ill MUffl STAI Ml Mil mil I HOT ! BY 0. N. WO R DEN AND J. R. CORNELIUS. At 1.50 p?r Year, alt:ijs In ttltttnce. THE UNlON'-KiTAi;!.i.S!iEi, 1 I No,. -,:;72. CIIRONICLE-EsTAi:r.isiiE, 1$43-Wi;..u. No.. SOO. LEWISBURG, UNION CO., PA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1859. WisllUrI'lironit'IO ' recent meeting of tbe Uaard of his letn removed by death tlie past year. i Trustees, Tutor F. V. Tustiu, who hasac- , The Hoard of Trustees remains uuthang (juired reputation as an earnest aud cow- cd. TLe following geutleiucu were fleeted potent instructor, was appointed Adjunct Curatorsat therecent session of the Hoard: Professor of Languages. i Kev. W'm.T. JirantKy, i'hilade.phia; Ket IiH?J Friday at Istwidmrj, I 'niun Co. Fa. "fti-r Thus, : Tr l.M Tr T-r.T tt tli-- iMinw rt for luti-r ct will my for four mouth-., T-' .-t tor m month. 1 do!. for eigiu ai iit,i, J..I. tor sixtwn a U-I.fT tii ytmr. $ for four opjrs r.n- y.-r. Ji t tr v-n m.-ip .mi -r. 4p. Miwlf X..., 5 l nniulr l uiui rifiVMii frrtii. MMtMf -tni.-. or lt.nk ii'-.i.- ut tii. ir .iv litre. .Most km ! ft !.-. r- r. n.-.I ut tit-- -.Wtia th time rkjt.rv, I .r wim-l. a t.:,..-r i- ai 1, ( w a running m .tint it is i". tt'l iji. Ai.rtKT:t-!rs haiai-'Ut-Iv i-uMi-li.-t. nt ft- r r virf uti.' w.-k.'5 . t ai!.-r nwrl;. n. '. ! I ! r s tu nth, b Joi. pr y.vir. II ill a J -1-. 1 .. -. d !. i ...... Tu -j a.r-' 1 1 it-, 'Kj, M r. l-aut-i. A . a over ou-lourth "t a i-oIuiiiii, In l t. p.r v-r. ti.lnT A . a ni t ar--" l A t-i'isi.' i- 1J "itn - ,-r .ua!Ut tyif. or It. ot u-t i.,r.-r. A ( r'i-ti--tit- .,at d-mornli'it tfil-urv. an I lrt oat-, it- l m I hi at.-1. CommmutatioiM ...-.-i .-u ...(.if.. .t t. n: .1 nt r.-t nt Kct' ,v ;h vi r'- n - t n-rnn- (, '.... ... Tlie 'lAiKi'i; Ti;t.iii; i- ;...-t. .1 m ti..- fii. Cf the .Stir f " r.. t.y I... U -1 I uM t i:aj -riJiut K.-W4 in alvarir ..' U.' fini.l- Mm-. Cunnrrtfi wit l I to V-.' mi ,i'n'; tm'.-rl i! for nrnt feio.l of JOB FKINTIWG. !. uli with IIito- ati 1 .Jr-iii h m..l '.n riM'iK'-i- t rttj-. 9.-Vti-il A lv.-rfi-.-in- ut - t.. I.. for li. u tiaiiJrd All iMia m r. i-'.rrTT!"i. cJ0rriCt ua Mirn 1 -.,.141-. tt -!..- - -or tr v-f.-n i riitlni. l)c ttir nnti (Lljroniflf. Dull) Jiit!lni at Trip, bjr tlie Klbnns frua j passengers; vau't m-coinmoditte half; Norlhern Illinois to California, j are treated so many uuisaneej. IStb. Jlunuiug up the '-raiiK-Qto on we call it ? civ.i.z. J lievboutiiij:, chance a rtuiall steamer, tcrj pleaiii.t, trees c jver Witchiog prjw!ins i.f tpcciiliti ju. The thoughts which tertaiatl ou thij suljj( cl1 frqueniy i. itt. I..r fh.T ti ut)tn 1tt. TllEOUil'-AL IKPARTMENT. l'rof. Iaac tfaWVCr, l'ittaburJ auJ Utf,y. K. L. .Now, (.!,., nhcla , MatrljUdr. nn-1 wdr liailt'T CarboQllalf. ' m:.ii.troaa urntuuJinea bl. h printers aru furbuMrtl ' . I- l'.Mn. .t.rll.l I, tlx. I.. - I . I .1.. 1 1 . , i.. i ... unu.r -.. ' in e iiieiu?niii, iu uuuTiigiieu conyrai- Curtij pre?iJeu over this dt-partmeut, with markeJ ability. It i expected that here after, l'rof. liliss will be associalcl ith him, having one or iinire i'1jscs under his charge, while l'rof. t)uriis will aid, far as his regular duties will permit, iu the (.'.Hegiate iK-pirtmeut. iiueU an iiittr chauge of duties, it is thuughl, would j;ive gr. at batifac:i:u to the frieuus of the In slitutioti, aud be couducivo of its interests, la this department, students are couductcd through a full course of theological study, aud no pains arc spared to impart the iu struction by which they msy la thorough ly fumUhcd fur their great aud soIjuiq work. TXIVKHSIIV FKMAI.E iNfTIIl'TF 1 he Institute) ccntinues to prosper, and meets with growing favor. The Principal Da ttiat ati. thx d. ar little crrature ofuiuai'irv bn.l "uixrried! roarrlJ a roan I a grrat, tateful mu!- (a wurtliy Dinn, to. "c doubt aut.) IK aattlwj to Caiif.T lu. , au.i in diitf ti'ur aa mi ?t I'jfiii wit. a alll alt nV.rJ fvirtli;nir to f.'Mua- tim Ui"re. 1h Dbtf.. ut b.-r ti i ot.t. cuj tur lb Mil A t'la M' IE. Ih.y ' art- rii. y nr.l fri- l.tit lir liaj Wt i.l.-a ol tbir fTi-r tvty- ' luK i!nli,;lit thrti;b a bL-tiar. and would douttla , In.x the rarsof all tou.f mrd iu ubtictl n. T. t!iiuit, l.uM.'Tt:r, pilUt b' u.-st rfrealiti4 ut lli ;c! the hope, that, Ullder the C Ultiuued thoimMt and. ,Ubt..f an tntrlllemt. lira Yt.S o- M, . . , . -t, I it. t . lliati. tlin'WU n a il ano a ouly laiRit'K tu i"-r '' n esMD 01 'jei, it wi . become a! that Its , .,, . . , .,,,,, , , ' fjnnlr, w.ll Lu f....l rwadal'la by all, an.l t.e n Itr most ardent friends desire, ud prove that j ,.v, ,., .triatii aai. la tb uj..yaint ur b-r . tlieir prayers, clforts, and benefactions : diai.