Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, September 02, 1859, Image 1
an UV 0. X. AVUKDKN AND J. II. CORNELIUS. Al !1.50 vrr liar, always In lM;wir. THE UNION-EstablisjieMSII-Wiiule -So. 2.S75. LEWISDURG, UNION CO., PA., FRIDAY, SEPT. 2, 1859. CIIRONICLE-Estabusiied, ISiO-WnotE No., 803. 1 pii Mill i ilia l iiioii Comity Court AO'airs. I nio.t ( ottiily Court Pro l.tmat Ion riii:K;-:s.tii,. n..n.A!r.M s.vh.so.n, J li i. ! .! ! I, r the Sinli Judicial 1 1 : -1 1' 1 1- of I'onii -yli a.oa. : i.iposc.l of lit Conines iif I mini, M '.'.I II ii ii! Snyder, and I'ii 1 1. ir Km i. and .1 s i V Si -:..s i us H'.v.,Avmi c.ilf J o'u-'- 111 Th!. u Co'lalv. 1: -jVc I ih.-tr pr !',, I"'.unm date the -Ji-t ii.iv of .May, 1 .i 1 1 i. !:' -I. I'.ir liit- b.-l tins t an 1 1. : bans' r.ott i.r.oin .1 I '..inmoii l'!e:is, I lyer Hint J enii'io i'. :in 1 I. 'I.-- :u i.i:wim;i'i:i:. i'.-i to- ii lli.- ..,...! MOM' w !i d iv) I - n I t.. .' .V.i is t'..-r-i..r.- h--r i -i.i oner. .1 and J.T ii Mtnuls I.. I.. I i.-r ' m s,.ns .IMlltiaMO!i III 'IT l.l-ssi behalf app of in. persons, :i t : 1 u l.u-:, J. Til. J'li lio'ir a'.'i-ii I.:,- i.i ii .in liiv.-a ii ill l;'i.-c pii-'. in lie" V v,:h him !"'d so,-in 1 v'a r i ! set' An.. H-a'tll! .Ii i i l 'laner N'imiiiis comtv nf 1 Mi . 1 i:i'T.(li.-iii- llic f i : i u 1 1 o .Mir iveck, u .-ii i.i the IVr- I'.-a. and C. inlal.il'., in : I liio.. in a jicar la their w:'.li ill. ir :v. -ids. in.pii s am. odi'-r reiio'tiihrauces uliu ii their otiices and in a:'.: i i- done ; aii-l all Wit- ;- h- i..fiMi!iis in behalf : . .i. t-t any person nr i. I in I . lln-n aii'! llu're t ;i.:l I l i;!inul leave at their r ., i -;i. 1 I.. In- punctual in i;.-- :ij':'..uiu ! ume aitrcea- li'ii'.l an I seal at the Nher :.ur:', the 1 lili i!;iv i,t' Au- :ir i f : i r Lord ..no thousand a:i I lii ' ' -u i i i. an I ihe oihlv lii" 1 1. ' :'! ' -t!-.- t 1 iii I 'mle I i ii a. (i.. I s ir til" 'omiuon- 'ii ci:()'ii;ovi:.si.ni) ft. 'I'li Account i t' hiarl Heaver. A.lniin. ' iMratur "I J.in,!, !t,mck, V.,'- of Lewis Tp.,tc.'d. 0. The Account ,,1' Hugh F. Shelly, A,l- I mini iratur i f William Witum, Jr.. late of Kelly Tp., ilcd. .i:i!:c.r vi:ri:ii.i.. Ki-fior. ! Itcjistor's OiV.-e, Leuisbui', Au. in, lsr-9 I'roilioiiotiir) s tu v. l )' lil.l; ni'tic: is hert'liy civen that J.ixi- tm- 'li -, Aslneeiil .A-'i.i llnr'ili.-ii. el l.e islnir,', I nii.ii ri.untv, ha lilt-il in the rti'ihi.ni'iarv's i hiirp, in anil fi-r the cininiv i.i' I n inn. al I.evil.ur7, his acr.i.iuit as As ML'nee nf the saul J. .tin llniipht..n. and that the same ill h- pi'i'enli'.l to the ('..nil of Ci'inni' n I'iras of san! ruiinry, f r confn ma linn ami all'iwaiirc, n Fiiiht the It'.th il.iv of Sep.iinli.r next, at the iVurt Ioue at I.eu'iahuig in the eouniv afnie-anl. i-AMl.i:i. UUL5H, I'rothy. August in, 1m.,:i p.l . r . n . i ,.i . i ' amirne.1 ailtk iliilifrnHtiflfl liv lverv A mpr- inioni oiiniYNar&U'wismirsi uronicie ; rr : . . ' ; : " cuizuu. ii o rrjoicu iu uuu mm AX ISDil'tSIiEST rtMILT NI.1Tdt'AILH( can kswil Friihj'.nl L insf,tnj,L'ition Co.li. ' there re many patriots eveo in the bouth- ... ; , ! ern State who are raisins their Toicos rA:?W ll.:,i. ;..Ty..r, Tn i.r pud IS APTAM-r nn-l , M o t '"- m- ' ' i.'-'.r nr -imrtir i ri..i. Tinw, n aul wielding their reus aeaiost the accur- rti wl'i "ii I n l. ur in..n'lH,V.i i-U l-.rMX ni'.till.i. t 't.'l. . 1 c tir .'i.-iit iM niii... .i.'i. i. ir it.-rti ii'i'iiiiis. aii.ii.tur twi got prcirct. in defiance of the "lire caters. ).-:ir. Ai-. Niiili- Nii.k.;i.h. I'iiviiii-iiI liy u. " I' 5th. That Gen. Simon Cameron bus ; ably represented Itia constituents in the RonKItT II. LAIUI) ofLcrtisbuig j A Cure for Discontent, was l.- laic.l lite nominee. j ""-, motbr !" Baid little Clara, "I get Nominations for DUlrkt Attorney "-o '-'d eating just bread and butter nd were made as follows : Seeking Information. "Can you direct me to the Hotel ?" inquired a gentleman with a carpet-bat;, m.e I'livim-ut" liy u. iii O'Hi.ll I In c..M. i.ii'U1- i.iiiiii, i.r lHiik nuii'M Rt tlit'lr fiiln i Iiiti". Mil kiu.l.' I'ruau'..' r.-ri-ivi-d t tlif oltlrr. (u::::;::'a::V.r"onr::; , council of the nation; that he has .Lay. j 1;J:u:L.v":;,.!;v;nr, ; p c unwavering to tu in. In .ntii, ii il.-l. t.T v'.''T. ll.il! ii Mii:iri- -.i i't, I.i i'IS 2 d"l.aiil. Two sninri-i I.'hi. 4.ii. s ihi. Mi-nlialit.-Ai. ti.'I iiv-r cm- I' uilli .. I n rnliiiitti. In il il. 11.T y.-r. OI1..T i'.i". ii- uiny I.i-mrri-i-l i'ikiii. A iiiitr.-i" tin.-? i.r l.i.ilit'Nt tv-. nv 1'"' 1.1 ni-xt Iitrir.-r. A lvirti-w iin-nt.'. nf dfm.irali.ini; li-nili'iirv. nml liirtfi- rill.. !nt a.llliitl.-il. Ooaiiniinication il.-ii.' l mi Injur-. ..I -..ii.-ial iiil.-rput 11. ;i--. ...i.i.n.iii.ii l.v lli" ivrin-r'" r. i.l tiniii. ai.il inMre-.. 'Ili Mi;l.t'tr'Thl.Klii:At'H i lui-iil-.l m th..illii.. I nf iii.- Vir a ' in.." f..l.v nl.iili w- .t.i-u insert luliH.rUlit Ni " in H'lviiur.. nl Iiii 1 I.iIh'I. ..IiiiIk John li. I.isx, Lcwibliiirg. Samikl II. isv kj do At.isnttT 15. VoitsE do rioceeded to vote, as follows : 1st. 2d. 3d. Linn !) 12 l' Orwij 10 12 13 V01.-0 !) 4 JOHN 15. 1IXN'.K.-q.of Lcwil)tirT I'T I'lV I, I.". I lrolIiiit:-i j N '. J)I'I'I,K! iioiu-e is herehy piven lliat J.mi HiM.Lt, c ue of the r.iniiiiitiee ol the person anil estates of J.lm lluktr ami ll'-tir ltik-r, of Bull ilit township, I'mon countv. has lileil 111 ihe rriiihniiiitai v's Dtliee in aii't lor liie rounly of t'l.ii n, al I.ewisiuiiLj, Ins ac count a t'l im.iitiee of the said J-ihn I'.al.cr ainl Hesiei H il.er, ami that the same will he presented to the four! of Coiiilnnti Pleas of said county f -r confirinalmn and allnvvance on FimiAT, the liilli ttav of I'epteuiher next, at the Court Hoiue at l.eu-ivhtir.? 111 the coun ty aforesaid. MMl'KI. KOlsll, I'roih'y August 1G, 18.",U pd leresta of l'eunsylvauia; in him we recoj-- 11 izo a mau in every way well .palili.:'! to ( hold the helm of our national t'ovtrnment; I he is moderate in bU views, but liiui to ; was dtxiarcd tluly notuiualcu. the interest of the whole cuoutry. ! For i'mmty Xurcryor, CONRAD Uib. That Gen. Cameron is our first SliKCKLKR, Kstl. of West Rtill'aloe, 11. II... M'lli. nr.-ai.ii.l.-nutl.Tlnl. for most l.: r ,1... II f .I,,. aa l'..;.,! 1.,.;... t... ...ilv ii-nnrt 1. enroll toil lio .1 JOB PRINTING, ol.i. li will l-. ......l.sl wilh ; buuico lur inn laiutui-j . in. , .11.1115 oil, - 1 1 States, believing that he would mauuge was nominated by acclamation. the uffiiirs of the nation wilh economy. ' Vnr Cnun'i Auditor, the fullowinff All Itnis i.i e i.- pi:rl:sTTli.-. 1 .... . v " " .KHCKouM:iii..tsiii.r,!.ii..riiii.i.i..."iti.i.tnrey restore prosperity throughout the country, crniiilonicu were nominated : kin Urn. .1 !" mi. I .i.-...li li wlnl ' H ":i..il;ll A 1 Vi-r' lrlll..ll lu, uu.l Jub V i irk wlirti ili-iti O J 1 ri n.lml.'i. ti-rnis. In In (iui.1 lur WLiell bnllUril lturitt-n A Inrtirlllis. nl.- C-., om IfU-AnXA hoveriui; over us. and dispel the dark cloud which has been , "lOVIItV, Alii. '29, IVS. 1..1 1 li I'll I. iv.il.l Win Suiiili, Juo Graud Jarors Srt. Term, 1859. i, i:-.Ji -J"hii f I.i. .u ii. .aiui .filers. A:-' "..on : i-. K. J.ic..;. S.iirT li ii.'. t .fan- 1'. ..ii i, liavid P'tcningcr, .i'li'i.'! 1 ra.i':; ;: .j;:.-, ,.-Ja:n i;. . .? A. ii-rim Jul.. i M I!. -n for. Uol t PwinrforJ. I.inrrfn' .Ii an I - -1 1 v, .1. mi al Taylor 1'. l'-T tin ;! n',.i.- - Jo- i;.n:..r U , ... - tJo.-rge U hcaiy, Jacob Kline, J. I.n "l. i: ,.v r ;..ic..:i-' I' II I'ui-.'v, John lU'tighlon Utility A v,.ii Mar-1. hi i mult John i tll.;.lli.iU tf e Jnr'irs. LnriJiurz .I.miii Wall-, Mi. ha'1 Firliihorn. Aaron K V c "I, J..s. . c-.u hot, aueer M l.auulilai, l.i'u i .1 Keyxati Jo.ia li Ueale, Alexander .V-l-it .'; llr.lT.iln: .loi.n Kuhi Jr. Samiiel lliinkel M jli.iili.ir t 'a... ..', l.-iii lin, I. iiu ICfLiei, 11 'Ij it I ' ii a in ' i' - W! ii-.Jii - l'anl II .. 'Mill ,1.1'. 'lira-! Sheclf. er, A. in ii il I.n: . I' luai I tsnuih, laniL'l Fisher ;,;, V;,i li Mun.er. Wcill-r Kolllaml, J..!.v, J F 1 Hirti-U ill. II l.'.ri lia K .1 t.tnt ' nit lai t ttton r..i.:ii . A"' 11 I a - W jaimn IVi,i;..i White li, r I ... in"! Ii K.her. R .'..ert I'an.Inr, J .li ii O r, I . I' A l rmhi, Amliew M'Leua- han. ani'l 1 lo-niir.-ull. j .. A,.i Da vi ! Km..'. 1'avi.i Mover -xt h-Ut- .lain.'s Mui'i.i-, Jacub 11 uinuiel, Thorn- A Sa mi i:i. ('. Wilt, llartleton. Davio Nkihist, Uulfaloe. Joiix S. IIkimuacii, New Rcrlin. Proceeded to vote, as follows : 1st. 2d. V.'ilt 13 It lli-ll.st S 10 Heimbacli 5 3 Unian County Convention. Pursuant to notice, Delegates from the several Election Pistrietsof Union count v. opposed to the National Ad- hoiJers to whip him into their ranks. Ihb. That whilst we regret the cnor- ;-l. us, ti... ii ;e (iille T ilailiei, James ,.i r: ..II. l1!' -il.u. :,. Jo: Ulna lln i U ! fieiia .M ii i ti in . Jar.ies irvili, ckei .Sauiuei ti;rayliurn, filinnn, William Foster ., .1 .Iiii Maize lt, I'lLd'U ssmitli, Ilen- Kolice to Ileirs of Engel Schrader. Fnion C'miiity, ss : The t'oininou- i t I..S. , -ea.ih of I'eunsylvania to Hannah f sy-ew ) chiadrr itiieruiarried with Jacob ! s'chau ver; I'aiharine Mchrader intermarried I with lVter llinsman, which I'aihanne since died, leaving ei'ht children, vi.. Eitahe'h ninrried ti. Inlin 1 1 :. rli ;. rt .fnlinii i.tiirri.l I.. ... . ll. I'.. IT.. I.. I l.r. 1 I nomas rwartj: I reitericK, .li nn, iiannan niiuiMi ai ion, iiiui ui. no; iiumnu i oiu;i; i . marrie. lo J.ic.1, lines. Catharine married In l .1 - 11 4 M ..t muus uauuuai ueut lllllicicu OU our coun A-.r..n Ll.n. l .r. n.-.r I ... I . r-. .1 . 11 .. . I I. and l.avina inarried lo Joseph llnine.er. (the ; AtlfT. 