UNION COUNTY STAR & LEAVISBURG CliRONICLE-AUGUST 19, 18-50. hi h ft U 4 I.-' l : 5 Sharp PracUce. ' Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society I CITIZENS In th. l)r.r,n .. I H"-l"".t. l . t " v.J ' Danville. Milioo.Muncy.M'Ewensv.lIe , w v,.,.v ivHiKii iiiAi. i ne ;iinin nnum ( .a .. . ! X -JT Washington, December, 148, Howe Jj biuon cf the Pennsylvania stale Agri- Manw, who ni counsel for tbe slsves, ' cultural oc,ety. wm ue nem ; - .. . . , , : Flnladelphia.on Tuesday, Wednesday, I hurs- .UV ... jjuiiii iu4i mu strvnuue in mc ami Friday, the X7ih, zsin. xvin auu negroes ought to be proved by sorueihiug davs of September next. On the 1st Septem .1 .1 ; ci ...ii; ' her, the Secretary will .remove to the Rooms else than tbe claim of tbe master ; and h- ,.;,,,.,..,. s,c?Pty for ,h, promotion Jtcncd It to tbe case of an iudictmeot lor ' ,,f Agriculture, No. r.S6 Chestnut Street, Phil Hea!in foxes, which held by nature must ' adclphia. where Books of Entry for the Exhi l shown to have teen caught nud suljec- bT" ! guessed to the Sfcrenar.v.at Harris- led. While he was ciercisin" this illus- hun- nr Charles K. Enzlt. Buslieton, will .;.. Mr n;.,.;... a . . i.- ., ' meet with attention till 1st September. "'" "Vi V-j A. O.H SISTER. Secretary, vaiue wno was snot, last iebruary iy Sic- klcs,) wruto tie following squib and bun ded it over to tbo opposite count el : To lllu.trat.' ll.e "inr h. reikir.j : la Urn (.; , lb, rt- nii.nl 1- a l.ts.r:(j, A f. lie ce. s, nn (j.it Is- ,,,I,ii, l.e fat' ...uii, r ! Ii,, .1,1 'un ; i'lirrmiiK t.t.uu I-. .... n !. u i-tr.kin, At leant M- l.ir as lu l:ie laai.i:." It was not lung before the following re tort by Mr. Matin was written ou the back of the same r;Ter nhich pa? lilt on tbe table fur the consideration of the District Atturuey. The a!!usidn to "ten dollats a Lili" regards the fre advice Mr. Key received on iach of 315 iuJictUiCt;t which he caused to Le lilcd agiu.-t the f tisouers cf the Pearl : Tnx-!ii!itinc tmd. mid sUto bunting In doorn, ami .lu IKt fat to-- fcru'.f IH.u..'B lic.ve t."'i1Ia. fcut Jjtlri.-t Altoru'T. f-ut-li-.i.ti J. ;ii,- htmu ituula ni-n. w..uif n anU chiijrvu, in., j ocki-ta ti:', I'll titlra kuujrml ir.tjli-luii'lit bl tru Uuiirs a t,4." tf!i!oil5 f.ir Exhiliition, carried on all the Railroads in the Mate.lo and Iro.tret ol cnarge. PENCIL SKETCHES, OH, Oiit!inri f Character and Manners hyMlsa LESLIE. One large Kmo. ruiuirr, cluth- I'nce SI 2ii. T!;! mt' t5tiii aolumscontainatlirbesf eri'-l c-r'r..-a iuwl l:iul lha AliictlUdO I'lrsa. It wtt- t'-nm : Mrs. W arh'Ljtoo VMr. T!i Ofllrora. A 9tirr ft tba "r 'ii-i;h- last War with l-.nlirT,.t. t nI IL.Iip. Trf-r Juuca. A .SkcU-li Irom 1 .AH nai. L Hi- S-l .l.lna. Tim vld Finn Itouhe. !..Tiir-i Lt. . lii.it yi-utlfii.aii; or, PeucU- Jol-iiVV t:r.,TtK,B ThcTala 'm Sli-l-byaxa. cf n I'ciit. 6' riiil-la Vi'itm'. IIjw I a-lifi.' Bsll. Country LoiUin-a. Hi- vrvra Ci'Hl.iU' f Allt-i ;i.a ; cr, Tbp hi d b.x ; rr, i-aces At Aluuiiilb mu. llit lieuerai l u be. Sunbury.Aorthuinberland, Selinsqrove, Xew Berlin, Mitrlinbur", Hartletnn.and scores in LewiaburK. bave bought their 1IA7S and : CAPS at talliNon's Emporium of Fashion within the past year, and are urging their friends to do likewise. Always a tine assort-1 r.ent of laiest styles on hand, very cheap, at .lliMV HAT MAM FACTORY", S I SASH and 'DOORS, Blinds and Shutters, Flooring, Siding, Framing, ic. For sale at the Hardware Store of J.M fAI'DlN. Lewlaliure. Ort 25 LEWIPBURG. A' ROMANCE Junt opened. opposite tlie Riviere IIousc, in the Room lately occupied ly A. Singer. VFULL ami complete assortment of FALL & WINTER CLOTH- I N GjSt'cii as Overcoat, Dress Coats, Busi ness Coats, and Coats of every style ami pal tern ; and Pantaloons and Vests to suit. Also, a larze variety i f L'nder Clothing, such as Drawers, Shuts, &c. Also.a fine assortment of Hoys' Clothing of the lateat stvies. Also, H i 'IS and CI I'S equal to any ottered in this country. In tact, I have everything necessary in the shape of Clothing, which I offer at a very small advanre for cash. PHILIP GOODMAN". Ag't. iAll kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for (ioods. Lewi-burg, Oct. 2. CO-PARTNERSHIP. The undersigned have as- Insurance. Philadelphia, Too Particular? Jim II., out West, Ulia a pond story abuut a "thcU-latk lavr)er." IU client was up on two sinai! cbarcres ''frivolous char; os," as "sbcli-bark" dtsigoatcd tlitta tuiny'iauteetiif B-x.a. (forging a note t f hund, awd t-tcaliog a Lorse.) On runuitig bis cya over the Jury, he d.Jti't like their looks, s j be tc fared an alHuavit for c ititiDUeLce, ecttin" forth tbe absence in A'alatna of a pti:.c pal witness. He read it in a whifr to the prisoner, who, shaking Lis Lea;!, said : " 'Sq'iire, I cau't snear to that at' dc kyuient." " Why ?" "K$e it ntn't trtit U1J Shell itCited cri ixpl. d.d luii 1 enough to be beard through,! ut tt.r- rjcu.: " What! forpe a note, tin steal a boss, an cau't swear a lie J Iia.:g su'jb au n. fcrual fool." And be Kft lbs cunscieniious ia-a tc Lis fate ! rr tiiPTnnw S exhibited in the Lives cf CVlebiatea YWMIL.N of all iigt-s and cnun'ries Cotnprtsing rcniiiruat.ip exampifs ot rernaie ronrao.'li,iiiler."t,-Jnra. an I a.