Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, July 08, 1859, Image 3

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jSstor tv (iljioiiidr
() N. YOKPEK it J It. rein's. MI.-S
'' IMr ... -!'- 1 " " ' '" '
V.-II".. . ' s ! ; I-. -' -
tin u. tit mi ! .hi V v. i., t ... it ' ...Ii.
rri'clnm, u:iii'i!ia!: '!::; i-ry. vclitm-:.!
A'ii i n: nauu : , litii.ni'. r.iit
n lltililier li-h nf M.,-.- l.-'ilrtrt b) l;uiHiim.
I" Jl - t-.i. , t., t -li,n .!.
1 h '-' .. .. I i . I. II : v. . ' . ' t'v'M-: '
1 I!,.-. .,!,. v. Bhfi I.- .... v. .i .
.'.'. - Ill n-1 ' . .. I ., 1 . i ." V. -,- .-
I'n: Alii..:: i:: vt'tt .1.,
r t: s ri: i t 't: "it ", t ii ti .
W 1 1. 1,1AM li. KKIM i.l" llfiU
latest i.'ews mor-i Lur.ofii
I.'iN'-' -N, Jur." -li There In i !ci IiO
little 'hi tli" Minci , th -ugh lint annies
wcr face to face. The tuaiu Inly nf the
Austrians were en the lift, bank 'if the
river. Tint I.'inptror of Austria had re
Ill'lVod llis bead 'J'lUl ti:l S to Valicld'l. 'i io'
lip Tit'! treaty Utwceli Auatiia atid J'iu.
eii wis denii d. l'rinco Napoleon wj- i u
t lie batiks i f the Medina.
Sr. .Johns, N P., .Tu'v I.
The Steamship Adai-iido, fr.-ui ...!
way, biins news to the 'JhIi u!f.
1'ai:i, Saiui lay, June .1:1. -The
Emperor Xaj.oli h t lcr'ipl.vd ! the Km-flo-s,
d.ttuJ ''.."., '.'"'' '.''.,
"1 1, aiiiioui.cii.'; tLut another tc in
battle, had lecii f;ub., J the allied
f'lrccs lad obta'iLsJ a ;:rcst vicl-iry. The
entire Austrim ar-ny bad fonu.d in linc.
of battle cxtiiiuing a ili.-.t :i n to nf Cvc
loauos. The Lattlu la-tid fioni f.mr in
the uinrnin till eight o'clucl; in I he tvv ti
iiig. The Fivucb cipturi 1 a MimKr nf
Cif;.', picccj of canunn, ain! pii.-uu rs.
A despatch frmu Vienna t;n thr i :it:!"
Wi.8 progrciiug, lut gi i s dct:ii'.-.
J'runMia bad dciiiaiidi.d t jini.-ii n tn
marcb 00,000 troops through lljuava tu
tie Ithiuf, the scat of war.
2Cciyo 3tnii3 horn CcinUico.
President liuchanati wiil m ike i i. an
Eual vi?it to hn favnrite saiiimir itinat,
t lie liidturd Sprinpj, alimt t he uiidih: of
July, wLcra be will ulidu fur ah ut tw i
week:!. Ia a few d.iy after bis return, he
wiil go 10 the 8)ldirs' 11 'iin', tj c.-eapu
the beat uf Washington uutil tLtjhir.
Lewis C. Lcin, tie great Amrrieanand
TeBiperauce oratur, (f r a time Meiu'j.T
of Congress,) baa becjuie an iuiiiate of a
lunatic asylum.
M'"Kean Ci'L'NTV. W'c 'earn frmi tLe
Ciliun thai a lirm of rieb capitalists fr..iu
county upon the reprefnitatious that eual
r iisle-1 in hrge qutuitiiics nn the tract.
The firm expended S-O.Ul'O in en eiing
mills and machinery tor the iiMimLcture
of coal oil Ac , and disc jvered afierwards
that but very little coal existed, aud left
the county ia dirgu.-t.
Urijr. Gen. Middlcswarth ba app' inted
Cj pt. Win. M oyer, Aid, and S.Aileintni,l'-q
Judge Advocate. Col.Kpler I pnititi.d 1.
S. Uoyer. Adjutant, and A. K. '.lift, l ife
Wo learn that a party nf I u'dr-, the
fore part of las', week, captured a large
Wild Cat, weighing near sixty p iutni-,
near the North mountain, iu Caluailia
The Reading Cv.,itr adds the name nf
Judjia l!lack tu the li:-t nf candidate f.-r
(iovernor of renn-ylvuira at the u;xt
Uubcrnatorial ekction.
Xi.i. Tiiky Io It? At a meeting
held the other day iu Westtutrc land
county, a resolution ivaj passed, declaring
the principles of Cbri.-tiaiiity, philanthro
py, and common buttiauity, imperatively
uemand all IMstillcrics to stt.-p iamiLdi
nttly, aud throw the praiu thiy have on
Laud into the uiaiket for bread.-tuffs.
Tiie evening of the 23d, the barn uf Ja
cob Ktplcr, uf Ferguson U tvnship, (u
tre county, was struck by lightning and
t'Utirely destroyed. The live stock iu the
barn at the time was saved, but a laige
Htuount of grain, ruea', u-iful machinery,
including a new thicthing machine, har
ness aud gearing were consumed. The
dwelling boup, with the surruuuding
I uildiDgs, were cnly saved Lfier a greut
On Saturday, a sod tf Mr. I tifiu,
of Zion, Ceutre county, was thrown frotu
a fulky and itjurod severely, internally..
Ilia life was despaired nf f ir a limc, but
hopes are now cutertairjed that be will re
cover. On the 4'b inst , a li'tle d iugh'er of A
J l'etcrs of Middleburg, while asing on
u foot-log over Middkeretk, fell in, aud
received a dangerous wound on bcr bead.
The Conncautvillc Vuiiror beard of a
farmer in that vicinity, who, during the
frost mania, purchased ten barrels if 11 ,ur
io.- 100, and at the satuo tiuie remarked
be bad HO0 bushels of wheat iu bis gran
cry, all of which be expected to sell at
per barrel, to bis poor, starving neighbors.
His barn bed but been struck by light
ning at last accounts. ;
In Fayette county there are twelve dis
tilleries. Since the late frost, tbeowuers
have been warned by anonymous letters to
discontinue their business, and leave the
grain to be consumed by ibe cur le, cn
p nalty of having their buildings burned.
Two like rst-bli hxtnts ia the county ,
w. re lately destroyed under similar threats,
ud it is supposed this warning will be
The Annual Elcc'ioo of Officers nf the '
Teleeraph Compauy recurs at Danville, 2 '
1'. M. of Tuesday, July lij'j.
