Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, September 09, 1859, Image 1

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At S.I.50 per Vcar, aluajn in Ai.t.iiifr.
THE UNlOX-E.STAbLiiHED?lSll-'Vuui.E No., 2,370.
CIIROXICLE-EsTAEusi!EF,1843-r'ruT.E No., ?04.
Vniou t 'ou ui y Si a r & Le w isliurs t "h roniclc
lituol Friltiitit L' trisKitry, L'nvm Co.Pa.
TKI7 Iff tl ,3in pMF vi r. Ti nr. run 11 ,twrr Hn 1
r: tit- in,- r U t r a i.-n.'-r r ! .rt.-r fiTit. Tim. .it
ct .y for fmir tit .u:li.:. t .r i tnntli. 1 -l.-l.
J.ir iht mn!li.i .!. for itt-i ti -.Htntli. ; i.i!.f..r two
ymr. f for lour cm i.- on. y.-nr. i!n fur i-n .). if m:f
y.-r. Ac. Shut N. ;, , t-. m.-iif- liv in ni ti''
r .iiT. in tf-itj. ..w;ji,. -t; iin. or l.!nk ii.tt.-i nt id.'ir
liit- h-rf. Win!- l'rutii'- rf.-if.i at tlif nftW.
ttY!i-ti til- tin... .-).ir . t ,r wUu-h n v-yr i j.tii.1,
(utiU- ti- li;vi- nnttiin- n.-.i ttntf it i T M'l'Klt.
Al'Vt!IT.K)ll XTt !.!) 1...IH-IV nt.h.1l. -1. lit i.U i S fiT
iuri- tuif wk. JO .-t Ii .itl,.r in- rt..n. i 1. t. r -ix
m.'iitfi", it Jol. j..t nr. II. ill :i vM ,r. I'.'i rf.. 1;, ,-t-, "J
d .l. 3 .... T.. -in r 1 .V. 4 m. M. ri liiiv.
Hot nt.-r otif t-.iirlii nf a c.'liui:n, lit .1.1. p. r --r. tuti- r
li-n Jt. k iu.iv l' Hjr.-t-l "i '--Ti. A - mi.hv i U Itiir ..r
rn:ll--t t or ..f i...t I )r'.T. A-lv rti.-.m-'tiis. oaf
dm.irhiii ti-ti-lnry. Mini -rj.. en?-., ti ( a tniitttil.
Communicaltiins I. -in t i.n inj.!.-- ..: -.-utT.-il inti-rt-t
till rt'-nil;Ti.i. .1 l Tin unl.-r'- ri-:.l limn- :iu. niMrfe.
The M A'i KT1 ' T t.l.J-.'i i; A I" ! i U-nit.A m t),.
f Ok- St.tr rl f hf.n- '.t,y ti- 'i wr i.f -n himtI iinj. .rt.int
N rfi in M.lvailff .1" Ui- 1 1 1 1 1 1 H l . Mali-.
)nit-t" t w.i I) ' t'Tii-f r Mm ! m-ili-rl il fur mt
klfl.lKot JOB PS IN TINS, which will U fti-ruti-J with
liitn- an ! .if-li Mini tii rciM--iiJil.i.' tcrm-i.
VJ vr r' iM-mctiti to U i.ni'i fur wta u lui!-l- J
lu,D. .l.t Work w tu .id. wrc'l.
At.L lt!l.!S 1-1 : m I'iiFirVTTI't.
oFKICE i'q Mark.-t tar-. r..rti -i-l... -r.nH -tnn-r
Wtrd n A 4 urtn-llU"..
t'nl3i'o3i3il3 Court Pi latitat Ioei
tlill'JiKAs. the linn. AUWI .W ILSON,
f lYoMiU-nt J n-tire Ur th? Ui-ih JuJ.n.tl
I)ivtnct of IVhiiyli-ania, c.nupt.f i vi ihr ,
niunties of I'tunn, M tilin ami .Snyder, an!
I'uiLir Hi Hi and J mi V Si mmi Iwj., A si
nate J u lue' m I 'it ion onnnty, haiv is-ucil tutir
prerepu bearmir d.ite t : '-list ilav if May,
IS'i!. ami t- hip difctcd. fr tin li-d-Iin nf an
Orphans' Vmrt.Cinii t .t '.nimmi I'ic-i-, yT
and Terminer, and (i'.-m-ral larirr Sficiis
at I.KVIm;K(S. tW m- -..i:nu- .d r.in.
on ihe sr.-.Mtd MO.Mi A V . KIT. it-.-in-. the
d,iv) I .'.. an I t r.-mhidif mif vvrrk.
.i'ln'p in tlr-ii'r, hen-tit' tvfn t i iti" ("nr
oner. J nonets d ilie I!'.!- and i'liii-tal'lr in
and f'T '.he county of I nton.ti appear in iheir
own prop-r persons with iheir rerurd-. in(ui
sitioiiN.exaiiiinaiions and 'dir n'meinliraniTs
In do ttio-p Initios wli;rh ui their i!ii't.'s and in
tueir hehalf appertain to l.p doit ; ;u:d all it
nrsses -tnd other p-roii provcntins in Ih 'hail
of the i'uimnonwe.ilih aain-t anv prnn it
persons, are re.iiire) tt then and there
attending, and not depart without leave at their
peril. J;irrs are ruet'-d to hp piiTTiu.t! m
their attendance at the appointed tune agreea
ble to n.ttiep.
(Jiven iiii'ier mv hand and veal at tli Sher
ift'sOilice :n l.eui-ti'.iru'. the Ilthilavof Au
gust, in the year of tur l Td o;:e ihnusantl
eishi hundred and fit"i.--niin atid the eiahtv
second year of the Independence ! the Tinted
States of America. i-d save the (' minon
wra'ih! JOHN CKO-siiKOVi:. henil
VOTICE is hiTt'liy given io all enn-
i.1 c-ni"d.that ihe t.-'lowins liauud pervn
have settled their accounts in the Jtemstrr
O.'l'u-e at l.eu'islntrs. t'lnoti coiinlv. and that
the said aivmmts will he prrvpnted i.-rconfir-tnatii'ii
and allowance nt the Oiph.uis urt.
to ie held at I.KU'IMH'U;, for ihe r.mmv of
Tnion. on the third Friday of S Kl'TKM it KK
liexi,bcm the Hi h day vi -aid monih, vi :
1. The Arcoiint of A-jne W iiM-n, Kxecn
trixotJtlin K.Wilson, who was one ot tlie
Administrators of .l.hn Wilt, late of the llor
otiuh of HailleU-n, dr.!
The Account of John It. I. inn. A Imtii
isirator ol 1'rrtftrirk W'tktr, late t : it.e J,.r
oith t f Minl.nhtir;, dc'.f.
;J. The Accoiiiii ot Tliotnas Haves, (nnr
d.an of I', and .mry IVJxm, unin-r
children of.ittiiiel W ilson, dcM. i
4. 'Jiie Account of M aria Zimmerman.
Administratrix ot Jonas Zimmrrmtin, late of
Limestone Tp., de'd.
