UNION COUNTY STAR & LEWISBURG CHRONICLE AUGUST 10, J850. JjCicisburf, Ma, FeIDAT -MOUSING, AIG. I J, 1S-.k . AliVRM . .it.. u.. ..I-.-...... , ',,l.... oi-eec In City 1 .Vuntiv. riil-Hsrier. -.-.- i -.. s. i ... s.-......!.. .,, .ho W. '.!,... "T-n- nulddo..llt,.c...l"yll. ,nj ,. rirr..l.t,.m In. cm,,,,,.; . leM,r..porn..a ..f u.-ut pr-siucer., um. tul JnlMis w w) m .-Ut. -. : (J- Sec Xeiv Itlvt'i'l iN'in'i(s How is Your Chance ! vTir ii:lk.. ti: cli:i rios m .rrura a en.i iiipurtuall lo hiibwriln r .In t luht or ntltt-r M l" "STAR c CKKOKICLE ." Lrl one r Wiirr tr. at efrr) r.lrrtliin hlrlrt, ati irnti In Ihr ann lmmrulli 1). II tf.'slnd. He mil a.l fur itc tnrj li'll s.yu i Wirt. Mr Hill airurJ our pi;, r u.ilil the On. Clrrtlun k kiuiHD. at J.i rls. prr tn). TI.IW..9l.r.ll onr ro.i) ; I tu?u fur $..; ID rip In tor lu- t li In tdiaii.-i. WA H'irvwt Home CV-lobraii u is ud TurtilvJ at l.ew iiurg, on ta!ur iay, li'.Cb i:ist., (to-morrovi ) Il.ia. Paviii Tag .r, i'rteiucut ol tbn ijtaie Ai iculttiral ..i-it;-ty, is auntut.cul as Sjivakir. Tin? Iliuner will le trnvui up at tbtt liuCalo House, at 4, 1'. M. j JcJTbf sIcj.ti to lim muiu front pnlrance of the Lcwigburg Court House are now uo, and umily ready for use louring and aftrr Sfjit. Court, it is dir'.d I bat tbiy' tball be the Cuhiuioii v of rracl.i'ig the . Court li'Mitn und Oinc-s. As you tnti r jou nill did ibe ('oiiitiiiiout rs', elm li V, and 'i Kasui ti 's ii u nif no the left, and tl.e l'rollititiotary'b and ll.'islt.i'K Uiiii's, at.d tlie Court liijuiu Maim, ou tliu riUt. fa?Mf??is. 1 :u .i ti l'irbihoru Lav Veen runuiiij; lite Kilo .Steam l.iii.n Mill,! l.vn isl urji. wiib ujw IJrutii, last wick It Lad Leeu ii. ad for two Jeats, Lul m ivcd ofl well iiaul. l!y tlie-way, iho saio of lliat Hi'.flt xci.lii.ijt Mill in a capita! I i. caii'jo is an intpiirliiiit ntattr, to which our readers wouid d i Weil to call aiti'n- : tluD.j EO.TlHre was a sfiiri'cJ c unpetiii in in Jl iltoD for tin-1 'cation "f tlie'i f lir gron-ids. (aliaa. "rai'e c.iursc.") l.iuds of Mr. Cbambetliu, in ti e n . r eijd of tl.e boro', we believe wire d.oiltd ujini. The cbiit cnuipetitor was Mr. lavi., at the Iuer end, wbo tlliiid most ground for the largest '"course." We take tliis as an iu dicatioo tba: the bor.se racers no longer control the Society. ...Tlie W voruiua Couu- . . , . ; ty Agricultural fcoricty H'uic that lu tneir ....t oxl.il.iiioii '. IpsH of Ktr-.-nuth or eed will be allowed" room will be a l.iva.i r .r r.r.in.-T t1ii iirinn m n 11 1 tun 1 , f.,r th- tri.,1 "i n-i " Au.ui t , ,, i lnuicaiiou wiai uoisb j .c&.s ai.au um ou r iuv n. iie unless n ims tlie written sis allowed to promote the cruel and d, m oral- naiute of-. V,utt " on the wrapper, ixing system of bi r.-c-racing uudcr cuvcr uf M.tMiN .'.Ml ( .HIMtiv sKsfl. "agricultural fairs." Oirreabrs mav lemcmW we have on ' ' " several occasii.iis spoken in v. rv eulo;:.s:ir S(0,lCd"ard M i'iitrsou, M. 0. elect terms of a pr.-paiation xiinrh 1) . Sim S. from tbe Adams Iiftric, will i-cet t our ; '"' '"""' tr.-et. II ..inn. re. , , .,, , M.., lias discovered lor the cur,-of Lpiieptir thariki for a copy of " 7.'ie ,.;i,'.y i its , f.jt, v,n. , we ,,av(, bp,. ,.,. ntutiun to the .V' if," a Lecture delivered a,d ly tlie verv be-i in. aires, viz: the He- Tlie nil tua maimer ol the Ad licss arc print c wortby. Cougrefstueu pbi teach aud i .,. , c practice after Ibis .uaumr are wonby of; lhe CPTupliii'eti'ary term ' 1 1 mnr able." SO?"0ur Iricnds of the .V7ot',i con descend to tbitik the I nioti O'jutity IVus "nextbest"iotLoseof tbtiriDUntj. TLal'a clever. 15ut all we have jet seen of ours, were superior t,j tboec of NortliutnberUtid Leld tbe same year, iu ever; (Ling thai rigbtl; appertains to Agricultural Kxbibi tioue. St-Salrnon l. Muihob lias sold Lis new bouse, near tbe IVuialc Institute, for 151525, lo Kev. StcpLcn II. Mitick ....IT. llruggcr bas purchased of Ur. Locke tbe lot on Market a'rert near Mra. Liid!",'., aud will tberc Luiid. firWho in it iu Irt Scott, K&Dsa tint wants tbe Uc-f ublican CJiROMCl.t in xcuaiig9 for a !rd.r Kull.au oran j'clept Democrat Don't kuow a so.il iti Jia culuu.Ui, Lul X iu the Lope of better acquaintance. " " SiOT'l he IflDeU'al ft atUrtS of the llIiiir- vest Hme Cckb?atioti" at Epytown, was Kalkinj a cir by a foul-Lardy man. Vbat a profound cibibitiou of Christian gratitude ! ' .' Sgi.Woods M'Guire, i'. q , of M'Lwen. ville, was admitted to the practice of tbe Law at tha recent eession of tbe Nortbnui tierland county court. .hSrSchoch's Machine. Shop, As., at Selinsgrova, were e ild on Monday last, by the Abs;guei9, at $300, to J-ctibuer & l'erkins. tSAVe have bad tine rains during the last week, and the farmers' faces generally are at least an inch less iu longitude. pe.Tbe Cuion furnace wag recently topped by an accident f-T a short time, tut ii again ia successful operation. fcsrT. G. Kvans A Co. Lave a new and , Cinveni.nl f SC, ,,,. f... !'...,. : j . ii-- - - - JueJjrs. See Advertisement. i IsijfThe Clover crop, we are informed, It coming in f.r better than was auticina- . led. 5tealiso ur Wholesale. As is usual lo ibe summer season, a lare number of cattle have been dri.eu t, tbe mountains j IB Sullivan county from tills Section, to graie, and we learn that about one ban. dred head, belonging to citizens in this county and Sullivan, were stolen from the I K'orth Mountllin, aud driven (iff. They! Lave been traced berood Catawissa, but a week elapsed beforo tbe robbery was ! Ciacnvered, it is doubtful whether the cat- ' will be recovered. Mnny Luminary UtreUd t( Trui Id . rnl:.rto iifat lacllAd ,f 1 4 ; TT ne. Jobn Major, in New York city, 6iM with sm,M Wckiy, at 12 fer i laefV have received the List of I're-1 tii in ma ml 7!Atil..;nn. i it i gut, AgriciiJlaral Society, for the Exhibi-1 i 4i ul-ji i uuau.. .i n in . itn cs...t " near l'biUd.. STih to SOth Sent.. , -- . r--i IS'iQ Tl.n ...,... -r 1 :. . ""l ICIIUUIIIS 13 VITV ' , , """" every precaution seems tobave bet-o tiiken i , . .... to ctsure areiiracy au l furncss. 