- j j hav? uot bten iu vaiu. . . , 21th. A pleasaut, smooth sci, some the banks with s dense foliage, and moun- Id Centnl N.t. York, a few ilaya ago rrliap.. ata M r ' . . , ,i l. .,.... i.i ... ..... ai.tnesia on board : cool brneza at fvennii'. . tains in too distance. Wi'.u some iliaBtlcs .Oio-f-a.vart.d iib a i.rriirhtiy.ii. ing, y..unit j Vei''hinir the ba''L'a2r. which ! occurieJ by bachelors can tell that by ' expressed to friends m a rrivata way, ra takes three days. Had an animated dis- ! one or two shirts hanin on a tree to dry 1 ' so seDihly eiubi.di. d in a late editorial of course on Ileligion. I would not be an 'Met an acquaintance of the lector's, rihi the .tm js!' r .'.. .'ry .yo-fthat we eai intidel for all the world ; it makes one so from aud going to Vreka am gla l to uicut nit refrain from (piutin the entire articl: - ulate the fricuds of the I'uivcisity on the indications furnished of its t.rej'iut pros perous couditiou iu all its departiuent,aud mi its cheering protpects for the future. With au ublo l'reiident and Faculty, with perlect harmony aud co-operation between the ni and thd 1! eirJi, we liny jjstly ill- dul; cold, and so heartless; I had rather believe j him. the Uihlo if only for the enjoyment iu this j 10:h. Leave Reed's Mulls, ths hea l world. ' of navigation on the Sacramento, at o iu May 1st. F.vcry one preparing to leave , the morning, ride 10 miles to Lrcikfait, the ship. Such a commotion ! liegin to 00 miles to dinner, then take mules and . rido '20 miles. U dear loe ! if I should F. Hito'.v.v, 1'uoM as Hayes, (mi. F. Mii.i.F.n, J. Orke.n Milks, J. Amikksus Kelly J- Committee. J M(IIHI. I! (i. .. lsr-. A Reininstraiics. The Ilarrialiuri T ''jrji'i, aud ttveral and her assoeiati aim to give their pupils other papers in our State, earuettiv a lvo- ' a sund practical education, which will lit c.te the selection of Lien. Cameikin as the thtui for thegrea' ditiesof life, while due at I'iepuh!ican can Ji lata for next President, tcutnu is bestowed on ornamental branch Tile Ilonesdilo Dtmirtt, aud two o'.lur t-s. Fighty-two students were in attend of our exchanges, are equally urgeut for ; ance the past year. The building itself is Hon. John M. Keaii. Kuhfr of these capable of accommodating neaily eighty distinguished Pennsylvauiau' would be a strong man iu a strong position. Put the question arises, is it jut to those gentle men to attempt to push thrin forward be fore the proper time? The people are FoR TLfc STIR t CHRONICLE. YREKA.Tal., May 22, 1809. Peak Pkothers ami Sistkbs. I CQ the cars at 'J, reached Panama at 12 prouii.-ed you I would keep a memoranda ; crJ plLaut riJ0 across tho Isthmus, ol my journey Irom Zl Henry to this placs, which I have faithfully douc. Much of it was written with a pencil, much ou ship board, much when down sick, and altoge ther there is not much of it, but such as it is I give it. Lft home April H, at 5 A. M. Chi- ''Tima wa, in the g.'td days of'Auid Lang Syne,' when the laiiners of Linea- ter county weie luted not on!y fir ttdir industry, economy, and general prasperity, hut also for their cjiniueudatic prjinea ;.. 1-..;., . .. ,- i h 5 ' all its various and lasiJ.oaa aspect.-'. V. ben phant. Kuu very warm.but quite a brcezs, ; get together all the big words I thou-Lt of . we weM a boy, a tnte piuverh of the d,y which makes it endurable, especially at to describe this pack rtiuie business over was, 'as hneU as a Laccastcr county far evening. ; the mountains, I should not feel any bet- ! luer,' and anything to which it was applied 2d. At A'piuwall, 8 in morning; looks t. r satisfied than did Lid. Jewel, when he 10 illustration, was ensured honest in- anmo lika Altrnnr.nin in lllinnis I...v. tl.l...iitif.d in church a rr actl.-B Iia h:l u,"cu- ut V 'a'J was a sptCJiatOr heard soma of his members had of taking whiskey into the harvest Hoi J. He called though hot ; saw many kinds uf tropical it awful, abominable, ridiculous, and forty frui's. C'hagres Itivcr is a little, muddy other things, and theu said he would stop wits is a very unctrtaia cap, stream, and staguaut. We crossed it seveu for want cf word to express his aljmlti--times; its borlars marshy. In the dis- tion of eueh a practice, but woull Luut tance mountainous, covered with beautiful the Dictionary until he came again in two trees aud verdure, natives and shanties. weeks, and if in that time he could tu J ' 3d. Keachcd the Golden (jatestcauier, language to express his indignatiou, he by a small cue, and left the Pay of 1'aua- would then tull them. I was so elated, at tna at 5 A. .M. A shark in sight, twelve fiit, with the grandeur of the scenery, feet 1 in . Trees from the bay look hue, that 1 had no idea of pettier tire 1, and was to piy h:m nj c-jmp..meut as spec ulators, viho are supp,.