Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, September 02, 1859, Image 2

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. ; )
Star ft (Eljroniclci
V- -7, .. Tii.
(.TTlMH FO ll !-
pillJi-lM-l nn III.- Ca-h ?aul. hw tin- lr."t ai.J i
rlrrul.ttiiiu ol any Nim..ii.t in Union County.
Frw-km, national; Slavery, sr-dirinal!
A(iEi TE rwimniiN to ahkiihax indistui.
. aajlhcr Inrli or siair Territory b) rAlritslon. :
I'lir.-iusi-. ur (oikiu.-v.. (
ThrahoTr an-. Mil !U " " -in: rrin-ii.Uf '
ls-i..r. tlii- mimtrr. mitil th.'.Y am vii-o.ri..ii. : a.- '
null tl..-litn our ma-t lfl. tllTi-I" ft.'.. ..mil l'ii-y
.v ih Iriumi.li l.Mli Nati-liid Cli,ol l Wiu.Ii
lnglou. iUiivtlle Jii".-' .-"i-i-l.
rmi Ai:iiTin ;rvEHAT.,
fwi sritVEYi.it i;i:nfii.u.,
WILLIAM li. KKIM of lu-rks.
riti ..-rv!".v,
TlIOMA IIAYI-..- ori"ni.'iToi!!ity.
m . f. v a j i : n ; : i . i -1 ; i f -; y i - '
JOIIX UIUiKii, of JliiUiKtmrir.
roMMissiiiM:!i, SAMUEL MAK.-HALLVv'l.-.io Porr.
KOKLIIT II. LAiI'ti, orLewi-Min -.
iist::i"t Arroits'KY,
JOHN" B. LINN, of LuwirLui-.
roirSTV M IIVfYo'.S.
coxrad ?m:cKL!-:ir, V.-t Bur.
SAMUEL C.AVILT, Il-irll-fn.
The"Coaveui.Jon---tuo Candidates.
Every Conwy an-! J-'int.- I'.l :' !-c
1 59, lias a !thi in !'..v !' or 1m-: I
t- tlie l'pvSt.r.. ry .ti-1 l'r. Tr:-: yV;
Kvcrv OSbv covi'riii.r :i ;--" v :sx-.
mi iiiit...-t,tli o i.rnM 1-;. '.-n -
rvnlral i-i:.:o.vi i- -occupy
a j..-! t-.ii in v.bit-i l'.y :i
oi.-o a -rr.it i..v-rin ftt:i t- v'1 ;,r '':
ion. It i- in tbi- vu-w -i' ! - ' ' ' '
tlio iiiiporta'ici' of c:irr'. -oi - -r. ;. -j.rior
to the l'r--!-.! i ''
pn-SOilt it-l-lf t i ov-vv V.i
lover of Lilicrv airl rr; I -ile-irnlil",
m-'-i's.iry. :h-
of paving t!io v.:;: to l'i!!i:i' i
On tlie fii'-t pa.-- of to
pive tlie proeceilii-js of our t
vention, iiml the C.eileri :n-e.
in adilition. that fr.Hii the rettirli.' t
it wonl.l apie-irtliat ( VKi! i.Vi-ITII
SAXI YOTEIiS ii't n!. 1 tl. IK'..:
Elections in this county la-t Saturday :
number llllirei-e:idelited.:ir. 1 1 . 1 1 1 : -. : 1 : i j the
determination of the p-op'-' t- .--'n ti c
host men, and of the ' rubl Mripe." In
two or three ili-lrirt-, the wnvinih of the
contest ctii'i iidiTed s-i:i- stri!'- whi-h v.ili
Filhside as the cnnpai-.i .r..o-. -s. -.
The Convention i' und a (':'' K mi
full of fpeet:it..i. and v:i e -ii -lu-t. d wi'h
perfect pood fe-hn' and pr-vri-' v- 'I h
mode of votin;.'. whether lu -r -v v.-- -t. wis
tlio unanimous choice of those iM-t en
ccrncd. The Itesolutioiis w-re opem d for
full and free dis u..-io;i and iim-ndim-nt.
The presiding oilieer al'owvd no time t i
wxste, and an orderly ::lid early adjourn-
munt was effected.
As far as we know and 1 eii-ve. every
BeleL'ate obeyed his clear in.-truetioc-.v
tiuj: for "his man" as l..n' as there were
reasonable hoj.es of carrying hii'-i- Had
each stubbornly adhered to a fir-t choice,
the Convention would still be in se-.-ion
no nominations could have been made for
most of the offi-cs. Some nm- t of course
yield; and when to yield. and on whom l.i
fix as Lis second choice, is fur each IV'e
pato to decide, as a freeman, without die-
tation, for himself, as he .U-ei:.., nai-i
anil expedient for the cati-e.
There were Ti-in'rj-Fif . t a - it
for Stvcn diffei cut statioa-. An. -tecrn
oii'ycouhl be sueee.-.-r.il.aa l .
were not to be thus ta 1 t pr.
As good men were on tl.e i- :a.' a -
winning side; and ian-t i.f tlieiii. v.r
pen to know, receive ;1 ir ' a . 'ok- i
fully as noble-hearled M::N at: I ttate
znns should. Tiny are v..t. r.:l f..
Fujiport received th.ibk t'.a ii-1 V !. . a
4,lJOJiC for better III. li tax: I'la.-"-will
Work with a will I'. r ll;.- t ar' v.
crs, we are told, (but know !"d In .v. tia
do not so readily yield I . the t:'la:a. 1
which they voluntarily :i ; i;;l. ! 'lo
net towards tin ir more l'.u n 1 rivals
they WuuM have exjecte th, tn I i
towards thei!iseles, ware ihair .,-:'ii
reversed do led carry no.: the
their pled a es. V.'etu t t!
honest reflection. :;'i 1 e iia
. I
1 with their
BCS-T friends, will r; -better
humor, ju tie.
Candidates cuno in
mat ell ed n i o-! ly v. 1 i
and with claims wi-i
who were select, 1 i -'
and four at the Tie-t i
a'.' tin :.i t i l:-:t..l
id itri.a' ni.
.I'liii ijiiii- .oi;;.:!;,
ba Ia i at !.; a-
' of re-a:al. 'i I
e t'it'e-a a! t- V.. -i
ll:,' c. a'-r of r.p-
ulatioll. (.If the three iu i.ewi-'a'r ., Dis
trict Attorney mid T:jsiirer are iiere of
riht, and Assembly v.as -inii us by the
united voice of the cmiiiy, bein v,:irr.iii
ted also by our party sire:i;th.
The Noiiiitie-s :;re ALL. without : i
exception, filch na n a- :nn- t arty may
point to with pri.lo. Tin y receive 1 tin ir
... i
liolnmatiotis as lion, s, ly as i;n n ever ,! ..
IVrsoually, they are re-j ..nsihle men. t f
t.;..i -i .1 .... i ... . .
lllllll llli'l... sll.liav.ei. .1.1' - no I , . I, . l
disi'harjrc the duii-s of tlie stal
Hated with honor to lb. l.iselvcs am
V 'r
t-ii... I,. l. ...... t . -i- i . . . i
' r, " L' "'Ul' yl l" "
,,,,..,. B.iuirutii or cundur l.t ur:
uiraiiist them.
Aside from pi.liti.
1 local issues, i
man Mauds ia;nr an.-i., :in ::JH1
jiartiesiiithiseoti:itvihauTiioivs fl ins
rour timus has hv Wvit tin- m.t .t.., :.t .1
t'huice nt' t!ii i-..uiit ('..r V rinl..- i
A. I... V .1 ... . .
adviri- i in imit '
llarriMu, he r.mWd uuh the ,m.st n-s-
I-ta ,1... K'-j,-c.v... Lr.,Matc.r; and
' " ' ,: " ' i 'i
CI. N.
ally ill. .- -
that lie maybe endorsed by a return Willi
a majority worthy of tlie man.
