UNION COUNTY STAIfc & LEW1SBUIMI CIIUONICLE-EPT. SO. 18). ! 1 Jjt'H'iSbitrfJ, M(t. M..,'v.!,.,,f K--1 pRW.lT .MOUSING, N.FT. jU. IN).'. r. k W:-"?.'::" ) illwl i 1-li I" I'l,"' wli .ll.t ,.. W. II to (-1ll.V til." .Ittrr.-.-. '' 'n "'''' lil. 1 l-tr: ;.wr ...rri.Uti..ul.r... ...-., ,r,.,,.,,,.rti.n ..I ,,,-. ,lv.-iU r.slueer,,, con-uin. r, rTSCC XfW .Ht-rtli-liU'i(s. -. "" ' '"""IS 111 . l v . sis ::t WALLS", ami SCHUK-YEirS. yn.A roinimililcatioii from New lVr- I',, is del., Veil. Alter next Week. Wo shall throw out the l.loet'.oii ainl Fair s i 1- ! . . i.i : i ... i vi'Uli inein. liir.i i mi e iiinie i.M.-iar . i News, au.l .iiisreiiaue.ii main r. I lie ;j i li.-san-l illili'.iell liiil.-t let tile liUliei.ilis i hac their sav lor one Wei k v t. . . " " v ""."" S'inee wiituiLT our fiatteiin-' lmiiee of :J1 'llic Caniliilales," wo are inii.rim-il t!i;.t Col. rnss id' l.iiuestoiie, ilveliiies the ( ol;i-' l.liiiientai-y I.eeolniitoii nomination fur Att- ilitor. e tin Hot learn the rea-mi, l.ut suj.jMisi' jH'ltiaJis he iloes foit eome u. to the li.oh sta.olai-,1 r.-,Htlv.l ly the I'h't- h.rtit tllHin which he Was id.ieed, and con- K-H-uiMiUs.rouu. rcn.AVar lias atsiin lin.kon out lielweeti China au.l Kn-.'lau.J, and the l.iiti- h h:i e : . . i mttere.1 some losses. The Croat Fastei-itsliit) was liroir-reino y,UU.TUl r.eamn,- liel was very util. iftiniate, Killin.-live I'.-r- tions, wonmlino; others, and i, tini,, a' .... . . . ' l..ry,lM.s). The ntajestie vessel va, r ov.-n strriim-,1 l.v l,o .-vidoM.,,,. ,1 . . 1 rroii,iMS i.m.n. i no a-Ti.unt win Ui-!;iv her arrival at r..rtlaud. ' ; 6-n.AlH.nt mi.liii-lit ol" Ft May la t. :, , kid' l.,vl,.,i..i.,, 1,-,1,., Val MiiiMji-li....trt.,Ai,.,i,.mv.,i- t.-r, of l.tniestone I p., was Linnc-l tlmni. : X, nherMaels within a few IWl ,f it, lie- in.wetlivthepr.-viotisvaiirs.wasjtho t:;....K..,i.i..-Mr.lV...1!.r n.i.1 Lis ,:..;-I.- tanelv aid of Mr. Wall.-r ami I.i.s i..-i--li- I r- , r..v...-.-...l tV l, -',-i. ,,;., It Ins ' lior, pr.'set e.l Ii oin ii. i tit t ion. it lias , 1 . r I n.'i u lonjfci iiit'a tiiai iiic U.K.: .i.i.i liui'ii- ttoiially ei;iiii,iuiiieate..L IKy The .,.wt. savs, "the oil,, r i.r.j,el ' . ii... i of the .utility are .aid ly the Slierili' l' i ,.,d.i;.i,;,o. ii,.. i'l. ;., i. Pi. i ,i. ,.;., " I This is a mistake. The tViititv :: i:., iuone Kincronlv the .SW .1- t',-o.V. . ! ,., , V, ... .... ,. ,. ; in whn ll alone tlte Ml.-l-lff Ulleek.l its I.ithlieati.iii .ilTn iallv. ( How r: I -lit the J'. (I. Ailvertisino;, wliieli the law ilirei ts : t,itliei.:tl.erliavi!iotIielai-oest.-il-eiilai;i.li?) ' ' . ,. j CATAWISSA, lLLIAMSl-oUT Ai -.:IK IIaii.RoauCo- The.o;r..sseaiiiiii"s..itliis : road for Any;. 1 S.V.I, were leduet rent of roads, l.eaviny; net ':iniiti"rs, iet uarningK Aii";. WiS, i,..l-..l . , i ' - .il Ii! I" ; , ,;;! ' j - I.t ; 1 lncre-a.se, 2.").3 jht cent, ' , ,. i TfHlx '..mianies were at the IJil- i ,, ,. ' . ... , old hncami.iiiciit, -M i.hih I.1110, 011 lues- , day, and more were, xi.eeteil. C 11. Wm. 1 II Keini .if lh-i-ks. was 1. resent, review-j II K.din .if lh-rks w-isiireseiit l.-yiew- i II. J. nil, 01 w .1. j ir. st in , i.i. , .. ... , 1 iiil', aim inaKiiiz in. loi.s .- no ...jis ...1. .- ever lie goes. -- 1 ke Tho Simrome ( 'otirt meets at Sun- i lutry, Tuesday next. Th, re are :1s ea,. i 1... It-.. At'.. 1 I,,.. ..1 ir. .... ll ..... i.r,.. , v. ..... v -...... . . - 1 I .e. -. 1 " 11 ...... I . 1... ' KK lor II, Wllieil ll.tve I., pi ... ..... .- 1 . ..,!.. ...,r .,...;.. i sy, and liintlered soim ; ' ml the Lew isl.nro ' to our jiaiier. f-J-Wc are inforit: I niversity and Feiualf In.-titut.- r.-M..,-i.-, .. i -,i i ! Ctl last Week Willi llllll-.l.-ll in, liilMll.o plus-! . 1 .... 1 IKt-ts. A larop i.roMiitio;i ,.d bairier stu- i ;.i, ' ' ' ' " i liumher ..I new .Hies. I r.f'Tlie Koiiinoetial Storm ..f S.-jd. ' - , i c i . i 1. ill, covered a i.ernil d . io,t .lavs in , .. , - . . ",. , all. l ine weather since iiiiuav, whu-Ii. . r- 1 . ' 1 l' .1... f..i-n..-..-s ;in Usui., i ml iit ru nisi v b.i-. rec-urintr tlio lialaitee of their eorn. W UVTHtFFIT-Verv di.-or-! A.Mimii.Mi.ut,. i. ..y . i .iiilliterieit live dollar bills on Ihe.. Lock Haven Hank, at Link Haven, l'a., , . . ,. arc Hi circulation. Ihe eoiiuterleit is a ... ... e.l ' I l.crloct y.(cimitV ol the genuine. " . Siriy-The ( ;iint'ri.ii Inlatitiy nro.-iinz.-d, : l ist week -it Mifflin!.. ir" mil i-li.w.. C, I ' . ' . . ... II. HasM-npliur. Captain; (.. V . i Inmi-1 l.ors, 1st, J. ('. .Millhouse, 2.1, and Win. j Clatiliain, 3d, Lieutenant. I fctTl'trsoiiK wistiin-jo aii. nu ine 1 i.i- ( . - . . .. ... 1- 1 .... t'.innli- I-'itir next W-e.-k.eall oldaill fix- ' j - - - , tursioii Tickets on the Northern Central l!-.;lr..f..l .r.,,,,1 w-e siiniios.- for I ilir-ilav " - f- 7 - 1 1 J Friday and Saturday. hero was finite a turnout at the , Military performances in 1 lartlcton, last , Saturday. The election for Major resttl- i . ..i: .1 l,..; r i .1..., it it...i,.., v.... I .ee. ... ... ....... v ............................ j SrSyTlianls t. Hon. John C. Kunklo f.-r a copy of the patent ofTiec lit port, ( Agricultural j l'r 1 .!.. .And to Hon. Owen Lovejoy for Executive lhieuiiients. fc2"lt Lss(;ited tlnit lietweell 21 Ml and "'HI jHrsonsl.-ft the Lewi.d.iir,": leK.t, on .I'.iiil.iy and Tuesday of this week, for lie State Fair near l'liiliiilclpliia. t-if"Hor;iec Creely rttiirned to Xew York, last week, Ly water, and is this ! eek to make au agricultural M.eeeL in ! ........ Ti.a Co., l'a. fr-jrMarkct street lias received a sur ficc M-r:i,iiiej ag-ain, yielding a jmmhI sup ply of line manure for L'a, dens and farms. fcS'TLo 'lh-feated Candidate" ou our first jinge is a genuine arliele. He speaks l.kc a man. ti?See advertiseinetits of House and Lot oew Milch Cow Forwardms Merchants ''achers wanted Stray Steer Hats and e-ips Bmhltiig Association Public liuo. 'j.-i.ir'i t'abiuti Ware Ac. Ac. I TUTU 0Mt tO t'i(' Fllll'' ! Tt, 1 , ' ,'v i-v-i- ; la.-i three ..ays M. Wi-.l.Iv !l,v "' apalt f.,r the I'liion County Fair, I--1 a!! th...-,- win, oV.ir.. ... .....I I.e., -,. come ami si,!,!-. rr themselves. In town .,, ,,,llll(l.v J,, ,1,,. ,,,.( ..,.. , . ' ! work,,:;.,,:,,,, :i,t ,.f ,...,;,:,,., !.,- t-xhiMl- i n--d .-liter i'..r .t premium, tin - 'I in. '.in, ,1. Ful Ut . very "lie Llili- S1J..,,. ,,,,.. , ., ,,,,., j-i j j : 1 1 1 ii r t.i siiiiw to .intuits. l-l . . i ,., ,', J lie I -a.-1 aim l..i ;.-iii' Harvest li-t- lu-oti j ""Usually ii-iiitidauf :tud rich. V.- i,.mid have lilii. lt to exhibit i I' the irn'n ..! t!,.. e:u iii ( 'I'l. , , r 1,, .. i l M pn..'.n. t-j .," HI PV:-rV tnit- merit ol'l.i' or at-.: :i! .vo,-,H!Vih::,it:.,:,. i "1" i.-.i-:y, in eo: e,!ur ol jLa ui mi! in rir ri'.. r t i-i i i.. d!te:-s oeiur.du, have li-d k ell t ,-, - .... .- i .i i in--.; iiin.i:, me .;i-: ye;ir, t- eorni.iere : ,),, r.. ... ,,u ,l( .. ij'j. ; ( j n.i r,-, - i.-, . i- i i , I laim-.l liy tire i-..r.-i.t . 1 .-!. - h-.j 0 ,.;it e i ,. i , .1 4.,,,. V,---'. y- iti- -l . t V.::V. j ,Iln ,...,, v;;. i0 v . n;,v ; ; r u rtr.MK t.t '!' Vi) 'HI!: F.MIt ! t-vei-y- 1,111 '" i'..v..ii. - i-::n..in- wit.t j 1;L1" --1 ...-.. .-imu men an 1 j-tek- . t . . .ii ... .... . - i i "' -x" :'lu11 mv ue-..eu, l-V ail r. spe. .!.!, i ;-ie, to f;-.y .-iway. J- tic t.-;.. i-t ....v, ,.s v.e.ro.i.c. ' 3 The ,.Y.,.U us lor coovin " ' 1 - llu.-.hanai. l.ecal l'i.itlotu.. I. will leal.,,., I, rt-.e. we fear In fore we can reciprocate by .i . , . , l ....-.- - 1 "' "..'"' "'"""" " -The amount ol buildittn that has b.-e Jone .hinns the past sun, r in Ley. bine, do. . not mbeate ,ho,e auiul h:d nines,, which .h,,.,,,,,,.,-,,, i,r. is , t Vi ).- I'.eiel s;,.,,,... iiel-'lib or. 1: i su b 1 , li -om ,,a'; ' e! L or ,!:,. lat a other sours-, s m. -I ...n.df,., and vavin; si!y. Much of .-ur bitil-Iii,-; ami ravin; has been done because lb-re ;:.. m.ihina else to do, and more for tie- sake of keeping (. ( . no oyeridi.s of r:.o.t::I-iu. sea. city of lab,.. ' i ' - " ' - 1 an,i ,h" ,',;""r ' '' ,h" -!r""v ' Irem house to Ii ,u-e llir. a !i t, wn, he would Us prospei.1" refeire.l to in lite (K.nkus I.v...K:r.-Ve are it: form-, eil by ( oroir, r ll..as, that he was eai.eil , , , .. ,' 1 1 . . , r ,." .., r. Will opuu last joes-.j. ..i-.-i.i, to .101:1 an in jam jleits, found dead, on ll,e rrtius.-.-s of 1 John .ni:!!, of Aurhony loWU-shif. .Motl- '-r couMy about e umlown on T,res,Uv ! cvcuilio. 1 he 1 ury roturut-d a verdict t lia! the deceased caino to his death from some j ...... ...,l-....vn .a tl..., r. .,.-,rb, ,.f .-i,.b..,..A u...... ...,! nn I.U w II.. w.- - - ! .... ..w is said to have ueeu aperson ot lutctnper-. , . 1 . a,,! "Sfl'a- "'U'.nt"- Jul' uiyt iicer. fire recurred at 1NS,., . carlv on ! , A "ie recurrcl at l.iston a., early on the muruing ol the 1 , ,1. instant hywhieh the fctallnio attached U the I uil. -l Stat.s Hotel was consutneJ, to-ethi r with tw.-lvo i k,.. Lr ' nioii, - t,i Vl: !-..c'a ('ireus ! ,0 bc,ii,.ii)' IJ b.j ...u i t.r.u,, mindly team horse?, atnnuntiii- in value te S"),00U. The t-lejihant beloiiging to : tho circus was ia the (stable, Lat was tho circus was ia the (stable, Lat was I , rnemi in . Jne J.eputilionn otalo t.onveu'trtn ol Massachusetts have rcnouituated Uov. I H....L-- f.,. ib.r.ri.nr i L our rarty fr;cnd, in Uolnn ! :n .... ..1 I .1... ' w ill uave .lie o ... ?ei,s . pui-i. m uiu - -TI I . ..... I - n. 1., ucnei. . 10 - ua.c a -si ...-. eu ,,-f ...... ens have the i'rotlionntary, air,-.-:-, three . . , ,. . T , , ' .. :r . '"'I- isaf-oaa.hon., ,Ldc..U.retnl:;; tiiin, fonr, worthy, and deserving of Ihe !,,,.. r..i 1 i .ai-i.-. i...i,..in .irn: in ti. -.r ...oiir.-. c-fTice-lone of jour lone, and CosU id j Tour flesh. V l.at can any one train Ly i J . , . ., ,.,,. . -.. . I votine' fur Lis tuetuv : JlulUour-i i n-. J , Mr. ISaker, hrother cf the Collee'or f ... f .t,;ii..ii,:., i, i.i J"'lge Strickland as Kditor of the 1 fv't""i, which is thought tj Lc a "uu- fc ; cnuiDg coiictra. . iV'-I.IIJ-. VI I. HI J I l, II ll Oie-lilll'' Ol . c 1 . . . llailroad tookt lace at Union Mills, Claw - COaU tQ I r, ,,. ,v:v. ,!,,,! L"ll'"1" ' --0 " , Ilia than fifteen thousand slaves have been . i. l.itnArl, .1 inr,-. lb..-. I'oi.-.n vitl.ii. l.-lv ... - Uefaw uiorothan three hundred , , , . , , , . newlv-tmrortcd tiara in leksburg, tin- ring his recent coutheru tour, and as ma . AJem,,hi9. . 'Jbc J-ancv More ol wouS .V mu-kct, Mihon was entered on tho eight of the j Oth inst., and robbed of a krgn quantity of fancy dress fcilks, mantilla?, velvet rib- bonf, ic, amounting to fivo or fix Lund-! 1 1 o -- rcj dHars. Knlranco was pained into .bp eollnr nn.l tbn fanfrnino- of the door. 1 .. - - .... , n 1 between the store and the cellar, was j lufCOU CU. Tho l;loomsfcur and Lackawanna Kail i lload from Dnnville down, is final! de-j tcrmincd to como dowu on this side of tho river, nnd intersect the Suubury aud Kria Hail Koad ot Northumbcrlaud, making Nurthumbcrland the termiaus. It Las : r.,J, ... ... .1,;.,.: Ueeu IJiU imt too iuuuu.ji uu.. u...sU.ua shop is to be located there. If this Le I , , ,. , ... -ii 1 done, that hitherto quiet place Will assuuto ; a difTereiitasnect 1 a aiuercni aspect. ( The uno row of rrnmo nonsw, erected; . . - . . . J ho uno row ot iramo nouses, rrectca ; on Fawn street Sunbury, by K. Y. Hrmht ! on 1 awn streci.ouuoury, VJ J.. a. r oi, is finished, aud will soon ba ready fur oc- P0y- AltE YOU ASSESSED ? If aUT Of OUr I l!.ie,l fei-nH. I.- theirvoles bv nctflcct-' . . . . - !"S? h Ur..Sl- VCS WSCd in lime, j it will not Le our fault. V e are bt.UBti to ; rcmiud them of the duty, and to ring the cry in ti.e cars of U.y aud careless voters, j .... ...n . ..--v.-.-r. " 1 f vrtii bneil not nlrei.- ' nr.. i.s.,t..o..". ..jvw - i dv discharged this duty, no and do it noM'I j Tomorrow (Saturday, Oct. 1st.) ia the! last d:.v. V Tho larrre new stone LnJfif, built last j year by the counties r,f York aud Cumber- laud, over the Yellow Hiet-ehes creek, was carried away by the late liood iu that j a.p... 1. C-.L1 th ..i.fir striietiira is ' .l..s,r0v'ed. I Easto, Sept. 23.-The Lebisb .nd P-laware arc both rising rapidly. A so- rious break in the l'claware Canal at Yar- dloviile i, repot uJ.fo, iy Icei wl U. i E' n'ef"ll,,w,""co",P'1r'su,",ftl',,r,,ej ! f,,r lV.l!i..n..lary in 1S.-,B, w.lh the lir?t party : vote last lull, shows that while a change of i j US vies i.nly is necessary to elect a I'm-' : Ihonolary, a sti.t party vote in While Deer- ' """"- ana -xe,, or ,n i,euiunrK- . :.. if . .i- i ..... .- .1 ..... -"'-.'' ,e,,iaj-,,y,u- Vear, t. trlv lll.es will proba m, ,r,ly, m lJ( J,iy if ,,,t .; ! district. woui.! turn the mai n ity ili"otlier way. Tins1 ably he drawn mere ' lite every election 1T. SI...TI- t-.rv s Ms t;.. i mi I-.ku i iMii Kii 1 l.,.,elc- IimIui!, 7 C7 s l7 '. I i: Weill- I l-l White n.-er I'-i ' l!'i;!'l-e !" i a i.1 1 M W. liiillaloc I. I ;,S 'i t t . 'ten - - ' l1' 1 ' -i ' ,i . ( I S ;i rti S " e.i (,i S -S :-,e,v 1! -iliu -1 . .t..e.,.iu 7, I. line-. tune t't 1 s '. r i; I Z I. ItluU II!) l:;7.l M.;i.r;n,-s sri.", H I 'J'lMlX HTL'! ! Tie I'ri.-n.K oi l'i-. i I -.n : I'r. t'Tlioli hi M a im-.-'iii- ai lie- IJuii i!o K.ia-t-. W. - d - I ires.! . ..V.-I..1. . Itel .1. M.-,.r.. Ii M'i'h.r - , s i l'ii;!.i-!i ij-bia, aiel .1, 11. l.tmi and S. 11. i ''! '' ':-' "' .',.,,, ea,.-, I't .. D.-Air ol" 1. ui,!.i.i-.-. have eon,ea!ed to al l ! .les.red.ifcu-iM irresper.liv.M.ljurty. I'm tlilll I, .::!!', is all i si-itement about me ;iai,;il, i-i ihe Port, of the bn-.ii C.i-rii.th-bam -si vc'-l eyei l.uilt, tiie Ail, . , ex.C,lr . j.,.,,. a: ,.aI,., houses are ! i to be doubled iti i..,...b.-r f. r the accommoda-1 j t d i.iere, u.; may cxp.cl an -.;ial amount :l ' "''""f" """'!: " V . or .Monday i.e-t.at the cheap Hoot and saoe store ..fit. Mar-h. rhht ....p... He the liank.ol Hie Ian-,, and best Mock-. U..ot and .shoe. I i-ViT ir.-ii--1, it'iv. la' fftTL' m' .'I'll 1 l'X ! i i . i - . .i i .... ,v i;.B. ,,aI Wjui.-r. an I wiii I.., soi-l iU niil.eai.1 of low prices. ,'i tail to nil : at..'. ce bet'..,.. i.,:.k,..- v..ur purchases lor . Fail and U inter, as money saved is money learned. ' r7r;r77;. I'm m; the c.onn.i.-ra'.ioii of f antoii cause d ! '",':"!'.3" t.nHtish. theexte,, j ie. V. .' ".'i i'.'i I., "v ' ! I, ( 'i'.' .'e j'!.'l .f 'lit" I -''. rrv P..-i r .: 1 t'ail.atiie l';!is, lor i.'ln- I Ct- rry I i na.) v. l .ta : ! - :. :oye.!. He now makes a . ,.,......,..-,.,.,. .-,,, i,,r .,.i. .mnie i ' o-v i nut ml lor t.i.b luntv i.r ;ir: n ni n i;)i i i v, a.iu ip-ih-l- ut i : : r.ivv ain'U.t-r nut w crark' wi:n vnr ri-icr : I L...I,.., J..I,,,,,.. Snrk'i.. it l).,ct,r: and if! i ' '"' ;"-. rui,ieut i.uttnt .ins our ri -i.is i .'er your Pills are sold, we Mia.l only I ri ''us; vvlur- In nn- ..ti tiaeis tli.it arc very Lat rcii. A'e- j.., f tit.nl, A. J. f H'i'tr-1 l'i: II tH'tit We thin'; n.e f..lb. . . or I-... r iro.n a re- I Mn ctabb-ei;,. a . I .oi--i,.-ir.i wtrl ans. r .' : . . i ...i.. ... ..; , .- . ascd mind It s.tt.s.it... . .v..... li?.. .Inn ... . M I -Ii .r : : 1 I.A.- i r.'.!.'.r ,v,'-m2-T":j STii uj u, :a . i- ii.. 10 :.rM -. h I,. .-.-. .i.t-r ' ; - 1 - H .''',',,'. "."Z'yon ;.'...V'.;.. a .... '-' r-i. rwu-tj : i.t ...,. I leipy ... ( ( ,..,r.., ti, ...... 1,1... il.- .. eiij..y.-.l int.! lo-i.io. i-r ih-la.-i t..e n..-i.iii-ust. in-mw i. .. r.-nir.i- . I . Il, ...Ulll.,1 ,Tlll!iil. Ail t-lis I tltl.l- It tr.-.sl , ..,,.r.. , -.t j,. -. w x m-.y i- i'..- m-.. "I j y """"'; ":'o' oJ 'J"" 'm", ,l"u V ;:n.ri'..V."xU'' y.a, vw. w.l..i.o. Xo per.,..,, who ,s Mb-r, tro, . I is or pas,s, should u -led seinliuri to Dr. Ilance, ;"u'r ll"s- l1'r a supply of hn. inestimable ''""' " prices are a, lo.b.ws : io- b it . ut ss ; ,,v,.ht. s-.' -s,-i l,v 11111I ,e ,,c receipt ot a reiuilt.inco Ad Iress ti.i 11 s. ,ei:, US JJatnmoie sire-t, ltalti- m re, .M. m ore, .M l. . ...-n.-.o-. ..,-.o. ., .... ...... ,- liJii; DV1..1.VIII.1' IS1 i i'..rtt.-mni -r inir Im-mwi t, a..r--, r,' -rVV." i 's ... ,' ,. . i.-n.i (.. .-, ,1 . ..v! yZiiZX ' '" ." o ' "i":"', l..o--r-. I 1..-1. ijH1. , uen. rant, rs, nirei- rs. aaa ..i.-i.t" 1. -lay. 11 r I ...... .:'.. 10, -1 ... 1 si-l. -.lie II. r tie- lli.n.- ,., r-..:..-. a; is .,1 II,.- mam .ru.l . 1 -.. . . ,: ; ..1. i ,.. r-.n. ... a; 1 ur.- ..I tin- 1,1:00 .-rti.-l .nil.- i m ..u..- ,.:..o, ..reivr .,t ir.a i.n..,i ZT'Stu,! i a.-i..,- i,i n i.n-. i,..i o. .iei-uiii..-oii... .iii. u t ts..ii..e II,- s..-l.-in l..it .ri-lii. it Ii.-iili. s , ,,...,.,i..,,.,i r im a- ,i.arr-r ti:-.". in-.y t-..i. i.i.anr ti, .o. ii ... .y:;?;T:'!Z.l!:V."l'!. ' r i. ei. av. ; I.. : -i i-i. of tV mm MrMriWM hr Ilu? I.em. : ;; :::::u.Xlra " i . , ,.i, . i i . . fi An OWurato and uv.-U-rato taso of dyspepsia ..e.rl t,y ...c r-. , T. , ,' : . , r. .... . .. 1,1...... K-.-lt ...... Tie- 1 .11,,;...' from n eolilt-inaa .-ll .!l.:-a.- ir, n eouiemaa wen k.-i. .nil- ii. Ui,-L Lliiv.i.u-i.t to .-...lii.-y all llie.-oul lit- i ,vi,n, N.v....iv :s.,s.-.,. I n'euVri ! vi.i.s... -., e .i t.. .-..-. ,-,o.t ml- .,. i , .,... i.,,i- i,,...i,.,t. i. .i,-,-. ..,i ;. . 'r-,-i".' ' n-l ' " . .,'I.I.V. .in " ' " , .-. tii.-r s. .11. c i-'I'l "I ' nay tti.a Mii..i.ir-, ;.n. , .-1 ri,,,-. i. m.-i. jtl-r leo ins' Ir,. t V Knrwn r. liie IV witeriiT .;:,,r. : . ,i...,.:.,ni. -..f ...r r;L-i.:.,i-u.y t..;i ..-..nn. t ., i,..i i,..i i,. I..-....- i 1 il. -.. ---ui. t latt.-r?, tn- eoi I .-ur.-i; ...el 1 1--, 1 1. i.M.i.; i" i..-i.i,-...-- i.n in-- mil. r- .riu.u.J-iitu.-ai u-'-,t';iV'':;r,V' .fi , ; tiCMJlS'tHllTS iXltUCt furrcclnl lvT..y Ti,cat y i.pnt ?sl.l,tl 1. 5,1,00 Kgw.. 8 12 ,. ,;- Xaifnw J o j t ol' II ()aj3 f -.1 ... 1 1 ... , s ... ir l.li i I lax-eia i,i nam 1-2 pried Atiiles. 1,",0 Shoulder 10 lluttcr 11 Clovcrseed 5,0 TorU rota-toes 1 1 MAKKlKin so u .eiri; ",,.,.i ji'vui iiiki i i:h,.i:h:i:. u.,i. On th,- 1.' til ult.. I r l!--.l " tn.-el- JO'lICA While I'.r. Ai". S A M I W. V. l I t.l.tll and SIA1IV 0. j:,K.l1.l,.t...lliiill.l... l..wi,,.i,. .m n... i .tii in-i , i k-v.s. louett,,.. in.i.tsnitirs- Ittell r,f liulialoe t..KU,l.i., aua 31th .VlAliY Itll.lilSlI ,., , . ,., . o ih-, in in,t .1 v n.-r. to-nm w.-ttt. jiiskpii s .- i i.aiii -. i., .-, v., tu mi4i;.n.mis j. Mil I ,1 t,..r,.r lii,n. ., r,.,.,r;. i,T tier..!, ii.-n.irt.-k, itctit I v.u n'o.'V: ! ,. i . , ,i,ii.,r a,, -, ...... . A ,.t., ;,..,-. ..to.ua-jsu r,rri--iM.wr,v-i..-wiii-Ti--iw...iT.irTOri 2JlC0, ,-...i. ,.,,. s..t,t. .j r-t.j. n.-a.iriek. iiuitii I I,iVV,rt!iin;te.n. ArrnFtreiii-e.u,it.T.r.nn.rn P.intT !i'.,.'",''.'r. 7.tk""!"!' ,.TT,"' ....... ".mi-.-l . i r , Aiii:ii.i,ii..vi.ierui Wm. fcil,snilu , ill', nil.?- . ,.. J., a?.-.i ...- -. . ' ,,,,.,,; . rhiu ,.f . .'' u- ' . . . . .... ...... ' ,,. ii,.- 1. ,1. jot., in :-.-n,.,T'.TeI JO.l.l i.,r...o...', i.,-ii hriiiliui.... a.-'-U t U......I.? H'.a .,..:.. i . ... . - - I-'t ) U SALU n rxcellciil liesh .MU.CII COW, ! kYii Ml'.i.! ill. a CALF about hve weeks --- jju' v.-.kv f. viXcr.X'l', South s.coi.d St. near the College, l.ewisbtir-.-, Sep. -'J, lfr-"lb J. LONW00DY & BRO. T-WAKDIXG and COMMISSION X .MIKCIIAXTS f..r the sale of , f r.:.S.-e.s.a-4 Pit-duce Se..rni,M. .u.-.vv..,r ., . . .-mial ,.e.-.Xo. I . Seven MilefTeaciiei3 -rOR the Public Schols iit White Deer jj Township, are wanted. Applicants will please meet the School Durclors in ihe town of Xew Columbia on Saturday the 8u day of , le,.. her. iS.,-J. at - o o.o. ... ". . - ...I l l , u n- s-ec. Fl .nr.l TXJIEW UP. X l.l.i in nir 'iriiinrj ui iuc .muvu ' fl I .1 f 1 tin l-.r'- i o i r. ' " mi, Mi. .ii . . . le.i.iesi.d to pruve property, pav charts and take it away. (iKOIiUt: hl,l.t; j Kelly Tp, I'nion .-pt. ot, tsS'J 1 1 Asr.in.N M ll.ml Hats and t'ap ! t.liean H -.H an H'iiiis ! A very I iri'c stuck of Hats an ' Cap' j V nun:; ln-i, I s sly. v I Ills aii'll.ap ' II -Vs' ail1' L'liil Iren's Hats iiihI Caps j N'.r.y rei'ly and i.-r Fale by jIU.-).', the only ii.iii.-r in Lewisl-nri; i - Lcr.v;?,j..'r3 15uilil:nr Ascociation. rni'ir' S..i-iii! t r. Tiil.il M--'-!ili" ol the Lewis- ' ; K i o,. : ' , .in ., I. .!! l ! ii l.ui'i F.'ri..iiilF A' u-ialioii i :,iAmm..ns II .ili, ,.tiir.!a- evetniis in H.IV.I, 1 i,i m '. o'e'oei.- 'i'i.e aniiiial re-io.t (. the : ; I.;.. i ,'; I I i- Mihu.ilic I. and (ML-er cb-c- u-.l i d-lile In vl u-. . Till I.MAS II. I I.SOX, 1'rcs. I I sc..,. ' i KOl'lOiJ. rnilU st-bseriber, bem:; about to remove lieui Lewishura. will ..11. r his Hot si;, ltoi.it I I in. i.r saie, at ins res:,i. : ei.-e.oi. JlOMlAV, tb:t. lo, al 1 o'clock, 1' l. j AH nervous indebted toihesnli-erib-rw.il p'.-ase call :uid s. tile at lll-ir r. trite! c. :iv- i, iene... 'fiiiee havin-r accounts auan;,! b:.a. ,.,e,c ,r.,e..t ! l.cwisbur-', Sept. i.. IS..-J i , rillntt w flur P.'r'ir7 f aC-ntl "r'J i.cC.)r, rf-. I -; jTh- M.b..-r,..er lias now on hand for -i : a lui:i l-i'Mit' ;!oit!)i-iit cj . . - - i---s m.;.s urniSiac - "' '"" l,l,:'lsu" .' r:' ' ; f"a'l-- ",''""'.a':' ' . U ; ltn A.; ' i,,l11'""N'.-J HOKS1. MPU. Cha.rs at U,.desal... 'l" ri,7a,"nV ; ,n band or mi. le io order, and I I XLKAL : I. w-s'IlViycn ! Toroiile ll.lniiisters' il.Iiid il 'niihi.'s. le . !! , stlr, ,(,..... j t .. . , I-urnttuie to order. I.enau in:; as u :ial. '('hiMji'-r tii.'tn V.vrr titv Kt.i-.Iy 1'a.v-. Thankful for i.ear'y Unity years of liber.it pit I 1 io ritrimr.t I rtpfciltiily ;ik a fohliu 1 "H'0'- 4,1 l,ie aiin:, aii'l l)'o tn .ir-fivf v. n.wiu tfix n:i:. I.ewi.-biirrr, Sept. ::i, l-;!l HjV.C? t; Crfiui C.'S. .,,;,,,,., , s .,,..,. ;. r ,., , i i-,,,..,.i 1 '" ' ' I 1'. iu., I i yama, will le'-.a ... ai,. ! 01 .1 ai : :- r oil .M011. I.i Tie s lay and i lith. iKlh an I fj !. -I IS ol )- er 11. -. . 1 -i -I , seveial ere. In. M-. ol ihe sanl In ! f4''''-1. "r--1"'"'s 7 ?.-.' ' ." t'.-m- m pre-.;,,; and ; . n,ve th.-ir claiun will nut be cniub-d to any are in lie- a.ts. I WM.C.A.I. W P.EXCK.!se.i.ies!rator. . H..i nsbm S, Sept. s..a. m-i.w 1. j . , riUST AR3IVAL! T l- WIVl'.l a hi W SinJ VariClI , j !iiir,1,.ll , ,- ,;ti;E)s .n !..ri. .1 , the 1 j . ,..,., .,,. v,.,v ,.. ,v,:i ,in,, j ' .. .... U;;i;Mi;K McCLI'lii:. . 1 "'"" , .. f , Ar.OiUT ( IbliH'C 1 1 tr ( llt':li J iCiliri's.. t MI'.lri) T VITs will le talon at .VOW MI'.lri) T 'pi:s will 1 e talo n at .VOW- ! ... .... , ... . .. .....r ,....i.i r , l,,r B lnnue.1 tune. Pi ices ransim; 11 ri cents upwards. This n-dticiioti is ma to to i pit-pare for the introduction of extensive int. 1 nrovein.-uis. TI." reduced prices will not be ! fa .u.r.,' I - 1 i,i-hiuiiip, .- p. 1 t, 1 , 1111. mi.iti o litilirnil . i UK V I , I I r ill j lili II is'l' vll t.1 -lV.ll'lJJli.- j coniiiit nee M v, Sep.. 1 :-. I , con- ; Wet':, ; ; t., be sjee, e,b d iiiini-.li.ueiv ! by the Vi i.il.-r H si.ii vi tin- same , b-ii"ili. A short acation will be jrtv en d.iiiito ,,, i, ,.: I : the ll.u.-lais. All ihe lb .inches of a tlieroiifli Aea b-mic. ...lust- ,.! e i,l,r-..o, ..,,'1 , . no ...,o. oftiialifyi:istlit-in.-e!ycs lerTeae! ii:--.i,,r I lerun; College, or lor iei mi; i or- -:-, oi io. ;,i,u,i, o , .... --,.,, . I i... .... .. . -1 Uli-1 it Io iheir .-..Ivat.l.l--' t.i enter l'u, St II !. t iaT.;M;. .. . A b-.i-i.-' Cia -, i t Votitio I.aeies is seciire.l. rvmitS v.,slu , ,:; u...cl. .,,,, ,s ,.,-.i,,-.-.r.t expenses. ,..;,M ir-.v- la V, riih.ff. n. t r. Araloii.-ri.-. .... . .... n s o ....... , i-r. ''J'V'." '""' '! " '""' " -;.cs; al-o. no d- ie, except lor pr .ii.teie-l siei.ness. I mum. pav-; aM(. ii:L.diatcly upon ihe cbe of tiie sc.-.- JOHN KAMioi.l oe toil '" . .'r.;u-i ". i I i inci ip.tl. ril.-i!i;i ills' M.iiUt:i I list I , H.ttt-r.i.r Lev. isbur-;. has taken A,rnev l..wl,..b-sab:llir.Cap.V Furs i insOX, ll.itter.of Lev. isbur-;. has t:ik-n lor one ot tne o.-m uous.-s m i ui,.i,i, i,u 1.....1... wn be liiniishe.l with sampl.-. ..l ad ihe late JlV'.r, ",a""",-V '"'U' r appearance. lie w,ll be able tlru,,.s , r. keepers al c- ly prices, trom oiu-foiirlll d, z-11 lo any amount needed, ai short nolice, and ., 1. i. a-, sonalile lerins. van ill au.l .'.vaiiiine ine .... . .. st.m. iRiViEeE HOUSE . i:MSIil Ut;, J- I. is. 1:1:; ..i:i., iioii-. THIS llotil is located in Ihe c.enier of the ; lo.,,one sou.ne Iron, tile Com 1 Ibuise. j Persons aii.-ii.lii.r- Ctirt. or liaviii-.r .-liter bti- HIS 1I..I, I is located in Ihe c.enier of the ; siness 111 the town, will lit,, I tin-; a pleasant and comlor.ablc heme. Cl,a.es luoderalc. i I.cw,sb,.r:;,Pa,Sept.r.,ls.',ri,:l i ;iUSO, llic liiiUi-r, HAS just laid in a tremendous stork ol la-1 lest slvle Hals and Caps, and recom-' ineiols lo all to examine all ihe small lot,. . ". " , . ,. ' that are l..r sale around me country. a,.l ... , call on h.u, and (tel n rmut kind ol a ha., ,wenl, rcr cenu lower lliau cau be bad !.-- h" - - ' if , .v-M, (, (he ,!ay .if Ihe C-nnall lb-- I J tenu.-d s. S. nic-nic, in luly. a Cashmere i 1 I.., I r.. I : )iM,rerwi.lVsu.tab!y rewarded ! . . . . t llrcr-Urcrn Svc-l Corn. 17011 Drying or for piesent use. This most I' exccilem artirb- will be supplo il to the cilieus ol l.ewishnr-r al loci-, oer doz. cars, ( r ii. 1 els. per bushel, uut.l H coi.tes. by i Aug. Hi. UAI.L 15 II V ..mm.mewn CIS Uf HHrll I t Q tifll 5l:r",-"! Mhu. mrn . "! WanixwwB - " " ; r. .ilEY arc tlie Hest Calicoe ycto J. fcr.Ju.11,. i-i.i.i .r the -. 'kZ,; t:t,.. ll.l.Hl,. Xut Teachers' ExamlnaMons. UOTICS. IWU.L meet the Teachrnnf foion county, fllll K pirtmr-l..'. h..i,.fore exislin? he for eiaminaiinn, at the following inm-s . 1 Iweeu ha.ii- ttaii.'f. Jn-ksoo J.i-uhart, and places, at U o'clock A. M. of eai lx! i) : . Satiim-l l.'orah.n Ii and J U Harris, in the Union disirict, at WiafieU S. II.. i-rpi. 1 "lav,,, bu;. s is .his day dissolved. v i..,)-.i... . tt ii....., ... . .ii I he In ui hrrealer wiil be Isaac waller JaiK- While Utir " at Newl.'olumbia M Kelly at Itover's Itiiil'iloe ' al Li ii 11' X Itoads 1 1 ail. A Lewis at HanlrMii " - 3U u S.I ,.,,t, I IHlIlUloe fit U'". UdUX , linaft"iie ; '...., N..",trl. - " . . . Sehoi I Directors will find it to their advan- tise M al'euJ, see lor iheruselves, select for tlieni -i-h es. ' and employ their t eachers .... il.a ,1... i.vt.-l.pr stinuld he liie choice of tii bclio.d lh an!, and uut ol an in ; dividual JJircCor only. II. lir'.CKKXI.'OP.X, Co. Sup I. New B.Tlin. Au. 1?. 1s;'j- I TYS for a full course in Ihe In n City i i Coll. -,', no. -.t extensiyelv pallomed aiol 1 h. st orsaniz-.-d t'oiiimtieial School iu the tia ! led Stales. Fonr Jarc UaU ! For Wriliii... Coaim-rc.il Calculations, Book Keeping and Lectures. i -sna ( eoinplele a lull course, from (; , j.. ' , ' ' 1 . " aianlee 1 l . be c-nipe'eii! 0. iniin.is'r the ol any l.'o-iiics,, an 1 i:ualificd lo . ..ru a sal.i. y ol In-iu :!) t s-iacn, 1 r, Vaca,,n- ..s. i 'i 'i f"r J " ! awarded this ltiMiiiiiiuii. i lie best ami ?r.-a vaui.u, ( ,vmila,,shi,. ,n anyone liail o ,-,,-, ,,.... ' ' 1 iti islt-i .hin rrrrtveil ai PI iff. ; ,-.r ri)Vu!;tr :tll.t j.,.,-,,,, , nt. i Kmb-lhs!..-.! View . i tlf (Vl. tje. tnci,.,..- ' '1'' " !" f ! i .., I". W. JCXKIXS. Pi.tsbiirt-h. Pa. . univkksity schools. . ' V YM 'lVrhl.Of 1 I Wl'I'ks, V.ii! ' " 'T " :'LLLt; il-Tu ..on per Term - - i''M'" l.;i..-.ir care-repairs : ACAlii:MV-Tuitioti - Prom tj tor?.oo I , vsTm.-. - Tioii.e, fn.n, -7 i I ... J. I!. l.tiHMJS. Lewi, bur-. An:. I", is ii, vi: ri-'.oi'i.i.! TAK NOTICE! : . vim. r., r..i'ii,.f.i.if-i'.l inst . lie. I II. Hie ol.l I'.lsl tltlice : s::-- Vv alls' si. -re, .vh.-re Ihe la lia. si line le d Hals and Caps in ihe couu- ' ' Ci"' l'" hu ! M n,1'l,ra b-r C.isl, 1 : 1 j r CORRECTION. iU . . j . - . f ... i.i.iu.i.oni.in , ,.',. , .... .... v.ei- ..r. 1,00.1s s.O.'ei. i.e.... 1 ui... . . "". i :h,P!id a. Ilaisbu'r,.- .,;..U Appear by , -v'-. IVI'1''' s iyeriiscment) but go iUuAU .C.iy l..l I.".. ...... i.ti.e hit . , . . ui, I..,;, .b-lay to tlje.r .Vsa.K.a ou the ijuehanna o. ihe est I .r;',., 'V,..,..- , , July Sd. I8.".t) U. t.. M.H Knt Mj.JAU A.N J.J.I) i f llli: sub-criber. wi-hinr; to purchase a, J .iii.ii.tiiy 1 ! SUMAC wnl 1 av 'he Inchest inatket price lor Iter raw ru... .-rial ihe haves, w.-il .int. I and tlncshed Iroiti the - ...ii- To I.,-.!. liveied as s as practical. le ......... .- . , at the 1 an ar.t, i.iruicriy 1 1 uenry . r lies. 111 I ewislmriT. . July Is. ls.v ( - - k. j. iiri.i.. DiTSS (iOOiiS, lit I OSt ' ...... ..... ; J I , 1 I, Ii, l I, f, .11 I . It v ... ... . . liav c 1 .1. ien.iltied to sell ell their I Ptimtncr Silks and UlCSS Goods. ------ , I. '.... v.i-h topu.chasc, call an. e.xam.n.. . u. j 't. '- K. ..I. Lewisbitr:'. .It:'y !, 1":'. i IJct A'rcaiy ? . -wtes, a'rea ly- li; li.sO.N has r-c-ivc ! the , .I 1.1. 'i 1 I.I, ft ll' I., i.i I... ..IIO v. . 1. 1 Mudv ilu- t,ants". I t!i-.- 'overs of fashion ! . . , . . ... , , , u ijc ilia i. l : l.e no an - veers, . n. i : , t is I.,i -e j:ii ia, r Mivi no- ei.oiii i n! at ( .-. I ii,1:va - .,ti,.c,,t..,i1.,.....:,ies..llii..t,j,s,! : ,..c m ,,i st..n at lilliStiX's tor Itaifi.us J,,1 ,, U.r ., ,it nil!iceu. ..,,:ri.,. j wilh .III el, ttrre. I 'I he i iaee Io buy ,.1 i ... .j..., is . , .... ,.ne,ience.l 11 liter au.l . I., ap 1 1 a ,s is ol aa . . , i ii nc i ,, 1 1 a. o I . . i .. iCV t il III iU .V UOUUS. - .,.. . rimi. sti.i-cr-i.ers wen. t icpeemmy ..i.-, ,1 ... ,. .. il. !; I ,. .',,1 tlo-v trier , ..... ....... ,'. ... I , caiere. i into a o-i ar-u-r-iri'.ai 'n-. -..;. - j of.. .' J. lt,s. under III.- In ft. X.lti.C ot -imsv tvi.t.s n. l,,,v-e i-ot reecive.1 a Ire-b a.-serlmeni I ,.f Sl I.MAU-IK (iOOl)S, - . . b n-serlmrul ,,,. , , n,K nissiinoivs, Vesfili-s, Uf:l- ; ( I.OPI11M1, Carpet,,, a. i'.i Cod,. ' .,-Iln.tts. Ac. . " " LAIHES' DliESS i Ot I .- Fill II ... .. .... - a . al.eocs. ra;,ii,es, i.aw us. mi a,-, i.e.....,, ! Hi Laines, i;iaek and I'aiicy Diess Silks, tin,:; - - j hamsShaw.,0,t-..ii,!,es.V.la Xeplii ,. s,.Vc. Also, a I.-n-.'c st",'- ol .i:.ci:i:n-.. Haiduare, Cedar and Willow V are. Lo. h,,;; tiiasses, liiassware, liueenswai e. c. w' I I'l.-ll l!. -...I .-.-vi.l, 11. ii, ii.ic.vi, vvuio const intly en baud. cotisi iiu.y en baud. l',,Ullt:-V lVtMluCC takcll ill CXC-liatlSC l(ir n,,,,,;, u.ua. , 1 , . . , , Tlh0 lil-!l"st Titni'.sCt pntC p-lI iu Cash lor all kinds ol uUAl. .l,Ut . AI.1S Jolirs ( Sl I , " W '1. M. V A.. . .Vi-...ll. I ein-nurrr, amy t.. is.... - ; "" A.IIlllI!MI':UOI S AOIIlf. . ........ , , . J0T CI S luTl'l')' -IVC1I, lllllt LctllTS Xdinini-rration on the L-iate ol VV, J i Nl If Wie of H'irilrv Um-nsb'p liiiiot. conmy, dec 1 have been eranicl to .he' I'nd.-rsi-ned by Ihe licLristcr of I llioll ronnlV in due torn, of law ; ihcici.-re. all p-.soiis , - -h-lue. I.i said Cslale are I ce.tl" - le.l lo lll.it t immcliale pa.un. ul,an.i lb.ct..u ,. -,.,-,-.,: ,b.,,s arc al-o rcuueMcl 10 or. . , it. .r.-iilv aioiienlic.-'.lej lor si-tllritieni. ' . .. t IV. ., v it... lii" II VI. U ...!.... . oi:, ii ,,,iey 'l'p.Ju! l"';'''' ii.t..s.ii I'-ILL STCWL. lliAUiUitAUAUUK. i he nn.'.-risne.l l- !- c " 1 .- i t. ''' on hand J-Vtic liurr ..1 j ? u " '""iishes every ar- .,'. iKleri.iuiredbyiheinillinsiiade. I'he undcr-iuncd "- . -y ouipleie siuisuc ion cuaran.ceti iur t.nj on cuaraniceu i.,r eveij 1 r.s who preler the solid liurr, by siring i i to ti mouths ii. -lice, can ! I have iheir orders executed al ihe iinrtrnes in ; April 1. ts.-.9. fcm.mr; I'. .,l'i, ,. .,. ...ituiKS ... ."....d u, , o Mm Ijeiinari aii'l aiiuo-i ivi.raiwcii. . .c ; finn hiiMuess will he settled up hv Jacksi ii - ..lILcuharU lsiA.C A I.TDI!. j cksmx i.!:.h.i; r. ts.MI KI. KOilAUAL'il, J W JIAKMri. I.cwisbnrq. Ant:u .1 -i, ts..yw l ll.lk:.li.u . uu. ...... .-i STK.t.'J EIUli,t:tt .HaaumtiurfM ; - vi;j,)t s P5lll.rs t'.-no lny K.iil.nss V I . . .. .. i ....... .1. I "l"AKit)l S pat.i-ins C.-no tiiy l.a.i.ims oidi-r, Ac. Or-b rs proni,ily aa.-i.d to. This lirm has been ln; erabrisle- l, ai , and can cive ninny sari -faelory releieaces. e name I.. Palmer A l'i. at i.ewibuo. Persons wi liins lurdi-r informaii-in or ar.y woik in our line will please address, its at 1:5, Mtrh:l Ut., llirriilurj, l'u. July I. I-V p !m AVANTKD 10U CASH. 01.1) Copper, l'rass Upeher and I.ea.l wan- led, lor w hi. ti the l.,;:ii.-st lua.Uct price wiil be paid ui cash, at the i: u.i.n wdKKs. Penna. U. Road, abut Stale street. IT jrris luiri. May -o, Isaiiiu'.. 15IJAS.S FOUNDRY. V XV and every description of I:-as nr tiuu .Metal l.'a, tilifTs made in the nio.sl .- ... (I. a K..,, ... .l..ri'.l. ... l. c;i luail.el i iiccj, at me . 1 rCI.i; WOTKS Penna. I!. Road, above Slate sireet. Ilarri-burL', May ill, 1 so ln.i;. J,,, & j T j AK limdc atHin-CKflUs Willi 1 I 1 1.,,,-ke .s t',, .., i,ir,,h 'j.'. i,er cei,t ' " " ' ',' ' . 1 ! Al' n()I ' 111 ' j,i ii t.m i'V ui' a i: i n.i h id'., .is ciiojp as n can 1- i nin.I.Mi.i.:a. f . ' ' -y have aiso ja.i rcccive.1 a geiicial as- 1 sornnent ol j ,.' l ' ) IS ' HVH J)iiitfiJ.) I Jli I L iiiii) ) ! vaiu a,i oi:..:,,,. aMd rut,, . . "" j VXiS, "WXllKY, ! Hfi F F HT ER Y. FAMY MP3. (7. TLKU III' 11 X 1XU ILL I ', . nj. ,..i,r l).,...nt K.T(..1!i.in. 111' II. I'M J " IU .1 i J Hit UL .'lt.UHI.1' - J Li(;iitir-,ii.'!i;icci, Sniiu,Ir.k.s, Sut.a t . I. It ! 1 I ... f... .... "R , l' rvr,.v- VI lue above articles ..! red Vt.l.V 1 Clli: VP I'lM! CASH, fail bi:,re Uia, i cix-u lit're. (lar Motlo is Small Piotils & QHStli Salcs." Lewi, bur-.. M-sv i:t. 1 s.v.i. (Great &fifrmd! orM, Mill (.iiK'U!! M'tU'. C. Pia.!.,:: frilB n.oh-rsi.nc.t: lone, rather hard I and money scarce, oii.-rs his i:- I ' IKi: STCK of Ill'OTS AMI siHi:sZ J 1 now on hau; .n lnru is ihe laitrest in thcr t : Couniy) at j COST PRICES F03 CASH : Jv N(, m;s!lf,.;l,l .,,, exan.ino f,r y- . , rlvcwt:,1rr ,,, ,,,,, w , ,i1(.re. 1 k-.-pers and nhers enaay.l m the shoe Hade , ' call and look al Us st-ck and cavA at lp.st 9.i npr rpnt. !. a. 11 r:. ,.. i...- .,r :,!! L ,n,U .l.a.e 91 , vc, v uH.,;ei.i;e prices and KLTAlUlXi; at the ' ..,'.;,.,, n.;,. , ; ,,.., ,.,., th.. 1 Iare- ri,jr i,..r ,. J. 1 .. 1 . , , ,'.. .... ,. .... ...... -.)..,... -Mav .'Ki W ,1.1.1 M JOHXSOX . . .-,--,- , Harsh & Osodm,, ,Uinrj " CW Sprif & SlIIU'Cl' GOO I l" 7 f.Wi: rerciy.,1 at. I .peel a ffol L , I . . I L "V""" -' l-'"1 -M.--l'" Sue, 111. , li. e .. Ihe oataenla , t , l:,.:i..,.t, . li:,.,, fi;iks l i.n;i il.-iili 11. s M.liw , Cl. alias (' :., is Lbi. ..is s:--.-- I. a, lii , ., . i.. -i I I . . .. ' 1. fi.ii.n ;..-.. s..v. . I I " I'- : 1 .i..-. I . , . ' J..III-, I - ' 's, Vt-slil.v-. ii .- : C....- ..,,s.T-.i.,,:.;. r. .y. .-.. d . . .-i.. ti is au.l i .-j -. (..v.,,.r ., c p.eic ttss.,t.ueu ..I , i r, ...1 ..... 1 ' . . i'. .... ,n I,,. .,. f-,. ..f .,l.,eb 'n e ,!i no.Vl . fon as lav.'ra bit- t. inis as ,1,0 sa aa U raa be rurch I a , .1 anyv.here. .'..-. c,.-. .' ' ,". I V . so r I. , t.;,'i. ; , . i.,.t '" ; " i M.i "i-vf . s. i r. . J .aid ir y.u- l m '. - 'I..-V- r.'.. I,...: I - --r '' " - 1,1 i.-.l ' ... . fli.l, O li: ji: iS . j ' v ' ' .,, ,;. , , ..hn !r!i,.i,ili; ,T.,.m.; '...r:: i,T 1 :" 1 ' '- ' ' , 11 :, ,,v 1,1 h-h .-. ..,. .1,-1 -- ; it)...uiv;; i ! LlJL' j ,-t...i Nt, A ,. M..., ' ai a i.r .! , I t :irr is. .',-,t r- I -a.. I . r 1,1 '--.'1'NL .........i vta :-.iii M.ii.).t r,-. itnl ill ,..-11 ..,.,. MAN. - i ...... ii ,t i.e. err.ja.-i ....... ; : .r , . , t - - it ,: -ii , :, m .1. i vx. j -- - - lX.V'.,"V') : , iN..,.n,e,. ,t. t n ,, ... . i.t r. i '.,o ';--;; n t-sil a ;-i.-iM.V I .-i oak T.o ..-...,, i:, . L. 1 ...: 1.,,.'. .t,. ji,-i 1.- ' a,l l.r- . IH-I..-U 'V - - - - - I 1) by - "-' j n. i's, , ,. y-ii 'i ll-T'.-'-"". 1 .7Tj N ,, :,;r ,JV " hi ,i-,i .v'..'.uv,a'. , sli.l , r-i.le 1 - , j, it.Ai K sl,. ,-, .-tki;s an i ' tvm 1 As r.-r, I V". Ui".t" "' I ll-,,i,,,j .;,.-.,,., I -,,:U. ; I ( k.-rv iti,. I Si..,.- War.-, hit nn! .T ..! j ,,,r u,u,. i,. r , va, ,,;lry I'm .i.s. Ill .I..--I ni.uk. Ij-titv. 1.....I I. r sli l:i,J e.-.o:., l tt..- era -t.ib.l ,1 II. Ii: ,t ..ooo u A a. 1 V. ,,, ,r s,u,,t ; ' ' : 1. !.. -.' ZTSurtZ ii;.,,:.....i... i,o,..,.,o,,l r .-i,.,a,.. I I ! S?,,! ' 1"" It A OK 111 . w.-r. r .... rttrv .... til. ir 1 ... -i titer l V.r- ! ii l.uid ; --'--- " IL" ! l:!rfI n If XT U li t T i L U ftUUCSa r ,, .-. -.).. i- t. I.. O. UUL. rroprivtsr. um., sr .... . . , I 'JIIX JltHISC IS liiP Illiy-M ItllU Itlil.M 1 spscioiis in I.rwisbitrr. au.l sit,, an-d op pos.ie the Court Hoii-o, on the i... -t elean 1 ; .,( h.a. v. here l.o. k e, t.niy for lb Exln aad plen.-anl pail .-I the town. 'I nc f ivprie- : Ul;j i . , ; e.ied. I.,r. .tli.i tins Tt rft. llv r II ei'Lase 1 . 1 1 il. I. lie ! , I .. . il... ..I. ,-r. ..r. ITi rris. ,in ,.( Law-he A Scl-old. has spare,' neiihe- 6rm ( Law-he A Scl-old. ha x , r.-pl U lu tl.ilU1,,.. ni lh, HuUse -r Phase give hint a ei il .1 re itiruisu- . ,5, i. a.sc c i.iiu a i . . I ,-....: v0rs(.ves. LI n . yoursrvfs. L.lly I. Isi.s -1-. yuav ti m ... a -11... li.rl I. as 1 . .. . . .... - - ....... i (., ,'.,., v,.r;, , M,iHSi.r.,' '' "'V ' ' ,.. 1,k M.-1. ... .... ..l-.J . I. ieniovr.1 to the hou-e laiely .ceop,. ,1 ly t Cmlierl!!!; Jjra.'s Cart. kVchttc t-ifj the merits cfa KKfh i ii'iin-, In jit fi.tlru k.itisf Hum, imI at ImUf d. I, tiniiit'l IhM tv tl'mle 1:1,1 n. Our U- k it lr4--i". ai.J lU' rtr f-.ui;.;t lun tr. ftttl ar j.;Tt: ! it- fjruiu uiir ftr'ji. .tU-r) Jno ru uwr IiM i-f t u-hixAt ai I'c-t I rift;-, lur (Jh-tur ta xt liic f -r fit-ul, Ke. rn. It; , i'lol Tv J I. f lJOti,y JS '-I, IVvatw.., liC u, tintier, Lara, T.illi, -)oip, Ac. i-o j.aj c,, f r!l Wiids f l'ro-IU' O. n j;v vniTi; vn i:at flour i i 1 v : j' w-k -a,t Lv ( Ii KKI.IV I K'1'8. jiu-" NAILS. 4 t K IXi.S Xaib aud bi akes, assorted sizes 'A-V- lur sale t I IH'TIlKirUN BKO'S. SHAD. I.IME FLad aii.lln-v Snlt TFcrring J f .r. ly I o IMI KIII IN min'S. 1 5 (()() I-HS. Co-ititry Cured lit I J KJmYJVJ .s;.i... si ...t 'l-r. n.l Mam. U j i.v' . ii amukm.in Hiioa. ', " 7," " , ."T ..TV, T V,T " Ii II 11 1. l.Vii.Jli IH.'IU, "I7ILESII liom the kiln, for wile bv I I IUVKKKLIX KKOi. IFi r.CI.S. Ka-!iort Herring just ' rec j. fine nuality, an'l '1im. . II MI KKI1X Butt's. Ti:.- ! Ti:. ! TEAS ! Vo li.i' rcn ' I k Inrv l'-t f f ?utTior quality .r . ri J..::-k "i -i.-i i. :i W Work. - J ;i.r!i J -14 . i.i l! n nt rr r K iCSUAS J.s. t.y i n wn:i iti.it Inioa. O rrT.".7r . -(.r ' F0 VRS t - T-VL ' ib.UiM MuAMI ! O -t-i ,.t .e,, .J..,t-..v. .t ! UMM.tMtl.lN w. ' rii-!n t : t t t 'w w'-t rfcj ' " ! l l ltrmH ,r..,.. msuiKUtls wtw. .,,. ' ,,,.,""", " ," ,' 1 I.I. I. SSild LltOl lastc-r iin-I 1 oal, . J .L".J'I f'!.!Si i s vlt-salt-salt. ' -l,J1 i.j. Q KSI-L'.f.roun.l Altlbl, Mariltall I "c.m VtT-'v - liii . 1 S, mt si-1 M- Ts,r. ml .1- rE kOothi ton-tunt stipT'lv of We3 1 f Uru Uin'.o VAii.'t I ."r: I' .iiH-tic Flour. I II 1MIIH.I.IS UK-l-.S. FEED. ! ipOIIN. Tvo, Cats and all kinds of !i . . , ,.,-,., on ;. ,,,.1. 1 il .siltCKM N BBOS. . T'liiir I'al'lw 'I'W'IW i.. v.va.i.- kv x.n. : 1 L I.I. a-soriinont of Hay Rope, X. lew I.iii.--.. lie ! reii, Vr- n. Twin.-. Twift., t I. .! II :.'K I.' e Ai-. .11 l;l-.i:i.S, II Kl. 9. CIIKKSE IAVAY.S on Laud 2x. CI cinMr.Knt.ix rtn.vs. FISH FISH FISH. 1 (() Dill.?. Fiesii .Arackurcl. in as- -t'i-.I :i. k..t-. s. ."..j.,. 1. Ja,ia. ThrquaUtr if u.oi-111.11. l'u.-li.r. ..tuseo. AN.-, sli.-i.l. Ilorrii.?. ainl e...i.;-i. i,rs..; iy .11 .ii.kiili.n 111:0a. WATEU CKACKEKS! '' .hambhii.i.n ! r,-vrvr.Tr Si .NDFJE. lrK tret a monthly suiily, fresh If tr.it! the iUtt'-ry, of !!;- ?--t itiithty hn4 A I.L kinds uf Sjiices DrieJ Apples, 1 1 Dried Ptach-s I'runes.Currar.is, bunch 1 i li tis1ns.C0. kn12 K..ii im. cheap Cnroii.Cortt I search, Parin t. Pice Flour, Flaveriiis Ex- "aeis. Olive 0,1. Map fao Cheese. Dried I:.-,- It., ......1 :, i:,-,.r.i i-..,:, e A.!amai.i.n ! Candle-. Tail, w Caii.ii.-s, t'live Soap, Rosin. s.ap, lie-ersive s,.:ii, 'i'roel s.ap,Castii l;;: -;:;;:!., j II: ease. W.-i i -a P.i.N,Tubs. Churns While i Sand, Ii.-eiida-e Cen , nl, Calcined Plaster ! IScaii.-, I't.-i ins. lii t,, lies. A hir.ie assortment ; ' 1 'I'oSiiK o umt M-aars &c. Ac. r.-i s t e ii- . ii , .i i. r.i.i.t.i iinw . l.cwi ' er-. Api.l -. is.'.'i. YvMW Groccrv Store. j T. G. EVANS & Co., iG?.0:EH!r'AO,'"'rHCV!SI0NS. Kr.i..' !.-. . i. i :ir:: U-. -on-uit-n . ll.v tr Jc. uelts ;ckain. lion; am i-i:t:i), i ti:a. ci)i'i"i:i:. .vui.asshs, .-t cm:. ciiF.Ksi-:, nsii, I rnt'lTS, Ac. Ac. Ac, I .'Ai,,-'..i .'"?, ;-i'.v';,r the Jutt Olice, i Ia isriiin. la. I ri'' ll. I". A Co. luive just rcccivcJ I. .-I, II..JI 1 1 i.ias s tr, m. teletill ir-k .1 y 1. I -1. ;l!t-l, Wl.1.1. &! Pctit lie iii'.l liiliialnc, I 1 i a, in e .,e -. io. I -.1 ,.a.l. 1 i uit-io. I uvru. ' liiel Ar).li-s, lVatli'-?. I'miM-s. Cur- : rants. I'lcscrviisv; C itrons, Eirj-s, t . .... .- . , . . - liates. .'.ti.-iiis i-i, tut. to li I l. t; 1 . . .r I ti.-. per I,,., i icm'-s tn j I ' all tloscrijitloti?. Pure Jain 'OriTi:. ciuuiid. (i )u. (),, i(i ti J a , r. ,., i r f-.n.ii nr. j .1 t,r!l, I.I..J rr,..r tMhtl;i:i..SHAH , ! ( -Oil I .Mi- ,,....'. Ai;. HAM. HAW A, ic. I A ... ri.nii il,,, . tmriit rf , i , i .... .... .i m .... ... . . ...... I " . ..... ............ . ave. (2iieiis;:ii e. 1 iu-ii- KoVV, Tiisc. A.C. ! ' -' ''. '"' ( '""'"'"t "" n.l J. .. ),i;) II it ';, Tn!h, l.'tnl, ' c.,.,, ..a. llir,,,!. Win .1 (!re-we -). I I , ..v. . " - t V.i.e.,1117 lli.sl Vl.,tl.v, ,1 .ijOlVL Ulllivin. . . . . x f Flour. Ci-nt Jlcul, l'oti.tovP, Corn, live, );ils, i.e., always uu hand. t.'H tli t'lir,ri.l frrr . ehurc tj cwtomers rti-ijtiiz ifi:!'iii tlit tinruui't. Ta :.li.-i.t le r'.iil,,-rit-sil tliP rti.T. l.i. rl I ,, , .. I.. ,i...-l... W .-.. ul.l r.--.. . ll, ii. v , i.-1 , ..Li.. I.. . ..II i.u.l . -iimi r .-s.rliner.t , ii .,, V. . . , .,: -...l ... I. a I ,. t" X . .1,- :,. ,, 0,. , . t-.u. !,l tl,i, i.i- .1 -l.al-l-hi. We e.ilj ,.rli. uiisr.j e..i iL.-ur cubirv iikuu. w,i.i ., , .:!: ,. r ..- 7 . jt , !..... lie i,nrt.v an mnamroi i. -1 i ' --"- -M-.-i T..r.i VliIls!vanid U'.O ASficUllai He y,wvi,.v ill! minim r of Vrtmuce, . KYANS k COX uliaralSotitly I 'VUllltlTl.lX.- The X.n.ii A VUllitl'l'lOX.- The X.n.ii Annual Bihi- i I j I, tu, ii of ihe Pennsylvania Male Asri- -.1 si- -ol 1... I..I.I -..rll..n I n . ,.. .1. i. . i. Tuesday. Wiliies.!av.Thnr- a,., , , ..V. ...,,. -.-ih. -.L-iti and aiith ' , ,ei.,i er n- ai. uu ine isi plen I.r. ' lo- s.eieiaiv will reii.ove lo l be l.oi ins ,., ,,. rh,,; vl;;;i ,v. , ibe rr. .i.....i. n j ,, . , ,, ,,ii. i- jn Ct.-- tnni Sueei. Phil- . ,'.. ., ,' ,(., .',,,. p,,!ad..er '.' ti. finale. - - e- - .... I Uu.slirloil.will lueel will, alo-nlo n Ml Isl S-p. 1) In T 'ii Mi T. Pres'l ,. II. 111. in... I., e... ir.... w j , l; (. iui,,;.,,,, ..- .- all 'he I Ua,li.-iN Wat'.!-. l....frre ot chars. l- l&llVll. A o... e ... I T ami HI lLliKB, -,-. ... HrJ