Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, August 12, 1859, Image 3

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jAtrisffiny, i'a.
Fkipat M.mN'ixG, Aral-,
1 -mrl :.-tll'.T". tl.-r.-liatit. M-rlmtlii-a
A I' ll n- T" ,n ''"' "J '"""r'- I il "-l" r
1 a-i.h I" l .iv Ar.-ll-Jl.l .1 t..ui.iy lira
;'."rj. ." '-''' -' '''"'' '" "
' i rirrulni-u i a is.iiiniu.i.tv r--t:tnli n
"(fill 1-ruiilltlTr,
i-u-uw i.
any III I
! Mill-.
Sec X-iv l.t'i'lli'Hls.
To all tin' roiln ! Town an l Country.
In enr a lvrriisin:; columns, toJ.iy. will le
;ritia IraS nutiee tl a lai i!" tiiiinlvr id ihe
; ah-!; 'I lan.U m-ar town, warning nil '.r
..ii, nil tisi.ever a:;.tiiit trcpnMii'.; npin
: ,,-m in ;i!iy manner. We. are assured tli-.it
ik.hm-0 I'k'hiis th ii it s:ivs, and uin!d a i-
,r our IWlnw c u i .-lis - t;i.ie welded lo
.;...!iii irons must rsp.-ct.il!y- to li. . i the
v.r:i":i; Given, an.l l-r.-:: i ail 'iH.ro.ii-tiiiii.-iils
ltt latl.is Ililt I'fliltll-HI 1. 1 titflll, U II l.-s s ;ii-
...i-re permission le t: n n ly "iv ir.i! c.vii t
Kifi'V man, in t.-iwii it' i-.iiiiiii v, i imhm- r ol
tr torn prt-pe'tv, ;rt I ih"o ran i-oine upon n,
tt.thiiit le.ivr. exrrpt at Ins peril.
Sonenitv it-.-iik ihis --pi.-i:y 1-mt, nn-I il-K-eral
ti h.tru: ::. ; i -t !'i,-; into a c' . 1'
woods, acn s- .a n .i.lou-,'' A c. lot! wii'ihr
him haim . r t ts a qn.-Mioii not toi ly-oi.tut
lur the iricn-: u-oi ds. im-ado.. s. Ac, ! de
ride, earh l.-i oi:i. -t if. 'I'lu-y pay heavy pi of
:'r every aci; cl' tiic.r s.'il ilirv p.iy tax-'S
ip.-n it, eveiy year ; an I tliey arc entitled In
ivi-rv apple upon it, tu t-vrty tony, ant t
v.-rv spear ot' Srav- J"sl as "' as a nn-r-.
i.int in town is -n 1 1 1 1 r -J to every Kile ft'-!..'!!
ii h;s sh'-lves, to every n ul in Ins It-, or to
. very eent in lii-s drawer, Tlie t.iriuvi lis as
inu Ii ri-jin to lir'p ii . iti I'rotn a shoe More
. r a jrorery. a slio-in.il.-r has to help
ii;"nst-ir irom ataiiii. i's pr.'nii.es.
'i'ii.-ie aie 110 more rlcvrr L-r hbcial iiu-n i.i
ij.e or'l than jost some ut those uho have
. .-'leJ tins noMe. hat wif-n iUeii uni':iie--s
Mi'! -:eiierosi!v' is impose. 1 up .ti. lie v Jiave a
t .'it to ju lite lor iln-iii .-Ives h. vv- far lli-'y
!i.iil C '. an.! what sate;;u.u ihev s 1 1 .i U i.u:-e,
-1 1 1 i what power lliey shall invoke, l. i tl:etr
; .t-i-tioil an I that ii.' then lam,!ifs.
line i,u'iiH-r v.lio h is M-nr.I lio- p.ip.-r.
; uncc leL'C 1 some htn.t. i not lo lii., uti
: ! lie h ul ;T l ;o.tlie annual oit el riani:' I
uii-ii Ii? uas an-vveie-l with most iiimiIiih-.
' -ii j'Ui-e, an-! ilenial. M, re than ci.e ln--i
ii I leiilets lii.iitr- in the air near iinn,
mi nv.kless or careless troni live to six
; -- t hili an-1 twelve to t'i :iy year 1 1 1 !
Tile lartiiers, it seeing, liave l-i lne these
v relics a:el mini's as Ion: as they ran, and .
r they proMi'ine an.! p.unsh to the littnost
. very invader ul' th.'ir rights, no one .houM .
i- inplain. Fair warnin-!
And now, a word to our ronn'ry li irn Is.
Veil have your rij-hts, your interests, your
r-'elms, your laws and you iutend to have
:rim regarded. Vpry well. Hut lei: ii tftm L
have our ri)hts, our interests, and nur '
le- firths. -Very well." Is "..auce lor the
f -"e, sauce fer the g.indir" also ! Esactl
WeM.then, we have m.rrA-Ii A;te in ottr
llorough, made tor our t-endil as well as
vours calculated to advance our interests
aird a violaiion of which snhjecis the ollender
to a fine and cosis. Dy that law, you can
only eiposc produce lor .a!' in market, ou
Wrtfiitttlay and KittirHuy liioniili. Uut
ery ntatty of ytt ddtbrralily riLttt t'tut law.
l'very day some of you might be taken up :
iiu I fined ! ;
That's a pretty had law" sune of you say.
lint that is just what some of our folks Hunk
; the laws which make you masters of your
o-n houses, orchards, hams, stables, fields,
and woods, 'fhf want tu r,o and come as
they choose, just as it suits them just as iou
uant to conic to market when it liapp-ns lo
Miit you hest, without consultm; the rv-neral
pood, and in contempt of the regulations law- j
I u 1 1 y made. I
Now if any farmer or garden-r is fined for
violating Ihc Market Ordinances, he can no
more complain thin the one can w ho violates
the farmer's laws. Both parties aie entitled
f.i the protection of laws. .-iih.-r ran coin- .
plain II punished fordelnn- the powers that
lie. There are very many, in h.oli town and
country, who respects tin- laws and the riv-lits
of their lelows. Let iho,e who do to I, on
either side, suii'cr the penally, and all the peo
ple say Amen !
Each coiiM-icneinus'y re-or lito; thr rights
rf others under law, m-oie tor -the rrreatesl
g .ul of ihe greatest i.nuit.ei," apd we .-hall
ail no RiiitiT, a-d eeou-e 1 r i. .'--li - an !
l'tter fiei-;hhor..
Sad ("Ast f i). .'Mvi n riiuts
day cveoitig I. . ctk, -MmUiug
Joung man ikxamjj k. sou of Junes
M'Call, of I'li'.'.a 1 , -:a, (Irowuccl ill tllO
millJam of M'Culi A. liiot'i.'is, iu Hartley
Tp. L'oiuu Co. Tin; ievea-o j, with two
olhcrrt, went in to batLe ; tlio others weut
out gome distaucv, auJ rturrii.', but A!cx
anJer,(it i suf poscJtii;-'! with a cramp)
went down, and rose no inure. The pouJ
was drained off, and the body fouud, iu the
morning. AleiaDdcr M'Call was nbuut
2'J years of age.
Ml UTAH Y. Saturday last, two Military
Compauies were org?tiiized iu Hurtlctou.
The following are the officers of (lie Troop:
Captain, Samuel Uarlier; 1st l.u ut. Jatiu-s
LubelU) 2d, Henry Kuhl. Tlio follow iug
coustitute Ilia officers of Foot Company :
Captain, Edwin Varger ; lit Lieut. James
Mu-ser; 2d, W. Kuhl.
A call li issued for the fonniug of a
new Coiupauy, at Crotzer'ii Hotel iu Mif
fltulurg, to-morrow.
feBCou.-iJerabltt speu'atmu is indulged
"i itlittlier Jlr. Huclianau will adhere ;
I J Lis ' d-.ciiuatioii," or wl.cther he will'
Vi ''ate Ins wiilten word, as he did to tiov.
Walker in tLe Kansas l.ecouiptoii issue.
Tiie Alb. Eve Jmriml eaj tbat ill tbo
Kansas matter strong influcuce were (
brought to bear upon It iui t ) violate Ins '
plcdgen, tut there will L nona in the pre
Knt easa : so that thera is no probability
-f Lit re-enacting John Tyler.
STSamuei. LlNS, Esq , of Hellefnnte,
response to an invitation from gentle
n from both parties, is before the voters
of Centre, Clearfield, and Cliuton counties
in ladependant candidate for 1'residcnt
Joig- He is an able, honest, and popu
''nun, and whoever may enter the field
fint him will find in Liru e tvv f-r
rc;a-l.eccntly, wo liavo had several tip
! plications for apprentices. Yo lb not
' uecd any at present, and "strapped"' jncr-
neyineu pass every week, soliciting aid.
Within a month, thiike of our ciebauec
newspspers one of them especially a bu
peiior lurnal bavo been discontincd.
The truth is, I'liuling, like mauy other
uon productive employ ineuts, is over done;
mid we advie pareuts uwt to encourage
their boys to turn theirattentiou that way,
unless they are ftire they have a lien
i Franklin or I'oiaee (Jreeley iu embryo.
t-O'-We notice? in tho Jersey Shore Rf
;.,.'. i ii of tlm 10th inst., about blXTV
l'ublic Sales by tlio Sheriff of Lycoming
county, eoiiiptiiiiio, as we mppose, (-nine
very valiriblo property. Much of it lies
in Wiiliaitisport, ii.e'uding the Itickitison
Seminary building and the liapllst church
cdiii.-e and als-. the Ltitliern Cltureh j
property in I "ra Li L 1 i ii tuwn.sliip. Luzerne
cutitity lias we should nippnse, 'JiH) differ
ent tracts of land also under execution.
And yet our Nation is sending off to Eu
rope yearly, millions upon millions of spc- '
cie lor gew-oaws and luxuries-!
SOA niau named Haslet was commit- 1
ted to tbc Jail at Lcwi.sburg this week, as
au itsane person, by Hubert Candor, J.
I'. iu White Deer Tp., hcrr, as well as
iu Jail, he has boeu very violent. The
proper receptacle for Mich persona is the
Asylum at llarrisburg, and we understand
it is contemplated to return hiui to his
home, if it can be found.
tTheiH; wi le three pleasure cxciir
sioLs out of llie dust from Lewisburg, yes- '
ti i day the old and sedate to l.ltie Hill ;
the J iitnger on a h'.hing tour ; and yet
another nil a "pi.: nic." A fiuo cool air
lor the Eieur.-ioiicrs and tlio Catnp-iiieet-
t-"..Thrre h .is been more ruin on the
lliv. r, i.'.. . ve and b.jltw us, than we have
eij '' I. II ..in is much uecdjd through-;
out our c t.ti'y.
t'v'Tl.e y l.m'.v fair of the State Agri.
Society is advertised in another columu, :
aud claims attLUtiyD. j
!" Mr. I.. M. I'eMoti, a:em, has liandrd :
us four ios. ol Siirorder's Lite and Times of
Washington, tor which he has onr thanks. '
This beautiful work is published bv Johnson, '
fry iV Co., -V Her k u, an st , . V., and is de
livered lo subscribers at 25 cts. a No.
nyCnl. Croier is a;eni for Mroh's Dupli
cating and Impression Taper a very useful
aiucle for copying flowers, manuscripts, &c.,
in indelttde colors.
!T?"Rev. F. (iearharl will preach in the M
E t'hurch, tnoruini and evening of Sabba'h
Kev. I. ti. Urown. of Mercersbure;. will
preach in the tier. Kef. Ch. at 10 o'clock A.
M., next Sahhaih.
.lilllirx lIlK lillflitll having positively
declined hem! a carol:. taie for re-nonnnaiion
for ine. Presidency speculation is rife as to !
lio .hall Itn- ctit-c.'r-fiil rmi-lKlile in the tli.-,rl.-li.n I
IV-iiTviition in t Juiip. ,s,.i.ii. pu..r- lht S. A. I'.iir- !
Irsh nl Im Dim troii.-t man. nix .ith. TK tlint lwm
l s tilt W A.- ; l.ul, tule .ltticiir.K are tl,u. amil- '
.nj .r troul.liui ljiiiMi. - nliut tlieFe aumll urTiirK, J
olti'-r prin.u of p... ji.i;ni.-nt an.l l.t hntf cme to 1
Hi r..i-)tii.ii v N. ,-enomieal twin, h in irKli-altva nf
I I.i ill i nil l.uv tli:r l-".l atel Sttooa .( It. Mrh. netit
.I'I.u.;t til ll.tiik. lu in n-.loeiiijr Lin (.rent lo, k I.,
ui.k ri'.iii fi r K:ill .iirt-h-is,-, at rtola.1.-lptii , hot. nule
ri.-es. um I ln.m mii.le work ma.lp t or.lr a little lower
ll.-oj l.v ny Ui-r ,.Hllli.hint-iit. (.'alt an.l O.
iinso tu (iiumiiv srsK.
Our readers mav remember we have on
latins of a prepaiaiioti which lr. Stru S.
lU.eK.ot Itu Holnmore street, naliimore,
M l., h a.s iliscovered lor Ihc cure of I'pilepin.
Kits, Novv, in doine so, wc have been actu
ated by the very l.e.-t ini tives, vi: the alle
viation f human surieriii'. From cireuiu
Manees whieh have lately cotne lo our know
ledge, v. e lt-ar there is a eeitain class ol per
son, who are not disposed to trv this rem. dv
iu a Common s.-ne manner. We allude lo
the f.iet of selei-tiii.; a pattictilar ease in a
low ii v In f e pei hap-. Ih re are v ur eij-ht ca
ses, and trv ing it on one ras. Mow, perhaps
It , rs- M l,-, t-.i ir. lit t o I e rtitv ..n.-ni (, ..!.. num
1. r it won 11 ii'.l ii ... 'i i. : j. n. 0 h.r 'l.ii ut: ih- ni-'-l r. i
ii.-r I li.- in. In iiii inoji-,. i j (.o. n ...rMlii, .i. ,ti i.-k-.n
i.. ti w uh li. ;.r. in . t.it, i r n.'tli!.orli.M-..
Wow 1 1 I h.-v H !t li. I l..r :i I lo -i.i.in. nr Weill n on; V . In.
eiii.!..T torn. an. I wil al'.l -.s- it li rur,t tlie lir.t r.
ti. til 'I'li il l.ln ' 1 I I...-. Lire wmi!. in. iu'.l iit'.ur'l.
s . in ill.-. f It J I o r.--'w r-m.'tv. rT.-rv ,-ne w'no li-.,
I-iIm-Ii-.u!.! Iry It I'-.r a ra, .ti:il,le Ifie-ih ef timi. It
wil! ni.l cur.- in a 'I iv ii w .-!( : nr.tl.in ; wrih d-'in
Mil I:.- a.-i-. in(.ti.l."l ut mi.-.-. W ti.it i, eu.tilv di-u.. i
1 1 - iiv n-l I.. u. '1 In- t rf.w (ti f time i. en.luriDJ. Ki . n
IS.. H1...I r.-.. .'tii' ie t. .t:li..Iiy wi h.tve exauiine.l, we
f. .. a.-.-un-.l li. o l.y a .rt.j.er -T.-e,.rnn. io ll.t. ri le
.It. tii-ii- fu". s "I K.iti'i .v out i.i l. n .-nil lx .in. -I. 1 h
l ill- 41.- ". in l y ni.il Ir.-.- -f -.i.t e I.. any -:n; cl Hi
w..ill. 1'rien : mn-l-. fl ; t-o tele Jl. Y-u
wilt fln.l ttic w.l.lr.-. a!.tf.
tisi: ot -i;v4 ri;i 1:1 m i;ic.
for Iii" rtirc tl Hvm-ip-uop iMiiar-ill-tv, ,tir 'i-m-
p;.il:t, .1 -f A I ' . flf ftfSF, f."SX " Affttf', ''. UH
,1 :;mr, H -.rt hunt. M C iV.jA4, " . ul. ttf, .Vii N-lmj...
iuri-i, .V.it..i. i"i(uhs. ....(,', Mlfl ti.-tfi-.it li!,iti'y,
i r :oiy M-t hv iln origin m ni.'-y-i( it tn. .
TL- M'rr. -m oil fl-is,. ,i onr l lliw i iti.v ns, tn
i lu-Uii M.hiIht t.f nirrteifl, l.n-wvt r', I'nj -i iun,
I. r. i itit-n. I'tntitsTi, Knrin r.-, mii1 olliora t- r-lilv, rt-
Hi- -t .',.,. i t-tiH HljJ ..rT'lyH M-ictriC for lllf 1IUIU
titalr tfi I Jir.-l 1-tTIUHII- lit t'lir: 'f IU- ui , t tl i m-
iliiuu HiiKh iu vutf i-h&txe or vibvr uf l.1" M-tMi-t
Mir i'h.t.
1 Hr-f it tt-rs were il'-ftcr. -I hy fltr.-ie B 'IiTeix, nn-i
in llnir t"rtut:!n -hil-r iutir: trin tlint ''1 nny clltur
u-si alma ol im-tli-tnt. f.ntiAintng oo nlfh- lml no
nuiit-i:tl of r-'i-on no iifi.tms druz in thir nature
t inr. n-'t stiitm.M.iMn, ri tmuoiK tli- ir virtufit m hut
-'Tjtif . Ui.'Y nr. ".i f i.! ii:ati n .tii'i a furm iri'l -.!" of
l-ln'iijt- n-hi'-h know tin t iT.it in pxtfrmiuntiiti; '1ieiiMi
ait-1 r -luiiuj" ill -y -t1 m t. iritino ir ul h t.ith.
Nf. nttlti-r ol In w IdHn uii-iin. or Ikwi-V' T ludne-! ir
t tifiiK m iti ilianit t-T llu- ill raw my W, do m:itt. t
tli it It h j -.if.'-'l tte rl. ul d Hit, I'liy; i- iau. an ( r;.-.ie!ctj
th- - ti " 1 1 of l-(iicitie, a i-tti;t- trial ol (iit-w I'Ht rs -a ill
(.jti-tv tlit Full rer that ioi Uit-rt.-r to amvbab.e tu Uit-pr-'T
r vine ty.
hi ! ctitiH'ity -"if th" rv rurrstff. -.-. rv tln Him
.lv r f-r. i.rt is la.l to I'm vMttt-n Ci-rtitlcnt-. tri m dlt
liHtin -in i mJi4ijal5 ka.'D all uvvr tiiu laud.
An OSduiute nn! Invclcrato Co.n of
!ysjM-f u ('urcJ by tlic JitttT!.J
T If f lli.trlo fr 'n a p -Itl- 0111 v 11 known In tha
Tv ;i -u 1 11 Wt.it.lU he i..tb uiikl to MiUsljr all IhvM tt iit
tU ttinU ' V n tov;y, X. Y.. .Tuly 2. IS.k.
S W Fowl- & Co ., U-ftH. - '
ira-t tU -o.l tti.it u.r- .1 all lt:Mti. iwpun,
iit b m allfi't'd in- V enure (Treat oMrtlr.D. tul-V-:-,
and tjloiitiiifj .ti lh bow-It Itllllt.ua l aiurtiui:.
i.f,MiuiMiid t-rri!''' l-a-n. in tl-e nianiHoh, t-lW
oct a-Miine O io- a. Ti.mitii.f ci .i;tv. aud b-adarh-. to
prilir w.ili p-uTi.i dsvii4iy euilenii;, aUutjetnir
itii.l r.itj: lift; a htirtl. n.
AIut hitiw tntJ frt-ry konwu UTil' -l willimit flH-t,
an-l ilf-i-ainmr if t-vcr r.-k-a:4!iiU D.y lct lina.th, I wan
iit'tniM-d U- makt ue-o ot the UXVi:fDl?d Blttwa. tiJ g-wd
rttWU -I wbich .!? imm.-lit.-ljr UW on tuy li-atltt
and - m IWUirr usinK a h"l- hotite I w untiri'l
t urrd; and I a il-paur io tnducmc !l fuffcr
r. a.nitKlf to make uacol ttia nmarkaWi- irmert.
iLnunJOtirff :farfcrt.
Corrffled UVcAtfy
PrioJ Apples
$.1,00 KggS 5 10
iVi Tallow I'-'
02 Lard 1-'
25 Bacon !
1,1'i Ham li!
. l,.)l SboulJer 10
II Clovmffd 1,50
6 I'etaV! "'!.... '''
I MAnmi:i,
I In l-wi'.iiri, sili inst., hy Iter. T. M. Keii, ITSNRT
I. MII.I.KIl amj MAUOAIIET llHIXRIllLr, tiuth of
J M'.nliur t'n.
I On Hie sih inrt., tv Iter. T. M. Ke. ABItAIMM
I I0ol i.f Nnrltiumb J tu. aliJ-Mr.. SUiA.N AMM0N3
j ul l.ew ieti.ir .;.
j in, tli 4th iT!t..tr ltT..1. P. Slitn-lle. In Suva.-r Co
l PAMDr.l. SKIIlKIt ami ( i:iLIN A 1'o'lTKII.
hi tli. rntli rlt. fir tier. J. V. Sl.in l -I, lr l M. RKIt-
; HAkt.lt ana MiwKUKMMi llllllilllol'SK, both ofMiJ- !
ai.-l.uri... I
on the tPlti .Inn. tT Pr. 7. C. Wi.T. I'rff. JOHN 1
K Mil. LIT. i! Irerlur oral Mon LI..M I KA, d JUt'it-r !
i t llt-ori' loit'-liua. ot V:rfl:nl.nrn.
n II..- Illi lilt., l.v l:. v. S shslim.n. Willi A M Mil.-
III:. .1 null ..I.--, an I !.. KLIlhi.'C'A llll.lil.UKAM,ot j
W--t lliiiraler to. iisl.lf.
i I tu- l.t in. I , l-v lt-r..l. Itreen MK IlKOIalK W.
llmll l.S an.l Jlia I.. tMLLINi: t.I OltTIl, both 01 :
In i:.-i n. .ih intr, Mr. AMI.MA JJ-NK.-1. ouly i
Jjitln.-r ..Mli I.itn Mui-'U .Sii.l.li r. t-uviMiurr tl i't ini-i. I
.i th. 4iti iii-t.. in U.-f.: 1-ttilj.k-e inwu Inp, J.-iCuIl
ll'd'St;!, n m-,1 itl. nil hi H,,rt.
In llrtlt t- n. Jl-t ult . tt IL1.IK t.IVK. u . t tf
nii-i .:irl.:iiH.;f i'l' s, Uv.- il 2 '.ir.. iu itiH.s xtfi : la'.
-H I'm- ...Ji Ili-I . ill N-T l.t rtlll, rlilM Ol lUlll-'l Hlltl ;
!u-.ii l'rv. ':t''i h- i ut'tiiili!), j
IOI M A sm .1). La.ly's lus(rr. I' ll '
al liic ('lirtmit'k' Iiite I. r iht tium r. I
a:i:i.iu tv v i i'M.w
lie .13 .H lull UK 1 ..((111 J.ciUP
st: .jiiom ,i?p:i .fNiNipi it.v Mtiii"...t: j
-uu .ui.'.lij .iM'i n i: i; jtij n i in trfni
."1 llllll IH.tUrJ,i J( 'M.IIA1 Hill, I
l o Npuun .ni hi nihiu Am rfiL'j 'i l.w i
Auditor's Notice. I
fHIU niitlei. signed Aiuljtor iippuintrtHty thr !
hphun. (.'null ot Liii.tii ('ouhty ! ic
p.til ii poll ti.e exeepltiuis lili.J tt the A-hnmu- '
iiad.Mi A'i'itii(l oi Hfvt e i lrel;nr, A Iiiiiii
iUdttu' oi (si.oHoK ILf( kLii, .1c M., wil, meet
the p.tit.es i't-ticetri'-!. tur ili;ii pin puve, at
the hiiiialue Jh-uf on Vtt i ha , - I day of Sep
ieinter iift, at 10 o'elock, A. M.,u which ail
uiieiejicti w ill please take .iniiee. ;
ALIiKKT 15. Vulisi;, AuJit.ir.
I.ew i'.l,iii-;. Alii'. 1). .r-
1l..!HTlo. The .Ninth Annual llxhi
j bii.i.n ; iJie IN'tiiisviv-Mtnu sUie Ayn
I'li.iui il iSc ity. will be ht bt al I'nweitini, I
rnua I ;nhia,oii 'i'de.Mtay, We ineday,Tlinr
day and r'ndaj, lue -i;h, -ih, '.tin and ..'ttii i
d-tys ol S'-pIeiuiitr nei'. Ou ihe Js .'pleln
ttt, tiie Secretaiy will remove to ihe liuom-
of ihe Phdad'-'piiiai N- cte'v t'r the pnunotion
l Aiicultnie. .No. i,' (.'hr-rtnut Mreet, I'lnl-a-ielptua,
wlifie I.uoks l-I Unity tut ihe Uxi.i- ,
bitloii will he opei.rd. i
J.L';ler adt!ie.--etl to the .SVcr((riy,at ilarrji
hui , er 'harlrs A. Il if, !i'ikttHioi w ill
met l with attcLtuxi i.Il Is; iepte inner. j
A. O. Hi:isn;!t, .srotury.
I '"(J 'Oris fi.-r K .iiiU. tu. ii, carried on all the
Railroad-, in tlie Mate.io and iro,frt at charx. !
IJotice to T-rerpasssrs.
pcr.-oiis artf c.utiunct. atainst tre-
A u'
pasiiii; on ihe oicnaru or lan-U i I t tie
suu.'riliers lur the purpoe of tht'CMiif b,ru
or cotmnilline any oiher trespa.unwarrant.i
bl .', as wo are determined tu prosecute a!I per
sons thus olfetidiii!, aerordmp to the Act of
As"inbly in such case nade and providt i.
W ltsc.ll I. J.IIIII,
Jidiu lirown.
Jacb tiundv,
J. ti. Krott-n,
Abraham Kniwn,
Adam Oundji,
Alex. Penny,
'Thomas 1'ennv,
(iih'.lrry lleck,
Francis ilsuii,
Jaci'h Brou n,
i. F. Miller,
.l..hn -Null.
East Itufl'aln, A II?. .,
.l-hn G. Blown.
William Brown,
John C Gundy,
John Gundy,
J.dm Penny,
John Htrohecker,
J. V insert,
Michael Brown,
V II. riiamberiin,
Joa. W. bhnner.
Notice to Trespassers.
TIHE indcri(iied, who have hneunto set
I ihrir names, citizens 111 Clulllautiaclue
and I ui nt tnwnmupti, nercDy Rive nmice uiai :
Iierenlter they will prosecute In Ihe full extent I
,.f the law every person found IrespafSin-; '
upon their premises by hiiiiiiii',' with a cun or
loc, li.nni' wnn a seine, cariyiug on nun or :
nuts, or in any oihr way epasslg upou
our premise.
Win. Harnhait,
Wm. K. I)-ntler,
llohcrt Lyon,
Junaihaii WolTe,
Wm. Cameron,
llrnry Walts,
Tho. II. Watts,
iMmcl Sterner,
Henry Hummel,
John Frederick,
II. P. Midler,
Sol. H. Waller,
J. A . P.iiiler.
Willi.im Houel,
Wm. Stiver,
I hu h rani,
Jacob rileruor,
Samti! Kyer,
James Knel.
licnjainin Khinr,
Kev. (Jeorge iiletiiehiiig. mJ
Notico to Hoirs of Engel Schrader.
n.' i rnion (Tminiy, ss : The Common
. L.S. ' wt-aiih oi Peiiuylvania to Hannah
--.-s.' Stluadr inierniarned with Jacob
Schawv.r; 1'athanni Schradi-r int-Tmai i led
with IV tr HiiiL-nian, uhich Cnihannt since
d:ed, leaving crh: children, vi. Elizabeth
inarnd to Jthn l hair, Julian married to
J lu'inas Suarr.'.. I're.li. riclf, Jidin, Hannah
ntarrird tu Jacob m s. ('a'hanne married to
A iron Kline, Mara married to Jacuh ReMi,
and l.avma married to Ju ph Hi uni:er, i the
said Kit deiick an.l John liiiiRmau, iau oi the
children d said Caihanne, are dead, and Ult
i -ii-, Imt ii n.t kn-wn toth 1'ourt ti w many : ttiat
.IhcoIi St-brn-J. r. w.n ft Hn.r-I .".hrii.lr. ilwrtwtl. diiti In
the lit timt t In -in I lHtb.i.i.-i Ult i-u,twochtldrfD,
wit : .ta '-t an.t llttnit ih. wlin-li H;tlinti lit intt-rinar-rift
witli .lut-fh Mo'-k : tint all th aU.ru mtnifd tirira
r nidt in the rountv of Snvit-r. ('l't .'afib l.t'inh an.l
V:nt;i!i tint wif', who r--i'l-!i (tnt-w herd in tli tata of
Mi'-i n.ai. and nir" nt I-n-dt-ri'-k Hitwammi. dfiir4-J,
kim. n -i-J" in or u. ar Ivllnt-w. m tin ."Uh- ot otiio : t
ilr itud Ir-jnl rt-jTi-M iitati-T'-!! l l.u:l S' tira-lf r, IaIm ,f
M titit-y t woliii-, iu the hiui touoiy ul t'uioa.decLadcJ.
V lu r-iia, t-y an In'pit held for that p'.rr-vw jrjiy
flwr irl by th Orphans' t'ourt ot tbn county al.re:ild,
tht-Ki-l Kittate or lb! fid Lnji-1 S-hr M-r, dernxt,
dimulf in llarth y t wiu-bio. I'tn'on finiitv. a-lj .tiiiti
l.unin ol Jrffnh Hi 11 cm an on tlm Ktift. lVnnsrri-.-k on (lit
.(-tilt) and North, and btnrta of Ih-nry K' t-rotf m t b
wftt, -onttinii5 lour afrj inoif or If- with th a.pur-
tnac',. whi-'b eaid ft-ai vstlat"" wn t.tlu, J and a; j r-i'
.1 at an.l lur tb aiiut uf oo btiuartsl atjj bit tlollars j
AU'l .l.r.ia. nnnr,fth h-ir of t!ii I l.vated ap
pt.r. in court on the twa tu ni in jrieit..n. io
tnke lb prmia llir. iti uianliuued at tu apt.raiamiit. 1
V..u aii.l TrT i'f T..I1 ar a-rl ..itt-tl lo Iwt aDil .tiuar 1
at ttii: nst sei.r;il Orphaii'i. "i.urt lo be h!d at Ui.ia- j
I.uri. for tli ts.uiitr ,.f I uu n. cu tl,. l it, d.r ol f , p- j
leiniHT PI-AW i-T'. tai- u- llirl 111 lilt i
tttid luqui-moD. nt the lui.nin tlnTt-t,ir xhnw
phum why the O-urt bh i'.l iot U.-crw- tbtijutou- tolwidt.d.
t- tn iurl . uiic!n my ii-iiiii, nn i -i.ai rn t-ftJULOUrt,
hA Ul Kl. KOttU, CKrk.
""vll, Outlines of Character and Manners
f by MISS I.tLlti. une large 12mo.
volume, cloth- Price Sil.25.
Tli'i. hi.-hty intireiiinitio!unecenfaiiithb.t aarlaa
i t t'tlcii ltl lwul troul 111 American press, it con-
Vr'a.'wa.liinitoo I't'tla. lh.05.. A nrr t.f ibe
Mr. Smuh. i la.t War lth t.i.e:ti.l.
1'otl I'liihp. Tatar Junes. A SltwUUlxoin
Th.' Album. '
1 h. .Vt ol l liina. Th oi l Farm tttiat.
I..iurl lx.t-l. That iiutltn.u: nr. Pencil.
Ji.lniVV.KoUvrtJ'.-o. l'UeTale mn on hiil.arX
rf a tVnt. Eiia'.ie 'uiiln.
Tin lll' Hall- t .-nt.ty Lwtioj.
Th s.rna.l.i. fpnalaae AlUrma ; or. The
l h ll.l tt.. : or. i.-Tia at Mbiuulu Hulls.
Ui Ui U.ral W at n. '
S eithibii'd in the Lives ot Celebrated
WOMEN nf all sees and coun'nes
conipriftn!; remarkable examples of Female
.i.rai.-.'li-iotTt.lne.-i'l .If-tawriHee. Pt HEXhY
V. WAT-KlM. One large Tolume lmo-.clctll. fta.
To t br-for tlie Womeo nf Aineriea exitmplea for latl
llation in the mo! trring tlrcmattaneat. la tli. object of
tlii. hmhlf inlritinii Kook. Lai lb. r.din( and .tu lr
ol aurh . work broM ronimrn. and our wta, motlwra,
nal.ra anil rtauSbt.r will hom- mor. T-U'tt-r
ts-selunoii. fortiluit, Bd self wwrinoa, than th. 8p-tft.o
females w.-r of old. . .
Kry Ijtdy In Ihe l.nl theold hT. a ecpr of H""
hiCbly inureeting Book.
J. s COTTON & CO. Publishers,
Nn.409, Chesuut St. Philadelphia
Th' rWihers will send eilher of ihe above
popular Books by mailjlree of posiafe,lo any
ran of ihe I'nited S'ai-, .tp.-n reef :! f ih
pari i
Langstroth's Beehives.
The nnderic;ned. Agent for the above
Meehive i.,r Itntrnioe Tn. is nrenared
to dispose ol moil I wnnin inai
ownship. I ' Also, lots 01 ur.r. on nana
lor sate coiisi8iiii.
Persons bavins unsettled accounts for Bees
or Hives, are requested lo pay up dining the i
next Union County Asrirnlniral Fair.
Aiitf. 5. 18.W ' OEO. STAHI., At
Cum p-Moelln?.
A I.f. the Of nts wiio inien'l pin!! tn fa m
Mining this season, also those who can
not make it suit to a if ml, are coniially invi
U'd lo c;iH a i the new !l.itr.siallihmeiit opptt
siftf Walis .lre lafwishitrg, and tiirnisti
il.cniservt's wiih the f hfapest ami latent style
HATS ami CAT-S ( W Umtui in this sefiiuii
ct 'country. A practical ll.Htfr i the person
t hoy of, when ymi want n o.hI ll.it.
! yCountry proilm e taken in eichjti-? fr
lh iiixive.
T Tra Iiits.
rfHH onnty SiiperiiH-ml. ht will l in at- I
I len.laiH'.e at the iew School Uuil.liii.on j
'ihnrs.lay the 1st of Septemhrr, al H nVlorL. I
A. M., t' examine perns wilnn lo inak
:ll'li.::itii'ii I r the m'i.m.I in this Hjroiuh. !
t irial M.ile an.l 1'eiiiaie Teachers will he i
UMiiieil. teht'i.ls in cointm iice Mim-l.tv 1
eptei)iher l"ih.aii'l rnntimie open m m nih v
V.I. l.r.lsru, Sec.U'ii ol Da's.
l.e-Athur'. AuL'. 1
1IO, YI-: I'KOPIA'.!
M:u Hat i:itallilim-iil
ned iu tli uld Tn! tiiiit-e stand
isii? W'alis' sture, uliri- tti( l.tlel styli
liie litit-M liiilslicd Il.tts aiid t'aps in tin? i-.iiiu-
try can be ha I at city prices r
't:intrv Produce. l).ni lail to c
amine ihe stuck. .Iu!;' -P. 1
ciiv rinivs f.ir 1 :t di .r
j Io.ds shinned from Plo!ai!' !idi
ds shipped from PIj
A . ty W'ALftOWKK'S Line ar .t)i -re-hipped
at Harrisburg." (as would a- ar by
.Mr. Peipher's adviiisPinnt) but gt"throUi:i
u :thoiit dlav to their destinaliou ou tut ?-u-qnttanna
nr the West Pranch.
Jn'y if.it C. ;. PlilCK, Agrn!
Lf Hits of Administration or, t!ii- e-s-late.
..I ANNA il AL'CK, late ut BalVai .e toun
hip,Iv.'ii:n Ctiuniy, tltceaed. have been ti un-t'-J
tn ihe undei.Mirned, ail persons Uno'vin
themselves indebted I'- idid ei.tate are repie--ted
tr maUe unined:a!e payment ; and i.i.-m
having claims a.ain-t uu id pre.-eni t..e-n
propei ly auiheni.cat.-d for seiileiiiPiit.
P irtaWc, Jn'y So. 15:.
rilllE subscriber, wuhine to purrhae a'
J quantity .1' SUMAC '.H C'V i'ie ,
holiest market price lur ihe raw ma'eria! :
l!i.. 'cave-:, well dned and tiireshe 1 I'r.-iu tl:
stalk. To he deltvrret as sonn as prurrieHl-le j
at Ihe Tan Yard, foruirrly uf Henry W. Frtf ..
in Lewisbiirj
July V1-, t?M
E. J. HCI.t,
Dress Goods, at Cost
determined to sell off their
Summer Silka and Dress Goids,
nr at cost roil CASH I ..
... ... , ii ,
Il you wish to purchase, call an i examine our
Ii., K. A. M.
Lcwisburt;, July IS, BM.
Not A'ready ?
V At. I. .viriav .(M rr.-ti. wno
would study ihe wan If- of the lovers id f.isho-n
it' he did not ? Kcho answers, who ? Hi
large Mnniner wtocic now closine out of '.ant.
Larpe assortment of latest style Soli Hals just
received. Stop at OIIISO.N'S lur Har-jain !
Hals made to order at short notice Repaired
without charge. Ltllie place lo tin v Rood
and cheap Hats is of an experienced Halter.,
New Firm New Goods.
TIIIIC subscribers wuuM respeclfully an-
noiiuce t. the I'lildic, that ihey have
entered into a Co-I'artnerslup.at Ihe old stand
cf J. d; J. Walls, under the Firm Name of
We have just reeeived a fresh assortment
ting ol
Clotli". Cassimprc.-, Veftlliip". l'.i-
dy-.Made CI.OI'lll.Mj. I 'a rpetiti Oil Cloth,
Isheetin, MusiiiK Linen, I'rilhnits. Ac.
J.AD1KS' PUEsSrf GOODS ?ti.l.
a; Calicnrs. Shallie. I.ann, Ducaln, Berates,
Jh Lames, Black and Panev Dress Silk'-, t im
hann, ShawI.Orgamliey, Viola phi incs,V:c.
Also, a Iartre stork of !i:ovn;!i:s,
Hardicare, T'edar anil Willow Ware, l.iokins
i.lase;, ilaivare, ijneensuare, -Vc.
H. I,T, FISH, FLisicr, and Cal,
constantly on hand.
Country J'roilticc taken in c.t.li;in:.je
for (foods as usual.
-j?T1io litu'lifnt niarlti.'t u i:c"'i:iitl
in Cash lur all kinds of ; It 414.
.KiHN i.i.-.
j iiin SMI 1 II.
W M. M. V AN VA I All
I. ewisfciirj, July II. ISM
AdiulnlNlralor'ii .oUti-.
"jVJOTK'E is hrrehy given, tliat Letters
x of Adiiiinisiralion on the 1'st.v.e ol
WILLIAM .E IL, lite of Hartley township.
Union cotintv. dec '!, have been cr.iiiieilii.tli
utidersiv-ned hv Ihe Ke-fister of I'nion ruumy
in uu 'olin oi law ; lueieiuie. an iri.wn i in
debted lo said estate are requesieJ lo make
immediate payment.and those bavm any )ui
claims aie alsU reauested lo present tbnu lc-
gaily auiheiiiicale.l fur settlement.
Hartley Tp, Jn'y 7, 1859
The nndersiened keeps con-
slanttv on hand -ncA Hurrscf'
sizes, and furnishes every ar- I
tide required by Ihe milling trade.
Complete satisfaction guaranteed t"r every j
article sold. Millers who prefer ih solid j
Rurr, by givint- 4 lo li month i' notice, can j
have their orders eiccuted at the quarries in i
France. Address WM. H. KKI'.NKIi.
April t, 189m6 llin-ritbtirg r. v., I a
REMOVAL. Ir. . I. Wt-jlfrt h
removed to the house lately occupied by
Mrs Kincatd. corner of Third mid Nt Mary
streets, two squares North of M.irkel St, east
id. OFFICB in same buiMiuj. South door
en Third St. Lewiiburp. Isov I". lijiW
Executor's Notice.
"VT0TICE is hereby given that letters trsti
mentary on the last will and testament
of WILLIAM KEINKKD. late of Hartley
township, Union county, deceased, have been
granted to the undersigned, bv the Registerof
Union connty, in due form of law.therefore a'l
persons indebted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and those having
drfims against the same wil! present them
duly authenticated for settlement.
GEORGE BOOK, Executor.
Hartley, inly i. 19
"TTAKlObS patterns Cemetery K.nlmcs to
. , A ,!-, nromntlv ailei.ded
to Th(s (unl brra lvng ,abi,,tiej, m.j
! r..m sire manv saiisfaclorv references. We
name I.. Palmer V i'.o. at l.ewi.sburi;.
J'ersons wishine fun her informalion or any
work in ottr line will please address its at
Vi, Market aS'., IfarrUbunj, J'a.
July 1, p.lr.m
Something Extra Nice!
RIPC T.HH.Uit?s Xcw rotators
C'ucuiiil.er-i IVa-.---Oalil,aj;r Kipr
Apples ami other Fruit ami Ve-t:ihtev, nr
reejve,1 hr Kiipres lreh TWifK KVr'KV
WKKK l.y TU EVAaNs i i
I.rwi.sbnrK, Inly IN.'.!)
OLD l-opper. l.tajs .spelter and I.c.itl wan
ted, for uhie.li tlo hititst market puce
will be paid in cah, al the
!Vnna. 11. Ki ad, above State ,-lie t.
Harrist.nrs, May tt, I.4.'illtiif.
.N X and evry ile-criptioii td I:a' u
Metal Ca-linv made in tlte mo-i
pneci mai.ner, t ttie bct inatenal, and ai
lowest niaiket prices, al the
Penna. R. Ror.d, atove State street.
Harribur. May tiJ, IH.St'uiG.
Josiiih Raker & Co.,
UAVM m.iu'i: arrintnnriils wiih K.
C i.ucnc .V to turnish !.' pti cut.
hv the R'-L nn I 14-air lib!, a-, c.Vap as it can
I' b.-n.-nt in J'hilj i-l;d;:a.
! 'I t.'t-v" h.ive alsn ju-i rev eivt . a peneial as-
Soltlllfllt ol
Jdii) Ua.i
I'iliiils iiml ilN,a-iH and rutty.
G!L&L VinHt3,t25,
l'.KL'SillvS ami l'KKt'L'MKICV,
Pine Oil. all popular I'alent Mi'tlii'im-s,
LiiUtirs.'i'iibd'i:o, S.'iiiQ'.Iiii, Suia
Ar-li, Vi hrcl llnvf-r, vVr.
VI l!i.- ali.-e am. I.s . rf-rr d VE!;V
CIIKAI KOK C-:I. fa. I l,tl'..re t.ujn t
cliu ln-re. ii.ii M..iiii is -
Small l'itlt(i ., ni k .Saln-i."
r 'A nl
! "I Hill I' opposite lower ami !d TownC'locl.
; .1 V Vou can lind a new and lai hionable Slock
i ui Ifttlilllg to Mill Ihe your.-; and u!d -,
fluthins; lur wnrm days. Clpthing fur old;
All colors and styles of Clothing trii; be
j Kepi h-ie to fit y.-u lust call and see.
' l is nil wed made, and sold so Iur
Thai you can aflord to buy, we km.x.
Ve have also on hand CI.O THS, Casinetts
a lin e lul of CAKl'ETS, Woolen and
...... . I nt DL.I.J'. Ll
' m.'ii-iii ' .!!, .1 a utiaii A uiiLia rtiso lour
. 0c,,., Wa!1 p-.,,, Sbl;. Cullars. Ilun,3.
HandUfrchirfs, Hmiciv Ac.
Which can be buuszht cheap nt our New
C!r!hinp Store on Soulh Third Mreet. P --.ve
call and examine for vourselves. Teim
t-en-lsuiiri. 1.1a, tt. i. ....
fv I fv .
(Lumt teiifiiinit!
and mill (.i;fiTrn urmdinN i rr.HL:
rriHE ttnd-Ts.cned.findiiip times rather hard
I and nv-n'-'v crce. offers ht; K
now on hand (which la the largest id the'
I'ouiitv) at
i1?".o mistake call and exaiuino for your
selves eilher Wholetule or U'tvil.r Store
keepers and others engaged in the .-shoe Irade
will lind it lo their advantage to call and look
al his slock and
83V9 at least 25 per cent.!
tl'lillf ;irtlil of all kinds rf,.ne at
very innuerate prices and HEPAiKIM. at the
siiortrit itotire.
lJ Don'l l'-rpl Ihe plaee- mxt iour to J.
. .. llsa' .v..,f. LF.U IsHI RIi.
llursh & Goudnian,.'' ii'i'i..dti'ionry
New Spring & Sinn'cr (iooils
AVI received and opened a CHOICE
assortment ol all the latest Miles ot
-.i in and J-uiiiiiiT Ooods. The pamcutar
aiteiuiou ot the Ladies l-i called to ilieir stock
Co liars
Meet es
Uress Silks
I h.ilhet
iiti:hains ln.eitincs
Foulards Klqings
Chinees ii loves, Ac.
ALSO fl..ih, Pla'ii and Fancy Cassnneies,
J. ans. Tin eds, estines, Miisl.ns, Drill
ings, Tit-kiln's, Flannels, Boots and
IVShoes, Hats and Caps.i j
toriher wiih a complete assortment of
j (Jirjijcric?,
('cliirware, Qiieuusware, Sc.
a'l ol ninth will be disposed of on as lavora-1-le
t-rnis as the same articles can be purch
ased any v. here. due us a rail .'
V0. 1 Varlo r. I. in br, uart-r. Mil i :i ti n-.i... j .it
vo. :
r. tmlel.r
HCKMI t ti'lLM-.
V'l- 1 sbaj, t alia) juat ttct'iv
i -I nr.tl f.-r mV ()
ItTHll t-: V'l.h in hail acj qvM
tarrt l.-, iut recl'-il
X Wl'M .N.
ii -J tor '-D ty
TKKHI.l. in trhL-ltr. hatreli. in
' uii lur tatie tv
CRAB Ciier intvar, jutt KfcalTt.! n-l f r
Ul it.stl i u l a.
LhWt 1' bit lart. In W
jut itH. ii n-Cil to. n.ilt) tv
Vi. an I V.1; IV W.
kb til?.j-Jt T1 sri !:r
Mitt t'V
I K If A I', lots, l-.ru Paikt-tf n-l r.d buckrtn. Just r
crin-i..,..: t-r rultf !.j lit hMl i.'H.'i MAS
M I I S M :ilt-ill IN.
Cli:tt. Sbuvei
Mftauro -dJ H-iy ork -, ju 't rrriTl
ir.R iXVTIiBi ei M ANTtl.I.i' Jt tei.
Ld hritibj HUt-EH 6 titHiIiMAX.
irCOLT.n-lZiao WiuhBotuilis KrtK m-,GliM nU f'uttv,
Cr ety t4 tnu Urv. jutt rci?t-(j mU fur saI
efavp lor ch, or uefaamrn lor all -indf ccarttrf Iro
du. ii.tiKtt wirittjt eiic i.4;d fM-.ll kindsuf Qtia,
L Uift OS ilisa cl -Uf ft iU. t GOotlMAN
GB AVE Gir wi --An rarrr on fhr ttv-Inw most m
ctnf-liiliy t Hoiuoontoo, lr frctn trit.. oin
frrty VioTr1 t out tba t wtwn trt t4vrUs
mw-nt rt liajn moDtoo Lanilt, saother eohimn.
v T jl BanFt i.-i Ftctnr- rn nrrv-i on prrflta
' b v t Uftiamooioa. fcittrtuetB-riit ot Utunc.-.a-i
.n l.srd.
1ER5' -NS -ntioR fhinpi of rltnit. frr baltb.iwc t'l--t
?rt:c-tint laioi Dtf-a Lsudr. kotti-rcrlimo.
0 a
'isfifi-nifc r't ft-.T.illttr.i.- ItiC-c-t
l.t B-ishiu-, M.,v ia, lhij. j
in 0: .V rv
iqaml.crlin pras (CflrtJri';V;ho;:ll;s,.l',XE
' i i 'j 0 and fruiii I t;;!;idt!jhi.i.
! VWc have tested tl.e merits ofa 1 It..iuciioi, ol IfnteS.
rsob tu-fiv-tti, to vuf mtinr ati faction, nnd ar fully
Jft-rmiivr-J out to tltftiat fn.tn It. Our t-i;k bi new
larf r, mad more cnmpUte tUmn c tit. iiJ we r )r
pre.l to furBL-h nur ptros itb ttrtltiO io cur !. '
ol tU"iuri, at 11m- lowe.t yn 6-r Cah.-.r in Itanirt
ft-r lTlat, Kr. Cm.Oata, 'l'.fr-.-d ll.trl.y. Tiue-iliy
Sr-J. Hx S.-J, l-uuiuea, KacuD, luttu-r. Uil, K;,
Tll.., S...p, c.
al- pa rab t.r .11 kiwi of Prtliirt
rsi . -in a. . .
rJAjiij--J-N A I LS.
f 'kKitiS .Nails and y(iikes,asori'--.l sie.s,
lor sale fy
Cll.lMRKKt l IIK.I !i.
KIMK Shu.l ami li-v .-'.ill Herrlit-.'
15 0(K)
I. I'S. ('iiinitrv Cureil li t-
- - - , tOU -jjj. g j-iK-iii-i- t-. mi ti.tuj. it
y t II vMl.i;: 1.1 j:;o.-.
from tlio kiln. I'nr ;:ile l.v
iiam::ki;i i kii'i's.
I iDr,-. Kiisfpoit ULiriii'r just;
'-'i.i.iJ. Ini q. ii.litv.au 1 -li:'f j
- - -
'-"' " " TI'.A-! TKAS ! TKAS ! V
i ? lime r-i; -it. I a l:.r.- t.l it "kiiiit .juat;t
. . ,.i..i. ul i' v T.- i..n. . V..rH
.-.-J arlKl o. V. uS ll.n at W ; .. J r IK I.
'-- ' -' ' -'--
l ... K.,.iJaa,.,:. i:. ,.i.-,i,ir ,.J
.i... U:i.;-i. t., rin'.n:i.i;l.i.s f.i...'s
Sl'tlXl'-s' li:ll-- '-M'CUi--'
-ut.1. L.:
WIA-1..M.1.1S .i...-.
C"Y RL'IV: MOI.A.-SI'..-! sy rits:
k 1 - h..-..- .-!. .i.n t .'vm, !. a?. I M la..-, hi .x
lum- ly l-.'w prif,-:
t'HAVliliU.I.'i Mil's.
pl.UCand White PI:t?tPr.nii.l Coul.
A I i r".;i i imniKCi.iN iikhs.
a T.'V .--l-l.- , , .1... ,f . . ..tl
( i..r.L...iriiiiini .Aiititi, .'iar.-ii.iii
.Jl 1.1 aii'l Ujliy Sjll, t. r a I.r
lilAMUKKl.tV III:. is
l -'Klirq. a constant siipfh-rif Wes.: j A1,uu , t ,;
t .lOli.t-..;! I :.:-i-h li i.t.i of I.-v.r tii A
fi-:ku ,;,.'r-.,A'- """ ..
-UN", IJvo, Otits umI nil !ii:ils nl'
V u"',s"li:':""""Jl,"",Kt:i.,v
j;ori-:. cji;is & twink.
4 I'l l I ...i,.,. ,,t ,,f n..,. !-...
- . . .... ii... iii, iui Ji 'in-,
-. '.. I'll MKKKI.I h'i.i
! cm;i;sK
VhWAY.S ou haml. '
It tvi'i.KUN pirn 5
I llfeii HSU-FISH.
; Q() LUf.S. Ficsh Marker. 1. in as-
: A x,v a.rd pucka p . Noa I,:mi1:i. lb-rii!(r
J ! na uatlj tiwiiMKM. Al... lltrrti.n'.ai.-l
) i j.ilfbl.T fa by I'M Wl'KI. I I N l;..-
'h get a moil till V Sltliplv, fresli
It frra t!.e t.l..r, .,r il b.t .(uiuji hana
P.s.1 Cra.kn. . 1 HAVI.hKl.IN LHu .-v
fcl':. DRIES.
I TT l-tn.l.. v..:. n!-i
; , ija niutij ui a-.iH es a. tea , , lhc., p,,...,.. ,m IK,W rrerm.d lo take
I IV Dr.rdreacnel'riuies.Curraiits.riunch I rhott.si nfltai, lae oi small, equal t
1 Ka;siiia,l'ookiiigRaisins.ciieaf Citroa.Corn I ihe best ma.:e aiihr. A m 1HL1
;arch, Farina. K:ce Flour, Flavuiinf Fx TYPES. The-.e rut,,re. are r ..brea i-rt-
tracts tlm-e Oil. fap Sago Ch.e., I'ried re,eni hie, and are nip i ir to an oil .nr,'iiM-
uen. noastea ana urouad t xtut, .vtamaniiae
" n" , ' k t , P '. '," "- Pr- -'''-' ' .,.!,- fcv .he l-j,,,,,,.
iwap. Toilet N aP.las!eiT1,eser,e.-sa,e rat.r.trd. ir.d l,..e ii J
P-15.-r th.-col.te. BakCocna, Ba- j ,Kl.Kf ,,., (,., ,-. r. ,.,v. ,v. ,8;
fi:! .
.-..mi, nu-.en(iaie i mem, t-aione.i iiattr
B. an,. Brooms. Brushes. A lar,- ass. rt.iunt
Jit 'I'atavl.falAr-At-J. ffenl 4a. . -. . av I . I ..
u awrurnvv r lit. l
Lcwisburt, April:'., I-..''.:!.
I Scream !--Ice Cream
Trvi- t:v .-...! i n
s, "-' .i .
j j nt ai gnur 10 i
uie t eierapn ai;u 7r..iifi .
ottice MaikelSiiuare.Leaisl.iii-:. The verv
; best in town. Call in and see ! M.iy -t.'.s'.i
"1 1ST KLTEIVEP at the Look Store
J In Lcwisluri
Lancstro'.li on the llonev Bee, nw cdilicn.
ice .ft,-:&. The attention of all l.v.s ol
Ilotiey are iiuit.-d t i this valuable b u k.
Fill's Lectures on Fuitiliio-iit oi Fr. phecy
especially as rerardsthr I nncd .States. I'nre
lo cts. -This is truly a reiuark.-il le book."
May IS. W M. Ml K It A V .
Family tinu'Ciy Stuiv.
T. G. EVANS & Co.,
I.LNLh W. I'r.tl.Lr.S IX
I, nil Tat' til rl -r' ' li 01- D tt tli. t ra ilf, li h
CIKAIN, l l.til i: AND
MCAK. vllKi:.-!'. 1IS1I,
,..r,,v i t i , '
Haiti.-. AC. AC. AC.
! M-iri'l itrti-t, ojj--in'te tlf l'u.,t I '''rr, '
l.t lsllll l, I'.l. '
' C. E. A 'i. luiM' ju;t in-.-iu'.i;
j I . trt'.h tr.i.-u l'hi.,-1. l( !i a J It, m. n.li-u. .1.. I. .1
.I,1.U-J or.s-.-r..- .1 ...I. aiu.l.auj.... auubal.
IfU lirs mill Ttlli:iltt'V,
I tit t t.t, .ud . ranted , a.t an I ir. - a.
Dried Apples, IVacLcs, riiim'-. Cm-:
t-tiitt-. 'ir.-,-ivm ' ( itrtnis. i-'S.
Dales. KaisiDi linni tit to I;-.
i ct.-i. per lb., l'ickifs it'
all desci -iptiutis,
V:iro Jan a CO! I'i;i:, Rroiiml,
ni t tut up in ttu-tiifLt Chth, txrri -wiv i-.r fDiii n.-f
I in. ?:. fujxtim UAfWLh-r.LySltAn, j
i 'LJ I ion, t f . j i ti . ' . , tt .1 .u, v., r
A (i-ntTKl -.--tf-rtntPi.t rf
IVIUov a 111 ctliir Harr.-t.lasx-
vttliri trr-i-s j
l'ih Oif, hhtitt lne Oil, Cttntfh.i, C-mJU j
n ml Lawn Wt't k. Tidivirt Luit, i( v.
' . St.... . m- 1
soapsofall kinds, M heel Urease, etc. ;
(Looattij ntio yi'gtjis. a ttioitc rnricin.
Flour. Corn Jlcal, I'otatijcs, Corn,
Rvc, Vdl. Ac, ahvnya on hand.
tit)Js dt United fret f cfurgt . avJemrm
residing ui.'A.-n tkt iivrouh.
Tiiatumrt to rnum-tate all Ihe a-tli-l. wbi- h w
bar 1-ir aai wr.uld b. iniposalbit. U anull rt-apect
tuii n..U Ui put.ic It! rati aud taaimtit: cciatrtini;lit
i.t tirtjCri.-. H aia ruiitirlnl t l bt ic Mt) t" i-H a.
ulirra. a tlj-'T tau te tfuslit this a:d of h-od-taipbia
VI u a.uil .d.'tKdlarii dft.vitt.ut cc-JOtr Ixit lids tug!
ua a -.all, it
lie purchase a'l manner if I'-cJuit,
ar.-l Fa htgo a any ct-tr tlav.
lt.iature. Aprils, ..-..
T 1 ITAM i fO
GET rr.arned when -ti iih. tm!v j? veu
call it M'FALii-IN'8 HAKHWAKE
Si ORE. and get a first rate COOK Slot E al
Stst test, a I want lu closi cut tiy tot If of
c-ok stovei. JOS. MTADUIN.
I.e-visb'jte. March II, 1H5.
a LL wanttttc lira. In a ttolightftil rlimata, ht-b a. It,
ii. atJg atatu. nroo frt-sta, a adtartisaraaBt cf liam
BnD l.andi I. .polhr ts'lumn.
R1RE CMAXCE. -Ai excellent RU.
ver LEVtK WA1CH tcr file at a
t;..-a:a mM f- In'-air. of
a t. rjt':r,fAM ii, t -ti-
lll.-3a 14(11. -. r it." p'lin. is
2 4U . "
J ,. MM.
4 S7 m .. h
Sieci.il 'i mm m
: fl.iods lelt at the Uepol in Fhiljdi tidiia le-
. i.r--S o'clock, P.M., will be loiwardi -in,
j c veiiin;. Apply to
j l'eunirk. '.. II V Itift ft men. Ah ,
I HU8 A -10 M.1lkFl SSIm I'bila.f.
I r. ii KKH K. ASI. I.tfr.alarg.
i Leuisliin?;, Ju-y i. t.'j'.'.
j - - -'- -
,'": l a'-!' f ' - fiii I lil,.-l l..a.
. .h-l--l I.r a.-.iu!tu,i iut.,... nr t.i l..u
wi.liailj) l.-l. u 1 1 l. .. i- a Int.' Iri..
"""-:' ;" '
ii::.- i- . Ltlul. Ti :. i .-it ; - fri Ui lint-. 'iVrmn Ir ni
ji.il'i.1'! rmrr. i... . .. ;. n; . u ..ur v-r br ii"-'!
iti.-n'-. j i i i " r IM- ti n hart ai
-i.u-:- .IT' A. .'J . f cir-ra-l i. i If-r.jmnnti'ti.
: .ir i. r-i !: .1 i in - . l.v . i. lL,n,t... nt n l'.l Ol
Ul. ut in
Hi. r .
post orncK.
.,,'.,, .,l. ,1. 1. i'i,i.
i.AI.iih uf ! til Luclis.sialifinpry,
il IVrlunn-ii-. J."-ri,v. T... CnuK-rtu-n
flit-, Tras. j)ire -, I luit. .Ntlls, t:iskt.S
f lurs. and a an-i .1 AJfK .N.U hS Ur
, ,jea , ,,,r
A.M 1'IM. ll. rnn l. ha t al ihe
,l-, rl .i.!l II N-i i l.ii li.sand (ients ratt.
i jihULihi f?t office
(il-VKKAL s,:i, ,.r CAMEO.
-!,rosl v'"r L-" 1:
I CAMEOS and other
can tie haJ
. the
po.vr OFFIC E
)l .'PTE It. E-.'7s, I. ard and I'. iiitry taken in
.ciin-;c tL.-r Ik.i'i.j at iiir
! i Kaisi.s, r,, iute auj
: '..ii(w.i,.raiat
f(ir OFFICE'
i lUi.l.liS t..r l;. m.I. rr I ..!, nl anv Ir..
) i ruiiiptiy atiti.iir'! I., at l!,r
star.,! assi rt-
ni.sr office
"",u-"- Jt.-. b.i... j.j.rtLvti.
,Tzr. l" n ..
; st I-w"" vi'w mi
: adtea - C'.psntJv ,,, ,a.,d an I
:.,., ,, ....,.!.. a :
- -.. .-.i.ii. .-llill-r. If IlKtl,,
luiiliti.ns i t ad paiterns,
and ait :hr u- i i.i to iis t Wood Work UiCT
I in BoiWini-.
Orders i"r.'f:i:'!v irvd and nromrltv
ti!!i-l. .VIu-.ik wat iai.:.-.t to .ve sau!aci:on .
is-An citeiiMi- i. i .i l.uuiker uf ai'
d-tTiptirns rn hand ft, r n.
Apr;l 3
1 O '", ,r'"--'''' Hard-are t-f.re.
V- iirineriy IIuurhMb's sl lt"re, Market
; street, L-jAitg, i'a.
4c, in the tisu.,1 s..r..- .it. In additio.i
j givin- thai tdclnv ol n.ress.n and learttre.
- ,- a . ,. ii.t..
A CU llOOUS lOT (liC 3 1 i il)
I 1
T I AVi: jusi r.-i-rit..l ili.-.r c n.rl sin p'v
ill i l tin. -is I. r tl.e M'KI.V. A si M.v.l.H
k cons;.
. , .
in in ; ; io
iau-1 an.i most .,!! -..nal-le s-i. s r
. t - -., i-.-r-,-
-LJi Jji-JJ -L'jiiJiJ -fJIiiiij-js
ui h a .-im is, Manites. N.ks. pt ietes, t'i
: sues. ! Lames, tlincnnins, -in f ( ail
pait.-rii-. Kild-i iii. Lace... l;,,nn. is.
Lutli'et Tniiimnii;s, llisurv,
i.i.,.-... li ... ii .'..i. '
I , , ,,, . , 1 , ' , , ,-.,,,' ' "
J ' ' J 1 III, ti I .M ,',MI'
they nave a heavy a.-i hut nt ; '!..ih. Cat
simrirs, C.-ttotK-'s, Ve.siu.c. :.,- .li.-e,
1'r.tvatt.ar.ta!: .:). rt'. t-t-p-t. i.s.f
ma-rittine to-: in rr." tiirh ran
tu : l.- I. yi.-ii ii rh.s icicn.
t t'l'j.l a 'i i i,.'...- a !i . k nt .-tit a.t. iin.rnr.
and v. n ui.l I,- i,. i,t inred iTi;h , n ran't.l.i
t.it'i- .in h. ir i-i-.-. IT" I'liinii Pr..tiics
i.tU. ri .is u-.iji. .1 .-1 i;ki:YLI. A M'N.
I i-l-.i'.- .Mi 1. -I
Hi S Illtlai MiiJI i l liu- - It; I r.y
..,.,.,..' i ,. A..',. , H. a t.-r.
Le, tur- r. ..
Va? Is.iLI.
IN MIL "Ml Mini'! Tiie Mil-.criieri
I tw.ee-l.,!-.ai.,,.m..e... -e.rt
l ' ist-iii c. nr. t i ii-noty ih ti i!n t hare :'i run f
a raitr-i -In. n liie
Tailotins Eusine:-J,
-It ill tv i! kll. lt II st,. i.., ; ,lrt no Cl ; i! . 11
; M,,rt virr.'l. lo 1 1- lli.v ..If ft.-, ,,, r d If
t I I A.M. lltf. I i..,r.!.r iii th.- oil
' hfs -itl.-. M.n's.H.d .' f Isil Ii c rf
"-n rn,..!. n . n -in n n. i. a-.
a snaieoi me piifi.c pir..K.-.ae
ni:s ci.istiri i ,
i. r M II UFI.K.
Lett ivfiirr. April t, !-.!
TI 1 A K ! i'U'K Th u iit':r-ipne li ir1
an..i:,ia A-;niN f,. the sale .
I ot" ai! !, rn.t'i- of li? hr.i riait-rwl. A1!
' work w.in,.i.v... rir.V..f- U l.-B.PKOl.T.
,,,. ...,; ,...'.,,....
Mm- vj.'. o. c.j..-rAnr..B.i. k r.ii'i.r.
No Grindstones Groceries, cr Hockey
1)1 T liiiiilr'cls tl H.:: an! Cap " 't"
I) !.- i -t) te.a lit;' i Ti t r 11' jii ran te
ii'iind Krtih-r. full at,il ve lhem at
t,'l7M',j ittlt yittliiifurt'jrif, . h-il.urtj. Cl
i.i ispruij; .'.n.t aminer t!i '!.-. Lalis'
Lres Curds, w-itilla, and a Ir'fe In rf
Ladies' t..!l-ir.t and Sleete. tr.-m anetrntt.
Also a -rnr,il ai.rtmeiil tf Men's Wear,
rrimmint's, tittnr.a le.s, I asi-mm A ( loth-.
htrh will lie sold CUcup.
May 15. lsi9.
i-JBlo ket Hooka an lotherarncte
ii.if tliat kind ra hand or tc order bv lh
-iSl,e-islinr Book-nHer. CH: STAHI.
li. ;emiiut, vr.Tisr.
Mjrli'i .'reet.nen dcir t. Frnma 4
Kilter's Siore lMilMl, FA
PERJONS wi-hinif U. rW il,-t I.t!-!t--i t" a ff .
IT lnrTatn cuunrrT, tv-w -"ttl-.i--n. .t. i-ai-Jrefla
ar s.nurf, w.!r ti .-'m la1 i.S'ii -I i.
l it. r 1-:n r- : tM Si-.cr.-. . ? --.
I .wtaii rt utrn.
p iriiea' en fri
t tJ'n-4