Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, July 29, 1859, Image 2

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    T f
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I it
.1 i
tar & (Loiiitk
tttiitrt .VM.Tlie l.iwiiiircn CitR-xmi. :
ti'-ii-tifl un lit.- .-stetn, hn tin- lar-v-l and lust ;
airf uijii'.u ojtiv N. -:iair m Loiu ( -untv. j
Tree loin, n;itinnal:
KUvorv sri-imnil'
Xii;tt.tik Piaiia-iws to ali:ha imutky,
Vit aonlhrr lnri pf lar Trrrl'nry by Elrnlin.
ruriiia-r. ur I uiKiut'vl.
Tt,. nSorc itrt'. i-ti-l ill I. li.p trt.i li.t 'lnj Vi-ipi-li-V.
I. ' rt- tin- r'luii'ry, until Ili.y tire 1 i'-t' ri a-. mil i
r .il lll-ti-li. i.ur lii!-t 1" nl. t!,-i. to t'r l until tln-y
:n l:--itnr-!i i v. Hi. Ni-ti..nil v'm Uul lit fcli
lii.tuu. i'u.' ri.' W n.i-.' r.- tl.
TltnMC 1.- vMnVv'.,r V..rb
Ft'D, Al'MTnK liKMIRM.,
.- t- .
t?It will be borne iu mind that tLe
Union County Opposition Delegate Meet -
tings occur on Saturday tho iTtb, aud the
Convention on Monday 0th, Aug. next,
The Paris MmiU ur eiplaius the cir
cumstances attending tbe Armistice. Il
sivs the great neutal Powers had ex
changed communications with the belli
rrent Powers, offering plans for a media
tion, but were unsuccessful iu tbeir cf-
f,,rts, uutil the French fleet was about to
commence hostilities against Venice, and
a c .tfliot before Verona was immincut
when Napoleon, anxious to prevent furth-
cr bloodshed, ascertained the disposition
of the Kmpcror of Austria, sud liudiug
him willine, the'armistice was concluded,
The two Kuiperors had an interview en
the 11th inst.j at ilia rranca.
Kmi'KESs. The following is a
TO tiif.
copy of 1
the telecram frcm Naroleon to tbe Kui-
r,.....i.. .nnnnnein- that tiwfe l.a
been coucluded upon : i
VaI.i.ejio, July ll.-A treaty of peace '
Las been signed between tbe Kmpenr of '
Austriaand myself, on thcfollowing basis:
'The Italian Confederacy is to be uu-1
der the honorary 1'resideBey of the i'ope. I
"Tbe Kmpcror of Austria concedes his !
rights in Louibardy to the Kuip.ror cf the
French, who transfers them to the King
of Sardinia. 1
"Tbe l'.uiperor of Austria preserves Ve
nice, but flio will firm an iutegral part
cf the Italian Confederation.
Tbe dc-patcb of the Kmpcror announ
cing the concluding of peace, was bulle
tined iu I'aris ou the Uib, ulien the
French funds immediately rose two aud a
Lulf pi r cent. j
The news did cot tratifpire iu London
till after the tfficial closing hour of O'n
ij1s sales of which were made afterwards
.. f.-.l .1,. .luring thn .Uv tu.in.r
."u --..u6 ... --j ...fc
Feven-eihts. AH otucr securities cljscu
The London Wty X rs s".ys : '-The
first hepea and expectations of Italy are
deceived. History will call Napoleuu to
f.rict account for having made war ou i
false rrctcncej, and sigiad a mock aud
f -in.-h peace, that leaves Austria impreg
nably fortified in the heart of Northern
ltalv, and commits the centre of Italy to
the patronage of tho lope, and to the
coustaut menace of the military intcrven-
tioD CD lie part cf tbe I Vpe s patrons and
protectors; that takes no account of the
welfare of the people, and substitutes for :
national independence, a Con federal ion
under tbe lock and key of Austrian garri-
fous; the J-.mperor t i iance tea sowd
tbe feeds of future wars. Ihe closer we
c . . . , , , ... ,,
examine this pretended paciht-ation, the
more futile aud iuiquitous it appears." j
The Vormwy- i W contends that the
I'ope isdepnved of bis substance but keeps
ash.dowof6urrem.cy. ,
Tbe 7Vmrj says that "Venice must hope
that ber independence will uot be a mere :
name, and that tbe iLflucnce of France
and Austiia united will not be mere un-
bearable than that of Austria tingly.
Tbe Ilomans must hope that the Italian
confederation, under the honorary rresi-
dency cf tbe Tope, will be nothing like -
any povemiueut mey iiavc mutno frupurue?, iu juuuioe iuwutuip auu m
liuowD." j Lewisburg, aro ofTtred for Palo, this day,
Lovis Navolei.n's Keorganizatjon i uuder ourral Kstlte" b"d.
CF Italy. After tbe events of tbe war : -Tbc ncilboring farmers of Mr.
in Italy and tbe promises of the Frencb j)ahHi Kauffuiun, Kelly townsbip, with a
Kmpcror in reppect to tbe future govern : true Ppirit 0f benevolence, are bestowing
ment of that country, tbe reorgamwtioD Up0Q him quantitict of grain to repair in
cf tbe Italian States into a confederacy, part for tbe heavy loss he reeeutly sus
with the lVpe the presiding power, has idne& n lue destruction of bis barn by
eicited considerable suririse and no little fire. May others go and do likewise,
distrust of Napoleon. Tbe Pupal States j tegr-pr. James I. McCleary, of Milton,
Lave been shaken severely with tbe pres- had tbe misfortune to lose bis beautiful
cut popular movement, and tbe especta- uiarc. He bad been on a professional
t ions of the Tapal 6ut-jects have been ; visit to the country, and tied ber to the
that, ia tbe reorgiuizitiun of Italy, the . fence ; after standing for a short time,
temporal power of the Pope would be the animal broke ooe and ran off at a
subject to euch modifications as to relieve fearful rate. Coming iu contact with a
the people of its oppressive weight. Tbe
cbng. wbich faa. Lccd made would .p-1
j iu.. '
pear to deceive such hopes; jet, lin- ;
perfect as the intelligence upon this eub- i
ject is, a closer consideration of the ar-
. . .
rangemcnt by no means bears out the
impression that the temporal power of
the Pope is to be enlarged by it and
Undcd in its severity over other Slates,
A confederacy implies the union of in- i
, , . . I
CtepCUUeni powers, UCreiSlUg CUUJUIUU
rinl.i. f.n. their entr.mnn interests and tiro- !
..b-. ..
lection. Each State may have ita own
local government and its own local laws
as now, tut, in addition to this, each will
' '
have the strength of the common con
federacy to enforce its common rights.
Tbe Tops presides, but it requires no
great political experience to foresee that
tb. States in their united character will j
be stronger than the I'ope, and the puhlio i
uvci.ii'ui oi tue common body will aoon
iul that functionary in temporal matters,
This very scheme, which looks like eur-1
tendering Italian lilmrty, u,aj be a shrewd
-vicctofctriptbe lVp, 0f his temporal
power, tyaemingly enlarging Lis author.
; jty, viibcut alarming tbe Catholic feeling j
of Karope agi'mst the French fcmperor.
: The couneclion of the temporal with the
spiiiiual power of the Primacy Las teen
! a suureo of great dissatisfaetioir in lis
own dominions, and also a difficult; in
any p,.litiral amelioration which tho en
lightened civilization of the world would
wi.-b to gee introduced into every despotic
"nvorniueut. If the French Kuiperor has
hit upon an arrangement which in tbe
natural growth aud process of political
progress will limit the Pope's temporal
P'twtr without diminishing the spiritual
power of pontifical ifficc, he will have
t solved a very difficult enigma, raised tor
' himself additional claims upon the grat-
mi le of the Italians, and given tbe world
auotber proof of his political sagacity.
! We ehall soon see, from the nature of the
arrangement, whether this is the design.
j J'hi.i. Is'ljer.
(Correiiiion.Mice of the tar t Chrooirle
From Brush Valley.
ItKiiERsutito, July 20.
This town, in the ceutcr of tbe Valley,
is about half a century obi, and most of
the building', including several churches,
wear an appearance of autiiiuity. One of
j tbe finest dwellings is tbe new brick of
. fr.Uilbisb, formerly of New llerlin. The
people here are Pennsylvania German.and
number several hundred. ISrush Valley
" au"ut 20 miles long and 1 J to i wide
1 of limestone laud, very fertile and dotted
thickly with good, larm tuilUings, nowes
. of plenty, industry, and contentment
: i . i ii'i . . ..mi : .1.. r
find most of tho Wheat still in the field,
a good, rich, old-fashioned harvest and
Cherries abundant and iost ripe. These
: facts fhnw t bat vegetation is later here
than in Imon county. 1-
Wheat in Snyder.
: JfLY 7. We have threshed wheat on
"- cf Kev.J.U.l'arnsworth iu Center
S"S county- f
'be I.ancaMer seed, yields ti bushels to
the bund , and weighs GJj pounds to the
tus'iel. W. F.
For the Household.
Oar family have f ir some weeks been
using Sionl's I'at. Folding Clothes Hack,
made in town by Messrs. II.A.Veidenaul
and E. liickel. They are cijual to 40 feet
of line, take up no mure room thau a table
and cau be folded up so as to occupy uext .
to to space at all. They are truly a most j
t-scelleut invention, and materially modify
tbe miseries of washing day. Get one
only 2.50 to $3 each.
Latest Improved.
The prospect for Fruit next full is such
as to warrant and require machines for
hou-clioid ana larm use. J Uis year s lm- t
nrnvenients on 1 ICKOK S 1'orlable M 111
- . . .- . . - . !
j r nuKinL' v.iaer, t me, ie., nrcssiuz in
Currants, lierries, (in large or 6uiall ;
quantities) maVes it tbe very best in the !
1 ' . J i
market, aud only ? 10 iu price. (Auver- j
li.-emcnt next week."J i
Heasonabi.e. One of our town physi- !
cians notices that be owes iuouey,and very
naturally looks to those who owe bim to
make it up. This is all right. With our !
great harvests, this year there should be a ,
general settlement all around. tetf-"Shoit j
settlements make long friends,
B.Judge Gillis of K'.k county, (Mor-,
ganite,) has been oppjiutcd Special Agent
t0 'aWnec, with the view to arrange
mMcTi s0 as t0 r.reVent future difficulties,
, , , . .. T . .
That s the pay for his Leconiptonistn.
' J
j-About tcD o'clock last evening, a
w ,; u 6Ccj ia a eouth.ea8ternlj
6 . c
direction from our town. We fear we
may bear of a Cre in that quarter,
,.V v i. .. t r t i ,
.---.- .u-.g j
"cepted a call from the feandusky Street j
Haptist Church, Allegheny City, and has
removed thither.
" ' "",
aTSome very valuable Land and Mill j
wajjon she upset tlio buggy and broke one
of ber legs. Tbe D.etor humane, re-;
ii ri ir i j 1
heved ber of ber eufTenngs by admims- j
ttnug a "dose nl cuia lead.
JHi,'c learn lhat Mr. G. L. Rifflu of;
: f-T i .i .i t I
Jlilton, was violently thrown from Uis !
. horse on Monday morning. He was
ex-'taken up insensible, and continued so j
j throughout the day. His bead was j
severely cut and bruised. He is getting !
ii ,, , , i n i !
amup aa .so a vuuiu le lAfcv.ivi.. .me
tun Democrat.
Jjlin, son vf Judge liresslcr of Clinton
county, while gathering whortleberries on
the mountain, Monday last, was bitten by j
. . . ......
a rattlesnake, in tbe baud, -lteniedies
were applied, but be was io precarious
condition until Wednesday.
Rev. James II. lVird of Lock Haven
i was tried by the I'resbvtery last week aud t
ac(,ui,u.d, and that without
his accuser, Jacob Grafius.
censure upou
rostmasttr blass, of jew Ilnghton,! !.,
has been arrested oo a charge of passin,
counterfeit moucy.
! Tbe frnit crop in California, this year, i;iiton.f it,. Kuruer. iinmainnton. i o., Atumic Co,
"1"'S to .he San Francisci Herald, Z,J! Z'uS Ul
:",l.,,.,uouf" betM aBd Meu,:7ZZZ
Jamei K. Keuncdy, Eq., a native of I
Philadelphia, but for tbe past ten years a j
resident of San Jose, California, has re- j
ceived the Republican nominatiou for tbe
office of Lieutcuaut Governor of that j
The inmatps of the Penitentiary at !
Washington, D. C. celebrated the fourth
of July by permission of the warden. The
Pien'istfn consisted of snr.e?'. readins the I
r -i ..: ...1 . On.. t,r.it I
Ieeiaiaiinu auu uu ui.h"". -..uw
was, "Vo tncy miss mc ai uuuic.
Sixteen persons, most of whom were
women and children, were drowurd inClear
lake, Indiana, iu couseiuence of the cap
sizing of a pleasure yacht, ou the 4th iust.
We learn, pays the Tyrone Shir, (hat a
harvest-band working at Win. Jobnstou'a,
on the ridge road, iu Warriorsmark Tp.,
fell dead from a stroke of luu sun ou
The Kansas Constitutional Convention
after a somewhat lengthy discussion, has
decided upou fixing, as the Noribt rn boun
dary of tbe State, the urigiual Nebraska
...... - . i - ti
Tbe Eric OWrirr eays :
"Judge Ellis
Lewis, who -was iu that city last week, aud
who, forty years ago was a printer, went
into the 0'iiMtle olliee aud "set up a stii k
full" as read.lv as ihou-'h he Lad iust lefl
the case.
Grand Jurors Sept. Term, 1859.
Earl ll'iff.iliirl"hn K Hmwn, Saml Kellers,
Abraham Frederick, Jaenli Sliter
While Itrrr Jmias Fisher, David Meninger,
f.iniuel II Tawltn
Huff-ilit ijmcs lleale
.Yhu llin'in Jnlin M Ilenfer, Rnlii Swinfford,
I. imfstiin, J.-hn Leil-y. J.Jin M 'J'jiylnr
Krlli I'eter (Jiiver, Laird llnu-.n !
Mijllinlmrg Joseph Umelius, Win Smith, Jno
V l!nrl..-r
Wrst nufftilif fJenrge E Slieary. Jacob Kline,
Jnlin L Ueav. r
Iswi'httrn T II I'urdy, John Houghton
II. trlliy Alvah Mar-tun
t'liiwi John Younginan
7vrerji? Jnrnrs.
Leivi-hurs John Wall-, Michael Fichthnrn,
Aamn K. Wetzel, Jns. W. Shrtner, Vaticer
M'Laimhlin, Lewis J Ki yiiian,Juhii II licale,
Alexander .N'"-Iit
r..it li'ijfaltit Jnlm linlil Jr. Samuel litinkel
Mitliitliuri; Charles Mnntehtt-. Ccnru'e tlutc-
Inis, J. ltn Keber, Kobrrt 'J' Uarber, Jantes
1V lliffiln, Y-xn llnonreif.Ctinra l Sherk
ler, Anion il Luiz, L'dward Sniilli, Daniel
liuffil. Win D Shriner, Wri ller Knhlau I.
IMwurd Flick, Jnlin Minium, James Irv;n,
J F IVntitis
lliirllry Daniel Hunsicker.Samuel Strayhorn,
Snlnuion Dtei-tiaeh
I.rwis Ira Kaiherman
l.imeln, Iiavui W IN'Ilman, William Foster
Viti.m Thnmas lur-el, Jnlin Maize
Ane Iti-rin Win Benner, Fred'k Smith, Ben
jamin Wilier
W'.'iil, K'rr Daniel I! U.'ber. Robert Candor,
J.din Orr, L F Alliriehi, Andrew M'Lena
han, sianitiel Cpinberlin2
lliirtrtim Davtd Kline, David Movr
K'tli James Shields, Jacob Hummel, Thom
as Cutnly
Auditor's Notice.
I TITHE nnder-iiined Auditor appnitite.! by the
Court nt 1'ui.ni enuntv in ilt-inl.ute the
money ari-n, oUl i me eneri- ot irwi i.
' in the hands of Thomas Rr-her his A--
1 si''i:ee.wi!l attend to the duties uf his arpoint-
ment and meet the panic- iutere-tt d at his
''" hresli ol l.cwi-l.iir? on Fridav
the l-i d.,y ol Julv. is.v.i, at III o clock A M
,,1,.,-,,, ,-,y: of which all conccrm-d will please
"al"" nonce. .M. JO.M.S, Audit.
June H, l nit
I " The abnv An lit is rnnfinurrf by consent
until Satnrilay Ihe 23d day of July next, al llie i
hour and place abuve slaleJ.
June HI, lr?.:i
wit. joxns
Cash paid for Eidcs !
rillin Miliseril er u-oiiM respectfully inform
g llie piihlic liial he ha; imv on hand a
seieci assorlmeiitdl the best Stll.B LEATHER
for the supply of his customers, together Willi
a superior lot of I'lM'KRS. which he will hell
upon accominodaiiiia lerms-.
He solicits the alienlion of the Farmers to
his- prices for llll)E$.
All havinc Hides to dup of will f.o netftr
to call upon him than to place them in the
hands of A;entH. as he s deienmned to give
satisfaction in (his particular branch of pur
chases. K.J. Jil'LL
Lewishurg, June I, is.9
Jonathan Nesbit's Estate.
V"OTICE is hereby ?iven that heller of
A Administration on the Ksiate of Jonath
an Nesbit, late of Leivisbur boro'ih, I'nmn
county, deceased, have been granted by the
Keister of I'riion roun!y to the Mtbseriher.
All persons indebted b said estate will make
immediate payment; and those having claims
will present them properlv authenticated for
setilement. lll'ffll Ih SHELL!'.;;,
I,ewisburff. June 2, I.VJ Administrator
aT P I C - N I C . &t
u We'll jump into the Wagon, ami all take a ride."
VLAI(;E, handsome
and verv comforta-
hie YV M.O hasbeen.
fitted up lor ihe especial arctmimotlation of !
ricoic and other .similar excursions. J erms
moilerate. Apply to JOS. M. HOUSEL.
Lewisburz. June :, IH59.
A New Business in Central Fenn.
To the pufMc tn gt ncral fr Millim r.i in purticulttr.
The undersigned would respectfully
& inform the dwellers in Lewishiir- and i
surrounding country, that they have j
opened a
Straw Hat &. Itontirt Itlracliin:
i i iinrssivi- . ii u . i .
ami 1 KLbs,I.C. establishment in this town,
c o.o nuieu 111 rja inc all lin
en,ru ""reare. H..vine had 1 1 yezrS j
constant experience in the business in i'hi ad. i
c,iy. and being acquainted with .he ro,.8t 1
approved process of Uleachin?, we are confi-
't'".1 of ,ura"iny soil those who give us
i-u.-Muii. ii iiiiiiuis nine ftiiu internum
to our business, perf.Tmin work neatly and
delivering it promptly, we hope to succeed,
BEAii.3"11 Ae''"'i'A ti:LT anJ
Our work is do'ne in City style and at the
lowest City prices. We make the usual liberal
deduclion to the Trade and hence Milliners
will find it lo theiradvantase to deal with us,
We iniend to make it a rule to finish and
deliver all work during the week it is received,
provided we eel it on or before Tuesday
JOHA 11. M DA.MKL. & CO,
J' 4lh ni ilh'
March I. lH.i'J l.ewishnrir
Dr. C. m'WEAL,
HAVIXl! resumed the practice rf MEDI
CI.E, tenders his professional services
he citizens of Lewisburz and vicinity.
umceana resiaence at tne west emi ot .Market
, streei.oppnsite Fnck's Foundry. (June 159
pim irAM.voTix Kuevzx a newnpop.Td.'Tot-!
U. I.iti-mture aid Agriculture, aUo wtting forth lull
; amsuaia ( me new w Litem'-U I or llimmoiiU n, 10 t-w
j Jersey can t- nuharril-ed for at only icruU per annum.
-nun? ptmnce kibii i r ine amount. A'iilresw to
is tat
Real Estate at PnMic Sale !
"ITT I I.I. If iill't-retl ! ptiWic salt- on S;tur-
.;y, Au:;u't 47. IHM. at III nVli.ck. A
M. a tract ft Laud ilnate in litillkloi' J'p near
Farmersvi!i-.ciiiilaiiiinK -21 AriTS more or
less, ab .it: IS acres cleared, and the balance
u-eil llillheretl.
It will tie i ll'ered in lots, or tccc:her, to
su:l tmrcliasers.
, . vv Mlf T n
j uric i- "ii i'.' ... t ..
fl.()Vi:it MILL, a g-Ttl Water Tower ami a
soml Sprinj. ISAAO WALKKIt.
llulialoe, Julv 2!, 1S.VJ
A Business Stand on TCarket Street
"OIt-ItI'.!T '"'"e b'tier fur a Milliner.
I'ur a iiriiccr, i rimmins, ve. Apt'lv lo
July II
a. i:. iLMi;!A.wi:
Real Estate in Illinois
8 .U.K. The it ii .It -risnnl, Ktceeutiirs
I" ol'the et;tle of Miki Sniw-AKT., l.ur nf
hile leer Tp, I'nmn Co. I'.i, ilt ff astd, will
oiler ai I'ul'he S:i!e, al the public hnii"e tif
VVtn.L KittHr.iu .N'eu't't.ltimliia.cniimy ai'T''
sa nl. n rtunttif, Jniv :Oth, I"i, a ijit.si
ile.iralle Tract of Land, eomainiii
1 it.i.itp.l in S i' nlit'ti vnn riiiitii v. Ill j tit u n'illiin
! (iv In,M f ,R. c,tv r'n-epnn. 'i'he lain!
1 is nf the beM quality nf Ltniesinne, ami is
: narily cleared. It is siitialed mi ilie hue i f a
i KT"ad. liavniR a Depnt witl.m a quarter ot
a mile, i here are several r-pniins on me
Iraei. and a stream of Water runs iltrn' it.
Sa'e in commence at 1 o'clock, P M, when
Terms Will be mit'le known bv
;i:oi;i;i: J. schwa rtz,
While Deer Tp, July II. Kirrutnrs
I)V virhic of Mindry writs of VnM.l'x. an-1
) I.pv. Ka. t-siieti uut of theCntin oi ('um
ntiMi riea of L'ihoii county aiul lo me directed,
will be expoed lo public ale or outcry, on
the "t.ttes ainl al Hip obices biilowm?, to wit :
Ou lYiilay, the I2th day of August
tSi'., al I he public hou-e ot .Mienatl Meckuer
in ihe borough nf New Lerlin, al to o'clock, A
I. a certain ira' t of land situate in Limestone
township and cniiniy ol IJ.iinn.cuniaiinnz Ten
Acres more or less, hounded north hy lauds
i. f Absalom Swinelnnl.ea-t by land-ot Philip
(Jross, owh lv i'emir. ('reek ami uv-i l y latol
of John Mnrhf!. whereon are erected a livo-
Mtrey U HIS T .U.A,a Irame Dwelling house, t
a frame Tenant 1ioum. a trarne Mahle, wuh j
othrr out-buiiilii?, anJ ihe appurtennncs ,
as. llie ppiperiyol Michael Wapner.u ith notice i
to amiu-l ainl ('harlot e l.uni;, tcne
tenants. and ot Charlotte .r and baml I
Also, at the ?amc time and jdacc, a !
Lot and a halt of cround more or les,Miuate !
m the borough of New llerlin, I'nion county.
marUed on the town plot No. ls and halt !ot ;
l."7,honndpd south by New Market street, west j
by Jot north by an alley, and east by half ,
Id 157, whereon are erected a two-storey j
trarne lfoue, a well of p.md waier wuh a ,
pump, and o:h:r out-buildin-,wuh ihe appur- ;
tenaitees &s the property ot Adam Maize.
Also, on the ame ihiy, at - o'clock ;
P M, Ht the public house of Win Juliol! in the
borough of Mill'mtnirg, l.rnior county, a cer
tain b'L (if ground situate m said btiiuh a t tti ;
county, bounded south by I'ront stH-L't, wet j
by lot of John Kleckner, north by an alley, j
east by lot of Joshua Hiddintr. u hereon are 1
erected a two-storey double jUvelJms
House, a oz Arable, a well of sued water uiih '
a pump, and oiheroutbuilJinirs.vviih the appur- '
tenances as the pr- pcrty ot ie(.W.Ka-u-k. '
AIo, on SattnJay, the lih lay of:
Atiiiuvt, at the piiblir huse ot 1,. 1).
Urewf-r in the bon u'h uf I.ewiburj, I'nion
cnniiiy.at ten nc!nek A .V, the (Vlluwinj; lie-
crib 'd bnildin" and lot ( I rnotn) nt it -rue A ;
Krick and John Lilly, to wit : a l'eilinIIoue
id two storey havni' aJr.'utol ib:r:y-iwt fret 1
and a depth of thirty-two (Vet, wiih a Frame j
Kitchen attached, and is situated on a crtam J
I.-l or piece of ground on South Sixth sireel in !
th? borough of Lewibur. I'nii'ii Cfiintv, ltd
joining of Win lieiimver on ihe uunii and
iut of Win Moore on the south.
AIpo. on the same :iy, nt 2 o'o-ock
V M, at the public house of Wm h K.tter, in
the town of New Columbia, White Ueer to-vn--shij,
h'nion county, a certain tract of land
situate in said township ami county, bounded
east hy the Wet Branch of ihe Suoo-h inna
Iliver, north by lands of Jidin Vertz. Ji hn Kitn
ple ami others, wet by lands of Jacob Troxei I
and south by lands of Jacob Kostenbader.Ci'n-
tainins'J'weniyOne acres more or!e-,w h-reon i
art" erected a one-and-adialf store v Frame i
Dwellini; House, a lo Harn.U'aon Shed Ac. .
with the appurtenances as the properly ot :
Djvul Si. Vertz.
johx ;i;oss(;iinvi:. sheriir
Sheriffs Olhce, I.ewisburp, July IS. is.yj
AM. WANTING KA It Ms, a r;ir o.nrtut.it v in a !
tlt-i iu lit ! ul aixl li'.-tithy i-iimatf null- Miuitin-t ol j
Phiiii.t nhi;i,oi4 the Cam if u and AtLtLtK- iUiirwil .Ni-w j
JiTf-jr. !
An nlJ rutatc roni-tinif f arTf rat thfiicari'l! i f j
. of .rii ut-1 it 'nil tnf i-f tt iln i-''l inln l-Hrui-'it t:u i'n
; Ci7-pi to Mtlt the I'lirt liiiscr. A jmpriinti -tl ! nmnr i.r"'". ;
j Imiri tarn u- 'Hrt t.f tin? miil.ilf M:t-Mnnl .f Knliin-l
j ami rtRe. .xrftlfiit rroj.n. Titf (-nr.- ,f th iitnJ i- at
the low rum i in i in ?l- to p. r m-n . tin- -oil m i t ihv
tn--t oialhy I.r the tro.Jur ti..n of U U.-nr, t Iot. t, C. rn.
IVuriifS. Oiajf and Wfj-uU. It i.- riml'ivd lite;
ItfHt fruit M.ii in ftit t'tiion. Tti !i-f i pTt-iM.y m-- j
rur In-m fn ti tti dfftrtirti iit-my of lb fniiiiT.
rri'( M ul irnin. crt mi l trtiit mrr now -fruwinir hii-Ii uu-tnm-tn.
fy tNOiiriiiff thr !I.iv itnt-.f, a crrvrl ju4s
tiH-nt ran t turin4 o( th-nHlurtiri'iifs or tlit land.
TW tiTlii! arr mtlc ry tn wrur !! r:t) i l ililfTtiVe 1
niftit i t tin Uii'l. wlu h i- only mIc tor arituil iM;.n-
i't. Thr rfult Itr-n. Uut within th- ymat y-r, I
HUie thrre humiint lfutt liiivt bn -nt'tt-d, two nulls,
one it tn, lour ctort-s, Muit f'rty tin.iiiriln and IViicb !
orrhanl-, ..antol. hiiJ a larjrt- nuuiiVr ot oth r impnat;- j
nieiils, maLint; itatlft:ralilraiid m-tifv placu ul 1umui-ss. j
rl' tninn. l'n-luce hriuiitc doutd.' tbe vriw than
iiir rmui-r uinj "-ixt it- iikiu lie. itrmiixn, is m m-fll
iti l.H-Mtion away from tb- nt. an-1 niort th.-in d-uhlf
thf pritt- lli;tn tLt-WVut. It i known tliiit thf rarli. t
aid l -t fruits and TeftitMff in thin lalilu-Jeconn-from j
Nrw JtTfy. aud uit uuuually txptTtcil to ta citi-ut of
mil lion. J
In lofatinpc tiro, thf Pettier tins many advantairf!. '
Hf if within a lew hour ride of th-' Kret rilie ol New
tn K I and and Middle SUtt, lie in nt nr his old trim.! 1
and asiurintionp. he in in a tftl'nl muntr-j, vtrrr? trr
imrTrmrt)t am fort anil ciriluvtvin is at hand. He
"". i::?:.. " K.TVr": '
twii-., he nan whoou for hi- i hudren, dirim- er-
itl 'ni,,Jr n 0t,4D inter, aud d'-iiirhrtui t-ii- 1
niate, where fevero an utterly uuknowD. Tin-result of
u n..nSe .. u, ir,., k. M.nh. ni-m-raii,
b.-1-n in n-sti ri-iliroi loan .xrelli-ni mate i-i liesith. :
, ,,,., , i,uii,; ,j im,,ro.ii,. iiunhu rn be 1
iiu v o,v mi. - .1 .e r.m . I tm u tl: pnr ...
r" ..."iim uir inn j.ra i.to. u io uir Nii-r.
t. ,r, ,t l..mi u.i there is no i.i.n. in
sii rnnen-
the L ntou
Th render will nt ones- ( xlru. It with the .IwHi.ti..'. '
luiiTiyi iin inn r;tn w niane rneMper. i
liere pretu'iiod. and ak lnuiwlf ndy ttie roiierty h;i
net l-vreD Ukfll Ub lelTt. The rea-r n it WH IteTer
tlirown in tlie maiket; and unleMi tlo h cUtenipnts
were rr.rn-ct, n ttir would tm inrited to xitmine tlie
laud Itetore iun-hxiiir. This all art i-xperted tn do.
They will land und- r cultivation : nn h in lh extent
ot the -tt lenient tht they will, no doubt, mit-t iH-min-t,
rrcui tht-irown nriltliorhood; tlmt they will witueHtiie
iuiirovenienti", and can jude the character of tlie popu
lation. If they come with a fiw to fettle, they phouid
Come t'tei iired to sbiT a d&v or two. and In n-J to'i.ur. :
chw. as loeattoufCMi) nut U h-ld en refusal. :
Tliereare two daily train t- 1'lnla.lelphia. and to all '
pettier wh" improve, the Kailroitd Com any ie a free
ticket fur bim Diunttit and a half irice TK-iatft lor tLrte
J'r. !
TltK Ton.Y OF HAMMoxntX. t
Tn connection nilli the arieuirultuntl ttli-ment. a i
new and thriving town han UMturaiiy arisen, whirh pre- ;
pi nts hiduceuieiits f r any kind of iucii(. piirtirulitrly
Ftoreis aud manut'tt'tcries. The hou hiihioi-n." rould tx I
enrried on in thin place and market to pood mlvmitne. j
alaocottoD l.unineM. and manulm tohcs of atfriruitural i
impIcweutK or r'uondrie forcatin email arti.-le-. The
impruTMuent ba.- Wen to rapid aa ti injure inwUnt ,
and permanent increase of buitint". Town lots i f i 1
Po,j Hie. ( we de not neii small ones, as it would fo-et !
the improveutent of the p!acvf) tan he had at Irutujlou j
and upwards.
The Hammmhm Firmrr. a month! libranrand arri-
cultural "heet. cf.ntaininjt full infnrmatioiof ilaJUiou
ten. can be oMiined at 2h cents per annum.
The indisputahle warrantee deed gitvii, clear ff all
incuml-ranw when money is paid. Koute to the land:
h-ave Vine street wharf. Philadelphia fur Hammonton
hy Itallmad, at A. M . or 're w cent-.
W hen there inquire for Mr. ItyrneM. ICoardinz conveni
ences on hand. Tariies had U-ttcr .stop with Mr. Ilrrtie.
a prineipal. until they hae decried a to piirrbaMnz.
he will vlntw them otit the land iu his uriiaire free cf
exp-tnse. letters and applications can I iddrened to
l.4iidi Jk Ityriien. lUmuuiuuia V. ( Atlantic C.. New
.lerwy.or . It Cou'hlm.VtC an ufh Fittli Mm t. I'hilv
b Li. Map ui;d iiiformatitn vhvcttjlly f jruihtd.
As?!3ees' Sale.
0 TIiiti-.5:iy, I-lth of Seiifr iii
lilT nt-Ai, will I..? exfuid in putiLc
sale, a ceriatti l.nt of (.round on winch is
e.eeted a valiiabie
sri:.M fi.o n; ixc muj.,
an-1 1 ie .'ippnin-itancf s r- in.v. ii as jn.ipTtv
(.1 M'ii!, 1 1. !-; A' Irhirn. sinr-ie on
Wiilrr Mrtft, iicnh nl MarUri, in the burouri
vi H'.s -n i in I ii ion omniy.
5s ittl Mil! i b'H.t br,ck.'f.nr nr.! a half
st.ry biu''i b.iviiii; ;m Kriinr u( Vtvty I;-'!--
jjo.'.vi' a'tacltf a tihc lneix t;ici. x run t.l
M(.ru ii i!..bb: l ii MiAunz Ch-iUt, luu
i-wul Machines. ; t 1 all ulh'-r t'unviz n
.iry tti niiik- (.11.. I bi as gM.tl Flwur
any i!brr M;U in lle .ui:.
The bipatum t-t thi Mi!!, ri:;M.'i r 117 il f
prutiiirltvrii'-v ol ihr country Mirmun iiti-.' '
i net ;irp;is.' t. Cr.tin can ;t.-
r be.ip at tli!- jt!;ne, n- any chrr pi-mi in 1 1 -
:in. llicit i-. inure rram ri'-'l in tins
seruiMi ! ci'imirv ihan is iircr-.arv 1.1 up;: y
all tli'" M:ll: au-l Ct Mi-r.-haM Uwik tins
milt is fpfctaMv tfrnrnnieri'Ini.
Any p'-r'-n (ii-nciiN i.f i n in n'-!
bnsiiit's ui! ! . well n rail am! cxamim
line pnrchiisiiiL! cI-cwImt'.
I tf'ANr), benvt-fn ('110 ami 7'0 new I'luur
ISiirre I wt'l 1 e ntit ret.
Sill' ! t't. ai 1)1 publir hnw cf A. .1. Wt-i.l-pnatit,
in saiJ bnroii'.'h, comiiit'iicing ai I
oVb.ck l. M.
Ci.ntiilmn Riar'p known on i?.ir nf n!f.
Ii. II. I.IK! A w m. ,ior:s,
AssijnfP f . -ui r, II ? :h S: Kn ii rinnif .
I.pvilur', J-i!v -I. 1"
"'UK THO INMl.tIS neettpifd at pre
sent by Washiiitnti II titeh.iisnn a- a
Saloon. They are suitable fnr I I ( )1 S.
Fi r Term- apply lo
Jan. -J7. s.-,s. JOHX II. LIN.
rff-w The sub-ei iliemll'i rstn-eil ihe
.j'arse llnek Foundry at the west
i-s's;t.1 'tid of Maikri stp-ot, incla litis
t?'ic'i'-.'-i;'he Wareronm, tilliee, anil ihe
Maehiiiery attnrlietl :tl-o a iar-e ammii.t of
Patterns for Patent Rights lor Arieithnral
, .laciuiierv.Mnve-, nr. it is reirar.led a- one
of ihe he-t locations for a z-oi!,va(e bu-iiie-s.
; Tne Proprieior's tune is wholly enjm-se I in
, antiiher emplnymetii, which is ihe rea-on he
j de-ire- in di-po-e of this Foundry. Fur any
lunher particulars, address
WILLIAM FK1CK. Lrwisi.ur-.
I nion . Pa
iFor salt,
rill! n rrnlt-iire of l!u' Mil.srnbr. on f-
I Marlii strfi in tlie li..n.n;h I'ljLli
I.rwislmr;. The h. use is ot UKK.'K, ui!l
Imihe'I in rverv rpprct.
TiT.-n: llni- half 1ft bp pnid pftwppn th!-'
anil the fir! .!av i.f April nni; ihe naiaee
In lie panl in nvo. ihrrenr fi.e vear. a nuiv
sun ihe tuver. JViiso-inn siven r.nv nine.
June !i, ISA At; W AI.TKIt.
For Sale,
JI AT ilesiraiile pr. pi iiy, rorner of St.
John an-l Water Ms .coniprisinn'riirff
Hilfr I.oIh. in uh;rli are.-iecrej a small
H u-e. Siie.l, an,) Wharf. Tins is an ex i I
Iml loranmi fur a Kitrr resi lence or place
ol i'llsiness.
I'or lenii-s iVr.. anplv t,i
tii . wolf:;, Ac-n!.
I. en i-iiiirn, J'me I H. s;,u
tu o iiiii ni.i: fiiamk iuf--'S
it LiS.Ks aril l.i is, e.n h MinaMe I'.-rii
n Morih Fourth st,-, et an.l
e", !,T Sale. Hall of cat' h
s are 1, r Kept.
on M..l,.n
ihe ahove II
! -; M-f,
Xorth Kittli
for sale, t.-nr II'i;!,!:!.? I,, is on
tn-et. JOHN l!()L lill'i 1 1 .
. Ian. 20. s.':i. A-jent
Ml H Mi'i'-ei'iber tTkr- b-r sa'e several JK
i;i:it'K Horses, and oiher HuiLJl
iin., situate in the !i. -rt-uh ol Kewi-burir.
INtx!!- wihiii; to purchase, ui!l please
call on .Mr. Jonathan Wolfe, who will cive
ifVm snch intt rmution as t!oy mav !e-.!re.
July 1-.VJ AIILK.
I1!!!' siili-nlier ntii-rs 10 sell ihe kite r.'si,!.
tie nee of Jacob M i: iit, !ccM, situate vne
u:e u-est cf l.pwisbiirs en llie Turnpike I. a
dim Inun l.ewisbum tiiMilllinl'iirt'.cniiiaii.iiis
mil. tt i rs anil II peri-hes. nii a iwu
slurry I'.ni-J; Ilnuse. Ii.iru, and rihtr
Ouiluiililings ilierii.n, anl wuh a oi'i fprins
'!' water in ihe cellar. The whole is umkr
a f!'iinl state of cultivation.
There i also for sale a tract cf Tnnl'crWj
I.aml in Kasi Ilnilaloe Tp, containing
acres more or less.
Anv persiin desirous of purchasing any ( f
Ihe ahove properties, will please soon call 0:1
J. A. U:iiT7., Execmu r
l.ewishur, Julv .ri, l'i'j
fS South Fifih
street, a properlv"
consisting of a coihI Frame House j " 2
on a hall l.oi of riuml. Terms easv. Apply
t May 17 A. B. VOIiSK "
rpiIE well known Tilt cm Mainl-
I al the east end of the l-ewishumij 1
Itrnlpe, in rinllisiiiaque township, .orili d
fo. Ii will be sold un reasonable urnis.
Inquire of WILLIAM KKIC'K.
I-ewisbnri:. Rcc. 17, 1SSS.
4 ORSIRAUI.E ItiiiMiiif; Lot. 2.1 f.el
; feet from hy Hi; deep. Enquire uf
IJeaver, Kremer & M'Clure.
Important to Farmers & Gardeners.
TIHE subscriber havin? recently traveled
much in this and ailioinini; Slates, and
seen the ?reat failures in drain nn.l f:i..l..n
VeqetaMes. has conclude.! that a CHAMill
' ' ,vt ;,s s ahsnlutrly nt-cexstiry .- this also
is the opinion of the best Agriculturists gene-
ralle I have th-rif.ir iinmirin l - t
arransemenis for ) quite a variety of
Seeds, such as have been found best suited lo
onr s, an,l climalc at this time. The follo-
ar. . ..e .
iii. amicus oi new vaueies. aim
their Yield ner acre, nnm sn hnml funiU
nut rv ii1n M . .II . I...
' " """"uul!
l.'niun Co., I'a. :
I frt.
White Fn? MYdi terra nran Whtat,
prJcrt. husful
very mriy Yii I
V:ry Kntrlirh fHkeman Totatos li i;t
, W hit- Kt:v...'.nnir Kye, ery early Vcft I
lloman or W inter live " KtiNfi 4
N' tiMii) or Kejirdlew Hnrley Italy f
W hiU- Oatii, wcikU 4 Mm i-r t'ii-he Un t
lmp t'orn, tougearn.rii'e m IvkjJjjs Kuwia iii
fr. m
b (0
.1 (Ml
4 M)
Apph - p. .V.-tr-n. make pie like crren arr-le. ti-rr
hardy, (from Ja(-ui) "v"ctj
S-'r.n-trrif lln t-rrwJuii. Tery nice
frn inn. itts" like screen crn, er rrodurtire
'-'"' v4'iM"m.ent likeclie-tnutf. ii-l.l nr -i' "j
Winter or 1Vii,te t'Atrry, trom trojit.iy , makr vw
like .enclje s
HuU-arti Snuuh.ent like wei-t potaton
iiih.U Turn wei-h tu lo 1L each keep Un"
whole yenr, ?ery hardy '
r''-?'AII 1 r i .
v " or,pr heat must be in hv the
's' ' A tttl -1. and fur any of the Other eeJs
hy the 1st of October, to venre a siinn'i- TI...
, , ' , ' ' ' ' 1 "
Pay mu! accompany lhe ordcr.whieh should
Ue rareitlily ailtlresied to A K KI,I.U
.Millhuburg, Uoiua Co, Ta .
SA.MlL ii. orwh;,
Attorney at Law.
OFFICE on South Second near Market fct.
tTAl Frofesiona! Business entrnsted to
his care will be faithfully and promptly aiten
' ept.' It, lr57
pKKS4S wWiire fi rstahlfh Mannfoctorie- in a nT w
""- wners- itUMne" IS ZVOl, tv kd
fCjlv.L rent' . r W" k ! r r:i:.l ..I' It. liu'-t- I f 1'
Vim-'v '.V;.,'' .'.'! h
Aui "7.
. Mou liiy.
.v........ .(. ('"..' '" ni-ii. .ji.iiir. a 1 k a.
A mUu 'i'hnnias II es.
i. n. tT-i'tiiii.
J imcs W. .vjtiU!i.
I.:. I I
j.-i.i, r..;,-.r
rt II V.L.,
Salli'jri il I )l
,)..ltn A. M-'MZ I
W ill. Hn-hnli'. I
Tn.i-,,r Knlert li.
v lilfitn .1 .in , j
IK,!,-:. I .!." .- A t .
.1,1., H. Linn
(.'oil' Ill l.-M'.C " 1
A ull.
II "1
"l i..
"i "
ITI.I.i 1
i:-r 111'. -fit ;t t
. ' ' ''.in a. 1
r-i. ii
Ilm: - l.i-. H
v u '.'( I
Co 1 vi
l.y ,,,a.
SU I'm
pei f"i 1
lit ' -'li'l
:i.n; ,.f
. . r li.,
,'l 1. 1 tin-
J liUMl'MI.N.
nl ti r
I. cwr
II. i-e 1
J t- i. ;.
.1 C.t
i ll lit
t nut miy'iini
I 1.1. II liVl'Tlt
.111!';' I-
. iiti'l"
iivetilinti 111 An-', rj'-xi.
Jatecs It. tiailli-Il u-. n d r--j i-'tirlv
a'.in.uin e tint ui.i : a r;i t.ii ,:ii.. i. rthe
Hili. -t l DISI KIC)- ATTnli.NLV lor I no n
county :.f il.e ii - il - fi-- '.'-!i..n -it 1 j.-ri t.. lb.,
ebon-eol the I.Vpubl.c.ln eonventiolt Join- t
C U jl -
At th. M!;ri'.i:irn of s. me
I am indtu-i-d to t II. r inv-t il In
I'titnli couiitv. ;n tiie en-tiin-
f. r lite i iVire ol Td iisiii .
-imii.atK.n ly the County C n-
t lie Voter- i t
let. l::. e:o n.
Stll'l.'rl in a t
VflilloU 1 1 ItiC u.n Aoni.
i- RDiiKRT ii. l.ii:d
sriji!Iv. Mes-rs. IM,t..r : I"i-rri;i
mc li.n.u-jh M.i:r piper in r. r: nnneni u ihe
Ojipi suu n p ii'v I IIOM AS I.Y Us IN,;. a
a i:ai.Mn!a"e l.i represent ns in ihe nexr I.. 'p
laluri lie serve,! us nnr session, hiah'y cre
li:at.Iy tu h.msrit ami lo his ro!i.uuen!,an.l
ihe nest v ar.alih. u-h l.e uas the unnt imi us
ehoire ol our comiiy. he was sM.i..rr. .!-J hy
ihe aclion ot ihe t.'onieiees c i tiit- mher r-otui-tii
s 1. 1 i... I'i-i, .,-t j),,, eia.'i.s are vtr..i.c.au.l
1 trust will l,e pioperly apj-n c.at- ,.
July I 1. !"'. Iii fni.ni.
John li. I.iilll won:.! rs;,er!l"ii"v an
nonnee lh,,i lo- wnj le a rar i"::ite I. r liif
oi'.re oi' li.vi'i:!cl' Al l'i;i;.M:Y lor I nun
ro'iniv s,, j. ei to the rhois-e ihe rot vn
tion rl lii- i.ith An?. i;i-m. Vav In. l."'.i
"Tl.e t: , i . 1 1 tone has rome vh, n TI
or .-rt
' o the Man, an ! i.. t ihe Man ti
Mr. James W. saiols ,!,ie n, t a-
r p' rhaps ilrsue the I'rothoiioiarv
oli':i'e. hill
ii i- n, i iimler-.!.,, ,1 l.e . ul I rein
i re, I him u .'h. ur s,-!,i-Ma-1(.n i
li if lieef;
his pari.
Ai. i t.. ::ev,i ir I.imi m
tj. an I the oiial.l',.
i lo h
I ai y i I
s ate p.
I i!)
lio- Ji'i.llrai'a i;.--.i:.. !. M,-,,,,. ;,
annonnre hun -h,,' -,th u: hi- ki,
as a car. lol.tte Lt-ioi t-the r-e,,:,:,,
- ei'nvrntii'it.
t iai:.i.
Ju'y l:s.:i. .MAX Y
ru.iii NiiiifKi.i;:; h
u.e -... ih i l i,-,..., c. iit.lv :l.a: li
rari'h hi'f ;",-r f'-.uit'f ,( ,,.,-, mj!-
iiom.n;:'.. :i nf the r..t,vns'i..n ot iht
AlU'.s lo r.
M-s-rs. KI
s llll . J
u i:
:i!l:!lis !,.
ki:i;. , i
lol Ihe I)
pre-, nt t ,
p-ll :
-.'Hi An-.
. J.s"-
l:l l I'M i
MA". K - : .
: :- if i:i-ii:ii.i.i) in
c. nsci.t 1., i- u-e o: !os i.,..(
m.iiiy h i wuuM vote i r him
("i niiiiissn.iir. That II. m.; s1(
tinually liilr 1 hv c nr :n-nf-t m:
H.---I iiien.ii-r ihey .s......l a I our i
Hi; is we!i I. m u. h r.. -'. :u I
. ii.. i
i. r C
u I !
. i:m;i:.
!h- V r- i.i l"i.,. r, .-. ui.:v
eratn-ti h is p.iss , an .i . - !..
l ownship of :,:i,- ,.er ii.i. 1 . .
t'-'l m ih- I'. at ! .i l".-i.;. v f. .:.
ttierel'ore u;,e ii, nieih , , : .,.
fAMI"l:I. MAIo-II le-. r,. O
t'oni i .-.to n, as ( )ii:iiiissi(;-i
a name of our c im-v. a c :
payer, an.l a pany man even u ..
lent am! uorihv.
' h A i.
i.'. r. n p.
rjKl the V,!e
I mvself as
'I oIIioim.I;
tlie lit-pul Lean
loriiii ;
l ilo-e wt-.
New II.
II. V-
as a
- Ii oi Iio-
v ulj.ci tit ihe
ventit n. Havnii;
ti I'mis I hrfe in
li 1 am noiionaie.l
nofa iy
L'i'en uii
rtfeive a
f llie Cnion
i hv numr
liiial uppt
an elt-eie.)
eiliec to the
I.eu i-("ir
1 will nei form the tiu::es of the
M i'f in v al-iliiv.
lime ti, !:.. l) I) ;rU)i
ITIZK.s i tl". r mvself a a
cau.lhiaie I
lor ihe oilk-e of I'rof tiim-
olary ol I nion county, suhj,.rl k, je
cisinii of the I'iiioii roiiveiiMon.) Having
been tirircd hy mimerou- friends. I hope In re
ceive a lil-er.il support. If I am nominated
and elected, I will perform the duties of ihe
duties of ihe cilice with ihe he-1 of mv ahilitv.
I.rwisbiir::, .May IS, lo'.l.
William Joil wnuhl hereby inform
ihe public that he will be a candidale for ihe
otllce .1 ( III MV TKKASFKKK, subjtet to
Ihe nomination of the I'ountv ronveiition i'f
the Slttli of August next. ' .t:.v ill :,!
I E.ns. i:iitoi;5aiio
me. thiouh
2 ami t.L h.okwk;. Km., as a Miuai-le Per
on to till the otlice ot hivinet Aiiurney. Me
i abundantly Mti;iI;iWl f.-r the diities'of ihe
t thee, and attend punctually and Iaithtul!yto
business. The Convention of the '-".Mil Au
Ctist cuild place no fcelttr man on the ticket,
and we will sire hitu a hearty Mipp.Tt.
Wet l.tulaloe. May Zft, '.'it. MAW.
flO the Citizens tf (111011 county. I ie
1 this meihi d of informing ihe "p'p'e-f
the county that I will be a candidate tor the
olhce of lkinf honotiuy at the envuins
eleciK-n Mibject to the iUcin-n of the cn
vrntion uf the t ppoiiei.ts of the X.itmhal .-l.nni-fration.
JOH.N lilHitli
Milllu.hiiru'. May fi, 1S.VJ
Toi'Ne rrprctlnl'v annonnrrs
lli.it hp will l p a c.miliiliue li-r ihe .HlU-p nt
Ills Tl;i( T A I i; K V l. r l.iiinii coimiy
Mil jprl in ilie iI.-eiM,-!, t ih ri.iivi'nlii.ii of
Ihe liltih of Amum nr xt. .May IS, ls."ii
,!ry. l ',e ii'nli'rM!;iipil ki-pps ri-n-.iiT,
Matit'y t n hail.l I rrnrt li;trr. v
ITUJu3..?iil11 , and liinn-hfs pvpry ar--
. n iiiiiicle rrijinrpi! hv ihp niillin; na.lp.
(.'nniplme .vaustaciinu piiarjiurrd U r en-rv
ariic.e .void. Millrn hn prpfcr tne s.nl d
liilir. hv sivin; 4 ti. C. innnih-.' nttirp. ran
have their unli i-. e.n tupil ai ihp quarnrs in
Kr.inee. A.lilre . . K KIWKK.
Apr:! I, t.':fm Hn-ri-l i '.-'. '. ',;
A t '.M-viun'l remHr, in -l : h we hurt: h.
It, d t i-ro.lio c tho r.Hr-t t!fr tual alterative
tl;a .ir be mado. It is eoiirrritrated xir t
f 1' tra S.ir-;ipan!h, omi.iriH w.th other
f.'i!Ma!n..-' of ill greater aiterritive M(Wtr &
to uif-.ril nn ci'- ttive ontid'.t" for the !isca.ui
:lr-n.iiWa i rquted to cure. It is k!u-v, J
th.it fu-h a r":iic:y U wauted ly lho-e
f-T'r fiun Stnnnou- coinplaints and that una
wi'tch o! ;i t if.L.r cure niu-t jir-tv
iit; :n -ti vrvi, o t' this Ut-t ela-s of our
n'il . ? I ". !! v-ei,-ii. Uowi.,n:pietcIy this
I'.cij. -ii:.,t vwii di il iiii-! be- n j-fVen by fj;t.-f-iiii
i.t ! :i.ay of tii- or-1 ca-c to U fuai
oi ii.- f ili.w, r,,:npl"i:r.ti:
i: .i ; I so ' t'f.ui -i CoUTn. wn9
I-.i. '.n.') I-i'. i : t v :: IMai:-', I'Lf hl(
VnivM Ul'ifCJIKS, Tl )!:, LT Uiu.i m,
S. .'..i li. :-, Syi:!!M a:i Swiiilit:-: Aj--r:
i Mi.iii i ki i. !(-; vn, Iu ir-y, Ni.t-i:i-.ivoitTi
l'n,'iii;,i x, Im.hiuiy, JJv-i-i-tv
" In!U'.i?:i i.aY
r. A - r;i 'Y's in: and i;ab- d ti.- v. hole
il. --d'e.. ;:rilai;it ix;si..e' ft'iux lai-ttiiY ui
i:r- V.i,
i-onijrfinjid will h" f-iind a jrreat pm
i:i : r d" h1 .ilTti, wh-ii tu.j : ia th-'i"ii,i, tff
t '.t;.c f-ial hn:ii" -.hith ft-t' r in the
I , .d at that a-on of tii-' yf nr. iiy the tin.t
3v ;o:i f-f tin :n iti ra: k:i:i di-irdeM
ir.t; nij-i' I in the biid. M'lifiiudv-s tan, by
thv a: i "t this rl dy, par' th nwlv fp'ta,
the i-nduraii' e ol f"il empti urid ulcerous
S' res throii'h ul.iwi the sy-.ti.ni will !ri'c tr
ri I it-, If -t e:.rrnii:i'.:i , if not "itfd t tlj
1h; thr.ML'h ifiu naturai i h a:i'-l-ff t!w Loly
ly f.n ;iiUT.tt.vi: ra :!i ( lTi:i-e out tho
v;::;ici f l. A v.n-u( r -n ','r.A it- iri.puritiei
I 'ir-::! through the sh. i ia ;ii:::ls, truj.tioas
or s-'f-; ! a:i-c it v.hr-i you rind it is ob
Mrui tid and ?v;.:idi ia t!:r. v -ii.i; cleawe it
wiuii'.A .r it f c.i, and your 1 1 liii- taiII teA
v ri u hut. Kvi.il w h'.T'- oo p'.i th uiar dinTtl. f
i- f It, yooj:le enjoy K tf-T fc alth, and hvfi
J 'a-'iT, 1"t tk-a.ii:: t:m !! d. Kf-rp te
1.1 .1 healrliy, ju:d all is well ; but with tlwt
j.-ihuluin of hie di-oriL-red, there can )e no
l.'.-t.-ii health. .XmT or later fomethin
iiiii-t tr ivroiiu, and the rcat Eiathiuery Lf
lifu (iwjrd- ud or overthrown.
S:ir:;parill-i has a; id do-rrs rr.uth, tho
r- i)ur..T:' n, ot a'coinj)!i-l.in thtc end, l'o.s
t!:e wi'iM ha,- iiLxu e;n -hiu-ly threivt-d Lv
prepararions tf it, V"1"-" bxau-e the rini
nlme h.s nt t all tho virtue thi-t ia claim d
f -r it, hut more Ucauvo ir.ar.y i-rq-arati-.i.-,
j.retendi!f to he eom entrat d txtravta it i
e-Hitain hut little of the v.iluc Siiai;i
or any thinj; cl-e.
1 uj ii: late yer.r the p'.ihli'' T::.vo hrci rif
led hv lart l-o;thi, t-: t- n-iirt t- iv- a (!:;.rt
of Kxtrart of S..ra':ir:iia i
th liar. Yi-x
of thes.- licvc hcia fiauiL- xy n tlie mk. f- r
th. v Ti't only !iitai:i l.tth-, if uuy, Nirsija
niia, hut ctt-n nt curative jr f rtU v r a:. t
r. ( nee. hitt. r nd rr.:i.r..l .a-:ijtjH.ii.tn-t:.t
ha f..li .wed t!ie uv t f th arl'-i: t.::a. t f
araj.arilla whi h ti- -d the market, ur.t.l the
name it.if ju-tly d'-ji-.d, ai:d h:y In n e
fv:i'ir.vi:::u4 w ith in. n ai:d ihiat. .si.d
vi call ;lii- k n.pom.d .v;ri-i.; ur:Ia, r.r:d ; d
t' ; iy 5-1 1 1 h a t. nady;;- h;.;i rt- !;e
nan t :u :i xl.v l iA f ' ! I- ' . i;y vhhh r
tii-'ii ii. Aral we thh.I. w i- have jrri-u: d t r
h. Ii vii:2 it ha virti.i v. hiih art :rr
hy trie o:uli:ary run t the tli - :;-r- it i- ii.' : -i-t-d
t' mre. l:i ord' r t. i r.Tt tla ir ei r..i !
c ra :o a:i-:i lr m thi sy-t. the rn.. dy -i. .1
he jada ii;-iv takiu as.c.rda: tu U4i'LcU.i.s va
t!.L- b. v.:,.-.
Ti-rrirrn rv
oi:. j. . a ti:i: & o.
LOW 1.1 I,. M SS.
Prirr. S 1 i r lit.tliv ; sii liullles fur S"
Aycr's Cherry Pectoral,
:' V
of ,1
Aver's C.UiKu
I - -!
. t..u i.t. t.i a
: , ... U ,:.
..;.l li t- li i-.-l f- ipsi
. :.: .1 il.- v -ie i:.j
U li.c l i;r; o.-t-s i-t x
! t n. in. wor.il sr
5 ce-U p.r t?7 I :trfoxs3 for l.ca
r, i n. I'l'ir "i:jh1. ' s-
.-r I!. .Ii. - .-i
"... .".I I v r V :
:oir- ; t" L U
M . :Ii : i. i-iiri: ; ai
. .j
hallVan.I FS
si. Ni vr ll.'il.n ;
: a!l Ilru-'jis-.s
r ' r. i
t'onsiujur.il L"tnith:t'Jr.ul.!UlUi;i,
un r. . i-.it i,t. d 1
1 1, re i if 'T- f.:'i ar ! iM rl r-
I.n.-r. K;-llit- Mud liiaii :.
1. .!;-. I.T' ii t net. 1 1.ri i .
.j i'iit iiM:ni U'-ii. niri!.
i tl.
?i 111 mi; i I .ii I. Ir
I I r- I -- lili-l 1 lil' tnit'
1.1 . in-.i iti-m. it -tne Il .i
M- k II. n-l:i. h.-. I'v i' -. m . l'iiini.... iTTi III. Afl. f :
l.n-M-- rntiiu-u.-i M ti- t.n .- :n..! l. c. i.:.-. I. ti.. i. .
ilulsr Ki-rtK. b;t. .-' :'- -. . ! mi.l -
I U.-rs. . n unal I n-i r-..r. ! Kru-tti.i.K.-.l.. .-.,..
.-I tin- I'.i ii.-s I.liii. F.tn i: l'.,r it II..- i... N -l.i.
!..! i!i:.nl Kuliu l:l. i t thi- I-ii-.1i. 1 i.
Tl.r.-al si.. I .-- :t I-iii.T.i-. T. tl. r. I:ailr - 1:. I. :n I .. :
.-H-I.S i y thi r-MN. uu l all -lin-iim .iri.it In ri "
I I iu itf - r n.t ll.-. is L. tl.iT 1.1-rnIiUi. u
if i-. Iitrui l. -I.
Tl..- L-r. iit pti':irili . I.i li llii-inTaonl-'i - if - '- ''
nlt:;iiii 1 In ".ii.il tn it.-ti.trtnii-Dii-riti. in -I t :!
. I it-I t.-i-i. l. r. It I.-u--I I a.rU.-....a:..i : ' i - '
Ihn-iuti' lit tin. pi .i ill IV. Ii lit ir ir H .r--il i:- I
A 1. 1 1, li All K A Ml I I I: Al I V K iilti-i !.-. Ill ti..-
i lir. i.u- ili.--n--:-. ili i.i't l.i :tal- ti r cuit-i-. i:
v ILI ir.t.1 RELI.M R V U ti lf
liv. -I'- Kaiv Mi.-tl. .Ltie It. I'-i.- u-. v I. .-.n.i-i
till i-n nil i1i-..im...
I'.i II at I In- lv;-1 .pi rroriiri- Cirri: r i 1
luri- ui..9 i-t Uit n-.o. ii-.pii-ial'lp ti.ii c -I-.
The r.lifrr of ti e l.'v .V If .f ; e;tfc- ,r f n
term-, in I tint l Httr of Junu.iry I- -' .-"""'-
1'r. y-ut ij" i'-j ui .iiv, hnh cutivi 1.1.1; " i
Ur 1AVI.- I'Kl'l KATtVK We t r : .1. 1
if ri umj loliii t" i.ur r a-lers tin- u"-':1 j- l
ratitt-ii. ;md totrum.-i. wl.irh m.it !..i;;."i ' - '
-eil in our o iiiiiiii-v ILit.d. I, . i . r. 1. - ' ' : '' ' "
nitiln ine antl It und it to ) r'-.tiiy (.-..-."'
i.uitu i- .juahti-lor Ki -i . :a. ' - -: - -:
in inun; mi, nii ceian.fCJ.ti-; t-- I l,: " 1 -1
th alliit-led.
H1I11H i 1
1 1 1
In .niiarv. Tv l. niv it-nh
year, i.tr.n k.d with Iti:'.
A i
her j-int- w re uiu h - omfo. i i -! ' ' ' : ' .
Min.i it:o-j .tin fr thn-f ?i.. i' tl- f '' I-'1"1
a -l;ii'i;.i. wl.o er nlii,ii,-. ;i!i 1. : ' ' r" 11
lit:; t -t in. r.t. tl.ttini; tn 1.1 li li- ('" - 1 It''-',:i
to tr i' - . "i . t' .; ,r.. t!i - : r-': ' ' ''
. . .1 a .1. ri.te.1 ,l:ilt-i' ! r the l.l'.T. -,sn'
lin tii-tne ti-r u.e iui;e :m 1 n i : ' 11 "
l....x r. uiiiin. d lre 1 f Kh.-ui!..t:i-i:i ' ! t'-r 1- -e
r MUu, 1, ii't urn uidf ol lw
.VI,.- V rm Vl- N.
TiiROiT i)hnr.
"I .if a.-. .
i ial 1 1 r r..l
p-.tt- 'l I y tl.e u- ..r It.
1 iiput A j-hrnii"!). I;
J ttie
vuty jIU r li'i.j i itlioi-. ! .-1...:. 1
Ka-t 'lew ii. I hfli r lo.
I'R. I'T - I -ar r:
A' nut tie vt jtr" ji I n att;;i fc.-d
tl.. t lin ;it. n hn li nnr 1 11 tr. .Ii.hu. I u
1 w-ul-l tV.- eU tl.i j ;nn i.t d r;r;
tl !-:r. n4r, uri n- ! d .lh I -1 - ti
eiN-nt tlat I fii:l r-'t r--nk
utiinif t -tttin r-e. r, 1 tif.
ut 't- r tt r in. .lirn! tn :Onn tit t r 1 ur .ii'
l.f. niili aluriJK i hi 0 l;.lil: 11. 1 if t
1 1 -
I t.'la.!e!il i. j,t .1 e. umiH ti. Mi-1. u 1 - ' ' 11
in tl:e niui; r I I". I. li- y '' r.nn-r 1 "- ! ' '
v ur I'evi.r .'iw- ; :.-il 1 v tl U -e "t t. ur t . : ! - ;
a i:h - tir II I' :i( ;ivj-.h Oit n. I ' ; 1
riirej. Mitd Kif r. uuiitfd "fit. Il l n. m 11 '' '
i'r HUlV I'uV IWIC I'i'fr-i. l:.-t.ii.'. '
hh-nd, l.Ki..tKVVI't V H'M' '
jjjj i'i; pui.v.wti h i;d 1 1.. 1 S4:n imi m
Til hM r t l l'A1 U'S -t. 11 !d b.-i'i n-i i1, '
Mm -u air ot f-.r-iiult-u l Ict-r t.d Li r.
Call on the A--entv..I. IIAKKK A "
a:.-'l 1 r me Cm u
'i re ,n f.i.T ' f t!
l;i j.
Q tl & $ s e d