Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, June 10, 1859, Image 3

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F.tmr M .nsisa, JrMK Id,
lk '
ATSSTw"'1 '
.. .m, i. hiy """-r:;;?!.
,ni i.TO.i.(An,w,
l. ... ..-..n...;!..,, nf ..-..v.. ...Ir.-lil ITiuui en. d-UUUH(B
tuj drairn, a ecj in "
cT See Xrv
SAt the anuua! meeting of the mem
bers of the Lcwisbnrg Cemetery corpora
tion, held on Monday last, tho folluwiug
were elected Officers f.r one year :
lYpsi.lrrit (innnou F. Millfu.
Vanasers Thomas Hayes, Eli Slifer.Wm.
fvneron. J. M.Nesbit, Julm W'alls.Solomoii
Killer, John dimly,
- -
8i.Saturlay night or punilay morning
it, there was quite a frost, which badly
nipped beans, melons, vines, and some
corn ana potatoes m our section, out tittic 1
or nono was destroyed. On the Juniata d ues to . "Kith ult . reached St. John's, New
it was quite destructive. Further North f.mn Hand, Tuesday night, (ien. tiarahaldi
and West, it was more severe, aud less at had advanred to Comer, and the Austrian
the Fast. j wrre retreating towards Milan. A furious
8"The School Directors of Lewisbtirg
have purchased from tho Armstrong J-.s-,
fate, two lots of ground, corner of South 1 vade Uucnos Ayres, wuh a large force, if as
l'ourth and Catharine streets, for the sum j aisled by Paraguay.
cf $1000, and have paid down $000.' t i?"A destructtve lire occurred at Colum-
1 , - ,1 . 1 i bus. fia. Alabama & Fontaine Warehouse,
Their design is to locate in that expand- ...
c, , , itii containing soon bales ol cotton, destroyed
i-i" part of the town, another 1 uulic , .,.- ,
. loss SoiHi,0iin supposed incendiarism.
Fchnol House, as soon as practicable, and j
tL 11s slop the heavy rents they are now j
iln -.r.. 1
paying. This they As after having uiaiu
tiioed ten schools for six months.
t"5uSouie thiuk this a very cold June,
thus far. It is but there has been one
wirse. A No. of our "venerable" frieud j
70 I'ui'jn rriuted at New Berlin, Satur-1
day, June 8, 1S1C, has only the two fo'-'
Inlnii nrirritml Items
Wurm Much damage was done in i
Hi. s county on Tuesday last ty Hail-not less :
th.m HIOH acres ol Wheat and Uve have been ,
uouoteu. ... ...- MU,., ... -J"",.-
f-.i. Uiown.it was seni ally as lare as a hn j
fLu hichcr up the couulry piecrs have been
Lund which measured inches in diaineier. 1
- fiivw. n Thurdav Iat a Snow tell in ;
nppfr end of ihis. cmir-iy ivlni'h tnak? ihf? ,
): appear a w hite as lh y cenerally are in
tii' middle cf winter-" j
Tueoiliy the -It b anJ TIiurlty tho Mi
Jane, lHi, were ikciJcdly frigid iu this
rgion! j
UrRCLAitV. Kwrly on Vi'dn.e.!ay ovc
ninj! latt the Jewalry tore of A.K Iiowt-r. ,
on Market St. iu Lewinhurg, was cnltTcJ i
uliiitt he was temporarily aliment, aud two'
watchc!, and some other valuable articles,
were abstracted, ujiicion whs fahteued
upon m young man, not long a resi Jcnt of
vir town, and several pcrotjj uiado up a
volunteer police who arretted hitn aud :
C)tifrotited tim with r.roof of his guilt,
when Le coufc?fC., returned the prnpertv. j
v,! on bended kne nraved C,d for for- !
giveue.. For the sake of his young wife
c , , ,. , ... I
iUd r.reot.,, tl.cy did not bind him oyer
to suffer for his (it is hoped; first crime, j
tfluThe Vice Kegeut of the" Ladies' !
, ? . ,
Mjuut ertion Association of l'ennylva-
a.j, has appointed Mrs. Sarah II. 1 1 ayes, :
ct l.owisburg, to be ttic ia'jy .'lanajrer I r j
(1.. e....nto of I'ni.in Th( i.l.ioet of the I
iSociatioD, as is well known. 13 to raise
funds to purchase the estate- of Mount
Veruun, embracing the tomb of Washing
ton. Contributions, of whatever amount.
sent to Mrs. Hayes, will Le immediately
acknowledged, and every person by whom '
one dollar towards this turn is paid, he- 1
comes thcrvby a permanent member of the i
Association, and is inscribed as such in a ;
record which will Lo preserved at Mount
Er. Johns, N. B , June 4, lsj.-TLe !
.,, a;. ;.. .r r. u: . : li r.
,. ,
l.erpool on the 2jth ult., and bound to
, - , . I
.New lurk, Las been intercepted oQ this
point by the Associated 1'resa' yacht.
lkr news is of great importance as an
nouncing the first important blow in Italy.
A battle between the Auslrians and tbe
Allies took place at Moutubcllo, a town of
There are two towns of Montcbcllo in
Italy, as described in the Oatettcers. The
despatch does not giro the position of the
cue at which this battle took place. One
cf tbe Montebellos is a town of Austrian
Italy, ten miles loutbwest of Yiceuta,aud
is defended by two castles, and the other
a Tillage twenty-three miles K. N. K. of,
- :
Alessandria, where the Austrtaus were de-;
feated by the French io lSl'J. The posts j
- j isr...t..ii i i t : m: r
were oecupieu j s,,.uu x- uimcis ui
the French army, hj the previous ac-.