Thomas Docbler, tbo C'ada from this ;
district, pa.sed a highly creditable exuu-!
iiiation, ud was admitted as a member of !
the West I'oiut Military Academy. i
New Business k.,r KtHToits.Tucre '
are newly a doxeo Jiuchauau editors now
at ilh.m.port, enjoying the favc r of the '
aJministrttiuu as jurymen for the U S
litr.ct CVurt at that place. If that is '
not Riving a pai.y btie to a Vart ef J j-.-.e
tten wsJ.n.'i.i.ctiyutd-r-Uw wl.t
.-i. U J .I,'.-,;,.,,
'liie Htiydcr ivmnty militaiy voted for
in . :idii. tiieut at Mi.ldleburg in Sept.
Maith I iilm;, I'a-, July 1 -A d.al
a : i dntu'i g i!, named Ann Metjiuley,
w iu.-tatilly kiii.-d to day, nil I bo Heaver
Meadow 11 iilroa.1, at Weaver Meadow, by
liie ens running vi r her. She stood on
the track, and a- u4 seen until it was
too late to htnp the liaiu.
A licrmau painter, cali'.l I'titou
J.ibi:," residing in Williamsburg, com
mit t.. J sui.-ib- lee. utiy, by severing tint
1 . . i 1
ar ei n s
v ? a ti:
1 :eio !-.i
1- in' d
,f Iji'u aims with r i. r. He
i nl iutcmpiratc bibits and kept
; ball. He i- sai l tu have por
I,.' act of si.-.lf destruction very
s,si.-iiiii'if.i!ly. Ouo of bis l"oIs was
li i.rly liio 1 wiih 11 toi.
I ,; ,1 1 an l'atter-in, in Wa.Jiingt,.ii
c-i .;ity, I'a., duriiu' the recent fiost panic,
J..iug!i' ail Hie il nir he could, and rai.-cd
tin' pine to cl." p r barrel. Fifty pcr
. Mis, wi'h twciny teams, wit.t in daylight,
ill t,rorc ion, toi k bis flour, iiivided it
attn tt" those most destitute, and left biui
per hand in cash.
The High C instable nf Putihr.ry f.ir.tid
it necessary latelv tu iutnuueo some nt us
citizens to the law, in nidi r to enforce
upon tli-. : 1 1 th- nece.-siiy of having a pi
pi r regard I t the ordm me" rcpiniu
eleauio ul s'leets, alleys, e.
Mr. Nix, of th
u-.j i
hauna Ins
it I.itiKstotieviiio, Mvutoar euunty, ba.-
re.-ig:ied his J.CsitieU.
1 ad-.!
v. it n
it!, be!
i-ing ,i
ui.e A L
f MiU.ti. - Mink
Wi dtus l.y ( f la-t
iro from Siiubiiry to
el .
moi.in I ' i in.
week, bile trying to
N 'il.i'iiiil. r'atid. Tb Hit was in charge
, f Mr. Mervine and two I, iys, ani! started
from Sudbury wlt'i a light LreiZ't blowing
up tiie riv,r; v.l.eti n ar the Shainnkm
Island, a severe stonn aro.-c, which blew
th'j waves i.V' r it, and ,-utik it ill twelve
feet watir. '1'he h inds on board hud to
s .vim t) shoi,., nhieii they made, and
barely saved their lives.
J hti Carroll, of New lUriin, while en
gaged in pie king cherries, a limb acciden
tally broi.e, pi , .'ipitating l.iin to the
gr i:ud, wiiieU caused the breaking uf bis
right arm.
I Sdi.o. Jerrey Shore and other ex
ehangis, mention a nnmbcr of persons
' who have been sold with the tn.ov;'..
tobacco mid segur aget.ry, New Voik. We
receive, almost evey mail, sotue faticy and
elh r d -lubtful ad'.erti.-eu.cuts, which we
pn iiiptiy iubeit iu the stove.
The i'ueks i 'mnity I t't'Hjrmrr states
.1 the time of the passage uf the act of
emancipation cf the State Legislature rf
Pennsylvania in 70, there wore ijl.i
negro slaves iu that county. There would
soon again Iu a great many slaves iu our
State if our laws permitted it.
I At an diction for officers of the Milton
Saving Hank, the following were elected
1'irictors : Jjtnes I'ollock, W. C. l.awsoii,
Wi T- Narle, M. Chamber'.in, W. II. inert,
1 .lor.l.ls keiin, Luutu-.i uuuliuviij ia. ,1 .
Chapiu aud W. P. Hull.
Hubert Coxy, one of the men engaged
iu the Maine Mills at this place, met with
a setious accident on Thursday. The scull
on the back part of the head was caved iu.
; Though another man was near by, yet be
says be knows not how it bappcuiJ; and
Mr. Coxy himself is s'i!l unable to speak.
I H-.li'nfjroce Tim-, i-l hut.
The West Cho-ter lihurmi say that
in the yard of I,'. V. l'euuypi. k-r, Y. ,
nf that place, ther. .irt mom tuau a thou
sand roses doiV iu lull bloom.
1 The Sunbury 7,n - notices a superior
cherry tree, own-d by K-ij Shindell of that
place, procured from Woch-ster, with fruit
iiieasuiiiig three iuches around, aud stone
very small.
A stranger in Danville stated that be
had been knocked down and r ibbed, but it
became apparent that he was an importer,
and instead nf sympathy he excited con
tempt, aud " left town."
; A mm in Lebanon, oged C5 ycw, bad
an arm so lacerated in the machinery of a
barrel manufactory, as to cause bis death.
C. S. Matthew, t f Lrwistown, a di-;i-,
pated printer and phrenological lecturer. '
lot kid himself up ia the observatory of
the K-aiitig Mausion House, aud was
found dead Tobubly from mania potu. j
The Middleburg 'i Unne notices some
improvements iu buildings in that town.
They are needed sidewalks especially. 1
The Philad, Iphia liatiks have given up
their attempt to coerce the eouutry Uaiiks
into keeping heavy deposits iu the city,
ostensibly for the j urpose of Ueepit,
their notes at par, but really to pay trib
ute to the eity institutions. If banks re
Jet m their bills at their own Cuuuttrs, that
is eUoiich.
1'iiJcr the (file-lent mnn.igement of oar
J resent State Treasurer, Mr Sliftr, a por
ti n nf the Slate debt, amounting to SI 1,
li'O was paid rn the SStU ult. He also
paid, at the same time, that part of the iu
ttrest due on the public debt ou the 1st .
in-t., amounting to s;o(;,070. j
Fatal Accii'CNT at F.si'v. On the
night of the -i h, a tuau by the name
of L-wis Tingly, a resident of Kspy, was
I an ov r by the cars near that place. The
utifortur.ate man bad, it seems, laid dowu
upon the ttaek somctimo in the night, aud (
it is probable that (wo trains pas-id over
him. li is mangled remains were found
that evening, end an inquest held thereoD
by Thomas J. Morris, tf Iiluomsburg.
Ttog'.y was au unmarried man, about 115 ,
Jears of cge. j
The Missionary Institute at Selinsgrovc
doses its summer session wi'.li public ex
ercises this week.
