ft 11 Jstar & (Chronicle T tttitr .VrM.-T!i l.ri.i.no C'lt'Ain r, fu' h-t.l on thTn-h m-ih. In-th l'vt una U t rtrruHtmn nt anv V-wij-.-itH-r in t m- n ounty. Fmilnm, national: SlavrnMTiionaH AIHqUTK FilomiitiN . AmL;;HAX hWMlil, AM' Sot anathcr Inrh of nr Territory by Ktrnlon, Tl: dl-T-nr. an-l wiil J- t!,- tun .ilinj ,'rin' .; V h. f..re tlc-uiitrv, until t1: nr.- TK. r; -u : m ' nil ih'-ni t -Mir nin..i rn n i. lli.-rt-1 t!";.t until !- y wv-iu tnnmi'h t!n Niii"!;al Caj-ilul at W wli- , FR AI'IUTuIt ;rNF!i.T,t ' THOMAS K. C0C1 i KAN of York Toil SlRVrYnlt ilKMinAl., WILLIAM II. KKIM of Ucrks. lolt AssKMttl.V, THOMAS 11 A VPS 1'nion munly. w m . r. w a ; i : . 1 : ! . i . i : ! ; oi' v Jor. I'm n in .n..t.i:y, i joiin nii.cr.iJ.oi' :i;r;:in'i;iii-. i COMMISSION! It. FAMUEL MAi;-llAI.!-,Vhitol)ccr. TKEAS!-Br.Il, KOIJKRT II. LAI IIP, of Lcvisl.niv. IHsTItUT A'lTuKNK.V, JOHN' 1). LI XX, i:-. ..r UwW.urjj. rulM V si ItVI Yon. CONRAD .IIKCKLKU, V.'o.-t lb::.-. Al MTtili, . AM I'LL C. V,"1I.T. oflLirtl-ton. 'The Politics of the Day.'' Tui.l:,y Ku:i'. In I ;...,!. i.: I PH. Lcwi.-biir-. Was -...w.lc-l I i r.1 ii wilh :i luo-t itit.-lli-.'Ut ait.lh-iitv, lon.pri wntr a lair spriiikl'ii..; of 1 :.l:o-, 1 n.-n of both jti it T-i 1'iMiii town :i::l co.it.tfy. who li-ton. .l, 1'ir nr. illy t.. li v.i:!i tlie lU'xt lixo l ati-1 titi.liv 1 af !::'oit.t a dear, earnest .m-l . 1 .-.u, nt ::! ': - iV-.m II m. Jo-hn '. IvL'Xivi.i:, ..f Il-.r.:b.:.". C..1. Philip lbih! j.r.-M-l, n--i-: 1 iy Messrs. II-b -rt Caii'I .r a:: 1 Jan.. Kelly. an-I ill.' Lewislm.- II. ui 1 l'ltrni-ht d '.ini-'.c. , Mr. Kunhle stat-l. th.u. h-i vf.i'iiv. In' li.i.l appoirc 1 before this k-i1 a.- a cm- .lultite lor a Iii-.li ! il i.ui, an 1 iir-'i; p- r haps tlion have been sup p c 1 t bo .1. -i-r.ms of sli-ipintr remarks t. win the n!jiirt of liis h.'.triT". At )'.v-.'ti!. li.' was not .1 n.iiiilti.'i' or -xi .-t.iii; of any i.fliiv, aii'l In1 c.iuM tli.T. ''.i.' vi:'i cmi-.'.I-ilvwe claim tliat vicvv.i .-lr.ui l he lc cciv.il with caii.l .r. -Tin- IVlitic-. of the 1 --" c.'V.T.-l a uniltitU'lo of t.iii; y.t t!i y m -ily in.Tcl into tl.O oi v. r-!i;:'i"'.v;.i aifl all-ciiiliraciti' ijti.'-ti..!i cnit.-t l.c twtvu the Slavcoeravy an 1 Atiivrii-an I.ili trty. Coinnii'iR-itiLr with tho .trrnal fm:ila- tioii truths C'iiitaiiK'1 in tin lai'aii'.'i , of Iu'loiK'tnlon.- ', y.-ars a- ., an 1 tin I'.rinatimi of the National ('n-i:i.!i ..ii. (froiu wlii. h tlie t. rin ",I.iU'" ua-. ar. ful ly oxi-lul.-.l j 7'.' yi'.r a.'i, tlie ;.c:tk-r trace.l the .-tca.ly, .-t.-ai:hy. oiiwanl ni.inh f l.inn"tie American Slavery up t'- 1 Our forefathers (the trainer- of t it i. e l.irati.m :n l that O'liiii niioti e.ait. le; la te.l it extinction, a- ovine. 1 l.y the u. -i- ' tr:J tone aid spirit ..I' th :r a . -. :e. 1 p r- ( tieularly by Jefferson's r.li:i..tieo of '7. ami the prohihitioii of the f .r. i-n slave tra.le after 1 lint tin re Inrk.-.l vvitli- in that Coiititiition, t!..' r.'eo:i.i.o:i of the anomaly that Slavery Ha- n t incom patible with republican in-'i-iisioii " the thive-lil'ths rej roeiitatien of p. "pie Hot voters ati'l the eiaii.-e fir the leinl; tion of fnitiTes f nit lib-.r. The Or.linanee of '-7 .-ave 1 that va-t, fertile, blooiuinu. vi-or.. i- Di.ipip. the fn-e North West from Slavery ; for where Slavery can ti-.t exi-t in 'l'en-ito-rie. it can not be bioii :l;t into State-. ililt. since 17'.'". n'ltn' crs of Slave Stat i s have been a'linille.l f.om oth. r I'. S. Ter ritories, which shoiiM have bei :i free. Slave States have be. .i er-atej out of ter ritory ptireh.i-e.l from 1" ranee an 1 .-pa,:i. The Texan War w.; w'.ili th .-anie re mit money aii.l I '...! w. re p nr.-.l out like water to c-!.ihli-h SI iv r y v. h- re it ha.l be. n prohil.::-.1. The M; r i r -trietion. r. -tiltii.-' fr ail the l':riii:i"' bv which Slavery ha 1 be.n i xt.-i. i. .1 in 1 wa-s ahoii-he'l l y I r.- mi l ll-.it.-- las, ( alter the .-narlllirlit of .he o i; L-ilive Slave l.a . . an. I the op I'X.- .v M.-xieo, I 'tah. e.e., to Sir., ry. hy tie-t'oinproei'-e in f.r. r of S!...-;y. t:i !-'.. : This act of atroeioii- ba-1 laltli. or:-.::i&:. -i the K.n.sas au'itaV':!. wh -n th- .'et:-r;.l A.lniini-. ration, by the .v..-. :' it-ar:.-attcuiptcl to force an a'.h"tr. 1 C..n.-:'r.!-tion, the aeknowl. -lux-1 :.--t of a ii mi nority. Upon tile breve )-,. pi- c f .-a -. Thanks to io,l an.l the K. pnh'i -.-.hi Mt.y to New Kie-'lan l. New Votk, IV.:n-.l-vania. ami the W'c-t thai inc.-tire. it'.ir an fxciti-nient which rf-iaii'-. I iln I i.i-n from its centre to its e'r-. r.t.it'er. ne -. ! thwartcl, ami Ka'i-as will in : '1 i-n.'.a! ii it -bo one of the :-;r. n-.'-t l'r. e States c f th.; I'nion. The 1'rcl Sc. i-i-jn. which asrrts that the C.n-tit.iti-.n iar-m-s Slavery in whatever Territory the I . S. l-'la- floats, lilb the tin :.-nre of .-iacry a-XTession tlji to the pn -cllt .lav. This form ofoj-; re--i"ti is in it- nat'tre entirely lawless, a--re i.e. ii:. . .-. atel TeUnth-ss. The ocean has f r . n the 1 .. bii-n n:-nlfiiitv rythip- wiil.iti i:.- ri-ael:, but pv.s nothiiw back. The "Tavc ya'.vns f.r all, but no ivin' tbinir return from it. lint more ina;iatc, m.. re c!:.n:--r..u -, more i-xactii-.i.' than the ocean nr the ive, S'laverj- in every feature. An-!. XliVi,', what U.K-i it seek to a.'.. t., it.. J,,,,.,, V.!:n-t h-t wf incruachmciiLs ? l'ii.-t, i; duiao ior the ciia.-tm.ut cf a o.-i:.h te -.le f Liw an.l reulati..,,- for PI..-, cry within our Territories thu- ratifying, avl .Kml.itw ly uu A.t of Cvii-.:.-,-,. the I'rcl S.-.tt Mi.-uias. Sec- ii. 1, that tli- African slave t ...ie hh.-.l! l e t.-l- r... .1 a:,.l r.-opuicl by i ei.-'. ;':..- it r :-:..ii::- , : r,u ;-, t. the tra.le , a, ssf irsHsSx zixpr Ject,n;rourna.,ontoa.lthcr,p..v(l, U T,,at .,rea!ble the hub. Some .y live an J some say .fthef.rci.ian.ltuostnnilesirablepop, 'ZL etthorte.l ZL ,c ,t,y J lation of Otba.on some p, teneo or o, n-r, I , Meut,tn pay our respect m,:t week. 4 . I i J the s :1V. I II'TC-IS to be baek-.J by the allc-e.l '-destiny 0f. our predatory nature, ami the nii-crupul-i.ns lu.-t of our people for more territory s-uitl.v-aid. And fourth, -the '-n-ht of trau-ii" that is. the privilege of linldin;; slaves, in I'lce States, for a shorter or a lon-er period of time, while soj.e.iriiin.j or l.-l h'-'tlirotl h tllll fractieallv, foreill-' 1 1 . Slavery tf. all every STATE HI the I ntoll V ner- a mast i T liltiy el.uo-e 10 o. a oe.-e ., , Joiilli i ' r.re tli tic-.v iiiea-iires wlucti tlie ciuitn i. These ' !oli- lor: at.-l one, or more, or all, will j ii;:.-.- itito tho next year's Trc-idcntitd -i.te-t. j Th.-lb pnhbeau parly, th. y.r.tr.M'.iant, , f 1-i-e. loi.t-who.-v vote tor .-lenient sta-' o-re.l i veil avra". cl n: hopes ol its inonus-wa, ait,-t ail plot. frthcJixten-ton ! -.v. tiet.e r timl.-r ! '..ii-'itis specious U-ars .vr. l-jtitv 'v.hleh would i. T. rritoiy the t! I :--:i I'l.e ti.at in Kausa-' or !.:- a h r claims of the other i: :ii,.e.-aev. We cl.iitu the .i i!, of C-.n-rc-r- umhr the; Utt.l a:i t ;' u:i..;i to sintt tli- d-...r ..f the ; r. - ihi-t that i.i.-n-trot-. vil. II. ; .;! :: ,fi can-.' is j;t-t, and Iiitl-t ; till, i.'i,: it may r. .piire years upon , .. V.'e l.:.-0 tl'wiley, powerful toe 1 e .1-.-. iv ed by our leader, luis i, i;i pli.s of op. -rat:-. n-, or even . 1 an 1 : Invar:, d vi hen ietory s. . m : ;:r :;ra-t.. Mav.-ry litis u-if p- i -.- t-.:t:-!ii tit of ill ivermti. nt, and :i i.i expe it.-nl - and stn !-.' ill its l-'ti-' s r:,-.-n't .t;i,..ieil way. r.u: tr wti- tits e tti -.veal or w-.e. to -o .-traiht on in the advocacy of the Iliu-ht. That t-i- h the Slave I'-ov ic. -r'. ernin- spirit el upon White laborers ' v. ith aim --t a- inu.-ii en nipt as on t Kia. ,;vr, was -howu by extracts IV. -i.ii.o-;!1" sneech of 1'. S. . the lot i. lo'.l- "luiM-si.l spec. , .. . . ' .ntie.r iiamnioii.l oi r-outu .ir.uaiti. Protect-on to I'ree American Ltd.or, he 1 A' t- il-' Ill i ii i d 1 'r .. ni-,1 !i,-r form of this Slave an old-line Whi'',he c.ii- .ti ami 1 I.ibertv to be one an 1 t he s..ni t i.i: at . -t. ..ii!, ih-t,:,.. a a b -h tin u: had oii'V been 1 era! s were u nv on th. In C ress, the ., i altiioitirli s-iine ol . ,t Yi j r.nle i i.-nin- ; .- of the Tar- i v,hi',-- its ,;, n 'lli -t enemies Were tie I'i in. ..-ra th- S' utiiern .avchold.Ts. ?!i-.K'.i!.h!e dr. -.v :iivi 1 contrast, :,,v,. i i - the e .r.n.ti ativc advancement of tl I'.'.e over i.nts Slave States New York , .V. The moral and reli-- ; .f .!... ..ii -ii. ui were brieiiv , i n : i but tii...-i p-e.v. rful'.V alluded to. As 1'. uu-.l.tinians. we have a peculiar int.-iv-t mil j.rid- in the perpetuity of, IV. ,- iii-tittui.-ns. ami it become us to -x-1 e;-,-i.-- our ri-.'o 1- k -. p the c-miiion !n-r-it.ta.- in otu- m -,v -oil- sacred t-i fr. . labor ii f r ii:';l'ie setth-in- nt t ' '.-; l.il dreii and .air m i'hb..rs' chil if. ti. It was Itirin the .eii lein-y f the Ib vooiiion .ty War. that 1'. nu-yl.aiii.i .:i. cl the Abo lition Act, f..r which nio-t cojent and t.i-.ra'.lv -ti! lii.ie r--t.-oiis are set forth in ih- l'r t.n.i !-. a- follows: ...... ..,....,-. -.,.,,. i:n till II MaitlTKIV V l,""J""""- When we c.-i.temi-l.-re r nr anli-irrTire of : t'-,a. c .ti"i"ii.t-' wi.-h the armsam! tyranny ! ,.: ire.it Uiit.iui wre cx-rtrd t- re.lnce us, 1 w)i-ii w.- l.-.-ic h.icli upon liie variety ol .i.ui- t prs i ii-hieli we have been exposdl, dt. 1 Low . Intiaciii-u-e.' -'ir wants in many instances i h.ive J.wii s'lpph'-'l. an-l -nr crnverai.. e ",r!el'h.,'v'e !,,'e..n,e'ii',.e p.'.i! lo the r'..,'iilict, we are im iv.a '..o-;-,' Id I., a tciioiis aid sral-ful sense t-i the iiimt'-M blessings nlitcli rf i ,., r-.-...lte received from the hand i ..I i.-. e..t..- r. ti-li.iin fieri- ",.od ami ncr-. i.c't :-i ie- in "tli. Inpresscilwiihihesei,ia-s. , Wf e.ait- J.1-: I!, :t tiell oi tt. I--P.1 PC vi-that it is (uir dim-, aid we re- ;1 is ill eur power, to e. " i-i . i" '"i ,t ireciom to oihers, whtch hath ' ,.!-, I t . us. and re!f a-e Ir.-m that , il.r.it, lowiiiehwe ..urselves were H-i.-.me il.v .ia.-in, ,1. aid Iroui which we have 1 i. w -i V r-r, -i c of li.-iiiiilclivcreJ. It is. i n . t-r in" :.. uepiire whv.in lh creatinn of I n. a '. !'ie iithihiiaius if the several parts! re tisiin-juished hy aiMTerence re ..niilcxii.il. It is snlle-irnt to tt-ai ;i I art? i!ie werk oi" an Ahni-jlity l.teiw, We it. ..I. in llif lll-'rih'l'i' ll I do- hn ... ';,"s,.sa:..i;,titthe m-st fertile as well as I t:,.- 1 1.'-' l..rr--n eaMsnf ihe-arth are inhr.hi-, le !:,-.-;.,e:i .-t'c-it'e '-leji.. as dii'i'-reut from our. 1 atd to i.i i.i-'a i.ilnr; Irom wh-nce we may r.. , r -.i,.-.-. as we, as reiisioiist-.-, iiii'-i, omi II i i -i .-! tie-m in Itieir varuuis situa- , u'a ej,.'n.l, .lrrt.ially hi rare ami pro- .'i ,! ihai il hec mem net us to ,-". " r,t. r .rt '.its rarrc.e. Wc f -lr.i.1 ll s pp-. r ..'tar i, es..- ..ran-ed to us, that we are en- i.!-.--5 'hts ,'av ta 2,!d one mare tirptnnniver-1 .-i.t, - -'T-ni, hv removin-T. as murh as pes- ............ i .mi, .) i , s. liie s.-ir. ws of ih..f, who have lived .n nr. !--:. -.- .! l-aiac 'e, atel ir.im which, by the a-van. ed r.ath.irity of the hinas of Croat Brit - a,;; n.i ct'.uct.jal, lesal relief con!.! l-e obtain- cl.' Vc ?.::,-.!, ! y ? Ions course of experience, "'"" ''''"' t.if"wprej.:J;ces aa. par.aiitie we ha i iint-oc.:. wf '''"r ,,car,J ,'I,'M'J w.ta e-i'-'-t- --ard L.-r.evdenre ti-. men ..' -,' r r an. nr.lions ate. e coil- " - - in.ri.l v tve curse!-. m .-.t this purlieu.. ar peno.pei- ce ir.io. lin.-iriiy rai.c t upon, l-y .w "T '"7 raiicl upon, t-y tae D.essin- v,-..;,.;: we have rerenr,., 10 m..,"; ci .-.iv of cur prdessien.and lo cite a sut- staatia! proof of onr gratitti .r. ,..t,.....i il. rnR.tittr . '-, .. . nf tl,nt nor. , son--, wan I.ave heretofore been denominate, Ni-rr, and Mulatio slaves, has been aueimed wdh cir.-urr.si.inoes which not only deprive then of the common blessmes that lhey were by ratine entitled to, but has cast ihem into the drne.t afflictions, bv ar. unnatural separ ation and sale of husband and wife from each other and from lheir children, an nijtiry. ihe Creatness of which can on.y 1- cnncr.vru . surFcsin? that we were in the same unhappy ca-e. In jtisiice, 1hereA.re.t0 pTior-s so un- h.-ippih' cirrumstancetband who, havinr; n'J . . 1 . nresne.-t before them whereon they may rest I their sorrows and their iiepe--. have no rea- , yr s a cpyi toaid his plea before the Free sonnbie mt'iieement lo rentier lheir service to ; .j-raiie sjave Power h r we would as soon ' societv. which t!i-v otherwise nitphl. and also ce nim Lnwc the otace a ar.y 1 ther of his in cratef.i! commemoration cf ourown bappy j 6,rjrs- de!,reranee from the state of 11neouditi011.1l Ve a.linst tilis nn!:enerus treat submission to which we were doomed by the mrM Aeiahbor j.,,,,. has Tfollj,t np an nn tyrirniy of Hritatn.' popular, bad cause, well, and is a sound "a- Tl,.u tro., the lo ri es, the SML-'e. the 1 nonal" I.oeo. deseri-intr ..f seme ofiiee. He i T'-tr"ots -nid the Chri-ti in of Peiinyiva- ; ,hf ""'' Vankee i.fihat faith we know in Ihe j his care will be faithfully and promptly atlen , 1 ' "' ' ' ' couutv.and as the race is becoming heaiili-' ded In Xepi. II, Is.'i? ni:i the first f the inchoate Stat. to f , ., M N Biialan-t, 'e ltemocrary j ;,7ZZZ7 TTTIT 7" ."TT al.oli-h SltiViry. not "beeati-c tt wa-- tin-1 sht nl-J encourage them when mej ran. 1 J- i0 L.-mj. UNION' COUNTY STAR' & on i-U'ort fr the he lalionous m uu. ' ' cniniuoti pol of our country ami of man kind, ami eloseu with the thiiiiiii iitiota tioti from WhiUicr W's wsir no war ws lift no .m-wfl tiins 00 tor.a. will.in Th n-..l:iinpii of tho r,uakir. rjin l-. n. .li jmir roil Wo !.- Ju Willi jonr n-n Im.-n to wn-ftle while J Witt, the rlrongupwud tenJnieiel nl Oik. font of n,rn , . . , But for m.t forourrMltr.-n, tlie toi nl.-l. " rxn, for Fr.'i-a-Qi Red llumant-r. !! r. ei--a. -. ... No tl.f ll.oit la Ollt l-.irJ.-ri no I'ir.U onOl'R ,irn.i: o iiniuuji.... r- r- These were the leading t'nei-hts of ,r Kunkle, a fir as our nicniory serves, j .. n( ,, K. . ,., ,.,,,.,, , ri.,,lrI1 ly i. train at K", j . , .,,,..,;. Vi. have had ( s.l)mU (mr lv,,l,, for,lis Iv. vision and correction. -Hon. Wji. ('. A. I.AWT.rNrrt. .,-ak- , or of the l i t 1! l-e i t II- ; ! -i htatu. s was on the platform, i.-'-iirtr en l.ti-iness, and k. lie ha I. how. cr. of Petin-;. atiia. htivin-; vi-it.-d le was invited to sp. but recently arisen from a ,-iek bed, and was forbidden to n-r his v.h e in j.iiblie. While thattkiiij- the m. . tii--.- f'.r their in ittiiioii, he w.i coiep.-il. d t-i !. -cliin' it. 'i'l.e iii. i lin.- adjourn. -1 in tie- b. .-t pos sible spirit. Our p.ople owe Mr.Knnkle liittny thtittl.s f. r his bri. f x i -it, -n.it.-lu .1 from the hurry of his j.r. -in-r I rot'.-ssion-:d labors.) and hope his manlv common I sens.- riiicii-h s, citini--tatcl l y In ov.il -Uiiu.-ieal viee, lu-y be often put fmtli in , th- campaiL-ti oi' 1 -". j The Buchanan Co-jnly Tic'iet. I The biii. -u !'. inoeralte Convention met ll:M ..in. i. tii in i-:- a.oauoou ... Monday Ia-t, ami w.v- a im-t ''. and ap- . . Jttrei.ily i at-and-ilri. d affair n- iiiten -t. - atc any Ih-m-di.-t A rm-'d . r .1 e!..- l--:.r-n-i eeit.-nieiit hut a v-rv ni.chanical iot with a white skin, call him a i'i ie - - -o-iio- throiiL-h of the motions." Mai. ' i. .I,,, i o.,.. :... I. . ,, .i. --., v ... nt 1 - ".-.. -.-- iii Pliiladelpl.iti. ,1 va- on the spot, a very j Hit. Tested and vi-titint our-ale overseer or scctator. M"-t of the ; rnceedin"; were in a very low am! uidi.-titii-t manner. ; so as hardly to be In ard oui.-idc the bar, i i it .... o : oiu we utu.-ve uic niu-'nai. i- a i-ne.. r. p-n i. liooert v:iie!ord, ot ,-r Ii.-rlin who i .'innounei d in th- i'i reft a a camli- tie for Deputy Marshal was .1. el.-d l're-ident. ami .1. liver, d an Im-iti-ural Ad- , tl . .itiK. Ti;tr t;:e i 'oiiv. nt; I'ottoiu "I In- heart, t..r tlie . -T. l!o w.-s a Hctm.crat. division and di-.-. iisi..ns an;.. ml I.i. ti had a ri--ht to dill for. his pari, lie was wiliin-to t,.! tiny Iru- Democrat ; i Vrh-ton Con-,. I al! he ; ion. to , -:.d a la was a w in;- ttitm thou bram-hi d olf. et:-.i,..! saehmi its. which he d. tiotn.. ably f .r ii.aii.-i-in-j herd-.tti. In r own way," an I s..i 1 h- J'C.-ky St ate -w.i in Canada.' Proceeded to make uoiniuat: W.M. L. PllTK!!. of X'e-.V ecived lii voti for A.-s. inl.lv tl ! till- I t hall Wolf- of I,eW! -1 ttr Mr. Pitt r! was .Iceland the m min. e. . . I'-r omini.--; r, I-AVI! II. htl.U, ,.f poiiTti!.., had a lara- t:nj..rity ov. r .., ,- . , 1 , ' , . ' ,,.',. . ln.r 'Irca-ur. r, .lacli oii-oi Lewis- illpr ..ro.,o-e.l. but Jacob .rW. Ji.Kl'll ' iltt'CN of L.-wi-l proposed, hut J pit ihrtln- x,.ti,. l,..,wcver, .c -h.l. d was also Thr i 'mi- i h.ia l ' i The r.-nttiitiint.' m-ititntiti-iti- were made w i; ,ut di--i iit a- I-! . .w.- : ! cut a- l-.lh.w.-: , . . . 1 r"'""" l-luir.'. -S.MfEL Hut SK.of bew- lii-lriet A form -y .lost I'll '. lit CHER, j- )(). v,. j;, 't., " ' ' . ' , oiiutyMirveyoi II.SOJ E:it Pull. doe. SO.N I. I.INN,. f Auditor Put i.i l' Cr.os. of Limestone. C.A.I-'rick, Ciiairn f Stand ini- Coin. : l-'.,r Senatorial l.-l.-.-;ite. P.ail Ceddes ,-,-, W;S , .r. ,,,-,., J , )., Jaul .re,',,,,, . 11 ' (In fact, it was sti--i-t',d that It was II 1 1 0 o In V rt e ' l li irl. -ill ,, , .. .. . ... ' "" ---- moii-lv noiiunati d. ,. i,..i ... ,i II , ' . IS 1,1 UU' l-lil ..III, 111, It' 1I.L- 1 ... .. . . . J "a tu- id war 1. tv.etn our ankec hrotti- ,.r ',u-,ly- of the Anjti an-l Samuel S. , ., . - . ..-i , . i i. Parbcr ol Liuicstoiic. J he latter had two i i . the mo.-t Votes and was declared iwuiiLti-, : ud. I j I;...Vul.,n .ontimen! semsnr.t t lin!,;uat;,i ,r ihe Tree Tra.le, Pro-Mlaverf partv. The strongest Wh. Stale in 'ili, , v,(uc!l furM1Ut.4 n.re so!d,eri than all the . , .. , I a ,-.,,, e..r ' oou-u ... ... ............... , lanle field irum Maine to ticor&ia, fc -c,.rit,s a'ways haied Massachusetts. A: the T.-rtes a'ways haied Massachusetts. eaJ;5 Maiiiii'aci.irn.3 am! Tar. 1! state, ihe .. ,p w 1h , r e!scw!iere. stnr.cly 1 " ' in lae rvansas wai oie j io-riaiciy .... 1 iy )on.t ,ike , a bl( Cut lhcr(. e slanas Ljt( hef , a)(, ,here arf ,hf mf5l , appy J anJ 0; e riius r,eopie on tllc gt.be. There ( ar(, Ulni.er HllI aj Concord, anJ bexins- ion which Mr. Robert Sw. a-for.', Chairman of the Cniou County Democratic Convention, and applicant for lliputy Marshall for said couniv wants dissnlvrd from -the elorious . L-njon;, anJ anncxrJ ,0 caaja We hope , that Mf f... wiU M7ef . e ma(1(, ka0K;l jn Masa(.lmc,tsit ,;, Blakp j,er peope . to ra,ijj, 1 e shan't send lhis awful ; ,. h... .hitiinfcrinnate State but will .send LEWISBUR(JIIUNICM---SEPT. The candidates are avera'.'O latri iett The Aryu$ tinnotlliccd, last Wick, wiili a very i-oniph.ccut flourish, how much Irl'. r ' camUiUihs tlitui ours they were yiimj I" uoiiiinale. V.'e are will'.ti-: that every intin sl-.oul 1 make the comparison, l'.oth parties stitislied with their MK.v, the i -i test i not personal it is one of 1'KIXCI l'LK, suiil each sett rcpia-ciiis nieasur. s of iniportance toonr euiuitry . liy th. .-. I'lUNC'll'LES, let .-very man he -uidcl. What a Principle! The rrc-ideiit of the l iti.-n County Democratic Conveuiioii, Ia-t Moii-iay. an-Iiouu.-id tuid re;.cr.fe.l, a; his political creed, that he would -v.it for any noiuin. e of the ('harl. -tou Cotiv.-iit i..ii. if In- v...; a white man ami a I'l-im -.-rat. ' i I.;-- h made deliher.it. ly, with..;:! any h- r .,1 :1 ilieatioii or re-eraiioii. It w.i- mad- in i the face of Jack Cuuitnin :-, II i. han-m'-; Navy Au-.-tit in I'hilad i; Ida. 1 V a to m who is an nr-eiit eamhd..te .-r I1, pu.y t Mar.-hal at the hand.- ol the ion haiiau Ad- laiiiistrat'oii. i 1 l.o -white int.n" .!:::. -tii. tlv lived I lip to. Would cut otf the - I!!.:. !. lWa.f." j 1oUl;1;is. and many i.:.-r swarthy nii I j sandy I'eiii-.erats. hi: 1 1 that pa--. llol. crt Swine, '.-id candidate f.r oil'.' as a f..r. -aid b i lly aum.uiic. - an ittt'-r i carclos-lic-. "f yo'n-o--'. biol.-r. . tm i t. ! e-.lor, an 1 the l.ih. ! - 1-. ei-cot' .leitie his Vote. nialdi. atio'i- are l!f)!.i li;- Hes. 1- lloll-ht lion, -ty 1- I..-IIO lit lie a-- ure- are ii.n-:l.t taottv.. - aic n.eih: : the nominee of a e. rttdn cl.td, of a e- ttt t: color, and lah. I'ed ly a.-. -Haiti t-t.-hv. .: will coii.mt-ml his support ! -V slioltl' ami et -hrotl-l as the load to 'hath '' The Chart. -t.-n Coi.eii'i. u in: V n.-ttti- ,-rat. and lie is tlie man f .r Mr. S'-. ir i... :.. -... . r i ',,t nt in..j oe o. ......i -. i . continuimr to squander the nidi- my. ,, re-oi,ctiin the Aim . an slave-trade, i! lii,,,io, ,,f I'ree Trade, of the or,.--.-; corruption, ol ..rciii- -laerv np-n miwil- lint.- Ti rritoti -but is of II. illele if he have the ri!.t It:!.., I and l!i. j rt-lit c-i-r. ! t "it ii:. II-of I'tliell Colli' 'V h I m- ...uts : are vm i r. -par. -1 for -it ,..-.-and uni.rineii.h-,1 rule. l..ca ;,, as js f,,rc-ha.'i"W ed bv tills lit:; Ii -one i in, ii. an me ,,i ,,ur ,,,,,-t intluent::.! and re-pectalde cit--t itc.'iiisheil ieus, when Hot m idd. an d l.y the poi-.-n Th.-re were ; ,,)' I.oeolhcoisiu and tliir-t f-rofliee? An - the hr.th- y,,t prepared l'..r it will you sii-t.-.in it : .!i!l--r; hut.' ' nnr. a'. ..win-.' such re. ki. -- ur-s of ..-. tt Mid . nilr'.-r who would .-!,..' . '' the l "vol.- tor I l!-i Ni. k if. .n the I utoeratie ur, .it. v -e. Ticket" are the men who twin,: around :' ' '-'t't. 1 1- and ask us to desert our respectable :.ii 1 ' -, . I ' Ma ;- competent candidates, on a u rtaiu am! , ,1 cot, -T.h r- honorable plai form, and to vote for t7.. tie at!. dr.- in candidates '. What man can I e mi-h-d 1 y V.t-'ied the . -uch 1111-11? 'J'llii iri'illHfir I'.f. .,; (I.e our nun not th.y -but th-y are !. ..us. when ; iiiTrto wheedle us into the Ml! p-rt !' th-tt -. ' .!u in! i i, re- l 1 1 t w ick. d an.l 1. .-trn.-tive plat f..i mill jXotR'C tO ViVi 1)Y r.r.lrr of tin iivn iiiiui! a!! pn prty ) fiwncr.N cri M.ti k- i Mnvt, w iiinn iln- I! r uiitrh limit15, art rt'wrc il ti j;:ve tlii Miic wains aatl uiit'i'a ui iiunt i-I Un-.r ifm.M.-. u iihiu -0 . Alx.all t i st. X .r:h "f sr. I.nuN. A No all vt'M t. iitTib it st. l.."i. Also ail oi" M. I.outs liciwi'ii 2i! :A st. Property owners wnhia I;nnN sji -i- lt' are "''ini'i t laf wi i!v, a- rnriv J'. II. 1 h ! f in nfiliT hiM'curi' tl " . - i'i.. t t f i latf ni ilie seanri, an ! j iM'ii 1 1 uu- i ! i ii .li. 1 la-.' 0 liuv lN can n-t he c.vtei.iied r.tiiii.l by law. -x" "'picms. uaoui r.-s it. pri-i may expect the t.'ll'.wni-.' pr, vi-nans . t' ih lionuuth Charter l- he i TiIorct'.l in every ra-.-. Itxliaet frenl ihe mi..;.!i-iii.'M to liie lt.ir-ou-li Charter pti-s.-1 nth Man !i, Is.'.i. -In ra-e the owners . r ht.t.iei s et let- . I.a' ! refii-e or neglect to ci.inp'y w, !i lie- r.--;in-i-ti'in of the (' unci!, (re.portii-l!i-pavm- .i side wallis and sutlers) a In r having n-c- i ved -'I .lavs notice !r,,m tie- Stre I r.,iiino -s;,.a.'r. the I'olineit '.li.-ilt lo.ve n-mi-r 1,. :- f I-lie i.i paveiiieiil.t.. l-e ina-!e, ke pins an arc, mm ol the cost ..f work and man na!, t.-,-'-. c'-un. if not ra,,l hv ihe owm-r-or h li.r.ef said lots w-nhtn tin i!.-ivs tr. ni die ,!.i:e th.-re- of, ihe Clerk shall cause ihe sums due wa-h , tnl costs arrruiii; tin re. n, to he Ciller. .1 Lv " . 11. A Pr..ll,....,,lr,- ,.f ll. .ni.l r. t.,-1. .".. .-.... - sna.i nave me samp iiert as a .iiui-tneM. fenilanis to he liable lor al! costs."' lly v. me council. l,,.T..-.- t. JAMKs P. ntlss, St. Commissioner. beivisluir, Sept. I.'., tf.'.fl. FREEBOIIGER & BRO. S ?1Miimj '13 J S3 YiTSinh i:m a e: 1.113 tj i: a r TT AS Iict'ii rniMtvt'il In Ilcavrr's JUitk JLi Block, on Ncnh Thud sii.it.:! ! from Market, where they are pr. n.irel t,- ,!-, all kus of weik m liieir line . n Ihe ilu rte-t , notice. 1.. j t : ... . ... s.i, ,iii. i inijiiiri.-'s irom iifiitniterin towns prmnptlv ait.-ii.!.-d lo. Please call an-l ritiwif our lar -e resort- , nu.nt of laxtures of the most approved slides ! ,,! finish. nn wi'lH wari.umn. ISO s Ci Hi Ilt- lillt; dune lo or-! Fi;i:f:iici;ta.i: & into., A-'ts. I.ewisnrj, April I, Ve.i William VanGezcr, A TTORXKY at Law, ii l,m Isburtr, I'nion Co., Pa. rVOttiee op pos.tr Kline's Hotel S. I LAW O Pl-IC 1: P KMUV KI). John B. Linn, TTOKM.Y AT 1. 1 M'-Pt-ec at TT V his huuae on X. Market St. bei. 1st A i". S I.o iibin st, I'll. Afloi-iiry :it Law. OFFICE on Snmh Second near Maikel St. i.r: isin i::. r.. ra All Professional IPisiness cntrustet! to CARPETS I at i:iIi-il--t;N Iirap Store. , T'Jir.I.Mi in a l.ye-stro-t, -vhrre ih? sl-re .t ) p. -nves ar very lerlit. tlo- sutrrit-'-r is enaii'.i.l lo i"1!! at the Very I.owsst Prices. Persons vi-innj rinl-.i.teiplmi. atal wisliiitz t.. ; l.uv (tirp-ts, lit! Cl-llis, .Vait.ns. f, will; do we!l to examine the Idtlte u:M-rtiiiciit ef 'I'apt's'rv Ilrus-cls, . Imperial :t p..-. CAPwPETS. Inrrain aid Wt.i'.ari. am! On t'letlis . ! al ...eta-in jr- al vari'-'v. Also, Can -ii I Ma'-.r;- : a'l Uir.t-. wi-li a !ai-.-- a- it,a-i.i .1 I.m- j: i--i -I ln-T.iin I'.u t'."-. an I Kany an ! s an I'a: i"-;-, lilies. Ma!-. Il.n .'. Is i K. ' - t'ai'.ts. Cotton Cari"'-, .V-'., .'' ii. it. i:i.!ii;:: (ir. N'.-. 1 ! Mra-i!- r.y -t , v ' ' r: - '?. I'illl MilM'ill . ' '.- S'r.tw'- - try is it." tir-t -ir.i-t west f Her.:., !. - a tl ,e.. wi.t I - - u; ! 1 . :!e- Ltne i v .- j-1- la-lie-- til n ( i . a: I.e. ;. . n A atii r'tt'h sir.-- t, w in i 't I." c.r; ;--- u tin- P.-i!-!:--ri.-1 ils.iirss, j.., ! v,.l -I.;;:.- all kn.l- .,1' Meal it, it - s.-a-- i . in. V -.n.p-'av at.-! Satin-lav l-l -i 1. 1 ii.- . la' v. i e. t tl! Ma. l.i't 1:1 trout . : Tl'.! !.':.. II. '.t ; are v. ret at l.ev rates PtIVil.ti'lll ' s A.i-.'- I !!.'"res met nr. p pan ii . -I a- te tail, 'i'rv the New Uilt'-I.' r. ciiris-i'i.; 'ii1:!.' t;n:;:i:i;:.!M!. I -w.-i.t.lj. .;-.' I - i - ' ; r i 1 1: s.'. -re . r v. .-' - - ! it" lie- :--n t tt-- a i a . --. . ! . a -li i: i.t: m hi:k .-, -. r r u itti ..I...-U I.-- A.d 'CO I IT ii r i- 11- .:..-. "-.-.' l ata, to h:- ,- - !- , li';.i.-. A.I li e. o.l- It I. - : - .'..I - t ' ' r'trr I-. etel 11.-.-i Ion. la .a ' J .' ' f -a ' r;-' nt.t:.rtii'a .1. tin- 1- nt.e.i.r 1 " ! ; '- ci,:,,,-. i:. J. Ill i-i. I. .- eta ir-. J'!.,- I, IV. 1 I J A !C r. I I ;m:.m i. I lii- ' !.- '' I. ; : ... ' ,.' i !' MI'l'I- ; - - -- i a. -,,'i!i-.-s (I.i..-. I .- . .! ir-fl! I- V !',!! oo K'l 'i J- I ... l.V'i 'I'll ; r l; -,;-..- ;o. a .'. VI l: 1 I 1 : ; ;. l-l .1: - .i tar -. I ... ... w u! . : 1 1 I;.!..' ie ... in N .' r-i , - ..: ! -..' i C 1 ' i . - - I. -. - i.T - , r ma...::: 1- . - I -! ..- -I . i-i; - I- r I1.- : I..- .. at. A-I II.--C- ' -a r I II - 1 ..mi- r. 11 rii.i- .a- n. C o . .-- ... , -. v. 1 1 . ... " ... ! . i- t .vl. . f i.-t a- v. it- -a. t !.. 1 .-: .TI t. t .a i.i- -I -t. ..tl.TT.-l ' a Illl-l. III II:.- I 1,1 .1. H-- 1 W.'l f . I. ;-- I.T-- I.-OT . ..t .I-..-.I..I, ,t- 0 . mi .a .-.a il..- u, nt., fi- -.- ,. Hi-. .. Il.ai v ai I...I. ... W Jji n i -ry '-.jLH Valua'j'a iuii'.:i for tiaic. rt'l! !: vnl.vri.! p. i It. i - :. r - t.a- a Sitp-ri-r K..n.i i- ni..:-.;i:.' ltJ-2 ices .-r im-t', -outre : . p.;,-; ;.,., !.. ,. T:-. .,.rsi.M Co-. a-'j tiiii..' i. .!..!- . : l'av. I'. M i -it.- iy. s.-.tcl V.-i -.ti-. .'-an,! l.at.-ii. Me. lii.-. -' ;.t. ' tin r-, when. -ii aic iiti-T.-.! a -...-I s I'i l. 1'. ii'ii ssi: aid a 2 ! :.!..' .::vj.i There is a ;ru.5 1 t never-; :. !-i r W ai- r at jfrvs,:!!-' r. a vai a.-t v . t I'rait '!;'- t t a I If.fl.ili.l-.a,..! a'l lie- lie. .---ai v O .:..' f. r liie run v i! t.-ite- t a ; ; ..- i tit. 1 i - m a .. ! state ,. enltiv.-. C r i-itther p:.T ca-;.n- cat! en I' tii.iP ilA. 1', .-ell. !.. ..- 'I ... si,-;-. :t. -.1 lT.ru ni.tiitil ;- ttn-iin n(. 'o I. W I V I 'It':.-, i ; o ( t ; .-Tut if i-i t .1. . -ail ;: II . -i.i . - . i... - - ..!:. - :,-' ..!.. t. tj-h...- i. ill v ,i. i a i. i. .x. w a I - i ui ; a- i r : .: - - I '1 1 ' I. . i. i :. I r .!.. t .... a . 1 1 , - -. la i . -: i ' l.nt i- ..t m -t't- ,- -r T.-r-.il, -. I . 1 Ti, T, I r I!- - e In- t.- a . t W tn .. T. I . .. r, c, rt-. . .., . . I i.-i..: : - 11 I- .- -l.-i i.-r, . I tl, . , in tl- l ... i,. II.,- J t; i- J 1 1-. 1 1 y :, -. !-:.: t ,-. a v - I Tl .- I em.-r. ;:i. -. T. - .. I ' t, i:T :iT- Ii , 'I il -,l- I :,tl- 1 . 1 f'. i.i 1: ! Iti- I.:-, LI.'KM.- il ;t . ' it . 'Ill;: ! 1 : t' '.- r iv v t. ..- :i i:t ' - - i , ... I't- it- I..!-. . v.. Ir 1 T-. Ii. I - - . t I,-. I .- ,. i-i- .--1: - - i ii. '1 a- I- -n I I 1. -a: ... r : i- 1 - - .- Ir- t - I? - t : k -t i ! :,- : ..- -en - - t - ! ... 1 l!:- ..a. ! - ... r ..- I, . t. t. 1 tt ,.. , , ... ; ... in ii,- I i ll- T f ,.i V it- i i t y 1. -. II I.. tit -.. t. iti 1 1 1, -. .- I a :.' T tt- ' - t-i. i 1 . t. i- a,. 1 .-a: . 'I -. ' , .,- , t - I 'I : ...a- -. a , r i. t I i . t - - i.i- . M. t.l . t tl-- - tl- t:i. , ! It ,, ili. , .... : . a- a ,. , - t ; i- t. . ti. ta 1 1 :r ii .. a i : - t : I' Oi - 1 1 1 , t .- - i - in- r. i t . in ; .- ,i: . . . I ' , t .- .. t- r : i .- ' ; :- I. et ti. It Tl,.-, .-. -..al, I., 1!.. , .1 1 t r,-, a i t.. ti a-.v . r ; . a. at. I 1 i, . ,i . l i at ,1 -. as I.- e n i.t t - I . . . . r. r,.- ii. 'i te,- I :.. iy tee: s : 1 : t i I. t; .-,!! I t- sit "ai, r- v I-, ii.,,.-. .-. I!..- lt:.:'r it 1 I -at- -,tiv o. - it !-.- I I, S.-l 1- r .-ix lu. nilis. ;a: I u l.a.l ri lj, a., t ;, r ll.iartf . . .,.!. T.-.'f 7- I' V Of V t.'o.vro.V. In raiip,-. t . it otti 1 1... r..-ati-:i a-ir 1 ITt.-nT nt. !. r.t-w iiii l ti ... n. : t -, tl 1...- lai-iie. iy in,., ti. .. t . 1, ) t. , t,.- Iiflli, -.11 - I..'- I- r , : 'l.-l . 1 ' It-tt- .. ; : i Ii -ill .rtV ... i,- i,i, I ... .nor o r. ri- -. 'la- si 1 a-it--- .,.1 ,1 U- . -.rti- -I , ti .il tins in .- i I .1 I,..-,, .. t t., . 1 i .'...at a .-. I'i- 'T tl l.tl-it- --. i.i .1 l ..tail ,- T. ;,. - t - i.aiiri.i tiTi- l, n.-i.r. . r I'' una ii- t r - -.- T n- - -, . , 11 ;,rr ,. 11, 1 til ; f 11 a.' Ill III- I I-It I-I a lii ta , a - .1 ; - ii ,-, i. t 1.1-1 j"'i It.,. I,.-, t 11. rr... I t .... . i . . 1 v. a it-. I t .l-..a vv., il.. t il ... all , :,. a . ui llaitint i-'ii- tti-t iti.-j T..v, nun l,l..-l:.t li'-D;!.ti l.ll.l.l, H-TTI-!.. 'II.,- ' ... f-ini i-. ii m, iitt-.lv ItT-rnrv .ml i-ari- r.i' ,.-:.l -I, -t. .---iita t Inl; r.,t Ilaaiai, u- !.-. :!! . ,-' Isi.i .1 .1 -. . ,. i,T- ; . r iiiiii--i. 'I 1 .- o. 'i-i nt:.: ! i .rrittit-- ,i .1- a t - it. -t.-nr .-I' i.tt iti.-iinil- . i . - v t. a nt I- - - i ii 1 1; ie i. 1 1 .. Inn 1 : 1, a-..- It..- -tt. -i ., I. I i,.l , 1 1, I., . I, r ilaii.tii.ait. n -.- It.-it.. ,.. ie ; , A M . .-r .- I-. i! . 1 ,r- T , r. .Hi. W 1, r. It.-T- ii,-..i:i- O r 1 r- I:-, i.i.. It ;,t lia- , i-i. t- ii- ii I .o.-l I" I i-- I. -.-I t . It. r -t, ;. Hitti .:r lt ni, a -r i. .-.(.. I . intiil .li.-v In...- , .- a- 1 ... t nt, i. i-naran , 1..' ml! -Ii.-u II. .-tt i i-i. r Ta- lo-. I it, I.i, .-an, , tr. f .-f .--l,-.,. I.- TTfr- llll.l M, tl. at:- f- .-..Ii 1. ,..-. ,,...,., ta loi.-li-.l Iota,. -. II. or.!,.. Tit-n I- o . V!:., t,- .'.. . N. w .l.-r-. v. ..r s. I! I . ii.-lo li.-.tC S. ti-ti iift'i S-r.-. t. l-latu-.i- . f lii-. M. - roi.l iiili-rnii.ii-.n . t- . . uilty t artii-ti. .1. TliOS. ii. U'.lil.ll T T AS just received a splendid assortment X I of ihe very be-t, che:ip.-.-l and most laslo. liable JctK'li y m ihe n.aikel. His 1 st.-ck comprises Krccst I'ins, i LIui- tJiiiir. Il'iiiut-r Itinso, tl.l('l'll'l. Slii if I!l.tii:, Stll(iK..K-.&.'., j which will be sol I etireuo ly lev l..r C-n. j He resp, eltully asks u.e pan.. nave ol ad I he, old ciisp.nicr-; and also invites new cues j to ;ive hun a call before laakiu- their j ar , cha-.es. Call at the si-m id ihe liu; Wa't ii, Maiket stnei, e .-t of Second. Her. -.'I.'js ' I'ou sali-:.' VDCslKAltbE ISiiil.liiitx l.nt.: - : et Kit Iroui by li.i ibep. I:tii;ini..- .u . Uvai-cr, Kiciucr & .CCoire. FOR RENT! rrlll. THO ItOCI.MS ornn.if.) al rr I sent l.v W a-hmatoii Jliitrhii.si.n n a Saloon, "i ie -y are suilaLle lor S I I 1 'S. 1'. r 'I'tr'i.s a;'i -V to Jan. !--." JOHN II. 1.INN. BRICK FOUNDRY FOR SALE. (1-. 'I'm- -iii.srril.Ti II. rsiosril ihr --'J., ..,',!, ,. I!,,, ',; r-.iin-lri- .it lh wt'-l i-l -ir-.-l. iin la'l'.I J..'! ,.'."'- .. .,.. . at.- Illlc-e, i-i.-l II.- ;.I;ie:.ti,. ..t-.vV- .' " a lar;-- an.otn.t . f I'a't, ra . t r I'..- i t I! .-'.!- t- r A-T'otmral .M.e-i.ii.ei v.M"i. -.''o'. I' is e-u ..i.c , t i:. . -': :. - :- ra :- .-t,-a .a.-ti"--. Tae I'lo i .'- I: -'' i-vi-. :; ' i.l-i .ss. I t'l an. '!,. r ' "; " lr ; , , ; ;': - I'. -ai.-iy. I . r aay lull!., i i .n s U 1 I.I.I A M 1 Kil'K. l.ev. t-ir-j. J-' I lo- t- ( o. I'.l rinn: r- - ":"'''j I -!.-i.. t - :.- ... Iter, ..: . .'tli L.-V . . 'I -. . 'I- iS . bolt K. W.I I.,. .-a- ! tt. t v. : v '. T-r a i ',.'- '"' ' ' " ' ' ''s and lit- t-i : ! tv . -' A - ..i r: I " t-i','"'" i.i !'- pa ! ta ni... -r !'.-. v '-it'. -? Milt lie- t :: i-. I' t: r -. I. :' ' " '" j.it..- 'a, : - ; I - .m: w a i.t i:-- For S iio, TIT, T .'-.ir..' e J i- p-nv. e, rt .-r . 1 S'. p .1. V. i a- ii.: r '.'II rt-f T: i -. i- S !.' '- -''''' ' ' 1! ,, -. .-. .- . .... : i :. i .- - :- a-, - - -P . . , .. : : a I.. . r ie . : net . r i . 1 ..'1 .:. -. i',-1 ft- --A'. !"' .Mi -. t it 'll."I:, A-,-.-:,t. Ie et ' a -t - I-..--"' IC.l Clt IXKT ! - rv....t..' :':.;:ri:'.:i:iii'i'--'?, . -Ii- a . I ' . ' 'II -a - - I- 11 , -- I -. ;..--. Il.i : , ; i a- ti ,.' ,-..'-,: ,, i i. a-- i i I.'- '. s, i ' ti'ii.s i.m (.11 I ' I V I . . t ...'.I-. , -. tl. A I.I ' .' - - - a ri'ili: -r -, - :: : ; r .i -.-.-r-il K I lii.H Ii 11" ! ,-t:s. at ! 't - r v,.-. . .a -a- i;. t t,.t. ,: l.,-,-:ai,-I'. , .. 1 1 - -, -, tat. ...t ie.-'-. w.'! I '-'-" Cl I . tl Ml. .1 ,:,,.!:.. I! i t'. i. ' ::! il, it ', it - ia.al,..ii as ':.- v ':'.- ' '" i , -.. ; -.-., ;. .-riLNAri-K- r-.-T e!'r I'. tt -'f '- a pr,,rer'v , : a : .. ' ! o n ! -tt-'t:.,l. 1 .' ... -f. I., A I CR SALE. .. ' ! i..u.e Ii Ill 1 1, a h:..l I- i ! t:i-"ii..l. 1 ' .'uis .-a-v. Ai'".v lo Ma; I.. A U. VMKsi: rnilK w. -! a -.-.ii 'lairin Stain! '-'j r ;i e---l '-. d it lie l.ewi-t illjJtJ.a 1;, , : i, I t... , - . : i it- t. ,. to h.p, A 1 1 ll t. C-. I: v: ! s. .-! . ii r--a -i...! ' orni-. I- . , :. ; V. H i 1AM FKU'K. 1 -.i t l : -a. !',e. !l. I- s. Impi'.i ' .;.' to I .'.i it crs k Gardeners rpn!'. .!! r i, .vi!.-.- re. .-.it.v ti.n - ' I s.-n thr- i. .: i.i- if - i. :...: a: ; ''-"'; " V.--- la' !.-. i.a- c. -.. '.- ! :!-.! a ' ' tA'.'.' ('' ,s.'.';..'-' i. .--' -:,' ' (-.-...,.,. liits a. - , i- tt.-.- t ;-.!,, r. i ; ; .,' t . st A. r.c.i.lni.-ls -I 1 ! - " t ' t' t ie lii.j'. -to I ( r ll. ' ; , i . - -.- a... . : I e a van I' ty ' 1 fi. S-. -'-. -a. n .:- !-. i- ! ' ' ti I Ule I ! . suit' ! t ' , iir ,1 at, ! , , tea-- al it..- lit.-.. . The :. ' u .'-j ar- -.-i- .1 I . m- vt.i .-tie-, el. ! Ih.- .- v - .1 pi i- a. I -a ..- - n -'i'i I, i ' my lest, !. nee in Mtli'.iii' ur-. I men I-., i'.l. : tl :..r.- v..-. ;s, . , r .' !" A '. la v.. i.t, T ra T . sn W !- l -. 1 1- i r r-, ' . iii-.tt 1' t V ' :. 1 - of.- It ... tm I. i ', a - : I.,- K-.j.t ..I It .-.a .a .s t t , r r - -1 i'--t w t it- , , -. t. ;. I1 s I -a t.-l ., T.S 4 - IliM-.l.-.a... ui - -- ," iti i-i -ii, - i;.i--i.i i-.. r-n-,r, ; - ,:I. in - - n :i-1 t'. , iv t;'. rt.. , ii . i ii tt r. -t'T- t.ve tt '- 11 III-. 1 i" i I ll-T.f ,. ti- In l.-l La. l.v. I1...S1 i 1- .t : 1- i:-,. -a.t. .ft.. WI.,-:;. ITl-l-t ! e .11 I -' , I A' bv :. 1 ' - ill 'Mi. . It . '. I . i l";'; Frc-st-ivo l?..r I rui',3. V':",. ' '- !' nt ' ir-'i'i i'i S.'",!- HI" - " .' - .1.1 "-'' 11 . : '. I- ... V a set- -a . ... t ,-e , : 1- lWt- a v 11. i il Cum. 'I ! "in th.- ii".' ' : l ae - it . tl. '. a i-; t- -; i' j- I atr-tt- i t. I: .I'.'.r - r..; i rU Jar-. s ;: C -l.s-t , . 'I Til - s:, ::- , ; -t- - -a . I - , -I" ;"' - .1 - I' "- ii- I '' ' "I !-!'. .- eaa .- l-e Te -re t i-e re pal- . -i ill the I'i ll.t Ivl. tti:' ti.: Ill W.tit W..U C l.d pii'tt- :' , i, 'te sa : t - - r w i ti a pf ---ire. at -. J.it - t . .... am! si, ne, w ith st, rp.rs a";i, l.- :. r ti . s- t -. .-i- ati i.e, cm a.w.n s be had at nt. .';. i a.c 1 ' n-' -I T. Ii. I'.VANs CO.. Antj. I! s. e A-'i-I, r l.rwi-t ur; 1.lKi: 'IJ'i:.-An ex.-e'l.-r.t sd- v. r I.i: i a; M l II lor sa.e at a l-aiain - ti ti-' v I' t'i .e i f A K. ii:.Ml. MAM'tlb Lew -.! ur- II31JEY wanted: r IMH: nt, ' i -t-tn ! warns (no Tlion 1 saml I!1nt s o ut el his lieok Ac ceii.i'.s i.. p. iv i ii Ii s . !. das. He owes, and is imp e.i-ai.l.v in;-' ! l.-r payment. Tli. se. tn.-i i I.-i -. v. iii a-a- in anears lo him Ii r si months and over, will please srtlle ai'couiits iir.nie-itatelv ; and those in arrears, un, 'er six month-, w til receive a rens-nal-le di -count on ih-'ir :o'.-, nnts f.-r pavinent ma le within that tune. I lieiier -t itle w hilst you .in.'.-, and l-i t re bent- cnmp-llni. ; Al-o N. II .Ml p-rsi.iTs, hei.-titu-r, emph viii . th- prote-si.-iiai seivu es of the subscrib.r, w.ll be called Uj'eli lo setile tl'.eir lulls pul'.c ; tiitillv at s,x it-oii-'is att.-r att n.'anee -iven. icilAliiil.S .V.(lii:i;. l'i:. and a reasonable amount ..I rh.nalv pi aelie.e expected to be-iv-, en where I'eist.ns have the disposition, but not ihe means, lo pay. l;hers. in lheir prar- lice, in. iv cxi.-tol er. iniliniiied credit; hut, for ! hiniselt, he has, for the future, lived on the si t : m.isths -i-iain, which will be strictly adhered i lo in ail ci-es. "': Strict aui'tuion civrn to business as for I III. rlv. VM. I.KlSlalt, M. U. I.ewis!.,ti,-r. Ju'r ls.'i'.tinli t-r P I C - ISl I C - V.' 'II jtiuip into th,. Wit.- n, to,,! all tutso a rije." I.AIKil!, handsome I V and very coin - Vr, : ue t tt.Ot '. '-" j, : lilted up l..r liie e-p.-cial ai -coiuni. .nation e Pie-N.e and e-th.-r sun. lar rxcii rsiens. Tt-i ui: moderate. Appiv I.. J.IS. M. HUl'iLL. Lewisburj, J.iuc ;t, WALLMWKirS LINK j'O ami from Thilat'elphi. 1 Itrtluclion of Itatei. 1st b'lj.l 4S Cts. per 100 pounds 2 m 4o " 3 33 " " " 4 .. 27 . " Seial - " " Cools l-C at the Depot in Philadelphia be. f...re 1 o'cio k. I. M., will be forwarded &au,a evenm;-. Applv In J'tHrork. y.ii'l .V Ilinrimnn. Atn , SOU A sit) Ma.ket M., r-n.,'2-1. C. C. KHH'K, Agt. l.i MsLur r. I.ewi't ui;. July 1, !-.":). 1,-AI:'I I. -tt- f r .a! -. -". nit." f : ' ni I'I..:r.,..'r tf i ... r .. ;. it. tt..- .-! .' ..t -w J-r-.y. s-,; t.ttir,n,r. .!.-!. at. t A -.-1- tit o ai ur; ...... liia.' 1. .J l..nn . I. : t :, - a,.- t, ui. 1 1 .- I: r. i 1. ni-- trK.t, . ,.- 1 a I - ti..-. to.-i lint, tt- I. tr tl .it: t-rt. vf I. ,,..:-i;..- i- f Ttui -.i.-l t.ult T .- Ih, .r.,;, ji .i a. - 1 f.-f-ol .in I .- - ii -r. ,n Tl. r,,. , - : t t tai. i.ti . - . nr.- ti iti Jo -!. M rut- tr - o. . -. ,11- ..,.,11... Kl'i a--.t tO-.h, :.h , . , I - "t . i . ... - I- i,l. Vila SIT-.' I. .! .1 i.. i : a. :: . i -. it... .,-. i t r ii. !!,,. -i.t. r, .i i . - I. .1 I'll..-. ' -. . T- r. 111 ti ;a- ,ie n .,l ,,. :- . -,: .... a - .. J.a-.;. in.: -.-iorti-. VARIETY STORE .'.St. '.s'i' oi i ici:. I.Ai'.'ii; m: if!) id' LiH.h'sSiatiiinery, .1 IV.:., .. i v. I . v-, ;. nt c: .n i'. sj -. I t- '. '. U.iskr;,, I'.' t . at. : a '.in ., t .MLK .NACKa fcr s Hi-.;: ;.' I.I.W I-i.t i ,sT f mi. E. i I.I :U AM) i'i.M: (i.I. cit, te 1,,! ai the i' I'ns l' (iH H. E I li; lo ti!.-: i I.a ' ar ' !.-: raa ' i ti a .-.' v.. I i.KKU E , i: i:i: 1 1. s-. i;.---- i'i.. I WEi.s, atd other l..i: If. :. . s rar, if ha d I'U-T I'FFU'E i i r;:.':. i: ! ai. ! i', n try lalteli ;a - - at th- l'ii-r riFFII'r. -.e ;. 1 (.. i'o'.'. I " - . I !',t,-i:.s. Fii's. Hot e ai,t3 I';..:.- i'i ai--- ', r s.. .-it the FHS.T OKFICU Ol.i'I.il f,.r It- ' s . r I.. , .'s i any h.ol pr, u.jti, a'.lnutid to lit tiip M'sT f.Fnt'E f.ii'iKs. an tl.-. ! tl.t- iar-. -l at,,! ,.. 1 ii..-: -' o! Lett, r an ! . :c I'AI'Ki; f;nv.t. - A,', if th- I'OST OFFICE llll't I" L 1 .. II . Jl.S. n. Il.l-S. J .J. FA (.Ml. a. Z7i UW.,ktz I'lanin? .Mill. r.lri--.'' .;e-p ron-T.itit v .n hau l ar.d in..! aao iiirf n. . r !-t I loot i n. Mitliui;, Ix.i.i ;i-Ii. Mi ul I lit. liliiitln, loitl.tll.Ti's it a a i a'fti.T-, ar ! a. i i tie r Ut si r.ptii in, ot Woot! Weikutri i,. I!-,' ',t.g. ie It- rc-p-ctr,i;:v solicttd and proinpt'T 1".. I. A' ! ' r ri warrat.n-i! to -i ve satisiaclt. n. t,'An -.-,:. tis,,.e !,-t , l.tinilicr of ail d. -: p' :.s i-ri !i.-,n.! f. r s.lie. ',.-. ri un "rth Sirt.ttil tlrt't.I.rtritbure.r'a. April !-.'!. HCWr.Y i EKY-LICKT GALLERY, O i: J s. M'Fa ' t.-n'- Hardware more. 1 t I na' i v 11, nhii ii", shoe store, Marke - t; , e'. I.e-.i -sl t.r-?. 1'a. am::o ivfi:s, Mi:r. i.oTyrEs, it. ih- u-ua! spfr:,.r su. jn a.rdnu,,, : tt.i .,- p r ur. -. I am r.rw ( n pared 10 taka l'l.(tTits:.a!'. i.ii.'- it sn.a'i. e.tnal to ; : -i n .etc an i hue. A'-e, hallo- I I'l.s. 'i'lie-e pn-tiires are c. h-rr.i to rep. rr-t t,t !,-. ar,. ui - Mtp.-ri. r i-an oil painnrf. u ', .i - -I..;' ti !. 'v i t . xpr. -u ri arej .'eaaire "-ar en I e pr, .lacr-l only t-y the Camera, i pic'tires are patrr.tr.1. ar.l I have ihe i-i.-lu-ive i'.ht t-r Kniuo canty. Call ant tv..:. ..ie- ,-iii:.-ii-. LApn'l 51, ls5Ut Xew GiH'ds Ibr the .Million J. SCMRUYSR S6v5j 1 I AV ' .'t-t received their s-eneral -upp'r I 1 . f ti--, .!$ tor tlie M'Rlxu A sI VVKR . ! 1--.I. Their st-elt consists m pari cl Ihe latest and niesi ta-htonable stvles of ' l-AI'-Jis.' iii:S25' 51)1)22, .-'i. ii a- stttina. .Valines. i ks. bere.-. I ii sa. s. L.lw ri (iiiichams. Prints , r a.l p.i'tt-in-. I!:! t-- a-. I.a. es. Ki i.t r, Bern. ti 'i't,ii:ni....r--, U,.,erv, i: -.es. H.in. kerchiets. ,vr. r i: tin: (;i:ti.i;mi:n ' ha-, e a !i- .ti v as-.-roro in ,.f l.-ihs. Cal "' f ' ts. Vf-t I CS, H;,;, ...e, ''' "! a other i i.p'u nt, if " t .-.';: t -, -.- . iy." w ha h can 1- i tt ti, si,--, n. ' ;lr--: t-' "' a . k ar . at. as-ertment, 1 tr v. : ' ,- t i ..'it'- ilait y. u can't t at ' 'a -: :- I', 'ii, 'ry Produce - ' J iii;i; lu .V sun. I CR SALE S In hil -hip I the ran . -, . : :;.,:, i I A.t.'r.ss 1!, x ; ,T. I- 11 i-t III- i. I .. May 57, ls. -j. NEW FIPtM T N Till: HI.:, si l-.i l'r-d ue , i . 'i-ti.i-.- a:, : i.ei ;;v lhat thev hai t :'irr.tJ a i'..i:..t i-;; p ;n ;i.e lailorinj Eusiness, vi kn. ti ii --..ti , Jan , . r ' ' A'--..it s-i-tr. , i:.f tin v an- --.r-'t e I f t Ii .h.thl. ( I- I,, ,r : 1 -;.:,.. M. I',.,,' 4f,iiinX 'I e.. iy t'.e-ci p t, n i a !,, r: i ,-. e ' a -iiaifiil the pu! l:c p t r- t.-t- JAM1 i rnTLL, J. F s, li.UTUK. Leo i-'riir;. April I. l-.'t' HOUSE BUILDERS, rilAKi: NOTIcn !-'!:. :- -"' .L aj-p.-iiiied A-en - - r tt.-.- -a - .t Irenes, lilin.ls .V V. !inl ah ol a,l sizes, made i ! 'the 1 "-' ':''' ''' A work warranted. t At i ' : I- b.sl'Ko' ' ' iliiiiesvu.e. Pa. an.! r -.1 e : v l.it F S CA! 1A E1.I..1 f t"' 1 .!)! MIC. CHEAP-A ' ''""", Trimming Srn'r. .. c. nv lite:., at. i'i niters to trim raiiiniiirt-. Ac. May 5;. '.'.:. I". J. s I' All L. i ' ' $ ' No Grinditi)nes,Groceries. oi&obW Tnats. 1 )l T hundreds ,-t Hats a--! ''.' . late-t styles. a hu!e chntt-r n I.iiind elsewhere. Call and st t tin ' a , (,ih.oi,'s llnl Miiihtirtvri. .. i-i-'u'r. i J. SCHREYER & 0N.,T,i, I T AVE rere.ye.liheirSEfMAl;;i I cl Spi t - and Summer ; ,r iiie-s li.u il-. .Mantillas, ar.J a fc. Ladies' tl. liars and sl.eves n - yjf,r. Also a general asorimrnt of Mf,l-,-a. Trimmines. Cotn iia les. Cas.uir: I which ill be sold cheap, j May I A. !!. - r.. . .-'!. iM-krl HMlar";' '"''r,.3';i t it X'1 -'"l lhai lii '"I hall,! ''" vT."1 I- I--., BiH.-n.h-rJJ';- 11. ;ekiikt ! R',.s stureLEAA Isl'l ------ (jf . '-J r Ii, i..-'N- Hflni't: ii li-5- ,h-,r 1 ( - s".-. it tu. -i.ni .(u.utr. a " - ! ,, (i,J ' . Ci il S s2 0 1