1 IIII Nil ST All 3 , II p m w -H . G . 4 ill Jl. 1IV 0. X. WURDKN AND J. II. C0KNEL1US. At S.1.50 fcr Uar, :iIu:jm la Adiaiuo. TIIK L'XlON-lvsT.itr.i!fn.5 1 v ll-Wuoix :,'-, ..". 7 1 . CIILLONI'jriK-EsTAi r.i :iki., !sl.,-.Vn.-ix No., 7ii. LEWISIJURG, UNION CO., PA., FlilDAY, AUGUST 5, 1850. I niimi'uunl.) SlarX Li'vi!inr;;('l!ritiiicli' Liu I FriMty9!it L r.:? urjl u'on Co. Pa. "i7;VC.M ,...r v- ,:. i ili- ft.ii- rl- I r : l it r t. tii . iv t- r I 'tir tn K it-. it -tit Tum1i. 2 it li't - ir-. t-r t'-iir ':! n-' ir, A i. V.. .-. .. :-- atf. I i.. it.-r i'. rii-0. I'U i It i m rtli. 1 -M. -.11 tii' niii?, Uol.t-T tw -r. lu f-u t- n i.jMi!t out 1 . 'in. uN .y ni ut tjTti.ll in-I III li'M. l'"-t.l.' .1:tni( . u- ii.t-. Mm-i kinl- ft-, hi.-. I ;it tltfi '!!:. . t q.Wli.-n !!n tMi ( : Lin H'f IllVr N riltll'Ml.' V.Vi.Hi l-lX!.M -. lufcTl-i- I . i r w ..(Mil . i. Ii a .:.i- -r i. : i- .-i.-iti:i I I. iMi-li- .1. ,.t :.u in-' rt i' ii. l' I. 1- r .1. ,.. r y.-sr. ,ii..r , lid! -11. c -I.-.m :'' ' '--r 1- : I. 1- r .-: r. -1 A - ;.i 1- M l-n. v nT r. A i .. r-i- in. ;i'-1 :if . ii- 1 ;-. Im ;l. I. .- ii- ! :i! 11-I1 ri- t r -.1 llMli.- T.i.-I :i . I i- l.. -I 111 Hi.- .- ii .i.-.-u u.ij. -rli.rit 1111.1.. iii.ili-ivit- f.r m"-t lav I . nr Ii. v:i!imii.- t.- Ctininui:icat!olls -i -1 r . m l r.t . . m -.1 t ih,. v. Tin- MA..M.IH 1" K I . I - i t lit.- NT .! 1 '.r..,i,. i ! N i in a. U ..in-.-. : i!.. I '. r..mi-t.-i 1 Kiii l..-: JOB I'KlSH.i IT ll .-- . I - 1. .l'.i-ii..l A : hi. ah 1. 1. .1. '. is . All. I i 'jirnci.. 11 CI) Jiovtiiv, ti t:. 1, is.ii. To Be, or not io Ee ? After 1 'resident I "i"i manan eamc to ItedforJ, the I'i;t.-bur '..-.' and aujther i, i-ling I.i'cof.ieo j sfir in 1 ur i.:t::to made 3 I. rmal annnunci merit of him f -r l e noiu ;i. iti.'ti. Mueb i' x t e ni el. t was created by tl.is presentation, for a time. I!ut 'J.U.' las takcu counsel, and wi.-e'y c?i:ciu les to t t risk Van Iiurm's fate. lie sccs that li.e Kasf, West and Noit'i will eboosethc lest President, lie knows how l'-mglas, 1 'acker, Forucy, iiickman, ei.e-. would st.;b him. lie fears a worse dileat than John Tyler'. And so he has formally and iffieiallv withdrawn from the field ! ' - - Another Game of Iladness. I Lata arrivals from Costa Kiea state that at Chiriiiii gold idols and trinkets were , fjund in some Indian graves. Whereupon a great excitement was attempted 10 oe i fanned, by rumors that Spaniards iu days .. . 1 . 1 of yore Lad there buried Leaps of gold, and every Indian gram was a mine. If there be or bo not anything in the rumor, 1 Lucdreds of the lazy, the reckless, tho unprincipled, the dupes of every idle lie, will rush to Chiii.jui, to nnko fortunes by robbing Indian graves ! They'll ri-k the dangers ot ttio deep, ol levers, oi star- vatiou, of revolutionary, guerilla wars, of assassination, of centipedes, Ac. .V"., all iu , tho Lope that by invading tho sacred tombs of the dead they can Cud auiou their putrid and moldered r -Moiins, gold ! It like Pike's Peak, .c will doubtless tat up more mon -y than il g- Is ; aye! and more Americans' than l:: ii-ns' beneawill be picked, too I "The FiuEsiiiE Mo.miii.v '.V. W. Hall, Editor. New York: 11. li. Price, 3, Kvcrett House." This is a now Z'l i -luomps on, ana ttie (tigmiied 1 resident, page magazine, of which tho July No. is JoliD Hancock; and on that piece ofgrau really excellent. Its price is $1,60 a year j i'e s'ooJ tIj0 wli C' "id. to tho rather high for the iimoioif of matter it ; contains, but wc knew no magazine of a I ... , i, i Lictter qualify Ol reading, wo ncitve all original. It is just the thing ncedul, but should couio much cheaper to reach tho masCf. We believe the K litor is also ' the editor of the popular aud useful "Hull's , .hmrnal of lluhh." We extract a few ' of the shorter items of the "Fireside'' , from the No. before us : EfiVlT, in 1MD, has a piptilation of . over five millions, and Alexandria near i lour hundred thousand: its cuitivatab e aroi is seventeen thousand sun-ire mile. I Z t.,e .r f of Xew oTu nearly three times as large. Diet am. Oi if.t, are said, by "IMC Juvrnal of Ihulth" to be the most effi- cicut remedies iu tho bowel complaints of Summer-eating nothing but lice patched ; brown, like roa.,ted coffee, aud jrepared : lor the tablo in the u-ual way. I . . ' " '""" u' 'J' j"ij vu., .o Wasiiimi Clothes. A Landfill cf ' raucb of its interest by scrapicg.polishing, show by what authority they exercised refined borax in ten gall it s of boiling wa- an,i re-covering with bright green baize. ' certain privileges, kc. in short, to show ter, is a saving of one-half of soap ; it soft- i What would you not give, if, liko the j why the Charters of said Colonies should costhewatcr,W.thout ii juringtbctcituroof , famous table of Wartburgh, it Lad been ' not be given up, and they formed iuto a tbcclotbing; it i especially pood for cam- ; permitted to retain but one or two of its ' number of Province?, over all of which brics. laces, crinolines, tie-, if a stronger : 1 , , , , , . ,-, , , ! . ' , ' ' inkspots . should be placed a Governor General a solution is used. , . , , . 