JUL i AV Gen. Putnam. Amonir the worthies who figured danoz o O w tb.,r. of .h, American Ue-dutioo, f baps there was none possessing more orig-1 InftlitT of character than General Putnam, who was eccentric and fearless, blunt in bis manners the daring soldier without .- lne Philadelphia Society f..r the promotion the oolisb of the rentleman. Ho might ' of Apiculture, No. r.sfi Chestnut street. I'l.il the pollSB Ot the genuem. e adcl,.hia. where Books of Entry lor the fcxbi- rcH be called the Marion of the North, j b li 'n u.m he openeJ thnncrh ha disliked di?euise. probably I Letters addressed to the .!fT7.-.v.at Harris- .!... r v.:. -..,,nr. l,;-h ra IIUBI kill. v. - D. i very apt to overthrow auj incKerj ue might baTO in view. At the time a strong-hold called Horse Beck, some miles above Xew York, wa in position of the llriti.-li, Putnam, with a few sturdy patriots was luiking iu its vi cinity, bent on driving them from the place. Tired of lying in ambush, the men became impatient, and importuned the r.onpral with nuestiuuS 83 tO When ttiCV l . " ! were going to have a bout with the toe. j -i i. One morning be made a speech something to the following effect, which couviuced them that something was in the wiud : "Fellers You have been idle too long, and so bave I. I'm going down to Hush's t Ilorseneek in an hour, with an ox team and a load of corn. If I come lack, I'll let you Know all toe particular, u . . . :r I . should not, let 'em Lave it, by the hokey !" He shortly after niouuled his oxcart, dressed as one of the commonest order of Yankee farmers, and was soon at liush's tavern, which was in possession of the British troops. No sootier did the officers espy biiii than they began to question him respecting his whereabouts, and find ing him as they thought, a complete sim ploton, they began to quiz him, and threa tened to seize bis corn and fodder. "How much do you ask for your whole : arn !" tbey inquired. : eansarn 'For mark's sake, pcn'lemen, replied the mock clod hopper, with t! mst de plorable look of entreaty, "-only iet 'i." off and you thali have my hull team au ! load fr nothing ! And if that woit d- w, I'll give jou my word I'll return to-morrow, and pay you heartily fur jour ktuduvts and your condescension YV ii, ra.u luij, -v.. j . your word. Lcavo tho team aud j.rovcuii er with us, and we won't require any bail for your appearance." Putnam gave up the team, and saun tered about fi r an hour or two, gaining all the information that he wished. He then returned to his men, and told them of the disposition of the foe and bis plan of attack. The morning came, and with it sallied out the gallant band. Tho British were bandied with rough bands, and when tbey ...rn.lnrcl in fieri. I'utnam. the clod- i. , i. ,., l.,t .r: ! bopper, be sarcastically remarked- uen- tlcuien, I have only Kepi my wuiu. told you I would call and pay you for your kioduess and enndeceosion." j slow a Soldier Feels in Battle. A vouns French officer thus wriics of ' his first experience in battle "Our officers kept us back, for wo were 1 not numerous enough to charge upon the enemy. This was, moreover, most pru dent, for this murderous fire so fatal to j the white coats did us but little harm, j Our conical balls penetrated their dense j aiuua while those nf the Austrians whis- tied past our ears and respected our per ins. It was the first time I had faced fire, nor was I the enly one. Well, I am ntiafied with myself. True. I Judged lie ; Is.ll. ln.t llenr. IV.. thev aa. diJ the same at the beginning of ever; battle. It ia, ia fact, a physical effect, iudepeod- ent of the will. "But, this tribute pai.l, if you could on- ! ly feel bow each abot clcctriGes jou. It is like a whip on a racer's legs. The '. balls whistle past jou, turn up the earth around you, kill one, wound another, aud j you hardly notice them. You grow in toxicated, the smell of gunpowder mounts lo your brain. The eye becomes blood- shot, and the look U Hied upon the ene- There is something of all the pas-, my. aieDi in that terrible passion excited iu a ijlJiet by the sight of blood aud the tu mult of battle. . . . f . ' 'LveryboJy who has tried it testiGes to the pesuliar iotoxicatioa that is produced . I, being in . battle. Ttere is an infatu-1 ating influence about the smell of pow- dor, the thrill whistle of a bullet, and the eight of human blood, that iuattintly trans forms men from cowards to heroes from women sometimes to monsters. None can tell of the nature or mystery of that in fluence but those who bave been in the battle themselves As Old Schoolmaster. The Ptatc Teacher's Associui in, in W-t Ches ter, was largely attct:.:d teacl" ra being sent from every county in the St .'e. O c of the speakers, pauud Cause, said in I . the oldost teacher in the State, made si n e v. ry numerous remarlfs, in regard to ' experience in teaching. In coming nu ward, he said that he commenced bis i .o frsaion in 1S07, when Fulton ran his first steamboat on the Hudson. The speaker ' had outlived poor Fulton, but he felt that i be steamboat would ouilive him. He' had been uninterruptedly engaged in his profession for fipyAvKi y.an without losing single week, from sickness or otherwise. He had, however, during that time, been deep student of the laws of health. He was old and (looking down npon a mon - rnus corporation) the audience might see tn him na skeleton. This remark caused great laughter, u the speaker only weigh el about two hundred and fifty pounds "ON Pr- James," whose "sands had inn one," it now appears is doetering un ier the nan of Dr. 0. I'helps Brown, oi -J Key City. (Want mere "sands '.") I Pennsylvania Slale Agricultural Sod. ly !l INHIBITION. The Ninth Annual Kxhi- . . w...... a...