-I l-K:. r:fi--e. fly llfcMtV I.IVAIMN. out- Imu v.iiuuic l.mn. cli-'lti. t-'-6- T.' hi bf re the MVniun of Am-ri'-a esampli-a for !mt Uti"i I ii Ih mo- l r -- in Hp unia'an-, i llie ol j-cl ff tl.l- hiihlj irti-r. Ft:ni Itoi.t. 1,1 lb r-a-liii); end -lu-ly cl mu Ii a vwiik l''-..oi.. i ruir.iou. uti l our wivr. nioibvra. a:: t .i:ii.-!i'. r.' iil l--,-m tUiTi rl:- wi:i il t r ri ill. li, f rtnii l.s aud etif nafl.ticto, tbao the Spartan m ieuiiii. .r-01 ma atrial nnii iam urm rnnnn :, m it,. :ei ibcall bars a ci-wr of tlu. rkCM rift IS. AKU REM bliUUA. M iii.IIrown Jr. & C lit. V. DiinKlo WII.MAI niOTL'K, 1'ii.bkkt Street, (war tbe Mali: Capital Su-ain Flour Mlllf,) Earrisbnrg, Fa. A full assortment of Ware constantly on hand Ware made to order. For Puce Lists address the Proprietor. LfOnlers by Mail promptly attended to 'a-.1 . 1f aspmaicu ineniseives imo copnri- JTjpiir'iMnership for the purpose of carry a0" xa ing on the Lumbei in;, Planing, and Carpentering business in ail their various branches, at the Cctuistnirg Steam pinning illitlo, where they inlend to keep a stock of Pine, Hemlock, Walnut, Cherrv, Poplar, Ash, Ma ple, and all ku.ds of Lumber, Flooring Shel ving, Siding, Shingles, Lrlh. Joists, SmdJing, Fencing, Pickets, Dnf.r and Window Frames, Poors, Shutters. Blinds, Sash, Mouldings, Brackets, iVc. Planing. Slitting, Scroll Saw ing, Ac, done at short notice and all work warranted to give satisfaction, both in rice and woikinauslup. J. U. MEFFKNDFEFEn, MAIM IN DREISB.M'II, ' LLVEKfi AMMONS. ; Lewl.l-nTC Pl.iiitic Mllla. Ai rll 1. 1SWJ. $3,000 Wanted ! JN pursuance of an net of the last Lrgisl.t mre of 1'ennsvlvania. the Commissioners ot I'nion county desire to Itoi row money i to the above amount, in sums ni t less than ! $:iu, the luterest to be paid annually, and the pr.ncipdl within three yars. inquire of I H. I'.sH'ELLF.R, Treasurer. Lewishnrg, Pa., May 2(i, IKi'iS. LIFE INSURANCE. the c'RAirn itvr. .v.vvM.v'.e. assi itv Ayo JAl.sr (VJUxvr, ' fUlLAI'tU-UIA, T1IOS. litbGW'AT, Pfeat'lMil. ,'NO. JASIES. Artnerj. (aullal ;ia'l up) ?:;oo,(H0-1 barter perpetual, CIO.NTINTK to make INSL'KVN'CK ON" j LIVES on the most reasonable terms. The capital being paid up and invested to gether with a large and constantly increasing reserved fund, oilers a perlecl security lo the one insured. The premiums must be paid yearly, half venrlv, i r quarterly. ' The following are a few examples from the Register: i The Wonder of the Age 1 j Ronit n.Otv nn.iMOK wAsiiiMi MtrniR' S guaranieeil n. Ho an ordinary washing j in one hour's tune and with 6t per cent. . less injury to clothes than bv the old inrtind. County lights for sale in the Stale ol Penn sylvania, an 1 nho Machines lor sale Whole sale and Retail bv Messrs. FLO A M AN" .V M'BRIDE. 'Jlm3 !" So.Thn.t St. Ptinadelph.a I jf. .S'llllt j ii.-firff. ii n.rf or SO Uflf i f Vi.y ifnf (",,.'. 6 o r,o, d f it fi'ti re rr...,l. w. i PEIPHER'S LINE rpu AND KI.OM riill.ADKLP.'ilA. l-t riaa n:a tr l-.'J r -iiiie. V I i. 4 l i A rornpT-trd remedy, in 'Kith w !i. Ir r. 1 r. (.roducc tLe mo-' etlvetuol altetativt that oa i i inaiie. It is a C"ccntrated eitrn t cf Para Sar-a'iiil!. so cimhiiitj twitla other 'a!tan,"4 ot still griater alterntire pow ae t'ia'i-'f'l an if.ii-:live n-.ti ioto for the diaeaaea .ir,i; u..U is r-vltcd to c ite. It u, beheve.1 tl at .: h a r;t -it iy is uai.tcl by those StrtlWins "l U.::tl, ur.i that .jw '-h '! i-:-e.ii h-b tl..r c:i:e must brovt .! if.:r.-.-.e- -rvi. .. fi this Ur?.t-;M,rfour !'! "" ' ctti-'-' li'.-vc .-: ;ete;v tii,, '!;; 1 v-"! ' ,! " r--v-."i i-rtxptt. i: i ,t m ii.ii"- .i t:.e ror-t t-, t U iuaj el iiif I -i. :.so : 'iio;.,:i ts : - iVL, ,va S :. i.-r:..,r, Cmrunm, - ' a..i.i-.ln 4s.A-l,, tt. iV-.. . . ' li lea,-: :;: a t .muki i V t'J The undersigned is Agenl for the Coin- pany in I'nion couiuy. Pa..tlirough w hom ap plications for Insurance can be made. To , mechanics and business men geueraily. desi ; ring lo rlVecl Insurance on their lives, it ( f. ' ters inducements not equalled by any other i company in the I'niied Slates, i Tiio. H.'Wiis... M.D.. Examining Phy-ician S. H.ORWIO, Aeenl. Lewi-burs. Pa j West Eranch Insurance Company, OF Lock Haven, Pa., insure Detached Buildings, Stores, .Merchandize, I'aim Property, and other buildings, and their con tents, at moderate rates. Doing busine.ss on bolhCashand Mutual plans. Capua!,iJOU,000. IUHKVTOU. 4n, .1.. .7 St.-i-l.il '-' Vl bi-t, He ai.-l I't.ru Pl.il.id. I'' '"' I'rt'il, Wtirtt .V Vr Thanktul h r !, 1. 1 eial we h.'pe tv sti.t i at t.'.i -u incut a coi.tinuati' e cl li e TH' Ft r fa.