i V. 'it, !'4 ' it-' "'!( TDK CHAFP 1B THE WHEAT. Both were lyinc at my feet Plenteous chairand scattered wheat; I could choose which 1 thought meet. Though the grain like jewels lay At my feet, I, day by day. Only bore the chaff away ; And all my regrets are vain, That I often let remain On the ground the sliming grain ! It the treasure I would find I mu -l bend and I, so blind. Therefore left the wheat behind! ii nt the chaff was lighl to bear, fiailierei wuhout toil or care : lso I called it good and lair! ISnme, more patient to descry. And more prudent far than I, Gathered grain and pasAed nie by. And their strength seemed never spent : While I. "rowing penitent. Watched ihem as they onward went. Never can my heart forget All its earnest, deep regret for the losses I h.ive met ; How mv judgment went aMray, That I gathered not each day time good fruit upon the way! To bewail the past is vain J.rl me look for shinir.g cram, And, by sihving.ease my pain) M'hile I earnestly repeat To each pilgrim that I meet, "Leave the chad and lake the wheal." Georgia Court. After wuli kuown Georgia Solicitor General bad administered the usual oath to the grand and petit juries and Lailiffr, be turned to the 1'rcsuliug Judge, and remarked : Sid. May it please your Honor, I do not remember any form of au oath admin istered to the lobby bailies, but, by your permission, I tliiuk I can frame one that will be satisfactory to the Court. Judije. 1'roeccd, Mr. Solicitor. W. Put your baud on the Book, Mr. Bailiff. Thereupon a tall, lean, vingar-fatel ton of Anak stepped up and promptly grabbed the Douk. SA. You do solemnly swear, in the presence of this Court, and us lawyer?, i , -,, , .1 i that you will take your position in the 1 lobby and there remain with your eyes j skinned during tho entire session of this ' Court. That you will not suffer any one ' , . . i -c to speuk above a whisper, and it any ono ' ,,,, , . f.. snouid aaro to ao so in presence otyour. royal hii:hnc8, vou will vociferously tx- o , . ,,,i., it ! r a im "Si eiiee id the loLbv ! " and if or- w J tW is not iuioietliatelv restorttl. vou fur- ' thcr fucnr tbat jou will, tj one blow of j.-iii t lu ieious list, planted between tne p. - it the offender, knock Litu down. . ..u will do, to the lest of jour .on ledge, so Lelp jou God. .... . took the posiiiun assigned Lini, and iimueaiatelj after the Court was , organized, Turn Diggers, wlo looked as green as a joung gourd, walked into tic room wearing Lrogans No. 11, and his bands thrust deep into his peckcts, and . . inquired: "Hello, fellows, where ID the thunder is Jim Snellins ?" i e, ..,,, ii ' 'Silence to the lobbj ! roared the en-; raped official. i ,, f . l 11 r j ' JSrotjans.-Yoa must be an all-fired . tarnal fool, and if je jist open that bread- j trap of journ again jour mamma won't ! r b J know JOU. j Jim Jarvis, the Bailiif, let flj the dogs j . , r ii (i , . i i. t. Of war, and greeoj fell flat on hi bz , With his heels at an angle of forty Jt'-rrecs io tbe air. lie griibiitd the greeny by : tbe ,cat of tbe tiowsers anil dragged Lim wrong end furernost into tbe rucseucc of ' tbe l'residing Judge, and said : "Mr. Judge, here's tbat infernal John 1 Diggers, that wasu't never in a Court House afore, and he tried Id run over this ; chicken, but, according to my oatb, I fetched tbe critter up btandiog, by giving him jerk Ictween the eyes, 'cording to law, and now, say tbe word, and I'll maul tbe dogwood juice out of bitu afjre you can wink twice." Juihjc- Turn him loose, Mr. Uailiff, and accept the thanks of the Court for the .i-i r rr, : 1 j prompt discharge of your ottoa. duty. ( Exit Greeny, with eyes j large as ' aiieera i ' - r r. ai-i - I.IUE run iJUKl.li.. .uicueiei, iu uib t intereating and remarkable book, 'L'Am-1 our," mentions a method of curmg (be disposition in married peoplo to become separated, which might, perhaps be advan tageously adopted in some sections of our country. It appears tbat in Zurich, in olden time, when a quarrelsome couple applied for a diTorcc, tbe magistrate nev er listened to them. lie fore deciding upon the case, be locked them up for three days in the same room, with one bed, one I , , ,. . , , I table, and 0D0 tumbler. Iheir food was passed them by attendants, who neither .i-i . Tin. anoelr tft tnem. II uen tnpv came oat, at the end of three dajs, neith er of them wanted to Le divorced. An Examination Committee about to lest the capacity of an individual for achool teaching, put the following question ; to bim "At what time did France produce her greatest general ?'' "At what period 7'' pausing dJ scratching bis bead; "at what ah? jou'fe got nit there." "Weil, . it before or after Christ ?" "li or after Christ before or af iJ boss.' 9, you've got Die ter an be takers of tbe School Census . . in bis perambulations tVrougn tne cit ii centlj went into a dotn- : ie.l. .h. k. f A . I.J. ,a ... , "as one hundred and three years old. Oil lieinn ..1....1 1. ... . e, aru wueiner ene Had any taildren about the bouse, she replied that i he hul Km , . r u.u oni one boy, who was at work in ! tbe other room, and wag eighty esc years ! vf ace. 1 Ilitkok'i Talent I'ortable KEYSTONE CIEER & WINE HILL. PLEASE take particular notice that this is o eniirrlv iitu) Mill. No expense has , been spared in its manufacture; the materials an tl, ierr but, and ar I unp.rin-lT. To"?1: Ind.r. ar. a'.mort twlo. tt lDirth of tin- turner. anil all (iucluilinnth toPr)llnarlaTn.l. of Iron. Inearrrw la two inti. in dl-OB. t. r..itl, b-y '4 thn!? It. Tin. Oram of tin- pri-s i erf iron inrt.- ail or wow la madr ir h-ny, and ill. tl.rsad nl 1K nut cut for . ii,.-l-s tliroujh It. Hi. power of lli ln- i "1 niii in.-r.-i.srf. and can not he broken I.J any li.irm.-aua. in. rri,,r-mint ol the Tub. ai.J other p.ro. of Hi' fT""- " .ery . rl. .1. The box- ao.l hopper are ll ,l,.rr-t;ilfl t"sfibr; th-journals run in I.. I-rii.s: and. Il Iv, 'he work.u:il.shl. st,-H nut he exrelle.l hy any nia rhineol the kind lil. ..r - -rf-.-liou beinu the aim, biitb ill luearianrtement and ui. . hauieal d.-nartuieol. Iranriitrmriiio lor l:.ll.-TI- lolliiwliiil are the iinprnteuiei.i. sd.le.1 ll.i.v.ar: Thelrameaar. r"l I t.vrth.r ollti j -lor I..1U. fly wheel tl tarimra di- 1 ,,, ini.i, i.d 4 HI iui-lie. ha. been added. Ilie form ol the le.lli ha la-en . Iiiitifeil. eo a to make th.ni crii.d e.i-i. r ud freer. Kulir. iy uew Hearing lia li.-en ....I the lli.l.er r.llltd.rtla te en lie red down, thai in e..i,iie,:i,.., wiiblh.- teelti or cyliudir it slnll triiid i.m h easier. U ilb .Utiles; impi-onm-nt. it i. t-li.-e I lti.it II -Te i' lit. mill 111 the market lhat Will ' tnii-i a fn-t -r witli little .er. n..rt Ibere an ma '. that ic made in a better or more perf.ct manner. j ( it It p.-rs .riK who have been tihtiied to ue the old-feiih-! b.ne.1 nut milt, are awure lnw inconvenient it in. and en- ..-iailv Ih-i"-wh. tia.i not larce quanlilk-a of at-ule. ; ' If y liHioj; this unit ou your rlnutalion nrhrni. "U ean, ' atutiy tune, in a I.W Imliulen. make a few gfcltou.i of, I n we.-i i id. r for jtreseiit um-: or voucan eryexpilttiou 1 lv Dl.ke up a I. w barrel. The M, lnne, well workeil. i i ' rnrahle or umkmir o V) l'J l..irre!ii of ei.ier a 'lay, wnb j e-e. It ia made io run t.v lo.r-e, steiiul or hMid-'Wer, j and when tlie apple" are ifniuihl.a laiy oi fouru-vu years ) ! ol ajre eau piepi. the ponun-e with all ease. The fi.l'ou-iiig may be adduced as the deci-1 I ded advanl.iccs -f this Mill: fYr..( It will nr.ke m. re ri.l. r than any other fw, ' I w ith a iriTen .(iilitity .f apj'lt a in a guen time, aud , Wltll much e.- h.lh.rni.J expense. I Urt-mttf. It wilt make cleauer aud sweeter eider tlian anv oht rtvle mill. T,ini Y-iu can make the cider a- you want it. and lieu you want it ; and iu uuanlitiee trein Due galluu to barrel. F'Hrti. tVttii It you can preM your furrantji, Chor ' rie ll.-rrii ", Cheese, nutter, l.ar t. and Tallow. iA. U ith it use Juu eau at all times Lave frc.-h ' and swei t ei.ier. i Withal the .-idrantntrea rcimltin from the po-esion . and use of sui h a tK-liiue at a price so tow that it is willim the rea.-h of al! rail It be that an iutei!ieut ' Farmer would do without it : The annexed MiruMMLSDATIOX is a specimen of the many scores received : flurititr the past wint. r. I had w-Teral boat loads of ap ' pies to make into ri'ler. and procured one of -111- iiuk's I'oRTO.LKt'lto.l: MliL-," af.-t lotind lliat. Willi two bauds, ! 1 C:Uld tilatie ei.-iit and nine l arrels ol cider aday tlie meu only worklnir by dali-bt in the short days of winter. The mill not only s-rlornied in tlie most per feet n!:d satislaetory iiis.tiner, but worked with remarka ble esse and with a'snvill amount of .w. r. I tried oth er portable null, but none that Worked Willi half Ihe eae or sp-ed of iiW.-.i'i htynliittt. Cvltr Mi'l ;'' aud I can saleiv ri comnieiid it in preleren -e to all other. Ilarnshurf, June 11, 1-el). (UAKLLS H'MJ. Sir. fhafl.-. of l:r..ome couiite. New Vork, writes that he, wltti one band, went from f.trni to farm with one of these Mills, anil made OUT tint LUuUitliA (AiritUut eider lu the til of is'is. IV Mure than n?tK Hrxtiton silver Meilnls '' Diplomas have been given to this .Mill within the last lour vcars. Ttie pln(,er jn Ih; . .P riaj,n ,hai this Machine is the P.KSl' one in the Market on lhe I""'"-' 1,t. Il iil jiiuJ the easiest, fa-test and in the most pert- l li.aui.. r. '.d. ie Pre-- is tie-silopl. .t arid Hirst f. w. rfut. and o,uo k.t ban i., t. it i- u-i hampen.i m, wnii a mu.. b. r ol eerea and eoil-w h' ei. a ho b en ab- euoU.'h li le- ,, td.stu.j n utility, it i well .de and u at a laiL'ri'"'' , , . t ' 'The Mill occupies about 1 o-aml-a-hall , ., ............ v.... i. ii.. ny llllfC I' CI, H'ltt Itll lllll, " ria.H1 evrrv way pr!ablc am. cuiivrrnein. E'l i 4 S tO. Address W. O. HICKOk.Ast. .'JUinS Ea?'e Works, Darr.sbur. Pa Book ilitulcry! riiiK subscriber havins rfnftd lhe entire 1 Book liindii'L' establishment of Wnrden A Cornelius and ad.lcd to it his own loois, is j now prepared lo I BIND OR RE -BIND I Books, Masra.iurs. lamjli!,t-s, Murie, ', ('atalnpriii'?. Nuw.-tiiipi rs.ito. I either Full or Hall-li und, in viiri us kinds of ; a . af I, I W t IHC Leathkr or of Mi si.i., and liuid with Marble I'aper of different li:ur. old llibles and other Hooks or Papers which it is desired lo preserve as memorials in a fa,ni,y- C!,n be an''e ,n",e s'care J the Din-, der's skill. ! tiink fj0(,i;s. Bibles. Hymn and Prayer . Duols, Pocket Hooks, Mhuius. Diaries. Ac, I.t-tK'iril Mill! alil in rnara(M,IS, . or,W. Ml'sK." l'Oit l FuLIus, Jkc, made to suit customers. t? Rood Bindery has lone; been d-sired j,, this vicinity, ami I therefore respectfully! solicit the public patronage, triisimo thai my : experience and attention to business w ill ctve salsfafiiin I ,nierul to rhargr m.nleratp an.! I llM..rin prices, n the I.ivt- anl l.ei Live" ' pnnnple and hupe io i.iaue it a jiermuwur Ldsines:. ! Prihlwe 3 ml S'rr. C r.h tnhn "' J IV Hnt ami stork rrqninns n.oi.ey.I expect j JM V O.V LU -i a!l wnrk.r.j? 7 litiideryin UiM--r's wontlm hinfk, - Third ! street, four i!tors lrmn Mnrkt sirf t,r,rar lhe Chfunirh- t iV-cf. t'HA'S J. STAIIL. I.euivhiir?. April I, lf."i. PENCIL SKETCHES, It, Ouiliiif s- . f Character and Manners ! hy Ml-SaS MU.: One lan Vtduire, cloth- I'nce -1 Tlii- hilily .iitt'resti!.evo!uiD!mntninnthelCr't wri-'fi of 'I:.f vr ii-fUt-J Irom tlit? AiutricaD prt.-. It ccn tHin : ' lr. Va-liin-ton I'ttU. Thr (i:-.t. A Ptory of the i nrw t-hiiip. ivo-rJuu.s. AkA-hinm Tt!s.t.f. bin. Th..t.i.j Vun itonno. l.tirl l-vt.. 1 Mat nl Ionian : fir. ronrit- Jt.linW.i:owrtn.TiHTi!4 - in-.. .-hh tra. JsR I!h!I. rVS. Tlie S, rl.a.i'. O'l'sOiure AlU ro.n ; or, Thi TI.'l:.'Jll' i:. r.f'siiwit .Muuiuimj suits. Ui.li.nt.al M.j n. ROMANCE OF HISTORY. VS exhihiipd in the I.ives of Celt biated WOMEN f all a's and countries ctunpriMnt; remarkable examples ol Female ' fotim-..li-iiitrritriln.'Si. Mtit R.-H-rritiri-. Jy MKNKV C. WATSON. One larf Tlunif Unn cNtlh. i T i t hffi-r tlif Wnraen of Amirirji rxamp Iff fnr imi 1 Until)?, in th-' diikI tnini rin-uui'-Liiitfii. i the oljfct of tii..- liiiilily itlrftili( Ihx-k. I.it tlie rt-aUinc d i-tuJy of iurl. work beo'Di rtniitnon. no 'I our wi". ui'th-r. nisiem ind tlatihtir wit) Niodi tui t r-m nt-d fr riHiuiin. f ri!iu-f, mui Sflf uri!ioj. Utan tLe tii itxtttn , tl-Ul.alfl WflV Of tery Ln-ir id tlie IntiJ eLouU bare a copy of thip . higLly iuU-rffiiiig ItiHrk. J- 8. COTTON & CO. Publishers .N.i. l(i!).,hesnul St. Philadelphia The Publishers will send either of the above popular Books by mail, free ol postaee.to any nan of the Coiled Stales. un..n rpceint of lhe 1 . . publication price U.MIiKIi! LUMBER!! 'UK subenhers have for fale -i r (io lots to suit jiurchasers)if ilaiari ce stoek of !tSc? a iarce stoek ot iifve jji j I'ltv tii :..,n r.aV'iL- Plankt &c, ' A,M, 5.co I I. kail's. yr inch Sawed Shingles superior quality. Also tsijuare 1 1 in her for Iuildinrs : W hich are otiereil low for cash al t.nr Mills on outh Branch of the White Deer Ciei-k in Hartley township or delivered on the Brush alkv .Narrows road at the end of our Koa.t. ! IV A Diploma lor a superior sample of i Planks, and a Premium for Rails and Shine- ! les.were awarded us at the last I'nion Co.Ag. Fair. JOHN M'CAI.L & BhO'S, lv73 Forest Hill P O. Tnion Co, Pa AurlUo and cmral"lyo House 1b Ushburg. liPS Ifgal Auctioneer! -. t.ant'lioer havinyleen appointed sole Auctioneer tor Lcu-isbi.rz, is prepared to al!cnd 10 COUMtJ. ail cans in nis nue in town and Commission Sales. In April next, I intend to open on Marlte Mrecl a Room for lhe reception, and the sale at !i,a,"i t"nr, of a" kini'" of Jnt"ls aI A"c' lion. Any one wishin; todispoeof anv arli- cle can deposit it with me and I will tell it at lhe b"1 vantage 1 can and charge a per ren'a?e for 'h same r A E0XT;R0'r,E!. li.MO.V COUNTY ;ST All CITIZENS OF Danville. Milton.Muncy.M'Ewensvtlle Munbury, Northumberland, Selinsgrove, .New Berlin.Milllinbarg.Hartlelon.nnd scores . in l.ewisbun. bae bouehl iheir HATS and j CAPS at .illHonM Kmportum of Fashion , within the past year, and are urging their friends to do likewise. Always a line assort-; nent of latest sivle on hand, very cheap, at j .1ISMVS HT MAXITAUTORY, I-EWISRIKG. arj isiDJiJJiiii. B'n Just opcnptl, opposite tlicUivicrc llousp, in the Room lately occupied liy A. linger. FULL and fomjlote assorlmrnt o( iV FALL& WINTER CLOTH- I N G such as Overcoats, Dress t'.'ats, llusi ness Coats, and (.'oats of every style an.4, pat tern; and I'atitali ons and Vests m suit. Also, a large variety of I'nder Clotbins, such as Drawers, SShirts-, &c. A!so,a line assnrttnent of Iiovs' Clolhint; of lhe latest stvles. Also, .iVAand CAt'S equal to any ollcred in this country. In fact, I have everything necessary in the shape of CU.tlims, w hich 1 ofl'er at a very small advance for cash. I'llILII" (iOODMAX, Al. t"t?A!l Ittnds of Country I'rodtire taken in exchange fur (roods. I.ewisbura, Oct. 23. WlI-MtM itiovrit, ST01EAS.E mtureuc" 1'n.iiKnr STnF.tr, (near the State Caf itol Steam Flour Jlills,) Harrisburg. Fa. A full assortment of Ware cinstantlv on hand. Ware made to nrJer. For Trit e Lists address lhe Proprielor. tlf"Orilers by Mad promptly attended to fnii7H3 NEW FIRM AND NEW GOODS. Yriii.Itroivn Jr. & lis. '. DuieMr, Havin? formed a I'artnership. at lhe old stand of Win. X J.H.Uimi n, Mai ket St. above 1th, I.cwisburpr, VHE oHerinp; a Inrce assortment o' SpriiirT and Summer ;oilx, ooiisisting of Keady M;n!e ('Itithintr, t'loths, Casimeres, ('oatins, Vesiitics, Carpetinirs, Uleached and JJrou'u Linens, Dnlhngs, hir tins, Ac. Also a lare vari-tv of I. Mills' DRESS f;tnt)S. such as l.'alirnes. t'iiiiliics, l.Htvtis Delatns, ltara;-es. Silks. (inghanis.Shawls An Also alt kinds of .otnins, (irocenes, llunl ware, Cedaf ware, tueens and (,'ia..svva;e. Fish, Salt. 1'nl.acco. Also all kind of 11 i(k for building pnr .posps. Call and examine At yourselves. rr..dnce of all kinds taken in m-haiiEc for liomls. llliilW.N .t DI .NKI.i:. I.ewisbur?, April SO, In":. i,- l'-1lf, T..,. v. tyllPflT I;1,(M. . j,': rr- '' UlllVtli Arranti mrnts ftir the. Ytar. JACOB (I. BKOW.N. havin? stipplied the ; Leu ihui: Market for the past six mi.itt.w, has matte ihc luiiouing arraneniciils ior lhe ctni2 year The .e-t of Heef. Mutton, Veal ami Pork rati be had on Wednesday and Saturday tiior- . nm ul each week, at the Market H- n-e. n Maii.et slret t I etueen SchalacV and olfeS, ' Leuih:ir2, Ia. His mono is Quick Sa'es f,-r Cah, and -Small I'rolits." I.xamine his meat. Ap. 15.-:. I. S. M'EIiNKK, A-er.t. ' SECOND YEAR. FTnn rue vear's trial, e are satisfic 1 that a Hal Manutactory cun be sustained in Lewisbur;:, we are now prepared u iih tlie largest and best selection ol Sprini: tstyles i f H ATS and f.'AI'S ever broiiL-lit to -Irs marki t. snrh as line .Mole, silk, 1'ie-s Hats, lrali. Heaver, t)m r, lltsh and !...' Crown, Soli H.its and Caps, and Simmer Hats i t !.'.:e-t stvies I. r Sprins and Snintner weer. ail i f h:chwi!l be si. id at C.ty I'r.i es, tor Casn. Oor m.'tto shall I e. s'tiou k sies and Snt.til i'roiiis,"i.f which the pi bin-, shall be the juiljjef. Hats tnaile to i.r.ltr nl shni in. lire. Ap.-.l 13, is:,u. Jo.-s. (iiliu.N, Hatter. Uew Hotel ia EiSiinlmrg. Til K subsmber woti'd tespeetliiih in aliform tlie Travrlin:; I'libiic everywhere, liiat he lias taken and tilled up the premises ol tieore tichi.cli, in the centre of MAIN ST. .MIKFI.IMIUIafJ, where he t prepared to arcomnii date stran? er and lravelt'r int'n an 1 oiv.m. in ti.e hr'st in:nni-r, with Bi-aiJ and Lodging. ; i'iease pive u:e a call. ! Ap 159 cii.vni.ns cKOTzni:. j HARRISBURG STONE WARE. rillil?) Ware is clear of all poisonous mrit J ler. 'J"he plazini; is made i t nun moti tufl and day. Apple litttter or anyihms else may be kepi in it u ilh perfect nnftty. i here is no I''H1lN in it t tli-r is in CMmnn ri r-l rartlit-n-V:ire. Milk and Ilntt-r kt-fi- tuurh l-ttT in ilun ntntri-.l ll.fm in JCirthfu-Warc. It m lurnt ti a Mm txly. will not sh-rb any fnrl cf vlmt nmy l-r ,ul into it, aud if Dot linMc tn brfi,k or crm-k in u-ia-. iSnld l-y Mnri-K-'iifn iu LKWI-Iil Kd and gcuc wllv tliTTiuirimut i hi .-t,tp. Mitimliifion tilUrt t.m-ar th Ptaiti V--vr Millo Ilmrriftunt. W.M. MlVKK. rroi-riftor , Sii!ixn 1851) ! J UST received a large assortment uf FAWCY GOODS, nurh as DeDaines, Chnllies lrjrp.irr?, Crosso- ver Mohairs. IWee .ngetais. Silk I oitlar.l. , cdiui iidiiics, finical iinr, p-i Willie aim black Berese. Bereee Robes and Orian- ; dies, very handsome French Brilliants orin- i teit. rercals also a preat variety ol square aud round cornered KTF.I.I.A SHAWI.s, varying in price from $2.50 to ijl I. I!n che border, black lace, poinled and square SHAWI.S, lace Mantles, black silk Netting, black demi Veils, real Matiese Collars, verv pretty sett of Collars and Sleeves from $2 to !jiS. Cambric Kdiins. Lace rikirting, French Dimity, Dnniiy Bands, Handker chiefs from fc cts. to SI each, embroidered Mitts from 50 cts. to 'i per pair, besides a great variety of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queen3ware, &c. &c. kc, all of which will be sold very cheap. Call and see. HEAVER, KIIEMER & M't'LlRE. I.ewi.sbur;. April Stf, IH5'J. fn omuMc I"rli:llnsr. AYI.Mi purchased the right to use Rmi- bkr piocess lor rrtnting with Iry C(.ir!. tor I'nion Co. Pa., we are prepared lo ' execute orders for CARDS, Show-Bil!s, &c. t'a J?"f. Grrrn. IHttf, llrtnm, Silvrr, liitmnnd, or Ctittt colors, in Rood style, TsTat the Oli'ice of the Siar & Chronicle," Leirisbnr?. Jrwj,ls:.i) WnKllKX t CoRNKLlCS. Notice to Creditors. THE undersigned. Sequestrator of the State Fire & Insurance Company of Pennsyl vania, will meet at bis ollice in Harrisbnr; on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, the 17th, 18th and Itfih days of October next, the several creditors oi tne said Insurance Com- I pany, to receive proof of their claims against ; said Company. Those failing lo present and ! prove their claims will not be entitled to any , share in the asset.. WM.C.A.LAWRnNCr.eeqnestraior. Hirrntmg, Sf :. 15, iv&t. c6-i. & T.KWlSliUWl t'HKOMCLE OCT. 11, 15!). SASU and DOOUS, ni.iXDS nnd Sui'TTEits, Flooring, Sitling, Fra ming, Ac. tor sals at, the Hardware ftor. of J.M lAUUlN. Iwisbur;. Oct Ca co-rAiiTNiaiiii'. j rrrr The nnilcrsisncil have as- faaiJsnciateil ihcmseUes into copart- ' fv, iii..Sr,.o7nership for the purpose of carry- t'arr.Mia.ln otl ne ,,in,berin?, rianinv, : anil Carpentering business in a. I their various branches, at the ' tcvsjtolmrg Gleam JJItming iUills, ! where they intend to keep a sli ck of Tine, Hemlock, Walnut, Cherry, l'opl.tr, sh, Ma ple, and all kinds of Lumber, Fioorinr Slu l vins, Sidtii?. Shingles, Lath. Joists, Stii.l.hii.-, Fencing, Pickets, Door and Window Frames, Doors, Shutters, illinds, tash. Mould. n?s. Brackets, &c. I'lanii', Si iitin it, Scroll aw ing, Ac, done at shi rt notice and all work warranted to sive satisfaction, both in t rice I aud woikmauship. I j. d. mf.fffmi:i:fi:i!, I MAItTlX DKI'ISHACll, j DICVLliS AMMOXrt. twi-burir Plsnlnir Mills. A.ril 1. IS'.s. ' i $3,000 Wanted! TN purstinnre of an act of ilif lasi laPjisl.i lure of IViiiivlvania, ilie ruiiiiniMont r-s i if I'ii ion county ilt'Mie lo Itu) l ow innnry to ihr aliove amount, in sums not less tl,;in j ."jtliMi.the iniPrfNt Ut tepanl antiuallv. and the ! pnnciral within three vt'ars. Inqtnre of 11 1 Nalit'l LL'K, Ti-MMtirari IJeu i!nirfr, May -'i. lH.rH. NOTA11Y VVlilAC. William Jones, VTTOIiNLV at Law. (..llrcliuns J l frmnptly attended to. Od'.i-eon Maikil street, opposite the Presbvtertnn chinch. him I.UWisHt .'', I' A. Fruit and Ornamental Trees, f; qijj iiclj'i'ii'i xw'i The ubrriter lia t.n har:d a vplemlid XrnlliTiititi ol hoth Fruit at.d rtiameiiial TKKI'S, Ac Ap. einl'ia'-ii " thr- vrrv hest varieties ut" Apples. c;its. I t ;n hes, IMuuis, j Clr-rries. Aprifut.s, er ari i"s..r;ipe-, itu-e j berries. Kaspberiics, Ci rraiiis, S;rawberri:--! i ALSO i I.ar?e Ht)rsc Chestnut, Ktircpaa Mountain ' A::t AtiO'Vican M.nn.t.iitt Ah. "jrar Maple i'orli' Tt piantiii'j. Kver i In.'iiir. K se, and piendi 1 r'ljit'eiitu ol' ilu;ijf(!s aud oilier Fli.w erins riant -. ! Xijrscry (in-nndi on lhe farm cf Jas : F. Linn F.i. on tiie Tiirop.Ke, wiibm half a mile of l.ewjvbur?. .A il ord'-rs will receive i strict atlfUlii.il. I v? 'l'ttn; htrurinhh) 1'ASli. . W IlO.N I. U.NN. j I.evvis! tirir. July 7, 1.).. luew Arrargeir.er.ts---Kew Goods! TOSKriI LI! V,X liavinjr taken lhe tj well known SJ' Yfcllll if A 7 To UK, has refilled it, and tilled in an exit ustve variety of ll'tts, ('tij'tf Gt ntf iif n Cllh'i it r. U. a l:ir-- and splendid Hmk of Ct.OTH:S CA.I.MEKI!.s. Ac. which he will nmhr ftp to Ar,as he sii!! ci-ntinut's the 'I'aih.rins I'.u-i-ness. He is pp'pared t exreule alt work pntru-tf. ti In -5 Caii"etu the tatistyeiit n of the ciiMoii't- r. .. n. c :::injT ??id Ipnirn r. Lewisl'urc. .A pnl lo. ; ' done to ls7 rlHli Mllisi iiWr ie. .tis.,i in ilie. manuf- J aeture id the j Lateit Improved j II l" .NVI'f 'K i: 11 lover H.:l!-rs. liiih he offers at verv rt-asoiial.ie r.iirs. 'I'll? re have hr-en a larje nunih'T if tiiese Ilniii-r sold in llus neii:hhorluio.! and ei unn-, and they ive cm d s:i!is(ai ti.'Ti a the v. :y best. Anv er-oii vishui2 to purehase a good in.-iehii.e.u tii eaii , i-r apply by letter to ('. I' I'.M I: KV. Iv'j.'i: l.atirelton i''. l oo n Co. Pa (ABIiXET A'AIM- .003I VORTil 4th Slrt'i't. Tlir usl ri!ni most respectful y inrorins the citit-iis . t I.eTisbur and viciuiiv, tn.il l.e has on hand and for sale a cheap lo't ol I t 1 L iiU, for the Spring trade, compiiMiig j Ilrt'.-.-'iii'j and Coimnon lliiroan?, Hor rctavics anil llook Ca.-os, Center, Card and J'icr TuMt.'S, I'iiiiii'r iuui Jrcakl'a.-t Tallies. Cnjilioanls, Cut-1 laL'o and otlier llud.-tcatls, Stands, ydla?, and Chairs j ol all kinds, c O F F I N S made to order oi short noliee. i The public are cordially invited lo examine ; his work. as he is sure that they will be satis- 1 fied with his stock of Ware, and prices. ssnl.OMO.N YOI'MJ j Lewishur?, rpt. lo, lH.r0 1 James F. Linn. J. Kerrill Linn. ' J. M. LINN, i I oi nets at I.i .air, LEWUsuUKti, Si t 1,'nii-n County, I'enn'a. .IiFB ti T t J. Sllltf of It.wa, tH-li"..-klHiH ltlr:' IiM-ilp.Ar. with '.T to tJikt- Ih'.n Broom Handles and Curtain Rollers, ' ' , ,lltiok ' 3.: Illnrry. Al' llilVC COliililitlod tirrailiroilit'llt I"r makinc llfi in Ib.n.lles ami i urtain Kclit-r ! in a manner and mTtWti'.n tiitto-rln uuHtOiinuMi- in the iiianulncttirt- ft tins arti.li". an.l art .r(-':ir..l Ut nii..lj ' lr.ii Mi.li.T. II tn-t. w ,si;.il Maitiir.-it Min-rs ami Jler clinnt with any qunnlilv i.l llii-m at -JutI nutire. i They art. mi.ilc ! tin tt-st I'atil sttilt. ii f i it in a pums rior uialoitT. nil nrw iii:n.itn..ry n.-Tt-r b, l.irt- ust .l. j alsi. tnak, on Nr. i) l'tt-ut"t Ma. tiiiit-ry, Iho t.ft ' WiKHtt'ii 11, in h an, Iitml Writes j that liafi Ti.r 1 i-pn l..-f..r' .li put. lie. I lrderT0luptlvtilU(l. A.Hrpe I . O. II l liOIi, I ABR'EI E. BOWER, rZtz.s Walrlimakcr and Jrwrlrr,! second door above Third, i i.i . t,',l on Mai!vet street V.'oiiid respectfully inform the public that he has on hand a tine assortment of ilvU and Silver Lever and Lepine Watches a good stock ol Gold. Cameo and Mast nic BreaMtui) ,ne ate?l' style (.old and r'ameoKarrins jr.- ...1 U L. .... I. I i &.C, which he intends to sell verychean al n a splendid assortment ot Kiht-llav and 'J'lnriy Hour(7.0CA".VandTimepieee. Every article ! warranted to be wn.il il is sold tor. The greatest care will be taken in Repai ring and Cleaning of Clocks, M atches and Jewelry, and everything warranted to give satisfaction. Please make him a call, and give him some trouble to show bis Watches and Jewelry. July SI, 185S C'loekN.Wateh- . .. .1 a . . , . . It"' IIJi Mi tin uoor west oi itaiik. Also, particular attention paid lo KJJ PAIRIXU of all kinds. I have also the agency for the sale of the celebrated Coal Oil l.ampN, which will recommend themselves lo eery one. Call and see. Stft ft .lmj AC liCXOUMAMiu; insurance, LIFE INSURANCE. tub cin.n;i nrr. tx.n kax:k. a. s i rrr axd mi.sr toiii-Axr, i iii.aih.u iiia, T 1 1 i 13. l( I IHi A V, l-resldeut. JM). r. JAM K, Actuary, (anlial (paid lip) S(K,0IM-( harter -rocluul, CtOX I'I.M K lo make IXMl ,'KAXCK OS I I.IVKH on the mosl reasonable terms. The capital bein paid up and invested to gether a larse and conslantly increasing reserved fund, oilers a prtlect security lo the one insured. The premiums must be paid yearly, half yearly, i r ituarierlv. The following are a few examples from the Register : liu -Unt . l'Ji' M u.i Jl'it ut irirrrtllfd t"i J'uturt ei'ii'.WJ. o.HT.i 0U 1 at r..fon in .v.,. ,Vom Imutnt e.m or A'hl.tvnt C7S ::-J.- CO I. '..-I .o. S'J 1 1 ;;oihi loHl f,i no I i'- The untlersii;ned is Atrent for the Com pany in Union county. Pa., thrnu;h whom ap plications for Insurance can le made. To mechanics and business men fetierally, desi rini to effect Insurance on Iheir lives, it oi lers inducement not equalled by any other company iti the United Slates. J'uu. II. Wiisov. M.D., Examtnine Physician S. 11. OKU Hi. Aeent. Lev, i-biirs. Pa West Branch Insurance Company, OF Lock Haven, Pa., insure Detached Iliiiidiiius, Stores, Merchandize, Farm Property, and other buildings, and iheir con lenls. at uioderate rales. Doing business on bolht'ash and Mutual plans. C'apital,:MMi,00U. dihkch'hs. II.. n John J Pearce Jollll I) Hill Chas A Mayer Hon G C Harvey T 'I' Abrams D J .lacktuan W White Thos Kitchen Chas Crist Peter Dickinson lion. C C T. 'I'. HAHVF.Y, President. A Hit A.MS, Vice Pres. THO S KITCHFX. SecV JA.MKrt U. KAMI. IX, Asenl, ,27 I.ewisbur?, Union Co. Pa. ('(jniiminwealtli Inuranctrg.,IIarrbb'g IIIAIiTKiiKll (ATITIL. tC(HI.0(NI. 1 Ml n subscriber is appointed agent for this well established Company, which insures IiuiUiings and other property against loss ir damage by iire, perils of inland navi gafn n, traiiipt-rtatioD, Ac, on tuosi favorable terms. Ii.v I'r's tfrXJ. l A.ht:. A 7. V. fttu,y aS" .V ' 'A H hint. - Hitpt-Krigt. J. It. M I-AI .'(jHUX, Agent. Lewiiibiirp. Feb. I, If-Vj in(i American Life Insurance & Trul Co., (Capi'al Stock $.itfl,o0(.) CIOMPANY'S K-iiMinps.Walnut street.S E crner of Ft urth I'htfadtiphia. IV I-ives insured at the usual Mutual rates or al J int iStt-rk rates about 20 per cent, less or at Total Abstinence ra"-s the lowest in the world. A. WHILLDLN. President Jniis C. Sims. Sec. -.47 .LO. F. MILLER, Agtnt, Lewisburj; 1 AT A JJAKwAiX! ,' 'rh subscriber has on hand for sale -v IIupafN. uhirh he i lK-rat a I'arsain for l ash cir ill Eichanpe for a Eood IIUKfE. tall " n or ton will miss it. B. F. Ill RsH, at Ilvrph ttislu.au'B stun-, or if absent, inquire ol . H. Killer, at in. Brou n, Jr.'s St.. re. (I.ewisburs, Feb. 15 NOTICE. rilO the Ciiizens i f I.ewisbure and vicinity 1 i:. I.. IliiK-N has removed his llarl.er .s:iop Irom tbe liiviere Houe io Marhei .m . t, basi-inent of Widor Amen' binldiiie, one door a'.ove the IVst OtKee. Thankful for all past favors, he hopes to merit a continuance of th pnl. hp pntii.nae. X. 1. To a!t trlio firr. i-ri- till th. ir zrr-w Iphc T." '.-t ! .Illstr.ii! N ;'s:irit si .ite. C" 1 I :nt" r t-TiT iC. n 111' n. i u ni'Tii. i if or own, mi. ra. I.ch isbur". i.r sL.ir- uti.l p April I, isr,9. E. I.. HINTS. DR. I. BRUGGER, i:oi2:oit i iuv rn i i( i t.v, In W.llrt un's Anc Dli.rk. Murhl St, 7:. iki-twri-n Filtli X SUih.) I I II Islil l.o. r 'HE subscriber con tinues to carry on lhe l-lifry i:nsiii( a the Old fsiand on ."sr.ur!: Third street, near Market, and respeeifullj solieils the patronage (d his friends and tht public ;eneral!r. fllAKI.ES F. 11 KtS. Lewisourit, Alav 22, IH.'iO C. W. SCHAFFLE'S WHOLESALE and RETAIL Drug and Chemical Enijwrium M.irket fsireet - - - Lewisburg, Ta. James B. Hamlin, TTOr.NEY at LAW, 1 V. I sf Otlice on Second St. west side,2na doorsouihof Market, Lt'lt Imhln K, fiimVi.l Lnion t o. Ta. WINFIELD FACTORY! Arur Ilarllrtoil, lnion (u., 1'a. TUP cnhs.rili.ir llntil fill fJ IJlli lllltFOlllUvl. IHUItniUI ; u-ty ,or rasi paironase, wcuia iuiirm : his Iriemls and the public in fne rat. that he continues to manufac ture all kinds ut Hookil .nol, Mich as loth;, Cassi meres. Tweeu, iSalunetls, Jeans, Mucking and FlanneU; also. Carpet and Varus. His machinery being of the f-est kind in use. and having employed the. best of. workmen, he feels sale in raying : that his work hall not be surpassed by any establishment in lhe country. A cood sup ply of the above goods kept constantly on hand i lor sale or to exchange tor wool, at prices : that can not fail to please. WOOL will be ' Carded in the heM manner and on the shortest notice. Terms for rardinr, cash on lhe de- ! Iiverv of lhe rolls. MAKK HALFPENNY. ' Winfield Mills, March 30, 1857. TEOHAS G. CRIER, ,t taucrf.or ioj.n.iuntK) lVttlt liiuakrr ami Jeweller, Locatisl two d.rfrs fas; ol Ihr- staii.l r rvntl occutird hy Ur. V.slrr LtH l.-bl I.O. I'a. lloekH, Watches, &c, repaired on shott lotice and warranted to give satisfaction. lv An excellent assortment of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry cn hand Cheap fur Cwh. Cill.T FRAMES of all sizes made to order Lewisbnre, April 89, 1S58 J. SCHREYER & S01t A KE ,r,'ninS' direct from MVallum A J.X. Co.'s Carpet Manufactory, (.len-Kcho ills, (;ermanu.wn. Pa., one of the prettiest and best assortments of Carpets ever bro'l to Lewisburg, such as Three I'll, Jimp Venili'an, Sup. lntjraln, Mauilht Matt, Union do., Coeoa do., 4-iTvilhdVinitian, 4-4 Oil Cloth, 3-4 do. do., 8-4 do. do., Fine. do.. Carpet Binding, fr. DUVALL'S GALVANICOIL I ) EI.IEVES all pain and soreness in from ft to 30 minutes, lire another eulumn. Price 50 cts. per bottJe only, fehipped lo all pans of the U. S. r sale by J linker fo, Lcwislurg I MTrriiM k Il.uci.Itiif. X r,l. V Vt' SH-halt! d I V M Mii.triimulh. Ilulf. Ui.il C I' lo.n.h. New Ibrlin lu-aier, Morn, a Co, H inllrl. l-vi I r m'v, Turtl.wilt. I V. itn-.-nian A t. J B I'.l. suuin. K. Ily Tp II II Mill.r. M mirt urg CuailL jig. 4C,ttHt!.ta I ).'ra II Stt.t iW ipmladelpma. The Wonder of the Age ! KlIIIR k BtVW H(.ts:iR WAslllMi wUHINK Iis guaratnecd to do any ordinary washins! in one hour's time and with 50 per cent, less injury to cli ihes than by lhe old method. County rights for sale in the Sute of Penn sylvania, and also Machines lor sale hole sale and Jieiatl by Messrs. PLOWMAN" A M'DUIDK. 74m:i1 15 So. Third ft. I'huadelphia PEIPHER'S LINE V AXD FROM I'UILADLLrlilA. RI.UKTIUX'OK n.KK'IIT. 1-t ria-a 4.". ceuta er 1'JU i-ouuda. -.1 do ; do :i t 41 h .lo 'il ! Sl.r.-l.l Tl it" do V l,tni, Kjf inl i.'fcrn. l rtntu pr bust.tl. Phila I- Dfp.'t woh I'nrd, Want IWfii, P I Market St. Thankful for the liberal pam-hazf piven u we hope by strict aM'-ntion to business Io merit a continuance ol -ame. Tlio.s PEIPHEU Fi r further info? ma'n.n apply i ly7if C K M OIM.V. Amt, Lewis ut? NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. 1)EKSO.s shippm? Cii od to I'hilad. will 1 b ase be particular and Hark them in care of Peipher's Line ; otherwise, they will be re shipped at llarn? buru, v hich will be attended with o-lav. .Vay 6, 1". THos. FKU'HKIE. SPICES! SPICES! SPICES! 1)1 HE ami .Vo. I (IrounU I'ef per. (i.n'fr, ('innainon. Allspice, Cloves. American and Knlisb Musianl. Cayenne Pepper, Xtitme. Mace. lp. C;.rb. o.la, ;ll!jletre, fea!era:uN. Cuiauty and triaiider Weed. al ', lnt!is. Aslnon Iian v and Urc.iinil Sail, Ac, For Sale al the Eaule .Mills ill and 24li Norlh FrtntMreei. corner of er, I'ini adelphia. IIOWAKU WI'ICKrJI.I.. IV Purchasers will tind it sreatly lo iheir interest both in qualify and price to luy ihes. Koi'ds, uhieh are u arianteit as repress me.!, or lorleiied. A trial is soliciied. p'.Uyl fj.fjffi'i Evans "&Vatson, Saa-Wi--- -- ll.v- now .n t.io.1 asfortiif lit el' Hn-ait ll f Tr.s t snixtij.iii'l. r suit a:-' In.n Iionrc li r ItaDlt-aii'l si..rrs.lr instiin ir-.tn u Sii-b, all Uaktv lit Lucks, r.u.-.l tl. au lu iLc I ml- ii ; talva. Five Safe in r ne Fire ail mme out right with contents, in i'" d condition. j ) i:v is . h ito lr hail thf im t J-iTn Dtriit:"iT in f hr 1 I'f wififf f. r- Ititjcatr t Imt their inuiitilm ;ur f.t S;ilDi j Tid- r Mat. In at l niiili fuilr m .rrnntKl t).' r ; n nt.iii' r.p tlit L.t ttwn mii'lf i-1 tht-m - rt-i.tl-rit.jr d un i litt- U i- urii agkibMt the u-mllif wlfDit-tit : I Piiimp, Ar ril V2. 1 , Ftp t Watic Ct-nt vn n : It .Wnl- u t h I liiiihf-t f-utir-fitrtinn ti t-tnt- to m u. ti-tit wrrir tr tlit rv '- rot rtiir fitialili' r.f two f tin-1 v inn E. It r h f- wh;- h w-uri hmt ii i f y u s d. t w n "Mh Mi.rt. f -t J a Irit- -orti' n tf our jt-wt-lrr. t i nil i:r l-f'k- ar-. Ac, ofti to ti, r.-.'HTnttf-U" ftir in ittuttl I'im -v, m th ai-.rBinj of the 1 Uh in-taot. ' i irflrt th.il tht-lf ."iafw wtre Ioatrl in tl:f fount- ft. ry of Hit- n.t.line- e i irrpn-.. arnl Ihut th-i ; ft-il nut m 'jio-ntl intu a ,-ai of ht.rr;iriir runt'. hTf : th a--t i-onr. i.tr.ifir i. i f 1m at .-;iu?t-.t thf hr..- i-'ntf tn nit-It. wf r m iK-t hut r-irii t' rvnti-n l tl fir TmIu.. I rontfiit- a, n.ot rr.nt;uciiig rui.-l of tt grt ml : trriiritv a(T'riltti hy ur ?afi'. M - thaT. tiifce much p)fniir io rt-mmrrnf .n tLctu ' to rnfti cl hu-ir-- in n -nt t rvltrirn-t mrfint firf. i.l-'t.l: W .-IM.'N.-.i HI. Jr,"!.-rr. ( T4-y hi hiiTer uriia,-. i! mx Iu.r;jf Saif .D4. I'LiiLerin? & Sntl.-. nianulai-lurers of i.i:imi.si t u:i in . t ri.;i,HT plana Joxltj l:J01 'hpMntu St. piaMjffrti-s" I'lllLM h i.i ii: ! t'V Ci niatiifv rn hint! a larire Mr ck i t !r ft f out Jul ani tint i'.ttiiU d inri unir.., f i n i h - I in evcrv v;ir;ptv .-I at pnce rrtti-ii! lrrin I 75 In 5.iit o. W'f h.ivf l-ren a..inift f.'f.f an,! Sifi-tr Firf 7 Mf.iaS at tht t'ltlfrt'iit Kxlni'i'i' h" in iii: n utiti v aiil Ku n ji It-r M?j'eriiT niaimiac'tirp. A ht-ri.tl tii'-ct'Unt ti thi" cl-rsrv anl setn m:: ri cf lear nins. I V i;iutra:eii detri t;vf fiiniiiuti sent lo any aJi!rej-s lyl-iti W. S. LAWRENCE'S . Paper, l'i inl rs' uil, ;ml I"n- .t-l):f j WAREHOUSE, I No. 405, ('omnitTce M., I'liiiaiii-ijihia. j CS't'ash huvers will nn I it for th-ir interest lo call I'll ii aij. J .i n 1 . i ." 'J y ! COOPER. &. WORK, ! M7".J...l.: HFAI.ri;H IX ; HATS. ( Al'S, an.! S1KAW Gl'ODS, ' No. 46 North Third street, f-n Market an.l Ari-li, ,.mS iiiH.Arn.i.iiiiA. M nwriK. t K. II W.'KK ) YIIIIIIK .S. IO. GEKT'S FURKIEEIKG SICRE, Patent ShouUItT Steam Shirt Itfanufy, AT TIIE OLll STAMi, o. .O l C lies.lnul M. I'ltilatl. OPPtlTE the Washington Mouse . WINCHESTER w ill give,as heretofore, ' bis personal supervision of the Cutting and Manulaciuring departments. Onii rs tor his celebrated styles ol Shirts and Collars filled at the shortest nonce. i Persons desiring to order Shirts, can be 1 supplied w ith the loi mula for measurement on application by mail. I Constantly on hand a varied and select stock of lientlemens Furnishing to.o.ls. ; t v Wholesale Orders supplied on liberal ' terms lyi52 j BLINDS A.ND SHADES j Mi tap fur Cash. B. J. WILLIAMS, No. 16 Norih Sixth .street, I'hiiadtli'hia, is the largest Manuluciurer of j and dealer in WI.M)0V HALl;, v rVfry variety, lie is !he Onyinaior of all iNew Styles, and has a line Stuck to be bold at re duced Prices. Buff, and ail ither colors of f.inen Shaile, Trimmings, Fixture, &c. STOKK SUAlt Painted to order. tlT B. J. IV. invites Tilizens of this County to call before purcha.-mg, and azures them he can sell a I titer article lor the money than any other Establishment in the luiin UI (OIL COAL. ! 1 HU subseriler leers conManilv on hand a laree assonmenl of the verv bes.t ha- niokin aud WilkevUarre I'OAI., lor lime and stove purposes, which he will sell at lhe very ' lowest prices lor Cah or Country I'roiluce. i Also, II locksmiths' Coal, Planter and Suit. j Wish it distinctly understood, that I will not be undersold by any man Having good weiph-seales, full we tiit will be given. Coal Yard near enlensaul's hotel. I liKOKliE HOLsTEIX. I I.ewisbttr?, May 27,"5'J. VARIETY CF VAEIETIES ! A larse and well selected stoek of new i .'ooils in the Notion and Variety line, i luiv jiit been received and opened il lhe IVil Of ca, and :. r ii! i-hf a p tor cash- ' ; Scrotuia, oi lung's tvn i- a ennstitntioral L-i.asf, a c rr-.-,T . ,. i !,!.!, by wh;-.h thi- tl-ir-t l.-ci,'.. .. .". '.' ne-ik. and ytir. li. lo t!..- i -n. . ... ,. ' j. TVa I tliL-wli-.le 1o'lv, a;. 'I m.. i.. :.. '"f :n di-e-ise on -:y p:rt .,f it. X.. ..I.-,., ... Ir itn it n'Us-!.-, nor i t).-ii-1 1 . i : . . . ; ll-it i .-triiV. 1 to s.-r-.tili.il.s T.. i t i :: I i cu'.-cil ! y ir,T - :n.d d.-';. , i' .-. i : r.r.l r 1 or u-i!i a. thy 'I, : ... ail t.::h y hit ..t-, tii.- :-; :-v .. : u'-a !- t!- r..ii V. , ,vlt I u it-oi.jio. it l.i r-'1. :;.i-. i:. ... ! -tit-.i: I.., li-.-. nt-na'!! - m .i.; !.!... allt.i til' tll.i J ...I 1 t.i.irtli i.-i :. lut.. . . . .t -I- :u to io- ti. I'-'l ' ! li in w:. -. ; vvtil v.-'t t'i - ll.-.ii.a.t-s oi U.c l..t:. i. . ' 1.'.! .i I II Wit I." I ! .-.r t- c !illii-vy-v If il i' -:'i .1 '.- ' , j .in "1 i t e-.er it.: -r ub-.-r -u inait-.-r. :.-., i !i : I :'-. 1 v. .. i.:. 1 ii.r mul or.' o, .- t - -1 lil t'l ;"-l !!-. siisi: '1 3 I I"-' HI I ! ! --1, C ' '.-..! ''Lit " (.'.' ' 1 ..... ,. :.- -. r iv hi -r..: 1 -. . l.i I. tl l . li:iv.- :.ir I - l .s- r t'. w,-.. 1 1 " v.. 1 . r-i p rl-h I !l rt, a'.' I. I t s. ..O !. i: 1 u-.-.l l.v t:u taii.t i'. nil. . ... .-I ;ti-. 1 '1' 1 l.i ;.: ii.iv ''it' ll-'T-il .i'i.1 1 il - s r .. .. . s ... .-.. iii.i ;-. ; a.i 1 ii. .: I .ti v. ri... i- . ' t!r' ... . r. k. l il V-. i .' nl. ii.a -.1. . 'I i . - ' ' j i .-. at ires, u .i i- jr:n.it. I ' y i '. -:i n.- . -i r- . ' ll..'"ii..il 1 i ! .i.i ' !.r j. 1 .. . -r r' fi.I-'l I.' ir p i-'ii-.-i:.- i.. : v r. l.isiiL'lr- . t'-vt...:i. a ,. .,.. i i . ..il. .. t. !- t-uini-i 1 1 ! i : I I.V "il a'--.-, .tiv I'.-ii-. li.:. ai.U ill I . z - it ' ' i.i.' .:.y : -.t ;u.a L-vstast. .l!i u in. u.... w.. s'i'.., ': m AVI1KS ' i''!:!p:)"n!! !r;;ct of JVnpri'k ' ..- in-.-t . :. t l :! r !v I : h tl- ni'.d i ' I i ii... . ..; -1 ; r tfits fvicv I u!., r ; - ii- . ! -.! .... I-,,!-.-. It ,sr. .; ! '''iifl :r. l.i ;': i:. -Si'.'i-. r :i. !' :t 1 n' .-!;.-. -: r . ,.r ,i, .f tl..-f. ii-i i- I' r 1: 'ii !; " ! . . 'i. u: i ll.i- rt-ce Til li'.iii ;t- ii --,- ii t v ei.iisi-: - ii it .M : v i t ti- '." i ..t ..:.:v !.-! '' lit. ! ' ' i : .. 1' - it! r i " ' ii- s v h i.r; - I. . : . i I. " i; or I.. v. I .: . -. 1 . -.. '.I..:, ;: :v , . : : V :.. . i f, .. . i- .1 r i: -. -' i . !': v. l::s..-. h -m-mu. .!.-..- i 1 M u. I - U',o , I---".. - :. I'i.:i..l.. :: ..di. i. I. r i-i. r- Ai-:-iv-. i : ! : .. o:i 1-n-i i i 1 : o. n r in :.: '.- -1 ' i- i. i.i.'.. .t i: : r Ii i : t .' :.' i. . t t' i ' .'. ; i.rti. in:.: : - ;':..i i . ' .1 ' ' r:.::i i- : : ' '- - ' l' -itl. .ut i . . - io '1 l"'.'ll is io I is. ... - oi.t:i.-s o-i.-i.u... Ayer's Calliartic IUh, FOa ALL THI rilFTCSCS CF A r.'f'i'.Y FK'.i'C .1 t .':! - p t:.c r: : i l.-i.r j I!. 1 I'.' . i..:v i. a-: .. a t :iw Ha., in: ; I.-. ' N..: oi.' f oi r : . . f . r ''.- fir :.: . l: .1 I ; t'l t: :-!i V I.- ; i : l: li.v -,:::.':. . - . : I1.' .! r.'.-- '.'' ;.t 1 1 . : r ii. i: : i: - : -:,".,.' .! ... ..: , -...' . !.! '' f. I..,.-. :'. I - ti: J ' i. : ii -(:- r ' i". - : is !": :' '. n lU.U uf::.- or ' xlyer's Cherry Pectoral. i It T : U I', ii T'lii; yp oni:h. : i-TJ, rTii'.tiruH, iroarf-m1-. 'f:i.. I'r;-.!ii rti'.s. Inr?iiirul I Oif-hi: r ! t;u sm:U t- r thr rvlr-f of t ottMti ijitrt- ' J'.ti.i.s til UuV.IUCcJ tai' Oi I.':-d:ci.-- v i ' . ' - f ! 1 "if i". tir';!- rr n . i : ' . fx it- i i i. Ii..-T n ; ri c ..' t: v .. ::. r r - - ;.t :t- ii. d::. avf? & to. T O V K! I.. M - I.eH)hiiru ; V L K.ah. Ii-: ..c : J l, tJasi, Mtliiuibiira; atnl a;i Ifrus: - s . ' It. I1 l II.M I! I IU I. rmiHiuml Exiraci ti iinlan? K' :i d ; H,., :,.f , l li t- h i i Ji.ni.Jii-1-, It..; -t. 7' t ! : i- ( ! l. i r . llill. t f :i . I:.'-;ii.t i i.-i ihi ! 1 It. mr rnf It. .ih.:.!l r t 1. 1 t :-;. 1 . k 11. ii-!.vhr. I -; . ! 1 t:z. t ' i I ri'iiK- i rtl u.' ii- "i T- si..) I .. - " ' iluinr X- nUri P" ! 1 i. -. ,i . : : I in r. lriviii wl t .nr mi I J 1 1.; V. t ' ' of tin Hi n-, 1 uj u. 1 .iM t t t i l.ip, .M..i:ir.i.iT-t 1 ..ut I.e. r. t IlirHt ai.il tt l a . T' !i.'r. ! rr'- l!" fr i-r THI Mil.N. xIhI ii ! - - - r: I t Kt ST'TI F Till. Bi-iul', - lirEL.r I' f' "'" fr-intrai-t' .i. , , J? ,1 The ert't rorolari'T f? " ;;' " " ' , T r' Bttaintil ic "wine it- :i.!r.t - u ' ! '' ; fit. i-rf tri- l. r. I: ... u- ! ! -- ,;. :m-r';'rr:nl i.H uAii.r, a.mh i ut. , r. ai'Dii it s 1 T'lUMl APM ' v.. .l. r.ff.-..4t'.Mlu.vMr.rt..l.,.. tt l"'1"1"'- l-d on nil ilJiii. l ull mt thf Wyot ami r-uf '; ' Urgf ma? ot tt d o-t r. - ' ' ;' I KlMl'l l '"- t .. Thr alitor rf the I- . " X " ''n rr,iil ti-rni. in that rai.r.l .' .1.1: i? . -r-Vr. iW l;Ht,:.n-. w I..' '' - .MVi.-rF.i-iKiTir7;.7i;;D-V'i". of rt oic.ri.iltm; ur r- -i'ru r. Mtiiri. I...MIHU.-- ! 1: ; ,r it- nt-tl in our eoluniu-. H ' r" U ' " . . -rt Dietln-itio iid ttui:l it I- r in Tin it mi. knit tcmmrnii! tii us uliuvtrJ. KIIi;i'5lTItM. 1 1 Tn PannirT. tK.-.l.ttiv .Lii -l.'. T.ar. wa altj..-krd with li.r.u..' Ii. r ji'tnt ... r. nin.'h ... i i. r ;. : I rxrru.'iatiliK f-aia tur thri' m. i It -a ti.sii-ian. who n.ntu.u.l l. '' iini-ruvi-mnt. Ilttilitr Biu i ' lo trv Ih-. luris' . . t.tt: It. t r rtl a it''iil-cl vhaui i- tl"- t i' r a. A.i . ri-t ..1.1' n if l a n DiaiD.il twr ( I I Ob. ati-m si '' r t-1"' evraincv, bri&f wi'.arU ul l - "Yj'-p;, vrs. 11 I lu I . - 'U-s-1 TIIKOIT lilM Thi. tarjn- i-las. ol dis,a.-. . in t 1 " flnnitition. Hrcnrhtal Irritali. n-. '' ' B". ,tjiT tulijf trti.t.il ly lh. uiwpi br. lais' i'- l .1 lii lliri'at A 'iKatli n. fc'H i" ' l?etly eurr all. r i.-i-t- ci'Dtiau..! suil. r:tl- . -.ji Km i.,ti.ti'i i' -Ja -' I)u. I).I Tii-ar pir : . j-.s' ft AN iu livr . .r ai.-o I wa alf:i .. -I wtTti th throat, wlmh rame i n srdii.ti:.T. I ul an -1 w ul.t l.i k ro.J II:.- in ill si" I suil. r.l:; ' ..s .a rii-tvi-ssitiL'. R.n Bi'ani. il wilh l.srf t',r -.11.01 thai I iiuid not fpuls '"r " 1 ' n-a. ronliinii-il n'tOrnr w. r-f. -ot w . 1 1. -; .:,: ui.d-r Iti. nmliral trraiBH-ul ' I l""r .ni"".11' 'j ,, e : Hr. mine alamo il at bit r. B.liU' . I rt'r t:'"', ; i ' J ,.w:,..i. 1. .; 1 "t ..... wli'i-lif.u r.r'-'- in I 1 lh w.nl.rorlN l. wh. n j. ur... '';' , -. nur ..furMr:irJlvll L.-f .tl.ur n .t. -BK.xioa wilh i.nrll.'fl l l:.n. 1 Tour .no..,..n ailhnnrlll.'Al !'!' tl1 ......1 ...i h.. r. 11.1n.1J a.ii. II I-- lif (rirn.l. MnH'llf.-1 t' , rtt rTI'aTI T1IIUHT A.el.irATIi..slru!.l loi.""-' : ,t.f lit rw... DI Sri'tuii u 1 10. 1 u 1,11 r I i Call on the A'entvJ- BAh'P T i.ti'ir.:. Ml irrcur Ttr. 11 n..t. ,1 .iidscr. iiljv. n l tl, p:.'' -...y