V The Account rf I-rael Heaver, Admin,
isiratorot J.imh ituttr?;. trf!e ..t Lewis Tp.,(!f'd.
fi. The Account of Hii'h Sh--i;L-r. A I-mtni-lrator
of W'iilnim W wn, Jr., lute of'
Kelly Tp , de'd.
m:i:m: mkkkh.i., Reistpr.
l!e;ist,rN Oilice, I.-wisnirir, Auu. Hi. IK.V
Keailer, tho?i a')d I hi e e'-ii.ers
In the liii'V st fi 'M of Time;
D.tv v day the ir-iin is iiptim:g
l'i.r a Milliner cl.me.
Whether, it) ihe earlv morn in?,
(Joins forth wuii huy f t.
Or, as uearv !aioicis, re-img
Mid i!ie iiO"ii-1,(v tieat.
Let us strive uilh t ltccttn! spirit
L.ich our dntv to iiiiiii.
Till the time o( harvest, Mil ject
'j'o the .Ma.si- r's will.
Let us arnerup sweet memories.
Hound around wi;h t-es d love.
Pieasani thi.ui:tit, to cheer the ra'hway
Ii our home above ;
TrtiMin", that thesp piecin'i', s'eanif.ss,
M -und thus vll with lovins hand,
.Mav m eolden shvave.s le aincied
To the vjuri'-Iaii t.
lfaru the Laria ol' human rights frnm J own way V'1 No wiih impious ainl
the lips of one still half drank. 'Ctir- i brazen front, it strps in an l iitttrly
I Iid tho (Mih-f indite the Messne uti-! truth circulate down there? JJeeanse
I der the infliitHice of tof deon notions ! the inmates arc so wicked that thov
j from theii.-:tiiIiitioii3of rrc? No one j will not tolerate the presence of anv j fed beCanaaiTi croruiorc tiic refrain , annihilates the n;arriac relation, go
j lielievrs tins. I lie Maverv-extemimir anirel preacher. J ins man must have j 01 i-vmocraiic n:in.Mrei
i policy ol the AfimwiiHtration haa re- beca
Iceived a terrildc rehuke from the'rrut.
And now to the llihle.
I iar a us vicnms are concernea. i ner
I will not is no more anv Ic;a! marriage amon
1 1 . 1T.
ciciain iiie comnuiicc ions, ior i navp i.n- i:.rui; ur i'ur iiiniior.s 01 iavei in
Ami so, I suppose, wns that ii
pf.iili.. Tlifv iinil rrpudiated the I lustrions personage whom JliUon lias 1 no patience wuii iuc nupicty i won, uiau u:ere is among a
j I'rcsMmit's Sanclio 1'iuiza, the auto- j described as bridging tlia cha?m tliat ; rttcmpts t0 throw the sant-tiun of the , many ca-.tie. In the eyes of the law,
crat of the dinner talkie; and the i spread between earth and the place Iioly Hook around the diabolical ys-1 slaved are c.Htie.aiid their union is
innr man. 1lOpked nml bi-wildnred. i of his exile, and who claimed the , trva of American slavery. What say3 ' that ofbratur. They are declared to
and t.'aiin" his lock, like kin" Kear, i rlyrli t of carryins the "local inititu- this inspired volume? " thou r-iifilt nut be troous end chattds personal to all
! thought the Government was falling j tioiu" of his realm into Paradise ! ! steal llrief. comprehensive, and to intents, construction?, and purpose,
! to pieces, because Slavery IVopagan-j And this reminds me to pay thnf the point. This must be tuk-n from I whatever. The civ!! law prevailing
i dism had becU reprobated I v' the i the Democratic party, led on by this ' the l'.ibic before it can be made to i iu some of our .State-, takes them
J!i,,c birl,rym,ie lie i iiisar.c fanaticism, which holds Hi a- ; sanction slavery. I oc this foriiid my H'ro i"" mvriun, j.r quolrvpfltb
popular vole.
1 1 is not
very to be morally ri'dit. under the taking mv neighbor's horse, but allow Would it not be an interesting spec-
Mi.; me in re luce a man to a nave, arn 1 iwie, see one 01 mese cicrcvmen.
frui. lance of a political harlefjuiu
. i . i . i i
J)I"1!I.K" iL't..-- is hi-ri'hy five
en )ImI .I.ina-
ol l.ptt isl.iir'. t'ii.:n r.-unlv , Im Til'-it 'il !h
I'rotlidnotiiry' .ilici-, in ri J 1t tin rmintv
el I'niuii. at l.evvilmr'j, .Ti-cnuut ;i A.
MiifP ol ih' sa;ii J. hi. iltuif hioti. .-uui lli.il
l!ie s;imP l!l if pre''!!!." I lit lIlH C-iir! I
I'i'ilnnt-li Pie;( .i ;i i . 1 r.nni'v. t". r f.'iit'ir in a
ll"ii Hh.l itil.-uan.-e. Khiimy lhe l.'iii il.iv
of ffHriiili'!- ii.'xi. al ih.1 I'ouit lluuve ai
l.eu-j?,hui in tte ."oiiiiiv al'-'i'ael.
SAM! i:i, KOi.ll, I'roihy.
A'ini-i In. !l pil
Cl)c S-'tar anD (Oircntclc.
liovntv. st:i'('. ft, isr,;.
I Sin hi I.i i.ny I- Uiio-,-J :i 'Mt:i.!t-r t ti-T"!hwine fj.ir-it-i(
ni:il iirL'in.it .-j wli n t.-i -rv rv. wt-ln-g tlit-iu lo rr
tnr'Dil it tliw tliniir-. Fii.-T--I r. I. ivu it t.xs d r twn
jfiif rui-i iv.' ! m '.V'luri;!-' tli rn-s -t -iu:il hi ux p
Ion i t -:(tw-- i n A:o v--, Hnl n. .t on iii:ms-i li U&
:oii tin iu t) o k in tlu-ir r.. u t- m, wilIi intt-ri'st. tft
iMi-nwi ; L vi j iv i- h Sn.tl'rr -f l:. v IImjim l-.L'.w:-J
o v , wti'i Win d-iii'i.itel iiiur l- rt-d tiy 11 ui'.li in A'ti.n.
lw.-uty y.ar- iv--. w)io. .1. It r. (in.; Iii-.wn lot
ir- tnun it .ro-l:ni-ry n-i.I. : mi l ir ii not l(. 1-f ii
ttrit lf nil: vit, is ; I f th- r ttiink utiv ..-ttr i-f
1 lie -.' --lit t-ry :nTy -in-.- lli.it uii uiii-l.f.l i.'.-d.
Ill' Ii - 'I'll-1 -t ) Ot 'nil. ; I I Wf. II I ,f II..1I-1;,,, .;U-tT
ill nioi tit- ul. !i ois, is j. u ti'-.il.n I v rmib
ul r i' y . nt.- .11 l-.- z I'll, r.- i tr- Hi ?! :itn.t-. ii hiifii.
IM.AIi. AM) I'A.-SIi oV Lli T. Vol K M.Ii ItlliU;.
omforted. venerable chief!
! the free iuf-titutions of our
j hut the Pro-Slavery 1 'moera-v, that : trick?tt:r, has proclaimed tue co:i-;li- tiien claim thom loth? 'ilow much ' who teaches that the Lihlo sanctions
j is falling asuuJer, like a of tutional rirht of Slavery to o into ' better is a man then a sheep !" Jf 1 ! Slavery, called in to "solemnize" the
! limoytoi when water is rionrerl nnrm ! the Territories without let or hind-' am told siaverv is not theft, because ! veddirg of a bureau with a cheat of
it. So a! jo in retard to Cuba. The I ranee. Pliehted national faith is bro-
tne rdoT.iouTi i mt is not there. I r. f-Iy . drapers ; li:e chairs and shovel and
as a gentleman from Oori:hi rejIiej, j toriL are invited a- gne.-t?. After a
who has in former year-; on this iioor fervent prayer fjr the divine Messing,
attempted to jti.-tifv Slavery iVom the , the clergyman says :
eniMiir'.-;. lie ( 'r an-, that the net ? 1 :c
01 . aui.mig in arrestmir lac marau.ier ! 0.14 nnutu
U alver vim an act "f roonfry. Mmie ! Absolutely, there can be no more a
oi:e replied, it could net be robbvrv, ' Iciral marnai'e. betivrcn twn slaren.
I- .. .1.. i. . ' .
ui iiieif as no i''ioii!e
I'l of LolKt!;)! j
I"rBl.IC noliir is hrrt-l'V
1 llrxkL..,
p-Tsijri ai.'l t'sl.i!
li.k r. ,.: I:,i:l';!.,
liicj ill Hie l'r"'
f !
L'lV.'tl lliat JoMV
ol Mir I 'I'lninilloe ol llit'
ol J l,-li.r ami Uo.hr
w 1 1 siint. I n inn coui.lv. lias
tii'lary's I ':!icp in anl lor
i n. ai l.rriMnr::, his ri'-
rouitl as l-Vniniil'er ol ihf saul John linker
anl ll.'siei II ispr. aiot tlirt' liip sa.n w ill if
prpsptii;l io llic '. irl o! Coililm li I'leas ol
ai.i t'oimrv l'-r rouiirntaiion tiiol allowam
on KinitAV. il.p l.iiti il;iv ol' Srp'.Mnl't'r next,
ai llit Conn iiotist ai l,evis!ii!r. m lio roiiii
IV aio-sa,.f. N;'i;i. Kill Ml, rn.ih y
August IB, S.".!I p.l
Executor's Notice.
"O TK'i: is herLv siveii ihat Irttfrs lesia-
no-iil irv on thp lasi w ;ll ainl It-viaiiinl
ol ttll.UWI K r.i A KKII, la:- ol llari.'. y
lown-lnp, I n : on coiinlv. .I"0.ase,, Ircil
tri.tnU' l to if'.' uti !rsii'i(,-,l, 1 . v lie li'-isinr, i
I'tiiou i'('ini lue I rill ol l.iw.tlien-lori'.all
persons nolf hi. ,, io sao! esiaif are rfMiii. sj,'.! to
inai.p itiiuo .I.i. : p.i' in-iil. ami thostf liavm;
rlatnis a-ainsi ihe sain- will pisni Ujrin
duly autlu'iit'.it
The l'anuiicisn nl' ihe Di-inotia! ic Tartv
oliject oi its purchase is not the ken and dishonored : I'miciplesonee
avntcfl one. It is L'ovcrncd by a race declared sacred by this very leader,
who do not !K':ik our lanuMiarre who ; and said to be canonized in the lir.irts
are unused to self-jiovcriimeiit wi,0 ; of the American people, are ruthle-sly
have, and if nnnexed as Stales will I and recklessly trampled timiirf toot,
ruiitiiitiuiiu to have, an c.-tabli'ied We had an angel of Liberty .-tutioncd
form of religion, or t'hurch and State; at the portals of our Territories. Ior
united: but, in spite of all. we are i thirty years, this sentinel had kept
asked to purchase this Island, and to ' watch and ward, and guarded that
place thirty millions in the hands of! magnificent domain as the heritage of
the r.xceutive, to bcL'in the nc-rolia-: r reedom, and, witn the llaminp; aword
iiaviiraiion, tiiat we are asked to do and broke down the walls that en- title to slaves originated m violence Lath joined together, let not man put
all this ? li" s . why not seek M pur- j closcif that empire, consecrated to t!ie and robbery, and its eoiitinuaucc has asunder.'' Theslave 5vstem gays,"Who
chase the Hi it i-ii West Indies? i sons and daughters of Freedom a: a : no other moral character. Tiier cau cares for Cod '.' I will spnarato tKom
mis no k-louious intent; tte: than between two articles of furniture,
iVo ii Geoi'ia retorted, "I 0r between two brutes. They "take
ry I did not say t,-l rob-; op together;'' they do not marry; no
j I say t!ie!i -I do not Kay clor'-viiiau dare nrnnnimro tun Jt-nroo
tions that is, luy up ihf i;i-ixh of the ordinance of the patriots of the ':"' theft, or theft in the l.'tral sense, "husband and wile till death do sepa
loe any one believe that it is for the olden time, kept out slavery from this e are talking about the moral, not ; rate theni :" the will of the master is
benefit of commerce, or the safety of, lid.-n. Who chased away this an-cl, the IclmI, character of slavery. The their fate. The IJib'e savs "What God
-r "'element.
v. until', i
IIh IioU s I'iiK'iil I'orfiitiU'
i-rn spaifil in i
His- t!i V.TV I' '
in, I. r ;ir- m' iti',.1 i w
. jl.riU'lill.' '1..' t. ','
t... ii, ill tt . ,n-!
it. 'I'lx- t. ani .it tl.
i. m i-'o '
iiii ,-- llir. njli it.
Mi- ri-;o' '1. ;ui-l i-kii n
lt .Mill. An c.v
s inilu'.llai 'nr.-; t lit ina'crta
I ii-.il 'ii.-, iritil.. TI.- n
:'li .
r iir-1- -I
I tl,- i. n.i-r. ,
"1 li- -
r. mil' k I
.r-f . . '
1 tl.- t! r
'- I - r
' I - l.r-.-r
. V thr-H.I -ut .
1 i
0 il'-r i ot- . fit.- j i
v-r t-i l -t. -n.-ii.-- Htil l: -;.; - r ..r- :ol
t.i-'-tl.-r: ih-j.-ioiinl-run in l.,tn: t.iintu : mi
Iv. il.- wit:.hi tn-li.i, -Sail ii--: t-x .!-: t m
r'li.li- I t lit- I.:inI .l. tt- v. r--vii I-.1 I. ir : II.
Ih.i Ii in 1 1 wrr;i !:;. ii nt :iiri In- ;iu!i:-iii !- ..irlli
lfnirnmt r.l lir iv".:i. - Hi- : '.-w iv.i nr m
iIik hi,; r,.-in. rit :i .-1 ll.o r : 1 1,-1; urn s
t.-.-t ii, r woti I' tiit I it At'.l,il in,,..
i.ii.-:. p. iiot. .1 l't i:i-Ii- Ii I .-r. h - 1 -1. 'Jin
, !. - r.. r. nl.-n-w
' n; ir y li.n
r I-I..I- r I il I., -li ;
i'h II.- t- tli -r -i In
1, ..Ml.-- il. i, r. o t
ol 11
j:i inn
i .ni-t
it i- I.
cr.i t ..
Unit j.
I til l.io
;t 1' r mi-i t
I t I, :o .1
i- th it in i
.1-1 in in h
-1 ii..,: ti
- r .
,. i". nr.
1 '
- ti..
' t ill:.
I- anj, ..!.
. r
. ,.!.IC,.b-
in . r 1 inn.
a f, l-i
li. ;(
. . lU'Tk'.
, 1-r . .Liv.
, r lili.i (. .v
.! t-urt-rn .
I' I,
Grand Jurors Sept. Term, 1859.
East H'iff:l'i' 3 Ata 1' Hrou n, tanil Znilrrs,
Abraham Ki-iienrk. J,u.ii S.it-r
White J"-r Jonas t'lshtr, David tf limber,
Sv-ulltl'! II 1'au liti'4
Bii....! James. fH!e
Aric II rim John M Henl,T. Rol l Sxin'-fonl.
.i;-...rf Ji-lin l.'-ii'V. J.'l.n 'I'ayior
K'lh lVt-r liinrr, l.au 1 Hn.ianl
MJjl-'ll)Hrz Jusi't-li Gltlr-illls, Win Smith, Jnn
V liarti.r
Wtrt li'iffa'..?- (ieorye E t-iieary, Jacob Knue,
John 1. II avr r
J.fWtb"rz '1 H Purity, John Houhlt i
Jlirtl y A . ;th l.tro, ,1
Lhuiu JolinVi.iilii;iiiall
VV.iov Juror. ! jI.I'.am: ta!; par:trti!ar notice that ih: is
l.rwibur .loiiu M ,1,1s, MichaI 1 .rhthorn, an em
Aaron r. " e:-.. J.'s. V . s.'iruier. ancer
M l.atiKhlin. Lew is J man Juhn 11 Uealr,
Ali-xamttr .-sbn
7.'f Hujfaliic John K n hi Jr, Samuel Unni;rl
Stijjlinburif I'harlrs Moiiicluis.ln.oriie lime-
tins, John Keuer, Itobf rt T Barber, Jameb
Wist H'ljf.ilur Datil Hoeiire.f.Conra'Isheck
Irr, Amun 11 l.tit, LMuaiJ Smith, Daniel
HuffiilifWm II Mirinrr. Woiitler Kohlatel,
hitwnrii Flick, Julia Minium, James. Irv.n,
J F I'oiitiiis
Jturtlrif Dai, irl Hunsicker.Sainuel S'.rayhurn,
Solniin'ii llreisi.auh
Lnrix Ira Kalli-rnem
Lim'ttim. llavi.l V I'eilman, William Tester
t'ni'itt Ttitniias iiirs-l, .loi.ti Ma.?
.Vh ll-rttn Win Uei.t.cr, I'rt'd'k ftinith, Ijen-
jamin Winter
W'4i7f llrrr Maniel B n -ber. Kobert I'andor,
Ji.htiOir. 1. K Alt.r.shi, Aiolrtw .MXcna
han, Samuel (ieinherlins
Il'irtbtnn ll.ivi.i Klme, Uaviii Mover
Ay James siineids, Jacub 11 utninel, Thom
as Cnmlv
Issue J.il fur Si-pi. Term, Ijl.
Reutien Steinn'-r vs A,:re. Ktieass
John R ilamt vs Slate. Mutual Iti.s.Co
P l Campbell el al vs 'I'ee.l A Mair
Datriil Sieniiiper vs Wm II Marr
I. F Alhnglit vs A liitii .Sclircrk Ac
Francis Krick v Alex h..1.t Amnions
Daniel Itansl. r vs John Lapp
S& I) We iiiensanl l'r shirk vs Church Furrey
I,evi K Shoch, deed's admrs vs J Vearer
Martin ii Reed, a minor. Ac vs C Llreisbach
James Itussell vs Jacob Uunkte
Christian Kartell vs Daniel Kei.ner 1
same same
John Kessler vs l.ed.ies. Marsh A Co
Philip SeeSol'l vs IV-ter Heaver et al
Abratn and John Aurand vs Chas V SjchalQe
Martin ( Reed Ac vs John Roland
Cieorse Meixel vs I.eib A I.etb j
John Mover A wife same
Isaac K Itnnkle vs Henry Ruhle
Daniel Rentier Jr vs Chamberiin A Stout
Abram Woll'e vs Heaver lied M A Co
Iteber A Musser vs corporation I'niversity
H M Whinner vs Jacob Kloss
Samuel II Orwig vs Henry W Crctzer
Ss L Beck vs lleitrick A Siieckler
Reish A Retsh vs I'eter lieish's Adm'rs
-'has S Cnu vs Wm II Shriner
Saml I. Berk vs Charles Sites
John Marty vs John Uartly
same vs 4 otliers
Thus V. Orwiff for s (r is vs J M C Ranck
tscts Presby'n Church vs Jnhn M'Call
Israel (ieyer vs Aaron Smith
WmKauiI'inan vs I'tter Kauffinan Admr
Jneot. Sjwartz vs Cnnrad l'iind auj wile
M'Cartv Tale vs R S Ilrrbst
Tbos Rasfr's Atlmr's vs Atnmons A Rawn
Wm Frtck A Co vs Wm Wolfe
Cyrus Kau.n vs S F A IV S liegenreif
I'Jvid (ilii k vs Saml S liarber
Daniel (lush vs l.udwiy A Rauck and J R
1'hilip Ruhl vs Francis Wilson
Samuel 11 l'awtini; vs Samuel Showers el a!
Muldleswarth Kerns A Co vs Chs H Shriner
Frederick Worman vs Jacob Smith j
Juhn Wertz vs I'eter Nevi'is et al j
amuel W Snmlsrass vs Wm Young Jr i
llsh for (fnielius' Admrs vs Ueo Dretsbach
Abraham Black vs Andrew Spitler
'e.irge Barkdoll vs II W Crntzer
T Church A Co vs W in H Klecktier
lmuel l,oti; and wile vs Joseph Kleckner
Kobt D Cumming vs Saml lleujer.son eial,
1 A J Voung vs Thus ( Orwig
'liarles Stee vs Saml L Heck
cribner A Ferkins vs Albert Wynn
m Price Jr vs Kobt M Musser
orth. Chase A North vs Joel Hursh
Jian Sankey vs Andrew Ontelius
J'Jsrnl. . II I!- I.
Sreech of CWEW L0VEJ0Y, of 111.,
1.1'ln. r-1 ill tl - I S lli. ,.f Ii. ; ., I el,. .1, W ,. I
AVii'uiii live lustrums past. a strange
fanaticism hits made its appearance iu
this country a fanatici.-m, at once
monstrous aiel malioii. Twentv-live
yenrs ao. by the universal .-culiiiieut
of the country. Shivery was deemed a
nmral.social u:id political evil. a wron
to ti.e siave, an injury to the owner, a
blioht on the stiii. a ib-triment to all
the best interests of the communities
where it was found, ami. in its rcllox
inlliieiice a reproach and damage to
the whole countrv. Uv manv, it mav
much to fear from
"pain ? And where
. pos-
dwclliii"; place and home, as Ion;; as
the sun and moon should endure?
Who did this ruthless, reckless, dam
nable work ? The Democratic par
ty, under the leadership of the individ
ual . A.Iloulas.J I hae inuicated.
ITs.'lIp Oi
to him-el
inoiuer was reduced to the
no mistaKe about the i:'-atlui own- when 1 r.iease.'' A sbi ve phnn-h mo,.
.j human ! iii.r. ilo bolonL's lier is tauu'ht by his religious teacher
1". levuu-e my father or my that it is ins dJtr. on heinrr w.l.i fmm
' One uiatltatiou lo another. leavinrr
!' a slave, does that justify my beinj ' so.called wife behind, to take another
rcijuccti to tic same coielUion ol urn- mil
Date: and the reason assit'nod l.vl.isi
Under what plea was Slavery thus al- ; ti-io? loes the continuance of wron ' ; pioasinstructorsis. that in this wav h
lowed to enter iu and ravage the her-; I.iao away its ruilt? 1 repent, there can be most profitable to his master,
itaire of Freedom? On the same can be no doubt as to tin; ownership which is his :irt and oaranionnt Hum?
pest house to let leprosv, plague, and . lumscii.
; cholera, rush forth, as did the winds ; lohiiory.
in l-.'le ..r in r.
. wl, . have I. -n nl.
i.i- t nut ini.l. ;ir- i.w.ir.' 1..W
i... liv lli"".' wl... Ii iv- ri'.t I:.
1U il-J tli i. inili ' il vi. ur .i;i!.l..ti..ti
l iir.v till.-, in ;i f w iiiiiiut. Iiinli-fw-
t .-i.t T ! r .r--. nt i:-.-: - rv. n , ,u
I) 111. ik- ii. a t-w I.air-i-. Tl,- Ma I i,
r:ii.:il :-nf lli.ilt.I,-' ', I" 1- l-iirr-." -1
...is-. It i. in . i- !" run l.v li.r.-. r irn
ami wli-n III- iij .i-s mo- mini 1. h t-. ,.
Ot its? -mi i r--- Ill- 1 '.in;. Willi nil -:o
1 The fiillowii.v; may be adtlticed as the deci
; ded advant.ii;es nl this M:ll:
I ', .( It will nn.V- ni r- ,-i l-r tlnn ny ntti-r pr..
villi n uivt-ti .,,nnit,tv -t nj t'i-M Id k KIV. n tillle, utnl
Willi iiiu-ti I.,. I ,b-.r :.i.,l ..i -ris.-.
.si. .,..'. It will nutke -l.-.-iu-r and mw-ti-r ri-l-r tlmn
any -ti I- mill.
Tun ,t V.iii ...in miiti tlie ei.l-r n. yi.u want it. im.l
mli-n .iu WHtitit; ami iu .oiaiititi-n ln.ui ii. niillon t
I'.irr. ll.
e, Vitlt it yf u -an j r y-ur I'tirrant., Ctn-r-ri.
.. li. rri- s.' Ii s.-. Ilutt-r. I.nr.l. mii.I Tall. ir.
i .r',. itli its u.-e yi'U -an al ail liun-s I, aye fr.h
an. I '--. t -i.i, T.
Vl itli all tin- a.vants(re re5tlltiln; fr"in tlie tin..e.sinn
an l il ,.l".ii-li a l:o hin-- al a ri s l-w Unit il I.
art , Inn il,.. r-i,-l, f al! -an it la, tliat any iul-lllu-iit
Jarit.-r w .ul-l d. witl.n.it it 1
The annexed ItWO.V.VESn.iTlO.X is a
specimen ol the niatiV scores received :
fnirinir tin ra
.l-. I.. mlr hit
I' HTM. LI! ' Intii
I c"ii;,l niak- . ilit an-1 niri- I nrr-l t ri ter a. lay
Hi- in-ii ..nly , rStni: t y ilavli.-lit in tli- -l,.-rt .l:,y.
..f wint-r. Tl. null In I "lily l.-it .nil. '1 in th- m..-t .-r- ,
f t aii.l snt'sta-tnri nianiier. I.ut "rl;,-il wall r-niark- j
1,1 anil wi'h a -m.ill itin nint , 1 1 '.a-r. I tri-! otli
rt:il.!. n.illn. Imt r.'-ii- tl.al -nrk-i with half tl.e
ea-r or it-. . .1 . 1 ,.' 4 i A-''t-n' ' 'i.lrr I1I and I
can .at-iv r.-r..mmi n.l .1 in .rrl-rn- t" all olln-r..
liarri.i.ur,-. .Ii.i.i. . 1 .'.'. lllllll.lS TIMS.
Mr rli.,11-. ,.f Itronme r, mity, N-w V.,rk. writ-s that ;
li. with one l.an.l. w-nt fr..lll farm lofarm ailll one .if '
til. Mil:-, ai.'l tuad- oy.T one ttivutand lirrrlxof c-iirr j
iu th- tall ol isjs.
IV More than osi Hi nnHKn Silver Medals
and Diplomas have been
within Ihe lasi lour years.
bo, this evil was considered incur
but still an evil.
jii.i ii.o' t! e period imiii-atpti, a dif
f or. nt. sentiment h:i- spruii"; up. This
I'.iiiaiicism do.'ins Slavery not an evil.
I.ut a blessiuu". l'urnt. rly l.v all. and
still by all 1 1 : ii 1 ii i a k i i.jf i.ien.i lepres-.-i.'U
was le.'aKleil .is a iciu'. iioy. ,1,..
fiirme.i.wriiikleil atnl ei.ver.ii uilh the
daub utnl paint of harlotry : but now
we are toid it is an anool oi' beauty,
to be er;i,. , ,,a witli cmajilai'.-aev and
love ! Candidates asjiirintr to i.liieial
honors, are matle to renounce miiiiioiis
held a tjiiarkr of a century a.;.), and
to oive 111 tiieir iniie'-ioii to this n-iv
diionui. It is no longer the ipiestiou
how a cancer can bo cured w iioiher
by knif.'. or can-tie, or otht r remedial
iiL-eneies but to have a cancer is now
pi oclaimcd to l e a sound and normal
condition of the hiimi-.n system, the
highest typo of health, and. if on the
face, an ornament and beauty spot ;
everyone, to enjoy p.Te'Ct health. must
have thi form of disease tHiuwiiit; at
his vitals! The spirit of thu fanaticism
has taken possession of the 1 einne ratio
jiarty.and woi keil therein a wonderful
and almost incredilile transformation:
for. since the Ages drew up the reins
and started on their journey, 1 do not
suppose thov have witnessed such a
lrom the fabulous cave, to walk at
midnight and waste at noonday. A
man with a contagious disease niu-t
not stay in hisown house, nor be ton
lined iu the hospital, but must l e
allowed to roam abroad, to .spread
and death among hi3 fellow
To take it awav from htm is
liut we have a specific stat
ute- on this subject : ' He that sf-alelli
a man and selleth hi in, or if he Le
found in his hand," tliat is, in his pos
session, "he shall bo surely put to
death." This enactment takes this
transaction out of the catalogue of
ordinary crime, and brands it with
is this, but the ver- peculiar reprobation. ( U,er forms of
that ever raved in thelt could be atoned for bv returning
know it is said that fotir-Ijld: this claimed the forfeiture
Uedlam? I
there are"two wings to the Ilemocrat
: ie party." 1 am aware of that, and I
know, also, that both "wings" belong
: to the same vulture, and, although one
has been slightly out of joint, it has
now got back to its place, and both
will Hap in unison, to bear the carri
on bird back to gorge and fatten on
the carcass where it has gorged and
fattened so long.
Uut the strangest and most impi-
of life itself, thus making it a caoital
...T. V : . . -. i .....
uiieuee. .10 ruiimiag or s.!jmsiry reaped down v....
can get around this. There it stands. j3 kept back i i.
me cMimuie 01 the .ewisli ."criptures
of the crime of traliicking in human
!ie;h. :-o once thought tin; I'rc-l yte
lian church, when they dei hired the
slave-holder guilty of mau-steuliug
every day. This was a constitutional
law of the Jewish Commonwealth: 110
no with a new woman every month.
This has been decided by an ecclesia
stical council : and these blasphemers
seuk to make Cod a partner in this
revoltinsr practice !
The Lible everywhere requires an
equivalent to be given, for services
rendered. "Wo unto him that build
eth his house by unrighteousness, and
Lis chambers by wrong; that useth his
neighbor's service without wages, an J
givclh him not for his work." "Be
hold. the hire of tin- ! . borer- who hav,
n l.v you
.V i the
. .1 aro
Lo.u of
. '. s any
n.tr in
other statute could contravene it. anv
the hay, grain
Have we not a:
ICiiL'laud as from
is Can -tin. and the other ISriti
sessions tnat stretcli all along our
Northern lV.mtior. from the Atlantic
to the l'a, ilic V No ; it is for the
benefit of slave breedtrs and human
fit sh mongers. And yet these Dem
ocrats profess that thov want to oet
Slavery oat, of national politics. 1 ground that tho madman opens tie' 1 of any human being. The title is in : Thus ha mav, as a good Chri?tian,take
u ouM to 1. oil tney were sincere!
Would to Heaven this beast of prcv
would take the carcass of Ihe slain in
to its lair ! It might gnaw the llesh
and crauiieli the bones without moles
tation I", hi. 1 me ! Joit instead of that,
it asks m.; lo hold its victim while it
sin ks the blood, lint this. I never
w ill do. Take vmir pound of lleh. if ' disease
it is so nominated iu iiie l-ond, but do men! What
l.ot a-k for the blond as well. ! iest madness
lb-ad over the whole Me.-satre. and
you will liml iis entire texture to be
Slavery. Livery topic is discussed
wiih iv f. rente 10 iis bearings oti the
sal j"el of Slavery. And yet the Democrat-,
with : n impudence that challenge-
our admiration for its sublim
ity, tin 11 to 11-. and say, "Do not agi
tato ti.is pu'ject. Do not keep tip
tins sectional .-trif !'' To agitate, to
legi-late, to make treaties, to annex
territory, to purchase empires, for
Slavery, is all right, but to do any
thing jii.ut Slavery is wrong and
And lcro i another phase of this
fanatical spirit, which has taken up
its dwelling place in the Democratic
parly. It idr-ntilies Slavery with the
nation, and especially w ith the South.
Now, I am reckoned as ultra and ex
treme as most 0:1 this subject, ami vet
no one has ever heard me say any
thing against the South, "it 'is
only against Slavery that I have
spoiien. anil I propose to assail that
only 111 tiio.-i.
( 'onstitntiou
Kepublicnns arc sectional. When
stupendous Lie as the Democrat party j they only seek to prevent the extou-
now is. I speak ol the okhaxiatiox, sion ot a system which is under the
wiihout any reference to the ixtitvio- ban of the civilized world, thev are
c.m.s w ho compose tne party, "l rom charged with being sectional. In II- j with peculiar privileges as a common
the sole of the foot even unto tiie head ! linois, wc have supped full of this hor- j wealth. But all those unusual frau-
there is no soundness iu it. but woui.ds ror. Ami what is the proof? O, we I chis
and bruises and putrifyimr sores: thev : have no dclec-ates from Slave States . the
have not been (dosed. neither bound up, ; to attend our National Nominating I comply with a prescribed ritual. ; ot those oppressed millions. he averred hood to sav that the practice of slave
neither mollified with ointment" un- Conventions. Why have re none? Cod explicitly declared that he would t.iat "no attribute ot Jehovah could , holding is consistent with this injunc
medicated and tinbandaged.it drips ! Mark because, if Delegates attend ! slay every native-born Jew that did , take sides with the oppressor." Jtiou? What, in the New Testament,
with its fetid putrescence'. j these Conventions they are mobbed J not comp'ly with the provi-ions of! "Honor thy father and thy mother," , ,s the classification of slave-holders?
Look at the Presidents Message, j and driven into exile. What if we, j their charter. Now, I desire to in-1 the requirement of the Bible. Sla-jlt places them with murderers of fa
now under discussion. It is instinct in tlie free States, should say to the ' quire of those who claim the right to j very utterly annuls this command. An j thcrs and murderers of mothers,
with simulation and deceit. Profess- ' Democrats, "If you attend the ' hold slaves under this old charter ' owner claims houor and obedience, to j livery where, the Bible inculcates a
edly, he deprecates the discussion ami , Charleston Convention, wc will hang : given to the Jews, Have you com-1 the utter disregard ol parental audio- spirit of generous magnanimity. "Ye
you, ' anil thus keep them all at home, plied with the requisitions o! tl at .my anu paiemai uuims. i no ever 1 that are strong ought to bear ihe in
aud then reproach them with being a charter? Do you abstain from V:r-; thinks of a slave child obeying his : lirmilics of the weak, and not to please
sectional party, because only the slave giuia ham and other swine's lic.-h? . parent in preference to his master ? yourselves-." Slaverv, I know, claims
States were represented ? "Well, vou 1 Do vou observe the new moons, the 1 The very suggestion is preposterous. ! this attribute, and talks sl.nnt'ita di
rect or remote bearing on it. what j have no votes in the slave Mates ; I sabbaths, circumcision, ami the ap-, Lot;s mo mule .-auettoti a system mat . valry and magnanimity. And is it
do we want of another slice from j your principles do not circulate w ith ! pointed feasts? If not, you are no j abrogates its own injunctions? j ma-numinous to cheat a poor, ignor
Moxico? Is our population, pressing; j us at all ; you dare not even proclaim Jew, and are not entitled to the frau- j There is a slave woman, pressing, ant. degraded man out of the earnings
against our uountiancs : Let the I your iioeuincs among us. Anu whv ! cnises 01 a Jew : tint, on tne oiuer uu a luumvi s .o-e,a.r un uniu 10 ; 0; w iioic li:e rob him of wife ami
I l.on.I n ys l.rt v,it!. ll. -O I lir tlOtlfl. 1 O VV.i.'ltll I DPS IT 1,1- riMir ' ' ' ! ! . 1 . 1.
iiiiiii, juu L-.vlvriljj .sr mi. js.." -. "l ; " - - . - --.s .s. .. . . e,llUU CU UliU IU
ous phase of this fanaticism is, that ; niore than a State or Territorial law
it claims the sanction of the Bible for can annul a provision of our National
American Slavery. I have neither Constitution. All the instances of
time nor disposition to enter into a buying and selling relied upon by the
philological argument on this qucs- advocates of Slavery, ure confined to
tion. 1 shall not rausack Creek lex- the person bought and the person o'..'.
: icons ami musty mauuscripts to ascer
tain the precise etymological force of
the Creek words translated vrtant in
the Bible. And as for the grand old
Hebrew, in which the ancient Scrip-
; turcs were written, it has no word
which describes or recognizes aim-1
man being as a piece of property, i
modes justified by the ; Before quoting chapter or verse, J i
vet I am sectional, and : desire saying a lew woros navinc a
A person "falling- into decav" sold
himself, not as a chattel or -davc, but
as a servant, for a term of years: and
when the jubilee came arouud.'liberty
was proclaimed thro'out all the land,
to all the inhabitants thereof." When
there was a failure on the part of the
people to proclaim this liberty, prom
ised and secured bv law. then COD
cries of them that ,;.
entered into the ears
Sabouth." Slavery m
waes at all to those
its harvests. To say tii
and the food thai th
are wages, i.s to sav tiia
ana stabling ot tne lior-e arc wages ;
these constitute the "keeping'' of tho
horse, and of the slave "w ages" they
are not.
It is fiequently said, that although
individuals may do wrong', the svstem
is right. Now. it is against the svs
tem 1 speak. The truth is, the indi
viduals are better than the system ;
the humanity and, in my eharitv. I
ought perhaps to say the Christianity
of tho ma.-ter, ol'teu triumphs to a
great extent over the system. If all
masters exhibited the extreme capabi
lity of the system for outrages and
diabolism, an indignant world would
proclaimed a liberty to them to the ri.-e and wipe it out
general bearing on tins subject, i he sworu.to ihepeit.leuce.nu.t those other Suppose, now, this svstem, rerkin"
llheocratic charter grantca to the
Jews was exclusive, and constituted
them a kind of close corporation,
judgments that loll switt and torriflic ; with lust, incest, crime'and craeltv, i3
from the hand of an incensed Being, t bro't out and placet! under the blaze
Jt was this Providential retribution i of Christianity. "Whatsover ve would
which made Jefferson "tremble for his ; that men should do unto vou. do vo
country when he remembered timtCod even so unto them: for this'is the law
hises were bestowed upon them on j was just, and that his justice would and the .rophets," is the summary of
he express condition that they should : not sleep for ever." In the uprising the whole Bible. Who has the ha'rdi-
agitation of the Slavery iiuestion, and
t wint.r. I had t-rl lK.at loa l. ofar- ' ypt tllC Whole of tllC lllCSSagC is CU-
ri-l-r ami I r,.'ur-,l on,- ,.t Hl-H.'K's , - , . - . i O
mm!..- , .mi f..ui,'Hi,ni.witi, two han i.. grossed with it. .Not a leading topic
ol that state paper that has not a di
vast regions within our present limits i "lo not our principles circulate iu the
vet unoccupied, and which will not be
occupied for the next half century,
answer that oucstion. Whv, then,
iven to Hits Mill; ,j0(,3 ,10 L'xecutive urge the acquisi
tion ol more ol the Mexican domain :
slave States? They are the princi-1 who, according to your theory, wore ( Is it not hers against the universe
pies oi Washington, ana r raoklin, j ol right made slaves, it tne :nivo-, " n.sic any u-.ntg, iu:
and other founders of the l.enublic. ! cates of Slavcrv choo:e to iro back eternal ihrouo. thai has
The reason why our principles do not j ami place themselves under a code of fuke it lrom her ? IIi.s a tea-t.-r tho
circulate in the slave Stales is, tliat ' laws givcu to a race of men evidently ju.-t rilit to tear it away from her
this despotism has, like another Na- j yet in a state of barbarism, let them j embrace, and claii.i it as his exclusive
noleon. en:-i:ed out the freedom of take the whole code, and abide bv it. properly .' Is this rabberv sar.oti oicd
io . .l- , ,1..,, ii..
I lie pioneer in lll line, r i.iaou nini ,..- ..... ,i i
Machine is the EES F one in Ihe Market on . H IS that Mavery anu l'lslllllOIl, UVili-
i.. r..ii....o a.i.n : bni-n of Darkness, mav have a rail
i.t ir .i.i , .,;! ih-a.iot. fastectaniin tiia most ' o., in n l.ioli to ride Tliis Is onenlv i SDcecli and of the iiress. Allow in 1 and obev it. notl.er statement. If 1 by the Bible, and that Bible the ord
ieri-ct mami.r . , 1 ..,.., : il, ntlior nml nt' ftir. I I five acoPsS to the niiiiils of lio nnn. ! the Itiltln unrtinns slavery at all.it is ot lod .' kuo'V sou.0 Vot!
J'l. 1 lie l'rel Is in- ,ini.'-si an.i ni.'.i jsn-nu., niri ;iurt.i,int'is.s....s..v..... s. . ...s.s. i -- -.--.-s... , . - . w - j ' . . . , . , . t i .
niii-k-al han.il.sl. it i- not l.amr-.l up Willi a num. ;. , Vl,.,t is: tlinr l.firt of I lie mess. S UV(: ltlil ITS O tlG s0llt 1. illlll 11! one tie Oils avemnnt Of White meil. iNO , I lU';tll llllS, UV 11 ministry 1 'iisll
n-r ..I ..T-w. an. mir-wr.-ris. i.i. i. . ...
tian lo d-mj iu utiiuj. it i tii mad and .id kta , a,rC rolatnig to Kansas, but the qucr- ear w c w ouiu have iiitire liCjiubliean
tairiiriee. ,.i' i., t ,,-.s,.,i , .1" n i,I nnn ndn.i , votes i n rirooort iflll i tl t lie sll VP So too
half .iiuus. ia.-i ,iviv.i ... ...v. .... , i i -- , .-..-v
ibsM Pro-Slavery policy had been con-! than there are Democratic votes in
everv wav portable and convenient. Price I detuned bv the couutrv what oc- the tree states. l our principles do
Address w. o. IHCKOK. Agt. ! tasiOI1 js there for the doleful tone of j not circulate down hero," boa,-t3 tlr
Tk. M.ll oeuniec nholl! tu-O.and.a-l
by three feet, four feel lush, we-hs :i?0 lbsM i 1 r0-Mavery
C to
one pretends that the eervauts spoken cha.r.:cicrie as I think they d-serve. J
of in the Bible were blac'ts. The Ilo- -r.,i,h,iu5iui r.aoion uni u.tm ,.tiu u Meej, 1
man slave was not a blaci maa ; the .
uernrci ;
Eagle Works, llarrisbur?. Pa
1ER?nNS wantintr rhans- of i-limate for health, ad
verUiinaiit ot tlanimr.Qton l.an, another csvliimq
A union an. Commission House la LmlsburR.
Lesal Auctioneer !
F....noil-llOrr having been appointed
the message in regard to the future Mavery propaganinst.
died, and who was
iacred liisto-
. , i . . . t !?,'t .,,s. ...r. .In onr tenti-
Hebrew servant was not a uiac; uan. "-v" "-'J
man, white or black, may
I mav as well cotice,Lere,that worn
then justify bv savir.w
thev are an inferior race? Admit thn
lue Oi the r.icr nf inferioritv. does it follov tlv.it
tho l ight to ' it is rio-hl to onnr' thprn ? l-'vprwf
page of tho I-iblc flashes anatheiaa's
. against the oppression of the poor and
, hdp.o.-s. The chivalry of the Bible
; is to hd; the weak, to protect the
' defenceless, and rescue those in peril.
i hts :s the i iCst o. tie olden chivalry.
Witrers an inciueat in the Romance
of Jvanlioe Loo true knight.cufeohled
by .ick;iejs,iides into ths lists to meet
a powerful antagonist and i i whose
dclixLO ? Tor one belonging to a race
The Question is, whether the laboring ! l Ii-1; lh-v toacu lor uoctrities ..ie ; is .jpj j a;,.j degraded .tl.eu.a3 that
y righlfuliy be j cuui:ur.n,.i:.e:its ci ineu ami mae :iw of A;v ;,u n jw ; :. Lis chivfclrv we
(leeailence of the Itepublic. w LilIi has ry tells us ol a coriaiu ncu man who ; caslavi-d?
rnl, l-kr.vi.n. . 11 l.i.c lAVf'.,
hrVm V M..Knl.l w .i ll'a.
J'aQSl.n lll.r.nn,. .. Ik 9
... uu.tL.w4 s oiias , ..main
0rham Wotre vs Joseph Jolt
v 5 for II, iiner vs A M.-sslmer with notice
"'-u.ngei i. i;aucn V1 B;4C, & Ki1ut
I country.
Commission Sales.
In Ajiri next, I intend to open on Markr
street a Room for l1- -eceptinn, and the sa!
at staled times, of all kinds ol (itiods al Aue-
Any one wishing lo dispose of any arli
irtven rise ill l'urone to SO mail v : ueu, anu no was) very uuioi lunate
jirojihecies of ill omen in regard to in the selection of a future home ; but, out quotatiou, erroneously placed on
our future? How eagerly the advo- J though an impassable gulf spread it-: Ham. Noah planted a vineyard. raised
cates of despotic government catch ; self between him and a bettor world, ' grapes, made wine.and becamedrunk.
lawwaa a ii o .. .rinn ,.n1 lr,, 1 11 bopinsT hl f.fiiilil prilivoeKA u'llli tl,.-,n IV lion no aiirnlr.i still milililprtr.l Willi
sole Auction-crier I.ewtsbi.r-, is prepared lo up mis I'cinoci .itiv. siauun, ..u iv.v- r, ' " - ; " " . ' ,' "
aiiend lo all calls in his line in loun and tell the downfall ol lree institutions, more iiappny siuiaieo. supposing, me iumes oi me wine, w ", so
But what is the trouble? Is there I now, this man shoub; lift up Ins voice, ! confused he did not know his ecu Irani
anv disloyalty to the Union omoiig j anil send it booming across the chasm ' his grandson, he uttered the maledie
thc Keputilicaus, or indeed among j that yawns between heaven and hcil, ! tion, "Cursed be l anau,'1 not Ham,
. . . . , X- I i i. rr , t i .... t i . , i . i i i. ... i i : i. i.uMMHA U .
any class in the Tree tales. .o. ; mm sav, uo, nuronum, iaac. lituri- who uaa ueeu guui ui ihu 10115. uv
Anv disali'ection toward our princi- el, and you celestials gene
cie can denosii it with me and I will sell n ai nles ot Crovcruuient ' Aouo. w uat, arc a sectional party up mere
the best advantage I can and charge a per , tiici)i i,as excited the fears of this ur- PRi.xciPi.ES DD xot I'titcitLATK nows f unity phiniug around, Democrats go j 1'
ceniace i-r tne same t.,,. ,i ,. .1 rf,,.f omrtn t , HEME. ' And W ;V i OOS Cot H"avr
t uuub O" - - - s. . .- - ----- - -
word oi Cod ot uon eltect turo tne.
traiiitioris. How dire these tntm make
the Bibie le.id its saut: tion to a system
rocogiiHo is pavicg something manly
and noble ia it: bat from th chivalry
h.- r rril.s r,int;irr. of tlieip ptii!ilrin-
that abrogates parental authority and i tUat m)lie.. t;ie wUip t0 helpless wo
hliu! duly .' I -aen. to secure their toil or make thetn
PO. aO.WllU l!iC COIIJU' ai I-'iailOU. ,).;.. ..l,,.,:,,. !,;,,'-VV cimftrir.i.
Tho Bible every wlicrjiopreicnts this : j.nowlcd!.c an4 i.:ai cuactmcut re-Iu-
uman beings to the
ts the uiost sacred, inviolable, indisso-, niijlion3 of j-Jua
.. i. nt .,11 1. ,.a ..onus I nt ir.: ...
1UU1C, VI i Oil UUU.aU ll,lftivii.. m,..s..
and mother ate to be lbrsakea, in obe
dieuce to the claims of this still higher
Now, w uat docs
eraliv.vouinow, in the blaze'of the nineteenth; holier relation. Now, w uat uoc:
em voi-r i eenturv. with the radiance of Christi- i &lery Wlth thls institution .' uom
.a..' 1 nm,.prt,i mv it leave its Maker and the parties
nm'siDjr back five thousand yesrs "to 1 "rerfectly free to r. gulute it in their t
condition of brutisiu.aad then by false
teaching seeks to mn.ke theni believe
their enslave "lent - is in accordance
with tho will of Cod irota nil sucii
chivalry, I pray to bo acli.orcd!
It is said of GolJsuiiih.aj a vniter,
srr. 4th paoe.
1 I'cb. ifi, iy.t
1 s)Pw