-.l.er uif.,tt:..i,i. t. . ipi, I: Iv.ti.".' C I: M'tJI.M.Y. .1 '. L ll n. -nt pr buslI. .:r i." t. ' lo Sll! SS . pn pher bite. Wr Riui i:::uiic A,. Dmear.Nu-. l': ii::.irv, Drs M.iei.:..n, 1;M, .tl - J t'.i i.i ti.i- -i.l t I NOTARY PUBLIC. A ElRAI I tl) JulK. A few days 6it.ee, tall abd sieoder individual, getiteeiy but plainly dressed, called at our tffice during I J. S. COTTON" A CO. Puhli-hers, N' 1.41 :i, Chesnut St. Philadelphia The PuVIi-Jiers wiil send either cf the above popular C:'oi.s by matl.'lice of postage. to er.v j oit oi tlic Cnited States, up -n reftipi of tlie P'lt'liralioti rfce '.j'Jvel T4'-fook Bindcrv Fj 'lii Mthrn'pr having rtnhd ih enl're J V.t'k Uii.tiii j: rslal..ihnifitl of Wor-jen V Ct fiieiji-s aii'l ailJeJ lo it i.is own luc-ls, is cow ('I'ejMri-it m rnjc c?. F.E-iir:D Dooks MiiL'-i?.::ie.. I'ainj.hlclsi. Mueic, t'atiiit'oia's. News':ipci ,-.itc. oitherFulioi H :ili'-H 'Urd. n. various kit. ds of l-.-ATiiiR e r ' c ."..I.I.UN, f.i.d lined wnh Maible i.r rr ot" il :f, p'M futT. s. I i.d liibit-s ;-n : i .i ::er Uol ks or Tapers which it j i!e;.iud to ; p-serve as menu-rials in a citi be made ra.re secure by tiie Bin .Vr"s skill. J Blank Be'iks, Bibles, Hymn and Prayer j B: i.as, Pi'cket Bo- ks. Albums. Diaries, ic ; S.l tfCKMl Willi Cold i in lecMe and dural'ie characters, to order, i MI.SIC IOKTFOLIUS, ic, made to suit! Having formed a Partnership, at l! stand ol Win. A J li. Brown, .MaikelSt.abuve 4'.h, I.ewisburg, Vb'E oferiiig a large assortment o' . Spilns anil Simiiiu r .o)i, col sung ol Ready Matte Clothing. Cloths, CasiiT.eres, l'oa:ins, Vestings, ( "artsetings. Bleached and Browo Linens, Diiili'iigs, Slnr t.nirs, Ac. A a large variety of LAMES' WESS CHOI'S, su,-h as Calicoes. CLalhei, Lawns, L'elains, lUr.'ves. So'l.s. (Jineliains.Sliawls-.Ac A Iso all kinds of Niiiintis, t.ioceries, Hard ware, Ccdarwaie, (jueeus and Ulassware, Fish. Salt. Tol-acco. Also ail kind ol ItllrK for building pur poses. Call and examine f, r yourselves. Ftrduce of all kinds taken in "X- iiarge for (jooHs. BLOW X i ULNKLE. I.ewisburg, April -i), Si0. William Jones, KICj! TT0RM:y at Law. Collect inns ()ij ; i I rmmpllv atter.iled to. Office on Market surer, opposite me 1 resnvterian rhuich. Lblsiilli;,l'A. Hon John J Peaice John B Hall Cbas A Mayer Clias Crist Peter Dickinson Hon. O. ( Hon (i C Harvey T T At.rams I) J lai kmau W White Tbos Kitchen HARVEY, President. KOTICE TO EHiri Er.S. jERsONS hipping too'!- to j'!.;.b1. w..I pi' j3c bi- p.it -iciiliir ai.d Hark tLc:n ia care cf Ffciphefa Lir.e ; I'theiwi-e, tl.i,- will l e re sh'j:p"d at Jl a r ; bu I IT, w Inch :.l Le a.ieli t d With i f I - V. .May li. -:. 'J litis. PKII !!Kl:. SPiCES! SPICES! SPICES!. 1 I.Ri: ai . I No. I (in uin! IVi ; er. T. T. A lilt A MS, Vice Pres. THO'S KITCHLN, SecV. JA.MLS B. HAMLIN", Arent, 627 Leu'iLurp, L'nion Co. Pa. i ii-:.ii atot el I - P, -j . r.-n. A."sp:ce, Ck-ves. -h .Mc.-t: id. u.ega. Mace. r!:e, S.tieiatue. t r Sen!. i.' hi; ' -;"n-4. tj li i Tttr It. l.g (!.;;.. ' 1. I Jl-r.ri ,i t.y it ,ai - .'. '.! T-i-ie t ".ll strive to i to C:) i tiw t-idy .' .' .-!. on: tl,j .' l:i:;m::ti,-s , tr ij.ti'ins, .i..'i it pti- i el'-a-.se it vl. .ars wiil ull r." lar di-onLi f. '.ii, a..d Un d. K.s.p tr. !.;:: w;;ii --re ta:i i.e !, Uf si.tactiii:.!; lnai.i.i.i; :v ut A.-lo a, li t ; v ; iMcat Market. TAC t) L. fiyo a run and Orn-imental Trees, r." 0IJ f k-tl'ii-ii'J i'ilii)'; 7-fc The subscriber ha1; on har-d a spleinoil colleriion of both Fruit at.d Ornamental TKKKS, Ac. Ac. embracing the verv best vaneties of Apples, Perrs. Peaches, Plums, (.'lit rncs. Apricots, N'ec nri ies.Orape-jfioose bernes, Raspberries, Crrrauts, Strawi-ei rjes, ALSO Large II ire Chestnut. European Mountain A-.h, American Mountain Ash, Sugar Maple for treet plaining. Ever-blooming Rose, and 3 splendid colleciu a of Bulbous and other Flowering Plants. ! tV Nursery Grounds on the farm c f Ja's F. Linn Esq. on the Turnpike, within half a mile of Lewisburr- All orders will receive strict attention. UTTerm. inramhlv I'ASU. . WILSON 1. LINN. I Lewisburg, July 7. 1858. i F. i T Cuiiiuionwealih Inarance('o..Itarrili'.i; ( illllll illU ( tl'ITtt, Sillto.l.'ijO. ri'SHE subscriber is arpointed agent fi-r this well established Coinpanv, winch ures Muil.iings ami other propenv against loss or damage ly lire, perils cf inland navi gation, transj oitalK'C, Ac, on most lavoialie teinis. rn -:,!iii en s.'.if.v r i vr ffo.v. V.a. 1 i - htXJ. PA I, A t. A 7 IttiiUty--s ,s t A ', I!, t'-'i'n Pviliiinni. J. 11. M l. AI.UH1.IN, Agent. Lewisburg. Feb. 1, lsioa n,'l . .si I In J 'I l. a. T I oi, -l e -I I-.. : v I... . i: s ' i ' e I.u :r- or ' ; tf'e Miiis . '! 'I't ' - MID V, f;:.d it er -!' ! a i i-'.r r .-u. pi, ti lt! i:i:i.!.. It' V !.i tl.eir To I ttv il e-e t ;-a( l.'.d.-.T :":vll ia t i. I 1 Sbt-a; ::l.a. !AAV;il'R ',! Is. . . i PZZ'-' "' Evans & Watson, i Jtii'-; .": " -V.StiS .:th .!ti, St. 1 ttt&PZx&i? V'i, ..,. ' ..'rr, c Arrnprjcvintit fltr the Fear. ACOB G. BROWN, havinc sunnlied the ew isbutz Market fiir the nasi ii miinihs. 1 JAlfiUT ArraitKementa TVTeur fiAn'c t i cur absence. After looking around, the : customers. has maile the following arrangements lor the i Tncrnir T itiirri . . i. ! oldest apprentice ask. d Li.u if he had , l"B".rv"" l0.n" a"'r''' C0'"!nS. J'ar UOJ:.J " " " ".u "". . ah.' 111 I ,. . .. S...UO. , i i.