2'., 1 S.V.t, when said Frederick and John limzman, two of the ( ; ) .' y I,U''R, K?q., of Lewis- ii.ii. e . o, sa... ., ne ,l- ' ' I)(lr,r was ,.hosCu I'rcsident, and K. J.trtih St'lirii-I'T. !'U ! fcni'l S-ltn:iltT, tli'CffiMMl, iu lh- lit- tniif it'lii-' -ni'l taili'i,H!Ml lft inm.twi.rhiliirt-u, ' tu wit : .fa-'"! niuJ ll:mii ill. tkn-ti llHimati i- iiitrui;ir ri.nj tth.Ijt.-i.ti MiK-k ; Hint atll tli uniin'i Ii-irn j r-fiJi in tin- rtniiitv nf ui1t. 'fxci-i't J.i'nl) Iti-i-lt ait l ' Mmi ilt liirt if", nln r-'-i U- muic- li.-n in ihr t.ltL nt Mii'Ltirati. uwl b' ir ! Kr--l' rii k liinamjtn. iftii. wtiii riM li' in i.r iimr i: ltvii w. in the Mat- of ' lno : t ln-l .iml Iry:;il n-; ii'M-utntivi-n cf i'.ugrl lir.I.T, litUt of l!nrth y t .vtii-h.;., iu Llie mid . ouuty of t uiuti, tii-i i-; ti. lirt'i-tiiiir : j lit-r. :i. lit n Itvjue-t li'll frr tliBt jnirjc ditly ; BWiir lwl l.v tiii Hrhrin' Coiirt of the rt-untf r.n-hi-l, i tti - K-i K-titf .f tt.e KHi't Kti;.l S-lirlr. .In-war-!, Mtuat-- In Hnrti-y l-'Wii-lup. I'uiofi .unty, minj t Uti li nl .Lfi.ti ltiui!i:ii mi tli Knst. IVriiMi'iti k on tlii , Miulii uti'l N'-rth. Hint Im ti ! -f ll' itrv F-i troir n th i i"t- rtiti:.titMiiK I nir ict. iH'trt or li!s with tli iDtir- i til -I nee., w I.i' It s:u 1 r.-:i! i-.t;ite u- v.tlin 1 !i i ! ( l ui- J t-l at -in l tor Hit.- Mim uluue tiumirW auJ tilty UosUr ' Ari-1 wlu-n:tw. tionf tl-t In irs nf tin- -ni l l.-rpitst-d Jlp- j i..-ir.-l mi (V.irt i-n th- r.trii 't' tin l ni.niNti..n. V tfik- tie- -riui?"i tlitr. in tiifiitumcl nl iln (ii.riim-iii. iit. V'.u hii I vft-y 1" '! r :i.-rly riu-J t 1- Mii'i nj.'l"'tT lit tin nrxt i-ihtiI (frih:"ri 't'urt to U InU! at l-"tf- 1 l.iir-.-. I.-r tt c.iintv f I'ii ion. n thj 1-th -lay ol i mlicr n.-xt. t - 8ct t tlit real i-ftaic tl 'wtilml in llie ril nu t Iji juii'imi. al l!ir valuali. n tlir-ff. "r 'Imw , run why tin- . rt hl.nll inl l cr" tliecitm- t.fM lil ; !y tlif nrt ; M itni-n my li:ifil. hikI -nl -I smdt'otirt, at UMirbur llit- luth i..v""t Jt:.i. A. I 1- a AMI KL I.Ul H, Clfrk. That if Gen. Cameron should be 1 placed in nomination for tLo IcdidtDcj , j by our parly, we firmly believe that he j ' wniilil fi-irru t Im ITi'utniin StJitrt in 1X1.0 i by an ovcrwbelmuiDg majority. 8ih. Thut all nraie in due to John V. Formy of the I'hiladelpbii Prctt, for bis AI U UL C. WILT L?ij. of liar-' tutoes. : iudepeudeut course iu opposing the profli- tleton was declared the nominee. nere am you go, morner; I cacy ot the National AJmiuistration, i iie.ionro, i nui. iim a i niunn .i-, r o o- I potatoes for my supper, and drinking only j of a burly Hibernian, standing on ilia I cold water out of this tin cup ! You do ! steps of a railroad .tatioo. j not know how beautiful .Mr. Carrington'a I Faith," wan the reply, "it's jiti I tbat j table looked to night wVn I went borne can do that tame. You see you jitt f I .:.!. A1r TI. ... Inlmw ' iin I h at Atritft till enn rmnft to Thatlfl (l' ni.u mo unit. augj "liu j -." c j J i i ij ni-r, and asked me into the dining room MulligauV, then " to get my money. Every thing was so ! "Uut I don't know where Tbaddy 0- briglit and sparkling. The tea things Mulligan's shop, as you call it, were silver and the plate, china; and lit-1 "O, faith, why didu't I think of that. tie Ellen, who is no bigger than I am, : Well then, your honor must keep on till had a cup of coffee and a little silver cup ' you git to the apple woman's stand fr water too. There were tnch nice the corner of tha brick chorch it is, anil thing on the table fresh C-h and chick- kape that on Ibe right, and go till ye gel en, aud every thing bo good ! Don't you ! to the sign of the big watcb, and mind . nish we were rich people, too, mother?" , you don't fall down thereaway; then joa "My little girl must be careful to keep kape on a little farther till ye com. to a 'Giant Licoutent' out of her heart if she ' tig tree, and after tbat you tarn to tb would l"J happy. We must be contented right or left, but by the bones of Saint ; to live iu the sphere in which God has Patrick, I don't know which." placed ui, for he knows a great deal better j The traveler turned in despair ta a ; than we do what is best for us. If you : long, lank Jonathan, who was standing I had been with me this morning, Clara, and j whittling close by, and mads the satna in- i had seen what I did. von would feel mora ' rtnirv thankful for your good, wholesome supper of frtsh bread aud butter, and mashed po- Down Maybe you're goiDg to put up ther !" queried Jonathan. "Yes, I intend to." "Did you com from far off?" "Yes, from Philadelphia," was tbe im. ,1 resUiinir ,tl. lir,,,,.,.. ,11 tte,r,t noiiit a tandin'' County CotuLuittce ! "i'es, n.y dear, and found her worse I patient reply : "but can you tell ma wbsrsj ' made bv fr. Uuchauan and bis office for the etisuin'' year. : "er- Sb." cannot go out washing the " The President reo nested Delegates anJ' niorei uer lwo "l"e c"llureu wfre "uot any more naggage f saia me uav to name a Conimittec-mau for their i u,u""k '" w ftnr4..ii.uA. I ...ii-ijlmi'ir II l .f Momlnr iijt iiiiuulu luc BuuiiumiiuLiuu Ul A resi dent liuchanan, we rejoice that the fiuau- i cc. of our own beloved Commonwealth are Ci.ovki: of llartleton nnd Kl.WAltl) , ,n Ppcrous conumou; unuer tne maL- j SMITH of New iiorlin, Secretaries. j agewcut of our able and efficient State i On rallitiLT the roll, all the Districts Treasurer, Hon. E!i Slifer, the State were found fully represented, without i Debt is very "PidlJ reduced-may high anv ronte.-ted scat, a? follows : liulVa'.oe -I'eter Miller, Andreiv Hatick. Fasi I'o.tV. Michael llrou n, David Schrack. West I5uif TA'. Harbison, John Oberdorf. Hartley John Diehl, H.V. II. Lincoln, llartli ion It.V (iiover, W in. F. Wilson. Kellv Flavel Clinsan, Peter (Jiiyer. Limestone I..W. Chambers, Win. ttees. I.cu is Samuel Swensle, John Snyder. J.ewiburs R.M.Musser, Wm.Frick. .1.. " s W. CC Shorkley,...F..Miller. Mifflnibur? Tli.tiutelius, Fr. Smith. .New Iterlin I'd. Smith, S. S. Aurand. While Deer James Marshall, Aaron Smith. 1 nion Charles Cawley, J.M.Walter. cr honors await him. I 10th. That we have full confidence in tbe triumphant election on the fecund Tuesday in October, of Thomas K. Coch ran K-q. of York to the office of Auditwr General, and Geo. William li. Keim, of Uerks, as Surveyor General, and also in carrying a handsome majority in bulb branches of the Legislature. 11th. That we hereby pledge ourselves to use all fair and honorable means to se- namc respective Districts, aud the following were returned : R. M. Musscr, Lcwisburg North W. Win. Jones do South W. David Ilerbst, Rtiflaloe. Michael Rrown, Kast Ruffaloe. Conrad Sheckler, West IJtitl'aloc. Mark Halfpenny, Hartley. Shem Spigelmyer, llartleton. Peter Ocyer, Kelly. John Howcr, Lewis. (!co.W. Chambers, Limestone. 'I'lioinas (.iitelius, Milllinlmrj'. James Harrison. New Merlin. Aaron Smith, White lcer. Charles Cawley, Union. Having transacted all the busin ess before it.thcConventiou adjourned. Assembly Conference. terday were some turnip parings Johnny "No, this is all," said tbs traveler, gathered from tbe street." j convinced that the only way to get tha "Oh, mother, bow dreadful !" said little ; direction waa to submit to the question- (Jiara, uer eyes oiling witn tears. "1 vrian j log. I ceu'.d take my supper to tbem." "They are weil provided for now. "Going to stay long ?" "Could'nt say," was the reply in rather ; kind gentleman, for whom I have been a crusty manner. "But I'm in a hurry j tewing, has sent them provisions enough and would like to be directed" to last several weeks. You should have "Wait a minute. I reckon you're a seen how the poor woman's eye lighted np i married man, ain't yon ?" ! with jjy at the gift, and bow eagerly .he "No I am not; and now I won't aa- supped the bowl of warm gruel I mads for Livr. 'When we are tempted to fret, Clara, swer any thing more till yon have answered." "Well, squire," said the Yankee eool- and envy those who are better off than we, ! ly, "I'd like to oblige you, but tbe truth it will Le a great help ta remember how many are in a great deal worse condition. You have read the sweet little story about I the 'Shepherd of Salisbury l'lain.' You is, I have never been in the town before myself." In less than a minute, a carpet-bag with a man attached, was seen harrying The Conferees representing the Op-: know his little daughter felt 'so sorry for away from that vicinity. He didn't And as C. Issue l.Kt for St-jd. Term. Is59. Reuben S'f niii. r vs A.'rei! Kiu'ass John R datol vs S:.,'c Mntaa. li.s.Co 1" II Cauij'.iell el al is Teed ,v Marr David s.eimuei is Win II Marr I. F AI!iriL.'iit i s A lain Sihreck sVc IVaii'-is Kiii'li i's A iiwaii'l'-r Amnions Daniel li,i:;;l'T v .1. I.n Lapp SA; D Wei lensaul ir simk vs ChurchA Forrey Levi K Sn ich, .Lo t's adinrs vs J Vearser .Mariiu li-'e l. a ininor, .Vc. vs C Dretsbach James lljssi ll v- Jacob lluiilJe .'litistian liar;eh vs Dann I Rentier same same Julin Kessler vs C .! :es. Mar-h A Co I'llllip See iol I vs I'eter Heaver ct al Abram and John Auian l vs Chas I'JSchallie .Mai tin i Ree l Vc is John Roland t;.'i r:.' Mei-vl vs Le.b V Leib J din M.ii er A wile same I aic. K Dn.il.le is Ii nrv K ihle Daniel R-iil'I r Jr v Cn.iml'erlin A S'out A'i.l:n Wi.if.' vs IJe.tver .ie.l M .V C. Rel.er ov Mnsser is corporation I niversily II M Wi.itai-r vs Ja.-oi) K!os Saniiii'l II Hi .vi,' vs ll.-niy W Croter s 1. lied; vs D.-itr '. Vaeckl'T R"i-!i.V R 'isIi is l'eir R ish's AJiu'rs Chas s Cruz i s Wm II Shriner S.i'iil I. lieek vs Chail.-s Sires John Marty i s John l!.u:!y same vs ! i 'lo i s Tims li Oiwis f T Orwii vs JUT R.inck Scots I'icsliy'll Chinch vs John M Call I-rael i. yer vs Aaron Smiili W in K oiiiiii.iii is I'eter Kaiiilman Adinr Jacob Saanz vs Conrad lliui'l and iviie M 'Cai iy Tale vs I.' S lire I st Thus Raser's Adnn's vs Amnions & Rau-n in Friek A Co v U in N . lie Cvrus Katun vs S. F A W s li..;;enieif David .Jlick vs Sam! s Hail er Daniel lo.sh vs LudwiyA Rancl; ami J R I'lnlip R'lhl vs Fra.iei-. Wilson Samuel II I'aulina vs Vimilel Showers et al Mnldiesivarili Kerns A; Co vs Chs H Slimier , Frederick W. rman vs Jacob Smith i John Wertz is I'eter .ev.us el al I Samuel W Sm L-rass vs Wm Youns; Jr I'lsh for lin'.elius' Admrs vs (ieo Dreisbach Abraham lilack vs An Iren-Spit.er .ieorse RarUdoll vs II W Cn.tzer T Church & Co vs in 11 Kleckner SAinuel Lon; and wife vs Joseph Kleckner Roht D Ciiini is i s Sam! Ileuderson cul, J A J Your.; vs ThoslJ Orw.? Charles stees vs Satnl L lleck S. ril.ner A I'eikins vs Albert Wynn Wm Trice Jr vs Koht M Mu-ser N"rih. Chise A: North vs Joel Ilnrsh J 'hn Smkey vs Andrew (iutelitis J seph ( hn-tine vs Heaver, '.ie.Mes M & Co "r Wi FSi ebold is Saml t; Will l aii-im I! i.-r,nvs vs t'has I) Mowrer Ahraliam Woile vs Joseph Joll H:. h f..r Di'ii'l.-r vs A MessinaT wilh notice s'' 'ion;, r A. Ranch vs I'.lack A- Fisher Executor's Notice. OTICn is herel.v sriven that letters testa- ( nietitarv on the lasi will and testament WILLIAM KEIAKRD. late of Hartley township, I'ninn county, deceased, have been cranleil to the undersigned, by the Register of l.'nioii county, in due form of laiv.lherelore.ail persons itidehte.l to said estate are requested to ! make iminrdiate payment, and those having claims a.'ainst the same nil! present ihem duly aulhentirated for settlement. i liKORtiE llOOl', Eiecuior. j Hartley, July 2i, ISaJ I jiosition in this Assembly District, met those pcior people who had no ix.'r to eat ; at Rover's, in Fremont, Snyder Co., on their potatoes while thiiy had 'a dish Tuesday, :j(Hh Antr. 1S59, viz. : i quite full of it' Juniata S L.Kurtz.W.ll FaiersonJ.M.SeMers. "Cultivate the same inirit. mv little girl, aud it will make even a dry crust lover, Is.liutelius, Ja.Minium. i.Frick, U F.Miller, Ch. Cawley. i JAMKS M. SELLERS was IfjK(:.-. I'iitrnt I-ortulilc eurp thr plentinn nf the nersnna ihia rlnv On motion of Judge Marshall, the , p,aceJ in noinina(ion, following gentlemen were appointed 12th. Xhat llobert V- GloTer of IIar. a Committee on Resolutions: ! tIeton be recommended for Renresentative. Ci.I'.Miller.R.VR.LincoIn.F.Smith, anj 0. N. VVordeu of Lewisburg for Sen- snyder-l D il, l.V .Chambers, l'.Chngan. atorU1 DcIcg:lt9 on ,he part of tnion ; fuion-Wm.f i Atijourne.l to meet m me ourt. countv, to the next State Convention, with : Hon. JA-t Room at 11 o clock, P.M. j p0Wer to elect Conferees and to appoiut chosen President of the Conference, AvTF.itxoo.v Skssiov. J substitutes. and (.eo.F.Mii.i.er, Esq., Secretary. Mr. Miller, from the Committee on , Voted That in choosin" ctmlidites 1 1''ie following nominatioas for As- T I...! . . 1 1 1 . . . t I . . ... 1 1 1.. .1 1 . .1.., - ..... . In r .. I ? . w I 'or ft r i ' . t- it,., r. r... . to . n ncfoiuiiou.-, n.qii.1 1. on a uiuiiui, wc pursue the usual course of marking ;emoiy wcic men mauu on me I'aii.-- If 71 ' , : (dumb institution, to adopt them n mass, alter a menu- against the name9 of candilatC3 as ol each county : o of c ment, Mr.Shorkley oljcetcd. t hile cacl, deier,ate may gcjcct and tllat a IJ,!KnT C. (.allahkr of Juniata. wisbej Uqw . ' -t coineid.i.g ent.rcly with most of tnem, , ajorit cf tlie whoe votc ivcu be M ir . a.jessei.i.kb of .-uyder. I i lillMAS llAir.o Ol IUIOII. Five votes were taken, with the fol-; ftlhed - "" f taste sweeter than many a lieu man's dainties." S- S- Banner. The Clay Family. An old letter writer in 1848, by the he thought they covered too much ,1Cccssary to a choice, KEYSTONE CIDER & WINE KILL, i Prrouna (aiimimg as we supposed to a proceeded to vote for Asscmbh- i DLL-ask, ak, particular notice that .his i, Presidential reference) for a mere T1I0MAS HAYES, of Lewisburg. I JL an entirely nnr Mill. No expense has nominating convention. 'I hey were, I ijeinir the onlv one named lie wts r;;,:i';".':rruS collectively, ly a;dcclarcd nominateJ l,y acclamation on the part of Union county, with RESOLUTIONS. It is with thankful hearts that we as ! semblcin Coun'y Convention under so la- ' t.,..ul...r urt. i. tut l.lfa A fv wrlitfl 1-1 ill h-S ill ill- ! ) ani"t r. inftfU'! .'I Hi t-r-ls ia. I.t Ufn a'l.lnl. Thftt.rui inlir art alui'-t tiu I In l-nicth ! lurni-T. ami nil i rO;-IK-tta.bIti HKl 1011 1 V. tinrlii'line thf t"T. .-vliiMlr ni:it- "f iron. Ilnr-crvw in I two inch.- in iii .m. t. r. it h a lieay f2 V thr.l rut on it. Tin b.-!iiii nf t ttw- 'trn i rmt ir-n inst-ail uf wrvl if niii'l1 rrru 'f'try, anl tin thrt'l "I lit nut rut lur r i'l.-li.- thn.-iArU IU i I" "W.t ot tlV .r.-? it T ry tutn h iii.-rci-il. nil i r;m H it !. liPn1-.. ii ly atiy tor un-an-. 'i iin ai-riii.if. -nii-i.t ot tlif Tul.. a..l oth. r Mirtf ff til !Ps.-, ih .r irtiH-t. 'iti- i-oxis mi. i ii..',-r an-n .tuv uufat . vorablo auspices, Dotwitbstaodiuff tbe t.'. ttnr; tii- ji.urntils rim in I-.iijI iM-ririliu : '"!. i 4 iv. Mi. wnrkniniii'iiits i-its ii i".t i r fxifii-! I-) any ii.v nioticy crisis that has pervaded our couu- h.rii nf tht- kiii-l u liati TT ji-rfi''tn-n Ix-intf Iii" mm, i , . . , Ltii m tii-iii iHiia in-nt NiDim-.i,m,-ai j. js-irtttivnt. 1 try, prost rating all kinds of business, rcdu- lmPn,inrn.s rinrr ...unv of nur most active busing I Ull" ynar : inr iistnmair 'iit fy j - ; men to penury and want, checking tbe otitic fifth lull In, n (-hnL'I. 50 "un In niukt- Ui'-Hl J,IpIJr,r,rll,,nr,i nf tha it tmnor-il ric.-.itr. pri.l..,.i.r,n ltr.r. Kutlr. ly new re.ri.ig l. I-.n "I""" .i..i-tru.t..i. ami the upper evim.i. r im hen c.i.r..i cea 0f our gat0 closing up manufacturing .li.wn. ... Ih.-tt in eonnertnm Willi II..-t.-. lli orryliiiili-r it ( . . - Iihii irrinj 11111. I1 ...isii-r. u iin .iiith.-s.. iui.r.v..un i.t. cstablifthincnts, and depriving a large por- L-iii.'l a., fii.t or Willi .11 liltl." pnw.-r. nnrw then- mij ou tlml in mini.- In li riu-r or more iierfi-d luann. r. All i-r.n. wl.o hare len ot.tiire.1 to use thr ol.l-f.ll-i.ine.1 init mill, lire Hware liw iiimnv..iii.iit it if. at. 1 et firially tlinte who lie not laiw nianltlW t.f aiil'H. liy liHvinif tbinniill on vnur fiianution or fnriii. Jou .-an. atat.y litne.in a f. w riiinute., make f-w (iMil'ili ..f w..L nd-T f-r present une : nr you ran ery x-liti.n-Iv niak.- up a l.-w t.arrln. Tl. Ma.-liin, wll werkeil. i. raial. ol niwk.nK H lo I't l-mrrela i.r elder a .Uy. w Oil ease, lt i. n.ai to run l.y hor-.-, liti-am or lmi..l-ioa-..r, and wlieu Hi.- appiea are iirouii.l.a ln.y of fuurUstu year, of aj.-.. ran pres. llie pouiare Willi all ease. The follow-in; may he adduced as ihe deci ded advantages of this Mill: following result 1st. 2d. 3d. 1th. f.th. C.allaher 3 ; a 3 :i Hayes 3 3 3 C 'VVagenscller 3 3 3 6 HAYES Nominalions for Prothunoiary were ; and WILLIAM F.WAGEXSELLER made as follows asking directions of any particular advan ge. A Beautiful Anecdote. A happier illustration of tbe wonderful character of the Bible, and tbs facility with which even a child may answer tha greatest of questions, and solve tbe subli mest of mysteries, was perhaps never giv en, than at an examination of a deaf and i t ... . . I auoiD institution, some years ago, ta London. A little boy was asked, in writing, who made the world. He took the chalk, and wrote underneath the words, "In tbe beginning God created tht heavens and the earth." The clergyman then inquired in a eimi- plantatioLS, among others three brothers, ! ,ar IDi,D1"r' " u'a JeiM tnnst MB- into me worm. following concise accounts must sufiioo. In the reign of tjueen Elizabeth, Sir Yal ter Raleigh brought over to tha Virginia power to select his own Conferees. Whereupon, THOMAS tion of our industrious laboriog class of the means of a livelihood. Vie have not been cursed with tbe devastation of war, or afflicted with any contagious disease. Health has prevailed our land, and our farmers have been blessed by a beueGccnt Providence with an abundaut harvest, which we hail as a harbinger of better times, l'ut we cannot expect prosperous Fir. it will mr.ke m.-re riif r uian any otter pre. tjmgg until there is a chango in the policy ithatfirvn ijuaiitity of applea in B glfen tune, aud i.,-- - c i-l 01 our iiauonai Aumiuisiraiion, oi wuico we have but little hope under tbe present 1st. 2.1. 3d. -1th. flirt. 7 7 y 11 S o o 4 14 2 1 O O .) .1 ., 13 13 13 13 17 With I writii mil rli t lh.,r ami fx I-fllfM. &,r,t.,i. it will lanke cliaut-r anl t w3tr ri,ler than anv ohl ft vie mill. ' wlifo you wautit; auU iu ..uaiititU tiuin one galiou to ; anasty. ' uilirf. -with it y.i ran irt-f Tour r.irr.ni, ch. r-! Therefore, Resale!. 1st. Tbat tbe cuor : r;T; fh I mous national debt created under tbe ad aii'l M'f-tri.lir. I iviih oil tin iiv!iiitiiTri rfultinir from the pow.-ifln I ami u ..f furh a m. hme-ai a i-nin m. i..w that it i . D gfc jQ maparre the financial affairs of our j itlii! thi-p-at-hof ail ran it be Uiatany mUlliD- , I-arinrr would do without it F f LTOVerDmeUt. i .... . . . .---. t i " : I ! Ihe annexed HIA um wr.iWAi ii"' is a I ariinn. ..CiLas mnnit (nnroc rfCPIATll : I iiriI tt,.p.rt.iier.ii.vi'r,ibo,ti....i.of.p.; tive Tariff for tho fostering of our menu !::.!T:u:,VZ!. , facturing interests, encouraging the devel- I e..u;a maka ei-ht ami nin.- Larrela of ei ler a day ' opcmeDt 0f our mineral reSOUrt'CS, and the men only workinn l y dayliulit in the abort .lay. vl " . . sustaining American luuusuy. auu we ' ministration of Mr. Buchanan, shows him 2nd. Tbat we are in favor of a Protec- REGISTER S NOTICE. VOTICE is liereliy iven In all con- -L cr rned,ihal the loilou ins named persons have set'le.l their accounts in the Kevister's " lice at l.ewisbiiro. t ni 'ii county, and that hie said accounts w ill be presented forcoiilir niaiinn and allow ance at the Orphans' Court, e licit! al 1.1. l IS1.1. U' i, lor llie r iv oi I n inn. on the third Friday of SKITUMIIKR i"i'.,le-in.- the HJth dav of said month, viz: I. The Account of A;nes Wilson, Kxeeu I'ii oi John F. Wilson, who was one ol ihe A limnisirators id J t,n Will, late of ihe Bor- iicli of llartleton, de'd. - Th Areouni ol J.din H. Linn, Admiii istrah.r of fVrV Wilkrr, late v( the Bur ";h of MifllniLiir;, de.M. The Ace 'nit of Thomas Haves, liuar 'in nf I.V.ire I', and .unru 11 ikon, minor hiMren o! "amu' l HY-.m. de'.l. 1. The Ae.-oant . f lalla Zimmerman, , '"I'-'r.eri. "t '. i,:: : awtci, laic et ''.!.' IV . ' .fal..t..r Th.mill m.t Ol.lr IM-rf .riU.sl in I lie ulOht ' . w'e e.- and with snail amount or.wer. t in.ii oth-! are decidedly in favor of specific duties on ' er rtnl.lemilla. I.nt none that workisl with half Ihe :,. ,1,- , eaii or .ied of lltcl.vk l knrttmr V(er IIM ; ' and 1 , Ir0n and Other productions Which Sr tbe j can safrly rec.mim. nd It in prcferen K all olhera ..,..f. ,..,. nf thai l'nilorl j ii.rrisi.urK.juD. ii'.,tsii. oiiARLKS tums. growth and uianutacture ot the Lnitea I Mr.rhaSe.of Broome eountT, New Vork, write thai I o. , lo-. wilh one band, weot from larmtofarm with oiie of j Olaiea. fleae Mil!, and made oter euc Unmiaini OarrcltuS cider gj fljat vfC whilo WO h&VO looked in in llie fall of ls.s. . i i - . j r 'Mrr ihan oi nrnFn Silver Medals : vain to the present national administration ' and Diplomas have been given lo this -Mill j fdr B protective policy, the enormous ; Wte Xr.L,i- that this amount of specie that is constantly being Machine is the BEST one in the Market on ! the following points: ' l-t. It will j;riud the eafle-t, fantwrt and in tbe most Iwrtrtrf manner, it The Iniii is lh alniTlrft and tnont jowirfuI. anl fiui- lt.-at haudh-d. It is not haniprwl u)i with a ntx-m-. hT ol frrt-wn and m r-wlwla, hii h crraU- rnoiu'h frje ; tim Ir- d.-atroy iu utility. It ia well nutde and auld at a Uir prirr. JThe Mill occupies about two-anrl-a-half by three feet, four feet high, weighs 370 lbs., evrrv way portable and convenient. I'rlce S40. Address W. O. HICKOK, Agt. t 7iym3 Eagle Works, Harnsburg, Pa .i-Ksovs w. nitee hanr. of rlimlt rrrraon rr:ii..m.n. tl UiII-ll'II totis. AO-i.i. i.-.ama extorted from our country convinces us, that, unless some check is afforded, a more alarming crisis awaits us. Wo rejoice, however, that the administration of Mr. Buchanan is drawing to a close, with lively hopo that the White Uouso will be occupied with a more efficient officer. 4th. That tbe attempt to re-open the African slave trade is revolting to every friend of humanity, and the very idea of "Jfuch an icfatucus trar. ought to te t John A. Mertz of Lcwisljurg. I. D. Olliji.v do Wm. Fiosiioxr. of New Perlin. Ja's W. Saxds of Millliiiburg. John Dn.r.Eu do Proceeded to vote, as follows : Mertz Ouldin Pioshong Sands Uilger JOIIX BILCEIt of Milllinburg was thereupon declared duly nominated. Nominations for County Cummiuiuiier were made as follows : Sam'l Marshall, White Peer. Sam'l IJoof, New Berlin. (EO. Gftelics, Milllinburg. I.EN.W.TlIOMPSON do Fred. IJoi.exder, Limestone. James Blair, Lewisburg. John Gaiilb, West Bullaloc. Wm. Kule, Bufl'aloo. Akcu. Thomas, Uuion. The name of Mr. Thompson, who appeared in Courcntion with live Dclegates,was withdrawn he having promised so to do if the Prothonotary was awarded to Mifllinburg. Proceeded to vote, as follows : 1st. 2d. 3d. 4th. r.th. sons of Sir John Clay, of Wales, England, lie gave them .10,000 each, which was a very large fortuue at that time. Their names were Charles, Thomas and Heury. They settled on James river, near James town. Two of them, Charles and Thomas had large families. Henry hadnochild- A smile of gratitude rested on the coun tenance of the little fellow, as he wrote, ''This is a true saying, worthy of all ac ceptation, tbat Jesus Christ cams into tho world to save sinners." A third was then proposed, evidently were vnaniiiwusly nominated for the Assembly from this District. Proceeded to elect Delegates to the nOXt Mate Convention WllCn II. Jl. : ,, ...,,! .danted to call the most nuwerful fe.lina e t - . i i . . i- r ren. iuc name iienry nas ocen nauaeu r r m- W llsou ol Juniata and I. Gutelius of : , , , . ' , , , .. into exercise , , . down in both branches of the family I lal ercle- Mivder were chosen, (Union voting ' .. . ., - j "Whv were vou born deaf and dumb , ' v with great tenacity ever since. Cassius i uj wrc you own ueai auu uumu, lor h. .Clover.) I j, c, b , dcscendant of chag chj . when I can hear and speak?" Messrsellcrs,C.utehtl3 and Miller . m.f from T. M "Never," says an eye-witness, "shalU were deputetl to report Resolutions 1 -r. th . brothers alluded to are the I ,or8ct tb8 louk of resignation whioh sat progenitors of all the Clays in the IT. S. My father, as you have beard, was a clergyman of the Baptist denomination. Ha died in early life, leaving seven child- aud the Conference adjourned. Selected for th Star k Chronicle. MAItltlAOi:. 'Tli.-tt man tuut Itad a ha(ny life, Marshall 0 8 5 12 17 Hoop 1111 Gutclitis 2 2 1 Bolcuder 6 6 12 12 10 Blair 6 6 4 Gablo 2 2 2 2 Utile 3 1 1 Thomas 2 2 3 1 SAMUEL MARSHALL of White Deer was declared the nominee. Nominations for County Treasurer were made as follows : Robert U. Laird, Lewisburg. William Joxes do Josia ii Baker do Mr. Baker's name was withdrawn, and proceeded to rote, as follows : Laird Jcecj 1st. It 11 2d. 15 M (nyi Wl... is d irm-n-d by a. wife ; Who, freed from ruatrimoDial chain la lure to auffer fur hie pains. Adam could find no eolid pear Till he beheld a womaa'a bee: When Kve was iriven for a mate. Adam wae in a happy state. In all the '.-mate rare appear Truth, darlini; of a heart sincere: llypocriry. dereit, mod pride In woman net er did reside. What tongue is able to unfbtd The worth, in woman we re-hold? The fulling, tbat Id woman dwell Arealmoyt iniperceptible. Confusion take the men, I say. Who Do regard to women pay; Vi ho make the women their delight Keep always reasoB iD their sight-' sliirlit transposition of the lose, we LTe a very lUiTervut story, su. J THE OLD Hlv-BRlOa 'S THKHIO. That man munt lead ft happy life Who, rreid from matrimonial chain; Who is directed ly a wife. Is sure to suffer for his pains. A-lam eoold find DO solid pear When fclve was giveD for a mate Till be beheld a womao's face, Adam was id m happy state. In all the female race aprera Hypocrisy, deceit and pride; Truth, darling of a heart sineer. Id woman Defer did reside. What tonsa Is able to unfold The finliDgs that in wunun dwell ? Tbe worths in woman we behoni Are almost impcrcepUble. Con fusion take the men, I iar. Who make the women th-ir delight; Who no regard to women pay Keep always reason ill then- sight. ren four sous aud three daughters; all upon bis conntenance, as be again took the chalk and wrote, ' Even ss, Father, for it seemed good in tby sight.' " Tue Ot.prsT Ship. Tbe barque Maria of whom died without children, with tbe I " ,bis ?or last tTeni.D8' hom At a recent election, in St Louis city, on tbe question of Sunday liquor selling, there were 5,292 votes in favor, and 7,413 against 2,121 nuj. against. The test was demanded by the liquor patty. exception of Henry and myself. My mother was married the second time, and raised a family of six children, two of them are still living Nathaniel W. Wat- kins and Frank VYatkins, residing in Missouri. My brother Henry has had eleven children sis daughters and five sons. The daughters are all dead, and one son, II. Clay, Jr., who was killed at tbe battle of Buena Vista his wife hav ing previously died, leaving three children who are with their mother's connection in Louisville. Three of my brother's sons arc settled near him, in tbe neighborhood of Lexington. Two of theso, Thomas and James B. Clay are married and doing well one a lawer, the other a farmer. John, the youngest, whom you saw at Washing ton, is with his fathsr at Ashland. Theo dore, bis eldest son, is in the Lunatic Asy lum in Lexington, a confirmed lunatic. Tbe reign of Folly at the watering-places is a prosperous one, this season. Ex travagance in jewels, laces, meat and drink, and the other materials, was never so startling. One lady at Saratoga has been entertaining twenty of ber frienda at dinner, at an expense of $100. A New Vork banker went a little abead of thai, and for the feeding of twenty-eight, paid $750. An ambitious Southerner, how ever, capped the brandial climax by dis bursing the sum of fourteen hundred dol-!a.-5 foi one anal. three years' cruiso in the Indian Ocean. She was built at tbe town of Pembroke, now called Hanson, for a Privateer, du ring the Revolutionary war. She waa bought by William Botch, a merchant of Nantucket, afterwards of this city, in tha year 17S3, and in tbe same year sbe mado a voyage to London with a cargo of oil. Her register is dated A. D. 17S2, and sht) is consequently in her 77th ysar. She in claimed to ba the first ship that displayed tbe United States flag in a British port ' after the revolutionary war, which flag is) now in existence, though in shreds. Her model is of old French construetion, tumb ling home, or rounding very ranch in her top sides, and sbe is consequently very narrow on deck, in proportion to her size, 302 toss. It is said tbat there stands to her credit over 9200,000, aod from tha earliest history of this ship she has aevsr been any expense by loss to underwriters except once, and that to very small amount. Aeic BtJfurd Standard. Some years ago, it is said, a party waa traveling ia a stage thronjh the pines, and saw in the distance wbat tbey sappoaed waa the frame of a log house. Oa ap proaching, they found it waa the skeletoa of a mosquito which had starved to death, the flesh having fallen from the beaes. Rather tall '. (that is, a "tall" mosquito and not a "tali" story, by no manner of means - 1 sif?w SPtl.vrc