'j bire i are 61 Cnu-miitces. Tha List may be secu at our ( lllice, an.I any one dunii in;: a enr.y cau obluin it, by inuil, of Hou. A. (. iicistcr, Secretary at Iljirisbuig. l i.o c .mr"M'i f tt..- '.,mro.t -.- rVo h'.w ' tw.-iT,-ly . ..r l..ii- jiti.l ll.Min.hjn- n..-h'...ui.rt l..... . -'Tlliu 1 r ... ii i, I- .itiu.'j in ).,r .-. un ,r.. I,i. .1 'I' J'i-J x '0 Aii.-tilt.in-. i.ii,t!Miiir.r-, A,-. '1 liiil .'. in- mi I am i'ii I riui'ir i- luinim- i n u ! Ji t :"it . Im !'n-.l.i.l "li....i.i m, r... Inn K p. .! ti .-!IIK m ', I M.il ::.,.ii J,it.v i ujh Mini... 1 1 m!i - Mi II iil, I .;ir, .-li ,ui. k.u mill l.r. . Tt.rtnilt ,,.r itti-l lr.v.ii..ii .m, )i i:li i.,k H nl. i. tin V . .. i: i.itlni.n-ri:..i.l "' ' ' i- Umu; i .iifi i i -i-.ii ,-.im ,. 'v, -.-i ... .I ! : !.-. li- ii . f M,?!.r- I- r..-lv .it. I t lit. r. i i-.-i'i ii' i" i, "i,i il..iiiii ..niiti t i",Ml r.r Ill'l M.lJ. I' .'. Illifl I,. I. ,r J.t ..r. .. , ll,.t I'M.t f N". C.I. I.' l'i. i.H ill l,ll", l,l ",, , f ;J;I. st.it.-. tr.v,- 11. ..t r-'.inil ci ..I.,! ' ,,,... ht.h In tl.- :..t.) 'i,.. I'll'" ii xh.t i, I. ....-.( i,;11 , ., t,tM.j ; l-jru or im '1 oi i .'..!. l:tu. Hill in.. I .i.ilnii.j u-i,. ' l''i'i:i.eie Atigutt Kli cliou lioturus rcLUur ibc O.itiL'tiiti.'ii as f.jll'iws : l.t-l f '.'ii.r.''.H. N.-xt Ci.ii.ti A im. Oj . A mi. ), i K.'tiliiflcy L it it i t'll ui:.-i 7 o ! 7 N. C.i,.hua 'J 4 4 Alatmiiia 7 7 'Kxii '2 'J Or.-uti 1 1 31 7 '1 17 TIk!.c rrsulta tltfroy any liopenf AJm. a'ci'tit-iiy i:i tin? lltiUM If the u.'Xt I'rofiiK'iiti! KVcti ;u g"ps tn the !i u-f, !iie Cp. will have a in .j nf I he iS t :T-. ; T- ..( . . 1 1 .... i: l uw .iiiir i ii ui ii I I ill. iJiiiiUiit"c otic Nnh, and the othtr ifuulU wouM thus Le blocki d. Ciiimti ts CiiMl nir" r. Thr lVnn K-a. . rn.itpi"t,d at' rhur- l ies ii.;ii:.:y in . Mii'ni i 'iiii .1, u i!l held -iilii A'UHI.il S-'r,;nil Willi the l-f WlNTMiri; .'.in-!iaii ( irin-ii, rninmfiic:iiir in Th'frti.iv l!ic -"i'h inl . and ritninniiiijj the rerna tnhT el iht w-r-ic. (.'iitilrTrnnr AddiP.t ( ii Ti.i,rs day in -rnin. at 10 oVl"ikt by K!d. J. (J. n biv, ol Ur-iiii'iird I'lfa'diine even eve. nin dunii" the einn. The public aie te- pfcEllllv !HV!(rd ! .Tti:d. ,mY V. M'Damfl. Cnf. (Ifrlc. Tul lfi:n !sr. !i was sat-d U a lead.! iit'inhi i t.'iii-.'tiL', in a nc-'iit atldis; lo his iirethrvn, that tii- aiii-'imt d S"''- P-' nn t !i-;if 11 -td in the I'nin ! Si.iies iti one vcar, t'.-r 1 r i- .i'-'mr n n 1 r'-j i f f- i v. -f.- lh. ;." " " A fi'i tilt h :i)'iiii.':.nrlv :t 'ti-T - . -t-n - . f -t hi jh r:i.:.iti n hii i a I 'I'-il ' t t'-llii- ti. i!t tr i- 1 l:ii 1. i 1 a 1 t iu'i- h "t Iht 1- chiihI l-v w-i.Mli n j.i.t ti.fn i-i h .- Vt M.il'i. llf F'-I'trf. r'i-.'iintii-it'i l i n'l j.. r-..ii t'. i-iiT- t;:, :. ir it. t-i mi 1 ii-- . f.i. m ai: -n. rk'in rn.M-i: lL ..link, win -rt tiiitv dl tMin t'm t--l t;.i .;:tv ( ..ii' l.- ct.it i) rin l Shn-e. tf lit- f uu l. ! tli- rl.v .;iif l...tli I'ltin in Ort.lt M'-h. lot, 1 iti' li in 1'i.rkl . . - - A lars."'" vol'lnl" '.ml I not e.oitain the m.i if lesion. .tiv which has arrtitniilated in favor ,if V. inter's ii.iKain of Wild heri v. as a sat',", ffhrinn t n ni rr h :i hit rem1. . v in rn n iiff Ct ms'hs. ' coUU- '" P'1'"""""-.' Iia-e" "Ma".v uf ,he ; cures are irtllv wololerlnl. , viaiion ot lui!iiaii salt, 'nil', r r-'in rirrtim. ! slances winch have lately rotr.e to our knoTV le it-e w fear there is a certain r'ass of per- sons who ate not disposed to tiv tins r.-mt tly ... .. 11 . I.. . . in a coniuioii sense .i.anii i. iic ,i..u .c u (ie f f a pt.etar ra-e ,n a town r liere perhaps ibrre are six f" eiht ca ses B1' irvms ii nn one ca-ic. prn.ips t!.- r" f-'t t e mi.-Lt !;- fm' y orir'rM f T.. l.le it.ini- . it v.,ii'.t nf.l u;-. Tiii i if i;li. r.l',iti tii mtrf i.'.r th.- ni" I -fir: j r !:. Ii .!.. n i-i.' .r--I ri -k- j ti ! i witri c!i...i-r:t in I'll" Oin, .r n-:-litirli'.ii, i -ul I v :t il . u.l f. r 1 hy.;,-;.!.. or wotii- i-uiv i.ii : "iiiii L iii. mi 1 v : !:! ' it In-nir. ,1 tlip ti -t pi- j li -i.t" Tti.it j li'i f ini-e!i;rc wdi'l I- i..-t a U'-I ' fn r!i m-e-.f 'r li.iTi' r-in-ty. r. rv in- In. lin r I- its f-h 'I'd try it f.r a vi.f'iir!'l'' in-ih 1 I'm-. It will imt r.irn in a 'I i t weet- : i'.!l.i:ii; w-.rtti 1 tijk ran li- si;-.-. n; ii.-t.-. nt t. it it- .-if.Iv ! n . iJ i- irilv h mi' v. 'J 'it urowtd of tin- i-i tciu? .v Frrn lh' Tn'l r"-i''C, i'l- ( t nn uy w.-iii- i xniuiti'-'i, v tffi --urs-l lli..t ' IT 'jr p"--T. inp-f in thi- rfiT1 lv. luri- '.!! l' 1-; it- ( -v i-ul 1 u n riii n-'-l. Th l ilt, :trv '.-nt t y m Tr-- f i-.-fa.-i- t iy v ivt f id. , .,i !t. I'r:.-.': r.r ln $1; two ; tweit' VoU i will t r.t! n l.Ir "s.h .i!t t-. . TstK v;i:v. rM iti r i t:m. ; YT III-'ir ,1" Iv-Pl.l' or iM.Hiisrl'.s. t'rtrfi rr .r,.(i t i II tr f:r-t. h. A ,'. S. i -! t. ,Sr urry. .m vc any ti-n-. f. H''itirUf, ,!, anl '-"'i-i tf-tf'y, j I., iiijc it- " i Tin n X'Kj-rii.v.Cc.n j , H-Jiil rl;i.i-t-st o;' I'lir l.