-c- ncai ui urri. .ouiion. , eai ann riiK v -wv.. nouwu .1 o.i m u a snx-. nas . soltcit the public patronage, trusting that my can be had on Wednesday and Saturday mor-! refitted it, and 6lled in au extensive variety ol raiirr.cure .bu autum n 10 i.iiMiiess win give ningsni eacn week, at the Market Home, on satisfaction. I intend lo charge moderate and I Market street, between Schaffle's and Wolfe's, uniform prices, on the Live and Let Live" Lewisbarg, Pa. pnnciple- and hope lo make it a permanent His motto is Quick Sales for Cash, and email I refits. Examine his meat, Ap. I5. 69. I. K. STERNER, Agent. American Life Insurance & Trust lo., (I api'al Stock tj jniiofi) i COMPANY'S Buii,!in?s.W'a!nut street. S E mer i f Fourth Vluicihit hut. ft? I ,. mo,,.! , ,I.A,....0 1 .1 ... of at Ji.int Stl.ck rates shout 211 ner rpr.l. Ipsa. J . or at Total Abstinence rates ihe low est in the world. A. 111LLD1.N, President Jobs C. SiMa, See. 747 GEO. F. MILLER, Agent. I.ewisburg e-sortr;:' rt. ' 1 In... I'. . I r I ail n.-.. - ; TFiveSr'i w .tii i i ; 'the .Sj'iia.-i Fire w -1 1 ;t T : I 11 IlilVtl ii. ll.v I ii.lt u :j.s..s. ''! ( rrp cut right Cf I: Vn n. I ; i t .vf tt Vic U'ri't.'.' . IP). I T-T.I.I U: I. i- in kt. I. i: t:. : .'-.il-io i: t.4S i. .i MTMIX apprentice ask.d him if he bad learned the business ? lie said Le Lad, which cocfirtiied said apprentice in bis opinion, that, cotwitLjtaudittg bis weli-to-do appearance, be was a ifrnj-fl jur. The stranger, however, on leaving, sh; ped a gold coiu into the bauds uf the youngest apprentice, which dispelled tbe idea of bis being "hard up." Wc shortly aficr met Gen. Cameron on the strcrt. who, not Coding us at borne, said be Lad called at tur priutiog office. The rest was told us ty the boys, who hsd, by this time, learn ed tb character of the "strapped journey -man." Suiihury Amtiv.an. Stuanue Marriage. A moat extraor dinary affair occurred in Jasper county, Indiana, last week. Au oil man, named William Iiaskin, aged seventy, married an old lady of almost the same age, named Ano Mead. Tweuty-seven years before, 1 they were man aud wife, with a fatui'y of five children. Decerning dissatisli-d ut the time, they separated, and Lcariug no thing of each other for years, both mar ried again. Dut both being left alone, af- btisincss. fin: I we 7 nil St"re Cii?s tafon in pny. t- Rnt arol stork requiring money, I expect '.I V a. VI JAM:!: Y of all work'.T Bindery in Beaver's wooden blockT. Third s'rect, four dnois Iroia Market stteet.r.ear the Chr.inirle . ffice. C H A S J. ST A H L. Lewisburr, April !, lS.Mi wf7 A1 SECCKD YEAR. FTER one vear s trial, we ore satisfied I that a Hat Manufaetmy cm be sustained t in Lewisburg, we are now prepared with the lareestand best selection ol Spring Stvies of i tl VPS and CA PS ee-er hrnnokl In ih c m,.l I such as fine Mole. silk. Dress Hats, Drab! i rPllK subscriber is engaged in the manuf- Beaver, Oiler, High and Low Crown, Soft j Hals and Caps, and Summer Hats of latest I stvies for spnng anil Summer wear, all of fl AT A HAIU.AIN! The subscriber has on hand for sale 'Hto A-V ItlicgirN, which he Hats, Ci')s, Gentlemen's Cluthivr.jic. j fr a good HORsE. Call soon or von wiYl Also a laree and splendid stock of CLOTHS i miss it. B. F. Hl RslI, CASSlMLREs, Ac, which be will make up to ! 1?,irh t ioedir.au stor-, orer,as he still continues the Tailonne Bust-! " bsent. inquire ot V. II. K.ltrr. at W in. ness. He is prepared to execute all work : "" ''' siore. Lewisburg, Feb. 15 entrusted to his care, lo the satisfaction of ihe customer. I NOTICE. N. B. Culling and Repairing jf dene to i 'F'O the Citizens of LewisLurg nd vic;r:,r order. I.ewisburg, pnl liT"lSS7 I J. K. I.. Illnrsj has removed his Barber GLOVER HULLERS. which will be sold al Cny Prices, for Cash. Oor motto shall be, "yuick Sales and Smali Profits.'Vf which the piblic shall be the judges. Hats made to order at short notice. April In, lhSii. JOS. GIBSON", Hatter. Iffew Hotel In MiSinbnrg. 110.00 I"Yfcr n fall course in the Iron City College, in. ,st extensively patronized and i ' best organized Commercial School in the L'nl J ted Siates. 3;.7 fttu,ln,H alt, ,;, ,h,S1. .VorrJ.lR.-.fl ! sunscriwr wonid lespeciiully in- .. , . ,' ' 1 ALJ-I'irm the 1 raveling Public everywhere, t sual time to complete a full course, from i ,,al he has taken and fitted up the premises i to I" M-ee,:s. Every Siud?;.t, upon pradua- ; p; George fccboch, in the centre of i ting, is rii.n ar.iecd to tc competent to manage ! the Books oi ar,y Business, and qualified to i -MAIN SI. A1IFKLIXJ5URG, earn a salary of from j ., u. j , , .. - i . , oi i to ao ,'iu iiiouaie sirar.g- ' beasts in the and Lodging. I Shop from tl-e lltviere Honse to Market street, ! basement of Widow Anions' building, ore ! door above the Post Office. Thai.kful for a. I I past favors, he hope;, tt, merit a coutiuuance of the public patronage. X. I?. Trt all who tnrry lure till th Ir rrnrie jrrow lorp i T' r-'t ti p'mit h.