Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, June 17, 1859, Image 2

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O. K. V.'ohriN & J. R. COKNiLIUS.
Vu -I -Ifi .. tlte i a-h .--trin. hK th tar.-(-vt nui bctst
ri-'-ui ii -n of si-v .-mknt hi I .t.-m rnntv.
rw-!o!n,naiion;il; Sia my, saM tonal!
Ai-:iiHTR riiorun to a4K..u.. niHMKV,
! amiUrr ln-h of Mitte Trrrlio.'y bj Eitrnston,
Purf ha, mr 4uq;jM.
Trt. jVrr f. Mti J will H thr tw. h a 'in Prii.ripl.-ts
h- t-T- tlr country, until thry it Tn-tnri-ut; nnl w
i.. .il iIh iu t our bum. h-.l. tliTf t" fl.'.it until th-jr
iu tiiiiinlt (hp N tinuil Cd-itul at Hull
in, ton iWi rtVf Niwn' J.atmil.
TIIO.M AS E. COC III: AX of York '
TiiR FIRVMoTt C.KNrRAl., '
WILLIAM II. KEIM of Dcrks. :
rwiThe n. luiuation of CuCIIItAN and
Kum is well received, everywhere amoig
the oppnucuts of Slavery and Free Trade
iu our laia. Let but their friends in
rw ij cf Liitj get up a g"od local ticket of
true, wiirthy, competent, well fi;td men,
and it in coLceded on all habds the I'res-
ideu:'i party will receive a
Wa'trluo d. feat.
wor-e than
. ..
-It is more than probal.ie thit millions of
linti-h money will be used in ihc next cam-
1'aicn." l uioit Arifua.
A leading Heition in the next cam
p:iitt, fill be 1'ruttction to Auteriean la
bor ; and IJritisli capitalists will probably
a ready tf) expend some rauney to aid
Americau sbatc-Deniocracy to crush this
measure, as they have done heretofore.
In this wuik, they will find a zealous
Lelper in the Aryut. Jt. .Vtire Vulelle
5ai.e or the l'tci.ic Whisks. The
II 'publican Convention of Greene county,
at its recent n.eeting, passed a scries of
reaolu i ms repduiating the Dred Scott do- j
ciMin,&e., With the following: I
A'.Wri, That our thanks arc due tn
tho preseut and laic Govcrnotg of 1'enn-r-ylvdttta
fur their firm and patriotic course
in rWatinn to the stile of the public works,
inasmuch as it relieves the payment of in
terest on ten and a half millions of dollars,
ntid affords a stronj assurance that our , wearing tri-colored rosettes, but no details
State debt will soon be extinguished. j it ,een rCijcircJ.
The fad is a gratifying ouc, and this ; Tlie Euglish Parliament met on the 31st
f spression of it is a just and graceful com- pf jIaJ.. Deui3ua WM uuanimoua-
I'liineut to Governor JonssioN and bis ; y re-elected.
tuecessors, Gov. rAChlta iucluJcd. j jjiss Florer.c0 Xightingnle is in a pre-
A Good Endorsement. The rii- carious state of health, but the Advertiser
J'. nnri'niiiHin, a strictly neutral paper, contradicts the repurt of her having en
T,nU.,li, d bv Damki. A. Kiik.v. alluJs to tercd a convent.
our caudidate for Auditor General in terms
biulilv commendatory, and from an un-
prrjndiced stand point. The l'enitftlca- '
IlilH Siyt : j
'The candidate for the office of Auditor !
ftoirerii.1 butug a ruaidtfitt l tbi& ISorouixh. . be iu successful operation at the rate of
jt becomes us t.- attest to the high esteem ; 0uo hundred words per boirr,-manl tfcr . .ill
in which be is held, by men of all parties. ' paJ 20,0W) per auoum for messages
Jf'jnrsfu and Qnalifn'ttions for the offiee, . . ...
.it ii -, i the arrangement for X14.000 rcr annum
.ll be conceded to JMr. Cociiban, by the : b , , ' .
...,cr, ntasacs of the D. murraticFirtg to 8UDd eooJ 10 ,he wmpany to return
in ihi cvuuiy; and tho votes which be . fjr the surrender of the exclusive privilege
luav fail tn command at home, will be cast of landing a cable on the coast of Xcw
against bim, mainly, in consiquence of ; foundland.
auliesion to party, an J uot on account oi t
... w 4I.... in lil- nq.fli.lne file nnna on Lo '
f uud. ludeed, Mr. Cochran is too good
a citizen to be a politician."
Olo who knows bim well, assures us
that instead of being too easily inilueuccd,
Mr. Cochran is rather noted for bis firm
ness and strength of will ; and a life-long
devotion to the business of editing a good
newspaper and pursuing tho legal profes
sion reputably at the same time both
with decided eclat attest that he has also
the industry, and the varied knowledge
required for that office second to none in
the State, lie is to be tried, anyhow !
The Fbost and the Ckops. From
pipers published in that section of Ohio,
where the large frosts were surprised to
Lave done ihe most damage, we learn that j
the mischief bas been much overrated. It
is now stated that the injury to the wheat ,
Las been very slight ; to the corn.even less,
and, in fact Ibe only crops severely nipped
were the tomatoes, beans, Ac, and there
is yet time to replant these. The grapes,
tpo, are injured, but not to any great ex
tent. Intelligence from the western parts of
IVnnsylvania and New Ynrk, from Ohio,
Michigan, Illinois, and Canada, leave lit- j
tie doubt that the late heavy frosts in those
resions have done very serious Uamage .0
the fruit, and to soma extent injured the
wheat and potato crops. Jiut we do Dot
lelieve that the datnago is by any means !
as extensive in regard to tba latter as rc- 1
Torts muKe it. sucn calamines are always i
i.r-atl r raeirerated. and too frcouentlv :
It J en ' . e
speculiitors are at the bottom vt it lur -
thuir own pecuniary benefit.
TLe Slaveholders' Convention of Mary-1 "' . ' " " ",
land, called to drive all free colored per- onK Jone H The difficulties
sous from the State, or reduce them to 'atluS between the Great Western Rail
Slavery, was an utter failure. The great ruad Companies have been adjusted. The
msjrriiy dtclarcd such measures would rates of fara to Chicago from New York
le cruel, unjust and inexpedient, and l-ve been advanced from $12 to $23, and
l aid a inaiked tribute to the moral and : ,he fre,ght on "" ioHj cents to
pecuniary worth ef the free colored people seventy-bye cents per head,
nf the State. A miserable minority dis-j Leavenworth, Kansas, June 13.
scLtcd and raved in vain. ; The returns of the late election show that
Hay should alwavs be cut with all its
juices intact and before its seed is ripe
To do this effectually, sweating in cock is
bottcr than too much exposure to the sun;
and if the weather is showery, cloth caps
f ir the cocks will sometimes pay for t from the mines eubtiouu to be favorable,
themselves the first season iu the quality I and tbeir practicability is considered es
cf the bay alone. j tablishcd. The first supply trains bad ar-
The rcceut effort to run op flour and rivcd ou.' an(1 tDe provisions commanded
grain to an enormous price.in cinsequence "oi Prices uui rclJy "les.
