iA'trisbitrf, FlJ!iAV MoHNMNfJ. .? !.V J S'V.r. . liVK 1TI7K'--Mift, r. tlrr-h ,,i i ! t inn i v. A l-u' li,' ,ft:.-r, 111 ."i Cl! a-li ' r:-!i I" l.'iv hi -..li-ai r liinm "1 tli.- .-,ri ,- ft, mil iii-r';i-'ii.r rii . .iIhu-m in a J. r;f ;T i- tti '11 . .1 Tl I..-. ..tv. 1 i.-,iit-ri-, as any hi the st.ttr 1 , w,-li ...,, ii,.. '. lii, !, i. i a l .r.-.- ' iMi-iUuitv i .iiit.tii'.in.T n it i r. lu a-i. . .ll-lllil. i- ;J"Scc nv tlt rtixrim iils.. JirJulgo SoluiaSiie (tf'.-rs Vt sell valu able Market Street anJ other Keal IJsiatc in Lewibur Mori?: oil' -rs a una II Farm j'Ht out of l.,.'ivisbv.ig 0:1 tbe Wist, aui some Woodland. tzir Auction 'ale :tt 1, ! .l Sad 1.1 day, July !, (M-,,, n r ..") of Ilou-cbolJ tiouds, Ac, by (). '. ( haittlieiliti, mxi J or tj Thomas M .ticjV, S'. -J sited, L-witLur;. Tiik tii.i-Ui'i . 1 "s.jII, was a u.iy id Mil; perhaps a little ti.-j flow of patlielic f. i. i. '.i!;v;i,' 1 1' itiy Ijveiiii'.-f s d l' r the lu.l i.'" I;'.; !e c.jti- juuetiou of mid lurve.-t, .i jii i.iy, and the lib, probably tended to leip our farmiti,; population more at it oik thju usual. Th morning was duly Ushered in l.y the ringing of U stid the uisehargc i f Cre-arms. The nati"t.ai l!ig was displavc iu front of the llaifilo 11. use, L-wisb It floated from the cupola, i f tl: 1' euitie lustitute, and also fu-tn the L.fiicst p..int of the l'niur-i:y Kui; liii.. The almost impromptu cck! ration by the College youth, we trust, bus re-Csta! -l;.shcd the aunual observai.ee ol the day in tout quarter. A re.-p. e:aily sized and Of I rceiative uuiieueo a.-.-c:i.blcJ, letisi.l vrably diminish, d l y a I'm,, ral at abruf the same hour) The O'.vj t'lub j:avc us ' Hail Columbia," the ' Star s-'j-at .gled," and other songs, in the bin s!yie. i'ns ideut I.oomis made the o;e!,;i:j paver. 'J ue IVelaialiou was read l y Mr. Aiken, iu a style that impressed a stiang. r with a supposition that he l'iici-l iu it, (which it is supposed he dots ) The Oration, by l'rof. UiissjWas dilivtrcdin a p'ain but iui- pregsive mauuer, and wa desigiuu juinei- pally to illustrate the advance of the ling- !ish people, iu the ci j .ymeut tf natural aud constitutional rights, duting the last tight hundred yiats. It was rich in ma'.- ter, aud highly encouraging to the friends of true progress. Mr. Aiken related a tew anrc.!i.tcs.--.n,l it aiiv!...oc, nnvw'.irio. had a belter !! ler, a .eti.-r Disc-.m ., , i :!, r tso,o,ii;,a inorrt-omfotiable place or a eii.mce t .r an earlier ilniner, tlo y cr,' Ii ;: n I y iavoicd in l.'e.j. .V were lui.v sa;i- t. Twrn'y-iivr or tinny ot iln- r, niale Instim. 'rs visited Uiue U.ii e.riaiiev a e..,,l ami airy rcson that day an. I ei,j . i ,1 its .!,-ii-in-t.il revealins. il in-lir-ls i! i.ur rit:...i ej-paitea tor ihe more noisy .(.moiisiralioiis 4t Munev, Sui.baiy. tc. ! Al evening, the diinii nn i 1: ;' w,'i' hrai-l. !lr.H,r!arher, near the I'lvo-ie il.uis.'. -savc.1 h,-riii.,n" t.y .shi.iviii ihe -rl,-et hanin.ny between Slavery an I Iteniocra'-v. We reerei to say "the faiililul" ,lnl not well -usuia i! ir , ehauipn.il with their presence, h,s an. Ill, -is i bciiii; mostly "her, lies." rr,,t''ss,-r Cut Us. at his residence, ainu-c 1 a lateo num! -t ot ih- vomhiiil, small an. I sea', i.y succs.nl p'avs ol tirew..rk. and by tr. ais -i a more iuhsianiial cliar.ict-r. -P. it f. w eie se-n. in rt.r .. prace nie Kirih lay ot our .ai n by lo ir f-Tsonai s.i.tv'iy to iiuiioiiis, a.iT:-. . 'inp Uiorc u ere win !.;; lii.it nrc;i I'.'ii tt. ni IiiIl' in th,.t l'.llv an l hanif. KNwh.-r-, ire licar.l ot vxrt!ic ai:J iimixJ d.-h.t'-i t x tii!'itiiis of I;!tM:it'ranc(. I I j ! i ia:u.- p: ri, a bey's hand wa ba!!y nijiirci lv a The only acciiViti.- in fiir iu'n, verv liie burning ol (Mie ti ij's arm, au.l .l annilicr rye, by a lirf-cracWrr. The Uccr miiKim- wa suit up in a (i.iik ri'oin, nn,i nitlim.t mu. ii r-l'IU but II IS hoJM't) In, rye j ij.j (f.-Mi i.yp 1. The aony oI'Jjia irtjury urt-att r tnaa all the plea-ure cnjuyeJ by the dauL-fiuu aui un iiieamn practice. Thr or linm'-i' H'-nin? f.rr- rrnr.-r-' ret i -n. ! 1 v "trr.n. Aii.-iii r f- 7-. ii.iMii-, " -rt i r tl-u.'. i. ; it .... -I,-.! Ill - r-. toil rail a ,111" II' Tl- .l. II -s, ; 1 I ll.i- Mll ll.lM.i ltd. 1 ui in j the day, cuti ii nadni was ilistiuci'v heard, .-ii ,,-e I to be at the Mui.ry celi-lnato n. In tie' evt ni a parly f patriotic y..us men rnea.e l m martial music and urr.ri el' atieib. ever,ii Sabbath ."School r.iyer-iiit'enii:'s were ledd at ti:e same nine. F.MtVERstVll.l.R. A lar-c nun-.le r of the neighbors coiieeiie.! ar;er the r!i se t I ihe laltors of ihe day, l..r a et'ltl ial.tui in the pen air. Conrad siicekler Fs.i. was c.iio.eti I'rrsi.letit; teat her .1. s. ; ii KVcl.tH-r p-ad the declaration; an I J dm II. I.iiin, F-; , , I I,, w islmrx, deliveied an Oraiioii. A diso'av id I re-wor'.-s satisfactorily Concluded the even n'g's entertainment. ; Wixi Skium, Ji In.