-'. ptml st artnT rrr.r emm, ,IutraU ah j i rs nt ht .'cji nn, 1 uit mcrn.iTor ooon, ' Towels clmn. razim shar and rcitsum kv u. Leuisburs, April 1, E. t. HIXE9. IIt tr- ur. t .Ja-p-i n-tir'i' v in !. tr . fr? n-r- lif'tvtrf tr-.flt il.,..r n.:iM. . i, t . . : .-,. ,c, r ! Ml i II. il tu ;-:) ritUlt-.l ti.i ; : : , ' In V T I. I hne ! tn hj . ..; th. nt : ..t,!i-i i; , uii ui- 't r-:Utl I(t. r.Tv A ".iT.t;( rr; r: i i'r-f.!- ti'iff f Kptic-t cli,-!a.-t : n 1r tr ri 11. it,t ( i.t'i..il,it. r j ir-tiftiv, niir.;,-:.- . t i... fftt... pNn. ;it!t.r .-.ft- hf h , w- orrhni'i J f ?. u . is... i, h nt' Ml. - Mr v c ssit.; : Inrn l"r!i' nf our U h all t tr 1 1- k-. ; - r: 4c, -Xr tr. tl- n-': hiiTf.tio l.re ill KalieL. 1j uit U nt .tii m? r ti.i; l : tl. io-iHit. n ct tl 'h- - :-afV r rfi?. il :n t': . fmirili r;. ( I '. lit- r ttijii.t- e r .-oiifi. .", nitl slut tt.-r : f '1 V.? '111. r.i; fill.. (,I.i.rf ItllTJ rtelTi". w!..r tn-t r. (t .t n '!!..? rju-' l li . r '. . In . i fti m t r ii t r "! r r t rr t : r f f . ir u u, (.. t. :;t. n- t 1 - i tit., a t f . f t O.e. in;itv ;.!. t.i.t (., rrirr Mi!'. . W .- !-i:a; It.lsf li.i:. 1 . .i,rt' in f-'' n P ' (!'t:j il.i tit ' tCDlfD tfot.-'' :rs:..f."-r.. ,..,, ; ' !' V. -1 V - a ! I a,' i ' ;:v. v.: -. t. ; , . ... : .I3t ... ... 5. ("iiiikf-rin-r & vs: ti a i u !;it'".r r-; t (" .'..v.:.- it i . t 4-:iri-. Jl. h- :iri. n fr ii.fi.i : usJv ' In i 1 til' j.f-;y;:t re-f tls : -1 ( lit uy v.Lii. r. r -:?r i .t.ii Mr JdVL1 j.Tt,',:.ri f r : i vj.ifh arc irro:Me 1 thr diHJt'f :t i in t it 4 i t-.' "f ;:itt; ihi!r-- fiij'i'-"? iiit itii g lo tiitieli-jiA T'!.TT'.tn"r FY juie. j. r. 4i:i: a co. Trl-?, 5 1 pr I.ot'.It- Si for $"J. Aver s Cherry Pectoral, l i il f T itclf '':r'- 9 I -Vti.TV-i f'l t!:e f'Te rf ii t-.l-i ICi'I . i ei;-i Ue-r. t. u- aciure of the Latest Improved HVNSECKEfi Clover H jl'ers. which he offers at very reasonable rates. There have been a large number of these Hullers sold in this neighborhood and county, and they give good i - - satisiaction as the very best. Any person : no I RDIIOtTCJ wishing to purchase a eood n ach.reVill call ! ..o,,,. 'f. ,9.,, s,, J . v or apply by letter to CP-EMERY, i l"LOI AllilL IIIlMCIt, ly'JSS Laurelton P O, L'uion Co, Pa H-Urou-n'i Xeio lhek. Market St, . ! --j (Wtween Fifth Siath.) t.F.WISIlCEIr, Pa n A "ITAT1?P W A T1 TAmi i WlinrU'al i illtlj JlUUiU rvv snbscriluT enn- l iol lo 1C0O. ers and travelers men and Students enter at any lime No Vacation best manner, with Board !cr the death of their partners, and coiuinc eview at p easure together thus late in life, they concluded Fifiy-Unc rremitiffi' forBei-t Penman-1 fl lo travel the little journey that was kit 'V noTica in I i lic Ilcst Hoiktintl I.alrt Miles ineetl,..e t?"Mtniti r' Sons received at half price. ,06ctlu;r: ' F..r Crc.br and hnecimens of Writ.nr. i ft T A I L 0 R 1 N 6 . Death ok a YtTERtN A horse f i,;r.'.'"" lK" t'."r.: sn.? 'uhef! ! J-A J0HX B.5HLI.FR Please pive me a call Ap l.'9 CHARLES CROTZER. tbe almost incredible age nf fur i, -', , hears, belotgiiig to Jir. S. O. hrans, tl I'laware ;s;i Aiieiii n ar.a t'dmntlssioD Uuiit la Idrisburg. township, Juniata county, died ou Monday -AL'CTinivv; ixr? t,. j ,, , night the 20th July. The b. rse w.s f. i- -e"-.-.--as- LCl AULIODCtr . , merlyintbo po.sessi.in ( fUcn Jackson, 4-'l5! v. r haying teen appointed ; . , - , ,. ' sine Auctioiuer lor I.evcisl i.ig is piepared iii and given by bun to Geo. kraruer. ot .,,.i ... n ..i.. , i.,.. i.;l ... . ' i ait tana AU ill Uiir, (U IUWU AliU 1 L'nion county, and by him to his sou-it.- country. law, Jlr. fcvans. l or several years the Commission Said, horse has been unable lu mr.sticate, and In April next, I intend to open on MarVe was fed bran, o. This history, we are itreet a Renin for th reception, and the sale informed, is no fiction, but the Lets relat- at stated times of ail kinds of G. oils at Anc- td can be fully corroborated, to the satis- l!nn- A'V one wishiugtodispose,.f any arti- (iKhaa !,r t flue iof... ..It.. .1... '..,.- .. i ir o o., 1.1 m n u at -v..u. v. .... IUI.IIU.II, UU.S lllll AJOKTII 4th Street. The subscriber I J. 1 most respectfully informs the citizens of : Lewisburg and vicinity, that he has on hand and for sale a cheap lot cf I I K.YI'l I'lii;, , for the Spring trade, comprising i Dressing and Common IJiireaiip, Sec- j rctarics and Dook Cases, Center, I Card and Pier Table.0, Dining mid Breakfast Talilt, Cupboard.' Cottage- and oilier Bedsteads, S-tands, f-ofus. and Chairs of all kinds. COFFINS made to order or short notice. The public are cordially invited to examine j JbC $CSt . s.'nA'.ri.s. i AiiLaiid Mllltl IT plana Jartrs VeX'f'V' VtWI Chfs.,,,., hi. .Jm'c i Hlt.Al LLVV.A V3 Ci nstaiitlyon hand a laree st. ck o.' nr beaut-ful anil utitfjuutf ti insti i-mtnts. tnusue 1 in every variety i f !:?. at prices ranging troin 1 7 ii to f it'fO. We have le-n aviarded 38 itld and Silnr Firf-t f'latu Medals at Ihe ri fierent Exhil.