-; pllla,r.!phi,-,lon Tuesday, Wednesday.Thurs- Jay ami Friday, the 27ih, sum. win aua ....... t;,v i,r Sentcmber next. On the Isl beptem- ber, the Secretary will remove to the Rooms burs, or ( liurirs A. Ku-'le, lSiistleton, Will meet with attention till 1st September. A. (. 1IEISTEK, Secretary, rjfioods for Exhibition. carried on all the Railroads in the Siate.to and Iro.free of charge. "pencil sketches, OH, Outlines . f Character and Manners by MISS LESLIE. One large l'.'mo. volume, clolh. Price Sil.S'i. ri i. i.;..l.ip t,.t,.ril,ii. vii'mt... t-nntiiina the best en olTal.-e vr i.pmii bum lb. Aim-ricu jin-aa. It cuu-( Mm. U'asiiitigton l'ltta. The Offi-erK. A Stnr of f lie )Hrt War with Kn'l.i..l. ivti-r J-ucs. A fkvlt ii troin I. if-- Mr. Snalli. I li- flnlip. The AH '"" totthina. ThttiiM tnrm House. our -1 1t.l. Tli.it nlL-uiau: or, 1 urn J,LuV.iictrrtm.n.TlijTlt hiilird. I tYnt. piK'iaMt; if-itmii. Th La-iim' Palt C unlrv l.ljin.. TU NTi-iiaden. C'i"t;'ii' Alhru-u ;or. The Tin )t d U"x : 'f. Pn-nrs at ilouruius tutiii. the Uvurral n.uc. ROMANCE OF HISTORY, A S exhibited in the Lives of Celebrated WOMEN of all aes and countries S remarkable examples ol remale uoi.ii'i iu .r..,,i. .,.if..iI-,.Titi.. ByiiKNKV C. U A'l's'.N. l.ntf liiriii' vi'luul.' l-iuo.rn.tn. ti.-s. T.. . t l-f'rr W unu-n nf Aim-rim exni tfs fur inii ilntmn hi ll." ip"t triinir riri uiiifUiiivn. i tin1 nt j. fl 'f this liil.K ii.li-r.-litii l:.i.-c. 1.1 0. ri-iiiiin 4i"t 'iii'ly ,it Hu ll n hiii k b.i'uun. ruinaioti. nul our viiv. n. nintli'-r, pini-r. mill ilHiilitr.- mil lri uii- in. r.' r.-ti.- i: -I !' ruiutii-u. I. rtjii ii-, aul ieif .'ai.rilii.s , ll.iin tlie i si Ian ll lllill wrr lit lint. Kvi ry Laity ill Ilio lanl ibiuH LaTC a eiipy ul tin. bigliif iulilvptii Lt;ijk. J. S. COTTON & CO. Pulili-hers. No. Ilia, Chc.-tiul St. Philadelphia The Publishers i II send either of the alu ve popular Books I .y mail. 'tree of postage. to anv pan of the t imed Stales, up n receipt ot the publication price '."Jv. 1 rffSji 1- p;,,.!,,,.,. ! d2l500k 1",,( ' M1K siib-ciil er having mitnl lie entire Hook binding etabli-lltneiil ot Woidi n V Corn, tins and ad. led lo it hi ou ti tools, is now piepared lo BIKD OR RE -BIND CoofcH. MiiLrazinr.-. I'aiiijililt't.-;, Mii.-io, . ('iilul.iiirs. X;v);iuth,cVc. j either Full or Hall-Cound, in various kinds of laiTHtH or ( .V si.ix.and lined wnh .Maible i Paper ol dilferent figures. I s an -I olher Hooks or Tapers wtiicti j j( j,.sil,.,) t,, preserve as niciio.nals in a faintly, can be made more secure ly the bin der's skill. I; lilank nooks, lil ies, Hyn-.n and l'ravcr li.ii.ks, Pocket Hooks, Alliums, Diaiies, Ac, l. (l r l ii ic Ii .l.l in legible and durable characters, to order. .Ml'silt; l'OHl'FOLIOS, Ac., made to suit customers. 8,' V A good Bindery has long been deire.l hi this vicinity, and I therefore respectfully solicit the public patronage, trusting that my experience and attention to business will give satisfaction. I intend to charge moderate and uniform prices, on the "Live and Let Live" principle and hope to make it a permuaeiil business. I'm-lif e iml S'ore. CimH tnhrn In pn;. . ( pay li:i.l l.UY ot all work. .15 o.v i)i:i.ivi:nY ot Uinderym ueaver's ten block, N.Thiid sticet, four doors iroin Market street. near the Vhrmiirir otlice. CH A'S J. UTAH L. Lewisburg. April I, 1S!I "IVWS for a full curse in the Iron Citv I Colleae.mosi exiensively patromed and ,,, organ-zed Commercial School iu the l.'ui led Mi'tts. 80 S.'.o Ms atlfttiliny 'AiiVy, MurihA 85ft. L'sual time to complete a full course, from ft to III weeks. F.verv Student, upon gradua ting, is guaranteed to be competent to manage the Ronks of any linsmess, and qualified, to far" a ialar- from S..-.OO Iu StOOO. Students enter at any iiuic No Vacation Review at pleasure. Fifty-One rrcmiuins forP.ppt lYnuinn-s-iii; awurik'il in ISoS. r'Miiiisic rs' Sons received at half price. For Circular and Specimens of Writing, inclose two letter stamps, and addiess 7S2 F. W. JENKINS. Pittsburgh. Pa. Auction and I i.mmlsslon House In Linisliurg. l-s T oir-il A net iiilii.rir f j-t-nMi . t 11 vi mill i. 1 - I I.IJoih IioiviT having been appoiiitc j! ! dl j sole Auctioneer lor Lewisbi.rg, is prepared to attend to all calls in his line 111 town an ctun,ry Commission Sales. ! In April next, I intend to open on Mail.e i ; Mreet a Room for the reception, and the sale ! ' at stated times, of all kinds of Comls at Anc- i mm. .-iiv niir ni.iuiiiKiuui't'Ti'i niv tiiu- ct call j.,psil ,,, mr ',, , Kin ; a, the best advantage I can and chaise a per $ "F A wyl:l(nyr.n i j FLOUR BAG KAKUFACTCRV, l'il(!itoii, I.uz. C'u. !";. T HF- undersigned are manufacturing all sizes ol FLOCK UACiS in the most sub stantial milliner. 'Perms inoib-rate orders promptly filled. KICHAIIT fc LL'YL'A Putslon, May SO pdSia I.U.Mr.Kll! LUM15KU flHE subscribers have for sale J. (in lots 111 suiipurcliasers;f;' u ari stiielr ot t l '. li'j.ll.lt l anci inii hOsx-h.-A Plank. Ac. Also A.GUO VIM: HAILS. 