Vi'M. I'.Waoenseller served ls.), iasi
! .... i ...... 1 nW.-iti.m of an
J . )
;hfl U.uf ;:; working llll'IlllHT, rOlTl'SCIltlll
fiiilil'ullv tin; v'u vs nt' liis constituents on
a!l .-en-ral i-sues. l.oe.il am! personal
.. . , , i . r .1... l.i;.. i
aiienali.ei.s navi' na poy i i
, .i. i: l :.. i.iu .ll.irii-t The i
join, iiiill uie
1 V.' i-eiiM'ller, !
j unt sueeess
ihi-. f.!l, will
. . . ' ,
o lnii.l J-nyleraim i nion
;lS;::liisw,TWi:m:i - it
, ,,,,. r.,,,., I
i! our am i' ui i.oin.. ,
ddo ..!See in til seounty
-t pi
il irv ill w .'( 1 lol Si:;
- v -li ..-ii h is
' .- J '
of our candidates ami ,
soia ii lie' mall atl'l
In !:ce to be injur- :
i!i j .r::
ifourcounti-v aiid :
... -, rund i rof his fi.rim r
' ' ' '
-. d t . reliev hi f
ha.s l.ovne .-o well, ail
ctn a-s .Ions i'lLci.it
hi.- -in c.-sol ,
d Keliv l'.u!'-
!,!. Il le
. e-t l.lliialoe, l.lllie- :
,.- - , i -
. -!i..v.-. l.i.- stree-lh in
. ,M-e .1 , e Ve lir-t '
! 1 o-'c e in. i
, !"ia
t la. . t 7.e:iloii-!v
nt in ih-w ;orii
lie i-a :aei h inie.ol"
' ..
'. :i ta in oi lutiii
to t.i rei ive, :;
f na-
!ru party itrm.v.lui will
;;!; ! !.:- inom v f .r ihe
ihe V'.'iono-. '.i.r as
Sir. II. .11 li v.as when
l ie is no in ire iaii"o in
was at thai time. "K-i-
illoel at i- d-iet l ine.
r. SAMi t r. Marsiiau,
- m !e-u 1 IVotu a li.-t of
II- hails li.-a ot..- of
: hips, v. l.i-h has boi n
i "i or ;l years, tiini in
a larj-e atal itnatiinnni -
. ... - 1- T 1.
all li; r.
true !'i
:.0!.i--i a
IV ; v..
i a v i
a i: a i; aaii. .linn A 1 f. n in, r.wii h :
, excellent huue education. ..f extensive '
. , .
ii.l-t r..a! -!!. onrr t ;::i l exact in litisine.-s,
:.a 1 i. ; ' v ..iy .jiia'olied for a position s..
iitipi it: nt lo t.i-payevs, there wil! be no
mi ta!.o in eleetittir him.
It i le-i-lly lieees-ary to say ;; waird f-r
Hi iisiniT II. i.Alitii. As Cominiioni i' of
'l'r.-;, un r, all 1. ii, w him. His late ti mi
of ..!!: eat i-. d ( I s.'iii, '.",7. j w hen it wa
ns mueli li'iiii'.!- a. j r. flr, bu: its tlitti-s
.-ire v.. il laasl r- d, ami i.s he is di.iii;a;;i -d
I'-.-u iai ia.a - he can iie .a-his time to
th'.- liio.f adv. n!;tL'e
to all.
-John Bi.aiu Linn li.r Bisiri.-t Attor
The Mil.lie interest some times fiiot 1
l il Kin. IllS U!
, i ,. . i - .ii i . r .e i t i
alua.v-, -a::.;-;.. the hot t,...t this post ( have a warm heart fur the borne of our
i- ..cttt ie.l M ielv by menibers new at the , youth and luaiihood, but wa earnestly ;
bar. 1 is on this account fortunate that : wish to avoid a fatal division in the ban- j
.1, ..C, ! C..., 1. ! n..r Dlsl--;,.. We mx thi. wilknur !
rietico as Mr. l.tnii can be secured. His j
ability an 1 atliiinmeiil.s are amide, and his
io'i .-if the County Seat wiil bet suit '
s;-; t ut ol every ei-lit who have occasion ;
to con-iilt that ofTieer. j
la if tiny of the ynutiL'er Certmins in
o'tr eniinty have so Well unproved their
a lvantau'i s as CoSUAI) SllECKI.KIt Esij. of
Forest Hill. Of an in'itiiriiia: mind and
o.o"d nuanory apt in whatever juir.-ui; he
i traaLes neat, exact and ambition.-, as a
Surveyor, wo think i; can safely be pr-iu-i-i
d that he will work promptly and spare
leather time, pains in r expel..-.- in beiiii.'
a-stiri'l that ha i- slriellv cmTo..;.
i-'.-r :
.v ha
ai lit
-AMUKI. C.V."ii.:
ali.io.-t any -il.
ha.U- t: .t"l.t...y.
al:: ;. 1.
or i r-
fi il-
ai d public
-a. id. Sie
i j,,.
,.. ;...,i,,.v
firm T ut
.Ml i
ol la
laat'iav of 11 ft.,. u'Ti iai -e ls
- .' . . ,
ll ,-.; -. l-.-l-Ml it . iV..
of til- I'-
aia- tl.e l-adiirr char;. -tori. -tie
a . We me proild '-i'lh-l
'!'.!! ,
Hv -rn 1 i-.eh -th. lv
h iv e pi li t r In
a -" I'.r Sinn,, weak1
'he tin s..ni.. ,b -id or :
to '..
p .ii.'
Its ;
. t!
yH-'to ra!
or invoke
!., buy tr.
1. ....1 . n.tlu.r
itM-tl i-rittlu r
ale :-. lle
ej't li. :
-e so till' o!
ns t i aid i-
lu.l -i 't
"itili 1 seeki rs .
:: ti. kv t to i.verci
Iftheycan -et upas o- ., and
1 an! c-ia; it. nt men as outs, s,.
l.i tti r : the i .ii.ie-t 1 1. n wil! be
lu-t. -h the belti r : the coi.tc-t tie n will he
, i , ii
i: t ;e rsoH-r. hitt one oi lT.lxcil'l.E ; atnl
v.. :'i;:ll irv t- sr, as we have for twoi
v-:.vs in-' (HI! VVlKH.K TICKI'-T:
TII! I'M i'l ! A NT by a si:ITi-ii tit majority'.
fi, A fiiend in South Kastcru V.'is
cotism wiitcs to the X'ar it- Chronicle:
"The Oraiu crop in this locality is pretty
much secured. The Wheat is good. J'ar
ley and IKts are also good. A neighbor
Lear this has been thrashing his Uats
turn nut 75 bu:hols to the acre, and very
Wm. Stcveus a lad aged 13 years, resi
ding in Wiliumspnrt, wag drowned in the
Susouchanna, off Mulberry street, Friday
n,rjn2 at, ,ut 10 o'clock
lis was iu
the act of catching drift wood. Swim-
. . f.. f- .t... i .
I. miu , tu .ucouoio ml mil iiu.i.urw, .v
is supposed to have taken the cramp.
i His body was soon afterward recovered
. ... 3 ,
but ino was ioo iar cone 10 render ine
; efforts of resuscitation effectual.
Dr. Jos. Wood of Williarcsport died on
it . : ... or. it-l.i
..iuuua. i.ugus. a u v-
time rruthonutar? of Lvcaiuinff coontv.
. ' .
and as a citizen was uuiversaliy respected
nn.1 .a.,;MT,.n n..iv,mT;ffn..n..,tJ
t Tho OnDOsition have caioed. on cf5eial
crur:t. another Congressman in Kentucky,
I r 3 '
orliiln ilia amilnf ill.) rollirnorl Tlam Mom.
her from the Ashland dibtrict it is thought
" Ex iwJnnt'lW l.M rMPy M
- home in New Hampshire, with hi wife
, iU.LHi.it improved ja hcal'.a
State senate.
Nearly .11 ol tlie c.m.uaiea - . j
cnatc of our Statu r now in the Ul-I, ,
and wo rejoice to see 80 lutKb deteruiiua-1
. i
lion to put forward me very w ,u-
. .. . . ... r .
tbat exalted Btatioo.
1 In the "Dannec Kevliiucan Pis
i M - r " . !
hauna. V voiwiii and Cullivan cuuntics, a
, a..