-ri 'iis in this c( ui.ti v and Eu rope l.,r snpeiior manufacture. A liber?! iltscount to the cleigy ai d sen.ii arits of lear ning. tT- Llusirated Cescriptivc eatal, gtes sent to any ad.lress ')"''' A'cr'3 Catluirtic PilJs, C ,fi- firnr Jo Ii t.ry, V;., IV'it, 1: 'till mitt, Iii-t ( ' mi-ti, i.'f l..: rctt his cLi.E or III. J.I UMl'.'llJ iri.fe . lr:r ... 'J UlttOiS Uuti 1:.- y firf -.'-. .j .I'i.. sn lii.it tht n rst tf t.A cjit T. Is. ti:"!r. :'"fP!y. z: U tht-v bic i. 1 i r nrerier.t In :he v. wild lui tLt ruij-uttis oi a l-ii-i. i ii) -ic. P: X5 ce:;t3 ;?r Bor Vie foxea for ?LC0. vMcia".. tinups to carry on th I.lv iy iriiNfiicsi at the Uid Siaml (in ou, Thinl street, near Marktt, aiut respectful. solicits the patronage ol his friends and tlu public peneriiUv. CHAKI.ES F. HESS. EewrKsburc, .May 22, is.'itl C. W. ECHAFFLE'S WHOLESALE and RETAIL J)rwj anU Chemical Emporium - - Lewisburg, Pa. Market Street W. S. LAWSriJCE'S rarer, I'liiitos' tjuc!. suij m- t (!;. o WAREHOUSE, No. 40j, Commerce H., CP'Cash buyers will I .1 tt for their interest to call Tl. J..t, !, l.s9 v Vr ' Au, ,:i cr .-sm- -. !'. ' s . James B. Hamlin, Ihanklul lor past favors would state that he has re ceived the Snrtn.,.t-St. S Fashions, and is nrenai-,.,1 .. his work.as he is sur that thev will be satis- 1 1 1) li M Y at I. A W . f . . -... .1 a ill, ma JVC, and 1.' EPA IK uea "Is 'ccit en are. ami prices. , j garments as usual. He will i endeavor, as heretofore, to execute his work satisfacto-1 rily to ail. Lewisburg, May 21, j Ced with his sleek of Ware, and prices. SOLOMON YOUNG Lewisburg, Sept. IS, Isj.'fi n?"Olbcc on Second St. west side , Inn door south of Market, I. tit inliui fr, BiiiSOa l.'niun Co. Pa. COOPETa & vvonK, ii rn," ;.. i ; .' z.A'.i ; fr? iy i HATS, t'AI'S, and STK.UY COOES, ! Ko. 45 Korth Third street, ttaeen Mark.tL.I Anli, l-HlLAT-ririTIA. v i .! t'.e L..v.. ii. -Sli ei.r !s... I.ru i-1 ll n.- Dli. UM Cti. ' HARRISBURG 5TCHE-17AEE. rpillsj Ware is clear of ail poisonous mat J ter. The claing is made of common mil ana eluv. he was iuteired with ail uue SoleaiLiiy. Mffilutvtrn Sentinel. Ua any of the Lewisburgcrs remember that "old boss ?" The Uuiversalist Herald, at Mon'grni try, Alabama, thus laments the loss of a aluable "chattel :" Poor Naney ! Never more shall we behold bcr in tbefiesb. isle has iiui.shcd Btr Biistion on earth, aud enteivd the tlimes of glory above, and a post mortem rsamiuatioo showed that oacilicatiou ti the trachea bad taken place." The New Yolk Liiniiy says that Mo:;s. D.ouuiu is recciiuf ei.d.'d to trv an excursion over the deep at,d tioad gu.f ti-at wiil separate the two sides of the Charleston Convention wl.eu it met's. We suppose he on use Mason Si i.s .j'. ..m Mrs. Partington fa) ii.t ntLing d. rpises ter so much as t. s-.o people, win. profess lo expect salivation, go to chutch without their purses, wheu a iccollcc;ion ii to be taken. tiie best advanta centage i.-r Hie san Feb. Is.-il Apple Butler or anything else man I e I can and char.-e a rer : l,",1",r' " wnh perfect nfly. There is no ln.f " ;."'S 'N tn a there lain e..n.iur.i. r.i1 Farth-n V:.re. 1 F A PON'EHOWEK. ; in rarthen-Ware. It la l.urr.t "to a Bint ts'iv. will er.t James F. Linn. J. lilerrill Linn. f. & j. m. mw, J Attorneys ut E.ar, LEW"l6BLK(i, hit L'ni-n dunty, Tenn'a. J. JlF.CF.ILl I.!J(5 Cesians-tusta fm the Slate er lew. 1 wih power take Iiepn..! ienli.arkrowledse Peeila.le. , WINFIELD FACTORY! Aecr Hill t U'loil, f'nion Co., I'a. Til V cnJiwrilmr tlnnl. f.,1 iV-iii!' for past patronage, would mfoim his friends and the public in cent ral, that he continues to manntac- FLOUR TAG HAKOFACTCRY, i iitMen, i.uz. i o. I'a. FMIE undersigned are mauiitaeiurin j all sizes . f rLtJUi! BAGS in ihe most sub- ,s',ir,tial itnnner. iVims moderate orders promptly died. KlLHAHT i EEVEA 1'itiMon, May SO pd3m lure all kinds of It itolt'Il (oolN, such as Cloths, Cassimores. Twceus, Saiunetts, Jeans, - ir:;7Tr:r,0,wh.",m"vW'' ar-d Curtain Rollers, " tta"nelti kals"' Varrf' j liaHe n. iienknreiaek in u-inc. I ' Mocking 1 arns. His machinery being ol Ihe T rf-f.!il I. Slore-K.-r.era in I.FV1 1S1!1'1! - ' rel :v tlrt nthiiit llie Slate. I Vsnnrni-lorj tlibert tt, near IV- sieem rimr VjUt ' Ua.r..-..ri. VV.M. MOVER. ! 6,I"- l're,,,rletor ' la (r.( es Ilitkolt's I'alinl lat'hfnrrw. best best J.U.Mr. Kit! T I.U.MIIKK !! 'IILI ubscriirs hatefTsRle ( in i'i5 in bun pareiia;er?. ..!''-t BOAUDS-rT,e Sfifi fitia Plank. Ac. A'so ,r,,hiH) l KAILS. SO locii Saved S.i i.les superior quality. A s.i h.jil..ie Tiil.'vr fi r L'lilldings : Which are oth red low f.-r cash at e.ur Mi'ls on siii!i Branch of the lute Deer Cieek in 11 irilcy i wnship or delivered on the lirush Va! ey Narrows read at il.e end of oi:r Road. -?'A L;ij :. oia !'.i :i i'lfr .r sample e.f P,.!,'..-. an 1 a Pi' mmm r Ilans ti.d Shinc-l",s-(re aarir.ied -it t'.e iist t'nti r. Co.Ag. :- i.e. JOL.V M'CALL & HKO'j., .v73 Forest 11.11 P O, Linen Co, Pa Sriii.xG 1851) ! j J UST received a large assortment of FAiiSY GOODS.' atieli as DePaines, Challies, Bfrego, Croso- j ver Mohairs. Berege Angelaisi Silk Foniar.i 1 hatin Challies, Tamartines, ri-4 white and j black Berege, Berepe liobes and Organ- dies, very handsome Flench Brilliants prin- i led, Petcals also a great variety of square , and round cornered hTELLA SHAWLS, varying in price from ;,',0 to $14. Broche If. border, black lace, pointed and square " , n.o ..-s. oiacK siik .selling, black demi Veils, real .Maiiese Collars, verv kind in use, and having empioved ihe of Workmen, he feela sate in sat-it.i. Ar K have eoiniIetc(I arransremonts ' that his work shall not be surpassed by f T ut ma-trie Hroi. in n:.n nea ar.i ( uf iam iiriiera any csiaDitshmr lit i n the country. Agnodsnp- ln a ir.ar.ner a:,l I ,vrle,.,r... lull., no urattalnaM. In .lie ply f ,he al)( rf k conslantly cn hand Diitliuterlare nt tl.ia artlrle. ai.a ale i.r,-i eni to u mv 1 - . I tnooji i i. i.nini Hn:., in M,t..i.. W in I. w Mind.- sieiuuaciuier. and Mir- '"r fnle or to exchange for wool, at prices iiis noli any oi.aniiiy nftti.m at fhnrt noii.-e. thntcsn not fail tu please. WOOL will be 1 Lev are ma. rier niann-r, n new m.i i.in. ry nraer More uet-l We aiau make, u Nt.wi I'uU'Dlnt Martiinery, the tieat li'io.crt Hutch unit Jltind ijerttet tl:at I re eecr teen lnfur.. I lie put-lie. 4 w" Or Jits prouiptty Miid. A-l.'-e.. tv. i. i:i riOH. nKms?n;o. Ta. Cno .' S Afieiit ot Hie hagle Worlta. sr root'FR. t li I'K T ' , tuuiiiMii: o. GEKT'S I Ur.rJIEHIKG STCRE, AMI ralcnt SLcuIiler Skdni Sl.irt JJanufy, AT TIIK I I ti s! AMI, SO.TOI iK'trilllt 1, I'lliiild. "iPI'OhlTE the Washing!, n H- use A. WlN( I!ITI'i; w ill g.vc.a. lieretel, re. his personal suferviMm ( t tbe Culling and Maniil'ac!nr:rg ill f in n n. Oid.rs t. r his celebrated su les , i hu.rts and Collars riiled at the shortest n. lice. lerons ih siring to order hhirta. ran te supplied with the lom.ula fi r n-easureu.tbt i n applira't. n by n a;!. Onsiaiitlv on hand a var-n' ar l select st, ck of Gen lie men's l'i: i i.i hi I g I., c; s. ri?" lu.lesdle Oi'Vis siippi.rd en literal tennis I ,a? I I'. M.I . ' i'.' :e an-' F S Caldwe'l -I, N". vi- Dp: tin J 1) : all Urugststs !y764 ! in nnt, or t-i i!JutlaBUecii, . . f f... mi d . ci rtr.ii ; ; j . i . . h urns ,lh l .wiii.tr I " i . I ! i. ' ' l: lab, 7!.n ni v:;, . ; ; i : t'isis;':'!1, : .! i ii. i : n . H: Is e. I I.I I.-.. .l(l,h.4f.,'ll': . - . - t- . r .i i I.i.m. 1. 10- VI .. ;vi I ,.i.,p. . .,1 r.r.tl ' : r"T " L iTM i.dli'.i'.f. .Ni Wf itfi:.: . - L i! t 1 .-tl- . t tl f l.i.e-.'r.r) ..-a V IK ' I tl vl. i it ' .I'liti. luil-i r ,';rb i . m i ' i i: t. n.i it ir t ,r !r n; -r i', LctLfi Ltitu.ta't. t H.l i K AN Off--, t. I . Ii tt r 1 th:Ir.Ta'i: . it :-n -r.i.- i i- U'cJ It CiVrts j ; i v . 1 i.v : t tj i r t no. K ii..r.VLf,.'.:n m t fs-tstf u re r M MM v.; . :. t , iivi t. I't l'ti - - I ( . t m I i tr-tjr ( in-v'r t ( ti.. n -t r - ;r . l it .MI'I 1.1. N ,-rrul- notice. Terms for carding, cash on the de livery of the rolls. MARK HALFPENNY. W infield Mills, March 3ft, 1857. TECEAS G. CRIER, (ucce(irUJ.l..ycnr) VnfIi maker anil Jcivrltrr, LceaUsI two doers ea.: M iee ..nrd reeenil, otru. ied Some of ths neighboring counties are v verrun with ttai d,Jgt. Wno wij, UD(J tf ke to p)ion about a hundred of the! wortniess curs louwd on our streets T Neter discover your Uult. toa man who ppcrs deairous of disuuvering them Yu "'S-t M.aUMrrj.fl.ejof lruc. iutu. est of wild cats. . lo,t",iifi;.;einT.!uv. w .. s generally I,. oba.Me ,1., ... ;, , IiIO. u. It I til HAS just received a splendid assortment of ihe very lest, cheapest and most la-ni. na.ie Jv vlry in ihe market. His hioc comprises llrriikt 11 its, CbaiOH, Lur Rins;, I'iiiccr Rlnr. Urnrrlrlo, Mceve Itnltona, MUtlw.&r.laiC., which will be aold extremely low lor Caan. He respectiully asks the patronase of ail liia old customer: ; and also invites new ones io give him a rail before making their pnr rhs. Call at ihe sign of the Big Watch, Market titreu eaat of Second. Ilec. i4,'i HO .L HRItEIis ei i). rnntee! rr I... sail ai ;lie i h.....i, .,,i.e pretty sett cf Collars and S'eeves from , J to 5, Cambric Edging. Lace Skirting, French Dimity, Dimiiv Ban -U. Handker chiefs from 61 cts. in Si .i. ..i... ..i Mitts from SO cts. to 52 per pair, besides a C,,hil great variety of Fancy a,..l sni. 3 splendid Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware. ""ss"" me, ac. S.C., i ABR'H E. E0WER, 'a " " Mr Yo.ler-l.i.WtMiu;,: l.; vtf'"nu JCrir, loefcn, Walches, Ac., repaired en shm. 1 second door above Third, S notice and warranted to giye satislarnrn. Jt""' on Market street L?"An excellent asaorurieni of Watches, iae-S' Ia J. Vr SU U 110 '-"'.rks a" ' "wlrvm bandr.rr f,.r i mh. Would respectfully inform the public that he has on hand a fine assortment of (odd and hilver Lever and Lepme Watches a guod 1 T Cf irprvrTJ ti crnr direct from M'Callum A- ManufactorT. tJlen Echo GILT f KAMI'S of all sizes made to order I.ewisburg, April 59. 