26 inch S-iwed Sli'ngies superior quality. Also Svpiare Timber fur Uuildings : Which are ollered low for cash, al our Mills on South branch of the White Deer (.reek in Hartley t .u nship or delivered on the finish Vallrv Narrows road at the end of our Road. tV A Dipioma lor a superior sample of Planks, and a Premium for Rails and Shing les were awarded ns al the last I'nion Co.Ag. Fair. JIIMN' M'CALL & UHO N, Fores,! Hill P O, I'nion Co, Pa ''773 THOS. ti. (.Kli.R ir AS just received a splendid ass-nrtment of Ihe very best, cheapest and most fashionable Jeucll) in the market. His Stock comprises Breawt 1'lnn, C'bainN, Ear Rlner. Finer r Rlnca, Uracrlrl. Meeie Rut I on., Muthiiic. .., which will be soli extremely low for Cairn. He respectfully asks the patronage of all his old customers; and also invites new ones to give htm a rail before making their pur chases. Call at the sign of the flig Watcb, Market street, east ol Second. Dec. S4.'5( HO L ORDERS neailv primed and I. r tali a. the Cr..riicie tlllice ?) f l stfLf J7.'f ujy.. 0 rrr - Kjy 1 II.IMf I t' : M.I IIIt-T ' UNION COUNTY STAR CITIZENS OP Danville. Milton, Miincy.M'Ewrnsville Kunliury, Northumberland, .Selinssrove, .New llerlin, Milliinbun,'. ILirili toll, and scores I.eirisbur2. have boucht their II ATS and CAPS al GillMOllN Emporium of Fashion , within the past year, and are uremg mcir friends to do likewise. Always a line assorl meul of latest stvles on hand, very cheap, al ';iiisuv. H T MAM'FACTCIKV, LEW ISBLKC. Just oicneil. opposite tlic l'ivicru lloti.sc, ia the l.oom lately oectijiieJ Ly A. linger. VFUI.L ami con:ilt'le asMirlmont of FALL & WINTER CLOT H- I N G snch as Overcoats, lies Coals, Ilusi-n.-ss Coats, and Coats of every style am' pat tern ; and Pantaloons and Vests to suit. AKo, a lar'-e variety of t inier Clothm;, Mich as llrau-.-rs. Shirt, cse so. a line assorluo nt llovs' CI. .Ihin:r of il.c l i'.est stvl s. A, so. .iV'N and t'.l'.s eio:il to any olU ii .l in this country. In fact, I have evei yilnni; necessary in the shape ol t'lothin, v lueii I cHer at a very small advance tor ea-.li. PHILIP tiOODMAN, Aa't. ! cAM kinds ol Country Produce taken in exchange fur tioods. Leu isbui, O.-l. "--. VltlJ.MM MANUFAC- . siki'-.'.ti. - I'll.f.HiT SitttXT (ti. ar til.- Stalf 1 h s r -1 Sli .mi I'li.ur .M. II.-.) I Harrisburs, Vi. A full assortment of Ware c iisl.itiily i n 1 ' haiol. Ware made lo i n'. r. For Pn. e l.'sts ! ad liess the Proprietor. IV'Oidcs by Ma.l ' promptly aiteinled to Lm'.xi j mi m and kew goods.! tViii.Etf'OWM ,lr. A. Ii. tmhlt Having loino.la I'ai'tiei li p. al lite ! I stand el Win. .V J.il. Hioiui.MuikftM.tl'ove l:h, Lewi .but.', VP!' oif-'i iog a hr-'c a rtiner.t o' Spiiuir ;iul stinmicr I.ium's, 1,1c ul lo.i lv .ll.i..:e Ciollimg. bill-,. Casiio' ii s, C...,iit:5. 'e-ii;iL'--, Carj'eitiiL'-. ! IJ!e.:e!i'-d aii t lirown Lim i.s, ihilin.u'., Ui- , lir.gs. A-e. Al- . a large viii 1. iv 1 f LAMES' M:IS imnlis, mu l a- C.ilie. . s.Chaiiii.s, l.iwns Delains. Itarages, -.O.i.;ii,in- sl.awN.At A Is., all kit N . . " i"n-. li.ocei 1 s. li.nl ware, I'ed.i. 11 . Qinei.s and .:a-sivare, Fisb. Sail. Tobacco. i Also all iiii.d i ! ll t ii. f.-r bu.ldiiig pur- J poses. Call an I eiiniint.'' ! r V' ur-elee'--. Pn of all kinds lal.t n m -'ningo '. r l.'.n ,!s. . HKOW N A 1.1 Nlvl.i:. , Leu ist.urg, April -ft. Is.".!i. 1 Meat Market. Arrrni; nirnx jr I If )" JACOB (i. IlIiOWN. h.ivj Leui-blMg Mai I.. ! for th. l,,v Ig Ml j past six iiii-ntli--, has ma le the toil ai laii. inrnt:, i.-r ihe coniiiig vear The l est of Peef, Mutton. Veal an l Polk ' can be lud on We-lri' s.!;.v and Saint lav mor nings (,f each He I;, at tiie Market Ib use. on Malket sliect lelween Si bailie's and W olfe's. Lewisburg, Pa. His in. .110 is ' (juiek Sales f..r Cash, and Mnait rrotits. A p. is. :.'.i. Liaiiiioe his meat. I. S. r-TEUNEK, Agent. SL'CCKD YEAR. A1 that a Hal Mai.::i..ri .ry c in snvMiiirij Kcu'isfnn l'. w; tn ' u iit-;i;;trd uiili I It- laiiNl am' I" M M'h cucii Sirn : ty!i's f HATS at.d TAI'S v-r ! ifjhi to maiku, such as fine Mole, SilU. Hrc-s liat, Drai, !avrr, O-irr, Hih and Lt w ('n un, S:n Hats and Cap, and Siiiiin.t-r Ha's I" latct stvlrs 0-r Spriiiff and SninnH r vicar, aii tl' which will he m Id al C.iv I'nrfs, I. r Cah. Oit ninUo hall lf-m,k Sn'r ?rn! Small rrot'its'nC whic-h the pi Uif shai! I e ihr judg' , Hal; ina lp tn rr lcr at ;lr i' April l. Ibii'i. .in.s. (.llisu.N, HaitiT. New Hotel ia riiff.inijnrg. rf TIIK l-i! crihrr wen'd ir- r'fnih in-li-f'rni the Traveling I u ! j t-vi't n r', lhai lie ha lakn and tilled up iln- pn iniscs ul (iciirr Schorh, in the ccnire id' MAIN ST. MiFKLlXnUlU;, uhcre he is prepared !o acci iiinii dale sirang crs and travelers--ineii and bta-l. 1:1 the best manner, won Il.aid and Lodging. Please give me a call. Ap.l.Vi'.l CIIAHLES ChOTZt: I I 1 Ittst "llk Hill l.iltcsl Sljll TAILOR IUG. ' Ji)iiii.:.i!i..i:i. I thank fill for past favors ' wniil I siate thai be has re reived ilie Si ritigASn. inner ;i Fa-hnms, and i.s pri pared lo 1 lW" ' ' l Alv.'. and KHPAIK , fl'l I ! 1 gaunenis as usual, liem'l If ' Pi T" :,S Ifrrtofoiv, to ' "-iSs'''i'nte his wcrlf aii-facti rilv to an. Leu i-butg, .Vay 21, inf. KARSISEUPsG ETCKE-WAF.E. 'I 'Ill are is clear ot all pi Tin cf-iin is n.a.!' ( I ronimmi . ' trtif cluti. An liiltt-T i X .Tt-'. :li:i: -v IflJiV ' , hv kept in it with f trfif W'-f'.y. 'I liif is im : I iIN in it na t! . i.- jj ,ii r.iit.ncn r-I I' utii. -it -V, iti.: i liP. mi-1 It-.iTii r I- , f nun It t .1:1 r in llii'. i i .t.T: i' ii. mi in K.-trtl.i ii ;irr. It in t unit m u t'ii.t I .-lv. v. i!l i.. t J 1 nv J ;irl (.f ft I :! hum Irl J.lit tUtli II. Hli'i i- u u ' Iml 1 ti t'n-iiV r !' in ii-iii. j .-..!.. I.v Hior- h. i - in 1.1 W .- LiJ at.. I p n ! j rally tl.r' tiiiM'tH il M.ti i I.1I.II(:h ll.rj Ji.Urt M. mnr ti"- Ftmm f'.