of the war in Europe, bas already lailer1. : Boston, June 13, 1859. The steamer
There i no demand for export, because it : Kensington, arrived to-day from I'biladel
is more plenty in Europe, and the prices ' phia, bringing twenty barrels new flour
lower than iu this country, and instead of; 'he first of tbe season being ten days
exporting, we can import it at a profit. j earlier than previous years from that scc
Easto.v, Pa., June 11. A htaty frost , tion-
occurred hire last night, forming ice tbe New Lonhcijc, Conn., Jane 13. At
thickness of a quarter dollar in the vicin-, the municipal election hal l rn.r?.r the n.
ity of the Lebauon Valley Railroad depot- ;
there will be do more State elections . C"J aDJ also at Watcrbury.
l.eld until August, when the States of j Sr. Lous, June 13.-A special de
A abams, Ai.ansas, Kentucky, Missouri, spateh from Independence to the llepub
North Carolina and Texas, will elect. j lican, says that a party of U. S. soldiers
The libode Island Legislature adjourn- j surprised about eighty lodges of Caman
elaf'er a session of Lur days only. Goodie1"") "tar Pawnee Kjck, and killed 25
f.. little lilvh . nitu and 2D women.
QcunKC, Juno 11. The screw xtcain
sliip North IiriloD, fr tn Liverpool on
Wednesday, ttie 1st of .June, has armed.
The cows from the scat of war is im
Ad oHicuI Sardinian bulletin says luai
, ... O " . k f M
iuc oaruiuiaus pasru iue oraia iu m
of the Austriaoi who were fortified at Pal-
astro, after a severe eoDflict, and carried
tho place, making many prbooers. Th
Sardinians were under the immediate eotn
mand of King Victor Ktnanucl.
Garibaldi was making some bold movc-
mcnta in Lonibardy. On the 27th after a
furious fight of three hours be entered
The Austrian retreated to Camerlatta,
nuv.v .....
Autrians again retreated towards Milan.
All the steamers on the Lake were in tho ;
bauds of the patriots.
It was reported via irne that on
"Oil. i: ,r;i.,i.i; .t..r...i...i i. tmwinr ',
f0Jce anj iiinircw into the Canton Tes- j
j fin, but this lacks confirmation, and Turin
despatches give the impression that be was '
.... i
wit. lug luiiutjl ri'j:rt.n?.
The coutcuts of
the French bulletins ;
arc unimportant.
The Euipcmr Was about '
to move bis headquarters from Alessan-1
dria, and it was repurted be would go to ,
Castalc. j
The Austrians in considerable force, had
occupied Uobbia.
The Kmperorof Austria q'littcd Vienna
on the 29th, and arrived at Verona on the
31st of May, accompanied by bis brother,
the Arobduku Charles. Gcuural Ilcss. and
jt r(,porleJ ; paris tL., M
tIl. Vronch fnter Milan. Kni-land and
l'russia will make most siiclUjUS efforts
to end the war.
A fight bad occurred at Florence be
tween some English war sailors and some
American sailors, on acconot of the latter
The terms offered by the Government
.... I
to the Atlantic Telegraph Company, to te ,
considered at the next meeting, are an j
viiou wua guaiauiuuiill ticutj-u.
?" Provided, however, the cable must !
Tbfl Ie(J gea cab,e WM lciea to baTC
been successfully laid from Suit to l'crim,
I a distance of 1-GO miles.
The English fundi were buoyant at the
advance quoted.
j It was rumored that Xapoleon returns
! in August, after the first scries of military
j operations.
The Military Committee of the German
I I'ict was reported to have approved of a
' resolution to place an army on the Rhine,
! and will propose its adoption.
Liverpool Ureahstuffs Mabket.
Richardson, Spcnce & Co. report that the
weather bad been very favorable for crops.
Brcadstuffs were declining. 1'lour was
very dull, and 2 to 3d. lower. The quota
tions are, lis. to 3s. Sd.
Latest. The Austrians have quitted
1'lacenza, re crossed the Tinico, and re
entered Lonibardy. The Piedmontese
have passed Sesia. Garabaldi, with some
6Ucee6se. rcCeivcd one severe check from
a superior Austrian force, but, reinforced,
re-entered Conio in triumph. The Aus
triaus, thus far, have been severely ban-
died, losing 1000 prisoners and 8 guns in '
a single action.
Tue Sardidians nnder their gallant !
R. haTe hgM uM d . i
e' " j
'"J1 ouc j
cessful. The popular feeling in the other j
Italian States, is rising against Austria, j
Kossuth is in hnclaud. and in a ereat
.,i.i; t. i.... . , . a
puunii ruccv-u vauuiia . oliici. atUicU UCU- I
trality on the part of England, while he I
: V I
Liiaiaca .saooieuu.
t"-puDiicans win cave majority in
the Constitutional Convention
From Pike's Peak. Leavenworth,
June 13. The express from Denver City I
t ai inci -iii . ci,,
brings $1400 in gold dust. The accounts
tire Kepubliean ticket was elected iu this !
Borousli Statcmcnt,1858,l)
Rvulicn Snyfer, S'tuervuur . Collector in
.. .... ... .. lit?
Il l I .-'111 ifinill'jll, irix.
JUrcliK.KiH. Toauit Bir . d'iptiemte N Ward .'.7
do do do is. Mard
liHI wF
' By rat of orde ni mh pl ..or Trui. from Not.
, Mrcb i;. iw. nv ..nifr o.4sw..ri.i. rwia
I UtiTUl Wvi-V UP M rrt IVnd.
Ut rlr n. 4: J I' Kim MirvkM
tret Coinmi-nitintr p-r arrt. rnl.
do U p-r rt. on f -7it K.i Mint collected
Batasoe da bjr Collector on duplicate
:iaiJ ,
Jnhn It. Linn, Trcmurrr nf the Jiirnuih nf
JsmiJiurtj. in arr7 with limityi, Uli-
WT 21. f..N. Ib.r.bit raj h&fiOr B lamiM 1 50
Nu. Is. Co March 1". I'il. T.icaih ;ud .r-
data rcceiTffd ol IWubftt Sudcrcollectur ln-'4 4a
May 2t. Itrhal. due Tn-af aa parai-IIVnrt
July 1ft. 11; can hjiilact-l.irder.'c. :t J.r'.l.ina
Atlrf. SI. ilo di. No. 2)1. li. lalctMn
17 :
It iii
.1 !
lit ml
Auk- 2o. A. K. lull ou Bor. oote
No.. 4.
n a't 7 a
IIt rafb ri A KrtinHr.hur ihmmt No :il H ml
d- Jac.hll.Rr.o ttnr.audilr N... tl 4 011
do t onlcn a t'orurliux prinlitij; to
S-t't. II. .K..S, No. 4i
do J. l. Ne.Ml iwrvictfa on Cherry
allry No. 7
do A k. iNorman-lic atliMiilanc
on lo.u t lork June 8, ioy,, to
Juus, IV.. Nt..
do t. W. .clt inle eatijlea bor.
l-tir.n Iv'.t
1 00
V. 00
do Jooa. WotfraarT?. on orlcr Xo.ll
Dc- S).
oat. nnt-r No. U. J. f. I.tnn
7 50
4 ou
1 m
do II rxh l r. . t'rili. I.r.ii'liur No.19
laJtrJaii.ll. Ilvrali -l JkIiU A.Mcrta tKranitt
Iu It-.r ..Iflrr y .ar t..s. N... :ia.
