Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, September 09, 1859, Image 4

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1 r-j
not touch.and nothing' tie touched t!iat 1 :iirc to 'Iii.
t r AXA 1 . - . .' i - . l . i.. tin n-'iv i..i.tn
OF Danville. Miltun, Muncy.M'Ewens-vifle
snm bury, .Northumberland, elinsgrove, j
,'ew Berlin, Mifllinbursr, Harilrlcn, and scores
in Lewisburp, have boucht their HATS anil!
j' t I .' mi . . t ' " L' .. 1
. . 1-.- .. , .11 I? HI UIIIKUU !1 1..MI.O, 111 ... e I ilMIIIMI
.tout a,, exi-nrsraKMl edition year, and are urging then
menus u go UKewise. mwavs a one as-oie
an ecumenical council ..fill.' I h-iuoeratie
c'liin h. In
t f lio i;i
that there was nothing w hich he did j tiiui-arsi-.-iiiie, mIi.ii I sccurc.l I payment
::, -au.l lit vent
ike tin: Ktliiopiun
be said nfSli.vr-r v" tl.ni-.-. ; ft of oM. (Hy tin- wav, wjit tin n- not to
doe;! not touch. and nothing it touches '
tliat it docs not defile. It has pci ver-
1ft ITAVOrilllinnt -t..l..,.1 fUnnl:.)!!..!
faith, muzzled the ires debauched '1,:i,t h"uU ride with thn Ethiiii- ment of laiet sivle ..n hand, very cheap,
1, .i i i ,,,, . -. ni! -I It is asked why I (lid not state .lit 3
tliechurch and corrupted Christiaintv. ,. , , hvt m vmfu roiiv iEvrnnto
I . ih.-- l:n-t.- li.l.ire. 1 uiiswr, 1 will not, r l uki, i.r.vi i. in no.
It fCi ks to change the rlorv of the i. n ... .,-t i . , . , ..
.,",. IH'HI III.S.'ll IHIUIIU I1 1X1.11(111 ('(('H OOU1-
nv.Mlde t.od into a .Voloch, and to , Mm Mlll.L ari,iHlif Mhl.T iu,r out
transiorm the holy and loving tatl.or,,,,- c,,,,,. vh, a bv, I us.-it to
into a patron of in and injustice : and j u-buck :it evcr,. (,c ;, liuk,.j t
tlien.with tlieinipndcnceof thestranc nll: as J r,.,l,- aWthe hiohwavs; l.ut I
woman, wipes its mouth, and ivs, "1 i ,,.-,..! ...in Hiu'-e. and let
have committed no evil.7' It is to mc them Lite the iron that encircles the
utterly incomprehensible that any one v.1,. .
can sinctrelv believe that the jlilile' And imtr, what slHiut this nr-;ro onial-
IJuxds and Shuttki:s,
framing, Ac
F-r ca! at the Ilarilwnri- tr f
LpwiKl.ure, Oi-t 25
Jus-t opened, opiio.-ite t'tc Riviere i ft5t
Jlouse, in the Room lately
occimied bv A. Hnwr.
rr:Tr, lie iini!rrM"nnl have as-
socialtil themselves in:o rnpar'.- '
fanctious the stem of American .S!a-
very and I leave that point.
I he u'l iitleiii.in liMin tleomia the
day called our :;lt. ji:.oi to the s.,. .!,.
of State ai'ier Slate emertius IVuiu a T. r
ritorial -iiitt ,-iit.l wlnelini: into
as wivreijiii State- in ilii-Ci.iit'eiler;iev. In
this .r. e.-s. aeenniinjr to tile p ntl. man.
Were iiiiit,-d lw. n ineij les, fXnisioit tiiid
popular so reiL'iity : and he was n mind. 1
of the idioms w liirli an ancient eil- h. ai l
when there was ...nnd ii.ii hi car ll:e
voice of many uaiei. aiid the voire of (he
thunders, an. I i,e nice of tiie AhiiiidiM.
aud the ulteranee o;" ocean and than.!, r
and of Jchotah v.a- Y'l.r untnili i ... 1 ', i "
laiui tii.it iho oiet oi' triiih. :oi''
Hy of nl i.li o htur so much' It is
chimed l. the 1 l.-moi ias of to day, tha'
.1, tr, ioii has uttered an untruth in the
declaration of principles which .inileriii'
our io. ,1,1,1, ut. j .'till abide by the
I'einoeraev of Jefleion, and avow inv be-'
li, f that all men ai'e eie.'tt-d eijiial. ljjiial
how? N,'t in physical Mremtli ; not in
sj. ninietrv of form ;;nd )ropoi'i ion ; i, t in !
crae, fulness .f i,:"lioii, or lovilimss of
l',-i!ure: not in nteiital ein'oii nieiit, moral
Miscrpi : I J I i t ;. , and ciiioi innal iinvcr; not
so. i.i!: e-.u.d: not of ncei-s-itv tio'ilica!lv
VFULL and cor.nilfl? a::snrtni. nt of
ING, oicii as OvercoaN, Dress I oats, llnsi-ne-i
Coal-, ami Coat.-- i f every style an,4 pal
tern; an,I Patila'.oons ar., Yest m suit. ANo.
a lar::e vaiiely of I'uiler .:Ii.i!iiiit. such as t Kenciiij, Pickets,
llnwers Shirts. A!so.a fine asoriMont TUwrs, shutter:
of l:,",'s' Clothing of the. latest Mvb's. Also,
IS a ' ai.il ('A I'S equal t any oH'ereil in this
counirv. la tact. I have cvervilimi; n.-cssarv
in the shape ot ('Inihin;, which I cllVr at a
very .small a lvanee tor cash. j
Mill. II' liOnilVAX. Az't. I
ITAll tinils ol Coiniirv I're.luce taKen in
exchange l,,r (I, n.ils. I.ew i-lmrg, f). t. --.1 !
:; .s
' Ki'iie., :,mnershin lor the purpose ol'ciirrv- !
t'rntj on the l.innberin?. I'lanin, '
an l Carpeatrrint; bubiuess in all iheirvanuus ,
branches, at the i
ttuiiobnrg Glcnm Jjlaning IlliUo, !
where Iney inieiel to keep a sleek of Pine,
Hemlock. Walnut, Cherry. Poplar, h. Ma
ple, an, I all kinds el Lumber, Flooririz sii. .
vin', Snlmc. rsbinlrs, l.ath.Jni-ts, !s;i:,l,!ni, ;
Hor.r anil Wnolou- I'ramcs,
, lilirols, Wash. Moiil.iniL's,
lirackeis, Ac. Planing, Sliuiii'. Scroll Saw
inp, Ac, fiene at short notice niol all work
w-arrai)ie,l tn jive satisfarlitin, both in j rice
and wuikuianship.
j. i. i!rrFKM)i:i:n:it,
.M i"ii iinr.:si! ii,
is i : v i:i;s aumons. j
t,,witnre M.-oiii, Slit!-. April I. ls. !
rue tiWAKti nt h: ixsm.t v .. i i'vi trr ash
rittsr to3u:ir,, um. i-:i riii.,
TlloS.Klt.siW'AY. I'rt 'i l,'i,l. -.so. CIA MKS. A--tu.:r.
I uphill :ytt up, I-:;s(hi-I lenii r prrprltal.
tlO.M'IM I". lo m:i!.e l.l'l!ANCK US
I I.IVKS en the inosi reasuioildc terms.
The capita! bcin .aid up and invesle l to
gether with a lare and coii-taiillv increasing
re-iTvei! luiel, ollrrs a pcilcct stcuniy to the
on- insured.
The premiums must le paij yearly, Lalf
vear'v. r ouarterlv.
The lollov. il. are a lew examples from lf
Philadelphia; Scr or Kins Evii;
w iaeonfitnt.oi.al dwnw, aiorr-,;,tion,f
Tha Vcnder o' the Age '.
l:UK t Dills' HrLs;n't WA-UIM. MUHISK
c,uaiaiiie- ,1 in !i any i-r ln,arv uashmg
lunr s tiu.e and una .a p
in n t-
Ir-s iiiitiry tn rft llir
i "iHiiity rii! ill'- I r
syit.im.'i. n
bale ami ll
Hi .
r rphi.
