Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, June 24, 1859, Image 3

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nm-. lv"r
I'.!irv M )UN-iN-u..trN-F. - I. I?"'1
DVK'tTTt'. Manila.-'. .or- M-r'".'
i ..... - r, ... 1 it. 10. t :in!rv
,: i-l. t
.,..,.!... Hi"
.1. trll'. l-l '
( ..l,.in- iI tt
,,- V. ul i.-ll 1. a 1 "T:"
j ,, .iii-it v mainiin: a
, ..,,1 ji- !." r-. oou-niu. r"
f ii I in.-rva-'ii 1 1
i-i ... l.n.i., ll !!
.nJ Jr-aler., as aril 1"
efspe V'v Klvcrl Itf-tiir ii(m.
'TWe l'ave riTfuvl a i-i.pv "I t!if M-int
JVr.l r,r'-i.(:lli--r'..! mm.i'laM paper,)
ant think it well wcPa it"1 inoii-y.
O.n.ivin-Win T.J i!in-nti, at Saltslmr
In.!. ("'.. I' '-: s immi-I C Dare, in Canton. Sa
,: Cn.N. J.; ar.il Crra Oslvrn. at West
Ir.'V, X.Y. all.laf i-fl.'-i!"ra liners:!)-.
t The Female Medical 'Vllc-re of IVnrt
svlvama, l.'raK 1 at -7. Areli St.. rinl.il..
ft;t in iv .! J.M- la !te m t?.e .Vh March la-!, out
if thirtv-six students. 'I'iie Tcnili Annua!
y,-.v..ll will Ci'inincnce on 'In- Hi ll ), '. met.
Inc Corporator- an ! Hoatd .1 Man: is -fiti-
;,;i-e some of the tno-i iiiirdi o-ni a:.,l ic-p-v-ta'.de
Uhr a'i.1 gfniicnicu ul 1 ' i 1 1 . i -, h
lie that the' demand I r retnr' t--iit women
a, phvsicians, is r. nsi.-tnt'v n.ci-'.i-iti::.
!i' The (ierman 1 v .. ntr.-: i-:. ! I.uiii'-rau Sy
ti.ii! (the o'.ilp-l in the I. s.) In 1.1 its 1 l-'di an
Iiual merlin; al I. "ban ei, coimci'iieine; SO'll
inst. The I'li'M lent. Mr. W. l.l.'ll, re-
ai!teil tli almissiou mi" the (l.-i, oral swn.il
, I iiie M. 'anrllini Syn 1. an 1 a!" r,.n !eu:in 1
lii. Kur'.-.'s Mi-snm ! i -: i n o at Solin-etovo,
ttxau-e tlieyaie t. -. : ibe laidi an. I
r nfiM..i i f tli it chiir.-!i,a ln-1 d In- that Sy
!.. . I. The tie nsr-aatnw at ll.mvilie wa
admitted. Ii,'V.Mr.Aii. i'-:i ..f M.fT.ii.l-urs: an.!
Kei-. Mr. l.'-iii !'ai-ii id ill'- l"'t- il":- Ch. wte
aiaiiuel a delecat-s fn.ai i t'n-r ! 'lies.
F r til- .r A I'Jir.'.ii i".
Mrs. Ur. Have, liai a; ; nnie l MNs II. M.
M'tllure, of !.e-i-!iarj. a;.'! Mr-. Ir. t'r. : -r,
, :" Miinuilviij;, A-s:-ta.it Mana.-irs, ,.r tin-
1. a lies' M.;iinl Vwn.m A. ci.iU- n. Tli
1 1 lies are mm- r. jure.! t.i re.-eive r. il.a
t. .us ; an ! it is 1.. i. ! tliat la-.ny la.!:rs
!: Tni-in e.' inty .'.! !i a .!.-. -.v. -a to
r ;i.T.lf w.til i llr-rs I !i .- i 'l w 1 iir- ei.ttre
I at n in the sr. at v. i in u l.:rli il.ev ate en.
f.ie.l an I res. M. unt i riion Ir.-r.i its -re-
s.-in Uisraeefu! an.1, run "is rtit!;::. a.
Miitlimu it-..- Mr.
soi lents ha 1 an li.t-'i 1
M.-n lav evi tiiiu.o:: a s
en 1 of their 1-lliM Off.. V
A:i-j: 's Ac.-. let'lV
s.,l;. Ilxllli-i'li-ll. la-t
ilc a ' ..mi n tlie ' a-1.
, l,--er t.Mve ;i c, n-
( 'it of Music a! Forest 11.1.. S..lnr '..v even::,-.
. .No pili.lie prep.ira':. n- 1. I a l:a ' : .lu'v. .
Another Vililaiy Ki.e.-.u ;.n i.1. m ll.e I'a.l.
In- been talked l'...Tne town 1.,:- !.:.! two
m. uary vi-ifi ' ' J. H-.'oer .: (Vrf.-r
- in.f.-, an.l M.i. Charle- 11 :n .i.' i". i l Uea
vr eeu nty.
V.'e have a iVtaie1.! aec 'inl of t'o' r!.,-ii
riris..s ,,f Coainiori .-:i.ol No. . in l!,i:l.i-1-Tp,
he!, I "n Tt.nt -,l.iv al:ei n..,.n. :I.I in-t.
Tle-y were e. n 'net..,! in a p!-a.ini aiove lo-ar
lae sctn nih.-.tis". an 1 c n-i-te l of praver, mil
mc, or..l: ois. il.alocoi s, .li-eussn-n-, Ac., I..1
low up Willi a siilistant.al P'J a t el l olled
h.itn. sVe.. pruvi.le.l 1 y 'he iieicli: Kiinvlii. li
:ioti or 400 peisons p n' .-ip..1. d. Kiv. Mr.
r.ucher, llev. Mr. IJi.i r, '. I!e,-k-ii.! in,
and the Teacher. ("!i'. ('. I'.. H.m-,1 m i.:. ie-
lnarks. 'Che a nit in t'i.1 -.v. ni l t"' too
long for our ei-iltiinns. an 1 is I eh.n.l time as
a matter of news. The i cc.isii ti s.-en.s to
have been very happy and rreditah'e to the
teacher, to the pupils, an 1 to '.he p.eiuhbi theod.
t.S une of the farmer on the other
f.': E' of the River, who have no ci' j cti..n
(a having their wild lerrics piek.-d if no
other barm were d me, have been c oupe!!
cl, by tho depredations of evil disj- i-vd or
careless persons, to publicly alvi-rti.-e
against any p r-"tis whatevtr cr.cr, aehiiio
upon their Ian Is fir any purpose. Many
will regret this, but the oivners of the
lands have a right to d s, of the expedi
ency of which they are tiie best ju-iii' s. ll
is iu this as well as iu other ways that the
innocent ofteu have to .suffer with and for
the guilty.
The 4 tii in Ekwi-i:i mi. A number
of tho Fpirited young men rf our place
have made ai rangeiueiits f r a suitable
celebration of July 1, 1 "."!. ('oiiiincucc
nicnt Hall will seat, eomfortably, a very
large audience, and we think we cau safe
ly promise an entertainment w.Tthy of a
pcueral attendance. The exercises will
be held in the end of the day, leaving the
afternoon for social and other ga'herings,
as may suit the inclination and judgment
cf each one.
fcJ-The exact time to cut Wheat is
raid by some good fanners, to be when, by
clone c-xatniuatioD, ynu can see the stalk
Lfifinnhnj to turn yellow. Cram cut in
that condition, however, rcjuires more
Funshine afterwards, to perfectly cure and
Jry it. The no.sf way is to take in or
ctack your Grain the same day you cut it
leaving it unb lund for a few hours un
der the sun, to make it safe.
With a few warm ilry days, Wheat in
ruffalo Valley cau be cut luxt week with
ease and safety.
tcrrTkcre were or :i'"i persons pre
fent at tho Mowing Trial en Mr. Ccddes'
"Hillside Farm," last Saturday afternoon.
I'iva machines were entered : Manny's,
with Woods' Improvement the Euckeye
Honey's Ilussej-V and Ilussey's im
proved. Each fjunl their friends and
hcir"g)od points," and we are assured
(by difle-rcut invidua!-) that each was tri
nmpliant '. We bavo no opinion on tho
tTi.Mr. Mabus has commence 1 sprink
ling our Main street. A very desirable
and useful ' institution". ..aibcit a larger
iized reservoir and distributor would, we
think, be more effective and save borsc-
Bi,Eatest accouuts from l'ike's 1'eak
represent the discoveries of gold to be suf
ficient to revive the fever, and emigrants,
en tie homeward way, have turned about
again f ir l'ike's I'eak.
New Ekrmn. l'rof. Hendricks, it is
reported, has been invited ii take the
chief rh.igc of tLeE.iua.y l'rpai;u..ul
C! I '.(j viU.lUalT
Emmus ix l.i ck. It is uut often
that Erintcifi turn invcutors of any "pay
i n jr" .rood, but iIutc are two remarkable
exceptions iu Sunbuiy. Henry I!. Mas
mr of ill1' .ln''-i has been "making a
j"KJ tiling"' out of bis Cream Trccz-r an 1
its ftij i lemetitary itn jirovcineiitfl. V.'e
liml tliat lli.i r.iilroa.l ailch invention
, , , ,. , ., .. .
of .lac.ib lounizuiaa of tlie Gov'e is no-
U -l.I ns an important matter M) much so
tl.at a rival claimant i? put forth, fir its
piteriiity. We staud by Voungtuau
a.-aiu-t ail t!i wr.rM. '
tcTTlic next l.'ni m County Fair will
bo at the Fair CroutuU near l.i-wif-
bur:, .'. '", T, V S Tlmrs.lay, Fti lay,
ami Saturlay, l"'!i.re the O -t. Election.
The I'remiutu LUt will m u be rcu ly for
public iti.ni.
NuT Alt. Evil.. It is c it.j'Ctureil that
t'.ie June fusis have cut short the maraud
itio career of uutoM inilii"tis of weevil,
l,u-i a til other insec's, which nvuU have
des'r oycJ far in rj lhau the frust has in
jured. r-.iV in. ( i El'.is, E-i , and I!.'V.
J idiuii Kelly are cnoaged as Speakers for
the -lib of July CeieLraiiou at Muney,
which promises to be a 'leading' t.iwu
this season in the observance of the day.
t -Cherries ar! pi nty at three cents a .
r'i irt. '1 hj season protiiises well fir most
kinds i f fruit, in comparUcu at lca.st with '
recent years.
vThe. !. ,. miViey has a "sntind"
!i-iiliii; editorial on National i'oii'ic
Text, the Kesolutiuus of the l'tnn'a Juno
Xcivo Jicir.3 from CPilicr Counlics. ,
:i Thursday i -v nin;
pi is mers III id ! their Cs.
, the Oth inst., two
ape tr on tl.e 1 ar -
viliejiil. Nicl'i-th is in i n asccrtaieel,
as yet of the ir w !o reabou's.
Au interesiit " lad, son i f Wm. T. For
svth, el ."r'l.u:ni ei iaii !, Ca, aged atiuit
li wars, was cii, wi..- i in i he en. a!, at that
piiee, oil Wciiliisd.ij' Week, ube-U". 1"
);i Tu's 'nv weil:, a lad, son of Arthur
Wiiiiaiiis.fi il It in the-canal embankment,
about l.aif a mile bcie.w I'.mvillc, sinking
his bead np .n a r.-ek and tincturing his
sk'a!!. The li'tie si.fT. rir was attei ded by
Er. E'l.-lis, but I. is Wounds w. ivif such
a m i i "is i.aiure tiril he died abuut seven
teen beui.s afiir the ace. lent.
An old man by the name of 11-rry Hip
p'", 7 " J ears of age, while a-sing flolli
his hoii-o to the 1 on u, one niiie ab-c New
p of, Cerry c iin'y, was run over by a lo
comotive an 1 in-iintlr killed. He was
S'ruel; by the cow ca'c her and tl.iovvu some
''.) or I'J feet against a w ,.' dpi!e.
The Central C.n.k, llolitdaysburg. has
resumed ' .' pay men's on its liabilities.
Two row lis have been sent to the Wil-
Iiutn."port JjiI from Munrj- thric to I"'
k' pt over the -Eh nf July. A treadmill
is wanted f ,r such f, li '',
Wm Hancock, of the I! oiigh and Kea ly
It illing Mill, I'ativiile, has resumed cash
payments to bis woiktmn. They were
ail paid eff in foil up to the 1EU April.
Two men were fishing in a gap of Shade 1
Mountain, :ib oit five miles fr on M'Alii.--ter.-viiie,
last week, when they were cha-ed
as they thought by a pack of four
wolves, and c-eape 1 by a -AH pt'o.-i s.-.
(Cihaps what they saw wvie "snakes?")
The Hunting 1 oi Cresbytery la-t wei k
licensed . I'. llawu to preach the llu-pcl.
The Mill rn'.tit reports a lunar rainbow
on Wcduesday evening of Est week.
A burglar attempted to enter the jew
elry shop of Mr. Eenner, in New Lisbon,
and was shot by that g ntkmau. The
thief is Ii.1'. expected to recover.
The Mill belonging to tho Messrs. Fon
ston, at Eaird-Vilie, Eveotning county, was
deslroved by lire on Wednesday night of
last Week. The origin of the lire is invoi-
ved in mystery, no lire having been u-ed
iu the Mill for some tune pa.-t. We hive
not learned the extent of the loss. In-ur-cd
f.r J'JjCtiO, in the Eyeouiiug Mutual.
l'.MMLt. r.i.i'iM'.r That John K. Uu
setl, a worthy young man, son of E. II.
Kusseli, F.-i , of Eirry's Creek, peri-lo d
iu the snow on the route from Salt. Eake
to l'ike's Ccak. Mr. K. started in com
pany with eieven others, who frrze to
death, and he expired iu two days after
reaching a camp. We have for some days
indulg' d the hope that the rumor might
be fals", but we fear it is only too true,
and that this gifted and talented young .',
man has fallen. Wu tdnccre'y condole
with the family whose suspense at present i
occasions them all the distress of reality.
..-.I'' rh'.rc . yoir.'i'-.i;i.
Franklin II. Lana i elected UrigaditT
Gt'ticral iu iiutitiug'lan county.
Win. I. Mrtz i.s elected Ilriidrt In
spector, and JtTin.iah Xiininerinaii, Ilri
adiiT Neutral, f -r Northumberlaud cjunty.
Win. A. Iiruner, late r.l eunuury, nas
started a l'ru tjtore in Muucy
A ustin I!- Sny.lcr, of Ecllefonte, is c!ec
ted Erifrade Inspector, and .Jonathan
Wolfe, of Erush Valley, Erigadier Cen
cral, of Centre county. There ore four
cavalry and live inf intry companies in the
county, raiitfiiis lio'
I.) to iu iu ntitn-
. I.er. and couinriainu about 400 men id the
a,,rt.,ate '
a.r rn pan.
The Suhhury Civile, notices the death
nn the L'lid ult., iu the lower end of Nor
thumberland county, of widow EriMKLl'E
Ei:isi;i., in her '.t'.'ih year. She was one
of the earliest settlers in tho Jlahonoy re
pinu, and it is stated left the very respect
able, hut almost incredible large number of
n'.i Uun.ii r.l i' J'mir defcendatits.
The Commissioners of .Northumberland
caunty advertise for pre-pos-ila iur buUding
,iu;E Er,dets iu that county.
Eab. Tyler bas called tho Eticl.anan
State Couimittee to meet at Hariisliurfr,
Jlth inst
Something must be djuc,
he think
The Keadin? Jvitrnai says the nomina-
tion of (ien. Keitn for Su.veyor l.eueral
,swoeh a. least (.war ,..,,,,. wtr. o
the ticket in that aueteut citadel of l8-
,.,,..;. a.,i that. h.y .'.... iy,KUt.ae
4 i,..j .n:v IL iJ'A L'elk.i thl- tail i
Tin! new e Mice about to be ercetol on
tlm site of tlio (ii rolltinT 'luri h, iu
Ttit lut. l'i ristiii, w ill be of brick, Ii5 by ;
I") feet ill 1- Z". The "M nun Las been
lorn Jmvti, hiving Huoil f r t'4 years, an J :
was iu it e in liii ni up to llie present
t i F. r the first thirty five years cf its
i xislenee, it was not w t atiicr linar.leJ, rmr
w" it Mi ).hcl wiib a stove In warm tl.c
eoti'-rei'iiion iii eu'il wwulier. 'Ineke
r r , i i .-..-
tmaisii rs bare lal'iTi'il in tluscli'lieii since
tl.e t;;ni, ,,f ir cr. arion, ami of all tboe
,v,,, irt (., ,;; , lei.vnent in it thcro is
but uns oM Li'ly i-urviviiijr The C"ruer
"'"' "f b titt huue will bo laiJ, i-atur-
.lay, July -J !.
,,.,u, v ,,,,;, ll0nr)( ; ;lonm,. 1
biir-:, it ii rmw oili-ially anniniiiec J, will
,e diJieutcJ uu SuuJay the 10th of July
Saitnii l A. IW.rd, Yr!r.or of Mathc-
. i l III k 1. . I . c
mt cs in n.e i-atiners inzu r-cuooi oi
i Ivania, hai r.,.-'i;t:eil
Ii:,w.l Wil-on, of Juniata c unity, Las been
selected to supply the vacancy.
We. natiee the death nf Samuel ITar
maii, long the j.roprietnr of the Weil kept
llail'-Uay llotisti betwteu llerwiek and'
lilciusburj;. liu bad fas.-cd bis 71st
year. ,
A youoj: i a.'.y mined ( linn, residing in
'A'alout sireet, bel.r.v Fourth, llarrisburj.',
died very suddenly l ist week, from the
elf. ets of a dose of puis 111 jrivcii to her in
mi.-t ike by a clerk iu the dru; htore of
tire-'S A Co.
The Telegraph wire is tf be extended
.1.., V .r.l, ltr.,., !. In Tiiwiinila llfid
. in. ....
Aihens where it will Teach the N. V. &
Erie lines.
. . T I c .11,-
( i iti ton (oonty elects J .din Smytli.lSrig-
ttdi.r ti-ierai, and Wm. S.tJile, !rigade '
1 tlI'CttiT.
The Ja !;n; rf tho pmprr Ihsricfs have j
aj. 'iti'o-l ,hi !! lute ot lU'iutia cun
Iv, tt j'ht-u T"rny ' Way no, and TLoj.
tii ot ,vu-'i'itMi;tiin:i, to hsros tuc
Usiiiia'.s u (tie Nortb Ilrawch Caual. j
lien. Stiinkvaiit, of Wi'.kos lias
taken time ly .h f.-rcl'fk, and invitf!
tho Siuii: A't it'ul'urul Society to hM
thi ir Am. ml K-iir f -r lOU ou tbe Wy
oming lluttl.. tli.'Uii'J?.
Pin i: :i'c is iven rf nn attempt to
c.taMi!i anolliLr llar.k in ItelleMite.
Wm. M 'Call, Dine torn yrar., was
urown-'l at MVa.l's Frry, W'h in.-t.
TIM; r-ClK. 1111 AMi:i;HA TUc
pili!ih''rs ft ilus u i f I v r irr u !:t;-.l un 1 p ip
it'.ir i.!:t!r;!''1 ! wt-' ivlv uniiil t' mfclinnics
an 1 sri-'iirt-, t tiniMiin'c i h;tt il will hp ru'irri
..ii lii'' fir t ni .I'i!v, an o'!irrivie fatly nn
pr !. r . n T 1 1 r 1 1 ? i s.x'r'-ti paiTs irMea 1 of
ru'it, tlic present ir win,'!! will make it iIip
lar:'-'-t a;ol i-hapt-r M-;.-i,,:nV j.-'irnal in tl.e
unil ! ; ii in tiie ciilv j atrial ot Us rla'" thai
hi-. rvcrMin'',i';,!'l in tfi!- 'ti n 1 1 y, a tit! inam
t;t:n a rharaftt-r lor aiuloTi'v in all matters
ol rofclKi'n---. M-o'tirr atol 'he arts, which is
n.t .M.ll.-l l-v miv i.th-r j,tirii:it ii'.Ii-Intl iii I tii-
in i:.:i i -. All!., ii-'li tl,-;.,ii., i-li-rs i!I in
i-ur :.n in i
I j.-.. , -1 y.-..r l.v tlii i' ii-
Uim- m,...i . tl. - v l,.o.- -i. t- i ii. I "! t" fins.- tl.., i-ri.
I i' -. : ., t. -II. r t .ne ill ' I tl."ir 1: i- ii is l. in l Doiify
th- ,,i in o,i- n, r.'.i-, I i si- ii I, In-", I j i. crrijiii...ai.i. .
i- -iie..-uF.. r-. 'iiTin... ; J n yi-iir, i-r in t...i"H
1 ., ;:... .- ( i,."ti .-, 'I I"- it t:i.' . .,. r witti tl." ,.Oi: h
n.t riTi.tii-.n t" iti i.i- I-., turiii-hil (irntls. t.y
i.i.ol. ' ii hj j .i .it.- n to the- i ii1 .:-li.-r-.
Ml .W A CO.
.r -7. ':ok In..., .N. w York.
IovisL,i;:'g...llh of July.
The ('oininiiiee ol' A rrancenients have se- ;
etire'i roiiiineneeiiit lit lla:i l,.r llie piirposr of
an ai-j.r.-ioiaic iu..s.-ivaiiee ut our .National
A ti in e . r-iir v. ,
K.-ater .Iimis Ai.it. j
'eaner- I'lolessor lliass. ;
Music by th 1'iiiversiiv lilre fliih.
Tne exerciser to commence at s J o'clock, '
A. M.
The fiil.-tis if Town andCeuntryarccor- '
diai'v itivi---.! to am-iiii. !
.rc :il ol' ':.(IU. Mr. K. A.
Alex in I. r, ol U'oo.Uoi.i cotinly. Kentucky,
has ha ! another of Ins Miiuilal sales ol cattle.
W e noticetli.it a yeai liiigeall nrotilit as lush
ns ss t;,;i, an. I f. ttv o.l-i more atthesame euor-ino-.is
prices. Tins will have a ! liilency to
increase the present price ol Leather, and we
ii-otiM a lei-e our Iriemls l,, go lo (i. Marsh's
Cheap I!. i, t V Mi"P S'ore, and purchase at
t him to save uioiiev, as ne is seoina;
t ,v S:i.i's at pro
s iinhear.1 ol before in
I J li 'hl opposite the
our town er vicintiy.
Mi UK U IliliSMIII.!TilS.
Tor a Inn: tim a ceiiain rlas of !is'Ms'"
hive . a;lie.i the vkill an i practice ot the ino-t
rmiiM-nt in'-iul" rs ol ih-r regular medical t'ar.
u!:v. I'lirem.i ata.u: ihese we iniht m
sr.uire epilepsy or I'alli.nc li'". Happily now
.v the snU and titvenitV" :, nitis n" an m i -
,,-,-nt .l.-nn-t "t h.il-m, r -. VI. Has .lin-m li: 1 n
i 1 .,i; -lit l' l.lll tin lIi'Ml
;..,..:.!l..H " .. Hi
El ! I MlVril.-l :Oi I I r-
I :,,liini. r.- !i- i l. i:
r .-rv m iny I" 1.
I ..nil UlI.K l:rr. "T Kl SI.Ili'TI'
r-- I l.v hr. t-tti S. II E. i I ,
tnii' r'. 1 I. Min'i- lli- ir aii- .
i !,. In I iv-n tie nil hope .it-v.T
. ii t'-tn-il t" the lnU c!ij . m.-iit .f
i m "ii a tl-w nii-'it t'iium-rslr
.Mi,.-f ll tintvi!li Alaltum... Mr.
if. i fr m 1 I il-: -v, - any i-thiT t-
. !i Mill
"N l.i-.i:
i in th
r!'l: ii-T.-r dn..'Htif h.it it h- t l' t-
E n in an ntlm-iv. aii'i f illing iu tlio
t lliini-vili-. il'- i- H"w tu.Jv n-li r. il m ! li:
put )- i I nn ri 1 1 k I'-r lii'Tf tliitn m yftir. Ir.
!,:- I..,- E. rt, it.- v ir r.iu ..f ttn- mr-. Tl fill
:.l-i HP- nil ut' 1 I ' I' "I :!. p.i-lM. CrrilllES ,V.-..
,nd lire . rv i''-4-' t.r itT- it "I" Wf.ik U'TV-n.
ir. II .in-.-. Jvli'i- tl.e-oi t. . rrt, .r Ui".'iiHrT fti '
r.-i-.i.i "fa r-tiiitTHii.'. I'r.'f. nin h. f -'.: S ;
tw !v- J A.Mrf St-tli ?. ll"Hi'', 1' niutufftrwl,
lEilHt.r.-. M I.
Dr. V.'islar's Ilnlsum of AVilil ( lit'rry
W li-n- tli.- ti!.v. i.is-i-.irutii.ii i- kn,.wn, it ii ... wi-.I .-h-
t:.l..-l.-l "ii llil:.!li' : 1I--UI..1.V I-r II," rurr. f . ,,.
li-r.- tin- ii!.iivf r.r-.uruti.ii if kn..wn, it i n well
I..,.!,-! h- h itilalli1-!- li.-m.Iy t-.r rurr ,f hv:ih
m.,- It.r-'tl. It r ' " J. Ih.)irli.li, j'i.V; -
. I'm! i" t'.r i:mt.i-r-i: H 'f-tH'i i'i-n-i'i, Mti.i f v
l,ii.,-..v.-r-.l l-y w. ll kn..n .lo-:.-in mn ttnn lw"n-
. I.l-rt:il .-tin-- it lilts
ll-.l Is-i-ii .-..i-ti.iiti i,,r,-ei:Oiu iii J.. il.ii.- 1..I-ir, until it-
ll- :ui 1 it- o-i ..t..-:. ii o- .!k- in-o. r-:.l: ate. I l.....w
ku..n and i ll. ri-ln-.l I v all ooul tli.-ir mill..- I- l.-.i. n )
, Inv. I ... it r. --...r.-,l I" l..-:.i : ! I v I" ur.-a tl,.-Ol...lT
l:i. ..v e.r sli 'll-. il-'- wl.t' ll it T t.-s-- I" I'lir-.
Mr.li.lll.-se.arn. li.J-l.iauie.-i".". - "- a
,,.,.0.10,. una
- . .:. ,. ,,.. ,,,r,em,
. - , .. . Tl," 1- .-ot
o.iiii. ii ... . ,,,
tiaVha." ..mi'..-t"l ei.re.1: tint Wn III Milt- P-r ha-l
-. ... r.-.l. It, - I
;itl i.i. .1 i.n tii. .Ii.t"
ll.Hl all'" llo-i-i:o. I.'l T-':".o."sl me Ulin- ,
(-in:.!.:.-. He- lii""1 't I' . "'o.-'v.
II,.-vino ..I tins ""'"'"" i"lk' "''1"""" '" r"'
,.,., t i- . ..--i l - r fj ,.,,..,, ,,., utti,
..!J.VoV. --r inns"-,', tl." ri-i-er, aa .ll w th.-
1V1M..1 uain.- I tl"- i'."i''!".''"-
lliacart I'V-""! ':' """ ' ' '3
j mmdol i .
c (..vu(r(, v,rt m..t rt.rfuiiv my
! y .- uJ; rX:,
. i.-., ;Ztf&tlXZ.
"UVt"- w,.l' !iH; .?
i .v..,r,r.. I
ll.oms- "'"I I" my i.rrii-th' l nr
T"ari. t
srsit,ism..t wm n-;". "' h'
'," "'
t-a.-rtiilly rr.s.ninirna u o u.iwc a....-
j Tlip ,.,,,;,,, r-t'Tls" en tt,. .ra(,-.-r.
s. w. rowM: '., IToprlCT..
I .-. r .
t .,r . J i ie-VV. t t - i. njs.il, at,! ie -o--
iimi r . .-. ' ,"
II. P I AH I ' s.
jr.d "i v rhor. it. nt' r.ut,
foruiiTlTM tlwiollrr of ur.-oD-, Faiw,
H Tt-iT "tt't.V.it T" TIIK 11HI.!
C f.-f Tt'i'tttrr t.futt S.rr m.d J'utiful Ihifitsrt .
1,iiK iri-tanrt I':iin or iMirotn-Hli in Itir 'aft of tn?
dvfttia. Ui-uiiruli-in, n-iin in Mif lutrk, hrt-Kst
i.r -i ll-, (m.iI.'.I irfK't. N. irik''-Burin. ; ra.n-.
HfK.firho. i'ruliTp in tl t-iiiM'-li, "f "t'"""
(In.-:.-- th:tt if r'tKE nr. I i'iNr I I . 't n.iiv
i.v.t "ii ! tm..r .t !- wtrlftiin n I'Ki'.t K1 T V H."
T'tKY. iv j-'-uiVi-ly t't cir jutron-. cm
r.-ii.-vi- tli- tutl i - r '; tin.- .hjI ( ! 1 M. W r w :iH
jtl-t h:iy in tti- f I'r"f 1,11 y'r '"
lirin'lnft" ttii- ni (! inu -np-ri Til -r all' tl.
Vif t-tn ,r l-.iiu . pr i t !! I" tiie tii.J..
ir,.-MI ur l-r- itisi-t J.'l lr.---. li
J. D. hToNEHOAD, 4-it f-.rT S .
iivais u tt in; Jila vU r t.
Citrrrrftff Wttkly
Wheat S1,K E-L-s.. 8 V-
Uye 7I 'I'ailow E-
Corn T Eard EJ
(bits E'l-'on El
Flaxseed EE- Ham E.M
Ilried Apples. l.oM Sh .uld.r M
Uuttcr 1- .'lovcrseed 4.."il'
I'oil; 'i
On tli- Uth in'
(,f tii.- ii- ::.-t. nt.-
,iTi:.i ir w.rt..i J i:i l:T
hi 1 1 LhL'IjA, Ju;litr 1
it A irwii-l'tirif.
.v s l in-r. TIKVKV sm:th.
liu til Will iu.
aii.l Mi- KL1X.11IKTII JiM, "t M-lm
LT?n'th Ut!. ir.-t ,l T K-'-A.i; T-I. .Mrtiln;
nf Ht;.l... Mi l MiM A.ML lU.IA . KpIIv f
.11-1,0.. '
om ll..- 1. Hi in-t . Iiv I'.-T. IT. M'lf. It ''II Mtt.KS
.1 .-.,. is.-, c.l Inn.:1. . Cii .i.-l .Mi- NMt:..l-i:I.W
. I !:..! J I.KTikin. . I tt :i-l,nii.i... Il.-i.-hi.s. N V
o II.. I .11, Iv l:.-. lr. i.-.i;,.-. IHWI'M
Sll H-Ml. .0 lli.e hi oi t'l'.. Ml UAiii.ll.i l-'K
M:I.H s. : S It. rim.
Iti l!..-l.l..r.!. tit. It'll tiot , .v Itov. II,; Itr-vn.
t'r '""
II "iltl.TON. 1 I r. .. rt, o.. .1.1.-3 l.t.l.i.S
..;.,H V
i.t i
,,n t.i
in ll,- I'Mli not . h t III" t.ieh.-Min I'o-s n:.'.. in l..-i.
t .ir... l.v t:--v II I ii'k. .I'l-I.t'il Kl VsK.: mi I M prt
M a l:l a fl o Mltiio:. l- tti ..f e!iii,:-,,i.,ii...
..n 'I,- I -a I. :i,-l . I l;.v '. .. tt r. .I'lNUIIU
,, ,., M,.,., r,:,.t T... . i ti. M':v ii w
ZX.?!. Vi;M "K,iMVi
N.nr VtTi-SM-7. Ilili In-t. IUVtH K , .n .T l,n
C iitnl Amu It Shi.V-v. 'I ! -.- ir. A m and ' 'Uh.
A-' hw cl.-ii.--l Id-it v Il-.-t-r
lit. Ii I.E ..in.-t. hii t I'li.-rifl .iu U In-art'
f'Mir. Il.'-tii.j i:.f rf- ' f 'u. t.i. ur,
M w --.fi w.-'n- r.t::. .t f., j.-.r '
In f:t tntM!M T. . ITMi ui-t.. I-VIMI KKE.-K. Pr
In N.-wiiiti-FilV. A:E. Ii-i.i ( iimTv, rlnri'h, i tti u t .
' IMKI.r.S . ""ii ' r ii .1 M 't i. ill', t Muney, n
"ill Var, -; mont - Mil 1 I I il tj :ri
ti t'l- ::!-t u!t , m f . r T , M-.ntour Co , JAM:
I AIM II. -1- 1 1 "' V.- r
In tir-ftn-l.i'. M- r-.-rr . . M C V M. Il!;Y.S- 'N. f'.nuvrlj
of (.rlEnti.t- t .-'II I " - ll' t" r I'-ar
.' 11 ' """" I
f j 11 IK CriiHiiK-ii'iE'! Oilirers of'ilie
I ltit,a'lt :irt lifrebv ri intuand t" m-"t
at ill' C unt II n id l.ewiotn l'. -ii M troi;.v
thr H!i Uv t Julv. at In nVlurk IV M.. h-H
an i'. tvtuin t"'T M ij'T (infial ol ilie Eighth
DiviNt-'H. By unit-r (.f
lir -n ! ItipTt. r - i Ii. s:U I. I". M.
.". mi SI. A IN!
1. .speal.iii? ot ll
Ion s,i-s. - sii-1
ot ihe late l.aole. Mrs. l'ar'intr-
li a slav, ii? paitv as tiiai I
never hear.l ol l.elore." It' sin h a partv ces
tbro'ieh I..-u ishiir.:bv u ill ill Inn th'ir II :: -a
l.ilison's Hat II a ulaa-l t.i . h.oe
Ihe stoeir is l.ltjje atol cllT-p. lor C.lsh or
(iutitrv 1'ri'iliice. .Iune"I
Kotico to Trespassers.
rnilF.lii: havinchere-o.li.re l een nuiehilam
I a-.-.- .lone to i ti r propenv by per-ons ,
trespassing upon iif miiii''. thro-.viun .
rv-.ie ca. oi t oe'-'rovinir yenn? timber, shooims;
bir'l. piekoia berries an. I ihe hk. we there
fore h-rebv uive n,.in-r to all and especially
to parents an 1 ii.udiaiis- lhal anv p- rson
here.ilier found ti-spassm; upon our premises
will be pioaecutej aeeor lout to law.
JiisKI'II M. . lUIT.
jiiiin wit ri-:. m v i:i!,
JullX CAI I..
SAl:H I'l'M.MI.Mls,
Chillisijuaiiie, June SI, Js.'m
s- io.oo
AVS f,,r a lull course in tl. In n Citv
moM exiensivelv p:iii"inieil ami
I. est .rqaniZ"d (. tunmercial School in the I in
n-d Siaie.
1)07 XtuI' nfn oft' if in 'A'', Mn h, S.V.I.
I'sual lime to ci'inj'letf a lull conre. irom
fi to HI weeks. Everv Student, up.'H -:r.o!iia-lin;.
t s cnaraRtretl In be r.inpe:ei,i t. tn:maue
Ihe IJiMiks ut any !iinir.s and qualilad lo
earn a alary tl Iroin
V.-0( to !W14iOO.
Students etiter at any tune o Vacatn-n--Keview
at p!eai'iie.
Fifty-Ono IVrmium rorl(,ct ronman
lii; awanlod in 1
TVMiniMers Sons r-Teive't at half pnre.
Fur Circular and, fr'pecinuMi nt" VVriiiii',
incloc two letter stumps, and iidtie
is- F. W. Ji:.NKI.s. Tutsi. ur-h. Pa.
i.ciiiai u l'oit mm:,
Cash paid for Hides !
-llir: "oibseri'er would respectfully inform
ihe public lhal he has now on hand a
select assortment ol ihe best Mii.i. i.r. . i tu.i
for ihe supply of Ins customers. I. ceilo-r with
a superior loi ol I TIT.US, which lie will sell
upon aceonnneitatiii:; terms.
lie M'lu-iis the atientii.il of the Farmers to
his prices I .r HIDI'.s.
Ail havin: Hide, lo dispose of will do belter
to call upon him than to place iiirm iu ihr
hands of A-o-nts. as he is d.-ierniineil lo pie
. ......... ........ ,n iln. n iiiiciilar branch of nul
' ' i- i 1 1 i -1 I
Chases. ll e I. ii
Lewishurs. June 1. I.V
i f j prions pa
.r pt-r Cent. II. 1 -
I.I. rerions ravin:: the Mate I at by the
- ..I.,,- ..I
fHKI.I-KK. Treasurer.
The Collectors that have r.ol settled nn
their duiilieates; I. r ."s are rei;.iesie. to do so
immediately. no l.mccr indulgence can re
-riven. I.ewisburir,, May -
, I -.VJ
w.v.Mi'.i) iu;; c.iu.
' fV- '-PP"- P-"." ' - ' -".
: V l-o- vehiet, .he ln,nest marKe, r
. , f,a, a .he
Tcnna. R. Road, above Stale street.
Ilarrisburi;. May 2". IK.V.iniB.
, --
! 4 NY and cverv de-scriplioii of liras or
j j aUn Metal CaMing mm!'- in ihe most
nr-necl manner, ol the hesi materials, and al
J lowest maiKt-i prices, at
Penna. R. Road, above Stale street.
Hariisbiir". May lS.Vim''..
A Chicago (IU.) Wagon for Sale,
rilH AT well-known CHICAfiO WAGON is
I ..fl'ered for sale byihe snhsenbrr.
Also a double sett of IIAKNF.ss. Inquire;
( ;- . j ,,..,e, t,ri. i.,v,sh,irr
, c.orner in r inn aim .-.an.,
;el s
June 1. Iho! JV
.1'. II. .ill 1-ni.n
--"--""777 , ".-le,.i H ' IVr hundreds " Ha:s a..-! C.ps rf :!,r
, T ; I VVf li :-r -lie a.V.l.'-, ' JZ-:::''
- ' ,,.re r. ?l!'''' . ' -
1 a" L PL"' OHM A N 1'iil, l.r::bui; , " "f" ''"l""" '"' ' "
JV. will follow the example of our Dew
neihliors 1
Our presnnt stin k of Hoofs anil Slioo-t
I will iiositivclv bu tU'crcl at COST
. ' -
'Mhe tin" accompanying the ite.
Joi;i!i liiikcr & Cc
KAVK iim'!i' iirranTiicnts willi V..
I'., l.oc ke A t'o. t loriiisli !)i jjer cent.
A !.:)! I ill,
t.y the lihl. an 1 Hnl: H M. as cheap as it can
be liotlchl III riiil.eh'li'hia.
Thee have also jiisi received a general a--sortuieni
I'uinls mid Oiis.l.I'.iss :uul
r,i:riii:.s am. ri:i:n'Mi:i:v,
viTu:i:v, i.i y.'.v.vi; h.l id,
Tim' nil, ;ill I'lijiular 3';i!e:it Meiliritn-s,
J.ii;iiiirs.Tn!i;ircii, Siiiiir.Ihks. Snia
V.hi'cl li'ri'usi', Jvc. ia".
VI ilo- al 'o-e articles i :!".-re.l VRl.V
CHKAl KOI: 'AII. before Luyins
p. tiere. Our Motto Is
'-SiiiaSI 1'ioiits & quirU Salts.''
LewisS-.M?. Mav r.l.
I Ifiil ri.ppoMtTnH-Tn.nMr..wriri..rk
V mi run i n t a rs-' A- an t U iiitniai M -ri
ritiihitiL' lnr Harm ii,iv. Cidtliin f- r ri!,i;
.MI ru.i.rN an ! iyl-s I ithui wil; be
Krpl li-rf t.i (it v u ju"! rail an t vfc.
'I i;tll well iiiiii'., an I !! ( 'n w
Tnat vi'ii rati n !! -r i to buy. we kii"W.
We havf aUti on hat. i ( '!,( I lls. "a,-irtr;:s
Vc a nice Lit t r , Wm.lni a:il
( tr. in r;i. nt IMi.ht'i'a jinffi-Ki '-T
!!.. ill. U ill I'ap'-r. !itrt-. Cellar?., liosums,
Han lUrc-hifS. If .m- tv A.-.
-- Which en ti.- i iil'' riioap at our New
ClMthii'. re en S utti 'I inr t
s re.1. I'o-a-.e
es. T.-jf,
call an I eiann'.i l r v
r.ivh. z:vivi:i:m N ,v ysa.uy.us
LnW0,Mr- May I I. -'ill
m xriirnirnt !
ami stilt .:;i:iT:.i:
er lnr
riHi: 1'tl i--r-lL!.e.l lin.loic Iil-1
I and ne n i' -e.i:r. i l'er- h
i.v.i.j .v;i;Tv
111- la:i!e-t ki ll.e fci
I llii: Nl'OCK . I iii'H
itoiv on hau : i e. n.en is in
C.oiiov at
A.iiui-'tUi call a:i'l exaninnr I.-r v. n:-
vtiVfN, t-iiner f,-.tftt(r ur H tml. Mt i--
kft-p'T'- an 1 n!her. eniat ! in ilo p irai!"
will tiii'i ii t;i ih-ir a;..iti;a.rM.. tail n- ivi. .
at lu -i'- k an 1
save at least 25 per cent.!
II :i ti tl 1 .i Mil iu .-I ;."!!!. k l1 I e ; r
very ni" ,tif prirt" .it. i UC I'.W Ui'. ' I ul !:.'-sj..r'f-t
H' i;ie.
: ! ",'t t..rj-f t'o p' !i u it d -r U J.
J 11.A .vw?, LEW IM;i i;i;.
Mav y. i Il.f.l J();.i
Hursh St Gaod.-nan, .), .'. mis. I..
AV i: received and i p.-ned a I'MOU K
assuttuieni ot ail tiie latent mpc. ..j
puiii:an"! iirniner ln'i.tis. im p.ir'iCi'.n
auciiUe n ol ihe I.a.l'es is c i. . i to their ..teri
of llnliianis
i-es Siiks i'riMs
lk'iaines a:iu !s
CI' C : trs
IhicaU M.'v.'
tii Eirliaiii- la-. t ! mils
Fini.ar.t, F.!.-;ni
'tnni- s ( cves.A i .
Al.Si t'I'-ihs, riain and I'mrv I'lissmirrt.-,
JeaiK. Twee-is, Wsim-s. M.,i:s Mr : 1 1
ins. TK'kii laiideK. lii-. is ani
I tiii'M's, ilai and Capv
toetiier with a ct tiipleie a- liiio nl f
(Iroi'rric-. Ilanhvaiv,
i ' i i ; i r w a r t . : n.n i w a rc . A t.
all of u hicti w ii! he dispose (.n ;i ta v t -Me
lerins ;;s- ihe aiii ai'.icVs, ran be purch
ased auvuheic. tiiv- 10 rw! '
. 1 ! -.'!.. T- I in i.,
f. malt r 1
. IUI.-.I
tli E
I mi 1 I r .;:i- I
VO -J V .i-k. r. l, kairand linr:
I r . I..- I
U Nil K M-h i
" m.il t"i- - .
i- r 1 urn
III I -I! .
i.:.i::m.. in i
ilIM -:.
Mi es.
in i
i loo
Ii: ,
'Uol Ml A! .in. !.,
1 mi. 1 t r I v
I'UAIt C'i i.-r n."-.ir
i Or - I- I v
e in. .
I i n is- i i,
I..,l. in 1
,v. t te' . e, k...
Ill !..-ii x ...o'i.m n.
m I I. r -..- I v
I;,, mi uui .:-ii
I iN-i.t:n,
.a!.- l.v
,,i-t r .-
IH K.-II X ...
n. n: Tut... .'.
is-iv,-.l an t t-.r
.. .'. ri. I:
k. t? nr. I W..
Ill I.
I lt,..'-rl-II
X l I
DI N' A.NNO.N .il.-i. i.-i-.k, ..in
bv 111
C ri.I.I. So. .. N. M.murv ni. 1 II i
i li 1 I -r sill.- bv III
nt s
i." I v
i-M V.
' VIlll.S iiiitl.-iiBtlo
j.i-t r. .-. O.-1 ni. l t :
Iii esll .e o
111.11 K sii.K t'l - I I.
' ".-.iiik.
is anl lltv I'll. I A-
III I. .-1 1 It I..
ii-..oii, .1
U-..OII1.I..I .i:- W:i.h I!., o.is. nr.
Or. .-k,-ry NI..I sti n- U:ir .jn-t
. .-Iir.i, lor .-:i.-li. or t-e -h
,i,i.-... IO-I..JI ln:ol..t inc-s I-i: I t mil kii.l-.l'lr.
: m .i.i. i t m i:.-ii x ..,..,;.i t
Always on Hand !
Jnbn nn M. j,..:nsi... ,i..us.
J. &, J . WALLS
-f w AVF. in-t i iieio-,1 at the loner -st.-i',lish.i
aa ... ...
1 l M l Mil I II 1 1 im. on Atar:.et .-.piau'
;, iUise and Iresh stoeu
! I'llltr KlMll.etl
.. i .,i ... o... ...iv..,, ,1,,' I,, il," uaio-,-t' our
a'i.ii"v ;
. nairons a wen an an
We have on hand
l'AMii.v i;i;cki:ii:s,
In short evervthint; wanted in a Family Mr
cantile F.siablishintt.
I.KilV AM IMlOlilCr. heitrTht
and sold as usual, on the most aecominoda-
! tin? terms. Live us a ra, an,, ser a,,,, i,,.
- -II.. .1 J...J
i r yourselves. ' '
; I.ewisbure. April 5. l-'-!.
J. & J. W ALLS.
' .t rirtri.lsit an flriir.nr ies. or ElonkCV
x'JU u. nm.."s-i 1 -
i Vjais,
VcIi.ivc testcI the wrU of a
r"u "'"'" "
d-.o.rui.U"ii u-.t
, (.or nitlr.- wtirft-t:-". !'! '' X
U .ivi;.t ft-'Ul it. Our H-x-k. i
Urr, U.'-rc wimpl'-U tlnr rxvr. i r- frvf
prnl Ur ftintmh our fa' rmiJ wi'-Ii rtirii ri.n.' in ur ln.
nl l.u-ia-, al ti- t r. .,r n-l.. r .u -x iti-'
ffe al..t. jrtv ni-Ii f T Vr
if I'rf.tn-i?.
Cur-'ili') tit.'l otii-
.. . r -1- I v
i mi:m;i.:n Iti'.o s
, li i..
i.aki: TiMHr.
TV In!!" l.M. iir.-ka--"-. Mi-1 i" li''1
I'. 'ii-:... i.ttN '"-..
l.TK!I iVditi tii-.- k.lti. f"f -;:! l y
J4 i ii iio r.l. I en" '.
r EES. i'jr sal- l.v
1 X .'.EES. Ea-iport Ik-rring jui
1 J r.cj. ni..iu.:iy,nt !' ! .
, ,,:r.:tux -.
t-EEIl Ei)i"ATii:S.
.7 I'-.tiit .- I.av" lOliVcl. l I
-Tliosi; Seed
:1 r t
tea-: teas: t
. h r- - . I :,ir.-" I - ' f
..... I I....... 1 f. m
in.:.: .t v . s ti- 11 ' ' '
M H'KK ! 1 1
V- 1!- 11 ' :;"-1''"'tl
( tii'FEE! Ci'l E
n ': . :. :- '' -
si:c.ak : si'iiAi:.-
'YIM.T.-: M"E.s-!:: svEi i'.-:
i 1 M
:i..:. I.I.N I.KO's.
I.I 'I! ami WliiterUi-f-r.nroI f'"al.
,n .. i y i ll w i t 1:1 l to: .j-.
f ENE.-I'
JI Lwaull
1 E. E.-EE.l ' nun; 1 A'.i.in.Mai'-Iiaii
'' ' ' . ,1 i '! 'l'-:l.! lo:o .-
oi ::-! .:,t -nj.;.'v .f Wi-s-
V . . ..'. :-. .- -. - . "... .- - I : :ir
i -, ' ... I : ! lo. .- s
1 i.i A .
. i tuts :i'i 1 all kii.'ls of
"' "' ' 'i t:! t"l iv Itt! .'--
ys :
EDIT.. Ci:i)S TV," INK.
I ( EE
ii , v i:
. :..(
i EWAYS on ii in l.
i ilv:M!.l.!N It!
" I I S 1 1 I- IIi-I i-il.
watki: c!:a 'K i;i;.
' li '-'-t :t ::: :i t :. I v ii:ad-
- v . ..
i :;!.,
i l I'; " I I'e.o-n s- 'i ii li rra' ts.iiiincl
Much, i'.
!i U's, II
11 rt. Ii
:.::. II .I--,.-.
r::,a. Iiie- I .
ve 11:1. ii, :
led .-to! Hi
io-,, -I .I
nr. I' .iv.
lo. (doe,
CI' :'.
T.i I Ol t .1':
S , 1 1, -r.
-.:ip IS ,lo i
h ' ' d . d'l. :
lir-ase. U ...
an !. :
li- an-. Ilio ::
s (',-, ,.
Ml 'I, P.::
i e C-
s.r. ,-
. 1! i. t
lia- :
i. U.i.-
, V. I::
, i
. I l oti:l ;ji!-.l -i::ti . .c. .'.e.
f. r ! i -.- eilAVitlli.i.I.N Ulltids.
I.--a-is!. Ap:,s -:.. Is
I Screini !---Ice Creim '. '.
"IVI'IiV Ile.-Ii:'- at Cii.iii.il Iletsilli'. 1,1
Mj 1.- 1 . r t . l:ie-'I . : e-r:.; i a n ; ' r ;rii-
-. !.-
iu I. u :
M iv
1 1 ST lild'nVEH ni lit- i:u:i!v S:ort
1 1 ill I.i u ; s i"
Fiiiiiilv (iroccrv Store.
T. G. EVANS &. Co.,
o i i i. i. i-i i.i i
r fut-r .. tii ui tvH'-i 1 - - '.:! ii : ' t r. -ii.-ti..
OKA1N', 1 I.til'E A.M 1EEI.
tea. "iit ;:i:. mueasses,
.sECAir. CliEI'r-i:. I 1-11,
I'EI I I S. A,-. A.-.
Mnl.,t t,..t, th- J'---t ;"-;
is?mi -z. I'a. .
'P ('.. E. A Ci. l::io i'i-t revr-ivO'l
I'. :m - anil 'I iiiiutlm ,
. It. I .ill- .,:. I voo r.u. :. I : :::. ..:. I lo - ti.
Eriotl Appli's, Ei iuin -. l'riiiio.-'. Cur
rants. Ei t si-iA i;. i Citi'i.t.-. Y
lat,Uai.-iio Irutu I"1 In lsi
ct.s. pi r li'., Eie kii's of I
all ik'-oTii'iiiiiis,' j
Pare Juki Ol'i ali:. pround. '
an. I -e ii in mr t n.: t l ai -..-.---: - I r oai:. ii... '
A ,o--. i.t,. I so,-., nor .ll.ll'A .;... .lttl.
run i isll. Hi l.lil '.'. .' i '. r.i' o.i,
A .: in : .1 a--- II:,.- ill f
WIlloiviiniHiilar H;:ii'.(.l:is-
:ii-t-. Jw. . iivwiii -. I it it In is-iiir-,
Ui;.-. Iwine-. (.
',.:.! i:.., i ill i:,,r.c t;.n.::..
, ..... . .' ' :
, ..,. n..V, a..-'.' tr. J..ir,f, .fc.
S(i:ii- ul" it 1 1 kinils, Wlii'.'i flre-aso, (-to
erobimo iini Cu-.iiUa, n tijoicc naiictn.
ri..,.-- i-,,i- v..
loa;. t uituoi-s, c e)Mi,
I.y.-. O.its, A .-.,
f.'.wify riiiir-rnt
iilu : iMi haii'!.
r-e ' t fk.tr 'r tit r..e.-iire
rr.ni'i' lc.','.'Ol thr l.'.rvuh.
.. T -.T.-mia tn ri,tim..ralalt tt:- s-lir ah."b W"
.i,,l 1- i.ii
.: Ir. " ,...( I,
Ii.itii'i.r..i:tj i:ir.
Ml. t" 111" ; Ml ,ir t.oul
IV. a!" " m I'-io ,1 I n. al - t" - i
. t,.ap as It.-.
V. ....il-l notl.
i - t -
...Tl r
ilM liu- I.- , t O. -i-ii t
tint our .x.aeti fi irueis l.- a
ua ral i : I .r
He ...."oJ.ie a.7 mi'iaer or
l-wi.l uii. Apr. I i.: is.a.
i r.l i. is i T
ri"' MARRIED !..r.1
. , .. .v, ...,. , ,
g a r. I nn. 1 1. n w or :i -
J ea'l -..t vi r ri'i.v rs It M.i'-O VI
Lan .'-'r :ii . n t:i- 11 o:--v !t e. n--'.e e : : :i n,
prii'-- l,-.'.'i. The a'.'.-n'.on i I a i b-vr-rs el
1! n- v ate mvi;?; to il.:- v.i'ini: d- b
I'lli's l..-,o,,rr.N , n r';!,;.;iin i,l .d' I'r p'o-cv
es j .-e : a ! : v a - re i r I s i ilt- m . . 1 S' . -r-s. I'r u'"
lo its. ' 1 ii.s is :ralv a le-n.-rk:1' look.'
.May is. ' V. M MI llllA V.
i . '-R II. :,.: ! s-. , fi
' ' .'"'''-" "
" !.,.
l fi. s. rot.- I'l U K
.: ,.i- '. ,-t
i ai v
fjriWO.NsI .le-inni t.. I. .;,! ,r f n"cJ
J li ..it- : ta :ii.,.-e rirl rrrrroi t
flipiej hv ''. II. Flslirl w, I . -.- ,, tH ng
deinio.'. LL UVt .'. li KRIUR.
I.eu-isbtire I'iim Cur, .V .y .
f. W. M. i'OSUlMt it (.!!,
'.IA' r .t ; i,'
31 ILL! .N ll IIS,
?k -i t U s ,
Frcncli Fiowe.s and Kiiiinery Good.
re, Api.l i. l-.'.J.
Variety store
LW: si:; !'! ! II'(-k"-,SintioHf ry,
, lea-.
. , Jeev. 'i'.-v-, ContfCtJo
j '-r-, Ki.jo. ii ', tasketff
r,. in
J.l.v. I;;t l,ii roi-T OFFif.E.
LLil) A.ND I'l.Ml UU. ran !. hal at tb
I mm-: ;
! ril.'s-S 1. r I. a :; an i lients call
i liUlir 'HC''
i KV IIKAI. -e:is .i ;aMEi3 anJ otlief
j;.r ; t hJ
r nFFlCF.
very rl;-ap a: tie
'iiT fiFFICE
(L i Ti:i:. i.;cs. i. i.
I and I'eu.iry takea in
..(is at th?
rovr office
Uici...;e U r li-
n:w !.,.. s .,f tin
.in-, F il's, iate and
-a ' ar :h
e I'rua''1) I- r
I ,l;nM: ! r II .-;-s er li,. .U of any kiaJ
I t -r,.in;,',v it;el.
, at tie
I A ill IIS r :::i tin : trie Inr.e-t ar, 1 A-.. assort
Jj men: i ! I.eiier and -N ee ! AI'KR.Krivel.
e- Ac. a: :lie
l u-sp imcE
jo. b m.s.
J.J. rami.
i-- L. 1'tl.MI K o.,
v-'vj Lewi-'iur I'laniii Mill,
K4Tf-!i'--ls.-.s ''r'!, c'o;reii.oV t;n a,,ii aod
n.an i .i, : it- io i r ! r I'loorinsr. ilin,
l)iiiir.sa!i. Minllei s. Itllitdji,
l.lil.us .1 a l iat''ir.s.
and .-.!
roeser ::.,r.i t l W eioi M'i,ika.fit
in li.i.l lr -J.
I ll in - le-r
f,: !. A ; iv i
: , 'An er.
' !..-e I a , ! p-omptly
e ! i"ve s-itis action.
' : I.iiinlit r of ail
r s;i
. 1 :rtLt,Lcu-;iturir,ra.
l .-.'.',
r:oy,TRY:s sky light gallery,
O Villi J s. M r.i!'.'s liar! ware Store,
t ruo t'..- II. .-.ail! ,n'.s Sane -: re, Market
stl'-e;. I.i-it;:-,!'7. Pa.
.1 M !:!: T V! 7", urr. t IX'frriTS,
e. :.. in tt: n-r.l -op-r . r s-y e. In a-liiion
'- -; ' i
"liuiori: ;:.
tl.,- t -: i i ,,: :.. -
::i n e j i''.;.rd to take
,aie i
I s.iirt,:, .;!!; 'a
A-,.. Il'LI.O
f c lorej to rep
:.. an o.l f ainMng,
s - n and irature,
! v :iie Camera.
. ir. 1 I hare :he
i .-v. Ca:i and
":. -i. :!. lro.
Ill'liS. Th
' !'
..it e ., n I e f i
r I
Neir laimk j'ai- l'n i:'ili7m f
A i: ;'i-t r-.
,-t l. ... IS i
! Oi" r c-r-eral stirp f
i'i;i.ej .v M lltll!
:-.- - ir. pii 1 1 the
i ; !-:... 1 a- .r -
la:esl and I..O-I 1. 1-1
"!. A "ir-s i
. L- re.-.
f a. I
SU-.s, I. I. --s. li..u;, . .... V
- :'- I .-. IL '' -:-. I..-.-.-.-. II --."!s.
Ii. -i'-t T.l.i.tn -l.s. II ,.'.,-,
li ll . . .- r, I,- : . Ac."
1 "s i: ' I ' I I 1 '. i I XTEEMEV
In- v ' a '. .::...: I r-. iis, e:,
.t: '" . ", :' ev I!::. I Hose,
C. :'. ..: ! .: I r ,;. ci . ; '1 rs i
i t'
..- i i.r i.-s rtir.et.r,
: ...t y..,i . a.'.'t do
c. u-iirv rr- duee
;i: c.k v m.
J .-i ll
nl.H !!'!' -Ta-- ,'.ibri:bri
:::: v a::n- n- re t the citizen!, ci
;.:i : v . ::.:'-. iha: tliev have ie-roit d
1.- : isl.'irj : v
a u. ei - ; ' 'i :;.e
Tailoring Easiness.
ur '!) wr ' I.r:- -j n :i ! nit r 1 s-i ! n n
"! ir : N'ff-i. '.Ci' it' fhi v ;u e p repard l-
rll .t.Mi M..t: ';- i er in ti.e ery
i.est. ;;!.-. M r s at d V. . ' C !t!lillff of
r-.TV .!'-t 17 . ; 'ii i . rr :.ce. v ail
a llare oi ine j--j1.'i.c p-'r u:
j ;i: ci;tAVFl.L,
Citizens ! Lo:k to your Interests.
I'...." s!i.'.La!'iae u
p r.:'s ;
upplv rf
let,--' c.il: l! , ts, f s so to rn
.1. K p if. i so to 4 ee
.'rr C iijrt -s Cuter', Calf, ! 5 I in ( (l
il l !'.::.; Lea h. i tiaKfis, 8 ;.... 5 S
do I'elot I l ie., 1 k7 lo J III.
do hl.j. r-noe I 00 to 2 00
do ; o rs ?." lo I
li... :s. K.p. I .' lo 2 Ml
do .).. Cad, S SO to 3 l"
i'oiiih" !!.., I 2- to 1 .!
d. ''. es, t.'Z lo 1 fi'l
.ad es" K i. Hi i t IIceN. 1 6i to I r.7
do d . i.lce-t.eot ; ni c I :j? to 1 7-S
do Call sk:n laee-t-oi t heel, 1 '--i to 1 "7
d . t;i:.:n d 1 no tn I Si
d. li mers, Kncli-li Inst.rrr. 1 in m S 37
do do French las'.inc sprit -;n f - lo 1 .S
d.i do do la-t l,o u:'h li.els 1 SO to I 15
do S;.; -, er . li. els t.it.cv 1 ::. in 1 '..i
di 'I ni ,i y S : T" rs ino t'e .'-0 lo 1 ."il
do CI- 'ii an I I ..i: el slu per? no lo IS
d,. .1 :', r-. us. K.J 1 I'" to I .'i
M.s-es' Kid. h"els :"' lo I t::
d . it.. .V.-n-cco spnrg' '- 'o I
end !.-"i,"s st ,-, 4" t "
C.td a: J A t t:s scnTTf .Market fruir.
I.- i-Mii.-. A; i il !-.-.
Adn.iiiisli ;:toi "s Aollr .
VUT'u i: i li;Ti'!i iven. that I ritrrs
IN of A !-e,i:i-"at", n i n the Fslare of
HIlMiV t. MHU KI'.I;. Ia:e of New Lerl n.
I i.io-i -.i:n:e.dee'd.!iae b.en yanted to tl e
tin,:, i --;::.-:! Iv the 111 u'ster ol I nnn r.'iit. V
in do.'- '. rm i I law ; tlo-reb re. all prr-. r. in
.'.e' in! :o said estate are r-'ueste,i lo msL
iiiiined.a'e ia inent.ai: I th. .-e haun? ai.y jrt
claims are al-o renaes'e.l lo prc-rnt tl.eui lf-L-ailv
amlieei.ea-cJ I- r seit'en rut.
!i II V lii'.'NFi:ii. Adii.iuistrater
ilr-.-n. May l. I fall
I'm liCt Hook an! other art-.c r
..: mat Uird on hand or torrder tiv't1?
I.e-isbnrir Hn,.ii'-nder. ( 11: !sTjHL
riVKE X OTIC I. ! The ni.nrv?nd ani
aypoituasl . r. tor the sale of
lor. .i...:s i. ? Sanh
.. .? nn. : et tl-t:'-: r-a'e-ihl. A 1
...... -.1- . . . ; .-1 ty M- r-vl- e s'H"-
i;,i .h, -.:-.. i
1 I If
r ,
rue v
f -
1 .