J.n It R. I..I r.l.r II J tl i.lfr ...ltlc.
KbI 1. Ilr acrU'w l"-r. trra. aol lowu elrrk
75 00
h Ml
Fab .'Z. My ..r.l. r tl. '. S. Jamca repairing
do Hr urdcr S" VI in. tVil--n aa..rnr
do 'do it II. 11.-, Ihah I'-.o-lal-la
Jl .rchl. do 4'.ico. It llll-a llrt I n
do Cali r't toa. r-th onlrr No. 47 on acct.
ferried an Hi.'ll l oolaltlo
March IS. do I'oildiiiK ruiuinfttt ofTourl
!lxue ou ordi.r NuO aa uuf
r. rt-ipt
do Bal. in the tiauua ofTrcaa.
1 5(1
a ti
in irft
fyrrs .Immmti, Collector of Boroujh taj-et
for 1S57. Dli.
Moy 21, ISit. To Hat. dun it per ettl. ment or
Marrh St, lsir Rr trcaj. : t .x rliarerd Mm
do rt ami of taoi.rali.oi.
Ill order No. .."- J .oa Itolft t-.-o.liu
tn firailinz chrrr? alley
and 'i rn ri'iit Kuaine 11, mow.
Sil 07 l
Ilv onl.-r No. 40 l.A.Ooro-bowor
llr.r. an.liier
3 J)I
it. !w !
Hr onl-r No. 7A R.C.Orwl5 ad'4
ll..r. orllnaliee
Vw order No. 2o Henry Ileaa
Hal. note pd A. K.llell
Caeh isl to Uor. Trrfaa.
l.vr or KmrKRATinys allowed B. Amnions, Col-
l.-rtor of takca f.,r lsa7.
O J.-hn Xeelut
!' .1 K Noll
r-i Krror
OA J Neuman
V. Mm l otler
S"U I'limel
ic ;s r-.tier
li K fur-el
fci. Krror
MJohn forth
fi'i'J I'elera
fai llanl I'uraiil
1 u I'roaa
ootll KaidenbaugB
fto ileo Kaltmyor
h- II Keitmyer
7.. n.ri.1 Keitmyor
. Ilaui.1 51 Hied
SO. H'm Heed iKr)
7' Oarid yhaffir
24'J Slottsh
fe f Stouxhtoa
:.e m searla
Sn" Krror r
1 oii-l'iKir
oil Win tVtiitlnn
Mi. II II W alker
S 1111 Wiuefrardea
ill John Vt atera
ho tl- ad
Ml Head
So Krror
7:, Jolifi IVinters
fai l-oor
Mi Ths llonactiy
.Tmra A ik. n
Ali..-it H..rn?
InlOilcr IVckty
II II llci-ra
J lionnacf
Atca rumuiinia
Jon Ctnttay
Merrit Cliappcl
C Krirk
A'ltm licrr
Kr.nklin Ihetrirk
H il.uin IIm.i.
t so
1 no
1 00
Win D..nar!iy
vim Kumk
in Krana
Ira y.hlaui;b
P Koraytho
1 )
Win Johnaoii
J f liiiii-a
II Johoaon
J Loniiaon
I' lainaril
Wui Iionard
iampon .ttillaf
J Mctaddia
J - K Miller
J Nyliart
1 Ml
i :
s so
J -. 21
William Jnnrt, F.tq., Treat, of the Hoard
of Si hoof Dirrrlor in arct. Dli.
Juue2 do
Caflh reed A .Kennedy cot. St? 4S
do do !'. ty
VI'Rielinllirent 7 Ml
II f s'heller.Treaa.Co. 7 2n
Joollartrcoi.taiea aaSO .'HI
frptlO.-SS May4,-59.
rent of Miai Rlino
J '
do dinner
do n.l.t.in
12 00
8 oo
do J.II. Walker
Jaa 31, l&Q. State appropriation
Aprl,M May4,'&9. By nrd-r of IVrnriJ Tokxhrri
Mliirifi, rfntinifnt ipvn
rfn kr Mr. orrft r. filed
My 4.19&9. By 2'sj tr r Tn Com.
Bal. in ih baodi of tba Treat.
3ft04 99
fTivan. Win. Jon hM pnld fMQ on iwrt f honl pur
I! -tnott tlie hbowe wUlrmt-nt. JOH-I B. I.1.NN
John JfartMt Collector of School tarrs year
185S. DR.
Maya, 18j9. To amtofpehool taa duplicate both
Vt arda, lsiS 2C50 03
May 4, 159. Br exoneration allowed by Board
School llireetom 1S..S 4S f.1
do Rr amt pdWm JoneaTreaaarh hrd. 22SII Ml
do Jly balaindupaluecotaxried below So.! 02
Mar4.t '..
Rat. on duplicate asn oo
i proton amt pdTr$2sO SO 114 US
Bal. doe hy collector 219 90
rxriXF.RA TJO.S .llowcd by the Board of School
11 1 I Kurrer
1 ll I. Laa.ha
U0 j W Heed
1 on . J Shannon
1 taoj Winti-ra
1 li'.l KiehnIK
1 ran II tv trtea
1 0(1, P llerina
1 Ml ! Un Is.naehy
1 lai.Jae Kyhart
1 I1 1 II Porth am.
1 on' ileo Kaitmyet
I Oil - Poor
1 iaiWm Leonard
1 (MOJ llttrsnian
1 miijauice Al'1'..ldiil
1 nn'J.-l.n Ncuinaii
1 tMi I Krror
1 Mil A l'k'ttner
1 mi
1 Oil!
1 00
1 110
1 00
1 on
? Bri.i
R prei
1 oo
! i..
f ie,tririt
j f
J pVo""' htcn
1 mi
' - !
1 I
loo !
45 61 ;
ai le-oiec
fioi.i.miih a crs
" " "U-e.c.
Sumtiel SUfer, Octrttrr of the Poor, in j
DJl. I
May il, UM. To, unt North Ward dnpHcat. 79 ,
do do reed Oreraaera of Catta- I
wiaaa Kxitu of Hannah Potter
10 49
i io
May". 1S59. Amt reed Jae Blair
do Error eaun.
May 2. 111. Rtl. du Ivt year wttlnmrnt
Msril. v9. AmtVf ontn.t,r.B- ..:,7
Miy'Zh.'SH MarlN. 1M uriefrt Kt.i Millar
ily l,'iV. I'll ujjprt M.A.lhitrbiDiun U dale
do dn ttnl Mrk do
do do lM.liVnnirliild do
do do H'-nrv I'of th do
do dr O.A ('hiuuberliD do
do do Slrst W.Ituniirh do
Miir'21. P. wiiM (.niBfT nirier do
Jjid 4, 159. tS.-nt Sarmb MHrbmnr
II. rrile rvli-f orlcr
12 69
Ut fcft
7a NT
33 (KJ
J2 M
4h W)
2-i Hi
Jl ;.y
1 M
69 Do
lO.. 1 1 ,
May 1, 1659.
Supwrt ADd.riCiDT torln.t
ftnitpJrfinnTal II.MiiItrt (jVerm'y
tui(irl Hb. Bt.nd to dnt
t. D i'f Irnnhieot pa.urfr8
A J W-ilt tiMUl
fiupiKirt JevrNyhart to date
I 37
1 00
16 4
10 fr,
20 0i
10 OO
do iianitan rotter
J A Mrti. Jun.ord-rn
Mar 159.
Mar trt. ii9. J B. LitiD mttkme duptlr.
Mar l'-'y. V.Younir coitin H.luracl child
Ayr 10, lfcSlf. Tmnr-nt tiipr
do J.Ulairordr V ui.FrickiCa
Maj , 1859. O'rriwra wai-M
do Allowd 1' aud'a for extra, (wrrice
do ptr rt rot both duplieata
BasUnoa in the hajadav of frblifer. oTexaeeri
268 43
v: t3
FXOXlRATICyS of S. Slifrr, Orrrwr.
1 John Nfufiit. Jl.
2-1 Wm Potter
4St Saml Potter
15;H-ory Pooth
l.S John Poeth
4.1. Jc..b Petrt
(Oubeo Purl
l& Rawn A Uibbuny
lii Krror
l ;Oro Kfltinw. ?n.
liOavid SMtT-r
l.Sj.(arob Moufh.
Jo Burrow)
Allrt Bartii-a
Martin Chap pell
Joa Carter
AIx Ctimo.it.gl
Jon Com y
M IVni-r
r lit-tni k
1'm xrtck
N Udfchinacit
15 i
lit II D Walker
l..lj..l.n Uat.-ra
3'e Uhci-ltr
I John M .ViMm
1 .nr,..o Mt.vr
t " N. lt
Jacob N) hart
Jimet lilttir,
(rrrmer, nrrt.
;i, is.s.
Tn nalanrf 1tie hr tTcri.r as
ir aetll.-uiiit nf audiluia
' Ad? o,'M. Wm Fri-VOo. r- rt for rrnt pop-r
,n tuort Mrs. I.y iu 'rt
I AOfT 9,'iA, U Aoilrr ri.rltnrr
' amt pd Mr hn-ui' ki t;., lk-onn ihi
i do lr. I.firr M'tl. it4. oa lo
1 1 .
in "O
12 -h
ft JO
t do Ilr-nrrihrrmrrAM'ClurrOOBCCt
! do I Mtfrr oirwtT
do Kx'nrti f'T lo
do S--rnir ytr 1:H i ovcrter
Amt 4ue by Jinra ltu.r iwwer
F.XOXM I Tln.XS atlnw.ii Jinn Blair, Or. ncar ol Hi
l.r for tlio year IsO..
r.tioa llronk
Matil.la IL. kly
John Itaruca
l II l!cra
Mrrilt I h.ippcll
J 1'rii.tjtNti
t'liHrlctt Cia'k
H'm lavia
llr. Ilcrnham
W at llnai hy
J..-. I. Imll
Jo Itauifhcrty
.Inft Hl
J"hn Kiiiot
S.mil K.ana
Mr riahbaoalt
Hainl r''.n"tha
J...uli rranU
r rri.-a
Hnml li.-(l
llnirt liu.tcr
J llltr.ntan
1-a.ic llilca
11 JohoMtn
SliSaml KiT-lrllt?r
It'l l M r.itiliu
:i-i i,i..
I', w V Ml. r
I., .la. M raO'lin
1-. II Vill.T
i;. ii i; vu
4j .In N.-omnii
K. T M N. .l it
:;s I. Itrrp-lt
1.1 Kt oU-u ocwij
1 Atlriw I'loltucf
1 I . I l nr-. l
4.' lit -liar t I'rta
.. W oi K. :urpt)
l.r -tncklautl k..t
i;, Krrur
1 11 W-hat-fkl
Wala. r
fri.ljol.n Wau-ra
loo. Vo.-t
I the reM;ution ol lliw Tr.au l ouncil n 'luirtuir llo-ir ao-t".
he auOit-d on fir la-fope llie lat of March in e:ich Year,
arlll la lniii'.U..d Unu and enforcisl hy the aujitora.
.No I'liyaieian. lulls allowed linlra the hare the I
wrttu-n order ot the Oreravera fur tticir attruiiauca ujn .
pautera. 1
We ttieundersiirneil. Auditor of the Rorooirh ef lwia- ,
hurjr, do eerlify ttuit we li.tre examine.!, au.ttted. and t
alloa-i-d the loreoloit areiomta ot the ditlereiil oflirera of
HM-I iViri.uli tiii.I tlud the hataneira nrroriiititf- lo the tore. !
cotni; report, which we hara. tho nth day of Mav. A. It. i
fild in the otllre.d the Tewu Clerk, of which all Inter-
e-trd will take notijo. WitneeH our han-ta and n-al the t
'tuofjiay. A. KKNNKPV, ( I
J. A. MKKT7.. II. H
AHAM I1I..H tit, IL.a.l
Amrr: J'ttIN n. I.INV, T..wn Clerk. !
Jonathan lVp;hlt'j Potato
" I
OTICK it hereby given that I.riters pf
i Artininisiratinn !! the Estate of Jonath-,
an Netbii, lole of I.ewisbnrj bnrotioh. L'nttm I
county, ileernse.l, have been irranleii by the j
Hejisier of Union county lo llie subscriber.1
All oeecn. ,n,l..h..t .. ...,l .. i. !
" ' .".'u tinn M III llloec
immediate pavment; and Ihose bavins claims '
wdl preseni Iheut properly authenticated (or:
settlemenl. lll.(ill 1. MIELLEII.
Lewishtire. June a, 1X51I Adminisirator I
, i'f
1 a native of our county, a cunsideiable lax-
In Common Pleas of l."ninn ! payer, and a parly man every way lit. eompe
counlv Vend. Ex. .No.19, ; and wr.rihv. KELLY
Peier H. Beaver
J. H. Robenold.
way lerm. 18.., I
'HR unriersicned. Auditor appointed by the
Ivourt aloresaid lo distribute Ihe funds
raised bv ihe sale nf J.II. Rohenold's property
by Ihe ShcnlTof I'ninn county In and auioiii;
the creditors entitled thcietn.tii lake testimony
if neee-sary. Ac, will meet all the panic's
interested, for ihe purpose of attending lo the
duties of his appointment, at the office of
John I). Linn, Evq. on Market Si. Lewisbnre.
on Saturrlmi the 25th day of June, A.I). I -nil.
j at 10 o'clock, A. M., of which all interested
will lake nonce.
May 30, 1859
Auditor's Notice.
THE undersigned, Audilor appointed by
Ihe Orphan's Court of I'ninn countv lo
to distribute the balance in llie hands nf John
twnraek . ,l J.,ph Mocre, Adminis
trators of Jtwrs .Mourn, dee'd. w II attend lo
Ihe duties of his appointment or Mosi.at the
Silh day of June. 1S.VJ. at 10 o'clock A.M.. at
Mi I his office on Market street, between Front and
1 ou ! Sec"nd t-ewishurg. Pa. Of which all inter
1 no j ested will please lake notice.
JOHN B. LIXX, Audilor.
May 31. ISS9
Auditor's Notice.
riHE undersigned Auditors appointed by
X 'he Orphan's Court of I'nion county lo
distribute the- balance remaining in the hands
of James F. Linn and Levi Sterner. Execumrs
of the last will and testament of Nn hulas
ou ssrn. nee a. win meet at the Bulfalo House
in the Borough of Lewishurir n Tnsnav the
2Nlh ol June insi., at 10 o clerk in the fore
noon of said day. Of which all concerned
will please take notice.
JOHN eCHRAK, Auditor. I
June 1, 18.19
Auditor's Notice.
r"THE undersigned Auditor appointed hy the
I Court of Union county lo distribute the
money arising out of the effects of lltnry .
Friet in ihe hands of Thomas Reber his As
signee.will attend to the duties of his appoint
ment and meet ihe parties interested at his
Office in the boroush of l.ewisburg on Friday
Ihe 1st day of July. 1S59. at 10 o'clock A M I
of said day: of which all concerned will please
lah-e nonce. W.M. JONES, Auditor
June 6, 18.19
Notice in Partition.
""OTICE is hereby given to the heirs and
it legal representatives of WILLIAM
1 Alt, deceased, late of Hartley township,:
Union county, to wit : Jane Tate, widow of
said deceased ; Hugh B. Tate, who resides in ;
Centre county ; William Tate, who resides in
Williamsburg, Blair county; James L. Tale, I
who resides in Brookville. Jefferson county ; !
Samuel C. Tate, who resides in Hartley town- I
ship. Union county ; Catharine Tate, who ;
also resides in said Hartley township : Eliza- i
oo ! beth, intermarried with Mahlon Breyman.who
1 on i resides in Mifflinbnrg in said county ; Jane,
J i intermarried with Abraham Klmgan, who re
1 on I sides in Ninpenose Valley. Lycoming county;
and Mary Ellen, intermarried wiih Levi Kline,
,'h,?r'fid!S " "'iNippenose Valley- j
ises of the said deceased in said Hardey j
""'"ship, on Fmn.T. the first day of July j
next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day, to make j
Partition of said route, nr if such narinO.n
can not be made without prejudice to or spoil.
'"S 'he whole, then to make Valuation thereof. '
Of ahich all eoncen.ed will please take no- !
i- . i o s.. ,.,
Union county.
PherifTs Office, Lewisburg, June 1, lS.ri9. w4
maas F-iiTiriiiaS
HAS been removeil to Beavers Eritk
Block, on Nnnh Third street, 3d door
from Market, where ihey are prepared to do
all kinds of work in their line on the shortest
Orders and inquiries from neighboring
towns promptly attended to.
Please call and examine our large assort
ment of Fixtures of the most approved styles I
ami nnt-n.
All work warranted. Also Steam ru
tins; done to order. Lewisburg, April I .'59
William VanGezer,
A TTORXEY at law,
il Lewlyburs;, I'nion Co., Pa.
lyotlice opposite Kline's Hoiel 574
New Hotel in fflifflinburg.
MTHE subscriber would respectfully in
form Ihe Traveling Public everywhere,
that he has taken and fitted up the premises
of George Schoch, in the centre of
where he is prepared to accommodate strang
ers and travelers men and beasts in the
best manner, with Board and Lodging.
Please rive me a call.
Dr. C. Il'KEAL,
:a! T T A VIMS resnmei! the (metier nf MK1)I
' J I t:.K, tuiW hit pri.frional servicr-s
1U0 ii ilie citizens nf f.ewi-burt' ami vinuiiy
llltii-e ale! renlenre at tlie e-t en it of MarUi-l
Mreei. nppiiMiv Krick's Koun'liy. June 1,!'J
R KELLY'S Overland Letters.
The (ii -t of Mr tireeley's Letters from Kan
sas. I'mh, California, Vc. has appeared. His
Letters ate looked for with much interei,.nnl
will appear in the Weekly and fetni-Weekly
Tribune, ait well at in the Daily. Tr.liMt
ll.tily Jjifi, Semi-Weekly Triliuiie t. We. klv
Trrlmne $3. Fur Club lernis, see Tribune of
any date. Address '
liOR ('K CREEI.EV A ' ,
2ir79l Tribune Buildinss, New V.nk
To Builders.
T.N" accordance with lite Report of the (Iranil
Jury at Mav Term, Ihe Contnusniners ot
I'liion Countv Will receive Proposals ai Iheir
)lli:e tn Lewilmrs. until the'ith of Jolyneit. j
f.ir biiil.lins Sl'KPrt for the easi Irotu id the
Court IIoue,on ih'-follouin; plan: the steps
lo lie made ot two inch white pine plank planed
and painted hi imitation of blue limestone, in
have ihree coats ni linserd nil and white lead, :
and compttelv sanrled in ihe paint helore itr
each step not to exeeeei , incur.. i i..ai..,io j
inches wide; ihe whole Mruelure to be sup-
porteil by nine linr'es of Iwn-ineh onk plank. '
12 inches deep; risers one inch white pine wrll
seasoned. By order ol ihe Commissioners:
June 7, 1H.VJ A. KE.NNEDV, Clerk
iCear.fiE U5 cente .er w.-ek p-r card of 1. lines or leee.)
Com. ty IHlf.iott Klflvms Saturday, Auc 27.
J,i.muiatuiy thftivnion le-wiehuri:, Muuday, Au;.20.
I'rvthoHutiirif Job n III Iger.
John A. Mcrtz I D. D. Guldin.
Win. Roshong.
Trcasurtr Hubert II. Laird.
William Jones.
DiitriH Attorney Albert 15. Vnrer).
John H. Linn. I Samuel U.Urwig.
James 15. Hamlin.
Crimmifbmrr Samuel Marshall.
f IO Ihe Voters of t.'uion county : One o(.n. ;
J eratinn has passed awav since the kire t
led in ihe B ard ol County Coiniiiissuiners. I
therefore lake ihis method nf propositi" Mr.
KAMI-EL MARSHALL before ihe 2!Hh Auj. '
Convention, as CoiiiliiiNioilr. He is i
t() ihe Voters of I n ion county I offer
'rolllOIMitary subject to the decision ol
' ihe Republican convention. Should I be so
I lorliinate at lo be nominated and elected, I
will endeavor to perform the duties of said
j olfice with fidelity. WM Kl'SHO.Nti
i New Berlin, June 4, lS'i!)
TELLOW Citizens : f offer myself as a :
candidate for ihe Office of li otli
llutary of I'nion county subject lo the'
decision of Ihe I'nion convention. Havinz
been urged by numerous friends, I hope to
receive a liberal support. If I am nominated
and elected, I will perform Ihe duties of ihe j
office lo the best of inv ability.
Lewisbursr, June 6,159. D D (it'LPIX ;
1-tnr.i.ow ciTixB.Nrt- i oifcr .,..-ii...
candidate for the office of I'rulliull-
otary of I'nion county, (subject to the de
rision of ihe Union Convenlion.) llavtn
been urged by numerous friends, I hope lo re
ceive a liberal support. If I am nominated '
and elected, I will perform ihe duties of the
duties of the office Willi the best of mv ability.
Lewisbnr;, May IS, 1.19. '
William Jones would hereby inform
the public ihat he will be a candidate for the
office of COTNTV THE ASCRFR, aubjeet lo
ihe nomination of the County Convention of i
Ihe 2'Jth of August next. May 21, 'S9 )
MESSRS. EIHTORS-Allow me, throiifrh I
vour columns, to present to the public, '
SAVIL EL H.OKVVKJ, Esq.,asa suitable per
son lo fill Ihe office of District Attorney. He
is abundantly iia1itied for the duties of ihe
rti'ice, and attends punctually and faithfully lo
business. The Convention of the 2!Mh Au
pust could place no belter man on the ticket,
and we will cive him a hearty support.
West Buffaloe, May 26, 59. MANY.
TIO the Citizens of I'nion county. I take'
I mis method of informing ihe people if
,he county that I will be a candidate for the
elliee ot l'rlllnnt;ir V at ihe ensuing
Ihonotarr at ihe ensuing!
election sunjeci lo ihe decision or Ihe con
vention of the opponents of ihe National Ad
ministration. JOHN BILtiER
Mifflinbnrg, May 16, 1859
I VA. It. Voi itr respectful- announces
that he will be a candidate for ihe office of
DISTRICT ATTORNEY for Union county
subject 10 the decision of Ihe convention of
Ihe 29th of August next. May IS), ih.vj
John II. Linn
woul.1 repfctfully an-
.'. . J
nnunce thai he will be a eandnlaie for ihe
office of DISTRICT ATTORXEY for Union
county subject to the choice of ihe conven
tion of the 29th Aug. next. May 19, lt59
The subscriber has on band for
sale TVO SfW ltll?:tfN, which he
. ll n - I ... L II I- 1
f . gJoHlOE. Vail sncn I nr "n
M" ,t
or if absent, inquire of W. II. Riiier. at Wm.
Brown, Jr.'s store. (Lewi-burg. Feb. 15
mo the Citizens of !.,.,,,. t
;. Mn HiwH has Tf, hjs Barhr
isnop irom ine Kiviere House lo Market street.
basement of W idow Anions' buildini?. one
door above the I'osl Office. Thankful for all
past favors, he hopes to merit a continuance
ot ine public patronage.
X. 13.
To alt ho tarry hero till their Wards irew lone
To cet a pleaeanl shave, (rood aa larber erer Rare.
Joel call on llisrs at hi- Saloon, hn.r morn. error noon,
To.cla clean, rarer r-harp and ariiiora keen.
Lewisburg, April 1, 1859. E. L. HIXES.
nona:opATiuc im.ii itx,
In W.Hrown'i Ktut Block, Markrt .V,
',! (between Fifth Sixth.) LEWIS nr R(l, P
The undersigned keens con
stantly on hand French Hurrt of
all sizes, and furnishes every ar
ticle renuired bv ihe millit.o te.t.
t?Omnlell tqiiceli... ... . l r T 1
arloi. . M Mi 'Of every
article sold. Millers who prefer the solid
Rlirr kn mni.. i ... f I
- y ii...i.s- iu u nionins nonce, can
have their orders executed at the quarries in
France. Address WM. H. KEPXER
April 1, lr)59mr, llarriln,r! P. o Pa
) '"L--.lL
Ttf'Office in the University Building sa
T70RSAT.E. CHEAP A 7Pr, and
trimming Knife, a convenient article for
Printers to tnm pamphlets. rVc.
V.ir n, '59. C. J. --TAHL, Bm-; Binder.
MARSH & (OAS Grain
I iic .it.a ollirt a to tli- l aruims I'ul.Sit .
! Jlamiructurcl at tlie I.cwiaUr:' FoiinJrj at A-iicukural "Woik.--.
I H ire Power Machine- adopted lo cui'ina all kirn's and e. ndmons ,,f ;rJ., ar,i(;rjllt
is what ttie Karintr wants np m i'r id adoi"e l lo any practical li!.i.r..ani,2 n.ai h ,r ,f
the kind. The LEWISBURG REAPER AND MOWER f warraMci i
em Mai..lin!j or Lodceil tliass and t.ra.u. ei it liy, rrt,uinii; t. Kaker iu .Vc,i.?. ,, r
cultms Hiram, it is used lor a rear or sole delivei v .1 sl.eal as may be .lev,-).
It combines in it dpeiatt. n all the advances of a loi-s Fjperifnrr and :l,e rerv Iatet
! ,mpr..veniei,i. ... otiier Lnn of Reaper and .Mower CLiubmed, jel inirt.-iui..:, Ua'sWwa
Ihe sunie lishtness id power and eae i f ilraut'lit.
! We re-i-ecilullv solieit a TRIAL, upon the above stared fact, an I it we fad to
entire sati-i.itt:on we w ill eon-u!er u no sale. Iu short, we warrai.t out c. u.l,n,r, f;..-,
and Mower lo be all w- sav 11 is.
I pon the policy of yeini more merit fi r less money. crater ailvantacet at hi me rf,arj
I aLroa I. li" will boy else.heie, before tryinff a plan by wbieh money, inne and tr.-j'de ,.,
; be saved!
June 1. I"5!wi
For Sile,
IIT oV.siraMc proper'-, rorrer
of .t.
John ainl Water Si .cotnpr it'Tliro'
ItiK'l- l.ttlN. on mh.ch areeret-trd a small
Hoii-e. Sine.:, and W h.irf. Tins i an excel-It-m
location fur a River res-i1ci.ee or place
of iu-.:iies.
i'or lerins Ae.. app'v to
Lewii-bnr, June li. l'-.f)f
X Sou-li F.lth street, a propenv "-'
consiMiii2 i f a solid Frame Hou-e j A 2
on a half l.i t ol sn und. Terms ra-r. App.y
lo Ma li A. B OHSI.
tl LOTS, sixtv-six feet front each, at
Ihe west end of MARKET STREET,
north side. Terms luodi-ta.e. Liojuire ol
May 2it, is.,!) 1b. W M. HAYES.
T'Oi: SAT.K.
PESIRAULE lluilililisr I.ot. 3.1 feet
feel Iront by in". . deep. Enonire of
Beaver, Kremer A M'Clure.
JLa 1SES and Lots, each suitable foiJLjl
two lannltes one on r.rth Fourth srreei and
one on St. J..hn street, lor Sale. Hail of each
Ot me attOVr How- .e. ..r Ituol
r?Msn, for sale, lour Building T.ots on
North Filth street. JOHN HOLUHTON.
Lewisburg, Jon. 20. ISi'.S. Agent
ritHE well known Tatrrn Stand S
at the east eud of tlie Lewtshure.LjL.aL
Bridge, in Chiilisqnaiiiie township, Norih d
Co. It will be sold n reason:il-'e terms.
Inquire of WILLIAM FKIt'K.
Lewishurg. Drc. 17. ISoS.
if or S.ilr,
I Market strtet in the Borftish ui i- 3
l.f wisl-iifi;. 'J he hi'iise is oi LK1CK, util
tinitlie'1 in evcrv r"peot.
1 erms On
half to be paid between this
and ih first day of April nexi; ihe balaure
tu be pan. in iwo. ihret or tne vears, as may
suit the hinpr. rtsfsn'n civin anv Time.
June i, lrs ISAAC AI.TKK.
rpiti: T l ItatO.HS occupied at pre-
sent by Washington Hutchinson as a
Saloon. 1 hey are suitable lor S J I Ol'S.
For Terms apply to
Jan 2i Is
i'i ' iai..i The subscrilieroll'ers ti. seil the
' n"i1)!,",J!are Iti u k Foundry at the wesi
! llaaalJend of M.nket street, inclntii.o
ars'-TOthe W arer.iom, Oilice. and ihe
Marhiuery aiiacheil also a laipe arrn unt of
Pailrrns l-r Taiont Rights It-r A-jncuIiural
M.irhitiPrv. Stoves. r. Il is tTcartleil as one
j of ihe beM locatioits li ra jrott.sa(e hnine.
if " i noii-rnpiu.srU m
atmlher emn .11 inenl u-hieh iu re.-.n 1..
desires lo dispose of this Foundry. Fcr any
luriher particulars, address
WILLIAM FR1CK. Lewiaburg.
Feh. I85S 1'nion O. Pa
F () 11 SALE.
rT'A Half Loi on Market St.. opposite
8. Ruler's residence, wiih a good Well of Wa
ter and new Stable ; very desirable lor a busi-
ness siand, or residence, (or both combined.)
AlsiO. -nher Lois, some with and some
without Buildings. JOHN LOCKE,
Lewisburg, Oct. f, 1857.
. . .
a T ts , . "
A Hew Business in Central Fenn.
T. ,,- ,. ... .
utlu public in enteral M'llinm tn particular,
ri.- 1 . 1 i . ..
r ss1 - - ;
, ni L'inliirin the dwellers in Lewishurg and I
. 1 te-e surroundiiir; country, thot then hai-
opened a
Straw Hut 4s- llonnrt lllratliin?
and rREfssilM; esiahlishineni in this town,
where e aie prepared lo execute ail work
entrusted to our care. Having: had 11 years'
constant experience in Ihe business in Phiiad.
Cily, and being acqua nted wiih Ihe most
approved process of Bleaching, we are confi
dent of our ability to sun Ihose who give us
Iheir custom. By devoting lime and attention
to our business, performing work neatly and
delivering it promptly, we hope lo succeed.
We also .Vour and Kc-Fmhlt FELT and
Our work is done in t'ity style and at Ihe
lowestCtty prices. We make the usual liberal
deduction lo the Trade and hence Millineis
will find il lo their advantage to deal with us.
We intend lo make it a rule to finish and
deliver all work during the week it is received,
provided we gel n on or before Tuesday
St.John tt. Wl.ee,, 4th .J
March 9. I8..9
j, near. I. '. shriner's,
!i.IIS:i II. ORWIf.,
Attorucv at l.ntv
OFFICE on Souih Second near Market St
I 1-il ivo i". .. .
Lb. H ISIIl K(,, PA.
All rroles.-tonal Business entrusted to
his care will be faithfully and promptly atlen
Jfd ' Sept. 11, INST
large and well selected slock of new
( a
OutlS in thp ISoltttn aixl Vartelv line.
ha just brrn rrriTrd ami opfrtfd ai t T.M
and Cirass Cutter lur 1850
d.V M ."s. .M.MiMI tV ).
. I IllOU
tin a
T Y virtue of sundry writs ot Vrn.FIx. j.,,.
ed out ol ihe C it rt ol 1.7 h.m
I. ii. on county an 1 to me dnecte.:. u ,i Ve ...
posed In pul lie z or outerv, . n the
and at ttie places, fo. lou. ins. to u.t :
tin Tucs!;iy. tlie tilst day 4.:.T:::.r.
i.exi, ou the pre m.ses.at 10 o'clock" A M.a re-,
lam trai I ot land situate iu We-t Bi.ilj,
township at. 1 county of I'nion. bounded , r:i
by pn'.lic Koad, on the eavt, s. uili as!
t v land:, of A liliatn Role, ci n'aiinr z 1 r
more or less, nh b rnier wairr::h'-.h-r..
on are erected a liiist Mill, a liame .lur,..;..
Iu ue, a log s'ai a well tl son! water i
a j iiiop. .Vc , uli the appurtenances, as
il, prrtvol fVr.r.r II. ihrintr.
Also, on t!.e samp ilav, at 2 o'ilo !;
P. M.. ai the liutt'a.oe A' it-ads. in tur!. 4
township, county aforesaid, three tlhtr ct::i.:
lots ol (iroUInl, lo Mil:
N. 1. A certain Lot of Giog:.1
situate in Ilui?a!' e township, tmn-y i I I i. .
hounded on ihe north by lands of Wf iiamT.
; Linn, on the west by lard ol Sarah Vaa Va.
zah, on the south ty another lot i f Jaii.e y.
Cha.nberl.n.aru! i u ihe cast by a public r:
leading to .Now Rerlin. whereon are ererirl
2 trame tenant houses, a tannery, tan h . n-e,
bark house, ft.imc stable, and utter ootluilii-ir.g-.
with ihe appurtenances.
i No. A certain Lot of fJroiini,
situate in ihe township and county a.'oresai ',
bounded on the norih by lot .No. l' ('above de
scribed'). on the west and s. uth by land t
Sarah Van Valzah, and i n the east by a pub
lic road, containing hny-eicht perrhes and
.eijht-tenths. n.i re or les. u betroo are erected
a two. storey trick dwelling: houe, and out
buildings, with the appnrter.ar.cet.
No. .'!. A cci lain Tract of Lar.J
in the township and ei nnty aforesaid, fn or -I-ed
north by ian-.N ' Jona-han Koser. west t .-
lanns oi .aron .inner and John Miller, ac-1
south and ea-t by lands of Jacob Z.ebarh.ein
laming twenty two acn s, u:ore or less, wrtr:
is a ood young apple orchard, and other ra
, itat-le improvciiit nts, U1th the apptiriet.aiite;,
as ;l,e property of Jumn It. Vhm.krLn.
; Also, on Satiirdav, the i'.tli tiav r:
June next, at III i.VI. ck", ai the public h'-ns-ol
Michael Kleckner, in the b. r, u-!i ,.; X--
Berlin, another ceriain tract rl !,u ,!. s-uate
Limestone township, and r.-unty ati re-ail.
bounded north t v land i f Pint n lie-e ice-i'
wt u unus i i nilip.ros.. s, h pot-iie
and (ieoige ilenner, cotit.nr. n- , re hui.dst.t
and sixty-two acres, m. re it les,. u herein
are erected a log house, a tai k tarn, anj
other outbuildings. Ac. with the appurtenar..
Cs. as the p-operty of U. H ..,f.,-s ' ar.-i f ' H.
jnt. Jnii.N t'ROssii.o E, shi-rrT.
ShenlFs Otr.ce. I.ewisbnre. Mav : o. !':
Tvt. iti is- iu:n ic it it i
r"ii!iotiinI i:.tract )l'JiinLin K
I- i.-
ti ' d t r tl..
Clireof ,
f .i.. and n .
d -v.. -re : ,ii-.:,... , I
l.i.r. k,.
J..U. .I.. .-. It i .. . ir. ,
I. .11-. I l.r. 01. I ,.
Mi'lH..- it li.-l. il..
I i-i'l t .-r-oinj f
i. r. -1. 1. Mt..i lur.iimat'.ry i; l,euioatini. li-nie 11.
.-..a ii.a.ia.ne. I'l.pet.io. l-i.aio..... N. ir, ... V. .
t hri.iii.- s.-riiliia-o. s.-re I:..,, an. I reli... I 1.:. . .
iluiur lOilnreniei r. Vi h:t.- .sa,-lfi;'.. , , ..,!. .
I tc r.. Mercurial I irer.an.! I rui li.To . ..v.. s. .
oill.e ll.-ne.. Lujli.. K..tn,tf I lrr. o, ... ';i, V
l.ip. Mil.nnt l.iiiiia I r 11 n... It,..-!,
Tl.ri.t an -I M ft I'ata'e, Teller, lit: .. , - ,. ,' . .
s.-i..s...r tils Skis. ai:.i all .li-as,s ari.nv- -T a n
rim: T(Tr i I Hit luvu, whether brt.dllar ... -or
ci.inr.ct.-d. ' 1
Ihe k-reot popularity n I.ieh ll.ie inraiu..! te -. n.
attiiimd mo.ii.iMoiteii.irineiru.em o..t p ii..- y
I I lie pr. pncti r It Is ue.l l. ail rlaes -1 i . i- --
llir...n-li ut 11. e eeunlry. hariri oo,..,. . .. r
.I.TI.1;ATI: ANlu I KAlUt. ,!..,,., .... ,
-rliroi.ic diseasea. do not he-iutc to i,..n m.i.i it
! r.m .,, V't,"tl ""' ' WIM-,
I "tn.-e.l- Ka.se Strert. here br li.n-u..,t V r. f
ti .1 on all ,.e..ea.
I Call at Ihe
t anil rM ith. r;....i . -
i.e c; t
large oiaae cd the mo.i re.p.-iB.v rII,irnie.
r-r,.. , u, i" V'u,' i - '.
Vr- " urMn. l,t. i, cur,d i,,,.,i t.r,.
i Hr i.ts i.n-i R.TIVE-We .,, n..i .
: ' ' " n.io.i.iin t,.,.or r.a !ei. ihe
retires, and oestrum. hirh mav l..-i i. 'i :. I.
"si m nr columns. Il..tm... ,1., ,. r ..
-iicmoan.i s.,o.i,t ,nt, ,,, ,,.
curaliee ijua! ilit-s for Kr .ipeia ' .. .e -..,
n. w m: iu4 coniun.i.u.r it.,- ii.:.i"..c :.
thus alllKted.
I l.l.a.ie., . ... tl
1 n sannarr, I s..I , ma dniuhler rt-i, ' ! r i ..n'" i "t
-r, a attack. d i"th loi;uial. T l..-n .n-m. '
h.-r ji-ints were mu. li .t,:.n. ai-,1 ?l.. -. il. rr: o r -t
ex, ru. i..rina p.nn lor three nioi.tl,. ,,r n. 1 r'
a pi. . in.. u. .ho rontiiiurd o. at:. i-.I :. t -
uiir.ir.-ni.nt. i-ltinc n.o. h .1:-. .... r. I I 1
to try Ifr. lt,rit ..puciOre; ;. prt i,.i; . - . ; - '
ceil a tired. . .it,al,tfr I. r Hie 1. T. r. .l.e ll . '
no. Heme Ii r some l-.nie and it htr. ,-te f i.-rr. -: ii ' 1 '
h.is r. noiiio d tree ,.r Kh.-uniati. ui ei.d !.. r t.. . it. 4
rrcr since, being upaaru.. oi la.. .......
Jii.s l TIMVI'S-..
No 11 Hut. L.li.-1-a.--
TIIItOlT lIM isl .
TJita tanci. clae. ot d;.. .. ,,. ,. ., I .,.r,-M
flKn.:ii...iia. llrmrhial It roar., i... a .... i. n. -I .t v
lull, tr.':it.-d ly ttie use et l.r. J..,i . . - ;im: '
li.iris- ll.r-.at .tppitcatieo. l.ca.I ll..- '.'...a.i. .'r 1
. fp.-eil cure after !i t.c cutiini. ,1 ..o., rj, v :
t, -al lo.u, lli.-M.r o., Ju)v -'-
Pir:Pear s.r:
At, nut tile year, airo I war attacked with a Ii-.-."'
II... ilr. ..t. a in. h . ante on (ir...iu .1.t.1i.:...- i..-',n
I wout.l Lite ivld Ihe pin and i.errii.e a in t t.
di-trciii-. in i-i.uipanied ailh I.e. ef i.i., I. -n - a
eltelit tl ;.t 1 r. U:.l not Ss-.s k a I ll e ,1 a h - I 11-'
seioo. coiioiLst 10-ttir... ,.r.e. nol.ith.-.ftnJiTir I a1
und. r the nodical trratin. nl i t li r liil.-r. iil i -In-
nm, alnni.rd at my c ndllo n. I o. ;.i I.O ! --1 ''
: riiiladeipl.ia aod consult sou. wl.i. li .-u ri-c 1 .cl 1 J
in Ihe sinter of lNol. when v. a r. .s nim. n.leii r e I.
your Ileporalire arj ., ,,. .,. ,.f h , ..,i..,,i.t :!.
,couneii..n ailh or Ihroat applo alh.n. 1 a.. ri-:r-
. cured, and h.-ire r. ma.nc.l a. Ii. Ulan... a..-iel!ii
.year eince the t-me nae ci:.:..t. I.-. ., -ci'i.'-i i iF
t friend, M.liil.l; ITA 1 H1.-1I"I'
-Pi. P UTS" ANT! Sl ltol I H.I SOINTMIM 'r 1
L'.'.''"' A1'1'l;"'AT"'Ji "'d "ii the I-1
'i' -naui.ot fcrotulous llcraar d licr,.-.'l
ir-Call on ihe Affcntt, J. BAKER A 'i'-
Leaiaburr. and proenre t'irculcrs n.n'aluiu: a U'F
niBSe i.i -li.teoe.- in laaorcf the medi-iue.
J. BtKtlt a ( o. Ae'ts lor I ut.-n n.utitv. r'.'-'v
ai:i: ii t ex.
r f I l-'Vl-U I' Tf II
Jl j-a-vus ri,j.i ni
l...r.-t,,ii.. i .-
i.:. O1-? yi'-r r