1 Temi'Fiivm e Societies Tho second ' ' narro,T seated bench, oneo i creature of the said delectable monarch, in the United States seems to have been stoc"i 'n Christ Church. In it Las sat who was afterward drubbed at the lioyne established at A Uentown, New Jersey, in ! many a notablo man, and against that j by the Priuco of Orauge who should 105, by the Kev. E. Page, of Trenton, ! Lack has leaned in holy devotion the brow make laws and collect taxes more in accor called tho "Sober Society," with fifty- j of Washington '. It is a portion of bis dance with Jimmy's ideas of government Mght signatures. The first, in a' j pcw anJ ua3 borne a weight such as tlio j than these Noitli American, Protestant Whitewash for out doors: ono ounce f white vitri-d, four pounds i f good fresh lime, aud throe ounces of tabic salt, m as ,...u in .At,.;o.... ' ".am am .s ..it fcI,u ii. uu uiKuiwu, Tr 7-' e i 1 . ill. Ml'liuailic l uuiniTimj, ill nj;iii cen hundred aud fifty-eight, contains, ia round numbers, twenty millions of Prot- (slants and twenty three millions of 'lo- man Catholic. i Nehsi ai-eus in tho Fiiiteil States are , Mid to tillml..-,r nl.niit fniir lliniisnm). nf fci , . . . ,. : . ""m some nve iiunurea are l uoiiooea c'i'y. Not so many of this last, wc think. I'ltitn Fki it It is said, that a hand ful of sassafras bark mixed with a bushel tf dried fruit, will preserve it from worms 'r years. Haius NfMrtrREn In a blonde, 1 10, brown, 10), 110; black, 102,000; :,d, S?,7 10 counted by a German. .... ' ... Kirraska. Tbo Republican Central I ' OBlDiittae nf 'l.r-i-l- h.iro called a State ' it 'ivention for tho nomination of eandi- J are not concerned about that. j tho lights were extinguished; tho crowd Cl'H fnr Pelogata ia Congress and Terri- ! On the pedestal, however, lie one or ! outside raised a sbont, for they seemed to officers, to meet in Omaha city on ; two interesting relics a bomb shell dug j be in tha secret ; a number entered the -1th of August. All persons opposed j up frnm the State Hou'o Yard after the I ball, and atnoug them Capt Wad.-wc-rtb, t'ejent Administration aud the x llev lutii r. : r';pc !;et fiorii'be Ccld rf ! of ll.iife; 1, who t-n-'A tbe Cbntfr, m-''"-a cl Silvery are jnvittd to -in in Ti ; sri tne fpsn: ri M- e'.,- ' .'.-' ! rid t e -md -frritfl it if. h"V."v '""ti rf ! Idgntf-C ri j p Pr.rrraj'-.n Ft IIi.i Mar A l l.rin.i, I.-. Aa Hour in Independence Hall. r.v s. ii. f. Tlic bright sun is shining gladly, and the gay squirrels are chasing t-uch oilier arouud the trunks of these liu sha Jo tries, eating peanuts from the bands of fair children, crowild of whom nro playing merrily along the gravel walks. Dozens of ucpliirrut looking men, ycuiv and old. . " ,J are Mttiui; on tuc little backups stool?. , 0 ' ' ' '"'7 m, uu e, looKiug ia,y at these ha; ; y groups of merry children, and with t'livioua eyes on the well fed and dc:v j .v. m .lu JU . j nurses who aro crj .yinS the sport wilh ineir yoiinif warm ; wtjiio. around nr young wards : wliic, around !ic windows of the Court rooms-, which fine iu one side of this plens-int Sij'iarc, crowds of men ii:d boys, 1; -nerully of the lowest s rt, are loungiug smokinjT, ela-wiug, s;-ittinjr, swearing cuiiver.-iiij ij .r-.'i-s with a knight of the greeu tii;r, here, or roiisuliing a j uliccuiaa there, on s nne nice point of criminal law. (If I wore disposed t i hi funny, I should s iy, c insulting 'their ."!-., ' but punning is vulvar : in deed, I have a sly uoti .u ihat I sacrificed a fort una owe ly pLying on lady's nuuie, ami im veiy c iu'i-mi-', ever since, how I indulge iu that sort of wit ) To be l.iicf, gentie reader, I am lounging in I:: m:h:.1'I:mt Siuace, I'Liladelj l.i.i, and witiiiu a few feet of too very spot from which t'aj ! induration of Iudepctidcncc was first read to the public. If you peep through those grccu blinds oil the right, you cans, changing there the chandelier which lighted up that v. ry room on the i evening of July o'J, lTTii. i"euingo! juiyou, !... Asmanyoftho readers of the Chroticlc , may not have been favored with a sight of ; that old chamber, if they have 110 ol jec- tion ''I 11 put them through. X- . 1 t .1 . 1, . ,o "irouDie at ail, my dear "ttars and Chronicles." I have not an earthly : thing else to do, and it will quite relieve 1 mo of the insinuations of a certain name- 1 less old gentleman who is represented as ; making himself continually busy iu "uud-; ing some mischief still," &e., so, come 1 along ! You sec tho venerablo Superintendent is ready to admit us into this sacred spot, and to show us around. As I have been hero before, I'll act the citerono myself, and save him the trouble. A plain old room is this, but crowded with memories, and memorials, dear to every Ameiieau. From that chandelier , Btreauied dovrn tho light of many a wax j candle on tbo heads ..f the venerable men I ,.f tlm r.mtinprit:,! f ,..r.. T I two leather-covered arm-chairs eat the tru'h-loving'and faithful Secretary, Charles . . ... public, tue Declaration. 'r- tossing, in his valuable work,''Thc , r;.. t.l Tt..L. l. I.....i..: .i I raiuer knocks tbc history of this slab on the Lead, ! oa what authority, I cannot at present say. says, "From the platform of an obser- j vatory .erected near the Walnut street front o ,lje State House, by Kittcnhouse,many Jears before, for the purpose of observing a transit of Venus, John Nixon read I In Declaration to a vast concourse of people gathered from tho city and surrounding ........irn " I 7. . i - , P,a'" fC W",h.fr! "'C phi.o.'opher, mechanic, politician I-rank- 11D Ptca ' woke, wrote his letters, and many of Lis wise sentences; signed ; his checks, paid Lis jjurncymcn, and thouirht out his wonderful ,,l.i. It t ' ,, rnA ,iirt w t... ,i.i...i ,.r' rock of Scone can not boast. This curious, highbaeked chair, of van- ous woods, was presented by the Corpora- I . e - . , Uou or iuo .Nortnom Jaiucrties, ana is com- posed ol portions ot the first bouso ever ; his continent Columbus ; j art ' : built by Europeans on this erected about I-IJO, lor of the oid Elm Tree, under which 1'eun i concluded Lis celebrated treaty with the ; th lDJuus . cf Penu's cottage, iu l.actitia h .. ... . . tuuil, wuuiu uiv memory nei'i. aa a ia- irn nr flin nl.l i.nnl., I 'anct il , 1 1, in '.-,- , In it is also inserted some portions of cane j scaling from a chair once William Peon's, I and a lock ef grey hair from the brow of: Chief Justice Marshall. The Statue of Washington, facing the door, is wrought in wood by Mr. Hush of Ihi3 city, who, if my memory does not de ceive inc. was a sclf-taui'Lt artist : but. as ' o---- , ( Las no Fnecial inter, st nll-.r-i,, .1 la trp 1 1 irctirj - ! y, u Ur.r bo look upon tbat old "clapper," which was the first to proclaim to the world our nation's birth. The iron crown ofSte Stephen llW ' becomes a bauble LcsiJij that iron I How many thousand look on that roncli t,iKe of wrou-bt iron. Kbaneles, and rtV 1 r: 1 1 J ' every year, without Mopriu,; to riflect fur one moment on its glorious nii.-Mon ! ilihty-threo joar? aq , c:y fiicud, it ftait- 1 r;i., i;.,,, i,;. 1, i;.. ii r 1, , ! , ,, . . 0 .1 . mrvuiat tins nay as you reflect on your 1 1 . c-i 1 1 .1 1 ' ; ylori'-u inheritance. thould tbo a-J CVcnt ever coiue, it i.i a con,o!ati..u to fc-l tlnt it wiI1 be fparc(1 ie 0flicc ol ,lli, 1 n c 1 . . 1 . 1 1 knell for our fiaered tru.-t be'raye I. and ,,, lS nr fp, ,-,, ' -i the grave of our liberties. !ut the prominent object is the Old liidi itself. It stands on an emblematical pedestal iu the middle of the room, and is lotccted from chipping, whittling, thiev ing vabdalisUi, by au iron railing. What a grand old relic it is ! Wo have been familiar with it since many years before ; it wis brought down to the ball ; wheu it used to hang away up in the steeple, un. ' dcr the stairs, in a daik little sort of cock- ' 1- fr, and where very few over saw it. Some years ago it was brought down to its pre sent (j'larteis, alter an attempt bad been mado to restore its tone, and here it rests, at last aeoes.-iide to the public, liow wo have sat uud mu.sed over tbo old rusty loi:ig till wc could fairly fie the old shad ' bellied ringer who broke its tones on that memorable afternoon, eighty-three years , , ., , ', . u 1 li ar the shouts of the ri'iamt mob g uhercd in this passage and under the old waiuut trees while the i nful words went 3i;o, an f a tll t0 t, ..tu. u,v dolJO from mouth to mouth i J they have done ;t n ,;it v .0 11. J'ouell. ICS, tlcT j: 1 noblv boldlv ' and this old bell first tull it no pun, my dear friend to tho world. l,rt I .in ..! I.Vnl. imin tf AlL.nv FrronlJ --. 1.1 :k. ,..lT I.. The history of tho bell itself is interest - ; auj u jt briefly. Its ori"inal V3S a leU illit,ortej from EDS,ind for tho gU(0 Hou.-e in 175'd which was cracked oa ;ts fjrt trial after its arrival. It was re.Cast in Philadelphia, in 1703, ly Pass atlJ Stow, under the direction of Isaac Norr;J( .vfJ lucn p?oakcr of the Colonial Assembly. Around its crown, together with the names of the founders and date, it bears this prophetic motto "IVuclaim HUri throuyliuul all Ih: Lui'l Vtilo till the iuhahiVtuts thertof." And it was tho first to proclaim that liberty. I bavo not tho data at band, but I think it was agaiu cracked, cither on tho Washington ceutcnuary, or the election of Jackson to the Presidency, and it has l t;t ltrtit.l. army approached Philadelphia, in 1777, it - -- - was talcon down Irom tlio oid wooden Del- fry and Lidden till the daoser bad Passed, Ct..tl : l:n.. T.n .1. -..-., t. . i iuijuiui: ioa 1 1 li huieaieu i . nuu 0 destruction again The wonder to uic, at this moment, is, that, through so many years of neglect it i i .... :i.:i...: i :. ua eseapeu uuer auuiuiiauou, .uu iwi n has not Iongago been made iuto cauehcads and vest-buttons for common council-men and their fricuds. Thcse aro the principal "relics" in this!1 are young one we i hedged, , , , ! which every now and then stand upon tho venerable chamber, at present, belonging edgc of the nest and try their wings. I to the locality itself. There is one other j Uy upon tho green sward a long time and which I bad almost forgotten, but which observed the movements of the parents, iw.u-iugiu uere a piece o.i..e - - i.Nar - ter Oak." As some of your youn readers . i. -i: :.i. i T :ti 3 . , ,V- , J' , I Uk ,rlnsbe i(" In 10N, JaU,CS th Sec, nil, one of tho smallest men morally ; and intellectually who ever sat on tho , throne of Crcat Ilritain, issued writs of , ijiio irarrantn requiring tho several colo-! ..;. ,.t nr,h ..riM i I.. ,,r. i .r. n:. ;i ! heathen wcro likely to do. Tho Colony of Conneciicutremonstratcd, but to no purpose, for a decree ba.l gone . , . , . .i i o- I rtu to auuui iuo uaricrs, auu oue air Edmund Andross was appointed the first j Governor General. Connecticut positively refused to give up her Charter. Sir Ed- mutid und was determined U have it, and while e Assembly was in ses-ion, in Hartford, 3 . . ,' . ' e went down there fioui Iliston, with a! couinnuv ompnny of soldiers, aud demanded tho j ,n',n,nnr 1 oo tlteill UTS recelveil I11U1 . , with the greatest respect, and cooly deba- ted the subject till night, while the Loyal Governor waited, cursing their cool imper- turability I bavo no doult. After dark, the Charter was brought in and laid on the table around which they sat. Sir Edmund stepped up to seize tLc document, but, liko (bo Jarkv'a half dollar, thev "had only .id it th,.n tn tro him.'' for ou a sudden lhrp of tbc llou. Saui'l Wyilys. (That oak tree will be for ever known as the "Char- ' t-r Oak," and this crooked piece of timber i i , nortion nf it . The caudles were soon I re-lighted in the hall, and order was re- I sh.re.l. but Car. AndroaS had to co back ) " without the Charter ! Hero lot me close Ibis rambling paper. crowd scattered, who are not pleasant to look at or listeu to, we'il return, aud I'll describe s oiii9 of them. tlYl:K S'. tli. A v. inl cam 110 mil 1 1 llie s.-a, And saol : -( 1111 -I, io;:ki' roi io i-r il , t,. II liaile-l llie Vi iiiaiiiii-rs bios, aii.l cri- "S1 1 llli- Ill-Ill IS L--11I- !" An.t hnrrii- t 'aihiv.aii!, I'ar a'.v.sv. t'ry:n;j : Awake, 11 1-. ihe day !" Il sail until llie finest: Slnmi ! Il-iii; a!l yi-ur leaiy Itannrrs mu!" Il louche, I ihe wood-bird's lul 'e-l wiiiT, And said: ( lard, awake and Miii '. And o'er llie f.innr, : '-O i-haii'.ii-li 1. r. Voiir claru-ii Mow, llie day i lo'ar !" I: whiprred to llie fi- !.! ol coin : -l!or doun, and hail llie conuiii: in- in ! It 'huute-l tliroie'h llie llfrv toivrr: .Wake I) b'-ll, j-roclaoii llie h- nr ! ' Il cross. .1 tio churchyard wiili a sieh, And jli-l : -.N.-t yet! Ill ijaict lie." Vliat the Eird3 Dj. Farmer I read over the list given 1 flow r what a few families of birds aro doing ! every day f.r tho lublio rood, and then 1 t ' ' aajr Lu"La"y wtc,ber ou doQ ' kr,lnv ! ,e?criil lK'Uv'i lu Jour os''1"3 S""'g I about '"eir guus who are really not I EerT1Be the comuiumly as well as the lit- .,i.i..,.i 1. 11. tie feathered families, celebrated by Mr. 0. M. Clay, of Kentucky, in tho follow- ing article, which be communicated to ! ...... ...i- u. ...a..j, ..v. j wLich."0 ,ake 3'wruJ-livo millions of eater.niiars aua im.ccis ..cs.ro.ea .n cue ' " 1 ' " " . .. . i i. i .1 i I'liaiy tiiou ii-ni a num. iu mai r.eiioo. ! niaDy well-known nun, so far from doing any public or privato good, ara really spreading mischief by their business aro ! You rerccive the.-c walls are covered with fxur hundred and tixty-iive daiinauts, lieaawat. r.-t, cross to tne soutu oratiea 01 I .... . . 1 I . t. I ' 1 Till t T . 1 - l .. portraits, many of them rare, all interest- : witti tne amouLt elaiiucJ, amount award- 1 inc creih, waieu win to ,uoweu 10 iuc in" at some other tinn-, afier (hi.- Sunday ed, loss in destruction of crops, and tiuin- mouth of its west branch, and along the .'iCHtion has been settkd and this lulidel bcr of houses destroyed, hursts and cattle course of that stream at. 1 its northern trib they not ? quite equal iu amount to the capital were the only ntcas tires that offer benefits conferred by the tiod-givan in- cd lorious obstacles. Topeka was selected al-t I suncis.oi mo oeauiuui ana useiui mrus. Mr. Clay says: "At daybreak I estimate that four bun- dred sougsters break forth into ous grand f r,,,;. tJ r,l,fL,r Among theso I note the catbird, the bell martin, the dove, lark, and quail, tho ! sparrow and humming bird, robiu aud jay, I tu ""use porch and barn swallows, and " ' i ' v!' , . ' wuuu.I,","-r!,i o..i'au.A... ni. .ii-.iji. ui iu uu ma- ;., Ilnnn ih nsa nf l.ir.Ij 1 t,l.- no. ' . y. y sition about fifteen feet from the uest'of i nn nrtnTi l.niU in th.i t.n i.f n ....nl, ---1 J j " - -- --- wm w. i-.au uvg . . ...... . twelve lect nigo, to observe ttieir habits. Tho nest is formed of blades of blue crass, worked into basket form ou the limbs of the peach tree acting as braces. This va- . 1 . . - . - , neiy uas the leuialo ot adusky tilui.-hyel- low tho male blackheade-d aud blackish ! wings, with a brick-dust or robin red- ! J""" col"r 00 ,,ia a"'1 J''-' " -:-VJ --j - "Jr "'"" -u i erage, varying in time Ifcom two to six ' They would light upon the Hack locust trl, tho vinc.Vo grass, and other places, clinging at times to the most delicate and ixtrctne point of the leaves, X observed plaiuly green an.t brown grass llorPcri caterpu.ars, an-l stna.ler Hies, "ometinies one and sometimes as many as six were plaiuly fed to the young cues, whose beads I could sco above the nest. They would also carry back the re fuse litter from the nest, dropping it fifty or more yards off; which same thing I saw tho brown thrush, which Las a nest in a climbiug rose about forty yard.t off, also doing, they Laving four young outs. IXSKITS. " l.ir.l. r If - .....y 1 lir,tle 1 in lJi nniilliii. .Ill nits! I.y I! :.o Ti.-il. in an ti,, 4 n.-ui's i.h .in iiv.-i.ii:-- i-'-i w.-iiie.iti tin- ii.-ur. o wikni Iii-ur-. T Jit.ii:iy. 2i'o I'.siis nn tin. ei-tMin,!- 1 ia.t-iHI a -I,.v. -.si i.urs in -ii.l;i. s l,l-'i,ts-.i ii month. -i"( -ir- in s rantitlii, .,:i:;,i,'.i'.'sni. 0 .:nrs i.l-l .-H.-....1.I. I.v U ;.i;.:.iu.o,- 4- ni-ri.ii.', .1". l-v J.lo. i.lll.lii.i.i'ii. t-"l il,.. i-alin-: I tiuirs. I - 1 :..i. . ;.i-si.l.-i- Cr.'Ws au-l tira.- l-.oi-ttii.i- 0, -.CI,mi.i,.,i.i. Double the estimate of birds and crows, which I think fair ou my farm, aud we j Lave li.UC ,SOO,('COx 2.", t5'.),2liO,t'U. j 1 '"" " J hat is to say, twenty-live billions t ur i ,unjri.,i ,! hl'ty uiue milliuns aud two hundred thou.-and caterpillars Mid other j insects destroyed in ouo year ! If those : estimates seem large, we uiuat rcuiembcr i l" lt luo eireuianou ana rcspirauou oi ,rU ue exieme.y rapid ; and of course tho contuutrttou of lood rapid in pro- rur(;L)I) "Uc is no 'sickly sentimentality,' but plain economical facts, based upon obsei I ' T.-ition. Shall ue srarii tliA cruti-x nn other birds a little coru and fruit? or shall 1 friends of Freedom will extend to we kill them, aud revivo tho famines of wards it a liberal patronage. the East and tho ravages cf other days .' Shall wo lire on them in tho morning, or joiu in tbeir universal jubilation V' If prison statistics can bo taken as evi J-- ..,..:.n- ;,,.;,.;...!.,. i uvov., i.um am luj'w.j in. " i-f, ..I iuu United States. Tho State IWn of Did- iana. at Jeffeisonville. is full to ovn'l.tv I ing It coutaius five hundred and tweuty one convicts. Tho State Prison at Co lumbus, Ohio, and at Auburn and Sing Sing, New York, are nlso crowded. The j Western ToniWutiary at PitMi:rg i.. Ilk. , isc full, .i.d is t ii. n.ati.-;. ncr.n'Cic-date tho "i 'Ii-.. ('cjT.mrnT "Bleeding Kansas." I The Legislature of Kansas appointed a j ', committee of three to investigate and ' award claims against the Covcrnment for louses Busmcd lunng the troubles oi 1 that unfortunate territory in 1S55 and . lN)ti. It is very voluminous, containing ! a tabular statement giving the vim. of taken, whether tbo property belonged to free State or pro slavery men. The for mer lire far the greatest sufferers, as ap pears by the report. Accompanying the tabular statement is a complete history, from evidence taken during the stooious of the Hoard, more in detail than any ac count yet published. The following is the statement of the amount claimed un l awarded, Ac. : Amount claimed a'aai-led Nolo! - 1 1 I li. 1 -is stoli 11 ol eallle slulcn I" of Ii.ii.m-s ile-sin-n-d Oii-io-il l-v 1'ice JsiaiK no 11 ' liy l'ro-S!averv men lr:.irovi'! I y Pro-Slavery men oy Flee rsUtc nu n .tii;.o-o 1 -,. . " . 1 $ :.X:', . : ii.i:'S 1-,. is 1 1 -J.'.'J U he committee are of the op duion that in the diffirent enconntcrs and guerilla fi-bts, AT I.KAST TV(. HLXUltEI. I KIf suNo v. rr.E ivll.t.ti' . lrtily, during tout peri od it was "bleeding, ' and to the thamo of l!ie Administration, be it Uuwu that V. S. bayouets under the charge of (iovcrn- Iuat iwecrs u.d much cl it: .is- J - - - 1 Leaves woitni, July iS. The Kan- ; 9a3 Constitutional Convention has nearly completed its labors aud will probably ud I . ni . .:....: - l iourn to-morrow. The constitution is rad ically anti-slavery, but it differs from the j Leavenworth instrument, inasmuch as it uoes uoi iaicuu mo iiuio u un, u negroes. According to its provision the legislature will consist ol seventy-two I mf,CR,M",ra "uu "- .... . ?. . . - i iue ouainess oi lue conveuuun uas neeu : disposed of with tolerable oxpedition , The questions of tho apportionment of the Stato and the location of tho temporary i . . . m ; as tlio temporary capital, tba town ot Lawrcnc being a competitor. The efforts; of tho partizaus of both places revealed j considerable competition both inside and j ouUids of the convention. Tho ludica- j tl0DS ar0 that " "tiucaticn of the Con- ' stitution will be vigorously opposed by j the Pemocraey, as all the ultra measures ; advocated bv the latter. includiBL' tho an - ncxation of the Platte district the tx - r-iiision nr rrcn ni,roes , , . - - -the prohibition of ; La"k anJ lLe preservation of thj , i j . . . . . . . - . ! tlio gold regions, have been dtlcated. i S, T ..t-h .ll. T!.- i;,n,a,rr,r, stitutional Convention adjourned sin Ut nl,iht Sst.ita I 'nnstitnti.m n;n i a',irtc,1 b7 to of thirty-four to thir- tecu, all tlm Democrats refusing to "'gu it. Thus showing a premeditated uetermtnation, on the part of the Pro- ot r( ,... . r l .1 ,r , . I X cuiotracy, AUAIN to dedat a : wt.tntion, ,., to k., k,tm, o,,t ' the I n,un unt.l JUr the 1 .la,Ual . -, . Kescue of Hi-v. John Doy, who was : al - -Jl'" week, -go, on the charge of abducting a : slave from Missouri, was rescued from j jail on Sunday morning last, during a vi olent storm, aud was still ut larg latest advices. at our The national Era. We announced, a fc-.v weeks tigo, the death of Dr. Paii.ev, the able aud f-arless Publisher aud Editor of the X.rlun,, L that bold and out.-pokeu llepublicau journal published at tho National Capital, Wo had some fears that Lis demiso would cause a suspension cf tho pnper, but we are gr,oeu 10 .e.uu ...ow .-us. : XjAILEV determines lis contiutt-; ance. the says: , "Tho A'a will remain true to Ihe prin ciples it has always advocated. Writers of eminent ability will contribute to its editorial columns. Its literarv depart mcut will be placed in able Lauds, aud no j iff.irt will bo spared to make the paper as i nearly as pcs.-tl-le what it has always bceu. "Ihe value of the A -:.'in J.ni asthe representative of free pi National Capital, .mi tot late editor as their only a luciples at the , tho family of its : available means ot support, manes li my to continue its puLdioiti ruction. imperative duty ' liciticn without inter-; lo.ii'ju. ; The bas always been ono of the ' highest toned and Lest conducted journals , published iu this country. We trust that I ho 1 ottsvilio journal says mat rn ; Wednesday of last week William Donald-! s.-n, President of tho Tamsqna Dank, died at that place from injuries received from I .,nn.;i,i, nf lira .limn in his eeal minra ! u ,. .-..-., v r -. ou tho 1 lib. inst. lie was a wealthy, ju. flucutial aud bi;-hly lesrectcd citijeu ot i l'aiuaqua, aged 70 years, and had been i Provident ol ihe Pai.k since the death of, Kiehard Cuter. This Pank is very uu- fortunate with its Presidents. Carter, it will to ven-.nb-r-.l was killed by Sm:rh will to retnetul" . !'l ibdeiphi:, -. l. I tovt Ds.ua... ! wi'h h vi 1. rd. d-.-;tr. !. ' I i. i r-:i-- a l?rUL A New KailroaJ Froject. It is proposed to tup tbo Sunbury Erie II. P. at or near the mouth of ouog - . womau'n cretk in Cliuton county, follow ; mc course 01 Mream .0 ters in StcwJOB Uwn.-bip, I'otttr coun- ty, strike th'j wat-is of Kuttle creek near , Oleooa, follow thj main .stream to its '. utaries into Sweden township, where will cross the summit and stiike the wa ters of Mill creek, and, following that stream to Coudcr-port, stiike She Alleghe ny liiver, and, following that, ti.pho Xew York Iirie II. II. at Olean. It U said that Ibis route is not only f..a-ib!e, but tbat it will be a moderate grade and of easy construction, with the exe ptijn of a couple of miles at and near the sum mit which divides the waters of tho Alle gheny an 1 Su-.j Johanna. Tin tnlire length of the road will be about 'Ji) Utiles. i Prcvidence3. ! The other day a young lady, near I .anesville, fell six iuckc? from a doer "'cr, and broko licr r.eck. Iu St. J.ouh, a n.an Uroppeu Irom a louriM itory, aL'. T00 " awning, escaped with a severe iiijury to his thoulJ, r. In I!i:Uj! a 3 "a,l" aa involuntary deseeut from a second btory window, but was s-.ved waieU may L-j Usvu Witu safety. IUj from tho least hurt, by her crinolin, on prejudice of the former most likely grow the parachute principle. Thus f.r the ; cat f the n. fleet of ordinary piudenca Pittsburg 0 azotic, to which we may idd ! b)" 2.csa wh no it without any regard t that Paldwiu, tbo New York forger, ! '''" 'i'ntity cr state. Improperly nscJ jumped from tbu cars while the train was ! er cat. n, when in an unfit state, it is pro going forty miles Jn Lour, aud escaped, ; ductive of many diseases peculiar to tha while a plain countryman "up in I'enn-yl- . '"nriur months, but undoubtedly a proper 'not long since choked to death ona, vauia, bit of meat he was eating at dinner. The ligbtniug will strike one man dead and leave another unhurt. In a railroad aeci - dent, one man will be killed lyin-' down - - ! won't ,. n.ail her !,.,... Ir, ihn riv - ,- - -. i ......... i . . , . , or or nt sr.bih;rt. nln.v & ,n.m !,o e J , : can swim will sometimes drown, whiU a .i. , j .... . lll.O. "Tin- i trlh ;nu'sc mnr ti- b.l l.i -ir- Tii- faun ii,l'i! -trajultsl t u t.r . ' ' WWW Sf r . ( llie Cincinnati t.nnuncr says: As Nicholas Longworth, E.-q , was sitting en tho steps of a drinking house in Thirl street, with Lis bat between Lis knees, waiting for a friend, a gent.iman, a straa ; ger, passed, and seeing old Nick s ordi - j nary garb and ratbci troubled countenance, ! supposed him to be one of the profes-ioc- 1 al mendicants that often confrro.-ate there. ; atid as Lo went by, dropped a quarter into the hat. 'Old Nick'' perceived the mis ; tako too lata to rectify it, and pocketed The idea - ... . j ot mistaking tue1. incinnattLr isUs occot 1 tho ti.-h.-t men in Am.-ri.-n. worth rrnb,- Lly from :,'KM.I,C0'J toS'VK'O.OW- for a street bci'!ar. is rather droll- thou oh r.ot , " ' ', , , uunatural, as any one to looi; at the old; ; gentleman and Lis extremely shabby dress j would not suppose bis available means at j tho outside more than i fty cents- i War a.n'p Phovisi'ins The peace will Wofi;g wi,t it tLut wi;l be ,p. iutcd l,ou., heap provisions. The crops are reported to tc at-un-lanf, ao. ' supplies bavo been held back f .r higher ; prices contingent on a prooat i.- citmu.-i. ,io of the war, which exfeetatien, have been ruined, as will be a good many spec- ulators who iudulgwl iu them, by the peace. Flour has declined two dollars tie ; it appears that she inishd.s to leave per barrel within a few weeks, and several t'un at or.ee, having b .eu gr .-j'y de- laroe 11 mr deaUrs in New York Lave r failc'1- ,)lLcr provisions mu.t f.d ; 1 w anJ Jltliao lewise, and we may K,ok ft,rwarJ t0 lbc cdmi!!S ; out fjrc'. i Decline in Wheat The peace news . foil heavily upon bread speculator, and j moro m0Ucy Las been lost this year ia pt.caIatt-m in gram than any pievi-.us j JCir. Wo give the decline at Chicago : j ll.th. rruc SI.I'.O June Ft, " l,l" July 1st, " ;i2 Jiily2-.M, " aud Jul! Al Milwaukee, May liith, tho price was si, I:?, ou the DUh cf July it was 7d cts. This is unparalleled. It ia timr.niin.' .. lito f ,'ii.oti:ilo. for ,,,,. 4 i i?.. ,,,, h..',r t il hea.! : Ctofii oil 'short. So rapil'y has ih.s j fa.,l,10 -aintd favor, that it will r.ot be ', B,,leifui should it bee oino "i neral for a I ti,c. Put it must, of mcessitv, be short ! lived. Long hair is tlic glory ol a woman, aud its grace can not well ba dispcuaed with by the haudiomcst face. A beautiful thought is Ftige.-ted in Ihe Koran: " Angols, iu the grave nil! not question theo as to tho amount of money thou Last loft behind thee, but what good deeds thou hast d ne while in the world to entitle tbec to a scat among the blest." -.s,..!...-.. M rvr,lt. M,s, , 1 i. . " ... . ,i i uas someiuiug jiio one uiiii.uiu i-m-j, h t hii -,,. t0 ae,tr,,y ;,.,. lUbnU.,. ,ail f-.r them. '-. tt,,pi,io them as hp would rhickuns, r,d t,-are so tarnu that they will 0era3 r.t nia call. nsQ kill moths, put pice of p'-pr cv Uuja 'tJ,tu(l!,j ,ufi - . y ii-l Plain Talk 1 j The I.y:nmiij '..:, tbs home organ , of u ,y. I ac.er, c ,n!aius a leng'by articlo in defence of huaLuimstration and policy, and strougly deyinciatory of tbu "disor- : ganiz:rs" who are arrayed against birn ' under the lead of the "Old Man" at Wash i iugtoa. With regard to the appointtnent of Mr tiillii, the (... !'.; savs : "The Tresil 'Dt has appointed Ihe .. Junes L. (.'illis special agent to the 1'aw - nee Ii.dmtis. Mr. tjiilis v.3 oaa of thi principal instruments made Use of by tin ; I'retiident to f;r:i :nt the priient diCettItis) iu the Icmovratic party. This appoint ment is his reward fir that service, and aa aj ropriate reward it is. If the i'resident WoUid alsj make a l'.vneo a?nt of that virtuous man, the very Arnold 1'lu- mer, ouip.-l b"tu his appn'uteos tog anil live with t t.o I'awmio, and then send tlu Harriaburg li, :-d hi -1' l',u'- .i after ihetn, 1 1 dj their printing, it w iuli be a tjrl-s-n 1 to the lemecra!;c party ef Pennsyl vania, and be received as evi dencj of a de sire on the part of the President to return again to Iruiocraoy an 1 do sotn-thing ta- wards r. pairing the itnini n.- mischief ! has made in its ranks within the past tvr ; jears.v ', The K.vnsii of Pitfix. The use of fruit is n-'t utider-too l by many of our r. ..,!.. S 11 it e S jiae tiiv ;-r a' rrij 1 ueiag:inf . the summer an 1 anturan.it months ; others observe no rule in re,jir t to ti..' time of eating it, or the quantity conducive to health and prevontiva j 01 lll!se- -v 6' rula n a g!" i f"r ,hu catib8 of fruit except that is ' M bi of 1 "un 1 anl wajla- - BOme 'ia:'IirJ- Vv, T3 Pcrs:n IU3St juJS of the JMfi.y an , t!ll! kinJ pf fru;t aml : vegetables best suiteJ to tbctr COMtitU- : tions. i oat is one mans ci-at is aao- ! ,uer 3 rjin- 1 'iT cr Ijur 1 'ro aP' ides wou J ll. dire euo era morbus m ioms. ; i,:la th. ,a!J t . ,.,ai!r.:,i ta JtIll!r, I J I Experieaee is always the lesr guide you can take wiih saKty cverythio agreeaMo ' t0 .i.e .T.tem i w.'l in do-' davs as in ! m;j B;nter. The gnat secret is to know ' wacIJ t,,st .p Excessive catin ' s'udin'' ovcrloadln - the stomach brfes on dt seise and often rrolu?es death. 1 - ; ; " - ; 1 L!U'tl! LAl'IIr- " 3 Watson, J to bMf frc;m Altoona, but bad been ,Tla u tJB LulttJ -tat" ''-'e' f r thl jat. i4jiti ui'jutu?f wits nj'jiituiuuc'.l t-Uij tliis iuriiicg at lii- La-raiu L-jusOj Mr;. Updfgrcve?, hy officer Uiek.r, oa a war ruut charjiD' Liai with fjrinj tho catzio) . T . . , . , ,. , - nt .11,-l.N .l-iill Lr-itr sn.l Ui niin l..,n - " ,J crdtIS 03 1r- Patterson and MLJ ' Wilson, by which be obtained various g)ods from their respc-tive stores. Oa meetinz Pr Patterson this moruinc La J , , ac D0W 0 ' l a ' "IT" o a Pcnl JD u ",r ,D iu wla se" ' I were at once handed over by the wife of ! tue prisoner, who was entirely ignorant cf ! ,he .j., ofhor la.baBj. blI oa : itci ma.,tf cf the -.ods thus obtained but 0 ascrtaininir theso facta ste refaJ t- wcar it and w is glad to imbracc tU Hrst ! opportunity of rest mtig them to their ; fj The wiFe is quite voung, but recently married at Altera wh.ro ; her r-rrcnts reside Weal:hy an I re.rcet.t- Ceived I y biai, she tcfusi l-J r.'cognizi him as her husband after tho arrest on these charges. Gates is Cut. kens. As this is too i.asoa of the year when chickrna are most liable to the disease culled gapes, we ex tract the following from ' ij.nnet's Poul try l.'ook," for the bemfit of su-.h cf our tca,!tK aj Lave not the took j Of ail diseases, real cr presumed, to i v;l.ie!i our domestic fowl are subjected, tin moot frequent is the - , s imetimcs call, i c l y'. it is a vi ry counuon and Croubi". j some diserdi r, and el'icn proves fatal. Ail j diiwstie Mrd., particularly young fouls, ; are pt.-uii.uiy liat-ie to it, and generally i in the hot Wsathtr i f Jal and Augu-f. 1 lly t'-aij il is considered a catarrhal di- s. aso si:i.u.r to tue iM.ucnzt I:i Luman beinss; producing a lliiekeued state ot tbo menibiaue JiuiLg the n stills, ui u ii zul tongue. Nt'.i -SK, July 'J'1. -Aa i:nn:cr" swindle has ju.-t txpiaded tn re. It wn called tho grand Duchy of V, ihn f uttecu millions loan, connect-! wi'b a ! "' y i f which the JK.-sis. Kott,--chiids Were icp resented a.s the Earnj can agents. Con s.anti'ie, Fcllat r .V Co, weie the agctit in this city. Tiiij firm has been nn.-r.i ting ex'en. ive'y ia the Sou:b au-l Vi' .-', but are now n.nsing. . . The New oik An:ert. a:i 1 raet Sei, ty, ruHid.c a, :;i n(lt to o'l.n 1 slave holders, harre-olvci toos'.i.Iia a l.ran-n , . . . . m ,,,;;'t"'1' , , W: "J AB-'r?- '. 1 . r' . 1 " '' Iv " mau piai.-r So the fcUvrry to "it v.w. UN in l : v r q'lai ter aIs- Iu- I'.-. irtli 1 i y cc e:n.i ma n .! u I r". I. on "i Iron' in. -f Mali lit!" t :,--'ili t, 1 rnPv ffietisrJ