keeping and Lectures. Usual lime to complete a full course, from 6 to 10 weeks. Every Student, upon gradua ting, is guaranteed to be competent to manage the Books of any Business, aad qualiied to earn a salary of from $500 to $.1000. Students enter at any time No Vacation Review at pleasure. Unit Premium fur Trtt Vritiny awarded this Institution. The best and grea lest variety of Penmanship in any one Hall e the Union, is fonnd here. IVMinisters Sons received at half price. For Circular and Specimens of Writing, and Embellished View of the College, inclose five letter stamps, and addiess 782 F. W. JENKINS, Pittsburgh. Pa. LEWISBURG ACADEMY. rr HE Fall Srsslon of this Institution will X commence Momhi, Sept. 19. IS59,locon tinue 13 weeks ; to be succeeded immediately by the Winter SrsMlon of the same li ngili. A short Vacation will be given daring the Holidays. All the Branches of a thoronsh Academic Course are langht, aad young men desirous of qoalifyiag themselves for Teaching, for en tering College, or for general business, will find it to their advantage to enter this school. The Bible is a Text Book. A large Class of Young Ladies is secured. TUITION per session of 13 weeks,including contingent expenses. rRTMART-ptiiiii.'riiin:. aritanwtie, llifr.. Ormni. ai'd C S. 1 1 if lory. I H apvam ko tiwu-tu uui.fj ' y'0 additional charges ; also, no deductions except for protracted sickness. 1 union pay ahle immediately upon the close or the ses simi. JOHN RANDOLPH, August 28, Principal. Book Binder7! fpllK subscriber having rtnltd the enure I Book Binding establhment of Worden & Cornelius and added to it his owa tools, is now prepared to . BIND OR RE -BIND Books, JIagazine?, I'auiiihlcts, Mnsic, Catalogues. Xcw.jia prrs,t c. either Full or Half-Bound, in various kinds of I.eithk or of Mi-Mx,and liutd with .Marble Paper of dilferent fiaures. id Bibles and otner uocks or rapers wnicn it is desired to preserve desir.ed to preserve as memorials in a family, can be made more secure by tne Min der's skill. , (Tj Blank Books, Bibles, Hymn and Praver Books, Pocket Books, Albums. Diaries. &c, Lcllrrrd with ;old in Wible and durable characters, to order. MUSIC PORTFOLIOS, &c, made to suit castomets. HTA good Bindery ha long been desired in this vicinity, and I therefore respectfully solicit the public patronage, trusting that my experience and attention to business will give saiisfactroo. I intend to charge moderate and uniform prices, on the " Live and Let Live" srineipfe and hope to ake it a permanent business. Prmhict nnrf S'ore Gnoih tolrn n pny. UiTRent and stock requiring money.I expect I'A V OA' DF.Ll VEK V of all work.jrj Bindery in Beaver's wooden block, N.Third street, four doors from Market street.r.ear the Chrunicle office. CHA'S J. STAHL. Lewisburg, April 1, 18S9 PENCIL SKETCHES, OR, Outlines cf Cha racier and Manners by MliSS KESLIK. One large 12xao. Tolume, cloih- Price $1.23. TTiiB highly inttrertin(tIumpft.l!i.rthT'Trt wi. f Ti.-fi rvt-r ifUtl frvm tba AtuvticaD ircs. Itcon- Mrn. Wa-hiniEtoa Tt-tt. Tbe rflifcrF. A wry or the 1 Wot ttr will. Knifijfrifl. Vrtrr Juoc. AskeUh from i Lift-. Trie nl.l Farm rffiuw. Mr. Smith. I'tirlv I'hllip. TKt Alhnm. Tlif $-tnf hint. Laurel It1. That i ntlrDii.n; or, Peneil- Jnl.nW i:obtTLfon.TbeTale HllIU 4D MnijIxjftXU. rf a Vent. tfortaM- vittnr. The Lm.il- IlulL Country Llcingf. The -TrtttUlL C"'tanr A 1ItIod ;OT, The Tkr Itt-d Uox ; or, Sfnef Muutniug fiuita. Ill tacneral W 3 ne. I ROMANCE 0F HISTORY, A8 exhibited in the Lives of Celebrated WOMEN of all ages and countries comprising remarkable examples of Female j courwEe.dMntercftedneM and aett-sacrlfce. By IlKNlia l.asisj.v une larp; yiuaiv 91.4. 7o eet before flic Women of America exami'le for imt- itation in tbe moxt tr tnz circumKtanceli. i tbe olject of tlii-t nimbly iitterettinK ltook. Let Uie readinc and aludy of ouch a work become common, and our wivra. Bjolkera, antara and daughter will 1m.4ho more renowned for reflation. Firtitu-tc, and aelf aarrifive, tbaa tba SparUn femalea were of old. Iery lily in lh land ahoali hare a copy of thi highly inureatins hook. J. S. COTTON & CO. Publisher, No.409.t,hesnut St. Tbrladelphia The Publishers will send either of the above popular Books by mail, free of postage, to any part of the toiled stales, upon receipt ot the pobcation price 7SD w4 LUM11I5R! LUMBER!! T HE subscribers have for sale fin lots to suit purchasers im larea slnflr nf r- PISE BOAItnS Panel Stuff riank. Ac. Also 5.000 PIM: RAILS. Sfi inch Sawed Shingles superior quality. Also Square Timber fr Baihlings s Which are offered low for cash, atonr Mills on e-outh Branch of the While Deer Creek in Hartley township or delivered on the Brush Valley Narrows roal at the end of our Road. IVA Diploma (or a superior sample of l lanks, and a Premium for Rails and fch mi les, were awarded as at the last Union Co.Ag. Fair. JOHN M'CALL& BliO'a. Iy773 Forest Hill P O, Union Co, Pa BUFFALO HOUSE. LEW1SBVKG, VMOS CO PA. ' la. D. BREWER, Proprietor. THIS House is the largest and most -spacious in Lewisburg. and situated op posite the Court House, on Ihe most elevated and pleasant part of the tow. The prorne- itor, who has recently parchasea of the late firm or Lawshe & ceroid, has spared neither pains nor expense in refitting and re-furnishing the Honse. CwPlease give him a call and judge for yourselves. July 1, 1858 DR. I. BRUGGE, HOntEOPATUIC FHisicnx, Jri W.Brou-n't ew Bik. Martel St, a (u-..Ma r.:-.o a si.:k,5 :iwiBtR0, UNION COUNTY STAR CITIZENS OF Daarille. Milton, Muney iM'Ewenaville Sunbury, N orlhumberiand, Selinsgrove, v.- p.ri.r, M,fflinhur.Hartleton. ami scores in Lewisburg. have bought their HATS and ; CAPS al CibBon'a Emporium oi ra&nwu within the past year.aa. are urging their friends to do likewise. Always a fine assort ment of latest styles on hand, very cheap, at einsovs HAT MANUFACTORY, LEWISBURG. WILLIAM MOVER, STONEWARE "tore"' Filbert Street, (aeu the SUbe Capitol turn Flour Mills,) Harrisburg, Fa. A foil assortment of Ware constantly on band. Ware made to order. For Price Lists address the Proprietor. Orders by Mail proanpily attended to Gm782 cat Market. Arrangements or the Year. JACOB G. BROWN, having supplied the I.ewishur? Market for the pastsix months, has made the following arrangements for the The best of Beef. Mutton, Veal and Pork can be had on Wednesday and Saturday mor nings of each week, at the Market House, on Market strett, between SchaBle's and Wolfe's, Lewisburg, Pa. His miuio is Quick Sales for Cash, aad Small Profits." Examine his meat. Ap. 15,'59. I. 8. STERNER, Agent. SECOND TEAR. FTER one year's trial, we are sattWied that a Hal Manufactory can be sustained in I cwivhnri,. we are now prepared with the largest and best selection of Spring Styles of HATS and CAPS ever brought to this mantel, such as fine Mole, Silk, Dress Hats, Drab, Beaver, Otter, High and Low Crown, Soft u.. f,ns ml Summer Hats of latest ,...i r,., sn,in and Summer wear, all of which will be sold at City Prices, for Cash. Oor motto shall be, "Quick Sales and Small Prfits,"of which the pi blic shall be the judges. Hats made to order at short notice. April 15, 18S9. JOS. GIBSON, Halter. New Hotel in Plifflinburg. frfs THE subscriber would respectfully in ii4form the Traveling Public everywhere, that he has laken and filled up the premises ol George Schoch, in the centre of MAIN ST. MIFFL-IXIIUKG, where he is prepared to accommodate strang ers and travelers men and beasts in the best manner, with Board and Lodging. Phase give me a call. Ap.1,'59 CHARLES CROTZER. HARRISBURG STONE-WARE. TITHIS Ware is clear of all poisonous mat I ttr. The glazing is made of common tail and eluy. Apple Butter or anything else may be kept in it w ith perfect 'uj'ty- There is no 1'Ol.s.jN in it ttitw if in common rt-tl KarttipD Wiire. .11(1 a4 Buttrr kerp much N-tO-r in thi material than in Earlurn-tt ar. It i burnt to a flint hMy, will not ht.-r.rh any part rr hat may be put into it, and it nut liable t freak or crack in uiin. 4Sld ty Morc-Kci-pcra in LW1S!11'1!Q and gene rally tltmushnnt Ihc Male. Uanulaclsri iltrtSt,ncar Ih" Steam Pkur Mill, llarnsl unc. VV.M. MOVER, Ciuib'i Proprietor CO i la C O A I. C O A la. rpHK subscriber keeps constantly on hand " a laiqe as.-nrtmeni of the very best Sha mi kin and Wiikes-Baire COAL, for lime ai d stove purposes, uhich he will sell al the very luttrst jnees fui Cash or Country Produce. Also, Muctsmilha' Coal, Plaster and Salt. Wish it distinctly understood, that I will not be undersold by any man. Having good weigh-scales, full weight will be given. Coal Yard near Weidensaul's hotel. GEOKfJE HOLSTEIX. I.ewisknr?, May 27,'M. FRENCH BIRR KILL STONE HANUFACTORY. The undersigned keens con stantly on hand French Burn of call sizes, and furnishes every ar ticle required bv the milling trade. Complete satisfaction guaranteed for every article sold. Millers who prefer the solid Burr, by giving 4 to 6 mouths' notice, can have their orders executed at Ihe quarries in France. Address YVM. H. KEl'NER. April I, I839ai6 Harruburg P.OPa BUY TfIB WABftSUTTA PRINTS- rriIEY are tlic Uest Calicoes yet of- JL fi-rcd to Iba Public for the money. Wholesale Aoests, DEFOREST, ARMSTRONG A CO, 6m783 Sew York. C hromatic Print In,?. HAVING purchased the right to use Kh iki'h process for Printing with Dry Colors, for Union Co. Pa., we are prepared to execute orders for CARDS, Show-Bills, &C. in tied, Getf. J9M, Jtravn. -Wrer, Diamond, or Gold colors, in good style, leat the Office of the "titar &. Chronicle," Lewisbarg. Jvr,lSi WORDEN k CORN EH US. STotice to Creditors. THE undersigned. Sequestrator of the State Fire St Insurance Company of Pennsyl vania, will meet at his office in Harrisburg on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, the I7th, 18th and lttth days of October next, the several creditors of the said Insurance Com pany, to receive proof of their claims against said Company. Those failing to present and prove their claims will not be entitled to any snare in tne assets. WM.C.A.LAWREXCE.Seqnestrator. Harrisburg, Sept. 15, 1859. 806w4. MONEY WANTED! THE undersigned wants One Thon ftand Dollars out of his Book Ac counts lo pay oil his debts. He owes, and is unpleasantly urged for payment. Those, therefore, who are in arrears to him for six months and over, will please settle accounts immediately; and those in arrears, under six months, will receive a reasonable discount on their aecounts for payment made within that time, t e" Better settle whilst yoa mny, and before being CAmpelkd.jiy Also N. B. All persons, hereafter, employing the professional services of the subscriber, will be called open to.setlle their bills punc tually at six months after attendance given. CHARGES MODERATE, and a reasonable amount of charily practice expected to be giv en where persons have the disposition, but not the means, to pay. Others, in their prac tice, may extrnd on unlimited credit ; but, for himself, he has, for the future, fixed on Ihe six Mosrns um, which will be strictly adhered lo in all eases. rjSuict attention giventobu!nes as for merly. - WM. I.E1SER, M. 1. Lewisburg, July 28, ltJ59m8 1?ARV Lands fnr sale, 21 miles from Philadelphia, by Railroad. In the Slate of New Jersey, toil among the best for ArrtrulturaJ purposes, beinf s good loam soil, with a clay bottom. The land ia a laree traet. 41. ei led Into small farms, and hnadrrds from all parts of Ike eoudtry are now settling and building. The crops produced are litrre and can be seen growing. The cll- mwts w nriicntluL, and seeare from Irate. Terms frim SIS ro ts per acre, navsbls within fnne vears he Inata. r-i-als. Tu ike place laee Vine Street Wharf at i hii.deiphia st . Vj a. M, by Ksiirosd for Haaimenton. or address K J. Hymes. bv letter. ll.mMK nl... rest Of- flee. Atlantic county. New Jcrtey a.i.... i . . ....... .. See full sdTeltiM- & LEWISBURG CimONICLE-STQy. 11 1859. SASH -and DOORS? Duxds and Siiutteks, Flooring, Siding, Framing, &c. Por Ml at the Drajr Ftnre of '. b. CALDWELL. Iwi.hurr, Oct 26 CO-PARTNEKSIIIP. rgj- The nndersisncd have as- ociaicu ineiuscivea iniu cu-paii-nershia for the purpose of carry ing on the Lumberine, I'laninz, and Carpentering business in all their various branches, at the cmiobnrg Steam planing fllills, where they intend to keep a stock of Pine, Hemlock, Walnut, Cherry, Poplar, Ash, Ma ple, and all kinds of Lumber, Flooring Shel ving, Siding, Shingles, Lrlh, Joits, Studding, Fencing, Pickets, Door and Window Frames, Doors, Shutters, Blinds, Sash, Mouldings, Brackets, Ac. Planing, Slitting, Scroll Saw ing, Ac, done at short notice and all work warranted to give satisfaction, both in I rice and workmanship. J. 1). DIEFFEXDERFER, MARTIN DREISBACH, BEYERS AMMON3. Lawiabnr riinlni Mills, April I, WM. $3,000 Wanted! JN pursuance of an act of the last Legisla ture of Pennsylvania, the Commissioners of Union county desire to Harrow money lo the above amount, in sums not less than tfilOO, the interest to be paid annually, and the principal within three vears. Inquire of H. P. SHE1.LER, Treasurer. Lewisburg, Pa., May , 1SS8. NOTA11Y PUBLIC. William Jones, ATTORNEY at Law.Colleclions jl promptly attended to. Olficeon Market street, opposite the Presbyterian chuich. 590 LEWISBURG, PA. Fruit and Ornamental Trees, fS The subscriber has on band a splendid -if collection of both Fruit and Ornamental TREES, Ac. Ac embracing the very best varieties of Apples, Pears, Peaches, Plums, Cherries, Apricots, Nec:iriues,Grapei,Goose berries, Raspberries, Currants, Strawberries, atso Large Horse Chestnut, European Monntain Ash, American Mountain Ash, Sugar Maple for street planting. Ever-blooming Rose, and a splendid collection of Bulbous and other Flowering Plants. rSTiursery Oroonds on the farm of Ja's F. Linn Esq. on the Turnpike, within half a mile of Lewisbur;. All orders will receive strict attention. C3Tcrmn inrariuhlti CASH. W ILSON I. LLN.. Lewisbursr, July 7, 1858. CLOVER HULLERS. fllllE subscriber is cugaged in the uiauuf- I acinic ot the Latest Improved HUNSECKER Clover H jllers, which he offers at very reasonable rates. There have been a large number of these Hullers sold in this neighborhood and county, and they give good satisfaction as the very best. Any person wi.-hing lo purchase a good machine. will call or apply by letter to C. P. EMERY, lyyiiS Laurelton P O, Union Co, Pa CABIMTWAIaERWl ATORTII 4th Street. The subscribe! L most respectfully informs the citizens ol Lewisburg and vicinity, that he has on hand and for sale a cheap hit of 1'I R.MTI UE, for the Spring trade, comprising Dressing and Common Lurcans, Sec retaries and Book Cases, Center, Card and Tier Tables, Dining and Breakfast Tables, Cupboards, Cot tage and other Bedsteads, Stands, Sofas, and Chairs of all kinds. COFFINS i411"00'0' short notice. The public are cordially invited to examine his work, as he is sure that they will be satis fied with his stock of Ware, and prices. SOLOMON YOUNG Lewisburg, Sept. 15, 1856 James F. Linn. J. Kerrill Linn. f F. & J. M. LINN, (J s Attorney at Law, LEWISBURG, 571 Union Connty, Penn'a. J. JltERUL LI NX Coaaisaiosu for ths Stats of lows, wiUi power to take Dfpopitlona.arknowledire Deeda.ae. Broom Handles and Curtain Rollers, UK OS Hick ok -8 Patent Maclilnery. WE have eompletcd arrangements for making- Rroritn Handles and CurUin Rollers In s manner and perflation hitherto unattainalde in the manufacture of thia artirle. and are prepared to supply Broom Makers, Window fhade Manufarturerv and Me, chants with any quantity of them at abort notice. They are made of the best I'anel gtutf. and in a aope rior manner, on new mschim-ry neeer btfore used. We also asake, on Newly Talented Machinery, the best H'ltexfen Bench and Hand Sxrext that have ever heen heiSre the pablie. Ats) -Orders promptly tilled. Address W. O. IIICKOK, HiKEiBVsn, Fa. 6mTaS Agent of ths Kayle Works. ABR'M E. BOWER, Watchmaker and Jeweler, second door above Third, on Market street LEWISBURG, Wonld respectfully inform the public that he has on hand a fine assortment of Cold and Silver Lever and Lepine Watches a good stock of Gold. Cameo and Masonic Breastpins .. f .V. - . ... la Onlil and fTtimert V arri n e c which he intends to sell verrchran-also ! a splendid assonmenlofEight-DayandThirty HourCLOCfi'and Time pieces. Every article warranted to be what it is sold for. The greatest care will be taken in RcpaN ring; and Cleaning of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, and everything warranted to give satisfaction. Please make him a call, and give him some trouble to show his Watches and Jewelry. July SI, 1858 CIockN.Watcbw en, and Jewelry, 4tn Uoor west ol uanK, . Also, particular attention paid to HE 1'AIKINU of all kinds. I have also the agency for the sale of the celebrated Coal Oil l.auipx, wmcn will recommend inewjseives to , everv one. Call and see. Scpi.9.1HS8 A E mOnMAKDIK Aartlni aa reaiailstlaa Bonse In lewbbarg. Ifga- Auctioneer I F.A.DonehOTC'er having been appointed sole Auctioneer lor Lewisburg, is prepared to attend te an calls in his ltae in town and country. Commission Sales. In April next, I intend to open on Marke street a Room for the reception, and the sale at staled times, of all kinds nf Goods at Auc tion. Any one wishing to dispose of any arti cle can deposit it with me and Twill sell it at , the best advantage 1 can and charge a per I . " rcr cenia1 for the same Teb. I, 1859 F A DONEHOWER Insurance. GET 1NSUHEU! West Branch In-uranre Company.) l'K HAt fc.N, I'A. S nON'. C. G. HARVEY, Proidmt, 1. XV. CHAPM ., SeerrtoT'i. This company, on entering upon the filth year of their busiuess, submit ihe following statement of their assets aud business to the public. Whole amount of Risks 53,800,000 Asvtn. IVtnn and nvrtraees second ly first Uea Cai.li on hanj In hao.la lijr Art-nta &ola rt-ceivi-il tr I'rcmiums on lonj terms Bud iu lures Total f.Fa paid daring1 Isrt yenr l'sid diiitli-oils and ca'mBita-ioni This Company continues to injure every de.ription of properly, surh as buildings, goods, merchandize, Ac, ajainst loss or dam age of Fire, and for any lime limited or per petual. We wonld call the particular attention o owners of valnable stock, lo the department of Lice Stock Insurance. Horses, Cattle and Mules Insured against loss by death, from either natural or accidental causes. Also Insurance on the Health of laditiduak for the term of one year, at modearte rates. JAMES II. HAMLIN, Agent. Lewisburg. Oct 20, 1859. LIFE INSURANCE. TBS GTRAlin I.IFK IXSrRAXCK, AXXHTT ASD IKIST lOMl-AXf, J JJllAI'tLl lllA, 1110?. ItlUUWAY, President. J.0. F.JA51 W, Actuary. Capital :pH up) t3O0,O0tt- hartrr perpetual, CONTINUE to make INSURANCE ON LIVES on Ihe most reasonable terms. The capital being paid np and invested to gether with a large and constantly increasing reserved fund, oilers a perfect security to the one insured. The premiums mnst be paid yearly, half yearly, or quarterly. The following are a few examples from ibe Register : Iinn.onu I 800.1)00 f t:!0.."JW I SS.iHal U.Mt l.tm'int JUf jfaml Xo.of .Vm tltmor Itonvt.btincrratd ilai.y. Inmrrd. Atiilitumt. I!t future mtttUlymt. As. ' $-' I 11- dO yM2 M ;aM I v7S 3.j7! 00 1W l.niO v.lb 50 l.S-ii .D 3.13 SUM. 1MH f;M 00 CiThe undersigned is Agent for the Com pany in Union county. Pa., through whom ap plications for Insurance can be made. To mechanics and business men generally, desi ring lo effect Insurance on their lives.it of fers inducements not equalled by any other company in the United Slates. Tao. H. Wilsd. M.D., Eiamming Physician S. H.OKWIfi, Agent, Lewisburg. Pa ConiDionwealihIn.BranfeCo.,IIarribl)'g (IHKT1I.K1) I '.triT.lL, :;OO.flO0. riHE subscriber is appointed agent for I this well eslablished Company, which nares Buildings and other property against loss or damage by fire, perils of inland navi gation, transportation, A.c.,on most laverable terms. J-rtMnit- Cen WVWf.tvr JTfl.V. Vwfi'rn.Bt.XJ. l AHhK. t.q. Sm-nurtts. S. l AKnn. rm MMI J. 13. M LAI UliUN, Agent. Lewisburg, Feb. I, 1S-VJ m6 American Life Insurance & Trnst Ct., (Capi'al Slock $300,000) COMPANY'S BuiidingF.Walnut sireet,S E corner of Fourth Fhiladtlphia. U? "Lives insured at ihe usual Mutual rales or at Jt.iat Stork rates about So per cent, less or at Total Abstinence rates the lowest in the world. A. WH1LLUIN, President John C. Sims. Sec. 747 CEO. F. MILLER, Agent, Lewisburg AT A J1AKGA1N! The subscriber has on hand for sale '1 tin Xrw HucsiOK. which he offer at a barsain for Cash or will Exchange for a good HOJE. Call soon of you will miss iu B. F. HIRsH, at ItnrFh k li.KHlsaan'e store, or if absent, inquire of W.H.Ritlcr, at Wm. Brown, Jr.'s store. Lewisburg, Feb. 15 NOTICE. TO ihe Citizens of Lewisburg and vicinity I:. L. Hi nea has removed his Barber Shop from ilie Riviere House to Market street, basement of Widow Amen' building, one door above the Post Ollice. Thankful for all p ast favors, he hopes to merit a continuance of the public patronage. n. n. To all who tarry here till their beards crow long To s't a pleasant ahaee. riod as tarber ever gave. Just rail on llists at liia eulnon. t nay morn, ere eraoon, Towels clean, razors aharp aud scissors keen. Lewisburg, April 1, 185S. E. L. HINES. rriIE subscriber con- J tinnes to carry on the I.ivrry ItusilneNS) at the Old Stand on South Third street, near Market, and respectfull) solicits Ihe patronage of his friends and tht public generally. CHARLES F.UESS. Lewisburg, May 22, 1850 C. W. SCHAFFLE'S WHOLESALE and RETAIL Drug and Chemical Emporium Market Street - Lewisburg, Pa. James B. Hamlin, A TTORNEY at LAW, XL Cw-Office on Second St. west side, 2nd door south of Market, lAtw iMburfr, 6mS9J L'nion Co. Pa. WINFIELD FACTORY! tour Uarlleton, l'nion Co., Pa. THE subscriber, thankful for past patronage, would inform his friends and the public in gene ral, that he continues to manufac ture all kinds of Woolen CJoods, such as Cloths, Casstmeres. Tweeiis, Sattinetts, Jeans, Blankets and Flannels; also. Carpet and Stocking Yarns. His machinery being of the bfst kind se, and having employed the best of workmen, he feels sale in saying that his work shall not be surpassed by any establishment in the ronnlry. A good sup ply of iht above goods kept constantly on hand for sale or to exchange for wool, at prices that can not fail to please. WOOL will be Carded in the best manner and on the shortest notice. Terms for carding, cash on the de livery of Ihe rolls. MARK HALFPENNY. Winfield Mills, March 30, 1857. THOMAS G. CRIER, (successor to J.L.Tonia) Watchmaker and Jeweller, Located two doors east of the stand rrcentli occupied bv Mr. Voder LtWlcBCKU, t'a. Clock, Watches, Ac, repaired on shot! notice and warranted to give satisfaction, ft?" An eicellent assorlment of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry cn hand Cheap for Cash. GILT FRAMES of all sizes madt lo order Lewisburg, April 29, 1853 J. SCHREYER fc SON A RE opening, direct from M'Callum It il. Co.'s Carpet Manufactory, Glen Echo ills, Geunantown, Pa., one of the prettiest and best assortments of Carpets ever bro'l to i-ewiscurg, sucn at JViree J'jf, JTcmp Tenitian, Sup. Ingrain, Manilla Mats, I ii ion do., Cocoa do., 4-4 TieHlcJ. Knitta. 4-4 Oil Cloth, ao. do., Jo. tfo.9 tint a a.. Philadelphia. Evans & Watson's t-i.-r- ftltfeS. Nu'J04 Chestnut St. J'hiUtihfyhia. AXoriiKR TKtrxrnt To the PrIit of tit Iron-ylni Atfri-iltirl FrWty : Th puarrltt your n.ainiu- to rwniM th.M.nti-nt.f.ra a la ill .-tBd.fr HufM.vf fcf n U atMB, ftir Mi. tiH'J ti. ft utronjc If on tlvt tlx Urouoii H-rv-iht boom, rr-p-rlfully rr-nt Thai fttUr vs C4rtl -f omW wl nil thmt f piom htvl br-o rou-iima ftroand Umi 1",it op-UT.l In th- i-rv-wnf . f lit ciiumittr. ml - rnWDts &! out. ft liul wirmr.1. Hut not b )-. 1. ttf-vsral ?iJ-r Mf-J-Is h-rtfore r-c-i?ri by lb ms nhrtiirvrft, and Urxtt .jui.uty of U.-ruoi' iiU mvrw in It Sfv, nl ram out fiilirrljr ntiinjurnl Til ni-frimrBt iti-nMi u of tli eaparfty of Sif- I of ihi. hind to protect cuBlaau mm ujf -few wuica v Bllty am rfmtr-M. Ib UimnutUw awarded a Iiplm!i an- ?i!TrMl:il. ll.MI. W. hiuxhlty J. I'. Ki TintKr-fHD, ALthtlH.iilLLLJ. srrr.K a sour Fit. Wiurnr-TTn. I-l., ti-i,t. 17, l8jMeMrf!. Etass k WATMi,l'hiIadc;lt:a. Otnthmtn ; The. .iUmnIer Fir-Pr''"f Safe of yror raauutsf iurf, fur h'iMtl ty up tri m ur A.'mt, JVrria ft tJnrrt-tt.ol Our ritv, ik.ii. uuir ncnttu aoro. wa wt vert-ly trifd liy burglars la-t atu'Jay ni (it. aa-i I tbuiib thvy Lad a ifalcn barnuir, roid c)it-rl, drill, aud gunpiwdxr, Ui"-f did but iu--fl in ouiuk tW f?.fa. Tl. Lock r- ink ob ot" 1111 YU ut V-m-i-r-n-of," they niu.d But ft the twdrr into it, but drul ad a bolw is tk lnrr panl aod lorcrdin a laire fliarj, which waa it:itd, and altb"uh lit door, rutii aad out, rhowtl I Le vi(ilion not to have b-?n ft Km ill od. it wm not trord op-a. UV rupoae thty wtr tL r trr rt wf th nit tt at work ou it. Vj ar lutxh itrat-ifi-J at th loult of lb- atomt t to ntrr it, and ir th ahftfe fact ax any iwrvi-i, ym are at UOity Iu uae thvia. KJUVi, txulr. KATNAKD A J.3. GHEAT Fltt t A -TO 71! EH Rirnur k"XiLLs. Tt'BB., Mar l. 14, 19. Mr-Mrti. F.VAN3 k U AiXtN, l-aiilrLa: r''vN-lt aff"rd mr crral plr-aj-uf-- to PWf to yoa that the ealainand-r ?at-, which I pn havd or yoa ia kvbm&ry, 1-i.H, prfntil to he what you rfw-iKDa.-u-L-d it a (ura froUrtH'B from fin. My i-torvhouae, KptWr with M7rrl others wtr burn 4 to th fcrmiad ia H-rrfc lftnt. Th tin IV Jell through into the cellar, aud ex pMHd to introi brat !r fix or riht hunt, and when it wai takn from tbe rum and a.l, ail iu contrnt were fbubd to be id a p-rf(-ct cUtt tbe Iftora and the pap-ri not bring iojuri-d any whaUr. I can rhrful ly recomuicnd your &lr to the eonimunicy. belief ing, a I Jo.titat lh-y are an near flr pr-K.f a It p.Tib.e uranyi-af to be nude. T11UM A J. I'W LLL. Mtp-A Ibt? Bt-fw.rtuent tt tbe above SAHj atwayi on band. atlUM Chcotnut titxeet, (ta( 2A buulb fourth tit., fhiladelpbia. J. DUNWOODY & ER0. T70RWAKDIXG and COMMISSION X MKRCIIA.NTS for the Sale of Flour, ,iraii,Scfdsnn-I Trviact centrally. Warehouse, Central Bk.ck,No.l Ii DroaJ M. below Htotthitudel.&ia Oct.3m J , CORRECTION. r. . i . u: r . rktuj.i.i.;. Z gal aaW -imu Miif.f'rTj ,.wu. , uii.itij ii.. shipped al Harrisburg," (as wou i -.ippear hy j Mr. Peipher's ajveriisement) lu: through j WltnOQI lieiay IU inc.a ucsuiiaiiua vu iub - J quehamia or the West llranch. July 20, 18.-U U. U. KKICK, Agent WALLOW Ell-'S LINE TO and from rhilai!eli)bia. A. Itcduc (ion a Itcduc (ion of Rates. 1st Class 2 3 4 " Special 43 els. per 100 pnuncls 40 " " " 33 " " 27 u a I 22 u u M Cuo.ls left at ihe Depot in riilailelphia bp fore 4 o'ciuck, P. M , will tie furwarJeil saa&e eveain?. Apply to Peacock. Zt tl Jk Hinefiman.Axfs . MJH & RIO Market M., l'h:laJ. C. U. I'KICK, Agt. l-ewiabarw l.ewislr, July I, lfs!. CARPETS at i:ili Hide's Cheap More. BEI.N'U in a bye-street, where the store ex penses are very liphi, the subscriber is enabled to sell at Ihe Very Lowest Prices. Persons visiting Philadelphia, and wishing to buy Carpets, Oil L'luihs, Mattmcs. 4e., will do well lo examine the large assortment of Tapestry Brussels, 1 Imperial 3-ply, CARPETS. Insrain and Venitian, and Oil Cloths cf all widths ia sreat variety. Also, (.'anton and Cottna .Vaitings of all kinds, Willi a large assorlment cf low-priced Ingram Carpets, and Entry and StairCarpets, Russ, Mais, ilruzeis.Mair Uuds.Kag Carpels, Colton Carpets, ic Ac. H. H. ELDRtDGB. No. 4 3 Strawberry su, Sd dnor ah Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA. tff'S'rawberry is the first street west of Second, jt J r?t2m3 The Wonder of the Age mine diyih Eurxsioit. washing mrniE IS snaranleed tu do any ordinary washin; in one hour's time and wiih -0 per cent, less injury lo clothes than by the old method. Coamy rights for sale in ihe State of Penn sylvania, and also Machines for sale Whole- sal and Retail by Messrs. PLOWMAN A M BRIDE, Stml 15 So. Third (t. Philadelphia PEfPHER'S LINE T O AND FROM PHILADELPHIA. RKUUTIONrOF IKIIMIT. lat Class 4 cents pr K0 jkwikIs. do 40 to du do &'I do di 4i k k 27 do do l.il 22 ds do brat, Rjre and Corn, 1J cats per bnshsL Pbilad. Depot with Freed, Ward a Freed, 811 Market Su Thankful for the liberal patronage given us we hope by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of the same. THOS PEIPHER For further information applv to 1 v795 J R M'GINLY, Agent, Lewisburg NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. PERSONS shipping Goods to Pbilad. will please be particular and mark them In care of Peipher's Line ; otherwise, they will be re-shipped at Harris burg, which will be attended with rielav. May 6, 1859. THOS. PEIPHER. SPICES! SPICES! SPICES! PI KE and No. 1 Ground Pepper. Ginger, Cinnamon, Allspice, Cloves. American and English Mustard. Cayenne Pepper, Nutmegs, Mace. Sup. Carb. Suda, Saltpetre, Salcratns. Caraway and Coriander Seed. Sal Soda, Indigo. Ashton Dairy and Gronad Salt, Ac., For Sale at the Eagle Mills Ko. 24 1 and 216 North Front streetcorner of Xew, Phil adelphia. HOW ARD WORRELL. CSTiirchasers will find it greatly to their interest both in quality and price to buy tbese goods, which are warranted as represente tl.or forfeited. A trial is solicited. 79yl IV. S. LAWRENCE'S Taper, Printer.' Care, aad En velope WAREHOUSE, No. 405, Commerce St., Philadelphia. CKCash buyers will find it for Iheir interest to call Pbilad, Jan 1, 1850 y VARIETY OF VARIETIES ! A large and well selected siock of new Goods in the Notion and Variety line, has just been received and opened at the Post Office, and for sale cheap lor cash. LEWIS PALMER, A RCIIITECT and BOLDER. 1 LE WISHl'Rti, PA Office in the I'uiversity Building bt)J Ayer'sSarsaparilla A cropcuTid rcmrflr, in which we have la bored tu produce th- mt tect jii! UimitY? that can he made. It is a con cent nit. -ti extract of l'ara arsajK-vrillj, so cmuUncd with thr ulMiMict4 vi tiii irc.ittT ttaU;a::vc power u toaifurd an iilrvtivt-- uj.ii.L'U- )Ar tlur d;.- Suri;iiihlia b rqctttil tu tvrr. It is Uh, . j that wich a rcnr .fy u wanted hy t.w -ho snff'T from .Stnmi'n cf-m;.laii:t, and thotoii w hi' h will sccnuili-h tlitir cure inut prue of imiii"n? m rvi e f lh. Ure cla- vf o-ir a'Mictid t .II .v-ciTiAi.-. How cumjilitelv thi compwiind will d i it ha bttn prvt-u by cxjitr iiii nt ti ui-u.y f the w n-X tit w be ftmt' j of the f-!:.vif; cir-Uii.t!-: N-tt'.Fl'Ll AMI N-':Tlor CoV-n.tTXTL KlU ITJ'-. AM Klil'FTIVE DbE.lSU, V lAiHA, r:i:f.rs lijrciiv., Ti Hi:-, Slt Itntc- Si vr.; jlfcr. rivniiTip .SiiHiuitc r Fi.CTH.N-., Ml-iV t !:(?. )i-r.-r, IhlitY, XtC !:v:.,i on 'I'm: I Hi ixrurcx. Ih-.hH-inr, l)t. ri;r-iv ani Isw. t: yt Ki.vipkl.-, km h Si. AtTiitr K;ir, ;uif ir.d'id the whole l!a)S Cf lOt.'JaiutS iUiail 'g ilUUl IjAJTLUTI Og lie. li . 'lhw cfmij-r.!:n(I will l e fuun! a rwat ptv nri"ril h.iiiih. h -:i takni in the priiig, tij fXj-i-irKl'.e l td h!:::!-!-. whi'-h jsrr iii thv !jl''d at that sea--Mi il the ye.ir. liy thcum iv t iul iiu of thtui iitxiy r;u:k!ini, hsordn ;ue :ii'i'ttl in the h-id. Mtdutud-t can. bf The aid nf this j,it dy, p-vt? th -iRv.'lve. fronk tl.t: c id'iruii' c ol foul 11 uptioia kid ulccrouv u ic-, taniuirii whirh the svatcin will Mnvt tu nd it-tlt ot c?mjt!Wis it" n-.t sttd to do th through thj nat.ir.d channrW the bod hy a:: altTatlvc midit-iite. Clfun. out th Titia'fffl hi.d v.ii-.k ti r yon find il imparities hur-tii; - thr'i:!i t!u in pir.iphs.cniptiona, tr f-rw; ch-ar.-H: it wbii Vviu fi: r! it m 06--rrurittl and fin.n li in the reins; clean it w!i'.':;or it i f A, u:rl yiur f in -will tH y'i w In.-!i. l-ivi? 1 w fit re r.o pariicaUr di!ortJt felt, triy U-tttr health, ar,d hr !t-i'T, ft'T cf-aiui!f tht- bl-"L kp tk )l .'d healthy, a..d all 1- wlII; ltuh t!Lo Tj.ihnlun i-f Lij d'-i i -r.f, tliere nn be no J:i-:::i' h'-M.th. Sjti.(T vr h?T fi)methiiip !i-i t p- wrifss, a id th p-t-U Aiatvbinery tf iiu dwrd rt-d c.r ivct liifown. Sarxipurd; his a-:d d.;trvrs irr:t ft 'mT:tititi, ff a. o)!n;-ltd.i:i7 th"-e end. But the world ha h-- i (-rt-i-rti-ly dtceivc-d fcjr preparatiu. a uf i:, purlly htt aii-ie the dnue all 1: it ha.t in t ;tll T'i4 vatue that i c:&'Tti-a !'r it, hut nu n: !irtu many j-rvparatinr., j)rt't''!.;lii! t he v m t'i t:;tt (t 'sTr;ts f it, (.hi tuiri hut i t liic virlu' wi barjaj utliij, r my tlili.i: i-lr-e. I'i!i:i. Iatv xrir t.rT.c hare Ken ii.is h d hy ii.i 'f !.: h -, j n T' i.tiii.i- tc s:v a ruart of hxtrict i-f Sa;;-i::ii.ht lor t-i:o d.-liar Ji tt f t h-vc trm trai.d- um 11 thy wk, f-r tJ: y int o:!y unit:. in httlo, it any, brraja rilla, hut ofTi-n no cnr tivc pr rt!'s whatev er. IKiiLC, hi'.tir a:itl paii.t'ul d:-5p' ii:tnicnt ha- fi lli.wcl the i:-r . i the .:ri.-u t-x tracts S;tr-:T.:ir;i,a w):t h t t d the n.aik-C, until th n:iic :!s. '.f -tly ! '-!, ai;d has herime m-.m. :iv;:i-ius v;!hii!.M';i"n urtl chut. iT ! ve call ti;is cni.TK i.i.d ;u;; ;tiij!a. and intn il to j.ply s:.'. h a nincdy a .-hull rr-cue thr na:nc t;i.ir. the ;t.'! i f Uj. y uhich rtt iijv:i it. And v e think we hate gruut d f hi li xiuz it Las futinr Mih are imikt;hlr hy the Mdlnury run i i the d ::-( it if iritciid 1 d tn cure. In vrdvr to .(-(- :rc tiitir etaiplcie" cradi.M'i'-n f; n the -y-t i:t, the itinIy uhi h- j:id' i- u-Iy taiu-U to tlx.Lkla.es tu the Untie. l::. j. . a v 1: r: & co. I.OWKI.h, MASS. Price, $1 yr Jiuttlc j ifii Uutilrs for $3. Aycr's Clierry Pectoral, ( n-.n for it-'Tf nh a rmrn for the ecre of f v- rv ..ri-ry vf il.t".t surf Imv fi-inrlaint, that :: i-. iiii.reiv n-.r.- '--.irv f"r i - to rt-'-onnt the rai-:;.- of it- viiiv wl.t . r it Lj c--n tn9 .'..,:h A it has h'in Win ia ct.iiHit !-e i::riMiL ::nu; t).i T or., ui tif f rf rt (Jo iti-n than ;i-i.n t::c - V' it qtralitv i kvTt r.rt to the btt ir put h.-.- t i -i. :nil t!.ut it may be rr'.jrd on to tiu lur tkcaX it,ubf 41. ; it t.er L-ccn tjuud to do Aycr s Cathartic Pills, TOR THE CUBE OF CrJirmf. Jaiiirrt Jh-p paid. Indigestion, vh.tv, F.iut t m-Tch, .j ytfWa-t, llnuUehe, Viht Un hmutism, F.t ttpttOns and Zitn li$aus9 I.ieer t'uhipfainf, l'r'-pMt Tettrr, Tumors aud Silt J;hivt9 rm t'ronU -V .-7-. -ts ltiwur i'iV, chJ Jor I'urtjvii-y the Blood Tia v art 5i:r.r-ii.ifcd. so that the it f. tivc can t-hi tium 'U'a.-anily. and thty arc tl J-'-.t apr-i'i.t iu the Wuxid fur all the yurposciuf a f..mily piiy-ic. Price 5 ceU per Bon I lf Poxes for IH-Ca Ocat ntimhrrs of Clreymm, rhywian. Staira mcTi, anil ctr.iiin.t ictM'naj:, fcar ! nr rhrir niru"- to certify them. pandit-led niefLiriof fr.nn rtmtdiers. hut our tp-n-e hrrewill not tmi:t the iii-.-rt ic d of tht in. The Ag nts It-lew i.mrd fu i.:h jrr-ti our A :'i;ir it iua:hthey artr pivt-n; with a!-o fu" de-- riptions of ihe abow cimipiaints. and the trea:mci.l that ivhoultl I fol-lout-il fur their cure. . llii i.Jt he put ctf hy nnprmriplcd dealer " n'ht r pr(p.ir.i!iin-s thry ni. :!.? n-re pn'tit on. I.'!!i:iT;il Auk's, snd take no orher. The rk want the lot aid there is fur tiiem, aud they idwuid ha e it. AM our nrnT'-Ti''-' n f'r-ilr I t riT PoI'd bv C W SchartTp and FS Caldwell Lewi.sburrz; C D Roosh, Xew Berlin ; JDS Gast, Miffltnburg; and all Druggists .JM R. U AVIS' DEPI RATUE, r t'ocipound Extract ot Juglans Kegia, In nnprfrtUt-i.tuI for the care of Serefula bb1 all rbroaie J:tiws; .1 if-t of tli Lifer, Kidtifrs and Bliitr Jaumlicf, IropT. Kr..fhuif',t,l)nBi-Coell, ThromKilf .-iliiupt i t ( l'HJ, IbripirBt Co5npti. urlr-a I l.r-nicanl lottamalory Kheamatum, Cotif Hhit a lie aiat h. 1 wia, jVuxjOf.-n. N-rou A flt-rt Thronh- S rolult-ui erf Erw anl Kyelltt5.l hi-oaitito (tular Enlartfrmentii, Ubite Swrllinsold uhl ohrtiaata I U-t-r. Irr urial V lerrn and Kruptn NoJ-,ii-,'Uii4 I lb buoft, Lj Ikatinii lfvrof tb at-. NnaBJ l.ip, M.ilienaDt Katicff Vlr? ot tbe St ntb. len Throat and Sa I'aiate, Tetter, Barber' 1Kb aad all tV ac:Ls or tur mw, aad all ditw-aiv-a an.ne rn ri at stati ut tub mlovM) whetbttf brrvditaTTt acnatf orroBtrarli-d. j . The (rrrat pepalaiity vh'ieh tbis iBTalaabw-w? at taiord in t- tog to iu intrtaaie nit-rit n'i ' of iu pn'Triftor. It 1 UMdbj aHt-tf!:"J?',J tbrchtit Ibe et-uBtrj. bavir.jr wirir-J '- m A l.T K RATI K a b 1 1 K AT 1 K aifw ia tb cbruuic tiijieaw', do not b-ittf to rtcBifcad - TALCtBLI A5J aUUtt-II Bit m Office. 412 Kaee Street, wbere lr. WJ ted on all Uiiwajre. . . - Call at tbe Drpot ai ffcmr C imilr fffltaxa aj large avua uj ta neet reertMe tiw' The editor of the IVtJy A- r$ f$ . tv-rin.. in tbat paprr of Jaauari - lt. lf (BT" In. li$ Ifrfmnutrt. buh tuftd biai trjir"- . DATIS PEFCBATn E-w re act JjJ of eommrudis to our reader ih use ft JTjrt r-.ti.en, aod n.truBi.-. sbiehBi"; bH " "TJ ped ia ear eoluna. Ilain, bwerr. u nrdiriBe aod lo-iad it to be rralij l rrBHe qualitb-a foe tCrjuii-rlv. - eI"M .SS .MTiizVud cimeaaiDg Ue Paralife te eiai Uu aJLictod. RIIE1514TISM. Phil.deTrhia. AaO. ' Ia f anuarT. 151 . bit daaebfr. 1"B in h' 1 ""l" AU Tr.r, Was allark.d with lnll.malorj -a brr joinls wrr. a. awoll... sud h "rJ "VTJ rlrrurlalioii si kr lam sa..ina .r sa". I J , a pk.ak-ian. b. rralinvr. loatl.aj " ."UUiasV inproirairat. tirlline; aanrb ir.nraaT. tolr. 1. inns' iA.ra.rc; lbs Ural h,1,l,J? ,b. red a drridnl jiar.r fcl lhr h-l.r. f ll "",. ssrdlriBS fi.r sobs tisns and it .lW!d a r.nrr kas muaiurd trra f f JibruDiatsi " .Tr siuce, bsixg ...BO. ''"jT 'tJIO-H1- iolillulrh-"5 throat dim:.e. m Tits lar. rl.s f disrasrs, iorlod.ait. 1 " ..a "amaticna. Br, nrkl lrritatM.ua, - ' JIT. K.I.J lrrkd by ths .ss.f Ut l'a.ia 1 '''" H,.i' Tbr-.l .1.plw.ti..n. Brad tht K llowisj ss speedy curssll.r h)it remiliard suBrnaf . D.lns !.ot ifs.rsss mf I was ilBieM ,bl tha throsl. w hirb en rsdaallT. l " 1 would Ukr coid Ibr raw and ayrriwa: ws , dl.ln-aaint. arromcawird wilb h SI Ts"" it.t tb.t I rowld wt srali aW... a ''7- l ... ssas. mauoarf .lti w.ras. '''" , pb.W" th. mr.l.r.l trraissrat ot r dlir.rrai p ll-ominir siarwi.4 al eowditiow. 1 ""ZTm 1 .i 1'biladlf ia ths wit vowr Iispwrati caaW wilh J.ir tbr.t f'VTr J tsas" rorvj. and bars r.ia'J wrll. It - ,M ,..r t ib.w. -jrtttSfrr.? vf- .p.irir.W-ion-u.i-sw T1IKOAT A. KLI. ATIO.S aboyld amrr..M lt. al,..a. -..f S.rUuUus VU-rrsaid U"". Tbroal. . .l.rcf0J ? Tall on Ihe A-f nl. J. D''" , , u ls.isk.rs:. and ptwur. firr.lfrs c.ts lcr, coataiai. 1 I'M j. KArU.1. 4 tV. as b Vaw N.'