-d tj 'iive by their Wits, are n jt consid -red the in jst honest people iu the world besides, a man's and liks- they who will in duo season designate accomplished corps of teachers. TheCoui- their choice, which can not and must not inittee appointed by this Board to attend be frustrated by the forced effects of mere the recent public examinations, report politicians. Is it cmk.A 'if for us in this that "tho recitations evinced a general State prior to the October election to thorough knowledge of the studies pursu- to !a:i b:ta and betray bi.a iifj ruin- Peace in Europe. I board, much when uown sick, and altoge- times ; its bord.-rs roar.-hy. In the dis- tion of eueh a practice, but woull Luut , ;Tc'--"Q at t-io tima w Leu be is Perhaps never, iu the annals of war, has ' ther there is not much of it, Lut such as tlQee mountainous, covered with beautiful the Dictionary until he came a-'uiu in two ' f , : IeBe!' ' . . j . . 7 t.- Dim ol ulscreel ousiuess juugtaerii, ar?a: pnpiilar opiuiou run so high as to the pro- it is 1 give it. j trce, ,uj yerdure, native and shanties. weeks, and if iu that time he could Cnd ' Kija iu rpJin csLliicuce in a pro bable result, as it did iu reference to the I Lft home April H, at 5 A. M. Chi- j 3d. Poached the Uolden (jatestcsmer. language to express his indignation, he fessijoal speculator. Loaning them mon Iate struggle of Franceaud Sardiuia against caS at 0 ' M j tiud frieuds went With by a e-mail cue, and left the Pay of Pana- would then tull them. I was so elated, at ey, or ecdoraing their paper, is considered Austria. Hundreds and thousands of by- ' l" lu,! ea"- tna at 5 A. .M. A shark in sight, twelve fiit, with the grandeur of the scenery, risky tu-inesf, as a sudden aud unex potheses have tceu advanced, to show its ! A somewhere in Michigin ; ! fuct l,)g. Trees from the bay look hue, ; that 1 had no idea of getting tire !, and '' .f "''!.a'"t' j3 .Inilk':t Ta.!ue f favorable or unfavorable bearing upon the j snowing hard ; Detroit at 8, A. M. Touk ; interspersed with Iilllc Ulands cjvere was too much up in the air to be afraid, m ?. t"' rreuv rr i. r !!Is !"! in" ' boarders, and we trust the day is not far t"-'u,rl weuare; ana no one opinion nas : u,e.. uu .e..j e-.u, u,...- BII0 grecn. an i wnen we Were in some 01 llae most .A WJ Lave i,e: ,rs stated, oar farmer distant when this number will be found cdu,e anywhere near being verifi-id. j aged to push my way along with the crowd 4th. A Pacific Ocean thunder storm, perilous situations, where one inis.-tep of wculi have nrhicg to da with 'sj,eC;ila.. resiJin' within that beautiful edifice and' Some were indulging the fond hope that ; Took sleeping car last night, which is a very heavy rain ; so overcouia with heat ' cur mules wauld send us hundreds of feet . 1--U' br 'speculators.' They taught their ,1.,i pnNr ,r I ,f .',,,,1. i war would become general, or, perhaps, decide.! improvement. Crossed Supcu- ; that I can hardly stand it. Iu sight of 1 into an abyss below, I woull have to step ' ,0C3 ,J e,re t'ierj as i f a cantagiui pursuing tno euiarbca course or stuuy . . .. '." ' ,. ... .01. r 1 k.j . 1 ' , . , . , b. ,, .. .. ... 1 disease. Thcv stuck to (heir leiti:i..!.. a -seven years war, aua incrctiy stay tne . B'"u ""us i o a . - ua - ; una muou 01 ine way a mountainous my mule art i iaugu nearti.y at tlie ngurc aD(j 0 jtje Q1y.- 0f t;"ju , the I 1 progress of agriculture and manufactures, j f tue Falls. Supper here for all , country. we cut, and !o think Low I would l.ks to atingher' brcil ia thesweat!'of 'their at least in France, Italy, and Austria, and j tuat baa tima tjulli ffford it. Ate a j 5th. Dreadful sea-sickness all day have you sea us, or, Letter yet, to take face.' Their 'stock iu trado' was their thus Europe in part Lecoma cousumars of ! l"le rn for the N. 1. Central Kail- I never experienced beat Lefore the very ! you right through this tramp. 1 had ns-' g jod old mother earth, their fine Conesto American products. Others, with nobler . roa''- I breez.'s Lot as 'lection. ; ticed that every time anything was said ! Lr:ie', their cattle, and their implc- imnulses. cherished the eini..-tatinri. that 1 ltth. I ho fDino and Dirt of the rsrs Cth. Hottest dav vet almost In th . ahoiit thii mnni.tair.s. thA I ments 01 '" 'J-trj- -leu, tii nrst ob prescribed under the present tfiieieut aud aince all the contending Powers were Cath- ran off the track in the night, doing K ,uator thermometer 00 in tho shade, with would laucb, and I dout wonder J " .. e.u T , ... but little damage. Reached Albany in ; a,l tCD andclcven miles per hour. S e can it would be worth the trouble cf ;akin2 -m,i,i .1 , ,irir;i ,hl. . ,i, 1 ; ,.' had a nice time ! hard'v sit un or exert ourselves, to over-' the whole iinrnv in hsb a-imn i,f mi T-t-MnI . r.nmrii t.. f..r l...;'.:;., ,, t... arouse an antannism in our nxn ritika. 101 cd not simply au ability to repeat the . , .. .. . ,- ti ....... a,.u ..r .!. ...-..l.ont hi n -m. ' olic! Austri would have to bear the tig- r . : . ... 1 r .,i.