IUV 1 rUULU milllj. X'J UO JHOIIUUa k-- ;
count, this officer was posted on the maiu i
. , , . , ,
road from Nosi to Ccuoa. Ihe battle of
Montebcllo took place on the l!lst of May. i
, , . iii !
The Austnans, who were commanded by ,
, 0. ,. .. i a .1 . c
jeueral ttadion, attacked tho posts of
11 . l.i l) lMl:tt: ...I l... t
.i.r.uii umjuu., L ai.iucis, ouuiutj
tr. driven back bv General Korcy's divi-
'0u, after a furiuui couilat. which lasted :
, fw kouri
j ,.,
! e Ante! carrtea .nontcDello, bur. uia t,tv ocenpvir.!: the time devoted to inMruc
OOt purme tl,e Austrians. ii"n. 7. The trequent friendly and Christian
T,. i . ft ... . i ! visitation of the scholars. H. An example in
J wo hundred of the Austrian", mclud- ,he walics ..f lil, cnsisici.t wjtli the in
1D a (.oIjdlI. were cal.tured and talcu to .
Ihe Austriang were fifteen thoaanJ
urotg. riKJ lft "ijuo men. The Allies
..si iOO, amniig who iu were many officers.
fue nctual Btrength of the French io not
"''ill lteport n they nunihered from
' l 7,1100, hcside a regitueut of Sar
,"J'ncv.irj. ii
eitnply Mates
"e Austrian account
'eo. Stadiuu pushed forward a rceoD-
' "inc. Ly a forced mareh toward Liglis
"J jutehello, lut af:er a hut fiht with
rUch force nf tnnori ir .lran..lli rs-
-"t,.", i
"'I ,t.. 1. :.. ..-r .i ... ICDair. iriverujntr.i'ir.i.iri-K.
t, ,. peritti oraer.
Liverpool Cotton Market was fiuiet.
: was quiet, j
esiewat tisitr. ad there is J
u. chaiijic. repurtcJ in ilia limitations.
llreadstuff.i Were dull, tod provisions
j i!l,i;;..n.il,.5i;,.;,nr.
wnmen, ""Bounces that the extreme left
of tho Sardinian army, under Geu.lialdiui,
had forced a passage over the KiTcr Seaia,
; F'"nS ,ue auriaiis i uigm.
Gen. Garibaldi had entered Gavca (?
putting the Austrians to flight.
i : . 1. 1 r i . .
in Jjombardy. The King of Naples is
dead, aud Francis II has assumed the Gov-
j . nf v , 1 -
ernmeni 01 apie..
I he r rencu lost many valuable olneeis
. The Austrians do not acknowledge a do
feat, but "ritircd."
The r rcneh lost many valuable omeeis.
tVL ATFST ! Mteamer Aratrn. with
light lasting three hours, took place at t oinee.
I J'By arrival of bark Sii"an. at Ualtimore,
we learn that (ien. i;rquiza is prepared to in
cxtree me auvcriiscnicut 01 too 1 .
Tribune in auothcr column. Tho letters
uf .Mr. Greeley, Westward, are aluac worth !
a year's subscription.
rRepotlcd for th Star tt ChronicU.l
Union County Sab. Sc. Convention.
t . .. t - t. !
LMVIMiLlll., 1, t
1 ursuant to notice, a good u umber ot !
frieud.s of Sabbath schools in this county,
meet in tlio house of worshiD of the ,M V.
church at 10 o'clock, A. M. AltSAl.oM !
SvviNKFdltn, Ks'., of New Berlin, was!
appointed l'rcsidunt, and on taking tbe j
j . f '
tho ineetiti-j 1st, the improveiiieiit of 8.
S. already iu cxistci.ee: lid, the uecrssity !
of ad litiotial schools. Ho then read part 1
ot .Matt, xiiii. ana cui.ea upon
Fink, who leJ in prayer.
ilev. K.A. !
Me-.-rs. J.W. Sands of Milllinburg an 1
O M.Vordeu uf Lewiaburg were appoiuted
All the tMiperintcniienta of S. S. iu the
county in atteudatiee, were invited to net
as Vice I 'residents. The follow iug Uatnes
wire obtained :
John I. Miller
Sol. JlaflVudcrfcr
J-'jii.I Gcd.Ls
l'tter . vStahl
James L'hristio
fieorgc I'. Uuhle
Isra.-l E. WtLr
Chris. V. (Jun ly
Clia's S. James
1'cter llurah.
On motion, the l'residunt appointed a
committee of live to report business for the
Convention. Committee Ja's F. Liun,
K.-q , UaviJ IleeketidorD, lie. I. Ijrier,
UeV. S. II. Miriek, James 1. Uoss.
A lj mrutd until 1-1 o'clock, CM.