-nr Viile iii.rr-t.urc. w.m. M(vi:k, ! '"" l'ri. ri- ti.p SPKIXRlSviU! I r.T received a largo assortment of 1 IJ 1 SW J I . w. V V i- -i a .tii ti ;ia Pclaincs. ('litillic?. Ileircres. Cro-so- ver Mohairs. Ib'ieL'e Angela is. ilk Koiihud. Satin I'hallies, Tamartiiies, 1 while and Mark Rerege. r,erege I',.bes and Organ die, very handsome French Uriil.ai.ts limi ted, Peieals also a .'. ..u.etv of square and round corner--1 s'l lil.I. A SH I.S, varying in price from .n . :,() m .-si . ir, die borders, bli-ck lace, puimc-i and square SHAWLS, lace Mantles, hi.-u-k silk Netting, black drmi Veils, real Maliese Collars, very pretty sett of Collars and Sleeves from sk-j to !.. Cambric lidgiiig. Lace Skirting, French Dimity. Dimitv Hands, Handker chiefs from r rts. to s-i each, embroidered Mitts from St) rts. to per pair, besides a great varictyuf Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Groccrie', Eardware, Queensware, tuc. kc. fcc, all of which will le sold very cheap. Call and see. P.EAVFR, KI.F.MT.R A MVLl'RE. Lewisburg, April IP, 1H59. C liroinatic I'rlr.tingr. nAYI.N'G purchased the right to use Ron. it' process for Printing with Dry Colors, for I'nion Co. Pa., we arc prepared lo execute orders for CARES, Show-Bills, &c. tn Htd. Grrtn. lilur. tirvn. .ViYisr, IHamtmtl, rrr rT.rf colors, in good style, tVai the Otf.ce of ihe "Star & Chronicle," Lewisburg. Jisr, is,d n.-EfbSi a ceiiM-UPj. If. I I.-V ' 1 11 'i 1 .:r & LEWISBURG CHRONICLE AUGUST 20.185flL SASH aua DOCKS, Clinds and SiiCTTEns, Flooring, Silling, Framing, &c F-T .ate at the Ilirilwfiri' ?t"r. . f J.-UIAbblN. I.r wipt.urK. 0,-t - CUrAliTXEKSHIP. jrnj The undersign have as- lir' : '-. t'ocialed themselves into c.part- nership lor the purpose oi cariy ni on the Lumhcriu;, Plaiiini', audCarpenteriu business mall their various Lianches, at the fcaiobttrg Glcnm Jlliming lUillo, uhere ihev infnd to keep a Mick of Pine, Hemlock. Walnut, Clierrv. Poplar, Ash, Ma ple, and all km.ls oi Linulier. Flooriiii: Mie!- ' vina, Siding, shineles, I.elli.Joit. Siiid-Jitr.', r'eneiiijr. I'icl,e!s, ll,.. i and Window Frames, . Doors, !siw:ttrs, llliniis. Sash. Monldin 's. Bracked, Ac. I'lanins, Slitiin,;. Scroll Savv- inv, Ac., di ne al short notice and all work warranted t pivc satislacinm, both in (rice i and vvoikinaiiship. I J. I. HinrFENIiEl.TEl!, 1.IU.TIN .:r.lSI!UH, I nr.v ei:s i.io.s. I...Ttl-!oir.: l'!:;nii,.: M'.llF, Al-ril I, I -.'a. $,,000 Wanted ! lomco of an act of the last Legisla 1 i'i mi -vivai.ia. ihe Couiifii-sn uers 1 I'ln oi 1. iiiiiy desire to !! 1 1,1V iimliey .lie ai ove aiiiolint, in sums to t less than i Lit!. in'erest ;o I e paid annually, and the niiCipal wiihin ttiree var-. Ii.i;iiire of H. I'. Ml l.l.Llli. treasurer. Lev, : -1. nrg, Pa.. May Sli, Is-.H. N(r.i:Y2'UiLic. Viliiam Jor.es, TTOIIMIV at Law. Co!!i'clifrs I l". :a;-lL a::.'!! "1 1'"--'-' the 1' 1! lo. Oii:l !'i'li Mai Uel ! vfr 1 1 :in el. 11 1 eh. i.i: mi:i ut;. i' a. Fruit and OrninniLtal Trces fgZi? flifii iL'litJ.'iiiit Vl.jHi.. 'I Ii" er Ms n !.;.r,.l a h-ndiM I c lleeiioii id loth Fiuit and Ornamental 'FUELS, Ac. Ac. rtitbiaeitig liie vcrv best viiMi'iti , ol Api.U's. Pt i.rs, I'eai lies. Plums, Cherries. A pi n i l':. Xi i- ari ics,(;i apes,(ioose ben ies, Kasj bei ues, Ci rrants, SirawLernes. A I. Si, I 1.-.,.. 11 ..rn .all. n hi t'lir.nnni Miiiininin A-h'Ai.o iiraii Moiiiit.nn Asi,, sa.-'ar Mapie lor 1 1 t o'antmg. Ever !!.., .uung 1.. se, anu iit!:t rHVciiuii i' Uuli-uus and uihtr t mi- I'iant-. 'n --ry Cn nn-iv ii IN.;. t"i tin Tun I' l.u .'.'.411". All 1 he farm f J:is L.', vi itiiin halt' a il'-rs . il n re iv m: (.';; itirttt iiJt'if f".l'. WILSON 1. LINN. in:w. Nev irrar.cr.icnts---rJew' Gcols! T;i:r tj veil ;i'Jl LIIAWMiiniiiirlnkrnllif mown Sl'YUMi li A 7 V't'A'.", has : relined 11, and filled in an cAiensive variety ol ' Hut, Cupf, (luttf'M'u's ri .'i .' ;.', il c. j Also a large and splendid slock .if CLOTHS j CASSIMEKES.Ac. which he will mrhr uj In ,,,,,r he still contiiiues the Tailoring liusi- r.ess. lie entrll'led I s prepareil to cxecu'e all work his cure, to the satitaclion of the customer. N. U. Citttitig . r,!. r. M.-u :; ! ! : 1. 1 ' . . r ' done to 7 1 GLOVE HilLLEBS. T HIE .subsi-riber is engaged 111 the uialiul- acinie of tne Latest Improved IICN'SECKi:!! Clover Il'.illers.whieh he offers at very reasonable 1 ;o large nun. I er 1 f 1 :: tlei-hl.iTllood ii 1 1 i .' 1 sailstaetioll is ll.e wi-liing In purchase 1 or nppiv by Utter to 1 v ;-".: Lair There have been a 1, Huilt-rs Mld in (h . and liit-y xwv l-ft. Any f-crcn i d n.achiiM'.w.ll call c. fv i:mki;v. nil I t. nipn i'o, I'a CABLXETAV ATt'KT 1th Slrt'd AIEt003I I. TI;p Mi'iMi'iiit i st res -t-. ::u v iiiii-rms itie citi.cns 01 l.ewisbui g and vie .ii iv, t ti ' he l.as on hand and i. r sale a cl cap lo; ol I I ItM l 1 It I.', li r the Spring trade, coinpri.siiig liesin .tn I 0 iiiinon ltiroait: -oc- letui ie.s tiliil (Vni Ptt.l I'i. lo.dk Cum's. ('rii'.iT, f 'J'llliIrS, l'illiiltr tlll'l il.Ics. ( 'ii.l.ii:ii'iis. ('i)t- Jlreaklttst '1 ti tii'.'i: iinil iled.sli'uils, StauJs. f-nl'tis. ttinl t 'iiiiir.-: of all kinds. COFFINS made to order or short police. The public are ci idi.i'lv invited to examine his woiu.as he is sun- thai they will be satis fied with his st. ck ol Ware, and prices. SOLOMON aOl'NO Lewisburg. Sept. If.. I.s.'li James 7. Linn. J. Elerrill Linn I r.& J. ?.!. I INX, tf.ii ucysi at I.aiv, I.FWI; lui.n Ci ii my, Penn'a. J. MrlWA i- ii si R fi r tin' State of b.wa i-itinlis.iii I; 1 1 ii-.li:.