-.:,. f .v,. ,,; ..o..l n of l"e conflict, thus Lumblinj- its Psral ; 'or the connection &-01.IVU V. UUl I IUIU.I3. AU'. Ul UUI WISISL ,'i taut u.ti-.u v. ."s. utvuMti.i. vvu.i . ,. ,Tr. 1 tl.l ... , . , ,, ' . , , , . 1 , , ., power and reducing its prestige and abso- on the Hudson ; tried to remember all the come with heat. Boat took fire, men, abstain from all discussion of the almost every case, tho classes passed tho ' orfr . .. J ... ; ' ..,,. . : , , .... . J ' - au,uLw.uuvv.wst.i.M uv.uiu.iuu, , tiUUIiUCU 5UUU. . at tne same tune, it would tend toward tho rfl. le.ciej vev7 Yrk at 3 P. M : made ?,h but ex- much astonished as I was. Docome. and ter one. Thea the evi J-. :ce of a man bc- ; I will meet you on the other side of the : inS a turner was sufficient evidence of hn Hot as ever through the day,eve- , mountains. The last twenty miles we had , . .MI,D S'f.'J ? "'f j iai tiiruuga huts mo"i osautiiui TUi.t'js ticxt Gubernatorial and l'rei icoiil yi?s- public review uith few errors, and in g :n tiooe, as improper, uncalled fur, and iuju-1 era! with commendable promptness. Muny elevation of the i'rotcstant powers iu Ku- ..... . ....!. .1. r...:,:. r 1 can not srrrehend that either America, or! l.tb. Have seen Mr li., who 13 kind , M t0ek eold. iiiiirivu... in mi. , im 11 1 111, 1 a.r. in . i,. iilii in i: m n riiLiiiiuu.iiu iiliiiii ui uiili- .1 1 , . - . ' ' - ..... -r . I . I. 1 anii,i,i 1 lit fltii.t nm nn hn.ti lh stir nT 1,1. . . t . ' . ? II r C t w-. 1 t-1 . . - . ' r . . 01 tue avaiuiteuu powers, uave gainetj - " . ciu. At-apuicu ai o i . . i ., uue uar- cirawoerry, cuas'.a . aney, jlc. Arrivcu any sona or lasung aavantfge ty tne tan-; iue nest, nave eecureu my iickei ior bor, with small fort, guns fired on our ar- at (j P. ?1 , when I found the Doctor, L'uiriarv strutrjlc. Indeed, if anvthin-T . i S-Tiil Ailiin fl run hitnuu in ho..;...! ..t e . i ... :.: i .n i t ... ... P.. tr- i.i r. t t .1 . . . - J o i .... - j v. ; .Lai, usuji. oeeuerv uuo, tiufc verv waiwuK uiy ainvai, wen, au'i e.a-i to sec area for a choice) enter upon the fur seemed to have a perfect command of their u made the wo'sa bv it aiadeaihi r .1. . 1 1 t 1 '..... ...... . . . . ' f - . . . UiA'.e tut ny 11, as a Uel'n 0(jr that doleful llUrueV COlUi: tO tal- I, r. i-nwprrd with l,m hrnU anrl m.. . m an.I wta r.'t I rr ,.l I , c... 1. m or sut iect, and responued treely and luliy to blow is given to all rreseut hopes of its , , ' . . . ' - - : i...i f inJ,.ren,.,A. Whn ..;..!,;.... 1 rn.a, aione. ! Natives beset us on every side with fruits, ; I Lavo already wr.tteu enough to tire ' -rr 1 . , , 1 1 Stli pend their engineering until after the Oct. ance. The Senior class, comprising Flection, and (hen (if deemed fully pre-1 year only four young ladies, in particular, designation of a nouiioeo fur and of a choice for Presideut. Governor 'A woi my way to the Astor House, alone. ' nint. col. Lreexa came nn ,! J.l. t!.t ' a ni a,aK Vrt. t .,. 1 : u'.VP,li" . m nw w ,naulrjf ... , - it .1 L.u-etive. ' I . t. -.11 :i .t. t.t .1 ...i,, 1 'ihe same, we are proud to state, is s'ill trne cf a large lLjjrity of the far mers of Lancaster county ; but we see in dications amnug many of their sjns which do no credit t- the fame of th ir fanners There are young faru.ers in this county who are pracncaliy a'-.i::ieu cf .ho toi'- in season," and H uc (hing at a time.' For tb- Star a Cbroni.-le. 1IOPACF, MANX. T JMl fKt.-. r riod r f kn-w le-lgt" '. 1 rii nj of f"rrJ iu ' I'n.-uJ of M tli-human r t! In tli glorious" (oaiin 1. Who th; bright car. tsr ihall tr.ift W hen the tnttr fiah pf arlory l-'aJt-th frvui the warrior I -row, TbD tuiiiikm-i will reii'l tti rtory Ol their latTor-, U' h a thou. Kl. ntal pwi-r, kin to m, Tailing for the (iUHii-eo-l ' Thifl thy prie ; tt wrfrvjy wcir Of U Aw Man brvtherhwd. rTjTntiirp, thy npiniem My nut riuarv all tbrtUth with mint.; Rut, wou'd God my wtrna rtiiit With the glorious d-tdt of thin' When tb flttodi of precidue knc wlcdo wtf-p or king lo mi like w Then, in lxrmaf lofty t-mj lew liratrful mtn will tbiuk of thve. ItriDtj no tit.en tbyar m;ty Joy iu tftl tti we who cm, Thi the title of our trothT H-t-T, T- U'O If tjc Mivn ' iSth. Monday morning. Infc i of Diit, ood Ln- i .1 a i i 1 1 auu Ilia 'VUlfll Kfi illPr wtr alinirni.r.c.l trt raeidtfd Sdd'itn ws i think " does a denier Uke up nrms a'in&t tueir enemies, they 1 EDS t0 washing this uiorQia.r, uon t Preaching on board by Methodit. j about the mountains. Mount Shasta, the i I?.eb C ',1D, f ' C. werc ready and anxious to fiht, and home ! you think I am all fixed up, ready to re- i th. Fine Bailing day stopped at a most elevated, is three and a half inil-.