-i.otv ri! o n, in- M.mli, r" el r-in'p-.. L,iw.t'. I'l v-ii'iaim, ; t'liTji tin-it. I'lai.tiTK l-ariil- rs. i,l i:li-ri t t.rV. r ' tin; cli.'y -.t . c'i t'in :ii.il .nrf tyn ef I'Jif.' lor tli" 11,111 it- : ilmin i-ii- I and p Tinciii' nt i-ur- ot lh- iimiiv oru'l r"n- - l-i.tiiili- wliii U iu uiu' oliusi.' or otlitrr 01 i'-na alan'-t ', tar r.it-e. 1 'f !:- (-rVrT wi-rp .ItM-nTi'rr-.ll.r (.fciTior It. f-cctS, una ; in tuir t'Tiiiulu .lilf.-r a-i.t-rly from llmt 1 mnv olhe-r i I r-J-HTMl l"l 1,1 HI iji'inc. t ilit.4ITUIIH Ui Bl'-l.'ill'li 0 1 Diiin-ni. I, jj ii-011 no intXiniiR ilniiT in ili- it nulurn t' Hir. in t sl1111.1Ut.i11r. rt'titiniui thfir irtu-s. in any . : t-Iituf . lii'-v ur- -jt i-ointiiiiHtiDii Mtrl m f'-rni iti- i" of 1 MHi'.ftriw which kni'Wri tin rival in sl-rin:itiii i--- I nn l r.-t n..i: tl. t-Wm U.ti i rictttr- i r I liuillh. : er ,il I, I'.n .lati.tiiii;. .r li,'r-.-i. r in.l'i Iir.iuir o. its etian.rtHr th 'ii..-nn,-niHv li, n.i no.tt.T lh.lt II ll.kS I.-iltt.-a tl.e ek ill of Ihe I t,Ji'inil. all. I r.-.i-tr, u.- eii. ii. ,.1 M.,i,c.e, . .imii, t,ii 01 th.-... ii.tt.-r. will , tisiv il-es,iit-rir th.i bu uitoue is iini.usi le te i,r'T'T reme.iy. i pily ri-tt-rticf in luirj to th writt'-n ci-rtitirjit' from ili-tit.ulLi-l iuliiuu!? ku-iwn all c.cr LL land. All Obdurate and Inveterate Case of I dyspepsia Cured by the JJittor?. Tim f .llowinir fr"in a c-iltlfiniii wtl kniwn In thm r-ii.it mi winch ttf u,;tit to sati-ly all tln-wj o( iit- l ' Uitb ' TT'Ti r.Tcirs. N. V . July 1 5.W. Fowl! k r., Iloftwi, tort: Sin- y rn mr I , ntU- V' J hv tl .tt rur ft mil Vtwn, witi, i t-o HH--t-d ui- to en.wf (rn-t i..i r-.i"0. ful--. int t.Io;tt;nK(t tlie tnii.-l-. im un 'Jiit. I .ill- r.-nliiikf. aecriiiijjiiit-'il imh ttrrtJ'l' ?'tin in the t"iiii-li. .ft-n mill": Ui,i'l, V tllltineT. ttrl-llty. UUt llr.uiMi-lit. tu- p-ih-ritli yi-ut-rjl tl.-i-ilit utl ajullrriug. lti-'Ll;i:r r.-ii l riiu f- a ! urtlo n. After hniiiir trl-.l t-r-ry known rMnMy witlirnt "ff-ct, at ui il-!.iitnii.' !! t-viT r- t'ji.t.inK ir.v l"-t li-aUh, I wnm IIi.tn.TU totTirit.!' Ilf'f ttV U v JfiO'-J ItHttT". ill-' 't ril- t- l-i which w.tw inim.sJiMt.'.v t-.m! ! on mv b:th nn l ni.t.'tii. Itflrf u-:nc n -i- httte i -.- fi;ttr. iy ntrnl; noJ I I-! flt-aur- in iii.tii.-mn; all like f-ul!t-r- i-r ms uivfil to lunate U-k-ui iihsrhmiuboi, .......j. TIIKO rAl.t.W Kl.l.. Vorrrcitil Weekly Wheat 5.1,00 Kj:.:s S 10 Ho,. ill 'J'allllW 1- - Corn Lard t' () I Oats f I'CU'OD Flaxseed 1,1- Ham Plied appk'B- l.-'W Miou.uer Ill .. . . 11 o Butter. 14 Clovcrsced. ..4.;"i0 .....40 Pork Potatoc? r 1st .a" Leiors r. ni.,u.u in th lburgFcwtcaici nLr n. Fooih n..rr. irs.. Me. Mart", hva-b, harim II. Drsr.rs Sauil, B.ier Mrs. Mar.' &S?T:',a J,.hn m. i. n. tTr"i.'!i.rr"i!'ca-ette. Mrto,anUenr?,,llin.lk,.to.an,HarrliMr. r.H.H.r- jnn r.av. i c, jon Rev. b E,JonstiE, Johnson j,', Pp,.r. Kin- A-dr. w.kh-. Ms Miirir. n l. M ci.oiock iu.iei.,i.tiherTh"uiaa, tllirleu Mlrliael. K.parit 'ire, ICeed D M. pane ha,lf.-r . Ttiema. II... Art an.r Joto u, ZZU0. Tliemos II... Artnnr ... ieas -ire. ean. .,, Wulrruo so a. h cp.orzES. r. M. WVf.r.n- t',ir. rt i- i umim, i..i.tii. A. bridge across till rife it Sunbury it !. , . 1 :ii a i - i i i la- lo one dij $11,000 was signed fur lue ol'ct untmry. MAIilUKI). M. h. of lied..,., 'mil M.M CMCILli AC. lIlKUlj, of Jiiit-n "ii ll:4th ult. t Mlll..n.l. n.r C O Culiir. rn i;k K...-Kii,uf tuiou :.nmty, uu makv a. utoK, ..f 'i'url.nl Ti. in tin- Itli in-t la Miin -y. tiy Hpt. T. P. lotwalt. J. ui "I'uri.u'uin..". ' ,1 LI. the Gents who intend ftoine to Ca in Unit., mil iiii.lyliit P. tinrn, JOSF.Pll ItTAS, I j Meeiinp ihis season .also those who can of i" .in. i.ni-.-i;.- M.IXK..I i,liiis..i.,u. j nnl make j, su , j,,,,.,, arf cordially invi iajauaiaiii ii rjjrrri BaD3caaaarriara lo ca at (jie uew establishmeiit oppo tlCU, site Walls' store, Leu isburjr, and furnish in Mw Kiritn. i:itli Itil., 1..HK .H'.rc, latitfliT.r nl i- ... ii .,h. -.ii.. Ki.-. k. r. i r ...! In Lin u 1 1.. Mini a.-.v. JollN maIZk.iu: -.1 ji.ut ib " ,'i,;.v.r.,1n,....:1i.i.i,SA!i.vii Tit atk, tf.'d to .,.,-. 11 UI...UI.-. ...4 isja,.. in i..-ii I-... utt. nisi., a e.in 01 .iscob K.-isiy, agwi Dr-rtl.si un-1 i:'. .lav In Mi-i !I.-Wr, inst., JiKIN MITII, tSn , at mn i (ti 4i.ii-ny If., M'-nt-nrCo, uihull., ADAM DUKlt, 1 n J 1j Jul xtitl I in 'tuli. OTTK WISTKII Iv'ATK. ' Jt WJ!" a I Art)' !."t t.i'h cip Utn n i.t i-k l il i Aii im nrtli tu lwvf. An trout ' ur ti-it-ijt in; U-mw lie- ru!ittt .nil" Mhi'-rLi tilt' Min.f.!. ' ir f. tx'iiz w.tkh w. ii-J I;.--. In H- r :..-.i i ii .iiiu-.ii..- k i Hi rwi, ; An 1 uiurmu.. J n -t, tntt w in-ir'il olt "i lr dm Ir.Hl di-ir. thin l.i tiud." Tru-tinic in I" i r"f lu-ril Ti.in it tli-- Mf-..".l h'-jtf nh1 ff!, Ai.-I i n ii' ti u i r fHf-f, in li-Mttu, liui we met) im'.-t tifuutl t)t ,;riifl. Ct'int. th-n, il- ir 1. i jti-le. ! tic'il uioarn no mot fur In r If wii.-iii n, rrown i j,iv-ut But tft Uwf;i'lt .- -In.' U trfi KitU-1 in rt-iuu witti li.r nt liravfn. H X-A. i: i-;rMn Corn, I lOli Dryitigor Itr pie sent use. This most i f xtt if 11 1 arurie win uc suiiiiiirti w inc ' m ..cw mi . ai . j-.. r o-i ct-i. per hu.h'-l, until trot Comes, by An.'. 1C W OAl.L. I U N 1 V KKSIT Y JSCI I00L.S. I II K Fail TlTIll (if 1 1 WlTh's Will CiiLLLUC-Tuitiun per Term - - K.Mm ma ar.d .ul - 4.5't J.ilrary care repairs 05 ; Tuition - From to $7.00 Af:AlE.MV Care and repairs - - - 45 FEM. I.STFFL"i E Tuition, from f 7 to lli.Oil 11. pairs - - - - .0 J. R. I.I lilMIS, President I.cwistiurir. Ati. IS, Ik.i'j EWSlttorc illcnt. LJ!LbT,TJS, 5IUTT0X, VEAL, Ac. will (!. supplied to lh hunr; ppitpte bv ihe Mibcnber. ai his shop (in Murib Fifth lr'et, uhTf lie canifs mi the IJutcheriii bu-it.ci, and will tipply ail Uind uf lt-at in us seaso n. On Vedoday and Saturday lnorniitirs, he will be l"undat .Market in Ir.inl ol M Ka ldin's Hardware S'orelV at low rates fur Cash exclusively. Calves wan!" Ileeves and Snrp purchased as usual. Try ibe 'e i Uutchtr. I CHRlsTOPIirR f.EMBF.RLLNG. ! I.ewi-ibuitr, AtitT- I "iv Preserve your Fruiti - - Willouliliy's Talent Air-Tijiht Stopper ii ritriT rAXX, JAKS OH tlOTTLKS, JS the ai. ist simple, convenient, economical ' and tisi'lul aiticle ever invented. It is composed of two plates attached by a screw, i between which is placed a circular piece of 1 (C-i n. The turning of the burr compresses j the (Jam and spreads it on;, thus fiilinjj up lhe ' onenins and uiakin; it perfectly air-iiohi. It e applied to 1 ml. ai,s.M,.neorl.lass Jars, i i tiis t'pper bt'in simple in construction and o easily applied, is the great desidera tum .s h'lig ri jUei It r, and oitiy needs an exaiuiiiatiuti lo rouvince Ibe niosl incredulous I Us soperu my over anyibins ye: invrniel i The Cans can also be Tested helore pultttij ! in the Fruit v lillii.; .he,,, with water and puo.n- en tne popper wnn a pressure. attached, or the Moppets aloue, can always be had at moderate pnees r.t T. (i. EVANS ,V CO., Aui(. 19 Sole Ag'ts for Lewisburg L'otice to Trespassers. VLL persons are cautioned against tres-pas-nt on the orchards or lands of the sui-i-ci iters lor the purpose of shootmc; birds or coiniiiittini; any oilier trespass, unwarranta bly, as we are detei mined lo prosecute all per sons thus ..llendine, according to the Act of Asseinhly lu such case made and provided. ilson I. l-iuti, John Hn-wn, Jacob (undv John (i. Brown, William Hrown, John i'. (jtindy, John (iiindy, John Penny, John t.heckert J. Winfirt. Michael Brown. W. H. (.'haniber.tn. Jos. W. Shriiier, J. . IJrown, Ahraham Brown, Adam iindy, Alex. Penny. Thomas Penny, !ndlrey Deck, Kranci iHon, Jamb Hrown, ti. F. Miller, J.thn -.dl. Ilast liullaio, A Ofj. 3. 1M9 Notice to Trespassers. I un fersisned, Mho have hereunto set rr pll! I their names, cit.zrns of Chillisquaijue and Point townships, herehv give notice that herealter they will prosecute 10 Ihe lull extent .k. i-iW evei voersou found trespassing 1 ,U-. K., k.,nlinw a,.lli a (rnn n. ' upon lhir premises by huntins with a iron or doi;, fisbin; with a seine, carrying ( IfliuHor , nuis, or in any other way trespassing upon our premises. V.'m. liamhatt, Sol. 11. Walter, J. cV. N. Butler. William llousel. Win. stiver, Hujh Caul, Jacob Pdeeor, fatnuel Keyser, James Rtissel, Wm. R. Dentler, riohert Lyon, Jonathan Wolfe, M'm. Cameron, Henry Wans, Thus. II W alts, Daniel Sterner, Henry Hummel, John Frederick, II. P. shelter. Benjamin Rhine, Rev. Ceorpe liostenlschnig. (00 Notice to Heirs of Engel Schrader. rv j l'nion County, ss : The Common- L.t. weaiih of Pennsylvania to Hannah sew Schrader liiieruiarricd with Jacob frichawver; Catharine Schrader intermarried with Peter Btnscman, which Catharine since ; Will, .to, uiu.uu, ....... .... i died, leavini; eicht children, vix. Elixaheth 1 married in John tiearhart. Julian married to I marrien to join. s.,-a...an, i.nu.. ueio.., s. Thomas Swart Frederick, John, Hannah married to Jacob Dries, Catharine married lo : Aaron Kliue, Maria married lo JacoD hcuh, 1 and Lavina married to Joseph Urunr.cr, (the said Frederick and John utnt'inan, two oi tne f 1 .'...I. .,r.M r. d.ail 9tiH l.li . rill lure.) o. s.i:u s. au.a. . ... - - - l-sue, hut is n..t k.iiau o.llie Court hw many; tbat :;iei:r;';i' t.. will .ar .t. an lli,n.oh. which llnnnau is inienuar. : I .itnJarol.rtnrk; that .11 the .b. Dsuied heir. . - .. . ...... ...eii. Ileish an.l . ! ZZ:Z rTiux. f j Mi.-hinan, and heirs el Fpslenet Ulniiamon, ds-uae.!, who reeid. in or n.,ar Hell. lew. in th. Stateorohio;) j EXeCUtOr'S WOtiCe. ml l.nal r,Tr-fiitalis.of Kimels.ilirad r. late ol , lurii. j t,.wDj,hip, iuii.e.idecunijof Lniou.deceaaed. -wroTICE is hereby Riven that letters iesi ,ir.7.".'i?:. n.,.1 f.r that rutro dnlr 1 menlary on the last will and testament nuT,"s - . ... . - - , .. i.aK ...... ...P.:,U.1. I IlKD. IflUfl I" "1. H.UUIJ h the Keal t.sla.e o. nie .am fc..i . ; .i...... i. 1....1.. InanHliin. Cuion rouotv. ..lloitiing lands of Jacob inkinan on the tut, reoosens-k on tb. .uta and North, ud lands of llmrr FelteroS oo th .L containing lour acres more or leas with the appur tenance". whi. li fa.d real e.H.te wa valued and appraio. ad at and fur the snm olone huodrist and tttjr dullara ''linn'wbeeaaa. nnoeof Ihe heirs of the said deeeaiod ap peared in C-urt on tbe return of the Mid lu,..ia.lKn. to take the premise! therein mcntione.1 at the appraMeraenl Vou and ery of ..u ara hereby cited to be and appear al the n-lt te.wral orphan'a Court to be held at Leatia burj. f..rtlieruutT ofl Dlen.on the 12th day of Sep tember nctt, lo accept tbe real ertat descritd In tho writ and Inualsttloa. at tb. .alnatien thereof, or show cause why lue lourt slu.ll notdeoree th. asm. to be fold Bt tb. t urt ; w itneos toe band. nd of iallOcurt. " ,-'-i'1"" ""1 !" '" sh, r,k Langstroth's Beehives. The undersigned. Af-ent for the above a Beehive for East Bulfaloe.isprepared tu dispose of RIGHTS wiihui that Township. LVAlso, lots of BKt.S on hand for sale constantly. Persons bavins unseltled account fnrllees Or Hive i npi Ui ' . ! Au"- ves, are requested lo put up during the inon t otinly Airiciillural r air. ft. 1859 UCU. S i Am,, Ajtt Callip.leeliltg. luriinoics mill me wk. 