-t. Iate in the r afternoon of atui Jay last after a V , . , . , , r rrscikOt-A lie.ir a . ..mi t.r d ....I .....I ...,. -a storm ol mud and ram couurv- from tho north- edcousijerahlcdauie. ; , . J asftil over this uest. aut itifliet , . c Auounco icoi tnerooi, on tneiiortti- west side, of the lvigle Mill, iu Lewi-bur-, was carried sotuo rods down the river lank, the crash of the disruption and of ' 1 the fa'lia mass of aLioatKs bcin" heard' f'pr.refl cff. above the roar of the winds... U.t i ..... , ., . r,n. t ., i . , . . S'T- WioiuHispoit, we are itafoiiueJ, the Panic stcrm Tery badly injured the walls oregutiun, but they dicliued having Lim cf tLo low baptist chuuli Luildiug, uu- eiiler their pulpit, because Lu was a alava-t9-..fej Jq.J Smiths i,cw Lluek, the l'ub- bolder. he school house, and the Seminary build-1 A I-"x,i I'RlP -1' Tot.lt. A l.arry MJ did other mischief. ..Iu the c"uIle .rc,urn.P;! ,0 ."Z'i C.)U11(, ,, , , , Mass.. from their wedding trip, which unty, especially northward, many barns wg ; y,, v(,jag(, that ,a,,0a yier '-re destroyed, aud other damage done. , ,rt Iuriug their absence the wife 'i'lte Telegtapli wires were broken iu cave birth to two babes, one of which was Tuny places, cutting off communications a child uf feur years when it reached heme. 'irsouie time.. .The three days fjllowiug ! The great Napoleon was known as the ir very cold for the seasou. "Little Corporal'' a nj the I'reuch. - - ; The Zouaves have recently made a " cor- W-Oo the 20th ult., a carso of sixteen ' rni" , nf Klnr- Victor Kuianuel. tj.an.an.l l..i..i. r ii'i... r ll . ousueis oi n ueai, uuiu iia.re, i 13 IraUC. tit land.., I nn,I .InMca rai.l -.1 ' ., , i .--, .. , '"e Custom House iu Philadelphia. It .c , 1 to ckaa that ii readily sold for ten P U.hel .bove the lest Western U- fts-M.tTr"i'.irV . . - .u.(au ult'l WVMIIItr .1 kj frntn M-fH ..I ,.e.. . ..I . I. .1.- . , r The peace efficcw of Lycoming arc getting jn a l,a,l w,,e v.',- soim. limn since noticed that the Sheriff, Mr. Iti-M.ll was b.mt. lover for an assault ,m a wonni,' , , . i m. s.stt r (ii a female t.r isoucr. who. wo r r , ', , ,' , ' arc luformc-J, 8 arreted ly the JMrict Attorney, in Canada, and, when tho tii4l came on, he had uo proof against her.')... Last Saturday, tho I'cputv r-'herT and D.puty Marshal, John l'iatf, made a deliberate and fevero as.-aultui Mr l'.,.u..r f .1, ; t -i . , i.ower, i.l tlie e., for au arti'de whte i ' . ' -. u.wi appeare I iu that paper ititmialiu tin z- posureof some ilhi.-faiii'igs... 'e thought hIk u we lea l the artielo, it was unneee;- sariiy pirs. nal, but stteh r-vetic- cm n it be tolerat..!, ,,p.;cially it. ;,,,.r oilie, r u-itl. .!, . o- ; , ,i , . , w .th ueh ,.iieia!s, the people ol the c u-y v.U apt to ma:;o a change next fail. Mr. I'iatt's ret.utati.in wi'l m.t L. en- . "" J - atiaeK tipon a clever, un aMiitd 1'iiutir, tiny mere tlniti the Sher !Ts chivalry nill be elcvalei by cllkiai i,.ii!)l,e.s- a B oniati ! 1 1 I I - . 1-2?" The Milton 1- mnrrnl ives a " first rate notice" of a mau formerly c.nm eted wi'h (hat pap r, who is now attempting lo palm bin, self as ono of the " i re.-s" an ! thus to Mouse a living by the most dis gusting lying and cheating. Such men are the teandal an 1 the euiso of the pro- E" rilil Change PVom 1st iust. tho m ail through .M .."hnburg leaves le wi.-bur " j ciee i.uo s a weeii i ucsuay, i iiurs day, and Saturday mornings returns on Mon., Wed., and I-'iiday evin;i:gs. The mail toNittatiy, Mondays !o lluf. X iloa ls, Mon., Thurs. and Sat. moru. tClho Catt.nvissaj Wiiliauisp irt and l.inura Jlailrod shows an increased reve nue, duting th? fist nine months, of S-M,-t "0 ,,vv r llie correspouditig tiioe months ,.t the rt ceding financial year. This indi cates good management, and au increase of busim -s. tf... Wraiig, tnents have been il'jctcd by which the I'euu'a 1! lilr.iad Coiii:any will furni.-h i i'y,oe Excursion Tiekcts to I.ewi-burg dining C unmeneemunt week 20tU to :Huh of duly. Similar arrang,- men!s are c. ntomplatcd with all the roa Is. . . ... . b .v uoinau w uo was jucKing eio irtes on the farm of Mr. Joseph Meix. 11, hall' way between l.ewisburg and Milton, fell about tin feet, and injured her back con siderably, but we ieara is recovering. The report of her death was erroneous. t-iVwIi''wiaburg Letters advertised iu the I'ost OlTiee at Lcviztiri, 1st inst.: II ,et,-.l, I'.rnan 0 W . r . -: 1 .' . . .tr. t X lift, It. ot e i t I. i. J I.tn-isll a i- .ni Jt-2f"Keturus of Kieetion for Maj ir tie- , ncral Sth Division I'ctin'a Militia: C.,,-l J W 1 orr,-.-t. (itu W .lt Kaf I tiien , unty la t, Si.v !. r 0 - I s,. i tlnir.it. r'..iu l .M.:.:,.ur li 2 ." t-I.VA.N.s i; Co., are supplying Lcw- isburg with I'r. sh Fruit and Vegetables ,. , , , , . t "& ",cu desired, aud worthy uf geu- cral patronage. See Advt. ted TUa Lvomir.fr County Iinrancc . . ' , (1 . Company last year paii out 8'.K.(U0 for Jat:uj:ts c-iuscl by fire $01 1.000 siuec it , Cumiiieuceil opcratiittH ! ..ti i;-; i ir., t-it i ho. MiittimuL arm n iliiani.-TJort r 1 7 .w u iintentiimally misprint the iiauic of our cati'lhiate for Auditor (ieueral it should be Thomas I'. Cochran, (not Tiik Way lit: ltfxs. Win. IL Kciin was uttiinr.nousty re-clectcj Major (icnera! of Ucrk.