-s jCiain any of our Luilegcs evince more affection were theo considered a second-! cetve calls, at the Astor House! Have ; little Mexican town to pat off a rich Span- i Li-L, can wo it from Sjaciametito Valiev, i auih to ana jze this profound work, or ary. Why? liccau they were under the " purchascj a sewing machine, to be sent : hrl and family, owner of extensive hilver and all through, rcca.ioLallv, eveu ju.t'a ! crcater familiarity with its line of p.rgu- impression that they were about to fisiht , ., ,, r.-.r. . f - i. .1 1 t 1 ,- , .. , , , . ;fc ... , , r... . , 1 . 1 i 1. , i?i around the Horn, lor 5-)J. Am tired ol ; miucJ, and to take on largo boxes of silver; 'little out from this place, although here ' uieut. The paintings which grace the walls a good and noble cause to defend the ; ' , , . . ' ,,- ., , 1 . , ,- . ..1 : rights of their country : and some wished V3?- already d ju t see the uecd of - a fellow was caught breaking open box. s it is hidden by a little hill. All along ara I, , . . , . . : to lo freed from the oppressive bonds of ' everybody being in such a Lurry. and trunks, helping himself ; clipped him, mountains rising one above auother, cov- They become infatuated with tee glare of 1 I ty li vt mnnihiira rtt Ih.. atilmnl ar Tnrtt . . ... a . .... c r iT. 1, . -n - j Papacy. Itelusive hopes: .Many brave FJth. Pleasant and warm, a delightlul and put him on the upper deck, labeled cred with perpetual su.xv. There is no 1!:0 br:iuaut hanc:al exploits ct soma creditable to their taste aud skill. In vo- . SuIjicrj rus!jej reckcss assiust tIle bly. ! Ama 0,aits tbe fcrry at Brooklyn. W hat Thi.j " as a scare crow. j pass in them, but one trail which w take fP"jbtor lu M' '' "'n. "r in h,r ! -alas well asm instrumental music, much , onefs point, amid tho clashing of tword j of cr0M:D!T .Dtl rerosMni:! 10tb. A wav out n As P.iBe a. 1 ...I -i.i..t, 1. ..... .... SM: -1K'-V ., they -ge: the r I credit is due both to teachers and pupils." and the deep roariug of artillery. They 1 . , . ... i , , , . ... , , r "UJ- in it. J l.eir ereu.t sutler.-, because sa.-j- . . F 0 - . V I Oflrl. I . .n a An l.rt. ..I ha al. m .1. ' ll BIT A ni?lll A fill T I fikf. Att 1 1 . llllll l f. . . , ... n 1. .. t .-.... ... . ' . - .vtu. value vu wus mw mvamii , ....... uieua u. leei. rj aittii IU4I T e ua.e lu laO,". LUaiHes llirll fctd t' it tf t.orri.1 iAAir.s poopic. ;0i .a..euce, ut want u tell you more hardened j aims of their mr- w..rtLr aires I hey late liard woii, and l ive fast h ir ses. They are ashsmed cf hli.-tere i haads, and proa-l of a fasi.i'.nalle hat, or a lov of a moustache.' They lliiuk 1. raiing is too hard work, or ioi moan, far modem young gentlemen, and they begin to dc- isO wavs and means of '''ettici? rich ease.' The pupils of the Institute have enjoy- w ibeir Drotner-warnors tall by tlicir , , , i ... '4i-l. side weltering in the blood of innocence, ed an anusual measure of Lealth. Ine ., , c, . , , , , . 1 ItA i.ritm APaAil III Iia.. Hi. innt.Af ll,a j Principal states in her report to tho Board canDOu3 ,!owlv Taai.hed'away. and those that it-has not been necessary to call in a whose lives were providentially saved, 1 physician onceduring theycar a fact that j were permitted to behold their work of de eneaks for itself in resnect to the healthful- 1 struction. We can well imagine what tneo VuUii must bave been their feelings to see tbe ! ground literally covered, for five leagues, i with the dead bodies of their fellow inor- lanaal Brport of the (ommllitc of ruhllratlon OF THE UNIVERSITY AT LEWISBURG. , ness of its location. j Law School. A recent organization j called the "I'ennsylvanis Kiw School Asso-. taIs iJut 8ueh aro the devastations of i ciation," has taken incipient measures to- ' war ; ! And such irt? they be, so long as i wards establishing a Law School at Lewis- we have rulers like Louis Napoleon, who ! buret, somewhat in connection with the ' continually craving for power, distinc- The m itter was brought be- i ,0"' "uu B'"- ue ,a"uu" 'uu,u"e u"m- tier ol wiuows ana orpnans, wuo nave neon rendered paupers,sad,houseless,and friend- board the about noon. Pleasant but cold. Cet sail can r rancisco. uegm lo count tne days, a zigzag course. In some places there are men are fancy speca'.ators in thi diagr.n at 2 P. M. Boat crowded to death near , hours, and moments. Weather so cool steps cut in the rock, and if mere than of faruaers a kind of croekcr? ware that fifteen hundred passengers. Can't eat the , that we bave to exchange muslin fur thick one path, the mule lakes the one he pre- filtby lookiug food brought on to the table not fit for tbe pigs. Wish I bad soma I'niversity, fore the Trustees at their recent session, and favorably responded to by the appoiut- e9 cau DnD0 uther fur their miser At a mectin" of the Uard of Curator? u"' of a Committee to confer with the able condition, than their vain Emperors, Leld July 9,"ls.-A and subsequently to Association, and, if practicable, complete Napoleon and Francis Joseph, the public examinations iu the several tue arrangements for opening said school ! conclusion of this war must how ue puwio ixaminaitous iu tne Several fc i - eTcr prexduce much rejoicing, both in Eu- Department, of the Fniver,ity, the under- an d lt,a cxPecteJ ,h' t!'w rope and in America. In Europe, it will signed were appointed to prepare the fol- w,u te a su'talulng (leptrtment. At put business in its regular routiue; ' iDg 0f (he sea ! awful sickness of all on lowing statement ana lay it Leijre the pub- eem.-, mc ti't ut.cuu.i. ..... wune tnosc soiaicrs wno snarea me lienor lie. be met without touching tbe present funds ' part, can return to their friends, and move of the University. This project meets once more in Ihe ciroles, wnere dressos rough crossing the Gulf I fers ; the rider has no care about the route 11th. Pass St. Lucas Cape; here are ! at all; the mule will tako tho best path. good home-made victuals it would relish . barren rocks, rugged and high, the first ', But were I to write volumes upon taking so well. j points oft California we have seen near the journey, you would ?ny the half had 21st. Weather very pleasant, sea calm, ; shore. Pleasant but cool. Have to wear : DJt been told. Maky . perfectly delightful, air cool, tut bracing; shawls, and walk, walk, walk, walk, to j the whole boat swarming like a bee-hive- keep comfortably warm, in tho middle of j ART1,lE ruK iw mis UMLs some awful men on boat-would as soon , the day Growing Distaste of Farming, neat tn a bear. Some heavy swells this 1 12th. The ship stopped so sudden- 1 ..... t. tt: :.u ! U .1.,. -a .11 ..a ... ... aaa .!,. ... .t.. i Bj K. IUM.I lUaaavm, id I evening; noai rouiug ; sea sietvuess aiming . j n .- -a .uv a goodly number. How it does please tho matter. A whaler had hailed us for news sailors the wicked witches! am quite the only way these poor fellows have of well as jet waiters pleasaut to me and hearing from home. !?'ea rough, foggy, . involved, or which characterize the panic my room mate, a lady from Iowa, coiuz ! "i"! damp a misty dismal day. We are 1 u'r Pce or time iu which we live. In a It is not eay f,,r us to understand fully tendencies in which we aro ourselves to ber husband. Hid. Terrible wind, and 0 such a roll- sow twenty-three days out at sea. vessel in the midst of may tie easily ( " i. Ine su-picion is well found -d For where one speculator sui'ceeJs, teu fail and btcnuj latkrupr, while who uo succ:ed are CLtitlid tj no particular gl-'ry for their acLicvcments, their success beig generally built epen the ot others. "Our advice to all farmers' sons i, to stick to the s 'il. Our noble county has acquired a world-wide reputation thieuga her honest and thrifty Lrmirs. Ti..- coly (crijus damage she ever sustained, has been through her lank swindlers, h?r stock and cua! speculators, and the Lord cf ; ut'-. m- it who were toi !jy tiwuk and tjo pr .u-d tj Ic Lonest. ?jm? cf these speculators, who uow bear the braul of swin lkron trows, and whoesc:tp;J the peuitentiary ly judicial accident. ci ne from I he tartu aiiured from a Lf loth. A dense, foggy morning ; clears IUve w c:in tell, by losing at up before neon ; cold but pleasant; heavy ; the rest, that cither they or oar are uf honest toil by the blandishment s of .., , . i. , i Q.-ir itTT in one a aiMKi luam a inouiiii iima o pr. , wun general luyor. n it cau oe succcas- wiraui,ia aloud m thr rainofb.rt- Kxami.nations The f xiniin!tior,s in all the departments, Academical, Collegi ate, and 1 heologiea, were highly isatisfac- fully carried out, it is believed that it will , la America, it will occasion rejoicing tory, and gave evidcucc of diligeut study awaken more general interest in our cher- . among those, foreigu-born, who have be on the part of the students, and of thor- ished University, and promote its real use-1 comc iP'ed citizens, as they can now re- ou2h instruction on the part of the teach- fu'.u s, i turn to their uative country without being w i c i . i. board: the deck literally crowded with ' "wells all day. A jumping? kind of nionug at a.l. So there way bo smug sick ones vomiting, until tho rain came fish the porpoie go in droves here. We tendencies around us cf which we will on- i have breakfast from 8 to 9. lunch at 1. i lj truly learn from their r- su'ti. pcring by a thousand persons ! i dine from 4 to C ; bave good fare ou this There has been, and is n.w, we arc fu'- 23d. The wind coutinues to blow, the boat still, everybody is anxious to get ' convinced, a strong tendency in our lite ot ea.-e. How much better I t tucea bad they stuck, like true s ns ai.d nolio jconifti, to the gloriens puts-ait tf their honest f .timer laincr.. 1 Nay, h- w muclt better fur liiis cjiatuuuitv, which ha bdeu cuiscd. an 1 stilt, fiom th I. . . .i: t ers. 1 he manner ot conductiua these ex- (!nviiMr.vTivn lTP.rrTinv The1. ... ' . . . . a I ; ica are, inueeu, an oppressed people ; ior, ammations, is such as to leave uo doubt , Committee on Government and Instrnc- although they Lave beeuuie adopted citi of the efficiency with which tbe different j tion, report that they Cud it to be of the ' zens, they can only remain such by stay branches have been pursued. Iu the Aca-! most salutary kind, mild, parental, jet ; ing home ! At least, (ien. Cass' letter demy, over which Mr. Yeagcr presides, ! decided. Thcro has not been a single ; ,0 're has declared that naturalized increased care is taken to drill the pupils 1 caso of discipline before the Faculty during VlU-T mU8t. ?it 'Ztt . . . , .., i 1 ' 4e caucus : but if they go abroad they m first pr.ncirlei, and thus to lay well tbe i the entire year. The President appears must Iook out for themselves. But Cass is foundations of successful scholarship. In j to have unusual influence over the students, J a very funny kind of an old gentleman, and this respect, more particularly, there Las ' and it is chiefly owing to bis peculiar 1 says a great many things rather doabtful bten marked improvement since the pre-! power to eheck difficulties in their germ ! o their meaning. We may, therefore, Principal took charge of this depart- ! that the government of the Institution has ; ""Ciuue vj, .u.. .u .u . l l..p ... mi.,1. fha. tniiAhini. itAAlaration: ' t t i i ... ... i l " v - - -- -- oeen so aumiramy couuucieu. ment. Acadkmy. By a decision of the Trus tees at their last meeting, the Academical Building will be so remodeled that the Principal with bis family will hereafter reside in it, and take the immediate super vision of the pupils from a distance. IJy this arrangement, they will bave a home in his family, be subjected lo parental government, and receive the offices of care fi kindness indispensable to their com f)rt and welfare. Collegiate Department. The corns f Professors is out jet full. Arrange- j "'ota will be made as soon as the finan- j interests nf iKa Tnaiiiution will permit. ! "Tpoint a Professor of IJellcs Lettres, ; d i that tho Corporation is unembarrassed ,ci ilse of Natural Sciences. In the by any claims for which ample provision f; time, as heretofore, instruction in i not made. tk branches belonging to these chairs will j In ibis connexion we mention with de- 'o b, the J'resident and other mem-! vout gratitude that no one of the Instruc itra nf .k. l- t. .. .a... .l. r...t : i ir,r. in anr nfihti departments of the Uui- -. .we a: acuity, ieu iuai me mil cuiii- j j , ! rf ftfj w,.t t j.,.,Je. i T'.t.miv. nB.! co iserubet "f et'h"l IiT'i, i sea to heave, the thunder to roar, the light ning to flash, and the rain to come down in torrents distressed time sick as death, : and don't care much about danger just j think of so many people sick iu this cramp ed up place. 21th. Storm abating, but the sea con- tinues to bcave. till cool, or cold ; the through a day is as a thousand years. j country at least in many parts of it liuaucial disasters branghi about througtt Finances. The assets of the Univer sity last year showed tbe corporation to be worth, over all liabilities, One Hundred and Forty-eight Thousand, four hundred andcighty-one dollars and Cfty- nineceuts $148,481 59 Since then there has been re ceived a nctt amount of about EigbtThousand doll. 8,000 00 Which shows that the Corpo ration is now worth One Hun drid and Fifty-Six Thousand, four hundred and Eighty-one dollars and fifty-niue cents 156,4S159 , It is with the highest gratification we E. fa. Z- Freeburg, Aug. 2, 1859. llaricttt Home..." Alfubd. Come, ye thankful people, come, Raise the song of Harvesl Home ! All is safely gathered in. Ere the winter storms bejin ; Jod our Maker doth provide. He our warns hath all supplied ; Come, lo God's own tempi', come. Raise the song of Harvest Home ! We ourselves are God's own field, Kruil unio His praise lo yield ; Wheat and tares together sown, I'nlo joy or sorrow Krown ; First the blade and then the ear. Then the full corn sballjappear; Grant, O harvest Lord ! Ihat we Wholesome grain and pure may be. Then, thou Church Triumphant, rcme, Raise the sons ol Harvest Home ! All are safely gathered in, Kree from sorrow, free from sin ; There, for ever, purified, In God's garner to aNde : (Vine, .en thou-and angels, ceme. It,.,. .., r;'-nM', Han to H"in? ' 11th. Heavy swells continue. We , wJ 'rom farming aud rural pursuits iu have on board an Attorney General from ! geucral. This may sound strange to some. England, a Russian Count and Coante, j 1'keJ tL'"k it can not la so. Th.y will and other notables, jour humble servant point ns to our State and county agricul amon the number. i tural fairi, held every year to the large 1 5th. Great excitement about getting number of Agricultural papers that have i and their plain habits to San Francisco. Oue would think it the i "prung up of late years to the fact that 1 ers ahead 1 You are captain sent below to have a ton of gruel j last event ever expected to happen, llad , "J'oi an our weeny papers, aaa made. An old gentleman came along, j n awful time gelling into port, the fog j religious, bave a departmtut far farmers and asked the steward if he anticipated was. so dense. (Jot iu at 10, A. M. There j to books published and speeches any dinger? he said, "Yes, every moment j is a great bill (I should say mountain) a I made on subjects connected with sgricu! nr. little out of the city, called Teleirraph bill: ! ture yea, to our Su:e agricultural colic- Ul UJ V II W. I a' a'! 