Itl.ltl l)V titt '-I I IJIPrt;,...
ale hi !,S:an t t (Vnit-
'i!1 in';
hi'!, y nn a ini lium t.'nii.M Titlark
we.ik, said in the ur a!;, lt
j, rvy l. thu hu!ti tily, aiJ m.iy h-ji-t
in d;-t ;ie on any j.art f it. No o"r?Hn
fr-iiu it.- cttaitk-, n-.r i-4 iUt out- whit h it
not iK-troy. 'i'Uc pf'-.Iu tuiut i- Yarn.j".;
caitstd hy intTcurUl tlL- low l.v;:.,
friUr rl tj mih : 1 1 y !'oi, in,pi.fe a.f t -K
tvr I !h i,ri-'.'i. i i, hiri'!.':rvi:, ti e
$ti..TioM. ii -i ri:i':t U'jm j.t, , .,:r,
Unto the tii.i 1 aiJ'i lo ir:,! t' f ' r;A! :'.ri it ,t(1..i
tl) A.MJ H.OM I'llil.ADI.I.PHIA.
i:r.l.l.Tiv UK ;;kii.IIT.
1-t Dm.s 4 mil- i l." -iiii'la.
it si- tin to bu ti.e r d ol i:
the iioijU.Ui.3 (i ilu 1-U.tii
.i .
iLtncd i Au'-oit lor the Com
nntv. Pa., in roii ch w hem ap-
Sir. cla
justice, and lii,erl, is ihe v..ii e
When i hear lie- '.,.: of thoii-a
thousand.-, and i, n times ten tl:,
sweilinj upw.'id I Le the xoiee ,
ol in I i v 1 i
UihI-Iim', i-
in. " I., t
waters an I the
atul Ine
other and better -
prevail, lh,,iiii :!i
Aye. sir. I I..., i,. n
people," and i,' v i i
ttreets of .In l: a'
MI'i'pt lliro'lhe i..-li
hall, and .-cIlh'-I a!,
'('rueity him '. t ni,
1'opuli o Jlei" t!:-
,d I.
,11 :oi
f I,.:,
i- l!
j ,-t'
t t!
iV ti
li e.,
.(in i ,
ill,!-. I,
II , I, I!!!,!,
H I-
lilllV' r-e -ril Hi 1 1
I loll-! mo!l'...,.;;. ;
i-nf I'ihte'.- jri-Ln:,
i,:r lis arch,'-, er it:
ifv him I" Was "V,
I ''. Jlid the , llllelc;
. i,
i ll t
hear the voice
--i, ill. ir will.
of i;...i in
liein.-iTieii; j
f Hi-own Son.-' 1;,! ib. ir
have the I'ivinc .-auction,
they had Voted it. aud
id a law I v which t!,,- !..,,
l.ttl I'S. I'p
:m on t'.'e
from lieorL-ia
respoii-i- to t!
tin- crucifixion
cry lor Mood
J-Tritj-Tv beeau.-,
bcean-e thev li
of N.,.-:iretli ion-; be j,ul to death ''. iu.f
an iuipioit- do-net !
Iut let us I'oiiow t his 'Kpati-ion" .i'el
''Vox l.o,uli" doclriiie. We alnadv ,,l!
Imiec I tah : then- ti,,. voice of tie'
sanctions and d, inain'is a multi' 1
wives. Is it th.. x,,;,v , f (bd ''. . cal'.ll .
Cuba, and there the -voice of the ,e,i.!, "
dciuaiids the uni,. u of Church and S; -,te.
and foibifl- a pr:iy,-r to be uttere l by i!,,
open orave of a . ii who breathed out , '.
soul beyond the j aic ,,f the Papa! elmn h :
and is this the oii f li ,;' j.xi,isr. ;
We sweep onward, an 1 take in .Mexico;
and in some u, -i, r, d vale, there is a
reuiiiant of the oid Aztec race, with lii-ir
Teie-alli fin rounded wilh hinnaii
The voice of the opie here h a I - lb.-!, -i
paui'red yoiuic; nun. the fairc-t an ! I, !
i the nation, dec r.iled wi;h 11
to the coii-ocri'lcd hiii. lav in-.' I,
bacrifieial .-tone, wi.'li bre.i-t r.ii-ed. win u
the priest seii - the k uii'c.drairs ii er.iii.':, !,
ini: throii'jh th ribs, and leai- out -,!,..
heart, all I'eekil;- and j n t v-r : ri lt an-! l!,is
t.Hi is the voice of ( b,, I Jbo .. ,.n,.
takeu in the continent. V,,m I-; , it : n-rs 1 1 x
to I'ataL'oiiiaii. and still we inu-t Ajy,,.;,..'
AVe ride foilh on the I'aeilie s w.ue, and
re-annex" the I'., jee l-l.iuds. where tin-
voice of the p!e i- i,, f,.;i-t ,,,, j,,,;,,.,.,
flesh and "thev.ii f the ) oj.le b ih--
voice of tlod!" lsthisan in-an,-a-v;uni i'
Is the Democracy .-truck wilh lunacy, a
Well .-us filled with li.natiei-m
The Slavery !eiuoeraey prat, - and eli.-it-ters
about ".Vcuro c.j.nlity." "Ilia, k lb--publicanisiu,"
and ".i--er -t. a'inu'." t"
use its own cl.iic plira-es and impiov.-d
ortho-nj.hy. i ha-, or alb cts t have, a
ercnt honor for .Niters." And any on.
who advocates the principles of human
freedom, as thev Were enunciated and h id
down in (iiduiiu- forms by th,- I'at!,, r-, f
the llcpublie, i- ;, "WiK.ly Ilea I," whom
these same I l.-lnoclats speak of wilh a
peculiar nasal twi-t. " Na-o contemner
adiineo." V. ,u would sii;,,.,.-e that the-e
frentlcmeii. li.,- olfactories are -,i a, m
and seii-itie. n, ., r -aw a Xicr. uid.-s
III a Uli'lia-elie I Vet. w..llld ..ii b, li.M'
it? the very lir-t service rendered him on
earth is perform.,! by a i-,r. As an
infant, he draw - t lie' milk w hich mak. -
his fl.-sl, and 1,1 1 and bones. r,,m the
breast of a Ni-.-, , ; ,,k- u,, i ),, ,- .
iiml smile-, and c . !!- u r hy the cmb ai in
name of Alamna ."
(Ineiar ; - r. '. pn.-.-sre rou natn-n 1
CN'ow )". 1 ciliap-. in j.it, - torn f'.r
the privilege of o.nnii,.. -Clammy'' i;;i,,
the Territories, i'..r' - ,1, ! ) U," i-dre-.-ed
and put t,. by a Ni-.-r, . .,!
lie-ties ditriii- the dumb, is of infancy in '
the bo-ein ,,( a M-er. lie i- v.a-h,
(Ires-ed, ami taken to the table.
Ni.ojer. to cat lb.nl prepared bv a
lie is led to and f; -m school by Ni.
e very sen ice that eliddho..,! deina
perfori I by some Nic-jcr i except
oi ciiastiseiueiit, which, troin the al.-.-tice
of phkI inaiiners in many a-,-, it i- to
be feared i- Hot ja-rfoi med at all. ) Win n
down appears on hi- bp. the ton-,., -, r
vice is M-rformd l.va .Vi-iri r. Wh. u he
reaches manhood, he iiaadesthe N:.:-ei'
uarters,to place bim-elf in thecn.l, aim
relation of paternity to lialf-.Vii-ci -. i i
nally, if he should 1. ambition-, it m i
incur that he will couie to C,,.L.c-s io
represent a cou.-tittieniy, three lilths of
w hom are NL'L'ors. and talk about -,'!la. k
Republicans," 'ain.il-.im.itiou,-' -.;.;., r
-.Uality," "Xio-er -tcaliie.-." and ail the
cdleiisive odor of '-Xi-eri-m ;-'
I insist upon it, we h ive had onon-J,
tins ioin-i,,iery. ., t .Membei- from ;!ie
Slave States treat u- with the ci.urte.-v due
from one oentieiuaii to another :o,.! tl,..e
receive the same in return - !, .iil
if t.'od i.lcascs. thev -l.-.ll I,..,
Kolai.,1 fr an Hivcr." ' call ",.,!,..
... wmiiss, that during' all last s,
I ,, . k""' nl a,",so- unill
" , V T i i i t.om the Clerk ..
!",,I'Kl'.."'M"" Aoaiuthiss
is ixhiim.-.l ,.,,.1 ..... l ...
, . - OCt ! ,,,
And who i- ihi-
ie palniluiii of an
l.istori.... 1l. -"'leiPel rat,,
,ec of
l I- 11,
" the
: I -1 r -'!. 1 1 -
lie. fed
. I did II
Now. if
I with t!.. ti,c
.111 b, inj
1I..J -
e..or,-, bk-- ,.,ir
the beaicn-,
in ihe i ar of ;h
il !.:,,, that ii
buna. II foil;-- '
1 , at I feel !lo re
i'llf. ilt:l-l,i...-! .
li.', but eveiv iil, man beile'
d ... his life, his liberty, ami i
his ;,ii. The J 1,-lnoeratie I
i- fiin.-amoiii-d do, triii.- of
nt. a.i-I say that tie-re is a I
f huniall i-.iie.--s who Iiave
v., ii itn.-lii i.-ii-iy kill then.
r ; if ;.ou take anav lb,-ir
n " i i im.. ; if il.-; ri , e
I llill-s, it js lu )',
i. ii another i- b-.. in I io ie-
!'.- even so n.-iell diab-n-iii
i one -eiilen. c '!
Iie'iio.vai- come t.. u-ailii-
;. 1 ... it (I,,, lie-;-., , - '!
no l'e-p. n-ilebiy in lb,.
r.-i tu :!ieu: was le.t
there is ai.v one
. lh.it lb, re is a whole
in-- with '.he riidil- "I
er ate-l villi il skill I, ,1
on II, let him lo lla.li: 1.
i mutter hi- b!.,-pheii:ie-
(n :sr tin M;il- r.k : i. F.i-jr Miila.)
Iiarrihburg, Ta.
A full nsortiiief't -l" W'.ir cnii-'a.tU' on
h;tii 1. r.irt ui.ti!'' ;o tir!fr. IV r lt ice .j-t
' a'Mrcss th- IV..prj.-!.r. IT'n!-i by Mail
s:)5l!00 Wanted!
T p-ir-'ianre of an act of the last I.egi-
:i ci
I I"
j to tlif ai.'V
i ."isHUl. I'm- ill
1 pnNc;; al w
tintV de-lie to I'OI KlU llH'.irv
atiioiiTtt, iii s n id n iitif U-s iliitn
Tfi ;o It paid anniiiiliv. atnt tiie
ihm Itircf v.'ir--. In.iinif ot'
I.pu-ivhurcr. Pa., May is."s.
I l' 'Vhr untie
nanv in I'tiioti r
p!:rai;ons lor Itcsiiranrp ran le tna-t- o
innrhaiii-. ami lm -,iii-.s mm iot.i raltv. di'M
. nn to t-'Vi ci liiMiranrr rii 'h-r liv", ti t -'
It-rs ui'liicenit'iit not r.jiiitilfii l.y any oiher
! roinpanv in the I ni!d t
i Tim. li. Vii., M.I).. i;x;in:inifi? Piiviian
S. H.OKWHi, Am-i.t. I pw iilpurir. Pa
West Branch Insurance Company,
OK Lock Haven, Ta.. innre Lrlarliril
liiijidiiii:'., lorc-, Merrh.tndi-, Karm
Property, and dh r Luii J;nir. aint tln-ir n n
tpiit. at inofftTate mips, loiti l-ninpss on
uoli.Ciih ami Mutiinl p'aris. r;.pitu!,-ii.Jut,iiO.
t tVrit, l.; rt-nt j.-r buI el.
A rr'f. wl 1 Ma
ittc-rai pair' iiaio
It-; i.'tf'.ct- comar.''iTrp hy ! p;.i'.n fr-,Tn t! a
LIo'wl of comipt cr ult rous rr-aTr, r, wiarh,!
t'ib- rcl'.b; in thf elands swi-Ii; -.j'; a:i r-
rvPt St.
V lii'.il
d. I,
J'rfU, trii
Thaiin.'u. for M
we hope f iv "-:ri t a't- iri
mefil a Continuance t t 'r -an.e.
Ft r iiii i 1 -r ittforni'ii-n apply to
lv;:i.v r K M'l.IM.V, A'nt, Lfwishur
iv en us
bu-iues lo
tiie si.rtace, eraptioni or -or. 'il
rupti-jii, which p--ndf.T in the II ...
t!lC t'lUTlMC of hj'c, i tl:-i? -'-T-,f'j,
tions ri ft only vi;f r from v rd
jthuntH. b'Jt tt.-r l.av,' f-.r h . ,w
6'UIld tlC O'tit'JA.- of oth'.T (l. c :'
(juciitly, r.-L-t ii!i:nl)f r-t p- rh h
which, hlthoM.'h i; r scr ;f.,io;;n ia t
are mil r -ntl nl f.t.J Iv t-:;s t
1. t. i-.fcSita
I)i:Rst..s .siurpii.--' ;.-...js to i'Ui.aa. wi:i
pi- a e I,,- pan.cu'ur ar.d
Kark them in care ol Teipher s Line ;
othcrui-e, tln v will I e re sii:pp. ,1 at flair. s-btir-,
vl,,, li w ,.l Le a:i, i '.-d v .il. ... .iv.
.lav ., I-.'.').
J'lJDS. Piill'IILK.
I lilH
w no tiia n- us
Hin."rowii Jr. K fits. '. OiiiiKU-,
Iil'. r.:7 lol-r.. d a P.u'l.t r - : . . p. . at the eld
l.:a-l . t Win. A .1. II. iJio.ui, .M.ili.ei Si.aiiel e
I.ev.-i .. in e.
II' t-::.,.! n !.ir:e a-eri-nent o'
sjniurr ;m,l Mmi.iu r floods.
u-.;:.'e.. el l.ea ly .liam- lu'deii-. Cleilis,
C.l, iner, , C-iOiiie.,, Ve.!:if--. Carpetui?-,
I! -;:; iif d and ilioun binens, iMillins, i-lir.
Al o a i-r-e var;-tv of LAIIIICST '.7.v
i'.'. 'lia'ia's. lei w it-,
il t iii.L'liain-.SIiaw l-.A c
.' tel.' . Ur. rr ,es. Hard-
4ueen and ti!a..sivare.
N i T A I tY 'l 'lil AC'.
William Jones,
TTOHM:Y :H Law. (! ction?
1 preinp.lv allended I... Olni'i-on Maikc!
tl.e Pr.'sl'Vti ia ii chtticlt.
.m ism ,;, i-a.
ll,.n John J Peaice
John It Hall
CI, a- A Mayer
Cha- I'nsi
Peter liickinson
lion. i. C. HAIIVKV
''. T. A in: l.s
tiio's Kircm:.. s.-e-v.
JA.MIi.s I!. IIAMI.I.V. Arent.
2' i.eui-l'iiri:. I limn Co. Pa.
Hon J C Harvey
T T Al.rams
i J .larUmaa
W h.ie
'I'll. - KiK lien
Prt -ident.
Vice Pres.
fy-teai. M i t i.f li.t- c '
eim'i'.'S the hum in 1 1 i.iiv h
in thi, s. r -t .! ol la.:.:
d, --rru. tiv.-ib- .i -. i ti..-!.
and, i..d. td, . f :el t':..- or.
IlTl- .-"irav..;. d 1 ;.' :,.,
(Ja-Tpiart. r of a. I ,
their p. rs..i,s nrs i .-, .,
f . ti-..-:. and li ; 1. .:
To I i.a.'ise It I': :.. '!.
the h.ool l.v i.:, :. ' r.
Vi.a-la',' it l.y 1.
tacii u li..ji.ci:.-j we
a whir
la ::.u
'.r p...
1 . .1
;:' i;
;.:. i inn-.y
y-, ' ra-.,
-c lr-jai cr
lie;.::,,.. I
I'll .1- fa
f he
II, a
- l!o I., I.
1 li.eln
'.11' LIU
' I"
Willi t
who r,
- bad no hn-il,c-- to 111
villi a Id.,, k -kin. I
p"i, -ability f.-r thi- f
- il has pi, -a-( d Ibid to
am b.aind to
lofchatt, r-
mi ii.--.i-.
-I ill the
-riu- i, -1
o,,t !,i-
-pised of
i inat.'. r
i ciiai, d, and the I liri-t
lie that d.-i.i.-cih the
;-li. Sail.