- i.-i il.... .1, i.-i-1- Broom II:nuUs and Curtaiu Rollers, ,Mr,r ", 15 i Loli's I'atcnl Jiai llillOl y. j .,1 n ...... . . 1-1. II Jllll.ll-. Illl lll.-s , T T f -r r.i;iTsii,r iir(H.n Ii in :i rim :.' r l ( 1 1 , tl- n 1 1 : I lltlil I III-!!. i. IllllitOiilli ll llnll.-l-H -I- III 111-.' I., .-.I, l. iii.il Sli-r- tl. n hilli urti. ii-, ;,i.-l sre r-i ii V. I lir -1 M:'inii.ii-! i ..iiMiii'v i l lli-ii. ul -l.-iri I. ..in-.'. .-. i ll-. i .'st I-.iti.-1 .sin: . mi i in a anjii: in ti um. liiin-rv l-i.r 1h I iim .I. . . n Ni !) I n:. lii..l Ma.-hiiiery, lln' Wt Jirmt II. Ill Jl'tllU iSltttCS I!. tlinl l..ni. hit Li n I Ooltrs i ri mi II l. rr ilii- ul In-. I.M..I. A-'.lrn.a . O. ISK lOH, ll .r.rrsr.rr.-. I'll. ClnT-'S A-Mil ol Hie l.-ili- W'i'rk.. AER'II E. EOVV-CR, a 11 1 Jewflrr, - second dnnr alitn e 'i lin d, s vn Market strT! VT VLrIIlT IC i Wuuld rptcH'il!v iiilurm ther.utlic that he has on hand a liue r.svortinciit v( Hold and Silver I.T'ver and l-epine W ate hp- a pood Murk of (intdj'ameo and lMait;ic Rrrasfpin5 of ilit latest siyl'' fld and aiiK'i-laairtns &c, u hirh he intend to l! v.w chrnp :ilo a splendid aortrm nt ol I.isht-l)uv anil Thirty Hnur' 'I. Of 'KS and Time pieces. Ker) article warranted to he what it is mM for. The creates! care u ill he taken in Ilrpal r fllCT and Cleaning of ('locks, Watenes and Jewelry, and everyllii"? warrant d to pive satisfaction. 1'Iea-e ake him a call, audi 4 t. :.. I'.ltO pive hira some trouhle to show his Watches and Jewelrv. July 21, lro8 CIocKs.Walcli- , and Jruclrv. 4lh door west of Haul,', Also, particular attention paid to liE PAIKIXfi of all Mnds. I have also the agency for ihe sale of the celebrated Coal Oil I.:iltl. Wltiet. U'ill r.lillllllll.ril li,amjAl..n. ,n every one. Call and see. (V Scpt.tt, lSSsi AK ItENOUMANL'li; I Insurance, LIFE INSURANCE. THE GIKM. I) LIFE IXSrKAy.K. AXfrrlTV AND Tin sr t onj'.iyy. i iiilahklihia, TllliS.HIIKiWaV, ITifi.lent. J NO. F. JAMKS, Artaary. (aultal ;pi um) .iOO.O(iu-( barter aeraelual, CVlNTINt E to make INSURANCE ON j LIVES on the most reasonable terms. The capital beini; paid up and invested to gether Willi a larre ana consianiiy increasing ; resrt veil fund, oilers a perfect security to the j one iiisur.il. I The premiums must be paid yearly, half yearly, or quarterly. The li'lluwiiig are a few examples from the Keiilster: I ,V... n- Sun hitttv ...I..P.I hv future tfiimi"!. f....n 'i ' :.v. :. m 1,:. J0 : f.fti-. nil sr. 1 1 : ' CD l.Miu IV The uiiileisijned is Ai;ent for the Com pany in I'nii ii county. Fa., through whi m ap plications tor Insurance can be made. To niri hanics anil business men generally, desi ring to filed Insuianceon their lives, it of lers inducements not equalled by any other i , nany in the l ulled Mates. Tim. Ii. Wit... M.U.. Examining Physician M. II.OKWKi, Agent, Lewisburg. Pa West Branch Insurance Company, 0 V I.mk llavfii, Ix, insure Ht'iatiie-i Uuildings, Stores, Merchandize, tarm Properly, and other buildings, and their con tents, at inodei ate rales. Doing business on bothCahaud Mutual plans. Capital,JUO,uu. Minx-ions. Hon John J Pcarce J. hn li Hall Cbas A Mayer Chas Crist lion (i C Harvey T T Abrams ll J Jackuian V W hite Thos Kitchen Peter Dickinson lion. O. C. HAKVEV, President. P. T. AliKA.MS, Vice Pres. TIIO'S KITCHEN, See'y. JAMES II. HAMLIN, Agent, f 271 Lewisburg, J'uion Co. Pa. I'niiiiiionwi'alili Insurar.ie('o..IIarrbb'g! IHAKTHIKD ( APITAL. $;;iKI.IK0. j IHE subscriber is appointed agent for wrU esla!. iMn rompanv. which ; I iii'urt s liu:!hnps anil ulhrr prepeny against T sl.ima;je ly tire, prnls of inland navi- gallon, iianspoiiaii.'.., uc, ou uivsuaiviauir terms. yv,,,-,i,frit si.vn.vr.i.vmos: Ii . I r;l.t...l. I'AKAK - '. .V.rituiy 'S .s H!f It. l i""n Btiilttinat. S. I). M'LAI CiHLIN, Agent. Lewisburg, Feb. 1, 1M-VJ mi AnitTkiiii Life Insnrance & Trust Co., (Capi'al Stock ij..1ii0,IMMI) ; COMPANY'S Buildings. Walnut streel,S E . corner ot Fourth I'hiladili'hia. IT- Lives insured at the usual Mutual rates r at Joint sii,ck rates about 20 per cent, less or at Total Abstinence ra'es the lowest in the world. A. W 11 ILLDIN, President Jims C. Sims. Sec. i 17 CEO. F. MILLER, Agrnt, Lewisburg fi- AT A HAltfiAlN! f'O The subscriber has on hand for saie 'J no Xnv Kllgir... whirh he 1 tier at a bargain for Cash or will Exchange for a good IIOKsE. Call soon or you will miss it. li. r. ill ksii. at ll.imh A .InoilDiaD'a Stiire, or if absent, inquire of W - il. Killer, at Wni. Ilrown. Jr.'s store. Lewisburg, Feb. 15 I IT NOTICE. TO the I'iti7ens of Lewisburg and vicinity ll. I.. II illCM has removed li Barber s i"i lr. in Hie Ki viere House to Market street, j l ast inent i'f W idow Anions' buildinz, one I door above the Post Otlice. Thankful for all i past favors, he hopes to merit a continuance j of the public patronage. X. I J. ! Tv ;,lt I n tnrrv hrf till tli-t r N-ir-lw frrw tone ; 1- -.it A !.:.-:!;Iit llHV :rl-r -Trr en- i.n H ix t f fit hi- nl'-on. huv niorn. rvc or noon. i-ltiiu, razors (.harp and M-itMrn kfen. Lewisburg, April I, IS.'