'I'll 11 "5th Fine day sea calm, everybody ! a man is stationed there, when a steamer . ndel farms. They will point , good o.d Lancaster county, and v.udica' mo. ), j;,.a..,I .l.-iAk ! t l.v all Arte fart... and sav : Kehnld ! ' '''"' f br fmei he- liAt lAA Bail in ntl-llr I'. V r 1 1 II OUT raOlU UUC. Out AiJ CUVU BJ u.wurt,ic.atnutcui l . . , r , better, sail iu biii'. i.kuiuo1 uui cwa v , . ,. r . . . c j ware ol the insidious spirit of c-i eea aiion .... . .1... :. A. .I.I..M m:i.. A.,. tr t.. sstsr hacs Ihd farmtn? intere.r.s of nnr t w crowueu wuu ..aabcuw.. "m's ; j j the instruiucWahty of these s'uek-uo. live-without-w uk'i!.', lar.l; and stock spec ulator. Vour..: Parmer ! Vuu in Vuur 'fast hor.-e,' wun disrespectful words oa vcur lips about the 'old nnti' and the 'oli woman, asUamea it tntir plain ciotnee look out fr break- ashamed of the 03- blest erei!pati"n on earth you want to get rich fast without work but jou ar in danger Stick toold Mather Kutb.anl she will s'iek to you while (here is a drop of raiu to fall, or a ray nf sunshine t warm Above all, maintiiu the honor of selves in various ways; a lively time gen-! graphed, and thecity is all astir guns are ! country leccived so much attention, aud j True, every word of it, aad what i erally ; a sudden change indeed. fired, bells rung, Digs displayed, and run- ! never has there been such a prospect of; thus j ist.y expressed in regird to asingn advance in all agricultural pursuits. ' county, is more or less applicable in an7 Nor eould wo deny that there aro many part of our country. The late lioancial 2t5th. Getting quite warm ; 120 miles j tiers out. e naa been au mree aays, from Havana. j aQd our delay caused quite an excitement. 27tb. At Havana morning at 5 o'clock this m tneir we. At tne rost umce lines are formed, and each one has to take bis turu. lGth. Reached the R. It House at 5, A. M. O how pleasaut to be on land once fiue harbor good view of the town trees so greeo,flowera so beautiful, fruits so nice ! Buildings have low Sit roefs, some of them painted blue. Many Datives came along side, with little boats to take the passengers on shore, to the city, as we anchor some distanoe from it. One dollar for tbe ride each way, another for a pass port, and so on from $5 to $10. 8th. Left Havana at 5 P. M , to-day. More than 100 new passengers, lo Car- ribean sea, tbia evening, excessively bot ; still they call it cool for the season ; great i dinger of sickness so crowded, ana sol wiitn- It 13 swfil to t!k iz ? ? nut' 1 in our country who bave of late years ta ken an increased iuterest in all that per tains to the tilling of tbe soil. Moreover, there were never perhaps so many who bave taken such a real and intelligent in- again ! Got a good sleep. Went around l terest in elevating the art of farming, and the city pleased with everything China- I in establishing the principles which must men at every turn, with their great loose underlie the greatest success. Yet, while trowsers and frocks, their ewe or cows tail j the In? hava continued, and even iucreas banging down should thiuk the ladies ed their zeal in this interesting, most would want to wear Bloomers. Took boat ! healthful and independent pursuit, there at 4 P. M. for Sacramento. Most delight- I bas been, nevertheless, among the many, an increasing disinclination to farming, a disposition to forsake the fields and the faim, for the s!rctp, stores and cCh's of cut citi'-s, At f'i th? ic-vir.g "h-.i something like the ful scenerj i Hudson. 17th Psciameoto at 5 M , lock' tn"t- !ik a Ka'tein eiy revulsion bas shown how many branches: of luiqeo3 bad beeu inflated and over stocked and, as a result, thousands f persons, in almost all departments cf 1 1 sines?, bave been tLtowo out of eniply Ilural districts and rural labor alone baro mostly escaped tbe shock and been enabled to go steadily un amil tbe wr.-'-k which tbe "stormy wind" bus left b-.'oini. This moment almost the ruir, p-rhira tbe only rank of secular lastness which needs filling np, is thai of tb futrars There are too few faraeis, and tec little .PA.l.t.tA ia ra'ia.l nv.T fiVaUtrV I I1CS cf thi prndurecf tbes'ii, i'" r r. " ' ft a'., a.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers