Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, July 08, 1859, Image 1

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1 d (0)
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At si .50 cr Vrar. ;i.v.;sn i?i AIt since.
THIS UNION L.ai.w,;.i.-;!i . 1 -1 1 Vv'ju.; l N-i. Ll,..',7,
CililONICLU-K-TA?.! ; l.-i-I-Vv'i: i.r N,... Tr.'..
I'll I 1 11 I
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1 niuaCounlj Surkl.rttWini'iiriininick'
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!K Star autf (!tijuifi.
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O W. Bi!nv.T.
!:. I -oaf.. I i-'-..
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in Miliwsv
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.- ii I .1 ih.- Ihrai.j-.
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l'i fair- - I1-.V
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Aifl In- ti-i-. It.
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I: i Hi"
i in. t .li rfi",
tl..-m H-iim1
it i -r .-'ni',
S n MV
tii 'i hanks ti
11. I uit.iii I.r aery
t.f Ur. Van U' li-svlier's r-rm ill on the
li atb of the late lli.-'n p ! .:i!;e, and t-J
v.'ine one ui.kiinwii f'Tthe r p it of IVnti
tylvauis Hible ."" .eii ty. f o'.imji d iu ).
" A Tit' K Il.Mie-i;.i "V lei:ioernrr,
.. i -..i. - I.. I .... fl.u ..t..-,...l .....l ii...
lluicu n I'liui1 n ..u ...t i-i... .. ...
,, , r i, ,,- i. i i
mutable pnneip.es of 11 uaian l.iji'.it?, bids
deliance to the tuinuiiui.iis waves which ,
everywhere seek to u i whelm it, no mat-
ter by what wind of public epiuioQ they
may have been arnu'ed."
W'e find the above iu a Il'iehtinan pa-
per. The i lea that m .,Lru 'l.'iii. cnu-y
is founded on the rhrit-il ui iiiiinutabie
t.rineip'.e of Imm-'n r.;':'-, is timiigli to
make an owl laitli, v.iim cuopind wi'b
the oppressions of the N'yr ' and the lu-
Jinn r.ortmns ot liumaiiiyt y ui.s .-a.ne
lemocracy." 'iMm e, y a'.d Iluman
ghts"--I'oiknndlheTa, .!l .f 12 - '
, , , ,. i- , ., i.i,.
luelianau and 1 r.-o K in-i. - in t-C
me of th" rropbet fis . I
"nucii ! l!iTK 1 ll.. w many 1 1.. bss V
The r.'ess bad a c-.d deal of fan at the
r ipcnse ef 7, ichary Taylor b
tuse iu bis
l'rcsideutial message be snid "We are at
peace with all the worid, and sett to
lBiinlsin our cheri-ln d relitions with the
rrsf nf init nkin.l'1 (.'oils
Zacbary had seen more service in the
field than iu the council clambers of the
nation, some allowance should have been
made far the alleged blunder. L'ut
what mu-t we think of such a si-holar as
James liuebanan perpetrating a bull more
ridiculous than Z ichary 's! The Presi
dent, it seems, has been en avi.-i't to North
Carolina, and while there be bad a "talk
nt the people," and in tho c including por
tion of his remark, Jeeins made the follow
ing startling announcement :
"My lamp of life can uot c mtinue long.
I hope I may survive lo the end of my
1'residential term, but so cmph-ilically tin
I believe that mmiK-iii s v.'l us ii,rj,i.
filr uf the Vnil.'l .V'.i''s, are interested in
he preservation of tins I umn, that 1 dope
1 may be gathered to my frith, ri before 1
f-hould tritiicts its lipi!uti'tn." j
- " " . '
ureejey on me iwcy i-4uuutdi.ta.
j 'f. mi .i i , jiiiil' i v. ;,
Tbe glorious 11 ,tky Mountains aro
J j
themselves worth a visit. They arc uot
a ntifji merely, but a chaos of mountains
three hundred miles Ir -ei'l, with tticir
f iks, their suowy peaks, tin -ir grassy hill
sides, their raviues, and their gl jrious. f .r
sts. Such clean sweet miles cf fla
grant, softly-whi.-pering pines, you never
imagined. The air is gloriously pure, ibe
bill sides dotted with springs, tbe ravines
tiiu.Kal Hj:h running streams that never
by up I wish I had one friend to go
through with mc ; I have hitherto had'
coaipaiiy; henceforth 1 suppose I must
trait! alone. I expect t ) have to go nut
t) the cr rssing of the I iatte, on the Salt
Like mail route, thence to take the mail
W. g n to I'tah. I hope to be iu Salt ,
Like City on tbe 4th of July, and in San- ;
l iaucisco about the 1-t of August. I
loean to leave for home mi or about Scp
teluber 1-t. Yours,
III. 1Mb (Jame. Ibeiazou (Miss)
I'.iwiTiit, an Administration paper, says :
' t he only practical means of p. rpetu-
- 1 I
t.f labor is im-
org our present system
I-nuig Africans," and adds, "If mc
'-JUtu believes that her necessities demand, shock especially in warm, showery, or
h. ... t l .- 1 1 . 1 . 1 .1 .1 T .1 II
j.c moor, ami sue lias not t lie courage
procure lhat labor at any bazriid. then 1,
i-t h-r pci;h as igu:uiiuiou-!y ;i
i.t de sh
Cutting anJiCuiins .Grain.
".x'Oii!iitiils liavo j.ret'y hi !1 m (t'r.l
li.c I ict lliit lic:it blioulil lit' cut wlii'e
ll"' ..'rain U ill tie Mate fiii'tii J.w-Jty.