-. Lebanon nx' lauihiri couutks. Sctt'o from IMtroub. i The steamer 1'er.sia, in her outward trip, came very near coming itl collision, at se , t with the steamer AiiKiici. A Ictter,writ tell by a 1'hiladeljihiati who haJ taken pas fage in her, fays that the incident occurred iu a dense fog, and the order '-hard a port"' was given iu both vessels. They came within four or live feet of each other. Tor paddle wheel steamers tl approach within lour or live feet of each other before either knew it, would imply a Very Lad watch on hoard. The Administration papers claim the Vermont Pclcg-itcs as lJuchanan men. The Gist report was that Ihry were f r I'oii''las. Ilou't know which is true probably both. Judoe iKiuglas is iu New York, aii'I his frieioJs there at work. ..An- IMItl..,.,., .l;.;.,n w ......fi l...,lle (HUH liliiuu-iu tmiuuu u .i .j dicU. j but U).,y r,.vo a uhe .jdIm or !,iaJ te frustratcJ as others have been. y y thi,ks lLat. lfl ! lllllll 1 .1111,11-111 (AIILUI..UU , u ... ...., 1 . . J Jho Ji'i"ii)ic ncw isuc f the re op. niug of the slave trade iutroduct-J l.y the late Vickslurg . cuiiventiou is destined to divide tho tiuuth unless it be speedily put at rest. i . At the recent session of Ihe O. S. Gen- t . tt II- !" ! ll era. Assciiihiy, at Indianapolis, Key. l'r. l.'iee rreaehed for the ('atnribellite.s, with whom their founder had hts celebrated k controvcrsv, many jears ago. llcv. Dr. i;rtN.kcLtidoc was sent to a colored con- I o ' Vprv 1'ROPF.R. The rcrformance ff 3 I .1.. '...:. Tl , ' "jaes cuepueru av uiu iiuiiiiihii,,iijiiHj111 , .ii.i.i.vn,.ii a,. in London, lately, was prohibited. It i Mis-.ir.tr.. t- r.. c.i'. )' . ... , . .1 .1 r;. a.r.-nt.a . lUvttia-tts.sl it. my .r... ttt in. ta.l MiiT ought to be prohibited at every other Ibca- r,.jr, ,,. i'.aiaum..i iv,iji'i..rry.wni,itre.iait-es. tre, as well at the Victoria. X&XJ! Peacon Cox, an U. S. Marshal for Ohio, 1 r jiti ,nM .., KVTt'': f,0 ,t wr,,.v,r. ' has been fxeluded from a Baplmt cbureh j g rOWLi: & t.'O., Proprlclor. eilba f..r a dill '. ' RlCia IV. Ill Clin- . .. I l. .. I. .1 UtflOX COUATY STAR & LEWISBUIiU CIIRONICLLWULY 8, mi . Mr. A. J. J..rri.,cn, a l'hysician" in Kentutkv. art 'niiitc! in niiimi iln. I'r.... culing Attorney, auJ not succeeding killed J1'1"1'"- W1S Willful physician, honorable mi 1 prompt iu his dealings, anJ . n- . i n . 7 , intelligent am! intellectual geutlemaii. M ,reover, he had been eminently fucccss- ful, and had accumulate! a fortune uf t'U'.Ouit, am! was therefore above suspicion "u:il "'"'red a poor man's note from o.i.tf -. i i ' ' ' Whl " ,,e wus "f sted. At tlw last session of ihe Ohio Legish- l-'re, it was made the diity of the town- . . . h) ass,.SHlirs r(.tIlril ,, number of sluvp a.j ,)t, owner of eaeh lot, and the tiumbur killed by d .gs within the year. "1C tsses.ir. in JJ.-kiti;; c nutty. p. iloriu- e I ,lu ir u,'ci;r '''"' ,!lB et of As- . f.t' ,h? e.ate r .urt, of si,,,-,, kill, 1 hy dogs ill that eotititv, within tl.c ,,ust y,ar, Wils ,,-,, a,.r fVV,t, , , ,,-. . The whole iiun,l i-f -hoep iu the eutitv is rut d.nvn at l.::H'.ii:i 'I bcre icen.s to b: no diminution iu 'be tli-WeekI cargoes if sp--cie carried : away I'r.mi i.ur ports t. Fvh, ...,. l,-,t w-1 !;, over two millii.r.a .l-...r. ,i, tx leiliions in I. n-ign im rehandisf m re r. -e.'ived at the soilo J.,,It ol Mew Vol"!; iu the same time ! ! It is said that thi Secretary of War has ri tusod to permit any muro elhecra ou leave to depart f r Kurop... L'l-e;,)U p aehes liavo turo!.' their ip- pearanee in ihe New Voilt maiket at i'10 a bushel. Th,-y gr.'iv near Charleston, Smth Car ilit.a. O ir Tex ts tsehaDges .-p.-ak i f f asiing on gr. en eurn. The biilge over tho Tieino, at Ibiflalo- H ra, destroved by the Sardinians, bv blow. mg up with gunpowder, was a magnilieelit stiueture ol hi n st.me, over 1000 feel iu length, and c est ev.-n that country of cheap labor Iieaily 87l'",'0'. A light .ling-red iieii-. idual in Washing tin on pii liy :,.t, Mi c e le l iu extract, it, a drai't fir T.lei,! li nn the pos-.s-ion .!' the rrcsi letit's messi'uc-, a? that indi vidual was taking it to tan bauk for de- , po,lt. i The Mobile 7 H.nnr. cdDfirmti the report ; that a cargo of slaves was recently laiid.d . ou the Florida coa.-t, and that some ot the batbtrians are not umv far from Motile, j (ien. Ca-i. insists t'nc leClerc and liefer letters are the doctrines of the Adminn tration, and not his alone. So says " Oc casional" iu Forney's ,. The ludians in Arizinia have r-cntly created great i xe:;em, tit mining the few whites there, and have ib feated the I'. S. tiovcrnmcnt troops in several contests. Latest I'ike's I'eak news are more fa vorable for the gold hunters, aud a tide is again setting in for that r-'-ion. Kti.iMttes Niitk k - t larierlv incftiiir; : wiil l,e held iu the I'liiisitau Chapel in this ' lor,,:ieh. coiiiiiieneiiit' on Friday eeenm::, i (sili ins.) at i t-er..re si o'clock, tscrviee alo on Sattirdity eveniite. and Lord's llav, morn. in? and evntlli;. Eiders Jas. Ii. .oh!e, ,.f Ura llord cinitv, an ! .. M. Kills, tl I. icon- j lilt: eollllt'.". 111.' Vii.eled io he U...I --.. , ..t it -petoiuilv rtoj tie-ted to cone out ait 1 hear - the tiuiii u it is in Jesus." si. W. Mi Uasiii. Faster of ihe Church. iri vv a III l:!r. In die town i.l" A:h en-, (t"iritia, is p isifii the ftil!uwi"i? nutiet .nv' pf run .In vim; laUT linn a walk ve this bn-!;;r- -ha!!, i( a while man. he tine.t C jl a rieur rerrtve lavi, , h.Ji .1' ihe pen- aliy to bi l-tMtttf'l iipin Uf inbi ni'-r. V e ! ii"t tl.ink thai many per.. -ns won!. I he half so rea ie ( iril-trm upon the irriiistrrcssur as tliey wotil-I be to ni.Vrm tlteir :it't!l thai H. M-irh.nh. i-ppo-tic the liau'k. fcerp lh" lar- "p-it, be-t. ami ebeapfNi a I HtH.t sh"": 111 I.ewi.ur-. an-l sp to hp coiivinrctl unu'li i Call . ts. I.a ...,.,.. .1 it . c m.l. t. b..nrr inf..rinaiion than ihe above wouM be m ret'er'-nre to !at ili ;wn. The mririhers of the KeanttHical A-so- ...I lu.l. , I'.. .,n lud,...n ,.n ll.n -in. ciation will h"il a ,"arnp Meetiiij on the land .... 1 . ot Mr. itainel Uens'er, aiMUi hve mties west ,,f Iit.-wisbiir2. cnmiift.ciiic Mh of An?. All saleMtien uf tralhc, lmeKieti, Vc. positively lurbiddeii the proprietor ol the ground execp 'iKtj who is peiiimit'J to h'-ld a boarding ft nt. A- J.oNi.sihoitF. Sllp't. IT '.I i-t:.r', ll.i. nil ,." U'i' l ei;.-rry Insv t, a ,v..n 1. ret In.- II. al - i.u..-.' It . itr. .'..! t, iii.t.iiit.T . it ..-,1 In s tli,- in it it. .1 .. i i'-i'i t'- III" it.:', nii.ei .1. : a . ! tuu c lii-uiiil-I i-.u j n-1 It - tie . ..' ii.ti, ,et x.r.l. v ie .11- tir.l.o-t it li.es tie- aritt- n t-irnnli; I lo r;s ' . ti t'i- !.., j . r. vo:3-.i:i i f hi t nil i:. A ! tv (lavs Min t', Mr. Jas. II. Ie'a-1'e, of II i at sv ii ie. A i abate a, ral led t n us atil r ave us p.-nttisso ii to pui.'ish I. r lb- ben.-tii ot mi:! ' -ti ti t humanity, the a loinhint; eure which had been e fleeted in the case of his v. !,v lie' um" of Mr. Ilaltee's il.le Cp i'.'I .'ie I'.il -. I!" i n f" r, ue. I ii .ih.it a; t;f i n. ie his wiie coin, noticed ti'iiii' the nie-lo'iue. h r sv. tfon tel. s" eatir'-le prosteatt d, by Ihe runi-l..-r ot spasms site had uii.b t u'erie. as t,. i t dm e her v eieht to oi l!-.s. ts.p.ee she h.i, t een , An:.: til" I '!. .!.. I,,. : . ol... 'v t 'ovr t!i I , . ..en. .1 in a. :.lo .it. 1 I . no I--,. :', M ,. a' II - . . 1. I I ;l.tr, -1.,- I, In l.T it . . f i.,.'tli l.'e.tt ft. r 1. I,. ei I rl.l-. Mr. li r- 1 t'f ,-;i-.- '! Mr. Ilarr.--,.. I.i o.tf . ,t ..I' I t. n. a 1... to,. I. -n . tiltr. Iv -ui. .1 .1 tli . i l- i-v I vtli. - fi.oii- 111. 'Ir. I.i-I. w r-t I- rut ,.l .r fit ; ,. .t- ,.,i i .Li.. tll- II- I. -I- .l-i :.n -OI.. U l. r ni'.r. tl.,iti .i v-:T. air. I.-.. ,.- lion., ili.it .. .....ot .i i. r..r n .,.t .a ll.ltl.. tll.il i, , r t r i-r-. . r,,. the T. .rt . i n,- ,,, m ta , , ,.i I t. inf.. I .:.( it I n-v are tt.ki it t.r n -.1 I , i-nL ,... , tl,-. m , , , s.-,,. ... ,.,. V..!;tt.nB t..,.....,....,..; i.ei.e.. )r Vi i-tllfs I)d!s;li;l (if Willi CIltTrV. .,,..,. ,.r..l.ar,it, i i.. .n, it i, ....,-iie, i .i.it-i,. a, l,'il;,i'.i"':' ";'';').''rjiu ir '-l ';. (' '...-' " '-i '""t' ,., v t. riii .. i' t e.i e..ri asT. it,..! it a, r.: a a.na et ,;. r..t.-;.t.. n i.e-i-ointi:. mon.. bio .1 1 it a. II :.t..a n .l. v -i.ii.n ne.ri- tle.n la.n- i,. i., u,e ......-.it.i .i..e,,i i.a.--ii .- b.tt.s-.. ,,u.tiny ,.r.n,.t...a ... mo i.-r. .tt. til i. nii.l us r-l. tiutn.it :o 1 a t- - unit, i ...1 : an-l it is t.. w I.H..W n ati.l .-!i.-ll-!..-l lo il l I tli. ir "leii.e I- l..jf,;i ) a l. I.a.e Us-it r.'.-t-.r.-l tt. ti-rtitii l.v its tern II' tiall.T , K, at.'.) t .r al. .l.-ra . a I i- tl 't I r. s t." niiv. r,r.l -t'l.rk. i.liv.-i.-iaii lee;u,-.-a V ..-t.-ria. liastifeu il as Li; e, iiit -u tii.it 1 ojis utnjdiiin enn If I'uml.' ' Tl.o ale.!.. Iiit. rv ef ttii- M ,ti-ii,.. f.tt y mpttrms the oi.iii..ti. I'liat eminent titan. 'riuntrHi.tli--w'l te-ttfv.ap.l lure I. -fin,.-1, Unit h. n all "He r r. ttf -Ii. e l.a.l lali.-.l. tin- ha. e.-tni-let. ir r-irr.l : Itiat wli.-n llie sijII.t.T h:.. ; w-ll te.-li .1. fi-air-l. tin- let" tr.-r-. i iQtnif.ttate p-ii-f; ; that ale tt llie b-lfltn It'l prnltaou. tsJ the tlMrw III- cne.I.I.-. tie. let- nta -v.ti it -111111 lv. I 'J l,.. lirt.l-s nl li t. .'..'"I tire itliSe ai'l'ltra).!. I re ; a .Ii lit ( .1. r a ' ' ' M.I Us i-.'T , a. a.'-, ;-.., .'....ant HOil it.at.uy 1 ,-jtir. t I,.' .,:aall.-.l Tn t ',eif,N :'.. rt-r ... ,v ,.t..V. if ..is."..' mitts ..I .,1.0. 1.- . f"l. I'o It '-' en O"' tl r''r, w''11 "'e ; prinl. tl ita'ttie .1 ihe pi ocri. I -r. Whlac'i Wild Chmif refom- vuic.lcJ tt '.ci'ti. I At net, m. S-i t fi. Is . ! ? Vt Feanr.Ce.. .eirc-I inn.,1 rlie.intliy a 1.1 bit ; ...t,.....v in I.,v..r i.l Die t.i!-siii Ue le.ie U...1 tt in : ... t .....iv. ... i'.iln,..n.it v art. ,l:"n.. r-nicl.a an.l ( -t-l.. .;:.;.,.,,. ..t vai.eoie r.n,.,i. n.a i,.n.e ,. Im n.. A il in .aneuf mini la.ltt t l't' ...sture aotli ti pfS KI.-v I "r .'r Yv IM-'T .frt rwttrr.eni in l.ww r ir , ...... II. ,rt ,r. .'.. ' i UtttJi.oU u rs JIT.i tl; r t. Correct ni Wteh ly ! .' "VVIiat '''" i' .... ; -ru l"lx-eed S1.I0 Y.?e r..r Tallow ... (i.'l I.ard :17 Hacon ... 8 1 1,1.2 Ham... ,r',", Appl.s . ,.Ml Shoulder.. '!ll,,'r 12 Cloversced ...In .-J,f)U Toil:. NTAKKI F-1 ). In trHl..ir.-, ftli i:t.. I v K W M tHni.t. Ft III AMOS liVKUS,.f -iana !is, KLl.lt L. I0' I.KK of Crt I'oi.n. L- ... I .. 'i. -s.li iili.lv Ufr. r l-rhr. JiMIX S 1; EN N an I .11 A Ilk HI.K.I'IIm.1 V.i'huii,',., i l.i ... .l..fY. Ill ,l s II. 1 . 'M I.l X - 'N. ;--w.-r!r -t Luit t !..,. t.ur.r. ni.1 ! i I ', , f I.l V. f 1. 1 I to u ,tOriiii: '.rt. Htr, in-t . I.T l:-t. i. e M.-.r... ,1 U. SI EM i! i;. ; i..J M,. MAI.V s UA.M.-l.V, . f l.:t. Ajff 13, P- i ntv. in I! Tl'. Tie I : rl. too.. at. h ... W It 10 IM K I ! t.i n!.. -i..t I- 1 1 1 1. 1 - .- o.i f , iO- nil 1-. V. :.n : ;'" l I'" '' r- I. 0 .1- I-. in i, r- ..r J:. I.i a T, . I l.i i. , ... i.i l.. - i i o e n."-1 nai,, it. in , i,i . . ;.t. ' ." 0 ' ' l.l.i.AiiKTM , 1....1.1 , : in.. I Vl v. , r,, 1 t!"ie!i- io. I II., ,--! . c a.",. N.or .! r ... ..I., t- V: r.- -.. , ,. , I .-o.. list.- t'. ,0.0-lr. i, In V, I !-; ".It lilt . 1WK I. .?t ' I 1 I . 11. ,.- S.,,,f I.;-. I - I I.-. '-!,!. Hit...)!.-. t'ooOeo'i s hi,,.,....;,,..,ic s,, ... ;,, ict,.! ttl..-l..V M , ; .il.s. ,-.( Kl-.,,t 4 V. ..I-. It, I.. T .. N.,rtl,i.i.ir rlru. t Co , t'.'tll till., Mr? KM :'AIO.TII s i:..ss. in , r 7otl, t..i. l.i l..i.i.,t ii . M .ir f .. J. th ..o Oil. MA LI II A lll.ll!.. ;. I -.i t.i,-,. 4 niNiitli- mi. !: a-t- In v.. ,-,..,.-.. i .1, . ., KI 1 i: K. Irlit .f i.l J i I. o,. '.I.,, v ' 'ol r. a, -I . r-.v. ... tot I . 1 In I..-, ,. ....... l-i le t , , .1:1 en i H i t, . : Ore'. tl, anJ I dsl.-lli Mtf i I v. .-. I ' . r,. 1 ii... ., t ; I., I., I..-, . I. .r-. .l ;-.-t . Mr. , t III I III:. I. . c.f 111 r-i.-l slirln r 1 rri.. r!y ..t I;ft!.l.l.j: j... a..'l 1 a -.ir.. In-. lit 1.. an. I 7 .1.. v-. Somethins Extra Nice I DH'i: T.inialtirs New IVlatofs-- Jl v t'ueuiittiers l'ea CaMeie. Kipc Aoples and other Fruit and Vey.o.it.'es. nre i.-ei-tve ! ly Express fresh TVVU.K EVi:i!V vi;i:n i.v ; i;v..-t .v ;u. I.ewisbiir;, July S, lt.fc.1 PEIPHER'S LINE V) AMi FKDM riltl.ADKl.l'llU. i;Ki)ut:n or uttit.iiT. 1-t Cilia 4 , ci-uts J er 1 a , , ni.a.s. -i a.. 4t a, .i, . a a.. i: a. 4th .la 1.T ua i,- S.-.itl -J ,li. ,1.. W li.Mi, lt at.'J Ooni, la .-t-nt, i t.u.i.,1. I I . Ivp.,i u uh ,,., Ward 4 Frrl, sll Maiket St. TtianUlul for the liberal pair.. n aye jtiven us we hope by strict attention ot uasmess Iu uiei il a continuance ot ihe same. THUS I'EiriIEK For t'uriher inlorrnation apply lo l '"'.. ; It .M l.l.MA, A ill, Lewishtne. SI'A'I EMl'.NTot ihe l.i'tt isliui Itauk as re. pure. I l.v Ihe second seell-'it ,0 ihe Act ol ihe i i-in-rat Assendil v tf lh;s C on, moil -ueakh, approved Ihe Itllh Oel. A I. Isfi AsM'tS. ,cl.rii. it. P .nit and m) f , , lui.J. id 1'liiiud. ". nh loin Iioui ..li.er llaul.9 .J..J 1.0,8 ItljCUuU'd lt:,l..,o 1 l.lalii(p. ji is.:i.i Ouc 0 uili.r llaukl una Coujuti'tiavalth i;eii u ..iV -rr - "" . Andrew Keimedy. X. 1'., U.md Keber. Ca-hicr of the above named Hank, who hemp duly sworn according to law, says the at).,ve is r. rrect Iu ihe best of his know Icier. July fi, ls.'.a DAVID KEUllK.' .is'urr. AttunEW Ki:sisLiif, Aoiary Vul.hr GE. iGE. IGE! riIlP. ntiilersu-nH wilt deliver the ruiz- I i l..!... CI. FAN. ITKK. Mtl.lil IPK ( IT the Stisiitiehanna, at Fieln Dollars per ton. 1 ho.-e need.no will address ti. I TAliliAKT. June 27. lS.VJwl Nonlinmberlan I, Pa The Wonder of tha Age ! nt'llR A- lltVIS- m(!.lsi()lt Asim; MliniNr. I S euaraittee.l , do any erdinarv udan; , in one hour's tunc and with on per cent. i m,,v , .-L.the. than by toe ot I method, J .... i omity rectus for s-l!- in f.'- "s'a-e et I etm sylvauia. attd also M.teh'iies tur sale ". tit le sale and iletail l.v :esrs. Pl.DWV.AX ,V M'F.IIII'n. V : i in -fj IS "So. Third M,. Philadelphia DENNING & CTANO. A 7" Alii iS p;it:ernv YmrtTv li ulm-; to itrib-r, Ac. Uidrrs pfinpiiv a!tfii-b( t.'. This til mi har- ti' . -ii esi.tblis!,.., di' J ran five loanv -'i-Ii-tiTv rrlere-ie'-s. e i';itu'- I,. I'alni' r v 1' ii I.e v.',nru'- 1'ei-siins u I - hut. 1 n i ih"r iii T. r tn at i-'ti ary wt-iii in oiu iihe will I ;ra-e a I ir-. a- at 1:5, Mii'.it V., U-irritiu.-j, J'u. ,I,ov 1, ls.'.l p.tien i.SlMlA' Ori:AVl:io, ,he -.ofi S .1- stiitscrife,. , ai linllaloe XZ- Ivi.a.K.i i, ,I,."'J..-I Je. ttvelee ,,,. s.oe.e ,ar I iviili Inter O 'h cress ,,.. the center tl ihe O- One ewe had a latal. vi;h loo. '. hoev.-r ill return litem t r eive int. .tin alien le-toelin sai l sheep siiait oe suil.il.lv rcw ll.i.,1. Jt'Il.N I.I.H K. IStilla.or. Jtiiie Vt). ISS'.l. WALLOWKIi-S IAS K .. til 'I I - I 'I'll ;nn Iioui I' tilai'i'itihni I is...i2i !. ..r !;.(. t d Class do ets. per lot) p,.in,,U :i :i.i I "7 Special Vi K I.u at the Pepot in I'lniadelpiiia be fore I o'clock, F. "I., will be loruarded same ticnint'. Apply to Vtantck,'.- ll V Ihiiclima'i. .!-.(, MIS .Si Ml Mai ket M., I'hila I. (J. Fbll Iv.Agt. I.em.-burr'. I.e isbuif:. July I, IS.VI. '.r,,ooo si, A IX! 1. speaking of Ihe late battle, .Mi t.'Fattine. ton says. sieh a slaying party as that 1 never heard of before." if such a parly f oes throntth I.ewisbtire.thev will all buy their Hats a;,ls)ll-M list Matllit'ilC'fOI'.r, "beii ttie slock is lare and cheap, lor Cash or Country Produce. June 21 Tl K15 ni l( 15. -An excedrnt ll- IV, ver I.F.VFU WATCH for sale ai a bargain must L'. Infinirr of A 15. l)E.OK MA MHI5, I.rwisburpr II. f.l.ltll HIT, PF.STIST a: kei street. next don Killer's Store LEW it-Bt KrJ, FA. J. SCHREYER & SON n AVK received thetr.-FCOND AUPIVAl. i t- i 1,1,. ' ol ssprint; and S-ummer tt.'M-. l-adie. lliess l.tiods. Mantillas and a larp- l"i d Ladies' Collars ainl .Mtevrs trnm aiiriinn. 1 i riniiiiific, oimnn'lr, i aiMmerb loth-, , which will he scf cheap. May is, isr.n. T70R fAl.E. CHEAP-A layFr and: 4 ... . '. ., ,u i . Jritimiiur hwte.a convenient arnrlr t r , Fi'ttftT, In tri-t) p.trrtrhVt;-. At t 1 , ...,,MT R o l , Notice to Trespassers. vRK having herru.fi.re been much dam 1 nrc m.uc ill tiur wiuiiciiy u :rr,'lli tresnasMti iipi.ti the siiine. ttirnwin? diwn 1- ' f.-nrcs. and de-troyine yu-ini' timber, shix.iiris; , i,.i,.g. v, cur ,nl,rc. t,-t.-u... it re :.;:) e:'frr . f r.ttu an.! M.iri ! -ir--. !.-.. .-.- . birils, ptckin berrsei ari l th like tre thrre-, ,fr.inl A to J...- m.n it. o.r f -.k i- . ; Jiki? 1. !-V JN-. i. Mi -i.K 0 fwe hereby ive notice to all and especially i,,,, j ,..n. u..n nj . .r. ,- ' -j, j to parents mil euarilian" thai any pers.n ,,re,i r fjrni.-h r,jr.tr n. wif.... r.tl.r..:.. ur f. W. .11. iJOlri ill II, iirn-riiiirr ii.uu.i (lespdssiii iiji.iii imi (Jifcnst's will be prosfcuieJ aecor tme io law. JOMKI'II M. SEslIIT. .ions vv rnE.wivta, JOII.V CAM.. SAKAH fl MVINliS, J')tl. UK ST, JOHN KIM AIU. ('hillivill.njiie. June 21, Js.Vt NOTICE. 15,000 4 I I, person, payine the State Tax by the tl . iitMi.t.eLi.s i t--.- l Tih Jaly, shall receive an at-nternent of . fi per cent. II. I'. Slital.l.tK, Treasurer. j W II A la K OILSOA1, - The Collector that have not s.f.led up xFOii tlt'.-tro itiL" Cunrnli'i ate ot!l tli"t r duplicates h r ':.s aie r,'ieied to Ho so 7f-J ,r ,,ltl,u j-.,,',, i.,-. ... ..,..,.e,l,-.-Hlv. -.s lo, l,,tittr ntiltllt.fT.ri. ran l.c II! ( M I, I. i.I.I N ECi'S n. I.-vtishui, May s.,'j avaxtki) roit CASH. OI.l l.,....pner. Iirass Sn.ei.i.'r .i i - ' led, I. r uim li the Inquest market price wiil Le paid in c;th, ai t!ot i:i;i.r. wohk. Penna 1! I! aa.l. at.ove Slate urct. llaiiisl.ni. May SO, Irs.viinfi. I'.UASS FOUNDKV. VNV and every tlc-,crtpiiori t-t llrass or Imiii Mecil Cas'trcs iiia-'o- in :lte in. -.1 (" t.ct n.arii.er. ,o' tlitr t-esl mao rials, at;i nl lowest maiket ntices. at the FAt.-I.E WORKS, retina. II. Road, above ."State sire, :. Harri-t.ure, May -n, 18a9inli. .losiali JJukcr Co., UAVK ni.i'lc arm nmcnls wiih Y.. I'.. I.oeke .V. ". to turn h 'Jo per cent. ALCOHOL bv th" lil.l. ar, I Hair It'. I. as cto ap as it can be hi.ttf rit in i'hila 1-lphia. ; 'I he,- have a!o just irceivcd a -neial as set tint-lit ol MS 83-, S-JlIJJfiillS, I'UMits iiinl Hls.l.I:i-i illlll full i;i;u.-hi:s Axu ri:i;n Mi:uv. CONFECTIONERY, FANCY SOAPS, ( V TL .VI , liCliXIXU F1.L1I, Tint' Oil, all iiojmlar Patent .Meilieines, LitiiKirs,Toli;ifcii, Snutl'.Iiiks. SuiIa Asli, Wheel (irease, S.e. &.c. Ad ihe ab ityr artirles t. Hi red FKN CHEAP FOR CsO. Call betore buying, elsewht te. I lor Motto is ' Small lils uik Sail".." I.cu-ishuri, May lit, 1 N.V.I. j GOLD IN Hill T opposite Toiyer and old TowiiClork Von ran tind a new and fashion able St. ck t 4 Jolllf UK to sun the voiini! and old k'i, yil'tli ,l,i';.S'!!.Jn-S!'0:vUlnilu!!''Vi'i'r"'' 1 ' K-pt here to til i,ia just rail and see. Tts ail well made, and sold so low j That you can allord to buy. we know. j V.'c have also on hand Cl.O I lls. Casmrtts Ac a nice lot of fAKPH'I'S, Woolen and Cdton-mtttctl. at Fhtlad'a prices also Flour Oilcloth, Wall Paper, Shirts, Collars, Uu.-uuis. Handkerchiefs. Hosiery Ac. V. hirh ran be boueht cheap at our New Cloihiiie More ou South Third street. Plea -e call anJ examine fur nur Iv"-v I ei nts h. ZIMMFKMAX A l.l.l.t.iis l.rwisbur". .May 11, lS'.it Sm j Curat (EiritfHirnt ! AMI Mill .I".HT1R KKIirt Illl.V Pi MIITs!: flMlf". nn.b is,..-t,e..n,idii,y tune, rati ...r bard I ' rCV. ,u I, itf iim.m" "- -y " V .rki now " ban ". (which is ihe ...... . -l.'uiiniv i at uvioi iiiijuo iw.i un-... I .. i mistake - t all and examine t-.r voiir- seleev-ellher llUWrcr K-tail. Mfrc , . , ....,) ... ,l.rf tr-..ie h''f ii Is J.I.I i.iiee, iij.o ...- will find it to ih'-ir ad. aniage to call and I al Lis st..ck an ! save at least 25 per cent. ! Mailllf'iM'ttirilte "' a'l kinds ti,.n at v.-rv in.,, erate prices and KKPAIKI.MS at ihe shorieM ii. .t tee. " ,' II .:. 'I foreel the place - rt-xt d-r-T In '. 4 .1. I!-,,.1 .saw. I.KW isltl May 9. s..:i I I.I.I M JOHNSON Hii.-sli k Gjud:nan. M r,!itJ.,'iU,ury cwSiiriiig&SiHiiVrGoods 1 I -"E .."a.J and opened a H I. 1 I- '-"'-"' ' 1 1 s . -1 - f-""''''7 ' h a'trnhei. ol llic Ladies is .1 l ihur ....-O. Fi otanls lliess St:ks lleiailo s lli.tiilc. ll.l.'.lls Flouts Miauls ft. Hats Meeie liiti-hani'! Inseriiiics Foulards K.tjiiii:. Chimes l.'loie-.Ae Al.sO Cl. lo-, Flam and Fancy Cjssoiietes, Jean., I'm. e ls. Vr-mics. Muslins, Urill. lltes. Ttchtnrt-. Flatit.eis. Ilools and IV ."shoes. Hals and 'aps..rf J teieth.-r null a eeinpleic assi itiutul i t Urocci ii.-, 1 lattlwai ", Ot 'ilin'wari-, IJiiivn-wnrP. f- all of which will he di-posi d ol on as lavoia ble nun. as Ihe same alticlcs t an be pinch-a-ed anytt here. r.ii.r lev a cti'7 ' -,t 1 M. li-r. 1 i I. 1 irl- r. -....I . t.O th 1 1 1-., .in 111 11-11 A ti.sUtM IS . i. , .1 anJ t. r t..., l V.V 'J M i.-k"rrl, halt jr.J f r -o r. .V 1 Mill, 0 '! Jtl-t rMeTl ll -: '" III I1SII ,t titl'I'M IV. Ullll K j-t.l. in l a!I ati l -,uart-r l-.r.-Ws. just r.. i.. at.,1 f. r -a!" l-l lit 11-11 .1 i.ta.MA. If;?;" IdiiilMi, iu all. !e Larr.-la. j.tt III R-ll i ...it.l.MIN. ellill'Mi a l' a..,l l .r , .Maraliall auJ I'airy Sall.juat r.sriva.1 X 111 l. Sit .v M-e-e ....... Cl;a KAb Ctdttr Vimajiar,;ait ry,ivl an-l for Sale hy lltiif II U.J.H.MAX. ,5.1. and IJ1, it. t.-lts Ill'Usll t lltaj.lMA S. i- jU,( tt-- ,j au i l'jr I I INst.t.O, sperm aui Fish Oil'.jn-t , J- -al,. l. li.'lt.-ll 'I t'Aii rat.s. e.rti lla.k.-Uau l W e.. I liu-l.i-i-.;tit r. t rei. lan l l.r.aie l y III: K-ll 4 titSU, l I . ITfl r J f'r.il- llt llH A .i'hllMl.W. Uiibtit. actl lt.it l.ir.. at r.-eiT. -1 attMAN ; 1 .ml '. Mir br Ill 1,-11 I pi n KSIt.K in si LRS and y""-'.. 1J , it ami ler rair.lt' HI Itsll 1.00HM ?Z : rers-iT aniUMAN. irooltar-ie "?'",' Wati Hf TiU, Hr-x-mi-.tila'.? mrj I'ufir. i P tor t zi-U, or ne-ticf pt hi ' i- uut. (.- Hi-Ur-l tnarUI l fRt . piit rH kinj. of lirvn. ", oMI, Ml,t ,.f 111 KM! A i'hlM A. -nd No Grindstoncs,Grocerie5, or Moukcy Coats, --r i l I.. II -.la -inrl f'ftn rf th I ' 1 n"n" , ,, 1 ; , , ir. can I I ft tnte-1 -.tv p.. a tti r cheaper than can ie J J ln,e 1 '" . .. , .. l .k.ahr. l a and s" mem lit riKE'S I 0"llimhrrltt Urn ' (flrt - 1 X-VMH,VlUl ZJIU. 3 VUW. 1 phfr t-f.il 1!i(. itirritv fit ...f hu.ine1!.. l Hi- 1' jti. . I ..- ii, r ir . a i. i..-. f,.r Wli-at. Kl-. i: r... !, I ..Ti.r-.l .!- I .':..-.' Stssl, I'lax S.s-1, l'uUb.di, Uacn, Butter, L'lJ, L.- , Ttllow. Soap, A'. Wu al.o c-h f r atl lin ..f l'r .In. e. hllAD. )RIMi:Si I f..r si-I I Shad ittrl Di vSn't IJerrin: I IMMI-.K .1 . ltiM-4 d i: ! AVIIITK MAIISH Ll.MK, lllLSH iVota (he kilt), for -:,! i.v I' ... I H Id l.r III TV MltXi ."0."s. LUS. !',ir soli- bv tJ.S'J t iu'mwms lilt".. .7aVaC,a 1 .v r.ilL--. K.i -1 port Herri VS Jtl-t :l ! itl: . 4 m:i:i I'oi'AM.-ii.-s.- 'riio-f -eci r-.l. hi,. t r - r- 'IT. A- n:AS!TKAs:-w.; 'tif r- rut-.1...-- n .1 1- . 1 1. : i f - j -ri r , ;..! .. v : : i r 1'.. (II si :l t; If!. '- ioFFKK ! C Y V V. 1 1 ! C o 1 ' Y V. 1 ". I -- J Or-ti. I.l . anJ Jut. t't' ' K-.-'. 1 a- I -T 't,.' -lime ... to I '1 fil.l.l It"" I I - CU:ak! .-i.'c.ahs: src.Ai:.-: IO "I l!i l-i'-. ,11-n r , ,.,:ov. - I i r-.- i Oe ,re,.,. fit Oio ti te-' s. 'SS!,r- 'VKiri's: MoLAs-si:-: sykits: ,f -v,,; . ar- I M st . X- 'cUAMl-U.Ll I 110 s. )UK .HlJ Vv'hitC I'ld-fiT. Hil l C,l ,l, I J ) ! ..r IIAMttt.lil IS 1 .i ,S. SALT SALT SALT. " KNIv-KK Cfoiiti.l Alum. Marshal! M Vuo uiiJ Vu tail, li ( I 1'I.OUIL I IN too f f V rn WL: lit at !;" r : m-i' t.--ttl- 1 1 i ' I' t i i:kl. r toKN', Kyp. Oats an-l all kimls of VV i h. sturt.;-,.ii.ii.tiy : nl. Oil M0Mt! I 1 11 KOl'E. COKDS TWINK. VI TI.L asstirittioiit of ilitv Jtopp. T.. I i . IV 1 C.rl.. Itr.i 'tl Tat. .'X. t IO I. n-. tii.fk leu .- I II I .tlO.lil.l S neo ciii:ls: ' LWAY? on h;u..L J. IIIAMP.KHI.IN K't.ea. iTsii risu riii. i o jv.vi , k ii nnu- ti.tllj llil? . m-O- .1 !.' . !. I!, rro mi J I IMll;KKI.I IU. WATEi: CHACKKKS. TK cct a iiiontiily F!ip.lv. froslt II rrt.tn lite llnery, it "lo "t ..uil't lian t ni.a.-Cra.-kfrs. IIAMIfKKI.I. IiKik. suM)i:n:s. I.L kin.Isof Spices DnVJ Apples, I V Ii fd I'each-" utiPs.CtirraMs.liti'ich Kaiinv.t'o-Ki'i K M-itiN.rheap- itri o. . rti . i.!reh. Karma, Kiee t li nr. Klav, nil 1 tiacts, Ouve Oil, i.") l'lo-e-e. I'nei, Hi ft, Una "led aii'I til oiifi-1 (' "tl'-e, A-i.nn inline randies. Tallow Can-! lev t ;iv e i-Vup. K ' oap, leT five .ip, 'i'. ilet Sap. " a r i i c s,.ap U.iker's Th'-c 'l.!!-:. II iKt i'sl' -e ... I'. - i Um- S.t?a, sal S da. ?.-da AWi. U a-.:..i itt a-e. Wf-i-den ra !-, Tiii-s. t'h it n. W fi.;e Sad'1, K-i-eiitia.e I'eni-TiT. t 1 1 t- i r!j-!f i Iteaii. 111001114, 15 1 iiio-s. l.ir-f - i iiueht i t Toliiifto and Srvars, a- a.-. K. r sale by i II A M!'. i: iil.lA LKO S. I.eiburj, April -!, l.v. I Scream !---Ice Cream!! ,,.,.,.,. ,'MIl l.rnlC-t ttl.ttri. IU,ar,.s. I A lit t d ..-r t" th? I i it-LM.lftl l.d ' .TertoVf - i the e M ai k t-1 . i ua i e, l.c u-; s The vet v Mav I ,".V. I'esl in low n. (.'all in ..! I : II ST Ii i: EIV i:i at liif i;.-...k Sii.re f f IU lat U lbiir I.M;ir. l!i on Ihe H r.ev fTef , nu- r ;:t:; n. priee I,,,,S. 'fMi-'r. .fei - I a I l v fs (it H"i;i v arc invito t to tlos vs:n.i;'!f i I'lit's Leeuire.s -ii I'u iiino iit t't ;-!o,"i' e-.pn-i.li' v n - ivz'-i'. ! - Sit I M-'e ' r.' i'r .t-.- rts. -Tin-, is trulv a f.-M-ri . . Mjv i. " v. .,: ;i v. TC'r ccrv Shre. T. G. EVANS & Co., ii..'.t::;.M I i i i n- i GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. V Tiring evrr nr;t- If ' lUn n t . li I .tl. : It t : i: I .v. l io! i; and ti:.. ci)i i i:i:. Mm. .-i. I .-i tiAi:. ri!i;i:.-i:. i i.-ii, l i. t'lT.S A e. Ac. Mu t tti.tf, o7 '..i.Ve ite J' .l 0'V r, i!nli p. I"i. rP (5. K. A ('". lidvo in-l lfi'tivc! I tr.-l. le.m Plata.!, "i ' ml e I. n- - . a l ... .1 - .. t. .1 .ii. . . n, ., -1 . .. ry I..H i. .on -i. a:o. h am IVm lies in).) Iiiniiiliic., I n: n;- li, I an.; an J a at r.. nl. i 1 no .. ,. i tr, b J'lirtl A j'!fs, IVailics. I'liiiii-s. Oui rant. I'ti sli intr t 'il r.ttis, Ft -. Pales, litiisins li'otii i.t io lt t'.s'. pel" 11'., I'iehie.s uf ; all il-.'.-i l id ii.tiis, ', I'm - Jiai a Ol 1'J.i:. croimtP, a i.l int ,,( in . ir t i.i. I t -ii.. i. . t.n;.;. i-- .t ur;, ... ' sfi, r,.,r VMhlKI I . s1 ill. I'D 1 '..'; A li, HAM, (.it "A. dr. A (ii-n-rul a.ri-tin.nl ,f ttiMotv siimI 4'cilai- i are. l.lass- ail', :if'ii-iii ', i:arf Ik ii itiiiT, itf, Tiiinc, Ja. (),m(t 'liuf, 1 lie Ol', Clll.ile.!, t'llltjle i , . , ..... . . (I'M .Uoy It it itniuit, i.uti, u' A-- i Soaps of all kintls. Wheel ( Ircaso. vV:. Cobiuto anl. ecuus. a rlioia- randn ' , ' ,, " I lotir, tOftl .Met!., I olato-..-. Loin, i;e, Oat;. A'c, always on hand l.'tt.. dil'n-rrrd frrf e fkr V CJ. T.. attrt.il t Ie rn.ira.taiei.il tl.e 't ah! h l.art f- r t.iv w u I 1 i.i..'-m; ! ll . a. ie.l r -e-.-t litii. iiittfe Hi ii "m It- te . .11 mi.l ...aiii..' i." a ..rui.-ul . I 1. 1 tfei 1. -. i. a at . r...i,, ..'tit i i.. . H w.ul'l par tit ul.trlj il:iti ur f-utir' tii-u - u tn II -!). li I Il itun hoff all monti'T i'r'rlu.f, '. aM tat a. huh a. atnv h. -t, ..r. I. .i..lat. April - t. T i I l , tX'MARRIED!xJ ' ("I F.T married vhm vu tsh, only " yen f rail at M F A I't'l.N "K UMiUW iKK M OK E, and sri a hi.-l iatr C(i IK .-'lo E a' ' first co- '. as I ".van' " i'..sr cut my sr.. a - -rK Oi I . . TO;, I AT f'lN- ! A Chicago (111.) Wagon for Sale. , rilll T i.uu rilK Atitt V. i.wjN u i i it-'i I T s;i f . vii'-.i-r. . r I n 1 t!i,aru!in "i;..! tl i. t-'-s t .. tA'f i s. if . I; I !' 31 ILL! A i l S ; AND ti--l Frcrfi Flowers and niilinery Gooii. '-,rurr Mu I.. I ,i !t ,.., t-ju'li I-. I.e isiniry, pril :. s."j. VARIETY STORE 1'ost (Jii'ici:. LAU'IK Mi;''! of IJoukr.SiJli.'Di try, I'.-rluinei v , Jeueirv. 'I , v -, t't i. 'o r. '!.. 'I'.a-. .s;.e--. Fui.t. !!: !.e-. Vo.i. l.KlSCK I'OS'l' HM'iCL'. 'LL IU A.ND Tl.NE V,Z, cati te !.a I at th 1'it-er t;f'C:i. K 'IX i: ti, Id ri X.-i Jr l.a a:..!nits c t.e had at ihe I'tis I" nKKifE . ;. VMM. l!:-s-l I'. ,.t l.'AMKu.-i at; I -!h";r itid Kar ICinits can l.e ha 1 I'D.-T nl'I K'K IJ A .'I'TEIt, Il-'i.. I. at I an t I't u. iy t.,aea Laenaiiite t r ti,.c Is at (l,e rivr nrncE l rin ;: Fmne v-s ,,: l: i -.tis, F Fran--- : r sa'- a" "h- I'lls'!' ' IT. 0 HUKliS lor licet er :. -is ! a-.y kit. 1 pt.in. '.. v a'-terio; tl ;.j a; tf.e I'd.-T OFFICE 1 Ail!Es,can tir.J the l.tri.' : an : j iit-r.t i t l.etler - and r i'ACi:!:.i:t,Te I'li-i' riKFICE li wis i iLstitii. a. is. a in.... J.j. rutltit. r, I.. IVH.olI.IS &. fa.. Z .i lvh)Ut I lacing Mil!. aSzxz'-.i'-JcZf. ,'eep c..i,s.aiit!y t,n hand ai, 1 ii.a-. ii it t ie to i r '-r l lool ili. Mitiltu. luo:i.:iali.Sln:llii. lifii-d-., viotildii.js t l u.l ie;. Oe. and a'l . Oi-r deser ; tietis ii iin .! a cl 1 a Itl!,!. lie". Otdt rs re-pfrttoly s. )ice..l andproinptiy fc!.. I. A i tv, i n n an anted to etve sati.siaetteii . IV" Am (i'tn.ive !.d if I.liliilx-r of :i tlescrtptk r.s on loiti-l t,.r saie. t.j .,r A..,."; .V. c, u.l ,tn (.', I.l U'.'je. T April -i-i. I .:.:. KOWRY B SKY-LIGHT GALLERY, i "vVKi: Jo's. M'Fa-t !-n-, lltrttvare S , re i. Pa. AM:i:rvr:s, .vr:r. iixtjryTs, A.e.. in the tJMia! sup"";- r ;v'e. 'in a-: ',' : thf"P pit tint , I i, n,.v prrpnn , U T.'in-- f-st iti:v.toie. a.x. im? n- 'J I'KS. i i-.fr f riitr' are i . : -. f t r.. ! recent h;t. :tn i ;.rt Min.-r.or r:. au oil i-an:ir'. Civi.i Uiat l;dt .: -i npif iut. These r" ,,,T"S -" ps'-rM'd. an i I baie :t.e exclusive r'izht b r I it:-n r. un'V- "ft M . r: 1 x liirr- jtee;n:eri. Arm I , lij. New d'uods Ihrtlie YiilJion! 2 Ctti'SYR & SOH W'K osi reeetv-d their Lret.t'ral sti--.,'v i t Ii. i',.r the M-iMM; a M'VMi.K 1. 1 i-.e.i. I n:r -t-'t-k roti-i-'s in part tf il.j iatr-l at ! itn -t la'l. - t Irs t,f Mo ll Us liatt i - . I.:t: tie - . :,-. lie , f - , ' mi. s, ,!e l.a. i o-s. iJiii-ha-n., p-,nt, , i .,1; .ao-.r.t-. luo' - ii-. Fact s, pent i F. it,,, l Ti ttttt I'estcrv, li ves. H ,ti t!.. r ' v. A.-. r tM Tiii: .;i:'i i.r.n:" il.ev i..t '. e a h ;i . v ii-M'Tinni,! n! t .(--. ;t , yii -Mi's Co::. n(f-, W'-tif.s 'r.:v.i. a,d u'l :!o r .' , . Had II...,-, Iiple I:s i ni.1 c.ii'ite t. :jci v. u !i h can ii.'i I" !- in ihts ie-u !i. rT""';,l! iU. ! t.r..' :t i, . k .if , i.r as r'e-. t.t, a. 1 t '.i w t i I e i i hi ii.c- i i!i;.t i c ti a ri "r d. I t .it am v. h i . i-e. i " ' 1', notrv l'r- 1 1 - i i'onns ns ti. j s(iii.i;vi:i; ,v mj.. NEW FIRM IN Till: nl.H Mini'! i'i,e -:t!..ei :! n r- so. -co. toy tn.n. to e to t(,e c.t .. t;s , i I.- u i-loii .tie: v i.-m.iy lh.it th'') hare f. nut I a Failt.eis.'i p in toe Tailoring 2::s:nS. at the well knea t: t.,t;.! t. .l;.n!e I,- tnri; .-n M iih-t s i I'l l I lo v ;,te pieeaied -. !'. I f i: w' ( Iu ill in 3 . e. e a slo i- f.tr .,:' MVi:s c-;;wri.-.1. F. si II AFFtli. I. Is.. Ci'iiena '. Loik to your IiitereEts. -A- .11 s recto. . l.a i.u e so.-, v . t ' I ' do K p .' t! oil I 4 I'll do i ', in t - -1 ... i o r-. c. t. : ; i. t i ti . I'a'i nl l.e.t'ii. i li.ii .et . t. " .". t . fi I i Oiloi l I , I s, ,,,.ii n .lo Kip MU.-. s 1 I-II to v: lol it,, fi :.; , ,,, ;. I'..-...' I. .. !,. U.p. .'.11 to tt.'.l .! I a.l, '." . I,"f OH V. oil.'.. H.vi.. 1 ':.'. leaf . j t ii. v ti. I r,u l.J 'o.s' he !, r. . t ll..!-. I t.-i lo I s7 tlo do le.t e i-, t.t spt 1 Ie 1 ,!) C.e I -kill !li t - !'." I lit t i . . 1 ;.". to I -7 .io Ct.a.ii do I oi t .-' l.. t.ae.r . Ftiftii-h -i.t '.;. 1 "o ' , 'U .-r .! . ,. I't em h !R -': i - - pr 1 1 e - I "- to I '- - ti.. do 1.,,'iTi- mo, 1,, , is ifoo. I.". io s -p. ,.. I,.-. I. f.,t , y :-. ( 1 ".." .! l iik. v s iif rs i . .-o :-. 1 : -i ri.. I I. tit ati l I at; I r!:; I . I .'f !' ". I. ti. r-. ri ., h.,d 1 I'O te 1 . ') Me- ..s" lit!. I,, eta ' .' M I .S tin tl.. M, ri it',, sprittg f- lo 1 -o Cntl iren's .'tu.s It' to '. .s Cil ..i JAMFrs ..( i I l"s,Mail.ei M,u nr. I.eietsi.ni Aptt' 'Ji. ts.'.J. Ailiiiiiit-tl atui uli. VOTli'K is iVH'i '.io n.tliiii I tUn ,.f .diiin.i-i,i.!o u in the f-'..-' -f "iky m. mom;fi;. u- .-, Ne i, I men rottnti..'.. ! h.o. lo'J car.tr.! .. t,,,,.r,JU.; t lv th' b'-s sterol I ni.n c tin v in da.' i..iiu t 1 law ; 'if rr. ie. all p.r.i ns in. I'.leet.dio saod t-ta:e are i.e,u. ,-ud io m.. irniiirtliaie pav tneir.ar.d those hat me v ;e t ,, rl.itms ar aNo rrquesied t.- presrm them i -i eailv d'lilteniicated f.-r 'nib mt r. Ji,Il M. F.:M'F.IJ, A ie.iiiiis'tat r . . , .t t c t n '"-fjPot K"l Iit'la)i.!n;hrrartie!f r 'a,.f ihat kind en hand rto rrdrr hv tfc il.-ishnr Fo. k1' nd r ( H 5TOII. iii HOUSE BUILDERS, 1 1AKE NOTICE ' - The tt...!. t ..tne d ;tt- ppetnted ArnM for ihe sa.r Dnom, IiiJ &. lnlw Srili el ad :ies. made of the he t ! ri A'. -.i-.o U wart a'i'f 1. K.i-t-.- fi I - Jap .Ma Ie 1)1 c.-li.. , i , rt-: t .r a- hv to '-'tt'O't. a i Imiii" IUi'IIIVC I4V I o a ti ,, "r '-I ' ...e ., .1 ,. ..." ., .1 ' . P .