C i I nr..
kind ol
i:i i li f..r liiiiidiii"
aii.ii" I r y,,iir-"Ivs. Pro.lure
i.Ml ia v.-h3.e:.. i,,r t:,,.M,.
lii.HW . A Ld .MiI.1;. j
Ai-i.: -.1. ls.',.i.
. u-llei
:,- to
'.at. ,
!l oi ln ear ;:b
ihe ol of Ib
'i iiiln uiih f.,.
eellallly lcall-e ; Jolir,
..i lor the in, ,-t a'.jo.. 1 and .1,
In in. in f inii! -, . to. ti;,- 1 1
trod w
ii nis ..l.iKe;.
hi- chin of si, a!i,i- 1
i riolit i., -j.eak on this
I.e. ii made ihe obiei t of
o So fir as any p.-i--.,,,,,)
rii.-d, it may lo lbr v iiat il
(he obi, , t i- t ,
lit lljl to
I r. e, !-
II Vellll- V.olie.U. who
'. w 'no had not a .-iii-lo
b -e, lit cither in fea.'llle
Aeo n din- to her own
i.'othed to a man id' h.-r
for- mai ri.:...-. s.-M to a
South, sh, bein- iii St.
-c.-.ped IV. .in a life ,. iiiliimy
c than ib-., th. She e Hue
id. Was I -o refuse it ? I
I, lain lo r a- a pi, v b.r
1 who had s. h-cied her
' t:;t on the altar ,,f s.-ii.-uab-m ?
,'ii . would ,.. it '! I would not did
human beiii-.bl.n k or w hile. l.;i.
I At oli ;. i;i;ov., hiv,,,s supplied the
J b- w is lui t; Mail,-, i Ar iii- p.i-r - ii month-,
l,a- mad' ine ii.;oin aiiaimu nt, lr ihe
Fruit anil Ornamental Trees,
tdi) IOUV'i'it I'blid.-t.
The Mil.seril.cr lia- on lmnd a splendid
-i. eolleeiiou of i eih Fruit and I irnanieinal
TIM'.l's, Ac. Ac. t-uili.aeiii? die very l-esi
vnriciics , Apples. IV.'.rs. P. aches. Plums,
tries. Apriceis, ee ari ies.i;r.,pes.tioese
ii-, KaspheriirD.fi rriats, firawierrie"-
A I.S..
fhe-tiiiit, Kuropean Mountain
in .M.iiii.i.iin Asii. .s.,i"ar Mapie
foriieei p'auiii,-.'. Kver Idoeimiis b.-s... ai,-
a spl.reM c.li.ji m,n of liu.loiis and other'
Flo-veriier Plain-.
rVXue-ery Croun.K on ihe farm rf .la's
F. Linn l's . en the Turnpike, wnlim hall' a
mil.- ol l.e-.vist.n:?. A (.filers will rerene
strict at!rali!B. tC"V- hirmirl.h, ( ASH.
WII.M. 1. I.ISS.
I.eivishur. July 7. 1H.1M. !
pur- l.arre llr
; As I:, A met I
et I
ceiimi- (.-ar
The le-! ,.f l!.-cf, Mmton. Veal an, i'.-ri
(Mil l e had oil Wednesday ar .,;,,,l.,v mer
ll!..'.s,. p,--e'n ivc- l,. al die Mai!,,-! II. use. on
M.ii,,-I Miert. he; wren Schaule's ami ..lie's,
I. cVsl, J',,,
"', " 'i i ''le Sa f,-r a-!,, and
inail Pr, .':s.'' 1 ,,t,iii; ms n:r-..
Ae. l.V.Vi. I- is. l i:i;.M:i:, a ..cat.
:.,k ii. I
' sl.t . - w l,o
march 1 ,
v, ..
to mv hoii--f
loi !' ioll.
she was i e
I. and Was. hi
1,'il.e from tie
FTIT. one v.
thai a Ibit .M .:
in l.-vvi-bai-. w'-
hi s ii i.o, we are sali-fe 1
Milaeii i v can t.e siivia, ii, -,;
ire lieu p. p:.i.-l uiih ihe
New Arrangements---Kew Goods!
IOS!:r L.IIAWX tiaviu- t;ikrn Ifit-
l wril known SI'Yhi:!; II A I si (..'.'. ha
refuted it, and lilled in an exiciej-.-e vanciyol
llits, '7, Ciiiiliim u' Chiiili , ,1 ,-.
Also a l.iru-e and splemlid stock of Cl.ii'MIs
fAI.MI-;Ki:s, Ac which lie will ,.-.
, tirtitr.n. he soil Colllinile- ihe 'I'aiiniii..; Ilnsi
: l, ess. He i s prepared lo execute all w-..rk
I t l.li.i-ie I to Ins care.lo the salistcHoii ,1 Ihe
f Cll-ie-. er.
.N. U. f':i'':r? and l.'epairu r ji - dene to
rder. i.rw i-l urs, .A pi il lo. Is.'ii'
Ctiiiiiiionwi alili liiur;inci'('o..I!;irrish",s(
iliil;Tn:i l i uiiu. MaiiMino.
"'UK suhsrriher is air.-inlel a-er,t for
this well eslal.lish.-d C,.u,.ai,y, which
insures Mtiilitin-s ami oilo-r prep, riy against
lo-s or .i.iin.e.-e I v liie. p. id- el inland r-avi-S'iin.'ii.
ttaie poitaiiou, Ac, on mest lavuiable
.iHi- r.n FlM'.y r i e7,-o v
1. . . . - HI.XJ. I M. H . I
J. It. M'l.A I 1 1! 1.1 N,
l.ew i-hiirz. I el,. 1, ls.v.i ii;
An;cric;in Life Inur;ince & Trust to.,
(Capi'al Siier-i,- "li(l,(iill)
COMPA.VV .s Hiiil. !u,;s. ;,!, strrftis E
e.irner of Feurlll I'luhnl, 1 I,, a.
I i Lives insured al ihe iisi!:. Mtimnl rales I
er al Jeini t-'n.rk raie aheut -u per rent, less
oral Total Al.st,ninre rates the lowest in the
world. A. villi I.I. 1M., President
J.hs C Sims. See. i
4 i J ( ; Iii . F. M II.LER, Agrnl. I.ewi.st urC I
p uh.rrirr ha en
'' t!'::is,
t-r at a tnrea.n lor a-li or ui;l
a cuua Hi t ali st n
1 N . 1 till i. (i 1 i't f per.
4 iiii.arr.i n. Ai:-p:C't ('hves.
Ani' iKan anil liii'iih ,iuMarl.
r avd.M' 1'ipp'i. Nu'ii;' l's. Mar p.
fu p. r Ut, i . ipMie. IairiaiOS.
Cara'w v ' t:iiM:t'r i
Sal . a. Irwt
A-hi-.n liaii v ai d nn-i !a.t, Arc,
For Cr at tii- K'a: .p M.!. ,-r.ff
2tt; .oith Prtnt rr ti.f-r -t ., Ph;i
a.lrii Ina. IM)U KI o;KUJ
t V P'irrlia -pr. ui'i tiu't it cn-at.v tn th-:r
iiiifiel l-i ih in fjiia M t.'! j r i p to J-nv thi vf
C'i.iK. vtiii h art- u anain' .1 tepr'Titf.l,or
toriPitril. A tnai .:.ritpif. .1','lvl
Evans & Watson,
Sa.'i: s mh 4th
Compound Extract of
fS3 .; ';-.i
n-siird:,. lit r I ;n t
li' ii I r H.ir.1
oil I..,.'h-,
8ll Dl,.tvt :
I Fivp Safp. u
111 tl f ( iiit. J tt. :
i he P;rf at! rorrp rut riht
in ?ool f(di:.l:t n.;
" ..'. '-...-I (if ainsl the UW4:
"1 if..- -ur- t J.-pi' r-lrw'-in; in tin
Jul? (iiiiiriini,
the m-st elr -efnl rein.dy wbi, !, the ire.-li. si
tkill of rur t.ee s i an t vi- - f r this ec. rv
. r p.r.-vai'iii.- a:.d f.r-.l ii.,-,!dv. I; i-ci.k".
bine ! Ir, :n the i i' aetivc r.u.' h.u-t-.at hiv
be, :i di ovind ;'. r tie.- t xj.ur-.- -.!:, n of th... fu-
4iej,kr from the hi ,: d, a.l the re-, :;e , f ti
fvMu f.- ni its d'-tviictiv... : ,-..:. .
li.-rei. it sh,. n: 1 he en;! y-d f. r ti. ', .'
r.ot only fcr-d'tila. I ut aNo th'-so iri. r a'l
tior.s wlib-h nri-e from it, null I.,.- ,--;-.s
aad Sum li-i;.srs, Sr. A-.'.ii N, s ' i;
K .sr, or J-.::-.--ni.t . I'imi'.''. i' -r
bl.or. ilrs, l!;.vis and l; -:r r. 1 .!,. i. .. '1 :
ami Su.r bin- -i. S. u.n Iii m. 1;;-., - :.,
1oI1:cm.t:-v, Vi-ninin and M:.::. ;.::. L'.
.(si.s, I'i...i-t. I'rsru-.-iA, lii.:':n. x
ind.-itl, ail C, vrr cm c;-.;n n; -m V r (
tlu oh Ivil i... ItL-",:,. 'li e e-..'. ;r i. . ;
in i'..-.e. . ' '-,'....;'" i- toi.i.'i - .:. ri .;:.
f.T -er. ftiia :- a d -en- rarion , t t; , i , i.
y .rti.-niar pn -e :.;.,i :i:-.te . :' th., s,.:-
T.il.t i- t-, i :;i,ly al ii r- ,-: t rale tias v.r.:. ri
:t!e ut vi.ah s-.ut.d h-..i:h is m.y-i.' a
Co i.t-luij.a;td cu--.t:tutL-ns.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
roil all t;;e fu..fcslS cf a f.akily phvsi:.
ir-s.a t::-it ceease weien the rzr.je !
er e-.aue r:...m
r. h. and .i-.ai.-e,
f ihe l,..,,.ar. ,
ti. e. ar.d r.-s :.:
!.-'-.-:-l..e ef ti.--.--
: wed donn v
:si... I.. Slid i.s
. itia- uV at once
or if al.s.nt
Urew ii. Ji .';
at Il.
inquire ol V. II
slore. L, w e
, I a lie
victim ,i
-ai'jest an.i nest sea-cium ,, Sjiin.-siy!e-el
II ATS and CAP ever 1 i, u; In i,. lin- ina,!,, i,
such as I'uie .Mole, Sill,-. Hie-s Hat-, Ural,.
Heaver, Oik r. II -h an I Low Ci,,wn. s-.lt
II. lis rn.l Caj a 1 1 -1 Summer ll.l- ,-t late-t
-ivies for fi,inii iiiid Siurmcr wear, all of
whi.-h v. ill he -. id at City Price-, i, r Cash,
"er nn-'io shaii I.e. '-i4 i:ck Sales and Stna.l
rrolits. et which ih,- K hoc shall I e ti.
li d- nia ie ... .-rd r ;.l sh-
April !', Is.'H. Jus. ;ll;!o.. Hauer.
Wev Hot
r Till: s.-.-r:l-r w
i!if-'riii 'he Tiavelins
1 in n.ffliniiir-
1 it-spTtujilv in-
or l.-v
r.. i .
,:ii.- t
. my ,,...r.
, tiie n.inie
l ilvii:- I 1
ii, iiili-h 1 .
,,i .
f a
i.r C!,i i-i-ked
I t
Who .lid
l i.i- I have done. 'I'his
I mean lo dons as i live. neer
h.-il "I. . w ray him liiat v. aiidereth" n.-ver
-bail I beeonte a -lave-eatcli.-r. Any one
w ho chooses may trail: f ,rm hiin-eii' inl,. a
blood-hoiiml -mil!', and ,-i eiit. and I
:.i..i- the track of a fii-iliv. I. . 1 1 ,,nt
ton-"..-, and l..p up the dirty water that
stands in inn i-.'v ,,,!- ,y id,. wa-si h -overt.
ike lie- rilie-scirr, d and lash-eM-ori-at.-d
slave, i.-i mother, it may be, with her
babe. Ine for W l;o in !,:. . ... rv' ... i I . ,- 1'. ... . I...
thrust hi- canine t-etli into thi I
a- f!e.-h, brace out hi- f,Tc f, , t. j
'! the c iptive til Ihe kidnapper '
Willi I, Iter- an. I iL-lidellfl-. I,,
llM! I,r- hi
ol lie,, rue
'al.en a:,d I;
eh,,, li, in ih.-
'el uji
evel v u here.
the piemises
illt et il
:':! i .:
i olne-.
MA IX ST. .iiri I .IX m (;,
where he i- prepaid to arc, ninied.ue muhj.
crs and ira'.elers men and h.-a-t- ,i, ihe
hest manner, u-, a,,,i j ,!;,,.
PI. -asp :-,-f me a call.
I he llct Ylfiili iiml !.;: sj !!jo,
r$-' 1 "eini.iiil l.,r pa-t favors
c,rl ' ' lO im-'ASiimmer :
i Fa-ln ens, ami is prepared io
F rt I'l 'I' . ( L" i - ,
- -.... i, . ,,, i.i.- :
cainienis as u-nal. He w ill
endeavor. a h.-retofore, to ;
execuie his work saiisfaclo-
all. I., w ishiire. May VI, li-.'s I
head I
. II ttl'K le:
a I'.-W. 11. 1
111 t
,,d .
I: ll I c ell e,
pat on th.
'1'. I
never will
l.y a
Is i-
I- (
- ,.l "le
tin it.
. t at t
ail-1 wii-t, and
of thi- biuibiii,
i,e -i:iv.--e.tehcr.
lot. !!.,-.:"
ci .i!l do Ibis.
manhood, and s;
i.m.tii natiii':-. Ii
I wi ll I had
he ,iii,i,i:ei.I day than thai.
!,.i, tiie -ni!t in' ( all-in- the
s d.-pai.-. or ili.it wi!,i :-hii, k
i"oi:v. a- the one .,r the oilier
lor ail the diadem- of all the
hi $
1 K-4
, 1:1
nlv I
.Ill-: Mi!.-i-iil,er is ei"ai:ed in ihe manuf-
aciuie of the
Latest Improved
lirSi:CKi:i; Clover Hurers.wh rh heeirers
at verv lea-enal ie rale.. "I't,, ir have In en a
laiu-- lii.il her of Ihesc Huih is s,a, III lllls
; i.e:a'l.hcrlio.,. and roin.lv. and lle-v ive w d
j si,,,. ii,. I,, ,, ;,s ihe yery .-si. Any person
W l-lna; to purchase a ( d n aeliire.ivitl eali
ur a ; v hy letter to C. P C'dlillY,
I !-.- I.aurelion P (. I iiii n C... Pa
('AlHAKT AVAIiE Ji 0031
VuliTJI -H!i strtTt.--Tlic .siiliM-riln-r
I 1 iiii-s. r.'spc. t : 1 1 1 ' v inlbrms the ritiens . I
I.i".vishui2 and vicaiiy. thai he has on hand
and t-r -ale a cheap lot el ' IJ.M H IJ;,
t-r the Siiriiii: trade, comprising
lM'('.s.-i!itr iind C'diiiiiKui lliirotiiis'. Sec
ri'iui'ii'.s ;ind Ilnok ('usch, V:i!c.-,
Curd and J'icr d'aldcs, Iiiiiiiiir niul
:n-:ikl';i.st 'J'nlde.s'. Ciipbonrds. C'nt
t u ire and oilier Jic-dstcads, Stands,
Sofas, and Chnirs
of all kinds. COFFINS made to order or
short notice. ,
The pnhlic are cordially invited to examine ,
his work. as he is sure thai lliey w ill he satis- J
lied w ith Ins stork of are. aud price-. i
Lew is!, ur?, Sept. 15, 1K.',6
in .i . i.
J"l IT:e l.7''U t i.ew.
I',. I,. II Fiiv s a r
nop .'n rn ii-p Kivieie Kt u-n-f
no'iu of V. iiow Aim.
I:. -nt.' Id:. tln-n ii. ,tt !::. r ur : f:.l:.l:n.i.-U j .uV. J.'.jt
fit -iii'.v v .rr. fr. i r. - uu u i,.i!. U,:, , M ,rP f r'
i- .,.. tTi a - r I .;. ril aU u;.'Ji d vrviiix T ." I ."''lit U C'-Tl T.:H -V V i:J;-I
m-.t:u. the- t. i.-ii..i ,-(fB.,-u : 4 1 :,r.r :i ,:-. ; n .
.. 1--an'i i::-i. : :-t i .. Tyrt;n .
la,i, ---.'. ....... a. ,,.,,,,,, :..,.,i,,,,,, !l, I- - vil.de.r .--a,:
V: ' :.'. ,.'.. V v: '- Pr .:-.:..: a .
li.ll.d for i.-,.. ., ,..'., i :. ;.;','i. I.-i', or :..-:. ,1,- .lei :s .,-
wl,irh he ...; t ' o i-:. .,, i. ,,.., ..i ii4 r. Ii-"ir!i ..r , .... v t. L.i.d l- :
iij.hai.-j.' "V.",'1:" , , , , '
r foil W 111 I. ..111. -I.,, ,,, . rt ... .... '; . ..... .. .-::,.!
II. F. Ill Ksll. '";' :-.'-. I- ,.-r ' . e',,.V . V. ..' V.- ,V:.i .Li 1
IliriJ. r eh. I. .... ,;nu H;, f. r th. :r i in ::." f ...-.we..-" ; ; -.s !-;,.-
W -- -1'. .' I. .. ril .j, n trn,r. r ...'.,.'' 1 ' .,..' .-.,,-,( ,.-,' . -r ' ui.-rrd
; t. U..U , f I - -ie- r- ' , -,. S' ,.,-,, . - . ., '. .'. M,.rb.i
... 'I"' ' w s.v.ss , a, . 7.-. ,rt.l ; -Vi ....... .i,.'.f
nr? and vein ur - I.e.- I "r , .-,-. r. .-:.. ,;, ,,- ,( ,: t u. . ..... i '., , ,..'.,;,
e.i ni- l.all.er niwr.,- I. : . a isv. slalt e: u.c !
toMark'-t streei, ,rf3' C!lil'kt'rillL' & Suns.
l-lilf !n:-. elie , rj
' (::;,'.-. Tiia.i!, 1, r a I " .' - ' """ "'""o
- ... u.ei.t a eobiiuuancc I r Ijf lWt lairKU.I.T
j? r&toiymZz plana Suite
ir!"t.l.T(. Irr;- X1 " . I :01 I he--:
1 .i-, r: ...-rflo..n, ' . - . ,
el ..-s. ,.,.,,. i " .' 1 i i. slar.l v. r hit,.
s.V.i. K. L. HINFS ! l'-n-il'tul ai. i ti .,,., .',..
, in every v.il;elv e
j Ir Ji;.' .,- s . i n
I 2 (;,i, Bd
at: I (. - r, ,:
n.pe t..r s,,;e,:,r n an i, 'aeoi re. A ideral
disc, IIM I., ll , ,- -,,,, nr,,,s , , ;r;ir. e:!.T
I sent lo any ad Ir.
u cl aaa'.r'.ai.a
, ,!..or a! eve ihe i'
p a-t !av..rs, he h
ol the puhiic pairona;;,
! x-
I ntl who t:trrr her till ti.
' L- t n (..-ri-nni L-( .
Jt.-I ' ".II i. Him t lil- .
'1. ..-: r:,-;in. rncr 'iKir'. ::
Ieu-ihur. Anrjl 1, I
IlO-rid.OI'll IIII I'lllMI It,
7 ll..Vei,-i'j A- ft!,,,!,-, M,,,.,l SI.
Trs iIid F,f:i, a s.xiioi I.i.u tsi.i i:.;. p
'TliK substrihiT eon
I tin ues I,, carry nn ihe
llier ItustiiKH
ihe Oi, stand , .n,h
Third street, near Market, and respecifull;
solicits the paironote of hi; fnend- and tin
puhhc generally. CiUKI.KS F.HLSS.
Lewishurr. Mav 22, Is'.n
Market .Street
Iruj and Cuniini I'.nmrium
- - Lewishurs. Pa.
James B. Hamlin,
it l"? IMIire on Second St.
door smith of .Market,
wesi ide,2iio
I in, .n t o. Ta. i
r.u i Si.
l i n .:i'H.rn:.
a iar-e s;,,,- ,.( , llr
lllsliiitii,-,,,-, flushed
s". e. a price- raisins
f have Keen awai ,1
7Vo- i ,',.. Metal- ai 'he
il. s ceiintiv ai -l Kn.
leai-ieacMire. A i:l eral
l-v an, I s. n,:i nri' s i f iear-
ecsci.j lue cata.. tues
rarer, I'linO r..- S!!, s,uI I.n-t!ilji-
Xo. -10.), I'tuiiinortt' St., I'JiilaiJrlj.hia.
I? Cash buyers w-ol 1M I ,, f,,r the,r mieresi ,
lo call I'ha'aJ, Jan I. s.-, j.
I'lf, i r.sAi.i: ny.tr -.v ;.-
Wo. 46 Korth Thiid street,
r Iw.rn Jiurk.t .....I .(rrf.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
fonrTi, o1iN. I.:;l:itiii. I onrrir
rmip, nrniirliitis, Iu ioi ul tiiini;
t:on, 1'nti (or ihv t li-t oi onuniptite
rali- at s ia autaitctil !tac ol' tint
So wi c is tVf f. I I of is tifif!;!r4 t-tA n
Hi(Tttt.s ;.rr ti.e cf i: ci:rc, ll..il
f rrv m- : -n t f rn:uT M ils in pir-'-r : .'
m kin rt :t-Tt i fr.-Tu a.;:ri..:-c
.-:--.sis .,f the r..T:L- :v
'l. siipfTinri'T i r mrs
. ki:.-1 i- t"o apn-.rvnt t.. - ..:
:..' V hat ai:T. ! r t '
--;:':: :-T"! il.-i. T"-i ;:!'('( . :.
:i -hat ;.; ii "i ! r to ot.: .
i::frri.-r r ii;-iln - tk.-n-t i.:--:.
ii' t:.il(l aii'i )('. :i-ri.nN-:. t. :s
.i Ti-i- l.v m-ry Iri tl. c:.:Vrr.: 1 :.
; i! T' iV t :.ri l ' T fl'It T. .11 i j r
i i. ii;icrui.s 4:Ltl U'U iLiua.ra.jL.lc W
P'iiiiiiirr rv 4)
U ..ii.- i:, ,!
C.iTilTJ'I'.lIV 1
h.i- umIih-.I t
ri t:.t- a: 'i
Jm ' '1 c:n
L fjr.iitin.
i'p.:r.RF.it vy
li:. J. V. AVKK Sc CO.
If U J
i ty " W -h;iriVan.. FSTaMwe'!
; T 1 U un. Srw Iterlin ; J D n
si.burir; ami a!! Ir mh nv;M
Is uni
v. coot-rii. i
t i' wokh
in ! ii:ii is mi
t'l'inpcunit Extract H Jian? IWdi.
of .-, r. :,. v:.. .
I..I I". r II,
..n-.-: . I it.
Ll.-ll.e. 1-:. J -v. lot:
:i:! ..f I:: In.
rimis W'a
iile tl.e s
I is an in
liOtl.ilio v.,
are is clear of all roi-onous mai
ler. 'I he clii 'ir..' is made ,1 ,,,.,,,. ..,
ami ri.-f. Apple IJuu. r or anvthilit; else may
he kepi in it wuh I'irj.ri sfj.h;. There is no
I'ofiN ie il ns I!.. i.- is , , ,.n m ... . -I I'srtl.n Wnr..
li.'s 1 Hull, i k- I- in, i. 1, I.: I i. r in lies ,.,in,,t il,,,,,
e, 1. - ll,. ,,-l : ,. !.,, ,,, ,,,,. iM 1Mt
i, - r .- .:.rl . f v. 1: .1 u.io I v (ml mi,, ii. u.,t
ll .l . t.. I.r, ,,:, ,.r in u.-ii,.-.
?. ""l"i" I.tWISIifKlJ . p.M I
r,.!, H. r. :,.-( I il- -t.i,.. ' !
thin ,11,1. 1.irj inUrl .-t,n. or tl,.. St. m titll
M. MiiVFIi.
James F. Linn. J. Merrill Linn
1 V. & J. 31. LIXN,
!lriif-iN at
Ail I ni.n (
j. mm:i:ii.l i.i- c. ,
,lli .iiwi-r le t,,k. Is
uiuy. renn a. : Jj2
r i...-i,
I l-'MH I.T ll.e ?tat.- .
'si!i..,.,ft. kll..H I.-.I.'.. 1
hi. -I.
av. ii.
it .l.-.-ir. 1 t.) call nttciiti.ui toll,
far t '. I'l .elaiini!, tlu-ll. upon tli.' 1 -,
t. I write ii on e.-ry 1. -.ft!; at tr.-iiil.l.
i.i for. t la.-ike it 1,1.,.,. !V,,i t.
at lii-li in .on, an.) si.inc l',,itli in tl,,- mil.
I, T r.l.li.iliee of cK-ry star tll.lt lie.ieeks 1
t!iei;,'Ill:,ll.-:,tof(;.,,'l let iteeliO till', in;-J, j
ail tin- aielies of lieaven, ami reyerlerate
alal la !!oV,' aloli-r all tle ,iee. o,,rr,. (
Ii. it. , Vili. i - slavc-eal,-l,ers will l. very
likely lo li, arit ) tl,-u ,ov,j,.y lives at
..... :i...-, i urci'-iiiiii'ters a
mite e.i-t of tl,c viii.io,-. ami In- a:, Is every
fugitive tl.tit coine- to liis ,lo,,r ami a-ks
if. T!,oi: inviiii,,; ilnnon of Slavery!
!-: tliou tliink t.. cross my linuiide t!ir. -li-oM.aii-l
h.riii.! in,- t.i.jive'l.re.i.l lotln- l.uit
Lry, ai:.I si, -Iter to tlic , . nue!.--, ? emi
Vol' Iit riAM'K IN THE NAME OF MT litil)!
Sri:iXf;.18;jJJ !
' I J I'T n'ccived a large assortment of
R ll I'll US
Itf'IlllitlOS'. CllolHr.. niTOSros, rrO.e-verM-hairs.
Ilereie Arselais-Silk Foulard,
s.mn Chatues, Taiiiaiiine-, H- -hue and
Mack Here-ie. Kereir- Kohes ,n:, Orjan-
ines. very r,an,:-r,i.ie t reneh liri
..( i...,- ...
-.. . . , .... ,5 oi -.i .: -: i'h varie,,- , , . n ..n
Erooin Handles and Curtain Rollers,
MUir i
I5U KoKn IesiU'tit .Maniiiif-i v.
Arl-; Inivo roiuplctod nrninirt inents
" ? 1-t nitAiiie Ho-in HuTi-llfH nn-i t uruiin K'r.eT!
in ji ni.-t'n.r nn-t t rl tx.n l.ith.-rtc i.ti:.titi;tl.J.' in tin
! nunnijiifHir'M l tin- urn. nnl nr .p .nr.-. to m (.ly
j Urc. m Makers. W iii.!-. w lMni!i rurT.-i ami I. r-
rh.tnt- Witli MtlV illi.IltitV ( tti. M nt -hnrl untie..
1 Ii V hit ni:,,!.- ..I ttii- )...t l':oif I Mutt, nn.i in ti imp.
rior Ui.inn. r. n iii;iclun'T o n r Icrt- u-.il.
also iimki. ii Nt-wlv l't'ntt-i eSIarrni.t-rv, the bv9t
j itdm JUiitk and JIuul JScrtics
flint hHVr fvtr I'ft-n 1- r-.r.- Hi pulilic.
j 4tu Orders i rt.Uii tlv t;;;.d. A. I. Ire
HtPRfR. t.:. V. finTH Amik.1 th. Wnrks.
.r. ii ll ll j r 11 e I a.
Arar llul'llcfoil, t'm.r.i I u., l'a.
TIIE MiliM-riiVr. thaiikfiil
V for pa-t ralnuiai;e. would ininrin
his Iriends and the'puldie in tene
ral, thai he continue- m n,:i,u..
lure all kinds of Hoelen .((.lli, such as
( loths, I assimeres.-i weeu-.s.niiiiei,,., Jeans,
lilai.lieis and Flannels; ais.., Carnet and
Stoekins Yarns. His. maclunerv hein; of the
hest kind in use, and havin? employed he i
hest ol workmen, he feels sale in sayin '
that his work shall not he surpassed hy
an . r-iaidishmentin the country. A good sup
ply of ihe ahove Roods kept constantly on hand I
lor sale or to ejehanje for wool, it prices '
that can not fail lo please. Wool, will be I
Carded in the best mannerand on the shortest :
notice. Terms for cardinr. rash ,.n ihe de-
live,,,, i luer.uis. Jl.tr.K IIAI.FI'L'.N.N Y
W mlield Mills, March 3(1, 1857.
lV f U--M.sr tn J.I.. Yr DEMI
Miifdinisikrr sind J oi lier,
LoentoJ two .lnnr. ,,,1 of .1,,. -i,,. ,, .,-, M b
Mr. ,.Ml,-r LhU islil !:;, a 1 '
1 tliM Kd, au he-
ralt-nt Miouliicr Steam Shirt Arutittfi-
" ...
I r. ,. .
1 ,- M
. 1.1
,1.. i I
A T TI1K (.1.1, M'.ami,
-o. '.Ol ii ul st, I liil;i.
! ;e Ua-hirii,,, House. A.
V ' ...... ni.sir.iiuiiliup.j
Cuttire an,
i i' ee ;,l .n ,-lirs. 1 1,
. I ,,.
ihe H'a
. S . Mr. , r I.,, -.II n .. l
1... . s...,,.lc.
i.,s .ri-eiia. Mipervs(.n .. thi
."( ' , J'.,, !! ell's. Ilr,.rs .. . ....
, - "". .OS
Ivies el Men. a,! f.ai,.,.. , .
the sherte-t n. lire. u "
IVrsens des.rii.r , order slr,s, ran lr
supplied the I,,,,:,,!,, ,r nieasureinen, ca
application bv inail.
Consjaiiilvei, hand a van,-! l1r ,) ,eIecI Mcck
of I.elKlemen s h urni-hu s i,-,,,iv
U Wholesale Oi,',
terms !,,.",'
-L' li-:i lor Cash.
i ' ,! ' r:h -Si!h "'"'. J'li.adelplua.i, ,h,
largest Manufacturer of
M-k ll-Ktii!,.',
x l.r..i.ir .-.rf..;, i. -
itu ;.r Ur !:.ri.. m.-i 1 .t-
i-. r-. M i. ..... I ,. r- . i.
-1 1 in ; - I.r :.
'll. r..:,: i!.,i -r j :. i-.
li!(l Tie Mix. ,
H h, -r Kit t-.UL i.i.vjb. l
ur . .-nt r;.i 'I
Tl.' emit ) . j uh.
t1 ;!!'.. .i 1 . .( tl
til- i ri ; ri. ' r. I; i- u
-Silt- K AT 1 K A.i, I KAin K
tiiui-U- Uj.Mii-t--. ij.i not U-nt. I,,
' Ml'!.: I o: I fit ,. ,
f'fr.-e.4:-; l:-..-..f:r,.t.!.l-rri,r 1
f tht
Iiicb tl.". irra'n-il
it.tr t,.-:. n . ii i .
t. .1 - n :
-1 1
MP.iet on l.i.eral
r ..i).; ii . r i , t .,r,t rrt'i-nr.r t :r
iitr' uia-t-l thf nn )t r- ,!: nt .
ikimi m.
Tie- ..lifer , f tl. '. .V. . ... . . n
t. .. ,,, tl ,.i , r , , .1,,,,, ...
'sir.. l'i re.,..,.. .), fclt. . :
IT I' A V Is
.-r r- U.ll,. I.. ill
... .
.ol 111 i
Blr.ll. II
i. n i i:.n tt i: .
- I" . ur r, ;. :, , .
..-iriiuis. ,( i
.1 :
(Itu. alili. tej.
li-I il t- 1.
I- r l io::
I , Olllii
" I.'
1 ,
Ulll. I .ii 1 1 syi.
I I.i ..... : ... I .
., :l.l.r. -I .: .
j In SMiuarv. 1-: T D.v .
li ' ii-1 ? i.Mi.-r Lr.w isiu t:,i ia " an.1 ilea er in M .MKJM sli Mil's. . .T . . -"'" ' "' ' ' .'
.-.r....- .. jr-'ii..-! 1 J4 . , ......, s Il.VI'r.S. ol .rerv n. r ..nit. no: I, ....... n i a -i . . , .. ,.-.r.(
and round cornered STIT I Is ,u , 4 N, 'tf,i . ' f ' " e.. repaued on shoit variety. He is the 0..2,ai..r ,. a NVw "'"'' I ..... . u.... , n,. . . , i : .
SH A iJt: 'f "m k ZtJZV: i L K WIS1J L' ll G, ; ' n VfL v,ry " -""Pf'-' T Hher colors of Linen Shades 7" "-f TK
prenvseu of Collar, and Sh-eves from s- i ,ias " haml """ assr,ment of (.'old and P -a-J- . - ' t.i u, .1 ..,.
0. Cainhr.c K-1-.-ins.. I.aoe Sk-iriin.."' i ''l'er l-ever and Lepme Watches a i.n.J J SCRKITVPR t, ennr " . ' .' ' lnv'"'s 1'itizens of this County ! -Hi.s , tii .vi s,
French Iinnny. I)v Banjs? Ilindker- It,c ' odd, Came., and Masonic Brea-ipinii ' 4 KH oe,7- rilf, r ?5l? J I" l7"r' r-rehas,,,,.. and assures , hem i TIlnniT " Ku; .----.
.vims iruro -ni cis. to J-.. p(.r pa:r, besides , i " ne mu-nnsio sen very cheap also ills, (Jrrmant.'u n . . ' J" " "" ,ne tN)n.3 ;" '" lrr.,i , .... 4r. 0 ,
nrr -3 t l-i t- :..(... f V , . ... " 3 I P UTti nkv:.,r manl ..I '..hi
,11 I
i.r.Mi;i:i! luamikim!
'lit- sun-enbers r.avetor s.iIp
(in li ts to suit ;turcliae.
L...I I If
mil .iost;
i .... .
that is toiuriutl
iioiiin.-iii 1 .
' ".itci .Stat..:- ; r ,u,ry
c,l..r...l . .. .. -l"",r- "'l'''.-e.,.,:,ria
hase.s f-rit.ri
uevcr lieard of.iill llt.
lice. I.i
never saw, and w, 1
I'V the admi i c .1. , . ,
, , , . " .ne oiaeK.'iiar.l
iu.i...(io.,,,.,1ilil. u,y..li;,li:;;;:
-fM.li.al-: lillvlloiMj;:,,,,,,,,.
a larire -lock of
i im: Mi.iuisrm stnfi SSmeSnl
riank. &c. Also 5.-U0O I'l.MJ KAll.S.
li inch Sawed Shiiiles snperior quality.
Also s.juare Timber lr Uuildine,:
Which are oflrred low for cash, at r ur Mills
on Somh Uranrh of the While Deer Creek in !
Hartley tsu-nship or delivered on the Kriish '
Valley .Narrows road at the end of our Ruad. t
t t-"A Hipioma lor a snperior sample of
I'tar.ks, and a rremium for Rails and Shini;
les.weie awarded us al the last Cnion Co.Ag.
fa r- JOHN M'CAI.L & BHO'H. I
1 y . 1 S j-'
am y aim .stap
Dry Good';, Groceries, Hardware
QaeenGivare, &c. kc. tic, '
all of which will Le sold very cheap. Call
and see.
I.ewi-buri;. April i't. 1SS9.
t liromalir li in!in?.
I IAHMi purrha-ed the ripht io use Hon-
I 1
i:h proees- for PrimmsT with
Colors, fer I'nieii Co.l'a..we are nrprur,1 ...
execute orders for
CARDS, Show-Bills, &c.
i'r iVf. Grttn. Wut, Itrown. Sitrrr, IHammd, trr G1d
colors, in sood style. VtT'at the Office of the
ore. Hiii P O. i nion Co, Pa 'Kult.
lay and Thirty ; and best assortments of Cai'HCls ever bro'
-..tlveryarticle : to Lewishurg, such as -",,C,S "er bl 1
Th,,e l'lu. Him i;,,',;,,,,
Suit, limraln. If.,.;;., ir.,. '
l.C'COtl (O..
ii nir. i..( A.sanu 1 iinepicces,
warranted to be w hat 11 is sold lor.
Th. o rt.nit.Kt n ru ...ill I. a ... I- .... i .. V .
rlllir and Cleaning of Clocks, Watches "and T J"'.lrnn
Jewelry, and evervihinu warr.ii.iert o. o.,. i L"' do..
(rive him
and Jewelrr.
lion. Plea-e make him a call, and -t TirUlul Wnitian, 4-4 (Iil Cloth
rx some trouble to show his Watches o-4 do. do. vi . , , '
i-elrr July SI. IK58 i--. , ' 7 "" "
1 ! do-, t -arpt t Jf I,,,;,,,
C'!u kN.Wii h.
, and Jriclr.v,
4ih door wesi ,.i H..11V
iso. particular attention paid to HE
PAIKINU of all Lmds. I
I have n Is,, it,, asenry for the sale of
ine ceieoraie,! oiS Oil I .amptt.
- leeummenu ineniselves to
CTeryone. Call and see.
tepi. , iS5isJ a t JJEXOKMAlNllli;
arpil Jliii,ftHQ rf-,..
j ELIE Esall pain and soreness in from
M V .. ... .... miniiies. .s.e aw.lher e,u,
, I rice so cis per betr'e only. Sl,,,,ped IO all
j ransofthe I. S. F .r sale hy -
f l,l-n . v .. ,. I .....riiiiiuiu. uu:t. 11, ,11
Ill.ou.l,. New l:. rtin HV,,r, Morr,. Co, Hit.ti.lJ
J H 1'iu.man. K.llvTr. n w
I tuuimius? iCodlurUt-la J lm I t, a.
i. t o il. (OIL.
riMIE subscriber keeps Constantly hand
1 a laruc as-rueiit ..f the very best sna
iiie.in and Wi!'K.s-lla,re COAL, for card
Move purpi.ses.u Inch he n-.n -n ,-
lowest nnees lorl'-.-l, ... , J
Al.. ;
s .t-lv
s lor I ash or Country Produce.
i'lriitll' f.Hil. 1'!ut,r tin. I S..II
W i-h 11 distinctly understo. d, ihat I will not
e undersold by any man -Hav,nK good
reir-h-scoles, full we.nht w, be given.
t'cal Van! near W eidrnsaul's hotel
;li;i;e Hoi.steix.
l.ewishnre. May ?.'".
1 I'it: 1
A'- I.I n.r
tl.rf ll... nt.
I ..ul.i i-tf
.li-lr. 11 .... :,
.lrtit tl ,.t 1
I --,
ur. .li.t a i.n ,.
tt.-l I.
Ii..l tl..
.,!.:,!.U s-,.r,u
"B. ( lu.-trr I o., Jul.
A lart'P ami n-.M , 1
...... 3rirc(r(1 Morn oi new
J.V, mu.iU in ihr oiipn ami Variety Iim-, 1
has jtiM hrrn receive.! an,! oprne.i at ihe IVsr
OU.cc, ar.d ;
li:i I . au e . n ur; .l.i..;v. t ut nt t o-
-l ..in hi ,t -i.r.. 'nils: u-'i
' ' It: , , . , f ,, f(.
lit -Irr ll..' m- du al m-urm- i.i . r r. cr .tn.r rm! : J ..'u'
n.-' i n-f.'. .:i;ui.,l ii ai . T iti-.
l li':.i.U,( ,ia .ii -t p. u-i:.: . u. wi,
in ti.f wiDt. r is.. i. ,, u r.
J.'lir l'.-;.iiri n - . i.t-,1 i t i. 11.,
i' nn.-xitin with . ur it:n .il j ri.-t.nij
I'urtil. Mit, r :'!,it.m1 wi i.. It i.-11,
.vnr -iUi- tLe cuiti :f..,-r.-j. Ki-i ,.t'n,!v.
fri.i.l. Ml;i..tKKTT t;.-Ii"l-
PUTS' T1 -I K I tl I Si I Ml 1T
Tlli..i T Ari'l.li'A I lu.N . (:, u;,l I, f :itv tlif l'rUf
P? Tall on the .A -rents, J. BAKEK A CO.of
l.fWft'iiri:. ::. j nnre I'iri u'.r- ntaiLtt
ic' i-l ,'i'Utu'- m u?vrf-, thi n.tj: im.
I V.-u fe0, tm t I - J
nini-ti inl Bit- ir t