'I liin I'ui'clusiuii tva, iliIix I, ri'iichfil -kxj.
years since in iiarJ In wln:i(, l.ul it
l.as l'j the ( Xi.iiiiii i.is ( f oi-li-kir, lint n
i-iinily sli'ina tn l e l',"!;ialle to nat;
au'l it f ulso known tj te uj'ially
i-:.b!c t lijtliiu c.irn. At first, it a
f. i.rcii lj .''.t,if tLat tlurc wvu'.J Im a grtat
. !n il.I,:!.'!! uf t in; j.'iain cut in li.is .-Inpi',
nliicli "uIJ aiimiint tn :i!" .'i-''c !.?. It
is rnv. il, linivi vi r, tliat tii.' s.ii m" t!m
rtvtti ft s'l'.iw is Mifi.-K nf to pT!" i't tii'-'
bin hii ii, uinicr.-ucli cii Un...ta!ici-"i.;"i
M-.--".. s.'.ine valnaMe j r .j crlii's wliicit it
has h-jl Hi 'J l ii 1 .-ll. jiiis UM'Ut until JtaJ
Mr. Ciii.aii s!.ito !'iat I f 1m f -in l Vy
imiiy ii,iiiiiiis i!i K'.'ai,.!, ll. it " ilm
In .-t rulj lur liarvustiijji i t v. !i.. :i :in;
staik lii'hiw the ht-aj lias t!ia:iLl ch r,
aii-1 li.e ciriiilati'Mis have tnn.-i ijurnt iy
I'l'asul, but when the prain, though it has
Lvac.l tn yi'.'i.l any iniik ut.nn pre.-siire, i-j.-t
siifl." The advantages of putiinj; at
ii is f'.we" r.ie bridij (-iven os f.iliows:
" Wheat rut car!y afiai Js mire firaiu,
y'.i iiis less bran, makes betti r lLtir, wastes
!ss iu loaiiiuj;, giv- better straw, ami
en-.tU. s i lie farmer lo dj the work more
ii i-urely." '
W. .1 .tst-.n, in iU :,: .'i-
ot.servc.- " tiram,
ll not
real d tm'i! t!it:
straw i:i v:!io!ly jt !'- w,
i riji?, us ibe ear. ("n
i . i .i - .... ..... .: .
will be mere than
i rally, cxeei.t iu 1
J'l I li iiil lam 3' .'I I iji' iij
bef re llm cntirt
ibservaulc that
f the ttraw, ami it is
i fii.--t reaped u-ua'iy '
alT-rls the Lcaviest stid f.iirc.-t sample.
The ioilieati.jt.s of ripeness in wheat are
few mid simple. When the straw txiiib-
i:s a bright, gulden color, fr .m the bot
tom ( f the stem liearly to the tar, or nhen
llie ear begins ta betid gently, the yrain
maj be cut. l!ut as the whole crojt niil
not be equally ripe at the s.une time, if,
on waiting through the field and seli-etiiig
, , , . , ,
the irrccne.-t bra-Js, t tie kerui Is cau be
separated from the cl.niT when rubbed
tbiuuh the bauds, it is a sure s;gn that
the grain is then out of ita iniiky stale, and
rj) ije reaper! wuti safety ; tor although
the utraw may be green tj some distance
J(,WLwards from the car, jet if it be quite
v-cll'jvr from tlie bottom upwards, the grain
then wants no furtln-r nniirishmeut fr.im
t;ie rarib, and, if impeily harvested, it
w; - nu. shrink, 'lluse tokens will be
f,,Und to su!'iiientiy ir.incate the ripiness
,f ,1Cat, bariey and oats; but that of
r;e al L-eS from the straw losing soruo of
ti i ..
,;3 g,dcn hue, and becoming paler.
s me cft,lc mMt Ta;uat)ilj exj.erimctits 1
wl",:!' Lavo tcen ri'PGr,t"J on " -J'!tT
are ,,io- b 'Mr- ln'n. "
utlt lolu o.u. ni-ii vi v.,..,..,.tV w -
1 1 - . I. . T j 1. a 1,..'. . A .....
,ml if Ayr ii i.'ture. I he trials were made
undirbis own direct ion, and witu great
lie cut sati.piis of wueat at li'.c
different times, as follows :
No. 1, was cut a month before fully rips. !
2, " three weeks " I
3, " two weeks " !
4, " two d.'ys "
it, " whcii fully ripe.
(if these lots, K". pouuds of grain of i
each yielded as follows : j
7.') lbs.
7'J "
Sit '
r li.s.
IT lbs.
13 ''
11 "
10 "
I 4
Thus it appears tint No. 3, which was
cut two wetks bLf rc it was fully ripe,
was superior to the other lots; giviug more
per bushel than No. :", ("cut when fully
ripe.) by Oi pounds of fljur, and a gain
of about ufteen per cent, on the 11 ur of
ffpul mcosuro of grain ; 100 pounds of
wheat of No. 3, makes 80 pounds of flour,
,!ik. ,0 ruuj9 of N. jici,i,72-
...... : ,. I. - , ....:.. '
" '"'"7 " T'T '
Ini.r i.f n. ,1. Ill oi'indin?. it was found
. ---- I
mat . o ' gtoiinu tue worst woi-e iiiau .
. j
There were in No. " a greater
iiinutity of fliuty particles which would
mil pass inc nun, man iu any oi ttie ouii-t i
. . . t i .i. .i . f .1 .t
lots. The Iran from No. . was also mock
tbiekcr and heavier than that of No. .3. I
Mr II tnnam r includes, therefore, that
in cutting wheat two weeks before it is Uf course colder and more exposed to tho with absolute ma-tery. Iu eh. ss, no tu .r
fully ripe, there is a gaiu of fifteen per frost than other parts of the i(aie ! ui bad vatopiished bun. and in faro he
cent, of fbur upon equal measures, again ,
of fourteen per cent, in the weight of
straw, and a gain of 7s. Od. sterling in the
value of every ejuarter (fiOrt lbs.) cf wheat.