1H5S stock of tiuld,(;ainen and Masonic Breastpins ' oi ine lalesi it,t,t. amen anil .Vasoinc Breastpins ' i rjp j .t style-Gold and CamcEarr g, . A C,r'",rt,,7C, l,. , :,,.,.-'!- 1 l"-s arpel Man assortment el Eight-Hav ar.d Tluriy ! ,n . h" ' V , . I . ,'V. . . ...... y nl vest a.S(rtmrnfi tif I :irnlM sfr l.r,. ' 1L1-NI;S AM) Sil.UTS -L' li-i! fr ash. E. J. YnillAIuS, N... IK N..r h -h sin, .. I t,i.i.ui Ifl.ia. is 'he largest Matintaeuiri r tl .inc. .Jrjir in W1M )V, H ALL.", i : evrt vanttv- lie is the Vt ,m -ir. r f ! a;i . (Jur. a I I llt a. HufT, nn! a'l trrr r. N-irs . f l.prn Sha,r, Tnrrmirlp..r!iturtsVc. .v'I(Ki; M.AI'lr.y I'a'Ptr (! in i-fi'i r. IV 1. J. W. to call It IKr- rt'ifnr ,f t!r ..-' ' " " " f rn... in t ). t i at . i I ".idi ii- ' - -"T'r' ir i: -m I jU la J,.,i. ... ";;- i r tui- mi; run i v - ' t .. t.ii.n .!.t..- t. . . r r.i. r ' 11 - ; ir tl . iH'l li. Ml lilt;, I trh I. . "' ' ' " t .n ur ra.li.iTii t-4.-. 1 ' ' 1 1 V,. tl" "i it" i ia ft .1 f b : i t 1 1 !;. ; ''' ' ' rliralliro q tlx li 1 1 a, 1. r I r J - i , ' ' ' ' l " tTl ! MJ J t i Datl.t I. - I . '. - ' ' "' " ihsiw i,iUJ. 7tt 5sfn.'-, ,B'l. ITT .( v. nr. h!IH. fctrl I , r 'r' tsTa. rr i xi- i -p i- ii. i .t :ra Tetin t r ihrf ism i .11 ti ii- I I ..i. ; o I 1 i t:ei. re- irvtes Cifzrr.s of (his IVuniv re rcrcha.sirg. ami as-ntr. them he can sell a I . tvr ait i . u r ih.. n nry than any other Establishment ,;, il., ) ;.(, its,i,ri3 i ( r.- n.i , I: e . - BM.r,. tl.. rt . rl ., .1-. .:. .1 . 1 nr.. I r I (! I I ' i p..,! . in- t- r . o ! ine .! h , R. . I : . r. nimn. ,1 l-.r i I l.l, unie't ni . .( r ,.e, , It.rg L! aaiiis e I la ' .' IUS ! i l- t I lloiirf X'iCA'A'aud Time pieces. E try article warrantea to ne what it is sold lor. The greatest care will be taken in Rfpal to Lewisburg, such as Time I'll, limp Venititin, all of which will be sold very cheap. Call r,nt ,nd Waning of Clocks, Watches and ! 'i"Jr"t Manilla Matt, nd see. ; Jewelry, and everything warranted lo give i ' "" ', Cerent do.. BEAVER. KREMER Sl M'I'LtEE. ! 'atisfacuon. Please make him a call, and j 4-4 7WW Ifian, 4-4 Oil Clvtk, HIT- mm ,nm. ,rnr.I. In . I, . , . SS I h . . , I I . . - ao. eio.. S-4 do. eei . Chromatic Prlnflnr. HAVING purchased ihe right to use rina. .' process for Priniin:? wnh lie. . give him some trouble to show his Watches I and Jewelrr July 1, ISfS IS". for Printing with Iry execute orders for CARDS, Show-Bills, tie. ia AW, Ce-en. Brine, filter, bitifd, er fioH j colors, in good style. ! -ai the Office of the "Star 4 Chronicle," i.e isburg. i Ji Mr. i Wi.m i.N toi.sHLirs. MdkBaKaCliwCSk Cio'kst.iralrh- . and Jeivelrv. 4th door west of Bank, a I n .... I... Ini. ... is ' . I "'-""'" s.o.ia.,weare prepared o ! Also, nanir..!., uu- r.siH'nu oi all kinds. I hare also the agency for the sale of the celebrated Coal Oil I.m..-X. which will recommend 'heinselees to erery one. f all and see. Sept. 9, IRISH A E liENOr.M ANL'lE Fin io., Carpet Jiineing, etr. 40.il. .. i. COIL. rs'lli. snosenher keeps constantly cn hand I I a large assortment . f ihe very best Mis I mokin and Wiikes-Itarre COAL. I. r lime ard I stove purposes, which he will sell at ihe very i lowest prices for Cash or Country Produce. ' Also. Bluckimitis' Coal, l'larter and Suit. W ish it disiinclly understood, that I will not be undersold bv anv man 11, n- ,..,. i 11 H i:- r. ii III KO IT IIIMIM'. TiM 'a.rjr cf .its, tm It - rs T t"'r r5 f'., :.':i ; l-Tr. iBl IrrtTuM-r, .--. i- ' " "', trl' tT i I I It f,i l i'l I r I'.Vi n .... in-; witit riinl rtt t r 1 1 1 .-! ! 11. I jlts'ti-l o . tlr . t aro I U ntt:ir,a ;-Il thei Ihront. In. h r-D.f D f. Ti -.iut I . t ' ' ' ' I w. uld tuaat ri' .l tl-- tiuu i I Htfl, fir.. 1 !t-trw"iPkr. rfi arfnlmd wih I w 't i"1'" trtit tlMf I t u.u M l Mtak ! a h -I rtll'it tN'tttir llPt.1 iii irr tit mniiral If dttine r-e. rotifttf- r-jt I il tr Btant t ur .titirfBt i-hr .mine inrnipl t m cJ:t" T rt'T-p-ln ( J' DUVALL'S GALVANIC OIL i iT1 fn" be P,ven. r.i pain and soreness in tr. m l.li o io ..o minutes, .ve anntlur rttlumn.l Price 50 cts. per bottle onlr. hhipped to all parts of the ll. S. Fir sale by l)K..u.t. New leirlm le.,e,, Jrr A to, WirS.U i . J F- f '.f -man. Kelly Tp M Miller, v emhnra j (.uoiBincl, r.llwtlria J SI im, (.mil l;!: urn s-iTiv Lewibnrg, May 27,'ft!l. VARIETY 0? VARIETIES Tl 4 large and ( sriecteil stock of new i V. Oivls- in the Notion anil Variety line, nas just teen recetVed sr.n rprne'. at the I'. ,.t Office, at.,1 or sair cheap i. r i -h. I eBMi'T iMi 1 hiladeli !na and -ea.ult i.. a,i.l..r,flV.I wh.n ol l.l'Bie, V ( ur I'ei nra'ire i ad 1 l! e nr lelttri una, xirn a ilh y ar (brrat aeJtr(i, - 1 e,,i.,l. ,r,;l b ... r. aiaiR.d w-l;. II . rear m.'e (le cure re st.d. r-teet-( ' .S.(K(,..K111S e e.. nivt" AMt si Kcl rtel scistt-i r ,,t,.. n.i.V.I.,'! ...... e-- r T II' at.ie i'n ran . , t Ml , lultcs I i. re ai d I lo 1' 1 ' Ii,n.a(. iy Call "n tie Agents. J CAKEK A ! l.fl-rti- ard -"i-e ( ir ,i.-.-s r.,r'.- :e D. ..( ,:i,rs i. :,ri: -! .' I". IH l I l ' Is', t, r '. a i " " hSnd. a vr n
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers