Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, November 11, 1859, Image 3

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    JjCtvisbitrfj, Bt.
V 'ID VV AIoiJSlNG, XoV. 1 1,
' . .' - .---1
nvifi-TIi" K! Mennfartnr. n. Mwrliant". M.TlinirS
A ruhiK- uHra In Oily and .'"""try. '""'"
ilry. rmiii.-ii'T! i
lU'Sta i'i". ,"'h " '"rJ"
riltimu f the
,i i"";
pmpciru. n r
tnJ J-'r!, mny 1 . i
"irgcc'xcvlcrll!cmcii(s. j
-- : - , r, , . .
30a of the best ouur. iim.is
town is off-red for sale, in to day s paper, j
fcS-Nt'St TuenliT, is the day fixed up-
i. ,1.. sale of tbe Lewisburg Steam '
O" " ' ..... -
n.-uring Mill. I
rv-Xcarly thirty no tubers of the "Val- .
iant Fire Company of l.ewtsburg, in tbeir '
full ucw uniform, par ided Ust Saturday, j
jpThe r.l.lbustcrs arresteu ai mr-
wiek's liay, in Louisiana, Laa a suatu
trial, and were discharged of course, for
wire they not iu the service of Slavirj ?
t&-3- Merrill Linu, lv. , of Lewis
burg, isappoiuted llctiorary AgcDtof the
Cosmopolitan Art Association, for this
vicinity. (Further notice next week.)
SOo acount of Judgi Wilson's
health, the Bar of M film county have
n.tnoned the civil aud argument lists.
Tier, w.a considerable Sessions bus'mcts
le attended to this week.
iS-Jobtt C. Mager, of Harrisburg, of- ; jissuuri) arined themselves wi;h its con
fers for sale a good Democratic Newspaper t(, t ;,,. j Kansas, and aided iu the
mntv on ;
d..si'in I
rlb I
bca.tu. i
pstablishment iu a democratic couti
easy terms, tbe present publisher
to quit business on account of ill hi
The Zurich Conference has been j
amicably coucluded... France aud
land appear to be on ill terms with each
otbcr...Spain has declared war with Mor
ccco...The visit of ihe Great L'astcrn, to
America, is postponed.
8a.Dr. Browcr gave an interesting and ,
...lie-- I.petura on the Horsa aud,
vi.-.- t, ,;, ,..r,n!in.r to appointment,
USf lv
but Mr. Clark did not succeed in forming
cuw . , ,, i J
. class. Quite number appeared to be ,
willing to te gratuitous student?, but uot 1
(0 pay. ' I
g-Pr Wm. 11. Backhouso returned:
to his home in Lcwisburg this week after .
an absence of six years in Europe, a por-
tion of which time was spent in stujy,
and a few years as Consul at cac of the
cities in Germany.
earYcs, Messrs. Mlltuuian ! act the
man copy all we said that week about
. - 1
the five Fairs, and add to it the comments
of the Sunbury papers on yours; let your
readers think it all over, and judge tor j ia (lie p!lice Under such auspices,
themselves, "whimsical" though you think j we sujuij have Kansas over again in every
such a reasonable course may be. ! new Territory.
fQj-We understand that at tbe recent J j-The Democracy have recently star
cession of the Genera! Conference t f the I t,d storr that tirowa comm.nord ihs wi.t cami nigu
.... ,: 1 . U W (V,. ' in Kanns mU'l Klll'tl olhT b.Tnre h: fna watt luin.
Evangelical Association, Kt-v. . U . U.t fa Botorimi?.ly ulM u und to ttw eIWBIJ.t,r
VIJ, Of NcW licrlia, WaS CUOSCa a lli&UOp
OI lUai cuuilu. ,
" ... ;
Vrof JamCS 01 JCWlSDUrg, recently :
. l...f irrt tl.n 1
gave a Jciure on -oi"-
L'nion Seminary, New Berlin.
P-rh-ns few men Lave more lies!
.jTT , .i Gcrrit Bmith lie
told aOOUt lUCm, man ,
not aud never was . oFu ,
elected to Congress by a district whten
gave Pierce a majority did not vote iur ;
Fremont and did not propose to run away
It T.,t. P.r'i. mnnr-rel armv of 2 !
men "aurrounded" Harper's l crry :
VTn.x inpttftVES? TLu3 Ut. DOt
Republican is to be found who docs not ;
uepuuiii.au i
deolore and disapprove me iia.pei a e.. , , -
riot. A very few
a nnMf," a-....,.-. nn,1
aoa many .v-- I
chuckle over it at a mince r wuve -
CmiOj)ittii. If any party is to be charged j
with it, it is the Democratic, far they first :
drove Old Urown to madness, and they
.1,. i. .srt, that seems to be !
arv una m i J
rejoiced fhat it has occurred !
Th Araut publishes what it calls
.t'lttaric Rerublican" KcsoluttoD in at
' . T. .
Yermonl Couvcntioo. It may have been ;
erinon. vuu ' . ,
adopted by an Abolition Convention, but
HEVKR by a Republican. Docs the hdi-
tornroote the publication of such -lie'
forgariea can long keep up his party ? .
nh Las a fDark of honesty, and wishes
U let bw readers know the truth, why does j
lie not copy the Philad. Republican rial-
form, or Seward's Rochester speech r
The Pennsylvania Germans.
The Lecture of Rev. J. K. Graeff, of
Lancaster, last Tuesday evening in Inde
pendent Hall, was not fully attended, but
proved an interesting topic, and was well,
nd we think in tbe main fairly treated.
" , " . Ti -i i- I
nan has commendablo pride in his i
race and is anxious for its fame and wcl- i
. ...
fare. Next to tlie Anglo-Saxon be claims ;
it ai tKc lcadioff elcmcot in American Da-:
tionality. lie referred particularly to j
their sterling honesty, hospitality, sohne-1 place, was so severely turned on luesaay
tv, industry, patriotism, and stability ac-, afternoon last, that she died the same eve
j, luuiia ry, y A :- Tfao child and cider sister were
aaowieogea tut
tlat they too often opposed improvement, j
and benevolent organizations without a
fair trial of them but defended them on
the -ground that
' tbair feelings leaned to Th-toe's aide,'
and tbeir dread of all innovations arose
e-peciall, from the Iotc of libertj and ha-,
irea ol cmi and eeclesiastical aominauon. , .
Mr. 0. is s Dative of forks, and narrates
in good style some most amusing incidents,
Hot so very old, of tbat and other portions
of our State. The School System is now
"of age," in Berks, as well as in other
eoonties il bepiosto rote, in Church and
in State aud Ur. G. has high hopes of
the progress and destiny of tbe Germans.
This Lecture, we think, would be very
ceptble ia exclusively Eoglish locali
ties giving those at a distanoe a truthful,
lopeful and genial portraiture of ibe j tpceted for bis intelligence and good qua-'
H. '
j Mollis Kio.NAl'MMi in Ohio. Tbej
' (.'biliicotbe Gazette, uf die 1 Lib, gives tbo :
particulars of ibe kidnapping uf a colored ,
uiau named Olircr AuJer.iin. A nun !
Mike lKrloy, with some other ras-
!Ut to Audcraon'a boutc, in tbo low- '
cr iiart of town, at iniduii;lit, and awakin;; !
AuJerson aud wife, demanding admittance, '
uuuer prcteuco 01 uciug ouiters, anu ine
urgro dressed and let them iu. l'nur of
tiio kiduappcrs seizvd, handcuffed and!
dragged Anderson to a wagon. The wife '
(lf jl.rs,m SCrcaiueJ, but a blow from
une f tnft kidnapp.-rs quieted her. Tlicy I
returned for tbo child of two Years, but ',
. ... . . . . . :
the mother had cscptd to the ncigimors ,
with that, and in the uTcintinie Audersou
WMeJli'j aBay t,ut f reac!l 0f SCCe..r,
anj wa4 U(( jjul)t c.irrit.j t0 Kmueky.
Anderson was a free man, and had lived
ut Chillieothe f. r li.e ycais. This is the
s,,f;, c.s(. f kidnapping iu lUa county
wiihiu.-i'x munth.
r?Sueh inhuman cu'rages ni
weekly occurrence, but
what care l'resi--
dent liuehanan. Oiiveruor Wi.-o. or the'
Lo..foco r rcss. for them 1 Is it any won- !
.1. r ih:it. lli-oixiis nrise. determined to
, . , , . i
take tbe power into tbe.r own band,, aud j
risk anything and everything, iu thirst
iug for vengeance ?
Another Parallel.
I lln tk. OU.1. lr.:') n boilv nf men
took forcible po-sessioa of the lintel
Statu Arsrunf it LUmrln. Clav count?,
. ' r , ' i .i i. I
k 0f Jtruutmn resulting in the sack
- t .-7 r t'i !
LaWrcUC:- V"e J (I"'C 1 '"-'S",te j
ry r;,jkrs WlIS eecr tl;,j or punMuJ.
fa2rConiraro this with tbo Harper's Fer
affair, and sec the distinction drawn by
tbe Siave Tower at the head of the Gov
ernment. "
The .Iri'tu says it lot its pay for the " Walk-
in" Woman's" decent handbill, and did uol
"onll" only noticed as a "news item." We
stand corrected as to the pay; but folks took
that notice for a pud, certain. By the way,
our neighbor calls us "the indomitable cy-
clop, of the Chronicle." S,nce its Kdi.or has
got hack into Collar, he has become (if pos-
. evff As , rrets
jo (, his reaJtrs wha( fcis new term of re.
proach means, we can assure them it is noth-
in; very dreadful, according to Ainsworth's
Dictionary, which ded.es Vl,.pr., ihe sons
f Jieptune and Amphitme, who assisted
Neptune in inaktr.2 Jupiter's thunJetbolls"
that's all.
ropular Sovereignly, National Ticket.
rueii.HiM y!tM it ow(."
F' r Pr.-i !nt 0s thkik IIrdvs.
lrnjeut S. Austu U'jujus. .
The convention which uotuinatcd these
"entlcmen. was held in Utah. Altogctb-
cfj ;t ;a a gt nomination of tbo right men
bfttian. Robiija a&a U tbe lead.njr men ia Katv
' fas denjr the af-ertion, anJ the Knslth AbnIiti.iniKt,
.iM bnoln it a o iq famous fubrteaiion
BrftWB wVi h kilUtl no man but id Uit fi,'iit.anJ not
until the war LaJ beBii ciiinmnr,l by the UorJ -r K
muiuti AJU,luMrjUuQ. Tljcnaoa
t till then he reUP.at- it.
Mr. Hcix thinks he can afford to make
leather and sell shoes and bonis cheaper ihan
-nlcrnrisin ..eiphhors. Everv
hM .( u .
now be ?o, as good a)d as
ctip jn Lewisburjr, as in the next town.
s- s.
The l'biladelpb.a Lrdjtr and other
Democratic pupers arc Lcsoechiug Gov,
Wise to couimuto tbe feeotenco of old
Brown to imprisonment for life. It isev
ident from this that they are not lhrooKh
tet with tbeir efforts to make capital for
: rl.ia.r n-ji-t-j nut nf tlito nfT.iir nnd tluv rnn ',
, t t(ie ol(1 -Luaa qule so soon. .
'i'l t f..1 .. I ..P llKnn-n :
1 ney are .e-ui.u. u.uK.s
win uu iuc jjanj uiuic uim mu gouu.
-pta barn of Samuel Shipman, iu Lotrer
Augusta township, was consumed by fire
on inursaay uigu.,- me i.m ui.., loge.n-
',h a" lbc so,ue P'-". tlr:e
horses anu one tuuic. inc uru w.is a the question, anu an uouuis iron, evcij uuui
I new one aud cost about SSOO. Wcuuder- ased mind: t ,crc
I r!nawilil All? -Illllwl r lSTifl.
stand that there was no insurance.
.MEMlltls, iin.n., aov. o n . n i ai-
mer. allced lo have acted with tbe liar-
"" "V'o''1. , .
per's Ferry insurgents, was arrested here
, rcotti,ition from Guv. Wise,
A ,crriblc accijeIlt occurr;d 0D the Chic-
vorthWestern Railroad tbe 1st
illSt. A train, consisting of thirteen cars ,
flllcd with excu Zionist 9 from Fod tlu Lac (
for Chicago, rati off the track at Johnson ,
jreeK, cigui miles souiu ui iiaiuiown,
! istjonsio. laight persons arc reported j
killed, and a number badly wounded.
m. ni . l. . : r I
u""-i . s.-
sul, in Mexico, has been murdered in i
cold blood, by order of Gen. Marqucz, one ;
of tbe numerous military cuicls ot that
brigand country.
The printing effice of an old man named
Ot an Old man namea ;
Bailer, who with his wife and four i
daughters conducted a Xtepablican paper,
at Newport Kv was last week destroyed
' Newport, rvy., was iasi waa uuuujw ,
No trOOpS WCre Called OUt tO
3 "J0 :
',.-. , "... - li
Dr aw We re-ret to ;
ur-aa mv J O w ;
f tthnnt thrrt vpnr
I Old. a !
Iiltle daughter of Lyman Uilkcrf, of this ,
miag tbemieU by raking coals out l
of S. ,be ,capora. :
rj absence of the mother, when tbe tlrese j
,f ilso i.niwil Innlr firfl. An uudercar-1
ment pf the child was quilted with cotton
a perfect magazine of danger. Iancl,
worn next or near the skin, besides being
comfortable, ia always a safe guard against
Mrs. Krown went, on Tuesday, to visit
her husband at Charleston, but at Haiti
more received a despatch from John Brown
requesting her to go back. She is said to
be about thirty-five years of age, very tall
and masculine, and was evidently in great
distress of mind.
Andrew Benade, the oldest Bishop of
the Moravian Church in America, and
nearly ninety years of age, died on Mon-
dav evening at Jiaston. Me was mueo re
li. Trjxol, a young man in the employ J
of llreen & Clark, tinners aud hardwire ;
dealers in Muncy, fel
tta new Eniscopal Ch
fell from Ibe rof Of '
:iurch ou Monday rf
lust week, while engaged in doing sonic j
work there. He was picked np in an in-
sensible condition, and it was feared that :
he'was seriously injured, but we are glad
10 nonce iiiai ue iias so mr rtcvicri-u u;
to bo able to be about again.
The 2 Ml of November has been-ct j
npr,rt as a day of thanksgiving in Muiue j
a,,,l ijutb (ruliua. I bis is the first ap- i
p.,itmcut that has been made for a gen- j
,.rA ,lia,1t,..iri in Smith Carolina for a
c D ... . . .
i,u,bir r years. 'lLc same day has been .
Sl;l, c:td bv numerous other States. .
The National lVmocratie Coiumitleo is :
to meet at Washington on tbe 7th of K-
.. t til ;
ee.nber, to fix upon the time for holding
their National Convention it Charleston.
Several of the principal crossings oH
the streets of Se.linsj.rove are now being
tn ici la ;ti:.zj i, and paveno nts laid at se.v-
tral points where tl.ey have been much
icorSc Doctor, of Muocy Creek town
ship, sent to I lie editor oi lua .tiuncy
iiuti'irtr a turnip w
cs ja ciri.ulIirt.ri.n(.
wbieh measures 2u incn-
trs in circuiuierence aua wetus i pouuus.
A company has been formed at Allen
town, for the erection at that place of a
large Uollii.g Mill, thecipital stock beiug
Sl'JCUIII", al of which has bicn subscrt
bed-SI!),000 in Allentown, 10,000 in
1'ottsviile, aud SiO.OOO in Philadelphia.
Nkvaha, a fore-ihadowed Territory,
which has ju--t been electing for itself a
Governor oni Legislature, without saying
to Con"te-s "by your leave," is mainly
,J v 1 " J . f
composed of tbe south-western half of
Utah, its population being mainly located
la or &J0llt (rson Valley. Congress
may cinseul to its nrginiz itiou, with some
modification of its boiin larie-i. It is l.ke
ly to increase in population, because of its
mil es of silver and g ild.
Jjmes T. IUU, Member of Congress
from Dellcfonte, lost his ba-:gao on board
tbe Now World, which was wrecked on
the HaJ-on a few days since.
The Chulasky Furnace was struck off
to Uecves i Son for $30,000.
Senator Uieler's stronghold the wild
cat district is getting eutirely civilized.
List ycir, he lost the member of Congress,
aud this year he loses the Judge, Senator,
and Member of Asacmby, voted fur by
Cleat field county.
Tbe Vincent's heirs vs. Watsons, tried
at Sunbury last week, resulted in ft re
duced verdict of SlliUO for l'lffs.
Teachers' Institute.
The Union County Teachers' Institute will
mt-et in MIFr'MNUUEli.nn Monday, Ihe 5th
of December, is.r'J, at 10 o'clock, A.M., to
continue in session about live days. All Ihe
Teachers of this county are requested to be
in attendance, as subjects will be brought be
fore ihe InMitate that may add very much to
their success in learning. We desire to see
School Directors, and other friends of educa
tion in attendance. H. t". Hickok, Plate Su
peii itetident, has consented to come and give
us ihe benefit of his five years' experience
and ob-ervaiions in the Public Schools of this
and oilier M ites, t'rol Ilendrtcks has agreed
M be with ns part of the time. Rev. A. D.
Haven, late County .Superintendent of MilFon
eonntr. has expressed his willincness to give
us a hcipii g hand, and n.ay be expected.
Other distinguished Educators will be w ith us
at least during the evening sessions.
The female teachers will be entertained in
private famiiies. 'I he male teachers and oth
ers will Hud gord accommodation at Ihe Ho-
telsatfromf.llyloseve.iiv-f.veceillsperday.l'Uis-lalest sty.es , cneaper .nan ever .or
tu. r .ii.....:..' ,,i.,,.'i,., - h,r ...i,H cash. Call in. Ladies and lienis, and exam-
, lo Members of the Institute, each ot whom ii
; is hi ped will make as full, condensed a Ke
1 Port, as possible :
iieiiiun J. - li"yr.
K'Hilinic W ui l-i-rfttr.
Writmi: V. i: lrtin.
Intil.-.tu.l Aritbmctic W.K Fwllh.
W r;tt. n l5c King.
ti-i ttr-n-hv O. W. .wcnjtl.
Enjtii.-li tjrainmr K U. ZfigtiT.
rii(.iloy tn. II. K-hntr.
r.imp.ii'Ui'tili Mis C. J. Tilt 'in p-mn.
Si hotil M;in.i!r'iin-nl J. H. inilh.
T. arlir' liistTtuU-s r. O. M'CurJy.
Mufir iit .. t.it-lit C. K. II..ust.
Impf.rt-.ncr ! RtU-iiaius Ui:trkt Kiiil Countj Instl
tutrs Thot. T. I!syf.
Ui.w to rlvTiitf !(' I.mr. W ti OI li a.-ninp u. proper
i,.ni..r.i utii.neP ntlifr .rnfi-s-."iif .Miti
lit A UffcDI.
;: ti;ltwif Para.tltia.TeachBiMU-Ji.KiMk.
I g...lHI.tlo. nf ?1 niraAsra-Hear-K. 8atia.
i.i. ...... I vttn.t,..r, 1! S. Sviio-for..
New n-rlin.NoT. 9, Is."!..
Chairman fcx. Com.
We think the followin; leiier from a re-
snectable citizen of Mississippi will answer
pr.sths H.nr.. ratt.n...rr, 'i.'i.-W.r sir: l i.k.
. r lnvnlu,,,. ,.,,. i, i,roiii.r, J.J i.ibo, ha.
, imtai.-ii with i!.ia..iuidiw nwaar.t
' ,tl.k,.a ,i,.i. ..uit joune. n wouM bar. or
, fw. .,.ttar .. nrt; but hr nre-oia,r
i tw '. i': ""L" iZrJZ
ru"""'-.rk't.r.tra.i,,t U w, .J "i
! "!"J!jT'FLtoSS!
f.if-urr in r..mniuiii.tin1t. wit my be th mfm .f
an 4c. w. P. liuos
ytl person w ho is snnering irom rns, or
Spasms, should neglect senaina to nr. i.ancr.
alter this for a supply ot his inestimable
, ... u.. .r -a fltniei ,n
memr.ne. io - -
bor j,..,. ,wo jjjsj twelve ?-it seni oy man
frec nn ,ne receipt of a remiilance Address
sstTu S. Htscc, 16 llaltimore street, Balii-
more, .mu
Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry.
.. above nr-.aration Ii known, it la anw.IlM- ,
tahiu-braa i.mhi fwJ'!NJ
m j u u,, oob nao .., ana
.,f p. Ls.r.T c.,.ruT..hatue.wrkof
IU' tln.,tl , fpr,ti onu mn
Iti-mri'ml -y wt-ll known phjfi-WanmfWthantwMi-
lvva.ririiii.urT H hav l' th WOOUfriUI fUW II nil N1W
ll tXfn CIMlMamiy l''-'"e...;, -
.-it.re,.t.ti, .r..iii. -J
known am flHTlSIIrTJ lT HI lu "-'" " - "
wl, tift-n rrUFrd to health by its iwm tbviiUAT
It aa L opinion tbat
Consumption can le Cured!
TTiawhola hiatnrj or this Mfdieine rnlly oonflrmi
onilikiiifftliatrraiui-ntBan. TlJ.uaanuaranje.uiv.au
harr t.-itif.l, that wh-n all oth. r rrnn-dir had fa.lrd,
ihia haa coBipletrly rured ; that whan th aurer ka
ell town d.-aiaiml, luia naa iui'iu'm . . ,
a-,...l .om. K,loar alike apnlaMa to rmw
i.hw wrarpw, u w.u w the
prtnbil name ol tnw provi-ii-w.
Hi.far' Bnlsom of Wild Cherry recom.
mended lu riivrician.
Aruvr.. S-rt- S l'o.
W rrrwii Jl Co. Wrr I most rhwrfulljr add my
laatimony la raior of the llalaam. , bale uil I It in
ourfamilv. in Pulmonary attecOons Con,;lia anil Colds,
and e-trrro it a most aaloable rly, rnd hare ranm
turndi'd II in a.rious complaluU of tlosiiaillre with to-
larUblj happy msolui.
at ...nna. Trnr.A Co- Pa.. Ana. 1H6.
GrnOmm . llaTinn ard In my prmetio. U laet (ear
Ti-ars Wiatar'snalsarn nf Wild Chi-rry. with pt SOMoei,
1 moat rhwrfollr rrrommand II to Uwae afflicted wit
.b.tlnaUCgha,Wd.. A-nma, ; Aim M ft
The genuine Ustsnrd "I. BCTIi" on the wrapper.
S. W. I OWLE & CO., Proprietor,
fi.rlia b Sn. Slargaret M.Stw " '
JpTOwlllS to the numeru calls and
many solicitations tif ihe aflicied. Mrs. Fou- j
mu has conclude! lu remain in laewisuuia;
until Monday tlie SOih Xo. The success
.Mrs. F. has already met with in Lewisburg
and vicinity, should be a sufficient guarantee
to all those suffering from disease of theyr
and Ear. to consult her at their earliest con- j
,M . .l- t:..: i
venience. vm ci
11 ''v.
. ,.,w .,, rf.i...I.-J&JStuart&Co
f xtv York last naturdiy morning shipped j
for Europe, by the Kangaroo, a lump of Cali- j
forma gold weighing I,51 ounces and worth
-81" Is "!ches '"'V 4 1
and S inches WJ. That IS a 2O0U onr, uui
we w(1 rautee , any an,i tvrrj p. r-
lna, .u., can ,ave a i,Umn of Uold by purch
asing iheir Boots and Shoes of U.Mar.-h, riht
opposi.e the Bank, as many have assured us
a ler irvini: at numerous other place.-.. H-me
niaJe ka go(id ahvays
on nanJ or maie to uraer, a little lower than
the lowest, atid warranjed
t iTle. Ur. Hay, of Harribnr?.will preaeh
in the Lutheran church, at 10 o'clock A. M ,
next Sunday.
The Teachers of Uiitlaloe Disli icl are
to meet at Ihe BolTiloe X Koads to reor-amz-ihe
Teacher's Instuale, on the Itlih i.ist., at
10 o'clock A. M. JZL-
Time-Table Lcwibbufs K.R. Station.
Lightning Train passes Lewisburg 11:10 PM
Kxpress (.ioi7) do 10:M AM
freight it Accommodation 5:10 P M
Kxpress (wo) passes l.e'wishurg :10 PM
Lightning Train do 10:10 P M
Freight A Accommodation 8:-l AM
Vorrectrii nrtMy
Wheat 1,15 Kggs
Rye "0 Tallow ...
Corn 70 Lard
Oats 80 Bacon .-
Flaxseed 1,12 Ham
Dried Amies. 1,50 Shoulder.
? 1G
, 10
, 1-2
Uuttcr IS Cloversced4to4.r0
nrk 0 Potatoes' 35
At Vw Berlin, on llitSlh int, b K-t. P. It iter, AMOS
filllKtV mm il" SAttAII KUZAUKTIl, Atagkter of
Urnry eolofn'n, U of Nw Ib-rlOu
lo Wet Milton, oo the 1 lnt., lif Itio Rer. C. C.
CulliT, J..A- WKIOKM1AMMK11, nr Limwfcnille,
Muouur euuotj, uil llw S.U.LIK A., daubter u! Juhn
In Nu.-tliumWrlTi.l. on tlie 2Ttli nit., l-y Kv. A J.
liny. Etl ASIA'S S'.'liiilt nd Slis LESSA A. ItttO, or
bliamiikin towoUip. ... . t.
In Milton. -.V-tli ult..tiy Kt. P lterorl, tMrEI. BAT
IhlllF and Miw LVOIA OI.NAUII. 11 of thsl flu.
Near Soolmry. :wtli ull.. by Itev. Jno. W. So-iometi,
JAMKS CoV Kill', Ki-Sh-rin-.aml MinMSA-N ZIMMEU
MAS. of l.l.r AiifU'U. l'a. ....
In Norlliumherlini.l. i-l iut, hr .be' Ri-v. A. J. Ily,
OS'.'A K CAMP, of Niagara, -. V , aud Slias ol.IV A
P. IIAKK, uf th former f lue.
lln lh.':d lo.t.. by K--r. Jo-ihna Kettr. JOsiKPII I-.
Ittl.l.lMlUatil M. KI.MIIH IIOIHI.IN, UUUuf Del
aware un-lop, Norttiumta-riatid rnunty.
In Aubnrn. S.T .oa tlio il Inrt BACHKL, wife of
Saul Taylor, Eji-, and mother ef ilia. I'rtde-rick ilarh,
Bi-.il ti, yeara. ,
At her ---n. John Walter ft. near l,'ir;. ..th n!t..
Mra. SI.MiOAl.tNA. relkt of Uxjrt Wajier, aged 72
.earn, 11 ni'-nth aud a day.
In White beer Ip, 31rt nil., i hoe 8il rear, Mr. SA
KAII, wife of hart. Kline, formerly of Berka ciunle.
In W hile Deer alley. l.lh Bit , ed TO jeara, SALLX
A . widow of Wiltfc.m Oakna. , . .
In Sliltn.3d inet , aged il years, EL1ZABI.TII, wire
of Wro. Winchester. fl,,,lv
In I'tainlletJ. III.. Sth nit. aired 77 rer. R-r. JOHX
TONNKK. a natiro of Ireland, who rmiiraud to Ameri
ca, Iron, lore u ber inilutioof, in l-soi .,,...
In dnifeo I'o Pa, on tne 4lh mt., V ALENTI.s h
SIKVl'llS. aited 07 J.-Br. R mi.nlh" and 1 d i.
On the 3let Bit, IIANXAII PKIO K widow of the
lato Hew. Urma.luke I'earee. in Tstli y.-ar uf her au-e.
Hats and Caps.
A IS entire NEW stock jusi received at
GIU.-iU.N'S Hal Manufactory, Lewis-
! ine for yourselves, and don I stop at places
where the slock has been lying around for
half a dozen years.
FI'US repaired or exchanged for newone.
11 A I S made to order at short no
tice and repaired without charge when they
need iL
I HAVE now opened, at my Tannery, (for
merly H.W. Fries') in Lcwisburg, a
Boot and Shoe Manufactory
and most respectfully solicit the patronage of
ihe community, hoping by a strict attention to
business lo merit a share of tbe trade. 1 am
determined to sell, for Cash
the best Article for the hast M'jney,
both for style and durability, as the material
j is (f my own Tannage, except the Morocco.
Kid and trench, ot winch 1 have procure..!
the best in market. My own Tannage, and
slock worked in my shop, insured and war
ranted as recommended.
LADIES and ethers who may desire will
be waned on for measures at iheir residences
or at my dwelling, near the shop, by .Mr.
Fisher, my foreman.
A'u Eastern ware krpt fir lalt, bnt I cas
compete with Eastern work in prices, and
furnish a belter article. In fact, I am deter
mined to sell lower than any competitor. My
object is to dipose of my Hides ai cash prices
and Manufacturing added.
Those who try me will find this no hnmbns,
bnt greatly to ihe interest of those who wish
lo set the value of iheir money.
I do' not deem it important to quote prices,
as sizes and slock diller materially.
FARMERS) having hides In dispose or, may
una u an junnmst iu un5 mem o ,e . ,,.,
I as an allowance wi II be made lo ihem on hides.
, ..... r, r u. i r-,tk
The Highest Price for Hides, in Cash or
Boots and Shoes.
Leather for sale at all times, on accom
modating terms and at low prices.
Lewisburjr. Nor. 7, 1859
"MI4BXES 31 'GREGOR carries on
J tne aDove easiness in rricus jj riea
Block, North Third street. Cutting and Ma
king in good style according to Ihe best Fash
ions. Give lis a chance, and see if we can
not yon. C. MACG.
Lewisbnrg, Nor. 1, 1859.
aVoic for SJciyli RiJet and Cdit W'enther!
Rude ihe blasts of Boreas blow" bui OL. P.
SHIVELY, North Third Si. Lewtsburg, is
' ready for 'em !
ROB ES ROBES BuflraloiiObei-t
a good lot at reasonable prices for Cash,
for sale in Btaver'i corner Brick Block hy
Lewisbnrg. Oct 37, 1859
"Industry must Thrive!"
Just opened, in Reber's Building, Market
Square, Sd door above the Bank, where I will
hare at all times a full assortment of
TIM TTare, Slove Pipe,
COAL BUCKETS, Sheet Zinc, ire. e. I will
also make to order, on short notice. Tin Cut
ters, Spouting or any kind of work iu my line
of business.
EyK andJobbinegenerallvpromptly
attended te - JOS. A. KREAMER
Lewisbi a.0t.3Q. 1858
VtESSS ILf-WARI aSneaasorteiant of thia aaper-lor
r Ware ambraelng Preferring Kettlei. Saace Pans.
WaehbowU,Cpe lot ehUdreii,Illee pao-h'd oreoitd
alK r.eh fcaia. r "ffillil
Cabinet ad Chair Vare-Eoom,
STEAM 1 V II V I X ti S Bl O 1.
VTOKTH lt and KrontSt. Tbe subciiier
i most respectfully informs the ciiueus
of l.ewibur and sorroundiiig country that
be has on hand for sale ihe larirest, best and
cheapest assortment of Ftiruiluie ver
ever offered to the piihlic cotnpusin?
Hf Bureaus, Fancy and Common BJ
' steals, Jenny l.in.l. Cottaie, French
ind Common Tables, Center, Card,
Fier. Dininir. Breakl'a-t and Commou Hal
Stands. Coiia-e Washstauds, aud commou '
Siands of all kinds.
Hair. Clth, and
t:NK SKAT Chairs or all Winds, J
IiOKSC SllOG Chairs at Wholesale.
Common and Hocking Chairs
and a little of everything in furniture line.
Metallic Cases and Woodcu Collins either
on hand or made lo order, and i'L.NLUAl-ti
attended to proinplly as usual. j
ttein? prov ided with Circulr and Scr- II ,
SJ its .triven by steam power, 1 can luriiish 1
all kinds of Cabinet TU Ft N I N G ,
l'.,sis m l ll:i,inislers and Haud Ruiings on '
hand or Turned or Sawed to order, dillereut j
sizes and pailtrns. I
r.... .in..rl.p I?nnirin as usual. !
;3r"'Cheaper Ihan Ever lor Kcady I'ay.j (
Thankful for nenrly thirty years of liheral i
public patronage. 1 repecilu:ly ask a coniin- j
uance of the saine.and hope K. ttrscrve n.
D.W1D Ui-MlR.
I.ca-ishnrg. Sept. 30. INiS
STi: iMiI!li.EK Manulaclunri
A7"RHHr8 patterns Cemetery Uailins lo
order, Arc. Oid-rs prompity aiiended
lo. This linu has been long established, and
can itiv Oiany falisl'a lory K-ferec.es. e
name L. Palmer Co. at l.ewisouig.
1'ersous wishinc fuiiher infi rmaiion or any
a,..ri ,n oir line will nlease address us ut
vi t.rli ll.ifr!J,uiii. l'a. I
Jnlrl,' 1359 rlr'm
VLD Copper, Drass Spelter and Lead uan-
V ted, tor which tne highest maikel j rice
will be paid in cash, at the
Penna. U. Road, above biale slicel.
IIiirrisbur!, May ao, lt5Um6. i
ANY an-l every description of Brass or j
(inn Metal Ca-linss made in the most -p-nect
manner, of the besi materials, and a. '
lowest maiket prices, at the
Penna. U. Koad, above State street.
Harrisbur?, May 20, 1859.n6.
Josiali Baker & Co.,
HAVE made arransi'mfnt.s viih 11.
. K. Locke cc Co. to lurnisli 'Ji per cent.
by ihe CM. and Half Bid. as cheap as it can
be bniicht iii Philadelphia.
They have also just received a general as
sortment of
laints and Oils. Glass ami 1'utly, '
UUU.-IIES and ri'RFL'.MirUV, i
rine Oil, all popular Talent Meilit ines, 1
Liiiuorsjubatco, Snuffjnks, So-Ja j
Ash, Wheel Grease, &e. S.c. ;
All Ihe above articles olfered VEKY .
CHEAP FOR t:ssH. Call belore buying;
elsewhere. Our Motto is j
"Small I'rntti & qwiik Sates' ,
I.cwisbiiri, May 13. 1 .".
Dress Goods, at Cost ! !
deteriuiued to sell IT llieir ,
Summer Silks and Dress Goods, ;
t?.4T tovr FOR tSII!L;
If you wish to purchase, call and examine our
stork. K. i M. i
Lewisburs, July 1", 1S59. '
Etot A'reidy ? 1
"TrES. a'rea lv filBsON has receive! the '
FALL S TYLi: fine rirest HATS. Who,
would study the wants of ihe lovers ol fashion j
if he did not! Echo answers, who ! His j
laree Summer Slock now closinir out al CW. !
l.ar-e assortment of latest siyle Sofi H its j ist ,
received. Mop at tjIliMJ.N j lor bargains.:
Hals maiie to urder.it short notice R-pairt-d
without charee. tVThe place lo buv c-oid
and cheap Hals is of an experienced H itter.
1850 18(J0 !
New Firm New Goods.
flHE subscribers would respert fully ,m
1 Bounce to the I'ulilie. lhal they have
entered into a Co-lartnrship.al the old iand
of J. J. Walla, under the Finn .au;e of
We have jtisi received a freh asjorimeTit
i tin; ot
I Cloths, CnspimorP', Tcptinp-.. I.oa-
I dv-Made VIM I'HI.Nti. farpetin iil Clotli,
bheetim. Muslin, Linen, I'rillins. Ac. j
' as Calicoes. Shallies, Lawns. UueaU. Berates. 1
! 1) Lames, Blaek and Fancy liress Silas, tims-,
hams, Shawls,Orgaudie, lola au-purtnes.&c. j
Also, a lai'o stork of f;nor;:ntFP,
Hardware, Cedar and Willow Ware, Looking
lilasses. Glassware, Queeiisware, e.
SALT, FISH, 1'lastcr, and Coal,
constaiuly on hand.
Country Proilucc taken in exchange .
for laooos as usual.
fcirThe Iiislicst market pricc'paid
in Cash for all kinds of t;it.tl. I
JOHN WAt.t..'.
JiiiiN r. Mi 11 if,
V M. 11. V A. V Aa.XA ft.
Lewisbnrg, Oct. 12, 1S59
18. 9 18CO.
The Bent Work and Lsitrst Styles
thankful for past favors
wonld slate that he has re
ceiver! ihe FALL 4 Winter
Fa-hions and is prepared to
garments as usnsi. newm
endearor. as heretofore, to
execute his vork satisfacto
rily to all. Lewisburjr, Oct 1S59
Auditor's Notice.
TUB undersigned Auditor appointed by the
Ornhans' Court of L'nion pounty to de
cide noon eiceniions filed on the Account of;
Henrr Noll. Adrninisirator of Bawjaniw Saoa-1
J . . . ,. . .1 I3...T .l..-U .... ' :
WAKKR, dec 0., will men ai iiicu'jiwicua-t
in the Borough of Lewisbam, on Fmi.ar 2d
day of December next, at 10 o'clock. A. M..
for the purpose of discharRin the duties of
his appointmnnt, when all persons interested
may attend whothtnk proper.
October :o, 1SS.
(CiiaabMlin pro.'s CurH.
.Ve lia-.c tsU'i ttie merits of a
Mki l.u.imJ. tu ..ur nl.r. Mil lnm. J '",t
dsuriii.ijrj u,t lu aviu iu Uur uk u "
lme:t, i.l ui'Ji ciitiUtj :!: tfr, imI ff
IwfVi f uui.h "ur .ir "ih n.rjt), Kiln fr li
oi bv--. ; tf ""''.'
.-.,1. '.! 4, Wuwi, Uull.r, LJ, Klii-,
X ot.-f .-oap, Ac.
V j : iy cie-h t.r .11 linJ" r frwlo.
" "
sale ly
cinitrr.Ri.Ts t i'-i
4 ( K litis .Nails and Spiko.assontd s.ics,
i-U lor sale by
CiMMUF.t:i.lM BiioS.
Tr M F. ?I.Lid nnd Dt v ;ill HtM Ttrjj
I illMI I.i l IN OK'
j - WW)
J.-tf. . u'-l 'r-. .'" i it-''k "
t 11AM ,:H;l-i 1 j'"
ItE.ll 1'iotii the lsii. l'r fale; by
.11 1 il-.Ki:I.IN lo
- i
t '
X Iii;r.S. l'r.st "rt Ucrriuu ju:
. ... ;
TF.U ! TFAS ! 1 KAJs ! e !
i.ro i:U-k T.-i f. oi N
,j arli l..- jt vuu ii; i" "I
I 1 I !'
Mtl'IKi;! (.'Ul'FKK! C'FFLK! '
..I l-r I ,
I ll '.
!.l 111. IN lo u
s ,
l'C l!S! SL'tiAlfS! u..i;
II o.ti:.i:l I-!"
-r' 10 M ia-.f-". al
el!Mi.hi:I.l ll.ji
u-euii i 1
m'P. and While- ritistor. nn.l Conl
1 11 Miir lir.TN VH'''-
KNKSFL'.nrountl Altnit, Miir-Lull
I :.uj aej O oi; tail, I r I v
II vMt l RttV PlfS. i
kcfpa const-.int supply of V.'os-
ft! ! MKirt IV
pORN', Ryo. O.iU find all kiudi of
W eLup Slell. clutal.t un
r:l f v tJn S
uoi'K, tonus & twim:.
A 1 L Lb as.-Li tinoiit Ol il.iv Unpc,
4. a. o.u I hi. -. i.i c I. la, III- - lit
1 in 1 an N.-I H
I'll oi-t III l II':
A LWAYS on hiin.l.
rn.iwrEr.HN nn vs
fish ricn fish.
unn-ua.ly Lu- iliia a
"fi.l. Ilt-rrit ii. hi. a
! lit t'.
K ir-1 ji moT.thly piij1v, frosli :
-;t r . r- ( (1 li - H I.' lf.i '
IL kini!o nf Swires Diiel Ai'j'le?, '
i a Dritd IVaen--: i'runa.Currut.ts.bunfi: '
II.ii-Mis'o..:, K iisjns. t'liei I ".'.mm .Corn .
!?i:..-rh, F.irii..., lic-' F;,.ur. F'av. r.hf: Fi
iricis, uif.-e liil, is.,p sj.ii-o t'li-ese. Ure.!
1'eef. H-al. ! ilot. Guonoll'i tK-e, .Vlutimroint: i
t'.tn lies. Ta:low Cai;i;its. n.iie ?-oap. Knstn
ocp, l)ci: rsive Isoap, '1'. lit-t S ap. Casuit
rti'.'.p Uakcr'a Chocolate. Il.ii.cr's Cocoa, lia- :
l-ii. S fo.la. S.,1 fe. ..da Asli, Waiou
(irt-dse. Weo.teu Paiis, Fobs, Churns While 1
.-...-1, li. sfiuljje I'coiKnf, I.-u. t-.t Pias'tr :
ll-.-.-ir's, Uro. r:s, Ui u-iies. A I.irtreass. runcni f
l Tl:rt(
F. r s i!'.' hy
I.i. .i .sL-iJir-, i
it ml . i.iis, ac. Ac.
CIIA.MUiliiLI.N lll.U'S.
mi -), is:.
ramily Grocery Store.
T. G. EVANS L Co.,
I groceries'
- U- ..! Il iiitr. - t li a J
AND l'FRD, !
- ai-;:- : f.ui
n on:
t-L'c; A li. l.'HEE.-E, I i
FRLl 'S. itc-. Ac. AA-., '
MiiLct tlrril, ii pt': the lust Gfii,'.
; rf
I.CHi-.Utll.r, I';J. !
C. E. at (. li:l0 jil-t lTl'OivOi :
li.'-h lo in l'ln ; . ( l.-a a ti n:-1. 1. .It m
I.- I-.1 l.r .r.i..lo.r;.ii,. an.' l..tL afa '
Pcailien ixl '1 om;to-s, !
T-'l. '! '-a (.aim mil wair.iBUd i .c al d :r, -h. !
Dried A-jl'S, IVacL.'?. l'rm:fa. Cur-j
rants, .J'lwi'vii.'jr C'iiroi.s. Y'vf,
Daffs.RiiisinsfiT.nit;, to V-i
cts. ptr Hi., Piekii's of
ail desciijitiotis,
Pure Java ( H'i;r, sround,
aDj put uy in air-lij,l.t Cutis, . si n .;. I r lami.y dm.
A hirer Unf sui.m.ir MACkl'lll L. SilAP,
con ft$u,'nu'hiu.a, ham. .icoA,4r.
A C. ru .-at a- Ttniflit cf j
tVilloiv aiisl 4 -l;ir Hare.ftl.ia-;
ware, n iistt ai . faiiliiu. j
iiaie, Isoi't', Inlue, !
7t Oil, tiuii!, i'ihc OH, ( in.l.'i i, t.'iiiiiit'e '
J.wp With, TtiHi-v, J. txl, ore.
Soaj.? of ail kir.J.-, WLfd tlreaff, c-te. '
Cubucco anh Gcgiirs, ii cljoicc pcrictn. !
Flour, Corn Meal, Putaloo?, Coru, !
0at'4. &c- alwa.vs 011 h:;ntL
Gnmlt tl,lintJ fee if charge to cum
TttiJtng u-itkin the Lirvufi.
Toattamr-t to ruiini-Talr all Hie artirl.-ewhl.-llw j
flair fiir si!,- w..n'.l h.-'iuiii..il.!. IVr w..nid n rft f
fuilr tiii.r,- the 1 1W..H- t.-i,l'.-in-l rx.intlita -T a-"-r:i'--rt (
it llrtcriaa. VI r ara n.DtiJ,.ni fi U-mc al-lf I" .'II 'i I
rlirap aa 111, T fan b- fs-nirM tins ai.l .l l'l,nal.-t( lua. j
He woul-l l arlk-ullij avUeituur is. ui.li 1'ri.uila U.Aii
US a rail; Ttr 1
He purchase alt manner nf 1 rod net ,
and pel aa hhrh in am Iw-rlT else.
Uwialura. Aenl J, Isii. 1. 0. IVANS CO.
Oil. 12.
""OTICE is herebv given, lhal an eVcuon
X for thirteen Directors will he held al
ihe Hanking House era Monday, N. r. 21-t,
lHn9. bet-.veen the hi.urs ol 9 ic'iick A. M..
I n A n ..!. .-O P l .Irit i.Kn.r.1 m,.j.t.n
of ihe Stockh.-lders will he held on Tuesday,
iov. 1st, at 10 o'clock, A.M.
DAWD liCDER. Cashier
""1A.WE to the premises of the subscriber.
I j shout the Sih of nust last, a dark ted
tTFCR about 8 months old. The owner
is requested to prove propertv. pa eh.irces
and lake it away. C.EOIttJE KI.l.NG
Kelly Tp. L'nion Co. Sept 30. 1S59
T)T 4 ATXO fot Ju"'cf9 anJ
I J I J ( 1 IVkJ Conit&b.es, for le
or printed lo oiaer, a: the Cfcror iclo CfTxe ,
nin.i;ioH ii Jr. & t h. C. Iluubl,
TIaviiii; toiuieda Pjr'neihif. at ibe old
st .ud t Vv'ri. .V J U. brown, .M.ikel Sl.abote
4l!i, Lclsbuie,
I.K ttrern a larie assortmenl
rail Jar.ij IM I li ;td.
...-;.-.. i:i:i tf l.f:o:v I lo.bili, t. tfil...
C.isiii.eu s, C. at.nL. Vtsiiuv-. t'arpemiv
H.eae'n-d and irown Linens, Dullmgs, bbir
iini's, Ac.
Al... a Inrze variety f ...'f.V MESS
.'f;;. tn h .-.s Ci'irofs.l h-Jlir.. Lawns
1 - :i.os. :.!!.-L-cs. S:;l G.i.1 hams Wvawl.e.
A; so a
re, C.
A -o a
i.-ri-;s of .Notion-, t.recrnrs. Jjard
i;i;.ite. loeetis end 0.'a.aare
.lit :o'CO.
k.i.u i f ItilcK for building par.
t." . ! I nnd ctiuitn i. r V'-ur.-eUes. Produce
! a.i kll.J taken in r i'--liah;,e 'or tioc.N.
i:il)W. i LL.NKLE.
Le;!ars. Oct Co, I s. 'J
l:i,D!iiliV;i mil
Jii-t opcin'il. o.jio-ite tLe Uivitro
11 JU:
iu the Kootn lutely
;u i'V A. suiwr.
n.'i.L an 1 ii'.i !cie aosorimcnt of
NG,sncb as O. ri':-at. Dics.s Coals, liusl-
i.e. 9 Coats, sn.l C.-a'.s of every style an. pat
tern ; aud P.n. ial. cn-and VcM-iu suit. Aio
a variety i f l.'i.dr L'ioihii.f. n.ch aa
Draners. Sn::t--, ic. Al'o.a line assoriment
of Pos' :;. of the U'e.i siviea. Also.
ll.i aiol C.l.s -ou:.l to any offered in ibis
c, u,,lrv. i ae. I have everything neeessar
in li:e shl- e el' c:, tl.in-7, winch I cCtl at a
very sica.l adi-it-i'-e i, r ca-h.
ilKl.li t.oriDMAX. Ag'l.
e-icbanse tor Socis. (Lewisbore. Uct-SS.
Kew Arrargcments ICew Goods!
I OSEI'II I. II.UVN hi m taken the
J wetl ki.own .N'I'A'i: .I 'f & 'i vHE, has
r i:t: d it, ai.a ion-; m au caieDMve variety ut
11 iti, .', C't't'r aw n't CI- ihii l',Sx.
Ai-o a Iar2" ::J spleu-iid -ni k of CLOTHS
CAf iM LKi:.-, Ac. which he will make up l
orutr, a he su.'l Ci niinues the Tailoring Busi
ness. I! is -rrpan-J lo eircute all work
ei.ttn-tej lv his carr,lo the satisfaction of tba
. It. Ciutlr and Ifepainrp; r- dona to
erJer. Lew i-l U!'. . (Oil 10. Ie57
81000 Race
ce off, last Sinteiiiber. in In ion
I C'Urit
univ, tttwirn Flera Ttroile acd thw
Monster or I.i n Is i'nJ.
I I'ut. lt:;orra, 1 seen a b'l-er race nor
; ih.fl, on Tl.trd sir.et in I.t-uiabui?.
.'t'fi. An' what uai il
I l'.tt. S ire. a-i'it was the Taf 'e all a-chrow-!
,l.,i' to ZlM.Vi:i:M A.N & Zol.l.KK-s .V ana!
I Fuihi-jnuiie Vl. tUinf'jt, lo buy Iheuiaelvea
J new toj;i;rry fi. in bead to lut.
I J ra. A ii' h.,w cliipe 1
Oh! but wasn't ih-re a Bate Coat,
I Pauls and Vest for si ! an' line suns from
I ii:S to $10 ? an' eon.faihaMe (Iverci : ats from
! j-l.oo upas hi'hasye mind ! c.rpeis from S6
jioliicinis a yard ! Murta a d Drawers for
Mi em! op! nn' 15. ts' Coals, Vtsts and Pants
j and rassitnerp.s, French Cloth, Girnadar.a,
ut wh.i Iliet-Cfst, t arnn' the ttiraifnariha
!? ,1 h'iave in.i's what iheycall tbe bnng
iii' oi' em' nere.) And. now Jemmv, if ri-a
want to help n urse,!" t., a w lc, rhuri lo Z. dr.
Z.'s S'ore. and sa-e S.", ., :$!u cn y. ur wed--l:r?
soil, (arid livi V the !-yu l-etwane
lue Parson and Ihe Printer H aven hliss'em!)
Jim. I shan't f. r,'i to o tins very minnil
a "l!rr savfd is a. dollar aimed, any day.
Ki:r Jimmv i-round ihe comer on a trot lor
Fall ami Winter Good.
flurs'i & Go-oilman,.' ,V r It i n , L li" 1 v rj
AVE received mil r-rened a CHOICE
ii:1 'ut oi ;ii 'he l,.'.si Milta uf
r A 1 I. in.! Wu.ier C.-i-'s. 'I r.c r-arucnlar
attenluu of the Ladirs i called lo iheir alotk
Lrilii i.u
Dres St, ki I'r:nts
i'aiiiea hwls
Fi-FrMtrinc Collars
L'o.ais S-.evt
G:iLli.iru Iliserlma
Fon'iin'j E.'itinxs
Ct.-n'atea Gl.r,.,4c.
ALSO Cl.ii!,. Fiaiu and F.mty Casin.re,
Jean. Tn e fs. Vr-!m;s, Muslins. I.'r jil
ii?, 'I'n-kii'C'. Fiiint'Cls, Ilooia and
a"tic liais and Caps. j
trgfiher .-ait c. icpleie a-aocn.ent of
Gi'ooc! ii"1, llui u an, .
t'oliirn-arf, QiRi-iisnare. ttc.
a'l of ub:i h aid I e dispose! of on a favora
h;e icrn.s as the same articles ran tie pureu
ao l ai.yuLere. 6,ee u a eail !
xonrr: xorici.r.
HAYING jusl KiuiiifJ fruni Ik City
wi.h an unui!:y larye Mick and weit
sel'-cted. and am now iti fared to m II grxuls
lower than can he bnugt.t elsewhere uu this
side of i'iiilaiielphia.
IliirJw;ire ! Ilurdwarc ! ! IlarJwarc!!!
a!!s ails Locks. La'rhes, JlmsesJ
Screws, li.ass Putty, l'an.'.s, Oil in fc.ci1
Ctrrjlhili-j: you n ay want to tuildrtur
sell a Lirsi i'.e huose or L-.-.ru twenty per
rent, lower than ever Itfi-ie. Tuts tray ?
V'Ara wvrv ' .'
C'.);1'1:NTI:Ii'S, here yon can eel ihe te!e
brated liu-eiint-lil i'l.mes, is'pear A- J.-irksnn's
han t. lenrn and r:p aws. liual.er's. Beany 'a
and iirady's Chisels and I'lanr Ini.s, patent
..nd comwn Urines, Trace Bills. Anrers,
fiinar.'s. Iinna-s. Inn (sies, fiuipassSaws,
Hnmniid's Hninairs, Ac.
lilavksniiihs' lnn ?O.Y IROX ALTa
KIMS Far. .-i-oll. p. Tire. Oval. Ki and an-t
.iii.iii fast Sin-I. j i n and Knfliah Steel.
Vies. AnviU. ili'ilnws, erew l'!.ite, elc.
HOI :FK f.Ei'Kl'. ! Table Kn.vrs nn
Fit!..-, Cat r, Spt'f'i:. Kl !es, l-aip. t'an-aic-iirk.
d rr.- :i:;.V:.;,-V:l -. v.,i-. tun, tow.. Ac.
WALL i Ai li Yon nil; fl-.l nit rw abor with ft
rt-L any mre aI ttt II n r t i t "? ol
. ol'i i.n.sTs xacJ, I.KU ism kij, pi.
Tins .ii : unit h.u
ml forifrmnit!
i3 5TIH tntil
KtcnTtos it pr.Kiss
TIHE undersigned. finditie times r.vl er hard
I and ni' Tiav srarre. ol.Vr his I-''-arft..
tiki: srot'ri . f r.ou ts ami siiohsu
rnr on hannwhich is the iaige-t in ihe'
C'uumv) at
MT"o ri.isl.ike call and eiauiiiio fir your
selves either It ..' .'e ur Hitm'. Mm.
keepers and oihers eneajed it. ihe Mire irarfo
w.il tiud ii I" iheir adiuiiuce lo call aud lovfc
al bis stuck and
save at least 25 per cent.!
Haiilil.it luring of ail kinds drne at
rerv .urnerr.te puces and KLPAIKIXJ al the
snortest nnnee.
tl? lloi.'i i-r?ei the place nrjt dmr te J.
4 J. Wall, Wt,ltn 1SGI K(i.
.May 9, 1859 WILLIAM JOllNSilN
Br. C. ll':.'EAL,
HAVING resumed the rrrte rf VrPI
CINE. tenders his n ftssiorai jei'icra
lo the citizen, of Le-aishvrz anrt wicin;iy
Olce and residerc P F '
fra-h Four h :et
T,.e ;.'