Many trials have been made in this coun-
iry in cutting wheat at vai ious stuges-, and
tbe results agree, generally, with those
above given. j
Fut when grain is cut before it is ripe,
it is necessary that it should undergo a
process of curing, before il can le safely ;
stored iu the barn cr stack. Hence it is
usual to jdacc the sheaves in shock for
several days, acceuamg to the slate of
weather, or tbe degree of moisture in the
straw. Hut it sometimes happens tb:tt
loss is occasioned, more or less, by the
sprouting ot the grain while it stands in
uamp wt aiticr. l o guaiu, as wen as pos- ,
de. scainst loss from this cause, the
.t'k sh.'uld be rut 'if in the best iinu
June Frosts in Ohio.
122 Ni) frrsls in June.
ls-j: TuefJay, June 1, a littlu frnst tbis
dj M.milav, Jane 0, bcavjr frost tbis
tc.ii 'i'.,....!.... i.- i- .
. -i iu'u.iv, uue i., n.ii'i iiiisi.
. ... .
uj J liur-.tav, " Ii, ttust on low
j;rii!iii J.
(bi Trhlay, " IS, baidfrust.
ls2." Nil frost in .Julie.
l5-'j M-niilaj, June 12, a little frost
this lu.irnii.', ami ihrre were frosts
i very ni'iutu in llie ycxr.
uo In May iliere were flue's the 1?, 'Jb',
-I) ami u. j
i!j Iu July, l'ri-.l ly 1 1, little frost. .
CJ In .ii2iist, 1'tiJay it, eou.-i Lrab'ie
w hit i ! r ust. 1
'!.) ) n S'iti lubcr, Thur-ilay C, frot.
il i u i, 1'ii.lay '.'., fl is'.
Jj In O.tuber, fiusis theo, S, It, 10, "27.
ami Ijts.
lv27 I'riiiay, June, 1, liaitl fro-t tbis
dj S itur.l iv " 2, fros' and ice.
u .''l.iuJay, " 1, frost.
i! i Satiirdiy, " and iee.
d i Sunday," " '2 I, li-hl fi o.,t.
1 s2 N u fiost iu J ano.
IV21J " ' "
s;;i) n ii n
lSU IVid iy, Juno 21, a little froal
alo 2.illi.
ls2 N'j frost this month.
li-i-i Saturday and Sun lay the 1st and Twas .,t.1 e n-ump -.
t'th of June, a little frost each iitorug. I Am! sioie ihpir r---ijo.
ri. i .. i . . i..i ( . I llnii'jhT iiron ihpjr rlv
--'I J litSIJI, .JUI C "i, I I! f I UM.
1 '
On thn I -J, 1 4 and lj nf May, there
weru Very severe frosts. On the 15 of
May ieo was f inned au inch thick j
IS;;;") Sunday, Juuo '21, bard frost this
do Monday, June a little frost.
I;;1! No frost in June.
Saltirday, 17, considerable frost !
i u is ui'iiuii.e.
lS No frnst in Junr;.
1S;J (Absent, and no rvrnrd kept.)
110 Monday, June S, a bard frost.
111 N a frost iu June.
1S12 W'eduef day, June 1, a
little frost
. .
this morning.
do Tuesday, Juno 7, bard frcst ice.
do Saturday, " 11, do
Jo TacoJj, " til, a little rillit.
113 Thursday, June 1, liurd frost this
morning and a little snow,
dj I n lay, June 2, bard freezing this
do Tuesday, June G. a little frost,
do Saturday, June 10, a very cold day,
Mj dill rence in thermometer from
yesterday morning.
do Monday June 1, a little frost !
1 S H-r,., sd ,y, J une 11 a heavy .rost
this morning, and ou 1 hur.-duy, July
a ,itt;0 rfr(Mit .
d) Wednesday. Juno 12, littla frost.
lsl.,., frost iu Jooc. j
'J ba fruit Ircrs of ail kinds were in full 1
il . e . .1 . T .1 1 - K..I. .til.L
,i;i?tim iioui uie .nu to toe i.f.u i-i .i.m .
ot April, and frosts were severe iu .May. ;
Islj 1 uesday, .May 0, ice ttiis morning
i inch thick.
do Friday, May 10, frost tbis morning
do Saturday, May, 17, " "
do paturdiy, " 21, ice th'i3 morning
i inch thick.
Jo Sunday, May 25, frost this morning,
do Monday, " 2' " "
dj Friday " CO, ice moro than i
inch think,
do Saturday, May 31. frost this morning.
110 Sunday, Juue 7, a little frost.
The locusts appeared in the vicinity of
Akrou iu great numbers about the 2Utli of
May and mostly gone by the 20iU Juue. :
117 No frosts in .1 line.
1 H Thursday, Juue 13, considerable .
frost this iiinruin
lir No front iu Juno-s,-,o
tt n
l--.il--." "
1.")2 Saturday, Juue 5, a little frot
do Wednesday, " 0 " "
1"3 No ir r.'ls in June.
, 151 Thursday, Juno 1, a little frost.
- - - - j
lS55-.Mot.day, June 4, a little frost.
. ...
do iuesday, " is, "
. j ,i,T t: tt tt
- t ;n T., .
I.i7 Friday, Juue 5, a lilt'.e white fro?'.
. - f . ,,. .a .
'I .IU ll-U . U U U ' . -. -.'..... ... I 1 '.. I
. (
'''rLKin,U U on tb bio-b-lands '
l,..f. !.; i,i I..Le Fri... ami is
TuB lBorErxs in F.i.vrr. We learn
rrom a gentleman who has just arrived
,.re fiv,ln ru;n COunty, that the wheat
,.,rvcat already begun iu Kgypt. Iu
rj,ja COUiity on Monday, the Ctli J.ttsr,
j s-(.i tjiC ,,.( u !lolt ..s harvested,
aI1j ,i10 yieM wus better than ever kuown
before in that part of tbe State. Iu tbe
txt,cmo southern part of Illinois the same
al,undant harvest was beiug gathered iu.
-j-o prospects of a good crop of corn
are repci ted as very favorable. The grow-
jng corn in piauy places is said to be from ,
, , . , ,11 . , , , I
, ,0 four fee. I high and looks black .
ical.hy ' If nothing happen, to he,
l,n on nvnul ..lit unit ttltil I ll 1 1 V
anj health
crop it will tc nn vxcelUut uuu uutl fully
vt.'J' If tll.l l'i; " ll ..It...", vuw
entitle the moJe-rn K-rypt to the desigua-1
tion of the "Land of Corn." The peach-j
fs are in great abundance in all Southern j
... . .. 1 - t r
Illinois. Apples, pears, aud otner Kind 01 1
f,i. ,.,IU en.wn in thne rarta. are
.,;.! ,rnmii. a wonderful Ticid - rt
er a im ilio.
'Tis i'iip faMii'.n,'- -a"! a man-'ft),
I U ii.i en h'-r uvely hp.nl
nr.' a vrty IiiiIp t.-.r.r:i
' When A-iritry snnvv Hakes pp.l
"Tiip Tachion iihw is vtrv -inaii.
I . i m , j .
! Ami pII, mv Ir.pnil, vni kimir
Tliat I mii.t iii ft i i'!hrs i'i.
ten 'iniii I tie lalini'' stinw.'
the fifhion.'
! Wli'i, mi hpr ,'it
' W.oe a air el vii
Winch st-I iioiie
..t'i a f ur rLf,
e li t',
.ii p"t.i rs,
.ti"i' inn! iipat ;
I s iu- lier on tne se'evvaik,
I. i'"n llie Kl.ltrrtnz ice.
U'oti her l eaver rt.iji, ai.ii far:
An. I ttiieis all mi nice.
'Ti lie' fishiiin," a;''
Willi mi her wail nr
A rtrh liii!:a j;ulilipr pnille
I'v l.ir 1..11 nphi!v h..nnil j
' 1 i iip t.ihinii. li h-iiiI,
S-iiipm t l.i Hive tiie Ii .ii-o:
An 1 i inii-t ii.i i-iti' i' iio
'"o I aal li i; to Liaioe."
' Tii ihp fa-hi' n." i
i nr.o'iip
WYli r.i'V. p.'iiMiirr iio.
Wh.i. :n llip la'el mv -hp.
Mi i vp I with l.ii.:.".-! e
! 'Tin iip (aho n, at.'' i!ip :d- -ra'k
f Tl.e la-h lair n.. .v i.u-in ;
j I w.'liJ'T u-iiv 'hpve t- uri.h n;pn
j Dnn'i lifpp i ih pavu, si,.:...'3
i Bo' o.in I n.i'-p'! tii.ii ! velv f. Tin,
Wit... h.e n l.rrv. -n'f,
J -So tip-.! ips i-i !li" piri.'in e.-:d,
' V'.lli io-r iiee-iverpii ii.-.nt ;
; Ali't lot II 111 vu:ll 1 Ji.....P'i I
j Tup in ii'lpti. lair a I liv,
j Wii i tlir.-i llie n. .v.- ! i u :i i
i in gjntrs ih;n that il.iy.
' their Lrou-s,
f.t :
1 , . . ill
Ann Invcti' hps.!
Cat. lh ! - ' l'i - iho f.i-hi .'!
11 I - .
T.i my reoien.Mei ran..,
'Aii.J we must .1,. as ..liters e!o,
S j up aie n.it In Manic."
An 1 'Tis i!ip t.isiiM.p," in inr.re slave
Tiian date as v.-t liPrjiin
T.. '.ni in eoiii. n tii-i.N, er "rpath
K lonr. r's liurnin? un :
Aa', ,avh." " 'H " "'.T0'
; 'l'ii"ir aie. ;t lml fasii.oi. ion J
I 'i'ueir soul ami .... mr.
! Great Kcmory.
I Mitl.r'dites, king of 1'iiutus, knew ev-
j ii.iu jii.i.- ii s...ivrs rpr kiiw
ry one of his eighty thousand soidi.-rs by
bin right name.
Spii'jci was able to rehearse two tkoTi-
: sand words which were tiven -
j me same order.
Ilortensiu. kept in bis rncmory all the
prices paid on a day of auction.
lingo (irotius, on being present a ro
. vie of t une regiments iu France, rccall
: cl all the names of the single soldiers
that wire there called up.
j Justus i.ipsius ventured to rehearse the
"sii souk to..y was nanun.g icon, n
with a drawn dagger to pierce him at t
very momeut Le bad forgotten but an c
woras oi lacitus, irom tne i;r-t w..ra lo
IjT word.
A Venetian lady, well knon by her
.1 . ..I I. r . -I I
cuucainiu, wncn arhcu tor llie seinioii sue
,3J attended iu church, repeated oerupu-
lously every word.
Itaeine knew by memory nil the trago-
j: j-
pi-lcs: I'avle, thfwhrlu wmk
j of Montaigne ; Hughes I) lUeau, llie Cor
1 pus Juris; Mefastatus, the entire llorati-
us ; and Caticret, lord lieuteuant of Ir--
land, all the New Testament, from the
first chapter of Miittbew to the end of the
Apocalypse. The learned Scotchman,
Thomas Dempster, iiilinui-d he knn-.v not
what it was to forget ; the Scallier is
told to havd appit bended withiu twenty-
one days tbe nlmle Homrrns, and with
four mouths ail the Creek poets.
' l,c notorious and mysterious Count of
St. (jeruiaine surpasses them oil. Any
newsnar.er be read ouee. he knew by im m-
j ory ; and he was furnished with su.-h n
I eivantic cottirrebensivo poser of iiutiib. r-
ing that be retained a series of a th. uranl
nunitiers, wlncli he cnnlu recite I irwatal.
backward and pulled out from tbe mi i iie.
From llm (.iurl of Ilcnrj III, tn t'r.lt.iw,
be demanded one hundred packs of joquet
car ls, mixed thuni in disorder, let ln.u tell
ail the succession of the cm Is, or 1. r d it
to be noted down exactly, and repe.r.d
their following one alter the oti.. r, ui h
out being wrong once. lie plavel aim -.-I
every instrument of the woil.l, was nu ex-
II . . t - .1 11
celieut painter, and imitaied any b ir d
w,iiinK "ie "" 'l:',!,'ve u'au""r- lle
bad but one passion playing an games
Could lihal every t aiiK riy ca.cu-aiiin.
Tiir IIaitv Family. If th
gang of Federal ofiiee bi.Mns i!i:
the northwest would net ope iu
whole j
..'out !
lad of
i.e Dc-
secretly with the Republica
oieracy would be stronger for toe rid-
dance. 7oiiry.
Tliete is no nucstion that sinco
, commenced acting openly with the ib
' publicaus, the O. mocraey has been much
! stronger for the riddance. CVn. Enquirer.
And if Yr'U would follow forncv s ex
ample, aud act opou'y with the Kepunli-
V uf gt.crel, M ,re nnw
; lVnicraoy m.M be mivl,
" T
. -
strt'utv r '"r e ri ' 'ncR
As you are mo oPt.u auvota.u o. ,uc .
Abolition ucresj m v,e.t.fcressi....a. ;
. -....ti,. n in.ta.l I.f lleinrf illlnwCil CnmmU- i
" 1-- - 1
tiiou wun me i-eiiiccriiey juu m.-utt. v
KuKtd into the crtuip
of the cnrit-v, where '
Ate Our Iaturaiized Citizen3, l,Fu-
gitive Slaves 7''
The Washiiituu .Vii'i-s comes to the
rescue of Mr. eerctaiy Ca-, in an tlab-
orate ariiele iu defence of bis doctrine re-
lative to the rights of naiurahzed citiz ns.
The Suil-i gives the following oracular
j exposition of the whole suij'Ct :
; " Iu 1'iussia, every male child is born a
i -. I.iit-r. Tim King bus a claim upon him
t. r a certain number of yars of uiili'hry
duty, whii li is just a Talid as the claim
j of i i rf;iiittit Iw u tlsrn islnl.t t..r i.le Is
1 vaiid by the ('ou-litution of the l.'uiun.
" If a m a'e ooits his realm, at wiia'' V. r
ge, wi'hiiut katitie di.-ehnrged -ueli duly,
he i" ever liable fir us perl'.-rmance, eiiher
f iiinily or by a Aubstilu'.c, upon re tu-
lerill the r.-llllll.
" No o!.'iiiti..ns Tbieh be ran to i r
up 'n (.iiii.-e.l t anoth.-r c..iinlr, ami i...
pi t. eti .n whiili su. h c untry can ix.'o i
1 1 biia, cm iiuniir ilus ciaiui, bec iu-e i:
i T :tii snrerior eX'steni-e.
' 1'or iiis'ance, if a i.o.iie slave i.f Vir
;.;. were ! e-ca.e fi.nn l.i- owner, pro-e-
t- i lo I'l'isslrt. tlurc bec..ni' a r'll j"et i.l
: '. er vrn, nod !il'St'U'iitiy i. loui to
Vi'g'n n. i" it likelv that be would be te
st . it to i'riissiit up .n the d'.mati'l that be
i I.- R l'i lls-lllll sul-j' et ?
i " Tne noli in is t.m absurd to bp cnter
. tain. i by a rational being Oil Virginia
vrniild rurreiids-r her ciirUncj btloie she
W'il.i :iircuder him.
: 77m (-. nu: i fi ti- tf. Mi'. ?o long as
the slave renuined undirihe jurisdietioii
of Trussiau law, or out of the e n. lint s i.f
the I iiited .S'ali s, sn bing would l;;s imist.-r
be tMihi ut a it im dy fur his wr ng; and
i so I iia fi s the l'i u.-sian, who s wi.i
j tary s. nice, remains iu tiie L tiiti d Stat, s,
I r i'!. iut the el tines of 1 'iuia and the
(.i.-riii itiie (-oufederatinn, so I -ng he is
; si i ore liom the cxacti ms of the suvci
.igti in whose reaim he was born."
This is the di.ctiinc of Mr. Cass, ns il
l"s' rated by the Douglas organ. L'pon
j th's point, at least, tbe Liuchanau and
j Ponglas wing of the- arty agree. It
i uiu"t be Iruiy cnnsoiing to our adopted
' citizens to Ln.iw tiiat this Demoeraiic Ad
: tinnisir.ilinu regards them as Ultra ""
'jil'T h!itr."
i Tlie doctiine is, that every subject of a
f reign despotism is ioi n a h'iic, and that
; this conditiou cannot be changed by atiy-
. tbiuir Le can do f ir himself, nr that nw
GoveruiiKut can do foe bin), although it
fjpeepts bis allegiance. ' '' No obligatioBS
which he cau take upon biuiself to ano
ther country, and no prottcii .n which
such country can crtL-nd to l.im," can
make biin a frre man, or even "impair
the cl iirn" which bis l.i fs.tr lias to bis
peisoiia! services, in virtue of bis baling
been lirn ! jiittjf. True, be may
eritj,c from slavery if be can, and il e to
this c.iiiuiry, and here, in pirsuince of
our laws, gi through the idle ceremony of
renouncing bis allpgiaiee to bt hereditary
niiis tr, r.tiJ b. iug declared & cit : u of
this glorious li public, l.'ut be is cn'y
a " fugitive slave," alter til. Our Gov
ernment can aiT.irJ him no protection
against the claim ef bis former master,
liieaiise it rccngtiiz.s that claim as "j
us vilid n the fi'it'm ff a 1 i.y.':i."tiii ti
s'iik ti.'ef ftr If." Iu fuel, this c mdi
lion. accord tne to the SdttKf, is ll.r.MI-
rI." with that if a " rnnau av liioi'ei-"-
,hut j, ,., .,y ,, )lt.,. jt , .,jj, a,
can keep out of the elti'ehes of his lorno.
master, and io long
rr. ll that r.ia-i.r
oi.ee gets liis i.amls upon luiu, our ttov
ei umeut cannot mterfi-re in bis in halt,
liutwiihstaiidin it lias aeCt pted his iilii
giaiiee, and in .lo hitu a citizen. l o.-'i
tltjf-'U ii J'tll'.'lC.
j An Irishman, m RuiLurv, Loan , un
dertook to shoot a cat tho other day, and
as ti.e folowiug aeceuut ahvws, eh.t a
fool instead :
"First, he put in a cor.rf cf shot,
which Ir- covered by laK.ioii.j b"me a
Wad. Next, h eo itge if pind-r. To
in ike soie ol his let.iii, be wot. i tip tho
loaiimo witli asiiull liatKitui it cou m
the k. t tn t. Titus jrepare-d, be hrmght
tiic iiisriiiruent of death, to bear upon the
cat t.iij snapped. To Ins great ciingria,
the (.'in was lint discharged, lle slia pe I,
utid snapp d, and snappc.1 again; iut it
would no r.i. Irritated bey mid measure
at bis fill. lie, he dr. w the iron ramrod
from the gu", put the p out in a lire ii'itii
it was rel hot, itiscr'ed it at the ni'izzlo,
and IBi ii wormed it d. wn thnuigii llie
Care until i' reached ti.e powder, when
whangl writ the charge down to the
shot, sending iho ran.rod througb his
bund ncwe-it tu thnnit) aal f-rp-a-igor,
burying the nr't iu varnois par's id Lis greativ inaroii -I, rtude a I:, r.-olean IT t
hand ami badly singeing his lace with the and so.veidc I in rs.-s-pin tr tn t!t d i
powder '. The cat s ii nvcd, itiil I he Irish- ere,- ,1.1,. t ml rapt ; be i:n 3 -I - r' a-e on r
muu is Joine; as well as could be expected." , and !'!! to the ground, arau-rng the w !i"le
Oregon has chose 11 the first, delegates to
th- National K-putdicau Convention
A. li. Iluvcy, W. Warr.n and Iean.7r
lloi'.n. s. The State Convention appoint-
ing them squatted eu squatter sovrtit.iy
its follows
'While we ri'eg':W the f.icf, that by
the (l.Tistittltioll li.e S'lvrc-iitllly of the
Territories is vested in the Cmgrp's of
iho Cilited Siates, we acknowledge as
well that Congress mn' Jt. legntu the exer
cise of that snireigiity in part or in whole
10 tho people of such territories, and are
in favor 0. sueh delegation as far as may
be eoosU.cn, with p.m offree lb,r
..,! n ....I .irtint.tif I lur.nn '
and good giverum.iit therein.'
Tbe Oregon .Vm.in, the leading
t,tln0(:rutl0 p.,rtr iu .ha S,a,e) takes sides
6trociitlT gaiQt Uen I-aoc.
. -
" What church do you attend, Mrs
Farhogton " ' 'u any paradox cli ii. H
, wner-' t't'i g'sp't i;. - ( cuse I mui
Appearance cf Literary CcIeJjri'it-s.
A .New Y..ik cirr.-st-imi. nt .1' ih.
HrriD-tlielJ li'-juMlotn pive. the fulii.vr-
jg account cf I be jursuua! ej f.tami r-i 4
literary cclebrii ii s
' Kinersoti lo'.ks like a tiHiki fanr.T.
meditative and j iie'. Lontfellow like a
g i..d-naturcJ beef eater. II ilmcs I V.e a
ready-to-iaueh little l'-'de. wis'iinj: inly
to be 'a funny as b; en.' i-.tntt
seem rti'y the praf-ful f-Mletn m. who
i-n li.'i ii h.-iiiJ-om liiiei-iier ''i.i-lv,
r diilting boy. liur.c.ft a p ain, Lf native
In. kin.' man. Vlntt.tr tho nrit retiring
Qiik.r. Ir 'Hi t a t'.aiu ami
Krehe looking man, dresst-1 iu gray. And
ihos I n.igiit tame ethers. N it '.r.n tf
li. '-c gei.tl- im n can be cal'td bar.'l ,ni",
mil. - we tii', t liit eh! r, who m'r!.; te
a ii-ji hand-jiii. r. Iu li:i- r-.-p.et they
pin bear no pjitn aw::y fr 1:1 vi ry it. .'
lee'utl women, who have a!way- Ion
i-ry lo t:.e!y. 1 lure is no'hing in a d -in-Htaitt
inte.i' e', in eou'inu .u-, far reachiiig.
Kutii)'' lh. li;'.t. ti favor the curves i f
beauty; it c I'stitn-.-s a greVer ja;.'i"y t
ti.-ue and 1: 'i ds ih.n it up b-.s. I'
lati-s the iye, but deep ns the Lot-',
and often Wenrs ti e i.crvi to a t- i:uii:.g
'j'lickniss. So tills is one ii:.siii wi-v it:-
ttlitctii'il wotiKU should cairy tLur ijatn-
tUIU i f Ug'.illl sS.
Let us loi k at (hem cs they ja- !:
Stgourney, the gntiiiui.tl.iT r f Attim in
" li!:aie" li-eia'.ure, in btr jriine. f f m o
Lelieve l.ir p .r.rai') was lj i.".-.' baiiii-.-oi-'
Catherine JJet ehcr is b'lmiy. M-i
licccLtr Sti we is so ordinary in ; k sin-
has been taken f 1 Mrs.
e's - l.i Id. .
Mrs. C. M. Kitkl-.t-1 is a fat
Mrs K F. llil. t 1 '.:lil:e a v.o:.-Lrr
man. Margar-t Kui.ir was p'.-tn. t i
l.itte Ciishma'i bss a face as i!in:i.i 1
laniel Webster's!, and rpii'e a fr .eg.
bis Kiiiibeth IJIac'ii'.Vi-.i. ii.rmt I
iner loo.
pln.o.5, heavy and c.arsp. Mis. jL.s
t'mith is coi.sl.ieiid ban. is n;e. Mrs Ju
lia War-1 liowe has been a New York
belie. Frances S. O-go. d bad aioVeie,
womanly face. Amelia F. Wilby .; al
most beautiful. Sarib J. Hale, iubir.
jB j-t-i '-' incure-
libs. Ti.e I'avidson i-iste r., as Weil
as their gifted mother, possc-si.i
beauty. If wo cross the ocean wo find
Madame de Jflacl a flight ; but Hannah
More was handsome ; F.-zito-tli Fry, j;'.. -ri
u-; Lctili Lar.gd. ti, pr. t'y ; Mrs
lleiiians woiidrju.-ly lovely ; Mary II aw
itt, fair and matronly ; .Mrs N .rton, ra--aiiy
bealitifu: ut l-s 1 she win ins the
largest brain of a.l, with us gr-. s: a bcait,
Klizibeth li.rrett Fr wnlng. in p!.ysv;,:e
is angular, and though she has m ign.ti
ccut eyes, her y"ia- is suggests e of a i. ml -s'.iuc.
Charlotte i'r .n:e bad a b ok in
her eyes better than all benty of fea
tures, fiut if we 1 H-k it Fri'i-h fi n 1 1
l'.is:-classerati:f.tiis Sii-k spear? and Mil
ton were ban.l.-otr.i' : I'r. Join o.n was u
Hi IlSttr of Ug.il.e-sj . V. . ta I i.o.'.-ii.i' L
and Fi pe ; A-Mis-ti was t. leral'y baiid
sotu'j ; und Coisiidg.1, Siitliy, lUrn,
M .'ore, Catnpbell. and F.urn-. were all un
roniniJtily . S.r Walter So I! In. kid
very ordinary iu spile of his fi n lieu ?
Maeaulay is hoQn Iv. Ilulai r Loirly hid
e us, although a dandy. Citation l'n kens
is called handsome, but I must be :.!!, w.d
tn ei.rb.T, and cot. red iiii jewelry be c.r:
lo:t look like a simp'et. ti. I might g-i i.ti
trtnost Uo i" 'r -.i.i..'i out a.r-r a.t
1 I 1
.HI Is l
tiasi uty no..
Si a;;;.i . i la; n i.v an i'.i.i rn w;.
The Oilelutu tl.l.J ...i.'-l I lites the f ',
! --wing and ells it a e i-e .. t j hautt
eide "
'A ne;ii am ! l.-iig:ti i 'o I'r Sui-
d. rs. of IJ.'.rv Sgllligi. 1'ai. is v-.-no'V, K"
"nl't'staioi, ei as lireor.iid In ;:.'. i I y
I.,..' of .Marie's rii pi.ai.i's, ,.k bef
i.i-. The e rermisi ti.--.. s, :.s vie I a;.nd
tl.. ol. Were these : A tier Lie p :f .1 ti.alue
c f '. "op.iny at Holly j r.iig,'lio b ph .Ms
w. i . :n 'Ved a siiort il'-tanee I uwaii
the ttriie of s' irtitrg to die m x i be., ot
rxl.ibiti a ; the tic to, i
at k'i 'Wing tbry
; rear 1 ' . when
were there, was p-isjii'i;
nti of tl.e!ii a.-sed bis irrir k ar. 'r.i i toe
hmty i.l lue boy, tirming loei g.'iitiv lo-
wards his -!. pii.utfbip. l'h n.grt fro.
ir.g lh- ebsril pr. p-tri'iiT nf tne animal.
whu-h tlu .1 .rkm-.-s "f toon
t r. ! .til.t
in tgiiliirho'iii wiLb t.'S cries ; i.i mg una
b'e to ri-o be was taken op ai
ih-' In u-e, where be s-ion nt t
.loitror says, f.oiii lj otlor
c 1 t 1 1 e -1 to
ii-.. . llie
:iase than '
one tuiio nt.ee, wo give our rsn
1 g iuioie of wiint h ;s e 01-: I-r
.- 11 V ll'li." I T l'lk.-'s Fea's.
;r.'-. the la. st cf .ui i..i :n tie'o if '
as 1. a -,' A liieo'i ot e-urs ret-;ni.-l
ft ..in I'ike's F.-ak, assures us :ha' the fol
lowing, so f ir as he C"u!.l j i lg' fr "11 es
p.ri.neo ami observation, is t'.e uuivcrsal
inlit" of leturtiing " sucker :"
I rasgeil coat, rtlih Collar aud tail torn
tot. 1
1 pair prints, hmoing to-. thcrly shreds.
I h it, bitrrin' lh- rim
Ii shoes, looting like fncl bacon rind
1 i pound raw beans.
1 pint parched corri O'n. Vj
Tho lit tik wluro tho wil l thyme gma.
, ,F,.ltl.. a dividend 1 (
n " ( tt''. t"
1 tit eluiii-
Tj rrevnn 1
.:ir.i-.':; M iiNM
krr wii i i' t : i fruit ;
1 il t? i f t i. ii e uritiy
f s; ; 1. , p1':-!.--.
liji.b; to r .t on th.- ;
s'.ti.'es j r-'. - .jl oti'
y .ur .. rn.l--i in I w
m oiati
give ttie r-r
'I v V. .- r. r n trivn;ie i.f ;!.a '
c- ... N -' r ; : tv s ) c!- s to y. tjr ps
t cut and p'o.r cut tl! iu t.-, tier tit
- "tt'j "'J -' r -w.,-, lim
fiyi I" j-. 1 1 i uu: a r to l.e. p li.e tr-iii
ni.fi r the tr. . s aitil::biJ with l.'av. . h
or sii ;T. i r at.; oti.'-r vi-f.talo
th-it you cau g t L-iia ot, azi ::.-:-!' :it:y
spread a c at of ashes- and iU u;.a tii s,
as t:,;t ati i a-los tire r .&.;.. r-1 li.e
;n .t. ir- I! .- :i ti. .t f "i i e aj - it. ,J t j
fr-.ii tt .- I: L-iiis rrubs. T. s:, i
s-i'- i bit ar-: l,ti"!ul t f.u.t nr. ! t-?
ii- . i 'i r.jty a-es
tl. t-i.- tr; i- to i
tn an
i : c ; a
I : -l : t
i . 1 f..i to ti,
st r.
sr..': e
f '- t
b " il
r i- I
I: '.'
c f-j- a a r
-V . ft
lil ,;' ' r i. a f f f ; i.p fi o ir : p..
tl i'.t-rg cat tie stmiler twlfj
i-g ur ail . f t!.-.. !3-:!-r. Uf
ti.-: al. .vc iu'... via cot r.ta'f
liie r-.t Lo" at'si increase the fru.s
l s r r.o 1 ij inllty IVui
! it i' o't!y att- nd-. 1 to.
a want r:i re fruit tr 'i ;
u l.tve g ', t;.k h'.i.-u
.. in 1 3
::.i lL-
f m.
,.i li, ami tie ai
:i to
1 El
... a new
. .-.-I. ft: 5
rs p.jcp
) d.-v,
: Ui j e 1
1 .v I h
c :.i-lii -i
ni, wi'h
r-e. TL.I
a .-: I l!.. S . lu It It win
i i. I', it t;. j s i- ni is ti
v.i. ;h ::.; eaira
aU"tL r year, c.i' t'ae limb
il r
i ' h a nieli is i
of 1 1 r. and
1 l:r
1 1
and Set ill ti.a' g-i".
prea 1 c-Vt-r the i-rii:
ib.it ar f- rm. d 'a
ri.-' c-nrMi will
. e aril !."t!U 1
trmo th- I ii i
.'s ;.'.,n n .iy I
an er u'ling, i r
1 0.'
I n1 1
r--- Ire-
..in .
i t.e
rti- .17 r. 's ; r, i
anting t!i
to i' r:.:i un f-
ir.il IIP
th. on,
'. t . np; p- sea, p. ..r. ch-rry. j 'om
y k.i l
rs. try
ii mr tr. s it.' a -u.-e. ...
rt si.
plan, sod re: -r I
s in t Lo
litis!! I
isrAKi: -
tiri.a since, t: -
. 'a
lie ' at ti .-!
it-', l,U til
I.--i ;.i, c in. i.-c i b
ran i rj. cue item
-N. Sir-.::;; t ' s
r.l fi-il 1 on!., i 1 1 .i
b s 1 i: r- 1- lie w , s
fr- .--.tr,:. ! 111! ,-f
ev.-r, t:
... Is;
is e s..ii..
miii'ary en
- : 'ur
i .. .;
(!. -
.1 r i
-- I.'
s ilo thing n
i.ls c tin: : "
I on ,i- e ;
t:i in re he v..i-
1 tr.'-.
it i-l,
'rv tn
n '
. i. o" v ii . r;- t . as
. '. i i v f. iv . .-ar '
: i in pa; r tie-r:
1.1-...1' the st -:
... , ul.i ;.in
ro.oit r c' t-s, a i
I: ui - e.- s , f
li.e ii!r.t tj iu
V i.i i i-e vt -. : ; 1
! lanee, ai d ' . -r ':'
g.id,,. - ;-,i
A c. i-orr -1
which pr-'i' s tti
as -'r. ng u. a r .1 t
i'-t-'.f An iso!'
I't;i,"l ' I) C.'ler'it
ill' tra k. An: '1 :
wnvk was a Tn".
I !n rt so i it':' : .-r
r i . n tte a-'.'" 1 w
mv ?':: . tii-t I
mv ! ni-r V
1 ibrie f.r
i ".t. e, , t k, o'lt V.'i sf f
b" " r.i .n ; a.sl n" 1 1
a I smash as i" eo-i'tt
oil Ir'll Welt fr Tl
vi ru.d r.js ti.r oTri 1 tf
: I. t..:r -i t' mi ' ...1
C iadr b i- "ir- i.
v (.
1 r.c
el.i J. tp -
. 1 irtt-r
1 r'et
t .1 .
s V
i.ra h t.
tl.ui I,
i. 1..-H
11 t si.;e o
I Ii .1 .
Ir. ni p !
; us;:ig..
i, R lli ll.
1'lfg w.lid
ii 1.1
1 oo . -..
of Argeb
Siow. ill
ihn I
h'g'.ty ef
Mis. II. li.
I.e t..'il Is
Hat !; pr v
: spoiled but tha Uukv
ot a win mi i. r eg itp-n a i-ih'I t.. s 1
P'l'jiiO, U0I1.SS lir. 1 g.'I'll! I" l.-.i l.a.'ig- 1,
when be save It t- litiavoi'l.it it .
1 is a din. 'i 1
fa.-t th it
w .,.
. 1 .. - .
ef al!
M I... 0. .M
:, N i i i i - i tr.i
T r.v. r -, 'L it ill
t! re ar - ' ' 'i
re . . It-ii.'-r. ' eon r.nlly I- b-ng -.,'
1 ' '
1 dopy ftffjn