Dob. Tyler, cf Virginia, Chairman cf
the Ducbanau S'ate Committee, has writ-:
ten a long address, trying to coax the
l etiusjivanians to stand up to the slavery
The Williatnsport Dank will ask for an
increase of their banking capital to Two
Hundred Thousand Dollars.
We heard a good story told lately of an
Irish lady of this town, who discovered ,
a spotted land tortoise while gathering ;
berries, and io great tribulation called ou j
her company to come and sec a rattlesnake '
with the box with the rattles iu it oo its
back !
The Tyrone .V'ur comes out with a Na-1
ti'.nial sheet f.,r the 4th of July being1
1 1 .Ltd iu n the outside and J'' il '
-le-a 'l:.J. White aud Fa-."
i Ths slorni, Wednesday of last week,
j blew dowu the bain and unroofed the
hou-0 of Saiiuel Kckert, near Milton.
Mr. Hciiicn, D. L. lriind, aud Mr. Chnii.
i berlin, also suffered by the destruction of
fiuil trees, fences, timber, A;. Pbom--burg
aud Middleburg papers uotico simi
lar Josses.
i The barn of Mr. Kepler, nrnr Pine-
! prove, in Center county, was struck by
lightning, and burned down.
Some nf tins papers already notice an
increase e f iusect-eatttig biids, nn 1 a corn P
poiiding decrease of the worms th .; iufest
The bousj nf C i liTith J. I'avis of Val-
. ley township, t.ear D invtlie, was entered
liv robbers twice in one week. The lb-'
night they toak or s ;0 from V, in.
Montgomery, a boarder. The next i,it l;t.
tl:e bred at. a sou nf Mr. D.'s, who was
watching, a ball grazing his pii.-.n ; he
fired lack, when one utterid a bellid
seieam, and the iblee uisaj peared.
The Danville luUVi.j. nn r bus com-
! mai.cid its Gild voidiiu atid liev-r, il
states, has it missed publication a single
week. That is rare energy and punctual
i:y. We bar a cnu'lo of the Lloouisburg
niltois l.avo lorgottcu the lesoiutiiiii of
the iht villi; Typo CoDgiess, respecting
eouries !
Harriet S. UoUtii?, a gill of r.nly
three ycats, la.-t week fell into a lif.e
spring in lieinlotk dp , Cc.umlia Cj..
and was Jrow ued.
V.'c s-o it staled '.he S-.tibtiry nd 11.1
IiaiiioiiJ has loeateil their I.. ai tin- sa ;
on Cell, llalsey's land, at one r! ibe cas:
slopes of the Allegheny Mountains.
Forney's '.-.; has ti str-ng cdii-ri il,
urging tne Democrats of Pennsylvania n il
to a.o.e.v the mxl State Coiiventioti, afd
the app diiiiiietit of Delegates to tin
Cl ar!e-i, n Couvt'tition, to Lc nfi-'-J or
(..liaiu del. it aaits them.
riiuZ as Gasp.l.
The Dellef ...ito ' ' u'l-'il J'irn one of
the ablest and freshes: of our exchanges
has the following remarks upon subjects
which we commend to the candid atteu
tiou i f Headers as well as Publishers :
Ui.p.,ii.i i li, 'Hull lite '.trrrouiif hr jiublUU
til lit Itir Ci uill Jftftir..' In Ihfae Welds, llie
prof ei-lni-s ot joiolic ioe-e:m-s, private as
v in Lea e.t s, jomies. picnics, rl ttra,u I he emi
ot liie ell..i;ti i. aie eenelaliv ea.ie.l. i'ei.l'U-
linaeine loal they have only
meet and re-
ati.t the printer wiil puhii-h ilieir pre-
aiiiL-ie.s an I re-niuuiin- without r-iruinetatioii
or til j-ctKiil. It a eompaiiien dies he must
1-e e.iihaiinetl in a loi. set nt' resolutions at
tiie exoeii.e ol' the punier. Il a lew specula
tois ineel lor the purpose ol' oVvuing ways
and means to piuiider ihe public, the printer
is expected to endorse their movement, and
applaud llie movers, praiuitoiisly. Il an as
pirant lor lavor laanatjes io set the endorse
ment nl' a lew personal fiiemK, the printer is
called on to spread the astounding fact as an
ebullition nf enthusiastic demand, and suck
his thumb tor pay. The fart is, we are get.
plans. ie are weary1 t'l this constant
! drali on our lime, labor aud resources audit
is about lime the publishers of newspapers
understand their own interests and them
selves. We are al nays willing to second any
movement for the pHhl.c ffmJ. but this con
siant drain on nur liberality merely to benefit
and elevate inj.irdttfil, is more lhan we are
able to submit to. We must live. We have
iiiouihs to feed and hacks to cover, and they
will nut be satisfied, as we have rttca been
compelled to be, ui.li fn.tu'mx. (if all other
wori.,iit; men in the ctuimry. the pulishers of
country new papers have insuperable dilli
eulties to combat. Their labors, besides be
ing punrly appreciated, are pooily paid. They
are expected to advocate local interesls uilh
oui local support or encoiiravo'ineiit, as many
f the men w ho are eneaeti m home enter
prise treat their local journals with neglect,
ami a contempt coirtenial Willi their vanity
and ingratitude. We alc for nothing but
w hat is just, and will sobmit to nnthin-a: but
v h.uis ri;ht. Wea-k only to be paid fur
nur labor. And it is labor, nay. a Mmgjjlc of
mind and tnti-cle, tn keep a country newspa
per all ,at. Therefore, those who wish to u-e
our columns for their own benefit, must p;
pav cash, as they pay f,.r their bread a.;. I
'inter, their raiment, their plea-urcs, and iheir
' hi this connection, v.-e can nprropnatelv
a!!it,ie n, the system i t adverii-mc evei v u,...
trom. every humlm?, every lililiv lalseb-ed.
and imposition, winch is funu-hci! tn the
country press by agents, 'flu evil which the 1
country press are utiiitlentienallv lioni? by
such ai'.veriisintr. is beymnl caicuiatiou. 'i'heir
readers are misle.l, and the yeiiiiir and un-o- ;
phistieaietl iilten ttrion-Iy injured in hcabh
and morals, and, to add to this heap of
wroni;-". in nine cases nut of ten the country
ptibli-ber is cheated out of Ins pay. (ienlie
men of the country piessf we have this mat
ter tinder our own control, and il is tune the
sv-leni was aboli-h-'d. We klmw nf j .'iirnaK
lilied with adverusni''. the rea!iiic ot which,
iu any other shape, tvniild be inlei.l,. te, ju
eveiy liiira'y in the Siiiie. ft is w r.-ue'. mor
ally u'r-.iivi, because the a.lverii-n:- i-oluuitis
of a neve-paper sh.,u!d be a- pine and di-ni- ,
lied as llie editorial. To make litem such, 1
di-h-ito'-t advert i -in1: ae-itts and their iixendi.
arv cards mti-i be lepinlniieil. s., lar as we
at e concei n-,1, we waul none nf liieiu, as they
are a curse lo the cialt and an litjaiy to the
The scene at the subscription to the i
Crst city pa.-s, tig-r railroad in l.'altirnoro
was more aii.u--.in2 and exciting than that .
at l'ittsl i.t g. 'i lu re was no light, it is :
true, but some one stole the book of sub
scription, and there was quite a hunt fori
it before it was oblaiued. 1 he amount i
subscribed was one hundred and City
millions of dollars, a sum large enough to :
carry on the war with Austria and drive
her out of Limbardy aud Venice One !
individual subscribed sixty-five millions of
dollars ; one subscribed fifty millions, and ,
another ten millions. A Pbiladclphiao,
named Graff, subscribed for livo millions .
worth, with a proviso securing one million i
shares. It is gratifying to know that af
ter we have built our city railroads there
is so much money lying loosely about, ;
ready to be invested in other enterprises i
of the kind ia other cities. The amnuut '
really needed f"r the work being probably j
half a million, there will be a considerable
Wasiiinuto.v, July 1. Judge .Mer
rick, of the U. S. Circuit Court, for this
district, has, upon appeal, affirmed a de
cision of the l'ateut Office lo the effect
that the patents to Singer & Co., ia 1S44
and ISoLi, for improvement in sewing ma
chines, held good by reason of the public
use of the iuveutiou for more than two
years, with the knowledge and consent of
Wickersbam. Millions of dollars, both to
public and private interest, are involved by
this decision.
Senator Seward sailed from I.ugland
dirrcily f'.r E: IVer-burg
hwiili-n VtMh tfMit r.urnsldp. tae Iwasrr.
Wo are extremely "rry lo bear nl the
death of the Hon. Jamks Huussidb. It
appears that ou the evening of Friday, 1st
iust. the Judge was about io take a ride
with bis nephew in a bugg- y to which a
spirited young horse was alia' bed. The
Judge got into the buggey, but before bis
nephew bad tot in the bor.-e became unma
nageable, and rim nil' at full speed. In
turning a corner, the vehicle was upset,
the Judge violently ibrowu out, and almost
instantly killed. The deceased was Pres
dent JuIl'o "f the Center, Clearfield and
Clinton Jistiict, at the timn of bis death.
He was married to a daughter of ieii.
Cameron, and leaves several small cbil l
rer , and a very huge number of friends,
who nioirii with I hem over this sudden
be rea'. ctu1 nt. I! inhlui'j 'i I.
Jki'.i-Mi.Y'i Sili.Mii.l. This gentleman
is i member of the Slate Semite and also
a Lutheran divine iu connection with the
1', tiu'a Syio d. At Synod in this place,
last week', Mr. Siiiudei's ca-it wis brought
up,discu-sed at length, and finally releircd
to a eominiilee. ibe tono if the di-cusi 'ti
seeintd to indicate that the In lit':; is that
Mr. S. siieue.l fit lit r resign bis j t'ei! t
hi- clerical olfuc. Mr. S., huwvvn, fi-in
a letter pa l. seems to wish t) add other
eotigr, g.itioiis to his charge, rath-r than t-i
give up tin -e h i ban, aud is little inclined
I i yield his political aspirations. J.'lu
, ill 'janr.
VuTiMi in Illinois. l..ug'ns c-ijn-t,
I., ni l.-, is a fast place, aboun ling iu
progicssne Detinerats, who think their
ci.il i tiis'.ii'ss on earth is to vo'e fatly,
v (, -! n, and keep on voting until the
.is ; ; e el sed. A few iliys a" there
j.,- in,:-'; li fr llie county p. a:, an 1
tin. to.ii. .'.ie i.1 ami Tu-cola were rivals
f.ir tlie to t.r. Neiii.e-r t-.iwn iiad over In -lore
t' ) buii'ired vi.te-, yet Areola
cate ot. l.."...u. 1 two hundred atid si.tty
witi vol s, and 'f'u-cola t!ir-.-e ibjusaiid
i i.'ht i.utiv' . 1 ..i.d lii'tv-.-.ne 1 1
; The ii-iv U man Catholic pan r, tl.c
M if )i ili't'tn JCi fun', lately established in
N. w Vnri; city with the especial op r .b i
tien of Archbishop lluglus, is out :u a
strjug aud aerim "iiious articlo against
Louis Napoleon, Victor llinauuel, and
(iaribaldi. The spirit of the article 1
friendly towards Austria.
Nt) I'sE. The late Democratic State
Convention t f Ohio, hud at Colatnl ti-,
passed a strong ji'jntir r oin'y nsiiu
tiou. The Kici.in nd ." , . , the lead
ing Dciiiocratiu orgau of to ; Suuih, ,pi itcs
it, and adds: "Just such a resolution
will be proposed at Charleston, aud will
be voted d iwu by the Conservative De
mocracy. A'o dtunfe j'jr comjjruMi-."
I Fifty patriotic Democrats, who obeyed
the party instructions to " vote early and
vote often," at the recent Kausas election,
arc now in jail at Leavcuworlb f ir the
j fraud. The Uepublicaus believe that they
: will prove that the Democratic majority
in Leavenworth county was more than
; ....)- ..n of double and imported votes,
j The number killed by tne recent norrt
1 ble accident on the Southern .Michigan
: Hailroad, exceeds fifty more, it is stated,
' than by any railway accident in our eouu
try. Others still, it is supp ised, were
; drowned, unseen. An iron express safe
J was broken iulo fragments by the concus
sion. ! In Maine, Mr. Smith, the Duuhanan
j candidate, was nominated for Governor,
i and funr Charlrston Convention Delegates
. wero appointed, l! Administration and 2
Ami. The liesolulions try to be ou both
! sides. The leading Democratic paper
says that Gredcy himself could not writo
a letter that would do as much barm as
Senator Douglas' late letter will.
The llcpublicans of California Lava
' nonnuated Leland Sanfnrd, of Saeratiien
. to, for Governor, '.. F. Kennedy, of Santa
j Clara, for Lieutenant, aud Col. E. D.
; liakcr, of San Francisco, aud 1. 11. Sib
, ley, of Placer, for CoDgress.
; In Vermont, the factions of the De
j mocracy are engaged iu a fierce contest.
! The Aduiiuistiauou party arc facetiously
dubbed "cow-boy.-," aud the Douglasites
rejoice in the euphonious appellation of
" stump tails."
' Tviknty TiioisAXK Wmcvs-. Sir
Walter Sc. ft admits that the battle nf
; Waterloo created in the Dritish F.uipiro
fftrni t!i"ustni,t irhl'.vs. it is probable
that the recent battle of Magenta ha' cre
ated t in nil ttoiisjiiii widows and S.Ve
th'iitnttii't orphans.
In North Carolina the old Dritish laws
ot branding, wh'pping. Ac, are still iu
force. It being a good ininrnlif State,
the federal liueiialiau papers Jou t com
plain at this tieatment uf their poor white
brt t hi eti there 1 J
ID race Greeley addressed several bun- :
dr. miners, Ac, in DoLVcr City, in a '
room, oats end of which was used for
eMnblin:.' K ml the other for driukiug.
Thus situ-red, he earnestly exhorted them
to avoid boll. n. inking and gambling. !
John Wis , v. ii li a companion, started
up from St. Lou s on the 1st July, ami
landed i' Ti v, .t'. w York, ou the 3d.
He talk- .iy to balloon it across the
Atlen- -
TI; i'i ri-moulli (Va.) Transcript cm-
tains an advertisement by Ihe Coiitctor,
proposing to sell, on the ISth iust., thirty -six
free negroes, turn and buys, aud seventy-six
womeu and girls, uuder a provis
ion of the city charter directiug ihe sale
of all free negroes who fail to pay their
taxes. i
Mostoomerv, Ala, July 1. Five bills
of indictment have been found by the '
Grand Jury against Mr. M iror.ey, former
Express Ageut, for the nub- zz'ement nf
tOO.OUt). Marouey failed to appear iu
Court to answer, aud his bail bond was
forfeited. I
In l'rooklyn, New York, a boy only
six years old, killed his brother, aged ten,
by stabbing him in the breast with akuife. I
They were quarreling about an excursion j
A college with anti-slavery principles I
and influences, Las been established in
Dernc, Kentucky.
Heavy Vukdict. Ia the Court of,
Common Fleas, pirt second, Judge Daly
prcsidiug, Andrew Stevens against the
New York Consolidated Stage Company,
obtained a verdict, on Tuesday, of S2000,
for injuries done to himself by being
thrown from one of their stages through
the press carelessness of one of their dri
vcrfj va the 2."JJ cf Octcler last.
. lSo!.
Win. O. Uoode, la'e Member of Con-;
grcs.H from Virginia, died, SJ :uot., of coti-
UIU !!!.
Kx-O-mrn'T F.d.v.irl llvrclt's wlfi
died al Ibi-ii n on the 4'h i""-t. ,
l'anueii ol' I'nii.u Cuunty, T.ikf
Notii o !
Whiteiiatk's W. J. Reaper k Flower.
K wonhl r. ill the ai'eiition nf 1'aroiTs
l,i lh l-. jilsliy eel. hi ale, I Mae il I lie. as
one nf the ill. i-l rel.aiee I 'oilil'llo'ii .Maeliilie
I,,,U' ill Use. It I- li" oxjoo ,n,ent, havmu' lo '-ii
u e,l lor 111- pa-t s-vin yepr-.aio! Im- fr ve l
to be rqnal or superior I" any mher eh :..'
in u-e. We ino.'lii i'ii!,li-h n u titer tVi.iii-
cite-, aiol in. my a ants ,. lit -I preinioins ..ver
oth'-r Mai Line-, at, I t-,1 in. my Irirc . loro s.
fun v-i- ill '!" n-i i. -r. i''ir Maeii:i.es u,;l
lee, inoo-ti I lin in -el v e-.
AO M.n'ouifs ar- ai i in; "'I lo wi'ik
ami e-ie 1, liel. rt ...te- aie fiv.ll. Ii.r leiiii
Uie 111- till. V.'f I It'll I V .1-'C l..!!llel- II
Ujiiniif i he Ml'.' .lilllsi.V .M.M'iliN!'. I''-
lull' OI,-,l,.l-I,J. Ail, l''l- - 'li' IO ih" Mill-
i,'' i;,fr. ,,r In .-rle i ,1 He l I. l..uiu !
I- r -oi... '. 1 1! I - ,r- ii'ijo'. .' ;e i-t I'i'l to :
J .-(-li M K.oi feu - l.ewi-l-.iie.
I ; lint,. 1,K-- Mihoiititir. t
.1 : 'i I1 r -loan V. e.t Miiluri. j
II - . ,'er U S 'I'n '- - and ' 'hi K.r!.
ai M Itoi..
Or i . Till-: S. V. lli'lT.NA' K.
I. ii'i:, I'a. lientiai A-' iit
I in- ali .ve Maehiiie w-.s nwar'el lb
rili.-T l l:l:IH l .1 --.'i" as llift.l ci..:. -lie
! .Vai lnne al Ur ''i-al Tiial hy llie . rih
iii,i!e,iiini (Yiitnv A erictillnial Sioee'v, neai
A!.!;. .n. Jo!.- J.!. is.'.').
l'iiee ol Machine-, VH) a ml Vi:t.".
iarc ot of Oj-c Zeoit
'i M'fl'U)' -Tii.-vi'.M-rih'jr u :!l r-H;
: '1, ' I f'lM - '!' ill' JilV WilCf
. i .:.r, i r.-v.t.ur at 1 ck I'.M. . I .
S.ii -i::iAV,J i i.v H;,I8."t,
n ?tr- ; ii ' ifti-ive c-'!it rii-.n u.' 'iir f fll
ii'l 't f ntl'r.icn.L' a tariHy ol kir..U
i. cA.v An i'f'. I'!:illt"-, I'i 'i Ir-n. i V n tT
C 'tN ;n i! 1 i r.i CiiiM-!-, !,i.,i atij vM-t
- i s .'ti.i ;i t.'i.il v.triisv if.t nnn.f ri'M- t.i
in .t'Mii n-ni'--i fvcryfinn nl' fMe Tor!-
ti t i. ii-' !r.'i:i ?!. r'-ji.cr'a up tu iln
if t I;.'--- Tim. I U . C h.t Iia
i nc ;':il'i r. iiltcr.tl.inre a:j,l pTronrf' nre
ii. w iic.!, aiitl terms wiU he mailt. known liy
I.miortant to Faruiers & Gardeners.
MIK subscriber hiivinir recently traveled
nitieh in ih i s and atipiinmg States, and
the creat failures in llrai.i an'Minid-n
Veitetabo's. has eeiieluded that a I II. I V'. .'
t)h' slll'.b is fiLiniutily iitf'tiri .- this also
i the opinion ol llie be-t Agriculturists. t:epe
raily. I have lh'Tefure imported .-r made
aiiaiiireineiits Inr', tjuite a variety of XE;V
seets, s-ich as hae" been f. uiu! best suit-il to
our soil and climate al this time. The fi.Po
uinir are specimens of new varieties, and
, iheir yieid per acre, ww tn hand fi.r sale at
my residence iu .Miliiinbtirs, I'nion t.'o., i'a.:
! II W r- ',f V,'. ,.r
Jn.m. 1't.tirc. Hu'"l
W'tiitp V.nz Mi lit.'rmipiin VVli. al,
Ti ry Hsrty . Iiii.-ti.ia .'u J". r, i
F-iriy In -li lt n'iii.m-n r.ilat'-.s ,ln t-II a i-l
tv lute Ki i'. SitiiiiT li n, ttry i arty Ktrt in a ""
I! "Hint er W inn r :m lii,.-ia 4-"i a en
. l-.iul or l-,.r,ll,..-.' tinrley -lntly I 'I f i-t
W Int.- until, r -ili 1. 1 It-n. i-r ! ti-h.-I tl , ;;, 4 ;.a
. loii..e'oru,K.ii(;-.irs, ri- iu lootlj.it Itus-is lfi .1 1 1
j Vr 'a,..r
I Ajilryif ,lr-l..n. mitli.'. pie like green arjilf, tiry
I Sir'nrlrry 11 nf, -run tun. TiTV Iiiew .V
..rn Il-nn. v.il lik. zrin t-ini ti-ry pr .t'li-tlte "J-s
nr...,,.. .f, r.r.t i,..l,-tt,i,,s. i, l.i l.,r-.. Via
II,., irr -r 117,,r tWi;'. train li, rumii), tuakf yi'
j III;,. , Ii.n -1
. 11'tl.iT'l S.in.'.h.ntt tik-.wt JKttutt lia
.sw.-rfi.. 7,-i.., .. w.-tiili li. Ui I'i It., t.-ieli. ket-p thf
liale yeitr, v-r. hartly -5
j rV'AII orders fr Wheat must be in bf the
j 1st of Amt'ist. and for any of ihe other sec !s
, by the 1st of October, tu secure a supply. The
pay must accompany Ihe order, which should
be carefully addressed tn A s KI.I.Mi.
Tot Milihti! urgl'iimn Co, I'a
i Auditor's Notice.
rilHK undersigned Auditor appoinled by ihe
I Court of 1,'nion county to distribute the
i money arisins out nf the edi cts t f limn IV.
Vim in the hands of Thoiuus lieber his As.
1 sigi'.fp.will attend to the duties of his appoint
! merit and meet the panics interested at his
office in the bnr.iu-h nf l.cwisburs rn Friilay
t the 1st day nl July, 1 !."!, at IU o'clock A M
of said day: of which all coneen.ptl will please
take notice. W Jl. JUNKS, Auditor
! June ti, 1M.')3
' 'The above Audit is confinuri bv consent
uiiiil Saturday llie '-it. I day nf July next, al the
hour and place above staled.
, June -'!, Is.-. i VM. JOM:s
Minniiit roji sii.u,
I Cash paid for Hides 1
' rpilE stibse.rir.er wmi.M re-p- ''lui'v nilo:.,i
the public that he h.i. iu i n h .i I a
select ass. Hi men t o.' the best MII.KI.i: Vl'iillU
I-r the supply , f Ins eusl, oners, te-eiiier u lih
a s'ipern,r l.,i . i I I'l'ilKS. ti Inch he w ill sell
up. oi accomim "o; terms.
lie solicits i, i tu n (f the r.'.mier; to '
bis price-, i
Ail hav .-p-se of wi'l do bein r
to c.'d ii ,;1 ,,i j. ,,ee thetii in li.e
hand, of A. ..e is den rmineit n eive
satist.ietieii . ..,s ; iiit. uiar biatieh of pur
chas. s. i;. J. JIL I.I.
Levi isbiir'. June I, Is.'. l
J Janathan IMesbit's Estate.
I 'OTWK is hereby given that Letters rf
' . A liiiiiii-triition on the K-tate of J.. Haiti
an esbit. bite of Leu-isluirj borou-h. I'nion
county, decease, I, hi'e been srante.l by the
fii'SISler of I't.lnn c. ; :ly In the subscriber.
All peis,.i:s m i It-i i,.. ! estate will make
itiinn d.a'e p-ivie- lit: in., iiio-e Imviiii; claims
tc.il pic-etil thelll pren.-i ' : a 'II lien I icaled lor
selilenoi.t. II! till 1'. M!i:i.U:;,
I.ewisburtr. June 2, 1 -.'! Adininistrator
A Kew Eusincss in Central Penn.
'i'n tin iittlic in tiiraL M'llini rx in vcrtirulcr.
'I'he utidersiened would re-pectt'iillv
ik .inform the dwellers in l.ewisbur? and
k- --' s.irrouiHliiii; coui.trv, ihat they have
' i " ' a
Mi.ivv !In & Itoiinct lafitt IiiiliT
aid rUHislNU esiablishment in this town,
where ue are prepared to execute all work
entrusted !.. our c ire. Uavim; had M vears'
c-iistaiit experience in the business in I'hiiad.
('ity, an! lieinj acipia'nteil with the most
z proveil process of lileachin, we are conti
ib ni nf i,ur ability to suit those who p,ive us ,
their custom, liy devotniz lime and attention
to our business, performing work neatly and
delivering it promptly, we hope in succeed, j
We also .Vnur and Jit-l'uiiah r'ELT aud
Our work is di ne in City style and nt the
lowest City prices. We make the usual liberal
deduction lo the Trade and hence .Milliners :
will limt it to iheir advantage to deal with us.
We intend lo make it a rule to linish and
deliver all work during the week it is received.
provided we sret it on or before Tuesday
St. .Tnhn St- betwif n 4lu aud Ub, Dear J. W. slirilieris
March !. ItsS!) I.ewisborg
W-PI C-N IC.-w
M We'll jump into the Wagon, aai all uke a ritle.'
LAKIIE, handsome
xl. anil verv comforta.
Me W t- has been
fitted up for the especial aceoinuiodalton of
I'ic-Xic and oihcr similar exctu. -ions. Terms
moderate. Apply tn Jos!. M. 1101 JEL.
Lf-vi tcurj'. J 'tut. :' ihv.
r if ?F I ' ' - yt ..;
fy -J; V r'-i l.- - i A'' - - .- -i - ai.--
MAI1SH cc (iraiii aiid (m-s ('inter
ii.o i i-tiii',1 atiii :v t -"::sii:s nrii rii i:r i.r
, i; ; :i to tit" I itiiiiic:; I uliiu.
. ;r , - ,. i, v,-.' fr. n. . k;'.s :!;! r..r ; . J.-r.s i f fira- s ai, (;-a r,
u h' .":jt.. j,.,., r v..-: i i vr..'s'.'f . ' a: v v r.. i:r.i ! '.;ii.t r-w,f.s m;t fin.- .
,-t,. lt oo'JF.n REAPER, AND M OWE H it'iiMr.f i.
I C ':
I ID p : : 'V Tit
: . it a 'i i;: ts
j n1 r ; L v. u
r -. I -t, i ' '.
Ai'I.S NA.Vr.iJ.
I'Mi'X r.. n ; . .1 '
y-, .,-..-..'... -.I :. li.ig-r.
JLn A. M.-r:z I 1. J'. GiiMla.
Win. i;..-b-...g. I
7V. ,,.,-. e Kl,ut lb I.aiid.
William Jones. Jiah Filctr
IH.-tii t At'ni-h'i Altert II. r-o.
John 11. I.ii.n. ! Samuel II OrwiL'
i i. ii I
U il Hies ... 1 1 a iu , iii. I
'oiii".-t'oJi'.r Si' mile 1 Marshall.
An l.il aid Tlo-nris.
Me-srs. Edi'i rs AI'i m- tr.e tl.r, ue'i v
eeliiu t. in pre-ct t.i the pu.'.'o' J'is-I!i
BAKE it. of I. ewis. mri. as a sue "i-.-i
to fill lite (Hi. ee ef '-".7y 'ir'irurir .ni jeel
tu 111 ti.iiitiliiition ol til I, urov e oi'.-e- ii. n , '.
SUtli A'
.July 11
r-.: fr li'i'iii-' i I u tu i v I' . .... Ii
. V ., ................ . I...-..,..-. .,..
many uh wom!.1 v f- r h:m ir 1 1 1 ; : "
t.u;mir'Mr. J J:al 1 ar t Miou.-l c .
tir.uailv liiif-t ;.y rur -; r -: jp-t an i 1cm 'i'.i,-.!-itictt
in"i. r tiK'V v-pfiot a!i 'itir cuiri'v t.iX"-.
He is wcil k:iL.wnt hoi-r-t. ?.r., c.-mp-1. nf.
MIA.VOiviX llilx.i;.
riV'tii- Vtfr ct I "n i-CMiniy : Ouo l'-ti-
I eration ha pas-.i au-av sinrc be h.re
( lei) in th II ar ! ot C-uii' 'tinur-- -irnt r. I
; then-f.ii- i,ik" thi i:irih-.l ot pr-p-m? Vr.
ISAMIKI. M AKMIAM. l.-:.re ihe -,M- h An:.
, ronvcnu.-n, ::s 4 out Itl isMIM'r. Me
; a naiive ot imr c 'imv, a c- n-i t r.ii !- t.t
paver. aiil a p.iny ma;, t-very wav li:. e r., t
tt nt m: ! w . r.i.v. h .:!.!. V
r'D the Voters ot I' ' ,n c .
I iny-elf as a can I. late !. r tin- ..- , ,
I'rulSioiiotar) stit i tc- ,m. ..
thf Ke-l,.,;ca, Cell .','! ' .11. S...i i :.l 1 be - ..
loliill.ale a- lo be I Itlii'i .Vl,i eiieli !, !
Will I'lnleavi r to ptlieriil ih" dil' .'s 1.1 s.,;,i
oliiee v.tlii I;1-'.!-.. '.'.M lil li-iil l. ! .
eef It, i !iil. .1 Hue I, 1 s " :l
T 1UI.I.OU C.!'..:,s ; I tuTer Itivself a a
I1 can.'id.i'e ..r t'ne OiSce rf I: o:iit
l(ltai') of I n', n e oinly stlbj, ct ! Hie
decision of the I'l.I 01 C ltveniien. MaviliL
been urced by iutnii ii.e. I'l ioe!-, 1 hi.;-e i.
leceive a lineial -npni-rt. Il 1 an iiiiiuaie!
and elteied, I will . li.ooi me dui.es e; the
nll'tce to the hf-I t t ii;- iibi!. v.
Lew i-l ur:-. .lime I., l-.'o. U IMIfLr-IN
IiEU.ow ci 1 1::.-
can !i ii-e l. r liie .
1 1
o V.e i T -
'I of i!? t:
l:tl'y "I ' ! n eoun'c. --u! -t t
c:-iou i.t t!ie I'lioti Cf, ivei.r.. ii.
i -en nt ee 1 by it ueiei . u- li .ei. I it
i i iir ;t i 1 ' i i .i 1 i : i '. li I am i.
.e.l i iefe :. I u i 1 j i i , mi llie t!tr .
i.t, ... . ft i.e." t w.lil Ihe !".' ' r
.i':i : a.
i - .'
I -V
, M.v 1-
tVi'Hiini .Jiii.' .
o ru'oo" 'it 'I be u ,i .
lV.ce i 1 ClU I V I !'.
llllsslis. EihTuK.'s - A.;, v.- in-, lb e-!i
J your c, itiinii-. in tires-ill I- i j . .-.
Mil II. hi. u Hi. i:-...a. : . i -i-
s,oi to liii ibe it.ee el I'.-H ,el : i. . . ',.
1- .0. inn!. Hilly i,!!,'.:'".! 1. r ihe en' s . f liie
i tiit'e. ai.. I at' -u i- pi t or ; aa ,le ni - : t obi -' , e ,
bilstiit Tiie I'i liveiiihiu i:l be i.i .u.
east e, li! I place it., i t-:, r n.ii.'i en lite iicIm I,
and c it : 11 L'tce bun a beany sue- i
West lliiialne. M.,v iii. iV.. MANY.
1 lat.e
Tint ihe Cti .'-iis- i f I n., ti ri-iiniv
I tins tin in. ,.l .. iiiltiuiiiii. leeiileol "
the dimly lliat I w.ll I e a can,!: ;a'e tor tin'
ollice i f f I 1:i;io(; ;;t ihe ensoii,-
electu n -ui j,.(-t ,, tiie ,:, e i-n n ef f.e r. n-
ventlin ot Ibe tppoiiei.ls l ihe Nat nr.,! Al-
i.-.n,-ira.i.n. JOHN Itll.tiEK
.Miliilt.i'iiiL', M.iV In, IS.'el
I .1. It. Tut'KC re-pectftlllv
anno unrrs
that he win le a a ri , 1 1 'ue n r the oiiice t f
L.'ISTKICT ATToKM'.V l. r Ci i ui c.-uii'v
subject tn lite decision nf ibe eon veie i, -ri t,
the U LI: il nt All-ilsl licit. M:lV IK, X.V
- - -
Jo'ltt It. I.illil w.u .l re-peetinlly an-
nnunce that lie w;! be a eiinil tlaie lor the
oll.ee of DISTIilt'T ATTOKNEY b rl nun
county s'lbj-ct to the choice t I' tj.,. r.-iivii-
linn nt the i'.uh AiiiT. m x'. "?i v I t. i-is'i
Ti e ttntlersirrcl .,.,--, r, n-'
stautlv on hand I'mnh K'trn
nL"x-zr.. , ' "
Lj'r-.-V-.ltl siis, .lint tuiiii-tivs eeit an
ncic n iiinretl by Ih-niiiliii'.' tia.ie.
(Complete sausia -iitin euaranti nt for ey-rv
article soiti. .Mnlers who preier the solid
Burr, by civin I to li mouths' in tice. can
have iheir orders cxectiri t! at the ijnarr'cs m
France. Address W M. II. KE1W E!!. I
April 1, lS.iHinli Hf.rr'fif.irf; I'.ll., Pu
Dr. C. niUEAL,
HAMNt; resumed the practice of MEDI-I
CINE, tenders his professional services
lo ihe citizens of Lewisbnr and vicinity
O.hce and resnleiice at the ti esi end of Market '
street, opposite Frick's roimdry. plune l.'S9 j
I.lalVIS I'il.lllllt. I
Ttr'TriTT-i"p i -ri tn i.i-n i
I It 7:. r.l
taVOtl.tr in ti,r r.i nt i:..;:. tin- .IJ i
i t , , r i i : . 1 1 r
t ;i I l - i:.;r. : -. r .
f i it : .;.t V'-i iL'ir t.as ihwn
'I : ; ;,f Tc. pi.,! ,( fr. . r
I.. . .i i . v. c: i..t t iMC' r:.t:r.-i K-. ' - r
t. .-v. " r r r ' v?' !r:c r.t In rnc tV-'i
n ; nil ' ' . . ':; itt : v. T -ie ;ir. i tr t. : V v ..:
.IA S S. MA LSI I .V- CO..
!. iv- ;. I i cf.'uttv. iv nr. a
-- -. ,
- s lie .pv.rn! J ,
! . - i; i ,
:, ..i I.- - -
Vii.i VVKi e i
!- v '.' i!e v.
.-I ti. aui.i:.
1 '
; , ..
'" ; ""
I ....
. . . . .. ... ,s x
s 'a- s . Vi .
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' J it ..u nt r . d' c"1,, -i'eao-
a, ' v. -.ti! I.t t --.iii-.n iie- '1'iirnp k '-;
V 1 -i. i.t !. -u-.-i.I.-e t M :"ii.!iil-. .em 'lie .r
V- ii t ( i l l i. -' i ' n-reh-s. w..;n a
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i ;-. c ..ta.ii.i,
A i.v
i '" yoirrhnsin .rv t
iK.,.,.... pr.ir.tTi.e.. w.
il-" S '.'II C.ei i :
J. A. MKKIZ, t.v..oui.r
I.e vie -!.
I i
1 - 'ii
For Sale,
r,H T i!.s;raU!e fr..p.-r'y. rt.rnr of S.
I J-'nn an I Wat- r Ms .-. u.r NzThrt-r
35 r in h:r!i ar- ftrr-tl a m;;i
li -ur. Sn'i, at-! W hart. Tluv i an r-U
! nl c vmn r a Uivcr roult-uce or place
lr icnns A r.. a:pJv fo
.'nWIHlN ( iI.TH. Ajt .
. I.cn ,-?...:,.. J.;,,- i.,
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f':i;i. " '. a pr rey'e -i
.' Ui ! .Vi--!: : I J
I er. ii..!. T-i:..- -a-v. A. r ;
. i.' A II. ilKse
rjl'.', u l.'i - -H--.H f.-et l,. ..it fifh. .'
ii..- .., en ; , i m i:Ki:r ri;i:m.
1-l'os;'-. '!',;. ;is 111. .'-rit'e. -lure , i
lo. '- I - el l'u. tt'JI. !IAV1.
l'tii: SAI.K.
I IWlsfli.Mtl.i: Itiiil.lini: l ot. - ' tV'i
it" t ( nt !y Wit ceep. I': oi: ri- it
Kleiner C Vi'l',
a- two mil mi.i: fkave iior--3k
1. 1 1 il- and i . i-. tin It stiira! ,t n-rjii
l a i.iii.i " ,. ne en V-i ;h F. in iii -ireei a: I
. ii bo -tcet. t i s.:'-, llai.-nf eaili
, : i"- i, ...ye II.-U-. - are I. r I.'- ,!.
'. l.-i sac. l. ur li :! t;i, I,. :s nn
. : I -t - re, t. JOHN llol CHTO.N.
I. -it -ini i. I, in. iti. l-."u. A sent.
rfi'lli: uiil i.!i..-.iit'l'.i-rn s:? 5.
I ill "' H' ' e- .1 ei' ii e I., tc.- Jill
io.:..'. in cit, :;.-.;., joe b.v.r..u rin t
I '. . I u i I 1 e s :.: n r. a-.-ii ! - i, . . ..
i i r,-, f w n.i.iAM m ic.
I .-it .-i in-.'. Ib e. I ,. IS." .
f 1 1 1' i e-'i'i :,ee .0 th- sunset il er. en
J ' i ,i . J, -ir. el in ilie linroiich ll.ll
I "a -' . The b. iis,. 1S el UKIL'K. tn..
i... - - 0 ui evei v re-pi t I.
i . i .t - 'i;e h.,i: tt' be pai.l betv eeu ti. -''
' ti." ' " ' - v ..' April it. .it ; t'.e la...'-'"
' ' - i ' i '' 1 1. 1 ee or live i ar i. ic '
-.ui 'a-i a-. -,'. 1'. sst--i 'n -tten ai.t i
!-' i.s. C Al.l Ho-
tun ri ti I il I !
riMii: t Ktin .ci-uiv fa: r?f-
sent ty ". ... '..i.ai, n Ibti, i, r, n ; - I
r Si l( 1.
K. r Teim- apply to
Jan. i'i'. Is.'iS,
JOHN p. !.!N.
CPipV rn!!nr'Y f r1 C il F
uMLA rUJI-.U..! it.il uvLC.
rr"- The-u:-,.: -t,. -e
i a.i!ar ;e !!: f. rmtiv : !f
1 en-l of M.ii
. . i . a. i I ;.
I I ", ,- - -oral
. i lis , Utf
.. . : . -e i III
o - r a-. ei be
,.,l.y. I r at V
K. l.-ntisbtir-r.
1 ,,:..n Co. I'a
v- "'n'-ry mi .cli. i -
i'l'l'io- fit I'.'-'.-r; ' -
llllell'liei v:-'Vr-. e. i
it tt'e I -M Incalii.i - : '. -
The I'rer net.-r's in. e .- '
aioalier etnp'itvinei t. v ! '"''
ilc-:i.' lo i'isp'i-e t-l ' - I'
In i iier pai oen'.irs, a
. t' K A
" " Half lo t . n V..:
, 1 M . I P"l '
. i , :i , t vv.i-
mi c I. r a ! -
........ i ......
-i s re-n,t nee. w
" .' t "' 'i ti'n . '.
nr-s stand, t-r re -nieiicf. i-r b. ui teii.b i -1
"'Her I.,. is, seine oh act '
wtiii.-ut lliintliti-s. JOli-N LOl Kl
Lewi-bnr. Oct. S, is.ii.
Mill 111. II. K l.
ttlOIIK') ut !.
r-FFlCE on Siuiih Second near .Maiixt M.
) .t us..'.. m.
ITA!1 Prnlcssioeal Business entiiisir I to
his care will be luithiully and promptly aiti
de l to "s-pl. II, I".'i
- - -
t l.ri:e and well selected su ck t nf
tioeds in ihe Notion and Vai it-ty ! '' '
i... r,c. ,ve,i and ,.r..! -u-'
c.;,, ... ,. ;. r .,'.- .h-: p t-r ea (t.