IsC trial) urg, ia. nvt:i:riK M.r.if-i.-'iir. r.. Merrl.-nl. Mechnile, .v II l.i-h to I.e.? ..r ciltitnas nf tin- ."'' ni ic-rensm.: rio'it"' Lr prop -rti u "f tij dealer-. s My 1 HI I . wlt f:n; lo tti . r(,t.-l I ima a liifJtf .itn'iiiim: fvi.tniii.uif a -tit jrila''i'i s t-wiisuiiitT5 CT Sec 5r ! ei Isicim ill, i J t IT A tro .d T,.o I'roperty is advertized . " i , . . t l . . l . lo. . nimer 'ir i':ti i'iaie itai, lu-iiay. tnai l hue Deer farm is om.j . TIitH. Tlif re ar? tro many toafm? T.ijc boys end vounj men about our town. Two rMlirrn ("Satan l'uds s-me mischief n!i Ur I He hiifU v is'." lat u-t'elc u!e a ci-pnrr pump from Mr. Hull, which they iiiten-!ecl to sell in 1'hila.!. I r (11 repper. One was crm nnttril f-r want tf bjil, I ul has since been re leaeJ on seountv. The viher absconded- :6 arpreci-iliii? cetmiN-we u.rcet wn.i.aswe cuppen n uui t: a paper some time since niak!, xue aui.exe.t iir!;etou pronpm ol "lea paper-' ciiKtiii. ihowu name, of course, u tin becttmins iwilt-Mv. It vill be een that our vimki-j frientU jut vp the river are n-'t ir.c.uJeil, but by imlu'.tv auA perseverance ihy n in due time rarh an ace which wiJl cnMile iheui to an a.'iniiou into iMir fine-Ioilinj er : i ''! Crpri.ui n !'t'ir-. 1 f'Mowin? r nomnc tli- iu-'Hs triti i'-'l H. i iil-lt. i.n j ; t i i li Ti.'i- th tJi-ir ay t-n-'ir t. .!:.. '1 !. :.rf : r-n-I !.!. Mrll fTtiiti i. nii-i tt il.r liiUii ol (- iilt. ai ttiiif. t.oti-r miv th-V lvi.buti: "ir -iiii--'-. i i Aita!-.r. t'..tttr .ti.nri!:il. II-trT!t"ir T- l.-.-rni-h. V .t : ; -ti -1 .1 u ni tl S n- titif-t. i.:iltrniau'.- J"Un. il . ti.f li-tllrLur riit-un." Sail Axllcilt. Abcut 4 P. M.ufat irlay Ust, three smaii b .y I'nmi X. Second til. neiSectett by their parents ami manlians wt-r' seen play in by Wolfe's Wharf, t u the river beluw the l.ewiburjr limine, when twoof them. by some unaccounted for mi-hap, fell over the M.le. K bert H. baniberl;nt and Charles Sunm'i . leariiirp the dar.p'-r, rescued one, (a liiile nn uf Mr. Ilcizel f the Kiviere II"U-e, whit wa u-t fl, j::!r;;) but knew nothing of any othr one temp: in, uiitil one of the boys pvovrreii su:icien:ly frin the fripht to tell the lact, when it was too latp. r'luxkLis I. Gr.-M u M-tiof the laie F. J. (fcsser and wife was found, u-i!i in the water, but every cil Tt to re-uctuie him proved unavailing. Ionr !.t:!e Fia:;k"' happv. ceiitle.rc.i-rhf'ekcd. bri Ir-y''! or ph 'in lov evtTbedc w!io kii, lovd him. lie was buried on Monday fn m the roid'-nce Jaue tti'jon, whre h:s lanientcd a-,i:"r.s Masonic companuis l:ad provolel lo;n a home. Hi aiTe was f vears and 1 aici;ih. Oriler. We hare heard many expres sions of approljaiiun for ilie public co d ac complished hy ihe appointment rf a inate j'ersou to ent'oree ilie laws in our Mieets. I'. has proved a conif..ri to la lies ha conferred honor upon us from viMiers and lias re sirained ihe ten lei. ey to rowdyism so ap: to arise in larse towns. All tin ha- been zain ej at a trilling cost, lint u-e rereito seethe mischievous we hope ihoughi.Vs. plLris in certain (jnar'er:, to cast upon this humble yet eiiir.icnt instrumentality. O her objects of fun than rne atrettiii" public man ners and mr rals. mi:;Iii be m le.oe.l. 3u.i opinion, and the d::e support ff our peace ollicers, may sustain ihe cenera! ueiiare, and prevent much evil; ut ile a Contrary course will entail much in and crime upon us, nn?y to be counteracted 1 y very large outlays ot Money and tearful derra '.a:i. n cf mtra'.s, , rec.aSlyamonsrtheyJuih. Sudani and ht-tu r ent!on belter than cure. Union Semiaary:.-r;e;v Berlin. I Mhad theple:ureofat:e,.din2apu..n rfthecloMnsex-rciieselthi-ii.MitiiUoii.and was much rkacd wuh ihe -nint and iudus- , , , . , v " . , i Tuesday evening, the Societies had prepar- , ed a comfurtalde sta?e on the north Mde ol ... . the Building, which was adorned with Bower ccouo. " 6- and eversreent. Atier prayer bv Rev. Mr. tatomebt was made out. li .L. u L- -u k' T i .u - - Keese ot the M. fc. I hurch, Lewisbar;. the . . M- anrointed Collector Ora,.of,heocc-.n.Rev.OT.,.I.T,rrA,r,:. SeiTJohn Hayes is appointed Collector of fialnmore, was introduced. His theme was Prneresc" He r,.ni....'.,l ihjiel., fiof. necessarily, nrorress: nor w.ts mirr nrn ferity, progress; m-r yet was mtnUd tuUurt the highest prore-s ; liut that spiritual eieva t;' and renewal cf the man by Irvine It ve was the true pmgrf-s to be M-uhi by ail ear nest, im mortal mm Is. Mr. Titlany is a fin i-lied speaker, and hi. ?und, pracuca!. thnushi lall discourse of an hour was Miilieieutly sea feced with wil and satire Music, and sink ing the '-Mountain Home, by Messrs. Ua-U'r, Hammer and others. Benediction by Presi dent !.n.-mis of the I'mversiiyat I.ewibtir. Wednesday f .renonn was celebrated by tbe Grst craduation iroin the Frmale Depart ment of the Srim nary, aiui ciiltrrin it Di ploma, 'i'he readme of ihcanrifzcd list of Es--avs was iiiuxspersed with Muic by a Ch'ir Da-'tt'- by M:es Harrison. I-.Aurand. and M. II. .i7. athl Messrs. Hammer and Itassr and an original piece, dedicated to the Class, words by Hnry Schwartz, mii-tc bv Pn f. Hauler. Pr.ver by Rt-v. P. Rierof the LuUieran cU'irch. New Uerlui. Esays 'lt d.4ti B't j -t aj ; nr what we LS If Kate FwtMrorn Th l-an I .!uo.'T n'. A"'' 1 " Thr -ieor;-i I. .i'iM) I ilf ml itw Aim V-ditl; I.- t. 1. nil Vt M- ILirna 1.1ilt. 'iE S In the ven in?, the sats were l. I led bv an attentive crowd, and ilrld's Cornet land, Icishur,varied the emertainment with Mu sic. Prayer, by Pres't mwi, wa t.dlowed Vy speeches of varied eicellcnce according to the f.H.'ini Programme: Tfftitr'- Vii-m 9 il. M'l'tRlT, Lsnrt-It- n 1 KT. Ut I CD-lltH O C-f CUr r roil l'T tf. i Thi- Kt r.-rt TrfT -trf - n 1 -!,. of lUt-tt J -s r-i-ni;. -.,;...l.-.hta fw--rtv tt.-a to Lat-r ti II Spi-.-itifB If .ril-Tur, T- "v. Rt i -S S V 7 M. lf.,1 1' v. . .t ttnrk r f 31 jo H ' lr-n.-nt 1 itior tilVaer w- l". Mr-r--tta Tutu,,; V. It --M-r. Mrh-im, At .ut. !i-l.l ft itrj 1. 1 ti V It'kiK. K-m-l.ur ' I- M-rfc. h rreft-nr A " . " mi It lii-J.-i-tT 1. n v i .Mil :.n . i'iiif "'r. tt.-St.,.., , II S..L.KI.. 1-1,0. I. 1,1, "m. ttitin. iwi,, r s s. .-.1 no. Nm 1. r.o. 1 ..... , .Leu -i.i. ji',,,,.,...,,,, rl r - .-nl.-I th.- to'1' 1- l.i l. r.r, iy r r.. Mr. ie . liiiu -.lie .ssep.;ii, ,a-1.11. r.r, tj. A we:.,,'.,rme ! c ntletiiau. formerly of the .r.iiv. w.m wnom e ci'iimjimu, mu .,-,i wuh the Ev.i,,;el,.al Association) 11:0 ,hat these fourth closinc eiercses of in Institution demonstrate a very large ad- la-ice in elevation in lhat reion. and la ns that rcople. augurs well l..r the luture. r I I -The t.. and from New Berlin is ej- td bv ihe itu'y pleasant, as was cvinc "' re oi' uroers in daily attendance. 'i.-i..i .,..ks exceedie.slv well. (Ourcompao- : a .tated that the rl nt-.m.-stone hills below "wn m-ich rcsemhl, s.rr.e o, the best , heat ''-icns in tn- ; country.) Wt met . N :' n .rr.r.,i h.,- for i . v - ' t tanainri hv a fre-.y-arrive J senior !rr..n i .r . .'e and w.irr. - - io. er.-.-.ji s. in r-r rre- Trials Of Blowing Machines Are .the order of the say. is we see by all " J . our exchange papers. Tbe project of tilinn.l.i.t er.iri. ole... f..r.,.er. e..sOt,,U., ; , , . ,. . . ar.sic.y to gfi me mactiinca, io cut id the most proper time, and they attend the ....... . eihtb.tion in great numbers. i ario-niorrow (Saturday I at 1 r. .'I. Mr Tiatt (agent for Manny's) bas appoiut- , . , ,, ., . , ,. eJ ,rlil1 Bt 'r- ul Oeddes (formerly It. .IVI lt T : .. ii in. u iison jr ai.jumiug Liewisuurg aud Mxt U'eJucfiday forenoon t Wiilip : Oomberling Jru, near Sjlincgrove. rial at Milton, I rtday of next week, ., , I,, t i' if -Kvery one should j-ide fir biiuMlf. Mim-iikim, June 10 At preint,evory thins: 1:. cheeritii:. and promise au abuud- ant barrest. JUl.Ju. iSi liiilar to this, id iufortnation we bare ; f w w - v. ,i 1 t V , 1 ..."-..u...,".""?.""" I'-uyiu, i uij,uu vuiih-u.dU.iiUu1..f. Some who have been tljuwhere, ay they ' have seen no bjtter prospects than iu tj their town from the uiaiu irak. 1 I'liou c iutity. The weevil has done very 'J',tf Milton Savings l'ank hit declared little daUi:iTP, thfl fjrsin l.oing probably Jiidrlid of 2 per ceul. out of liio ear- t too fjrward f r it ; and what we saw be- ning of tbe liauk for six mouths. j twecn this and New lSerlin, was but little ' w weeks ago, Mr. Samuel lloy-'. iii si i i .t.'er of liru-li valley, bad three Sue calves lodged. Much begins to turn white the , ", , ,. . . , , ,, i, i, destroyed, by a pack of wolves prowling harbinger of the golden yellow. Kye is jq CQllulJ , also good, and grass middling : Oats and j ,,, ,, Thcre bM beea M ppp08i. . Corn not forward, but plenty of time for t;,1n ia carrying passengers between lan- tbctu... Haying has been c unmcneed. I "Jutj,l old i!" Uuttcr only a sltil- lin" a pound ! Tbe abundaut rains of tbo fprin-, and the tuporaboonding industry , C . , , 1 I v, ,1 of unwonted thousands, has brought tbe i c ...ii ;,.......,iLfl, Th uuuimim ....!.....,. .o..lJ,f .,! n.,,.1,,,,, frnm prospects of good yields of produce from the large breadths put in subjection, are truly causes of heart felt rejoicings among persots of small income! and straitened circumstanees. Tbe year ISo'J, 'Oil, may ... . . , t . i ;rGve one OI tue nest ior a couuuriauiv livelihood to the misses of mankind. , Tbo anniversary ex- WlM.lA Msimut. ereises of Hiekinson Seminary extend from Sunday I'.tth to Wednesday 22d inst. Services at V. M. of Sun day by Kev. Mr. Pidjeway, in the Cnapel. Address r before the Societies, Monday evening by Kev. K. Ia l.ihiell. Junior Class per formances on Tuvsday eveuiug and gradu ating class on Wednesday evening. Ki auiiiiati'jns of the classes Mjuday to Wed nesday. ine L. o. i-isinct v oun u.eeia ui. .Monday ncxt...Uev. Jjoiej uuer ice-, - - 'L :.. 'I'.. . 1 - ; .. .. T,.nr lures on v. uiiia, iurnj t.t"i(- ... and Wednesday evening, the Ladies of the liaptist church give a Mrawbcrry letival Tom II: I i, in enntemnlation... TI... :., :. tt. denies that storv about the - i. t .1 ! SUI'l'lllJ Ol a lijtuuiiu ..tfiiu.j nu.ui. .llln.iAisi.iiu. ii icmu iioiu i r, that ?lr. C. K. Haas gave an Kxhi- I :.: .t l.;3 .!,....! Tl.nri.ln ufrorn.nili uiii-u oi rL w l j - r.r !., vn.l' 1 finn of John Hniltrer. " " ' while trying to strike a eoit with a suck J received a "lick back, wbicn bit bim iu tg faCc auJ badly it jurcJ oue eje. Dan- iel Muortf Ui.hT Forest IIUI. Lad toiue ribs fucurcd bj tbe kick of a hore. ' . , c -TL; ; I-wUburS Chr.Mun Sunday School and friends jesterd.y had a Urge ric'L,c ,a lue fcruTe "ear -,' lliO liiua kccompatiiea iuciu uui. - i i - 1 -t .... 1 ar Mr. Joues, the treasurer, requests . 1 us 10 8l4lc iU11 ' " 1 , L' L. 1 li...l:e.i. If, full .inA Iiia H.iraiiith for est liullaloc, ana UuO. . teOamotri f,,r 1. mnttnnn I n. XfWS JiClllS from VDUjcr CoHItlicg 1 Stnti rt Si Krie II aii.roap. 31 aj I, 1. lJickinson, of lUrrisburg, James Chat- LamnfulWrn lhinn. K-ttw.. of la-H-fc Ha- uuu. -u- j I i ven, arpointcd by the (ioveroorin accord- ..U .1 f A,..1.U nf to view the line of the Juubury and Erie Ilailroad from Williiitnsport to Sinnema honinp. have attended to tbeir duties and made report to the Department, that a cer tain portion of the road has been properly completed. In accordance therewith the (iovernor yesterday directed the tate. Treasurer to deliver to tb Directors of the Company bonds to tha aaiouut of one million. 7tY. June o. The Wiiliam-porters are about estab lishing a boat club at that place with a view to aquatic exercises on tbe river. Dit.uiroHU Coi ntv. Dr. Seth alie- bury, who bas beeu idenlihed with tt.e i ;ho bas beeu identified i II tl lite I political history ft this county lor the last thirty ycai, died on Monday, the oOth ult. He l ad lately been liviug at W ells- burp, Chemung county, N. V., practicing bis profcfMon. Gilbert Vargusun, was accideutally killed on the 1st inst. at Can- .... k in X 100, Uy OCtog luu J " --0, Iu-way. killing him instantly. After the last frsf, a panic seized up on the farmer. and others in Lawrence county, Va . and fl ur was run up M ten and even sixteen dollars a barrel I What fools The new big Hotel in Fhilad., Las been named the " L'onnnntciI. Th new Haptist uiectior bou?o in lilooai,burg is to be dedicated the 3d of July. Jhe cliurcn is no. yei io.uii.-u. .'itS- laie.UOt a-a. " ,(,. ,J ud e UurDside.of tue Miprcme Court nf ivonlvania. d.ed i-uddetily at Udie- Mrs. Kleannr IJurnstde, widow ol me r . , . ,!. Sd i:i,t . a.'ed ill. ' , , The c-Wed population of Ml. ton, had a festival on tbe island ou .Monday week", - - . . n at.d enjoyed tbemse.vcs aumtraoiy. : The l.ewisburg Band favored our ctti-, zens with tbeir presence am. ou . Uf.laV CVcnint last. Alter uKitiursiu r- cedent music me v.,-. - . I . .1 1-. I.... STl.loa I1..tnl . i . .1 I-. :.. I IL.tol Iliry stopped ai '.ne s....... At'about 10 o'clock they returned, well enoU(.(j pleased we Lope to favor US Soon jiwith ihcir rrtecuce. Miltunian. t W"U "U T" uc The Mm-C. Loss Lad a plcasaDt Tie- , .... ,-i ;c on tbe Island opposite .union, .11.1 ;. .,.l,ool el.ildrf n. Thursday week. I The Rope ferry at itssotown w in UNION COUNTY STAR i Messrs. Halliet, Follmcr & Co., Milton, bavo 'reeled a building adjacent to their in: r... .1.. - t.:i j - - - . - '"i, luur "OarUs. i The annual Exhibition of the Freebun . . ,,, , ,..-, ... - , " ... ... ... - A son of Jl r. jaooD llartman, living about a mile east of Milton, wbile return-' :,, , ,.irr,,,. rnrn .heller in th buTbood of MKwcnsville, was thrown out . - i i i i of tbe wag in by some uiishap, the wbeeli 1 nninn nVn. hid lionif .n,l.hi.dt itlitirif. IT t""o ..-j mm so seriously mai ue uiuu. The Moutour county fair will be held i lk :M.. r.ik 7il I I.I nAvl i , , ., . ,,, ., ; The member connected with the thil-, H.,,,,,,,,byte-i.n Cl.ureb, intend! starling a Cemetery for their u-e. Tbeirj graveyard c.mta.ns tbo remains of many f our Kevolutiouary forefather!. The IKpnt for Jersey Shore lias been luraifU uuimij; mo id. witl , n is " v . opiile 'f the river from Jersey Stnr a:l abdUt two UllU a distaut. lh cilizena talk of ruuuiuir a branch railroad viile and Northumberland, soiuj of whom took for 12 J ceuts p.-r head. Tbe Messrs. Grangers, from New York, c manufacturing a Wind Mill in the old l'atlersou fillip, Milton. i " The ell!lgrova limes would rather l,etl,B Canal than ihe Snrin.r Ki-h but ' i'r'ni5 r l.n, OUl psts t hat an inclined plane from the t,,,, ,b fchutes, leading tbe water away by a smoother aud more gradual descent, wouid allow tirh to pass up the river aain, 1 1. . 1 .1. . I ..I" ...... .. .....1 f-. I '"""""li11 '""",' ""'V'"1"' CaH. lluilllliel. the Catawissa 1( inroad I ompany is V. : 1 .U- T .. I- 11 .. T. " ' auoui IO aoi lue l.,v 1 ) louc ; Company iu the completion of tbe latter- , named Koad. At Ihe Cambria Works in Johnstown, the y'uld of railroad iron for tbe second week iu May was 722 tons of bars, weigh ing 5S to OK p muds to the yard. Tbe week following tha yield was 715 tons, and last week, 025 tuus. That is 2U02 iu three weeks. Iu Snyder ountr, A. K. Middleswarth wai elected UriiraJier (Jem ral ; Ilrurv lierry, Inspector; Lvi I-.pler, '.. Si.inn. I .iaii I . u fit Colline . JuLn Montgomery, Major. .1 xliC 4r An old-fashioned XarifT ...lie . t.lll- meetini! at iiciieionte : juuje nmoi at Coudcrsport ; Judge Culver of Krooklyu t city, at i ensuoru. a l uf vnnr heat car V. esnecialiT trie J ,, , ... ; variety called .Mediterancan. 1 l'otter has returned to New' t- - - V'ork with his family, somewhat improved , in buna. . ! I nita-rsif v .11 l.ftvlNlHire:. i ne most imiiorl in'. and attractive Dtace auoill our ......... i.. i ......... ,l,u I " ...ueso.r ft.,,l.t,nrc unrt I ,. ,, '.i 'u ,. " ' -"'s' cioun.. ".uu... ... .... nrovemeiiis miiKinz in the carnage ways an.l u as which will renuer it aiwavs a spot of treat interest bvib m citizens and stranpr. 1 I,e nt mot importaiit place is ; Mar-W's StaX' mem ol Doot ao.l Shues at the lowe. City KetaiI pric,s. - Mimxl iyxvmUJiKst Fur a cuZ nine a certain clata of diseases I t. .. .1'. ...1 .1.1. t I -. 1 1 nn.l nrfiiftm . f iha niAtl U4v- c ..-.- . eminent members ol the reuiar medical tac-, uliy. foremost amonfj ineae we miiini m-1 stance epilepsy or lalll,nS Happily now I bv the skill and inventive genius of an emi ... i . . i,.. n;..,,.... 1. ti.. .i!.,.eiu I. . j 1.....n --;-f w- ,1 ' prei.rti.n il.e i.tonu Ku "numt fin-, invented ti. l.y Pr. SCTH S. II... . "f . "" """".'re r.-t.,, m. r,n.e ihe.r .n. , irt. 'JTi .r,'imm,t.mnni Hh-h .r mirti rnuumt. I I. h"prvJ a, uiiirh fnm Kpllfi-, atiyothfr rr- j inn in th- wori-i: n-wT km wiuk ht it wn to pat-- a es-k Within: h.ivinc an atturk, an-1 -ftfn falling in tht sir-t4 at MuiitjvilW-. H i ttcw luil r-wtnr-t and has sr ll.m.iJ utinr-iei .."..'., .'.-"... nt lil an tterk f-r tnotv thmi t yr. Ir. tlaii.B - fin ha it-u th. tu if t tin. tn. Th piiu Hit t mv . rv M-TviinMi- f'-r r-onn .1 w-i-k o-r-r. fr. H .n-. turn o. ny ,-art .l ti ecu. .try on rn. fvsit.t or a r iiittuni-. I'm--, one ; u-iif. in. AUrirA-th. itio'v, iu B-iit'inorr-tr.-.t, Haltim. iv. M.I. nt;i;!.L. hi i;i;im. a oi.n PATENT CHAMPION SAFE. LAtL HUE AT IfVJ t i r. "l.l. 1'. Jan. 7. I -.'. fnc I .im Tf;itf-t. 1 -y 3Ir T A M brii. -t tliia pin'-i-. t' :y i" 'u H -it -n Hi-- niiTinii-: i Hi- 4tb m-t . l- ut a ofl'-rk. Im- rt.Mv 1'.k Iir.. anJ th'-rniir-- st"i k oi wxn sip'rul. Tlit- Ii.-:tl tr.mee-t-.l'le-ni to- t-ii-' lint if. lit- ol ttif por-l!. CMiil '"--OH h .' t; hut t" -rt mi..t.-ij ht- l--'rsn ati-t iap rt. whu h wt-rt in one rt ur Clmmi-KiD &f-n. at-rv all j.t-TVf. .-nr. Tilly. Ant w.Mth.j tmv I- fall. I I h.iUiton. (. r Jurtit tlif i.. t c ii!i alu-n tt.tri' wnsoiir inr.istiint pxiirnii? i f H ( tn. .itrf. tiv ti(i -n tli siiff wlo b i-ontetiiiffl t!i-in. Au.l nliil. tij fii it. thf iiiM-ly l.'iiinl t-i h- w-ut-.y whin; Uie 'HI.-w. i-islcrr:.y Htitihl. r.iurn truly, .. A M-t 1-1 UK. Ilcrrin" P-itt-nt ritnniii"n Fin au-1 I'ursltir-l'n-nf Sat.-. i:ii h a i i. .- ia: -Kr rt-wi-Ei: U '-k mh ks -iT-.rl th- grjati t f-rurity of any nwf' in tlv- won-l. At-o . )- .tir. Hiitl rrln- rtai.-.i, .,1 t-l.uut wt-rkui:m- liii'siid mo-U. i.f ). ,lr. i I lll.til.lN'1 i. O--, haa r--m"T.l frum -4 umiix hi.iiiiimi i en, h.. t.'m...i ftm -il ,,, ,he Ur.4aeW.Ma. .ff..fein I tifttliit St.. n w.jria u w fouui. 1 j. cm.-tii Mr..),.e:.H-i', ru.'.. ... )r- Wistar "s Balsam of Wi!J I'lierry. y, ,,,.r.. t.e.j.s-:itin l known, it ise. weii.--. lM.l....! n intilli'-l-K. m..iv lor 11.- r,i,...f i...,s. t.j.l,, rio-if. ..r .'.. dill.. .s,ie,..f tv f rtn ot lt i.y-.NRt i' .o-LAir. tlut it were a work of l'it-.i. -t-1 bv a wt'H kni'tin ihvniin more thin t -n- t iiMii -iiift, I' li- ? " ""''l'rf';il ti-- it h r-r-ti-f t.t '"i-.-tntitlv t.".rrtttmir in mMir for. uiitH it u- nii-l U" riut.ilt"n -tr- aui- mti, r-i ; n I t ir low k.i'-vtn i-n-l fhTi-I'M ian. lln-ir "iititn' i" Ifiin-u". wi.-- tit- ln-.-n rt-KUTs-tl If h-aith ty tL ii- a : Itn-tiUfcAT li, -.1- f .r il.ltf-t! i"' n I" 'I- let rur. p.r.Unift'irk. h)ei' uv.ueeaWi.-t..Tia,h;ij.Ttii it aa lil" ct'tiiisjn that ( ..NKlllrlreffl con r-c arm . ( - hole leetnry nf tin, Mi'tu-ine fully eontlrm, the ! . . . . . i it tt .. Ii e..iiir--l'-lT ture-K I'.-'1 ' .n-n ine .unrn-r n:i-i ..! n -n l-.j-.iT"l. till, t. is ntf-Tl-d ntuneili.t- n ;t. I; tl,t le " th" I liv-i. l .ll l l iTn.i..notJ til.,il..e. 111,. h" rene .e.1 IfUlio ly. Tl.e.i-ia-s-l ll.i. l-. ere .,lki- rrh''' to .-lire -li 'lit Cel. I- er 'l.errwi.rt I .-njti it. nn-l it. ,o.,.r ...'. cen.ioi. I!''"' J. "lU f;;sujJ rCMnt) ..nnot Is- eqil,ii.a .... 'actios :-f-.r Vi.'.- "-f vlm it hit wsitrrsi n.n..r' T -I IO in" on H rnr, m ill m Ihe fi .ut.-a ti.iue .1 lh. propr.etsr-. WUUir'i JhkiM " I' '7'' i'lierry recom menced ly I'll "''''' e tt-.l I ? w F,, iro. -1 n..v-t -"":". "y ie.,. - ,m. c o,t eoi... . te. Ill It If' st Tt.i.t-ie e,meiv. rna j m - ,.1.,1 It In Trt".n ennjp..Dll in uiM. b m.m i. si . M...uiti. Ie,v. Ci. I',.. Aur. lsjS. ,rr"r-.iur,ru''i.t ,i.ieii.:rry.ith ureal m c,-. i m-i .hwrfuti; rei-rnaienj it to Uk. icirj .11. .b.un. fouih., Un-ls. ArULa.. KT i Z wr.pp.r. ItT.n u.e.1 in inv .rwt,.-e tl.e lae. f.ur i , i-ft wle & C'O . Froprletorg, ' s. .. "or.sT.iN i Thecnuin. lirirnea--.. ui. - r ,fc,.rf, . ! c.i!l .rfinS" & LEWISBUKG CHRONICLE J UNE 17. 18-59. I DU VAl.L'S GALVANIC OIL acts by im- parting lo the system an electrical current- hence the SDeedv cures. Nuthinjr can be , mo qI1KUn, to all nyous d.seas. than the Ualvanic Oil. ' ""Tr" . . tami!u Jiemeda.So family sh.nild be I without some etiicaiious remedy fur the cure ol auctions si universally prevalent as' cu.h.. auj colJs ; some remedy too. which , can he reliel upon as sale, sure ami ceriain. ,r- -'iiar's Balsam of Wild Cherry coin- bines this dettdrratum. r-je-rjuv none unless it has the i-ntn sig- . . V.. f U . . J - .1.. .n-r oiiiamicui - i.wii uu -i-n'" DU VALL'S rr'portd vngtnaUf hy MOF. II. W f'ALL,' l )rm'rly f the i or Sure on". l'ti tH W OfFCkkD T') THK fl 111 .IV MSrfnrth furf.aU &rt ci'tii iUmJui Uiteil't 1tK iiiolnnrf la;n or wirfnn in any jartf the um, l;ii-uni4liiui, pNia io the bia-:i, trr-l r.r M'if-. Iwalfl brt-nils Surin. tlariif. pMi. Ilfu liu ti-, Cminit io th St'imii-h, of ny thr tit.r-f iliitt is S-MtK itnJ I'AINH !.. n-l it i nty f.U "I tliiwn i-laviui m Vk.lik fc 1 Vll Tt'liV W !y p-t'iiivrlv t-i .'iir iMtrntH. w! n rth.- tli- u'Arr r 9 tiDi- ..ut 1 i. Hr wulJ jii-t -MV ti- th.- j-ul.hi . I'r -t. Hit V!i vrn- . y-jr m britiimr t tliif ni'-li'-inf cuH'rn r.t nrr al i thT!. rir- fi I r ti r -' T if I cl! t't Iht: lru4t. -U -r l- r- nin-t lr.----l J D. STONEttOAl), S.i- A. t.t f.r f J.. July .-.y i4..t-., .v"" Vnrrrclnl W'tklij Wheat $.1.40 Ku'L's 8 10 Kye 75 Tallow 12 Corn 75 I-ard 12 Oats 10 liaenn 10 Flaxseed 1,1'2 Hun 1-2J Dried Apples. l,:itl Shoulder M; Butter. 12 Cloversetd 4,50 I Pork... (5 MA 1M1 1 KI , On tl- innrnlni "f Hi- I'th :n.l .. I.v lie. C II 1.. bi,. ihviki. f i:Kit.iTitisKi: ot s,h. -.-,.o.-. , alvmia li n ! f i,n. iiu. rnrn In- 1.1. 1 nnkr "'"!' ""-'' "- ' ..rtli,lrln.l. Till .n-t . I., lie. A .1 Hay. John .isuM.r ..... .m,.-, m.-an ja..k.-..n, iu it N "il'"'.'-. w lie. v, R,wi. ji mi u.'K ' "' " "' i k .r .i.u.ur.T,i!e ki. ukavlk ..f j.k..u i(..,to Jii. iiakkii .r, u.i;ii- ter-.f J tw.t' SI. iriin-er. i n.i,M,.::i.t t: r n-rce p.r...n.i. J K liHIM f Bl..m.l..i'ir. M..I M... MAIiVC, U.uli n, Ke ah i r. tnh utr. M so axnov ..f rDi- n Tl n. Ml- IMM V. II M i.f . lu-rlm im ,XKAD , MKI. f M.-lllcere-k T(i .u J ! ' ihhilkva hksiki: ..r.i.-i n. ji'i.viii.tnini.Min:ii ir4i:tiTp. On ihr ! intt . at th r'wi.tnr of h" n. R-T. P. J. ' Waller. S-t. I'HINKAS Al.l.KK, mi t.i- -' th v-ar. lti Milt.-ii.' tti iiit , at !InrY M:lUr, iKAH. rt-.l- t of I).'tini- T Sui. ijf l aiH'tit TU r-nn In hell if. I h.nt'i., Itb in-t, Mim SAUAII Hit tit.KT. .1 aU.til .4 cr. In S lttisrop, 4th io.-t., Jill CAffSLKR, in hi Sil -:r. u.!ii.-n!.T. at N- rthumWrltn 1. 1 tth in-t.. IVMK lt. i.nlr -. "i (I ati i I.-tti. A I-finr.u.:. m In ' th r. Iu AlNiii-l.ur. l-tli lint., Mtt.IIAKI- M IT fhi;l.l Mi, sV',-:'.,. yt-ar. fell ..! .bile at .-k iirc. "tli in-t i.riai ot ieayei. mf.t c n TilIK Nor;h.inib.-rUr..l (.M.nty A jrirultnnl .efr. in x . .,. ., ,t...i i... .,.,.. i.,, r .-r lo 1. -1 tt' 1,4 !,.. tt-ryi ii, it.. ui :..-. ..ivr. i-i:kmii v . r tt i. r tt.,- UeeT-r .It.l M...r ei nil.ine.1 S.l' lor tl.e b. l M- .vr an 1 !" for ll.e 1.-1 Krr 1 1..- m;0 II KT 1 '.Hi .III ta'-e id it r ,1-iin- nf ui.r in on iu- -ja 1 1 m-t . n. n l..n .-l..-lE. A S . if the w..titer ih.'i.ld pwit l.iortiW ; n nt n fir.t i.vor.i.v i. u. re.fier. T1" " 'f::""'- "'" " ' fu,ur' d,J-"f wtii-ti notice win r.e Jllen I'-n-.n. h... ihe nine iiie.1 n uj tri.i. so e. lit it, t lte..inff or M.-wiiiiC .,.rtely, xci' tio lhue .hirh '.v.. V -.. . , .1. ,...i !.,.,.. The l ommltte. "Ill Oe luli.uuu.-ea OD me mvluinj ui h .r.lee nf the Lxei-uUTi1 Commttt. 1. b. PA VIS. Pre-iienL Milton, June 15. IS."9 dount Vernon. Vf.FTTKT; from the il-n. i.UW AV.V KVEKLTT to tli rubit.-li'-r: r. t !th .'mif, is:r firmmra-Thr' txx rontaininx th . 't M"l.'M VKUN'N. arntnl r-ntr.lT. Into eret.y cbin:-.t to i.ii V T ttiii I'leniti irctm-n f t:ifititit; in roU-r", whirh. Wni-h- it tnu-r-t a frpr-. nt:tt..n -f tin "t hi. b. ninr than an tith- r. en-lear it-i!l to th h art t th .-ixjntrv. i worthy of att-'tiiioa a nui-rvfful t lempt to niare w..rk of nrt f th. kinJ withlQ Uie navh t vt the (fn-at vfi ot th M'inmunitjr. 1 tfinalD llllfln. w:t, im..y thanka. rry ItS -fmiT rfara. WTih. h,r , . ..,. . , T, "'Jf ;:;,rNT : X;,Z l",? , mttll imirHi ,,r..-r.a. .y hi h .u-iura that b.,. hr .-. -f a:: x '.."in to. t,,,t for .irTr.'ir4 I -..Vr.J.u,- ii 1 ,u.he.; ei. nirr-.i ho,,, i ii- t.i- r. PrK H 1 T I 1 1. IS, plp! ri I I" " rrt nf the iiiei J li 11VK M in. L'm.'b." ' . i A.. ,T,t ttt r Chicago (HI.) Wagon for Sale. 1 1HAT well-known CIIICAf.O WAGON is flered fT sale bvthe Mibcriber. H.t.le sen of HAIiNKS-s. Inanire corner of Fmh and Market streets. I.ewishurg June I. Isjtt J.MI. II. MI'SSKK I I -ww f U WPIC-N IC.-w TV.-'ll jump into tin Ma .n, al all take a ride. ItAlitiE, handtotne and verv cion!. tria ble W hab. en fitieft tin ihe aii-nmiiiodntion of Pic-.Nicandoih-rMinilareTiirsion. I irms llioder.lle. Appiv to JUS. M. IIMl'sKL. I.ewishurg, June tl. ln.V.1. m:. iiii:k I Oil MI.U, 4S1, nt. V13U nam 1U1 . rilHFl stihs-eribrr would respectfully iiiforin Ihe putoic mat he lias now on nan-i a select assortment ol the best SOLE I.E Tli 111! for the supply of his rn.t.uners. t jether vi nh . ........... f I'.i.M'ltst m.I.,1.1, l.e w,!l ell unm aceominodatin:; term's. He .-..hens Ihe anention of the Farmers to his price, lor HIKl'.s. I All hdvins Hub's to di'-p.-e nf will ! better tt call u p-iti nun than to p':c thn, in th hand nf Acnt-i. a Iw determine.1 to etve afiMaction in this particular branch .-t pur- cha-es. t. J- III l.l I.ewtsbur?. June 1, IS"! NOTICE. VI.T. persons payinc. the State Tai by the ?th July, shall receive an ahatrineni ol ft per ceul. H. P. SHLI.I.ER, Trea? urer. The I'oilectors lhat have not settled up their duplicates li r 'in are reuicstcd to do so mi me.l lately, as no longer can be iven. Lewisruru". May ... WANTED FOIi CASH. I Js... s..p-r. ...ass ,-,,, ,. ..e . .,. , rill be paid in cash, ai the j;.u.i.E WORKS. Fenna. R Koa I, a! Slate street, llarrishurs. May VO. IKa'jinfi. ! P.RASS FOUNDIIY. ! i NY and every description of B s, or I i (inn Metal l.'a-nrics made in the most ! ' penect manner, of the best material., and ai lowest market prices, at the EAt.I.E WORKS. Fenna. K. I.'oad, ahove Mate street. Harnsburs. Mav tt. IfinChnft. J. SCHREYER & SON : TT AVE received iheir.-sEf 'O.M ARRIVAL I X i fsprinand Summer Ooods, Ladies' : bre-s (ioods. Mantilia, and a laro,e lot of T I., Use. Burt Slle.l-.s t' Rl.i'M,,n AISO a assortment ci .11 en s ear. Trtmroisss, CottonaJei. Cassirstrs & r:r ths. . . . ..... ,n Ma., !5 r i Wjtt0S3r fl;.rf Alum The Xorlh Ward up theSoult! will follow the example of oar new II neichbors 0 ' - ?tQck rf Boot3 d ?ho ... I.. piUT! will positively be offered at COST prices -the tin' accompanying the sale. Ma IU JAMES SCOTT Josiah Baker & Co., HAVE made arranscmonts with E. E. Locke & Co. to furnish 95 per ceul. j ALCOHOL. I by Ihe Bbl. and Half Bill, as cheap a, it can be bought in 1'hiladeiphia. They have also just received a general as- surtmenlof 1 raliil and Oll-.Glat and IMittj, COPAL VARNISHES, J UUl'SMKS and 1'EUFUMEIiV, CONFECTIONERY, FANCY SOAPS, 1 VI TL KU i; MUX IS G FL LID, rine Oil, all popular Patent Medicines, Litiuors.Ti)!iarcn, SniitTJnks, Soda Ash, Wheel Urease, &c. &c. -Ml Ihe ahove articles offered VEKV CHEAP Fl)K t'ASH. Call before buying eKeu-here. Our Mmto is " Small IroUls i julck Sales." Lewisburz. May 13, 185'.. GOLD i:j MTownCieck lionab'eSiKk iu.uaD.esi.iCK z and old 1 in IIT opposite Tower and oldTi I k Vou can hud a new and fashionable 5t Ol t'lOtlllllpT to suit the yuun Clothing tor w arm day. Clothing for cold; Ail colors and Myles of Clothing will be Kept he re to til you just call and see. "I'ts ail well made, and sold so low That you can alioid to buy, we know. We have also on hand CI.O I lls. Cainetts Ac a nice lot of CAkl'ETS, Wooleu and ("otiMii-nined, at Philad'a prices also Floor Oilcloth, Wall Paper, Shirts, Collars, Uosums, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery &e. Whirh can he biU"ht chean at onr New L'loilniiL' Mere on South Third street. Pae call and examine tor vourdvev Terms Cah. ZIVIMEKM s.N fc ZEI.I.KKS l.ewisburtr. May 11. lHo'J -m WD STILL tULATKR liFlHlTIIlX 1 PCH:! IHE undersigned. nndinff times rather hard and ini'iiev scarce, offers his F.- 1 1 he s ro K of ( outs a M .so;.s t J n.-iv on han.i (which is the laigeatinthe a I County) at I COST PRICES FOR CASH ! iTr .No mitikf call and e-xaimnu lor your sc Ivi". Pithrr W'A.if.We or Utai!.jf flre keppfr and others eiisancd in ihe hoe trade w ill t'tnd it tn thrir advama;.-.' to call and lock at ins M. rk and j save at least 25 per cent.! Iaiiuf.i Im in; of all kinds d ne at very iinM.t-rair prices and l.KiAlKIti at the . sh.'r.est ii.,i,ce. . 1- Li' II oi't forget the place m-oJ . . T .V-vc, LT. W IUI RU. M,iv9.lso'J WU.LIAM JOH.iSli.i - - . s..- . . -s . . - - -s. H nrSH S UOUUiridll, .WrCIMHU, J IClHiUT'1 , tt u c. -.-j i . , Jgk PIKE'S J peak: ; XewSpring&Sum'crCoods u tii or ses-io- a,., l I 1 1 Pned Peach Prunes.rurrams. bunch latest and moM faahionabie sry:j ol . fl AVE received and opened a I HOICE , Risinschear Citrt.n.Corn ; ri at'v. T.vv'v W.7.7i- I 1 L assortment of all ihe latest styles of, Starch, Fanna. Kice Flour, Flavcnnp fx ! Jbiiliiiiii J-'aiiSiiii hl)UJjXy prin? and Summer 0.-od, The particular traces, tMivr Oil, Sap f "her--.f, l)nfd s"h ha 1, Maniif, uts, tcreges, 'I (s ' attention of the Ladies is called to their atotk beef, R.-aMed andVlroundCViree.AJauiaimiie ! bncs- Laines .inghi:n-. Pr:nt of all . i f Itnlliants randies. Tallow Candles. Olive Soap, Rnsin ; pattern.-Ribbon. haces. BA.nnets, Uress Silks I'rints ciaiiie C ha Hies Jjnuats liinihatna Foulards Shawls C-'liars SU-eves In-enins Edu'in?, Chintzes love.Ac. AI.SO Cloths. Plain and Fancy Cassitneres, jeans. Tweeds. Vesiinc. Mushns. ,s -r,cLllies Flannel. lt.ttts an 1 ' I fVhoes, Hat, and CaPs., together wuh a complete assortment cf ! r . ; GlOcerie., Hardware, C.-ilnnvarc. Uliccnmro. C. all of winch will be disposed of on as favora1""1 'ulun' Call in and see ! May 4,'5 all of winch will be disposed of on as favora- 1 'de terms as the same articles can be rurch-, ! auvwhere. ,.. j - .. -- - . - - . o. i i-iierei. in r..i. 4Ukrvr. .n.i eerin ii".. j.i.i Ire J nJ IjC le 1 ill I.Sll k OIAU'MAN. ( '; " " "' 'I ;.;'rr, nil . -. - - j : i V'. 1 ?l.aJ. tira-jut rK-i-'t in.l fr-r Ir t? i U l K.-II a i.t.ii'M N U-TiitY "irT i ""V" i " . i , IlirhH.hinhalfauJ.iurt.r tarrK jn-t r--.t. A ni UMirbr lit i;.-n a .NiuMAN lioie l arrria. j-i-rt rrr-itst sr. I f- r l Mt K-ll A tiiM'PM N'. . 31dr.tli;i &i.a lurT s-lt.jtMt r.f.-it.-d T t K.-II lrMlI.t. 1 ( -- " j ,t j"",J x , ,M j I I II IV Vt l.i.e L, tut. in I'm j J He. rc .1 .U'l I'.r elr by n.l 1. ' . ! It.-fs. III Ksil a limiOSIAN. I INsKKP. S-n rle t T III K.-II . IllSlbM.sN. . " . : I 'UMll Ml... I orn lls-Ket. ;m I w 'n-l luu-Sel-. jn-t re- s ,ie,l an.l for iwle hv III K.-ll A 1I1M ii.Xi s . IiI Nt AN.N'-N NaiNact rtj :k.-.j iT r. -.-tJ p. f Tate I' b ill I;-1 1 a ;tnii vrt.t.I. fily rM. Manure an. II. t F..Tk. jnt r-iMii n I for snic by III It? II A ilMAN VTII k-at bihI mth. Hist rri'. lr-I mikI f r hr - It t i.-fn K Tit. At i i fil.At'K ,-IU 11 .-IKK? an t M M'H.I.A- j.t-T ill mi'l imt; IV u-l. lt-.r.l. ilia- .i i riilt. VI j i-hraj r:j.l. r-r fl r-h ; f' 'T alt kin I- of r-i,iiil rr -rn- liit.- Il.'lirpt liiirki'i. ur ic-s ua"l (.rail kinl--if t.fnni. at th o;a -tna ( im i:-ii ,..i.i an j Always on I land ! 1 John Wall-. T Jilin4oa Units. J. & J.WALLS H AVE just opened at the lona established MAMMOTH T0UE on Markei (sijuare, a lare and fresh slock of srniNd and si;mmkr iEAV GOODS! adap'ed to ihe season and to the wants rf onr Id patrons as well as any numoer 01 new. have on hand ; Wf hare on han,, r Tnt i.nvss r.oon.:. - - . ' ' GI-M i:i.'Jllll.M. MLH, FAMILY tiltOCF.RIES, yUKEN'SW 'ARE. HARDWARE, fish. . . - ?.VLl,iVC. rn shorl eyeryhins wanted in a Family Mer- canine Establisnme.-t. .... ... .... iinnmn: boucht ... .... on .... accommoda. tine tertn". live us a can anu .e. an . fcr yours-lve-. J. & J. WALLS. Lewusburg. April -3. 19. ji0 Grindstones,Groceriei, or donkey ; coats, TT hundreds cf Hals and Caps rf the 111 I ws eel styles, a little cheaper 'han can be 1 f t.iund elsewhere, rail and i-e h.m at Qambfrliit Jra.'s CarU. .Wehave tested tbe tueriU of a bUfliMM, U our ntln MtUtKtloa, u! T mlamt oot lo dnUU fmia It- Our rtock U bow j rlV-l Urfer, and mor ermplU tfcn irvr. m4 w r pr- j prad lo farishimrtr')Oiitbrjtli-l"li,, ' r . 1 . - W l..s-t nrlrM for Ckh.or 1 rtcbftnf I forWbMt.ay..trn.O,CloT.rI.Brl.T.rfc Sd, ri SJ. PdtaUM. lUeom, Butter, Lnl, T.IUiv. Suap, !o. Wr li pr cub tor ,11 klad. of Prolog. WHALE OIL SOAr, jBF0R destrnyinsj Curculio and oth 2 --''KaraiTtnt wi ! ..r.rriii rrtrrr AVIIHla JT lbll fx half bbl. packapos, and in fine eond.noo.Hr.-l.l.. CHAMBLKLIX AVIIITE MARSH LIME, T7KE.'iII from the kiln, for pale bv CIIAMBEKLIM BP.'l'S. ' iV)5 LBS. for i sale bv Cll l'Mllgf-l-IX BP.'S. 1 r EBI.S. Eastport Herring juet 1 J rec'X rio l'JlltJ,lli ehP i:ll.lUKRM' BBO-S. ! CEEIl 'EED POTATOES. Those Seed . IO P..t.t. be riurf. wl w H:n .'rj,,lr n. .r. -ii:n rrin t j 1 1 ,er hu-hei :r- TEAS ! TEAS ! TEAS ! We 9 lir. rreei"") s l.rne lot "f urrt-.r cjomlltj ', .ireeD .n4 Bliwt T-. fn'm New York. A Kikle of Vounj lljwn .1 M n. per lh. ClIAMIlf.KLIS MCI OFFEE! COFFEE! COFFEE! J '.r-e.Re J...t.- R.e.i .nd ood , lt.. b rHAMiii:Ki.i Bk.s : ' nriMI'.l n: IHs1 FC1VRS!! O -of i: up.noqo.nt.. .oi.tre-i.i.i. rilSMI'.KKI.IS BKIS CVKUPS! MOLASSES: SVIiUPS! 1 A ebor M-ircttoB tyf i-ynif and 'M -Iiw?-. at s irrtnttly lu pneva. ILUE and White Planter, and Coal, tr .1av,j, S A LT SA LT SALT. EN KSEE. Ground Alum, Marshall ! . J Ho ana Diry Salt, fcr l y . . jFIjOUK- , , A t pit, Lkprparontantsui.j..j o l ur " ' ',r: f.I.VV'-..!':'"' I IIAMMKIll.IN BIMS FEED. Ccl.uar.aU kinj3f;nOWRYb SKY-LIGHT GALLERY, i iiAMBKraiv F:rs. . VER M Harw store. p. idl' i ni'iic: c tu'IW AlVfi J.J. V.V1I1".' SV ,e. FULl V T.. I . FULL assortment of Hay Kopo. I in-. IWt Cor.!., Bfwm T-mr, ei Jinf, Out LiO. I.'batk LtnAr. I t H MIIKKI-IBKWJ CHEESE A LWAYSon haml. HIAMt.KRLI.V BW. FISH FISH-FISH. 1 00 BI?I-S- ?r(1u Mackerel, in as- in unn-uall Qu- tin a Alv, i.t. Herrtu. avud t -iiLlii.r4 by I'HAHbKULULli f TTATtK CHACKEKS. 11 h pot n montli V flil'lilV. Iresll 1 w from th. b.k. rr. of tl'.e 1,11 .iuln h.od c. ker. ( haih,.ki.i. nit. SL'N DRIES. 1 Tiior.v s3n. Tmitwi snin. 's,ti! . a li -Uaker'a Choot late. IlkerV Cucoa, Ba- king Soda, al S. da. Soda Ash, Wac n j Urease, Wooden lail.Tub, Churns White Sand, Kosendn'e Cement, Calcined Piaster ! Ueans. I! rooms, Cruhts. A larsre assortment ul 1 ohuf I o anil M'Ziirs. Ac c For sal-by CHAMHKKLI. BKUS. i l.eaishurs. Apr. I 29, 1S.VJ. j Scream t...Ice Cream ; I ,, , LK Eyentns: at mil Must,.. Jj next door to the Telejraph and rhnmieie ,ceMa.Lc.s,ar.,Lew,senrS. Thever, jrs O i UST RECEIVED at the Book Store in Lewisburj I.anNipnh on the H'tney Bee, new edition. price $ I. -.". The attention of all b.ver ul Hjii'V are invited to tn.s valuable b'ok. I'm. I ... f, r-,',nunt Af Pr..nhit. I ' ; e-ptcia!'Y a rcardsthe I ni ed -States. Price 4 rt. "This la trulv a remarkable hook." ,,.. Mav IS. w.M. MLKKA.. Family Grocery Store. T. G. EVANS &. Co., ( ri.ALl.R.s IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. t'.IiAlX, FI.Ol'15 A NO l'KEl), 'i't t-i .fL't.-!.' 11.. S. I I'lTI.... 1 i-rOAU. C1IKKSK, FISH, Fill" ITS, Ac. Ac .V.1.-., Vnht tlrot, t-vpHit the JUt (i,e . '. . .... a.i-mi'Mii ii. i. K. t Co. Iiavi' just rpcoivcl li lo. to m- n t 'iili .t..-li .f rl'r;; 1. . te.l iiret'tn . I e.ert fcltij. eni.nx . btrn .r. retn lii s and Tomalori, y-nt n' in i'.,U9 .i.'l ..rrant. I jure nut tresti I'l io.l Apj.Ifs:, IVai-Iir. rnim'st, Ctir-, ratila, I'lo-prvino; Citrons. Yzi, I'ates.Uiiisius l'roni 61 to li j cU. per lb., l'ickios of 1 all descriptions!. Purr Java IM I i:i:, ground. .nd fit ui- in .iir -t;ht l',n". t -r Nmit, me. A Ll'isc .O mprrit. MACkEKEL. -HA I). CUlt h .s, llEkhlAO, HAM. HA'.'OA, A .v-rtment of Willow and t'rdar 11 aro. .lam t .Uf. iii'rii.waro. Karllicii- nuic, Kupr, mine, s.t . fy (j, Huitl, I'ine OH, OiH'c; C-mtUe an,l lnip Wuk, Talluic, Lir.i, Ax. c.f i. :,, Vl,nl lleo,o -....-s.. iTeihitrrn nnh Oeafirei. i rh.-iir.- mirirtn ' , V. ' ' - Flour, Corn Meal, Toutties, Coru, Rvc, Oats, tfcc, always 011 hand. ti da d'.tivtmi free f t!uLre to cuituiur$ residing WUhttl the floruits,. .o .liriaps w ,iu.i.e.., in. "...o -r l'.Te. lor Mle W.ui.l l- imo.-ll-le We .ouia re(sr.-l in.-..- tbe .utile 10 ran ana .i.mire ri-t .iriuieiit i,r Urxeniss Wr .re eoi f-lem i.f Is ibj 'e 'n a rh...r they -n ts? rmi.-ht .hi. f .l. ef -hilelf.hi.. We w -.iM trtie.liarir ol.e.ti.Da ct-ULtr) IlKD 1 tu... U , e.i ; li.r He iiwrrnuse all mnvner 1'ruJuct, .rl py , hvli ant Mj lae. U.i.tu-, Ainl i?. 15J. T r. TV CO Ci MARRIED '.JtA s. FT m.irried n-hen ton Wish, rn'v SO veil IT call at MFAUDINS HARKWARE i sTnllE.and eta tirsi rate COOK 1'(VE at rit cos as I want to cl"s cut inr si-'W nf 1 r,e.k .lor.i. tr.S. M KAIifiy. f I Ti;tarjr CROSS-CUT WHARF. PERSONS itoinitfr to "f tnT(,J Bails at ihe 0otc Wharf, (rfcent y oc cupied bv T. H. Fmhtr) wi!l rpp y t. th- ua dersigne.!. CLAKE.NTE i. FKIt'K. Lewtsburg CruKsCut, May 6. H0. C. At M. KODTMIil Gil, f T f I V I. f V a.Ti A Ij l-d 1 1-4 1. O j A IIL1 1 French Flowers and Hillinery Goods, - Corner of Market it ith t'l., walk ti-U. Lewisbar?, April 12, lsJ9. YARTeTY IfORE POST OFFICII. V LARGE suppi ol' Dooks.Sutioaery, Perfumery, Jewelry, T-vs Coiit-rii. n eries. Teas. Srices, Fru.t, u's. Bavkeu, - ! fictores, and a varieiy of iCK NAChS lr sale ( heap at the 763 LEWIi-ECRfi FfbT OFFiCE. I 1. .LUiD ANU F'l-NE Oil. can I ha t a' tn I'tJ.-sr OFFICJi K io!I I'I'Nsf :i-r La iies an1 Gents eaa -l I (I be had at the (Js I' OFFICE riEVLKAL setts ot CAMEOS and o:her 1 Breast Pins and tar Rmis can be had Tiir iPJfj!!!. POST OFFICE t- UTTER. EetTs, Lard and Poultry taka ia POsT OFFICE A FEW Boxes ot Kaisir, Fis, faies aui Prime Prunes lor sale at the POST OFFICE yKUER.-J for Books or Goods of any kind VJ prompt.y auendrd to at the POST OFFICE I . 1 AI'IEM can find the Inrcest an" W assrrt- Jj mentof Letter andN'.te opes nc. hi me i i urriii. LK WIS rALXiB. J i. rALXi.1. I.. IViUllLU & o.. ftWl LCVlsblir I'laciE,; Mil!. cos.nt!v on hand .,,1 I tisanuiart'ire to order I'loorillZ. Mdliig, .MouItlinsH -t a. I patUTi., i an,4 aM , iher descr-.ions cl" Wood Work usel ; J D Mtiil !ir.q. i -"Jrs respfctfal!y soiictM and promptly fillM. All wf-rk warranted tt 've'3':5.dcr:uii. V.All ltnMt.e )f !.,!.,. uf a!l de.criDt.ons. on hind f..r sa.e. tin itrtk Sfccuwi strtet,Letciiturg,ra. Apr.! S'J. !.-. ! ' f rmerlv IK.u.'htoti'a Shoe ;tre. Maiktt 1 street. I.ewisbute. Pa. AMBIiO TYl'ES, JlEL.UX'jrrrKS, kc, in the usual superior style. In addition to tnee pictures. 1 am now prepared to take I'hof ozraplll. lare or sma'l, equal to the test anywhere. Also. 1IALI.O TVPKS. These puiures are colored io rep resent life, and are superior to an . painttr pivinti that fidelity ot expres-on and features Ihat can be pr. duced onlv by me Camera. These pictures are patented, and I have the exclusive rirht fi r I'mon connty. Call and -e . . f Ariel . TtD. .cw Goods fur the .Wllioii! j. scnntiYCfj & so?,' "TT lK ltlt rppfircil their e-rnrr! iitnn1 tJcnnel J nmromes Hosiery, (il.tves, Handtierch.eN. 4c. I OU T I I F. f 1 KXTI.I Al l'.X , they have a heavy assort. nertt ,.!' Cloths. Ca- nmeres. Coll. nets, VeMniKs, Hail Hose, ' Cravar. and all other ite- cripti. r.s el" maeuline n-sserv." can not bx braten in 'this re'on. ) fCall an ! take a look at cur assortment. j and you will be Convince. t that v.-u can! d.i better anywhere ele. I".-'C. untry Products taken as usual. J. SCHUKVLIt A st).. L-wi-l un. A: ri' X is ... 1 NEW FIRM I. THE (I.L !oP!lne juVrnlers respectfully announre to the citizens ni' Lewisl.uif! and vicinity ilta: they hae ;rtue J i a Partnership in the 1 Tailoring Business, ' at the well known stand ol James Cnsu-eH or. Market s'reet. uh.-re thev are prep.urd r-t CI T A M MAKE 17' tn' or.Vr ,u ineierv best style. Met,', an t Ii. ys.' 4 llhins n every desciipiion on short notice. Vic a- a share of tt.e public r.rr oi-o- JAVts Ci:iWKLL, j J. F. SCHAFFi.K. ' I.eui-burp. Ar:! t. 's"ii Citizens ! Look to your Interests. Jl sT n faie supp'y t-" Kmoi. iu SuufcAai itie I'.iiioi;.Mr prices ; UcntsCaU Uoots. .t oO t.. 6 1 1 ; ;.o t,i 4 1 1 ' fo' io 4 mt S '. to ."i :. I sit t,, 3 oil no t i ". I il ; ,,, '..:,;,r l ea hertiaite..; ' do T:e, "Jo htp Shoes foppcr. B..' Hoot.. Kip. ib do ran, 1 outh's Boots 1 Mi to f 5i 7 00 to :i on 1 t.". to t rt ; o I ... t n; 1.1 i r I ::: 10 l 1 C". t" ! M I X'l to t l 1 :.. s .'7 1 : t . 1 ;i . (j(t sr,oe I.aii,es' K,d. R e t Heels. do do lace-tM oi sprtrc do I'alf sUiu lace-boi i heels, do tain do do, English lasisr, do do French last-r? spro a- do d d.) t,.--ifi2 wi'h heels ! - I di. Sipper. h.eK fu cv I ''1 f t do Turker Slipper r ' re t- I do I'll th and I'Mrpet 1 1 j ;er ' U Vi do J-r!-ri iix K;d 1 -n i. ! .-' Kid. h-eK 7-"- u ! -,." d. do Mi'rrcco prtr ti 1 -S i'hildren' nht-t-i 4" o 7 " rail at JA M l rnj l"5,MarI-i -v:are. l.ewohttr-r. April CT. I -.''. VOTIt'E is br h slven,ttal I.fHtnH t . of Adinmi-'iati. i. on li-e K i'e i Hl EM;Y M MOW K E Ii. lire of New r. r.n-. Ir.e,,, ronntv.deed.hnv !.n sr... iel Onderoned hV the .... . t in due 'orra ot ia ; there:, -re. an person, 11,. debted to saol eta:e ate reoeested ro ,nal immediate ! in. s. havmr an j, i claim are aiv requested to pre-ent tiicm it. sailv au'hent c.ite.l f r senlrn ent. JolIN M. Bf-NFE!!. A Imiinsira'.-r New Berlin. May 1!, lsS9 jtr-qi-jl'os fcet Itcotsw and o n-r .tun .. tl " ;:ot that kir.d rn hand --r 10 , r-ier t-i U. ..ii.'ll.e-ei.Snrg rrs.V---n.e. ( II. sT.' IM. HOUSE- BUILDERS, m.KE NOTICE 1-The ni.ders.-r.ed am I appointed Ajents for the sale i f lloorn, BUntit K W Indo Sift rf all Hies, made f th hesi its'tii Ad or rarranted- S-tT v i. jftV cv L r.n-K-'i i, iro.hfs-. tilt, Fa. and fr ri r L AI it !., Lcw.:ra. i,u . t: -x : .T.-s- s - ... 1