't.i nun m,c... HATS and C.M'.S lo be found in tins section 1 . . i 1 1 ....... .1. - in romnry. n piacii'iai jiauri is uic jiowh i lo btiv of. when you want a good Hat. , I?Couutry produce taken in exchange for 1 , , f County SuperimiMidnt will be in at - U'ndat.ee at the .pw Scho-t H-iitiinir.cn A. al.. I. examine perms wish.n? to pplir.attiti ftr the .schools in this H-inmi-h. Sevrral Mle ami Female Teachers wili be wriineil. Srhoi.l ti c.tinmence on Munilay Seiitpinber Itiih.aiid continue nnen six mtmihs. M. l.EISER, Stc.B'd of Dirs. I.ewisburc. Aug. 4 . IS.ifl. j HO, YI2 PEOPLE! j TAKE NOTICE! VNEW Hat r.Nial.llwlimrnt just opened in ihe olj Post Ollice stand opp osite WaiS' store, where the latest styles and . .1.. r..... ...... 1...1 ii-,,. ..ainr.D In . ...... ... ... , ' f... ..... .., ... . 1. . .- 1 .. ..n 1 II V Litli it im i n i n pi ii t.i "i j i.. ntiirtr rro.ince. umi i laii 10 can hiiu ci amine lhe sU)ck . LJu,y J CORRECTION. Cimds shinned from .Philadelphia! iVc. ny nALl.OWKk S Line are .Ol rr- fhipped at llarnburg." (as would appear by Air. reipntrr s anvfrueDieiHi uui u uiiuuku . 1 -1 ...i,u,ina, .i,s,u.: niieharma or lIie WW Itranch. Julytli4..H 1. If. I-hiLK, Agent : as. Letters of Administration on the es- ta'e ol ANNA ll.VL'CK.Iate ol Bullaloe town- ship. Union county, deceased, have been gran- led to Ihe undersisned, all persons knowing themselves indebted m said estate are req-ies- j ted to make iiniuedtate payment ; an 1 thn.e II, dil'l iiiosc bavins claims araiu-t it will present Ihem properly authenticated for settlement. 1 1 ' ,.,,.s- .i . . , L- , i.. . jon.i ji:ii.i.n, nuiil I. Buff,i.-.e,J:y5o,Mr.u. ti-ir a n a vti'Ii t ..nf -li-,.; Z debase . quantity ol SUMAC P '' 'he hmhest market price for the raw maerial the haves, well dried and threshed Iroin the sinlk. To he delivered as soon as prarnrable ai the Tan Yard, formerly of Henry W. Fries, 111 l.ewishur?. July IS, I E. J. Ht.'LL. Dress Goods, at Cost ! BEAVER, KREMEH .V M CLURE have determined to sell off their Summer Silks and Dress Goods, t-"a l" t.stsiaiaj If you wish to purchase, call and examne our stock. B., K. dc M. l.ewlsburjr, July 15, 1559. ' Wot A'ready 7 Es .Veadv-C.IIiSON has received the 1 fa I.L STYI.: f ,lrr llAT.-i. Who Wi.uld study the wants of the lovers of fashion if he did not! Echo answers, who T His lare Summer ?lock mw c!o.in? rut at Cost. I arve .i.,.nm.ni ni lie.t sule Sfi Hals iust Trcve&' stop at OII)soN".s tor Bargains ! ,, . ,..,,. , .,...., ,hr, i.i:-nair.l . r-Ti.. te. , h,,.: .,h , ci ,Ul5 is of an eiperiPnCed Hatter., New Firm New Goods. riMIE snhscrioers would respectfully an J nonnce to the Public, that they have; entered mm a Co-Partnership, at the old stand 1 of J. 4 J- under the rirm Name of JOIIX HILLS & tO. We havr insi receivetl a fresh assortment : of summer iooDs, cons.s-! Clotli?. Ca?inierc.'. Vc5tiii(rr, t??a- dv-Made CI.O I IHNd. t;arpeline. Oil Cloth. Shcetin;. Muslin, Linen, UnlliDgs, Ace. I VIII';' DRrsJsJ nilflllss c,,rh as Calicoes. Shallie, Kan-ns.DucaN. Brases, lLaines Black and Fancy Dress Silky, timc hain?, ShawN.Organdies, Viola Zephnnes,A:c. Also, a larire fitork of (.kocekies, Hardware. Cedar and Willow Ware, Loukiug Glasses, Glassware, Queensware, Vc. SALT, FISH, Plaster, and Coal, constantly on hand. Country Produce taken in exchange. for Goods as Usual. .kir-Tlio hifrliest market priccjaid in Caah lor all kinds of 4.K 1 1. JOHN WALLS. JOHN I'. SMI I II. M. M. VAC T ALTAI!. I.ewisburg, July 12, Adiuinitlralor'ii -olli-. "VfOTK'E is hereby given, that Letters i.1 of Administration on the fcslate l ; WILLIAM -NEV1L, late of Hartley township,' L'nion county, dee d. have been granted to the , endersined by the Register of I nion county in due tbrm of law ; therefore, ail persons i dented lo said estate are requested to make immediate payment.and those having any just Claims are also reqitesieu lo presem Itiein le- : gallv authentira'ed for settlement. RICHARD V.B.LINt;OLN',Adainistrator I Hartley Tp, July V, I8.VJ FRENCH BIRR HILL STONE PI AWUFAC TORT. . . i I The nndcrsiened keeps con- ; - i .. nn ..-a J.' . . '., . .. r " ' ci, all sizes, an.l lurnishes every ar- , .;nl. ...... I v. ili.illi..,..l. ' VOM.. Ii ,. llij'l'l cu s-j mc luin n. i. nur. , Complete satislactlon etiaranteed for every I .rilrlo sold Millers who prefer tne solid article soio. ni.iicrs wn., prr.er mc so.iu , Burr. byeiving4 to (J months' nolice, can lilve their orders executed at the quarnes in France. Address WM.H.hLPNER. April I. lSim6 tlarrUlnirg P. V.,Pa --s rvTOl'lt 1. A II Ia.1 t... . i..i.v . ... i.i im. . ...... I ... i-i removed 10 the bouse lately occupied hy "rc u si: Mr-1 streets, two squares .son a 01 ,arKei l, fast OFFICE in Same building. Snlilh door ... . " on Third si.-Lewisbur?, INov IN, KM v .. au........ , j ..f irri t.iiu KKIMHU. Inle nl Hart ev . I IT.!.. .1 . . 1 k . .. . 1 . iQwnsnip, S.ll.O.1 tou.ujr. u.wu. uc.c ue .. eranted to the nndersiened, by the Rejisterof L'nion county, indue form of law.ihere.ore.all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement. OEOKOE B00P, Execulor. Hartley, July 2, 18.S9 trWIS IVtLMCR, ALIllir.Li ailU r.LIi.UJLft, tFW.s-flf're PA I Orotfr, , ,h. Cntverr.i'e h'tMwf "' KCIIITECT and EUI1DER, a. jc.i SMS Auditor'! Notice. i rilHG nndersianed Auditor appointed by the j Orphan's Court of Union County t.. re - Port up..,, the eiceplions filed to the Adm:ni - 1 iratioi. Account ofdrorge Kleckner, Admin- 1 iMrator of Gcoaoa hiicnna, do d.. Will mi , ihe parlies eoncemed, lor that purpose, at ; me Hunaloe House on r alnit, M oay oi oep. i leraner next, at lu o cmcK. A- "iMoi wnien ai: i luteresled will please lalce notice. ! ALUEUT W. V'OKSE, Auditor. I.ew isriur?, Aug. 9. 1859 DENNING & CURRAND. I STi: AM ISlL.r.K .Manulaciurrrs A?"A1!IL'S pal'.crns Cemetery Railings to orilpr, Ac. Krilers promptly attended . - ,,., ! 1 nis firm has been Ion established, and lean pive iiiaavsatislaclorvrelerenr.es. e. ..... . w ' ; Palmer .o. at l.ew,sbur. , . I'Tsons wi-hrns further .nfor.nalion or any ; ; Work in our line will pirase aaurrss us ai I 13, Mirktt St., lbirruburj, l'u. i : Something Extra KiC6 ! ! DIPL fOIll itOt'S MW rOtatOCv- . it Cucnmherv IVa CnShace Ktpe Apples an.t n;her Trim and VeiuMe-. are , reoeived by Eipicss heh TWit'E KVKI1V , WKKK by T LVANs & CO. i Lewtsburtr, July S. 1B.VJ WANTKD FOR CASH. I .1,11 oi.prr, , -" - Tr.fi u.... itn.i... .ml l...il in. V w , . o , 101 h-iiis.ii im ...0...-- --. , wiil be paid in cash, at ihe EAGLE WORK. Penna R. Road, above State ati ttl. Harristiurs. May 'M. IRS'JniK. liKASS 10UM)ILY ' a a. I NY and every descrtpiion of Brass ct ; iu Metai Ca-tinpf made in the tnuM iiMiiuM mlnlipr i.t lha hs.( mMtrTull. Mfl.l at ioueM niaiket prices, at the KAUI.E WORK. I'enna. K. Knart, aH'vp ,taie street. j Harrbnri', May tW, I859m6. i.i.t. ii-i i' v. ! JUMdil DUlvtl Oky L'Un , TTjrr n ,i nrr-inn-pnifnt'i U illl F. ir K. Locke A f;o. to iurnish 35 per cent. j ATXOirOIj : hT the BW. ami Half Bid. as cheap as it can i oe hotilit in Philadelphia. I They have abo just received a general as - i soriment of -.,.-. ti i.Ta-nT.-. n 'S IV I JJ J ij ii j ii JJiii iliiiiU J I . . ..... . . ... iiinl unit ll2K.(.laN and I'utlv. I i COPAL VAR!.SES, IiULSIIES and I'KHFL'MKUY, CONFECT'ONERY, FANCY SOAPS, , I VI ;;.r,Ju,oifi.ti,iUJ'i.t.ii, ,. .... . r,i.. i.,i.,t A!.,d!i.iiiuv- ' " J""i'",ui j ...... v a. s...i, LiijiKirs.Tnbiicfo, .Suiill'.Inks, Soda Ash, h?el Urease, &f. sc. AH lhe above articles offered VFRV CHEAP FOR CASH. Call before buying eNewhere. Our Motto is 'Small I'lulifM & quick Sale.' I.ewishurp, Mav 13, H59. rfflt rrifniicnt ! '1 IKE STOCK ,.f IIOUTS AXD .". 11 J tin nn hanc" iwhich is lhe laiu'est in the' w CouiMvi at ( lslhelatbest.nthe nnoT nilird mn fl.ri! . COST PRIDES FOR CASH! -3-X.. u.,l,ee,ll nd e.Kin.n,, for vour. selves either WAufrwie or Ktfail. j i More- j keepers and others engaged in lhe Shoe trade 1 will find it to their advantage to call aud look a. h,s s..,.k and save Bt least 25 per cent.! Manilla! tlirilli; of all kinds done nt very inooerale prices and KEPAIKINU at the i-r iion't forget the place-j-f dunr to J. Jj .7. Wall' Mure, LE W IsBI RU. May 9, ISy9 WILLI M JOIIXf0. .--w. I n.,rh fa n.Wman Vrr. h.,,,1, 1,,r;j.r , w. , j n c li n i cwSpriiigixbum eruoou .1. 13; HAVE received and opened a CHOICE . assortment of all the laiesi styles of, uot and Summer Goods. The ameolar attention ot me Ladies is caiiea to ineirsioca llrilliants Dress Silks llelaMies Challies Dticals Prints bhawls Collars Sleeves Umichsms lusertinis Foulards Kdjintrs Chintzes liloves.Ae. At.SO Cloths, Plain and Farcy Cassnneres, Jeans, Tweeds, Vestmcs, Muslins, Drill" in?s, 'Pickings, Flannels, Boots and I jT Shoes,, Hats and Caps.j lopeiher with a complete assortment of Groceries, Hardware, Cedanvare, Qiieensware, Ac. all of which will be disposed of on as lavora-1 ble terms as the same articles can be purch a.ed anvwhere. t.ire u a end: 7 J ; X'U"dforil'iT' ,. 1 Marker!, in half, jaarter. an.l eljlith Ms, 111 l.Ml i,iwu)1A. vo. !irlt,i.!,lilliiidi-:n lt!, jiiisf'il ml lor sale b III nsil A huimax. V0. l Shodi (extra) just rrot.e.1 .ml fr .ie W as m nsn a iiuii man. rllITK ri-h in half .od quarter harrels, just rts-eied " anj for ...e I.y Hl hSH A Olj, lM AM. ! ii ehui.su, lu whol. rMr-l..j..t rus-i.e.! an.l fhr sale " T in nsti it UO-loMAN. obiltXtl Alum. Slorsh&Il an,1 tTiiirr Salt, just n-csirej u J i;t ih. neti a wia.s. i f rRAB Ciier Vinegar, just receive.! an-l f.r sal. br !v utiislltiioiiliMAN. LtWIS" Int. Lead, lo lu, So. . u.l Vi Ih. keg., ! jus. tec u .i,J lor sale by 111 Hsll A liOL.oMAi. ' I l.Nsl.KO, Susrm aud ri.h oili.jit r.-e.'iv,sl autl for , L i.. ' uli.-ii a uooOMaN. i ,iv 11.11 s'.i !...,. .ml U nn. flti.k.e. iusi nt- ! t ;;,Vn;rioVi.T, iicitiit u.j..iiiAS. j. d ike j.lSl Tssui.tf, ami f ir.sle . J) ' u- 'r' 'nVYsn a ii..iim'an. ; . 1 T,...r, si . i it . k.k ms. r.rieej - b f,rr,r is iiLiisii a ., kiDMax. I TI LACK Sll.KDleTEBa.nd MANTILLAS Ji.il r-eeir.l JJ e.1 and I. r e.le.hv 111 ll.-ll 1, K-I.M AN. ly OOP unit Zior Wah fwrd ltrot ra-'.GJx n l Putty, ... , .;,,l,.rra.li. or el.b,n.e.r all kin.1.,1 country I'r.i- j I i-iKkrv ftn.l tnnn n bth. iai rwmu inn pir , rtu.-. Ili-h.l msrk.lprn.sjl ail f..rell I ,RU 4 ' . . ....:..... uuouua.s. 1 -sKAeE nrower. ran earrr nn their b-asinea most sue- ; s-" eMtullr .t llauimi.rmo. nssa Imm .r.ssos sro fort iti-vard Mt out ttt pant .i-on. iulfrtiK- mcut of llamiDouton LaQdii, unotlicr t.utnu. SftOK Bti-lo-i8 and Fsctoii bb tVcarrtwd oo prof tv biy at Uaiuiauotoa. Bs atittrrtiseaieal uf Uatutnun ton Landft. BUFFALO HOUSE, LEWlSliVKG, VM0X CO.. PA. I i). iiitEIYEK) 1'roprietor. THIS House is the largest and most spacious in Lewtsburg, aod situated up posile the Court House, on Ihe most elevated and oleasant part of the town. The proprie tor, who has recently purchased of the late : firm of Lawshe i Set-old, has spared nennei pains nor expense io refit.teg and re-furnish- 1 f-Vcf ic h, ae.ll nd iudr. f r ' ISTFlea;- pre him a call end l'fr yeUrsl-i. ..5 It !-ei 1 .1B Milt l.rillltl i;liiuiiu. ia riuiLaci i n ., . . u to these pictures. I am eki err . V Dried Peaches Prtines.C urranls.liiinch ; . 1 . . ' ritHE undersipned.findin-limes rather hard I'aisiiis.Cooknig R iisiu, cheap Curon.Corn . ,1" t'nS.a'de ... vwheV' IT I ..,. offers h,s r". . Starch. Far.na. Ic:ce Flour. Flarcrmi Ex - ; ,fc"1 "'.ade ".bere- A m n ..-j ............... , v.. v . ... ---.- . ' I i r. l;ieSni.-trfcra. I ; (f hrtrnhfTltlt Hm '4 (furl. ' VI1UIUU III! fUlV. 3 XIUV. ! , ) 1 VehavC tested tlie merits Ofai n,htl.ttm, u mU Mti.faetin., and ar. fully . ijntrrcil(Di to j.ut turn It. Our ock to now 1 urnr.and aiora craislru tbaa rr. ml an cra . ris to rurnlhoarpironltlimrtbiiiiila oar im i of bo.lo"". t thlot tria lor CMh.or in n:nu , i ,T Wb.at, Hj: Corn, ot., iorriti. bmi-7. umoiuj 6-i, n.t s-d, Puuu, Bacon, Uutur, LaiJ, t-u: T.lli.w, S..p, e. W w aliwl par w 1,11 a 1 1 ia OT lro.in. Ji3L3-"NAILS. KKUS .Nails and Spikes, assoned sizes, fur a!e bv 40 riiAMi!i:r.i.ix Bros. - .SHAD. 11RIMF. Sliad and Jrv Salt Herring 1,-S ()()() LI- Country Ouvi Ua- ib rll lll:Kl:LI Ull'ls . m , . . AVIIITE MAUSIl LI.MK, ... - , . 17KESII from t!;u kiln, for sal.? 1-v Sf 1 r; BBLS. Enstport Horring jut t m il lin .iulily,n J rties.. - - - V TEAS ! TEAS ! TEA? ! e I 11 i i.-.. . i. .... I... ,. ...Hri... . i " 1. 1 . 1 v . ' . ..... v s..i. , ...' ni ' '' A K".1 srtl.'lir of Yuuuz lln st .'l t r-r lb. 1 IIAMI.KIII.IS I1K0S. COFFEE! (.nl'FEE! C'UlTEE! reeu. Ki" Hull Jn.a (.'gIV". l:-":..tisl an-t r...,iiil sl;,n,l...l,t nionti:!;!. BMIs. Cl.'CAUS! .L'OAKH! SUOAPiS! O jf ail kmJc, ouiri'ir -ihU. uti'l nt rf.v.fir QYKl.TS! MOLASSES! SYI.l'PS! T A 1 t.'i' lecti a it s rui . ali'l M-'tn.-i... at .1-trem.-ly lo J..-IC 4. Vll A M IIKKLl " I.HO 3. 1)LI ) LUE and White P!;i?tf.r. ami Coal, I J) (,riH.y CM M1;KK1.1. liK" . , r . . . . .it 'I 1 SALT AL1 AL1. "I l-'-il T ( .rrmiifl Alum. Mursliall VJ tli .ud t.Iort.; I H AM IIKIII.IM 1IKHU 11 vl ; - 1 kepp a constant svyU of vs - lernwL. Wheat 11, ur : .li Vn..-.o-li.iir. ' rtiAMiiKiit.lv mi,- ' - I'KKD. f 10RN". Kvc. O.tts and all kinils of ( i , ' cii. i jiutl. t ia:.t.tj' on t.u.l. .. n nor i.i.i .s riio s. ........ . ri'ii-ivi. I h'Ol'h. CUhI t 1WLNL A a.-'ortmrnt ot Hay Kopc, I IIW I.Hl'. Ir4 ll'UlF, ntn'J'l I .r-a a m liif. hint r.-ti, jp i ii 'Miu.t'.i.n ii; t i L At ft OQ LliIiJ. , CHAMSF.KLIN nr." ? FISH VIU FISH. 1 QO CULS. Fresh Mackerel, in ns- una-UaUj tn ll.lo wrcm. Aln. !i t. Ilvrrii-,-. ai.ii C'-if.tlf :rt:l hj rHAMlihl.LI.N IsKiJ?.. AV'ATEli CKACKKKSi L pet a monthly snjijdy, lrcsli v 1 rr-m m Bsio-rv, iiii' .,u.iii.j nM eltAMltfc!;i.t.N hft. ; tracts. Olive Oil, Sap c-a::o I h'ese, Uned .. l LL kinds of M res Dried APn e. , c-,n U!",' "P"" 'yie. m i ucel, Hoasted and l.rounrt I orfee, Alamaiitine ., . , , .. , Candles. Tallow Candles. Ouve Soap. Kostn " ? ,ha ieli y of expression and feature. B"aP- Peters.ve Soap. T .lei Soap. Castile 1 can le P'id '.v by the Camera. !si.ap-B3kerSChocolate.Baker-sCocoa,Ea.lhVer,,',l,7,i';e ri.ie.I. and I h.trih. I kins Soda. Sal Soda. Soda Ash. Wason i 'x,0!"Te V'ht 1 awa Tvun'?- ' urease, tvocnen rails, i uos, inurnsn ni-.e Sand, Ki.sendale Cement, Calcined Plaster Hesns. Brooms, Brushes. A lariceass, riment i i-f Tubatto and S-sar. c. Ac. iui a.c i'y ii .a -i i J ta i i Lii J& Lewisbur:, April 29, 18"9. I Srream !..-Ira Cream ! H I, a. s.. 14 , . ... . . .... , I i next door to the Irlesraph and ( In milr "luce .siaikei-sijiiare, i-euisDurg. i ne very j best in town. Call in and see ! (May 4,S4 ." 7 - . i tt 1 riT VV t .1, C.r,.l .1 in I .....- . UOA 1.1. 1 1.1 I 1.1 ill kliC SUU1C in Kewistur? j !iansstr'th on the Honey Eee. new edition, rnce isl.Sa. The attenlion of ail overs ol H .ney are invited to this valuable b. ... J'nt's Lectures on Fulfilment of Prophecy j especially as regards the I'niied states. IT. 're ! 411 cis. - This is truly a remarkable book. May 19. M.M. .MLKRAY. i Family Grocery Store. T. G. EVANS & Co., GtlNLKAL lH ALtn.- IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Kml.mcintr rtrry nr:! roinnjcD to thetnxdV. nnrha (JKAI.N, FI.OUJ. AND FlED, THA. COFFKK, MOLASSES, SI OAK, CIlKESi; FISli, FKU1TS. Ac. A'C. Ac, , . , ,, - Market itrtrt, of.pnte tlie lu,l Once, l,m iNbura;, lu. I rP Ct. E. V: Co. have .inst rccpivcil 1 . fresh from !'hilili.I'hia a triiu.-Q.li.ua .tm'k ef i Hkkil lir.s-ne ol tserji LH..I. atuoui; .lii.L .r. IVarlirs and Toma put up lu C.ua anil marranleil pur. and lr.ih. Dried Apple?, Peaches, Prime?, Cur - rants, Preferring Citrons, 1 lgS, Uatcs.Iiaisins lrom lii to 18, cU. per lu., Pick ics of all tlcsci'ijition?, Pure Java (ll'Fi:t:, ground, and pat upia air-tight Cans, ,-3l'resl f..r famtlT ust.. A Lirst i.t uj anterior .W.l CA EHEL. .IIA D, CUD J-'icsif, HEKKISG, HAM. BACO.X, Ac A General aseortment of Willow ami l;ir Warr.f.IaKS Marc, ijiK-rnsivart-, i:arlliru- ware, i.oiu-, iiiine, a.r. r-- I s t I I. ' f i g ir . . , rin v"' ' "If"' """ a tut Lamp YUkt Tallow, jViruf, tic. I ""'' . uiwii, ji.imi, ui. s;n,,s ,,f 0l L;n,l AVIirol CiP'iBn etc - luu- ut'- x ica.c, ui. . v - . - . LO0l!rrO flulj XigLlt9, a ll)0uc udriCin. i L'l,.- 'n,.n Mr.nl l..l...r....- I'r,,-., xtui, .s.., a . , s. u. ... RvC. OatS. tkC. tllwaVJ OU llUUll. i (iuods dtUvrrtd frte oj charge to euafomtrs - - . , m...;fj,n,r niIAih f in-i.uAri. - x.. ...m. 1 in ...nm.r.,. n ,n. .Tt.rir. whirls m. i r . . -...,s-i. , I1...3 1..THH 111. puotir local! an.l .iTHsiiueour ossoriioeni: t of Orocenea. tic ar. conn-lent ol is'tos al lv Ti, ,11 as ra-ap as in- . rau s vx ..uau.ii'uia. u ..ii ....n,,,:.,:,- .i,eit ,.ae .... f.v . us.raiiifcr j He fturrhase all mnnntr of i".Wuce, and pay a bib of anj Isslj tlo.. I la.wi.luri.Apr.ly.. lew.. T. 0 . ETANS iiCa j tsjTMARKIED tiU "I ET married when you wish, rnlv so you j IT call at MFAUDLVS HAI.UnAKL'1 kind: and .l a firsl rite COOK 9 I'fl V E al first cost, as 1 want to close out my stock of cook stove. JOS. MTADUliY Lewisbure. March 11. 1854. ALL wanting fats) lo ft DMitiMfoI climate, rkh toil. anJ tenure frotu trrwU. a'if rtiMinuat of Uau- mcni. u Lnd-. anmbr w iawa. exee'lent 6il. T) ARE CtA. e.a I 6 .1- FsrgaiD-musi fo. Inqmre of t f eoEM AM'iE , l.f itVar, A L LO V IAVH LIN 1-1 Vhila.Wiir.i. lv MomJ , , - it I.MMIW ol Haiti. 1,1 Css e's- per lf0 pounds 1st Class a - 40 3 xi - 4 1:7 - Special 8 " floods left a! the Depot in Philadelphia ff.' fi re 4 o'clock, F. M , will be furwarded iarn evening. Apply to I'cacfiei. 'tt ii'ir'imrrn. As', S0H A 'il Mai Ice t Si.. Ph.laJ. f. J. I ICU K, Agi. l.ewist arj. ! ewisSurs:, July I, l-.Vj. -1 FA,r s in Ihir nte i f .N- Jrrv. ikitl Ka ti Kt:. itL m c.y b it m T!i ltt-l l lar ltw, di ,iu4K..tj, i, .m i.nir.i. tr-, ll 1 .trm r ?.!..'; ir.tT,- , ,,,.,J,;, ., ,t ; -( .4 .u . I.y l.ailr..ui l..r ll.u.11.' i-to. , ,.r s i lr- 1. J. i-.ri.' S. 1 1 1. ir. r. lli.,ui' M1 ti r- f " i !.".- n-w . . n.-nt in n -th-r filuinn. 1- -- - 'VARIETY STORE i 1'OST OlTICE. I LARfiK snj'plvof Do'ikslalwsert, . J Pertmnery, Jewelry, Toys, Confection- ..... 'I". w ..... L' . . . . V..,c O -. . L . . . T ' ........... i f,, lures, and a variety of Alt K A At Kb fof sale t heap at the Vticij LEWTCsBlRG Pf)ST OFFICE. "Ll'lD AND PINE OIL can he hud at ih ' P'T OFFICE t MNE ;. !d PI N'S :t r La i.esard CCerts catt he f: L'l O Krecist Prtis a:ii Ear R.ns ran Le haj very cl.eap at the I'tlsT OFFICE )l"TTEIt, E-.'Es, I.ard end Poultry taken 13 ) Ea( l.ui.ge ! r tiooiis a the I'GST OFFICE VFEW iioaies of ICaisins, Fi,s, Llates anil I'li.cie Piurces lor sa at the PlsTOFFI('E : I jllDKK"? lor Bo. ks or Go, is of any kii.J , rroinptlr attended to ar the . z ,.. -, - . - - - I A IHI.CS can fill ! tne largest and h'rt assnrt- j fc.ei:t ot l.t;i..r and Note PAH:H.KnveI. POST OFFICE o es 4r. at the POST OFFICE uhnlhi. jos. .ns. j.j. eiLx. ja-aaij lewbbor? I'laninij Jlilf, aiircrcViij: seep cocstant'v ca hand ardl inanuiac tore lo order I'loorilisr. Siding 4 ! .SsIi. Shullc-rs). .llniiiiUiiES ot all patterns, and all 1 ;her descriptions of Ys'ocd Kurk used) m Biiildii.cr. Orders respectfully wliefed and protnpi'y filled. All wors warranted:;-E,ve satisfaction. ll"An extensive lot of Lumber of ail descriptions on hand fcr sa.e. Fart. .ry an 'nrl, Stci.ndntrittLtwirburi'.ra. April VS. IS;,. ;KGWRrs SKY LIGHT GALLER7, "VVER J... M'Fadden's Hardware tsiore. s Hardware tsiore. Shoe acre. Mai La- j lormenv iio'isiiti.ii s street, Lewi-bar?. Pa. ! A Jlliii U 1 1 1 r. V MI. I. A YD T YrFS. . , . In addition fared to ial, equal to HALI.0- oreo to ii; 1 . '"" i , PV I .(l0il I 1 1 I !)( lllllir.n .-" lut, .iiujutu. I JIAtl. iusi received their ceneral snrp'T ! 1 i f Ooods for the SPP.IM; 4 Sl"MMt.i ' '" tneirsiocK eoBsisis in part U tbf latest anu tni'st tashionate stves ol ' : JujiJL; J.il' J.Jiii.iJ so, h 8s shawls, Muntles. cruks. Eereees i i. i r' d Laines, iineha-ns, Punts, ol a.l DatttriK. Rihhons. !..-. Tt. ' . nr.t .s. i Iior.r.et I riromins llosierv. Cloves, Handkerchiefs. Ac. I'Oli 1 111. (il A I IMI V ; they hare a heavv assortment of Cloths. Jat ! .inir, Cottonets, Vestiiics. Half Hose. i ravats. and all other descriptii ns . f masculine t.-cuerr." which can not he b a, en in this re:cn. if Call and take a look at onr ass. rtn.er', and you will !e convinced that too ran'! d. better ai) where ebr. LT? Coui'.try 1'rodi.c taken as nnii. J. SCHRE YEK A SON. Lewitiir Aj .-i; 2J, Is...!. FCR SALE. H IO i Iil:iriliiof ih Irnn iy t umnirrr'til i otitic. Address 0,, Jlay IT. I-5J. Leist.rS p. o ; NEW FIFIM I THE OI.U MIOP!-The suhsrr-1-M jL respectluliv announce lo the ril'Tens. of Lewisl ur;; and vicinuy that they have ftiu.ed a Partnership in the Tail at the Weil-knoll , . Tailoring Business, wn stand ol James Criswell rrt .Market siree!, where ihev ate piepared o CiT AM) .W.tAt' I'loiu'-r m ife vei hest SIlTe t..n . an.l P...-. . ....... .. , eveiy ttescnpuon on si., rt n. uce. We ask- I a share ol lhe public patrorape JAMES CKIsWFLL, J. F. SCHAFFER. Lewisbnrz, April t, ls". HOUSE BUILDERS, rilAKE NOTICE ! The ni.dersi-ned ars I appointed A-ents for the sale of Ior, IiliiKN ji.. Window Sash of ail sies, maderf the best material. A'! work warianted. t y Made by L.li.J-PhOl T iiuichesviii-, Pa. and for sale bv (51 J F S CALDWELLiLewisbun; I. ..s.l,. . IK..1I i IMIf M Tr Olirf L THmming K'ft, a cnernient art.ci tur ,,,,,,,. . ,., Mm,i,i,,. a . i;nK SALE. CHEAP A .v and t urners 10 trim pamrotiets. cse. May S7. 'fit. C.J. -TAHL.Bork Binder. ". . . " " : " " K(j jjj irjflStOIieS.GrCCeUeS, 01 IHOnKf V n . vuaui 1 1 IT hundreds ct Hats and Caps of ihn a i i i .1 v J-' : . M'"- rueaptr man ear. i. 1 laie ......... . i . . n i . . a- ,, .n ... . i. .... .. ( ,,,! ,,, ir,-,,, i.;j.ir, rt ...... j, - .- .... - t cpotrTMrrn b icnTVJ w .;vui44.i-i " T.VE received IheirSECOND ARRIVAL I of Spring and Summer (..n ds. Ladies' Li ess ! Coo.ls, Matltllas, Bod a large lot rf , . , C( aj S1,. frm a,,in. Al'o a general assortment of Men's W.r. Triniiuirt;. C. tlona.ies, Cassimcis k Cloth', which will be sold the a p. Mav 15. 159. j-ruiaei ' '"""'"" ' .'n". .-;of that kind on band or lorrder by ih Le--isbore Book-nder. CHt Te rlu , II. f.CKlliHT, FV7f.cr. ftlarket street, next door tn Vrown .V Ritter's Store l.EWISBl I' A. PEKS.1NS wlabir.fi to cbaBvie ttwlr bu-HHM ! a e.p.1 ly li.er-a.ra c.ur'rr. a n-w setllsD.iir w.r t'ft deed. r 'dc. wb.i. "a. rtlcau. va n 4 am :ti: c: . . ' .....lL.ma- of 1 Ks-.e.' c. f .'e. I ..!- rfiseil Jiir. ... trnr -1" ' t'urn 1 dopy Meljcl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers