UNION COUNTY STAR & LEWISBURG CflEONICLE-OCT. 7, 1859. T-if jabrliJjt aQgoncmt "JBahl fur ftnn. fnfiunun fuCct am Dicnstaj tea llttn Oflcfxr l59jt.iit. tUIjigs ! mcrikiinrr! Brpnblikancr ! ilntul'aoiiiptca Iinofraun ! Qtit rorb-rfit(f, urn jfiun eimit One Great Dig Scarecrow! The 'Masters'' ofThe Democracy! Yesterday's Argus contains about SEV EN articles, editorials and otherwise designed to prejudice the people of the county against the Opposition Tielet,and in favor of the Administration Ticket. Thin is attempted in two ways. First, by deuouncing the Union County Tbeasu- The Facts of that Hatter. . During the pendency of the Division campaign in 1S55, the following was pub lished : "Forewarned, Forearmed !" j The Rtiehaiian nu n are boa.-ting, very j loudly, of a triumph, next Tnc.-d.ij-, in Union county, and are using every means, BRICK FOUNDRY FOR SALE. Whereas, the NewBerlin papers and ham)-; tliir and unfair, to neeoim.li-h it. Thcv bills circulaled throughout the county during , . , ., ly against that oljcetKi:Ll.Y LS NOT, as far as we know. Messrs. Thomas. Reber and Samuel L. Reck are the men most interested in push. niS tliroii','li this extension of 1 liml street etrliJvn Burtonf let o-ahrtii aoli8rot!.jRy:,s.f(,uy innlrcut"" corruptly and Unt mn lit r(rfj)irnbftifht unl ttttubt ', baJ!y niana-ed" "im person in the coun lidx SuibanM un rcgriatxrci SlDnii. ; ty willing t0 trust it &c, &c. Thenexf nijtratioa rcu J.iim-9 u.h4iun in roibm.n. j j.s i,y repr.senting an intangible "Lewis fiomnt ?tll fccrau jar IBahl ! i burg" as a band of villains seeking to cheat SB t i C 3 C ll cUt ecntlf..fi;riil ! ! ! the people and rob the tax payers of the j Jlr wdl .,, ; UwU. burg alleged to be friendly to a Eridge there are warm supporters ol Mr. Kki.lv. The following Card speaks for itself, and we trust will sufficiently ventilate that unfair and wanton trick : They report what they know to bo false, against those men. W'e repeat the fact the Commissioners haoe no power to luilj a BrUje without the order of a Grand Jury from all parts ot the county, continued t)V the Court, .u- nast week, state that it will com thecouu If thc-r first advisn it. the Commissioners ' V ol Snyder from Two to FourThousand dol- : peet Ui elect Hitcher h"pe to elect Kcl ... ...;i.l :t Tl,.,.. ,rl. ,,,.f .. it,..-., ! lars 10 nave lhe records transcribed under lv:l think it vrobuble llirv will tret The Proprietor's nine is wholly engrossed in ...... ... ... r. I the provisions of the 2ntli section ol the actol - - ; another euipliiuriei;'. which is ihe reason he lies, know they arc falsifying, mid trying deneral Assembly approved the 2d day of; ,-11L'r t"iler. i lie editor ol tlie . e- nt.ri.s tl, (!',,n0ve f ,, Foundry. Fe-rany to deceive the people March, 1H53, entitled -An art fortius erection : lin-u'rove Tows the spokesmtn of Cum-, further parifiihirs d'!re. r. . .J. . ",, , . . .. ot anew county out of pan of l-'uion. to be ',, ,.,...,,. v,vv ,.,., ;,, ' WILLIAM I'liiCK, I.ewM.urff. j. rosi ana Mirswui arr veir; , pmaic- called Snyder, and relative lo the scat ol jus-j , .f ' , ; ; ' ,- 1 Feb. lV) InmnCo.ra WALLOWKR-'H LINE r7-- The tihcribrr..m.ru. sell the fPfJ aR( fri)D 'LiIi)l!fIl)llia. ""IM ari;r iiniK r ounury at ine rsi ltrf... - V-a3,B,l "f Market s.r.ri. mclulin?! . ... "eHl.lloi of Haiti. tvi'-ynrak the Wareroom. ( Iffire. and the ; IM L'J" " cls- P'r ICO pound lll.,.r. .Ilirhx! -.!.... Iar. .,.,n.-t .1 2 " 4 0 fc a I aifrns ft-r I afut Kiphts Inr Acriruliural Machinery, Siuves, Ac. It is i(?ardt-d us one of th best location fur a ffood, afe hustness. Unfir liift t(tf!)t aui unjipcifclhjft ju i county by all manner of corrupt schemes. tfn unb trcun 'K jmiirn, ircl.Ijf njir atl j It is saiil to be " a mil bin! that dirtict iti mil ljr unt aur ji.ht unttrlu6;n fonttcn . 'r" vent." What must they be who seek, i'a fu all( weblb.Tanntt warMjit ifiuracr j f"r r!1',ry r:,r,y ,',"'s to depreciate and fmtr fottttn wir w.i tine :BinH Siruttr j destroy the credit of the County, and to iuTauiiiKn ftfbn unl (dma litulbcn uatc r traduce and malign the character of their lifjtn bifpn. 3br fennct fur 41 lit auf mn etriJ(it fi iiitmcn. Sitt pat tit 9iauun ti'r QantitjKn : l.iictal auMlrr : Pintral-4.iiirm.iT.-r : ULsuijui J?. K.iui. 3tlT(Uitlo : Ibcin.if $4i)tP, SCIIIuiii 'li-Jdif.ajr. yrcilje artar, ic. ; 3obn 'tliitr. tnnmiilicnrr : an;ud aSarfdjaB. yifrrift.Ttniralt: 3ebn -3. tiin. ?,ilmcirtcr : SKebirt j;. taut. tfounts.autiicr : Cfunin Jaatm.iT.T : feenrat eddlcr. Sfcn ?t.itun im atjtn. gtit rtHinyt tice in Union county l'hil. -has. been ill all tlie towns of NOW I do hereby aree and bind mvvlf Uni,,n; was '-j.dlv;" and reports a first rale i 1st Class 2 :i " 33 n 4 " 17 - a fecial 2 M M ;n.),Is led at ilir L'rpol in rhila?e Ir.hia , fore I teioek. I. M.t will be furwarded sa-I evcuuir. Apply to feucin-k. 'All S, llinrlinwn 4f. c. ;. riai k, a.i , ewibtirff. Ju'v I. InL'j. rrnv c;rtlf . P rM"l PtiM tj.h,uf,..j. -..: , ords for the county of Snyder as required by , dw- e.n v:i...-..Ii the l.ccnmpt.,,, 1 ;,k- riMlF. resi.lenee of the Member, on AS ' "' .- s 1 , ; ' said SlHh section of the act of 2d of March, et Mjjtinlunj, he think., will luakcawat I Marlift i the Koronjh olJLjJL If.Ti. .llh '.'.j T!. iylJr A. I). 1855, fur the sum of One I3iiiiHm! : .,: i;,r ,.,, I....... ..,,. i.r .,.., rv ....r ' L-w.vbnr-. The hcrne is l LUIt.K, ril ,,,,,,, ,, ,,,., ,n h,,,.,..,, nVii'lV,'..'", IindTHI'lltj-lhC Dollar and il re- r 1 1 r-' ' ' 1 r ' '',X,-r-V 1 "r linished 1.1 every re.pert. '' --tone .,..i i ui ,. quired I will give tecority f..r the performance ' '- W lie t' c-rtatli will give j Terms-One half o be paid between th.s l: :,:ZXUr",,",rVV:'j ol the above, in anv amount. ! almost an tinaiiimoits vol.. i,r Kilter. i "' firs '' "f Ai'"' ,,,e bala,,t'e ' .-re, iti i( , ,ur fl, i. own neighbors and their own Town? The truth is, Union is a good county, pays us taxes into tlie Mate .treasury county orders for any j JOHN' HCHRACK. East Dufljloc, March IS, 1855. The above speaks for iiself. I'.-j Sehraek is an honest, competent and le sponsilde man. wui. .1 .:. ..T -i ..e. ... t..,. ' Wi.-i!ol.'i II nil tills Uili:i iminu I11LIII, a iiuin.'i.. of gentlemen of Lewi.-burg and I-Von.- grove to wit : 3Ie-srs. Ever, .se! Slll'. r .T,,lm W-,lh II:iv,m . .Inini-.j IV I.: .,ii i i iii , . bj del'caled, by the.e mean ( oldu r, .Moycr, Leonard anilJolui -App, i ... paid in tun. three or live yars, a may suit the buyer. Pussessirn civen any t:nie. June !), ls.'S LsAAt; WAI.TKK. J lie 'g.inie ol Itnij is one always rc- surt.-d to by tli.it party. It was la.-t year. and car befniv, whs.ii they lo.-t every man I c , on their ticket. Mill, it i.; the jart ot , n, , . ,, . . ' 1 TIIIAT ileM ruble ppiT'v, rprner of St. not to ili-regaM tiieir boasts, i I j,,;,,, ,,,! u aif r St, .c. .im.riMiis'l 'It I 1 Here is some tlisatleetloii m our party : i'i r i.iiiji. " ii '""ra a sinan lll.'lllV Iirt? IIU';'V Inilil llillil,' Mill!. f'i'liiT:i!- . . - cuniirc, . . , 'em location ;,r a u.nr reidtiiceur place , ly, mere is hm lmieli npatliy. i c in'y ol humm ,. When the! or terms .ve.. r.rply to jua.uih.i h tiLr u, Agent. ii' l l.il..lr., I ,a , :;, A. , ,.r a.l- r.. K J. Hw,.... 1. I-. AtlMi.lir r. III. tv, Nt-i I- ui .n mn I t.t r c.iuina. M1..1 III... ly l.nlr...l i,,r ll.,,,'," Hi". Ila.a.i,t.., t.., Jt,rry. f, ruil Editcn nf Chrimiclr : Gentlemen f see by the la,t Argua that the old charge that the County Commissioners are to build a bridge over Butlaloe creek for my special accninnin d.uiun, is rcneu-ed. It will be rememliered among the iirst, and these Aryvt falsifiers i that last year, if Mr. I'ross was elected, it was would take Union county orders for ny !, certain to i.umw. He v- - " ' ; L.m;,Air;.,s , HMh.mM' ollie holders ! . ., - - '; was elecied, the year has p,i,ed, and not a I' nek, ( alueron, t hamberlni, ami perhaps. .. ; amount they could get. She has borrowed I word has been said by any one.as I am aware j tllurK ( wc ,.t). ,,., .,,,- (,lv) 1 V1"lt IK"rly cvcri' taVt'r" t,,u : money, and can borrow money. It is true, of. on the subject. Now, if Mr. Marshall , , ,v ' , . . ; and call upon vcrv "li.-hy" liiembirof! .... ' I succeeds (if ihe Areus is to be believed! I am ! wailo a guarantee to pay the necessary e.- ' . ! 111 eousiouniee of the lailurc of the W heat i , i,, ,V'; ' is 10 ue uineiui; 1 am n i j . I mr par v, it is a l.rettv sure s 11 tint 1 . , to have a bridge, sure. I would have thought , pi nses as relcrred to by E.-o. Schr.u k, m, 1 llulj F'r" crop lor sumo yi ins past, uurmg the gene- I that a lie, once exploded, would m l again b- i ' i,- , i, . ,T s;! . 1 there is money ubotit," and corruption ral depression, Union county, as well as its ' re..r,ed loeven for political elb ct. I: is due I ;;ulalou ' . ','." ' ,' rife. Cuiuupiiw is Ih leMte to their t.eM .,, , ,r i to Mr. Marshall, as well as to tiTyself, that 1 1 ker, C. Merrill and S. w eirnk, E.-i s., ol " -''L"u"u"u' neig.ihors, has sut.ered ' hard 1 times, and should say that I never have had a word with J ew llei'lin, met that offer, and counter-, ' U,u '"!'"', ' the general Collectors li:ive been so slow ill collecting j him on that or any other question involving I .. . . ., , ..,, ,. 1 ea'iiuu , s, and too ho'iui'.il state of nor party, Jiio lianan i- anxious to carry I'eiiu sylvania, that ho way have a fair show, : and a strong endor.-enicnt if nut a lmiii- tho (.'harle-toii Convention. . on : the ! the taxes that Orders have generally kept j 1!" 1 ii...:, I ...I..,. ' '.l..,' ahead ol I a,!i in the J reasury. J he been in ihe past, since my late purchase uf I .(r.-mjee was worthless and could not be .1. ..C 1 t - I Mir Al ttmnr farm that mrorv.l h n Hir.n. : '"' "';' I IlVUilll .J U(!LrC ILLS IM- " " " 1! 1 . , . i enlirelv idpiiti(fel with ihe nrpsriit hru"m. tuili uul. ereasea tlie expenses ur U.tinty large-1 11Mr lhe nver, it ar,!j ,e areess t ,y ly, and the exjsected s:t!e of County l'rop- j late purchase, and through that purchase to crtv at New Eerlin hr.s been delayed j my "iher lands furilu r up the creek. As my With ehanoes in these respects, and "-nod i in'e,uK J residence, with ihe bulk of my prop- . , i ertv. is on lhe river mad, it is not my interest, crop, the ( oinn.issiouers have hope ol an ; desire.ihat travel should be diverted from Lewi, liurs, June HI, is.'u FOil SALE OR F.EUT .' nv TuoiHiini.i: n;.Mi:iior-- isK." ai.d l.ot, each smnil.le foriij. two lainihc n.e on ,. iih Foutth sirtel and oiie en St. J.din street, li.r Sale. Hall of each of rbe ab .ye H ii,es are lor l.er:t. Z "!,.. l-.r sale, four ll'iil Im? Lots on .North t'liiii street. JOH.N liOl.OliTO.N, l.ewisbur?, Jan. SO, Isoa. Acent This was the last th it was heard of that liiatn in- even balance sheet anothe r year Lew- t,Tlll1-.r 1 q it- ...w..l 4..,m'n .l..n 1 unt il.MMi.h in nrfM.nin ,n KM. ,.t " . " ""J.""" ' , ... y.. . . . ..n.l.ii.l, tr.l,... Il I If, hear hbors. It has st.iod a great deal of abuse, and can i ivtrt oil taju bfttra.n, urn Ua J false witness a-ainst their jutn eic in 1S0O ju iuhnen. Sine sttiiintif m.ii rincn Can liturtn tnvil)!(n ! JJiitff eu ecr falfjjtn Iticf tt unb um iral)tn (Jl(rutfn. O. N. WOBDLN thai road. When the bridge near the river wa, re built several years since, it was a mooted queslion with Ihe Commissioners whether il should be moved up the creek a fourth of a nn, where ye! endure more. It has as honest and feelmc Then, it is fair to infer, that, should a l.ur men as any other town, and in as bridge he built above, and the lower one, by large a proportion. j some accident (as on two former occasions.) oe a?ain destroyed, it would not likely lie re- uuiu. .viy inieresis, now, peine so entirely in fiory is me lower itriose, i wouiii Hedge for the time. The very next year, ;( "lrJ r'u'' v,c !l:ne ur,:nl our party dims. r; . r. i eu i- " i i IriciiUs 1 their ictii'ir: let thein, in '"''iso Ileitru I . J.jer, ol Se insrove, v. ho -in . . , "- Pll, . , , , ; . ei'l'i tUi, strive to inert it '. c?'1 Vole for Wilt ! "MS MOKKS AMI B.tTKIt WtinKS." A bran new electioueeriri" Anjut. have i Ji.-!riet oiue of our Eei-iiinpton overed 1c 1. R. CORNELIUS. ln.iko (lie Cmiiift- filo .10 flflD in 1 1,. To lln.tar.rn .. Tli- l.rwissi a Ciiimxioit., Q,,.l. .,.,1 Cie. ,11,11 if , ,1. cirCui.o.,Di.,.,Nef,,.i,riui1.i,,oe..utT. I Assemblymen, Commissioners, Treasurer, Freedom, national; Slavery, sectional ijallJ District Attorney to share inacor- umn rraiiraVAVKBHiTiToiMan I ri!1,t ca"'"? out "f" thc ramc- Wc ,la'1 never liearit tt such a scheme, and the j Jryux has not a jot or tittle of proof of it. It is a base lie, made out of whole cloth, signed the guarantee, was the Democratic oaudidate for Congress, but the Di itinera cy did not thrust that pledge in his face, and accuse him of fraud and cheating be cause it was not paid. Faluuel Jloush, Es.p, IVothonotary of Union e-ounty, having ihvjijiccr under the Act of Assembly to do the service rc i 1. i-i 11 1., lerre.i 10, inn so, aim eiiargeu me county '; 1,.., , , t- -, , . ,, ' ' r J in tlie least trolu his abilities, but Would ot .Snyd r the verv coo and iiretl v Mini to ,. . ,,,;,,,i ,1, . . ., . , . : r ........ ... 1 - ...... ...... Jlt, ,i . ,1 s iii.., :i ., l.l"llll-lO:l i. : . .1. ... e' oon 01 anoiner. mat min in l ie end itiVp o ;!....' ., ..c 5i:.in 1 1... .1 1, . c . . ' " " "lat "'! Place. I'll SII irri ,"'""'""', i-v e... eiessoe-s ... . J nno awiul imagi nary power 111 tins wicked Lcwi: burir. to rpiIH snWriber fffers I.Tsa'c several -i 1 liltlCK llilCslIs, and other ntiate in the tori tu'li el l.ewisburi:. 1, wishing to puiflia,e, will please .Mr. Jonaihan Wolfe, who will Rive them such iiiloiuialion as th'-v niav desire. July ii, I s,vj ti. sCH.NAtLK. friends ill their candidate for ', oratorical powers ri valling Henry Clay, and expatiate large ly on the "splendid speeches'' he would make if elected. We would not detract ! : hatched in the last Art;) i 0 ll 1 1 1 1 ' !1 '"1,io scheme, by so A XI Rot nith(T larh of suie T.-rltur by K.tra,lGa, Furcliase, or ( irio.i,-,:. The.tMire anj will Ik- tlie lira len-tfnv rrinHi.l,-. tNf"n theeonulrr, until lli.'j .re vir?nriu: .n.l we mil Ihrni t,. our mnt li.-.-l. II,.-re In il..t until thiy ..-io triuiiipli al.i.Tellie ..-a.,nal C'ii; itul &1 Uiuili iugton. i'ldt.vilk JUtr.fr.' .... rt,tl. FOM AI'IUTOK liENF.BAT,, THOMAS KC0CIII.AX of York FOR SFBVETOR flF.NKRAT., WILLIAM II. KEIM of Berks. FOR ASiiEMIILV, THOMAS HAVES of Union county. AVM. F. WAG EXSi; LLK Ii of tnydcr. PIIOTIIOSHTAII V, JOHX niLGEU, of Milliinburg. COMMISSIONKR. SAMUEL MAK.SlIAI.L.WhitePccr. TREASI'RnU, EOCERT II. EAIJU), of Lcwisbnrg. IHSTnirT ATTORNEV, JOIIX JJ. EI.VV, Ksr,. of Lcwisliurj. coixtv n iivfrott, CONRAD SIJECKLER, West Euffa. FAMUEL C. WIET, of Harllcfon. place. Lcwisburg, Oct. 7, 1SJ9. lie' I,ri,I;on,it V- IS not ;.f . I ,I..-T,...I.I.. t.. .1. .. r - ,.... ... 1. ' v. ... liiose iii.-uia"iirz oir ny tier cotiui, etoialll- i .,,.. c ... , 1 .... 1 ... , r ' . J - ,ouit. .ome lawyers have an utiiortu- M.a,lg Counts rder.. I V,, "m 'i Tl'iT l" r """!' . V , ' 1"',it f ITca.lj.,- th, mch,;' i:, The following card effectually demolish-! 1 ' LEA K for work Es.p ."ehrack ,tt..,j lhl.;r f,r,; ul,t,m.vcr tl can cs another unscrupulous falsehood : ! l,,'rt"1 " ,1" ll,r "re t!l:i" ' .vt a J.trv Ikstened beb.r.. ,1,..,., l.,.t ,1... County has Vijxii for time needlessly con sumed, and the Jury is not benelitted. y'r. Einn niny be a more modest and un pretending man perhaps too much .-o FOR SALE. O.N South Filth stre-t, a properly coii-isiins of a good Frame Mouse jLl 3 on a hall Lot ot ground. Terms ea-v. Apply t" May 1, A. Ii. VOIibU FOR SALE. rilHE well-known Tnvfrii Stand I ai the ea,i end of me l.ewt,t uieijLi lind'e, m I'hillixjuaque township, .Norm d Co. It w ill be sold on rea, enable lerm,-. Impure of WILLIAM FKICK. j J.ewi.stmr;, Dec. 17, l.'.s. VAB3ETY STORE AND 1'ost 01 1 rici:. LAlini: snprM of JJm;ks,S!ati.)Em- 1 V IV. turnery, Jewelry, 'lev,, ..onlee.,.,",,. - lies, Jias. Spices, ruir. .i,. Bask.,, Fi. lore,, and a variety f M( K MAI Ks for sale lcai at ih -b;;j J.LW Is;.! i;(; j.()j.x OFFICE. I Ll lb A.NP mEUlLeanbehadaith. 1 I'twT OFFH.'E J 'alati!!f PltoTOTFlrE CKVKI.-AI sen ..f CAMKUS IndTihr J lireast r,ns and L'ar Kmss ran be bad veiy cheap at the H)sT OFFICE I l?'K.K' V:"'-I ar'' .uri'..uli;y taken ,0 I) Licr.ui.ge tt at the POT0FFHE FEW Ib.xes ol Ka,,,,,,, Fi-s, lalts iLi - L 1 r.n.e I'ruues lef sale ai lhe pnsr oFncE ( f Books or d-ocdj f any t,, J proinpily atUkdrd to at the rovr office I A LIES can fi, ,f l.iri est and J i merit of Leiier aud .Note I'AI'F-K Enrel" rosr OFFICE opes Ac. at the ir.wn rijita - iu liuililu ' .J. rum. C: L- ":k & C o., i2r,f itLbur J'lauicg Jliii, A.V.-erp coiistan,r vn ,., ai4 manitiariiire to order Mooriuir. Sliliiis Woo; . sbulit-ri. liliiKlH. .Moiiltiincw .1 ail pailerns, and all other dcscniuii ns .,f u-. .1, , .r :.r-..,.s l,(.n(T IO e.T,ti!l-T Mar. ll'a.torii'M in a 1,,-w .1.-1 tliliTinv f)h;r. wlirr. I.u-ip.' i. nl. fk d-Tcru.-rm.i.i ol IL.- llni;LR...r.lvn Sttl-ui.ut. ! To the I'mlie of lni,n f'umfi: I sec ill the Union Anjws of yesterday, from soutc unknown person, the assert ion tlir Cituuty "Tmisnrj turn il into 11 Lrn Ker't tjiire to nml.e miivr; out if the tnjr pnyrt." Thc impression sought to be conveyed, evidently is, that I keep back the Comity niout.y on Orders and blt them iu at a discount. I wish mv fellow citizens distinctly to understand that (his ii is.nstarasc ueenisme.i l i EUEV -Mr. Haves thus rcwardiir I! ni-li. f,,r I--VI.SK. I lr.ivenevcr bought up County nuking his largo charge, by injuring Ordi rs at a discount, thoii"h i lrivc some ir 1 -i i , ' ,-, ,. . . ' . L ".' H ives, who was in no way rcsiton,.!, e. for tinier been solicited to advance m.uiev in ." - ! 1 that w.tv. 1 f a.tv others have specu! ,ted " 'J " tho ,art ' V': wa thc "l" i ., . . . .. 1 . . . . t 1- 11 .. . 1 , to servo a little narrow purpose. In the first place, f.'ie Constitution ex prrssfy prohibits iiny such ojierntion. The following section of the last adopted Amendments jilainly shinv that it could not be done: .Str-riox 7. The Lsis!atnre shall not aii- nvrie any county, ciiy, ooreinga, lawnsntp, ' . , . : 1 , .. ,, . , , or incorporated district, bu virtue a ntcf , ln ,,,ilt W!.T. 1 l'"ve not colluded with I t;uc Messrs. Ever, Hayes, ue., had ... r...if. ur uiiicrwi'-, 111 neroir.e a Slociinolil er ill any company, tm.ncialinnf or ttirpnrnthn, or to obtain money for or loan its credit to any corporation, association, institution er parly. In the next place, the gentlemen who are assailed as implicated in this scheme, are well known men, whose word ail will receive. They will be believed before the gentleman from Wayne, or any man skulk ing behind an anonymous signature. All whom we have been able to sec (after keeping back our paper half a day) have times as mueii . t-iyliut, two years ago, when ITiont'ts Jf-iyrt, Unj., was up, on our side, for As sembly, his opponents in .Snyder county all at one-e thought of that 'worthless" . 1 . 1 1 1 . . .1 . . p.eu, mauo a iremeimo.is enori to I wcll ,,rc,cl.,s tWir Ilu ril . aml betwecii which ,s placid a c.xolar piece ot defeat him because he alone had not paid ,' i .... e , , ,1 , , , , , , bum. 'I he uirninz of ihe burr compresses the Stilhl Ilou.sk Judgment, (and, at the fame time, to elect the son of Ib.ush over Pre3rveyour Fruits. Wi:io!ig!ili"s Talent Air-Tkht Stopfer tol: 1 1:1 IT fj.vs, JJl;s UK 1-oTTLtS, IU lhe most simple, conveuienl, econumiral and useful article ever invented, ll is Orders respectfully sI,rted and promptly fille.L AlUorkwananiedtorivesaiisiac'on. nr.An ej,rn,ive !t ,,f l.unib-r of all uesrr piu ns 011 hnd lor sale. arr .V, .Stcund ttrttt,Uvhhur- Ta April ls.'.a. " .... Ill , . 1 - "" ,nv.ic i-i iioriii lor Ins own good hut lie prepares his ca- composed of two plaits aitached by with few words to the proper tribunal, and wastes no time to display hiiu-elf in an idle set speeeh. I sis direct, practical turn of mind, is better lilted for that very ie.-p..n.si!,lu position, than if he exhibited inure of a fluent and spreud-cajle s'yle of thought and action. Vote for Shccklcr! CARPETS lit Citli'itiux-'H CIiFsiu More. friend and admirer of Mr. KoUsh, and is ! fJEI.NH in a bye-street, where the store e- ii'inin attcmntiiur to hurt Mr. Haves, bv i ' Pinses are very hht, ihe subsciiher is them, nor shared their jm fits. On the ' '" their eye, ami c uiideivtuiil thoj Lave contrary, I have mfinnrnf my mm mmoy. never beeu asked to pay even that! to persons 111 netii ;.nn naving small orders, I The Selinsgrove Times is a special 1.1111 u inai iiitj j,:,i.-Tji ir JU li:y Vl.t five or six iutkIivI dollars. "l : 1 1 1 1 1. 1 1 . 1 u, m-giioors tun nave Known - . . " ' enabled 10 sell al ihe Very Lowest l'rices. me a .(turner of a century, will accept my living this game, whieu proved 1 utile xiiUos rhiUddphia. and wishinst.. r. futation of the above unblushing fabe'-.. when tried before. In its anxiety to in-j buy Carpels, Oil Chub. Mattuiss, Aic, will ItiH.us. 1 will finality to mv statements il I itire laves, it savs ILi.tshs .I0.I..1 ,t Is ' u" " e" "' examine me lar"e assorlir.ei.t of ''T'"-! ts 1E r. 'nELEEH. jps,M,,wku-hisioOt.iuuck. TheSJnO Eewi.burg, (let. !..!'. r 1 1 1 . n lalsehooii against Haves we sv lal.-i- IIEI'LKCTIO.VS. the tin 111 and spreads 11 out, ihu, liihns up ihe opening and making il perlecily air-tiiiht. It can bef.pplied to 'I'm Cans. Stone ortiiass Jars. This si,,ppPr ttinc simple in constriiclton and so easily applied, 1., lhe great ele-uieta-lum so loi.o wj-hed lor, and ooly nerds an xaininato n lo ronvinre the mosi incredulous of us superiority oyer anything yet invented The Cans ran alo be Tested before piiitins in the Fruit I r fillin? them with water and pit'ini on lhe Mopprr w ,ii: a piessnre. Can,. Jars tiiass and Siene. with stoppers attiiehed, or lhe Mieprers alone, can always be had at moderate prices .1 T. O. EVANS V CO., Au;. 19 fole Ag'ts lor Lewisburg HOWRY'ii SKT-LIGHT GALLERY. 0E" JV-IIM'F?,I'I"'' Hardware Siore, 1: rn.erlv Houghton's Shoe Store. Maikt street, Lewi, bine, 1'a. " AMllKtj TYl'KS, MELA JXO TYPE Ac ,n ihe u,.,al superior style. In addiu., 10 these p rimes. I am now om.,i .. ih . . . 1 '. ,ru iu lane 1 liotg, a.:n, lame ei small. la, ,,, oesi n.aue auvmb.r. A i. u.ti,. 1 1 1 J hese r,i mres are coloreo 10 rep resent li.e.and are snpeiior to an oil painimy aivil.sr that tideJirr oi ,.. J Ihal I. ,'...., ' .' '"'"I" The, exc damme specimens hood, beeause we have referred it to the Tl,.. r.ft il...i e ..,... t , i . .1. .i ... ..... . . ...s. i.m. .i.e.- .u.mvb fc.y vuck mere . page ot the Journal 1!. Ii. l.rovin g n 1 ape, try li nsse'.s, I Imperial tl-ply, Inerain and Venitian, CARPETS. DON'T TRA HE OFF ! Alrcadv, 1 which comtdeiely refutes the charge : cheerfully signed the following statement j vntil fur. ilnys Ixf, re Ecetimi, h n , ho so, but it persists iu its wicked and . e !.... .1. . . " pio.u uiai nieir eoneoe.ors K.ow llieyarc wanton misrepreseutatiou is no reason lying, and in a iiican and dirty business w,v it s!;u!d make it .?2H0 worse than it mil tin ir allegations are base I ess, and they 1 U .utt Roush. kooh iiiein iii De so. now desperate ami IVrsons, blind with unprineiiled must be the nun party who will invent such t strous lie.-! We doubted whether it w:i necessary to do i;r menus in CCTiam localities IlUVC To thc 1'coplc of Union. County: l-pcn approached with olTors to swap It bavin- been asserted in the Uuim, offoW votes Auditor.Survoyorand Ar:,us of this week, that there is a plan Treasurer for one vole for Rousli : a ' on foot, in Lewisburg, to procure tho pns vcry fair offer, as they have no candi-: sage of an "Act of Assembly authorizing ihile for the two first Offices ! Others the County Commissioners and Treasurer ifler to trade in different ways sac- i subscribe Ten Thousand Dollars in rilicing Rittcr, Green, Kelly or Elder i e k to tlie (ins Works, and Fifteen ' b', but concluded it might be safest to ; Miller, Es.p, Jud lor Rousli or Rueher, as they can. j J housantl 1 hdlars to the Lewi-burg Wa-' nicf,t " lnus hroadly, and in more precise j Men gas caused the Rousli Jiid-iueiit of . This ? a11 ""J fr 11 1 '- hc.C...yC,.mu,i;siocr j ''Z Xl'&ry 1 re-oneJ, and it willprobably 13 impolitic. It makes bad feelings. , f rei.surer to carry the same into ei-1 I.EWIMll.IKJ tricks is worthy of thai former : be reduced to a reasonable sum before it 11 IS 1101 UOing; as WC WOllM lie (lone ; , ,",,,'-"J,L '1" i"i me money rallymj cry, . wore H.i if j.,r ll y.,nV V.u-.'' ami Oil Cloths of all widths in sreal variety. Also, Canton and Cotton Mattmqs ..f all kinds, with a larse assortment of low-priced lnr.un Carpets, and Eiury and Siairl'arpels, liii?,, Mais, l)ru-!;ets.f.iair Keds.Kag Caipets, Culloii Carpels, Ac., Ac. 11. IL ELDKIPfiK, IS'j.4:I Strawberry St., Sd door ah Chestnnt, I'lIll.AUELI'IIlA. party nnuiee, fome times strike friends as , P'rawberry is the first street west of hard as foes. i S'eeond.j seimU Hut. at the last session of the 5 and honorable men Candidates and rf course look out for them . i . -. , , jui nicy neeu noi uasely iiarterawav their colleagues, or cut their throats il. with the tngers" ''llie District h:s idtieia! connirtion with the (Iraud Ju- I'V. It should be Scouted by all fair , :'i r!i ""' District Attorncv.thro J'he patent cnre(accordiiif; to the disinlrrtttni treat this spasm of Locofoeoism so serious- founty (ouit, ou motion ,f (.eorge l-.i f. .' ' Ai ill 111 i tirrtl . 'IV ... w mmm mm m dges .Middlcswarth and tST . ml2s3liLLt, Ml 1JUA, I-AL, eVe., wiil be supplied to lhe liunpry people bv Ihe subscriber, at his shop on N'orlh Fifth street, where lis carries on the Iluleheriiic; business, and will supply all kinds of Meal in it-; season. On Wednesday and Saturday nv.rniti"'. be will be found at Market in fron'i Store;. at low rates es wanted Ileeves ual. Try the New CHRISTOPHER OEMEERLIXt:. Lewi ,bur, Aus;. IS. lSSDy is paid. The gentlemen who signed the LEW IsI.CIKi Argus) is to elect to cifire Mr. f guarantee, alluding to the if 12."), will Wc do not believe any of our N'om- incss will bclray each other. Let ns stand or fall together. Wc arc not ashamed of our cause of our candid ates. "A CLE A X VICTUP.Y Of! A CLEAX HEFEat !" but wc prefer thc victory. Vote for Cocli ran ! Illiberal. The Locofoeo orcran of Snyder county opposes Ool. Wajren scller because, last winter, he would not vote for a Railroad Rill, on the We'St side of thc River, terminntinj at -Nortiiuinljerlatid. aeonseller con their f,.;,!. .;il r.v ' obtain their recoiiimeudaiiou of' J f.r" Be as a ,a''1 ffei'l l LEW-) doiibiless fulfil their moral obligation, , ',f M 1 ' '"!" Hardware St. O.Cir Ilienils Mill h t- I ISBLI'.fi in all locnl aiVairs; Mr. Koush. who vlienevcr asked but -is I,. nni.oV C.-u f'.rt 'ash eicliis,Vely. Calve W themselves first. I 1J, , , 1 a citizen of LE WISDLKC ; Mr. Kelly, . ,V B I1 ', 7 s ,- '"l seoP purchased as us jasclv barter awav I , -P ' 7" ,1"nor!!s "cn ,,ear Ne,;;!,..- r. who bl.es LEWIsDl T.O as I ,,r '" ,ur w ,at I" asked f 1.'.), Kutcher- ' - ; ...... ...v. n.ino i.i ,i.,ioiv o i ne t ame i wen as an le .ly ; .Mr. lincher.who his friends ": piesuuie inev ui inn. Tostand togelheris true Mreno-ih ! V , . !lny,s"'" l":l" : ' " 1J"5,"'1'. "c is It there is anybody at lault in this mat ty way iiled.-ed toil- th, two ne I-,:WI:;,!,:i;(;! Fueled all these LEWIS.! ' " o...-,. .or .s excessive (......f if. .1. ' ir ' ' lil'lttier Demorrats is ihe only hope of salva- ' charge; and how it should hurt Hayes, o luvor ot it, that we believe It , ,; f i nin r,lnl frm ,hl ':.,...; , r... ' , ' ' 7") .till: II i:.--Jn eicell H ver LEV Eli V ATCII lor sale at Lurain iriusl co. Inquire of A E. IiE.NORMA.NI'IE, Lewisburtr nOKEY WAKTED! T 'HE nndersijned wants One Tlioil- I SillKl Hollar oul el ins Hook Ac re unis io pay , ii his debts. He owes, and is unpleasantly urged for payment. . Those, theielore, who are in arrears lo h;m ti r sil months and over, will please settle accounts immediately ; and those in arrears, under six month,, wiil receive a reasonable discount on their aerotints for payment ma.le w 1 1 inn thai time. J.V Better seti.e whilst yvu mii.i. at.d betore bemi; cmnpttlttl. a , Also A. II. All person,, heivattei-, eiriplovint: the proles, ioiial services of Ihe subscriber, will be cuiltd upon to seii'e their bi!i punc ttiaily at six n oni'is alter attendance piver.. CHAEOES MOHEI! A'l'E, and a reasonable amount of charity piar.uce expected lo beiriv en where persons have lhe disposition, bill not ihe means, to pay. Others, it. their prac tice, may extend or. nnlimiied rredit; bictor hiniseii, he has, for the future, lixed on lhe six mostih Tim, which will be strictly adhered to in all cases. Cj Siriel attention given to business a for merly. W.M. LE1.-ER, M. U. j I.ewisbtir?, July SS, lX.VJiu.6 cm te produced only hr ,h- nm e,e p.ctuiesare paieu.td, ,nd ha,e lh rlnuve r.cht for I n.on cuntv. Call an nume specimens. iAprii iev GooJorjhe Million ol I ... I brir stork con,,,.. . . .. . lesi and hum fashionable styles of 1JI'3 2)22:33 ir-ti aw i .-.-I. w w such as s-nawls. Mantles, M,ks. Bere-H, ii. " , ' "'"snams, r-rints of all ra-'erns, K,b;,ons. Uces Bonnet J rin. minis. Hosiery, Moves. Handkerchiefs, Ac ' FOI TIIK GENTLEMEN th. .. have a heavy as,ortmrni of Cloihs, CaJ sinieres, Cotione,,, esiincs. IUH Hose, ravats, and all oiher descriptions of -ma cu.'ine i.-eerry." which caa . '"" e bra'cn in Ihisrecion. itid'y iu'!!,',1" '0 k 31 ",,r ""ortmeat. ' eV V leccV" '"at yea can', d. t rr anywhere else. I VlVuntr, Proline, taken as u.,llal. j. .SCURE YEK & SON. FCR SALE. f iO liulai Hhlp of ,he - Jmn (. 4un,m,re,vl (W,,.f." Address ... Lewisburg V. O. waitress B, i is; May S7, Isotf. wicked and preposterous batch of black and j " was Dot wor,b 150' tended for our right to have the Road confident be would sign this refuuiio'n.1 .....If-- , .1 mil up inruuin i,ao,n county also, SO that Winlield, Ijcwi-luirg;. West Milton, New Columbia, and Hightown, with all the Middle and Western Townships may have the benefit of it, instead of being compelled, for ever, to pay a River Bridge Tax to reach a Rail way. We would not hinder Snyder county iroiii Having a Koad whv not in any ..t ;.. . .11 i ii . . " ,v Hon ol l.nion eotiniv Irom the opening laws I,..,., lit I?,in,li weminiKm would be efearlv uiieonstilntion.-i r .-..id , r ,i, u. i vu-ts-n.-i.,.' o J '"- , ulik .it iiou.-n, wc cm not see. , - - 7 Ut III... Ltll, I'llllL ,11. ,, lOUl ItU 1 mat tnose ot us who iirecamlnJates pledne out selves iu our individual and official ca pacity, to oppose any puch plan. Tlie whole charge, as against ns, is wil fully and wholly false, and utterly un founded. Wc do not believe that the County should be involved in any such ope-ratious whatever. WILLIAM RULE, JA.MKS PP.OS.S, IU till 1 SHKLLKIt. (We have not seen Esq.LLNCOI.N.bui are i.i:tiiii:ic A CANDIDATES. I IIO S. HAYES, W. F.WAO Est ELLER, SAM CEL MARSHALL. JOHX li. UXX, JOHX 1HLCER, RORERT II. LAIRD. (The other Candidates we have not seen.) THE "BltlUtiS- BCUBIG. iGUS. should the Times cliu.ic trv to donrivo ' lae ,act u,at ,wo iUml ,uwer' ,rou Union of a Road? (,iiI.Wnwni..Hn.-1 the cotuitry, recommended North Third ! should lose no votes on account of s,ri','t Lewisburg be extended to the an act of simple justice to this county. frock, is given iu the Anjut as proof that j Vote for WaciiscIIcr a ,!lid;"'c l.e "liIt uver tIlc Creck at ! i',r roit st,E, ., ,. and very couitor'.a- paia ior times . ue t.iv i,.hn. ... . - .... . ! rniTF! snliseribpr ux.nl.l rA. nart,r..ll.. ;nr..-.n ' f.,.aA .1.- . "V"" . If it . ,., f,,r ,1,. e..., ,1,.. . ' - v e are lniormeu mat itenry v. Snyder, . . . .,.-.,....i , ...,uU u. .ur especial accommodation ol thou-htlessneonle mi-hi be deceived hJ .1 Z after exaininioslhe work, made allidavit lhai ; ,n' P u . has..m.'" ." h..n!" . . 1 '--'c and other similar excursions. Terms . ' ... J : il imc nt tv.irlh i 1 fJl tPIC-NIC.-u Wt-'It jump into the Wajr"n, and mil take ride.' LAKCiE, handsome ' J'- Vote for Kcim ! ISrwarf. or fsriRiocs Tickets. We learn that Tickets, headed with the names of our candidates. Cochran and Keiin. Lot t i : i i i . .... .e .i i nanus oi Azcnis as he is determined lo sire in w nieii are suin-jgicu some eu ine Jill- . .a,;r.,r, ; ,u . , , u ' Sail, laCllOn in this n.rtienlnr l.rnnph nt nr- most infamous lies.it would be worthy only of a derisive lauh or silent contempt. As it is, we ask the reader to circulate these ref utations. Vote for Hayes ! Facts. Some of the I'etnoeraev boast that Mr. Rousli never was and can nt i thanan candidates, will be stealthily circu- bo defeated. This is an error. M.st f latcd on Election Day. Let every man his offices were by appointment. In 147, read his Ticket, w hich can all be voted on Jacob llaus, Jr., of Mifllinburg, defeated ! 0,,e 'I1 iltul pcc t',:lt lt o'ltai" the TIN ! Mr. Rousli, then running by the Demo- ' names under our Editorial Head, and ou crats as a Volunteer candidate for IVo thonotary (although, at that election, Lew isburg gave Rousli 1 1 1 maj.) During the Railroad .piarrels, in 1Sj3, the Railroad men iu this end of the county helped edect Mr. Roush by 1(5 votes over Mr. Hack cnberg. It was the strong Division vote iu this end that gave .Mr. Roush his ma jority in lsfiti. These local causes are Ionoer uf account., and strict party and moderate. Apply lo J.)S. M. HOl'SL'L. Lewisburg. June 3, 1S59. the last column. They are all good, true, capable, honest and competent men plump them all in ! Vote Jfor Marshall ! SnAf.fc IT HE ? This year, the Repub licans of Maine gave 3,000 incrrasiif ma jority for Governor, and Vermont gave al so an enlarged majority over last year. Shall not J'enn'yltanut swell the growing select assortment of Ihe best SOLE LEATHEU for the supply of his cn, turners, together wilh a superior lot of l.'I'PEKS, which he will sell 'He ;ZZr the Farmers to L, J & ER0'S his price, for HIDES. j lUiijij J?jU ,V' jTJB All having Hides to dispose of will do better CVi' wltL,SUli:.T t.. call upon him than to place them io lhe ! T T ,K !. r, .,.1 1 . n.; n..... on.u i, mo mi loucairi s Drub. Illock, on .North Third street, 3.! door Irom .Market, where they are prepared to do all kinds of woik in their line on the shonesi notice. Orders and impiinc from neighborin owns promptly attended to. 1 lease call and examine our pproveu styles chases. Lewisbur?, June I, 18.19 E.J. HULL Dr. C. PITJEAL, 7TAy'Nfi resumed the practice of MEDI- mihe r, in r r '"oiessionai services men, pf FlIlurcs of llle mo5, to ihe ciltens of Lewisburz and vicinity j ami finlh. J, " .. " ; . . c, ,' c vtr en" V M3rrt I All work warranted. o... ,,...'.osiiu r e.e-K s rounury. June 1. ..U NEW FIRM T T,,E MI()P!The subscribers X rtspectmily announce to the cinen. rf t-ewisburg and viemuy ihat they have fernitJ a J'ariuership in lhe Tailoring Business, at Ihe well-known stand of James Vrhwtllf ,.i,"...el s,reet- h"re Ihev are rr. pared " ' AM) MAKE If,,; rd, Tin the vert besi ne, Min !1 and Kl,vs 4 Juibins f every description on short notice. We a a ihare of the public patrons-e JAMES t KIsWELL, , J. F. siH.UTEK. l-ewn.hiir, April I, is.V.i HOUSE BUILDERS, TAKE NOTICE! The utidetsigned ate appointed Apcnts for the sale tf "", I!liiiN & Window Sah of all sizes, made of the best material. AH work warranted. LtTMade by L.U.f 1'KOIT, Hunhesville, Pa. and for sale bv ?! F tl CALDWELLiLewijonrs urlare assort-! T1,(.,R.SAI E- t'EAP I.,. Trr.'. end approved styles i lr'mmln-t Knife, a convenient aiuc.'r kt state. TO I.12T The corner house .Nnnh Third street, occupied by Dr. .Meyleit I OH SALE Oil RENT. mTHE subscriber will either SELL or KENT his House and Lot, situated on South Third street. onDosiie ihe I mli.Mn shall land our candidate for President in i r-hrch Lewisbarp. Possession jiven on the . KA.Wc hare heard one citizen eravelv t . wi,;.. ir...,-.. Ai.,...b A lvc.l ? t,..ti ' rel r ;cll,ber-. f of. particulars, inquire of uii.ii.vj. um uceei-uuuv ine iires- ,- o , v,,,1,,,., n,l lv,.(.i;,,.,I, .t . - ! T , o. ; . i i ... jvassas hn.u.,, be Free! Election j dozen streets iu Lewisburg come to the " V.oll-lltutl011 Kloelloii on !:..... 1... .1 I I.. ! ! . rn ,1 .ii . . ,. . ..OL-., uiu uiuie is iiiuv mic imiiL'e. 1hi)'. i ii i i iii . . i V ,r,;"1'Waltl,agU the s,re,..s iu Lewisburg come to Baffalue ! , ' ' m", s,'"ulJ it be ? Weask f and TOU ? unci YOU? Lorder ltuthaus. Lu. haru.,. i . . ., r. .,....! because he is building a nice, lar'C, brick, ir a T f -.' -Utt ; cretB tivx mere is only one lin.lge in the ! ,., i. ... ..." (,.. , , .. ' OIC IOI lIIIII I jucre nas i ..,., v. 1(11..... l . i 1 1.. i llu Also Strain I II. done lo order. KliEEBl KOER & EKO., Ag'ts. Lewisnrs. April 1. '5'J Printers to trim pamphlets. Ac. : Jlay S7,'5s. C.J. tsTAHL.Boek Binder. . Ko Grindstcnes.Groceiies, or Honker I Coats, l T hundreds el Hals and l'3p of He -L latest siyles.a litllc cheaner lhan taa t lound elsewhere. I'.ill sn.l ,e ihem at Cibsuu's Jut Jlanufaetoiy, I.etri'l nrit, T (1 ET married when yon m'ish, only so von X eH at .M KADDINX HAKDWALE Beaver.Kremer & M Cinre.or Johnson Wails I V WKC"aml ?rta "rM rate COOK SI OV E at Sept. 16, 1H.VJ ELISH STIt VI It . c,st' as 1 wanl ,u clos' 0'" mT sock of l. i ' - mwsiiaper m Kansas, , Korouirh. and one ii.st ..b.,vo every se.,u,llc to lnak dwi - ,.. m. i Mr: V' lmtc "b:My hu Fr two years port we lu.vc elected ousllluI1,,T iiAxitii'MPHED. DS-Re- ' v vcw V f el i -i t r i -c huM ani1 w. ket'P n- Every Man on our Ticket. 15y pursuing ! 77-'srif fj me a'tmttxioH f A'..M. ... ' " ... . . . scttliug witli luinilies in Lewisburir. seem 1 Trie.!,!.. 1 mw iiiiL uii a r,i kiop T.ierp n-.toii ,-, ,, ... . to ln.e us Weil enough todosire to remaiii. streii"thei for Bilirrr ! i Vo'ti VDESIRADLE Ituilelliig tot, S3 feel leet front by 1(174 deep. Enquire of Heaver, Kremer ot .V':iiire. FOR, RENT! Tkkb Stitc ' i,... i .i . . fia p a r.i i.ige mere wnen ,, , i-t le aes l,r U u. , , "V Z , """ ' i tW g. .. Ue hu:,- " lf.it lieiy 1 1, ,!(.! th. ii.,, !vei asainst U. 1 and to our Principles, but we fHE T O K,)0IS occupied ai pre- hi, . L ol I. , i f I 1 nt bv Va,hins.on Hutchinson as ,are Wl11 be en our Party and our (. arise. f,Joon. Tbey are M1,3l,le (uf ' s(u" as ; (f I lit..! t ; Pr "Perms apply to '"'! IOI ltlini ' J.1;i. s', ).JM. IJ 1 I.VN I 'r;oali ,neeiw LAW OFFICE REMOVED. John B. Linn, A TTonxr.v t 1.41V nutw his noose ou Market Si. bet. 1st 4 Sd J. SCHREYER & SON K78 ii.bMrR, I'M. i -w T.VE received iheirSECOM AKKIV'L ' - 11 ... . . t. I a. If 1X1 et fpnn;; and uulmcr ..i.-. : luess Ooo.ls, Manitllas, and a lartir Id l f Ladies' Cellars and Mreves from a"'"' , Also a ceneral assortment of Men's Trimmings, C'ottonades, Cassimers l'cl . which will be sold cheap. .May 15, isr.9. ... lap oc-ket llokandoiherari.f ' t M lhai kind on hand "rioon.. fc -Le-"ishure Book noer. en. wa & ,P-- cook stoves. JOS. M'FADDIN. Lewisbnrs. March 11, 1H58. si.nixL ii. omviu, Attoriity at Ian. OFFICE on Sonih Second near Market Si. Lt WlSliVKG, I'A. lAll Professional llusmess eutrnsied lo failhfully and promptly alien . Sept. 14. IHS7 iu,a ts aiivulirna.ii.1 i.1 tlwutii- Ci xf'rVet s'lret-nen door to Brow" "C37n:7,-. S.ore LEWIS"! K". l.KKSONS l-hiJ to rfc.. ,lr.,l rr s. u.ir lb. eli-.le "