,cd. Little Sub
warm contest is lieiDg waged, iiiiue cui- ,
. ,
livan led ull and nominated ulaui
1.' .. V. Wt. .in.In.i nonitnalnd I
uu, i.-,. o "3 "
Sujueliantia i I
- w. ii.iiaam o.-.iuh. r""""
iiauic. uiiat,linon.-;y. JWI 'H hi.i.i am
' t.. i
Jt.ssi 1.
lirutlfunl prop t
All tbte
aau ueoi.n j. io..i.-i.- i.-- . -
i i' I a I tro.e:
noiiiiiiets we have known for coarly tweu-1
tj years, as ardent i n 1 lufl-sible advocates ,
i- ... I : .... 1 1 I!...-,.- o it.i, ri.it.l
1,,r lioeeitou una uiuoij vu i uv . ;
:Je of ,ua great iui;utiiiiis of the day.
I ersoiiaily, we Have tinuo uiu toe oesi
fceliag far every one of these pcatlemcn, !
. . . .- i r i- t i
and we l.ave not a partie.c cf individual ,
in Iciest la the rosuit. l.ieh county urts
s:roi,.' reasons why there should be accor- 1
l''d tiietil the choice cf Senator. But '
Wyoming and Bradford have both had the
u"'u' ui"1..i..ia..u.., -nv ..
w...t,. v,-.,...lni,.,..n n,.,l v,i ,,-nn
bad a chance far S.-uator faur years agn,
uaw hasa Kepr.seutativc. Bradford
has tuo in preseutatives, witu only JJUU .
tmre voles than Suxpuhauiia with but .
one. c-u-Ueliauna Iia.- the Congressman,
.... 1 ! Il -1 .1. I ...i... I, II.. l.i-
virtue of numbers and ot "eluiuis" Sumjuo-
hauua seems to us fairly eutitlcd to the
pre-cnnncncc. a snperi -r lot oi t 1'i'i.l.s, wlucii lie win sen , )n u.,.,.1;.tv tiC ;;,) ,.,. 0f ScptCln-; liutlal. e. JuV
Shauld the cool and unbiased choice of ( up a ac.niiiii,o,l.itiii terms temhernext, on The premises, at 10 ..clock, ' - -
the I)i,trie. Wl npan JuJe Jts.-ti-, he Jtr lvT" elmtri " ! A. M.. certain tract ... Land situau- ,n the ; FOR RENT!
' . ; hl.s prices tor Ml I'l. i,,u.l,,i. ..I While lleer. an, .... l.f ' ........ -..
isamauwho would cuufer honor upon Ail havinIIi.les to.lisposeof will do better . .. t i',i ......i, .... i ', i ,a ,i., si,eViel.l , . ., ' '
.'., ...ii i,,. ii,.,. ... i:,, ,i, , .i ' mi ii. toiiiuiei! nortn nj l.ii. l oi tne ?-ii. Mem j !(,1, Ly ahiiiti.n Hutchinson as a
It... n.wt n,i. ..ill .1 re;i ' 'l r. n-itrinL " ' -" "I I Ir.u. I ,., ,.i 1. 1- n-..vi l.i- l.-.r.,l fill, el ll.'i.rv . .i-i ....
r.-.,.. - I " h-in.U .,1 -.enls as he Is il. len.i un it In "lee 7 a ". Sllnon. I ll"V are SUl.aOit ler V, I I ) I
iiua-iiiation ot a grave and ppotless Iranian f anvfjenou in this particular I. ranch of pur
Seaatur in the best days of tbat Kepublie. chases. E.J. 1111.1.
J ' . ;. i T i i - n
We knew bim when the political princi
ples, now the badw and the .dory of his
di-lrict, were far iu the background ; yet,
iu timoe days, his veic, his pen, his time,
and his purse were always found enlisted
in the lause of lliybt. In the ddrkest
days, when certain defeat awaited bim, be I
tuffared bis name to bo used for office, to
i -s r. - -
; a-aist in beari ng up tho standard ; and
i now that the tide is turned, we rejoice
tbat he is not forgotten by those who know
him best. He is a gentleman of enlarged
i and liberal feelings, of unsullied integrity,
and of a much higher grade of ability than
usually is found iu our Senate chamber.
hear there are local matters in ;
Bradford which are iikciy fi alienate the :
... . . 1
party, and would hope that Judge Jc-ssnp
may be united upon as a compromise can-;
didate who would do justly by ail. We do ;
not desire to bo thou.-ht ofliciou.', Vet we 1
liDowledj;i of any one iu the Distii tt, with
the best wishes towards all, and a bopo
that (while bis opponents, younger nicu,
can waitj justico will bodoue towards one
who has grown grey iu hard aud hatora-
ble cervices.
Korthumbcrland County Politics.
A Secretary of the ( Ippositiou Couuty
Convention, having learucd tbat lha ililtu
ni'mi cliice was destroyed by the reaeut
fire in Milt-.n, forwarded us the detailed
account of the CunveTJtitm tu MouJay
lu.t, fur publication iu our paper, fur geii-
oral liiLiuuti-jQ in llm nioo. We are
happyto ham, that although our neigh-
o ts took the treciu'.ien to remove most cf
. , , ,
thtir maletial.-, and may perhaps le iumc-
what do aved iu tbc nublieatiun of their
.",..-,) ,
paper, ui lueir uunuiu ana uui uuiueu,
ana me paper win uouutiess suou appear.
The necessity of the case seeming not to
require us to give the particulars as de-
8"u, buu as our paper is a.reauy uucu,
we content ourselves with a brief synopsis.
J i
1 .l 1-1' I
The convention met iu the Court House
at Sunhury, at 1 1. M. Juiin K. Cas-
'-iiw, oi itiiittm, i resiueut, and james
Ta;iari of XottiiuuiberlauJ and J. W.
WttKS of Delaware Twp, Secretaries,
Voti Delegates were iu attendance, and
tuu follow. Aomiuaiions. were uiaJc aud
n mi ni mimsl ti i..ifii-iirr.-.l in
" J
Assembly Atnos T. ILishI Turbutviilo.
''''uimissioi.ei A. Hlosser, Lo. .Valiancy.
Treiotir.-r .lai'.nl. llnlirbaek. St.iilmrv.
it Attorney S.d. II. iioycr, Cameron. ;
' (J ironer Dr. W. II. liuddard, N'urth'd.
Aidilor Jacob II. Clark, LowerAuausta.
Auditor Jucoh 11. Lurk, LowerAususta.
i. ., tin i , ,T
hr (jov. rollock was appointed Uepre-
senlalive Delegate to tho next Slate Coo-1
ventiou. instructed to annoint. Hon. David
Ta-gart for Governor, and Anderson Dili- j
i ius of Turbutville was recouimcnded as
Senatorial Delegate. I
The Itcsulutions reported by Wm. C
Lawson K.-rj., warmly favor the election of
(ten. Cameron for l'rtsideut, and of Mr.
Taggart far Governor.
After providing fur the appointment of
Conferees, Vigilanca and Standing Cou
uiittce, ie., the Convention adjourned.
The nominees we believe ara men of
-J . -
l"' vu-.acver .ue. ...,. prop-
"''J. '"emeu nun wiiu juaieious cuori
may be elected
... , c.t
. c nave, iu ounoury . oiacK norse, no
! Jea,1r J"i?. ''"t "a ive and k.ck.ng,"
now fortv.twn tears o .1. (11,1 Hub is the
i , , ,. :, " : .
I an rt nori n rw n n,n i... ai ft y-. n ii...
property of Hu-rh Delias, E-q , of this
! place, and performs his duty as faithfully
: as auy of bis race. Ha is in harness
I a,most CTfry d;iy aJJ J0uka ag jf h), ,u
lie f7t)otl tor a doz -ti Vftars niirp. A ln-
: ? V. A r i
1 " . " "w mur Uulua nuum
j no duubt form an iutcrestiug chapter.
v.. .1 ...
JH'ftLfM'V al'UK (lUJI.
i Tn the fialOfii.n nf tkA tfmmlMnnri A
award the Premiums at the State Agricul- .
' of tbe Supreme Court were comtituted th.
! committee on Bacon and Hum. This
' way DC ejnsiJerea vouUmpt ct tourt.
.l.EWJSBUIltt omiONlUX-ttr.. 1 In',!!.
To Builders.
riTHn subscriber wibs to iiistriit f.r i
.,.!. ...1.c.r:v...r mUl.M
. .