.K. E. L. HINES. DR.. I. BRUGGER, iiomi oi' t in it: piiVMi it, I'v'.Zruuvrj Aetw Hhck. Markfl St. : (wtwren Fitiii ii siith.) i.Kwisnrnii, r i t PIIE -subs 1 tinues to substribt-r con- l.ill'l) ItllKillf-SM the Old Man. I on Souili Third sireet, near Market, and respectfully solicits the patronage of his friends and th public generally. CIIAUI.ES F. HESS. Lewisburg, Mav 22, isfwi C. W. SCHAFFLE'S pg WHOLESALE and KETAIL 413 Driiy and Chemical t'mjmrium Market Street Lewisburg, Pa. James B. Eamlin, TT011NEY at LAW, 1 V. IS Ollice on Second SI. west side,2ni door sooih of Market, blll g;. lim'i'.i.l I. nion Co. Pa. WINFIELD FACTORY! Afur ll;il lU'loil. l-'iti'oti Co., I'a. Till: Milistrilier, thankful y for past patronage, would inform fVlJ ) his friends and the public in gene-y-mi3ftaa ra, ,j1:Jt ne cminmes to manufac ture all kinds of v ooli'll CioolN, Mich as Cloths. Cass ime res. 'i'weeiis. Saitinetts, Jeans, I. ankeis and Flannels; also. Carpet and S. eckitig Yarns. His machinery being of the ;l est kind in use, and having employed the i,Pst of workmen, he feels sate m saying it,-., l-lc u-.n-lr ststl n. Via tnrivKi.il bv anv CRiatilisiiment in Itie cotintrv. Agooitsop-i : J ..r ii, I- ir. Maoii. ii,n,l! piy ol the above gooits Kept constantly on nana for sale or It. exchange for word, nt prices that can nol fail lo please. WOOL will be Carded in the best mannerand on ihe shortest notice. Terms for carding, cash on the de livery of the rolls. MARK HALFPENNY. Winheld Mills, March 30, 1857. TKCPIAS G. GRIER, tr (FiirTciK-or to J.L.i ontK) I t :ifclimakkr and Jcwrllcr, j Lccutml two ilif-r r: of ti xtninl rfpfntlj occutird l- Mr Vodt-T LKW Iflll 'l.ii, !'. Clloc liS, Watcher Ac, repaired on shoit j nciice and warranted to give satiMartirn. I TAn excellent asorlineni of Watrhes. t'li.rKs and Jewelry cn hand Chrvp far iuh. I-euisbur?, April 29. l$5H J. SCHREYER & SOW A KB opening, direct from M'Callum A J. I'o.'s Carpel .Manulartorv, Glen-Kcho Crrniantovin, Pa., one of the prettiest and best assortments cf Carpels ever bro'l to i.ewisnurg, such as That l'lj, ILm-p Veni'lian, Slip. Jiiiruin, Manilla Matt, Union (Ax, Cocoa Jo.. I Ttcilal Volition, 4-4 Oil Clolh. . . . . . ' 31 do. do.. 81 do. do.. Fine do.. Carprt Binding, rfr. DUVALL'S GALVANIC OIL 1 F.I.IEV ES all pain and soreness in from S to 30 minutes. Sre another tnlumn. Price 50 cts. per bottle only. Shipped lo all pans of the t. S. Pir sale by J Iti.k. r I ro, Lewitlurg M Cn icht ii Hai.ra.Ruf X Hi, C VV sehnflle do W U Lluilrnmulli. Buir. Ili.tl ' I. It.iufh. New Berlin Heater. Jlnrria k Co, W irttU lvi rri.nilv, TurtleTilk Yniinnman 4 ro, do J B l'l. Mimn. K.-ltTTp b 11 Miller. .M Olint un Cunaiu.g4C'o,UltHlB MaliaMiUea tlo frT i Philadelphia. The Wonder of the Age ! KOIIR IIUIS- tMILHIOK WASHIMi mtHIMl IS enaranteed to do any ordinary washing in one hour's lime and with 60 per cent, less miury to clothes than by the old method. County rights for sale in the State of Penn sylvania, and also Machines lor sale Whole sale and Ketail bv Messrs. .,.IM,Iir PLOW MAN & M BRIDE. 7!)tm'l 15 Ko. Third St. Philadelphia PETPHEa'S LINE T in ANIJ FPOM rillLAUtL-rHIA. KtUUTinieni' IKKlbHT. l.t Clans 4.. Dbi Ir 111") pounua. i.1 J., ill. 4 1 ) llK Siiei-ial iu .1.. lVlo-t, Hye aint rem, j frnta per baaLeL Philad. ll. pot with I rnii, Ward l rtrj, Market St. Thankful for the liberal patronage given us we hope by strict attention 10 business 10 merit a continuance of the same. THOS PE1PHER For further information apply to ly7'j:. C If M GINLV, Aiput, Lewisburg NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. IjFRSONS shipping lioods to Philad. will please be particular and Mark thein in care of Peipher's Line ; otherwise, they will be re shipped at Hams- burs, which w ill be attended with nelav. .May 6, 1-.J.J. THOS. PEII'HER. SPICES! SPICES! SPICES! IJI'KE anil No. I liround Pepper, (iiiiger, Cinnamon, Allspice, Cloves. American and English Mustard. Cayenne Pepper, Nutmegs, Mace. Sup. Curl.. Soda, Saltpetre, Saleratut. Caraway and I oriander Seed. Sal Si i'a. Indigo. Ashlon llairv and Crriind Salt, Ac, For Sale at the Eagle Mills No. SI 1 and ; fit: iiriii t'ront street, comer ol New. Phil- ! adeiphia. how akd wokkell. , Ii? Puirhasers will hnd il greatly lo their i inieres. 00. ao.,.., r,.t ... ...,. -- "r-- JI'IICltCM. Hi IS 3..III...O. j.a-.j MIAVAMIKR SAKH. t&HTaSir.'.' llinni'ia saris. r v.l l5-'t tvans k waison, rhttmlth'ht'tty HaT now od han-l a lrye "orinn lit o! Kitiurt !Tlii--f I'n- f PaUanami. r Mift Iron Ikmri ti-r l:atik-miJ Sl- rrf,lron llIt.Irl D all niakti ot Lucki',fiu.J to any iu ti. tniteti jUU. j ts? Five Safe in rue Fire ad rnrre out right I wnh contents in pnod ccnditirn-j Ihe Xdamander &tft4 of Jfiih'ttTphia wjaimt ihe herld! r.VAS X WATSOX j Hare bud tdf Mirot 4 monftraticii in th" frllowinr r- 1 titH-atf t!.t tliirmanii'neTtir-t .iilBrniiO'lpr rtxW 1 :ia ' at 1i dj:1i fuliv Knrrantr.i tlrtrei rfriitiiti'.iiiithjtl hnf 1 l-fn Diti-(.f th m n n it.lf ring an unJuuku-dM-curitj ataiDf t the U rritiic eJcaitut : Pnitn.. Arril 12. Mit Ktx A WATK't ilmUrmji : It afford un lb liii:lit tiatif:irtiou to Matt- to yen. ttat owinit tn thr I ri.t.-dif- -iin lt'i-s rl two ot tbr ilmali,it r ?fi-hi' h . we j ur. hn.ctl cf iu f me fi-w nn iiili (. fnvt-J a ! Jarj:-t-ttrli-n f i ur jewelry, and all "ur 1 wks. pan-r ' Jtr cXJ'r-l t) c r;i.:iUiiTcui tire io Kau.tt lad l'l-f , oti Hi- ni'irnirtr (f 'lit 1 Itti in-tnt. Ulieute rr,twt that ihriw Sf )i wrr lrcntv-! In th ; fotirtri torv ot li t l uiiiJiPir rrupitl. ml that tht j f.-ll iul.ewiifiit!v irtto fthmpof hurnirj: ruin. w?nr the a?t rori'-e-r-tratifn of ht-at mul the trf" f Itt- i , uif It. we r:in m-t but retard. th i rerrTatt-.n rf tteir . Tlu;ii'U' mnti-nt a luoi-t mnvinriug j-roct uf the grvat ; M-nritw arT'Ti)l by your rafe. i We f-IiaI! tat niur'h plt?ur in nmntrn'linc then, j to men of bil"iui'- a ur- rf !ianr atraiDrt tir. -t.Kn'tiiK W. .-1M"N A UK" , J'wl'.i j 7c2j J Who harr purrhajM'd ix lare tali!, nur. I'Liikt-rinx & Suns. manulactiirers of .(.K wn.sui r.i i 4 1 rtai.ni 4 IK 5t"f 61 yiimtfmx piano artcs I -y ,:,oT cheMnui -s'- W Cons lanttyon hand a laree Mock ol our j braut'ful and untquulltd instruments, tinishec! tn every variety or stvle, at prires rancirs from I To to SHHM. We have been awarded 3h (;l,t and Nit er Firtt ('fuss Medals at the ddlV-rtnl Kxhibiiit-ns in this country and En- ! r(ipe superior manufacture. A literal discount to the clerpv and seminaries of lear ning. tV Illustrated descriptive catalogue sent to any address ly'i-ltt N. S. LAWRENCE'S PaKT, l'rinlcr" Card, anil Eu- f t lOX' WAREHOUSE, No. IUj, Coniiiii'ree St., l'liilaileljiliia. Ci? Cash buyers will rind it for their interest ti.rall- Philad. Jan I, y COOPER & WORK, WHOLESALE HEALERS J.Y NATS, CAPS, anil STRAW GOODS, No. 46 North Third street, bt'twern Marki't ritl Arch, -5SB, 1'llILAnF.I.l'IIIA. M.rOot'Klt. K I. tleKK. wist iiisti:u & co. GEWT'S FUBM1SHIKG STORE, raknt ShouMer Steam Sliirt Manufy, AT THE OLD PTA.P, So. lO-I tlirsiliiut Kt, IMiilatl. OPPllslTB the Washington House. A. WIM'HKSTEK will give,as heretofore, his personal .supervision of ihe Cutting and Manufacturing departments. Orders tor his celebrated Mylcs ol Shirts and Collars 6iled at the shortest nonce. Persons desiring to order Shirts, can be supplied with the formula for measurement oa i .nnl.eat.nn I. mail ji-.s- onstantlv on hand J a varied and selecl stock of ientlrmens Furnishing Goods. t-s Wholesale Orders .supplied on libtral terms ly'52 BLLNDS SHADES C heap for C ai.li. B. J. WILLIAMS, No. 16 North Suth street, Philadelphia, is the largest Manufacturer vf and dealei in Wl.MiOW MIAliES, ol" every variety. He is the Originator of all New Styles, and has a fine Stock to be sold at re duced Prices. Buff, and all other colors of Linen Shades, Tiimmirig, Fixtures, Ac. STOKE SHAliES Painted lo order. H? B. i. W. invites Citizens of this County to call before purchasing, and assures them ' he can sell a better article lor the money than ' any bet Establishment in the I 'nion 7S(iui3 lOtL CO A I. COAL. THE subscriber keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of ihe very best Sha niokiu and Wilkes-Barre COAL, lor lime and stove purposes, which he will sell at the very lowest prices for Cash or Country Produce. Also, Blatkmilh' Coal, riailtr and Sail. Wish it distinctly understood, thai I will nol be undersold by any man. Having good weigh-scales, full weight will be given. Coal Yard near Weidcnsani's hotel. CEOKliE 1I0LSTEIN. Lewisbnrg. May J7,'5d. VARIETY OF VARIETIES ! A large and well selected stock of r.cw iJoods in the Notion and Variety line. has just been received and opened at the Pol I Oificc, and for sa!c cheap icr ca:b. Aycr'sSarsaparilia A eomiKain'I reniHy, in wt.ii h we ),a 1 borc.l to produce th- n.it 11 fail aleiat..a that can be matte. It i a '1 ncntrateil tr. t of Para arsi.pariMa. so minihiaH with on.. r illstnii'-M of s'll! an .H'Tiuti rative po.nr ij to a:f.rl an effective oitidote $,r the la-a.t Sitrsaiianlla is reputfl to cure. It i, U!i. . that si.eh a ri iiii dy is wanted by those ,:J1 aiilb-r from Strununs coinjilaiiits, and th it i;:;, which will ai eiMiii lish tl.cir cure ii.ti-t j.-..-. .j of iiiiTn.-iise Mrviee to tiiis large class ot i,-.r a'Mictt.l l.-il iiv-crieiii. llicv 1 umpiiteh tL c..rn'li.,uiol will il ll h.-is K-.n .rovii by txi.' r. imi.nt on lnariy of th'-' worst iai. to be luuii of the tolli.uilig colli, !.i:;.Ts; S;a .rci.1 AM. l:.;- ;.n -i 'otjn.r Kicrrr.ivs am. LiirprivF. Iii.fasks, t'r.. 1'lMi't.; ri. it' ni li-n-Hi't, i!.f lii Ill r:o: hlol 1)'. I '"' I. . IU HJI.HV, l!,.. I.. : T.ikvit in tl.f . ' t It. .I. - which ft-t'-r L. t;.tf i.; , . 1 -.. a' iv 11 1.: :h yt-xr. liy th-ii-,... iv '.'! :!. i;. 1. v i-u;fc:i u' itl-..r.'..-i M l! TU'I- t-m. f, V.r l:i bit ais ( 'it ii-, t!.r ii.'-.i " i. r: 1 l-i If Ul F'-rr : tins thr.i'i-.1! t ii- 1. Iv m itir..j.it:v" viti.ri'4 i,l v , ! t.'iv viil !"tr;T to . il ii -t a-i?tf.J t ; .!-! cii ii.ir-1-th'. ;xJ'i i . r.t:. I J '.-nu-H! out t:i r y i :t, iii:i't:riti.i s. kiuL.j lij.i!t.'S, truit:tri V. -a .,n U.id it i or sort ; btru-'tt-d ai.'l :L'-; -ii i'i tl.t; Tcim ; elcarwe it ulj'jiic-vcr it i ( 1 your t.vh:: will u!i Tj'i when. Even u no fiartie lr rilsoril-t is ft-it, jxvj.k- tnj' y W-tfjr ht-a'.th, and liv-j Ii P2tT, t'T iita::.-ii tl.it b!t)-.l. Kc-p t'. t .!( I byalthv. a:A u. U wcii ; tut With thi rjiinl'in cf la'c (iiM j-.U're;!, tlivrc can be r.- ia-ting uvuun. .-sh ::it or laser notai! n..i-t o wr'.'ig, aiel the great maci.eiy cf li;'.- is liisnr.b red t r overt'arowr.. Sa.'saparilla hx-i, anil d'-enrcs mu'h, tf.s rej utatinn, of aceonipli-hie.g these ends. IiL tie- w-.rM ha lieea egrcgiomdy dveetved ij pp paia.i ins i f it, jirtly l.eeauso the dr- uim.e has ma all the irtue that is c!ai:i fur it, hot more Leeause many pr-parat. r.s, jintendiin to be eoncentratiil extra. T5 if it, contain biit l.tl'.c of the virtue of Snapii, or any t'lir.g t-bH.'. I luring late yrars the pnMic hsve 1 ecn ris b fl bvlarge butties, pr.-teniinig lo give a ip.tt.-t . f litiui t of Sar .-a;. anli a lor one dt li.tr Ab-t of these have U-ci. tlai.i.s upon the sitk.tr tluv not only toiitain little, if any, Si-sie . riiia, but often in. curative proptrtir wi.: t er. II. nee. fiiti r iiiut p.iii.ti.l lii-aj.p, ii.'.u.ti.t has loli'iue 1 i'.e i -t .1 ti'.e varii us iktri-cL. f Sur-a ariiia wl.lih tiix-tl the lui.rk.et, ti.t.i name iTs'.it is just'.y dep:--: vl, and lir ' r. -svi.iinviiii.us v.:;h .::.p s:i. n al:d ci.ea:. '..d we eai! t!;is t(u.. i:rd Sarsajcriwa. ai d ii.Md to siijijdy sui h u reiiitt'.y ;:s sL.dl resci-t ti. name lii.m the I ail of !in;sy which ts: ujn ii it. And we think we have gr.,ui.d f . believing it has virtue ul:iih are irr,-si-t.i.'.i; by the oidinary run rf the i'.i.ia.-es it is jj.ti .-i-t-d to cure. In onler to stcuic their cc-ti.t itte eradii-atimi from the system, the remedy 'i..,iiil In: juilii. ioliy t.ki.11 avccrtlii.5 lo CiJietis-a .a the bottle. N ptirrAnrn r.T Ill. J. . Alt:!! A CO. I.OWI.T.f.. MASS. Price, SI per Iitili 1 Sii Uoi.Ua for $3. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, has n fur it"lf such a rt'nnwn f-r tv-- (vr T errx .irify of 'I hn. tt rnt I.v.j ("; !;.: i. irr, t;.: it i eiit.rt-iv u:h.(-"v'--jtv L r ti- i" r"-i.u:.t r..e CMdcmr if it ;r:':f. !. i.wr !. i j; ra plovcd. As il u t-i.n :;i : :t u'f tliriMi'unnt thi" r T v. i.- .1 !. . 1 m i - - a-i-".rc t:.c i l ': Hi qi:-..tv i. : :: l it e(T l' : ' '" tk. ' ' ' l- " k.j luf Ut.. iuu a. ... nt. ."sa,iij i- Ayer's Cathartic Pills, jTOR THE C0Ii.E O? ri'rer.rs, Jtunu'u -, ..' Iif?i:j vti", Ihjstntrry, F.ut .V.'ni"fA. ',7, ... ' , J'iitS, liheumrusm 1 1 upt-tn.s .nf , Liver t'.tHti-la-nt. Ift' y, T-'t't Tmnn (.'. ; Silt hht um, Utnt ti-,Ht, .,mt!-;ii, 4 Ihnnrr i'i, nW l r J'unti i"' the !!!. :. ThfT aro si:i;:ir-ciati d. so tt.at t:- 11 i-t r--ti-.r can tali-'1 thm plf:t-.nri!lya?.d ti;.y ;; v -b:i a- rif-nt iu the lor uii tiit- i.uri-.- i f.iTi,iiy p);yir. Price 26 cents per Pos 1 n Boxes fcr 51 C Orrr.t Tiui:'l'rrof Ci' ri;nirn, Fliy:- ...:. men, and :i.i!int ;rt':i-it. lim- . r.a:it'"- to i tic ui .ti.'.'!t U d i: -t - -rt:i;clit"-, )ut -:ir ?j ;i lit re will r -t . in-t-rtii'Ti of ti.tn. 'I h .e it- N Vw t '. : nh crati our AMv.tar w AnnN.u ii!". v nrf piveti ; with nl U-' -:t t 1 i:.u. ! coni;.aim-. ;: .1 trc.itnit i.t t!.-t si. - - ot! -t prt r.:r 1 t-' t.. v.tv jr.-'if I Viu l:. ; Ar:;'-. :.ud ?. r-. i - - wiititri'i,'!.-! - ' . ii.( A.l our -tr. ?' - : v C V SfhatlV r.nd FSCaUw' .w C V U u-U. Nrvr llrrlin ; J I l.u- ".. i.. - ; ar.d a:'. ItiuaaiMs lv".'"i I) 1:. 11 if lis in ri it int 1:. itr l'ti;.d!i;iiilLMr;iclt'JudanssKi. t- uni ri- . -1 f r tl.e run' i f Sen fi;!s anJ V. t ;lr l.iiir. K'.ilr- an I I:-, hr i . I..;;-.! 1 r. 11 .-1 i n-li.'l 1 r-. li i-j .nt 1 iiM-Li, li r. ti.r J. on ;i:-l lnt':im;it"r l;ti. liinati-ni. lo-li-' 1 t lirnii;.- r-.-u: sn- r - m. -.1 : ttul.ir Kn'rtr-n . t lsi, W t:tr 1 ' n.-S. ' i sir.' I ! r-. V' T rrini I n t r- :it..I Kruj !! i N- !'. ; ox tl.e l:. ii. -. I u( us.. ..it.i.: t ' ri- .f it,.' t M ilimnr l-.,iitiis t if-w i f l!.- M Throat ami N ft I'lsintf. T.tT.-r. i:rl lu-l sr : i'F mi ."MN. ni.'l nil "list :ic. ariir: !r Pi HF -titf i r Tn. BU"-l, iitftLrr fctr.sii!irv . or "i-iitrai'ti "I. The tn-nt fKj HlaritY wl.ich thiiiiiT.V.r-'1 ' ; ffttnint-41 is- owirc to it. ii.tripsic ns-i r.. i : rt iti jT-ii-ri' t,T. ll is UM-ii I-t all r'-i -' tliroui;h.'iit the n-miiry. haFirir wim - - Al.TkKATlK AM' tl KAT1 K s!1. .- - ; ch re uic diseai. ! iiot he-itnt.' ! r t"-'1" TUHWI AND Kllt.tf.IF rf. ' ( tlfli.-, 41 "i liar rtrert. wtvlf It. -- .T ' ti ll .n all tllwwii. Call at the In I t anil rroenn- large ms of the moj-t re?!)!'!;!! f11' Tlie editor rf the PcHy .Vi .- T ' terni!. in tfiat sjr nf Junn f iPr. iJarts lh ur-ittet. wtk li . u.-.: : " Ir. IAV.p pKrtRATHr - W ' : " cf n.tutui-rohnK to our r it"" ' ' 1 '. ratner. an-l n.trum.". t.n 1. 0 1 'i ' u ', hi) in cur column. Ilatuu'. r-,r Dieiliriiir atil li on. I it to If r " I1 " curat lee tiualitiejt for trvi,-!n-. - ' in aaTinz fo, anii ccmu;frid:iii t1'' ' Uua aflULtrtl. I'lu.;.-:. 1 V:- l.-i il I-1 n- In .cannarr. IS.M.wt dail '- ' yar, war attarki-il wilh lnt'.;.i: : ht-r ioinlf arrt much oi. . I . excrui iiitirm f.nin fur three upi t! a phician. ho rrntmuftt to t: imt roinnt-nt- tii-tcinn Bim h tr , r n- :r. I i-a k- r I 1. 1 n - . 1 1 to try Or. .r'j" li uwtut; tl.f fr-i ' ceil a devljeil haPire fi r the l lt r. m-. I 1..w u.a..H l.n-f nllil it 1-fT. . T.il - ! . I . hae nniaiio d tree t Khrcmatitn ei'.l t-'T 1,11 iter luco, beiuf u,'aru vl tw ""T)j, vi s- THROAT Wl-l:ii:..:.-i Thi tarRr r las I't iiiM-1151's. 1... In. ' 1 ' Itamatiina. Bri prl.tal IrrtraOi-es. a ' v fully tr, at.-,l l' Iti use r.l lir !'- ' IK" ' ' . ' lHia' lliroat Aipiicatii-n. K.mltt.i- '" ' ntfij curr altr hmr c. ntio.i..! -uf. ro .- t. -Eat Ii.n.Uir.-Urli'.. ? - P. rTi Par Sir: a...... M. ...r. mim I van atti.i V ol tli Ihrciat. whirl, rame D Krnii:a:y' I ul ( ,r I would tafc rtild tli paiu a. it M.tlirm . i .3 Uis.rr...inir. ai-i-nnit-anini with ' " ' ' '. '"' i. ' aalrnt thai I "X.1.1 -l n-ak al. r a wbi r , ... liw rontinufJ itine wi-r-r. rntwni ,. - amlrr II" Binlifal II. aim. ul ' l,l r" , . iM.f.D.i..n alaroi.il at id. ii nailn... I o ' ' ; 1 l-hilailrl.ihla aril run,. I . . wl.-.-h ' u ;i Ul Ihe wntrrollMl. wIm- "" "' " ' ! ' tnur Prvuralii.iard tk u-' ,,: - ' eeaaeiww win jr- H." rr"; " 1 ' , v rarrd. ami i. 11. 1" ".., . ' i.ir nac. Ilia cuia w '" '' . I til Sim...-'1 ... - T( J-I.R pvts-Tisrii.MioisoiM'; lw ilT Al-l l ll-ATH'X.I.. it J a.. o. " ., , . in raw. el Scrmuli ua I ! i"i "" -l'R TIIKOaT alia. IbrnaL ., .I I1 r? Call on the Aff nt. J PAK . !.:. l..w..hurr. and jiro-or. rirrolrr. "i"" Bjaa. ef -.iilrltr. io raffr i t lt'r n-i'ti' ' - "j J BAhEliatV i.Jtii I li.'.n ul.'- a., Closed