JUL .. i. if I 5. . 1ST FAEIILUR...THE BORE. I must a. sals. Again I hear that creaking atep ! He' rapping at the door ! Too well I know the boding coond That ushers in a bore. I do nui tremble when I meet The stoutest of toy foes. But Heaven defend me from the friend Who comes but never goea ! He drops into mjr easy chair, And afcs about the news ; He peers into my manuscript. And gives his candid views: He tells me where he likes the line, Anl where he's forced to grieve; lie takes the strangest liberties But never takes his leave ! He reads my daily paper, ihroagh, Before I've seen a word ; He scans the lyric (that I wrote,) And thinks it quite absurd; lie calmly smokes my last cigar, And coolly asks for more; He opens everything he sees Eicept the entry door! He talks about his fragile health. And tells me of the pains He surfers from a score of ills Of which he ne'er complains; And how be struggled once with Death To keep the fiend at bay; On themes like those away he goes But never goes away! He tells me of the carping worda Some shallow critic wrote. And every precious paragraph Familiarly can quote. He thinks the writer did roe wrong J He'd like to run bun through ! He says a tboosand pleasant things But never says -Adieu !" Whene'er he comes that dreadful man Disguise it as I may, I know, that like an autumn rain, He'll last throughout tha day: ' In vain I speak of urgent tasks ; In vain I scowl and pont: A frowa is no extinguisher It does not put him out! I mean to lake the knocker off, Put crape upon the door. Or hint to John that I am gone To slay a month or more. I do not tremble when I mett The stoutest of my foes B Heaven defend me from the frieni Who never, never goes I Politics in ninnesota. Tbe distinguished Pennsylvania cham pion of Freedom and Free Labory Hod. GAixeriA A. Gbotv, has just rcturced from a visit to Minnesota. Mr. Ga re port confirms what we bare before beard in regard to .Minnesota being in a blaze of excitement Her people, while in a Ter ritorial condition, could not take part in nr Presidential contests, and are dispo sed to mike up for that by a breeie now. Quite a number of ber principal nominees sua voters are old PennsjWanians. Mr. Grow telli a good anecdote of tbe eloquent and eccentric Tom Marshall, of Kentucky, wbo was making a tour of tbat State, and accidentally was present at a botel when a political discussion was being bcld. Tbe type of Democracy there represented was of the Douglas order, and the; bad beard tbat Tom Marshall was one of them He, however, utterly refused to be called out, but they only shouted the louder, "Marshall! Marshall! Marshall 1 !" Fi Bally, Tom mounted the portico of the ho tel, and discussed political affairs in bis pleasant way. He began to give tbe his tory of the Missouri Compromise warm ed np, and became even more than him self in bis eloquent description of the mer its of that measure. He compared it to the magnificent temple of Diana of the Ephesians. ''Uut," aajs he, "there were 'little giants' in those days. One of tbe most ambitions of these bad long admired this work of art he knew he could never equal it what do you think the little ras cal did 7 Why, he applied a torch and Imrnt it lo the ground!" Tom launched I on some other subject, but the Doug las Democracy could not be found, when bis speech was ended, to return bim thanks. Tbe felicitous manner in which this description was given is said to bave exceeded anything ever before beard in that Stale. t Triaa HutaeM Pair, Tbe following from a Texan newspaper furnishes a specimen of puffing which will ke new to our readers : "Xiyroti. Messrs. MeMurry & in stead bave opened a market in Galveston, an institution tbat our State bas long felt tbe want of, and we think its conveniences both to the buyer and seller will be such that it will be a permanent affair. See their advertisement. Foots eb. Magnanimity. Tbe Eu faula, (Ala.) Spirit of the South, says that young man recently imported from tbe Jiorth, but of foreign birth, was ridden nut of town on a rail on the night of tbe 1st iast., for tha repeated expressien of abolition opinions, although frequently warned) to- desist A very free country, this ! The Southerner comes here and ot only talks pro-slavery to bis heart's eon tent, but he denounces tu to teeth in the bitterest terms, and be is not only not molested, but ha Was frequently an approving audience. Sab News. Tbe Editor of tbe Ohio Ftai'deolcr, in view of the defeats which the Democracy have recently suffered, ad vises "active Democrats to avoid papers for a few days, and adopt a more cheeiful style of reading." "We," be adds, "are perusing the New Testament" A good change in reading ! An exchange says that tbe best cure for )alpitatioa of the heart is, to quit bagging and kiasiag tea girls. If this is the aly remedy that ean be produced, wt say let "er palpitate. Tux Fiees oi Isabel The Queen af Spain says : "If Isabel the First pawned all ber jewels ta discover Cuba, I will pawn mine to preserve it." The Albany Argus says that "mankind are Democraia by nature." That editor vidently believes ia the doctrine of wigi as! sin. Illckok's ratent Portable KEYSTONE CIDER fc WINE BULL. ThLEA&E take particular notice that this is I an entirely w Mitt, ng been spared in its manufacture ; the materials are the rtrj brat. aod are aard .pari .!,. Th.eji-i-lr. .nr.lni0.l t.ntb. leo.U. of in. iwnwr. aa ell (including tbe ton cylinder) Bad. of iron, two Incbe. in dlaaaeter, with hea.jr ! it. The he am of tlx prow ia mat inn Inati tkntd cut on in made rer. Vary, and the thread of the not oat aw oar incben thnraitn K. ll power f loereaeed.eod on not be broken by nnjr l-'"""- arrang-urnt of the Ton, nnd otuer parla of thy pre.., u very perfect. Th. bo.ea aod hopfc nr. d".' toother; thrjonro.li. run in loo hearing.: ""'' ly. be workmanebip rt.ll not b. r.rrll.l j an, aa r.iae of th. kind .baknver-perfretioa being th. aim, both in tor arrangement and mechanical cpartmeat. laaroveairals for l.-Ta. " """ thr iJiprotrniouU d.W tbB r.r : Thr franiM ! P together with joint bolM. A flj wurel lurin -,t, intr.d of to inches hi. br.n .dihd. Th. form OI th. urth bu own rh.nrrd. ao aa ""'m grind rvk-r and frrrr. Entirely ww ge"lof bu -t .1.. . rlindrr haa brrn geared down, 3th.tinconneion wiihtheu!einoTc,..uUrr n,HiKir .11. " " i r ii j . hall grind nj urn earwr. iioiiihiw M i. belieied that there ia no mill in tbe mark.! that will grind tnrt or with re little power, nor ia there any on that ia made ia a better or more perfect manner. All peraoaa wba h.eo been obliged to w th. old la.n- ioned out mill, are awara bow inonnreuient it la, wu nanalle tboae who bar. not large quaotl'ir" of api'lea. Bi baring thia mill on yonr plantation or farm, you can. at any time, in a few ininutea. make a lew gallon, oi a weet cider for present uae ; or yon can very .ipediliona I. n . c lmiB Th Marhina. aell worked, IB capable of making to 12 barrela of cider a day, with aae. It ia maii. to run by horea, .team or band-power, and when the apple, are ground, a boy of 4mrten year, of ag. can pres. tbe pomace with all eaaa. The following may be adduced as the deci ded advantages of this Mill : Wral It will moke more eider than any other preaa, ithagivtn quantity of apple, in a giren una, and with mncb lew labor and expeuae. .arnmuf. It will make cleaner ana iwaewr ewer iiua any old ftyle mill. rud Too ran make th. cider aa yon want it, ana when you want it; and ia auanblica Irom one gallop to barrela. Fourth With li von can nreaa Tour formate, Cher- riea. Berriea. Cheeae, Uutter, Lard, and Tnllow. j ' with iU una you cau at all umc. D.v. ire.o od aweet cider. With all the advantage. raauHiflg froa th pnaaefaloa and uae of aurh a Machine at a price ao low th.it II ia t within the reach of all ran it bo that any wuiiiseut Farmer would do without it ? The anneied RECOMMESDATWX is a specimen of the many scores received : amrin the naat winter, t had aeTeral boat loarta or ap ple, to make into cider, and procured on. of lin net'. PuBTABLCCInn MILLS, and Runu mat. witn two naone, I eonld make ei.-ht and nine barrel, of ciiler a day the men only working by daylight in the ahort day. of winter. The mill not only performed in themort per feet and aattafactory manner, bnt worked with remarka ble eaar and with a .mall amouat of power. I tried oth er portable mill, but none that worked with half the eaae or .peed of "JMvfi htyO-me Wrr If.;" and 1 can aafely recommend It in prefetance to all other. .. , r . .j ."iiti,BTi:via llirntunnt, .una jn, J . Me r,.l. tM Rrnome eonntT. !lew Vork. write, that he. wMk one band, went from farm to fcrm with on. or then .Tiilla.and made over cw Uiousuua txtrrwoi ciuar ia the Sill of Hi.8. rirMore than oyi ncwnann Silver Medals and Diplomas have been given to this Mill within the last four years. The pioneer in the line, we claim that tnis Machine is the BEST one in ibe Market on the following points: lid. It will grind the easiest, farteat and in the moat perfect manner. 2d. Tbe Tree, la the almpleat and moat powerful, and qnit keat bandied. It la not hampered up with a num ber of aerewe and eog-wheela. whirb create enough fric tion to deatroy ila utility. It ia well mad. and aold at a r prior. CirThe Mill occupies abont two-and-a-half by three feet, four feet high, weighs 370 lbs.. very way portable and convenient. irice ft 49. Address W. O. HICKOK, Agt, 1'Mmt Eagle Works, Harrisbnrg, Pa iggBook Bindery! ri IHE subscriber having rented the entire j Book Binding establishment of Worden A Cornelius and added to it bis ca n tools, is now prepared to BIND OR RE BIND Book?, Magazines, Pamphlets, Music, Catalosucs. Newspapers, fcc. either Full or Half-Bound, in various kinds of l.r.iTH.u or of Mi.LiK.and liued with Maible Paper of different fisures. Old Bibles and other Books or Papers which it is desired to preserve as memorials in a family, can be made more secure by the Bin der's skill. (rJ-Blank Books, Bibles, Hymn and Prayer Books, Pocket Books, Albums, Diaries. Ac, altered with Ciold in legible and dnrable characters, to order. MUSIC POKTrUWUS, occ, maae to suit customers. C?A good Bindery has long been desired in this vicinitv. and I therefore respectfully solicit the public patronage, trusting that my experience and attention to business will give satisfaction. I intend to charge moderate and uniform ririces. on the " Live and Let Live" principle and hope to make it a permanent bnsiness. Prodm-e anrf Store Goods taken m pev. PiRent and stock requiring money.I expect PA Y OJV DELIVERY of all worK.jn - Rindervin Beaver s wooden block, XV J nird street, four doors from Market street,near the Chronicle office. CH A S J. SI ABb. Lewisburg, April 1, 18S9 PENCIL SKETCHES, OR, Outlines nf ITharacter and Manners by MISS LESLIE. One large ISmo. volume, cloth. Price $ 1 .25. Thin taiffhW inter.!. volume contain), th tot pttW ftrTalf ever iwueil uota IM a nitric n di-th. u con- tsauax : Mi. Wa".hngt rotta. The imirjni. A ftorror the Mr. baitth. I"t r with Knslnd. l'ncl Hbihp. rtrr Jt-aei. A Sketch from Th Album. 1 Ltf. Tb.-VrCt.i. The 'Id Farm How. Livr4 laflTrl. That UeDtlfoian: i.r, PcdcII- j4bnW.Rlfta(m.TbeTale inir on Shipbomrd. ofmO:nt lriihle Vititinfr. Th LadiMr BtL Country UMJeinfr. Tbt? SrrTiavde. Conptan- Alltrtoo;ort Tbe in Kl Ivix ; or. l XOIUB1D3 BU1U. the ttoral Wajn. I ROMANCE 1? HISTORY, A 8 exhibited in the Lives of Celebrated WOMEN' of all ages and countries comprising remarkable examples of Female eoarair..diaialereateiloeaaandaelfHcriflce. Bv IIKS1IY C. WATSON. One large, volume 1 Jno clcth. J1.V5. Tii act befnre tbe Womea oi America' example, for 1ml itatioa ia the moat treinr. eircttmauacea ia tbe nl.ject uf Uiia bijcbljF Intereatinc Hook. Lot uie readlna and atady of eueh a work become commoa. .ad aur wive., motliera aisle ra and daughter, will become more rcoowned f,r reaolatioB, f irtilade, aad arlf aarrifice, tbaa tbe spartan female, wear af eld. Kaary Lady la the land .baalil bava a copy of tai. bigblj iatereatinf Book. i. 9. COTTON & CO. Publishers, No.l09. thesnut Si. Philadelphia Tae Pablishers will send either of ihe above popular Books by mail. free of postage, to any part of the United Slates, upon receipt of tbe pobiacalion price 799w4 LUMBER! LUMBER!! riHE subfcrtbers have for sale (in lots lo suit purchasers ) a laree slock of PISE BOARDS Fine) Sniff His. Plank. Ac. Also 3.000 PIM. RAILS. 26 inch Sawed Shingles superior quality. Also Square Timber for Buildings : Which are offered low for cash, al our Mills on South Branch of the White Deer Creek ia Hartley township or delivered on the Brash Tallry Narrows road at the end of uar Road. C9A Diploma for a sapemr sample of Planks, and a Presiaai for Rails and Shing lesrwese awarded ns at the last Union Co.Ag. Fair. JOHN M'CALL & BKO'8, lyT7 Forest Hill P O. Union Co, Pa atsstaa oast la Lealskarg. Legal Auctioneer! laiXb a.v-i F.A JonetaOWCr having been appointed sole Auctioneer lor Lewisburg, is prepared to attend to all calls ia his line ia town ani country. Commlsaiom Salei, fa April nut, I intent! to open aa Marke street a Room far the reception, and the sale al stated limes, ef all kinds nf Goods at Auc tion. Any one wishing to dispose of any arti cle can deposit it with me and I will sell it at the best advaatage 1 can and charge a per centaf for tha same Feb. 2R, 18i F A DON'EKO WEB ems UNION COUNTY STAR CITIZENS r.r Danville. Milton, Money, M'Ewensville I I Hunburv.Nortbumberlaud.Selinsgrove, New Berlin, Mifflinburg. Harlleton, and scores in Lewisbnrg. bave bonght their HATS and UA PS at Ul baton's Emporium oi rasnmn within the past year, and are urging their friends to do likewise. Always a fine assort ment of latest styles on hand, very cheap, at oinsovs HAT MAN17FAUTORV. LEWISBURG. SOT KLNNnQA 3WJi3 Just opened, opposite tlieKivicrc House, in the Room lately occupied by A. Singer. A FULL and complete assortment of XL FALL St WINTER CLOTH- I N G !nch as Overcoats, Dress lyoals, Busi ness Coats, and Coals of every style and pat .v i , . , Bess Voat aniS (jats ol every style ami paf tern : and Pantaloons and Vests to suit. A lso, a large variety of Under Clothing, such as Drawers, Shirts Ac. Also.a fine assortment of Boys' Clothing of the latest stvles. Also, 7.l7.S'and CAPS equal to anv offered in this country. In tact, I haveeveryihing necessary in the shape of Clothing, which I offer at a very small advance for cash. rilll.lP GOODMAN. Ag't. n7"AII kinds oi Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. Lewisburg, Oct. 22. w if. mam luovrn, STQMEVAREMTUREFac" Filbert Street, (near th. Sute Capitol Steam Flour Jlill.,) Harrisbnrg, Pa. A full assortment of Ware constantly on hand. Ware made to order. For Price Lists address the Proprietor, promptly attended to fJTOr.lers by Mail 6m782 NEW FIRM AND NEW GOODS. Wm.Rro.vn Jr. & t lis. C. Dunkle, Havin? formed a Partnership, at ihe old stand of Wm. A J.H. brown, Market Suabove 4lh, Lewisburg, AKE offering a large assortment o1 iaprlns and Summer Good, consisting of Ready Made Clothing, Cloths, Casimeres, Coatings. Vesiines Carpetings, Bleached and Drown Linens, Diillmgs, Shir tings &t. Also a large variety of LAPIEST PKESS GOODS, such as Calicoes, Challies, Lawns Delains, Barages, Silks. Ciinghams.ShawK&e Also all kinds of Notions, Groceries, Hard ware, Cedarware, jueens and Glassware, Fish, Sail, Tobacco. Also all kind of Itrlck for building pur poses. Call and examine for yourselves. Prndoee of all kinds taken in exchange for Goods. BROWN & Dl'NKLE. Lewisburg, April SO, 1859. Meat Market. Arrnnffimrnft for the Year. JACOB O. BROWN, having supplied the Lewisburg Market for the past six months, has made the following arrangements for tbe coming year The best of Beef. Mntton. Veal and Pork can be had on Wednesday and Saturday mor nings of each week, at the Market House, on Market street between Schalile's and Wolfe's, Lewisburg. Pa. His motto is " Quick Sales fur Cah, and Small Profits." Examine his meal. Ap. 15, '59. I. S. STERNER, Agent. SECOND TEAR. A1 FTER one year's trial, we are satisfied that a Hal Manufactory can be sustained in Lewisburg, we are now prepared with the largest and best selection of Spring Styles of HATS and CAPS ever brought to this markri, such as fine Mole, Silk, llress Hats, Drah, Beaver, Otter, High and Low Crown, Soft Hals and Caps, and Summer Hats of latest styles for Spring and Summer wear, all of which will be sold at City Prices, for Cash. Our mono shall be, Quick Sales and Small Profits'of which ihe piblic shall be the judges. Hats made lo order at short notice. April 15, 1859. JOS. GIBSON, Hatter. New Eotel in Hiffiinlrarg. CSSI THE subscriber wonld respectfully in iaforathe Traveling Public everywhere. that he has taken and titled np the premises . ol George Schoch, in ihe centre of MAIN ST. MIFFLINI5UR0. ! where he is prepared to accommodate strang ers and travelers men and beaMs in the best manner, with Board and Lodging. Please give me a call. Ap.l,'5 CHARLES t'KOTZEIt. HARRISBURG STONE WARE. Tiling Ware is clear of all poisonous mat J ter. The glazing is made of common wit and efay. Apple LJ niter or anyihintf else may be kepi in it wnh perfect wftty. There is no lii.N in it a thr in in common r-f Kartho-War. Milk Mod Bnttrr kp much In-tt- r in tliin material lhan In Kurthi-n-Wnr. It is l.urnt to a Tint Uiy. will not ahforb anv part of what tna.T be put into it, mod ia nut liahl to ttrrak rera k in Diii?. j-!.ld by iStor-Kf-p.ra io LtWISltl'HO and gt?D raKv tl. roup h out the ftat. ManurMr(or)tiibt-rt St. Dear th steam FtnnrMilU Uarnahunt WM. MOVER, 6m7$t Proprietor Spring 1859 ! JUST received a large assortment of FANCY DRESS GOODS, .uch a. DeDaines, Cliallicp, Boregcs, Crosso ver Mohairs, Berege Angelais, Silk Foulard, Satin Challies, Tamartmes, 8-4 white and black Berege, Berege Robes and Organ dies, very handsome French Brilliants prin ted, Peicals also a great variety of square and round cornered (STELLA SHAWLS, varying in price from $2.50'to $14, Broche borders, black lace, pointed and square SHAWLS, lace Mantles, black silk Netting, black detni Veils, real Maliese Collars, very pretty sett of Collars and Sleeves from $2 to $5, Cambric Edging, Lace Skirling, French Dimity, Dimity Hands, Handker chiefs from ft ets- to $1 each, embroidered Mitts from 50 els. to $3 per pair, besides a great variety of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, sc. &c. &c, all of which will be sold very cheap! Call and see. BEATER, KREMER & MVLL'KE. Lewisburg. April 29, 1859. C'liromaOc Printing. HAVING purchased ihe riphi to use Ron ana', process for Frintin; with Dry Colors, for Union Co. Pa., we are prepared lo execute orders for CARDS, Show-Bills, &c. rn Pfd, Grer. Sue, Brmrm. Hiltrr, hmwvmi, mr < colors, in good style, I r at the Office of tae "Star fc Chronicle." Lewisbitrc. Juirr, 1S.18 WllKUKN a (XlKNELICS. Notice to Credl'ors. THE undersigned, Sequestrator ef the Stale Fire ft insurance Company of Pennsyl vania, will meet at his office in Hirnsbnr en Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, the 17th, 18th and lih days of October neil, the several creditors of the said Insurance Com pany, to receive proof of their claims against said Company. Those failing to present and prove their claims will nut be entitled to any share in ibe ase is. WM.C.A.LAWRF.XCE,Sei,ae.iia!or. Brrisburg, Sept. 15, I8S9. 8liCw4. i & LEWISBUBG CHRONICLE-OCT. 28, 1859. SASH and DOORS, Blinds and Shutters, Flooring, Siding, Framing, &c. Wot aale at the Drag Store of r.S. CALDWELL. Lawtaharg, Oct 25 CO-PARTNERSHIP. The undersigned have as- sociaiea tnemseives imu cuait nership for ihe purpose of carry ing on the Lumberine, Planing, and Carpentering business in all theirvarious branches, at the f craisbnrg Steam planing mills, where they intend to keep a slock of Pine, Hemlock, Walnut, Cherry, Poplar, .sh, Ma ple, and all kinds of Lumber, Flooring Shel ving, Siding, Shingles, Lath, Joists, Studding, Fencing, Pickets, Door and Window Frames, Doors, Shutters, Blinds, Sash, Mouldings, Brackets, 4c. Planing, Slitting, Scroll Saw ing, Ac, done at short notice and all work warranted to give satisfaction, both in J rice and workmanship. J. V. DIEFFENDERFER, MARTIN DREISBACH, BEYERS AMMONS. Lewl-burg Planing Mill., April 1, 1US- $3,000 Wanted! IN pursuance of an act of the last Legisla ture of Pennsylvania, the Commissioners of Union county desire to Borrow money to the above amount, in sums not less than $1011, the interest to be paid annually, and the principal within three years. Inquire of H. P. SHELLER. Treasurer. Lewisbnrg, Pa., May 26, 1.')8. NOTARY PUBLIC. William Jones, ATTORNEY at Law.Collectfons fl promptly attended to. Office on Market street, opposite the Presbyterian chuich. 690 LEWISBVKV.PA. Fruit and Ornamental Trees, ai)d faring I'lqnfj. The subscriber has on band a sfMendid Recollection of both Fruit and Ornamental TREES, Ac. Ac embracing the very best varieties of Apples, Pears, Peaches, Plums, Cherries, Apricots, Nec:arines,Urapes,Goose berries, Raspberries, Currants, Strawberries, ALSO Large Horse Chestnut, European Monntain Ah, American Mountain Ash, Sugar Maple for street planting. Ever-blooming Rose, and a splendid collection of Bulbous and other Flowering Plants. r?"Nursery Grounds on ihe farm of Ja's F. Linn Esq. on the Turnpike, within half a mile of Lewisburp. All ordera will receive strict attention. E7Term inrnriubli CASH. WILSON I. LINN. Lewisburg, July 7, 1858. New Arrangements New Goods ! JOSEPH L. II AWN having taken the J well known SPYKER HA T STORE, has refitted it, and filled in an extensive variety ol Hats, Caps, Gentlt-men't Clothlvg, fc. Also a large and splendid stock of CLOTHS CASSI.MERES, Ac, which be will makeup to ordrr,as he still continues the Tailoring Busi ness. He is prepared to execute all work entrusted lo his care.lo the satisfaction of the customer. N. B. Cutting and Repainngart done to order. Lewisburg, April 10, 1857 GLOVER HULLERS. THC subscriber ia engaged in the manuf acture of tbe Latest Improved Hl"N?ECKER Clover Hullers.which he offers at very reasonable rates. There bave been a large number of these Hullrrs sold in this neighborhood and county, and they give good satisfaction as the very best. Any person wishing lo puretiase a good machine.will call or apply by letter to C.P.EMERY, I va:i3 Laurelton P O, L'uion Co, Pa CABINET AVAEE ROOM IVrOItTH 4th Street. The subscriber J. most respectfully informs the citizens ol Lewisburg and vicinitv, lhat he has on hand and for sale a cheap lot ofFt'RXlTl'ItE, fur the Spring trade, comprising Dressing and Common Bureaus, Sec retaries and Book Cases, Center, Card and Pier Tables, Pining and Breakfast 1 aides, Cupboards, Cot- tape and other Bedsteads, btands, I Sofa?, and Chairs of all kinds. CO F FI N S made loorder or short notice. The public are cordially invited to examine his work. as he is sure that they will be satis fied with his stock of Ware, and prices. SOLOMON YOl'NG Lewisburg, Sept. 15, 185C James F. Linn. J. Merrill Linn. T F. & J. M- LINN, J Attorneys at Law. LEW1SBUKU, 674 Unien County, Penn'a. J. 9KRR1U IIS PoMiandsia fee th. Vtata of Iowa, wilb power to take Deposition., ark Dow led Deed.., Broom Handles asd Cutaim Rollers. MM M Illckok's Patent machinery WE have completed arrangements for makinfc Broom Hand lea mnd Curtain Kollcra In a manner and perfection hitherto nnattalnabh Is th nan otact lire of thia artirk, and ar pivparcd to aupply Broom Makers, Window fibade Maautactarera and liar cbanta with any quantity of them at ahort notice. They are made of the beat Panel Stuff, and In a upe Hor manner, on new machinery never before oaad. We alao make, on Newly Patented Machinery, tha beat W(ofei Bench and Hand tScrew that have ever been before tha public AatTtirden promptly n-iec AiKirena W. O. HICK OK, Hakbisbtbo. Pa. 6m M Atrent of the Kacle Worka. ABR'B E. BOWER, Watchmaker and Jeweler, second door above Third, on Market street LEWISBURG, Would respectfully inform tbe public that be has on band a line assortment of tJold and Silver Lrver and Lepine Watches a good stock of Gold, Cameo aad Masonic Breastpins of the latest style Gold aad CameoEarhngs &c which he intends to sell very cheap also a splendid assortment of Eight-Day and Thirty HourCLOCA'Saad Time pieces. Every article warranted so be what it is sold for. The greatest care will be taken in Repaid rlna; and Cleaning of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, and everything warranted to give satisfaction. Please make him a call, and give him some trouble lo show bis Waltbes and Jewelry-July SI, 1858 Cleelia.Wafeb- en, and Jewelry, 4ih door west of Bank, . Also, particular attention paid to RE fAlRlNU of all kinda. I have also tbe agency for the sale of the celebrated foal Oil Lamp, which will recommend themselves to . every one. ('all and sec. Sert.9,18Mil A fi l'SNORMAKlliE Insurance. GET INSURED! Wot Branch laraare I wajpaay. L.O K UAIE.X, 1'A. HON. C.G. HARVEV, Praidrnt, i. W. CHAPM N, Secretary. 'i bis company, on entering upon the filth year of their business, submit the following statement of their assets and business to tbe public Whole amount of Risks $3,800,000 Bond, and mortgage, secured bj first lien f'aeh on hand In bauda lT Ak'ent. Note, rrcriied lor Premiums on loaf term, and in lorea $100,000 gtl.ftHO 4,000 Snn.ooo Total Loeaea paid during- la.t yer I'aid diriilrn.l. and commiaaion. si:ji..'C) Ji.OoO This Company continues to insure every description of properly, such as buildings, good, merchandize, Ac, against loss or dam age of Fire, and for any lime limited or per petual. We would call the particular attention o owners of valuable stock, lo Ihe department of Lice Stiiek Inntrance. Horses, Cattle and Mules Insured against loss by death, from either natural or accidental causes. Also Insurance on the Jlrollh of Individual! lor the term of one year, at modearte rates. JAMES B. HAMLIN, Agent. Lewisburg, Oct- 20, 1859. LIFE INSURANCE. the cm a m Lirr. iynrRA.:E, asxiitt asd TKI.ST t OHl'ASY, flllLAUEU UlA, TIIOS.RIDUWAT, PnaidenL JNO. r.JASlKS. Actuary, latitat iaalw up) HIKI.OOO-I barter ocrnrtnal. C CONTINUE to make INSURANCE ON i LIVES on the most reasonable terms. The capital being paid up and invested to gether with a larze and constantly increasing reserved fund, oilers a perfect security to tbe one insured. The premiums must be paid yearly, half yearly, cr quarterly. The following are a few examples from the Register : iljlnt'dial nf litry and Jimutor llnnutJUibeimfr'atrd Afldilinna. ftywlare orfrftfiona. Ao. l S-Mtl I M.! 60 S-l-illfso" 1:2 3HIKI I K75 3,;S 00 lw liil so l,:is "0 .Tut I I 15oO 6.SO0 00 t'The undersigned is Agent for the Com pany in Union county. Pa., through whom ap plications for Insurance ran be made. To mechanics and business men generally, desi ring to effect Insurance on their lives, it of fers inducements not equalled by any other company in ihe I'nited States. Tau. H. Wit.nw, M.D.,Examining Physician 8. H.ORWIG, Agent, Lewisburg. Pa Commonwealth InsuranceCo.JIamsb'g ( H tllTKKKD CAPITAL, ICOO.flOO. ri"MIE subscriber is appointed agent for I this well established Company, which insures Buildings and other property against loss or damage by fire, perils of inland navi gation, transportation, Ac, on most iavorable terms. rrrninit Cen finny CA ItrROy. W frtMttXJ. I'AKhK, aSerreturjf A. & I'AKltUH. Vnum BuOdinpt. 1. B. M'l.Al (jHI.I.N, Agent. Lewisburg, Feb. 1, 1859 m6 American life Insurance & Trust Co., (Capital Stock $.'UO,OflO) OMPANY S Buildingi.Walnut street.S E corner of Fourth I'hiladth hia. W Lives insured at the usual M utual rates or at Joint Sti.rk rates aboul 20 per cent, less j a i i uiai lauautirm r lairs inr luwesi in me world. A. WHILLDIM, Presideat Jim C. Sms. Sec. 747 GEO. F. MILLER, Agent, Lewisbnrg AT A JIAKGAIN! The subscriber has on hand for sue Tnv New lfU?girM, winch lie orler at a bargain for t'a.-h or will Kichanse fur a Rood HOKsE. Call soon or v,.u will miss iu B. F. HI KH, at Ilurah A liiiodBi.D'a Slore. or if absent, inquire of W. H. Killer, at Win. Brown, Jr.'s store. Lewi-burs, Feb. 15 NOTICE. TO the Citizens of Lewisburw and vicinity K. I.. Ililie) has removed his Barber Shop from the Ifiviere House to .Market street, basement of Widow Amons' building, one door above the Post Olhce. Thankful for all pal favors, he hopes to merit a continuance of the public patronage. N. Tt. To all who tarry hire till their bf airl (rrow long To (ret a ilraiant h , ffl aa trbr rvT cave, Juntrall on HlM-f at hi ISalbon. l-a aiorn.Te oraooa. Tuwt-Ia rle an, raxora i-harp ana wietr kcn. Lem-Ksbur, April 1, 185U. . I,. HINES. THE subscriber con- tinues to carry on the A. tinui l-lvery lluNineKM a the Old Stand on South1 Third street, near Market, and respectfull) solicits the patronage of his friends and thf public generally. CHARLES F.UESS. Lewisburg, May S3, 1850 f C. W. SCHAFFLE'S 1 fed WHOLESALE and RETAIL t!L,lw Druij and Chemical Emporium M.irket Street - Lewisburg, Pa. James B. Hamlin, A TTOBNEY at LAW, XL ty Office on Second St. west side ,2nd door south of Market, l.ei iMburir, 6m!93 Union Co. Pa. WINFIELD FACTORY! l'ear Uarllelon, Union Co., Pa. THE subscriber, thankful for past patronage, would inform his friends and the public in gene ral, lhat he continues to manufac ture all kinds of Woolen Goods, such aa iioins.assimeres. 1 weeua, Sattinetts, Jeans, Blankets and Flannels: also. Carpet and Stocking Yarns. His machinery being of the best kind in use, and having employed the best of workmen, he feels sate in saying lhat his work shall not be surpassed by any establishment in the country. A goodsup- piyoi the above goods kept constantly on haad for sale or to exchange for wool, at prices that can not fail to please. WOOL will be Carded in the best manner and on the shortest notice. Terms for rarding, rash on the de livery of the rolls. MARK HALFPENNY. WinSeld Mills, March 30, 1857. 13 THOMAS G. GBIER, (iuceejear t. J.L.T0DK1) Watchmaker and Jeweller. located two dooea eaat of tlie ataiHl reeentli occupied by Mr. Toder LIWimiKU, I'a. Clock, Watches, Ac, repaired on shot I notice and warranted to give satislartion. tAn excellent assonment of Watches, flocks and Jewelry ca hand Cheap for Cmk. GILT FRAMES of all sizes made 10 order. Lewisburg, April S9, 1858 J. SCHRETER fc SON ABE opening, direct from M'Callnm Jr. Co.'a Carpet Manufactory, Glen-Echo ills. Geraianiown, Pa., one of the prettiest aad bet assortments of Carpels ever bro't to Lewisburg, such as Three Jtjf, JTemp Tenitian, Sup. Ingrain, Manilla Hurt, Union do., Coma do., i-4 TaWed Venitian, 4-4 Oil doth, 3-4 Jo. do., 8-4 do. do., Fine do Carjitt indivg, dc arSeySaae Philadeluhia. .aa wwi wwa waw aw jaw awaaaam .... The Wonder of the Age ! ROM A PtVIS' EUEIMOI WASHIX6 "tfBIe 19 guaranteed lo do any ordinary washing in one hour's time and with 50 per cent, less injury to clothes lhan by the old method. County rights for sale in the State of Penn sylvania, and also Machines lor sale Whole sale and Retail by Messrs. PLOWMAN Jr. M'BRIDE, 7 'Jim 3 15 So. Thud St. Philadelphia PEIPHER'S LINE rpO AND FliOM PHILADELPHIA, I BEDl(Tieer EKf.lt.HT. l.tClaa. 4S eanta er lo ponnla. 4.1 do du 31 do 37 do de 2d do Ad do 41 b do Vneelal do do fueat, By. atHl Cora, 1m cent, per buaLei. Philad. Urpol with f reed, Hard A Freed, 811 Market 8t. Thankful for the liberal patronaee given us , we hope by strict attention to business lo ! merit a continuance of the same. THUS PEIPHER For further information apply lo ly795 C R M OIN LY, Agent, Lewisburg NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. PERSONS shipping Goods to Philad. will please be particular and Olark them in care of Peipher's Line ; otherwise, Ihey will be re-shipped at Harris burg, which will be attended with oelav. May 6, IH59. THUS. PEII HER. SPICES! SPICES! SPICES! PL' RE and No. I Ground Pepper. Ginger, Cinnamon, AH. pice. Cloves. American and English Mustard. Cayenne Pepper, Nutmegs, Mace. Sup. Carb. Soda, Saltpetre, Saleralns. Caraway and Coriander Seed. Sal Soda, Indigo. Ashton Dairy and Ground Salt, Ac, For Sale at the Eagle Mills No. 24 1 and 246 Nona Front street, corner of New, Phil adelphia. HOWARD WORRELL. tli1 Purchasers will find it greatly to their interest both in quality and price to bny these goods, which are warranted as represented.or forfeited. A trial is solicited. 7?9yl BtUlJ-IDEB hilts. Evans k Watson, Iu.26 South 4th St. rhimMjuKa, If.iv an on hind & lsnr MortBifOt of Fir anil Thirf Pm-f atni.dej S Iroa Iroore for Banki.Dd t-UjW.ln'n buttrrst.ritt sj-ht mil Mkc o( Lock, rtui I an j ia I aifard tl. CjTFive Safes in one Fire ail come out right ' with contents in good condition. J Iht fjiliimmntUr S'fti JWdQVaAm afroifiat lAc eVera1.' ; EVAXS . W.4TSOS liar had th Qrit dmionatration In th' frllnwine tr- tifleateihal their Biannfaetnree-f ialamn.lr ato ha , at Is-Bfrtbfull' warranted therrpr-f--DiatH-BfttbatbaT ' keen made of thm a rendering aa Badountedsacariry ' agaiaat tbe temffic element : j Pfrrt, Arrit 12.lV.fi. Mht. Ktiss k fientlemen: ItalJfrtln un th ! highest ntiFfa4-ti4a to ftat to -on. that own; lo the'ere protective qnaliliea of two of th iSaliiniandrr l" h'rb ' w pnirhafed of yc-m ann frw Biootbi rtrr. w aavd a large portion of iur jewlry, and all our I -,. paper. ; Ac. iOM-i to the cilawiitraf fire in Katarh ad Clace, e tt Biorntar of the tlin rortaut. I W hn we teflfet that then- Safe were toated in the j fourth atory of tt hnildincr we oeenpieil. and that th-r ) 1 fell ui.itiiiri.t!T hito ahapef hnrmnr ruinn, wht-r j th vat eoneentratiMn of hi-at emoted the bran plat--- t ' wit. weeaa net bal rrard the pr-ratka of their ' aluahle ratt aa niot enntintriug proof of the great . ! arrnrity atfonh d by yomr Safest. j m r anal) ink Borb pleanure ia reewi mennior taeai : to aien of bu'inM aa a ure relianre airamat ir. t.KoH.ifc; V. fI.MO2t VV,.. J'Wtl'rt. 7-") H bo bare purrbaeed ix larpr Safe inr. Chitkerinjc & Sods, aaaaufaefurera nf .RAM.M;l Alit and rFRK.HT pinna artrs lltO? Chestnut St. J 'iltLADEL nil A. fi Con-tianilyonhand a larse slock of our beautiful tai unequalltd instruments, finished in evrrv variety of strle, at prices ranging from $175 to $1000. We have been awarded 38 Cold and Silrrr First Clou Medals at the different Exhibitions in this country and Eu rope for superior manufacture. A liberal discount to the clergy and seminaries of lear ning. Or Illostraiec descriptive catalogues sent to any address ly4s K. S. LAWRENCE'S Paper, rrlntera' Card, and En velope WAREHOUSE, No. 405, Commerce St., Philadelphia. CiC'ash buyers will find it for their interest tu rail. Philad, Jaa 1, 13A9 y COOPER & WORK, WHOLESALE DEALERS IX HATS, CAPS, and STRAW COODS, No. 46 North Third street. between ttaraet and Arrh, y. n. work f I'HILADELrniA. WINCHESTER Jc, CO. GENT'S FUEM1SHIKG STORE, as a ratent Shoulder Steam Shirt Manuf 'y, AT THE OLD STAND, Ko. ?04 CbCKlaut at, Philad. "VPrOSlTE Ihe Washington House. A. J WliNLHfchTEK will give,as heretofore, his personal supervision of the Cutting and Manufacturing departments. Orders for his celebrated styles of Shirts and Collars filled at the shortest notice. Persons desiring to order Shirts, can be supplied with tbe formula for measurement on application by mail. Constantly on hand a varied and select slock of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. ly Wholesale Orders supplied on liberal terms ly162 B1IXDS AND SHADES Cbeap for Cash. B. ,, I . J. WILUASIS. No. 16 North Suth sireet, Philadelphia, is the I TOTTnTlflTOT Ifil nTPTTl and dealer in W1.MJOW MIAllKS i.t' I variety, ne is me unginator of a II New i biyles, and has a fine Stock to be sold at re- ' duced Prices, Baff, and all other colors nf I.inen Shades, Tnmmings, Fixtures, Ac. SIOKE SHAUES Painted lo order. t"B. 1. W. invites Citizens of this County to call before purchasing, and assures them he can sell a belter article for Ihe money than any other Establishment in Ihe Union 7bUm3 COAL COAL COAL. THE subscriber keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of ihe very best tha mukin and Wilkes Barre COAL, for lime and stove purposes, which he will sell at the very lowest prices for Cash or Country Prodnce. Also. BlaelumUh' Coal, Platter and Salt. Wish it distinctly understood, that I will not be undersold by any man Having good weiga-acales, full weight will be fives. Coal Yard near Weidensaul's hotel. GEORGE H0LSTEIX. tewiskurg. May ti;&'i. TARIETT OF VABIET1ES ! A large and well selected stock of new Goods in tbe Notion and Variety lior, has just been received and opened at tbe To Office, and for sale cheap lor caih. ii Scvoim i conatitutional diaf-ae, a corruption of tha jj.nKl, uy wiiuii mi imiu WCOIliffJi Vitiatrt ACak. and ynr. lif.-iu! in the ru eolation it pinrad the wh.il? I.iy, ai,d m.iy burt oat u dMitie on any jiart f it. No "ri;an ta ftftB trm it a-tu'.k. ur U thrpunv whuh it auy not fk-try. Thf wroltilims taint i vahouaij .mlt-TiM. or uuhialthy fHJ, iiti.Lie lur, iiith iXtvA tilthy habits, the tlt.r Titt, aj. ajove all, ty tlw vci.cfcai ii.frtiion. 'k,at fver te iU oii-ii, it hen tiii.try iu te rf,n tit:iti'n, tJix cmliti frt m pajentd torhi!drra unto the th.nl au l lmrth iieruiiim ; uk it M't-m to he th - n"! i.t llnuwho aaya, - will TiMt the iu.ijuiu. of tLc laiter iiVjq tUir ch ltlr'ii." Iu eifcvU enmrn'T'rc l,r tTqvw-tion from tV, !ootj of curiipt or 1 --ru mutter, hn h, n .he luu livt-r, atil .t;t rii;ii orvii, is t'TTneri . then h- ; in th-. t;!a:.Js wviltn7; and on the ft'irfait, tTujioi. tr 'n:. This ffiul tor ruptiuii, whit-h ticrA-T- in th Ukm1, d.-prefa JlU CTHTJUr oi hlr, th It (Tjf:il(lU lOIUtitQ. iu ri'-l only tuif'r fr't:n at T"f:iV,u tfjra jliiit;. h it tin y Kjw fir jKmcr to ith itaml thj at tar k of othrr fheiVKt; cnne-.iU).-:.t!v, T.i-t ii m ii Ut p rih bv div.rri vhich. although ift f"-itifuiotia in tlttaT nature, ire itiii rt'iid.-rt-l t ttal hy thi taint in the -y-item. Mjt tf tht i-'n .niiption whirh de- irn:itt'S the humnn fuanly h: moritrn directly m this s r'f"ilou3 contumin :it:n ; ai.d niany 'iL-.-tructivf ili-HX of tlif Iivlt. k:diiryo, brta arul, tn(it:l, of ail tlx- nrxus ar.ae ftMD r axe ariivatfd t,y tlw.- mn'- ciusc. Oiicquartir of u'. mr p"0'.l arr cr fulnui; thtir pi-nonn are iuva'.-! l.y thy. lurking in ft cti'pit, a:id the.r h - th is vitdf-rniintd br it. To rlt ai:w it ir'iit the -r'Mn mut reinVa he blood by an al: rutive mi -dicii:e, and ia ri .rate it by h uithy ft d aud cxeJCiac. AYEIfS CompoimJ Extract .f Sarsnparilla, ihe mt.'-t c!Tf tu;al roin-. ilr whith the mrdicai -kill of our UiaH' cii tj'vii. fur this rrvry where prtvailin ai.ii lata! niuiatlv. It isr. nv Ijined lr-in the iiht active rcinHialu that Yw hreti di-covcrcd for tho t xpiruTtr j? f r) foj diaorder from the LiofJ, and the ncne of th eystcm fvtm irs destnirtive coriefuente. Hmce it tshou'd be einph.TOil fT thf cure cf not only sri.fula, hut lo those othrr affec tions Tihith arie from if, !i h as KmmTi and Skim Itretr-, Sr. Avtiioxt's Fim, HSK, or I'llYStl-HLX-i, I'iMr!r3. 11 TtLU. iLiiT HKs, li.MN-; ami T?'i.?.i,Ti M'n. Tetiie and Su.T liiin i, St m.i Ifrsn, Kim. Kit trMAT:, i ir.n l if i.tid M i.Kcru.AL Ifa- EAfIS, JjlUJl'-T, I'Y-fLl'S.'A, lilUilUTV. aj.f., illdfe-l, AIL C-.irLi.NTS l'IvVtO FIX VlTt- ri:u o:t I m i v" it f. li'ii. 'lae j'uiar ii'.A-t hi impuritjf'f ffi hlt.d' I- fi ui.tiid in truth, fur scrofula i a d uc:uratu.n t t tl el.Ici d. The lnrtit ulur j.iirv tsiid vaiur of tiii! wrari rilla i tu jiurity ami r et r;::- tl.L riinJ f.wA. without whuh sui tl hruiia ia iiujhMl,i in Ayer's Cathartic Pills, .'CR ALL THE FLTi."CSES CF A fA"!LY FKTSICL ire so rf,irn.I !' : heir krii'-n nr. r; I t.e.t tr .M ir .i:d in.L'iratf (urrtitii 2 iti ts hca-.Ithy X !it inipen:r. tl c it r'-ia or i i.vii al u ,it ii-i' e :th:r. tl:e mice -A it'x i iit.-i.ei r e.ar.e ti,r:n I r .?r:-t ft. :v i.ni. ri rf i la.-f :.4 ii a t. . A- il If!.- r.ltd wl.fi is ' i is -: .. e hti'i in oirr.i -p. ai.c r( At' v n i I.ce , tl rxf wi d -n w;l':i I.i ri ti C; ii i. i. dv alt ui;re iO -far rrr..-ir f' rn.;du! t n 1 i . . w i r.n . d . :; fh r tr.rrz r.-Ui' 1 v a l pit aitti ii.. c Nut ci lv tio t..- i rrr tl.e rw of tierr i.nii, 1 t.t al-o i..:n Hyt rin: a : .-'m . '. ! e i.t i!fard tu f'.n rat n An ...I. t.ili. II. C tt ti; "i.r thrir iim' in it9. Ilr't-t'.ur '.ttti it ft tiit tr. J..ur.ili-r. n-ii q frrm z. I rt- aUt.ri .:rr i-ti.':.s i: s c i . Jifni.'-'C-t t'ci"i, tioui utjofttntA a, tut. . t- n. I'mn ft c it .. i - i d I'i-St..., c.ti- tlx . Lot nt Afr'r : t J i ;:t r .u. -tftl r :. '.. ", :n ititi- ol U.f Ux.. n oi,:U.i.l.-3 .f iU flilailiujis. il -rTiMa'-l f" T9aA.f Afrl 1 F"K Tnr true i-f "oiichs, CoUls, lufiururn llonrrira. roup, FTronrhUi., Iuritirut t ouan:f -t.oii, uiul1 lor ilit relief of t onympl.e I'utiriils ia udiunccd atapts of tii So u!t i the ficM of its nwfiilnfii arc! m rn mrni, arc t! rs f it rurt-t, Ih3t a!n -t erv jpctitm f cnuurfT aloundi in ftrr.r.a l. it lv !.ti.in n. who haw hern rttirt-fi fri'tn air r'.;m .iid cTrn dr-!rrie I'-isim! rf th- IiiM- i' it .. Wiirii omr tr?rd, ita tt;cri.riiv mrr fury ;rhrr n:riiicir f it, tir.d ttx appart i.t t-fv.v l.-T:i:i'p, aii'l wht-rr its virtues rre ki i n n, the .ill Ii; r. I'Pirr ht-i:atr hr.t ai.ti. t- i-n '-r r the (.itrrsiri; .-ind J; ccrnns 5t "f t: c :lmrn -xy ori'.ir that r.ri ii;;i;iei.t Ir i".:r t'.iti:a;c. Vliile nuTiv iuftiicr rt'mrifj. tkrii-t .i-ri ihe mn.!iT.i:v hnc f iUd ar.I rtn (!'-.-.TT'r'i, t:.: iai ca.ird fr:- n''- Yy uptt trial, rt-nfiTifl Nr.rt.'i n t':e atilirti ri tiiey can nri r f.rii t, ai a '-ucr-d mrvs too nutucroii and too niiwrkaUr i e forgotten. rci:r.RED pv DR. J.C. A YE IS & CO. IDW'FM., MASS. PTSord C M Schatreand FSCardwp? I.ewiburc"; C D Koush. Aew Berlin ; J D tiasi, Mifllinburg; and all Druggists y UAtIS' DCPl RiTH E, sr nnipound Extract of Juglans Kefy'a, Is VDpifcadfDted for tb care of Sri-fula and all cbrnur naaiea; umai cf tbe Livrr, aidii'ta and lt.akirr Jaandict. lrp-fy, Bronrbiti!i.Chri)niri'oDt:h,l).ria- pittiOK pf hl.tl, lDripie-nt ('(auaiptioa, Netiivpa, IbroDicand lotlanaturj kftrsDiatbao, C'ueti tlalii tirll lltradarbt. l!prpia, luiinrfta. Nrrvou A tittHM. 1'hrooic rrvfuloM Srt. K.yr aad Itjal.Ua.lariaitbis dalar EniarjcrBiriita, U bite Sflliatra. .'id and tlrfra, Mrrruriat llr.rn aad l-:ru-t)BS.iair...tviJ,ar of tbe bonea, i.Qiva. Katinc lilreraaf thr hmrr. cUr l.ip, Maliguaat l.atiiis; Vlerra ef tb. u:b, Ittfuf Throat and Sfl falate. Tetter. Karber'a Itch aad mi I aKAMta or tub Kl?, and all diaraara ari-irjt tr m as rrai aTAta oftmx aiocB, wheiiir bcrrdaat;, ariam-l or roatracUd. The irreat popalarftr wlliehtlliiiiDTalDaHanai-1 attained ia owing to iUitttrinsH-tneritr a. tut ittrtUru of it prop ii-tor. Itiaafth mM rmrr. n" I thntuicbont the crioatr. baai'nft itarrd ja ava-WeraJ ALTtRATIV K AS I) CI K ATl E ufntc ia tin- no chroaic diiMM-a, do sot fcetiiatr to m-a.awBd itaa TLVAaLI BIUAril tfi Offlca, 412 Rare tftrat,vbre ilr.auaiajr he miwbK trd oa all diaeaaea. Call at the Uvt aad prornre Cirrvara emtaiaisf large bum f kite aneet refiertaMe eTiiiraca. tRVMPELAS. Tlie editor of tha Datly aw n' tU npwB terma. ia that paper ot Janiur iil-- n 9r. iwy fijmrativ. hkk cured iiai of trjaiaf laa: Pr. DAT IS lEPl'EJ.TITE- r art ia taebi af n-KDieBdiaa: to for r -atier the acafc ntivea. aad aoatrtma. birb ? hFTo w'"lU; aed ia oar eoluaiaa. IU-brwe-rr. ui Jf aaedirra aad h aad it to he rrall jf of nnuw ; i... a.-. . .: ,. i.L. Lrrval blfMr t-"u" vjoaiuar" nr ar.r ii.--iai.-. -v - ia aayinc x and cvmairadiag tit lhirati-e l ttt- UutucUU- -.ir-- 1Tl0i Ia?.ii.rT.lMl.aiTd.ubter.il..oi.T.iw,, ber joint, were aiurh oll.n. .aj -Be aki tried ! I rai:ra ilz'lJT r : " .' 7.. .u t ir.rn.a.Bient. Mini air. diareur.rrd. 1 rr." to Iry Vt. Darit trrurahtt; Ihe Ural ! Il.er. I' red a derided -haote Ht ll.r teller. !-ke call.".' j..; i.. .. i .. .a-.-l ...rlarlrVKia. rasu.Jli(u S..O t.stia. a.ai.1 it lftti a terleft faU haa rrmaiiM-d tree of Kheuaiatiai ai d her hraitb 4lt tci aiaca. hvtag upaarda i two yr.ru. 5 iillaitrluawaa THROAT D1.I-AC. Tbi large rl-a of dtn-ajH-n, iiiriia.iit ir I irrratif1". flaaaatU'tt.. Brcnrhial lrr.f-t-D-. r.. ta '"'T, Mil- tn-ata-d by the uae af br WiV D laia laroat Appliratit a. R-ad the MicaiaS apeed; ear after lortf eon tie tied iart rii f ' m (, Kat loaa, ChesUr Co., J'J -4" I. Pip Pear Sir: j,-e ATvoat fleeara aeo I wai attacld n " rf .j,, B th throat, mhirh rame ta fEraduaM. tat a" " frj, I woald takoaald the paia aed -nf rriitC "Jl. dii-treeaiaa. ace. npasied ith loaa at , ihJ axteot that I e..ala not apeak aioe a 1"TiIlf eeaae roauaued petting; .rna. aot witfcta- ander tbe Medical treataieDt of f.ar -B"rrBt.,j'i, ts Beee aiiaa alaraard at t roadftif a. I eoar.a 1'hitadelpbia and roonit yvm. which y u r"1'. la tbe wiair oi iit. tui yvm nor Deantmtive : aad U te of ft-or I"" .... . i 1 1 it i. new ai. rr .ear ai.ee tb. car. wa. ea-ereu ,iUl,r. -Dlt. BTl? NTr KOI510I SO'NT' . T1IKO..T -ri.lrTK.elraldaccBrajue atia. Ju aaae. of Sinlulaua l lcer. aed alcn." Tbroat. , . r0 ei CP Callon the Aleuts, J. BAKEh V L.ai.horc. and arwura l irealcr. .aiaii B,aaa of -aider la faaor ol lia aardiellia. J. DAKtl; t IV. s '"'a eou.ij.