Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, July 29, 1859, Image 3

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Jjfirisltitrfj, ia
ihat Mousing, Ji i.y 21L 1
ir I,.;,, on ICVI
l-BIIul ;iuii.M.i.,l,u.i '
. llf Br,ZK--M...arrtr,r. V..r..h.;. M.nW
r-'T o'"-.!-! "m .'iV.' w:.Vt.. :.m;VT7i
-&&32 ttSJtszz
,ni i""' "7 : , , , .
cdJ l.'-r. "
"V See Sew Alorlispin'iitB
Tlio weather was uiuiMia.ly pleasant
l'.ii- the season. The attendance of
tiioe who look upon these exercises
as a n.ete 'how," was less than usual
perhaps, yet tltc iitimlier of educated,
intellectual, interested sjiectators, we -
think increases year hy year. This is
ireditable,and a jiroof of the progress
of a refined taste in our vicinity." Wc
liad also manv visitors from distant
parts of this state, and from other
1" the Senior Cla-s, whose U'UlerV
, . . . . : , ,, . ,. ,,.r,.
AnalojJ appotieJ t. i.x, .ii p iuliV
I . I .. ...... . , i in
mastered as in a.iv oi.i .iiioi.- in
le-llcy.0. A portion ol me pioeeea-
in-" of a tritlin" theatrieal eharacter
' "' ' "
couMstei.t with a i.i literary or
, . -ll
christian seminary.we are assurcl will
..... I... i'...vi!iii I ho ri'l'l.'VV; i.M'r
Tin. r.-i-i sun 's
..." v" ' a
a.id ma-ie, were varieii wnu laiuooi- ,
iiu' Pssavs as l.-.ioNvs : .
-M.ik.- IU Hl.lic Ih-j
... .
j mm. i.. La or
H -.ii'iilx- Wlii-i-.-r...
oul -
A .ilinti'-e lie.. .uj.
hu... Ir-l-.'.
I..l..r i lU' it dliliiia
.-..il.. 11. Mm. ii.
fr ii. Ii. M Ixi .... -..i...ii:li Bet
I Ii. I.. -S. 111. I.I, 1.. "..-1.1.14
I IEl. ix. i'llllies r'lll.UiLi.U. till-'
io.:n. i. .l".t... .'I.. l.-r I't.uiily
... ll.xs.iit. Ili.i.oti.L,. ;tiuil
Tli Si-li'ilHrV ll 'i". I..I. I' bu-iix. t...n. Ii.t."u
1.. ....;.,.' ut l..l". 1 UUt't. H ntiiou.-'i'Uit;!N V
T.i - U4ri.-i.t .1 Tlioai.!.
J.x.xi.: M P.iv.'ix. I'.:.n4 '"ii. Bur
IIn. Mv- ""P- M.k. I. i:' :. s .s. fitt-tou
iL- iHlluioi.'.' "I bi fty Aiui. M.iil 11 ll.-iL. Lv.i.-imr,;
Sunday moruinir, Kol'Crt Lowry
of New York city preached for the
Preslivterian church, ,1. Creeu Miles
of Harrisl.iurg for tit-; .Methoili.st, ami
tleorc Prcarof Kead'.iig for the Uap-
list. lu the afternoon, in the alisenee
of l.ev.Ilr.Cod.l.ti.l. Prof.'.-sor Curti
delivered the Annual Address before
the SocietV of Iiniuirv, at 'om:iieiii"e-
, ,, i , " . , . ,i
men I Hail. In the t'O'iiinu'. the Hail
was oonmicd l.v the 17 lueatio.t Soci-
civ to hear the'annual sermon l.v Pa-
vid J. Vcrkcs, of Pitlsburtr. tleo.A.
i i. r v,.. v..i- f,n...l il.n
1 V tz, of ew 1 ork. eit, lille.i the
,' . , . ,- ,
Presbyterian pulpit, and Mr. Lowry
the Methodist. There were large
rongregations assembled, well pleased
i 111 l r.i.l
and WC would hope beilfllitcd. !
Monday afternoon, Commence-
moot H ill u-w ronifortibK- filled to
mcut llall was COinioriai.u linen io
hear the exercises of the graduating:
- - - - ...
class oftuel-cmale Institute. Music
liv Held's Cornet P.ind. Pravtr bv
Mr.Fiuk, pastor of the Lewisburg Lu-
.11 1
luei an i.uui i-u.
1, ,- ,
..-say I liwrttten LaiinaLM'.
.'iaoi.ie a. 1010.1t, i.owi.-iuir
Valclictiiry Maouie A. Yopkr
After conferring the Degrees and
Sx,..r.l . ... I...
uoiu Jicaais, l resiaeni i.oomia ut in-,
crcd a pertinent and timely Address .
to the worthv class. 1
- .
Chancellor Youn'' then addressed;
, T .. '
the latcfieneral Ajrent.Iiev.A.k.Iiell, i
cxj.rcssing to l.im in his removal the
thanks, the gratitude and best wishes ,
rxj, oil i;i.lliiuui; anu ut-.s. .c.xo ,
r i . . c.i r- i
le I" einalc Institute, ol the irienils
, c .1 i- , o,l
patrons ol me t uiiei.-.uj, aim
.. en f
of the r
and pat
we may add of all our citizens, for
Ins long continued and faithful and
most cflicieut Ecrviccs in behalf of the
Monday evening, the anniversary of
the Alumni was celebrated in the
large Hall. Rev. Andrew .1. Hay of
Northumberland was the Orator
ftibject, the Men for the Times. Mr.
lla'v i.s the first student who came to
- . , , , ,.
our University ironi abroad, and Lis
a-Wrcss was hi-hlv crcditalde. The
Porn, . ti i"-i i o r i I
o cm bv I nomas I hamberl,,,. A
ot JrfwislJnrglWas a racy and truthhil
I'lograpliy and culo.'y upon Madame
' Oossip." Hood irh in the structure
f i verse, Saxc-onian in the Muick
turns and puns, his composition was a
tnilst sr.!!. I -I I... tl....... -Il.rl. I lit...
' -
rature,' and was pronounced with till
the gravity due the subject.
For Orator nevt ve-.r If.ed Haves
ror wtator next ,..ir,AlitCil liaCs ,
A.M.Jaw Student iu Philad., was clio- !
Mn-au J for Pool, leorge VV. Fries ;
I 1. tVliMrri t.li tit u t I- ri.nii-iim ,
-both, natives of our town.
Tpl.. s. ix-..l,x,.L-.i.o
"Oards met. Trustees U CS0nt dill ing out
week : President Watbon.Meixel,
tfozer, Walker, Cell, Johnston, Cas-
fit,)., a. i t ... . . . . -
Commencement Weelc .. IbiJ. of thoN..rihmu .! Di.stnct. Siii-in;- l.v .., f,i it snci r arm- ail dts ,.r the ,;'""'s, ,hTP'" ,frn. rhtia.ieiphta Something Extra Nice! " c
.., 1.1 .1 a dioirailil thPeolflC'itioil Ps-ivs ''"'S lhr..ai.ro..rh. c.lds, and pil.r.ona- i'y-''" '"' !" T" ' T" TPP Tm.it ,T- Y .... P .f il ,nB ' iJjlJlistJ JaJJIM A I L ! .
The 10V3 and tllO sorrow?, tlie UlCC- , a -1'01 ln'1 -Ollrl(.aU011. lJVS, a-r(.ruol, .in , ;at ,ml lt.a(., troI,u, shipped at Harrisl.urR." (as would appear I.y , UlVL fOIIIltUfS At'W J)tatl.eS--- , i Ki:.is Aa.is and !?rikes.a..r.ed
(' -itiil the lflftill"-i the fires TlJ W01t' "'"livereil as iullows : ,, i ' ' I -Mr. Telpher's a.lveriiseinent) but go thronah , 1 , i-i-iiml,er t.'atihase Kipe JV uf sal. ly
f ..' .T' , ' i l'! ,iM,rvriii,ih r-B..v non- nn!e it ha Ihe writtfi. sig-' """"" '-? " " l"'n" ' Apples-at.d other Kn.it and Ve....;.Me. are : cil.iMKrut.lN BR.
anxieties Ot the '.Mil Annual t... Ill- 1 '" ,""""- . niture d I Hulls" on the wrapper. " .q..el,a,,Ma..rll.eeMl!ra..C.. , rereived I.y Kxpress fresh 'I'VS it'll ; HKV eiIM
rl.,,cementof the Uuiver.itv at Lew- , II. O.-xtfii, r,.,,,., ,r, ':. . L-: July so. in:,., c. . FUlfK. Art j wkkk n t : uvans l co. MIAD.
' , . , ,, : ,. ,, lVrs.iii.1n,l, :,t;iv.:isiv-..!s li.-itm rtioii. A Me. tintTol ihe Kxeeui.ve ( ooiinmeeol - I.ewisburg, July 8, I.VJ I I )KI M H SIki.I ami I l V h lit I lot ri NCT
i-liUliT, have p.l.-e.i. Hosts ot oM i, ' i 'i.,vil. .. m """ fonnu Au-rirulmral Xortetv will he UMIXIsTR AToU'S .NOTIi'l'. -Where-! ' I ,.,rs. r.t t I iik:u m: .
iVidlhips have Wm renewed, and TI ., , , . h-dd at .he ..i.:c of the mlers,t!r.r. Sat- A I-"'-" A.tu.in.ra...... u .he es- ! WANTED FOR CASH. ; - WWl,.-; ,.,. tv ( 'ftvii I W-
1 , , , , Hk' !.m1-oI I., l,",oi.s(t,. ),.,;, . iitd.iv. the :Ni.h ,st.,at :!V!,..k I'. M. ' ,a,e of AX.W II AC.'K. late ol Ball aloe town- t, c.nner Brass Spelter and l.e.d wan- I O ()()() ?. ,
nKtnynew ones have Wen l..rmcd. . W.m I". (.'.ik.mvki.i., I'lin. .i N.) J-v... ... v. MKU rz. seeV. sh,p.i:n,o t,,(, deceased, have h-en Cran- CiXtl?rZZTll -'""'lr!:'
-lhur,d;l to it.a.Ln, the lAa ,,.. , f. f'." 't'"v pr.M.auM.l.y u.e nun,. y - - K. hocke A To. to !ur,,sh U5 ,.-r cr.,i. (r(; SMi .S
..I" I'.i soio.-.l 1 )..iii-tiiients ''" -HI-lltMsS ii Ui. . I..I..I..II1' b. r o spasms sheha.1 iiuderjone, as to i. dace i Io;0 ('111110 o t I w I i wi.o.ki.. . . . w.111. . . 1 n.n-- . 1
Min.Ulonsot tdeNU.ll n.p.UtmintS ,,.,...,,,,.. . ... v , ..r , , , , Since sne has been I Ul CS.S ll(HHlS, 41 U)H I AliC'OIIOl. O-U.iiooi ,..r ,..iur.. '
occurred, and were gein'rahy lavora- ' " ,' i.kiiw th .nt.. he !.. ew.retv .t ...r ike ti - x i: V K K KREMKR .V MCLl'Ki: have ' I'V a.e BM. and Half ;:.l. as chean as it cat. '' " (jl.VKi; I. s.
11 .I 1 'I.- .1 ,. averl.'V. .Join 1 . ( ro.er J.-.. w;is 1.1. na.n.-t ... eis.i. 1- t,iv i.ei.h. M.n.o !.. . , ,. . . h ,. ... , : ... . .u.,,1... 1 . - i't-.; tt, .r s.-s;. v IT I's; l'.-.:i-.r.u
lilv reoorted li those esj.eciail. tlejill- - ' a. .. ,,, ., ,lt ,i , i,!,r..,j'.m.-..t , At deleriinned to sell oil their ih t.oiiiit 111 1 nia i-ipioa. C 1 I.L I . ..HM..M.. M I.I I.-.
' wi.,.1 i.l 1. .1-1. ..... 0.0 1 I I.... I ... 1 i.i. ,. it 1. 11. .1 .1... - . - I I iel- have a so ..1st re. e:ved a ""lirra a- i rl.. t - . i.. n...i ,1 s.r 1. . I it st x. V l W a. .
Ud to attend. 1 he 1 etnale Institute ' "" " r.ui.-i Mr. tt..r.... t'itf.. u,.. SBBtmer bUSS ana Uiess sorIlm., . ....! io ,-r..-.. x.tt.Mi.fc,.i.i i .it s.
111 l pratt, . leneral -i o;ent. ... n ueaiou ,. ,i,. ... ,..,. ,Hr,iv rur.i ..r n ... w.r-i i. m. ..r rif--r fiixr fcm i i.ii ' - .
vats thronged I.y an oppressive erod lnl, llt.i.t annual i.rei'eli.T . -'"- ' '"" '" ""-" , -.7k , , ' ' !Vf'1 P'U'J'TI $' I 1A I". and hiie Piaster, and Poal.
, ... . . ,, , i- , w,s .,.., mi in, iil. l aiiiiiiiit j,i t ..e in i . .t..t tl ,. i. ..v i w-k it!:,.iit inn ... It yot. w ish to purchase, call and ejain i ne our iJiiailU. bil -iiAl iiiliiU i l).r...i,v . n o-n , x. io; .. -
that hindered the oirct. Wewere , cvcli Ul, xv:la aain -fai.m......u... stock. B, K. v M. ; VOII, 7. ZZlaVuUv
ll i i ; , , , j, .rt - ii ti hi t-r ni..r-1 lin n Vfr. Mr. IVnllf tlniitt- that i .... t.. 1 .i . ir i urn . 1 Hill Hll ! 111 AN dlltl I Ull, , . i ! j t rn - T 'P
rs-cially pleaded win. ihe recitations t0 Ho,,.Ad.f:.CurtiuV Mim.io-t l.usb,,. July I.., ., ftr,., SAL 1 -A l.l A 1. 1 .
.AC.SPUArr.Lowis.iur, of Colonies. UnfortuiKUely, its "j j T-APIKS' DUKSS OOOPS-.uel, VM,r WKrPniul i ' i muU
V .... T-...1. .1. . 1 Tl 1. 1 : .1.. II, io,! PA..iMinTirp,l until n f- lis Calicof . S hallies. Lawns. Diir.als. Ilcra-rv ' i fkV iNMI III'' A llin I'T I if K T r f-Mr s ! A i i j . 1
Jl llllll, nit: ' ithu in a uoiiiiti 'nil-ell iiu.' iivh x,"iii.n....-.t.ii uu.ii u. , - ... t.i . i 1 ,f I a v vvv. i . j, L V H l O V-0
JlAKY S. JoNKS (.'lic-teicoitiitv tor noon, when the audience were too I DtfZJ, Ih-La.nes B.arlt and I anrv l)re Mk, l.,nS. , 1 . - . ! i:Nti..v.. i.ka,.m;. is
P.u-u More. " tired to listen properly, and it was tnW ."l., .;..r.fi W...f hmh,u-KOr8.n.e$A ,l, hr.nes.Atc. TtAVB recr.veil and ....ne.. a CHOICE ' QRnPCDJCO AfdJ) PSGVIS'QM
' "' ... .. . . .. . 1 ... "c.t i i'!,....i s.r.h k. i iter k. i--i s nmnths t .tys. Also, a UTUC stock of ( i P.OCER 1 ES. II assorlment of all the latest styles ol WMUUmiwa Mill lilU 1 1 Ji'Jil J.
11 . ,. x- .. I i.ir I ..itli.rt't .t lit I.t'tl Illll'l till HI I'll l IT III 1. - .'..... . . ...
-",iniUi,liunyan,J.ustlll,x;auiplxlJ. , increase oi ,it per ceui. is over ocnpiurc , ,u "7;;, ajtemiL,n plvpn tebi.xiness as for
"f the Curators : Messrs. Youiur. Loo- i measure but you see the real old Huiiaije : " v. M iM'.K, M. I'.
r"''.R.: MH'cr, Willi- R.,.-s i;.i;) J.- in
j Linn, Drown, S lifer, Haves, (irillith,
Vi.rl-o- T .,,.,; . I V f i .
. '" .'i.iM,iiiuijm,
.Miles, lox, llaynes, Kelly, Worden
I . M ... l 1 . f . .
j.aiiev. ,-ticii nor ion 01 t icir nroceo-
SM. porilOU OI UlOlf pi'OfeC- ;
dings as intmt,wi!l appear thro" the
committee of Publication. ;
- ...
At lU o'clock, the Theological Do-
pertinent cnj.vc.l its nnniverirv. '
1 I. .'I'll;. I ..11 IV.. ; I'll
1 IU1.I li l..l!l(lltMl.l lC'r-Ulill'' l.lcllT
,., i:y ,," I! t' r:it it ii.: in 1!
(iK.ill.IK M' V. II . -Isvili
l.r.i.liiit. .'1 .1.11. 1, .I.l.i.sUii
Tin- Kvaii'" !i.atioii ..f .lai.n.,
) A! A- "irkr, IIuIii. i-v.I.o. M l
The first two pursued the Partial
course. J he usual ( crtilieates w re
presented I.y President Looniis to the
three Ue.irulars, ami Prolessor (.'tirtis
save a warm and apposite p ining
address to ihe class.
In the afternoon, the Ivliication So-
cuty licM itH anniversary, ainl finintl
a,i lK.-,,rc the Litotarv S
yla--u. j,v ji,,. j;.,,,,. Ujs ndlii'ss. in
. . . . - ". .
I,,,. , iimrtcr iiii.l nianner u :is ln.'i, v
a,.,.atidvd l.v stranoers. a! tlio' some
appititi.iv.t ny stran.oers. anno some
who have heard him on the Mump stv
I 1 ..I. ...I.., f...
ii i a,1. " , " "l
O'lCl HI ill.l!lll.-Ci 1IH. J.in llieilie 11 il.S
, - J... , , i . . ,
the true mission of the truly educated
, . i ..... .
i i i ,- '
aua was mosi ai.iy ircaicu.
W.-diie-nlrtV niornin" the Hall
Weduesil.iy iiiuminir, the Hall
was a'aiu crowiled to ovcrtlowino;
, , , ,...
11 . . l . . i . i . . .
ail ciillilieu tn'iuo; cxc.il'Icil, aim via
hiimlreds of adults nnalde to outaiu
admission. Music I y the Kand. Oi"
atiiius as follows :
Latin Saliit.il .ry,
- J- I'ltlM tVlnokuort.
I no t oi l :i i ut v ill .tii.riil ."i'.U- !hvs,
(i. I'. (IMMIi'iaiS. li.inliiKiun. .J.
Tin; Thfiln.'V ol' Soi-rati -.
T. P. (l Lsf UN. I'lilUd. Iphla.
Till' C'l.lVi-rsi.itl of t'.iii.stantllio,
tl. I, tlKIvl. 1'hlladrlnl.la.
The .M..tiw 1'ow. r in l'n -r. s.
. . ,. , . J. uiijiin. r.M,ki.ru
nur N.ul.s, I nkiioMii,
a. n. i!, ii-Hisaur?.
'..ioiii, i..', tin- IM.'.L'o of I1. ai o.
MiLLItH il. Ii, I'iillad IphU.
Vu!-.I it-r. .rv
T. P. ( (It ISTHX, l ililaU. Inbla.
rii'tm '.f. s ..., NnrtknmVrlani.
llaeral aureate, - - - - Piesi i.-nt I mi..
Masters Oration was on the
''.'" 'r Individuahty-jrood, but a
u" "n Ur
Messrs. Atkinson and (. humbcrlin
. . , ., .,. x.
received the decree of J. Ph., .Messrs.
(.01ll((M1 FlirillilIli riM11 auj Jlawi)
tjiat ol- ;. v.. in course.
Ato-ceI.lx l-vni.al. T' Vflna (.on
I ...t .......... f t
is I'll- i t Mil I .-. 1 i
I; rear t A .. a-0 ... M.llerJoi.e,..I.K.
hanafelt, A. .! hoinas and t .u .1 us-,
till received M.A. iu course.
1 lie honorary .lojrrcc oi i. ,i was
l.oat..n - oil .... Dalli .InVnf M I) nf
, . ., -. . . ,
,, ,,. ', ... ' , , ,
I . u I liek in-nn. M .. ol I (avion. ( I.
.... i;.1,.r.1i.11,ra.c.vaKi'h..racterized
1''01''R'U,1UrJlL 'JBlll,lrJLltI'LU
. . .1. i .: i.. .. ,,r ,i. '
IV Uio l.siuii iiiiieii awi J-eii-i; n iuv
i.r., ,, ,111
Presnlent. His luauirural Address
w;ls a In;,steily r.niour ol tue American
Containing, as the Address doubtless '
, , ' , - . , ,
tloes, the matured views ot 1 resiueitt
I .. .!. ....,i I... ,.P V.11o
l.oomis on me jrrcai Mitijeci, m vvoue-
..vs....... .-s
(rj.ltc Education, it is due to Ins mm-!
Nation and to the topic discussed that
the A'ldrcss be published. !
The Vlumni Dinner, prepared bv !
y.. i , - ii i .r,, I
Chs. Ilemer in the Academy JIaII,was ,
discussed (after a blessinp: was involc-
$ l-.v Key JA .S.ni.h) with a relish
f , , . i ll r .. , 1
I he President, Lev. K. Lowry, opened
- . . i c , : a 1!
iiiiciiecitiai ii-.i. i. u, .1 in it aim ,
ait'.ronriate welcome, and called out,
1 . ,. , . c It .
responses to sentiments as follows :
Phis Cniversity-Tho-s Waitson, Esq. I
Mental D,sc,pl,ePrcs,dc.it l-oomis. I
Theolt.ncal .s.udv-Prolessor Curtis-
I'fni. i. r.nii her Resources O. N. Warden.
Our Anniversary Kev. (.oo. A. 1 clt.
Our Alma Man r P.ey. J. Harvard Castle.
l.ewisbur? Alfred Haves. i
I he Absent Aiuintu uev. Ann. J. nay. , (
-TllU has passed another joyous
anniversary, our University strength-
enim: vear'by year. It is well worthy
, , , ,
of enlarged pub.ic jiatronagc none
"wc " 'i'he time has now arrived
for F.ecial efforts a that direction, at
,)oiJ ani, allI.(ja,,.May thc n(nv scat.
(em, p,,,,,.,.,,,,.,, j,, due time with an
increase of energy, of hope, of health,
ami of comianvV
We have delayed our paper half a
d.tv this week ill order to make out,
...,,.! Innml enrrpet J :l S nnsttl.
,'J "P , " - V i- i- ,
blr, tue leading events ot l iiiM:rMty
Week, for the satisfaction of those of i
'- readers who were not present. !
x- ,
Great Yield Of RVC. i
uieat I1WU Ul UYH
Saoiuel Kiu,. Ls.,. of Ruffaloe Valhy '''
;,iC.,..a ilmi l.a ihia riur cii !irrp.I on
Li9farm iu Buffalo Tn, from oe kemd of ,
.... , .. ..... , .... '
wren huniie.l awl lil'tt-cn eraius avc-,
raging C5 grains to each bead, the hifihest
number being 70, auJ the lowest 5G. An
. . n ii ii nprrv is n 'rin.i in uttii 11 no nris i.
i - I . ! t?.?-a J..;e.atac.
r-K cvanty ii c i----X j-'ace
lrai lj l.lk. Ueorse Kaymond
atrived at Cleveland, Ohio, all the wav
from Sal, Lake, v,.t Cherry Creek mines and I
K..na. havine cue the entire distance dri
. IM. h,l.. . io.
, ,,,,,,.,, whHher Mr. ,.1ul
v,x,.,,- ,.s, h,.t should i. so i
",:,rc .,mMtin T
'I" astonishing low prices at u
: t
... i . ...
heen created
i In' n liniT iiw nrn-.c ll w iiiU l.nnfr
Marsh is sWlit.tr h.s fine stuck of (foods ,, The
."" st" Sl""! 'f1"";";-' "
4 .... Hi Wislr' ll.l.am
,.,,.. . ' V"
I'ae memhers ol me KeauKflical A
r: ''' ' Meet..,)! on the land
.... ... 1 . ..
ol llr. I'aiiiel Kelll.-r, about live mi lis west
ol l.-uisbiir-. coinNo nciii-cdio! An-. All
sales.,,. .. ol oa:lir..h,.ck1. rs..S.c. ,.os,vely
te,, who is pei.iiille.l to hohl a boarding' lent.
A. l.iiMisi.niir. Sup"!, i
III r 'I'Kt II. I
A lew days mikt, Mr. Ja. II. lies. lie, of
II intsvi Me, Alabama, railed on its and pave'
s permission to publish f.-r the benefit ot
Miil'Tiii. b'lio.iniii . ihe aslonishin? cure '
wh eh had been ell'i cted in the case of his j
wife by the ue of lr. Ilan.es Vegetable Kp-
.tic" Pills. He informed ils.ihatal Ihe time
I r .n.T ."r.v"rni.w .... tin- vnrl I tin- i"-r"n
k'liir tli-in, . ll." .'-.'N .iMir.'il f:..m cl'srv.tiun in tlio
" "I b:s 'f ; O-.t il tliv r.' I -.Veil f. r n .urti.-i.-i.l
i-...-.!, ... n,,,.-. .i,-. ..n e..re .... s.n. ..,
...ol .'f iIih isuniirv I'V un.il. mi r-r-i;.t i.l r.miltiiii-..
,., : i, n. :.....,. ,.
...-.v.'.....'.."..-,. ..".--.-
Ur.Ulslars l,als;im ol H lid ( llt'rry.
i.i i.l ..n..
. li-r.' lli.tiore r.r.'.'.ri.ti..ti is kno.ti. it ti ..xirll..
. 7 ;.. .,t..i."..:i: t.:;.;:.;.:.; .....t,:,..;,;,
t:.ll. ,r. 7-."W.. o-."t. ..".khO.-. .S.ifto..; .J
w. . . ;irt. ,;.... it. -,.,,,., ,...j,.,
erv t t.u ..i n i.m'ix.i.v .-.ii'L.tixr. uuLu w.iu ..orkui
11 """" " ''""'y".' ....l-nai r-,..,t iM. ..,! ,..
kii"Mu mii I .-li'Ti-l.'-d i.v nil '.ii'l il.. -.r "..-.m.- is lL'i.'.i'.!
.... i i....... ...... .....i ... I i't. .... t. .. .1... .:. .
' "": ,, ' V ,...".-........"
ir.i.o.i.-1'l..rk, i lij.-i. lauiutiuifeu Vi.tur..lisl;.rrn
il a I-is i iiti 'ti tkiit
(Wnnyi'iit run h- Curnf!
Tb.tttt'.i" tiittfry t.f tiii- .ii-.ti' itii-rni: r"ti:!rra. t!i
I I.. itni. ioi.ii H,.,,;,..i,t.i,. ii.;.i.i..o..i..'Hi,i.-i.f..H.ii
in."' l"sti!i"'i, tti.it xi in i. ai! .alt. r r-i." 'ii. ! I 'i t it.'"..l.
... .... ..... .. .... s .
,,a ,,t woii.ti,,. i,;. .if. ...i"i iii.i.si,.t- na.ii
tl.nl wli.n tit.- h rj i.-in Im 1 .r..u.nin.f.l ll.e Uiet-u.-i-m-
T. Tin it - .i" OA' .,;..!. nn an hi' Ai-T-M'-n to rurf
M fli.-ltt '... urn O ufirm-d I'-ufW-f-tf.n, Jitni It- ;,i.-r j
H-Af'f''. "r'-lllt, ff't'ty, f-lr'iliint iXUd rr'ttiUit rtmrUjf
i-iiniii'1 li
i it:
.i.i. lO.
"I. in Ti!s" n tin' wrni.r, a- wtll u Hie j
riiit.'.l iiuiui. "I u.e jimi-rifl'irs.
Uigurs ;-:,w ' ll'. Ckrrry rccom-
VUlldltl ij VowVl'lFM.
i.-:.r- ll i.iiir . 11..1.-1011 t v i!.l l.'hri v. . 11 ti t'ri .11 -e.-s-. ;
1 ...-! .1 rfu.iv r.x",i,,-.i,i it ... ii..-x' .iUi. t,a .ul.
I t"tiin!x I t u-lf, 1 "i'i-, Asinine A'"
11 l. ilAtiTlv. M. D.
Th. L'p.niini. i.-i-'n.-l "I. Bt'TT? " .n tn wr.j.p.-r. ;
S. W. I'OtlLll is. '.. I'ruprlclilin, I
s T . i x
yr nlf tli -ir ni.-tit- vervwhtT'. and in
"iVniv'w '
Il.-rtiii t'V Mr. MrHrct M.St
CT w?l " ? 12
' r;, . .i
ti. Tallow lt!!
1 l i. :
: Wheat
I!.-. Cf, Tn ll.iur 1"JI
nTv - -- .
A arps, s-i t e. t'. . sn .1 , im . l, ti .... s-. . . i.,.u in . ,1 ....in 4 . . t . i ii - ii 1 1 x e 1 1 , at Jhila'l a prices - also r.ot.r I TI tlnl .a'C,: , . , ;, in the u.,i;!i s.;i'-i , r .i ',. t . , ,,
s W r..i.rJro.-. !m..-t . tirvMuiiy ,,M wf : cully enter at ihe beginning, will be admitted : n.lcloth. Wall Paper. Shirts, Collars lloua,s A 'ICl'S bWi Apph'S. ,., ,n,..r ,.,., , ', ,,". '" '. ', "
::;i'z;:z's:;l:";!; .... , . , Handlers. u..s..rv&c. ''Vu ""t''' i'k!tii'. ..: ..f'.s,;,;,-.:.;,;..."7.;
mii....,,,, iu n....t ri...ie r,n,-i. r'i i..e r. cm-! A I reshman Class will be formed, and a ; Which can be hr-iisht cheap at our New l-s.,"ok..,? R ..s,sche;.r . ttr..:.,C. rn :h- t-s, .,,.., ,.,.,... a ... j.,,,,,
ni.tii-a it in iri..ii is.uifiat.it. .a ii. : iiom- wot. in- j re"..lar t'ollesiale I.epartnient opened, at the ....k..,. s. c.,ui. ti....! -ir.. i March, farina, K;.-e Kb. nr. Flavi-rnox Fx 'ii-io -r "
..rui'ii Lacy r.M.1--. ib t h ".i iav if. M.o. , be-.nnins of the session. Youns men w.sh.na call and CAamme for lonrs.lves. Terms- '."acts Onve I) I. a,, ti,- ex... .r: f r,..t' ,,.', VV. ,'.'r.,'''r', V., '-"
n ,.-i,m, .it. i ... n.v ,.'.,!'., ii,.. i.-t r.nr 'o take a regular eourxe ,.f simlv will now -.-h 7.1 V MP KM t .v 7ri.l.i:i:s 1 e'- Ii'.tv"-d ami l.roui. 1 1' ii-c, A .aniati'ii e ,:. ., , ... ' " ' ' --
.. r l-l !
Corn Lard - Fimi K((lU
Oats oi) J.acoa io ; iitn A 1 1 111 itltt UUUU
Flaxseed 1,1"2 Ham r 'ir.sirr- , I 7, r .,
ilr;.i !., i r.i. ciinl. , r Ill rpiIE subscribers would resnertfuilv an -
clovcrsccd 4jfj0 j
l,lmlc ' Vviuiioi-tu
In 'i'i' s-n. i.. . i yir. Mr. ito,
MKNI1V A. VKIU.SAi:L .ud Jllr. .MAltV KLI.
..v,i.: .Vi f i,.i,i, '
......-.. ,,.,..,.,,. ,r,, i
.nr. -1 itni:..."-.. .-t tti-i ".. 1
ritiCK ui mim f.i.i.Aiitrii jhm:s i.th t tui.n i
on the 2Dh in"t.. ' K-. J. ti. An-rn-u. iiisf.L i
ir."i y.r.. s mntb, .m .. a.y..
It. Knxt lluttiilite ...if.i. Oil Hi'. Snth in.t, JOH
v. ihtakku. m tt.e i.itti j. r .. io.
n the i't i.i-t. Mrs, I.VI.1A S. MUCK, of White
Wrr twn,ip,..,.a a; j.'.rn.i J n...mi.
ll..r ti,
t .isi.urs.,-.'tti. i..ft ..nrtn.hoi.t feier.jEiiEMiAii
f ""- "J
' ne time i r-t,.ie3rrri..r..is' aji.u,
No mt.r. ex.. 1 rx.l.lrr.1. will, you;
imm.nei..,ii.,.iiiii. mtiHt iih,
Ai.iy.- thx- wi.t.'ele.nli-a ky. I.-r.
, i.inwine tp, t.n ttie;tt tn-t . auraiiam iiol
..i ;;;lJli formr,T
;r:.,t"i xrn, macoakit
In li t IS"T 1 .llev. un Jlilll nil-, ...n.. ..iaii'ijihii
iri.am,. iet ;,.
n. .r,it..ri;.ni. l i.h in.t, ciikistian. n of
() p u ,.,,. t,Mil .,,. .n-d-s yn.,. ...a
in u.-toncten t.wi.-iiip. Ni.rtiiiirahfri.nl :o., m
In... PKTKIl MOMM.M S. Ki, .cl .lui Vfxr..
v i-i,r Wl I IT I.' AU 1 1 T T l.'r.lUTi; '
" " " " I
VOll Sale I'V
ExeCUtOr'S Notice. j
-svroTICK heft"' oven that letters lesta-
, mentary on the'last will and testament
.- iviLMM KEI.NKKl). late of Hartley
lown - hip. Union county, deceased, have been
I ... .n. i.t..trxttT.ii.il. Li- Ihe Ket-ixter of
'nloa county, indue formoiiaw.ihercfore.ail
persons indebted to said esiatearerequeMedio
make immediate payment, and those having
caim, aai,,M the same will present them
l)uiy authenticated lor settlement.
(.hOiU.E LOOl , Liccutor.
ar,.ey. July m
r.nF, n.!ersisne.l wants n? Tlion-
nitiul IiwIImi-n out ol his Hook Ac-
ZTZ u'rUd" tr'avm. nrS Those'.
therefore, who are in arrears to him for
sli months anil oie., wii. .. " j
accounts unnie.liately ; and those in arrears.
ullil.r MX m,,ihs, will receive a reasonable
,lsC(,ui u their aecounts for payment made
within that time. IV Beuer settle whilst yoU
raVl and before beinK omqn h.,1.. ; Also
. U.-AII persons, hereilier, emploj-.ng
. -- r- xt..x
- r''"'n"' fTsT 1 1 their "b,iu rune'
....n n. ....nth: nlrr attcDi'ancc aiveti.
amount 01 coan.yr.x...s...,.sx..s. ... ,.
where persons have the disposition, but I
not the means, to pav. Others, in their prac
. .. , ...l.it.l f.ll! hut. tol
Hxedon thes;','
m1,,th'ti:hii, which will be strictly adhered
1 i i :t ;rg.
iro, yi: ij:piyfj!
' t .M.W Hut I.MIllltlls.IIIIII'lll lust
r finpnrii in . e on. . ox. I finer NLii u n.n-
...sue Walls' store, where the latest .xlvles and
me titiest iiinxne.t itats ana aps in me coun.
.... u- I I ; f..- ,"...1.
i , -iu ix nan m i 111 'in-u ."-...
:..unlnr Produce. Don't fa.l to call and c,-
lng s"'ek- 'a''J;
. An .Me.mMM
,1.1 UUOXUlUl-Wn.
"'" " "'-',""'. -' I""-"" "'
."..r...r.. ... ...r,-
i.l .n mnl-e iiiimei late o:iv llie.il ! and lllose
- - -,
hams cla.ux a?i t it wi.l present them ;
propeily au;h.i,,t,cate,l h,r seiilr,,., ,.. j
J' "Al.lh.Ailm r. ,
J ; ' ' " -
j..,.. WW'TI.'I)' i
Al-vtv, V ..M J'.U .
rilli: sul.s. rd.er. Wishing Ui purchase a
f quantity ! SUMAC will pay the j
highest market pru e lor the raw ma . -rial
the leaves, well dried and threshed lro,n the;
stalk. To be delivered as soon as practicable ,
at the Tan Yard, tt.ruirrly of llemy W. Fries, '
in Lewishiir-.
ju:v ii. io:. ... J- .. i ....
Kot A'reidy?
Y -. Vw"r ut
w....... su-ty me wants ,ne lovers ... ...s.io.n
,f .7- , R .h, ..
I;ire Suinin,.r s,c: ,-,. Cs,. ui ..
' T . ....
ii ne urn ihi : ijcnci HHMirrs, wnn : ins
,ar.r- Assortriiellt ol hlte
'"',-::v " ";. v.: , v-J .
' 1 -
Ha.s made to order a. short notice Repaired
whout rharce. I i' I he place to bu v e- I'd
,.i ,i,M:. ii.us i nrn v..ri....eed n....ee.
I W0tlC0 t0 "leacttert.
f 11 1 T V. ('oiiiiiv Siinerititendeiil will he nl ibe
. I
I Hover .-v-h.'oMioiise ln Ki llv lownshin
: on ssaiuriiay, me .10111 nay in Jiny, at t
"cl. ek. P. M , l-.r the purpose ,t exaimniii
j Teachers. Two months will be taught. Those :
iiiteiid:., to nial.e a-pi ication for the sciu',,:. ;
, ,ie Uisinct, will i.esf make then, at thai
, ,. . , . .
line. rill, r r. .11 A I. l.S. w I be em p .11 1-. . .
Uv irder of the Hoar.! :
JAME.S 1'ROSS, Presitlent.
rilllK next St.i.Ti of thu Institun.-n will
.1 "I'" ucmmj, .u. om, dim fH'.e ui
the l.ath llecember next.
it is ttesirabie that all stti.ients Wi-htn? to,
..itciio. oe pics, ui a. u.e vprnina . i me ses -
ston; inose. nowevrr. wno can not convem-
enjoy nli the advantages here usually .Tijovcd
al Colleties. The Teachers' Department, and
1,1 , , . , , ,,
all the other departments of the Institution, a-ill '
be conducted ill tiie manner as heretofore. (
Professor H rsinm. m having accented the 1
;,ii....l..l. -I. 1. . ii .-.i-.l
P1-. n- upon his dimes at Ihe open-
...il 10 nc i . in. i ... i-ii ; i'. , tiioip n. i.i r
tn of the session.
Ljtpm'Cs. Tuilinn for the session !?!., enn-
" , ' V:w-fis-V- - "'-Trusue,
New Berlin.Jt.lv H, IR.-.9 4w
. : ....
nflflT fltlllrd rnf A 4 rill .
-1 "-mce to the Pt,i,c. , ha, they have
nun I '...Pnrlner.hin '.t ih l,l s.
entered into a Co-Partnership, at the old stand
ol J. t J. Wall', under the t irm-Naine of
JOIIX W tl.l.S &. t .
11 e nave iu t reretven a iresn assortment
UfwIIirMI'I" -..(Wllic m.n.,..r". . ' . .
. siwi
un in
rintli r'-isuimnt-rie Vitt. T?.,.
1 1.1 ...i,.!.. ,. ....
uy-.ia-it? 1,1,01 m.tt, arpPimc. i mi liuin,
tilasses, tilassware, ltieensware, Ac.
SALT, FISH, Plaster, and Coal,
constantly on hand.
Country Produce taken in exchange
for (ionds as usual.
teSThc hitrhot market price'paid
in Cash fur all kinds ut ;it.tl.
11. M. VA.NVAL7.au.
Lewisbiirtt, July 12. 159
Adiiiinltitrator' AnlUe,
NOTICE Is bpreby given, that Letters
of Administration on the Estate nf
t Wll I ItM VLTII l... i'U...i...
Union county, dee'd. have been rranted t .he '
" 11101.1.11 iiU( in. iiic tn nj irv iiiu'i i i.
,.nders,Sned by the liecister f Cnion COUIiIT :
,n due ...rm r ,.r : ihereiore. nil r,ers..n. . ,
j. , ,.., ,.. I
said estate are requested to make '
: payment, and those havinjranv just j
t also requested to present them le-!
eniirated for seitlenif ul. '
claims are
gaily authenticated
Itlt'H AKD V.B. LIM'Ol.N.AdtniIilstrat0r
Hartley Tp, July 7, ISftU
andersiened will deliver to
i'ol" I.ewi.bitro. CLEAN
riMIE nndersisned will deliver M the citiz-
rns-of I.ew,sbro. ( l.bAA, "KB. ;
Sill, ID ICE pfT the Siistpiehanna, at Eight
Dollars per Ion. The ..eentnt: w.ll address
ollars per ton. Those needinc w'lll add
t. I TAliUAKT,
June JT. lS!lwl Norlhumberland, Pa
The Wonder of the Age !
nnnn i Ml Ffl-riMOB wlSIIIX.i MlinlSF '
nt.lill III. IS Mlti-SIUK msiiist, Kiititsr.
IS. euaranteed I, no any or-miary wasninir -
,n one hour's time and wtth f.O r- r ccl i
rT:.. ;.;... ... ,..,u.. .1.... K ,K. l.l '
( ounty rights for sale in the Siaie or Penii-
i-lvaina, and also Machines lor sale Whule-
ile and tte.a.l bv Messrs.
sale and i
15 .-i.i Third M. Philadelphia
rv f .to.. r.K. lx. hxi.lf ,.. Parlinr. I
JL ton savs,"sich a slavint; party as mat i
never heard of before." if such a party eoes I
,Gfou. a( Maimfatlol V, whe e
thc stock IS larce a,ud cheap, for Cash or I
., p,j,r ll,.n..'t1
Conntry Produce.
I if H.Vflt '.. J-
7 i'.l.i' i.i tftt I n:v fj.; v i"tii.nr.
STIMM KOIIXU Manufittsurcrs
TTAKloL'S patterns Cemetery Railine u
J order, 4c, Orders promptly attended
' t. I .. .c f. , k r K&... aci-ih ichn a.i.i
.a. ..... ... ...i.f.f ..... f-r-rf f .. W.
liame I.. I aimer V (Jn. at l.ewixbur?. :
i. i r
iriiuil HIMIlin' 1UI ri III lllld t'l .HI
.,fk , our l.ne will please address at
13, Mirktt IhrrtAunj,
III V I. IN.'ill m Km
' - '
, be paid in cah, at the
, EAI.I.E W OliKS.
! n n n i ..
, Pnna u. nn, aoovr 3iaie sue. ..
Harrisi,nr!f, Mav. IM9...6.
. -- .
XV and every description of llrass or
,;"'i MetalTasiines made in the m.-. .
priiert manner, of the be. mat. rials, and at:
lowest inaiktt p;iccs, at ihe
Penna. R. Road, atn.ye State street. ;
llarrisbiirc. May St., I rt.UiiiU.
- . n i 77 I
llWI'l'l li'lkl1!' iV III
JU.Klll IJtUVtl VV
. " - ' ' .. ' ...
Pine Oil, all popular Patent Medicines,
t; .ti .....!. . s- ...
; j.iiuin i u.ttT, snuu-iuh.-.,
! 11. t. b.ti.l I v..'. s,. V-i. o
AM, " 11111 ,,u'' l iVl.
All the above articles oH.-re.i t.hi
.tiikvp fob rn. r:,ii bei.. b..v...
, eiseh...e. our Mono is
- Small I'roiiis X quick Sale.'
' I.ewisbnr-'. Mav IM. ISO'...
,f;" I" opposite lower and ..Id TownCi.-ck
. i - i on '.in ini'i a new an i i.isn:'.iir."le i--cii
Ail cti!ur an i sryUs ! CU-ihins u.K Le
K.-pl r. ! lit V" rail an-1 x-c.
: i is ail wen nia-iP, ana so h-w
Thai you can all'.-td to buy. we know.
We have al-o on hand ("!.' Ills, t.asineii.
; A ca n,rc lot of i .1 K I'I. IX Woolen and
,.,.,, ... . , . . iii....,,.-, !.,, V...
I.ewishur May 11, ISoy "Jm
ST,lL '!MTHt UV.iH ITION l PKi KS ! !
' I ' """i- ' o." '"
Him iiionry s. nice, oil. rs los r,.x-p
i )ttl"dl
OUril . flljCO rUll LMOn I
1 KI X IIK initMl
UUUI lil'LU I VII unjll
I fi-N" .niMake-ea.. ami em. f..r Tonr -
i seves-euher tU....Wer n,tail. ,A j store-
: keepers and others eiajcd in the Mioe tra,!e
. .,n r,,l ,, ... ihe.r i,i,ii .-n .n,i t. u
; al hls tl,lrt an,, "
save at least 25 per cent.!
MniUlfaclIirlllS of all kinds done at
verv nioitcrate nricesand IJtPAIKIM; at the
u ...
if l.oti t bireet the place- mxl Hour lo J.
I i , u- ... v.." i i-1 urn -i..-
; i ... .. ..-in. .-.orr, 1. 1...... .1...
' tb.g hsi u ii i ihi innvsnv
aitcniion of the Ladies is called to their stuck
Dress Silks
Del lines
tiin-hams Insertmss
Kotilards Eilnips
Chi.nzes (iloves.Ac.
ALSO Cloths, Plain and Fancy t'assi meres,
Jeans, Tweeds, Yrstincx, Muxlins, Dnll
intts, Tickinirs. Flannels, Hoots and
t V Shoes, Hats and -"aps.t(aJ
logcthcr with a complete assortment of
Groceries, Hardware,
Ceditrware, yticensware, Ac.
,, . ,. . ...
?' 01 vmen ,,,VP"M pl 3" ''oia
the same ari.cics car, i,e purch
nyhere. t.nr , a mil
V. 1 Mark.-rl. in half. lUaitfr. an t . lihll, t.t.. ju.t I
iN ree'd ami tor ..if i.y ill i.Mi t .moi-han.
VO. s M.ek.rrl, h.lf .nd .lU;,r:.r t v.. j-.t-t r.r ., 4
frT,'' HFhsii a (miiiian. I
V" 1 SIihI. (.itr.'junt recor-a ,in r..r salf
It. lisn .ohiihun
WHITE I't-h in h.lt autl qtiattfr Larrrls. Just rpri'l.t il
" ami litr ale tiy ..fltsll l.i.
"MA !
lIKKUIN.i,inl,..e lm'l,j.,at rrevH an. foe.ah. I
-7;; - :.:.TTT..r-.-,.-:-!
MriVer' l
cAt,ii-r .n.just T,?'Z
I Kills 11 bit. M-atl. in list, St.. ... ana T- 3 in
l j..st pfu .i,. r..r .lr by itt'Uf tl a t.,iN.t!k. 4
J INSLLI, Snvtm aua fob i.,..ii.-i r-rpti.-t nrt f r
-"'"'J' "liU.Ji'Hi!.,,.UN- !
'tI'K Tati.Com l'..-.fUnl -.t Du.k.!..j..xt p. I
criif I and Inr sale by IHIlslI (i. u. l AX
- - . ; 1
!)-?CANNeN Natis.n.isp.K.v ..sir.j.,,1- ;;-
ur ,,i, t,y .11 Ksti A .s.iimax
'- " ..,,7... . ;
UV'i 1 "J . ImhO.i.aT' :
jsl . -!.. . . .-.
IV'tObanil !ioc Wash nenrlt. ttrtxrt......,.-. ani I'.ilty.
,, .
fhf.ji ftr rasli, or ex.-h.i.i'f l.-r .11 ion.l.'.f tx.untry Pro-
ili.ef. IIUUfM nrnrr. l price pan . T.o .'nn-iii -.r.m, .
at Ilia olU .laud uf
HLK.-ll ..esdiMA.x.
pttAPE Orowor. ean earryea mor wmi. boi .us- .
inut of HammontoD Lutl, not her rolunn.
ennr Bniin... and Fartfrt-a ran WfarrlH tp prft
b'y t llaminouliin. t ali.rUN.ai.nl "I HammfB-
ten LaDil.
TlPItSONS wanttn rh..n-f rf Htmat.
frr health. .!
...... aatf !.
. ,
:'r ,H"5!r"-i
-1 ifrllM-luaot vf Uimiaf nten Land.,
fj - ,T4:.p.!ri'.ers fl-.Tti.ax.r-ItsKT'f
,ffiiiv teak: A
txprinz and rutiitni r l.oods. the rnrncu ar i..n...rein1ter.vrii . ir bum t. n,. i a...,;
; (Tliflrabrrltn Bms (Cart.
' -
We have tested the merits of a
x--. .... -.... -...... .
. .. t to 4tt r-om it. our Kk
b.r.l to furni.u inr ba r-in. .llt e.frxttiiDs'1.. ' ur o.ii
nao. itw.-r. u.j,
: 1 1MW, Su., e.
. M. .h f. r in. ..f Pr !-..
IIJKSII from the kiin, for sale U-
J rllSMII. 111. is wars.
1 ."i l'liLo. I.'.istport Ilerrin? ju-t
A ' r. t ti. ii i.ulav . I ti-.r-
f It llloKKI.lN B"o
- 'l'KA-! TPAS ! TP AS! - Wo
I:ivi' rr- I iv.rt i,t if fii'-.Ti r -jUA-ity
. .r.t-i. itni i;...' k Iran fr i:t ik.
A ii'" (t i: Ll It- tit tuiHijg t f-1 - JT 1I.
I'll '.lHKi:i. I'.f!
H)i"i i:i;: citi i- i-:
W irt-n. Hi.- air.t Jul a LoiN1
H)i"i i:i;: citi i'Ki:' tKi i:i::-
' KXPSKK.t; found Alum. Mar-hall
,JI tiii sua lutirj 5ull. f .r .h!
. ii iiita:i:i.tN i:t ...
rv kert.n ,-.,..st:,ii, s.tt.t.lv of W.-s
V ..n. A w t,. ... t r:.-..n" ,. r
ii SMi.ti.; . s in; -
CHlUX. Rye, Oats and all kinds of
. :-."... . .
. S ' ... '.'Jill'. ' XX. i .1 l.llj.
1 'VIA, aurtmt.'iit of I In v
1 V r. I .
. li-l Vri-. Hff tn l'v n,e. t ir.. .
li ll ; 1 1; i.i lti.it -
LWAVS on hand.
riiAilio:iit.: . ' s
()() V.V.I . Fre-h Ma.lxi-r. l. in a-
'"u ",ir,i i "k.tct s.-s. 1. ....i.i.; -.V- i.i,. ,i.
' .. .. u-u. ix .i. llilx ....
i vl. II.
.1:-. I, r .
II xti., It I ! N ;..
wateii ci;acki:i;.s
K tret n montltlv suj.j.lv. iVch
rr. ii Ii,.- J1..J,. r,
11 1 11 tit. 11 1.. . 1.1. 0.s.
i an. lies. I allow ( anil It's, l ,,' i v e
op. li sin
if. ta-nle
.-oap, Detersive Snap. Ti i et
oaker s I hticoluie. liiikei s t't'.fa, Ha-
s;,n....,. t,.,,. ..... ,.
.'".... s.iiit.irxeiiie tl it'-i:.' it .'iis:.t
Hea-i,. Brooms. Uni.he.. A lcr-a- rrairnt
I- or xii , In-
t iiAMi;i:ia.i. iiKo .s.
I Scream !-Ice Cream ! .'
! 1 -.vritv r .... .
; I. r.ixir.iciijii at t u a h l t H.tsrR.
; 1 j noi door to the "IV!. Srapi a ;.-. t,-.
. . . ....
: J uci ii. .or lo iae I . . srapl a-: ' n-r'
' .rt.c,-.Ma,ke,s.Inare, LeW,sU. The very
best . town, tail m a.,i see! i.iv l.v.-.
I I'xT 1 l.'. i-n-i-n ...... ... . .
1 ,i, Jl U'e J,'l'K ' ,0,r
! " l-CUlsblirs
1 i.t.-tr. tii on the irneV pfe. new e-e
rn l""- The aii"ni,on of all loi. r ot
"iiey are invited to this valaal ! b.
i l iti s Lectures .m Kiiiiiinif.it ... ..,
.!.;,!... i . '..
"r"'o. ":- "."sino i in.. : s-atex. it
lilts. Th.s i tr.ilv , .. .1. "
j May H. l i i v.
SI'dAir. chki.si:, 11-11,
FRF ITS, xVc. xx c. .V .-..
Mar fa( itrfff, r-pmsir (If Vc.-r Of ft,
l.cit isliuic, ia.
rP (J. Y.. it Co. have just received
I m l.f-h lrfn. I hii.tl.il In. N tfii.t-n t.-us Mix'S .1
rti ..I.. If. I. rt":.rif. nl ritry km. i, .. ii..i, !;!.!. l .i
IVachrn ami 1 iniitiiixs.,
I'lltup inlim, .ml ..rr.ul. J ,u.,' ..... It., I,
Dried A'jiles, Peaches. Prunes, Cur
rants, j'restrv ino; dirou. Fius.
Datrs.Iiai-insln.ii. t;t t., 1st
tts. jirr lb., Pielxies of
nil descriptions,
rme Java i i:i;, crountl.
"I'1" "'r-Oslit Cm. . i, r. 1 t.t t.mny n-
' t.i.(., II., M. I.A, .y
A ("fnem. wrtm.-ni r
Wlllnw ami t'nlar n:irr.l.la-
ware, tK ('iitui t-. I iii th ii
"arc, Kv,t-, l tti it., .vi .
nh Oil. Ilnul. i",e Oil. Cun..'ts. CnM,
J , A y,p ,
s'..... ,,f nil L-ni.ts- Wl.n. I C. :.. ol,.
'J' 7 : r,. ' 1 " .1 ... . '
, vvvuuv unw vtji'.uut u iivut ruiuio.
Flour. Com Meal, rotaloes. lt.it,
l7'ii . . ... t". ... . ...
li;i, vui;, .to, iii.tuis im .....01.
diiirm.l fnt nj thargr. .. ri..r.wrs 1
residing within tltt H:rcuit. !
-T'..ltfmit .0 cnvrnfrstrail ll,. r.,. !. . b-. 1, ...
1.... It.r .... ..u!. 1.1 itin.v.11 If. H . . 11 I .. x, . ,
ti.ll innif th. ,'iiHr It. mn ana tilmtm 1- ;r s i,t.i.f tit
... ..riffr. w.- ata .nnitttt m i.-imr ai.if ... m a .
. ;p ,Ufj , , ,.,.,, ,.. , I
" ' M ..UtHIH.) MmUUt nui.lo l:.'. f ....
.. ,urrhitc a 'I m litit r l ,o,,or,
nt.1 ,..t-. hict. i,...iiI.'1y.i. '
,.;..,.. Ap, Is,., T. ii IMNs A c
. . '
I ET married w hen T".t i- lt. t n'r o rm.
J call at MFAI.DIN IIM.ni;K
M ORE, and ceta first ra" nuK M 'lVBm
f,r!, CU5, 5 1 want
cook stoves.
JOS. MIAt.DlN. ;
l.ew:biiri. March tl. l.'a.
VI.L wan.ltt? ilirm. !n s oriibtrnt -titn tt-. ri h x:l. ,
.n I .ff nr. ftom frl.. - n i r.i-ui' nt ft Maui- '
itifnl- n Line in af f 'b. r Itmi it !
4Ut: ( IUXC'lf. An -'ler. S.!-
j v.r itVEli WATt II I . : a'e a j
7.'i'l.t-r..".l r (.-f,.,ri' .
' a mv-r'Xi,:. :.- -.st .
.i.i.jt-. H.ll HI. lll'J
... WA,:L0!v"5.::s l',N,:
, 'I U una I:t.u J ttM-if !,.",.
i. i t ii.;l .! Rat (
1-! c:i
4 .
C. . Is Ir
f. r l c.Vi.
I'i till II?.
a: r -r:
;.. i- i ,
. . .'
I - A - .11 '."
a I
; Jllil
ti r'l.l' , A;
. -I :. r . .... .
hi. tt ' ; v I-,
i in1' m" -.: :' r
11 I - : " If. .
.- 'I I. i .Tiil.
, 1. 11 . ' V I
. . . lio" . -1. I i-.
I.Alllir. Miii'itui i;.;!'k-i.!:t!l..Ci-rv.
L IV.inme.y. J. .;. T. ; , m :.rr, . :
i ir, !" t. 'Mt'c, -"lil-. liiU'",
I':, tnre-, and a ia. ii iy o .NX K . At Ks I. r
ll ;it at ttie
aj i.t:wi.-i;i.i:i: rosr ofni E.
I. I ll) AM I'lM: Oil. rr.-i - t,a. at Ih4
I'Mfi1 OKK.OI-"
I A i: ..". M I'I .-" r I. a !-- a, ...-ri - .at
be ba.iai lb- I O-l" .if l It U
i i'.)!t:u.s a:,. I . :, r.r
a;, i r.u H i.;, ran I t n I
I ,r i; I in.
prrTKIt. !:- I .,, I a:. I P...i -,y tuUul.1
I ) Kfi.di. : i (il;i..;s y' ii,
r.i t :. c
js. Ll..ifs aiidl
. . I H4.-!l-s
s. fr-
-- a: fo-
ciii.i i ., r.
i .'s . ; a:. i. ..J
I'.'M" in"K"r
.";'", 'i" . 7' ""
I 4 l..l'ra.i..x e , f . ,. !...!
I u i" t)ffu
"'"" ' - . j.j.r.ui,
.'., ' 1 !. X tn..
:. I .... i .
s 1 i-'l'-i
y;'sj 1.' "I' mi; i ui.i;. ..nil.
-a ...'.. ... -
--T. ... - j .i.'. p v . a inn.l .
i.au o a : .1- l" . i : r I lo-n .n ;. !t!;ti::
IX.oi s. Miiilli ix U!;i!.:s,,
.t!t:iliiii:vi .i n , ns.
.ri.l a!! ti t d. s, i.j.:. i.s t; v.
l, liuiM:
. ii ! rs it-.r'tM ii'lv i, -f i
.1.1,, li
! pr. .pr -
w. ru usrut.:. .i:..s.ft.a.i,.';, .
." An . Wlts.ie 'tltt Luittitr . ; x.:l
ie-'T p't :,s . . . : ' ', ... .
i:i-r.-ri; - rl A-.i.i ,....;..;,,;.,., ,
All I i"s. Is.'.'l.
nov;nr b eey-l:ght gaileri-,
( vr-K ' v- -M'F. :', !,..- ... s... ,r
.1. II,
I. I.
i : -1 r. 2. Pa.
.m:.i: j rrs.
!.'.V"7"j rrs.
y iy rl ':;;!.
sennsvsj, h sow
U A ll j'i-1 r.ve vrd ih r c 7", t,'.
1 1 1. '1 It r the M'I'I.Ni; si
"i 1 -''. i'i.e.r . V r , si. :l. . .... , ;
i.ii-st a..-! m..st !xit.;.f ,: -, r '
SIO ll as .,. x. '....,s. fx. p.,
. 'i .
sin s. ,),. I.j , ... (,;i,L! j..
I -
(' 7": ':' !-'" ' -I-' v.
1 01: Tin: ; i 'i 1 km
ifity have a U-,t k . j .. , ,
miii r-v. t". tn 'x, P x. ,tV 1; . ,
'f.iV.:-. J;,!-, tt - -: . "
nr. I ;.
Ml M i Iff-
fcr stm
S S i,.;il t,ii . i tVf .. i
I i,w,' I ( ,v, r. - I". ;s.
'" " "' - ''" ""
I N Tilt: Ol.ll sli.ip h v
rt s,n'iii;;y b.in, it.,-e il,.- t-,i r.s . t
I., w : s I ,n,, y trinity ih.it :!,, ,,-. t i n., i
a Pait;.rixh.:p in -h.
Tai!orir.g Bysir.cc.s
at ihe we!! I . n .s!a,,.! ,., J...,rx c. -.
Maii.fi x ii'.-t u.. ;h. --r -n i'i
i err am. .via a. i ,,.', , '7, 'i,.
best stile, Alfn's ,11 1 Vt 1 x' F!I:il-C (
""y &.ciifi.. . st,, ,,,,,.. r
sl'ult ' vl ' I '' 1 f"'" o;-
,' . iu.s. . t.isuiir..
I. f. s 1IAMT. K.
1. l-. -i
j l.eiii.Lnrr. r
i . :
rilAKE NOTICE T-The m,,;. o-nnl
,J. appx-nncd Au'nts for the sale I"
; loni', IiiiiiiN .S. lu,l.,iv sa,!,
J of flM xicx. pill-le of III f.fxf n,,.f..xl. I 'f
work w.otaritfi. f M !e by I..U..-I IJ. i T,
il i.f li.'si ii,f, I'a. an I tnr s.-t'f t.v
r.;: rsr.M.imi.i.i..i,,-.t.,r;
IOR s.-Wi:, CHEAP- Ir' Tr-..
I r:Titiuiii hrt-'i. it ri rr. ' I. a M a I :.r 't IvT
Tiintrrs 10 ttnn paiiir.l.'r ;x. A,-.
Mav VT.'.iH. !"..!.-! Mil., p.... k f. n.'-r.
W r.nrf.ne. n lo. .t,
-..x......i.i.. uiw.iii.MAii
l'T hnrn're-'s .: i:,t and Caps t.f
ia'es, sii If s,a loOf 1 h-.i.'"r ::,- ' s-
Io.m.1 elxewh'e.e. t ail i x.'e :H.f, p.i
f.oVson'a ..' Vl,, ,.'?('.. . f.
"" ' '
. . .
.l,tr , 1 ,, . .. llM. ItiritV 1
J 1 I .s!"in; at. I Shi..mi. r t. .1 - , I . -
mess li,.,- Uv.'. i.s. and 1. - " I- "f
I.T..i;. a, d s 1-m a.,.;t.-.
A No a .-eio r.,1 axx, re,,, t., 1 ; Me 1. x W . .
I r 'itr.in;.. Ct i.'n ; If . ("a .
winch w ill be ...id ch ap.
.f..y l. Hi?.
i'l.eis , ' 'it
iUmm e ixl-arj Ut" '.' r t H Ni.'P!.
. If. i.rr.iitr.r, n r:
Market ..rrn.ero .'"rr ..' P jti
Bitter's More- -I.KW !SPi I.:., r
pi :i?r i i ,.:s "'. ! - -: ' .-. :" 1
J .l1;.",".";' a"7 '-r": X
r.'-J'.-o-. rr - i I . tj-.! : -..'.