( r (n bc U,l jmlm.,,au.v,
Iowcm LaMi 1 crmi.
i,v ffet. The uiher. a liai.k liani. t.o bv
. . t i.:i, , cn,... n..r Walsinit.nvn :
i ) 'PiMiLcr in be L-.il on llie rremi-cs
T. 1'. L'l liTIS
l.cwi.-hiTtf. A"?- :', ly:,'J 1
, ,
i. cn AVr.r.:;i.r rn.i
flUIB undcrsienct wants On TUow
I Naud Wnliartt out ot bis B..k Ar
counts lo pay on nis ocuis. in nuts, mm u
i.,.,.,ii r.,...i r..r Tiukiv
ilnxt'li.rp u'tiii :it in nrre:irs tn h ril i
m,,inhs anl uver. will rbase sci'.W
six llliillins ami over, win ini-aM-
.. . .l -li -.1
accunls imnieiliatHy; and thus in arrears.
ijniler six mnnilis, will receive a r-ai.nal'!e
ilM.ll tU..ir s,.Ponn,s (r ,.,v,n,-,.t ma.--
i.-, .; ' y vnc t. ..o.. I..!i ,-. n
wiiiim iiiui i.i-i. . . . i ... ... .
':, mi'l tr?Mip heinj contji'th. r - .
X. li. All pnrsoas, bcrcnin-r, mpN' twj
lu: jtriitrsiiipal ser'iccs ct' ih" snivel ilcr.
wdl be called upon to settle their s pntie-
1 1 1 -i 1 1 v at six months alter attendance piven.
( AU,;i;s i()l.i:i; A I n, al,. a reasonnM-
amount of charitv ptaein-e evpi cn-,1 t.i l,e .-;v-
rn ,v'"irP r'-rs-r.s have i he .i.vp.i.it.o,,. i.-.t
in,! the iiir-i.iiv. t.i line. I ttii-r. l a m.r i.r.ir,-
1Ilav , r- nhniiteil rr.-.ln ; l ie. p.r
luniM - it, lie has, lor the future, IW-! cm i!o-ix
II.MIIH I KK1!, UUICII Will UTT Mill I ) M .
( r;,s,.s
jVSiriet attention piven tr. l,tI.;r, a for
" - 'rh: VM I. I.KI.-KR, M. 1.
I.fwisluir". Julv 2S. is.a.imfi
. . :
It fl'll l-lt I"IK S.tl.i:,
Cash paid for Hides !
riIIE stitiseri! er wmiM resper.ifully int-rm
5 the pill-lie that lie has now on haml a
si loetass. riua-ntol the l.e-t St il.K I.K A i'H DU
f..r the supply of his cn-tomers, t.ieiher uitli
l.cu isi'ui . j uur ., i -..j
Jonathan Nesbit's Estate.
"V'OTICE is here by civen lliat Letters of
, Ailimnisiration on the F.siatp ol Jonath
an Xesbii, late of l.eu-jsbuia; borioii'h. Fimui
Ci hi my , decease.!, have been cranted by- the
Ifesister ul Fi.ii.n roui.ty lo the subscriber. '
.1 il.t:,:'!..: .
will present Ihein properly authenticated r
settlement. Ill OH P . SlIFI.I.KIt.
I.ewisburp. June 2,1NS!I Adminisirat ,r
ST P I C - N I C . "tOl
" We'll jump Into th. Wage.., aoj all take a rUr."
- 1
I.AIiftE, handsome I
'V and verv coin foria
ble 4l;OV hasbeen
titled il n fur the esnecial acitoiiiiniut.atiiiii nf
1'ic - Ntc and ether similurrxetir.sions. Terms
mod.'iaie. Apply ,. .I..s. M. JlorsEl..
l.s-.vishtir. June :t, ls.'e.l.
A Uevi Business in Central Penn
7J r pulilir in gmrrcIS, M,llim n in pnrlirulur. ,
rhe undersigned would respectfully
la )""' iw the dwellers iu I.ewisliury. and
ITurrmiml,,,, country, .bat tluy have
opened a
Struw Hill i Itonttct I!r :i 'liti-
FUHfiSINtJ eMabl i-bnieil t ill lilt.- t'-vn.
w nere ue are prepared lo cxeenie al! v..ri;
entrusted u, our care. l!aviuu' bad 1 1 years'
cinslant experience in tl.e bils!ie.s iti J'i, : d.
City, and beinjr acipiainted with tie? im -t
.Ijiproved process ot lilcaebm-, ue are e.u.a
. 'liii of ur aLiiiiy t .- nil ilio-eutio e;-.e c
' iheir ciisti-tn. Ky davotin.r time .it. 1 ata iiti. n
; to ..ur nus.i,-s, p, rinruiiu umk i.ea iv and
I deliven;,, it pr.anptiv, v e i.np in sti.-,', . !.
We n ' s . i .Si-.a.e and o- .o'.. FDI.T and
i i.ir v.-.a - i - i
lnwt ,t C.'y J l ;f e
di .Itlelioli l;. tl.e
will find it In ihi
ii- in Cay sty
.. We niaia- tii"
Tra le ami lie
r a !-, anaae to
C M : I Ull-'I
al u'i'!i ns.
Wc H.tcntl tn i!i:ikf it n rnV fi:n-ii an !
livt r a!! ut-rk thtr.iti: ;h' u c k n nrcivctl.
pruviilfj uo m tt en .-r b i"tc 'i 'uv--:y
t , , c , JnI, v M I)ANI;I' r' !
.March !, Ih;.j J.ca-.iiiirg
- " j
. ,
If AMMI n sinned the practice rf MKDI-
ci.n, t. aaler- his prolessauia! services
n ihe enzens ..f I.ew-isbur-
and Viettitly
lend of Market
O.iice and re idenre at th
slri-et,uppiis.(- Trick's Feundiy. ,ltii,e l.'all
'p:n: ;m.v v...v.o,.v r.'i:
0. I it. Tiiliin- 1.1 I .lT-irtl'l
i n n- -a ii r,t; Ti,tr l
ii'ti'tiir.'. .a. ,, J. ,,1, ;UlJ
ti' --a t.TS
-. tii. an. i.t ,f tl..iniii.,nt. :i. in .,-u-,
i' . .1 1 r ;it !.!- -a., .-,'.,1,- . r a. nun
l'-,l. J - l:i-a- ST:.l,,: - I'.r ll- Pill, Hint. A.llli'-s in
I i;l-.r,-l ia.- l.inii.r. lOoioiu-iu it. I. 1 1 . Al Inn' ii- I',,..
X-w .I.T-. V. 'l ii.J.' viO.in- rh. up lati.l. .1 ll.- 1.--1
nilitaiv. Ill I'lte f.f tin' li.;.!!l:i. -I. ;o .1 i:....t .t.-l'c'.tliil fi.
l.i .t. . in It. I'tii ii. in- I ul,. re ?-. ur- n.-..r rut
.1 wn .
v. rti-ni
r-'st-. !..- t-i
lit I.f Il.IL.li
nt it MMur.
.uti ll .:
t.f tlif uorth, .' aJ-
i:-. j iiii.iMi tii. r
T T AS liecn rciiiiived to Heaver's Hrit k '
II ... , v , rt, ,
J i lllnok, on .Nnrlh ihtnl slrrrt, :lt! doer
iroin Market, where they are prepared to do
all kinds of work ill their line cn llie idiorlest
Orders and inquiries from neighboring
tow ns promptly aiiended lo.
Please call an I examine our lare assort
ment of Fixtures of Ihe most approved styles
ani1 "'"vn-
AH work warranted. Also Strain ni-
is done io order.
Lewisurs, April I, 'SU
William VanGezer,
il l.'vll(iir;r. In ion Co., Pa.
Ollice opposite Kline's Hotel S1
John B. Linn,
OfTire at
X V bis house ou N. Market Si. bet. 1st & 'id
r.'S Lew isiliiii, .
rpiIEY arc the Best Calicoes yet of-
fered to the PiUtlte for the menry.
Wholes ix Aacm,
6m7H:i Keif York.
Attorney at Law.
FFICE on Smiih Sectmil near Market St.
LEWlSttVHii, I'A.
ftTAll Professional UuMness entrusted to
1 hISc.ire will be taiihiullvan-i prumpily attea-
deil to
Sept. 14, 1S."i7
A DESIRABLE Kulldlng Lot, 33 feel
leet fn'tit by lti$ deep. Lnquire of
Leaver, Kremer A M'Ulnre.
1 The IMmplilet fr are ,
' T
1 i ,' ......I..,. 1.
aii.i tinny ."r ...sin., ...... ... ni.c
SAM I. Kirs!l. I'n i!i
ffjX9t -T7 -
C A R. P E T S
nt !.!! j-iOr n (ic.tp More,
T7::i: in
in a l.-.-e-.-trcel, ..vle-re ll..." st-in
pan-.'s are verv l.-at, t!i- s-
cnaoied to m.I ul t li Verv l.f..i.i I i :i-e5-.
I't-rsof vi-iioor rioi:' !c! 'iia. an I v. i-!oiil' T'
!.uv ('..re. t-. (HI i:ie!h, M.iii.i.i'. A c. Will
il-. '.eril li ( x.tTr.iiu' liie I o r; re as(-r:iii'-i.t of
Tupi'-lrv lii
lner.nn aint en tian, )
an 1 u 'loins i ! :l u -niius in srai variety.
Also, ('.niton ami I'.Il-n Maoii.c- il ' t
1.1MMN. v iOi a !ar..i' a -orMn-rit of i(-.v-prj-','l
In r tin 'arpi-s. an ! loo: y att i S'nir 'a1 p.'i
1'ot;-.. M in, Hi n.-.e'.s. Siair K. .!,Kac: Cuntiv,
On. hi t'ariiels Ac, A c
11. II. EMlUintiR,
X.i. in S'raivlic rry .-!., iloor ab l'h-mut,
T Sirav! i-rry is the tir--t --treet v.bi .f
S'-ei.t,.!. j f-(.-n,:t
3 illorc lUc;
!'-,r.!;.l"r. VITTUX. VKAL.
A i;., will ! e Mij-plie-l to the Imn-jrv people lv
tl.e snl. -rial, t-r. at Lis shop en .-ith Kilih
;-tri i-T, wlii-r..' he caiai-s on the lliireheriri
I ii-iness, a'.-l will -npplv all kiieis nt Meat
in it-; sea-oti. (In W-laes lav and Suunlay
lilornins, wii he fi. iiml at .Market in front
o I M'Ka loin's llar.iv.are S'ore; -j-at low rates
f.-r t'asli exrln-ively. 1,'alves name. lleeves
am! tliei p .iiu.!iasi. 1 ai usual. Try the New
llatchf r.
I.e-.vislair'. A II?. IS!. IS.V.Iy
Heal Estate.
1 V virtu" i f Min lry wiits of Fi. Fa. anil
J ) V.-ii I. I'x. i-s ie, miii. I :!ie (oairt oi Cmn
niiin Pleas of 1'iiion county, ami to inedirert-t-il,
ua:l l.e cxpo.seil to I'ulilicXale or Outcry,
on the ilale- an.! al the ph I'oiloWiiiff.lo wil :
II. ith. dee'ii. and others, south bv lands ,,t H.i.
vi. 1 Sieiiiini-r. and east by lands of Giib-mi
liiieher and o tiers, coutainn.z Twenty Acres,
no -re or l-ss, u hereon are creeled a Four-Mo-r-y
WOOLLX FACIOKV, a two.si.,rey
liwelhi, ll'-u-e. fiame Statde and oilier Out
Iliiildines, Ac, with the appurtei ancts. as
the pr. p-riv o! Isaac, sjiaiien, David Mair,
John si. Fiimry, u.-allnail .Messiiiger &. SaAin-
u I lleinbTsoii.
A lso mi 'I'licddnv 1'ith ilnv nf Sen-
'..!.""! !!
ouse el vt illiaiu
-vi.ne, in ine uorouen oi lit
llarlleti.n Al 11) n'-
r!rfi A..M.,a certain Lot and a Half of:
Cnmnd. more or less, .situate in Ihe Horooch I
Daniel, n, and county of Cnion, bounded j
. ih( fa5i fcv u) of MlssM Luca5i fouln Dy I
turnpike, weal bv lot of Rebecca Wise, and
nr.rih hv an alley, whereon are erected a;
Wnr.. If. ... m anil frtimw Kttit.l A-f villi th..
J.,.....C.....e, ,,.,M- o, ... r..1.
ipiirlenances, as the property ol R- H. Ke
JOHN Ci:tS!S(;i;i)VE, Shenlf
Sheriffs (Mice, Leu-i-burp, A us. 5, IS.'fl.
1)V virtue of sundry writs of Vend. tx. and :
l ev. Fa. issued out of llie Coun of Com- I
in -ii rieas m i. uinn couiity anil to me oirecteii, t
wnl be ej posed to public sale or outcry, on
the dates an .1 at lae places following, to wit :
( lii Moniliiy. lJih ol'Septt'inbcr next
at 1 . '. !'.., l'..M..at tne Coiinhouse. I.ewisbur',
a lea aial a hall of -r und nine or less.siiuaie
in lb- 1 roii-.'ii i t New U-iiin, rnioii county,
la a .-.! ot: i.l- ton ll i .. No. l-'s at-l bait 1-1
I r-i .bon':
! . at i
i.l I .v..
'.- ! -i e.li bv N-'i' .Vatkct stree-.west
. i. aai 1 y .-.!. ii! 'a',;i:.,l(;M by ha 1
.-.!; i.-.-it ai- f.v,-;.-. a two-.-t.-iey
II ...... a -.:: oi .... .5 v at-r wa'i a
t.ia i. lap ol 1
It.vi r. !-r:h .vl i. Is .. J.-l.-i V.rt.J. i:a Kim-.-
aa ' o";. r . u - t ! v Iai; ' - . t .la.-oli 'i'r. n.-I
a ;.d -, i all 1 v !at I - ,.t" .laeni. K ,-;..! :.a 1. r.t.en- :
:;.;.;;';"'! '. - ;.' .0;,o:aat'- i... re or !ess.w:ier.-on
at-- i i. .-: ! a i M'-atui-a-haif st-rey Fraiue I
IiMelan-a H n-e. a l.i la.ra.U'aeon biicIAc ,
ai!i the aapnrteiiaiicis as ihe propeny ., ;
David, S. i , v. ' I
.iMiiN c;::i--nr.(ivK. fh-ritr
,."' l i'.o i
.n,- . i - j
Sher'tr-- O.aee. Lewisleir.'
l it nit ur:;l S !Ci i.ic nl.
T-o A l.t, W ANTlNiI Hl:V-. h r:.re . aaoil-.n i in n
.1. li.la.Ui I..., I li.-;-.:t!i r. ii.i.Ii. ... Ui:,. - s. nit ti.-H-t . f
r,;i;i-i-a.nii,iai 11. l- l uui li-i. iiLl Allioili.- U.otr.iuJ N.-w
All .a.l
tl-i lit
f.T. r.il th-'n.-m;i!i 'f rfrv
j't -i itif.i ii r in- t .t-i"i-A
(" j it'iiti 'Ti I - tit- i.'- '.
.Ml. ,UI .-S5.il 1 hi .!-: 1
T'"T, iciin icl tt. ;r I '.tt-s.
"'In- in-.- i f t l.iti l i- nt
et 1 1. .l-.i. liv n I-..,. I ,-
f . - to -i.i- Ii., J.iir-1. .-I-1
Ii. H ri ll. ml - .1 i In
1 ;-.v. s. tll'.l t:.. r.- l!..-
n.i-.a . m- ... ia .T-
l!.. I. A .!..:;, tt .f J T B.'T. til- M-il 1- ' f
I-. '.M r ll..- I i- -.i l--: I W li. ;.t. i'v.-r. I .tii.
. i i il..-1 1- .
:.i5.- I
. :! in ll..- 1 1;
' -(. th.-
. :il ' . It is . i si I. n l tltt
M. 1 t.f? I'Ulrl' it l. t i;V M-
nirtm- . in my .1" tin- f.itiii. r.
Irntl iir-D .w jrvwii"'; ! i'iiii
! j : iiM ,f. it rr-. i ju l-r
it- 1iI.'i!U''!lVi'llv-.4 of tin- litlnl.
I.. -1 Iru.l
. llll- tO 1:1
Crc.yn ul ;
t ; Min. XT;
r- : I
Lv .- -!.M
tl If Inrtu . .I
'111. I. ri i- a;-' r..;.'
mi-lit i t 111.- Inn.!.
i,.. ,.l. 11..-r.-.iil
i- . t.st, t' i cur" tin- r. t . I ii.i;r..tf
liii li i.Tily r'- Itl fir '', ,..! r-
: I t i n. tt;.it villi. n the I fist :ir.
i in- -tr. mi. ii.ur st 'H s. m nil- forty Tiitjru at.J I't ju li
..r'-l-n.!-. i tntii.'.l. iiml n Isiri-f nuiTil-.-r i't". thT .iitiTovt
Ultub, IuuKil it u J. sirul'it' itin m tivf piuceut buibi S3-
TiiK m ;:ki:t.
as th r. n.liT m:y p"-rc iv- tn ui its loi-ulin. i? the K-st
in tin- l uii 11. I i -int.- hiitivi; i: ti ul'Iv !lie i riiv- tlmn
ii., tri
in lt-fti' lis itwiiy Irt.iu the ntv. al. t tin-rt tllun J' ni l'
ll.nri tin-W . i-t. It is Ulii'-.n tlint tin'
mm r. si Irliim i.ii'. . (ii tiii..,.s in .nm 1.1: .tuaee. iti. null.
.,. j.-, Mi , auuaalij- tiiuu u. the xtei.t -f
in .-iiTipir nr, inn FftTn-r nn. many anvanift-.
lie is waliin a f- w l.mirs ri li- i.f It;.- tn ;.t rili. f -t No.
I tiuinnil .i.ii M id ! Stilt.'., li. is n.-ur lia. .-1.1 llirli-lii
ar.I fl.--i.-i;..,. lit. In-i in a .-'-.' cuntrij, w .-.r trrry
IMf T-I. Wlr-l.l .' C-.m.'-rl .ll'll rirl.'.si."n it llllifl. Hit
.-an 1 uy in-ry ntt..- In- want, at ll.e rlii-a-,- -I l-rie...
n.l M-il hi. n.l.',e t-r Ik- hiulii'-t. tin the Wi-nt thin
i- rt-5. rs. ,1 ; . l e Ini. ..-bis'ln fur la. i-iiililrn. -tiTine I.T-vits-.
an. I . ill . nji.y an nti.-n a t.iti-r. aD.l Ui-lvhllul rli
nmti.. a li. n- f. t.r. are nil. rly .uK. .n. Tbe r. s-ult "I
III, rlitm-ae u...n llioi-e !nn. Hi. Nertlt. Iia. ffrnrally
In-rn ti. r. sti n-I li. in tn an ex. i-tli-nt i-tiite ot li.altlt.
In the a.v of l.ull.lii.i; a.iil inil Tovitir. lumt. r ran lie
ol.ti.in.il at w Dull- at I v rat. of f i a In -1.. er tti.-u-
I .an.l: lirirk.s frum the brirk ,.r.l ........-il in the nlm-e -.
! .v.-r..rll.-l.-,ai. I.e ,,r,-r..a , the i-la.-e. c I ran..-u-
; lersare at le.li I. an.l ti er, is no .:a.e in tl.e t lio n
.l,. r.t'U...ti..i;.....liin,,,,,n.,.uui.-nl.ma,l.. l,e-,i.. r.
I The rea4er al one h. Mm k with Ui- .lai.tairea
htrr vn.ntta. hlJ a-li hiui.--lf wby tb proj.-rty hn !
iw ii tiihcn up iM-Kirr. i rrnnvn it witu n--r
; tl.rowa in tbi oirkt-t ; nj uttlfA tluf rutmrnui ,
: wen .i-rcct, n oof woui.l ti invilfd tn exniume thf j
i :iij lHt.p .urcl:arinir. Thin all are mrtr-l to do.
t Th? will Utul uhJit cuitiration ; fin h w thfpxt'nt
. t th wttlfitifiit that thi-y no tl.niht. mrvt pa-Win.
' tr. ui ihi-iron n. iv.!J-r!il; that thrj will wi.tm-M.ttw
iTWiTuvrW iits. ami can yul the rttantrtt-r of th i ot.n-
liition. It thy conn: nh a Ti w to fettle, thi-y nl.ntil.t :
ninr ivian ! 10 May a rtny or two, ami In ready to lur-rlii-f,
as liH-htinus chii not 1m- ItHil on ri fual.
Thrivarf two daily train to I'hiU.Mj.tiiii. ami to all
A-ttii-r wlt iiuproTt-.thf Kiirmt ('omiitnT (riT'S a frfi
tirkt-t tvt six month!, and a half price Ticket fur tare
In connection with the airriculrultural MttMnnt. a
nw and tliriTintc town haa naturally ariwn, whirh pr
wnt indurrmmtii lor any kind of buntnexn. particularly
Mom and manutartrriM. Th bue bwinra could ba
mrried on in Ibia nlara and market to nw4 wlvantae.
alao rotton buvinetaji, and manafartorie of aitHrnitnral
ininkmrnM or fnondne frrca.-tinx mall article. Th
InipruTemt-nt ban Uen no rapid aa to inur a mnntant
and permanent incrwm of buninepa. Town lota of a
cood Kitf, iw d not aell niiall tn-a. aa it would effect
tlicimproTctncntol Um place,) can be bad at trom $lUi
and upwards.
Thr Ilammimttm F.irmrr. a monthly literarr and atrrt
rnltural n licet, mnUininir full inform I krnof llammon
ton. can ol'tniucd nt iXi centjt per annum.
'ilii indkpuuble warrantee ib-cdo uivvn. eleae f ll
fnciimbrnuce when money t pai.l. Route to the land:
have Viae utrcet wbarf, ihiladelpbia for II amnion ton
bv KirilroMd. at 7' A. M . or 4?. P. M.. Far 10 cent.
Wht-n there inijuire for Mr. HTrne. Bnanlinr coneni
ncn'.n hand. tSrtir had Uttemtopwilh Mr. Ilyrnea,
airtn-ipal.uiii! they baTeder:dH an to pitrebaMnir.aa
he will il.ow thviu or the land in hia carriage fre of
exp..nse. Ittern nnd applirationa can b addrefe! to
Lflii.i4 l:riit-M, lUtiiiiiunton P.O.. Atlantic Co.. New
.ler-y.orM. ll.ComrMiii.rO'J irntta rtfth Street. Phila
dcli hto. Maps nnd in:ormatir cheerfully furnished.
A Business Stand on Flarket Street
. I TT ...... w. ...... . - .
. ft'n li la.- none isrner lor a Milliner,
m ... ,.ii Art. a iiiiiiiiii's. .-. .i-iivi,,
.1 .' : I !
j Assignees' Sale. !
rlX T)i:rS:iy, of Srnm
P Imt im-x viil I -! rjrpti.r(t i j.uI.Ik:
Mil'-. :w r'n in I. t ol LH'Uii'-i on vbu h i
cri'ci''': a V:i;ti.
SThWM H.orinXf: MILL, I
mi' Ii A p p m i t : c - I in i, n - :lt- pr,.jiortv
f.I .t"l .!. Jl.V - V r.rli'l;. in. Mtll.'iTe CM
V.';i!- r MjiM-i, i,. rin "I M.'ikrT, m the b'.riu::h
ct I.'-wi-lui in I n. ii fi'iiii'y.
t.ii 1 Mliti b'iilt ul 1 T'( I., l'r ii r ni4 a h.ill
sturrv h;:h, h;ivu.:' an lf.7W' t.f I-;y b. r .
piiwi r a!t;.i!i' ;i !.!. 1 (!ck v: k ',. --;x riii; i t
sU.v.r, a ti-.u' v. i ,t I S ; : i : : ('!' :!;-, lun
Sin;! M.ir It !.', an ! b!1 r .u i "r-s-Mirv
lit in:.'; ' ! !:- 1.1 ' ) gi.J I'ieur
as ;t :i y nlii'T M:U in ilif m.i'.
T!,p It-rav-n of !h.s M:i, r.n;:Vrin lb
rr 'itif!;;ci's r r.ritrv vi;rioi;i.iirii; i.
nol i;re
liiaai tan la
, a- a- v iahi r r
t in t
in II;;- l
Ma'e ; aia! :h- r- is la re :o:i;n r;i:-e 1
sertiiai -t enaiarv Mi in i- la--' - -nv'.i
:,: tie- M.::-: r..-l I .r M-r. l.:o t
i:la! is es...t-ia ir,.i:li;.i a. ! .1.
Anv t-erson ! -a-. a;
1 1
i-u-.e.s w.ii .!w.:! ,
Ii .1 Clallillie be.-
'ii.fl new Fli.ur
(oi" fun
'j, r!cl ht'tr.
iwi'i"! o an !
I -J AS", i
Stir to In' ;
- i I'uui.
lh- iiLlirhc.ii--ff A.. T Wci.!
i! I;.,ruii--it. ct.Mti.f ik al I
i,VI. ck V. M.
,"n;,ii;t!.'rn nini!'1 :'"rn m i'?v i-f
JC. H. U Wi.D & V. M. .If i;
A iTii1" ( T , k ii i r, il i t i s tV Kit it i ti
l.t'wi'I'iirj', Julv
Real Esttn at Tzlliz SVe '.
"ITT II. I. le e;:"-reil at pal 'ie sale ..a -.'o--
t ('. .I'i..i- -i. I ..:, n: lo ..'i ! -k. A
M, a tract et Larel sruate m ilai;'.il. e 'l'y. r.ear
Fanni rsville.eiaitaa ar.' U I .4'l'i i.-.-re or
less, at.ont I - acres c:eai t an I tne t-alai.ee
welt ii ii, t- If.l.
It wol he i li'.-rcl in lots, or u re-Jicr. t.
mi:i p.ir. aa-ei
Th -ie i- on the prern;-e a SAW Mlf.I.. n
t'i.O Ki; MII.I-, a s ! ', ,v.-r I' -., r an ! a
I so.rinz. l.-s.-.Ao WA1.KLK.
For Terms app'y to
Jan. 27- is-
IP: rn'li'rtnu rr.ei oiir
'.ib i iujr.L.,ii run 0 AL.
fl7T: The ubscrher I lli Is lii I ;he
.'ii; j, 'arse Hi irk Foundry al the i e-i
is-v"..-?'-!!.! ot Market Mreet, iiiciti-in
ir?-ir-.': 'S-- t tie Waicrooin. I lilire. and. ihe
Maeli'iu-iy afache.l al-.i a lare amount ot
Fait, rus fi r Fai-at lii-hes tor Agricultural
.Macbinerv.Sa.ves, Ac. Il i. r. jar ted as one
! ol llie best loi-atioiiN for a ff-od. sale business.
1 he ropn tor s lime is w holly er.irossi-d in
another einpl. ynieni, w hi. h is the reason he
desirei, to dispose nf ihis Foundry. Fir any
luriher particulars, a. hires,
w ILI.IAM FKiCK, I.ewishnr".
reo. injn liiionto.Pa
-ij. :t a i.
r.-lHK rr f ,h(. !llt,s.ri.pr, r
g Marxrl sir.ei m the ib.roiich . 'Jil i
l.ewisbur-.. The house is of BIIICK. uril
tZM 7i ni' be paid th -
and the f.r-t i.'ay i.f April next; ihe balance
to be paid in tuo. three or live years, a- eaav
sun me imver. i'tisiessn-n civ. n at.v tai.e.
June 9, INSS ISAAC WAI, l l.it.
j For Sale,
1 fliHAT desirable propenr. corner of St.
' John and Wati-r Sis ,ci mprisir.; TF.rt-f-'
Hitcr i.ts, on which ai-er. eted a -.mat!
lb ii-e. t-h !, and V barf. Tlas . an ( jr-i-i-I-in
I -a i urn b.r a River residence or place
of i ll-a.ess.
i Fur icnas Ac. a-alv to
, .MN I .IAN WOLFn. A-.nt.
I.-v. i 1 -.t. .! i-i.. : i:, ; -." j
T.V.t ioii i.l.i: Fi.
-F--S a; -1 I . a-. . ; h
:: ii."'
. I ,
i. :-r. -. 1 1 ... i i-i t-Lvch
e. : or Ibi,: i,iiL. l.i r. en
i.-tth F,
la -ttei-t. Jii;N UuLtillTuS.
ar-;. J..a. 2:1. Is.'.-J. Aut l.t
rf'iin sn'. -,-,. r i ta r- I. r sale several
j ri;!CK- linr.slls. at-1 , ;':;. r i:..ii-:.
tiui. M ii.ilc in ih" I
!' .'"Hii- Wishini; i
rail en Mr. J.'ii.vh.v
ilit'm such ii:!t itiial!
J u! v .", I '-Ti
r. n. h i i i..
r ni iia-c.
i ii v ir. i v .I- -ir--.
ON Saiith n-ih :r.--. a pr--rerty i
r. a -i-iit.a . : a . 1 Praia e il i I "
on a baa
, a .
Terias ea v. A: p
a. ii. voLfi:
till; well km vvti 'i';ni'rii S!sr.il-.
al the ta-t end ot the Lewisbuiy Jlx 1.
liinipe, iu t'hil.c,u.-..;t:e tov i -b p, X. ith'd
Co. It will be sold en rrasiaia!,;,. i, r,,..
Ine.ii'ie i f V. Il.i.IAM FKICK.
Lewis'. uri. Hie. IT, ISaS.
Important to Farmers & Gardeners.
Ml I. subirnber bavin- recently tiavele i
mneh in ihis and a.ii.eiitai -states, and
seen the pr-at failuies m Oram and (iai.l- n
. Veeetal.'i-. has concluded il.ai a t llAMii'.
i OK KlCI'.hS is uhii.lul-iu nrcr-siiri .- th.s also
is the opinion cf the l est Agriculturists -er,e-;
rally. I have th re!', re iniperteil (or made
! arrangements for: ipnie a variety f
, 8ee.s, ueli as h i---- been found best sum d 10
; our soil and climate at this time. The ti la
, wine are specimens of nnr varieties, and
Ihetr yield per acre. -. ,, hnnil f, r sale at
my residence in Mnanilur-, Fnion Co., I'a.:
ll'i-r 1,.; JVi.vtr
I ,,-vi, r . .. -"' -J-r-tcrc.
i Knc' ,'""""'nen Wheat,
; 'V' '"'l',yk . . liuuia .'.0
f!1' ' -h PjHeman Peintoe, .1.. u ..
t ,..,. l''' S nn-j l.ye,,.r.early K-yrt M
i-r Acre. 7'w..
3 H
5 0
6 Ml
l:. mail IT U titter line
hottfia 45
N. paul or l:ear.ll-F H.irU t
rittt" I lata ,a,.k r, n.
sc -
lmp.Corn,lincears.rii-eiui(Kijwii sui. iH( .
',' " i Fiwi aj-i'ir, Ti-ry
lini.lv. ifi'ii, Jap.-O 2. rt!
Sir.ntlrrt ,. , . a.W"..T.ry nil'. ,
(,rn li.un.rxtr hki- Kr.-. n .-. rn, Ti-rrpmliirtire CTi
t.n.n.,.1 .4I,. if.,.,,t lili.rh.-tiiioii. tt.-li inri:.
l.nt. r ur H7i,re amy, fr.-ni ...rtuuny, maki t.i.
ii til.ni, I.'. M.'-a. l:.A 1 '
n.r , tn'-urn ..
lf.i'.Oo-.(.s.,it lik.- .wr.-t potato.. -ii
iav.Ii-4 Tura.;.,-. a. ijl. 1.. to lolbanch.krrp Ihr
al...... j.ar, jrrr harily 5
rV.MI orders lor Wheat must be in hv the
1st of August, and fr an) of the ether s'ecils
by ihe Im ol October, to srenre a supply. Th
pay mnsi accompany the order, which should
bccarefully addressed to A S KI.INti.
l9 Mitlliiibur", 1'nion Co, Pa
prRSONa ,hint ,,,i,h Jiana&rtoriH. in . n. .
and Ibrxlnii ilaraab.r. hu,inn.a ia f,l. an- aU
T.Ttla.m.nlAf th. llamtnuDlnB sttl.m.nt.
1 lllsloil, E.UZ. Co. Ia.
flint, nn.ter.nrnr.l are manufacturing all
1 sizes of Fl.dl K It in ihe si sub-
manual manner. IVrms moderate or.lcrs
promptly til Inl. KICHAHT &. liEY K
l'iliion, .May 20 pd:i,
S-"(l;lI '8 -dny ajniisijvj'i
av h.ik ivvrni.w
-uaAis d.i ioo UE3 311111 jjSnnt
-tin UI AL'11 J.HIII li u .. .........
' 11- -I..-.. ...I. ...II.IU.
i is Jii iiiiiii'iii.uii.niias .,!,, mij.i.
.ill iu avtl no ill itin..,.. I
".I; M.l.t X
'J'0 and frtGi I'LilaiVlphia
1 ICetliiilioii i
if Rale
Kt C'Ia
45 cts. per 11)0 pounds
40 - t
3:1 " -
.. 27 . u
nil iS " J
left a; the Iiepot it, I'hiU.Wph.a rr
i. rk. I'. M , will Le furmai.kj mu.t
(; ...
f-re t
-ini.e. Aj toy to
J'nrr r;. ',, A Ihnrhmnn. Ant
us A- si Market l'h:!a.
r. (i. Klill.K. Aat. l.tw.J.iirn..
1 .1 I.. ... I l.-l.
..-1 .-..111 .-, -...J 1,
, l-.'.u.
I. in I. f r -.it.-. ii-;'.. fri in Flu'al. 'i j-
lair A.-
I M I. i..r.-.. t......
: Ij., r- 1 - tr- tuuli prtu .
r n
f at
' f-T li: I..,
.-. V.. li. . I
i-.I y, ..
ll..fT-tii i.' ii .,f.
r. Srv lull fciitrUs-
Post oitici:.
L.UliiKMi'jiJuil I!ook.s,S;;i:ii:(.rv,
- IViiumen. Jea-e.ry. I : v-, i,!,r;i,j,.
t-. ... v ...
j ' Alt K .VukafLV
i rare-, ar I a Wiraa
l:i :: i at i ..
.ii.; "ist; it; idst nrricB.
LlIU AND I'LNi: Oil. ran a, the
l n.--T OFFICE
'IN : o I I'l.'N-s ;..r I.a . - ar- IJ.rt. run
I . had ai lie (isf lifFICE
!:vi:i:.m, s,:!- , r.wij.s ai.,j L,,.r
l.'r- a-t i':n ai, ! Dur kn::. can .e hrd
v ay cl.-ap a, 'he I'O.-'i' FFU:E
Till I 1.11. I::-:-. I.a: ! aroi I'.a
) L.M-hllt I. r Ueeiis St 111-
ry i;ii.L m
Vt l.Y. f -.isot Kai-ir.s, F.--S, Dates ai.3
J'l.a.e Prunes lor sale at o:e
l:i)l.l..s- t,.r Books , r i.. , v( ai.v k .. I
piiiutpiir attended to at the
j oyr office
J Al'insran nm! th- !rr;-est ar,,i ,.,, r,
I i ir.-i.t of I.e-.ier andN'oie l'.)'-;j; rv.
A r. at th-
LEWIS l-ALU i.a.
"""""ss. J J. rLi.
I. I'lL.tltJK to..
IcwMmrs riaiiirj Mill,
- .
p constantly on hand and
n. a ai:, -uire lo order ITowi-jnu-. Sidins,
(i(Mi .S:iali. Sluillf rt. Itlii'tlM
loil!(liii!i ul a. I paiiern.,
ar. ? all . th, r descriptions ol W.,od Wurk usel
in BniMti.r.
Orders respectfully anl-rtf d and promptly
filled. Ai! n-oik warranted to rtye.sansacr.n.
n--An extensive I t of Lumber uf all
de-rr ptn ns on hand li r sole.
tWh.ru nn .i,rtt !ec,nd strl,UlfhburL' I'd
April S2. I .'..
OVFI; J s. M'F,i!'-'s Har-iware s,re,
:, rnteiiv H.-u-hton's Mlt,e bb.re, MaiLe
stieet, Lewis! nil, I'a.
. : .I;.' tyj v;.v, . ixo types,
Ac. in the usual -nppi,, r suae. It, a,!d,i,n'
b. ihi-
p.coir-s. 1 am now i n rami miai.
I"li!tri :; j-;. i.-.r-e ,., M,,a;j, fa ,
I;.,!,'. V 1 v ".''- : HALLO
I ..l.s. 1 pi'itrx r.rc . ,. , ..
ie- hi i.te. ar.a are M:r-.a a tea., oil f-ainni,E.
- a - that lldel.'y .1 ..pre-s,n an,j raiUI.f4
thai cm le produced o,.ly by the Camera.
1 ae-e piriu.es are paiente.l. sn.l I have Ihe
. xilii-ive rial, I for Fnn.n r.un'v. fall ar.
ex.n.or.- specniens. April 21, Is.Vjl
New cods fur the Million.
T T A L jti-i rereived their eeneral stipn'r
s. t . i s r tl.e M lilMi A M .MVLK
1 l.c:r st. i-k c. n
is in pan el tne
v ies of
:.i'--l a-
st fs!, ,, ;e
s;a !, a- fi.awls. M..i,-i,s. Sat.. Feieef-. I -sins.,:-
La. i es. liinchanis, Prtnts'el i.l
patt.-r:,-. K.'.. !.,,,,. La. p, nneis,
Liut.tt Trimiairtrs, Hosiery
(ii.-. -s, , ;R :k,.,r i, lVc'
l i; TllKtil'.NTI.l'MF.N-
a., y l.ave a la aw- a--, r'n.. nt m Cloths, cas
s.;;.-ie-. C. I:, r.ets. V.-tn.-s. H,,:f H. -',
rav..-.. a, !;,,;,,,(,, r ,., . t!il,f
lua-rti,.,;,- I( L-;-rn-." u hu h ran
"' ' ' ' '" a- ii in ;l.,s n-- i n.
ta: aa 1 t.ii..
V - a v ; I tec.
i r ra v vi here e
- a- u--r;:.
' a a i k at , nr assortment,
nai.e- 1 tl-at y. i. ran't do
Is.-. C. atary Pr, ilaee
J. CliKLi Ui st s.oX.
.aa A.il'i
.MO St !:i sliip if the
Ir: n ;'j
A r ...nm
A !.'irs5 p, j ;,
May v:7, I-.Vj.
l.i v. a-hitr". 1'. o.
IN THF: Cl.li !-Hil'!-'li,.. s-,!ser-v,-rt
-i-i ettai'y aimi iircc in i,e n; :'
'"wist in a; an : leii.ny that ihcv have nmi
a rartacii-ii j. ia ine
Tailoring Business,
at the well-known stand oi James .''
.M.iiket street, where th. v are r--,-::"
( l I Al .l.IA'f I V t.i r.'i r
l"si .ui,.. Men's and Ih vs' ;iiins
every ilesctijiin. ii on shirt r.,i.,e. (''
a share el the public ram aa;.-
JAMlls rl.isV.TLL,
J. f. M 11 UTLK.
I.cwisl.nrj-, April I. IsMi
rjlAKK NtlTlcn ! Tne ca atsazned at
I appoinlej Asents Ii r tin- sale if
Hiiois. Illinds &. ltiiKluw Sah
cf alt sizes, lll.lilp nf lh l,. a raa-.en..!. -'1
. work warrantcl. IV Vaie l v l..U.?l'K0l 1,
iluuhesvilie, Pa. and tr aV tr
nil! sa:p I'HPii i I.-,, iVi et
Trimming Knij'r, a convenit-tt arncla- ..r
liinters lo trim pamphlets. .c.
May 2 1. '59. (.'. J.SiTAllI.. Be. ii Dm.!"-.
Ko Grindstcnes,Groc tries, or Honk)
COatSl ! ,h.
1t'T hundred, of H ats am! far" ff ""
) latest styles.a litile cheaper iliati aa
luun.l elsewhere. Tall and see ih. ni al
Cidium' t . Manuiirtori, .riri ':' 'J
n.WK received thrirSKCONU
cl Sprin; and Summer Jleeils. 1--'; (
llresa II.Kiila. Mantillas, anil a la's'' ''
i ',,es' l;"llarr aml er, 'ZZ""'-
Alsoaceneral assortment cf Wf " 5 ...
TriniiniiiL-s ;ottoDa.les. fassimtraA;
which will be old cheap,
! .Miv IS. ls.'.
.PM-kC l.ooksan.letm'r..-
it iV ,. ftnai kind on hand or to or
i . iIH.L--ii.ler.('H:
li. vi:uii&iit. i"?nl
"r ... ,
Vl lll'l l - -a
-i.eisiiii;i.. f-v
Killer's 5iire-
N l..-
i-hinj' li t-Ii.tn-
I 1
to . r. a ui,: rouiurv. a
. T 4