"'V tulu UUUi 2 w 1
'"f" iuk;
l'f ....ni l-.i-'Juv. I i.I.O( K ol
UUja .jjj the (jonveutiou m a cou-
ci,e iul most animated and pertiiieut mau-;
Dcr , ,lle congratulated this retractable 1
assemblage as the hrst of the kind for the
r,lrn,,., . i.i,:,. i,; ,n,im,ir,i,,,. ; '.,. l
purpose, wiiuiu ui Knowicuge, in 1 ennsji-
vaUia, aud hoped the movement thus made
m ttie center would no exteuileu lo the
ulniost bounds of the State. He cave an i
interesting accouuc ol me .National . . :
Teachers' Convention, uumheriuj; 500 Ie- j
legates, from -0 States, which assembled
at Jayoe's Hall iu Philadelphia the
of l eh. last its enerjry, its siuginjf, its
harmony, and narrated several incidents
illustrating the Missionary character of
faithful S. S. instruction. He alluded to
the Bible, aud the influence of Woman, as
all-iuipnrtant to the welfare of the nation;
and concluded by a thrilling appeal for
Teachers one and all to labor zealously
aud hopefully in their gooj calling, assu
ring then: that the omnipotent energy of
truo Christian lovo would melt the hardest
hejrt ,ubJue tLe ",iliist J0UtL
Mr. Linn.from the lousiness Committee.
reported a serieg of Resolutions, which,
alter 2 discursive and free discussion (par-
- t .
ticu'.arly upon Res. 5,) ty Messrs. Liun, !
Crier, Swincf ird, M'Mahan,Sleiiker,Kink, j
T. (j. Orwig, Eid. M'Hanie!, Ileekendorn, !
and others, were adopted, as follows : j
,.,., , i . r i ;
H'Milced. 1, 1 hat the duty of evangelizine !
fnion county, with the aid ol tiod s Spirit,
and the ordinances of His church, devolves
upon the Christian people of this county. I
S. That both the Word and the Providence !
of Uod teach u that the. work should be pros-
ecuied with that zeal and vigor.ils iinportauce i
:i. That we regard the Sunday School as a '
n...M!iia.il .1 A tl.ian. in.lrnni.iit. Iilv
in the prosecution of tins work ; and lhat s;.-ps
should be taken without delay, to establish
one in every destitute neighborhood.
4, Thai it be earnestly recommended to Min-
inters ami ai oiners engatrea ;, ,
give meir am u. iiicciauii.iimi-ui ui ouuuvis
wi,crPVt.r they may be needed,
S, That we urge u,n ollicers and teachers
of country Sunday Schools the importance of
k ,j,,ir srl0ls open throush the whole .
year; as we believe there is no stood reason ;
year, a W C lirilCVC IHsTIC 13 MM kuuu as. a -iii ;
hy children may not attend the Sabbath :
School, as well as the week day school, ihro
n(, vlU.r. i
aOnatn .
0, That the usefulness of every Sabbath
Schoid depends mainly upon thecharacierand
' J'? f ils .,.a,hprs ,.) ,hai we re-,
qualifications ot Us learners, anu inai we re
garj !he following as indispensable requisites
i nr.f ul every teacher: I. Ardent
,... ..
''"'"I -1 Th. nlllr
of ihe weekly lesson. 4. Rigid punctuality in
p. rx.nal anend.mce. 5. The proervat.on of
cood order in the clas. fi. Dilnieniiy and '
strumous in the Shbaih school.
7, That Ihis t .invention rstatnisn a perma-
nent or'inizalion of the friend, of rahh;iih
S. liools, to meet annually. Tor Ihe transaction
of siirh business as shall be conducive to the
promotion of the cause.
(In motion, the Fresidcnt appointed a
committee of one from each religious deno
mination here represented, to propose a
Constitution and Officer fr a County S.
S. Convention, and report this evening,
Committee I), lieetendorn, Jn I'.Miller,
I A.Wehr, S.Iieffen!er, S II .Mirick, kid.
Jacob Hidunhauffh, John Roland.
A'ljourued until 8 o'clock, P.M.
Evening Sfstiun. I'rof. James in the
, . ,, . o. at. T
JIr Mirick from the cornmittee nn
. rb.r. IT.elr.r.. n
peraianeDt organization (Messrs. Hecken-
- .. - n i.r.J Wchr. iitti:!.) it rc;its a Ceo-1
1 jvuj wiiu u,vuu aicu. iw j tcuimwuaiy i. 1 11c u.iicers 01 tnis ijonvenlinn s hall 1 n , , , ,,
purpose, j be a President, one Vice President from each J ( MvLLLh. b UVemnil Letters.
, . . m 1 evangelical denomination in the county.a Cor-j VJ " ....,
It was ramorcd that SIX English men- j rt.sp,.d,ng Secretary, a Keeo.ding Sec.etary. A0,r 13 TnE T""i T" " S
of-war had entered tbe Adriatic sea. Trea-urer, and District Mecreiarics, all of 1 The 6rst of Mr Greeley's Letters from Kan
Kevolutionary movements are reported T.!!3" be elected annually s,s. Ltah.Cal,forma.&c. has appeared. Il
' 1 . J he various Oificcrs shall perform the i..o.r .ir ooLed for unh iiinrh interest.aud
ptituiiou atidOQioers.whieh were considered
' and adopted, follows :
!:","T:Tnr', J .. ,
Art.l. This body shall be called the Un on
: 11. The object of this ('..nrention shall be
10 pr..ra..w tiie etiiciency i the Sunday school
: nr. Thi('v,.ni,n sb-.ii ,,,,,,,
t.. ... 1 i 1 , ; 1 .
on the second Monday in May. and be com.
. " f " " "
Tn'mconnly? X
n 1.111 county.
... ,. . . .. ,- . . . ..
duties usually assigned 10 such officers. The
j orrespjndin? Secretary in addition, shall re- j
I10" lu ea,n annual meeting, the condition of!
) the various fun.iay schools in the cnuntv. 1
The District Secretaries, one of whom shall
oe appoiiueii in earn lownMiip and li.irou-li, ,
shall obtain information in reference tn the
number and condition ol ihe Sunday schools!
in their township or borough, ami promote, as t
I.ir as uiey can, ine esiabiiMiment ul new
schools in deMitn'e localities. They shall
report to the Corresponding Secretary .at least
tun- ....... ... .... ... ..,..., ...rru..s.
I. .n alteration shall be made in Ihe
Cns:itu,.on except at at. annual meeting.and
by a vote of two-thirds of the delev-aies ore-
President Absalom Swineford.New Berlin.
Vice Presidents Samuel tiedd.-s, John F.
Riehan, Christian V. (iundy, Jas. F. I. inn,
Charles S. James, Jas. P. Koss, Martin Dreis
baeh. t'or'ii Sec'y 1. Ileekendorn, New Merlin.
U'c'g Sec'y -O. N. Word'-u. I.ewisburg.
Treasurer Solomon Killer, I.ewisburg.
District Sfcrctartr.
Riill'ilo Township
Fast ll'itr.ilo tlo
West llutlalo do
Hartley !do
James M'fYeight
Jere. Wuig'-ri
('onrad Sneck'er
John Smith
James l.awson :
Ceo. Kleckner
S W Chambers
Robert Candor
John Yoiiiigman
Shem Splelemnyer
II. W. rotzer
J. W. Sands
I.. K. Kesslcr
j Kelly do
! Lewis do
VI hue Weer
f'nion do
Ilartletnn Boroush
t.ewisburg do
!iew Ucrl'n
Short practical addressei were mado by
Mr.Fiuk of the Lutheran church, Mr. Ko-
dellhallnh of t in Che st :.n e .nreh Me
Miriek of the Baptist church, and 31r.
Keese of the M. U. church.
Adjourned to meet at Mifilinhurjr, 2nd
Monday in May, 1SGD OuJ wiliiug.
IOdri'nioDit nr of tin Star L ChronlirlttJ
M iffi.i x iu; hr, June ft, 1S.9.
I I am qlad to state that the grain which was j
down Hal a week ao, and looked as though j
it had been imindatt-.j, is mot!y aain erect.
The Utile that remains down, does not alarm .
! ik. A lodged crop never broke a fanner.
W'c have very joud reason to expect a larger
; harvest and better yield in iliis part of Itutfa- j
! loe Valley, than ever before. (Would it not
1 he pood and practical for every farmer io the
alfey to keep accounts, anu report, every
year, to the Agricultural Society, the number j
of acres cnliivated, and their yield! Let ev-
, , !
ery one in ihe county do this, that we may j
correctly know the wealth of our domain.)
Last Saturday, overcoats were a comfort.
?"rm2 Ul? "Z"1' w d r-yserre frost.
1 he injury done to the veeetauon, is, I tliiuk,
Monday. our town was enliyened by the pa
rade of the l. nion Cayalry." The company
numbers thirty-nine members. It i-' the only
. . .
military clory and protection of ihe county.
The election was very quiet, and resulted in
the election of the f.'llowiii
IIri?adier fieneral Isai
llnsade Inspector Jons
g named ollicers :
' IfrntKR.
First Lieutenant Wji. F. AVitsox,
Meeond U. F. KaxuLsn.
Cornet IIayiii Koysa.
These were elected without opposition, ex
cepting a complimentary runninj;' of Mr, j
John Iladger for Mineral. A Troop, and aNo 1
a company of Infantry, it is said, are about J
organizing at Ilartletnn.
The extension of Market street, in Mifflin- .
burg, which the majority of our citizens have
so long prayed for, has been at last granted by !
the Court. The Supervisors will open it as
early as possible. T.
Fourth AnnaalCloslne Kirrrlsn. of Inloa seminar
ACUIILOI ! . dll.l KIAIIUIIK ll.nl .M(?I.
will be given in the Chapel on Monday even
A Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music !
ing.June i:t,by I'rof.A.H.BASsLtR and pupils.
Tuesday evening. June 14, an Oration will
be delivered before the Literary Societies by
Rev. Prof. O. II. Titra.ir ol Iialt.
... , , .
W edne-day mor.iing, June In, the Ladies
Essays of the t.raduating C ass. and confer,
rinS of l"Pl'mas. Wednesday evening, Ad-
dresses will l.e delivered l.y select young men
of the Seminary. JIJH.N H. LLA, ec.
" - - -
" "ca'
Corn ...
..$ 10
.. 12
.. 12
.. 10
Tallow .
liaenn .
" , I
Uriod Appluii
15 Clovcrsccd 4,50
-- v- .-r.-
1M A IlllIKl ,
sr,M.t,.jnB.,,r. riimtMTlni.il Cn . moraine nf Bth
int, i.v l;rv.if..r. M..rri. TIil.M(S STIIA BKIINIK
.f 1-wiburK, anJ Mrn. L1.7.IKA. IJAtCuf the r..rmer
M; 2.-,, in Matnstmre. Pa-, hy Jam n. paui.
rriiWoKlll.c.f suiiia.. .-..untj-.aiia MMA.iumu.
v. n lKit. i..r.n.riy or i,n,.n.
May 2... i.v it. it. i. Halt, PAMt'KL I.Kwra, Rnet-
nr,;l1r.v.,r...rp..ttiiie.an.i iiiiskita mii.i.kii,
in. i V..' 1
hoykti, !
da.mlit.r.ri.'" . Hill.-r. ol sortiiuininaii.
il anil May. hy A II. la.le. I.I.INAIIII
1 KJ"" It Lu""' 'u'i v"u.
On Hi ill. int. by Pavid fr-ilbT, Eq., (IKH'.liK
KOD lKKs alol IIAN-NAU HAi.N Ki , butb vi Lilu.n.ut'
on Hi. -I'll.
lb ult., at lb. PliiTb-ynnnTir P.-niliiarv. t.y
Ki-T J I. Il-'lm.-'. ("I. I'll A s iv i.i. ii I.I.. r. oi Muming
,. n an.l Hi M AKI.'IITK A. KIHIH.I: ol S.
.... Ih. -il lnl.. by K -t S l...n.-r. M. II. MTABTT ol
M"nn-at..l MAKV Kll KM Kit r IVn.ii.. Sny lo.
It. .l. r.v ti.tn. Ml. . l' KPV..I. A. K.llv. t. B.
K At I I AN ai..l Mi- HIM Kul'K abo I'AVIU It V.
IIA1IKM mi l Ml. MAlik J. HAI.I.k.V bulb O.U.!ra
from Lock IUi-n-
In Cuh Trt. rii-ar PanTil!., :i.l inL.f ronumptia,
Mr II. T.liKkltllAllT. a-jsl al.t :' ear furmirly a
Hw.ph i,ialr li .,-. .
In Jeraey fl...r.-, 7Ui iust, i'tltll eTATfca, in bin
I Pjll. yar. , M
i on Sun.l-iT.esih .lt..t Ih- leaden. oM"e Ara-r-
! man. in KanailK . r KKKV. aul ah.ot ii Jtara.
I II. W..K l.uril ly tb ll-M -.uiw. al .Miimn
i In i li.i n,:m Tp, Sill iunt., of ialy,
Mr. J. SEE-
t rllllisr. a.l abnut Soyeara.
I In Ja.-kHiaTp, Norlh'd. On., nrenlly, Mr. JACOB
: HII.Binti
In 1't.lla.. 4th inrt., AMI F SMI . ynunaW nantn.rr
cl .lliam II a ill Margaret E. Uriltilba, a.t 1 Jar, 6
m"nth, nnt 7 .lava. . , , .
In Milton, ll-l ult , ROBERT HAMMOND, Infant aon
oftlr. H II Mii.h. aa.J 4 eek.
ItAlll.Ks .1. VKHNON. f .r manyyeara the etllrlnt
.l.rk al tb. Beayvr Kurn.c -.'t irrt . at hi r.-l.l.nfe.
I acad 41 yeara, Mr. V.rnun m iiiuilliOTnt ami kin
r,:j, ' .7. . , . t. .... that .f ny where,
,, ,,,'0,Uri. h.ituiir-nr. i. wr-.Dir rtri H. hn i-ft
..leircainlrao to mm. bw d.partur., but many
ri.ud a-tio ar. dmnr: a. H'.v', Tr'
atci vm.x 4a .1.4-.4; i irwr 7
I niter ait jr at E.ewl!(burjr. The
most important and attractive place about our
beautiful town is the University Buildings and
College grounds connected with the fine im
provements making in the carriage ways and
walks which will render it always a spot of
great interest both to citizens and strangers.
The next most important place is (. Marsh's
cheap Uoot and bhne store.oppnstte ine nana,
w pre you may always mm iiic utsi ... .. -
j .. ,V n. .1.. i..tt im
nienl nf Hoots and bhoes ai
! Pris- 'all and see.
I ani,ear iu the Weekly anil iSemi-Weekly
Tribune. as well as in the Daily. TE
li;y Sjfi. Semi-Weekly Trlbniie f:t. 1
Tribune . For Club terms, see Tri
Tribune of
an v dale. Address
2w791 'J'ribiine Buildings, New York
q BuilderS,
TN accordance with the Report of theOrand
1 Jury at MayTerm.theCommiss.oners of:
I nion county will receive Proposals at Iheir
I .ihr ,,! ,he 7.h of July Neil
' , ... , . . , . . .t
' JVr bu,1';""K "" Vll' "V .
C"."rl '"." the following plan : the steps
to be made of two inch white p. 11c plank plaited
and painted in imitation of blue luneslone, in
I have three coals of linseed oil and white lead,
; and completely sanded in the paint before dry;
r.u:i. sirp 1101 to cn cru . uii.ii" ... .hs.i.).vj
inches widej the whole structure to be sup
ported by nine horses of two-inch oak plank.
12 inches deep; risers one inch while pine well
seasoned. By order of ihe Commissioners:
June 7, 18'i A. KE.N'MEUY, Clerk
A Chicago (111.) Wagon for Sale.
riMIAT well-known ClIICAfiO WAGON is
offered lor sale by the subscriber.
Also a double sett of HARNESS. Inquire
corner of Fifth and Market streets. I.ewisburg
June 1, lt.V JXli. 1). MOfEI
Dr. C. H MEAL,
nAVIX(5 resumed the practice of MEDI
CI.NK, tenders his professional services
to ihe cittens nf Lewisburg and vicinity
Office and residence at the west end of .Market
street, opposite Frick's Foundry. June 169
Came upon ray premises abont the
-.I'l ... last month, a Black Heiler 14 LI of
one year or thereabouts, with a Mar in its
face, some while abut ihe hind les was in
Pt,,r or-ler when it came. The owner is
requested o prove propenv. pay rnarees ana
take it awav. Tllt'S CORN tLIL's.
Htilfaloe Tp (near Lewisburg) June lt 1859
ftJ-P I C-N I C.-M
M We'll jump into the Wagon, an.l all taa a r1?e."
I.AK(iI, handsome
J and very comforta.
hie t 4f.O. has been.
fitted up lor ihe especial accommodation of
Hic-.Nic and other similar excursions. Terms I
moderate. Apply to JUS. M. IIOLSCL.
Lewisburg, June 3, IK'iS.
Cash paid for Rides !
rTWE snbscriher would respecifally inform
,he r,Mc "' ha"d a
select assortment ot the best StILK LEATHER
fur lh, SUiply , his r,lstlinler, Bllh
a superior lot of I'PI'ERS. which he will sell
npnn aecominodalinft terjna. -
lie aolicils the attention of the Tarmers to
his prices for IIIUKs.
Ail having Hides to dispose of will do better !
tn call upon him than tu place them in the
hands of Agents, as he is determined to Rive j
satisfaction in this particular branch of pur-'
chases. C.J. HILL.
Lewisbtirg. June 1. 1859
TOR SALE. CHEAP A Ijiy Prtu and
Trimming Knifr, a convemeut article for
Printers 10 trim pamphlets. &c.
May S7, '5'J. C. J.STAIIL, Hook Binder.
$IO Srlinlaralllp nf the " Iron f ity
i Hmiitrrcml i.uthl't.
Address Box IH7,
Lewisburg P. O.
May 27, 1H59.
ALL persons paying the State Tax by the
7th July, shall receive an abatement of
o per cent. H. P. SHEI.LEK, Treasurer.
The Collectors that have nnl .il nn
,h(.ir duplicates fur '58 are requested to do so
immediately, as no longer indulgence caa.be
given. Lewisburg, May 27, 1M59
I O A I- t O i I. C O I-
rilHK subscriber keeps constantly on hand
a large assortment of Ihe very best Sha-
lnokin and Wilkes-Barre COAL, lor lime and
stove purposes, which he will sell at the very
lowest prices for Cash or Country Produce.
Also. Hlackumilht Ciial, riaffer and .Vif.
Wish it distinctly understood, that I will not
be undersold by any man Having good
wcigh-scales, full weight will be given.
Coal Yard near Weidcnsaul's hotel.
I.ewisburg, May 37,'5'J.
1flf U "! from Lewisburg to Phi
laJVID ladelphia for 7S rt per Bid.
alter this date. THU S l'EIPMEK
May SO, tf
I'lttMlon, I. ii. Co. Pa.
rfIIE undersigned are manufacturing all ;
I sizes of FLOI R BAUS in the most sub-1
. 1.....- ..... !
sumial manner.
Terms moderate tuders i
promptly tilled.
Mini, May -'(?
AVAXTED FOR V, Sir Y'"nandZinta..hB...rdiKr.K.iii.lila.andfult.
IU1.H1.L 1"" v'"'u IWkrrv and Slon- ar.-.j..-t n-.-.lv.-.l and t:r -ale
OLD Copper, llraSS Speller and Lead wan- I eh,l p.r ra.h.or rxrb-inc. lor all k.nd..re...intrT I'ro
ted, for which ihe highest market price I ''"T "''I"" narkt Pnow ra..i f..r.u km.i.oi..ra,o.
win De pant in casn, ai l ie
Penna. R. Road, above State street.
Harrisburg, May Sil, I85ltin6.
, and every description of Drass or
Uun Metal I'astinps made in the most
P-.iect manner, o. the best material,, and at
lowesi ruaiket prices, at the
Penna. It. Koad, above Mate street.
Harrisburg, May SO, 18.!linri.
Vlarce and well selected stock of new
liuods in the Notion and Variety line,
has just been received and opened at the Post
Ollice. and tor sale cheap lor cah.
AVE received IheirMXON'D ARRIVAL
ofHprincand Summer Goods, Ladies'
Hress Uoods, ,Mannl:n, and a larizc lot of
Ladies' Collars and Hleevea from auction.
Also a general assortment of Men's Wear,
TriniiuinRs, l.'otionades, Cassimers A Cloths,
whieh will be sold cheap.
May 15, 1S59.
TAL;.;TaT,oe " I
Ooor,, IIII...1, 4. Window Sash
r .11 t,T.. made nf the best mater.al All I
work warranted. tsMade byL.B.SFROUT.
HnrheiTllie, Pa. and fer sale by
tVJ f 6 LAI.DWtZ.L.X.ewj.'Cur,
Tbe Korfb H ard up to the South:
TjTE will follow the example of our new
I f neighbors
Our present stock of Boota ami Shoe
will positively be offered at COST
"the tin" accompanying the sales.
Josiah Raker & Co.,
TJAVE made arrangements with E.
E. Locke & Co. to furnish 95 per ceut.
by the Bhl. and Half Bbl. as cheap as it can
be bought in Philadelphia.
I hey have also just received a general as-
j sortmenl of
Paints) and OiI,la and Putty,
It LIAll, UL A'A L (J tLLIU,
p. .... ,. V...n. v,.,li,.ini.
; 1 "T""" """' ,
Liquors, i ouacco, miuii,iiiks, oua
Ash, Wheel Urease, &c. &e.
All the above articles offered VERY
CHEAP FOK :ASH. Call before buying
elsewhere. Our Motto is
Small Prout K quirk Salen."
Lewisburg, May CI, I85u.
1 ICS! 11" opposite Tower anil oM Tiwnriirk
. V011 ran linl a new anl f;ishiiMiab!r Stock
l Vloflllllt? lo Mitt the voiinz and old
j 1'liithirif? lur warm days. i.'Iothirig fir cuM;
! All rolnrs anf styles cf Clothing will be
1 Kept here to tit v" J' call and sec.
I is all well male,anil sold so Iw
That you can altbrd to buy. we know.
ic a nice lot nf VAIil'LTS, Woolen and
we nave a sn on nana i i.i 1 1 nn. i.asinens
I'ntton-niixeil, at i'hilad'a prices also Floor
Oilcloth. Wall Taper, Shirts, Collars, Bosoms,
Handkerchiefs, Hosiery & c.
Inch can tie b:meht cheap at onr New
(-'lothing More on South Third street. I'lease
call and examine fi.r yourselves. Terms
Lewisburs. .May 11, lula Sin
au t:li ukkvtiii kkihitiii i ritiiii::
fllHE undersigned, Sndine times rather hard
1 and motif v scarce, oilers his LS-p
now on hand (which is the largest in the"
County) at
tlfSo mistake call and examino for your
selves either WhnUitalt or K'tuit.jii store
keepers and others engaged in the shoe trade
will lind it to their advantage to call and look
at his slock and
save at least 25 per cent. !
Muillllist'lurilic; of all kinds done at
very mot.eraie prices aud REPAIKIN'U at ihe
shortest notice.
EVlVn'i forget the place nra-f rfwr lo J.
if J. Wall),' .Stmt, LF.WISBI RtS.
Hursh & Goodman, Menhanti,L iciibury
NcwSpring & Sum'er Goods
nAVE received and cpened a CHOICE
assortment of all the latest style s of
piing and Suiniiier liouds. The parncular
attention of the Ladies is called lu tbeir atock
of Brilliants
Dress Silks Prints
Delaines Shawls
Challies Collars
Dueals Sleeve
Uinglams lusertings
Foiuarits Edgings
Chintzes lilovesAc.
ALSO Cloths, Plain and Fancy Casaimeres,
Jeans, Tweeds, Vestings, Muslins, Mrill
ings. Tirkings, Flannels, Boots and
I Vshoes, Hats and Caps. j
together with a complete assortment of
Groceries, Hardware,
Cedarvrare, yiiLvusvrare, tc.
all of which will be disposed of on as favora
ble terms as the same articles ran be purch
ased anywhere. Vice ua a cull !
Vu. 1 Markr'l. in liair, iuart.-r. an.l riielilh M.l. jutt
rre'd and for alr l.y ItrK.-ll i tilhlPMAN.
Vrt. 2 Mak.rett half anJ quarter hMs . jnt tv-M and
f.ir .alf hy HLKSII t li.MUiM t.
VO. 1 Shad, (xtra) jut rMrifl an.l f..r nate t.y
lrtllTK rt.h in half aud uarn-r liarrcli. ji.-t m-.-iTwl
" and for mle hy II L KStl t ti.llM X.
TIKKK1NO, Id whole UmU. j.i.r rrn-i..l and ral
l.KtlfNU Alum. Marshall and I'nirv Suit. jiMt n-mrrti
u aud for aalr ly III KSII a I1H1M A.
r'RAB Cid.T Vinegar, jupt nrreivl and f..r sale t.y
IILrt.-ll A .illollMAN.
KWIS' White lad. in lim, .",. Sj. and U' . II. .,
II .r, a .nd ky I11IW41 tl.M.OUA
I IXSI:KI., (H-rm and fib tHU. jiixt r.reir.l and l
-ateht III KsIl A li.H.IlM A.
I 'KDAK TuIh.. t'nro l:ak.-ta and VH Kn.-k.l. jui-t w
1 rriTr.1 and f..r mW l.y lH'Ksll A tl.H .M AN.
llTNCANNON Nalui and tyikr. ju.M rvrvitvd and f..r.alr
17 by IIIKSII a i.H.I.M 4V
SJl'i-KI. Shoi,, Manure ai
"f'. b?
:M'VTI1I-!S ....I Sn.itw
and Hay Ki.rks ju-t r.sird
HI K.-ll A IliailiM A.N.
.tiUriaatb, jiist rtci irl nJ f-r .- br
! Til.Af "K Ktl.K IH .-i -'H.' mil l M ANTII I A jm-l iv.-n
Alwcivs on Hand!
John Halls. Juknsoa Walls.
nAV'K inst opened at ihe lone established
MAM Ml) I'll S POKE on Matket Square,
a larpe and fresh slock of
adapted to the seam aud 10 ihe wants of onr
old patrons as welt as any number of new.
e have on hand
i-'amily :i:oi'i:i;n;s,
In short everything wanted in a Family Mer
cantile Establishment.
(.ICAI AM PRODl'CE boneht
and sold as usual, on the most accommoda
ting terms. (Jive us a call and see and judge
for yourselves. J. i J. W ALLS.
Lewisbiirc, April 23, leo9.
Wo Qrind3tones,6rocerte3) or Monkey
, C?' ... . ...
l" latest s'yles.a little cheaper than can te !
foiiod 'elsewhere. Call and them at
fi-W.r-. .Vuitv, lUL3, P.
lb nunurrua s-.P .
reiilL PEAK
Ctombrrlin pra.'s Cart.
We bava tested the merits of a
piuh bviniM, Co onr i
A mm t. Mtm ntubnian. 4 r fully
trninMt ot to dUt tmm IU Our toek b mow
larfor, sml toon etmplrte tltM Tr, sd ar pr4
farfd to furnish onr pwtrtmi with rythiK tm oar lino
of baftinoio, at tb kiwnt prirm tor Cwh, or la exrlrao
Jbr Wbnt, Kt. Oh.'Wi, Ctovt nwed- lUrky, Ttnothy
Mrd, Flu Smit l'otUe, Bcoo, Uuttvr, Lard,
Tltow, Sump, Ac.
W alRO pmy euih Cr all kliHs of ProJoro.
gfaFOIt destroying; Curciilio and oth-
ZEZ er Iuciod Fruit TtK, T lr hy
T half 111. package?, and in Cue 1
J. cODdllK.P.Jwml.t.f; OMMIIM1L1 a rs
"white maksh lime,
17KlvSII from the kiln, for sale liv
1'IISMIiKKI.IN llll''s.
rOk LIW. for sale lv
I Pi URLS. Ea?tport II.;rring just
A ' rrc d. nt uUMlity, an. rnMp.
lllsMliKRMN BRO'3.
ci:i:i put;
TOHS. Those ceil
n.l r Itmif rpi.lly
tllAMIU.l.l.l-S IIOIS.
1 1 'J pft rm-lit-l.
l.Te rrrrir.l a lane l..t .f itot-rh.r 'juatity
.r.-.-n aud Hlw:k Tea fn-m Nw York.
.... ...L I of 'ounr llr.nn at M ft" trr Ih.
' t il Oil!! KI.IX IlKiV.J.
' ""-
i j i.rtn. Hi" uJ JaCoff. K-e.-ti nn-i rr-anJ
II iir.ui.i
-YRl I'S!
Li A rhciw wlvrtluB f Syrupw b1 Ml
: . . . .... .... .... v ...... a
t ' , :r
I,L t anu UllC i Kisifr. aim .ui,
A It,
1 KN h.hh.lroti!nJ Alum, -Marsitau
JI Ubt and l;ry fralt. L.r ai i'
ciiamukumx iii:is
nr K kcopa eontaut supply of Wo?-;
t, ru ttbite WLeat Mr-ur: !.. I.ni--lir H ur.
I II litbttl.lN BUu'f
C10UN", Rye Huts and all kinds of
CLub Bluff, cuiitUutiV on t.nii.l.
FL'LL aHurtment of Hoy IJopc, !
Tow l.i.it, 11.1 Cords, l!ro"m Twin-. rl raina,
n--. I I .Ik Lit.-.. r. I ll tMHKUI.IN MK'I'S
LWAYS oa Land.
ClIAMtintMSt ERiVa.
I'lTMt ri.n ri."n. t
-i rr iii.i y.. i tt i t
1 00 1;..;
t unu-iull tine, thitf wftseoD. h.l. Ilerntu-, .ml
OM!t.orMl l7 'M A l KKUl.l X bk.i
tlTn .a. .ii i - e j
j rt't a nioniniy Fiimiiy. iron
f T Ir-ui tin Hak'-rr, of lUf rw-t oui
frou. ih. n,k.-ry, or iu- jii.iii. (.and
A LL kinls of Spin's Drifil Apples,
DL IInedreacI.es riunes.Cnrr.il. ts.liiinrh .
Itaisiiis,('...kii.g Rjisins, cheap l.'itron.Coiti
Siarch, Farina. Kice Flour. Flavrring Ex
tracts, onve Oil, Sap Sago Cheese, lined
Heel, Roasted and liround Coffee. Adamantine i
Candles. Tallow Candles. Olive eVap. Rosin i
Soap, Detersive Soap. Toilet Soap. Castile ;
Soap Uaker's Chiolale. Ilaker's Cocoa, Ka- i
kinir Soda, Sal Soda, Soda Ash, Wagon
Urease. Wooden Fails, Tubs, Churns White
Sand, Ken.la!e Cement, Calcined, Piaster i
Ueans. HriHuns, Brushes. A lane assortment !
ot Tobarro and Soearv, Ac Ac.
For sale hy CHAM11EKLI. BKO S.
l.ewishurg, April "'J, IM.VJ.
I Scream !---Ice Cream!!
IVERY Evening at Chlki llttin'i.
j next door to the Telegraph and 1'hmnirlr
oiliee Market Square, Letrishnrg. The very
best in town. Call iu and see ! May 4.'.V
7 1ST KKI'EIVED at the Book Store
J in I.ewisburg
I.angstroih on the H.mey Bee, new edition.
price 1.2ft. The attention of ail lovers of.
Honey are invited to this valuable book. t
Fill's l.eemres on Fulfilment of Prophecy I
especially as regards ihe l imed Slates. Price j
40 rts. "This is truly a reinaikable Iwn.k."
May 18. WJI. Ml RKAY. j
Family Grocery Store.
T. G. EVANS & Co.,
Ktutirarim; ettTT ar.h l''initnnn lo thf trade, nm-h
FKl'lTr1, Ac. Ac. &:,
M.irL'tt Ktrrrt. fime.a.Ve . l',,t Orl'nr. I
!. ialturtf . Ia.
I'. A Co. Imvo just recr-ivod i
b trm DiiLitlt-It Ihm a ti m-n-lii t'-k -I j
well ariri'tnl (tl'-r. rifH vt r rrjr kltul. Mini tit; w IiKO re
IVaf liri anil ToniaforN,
put up in (. aiul Mwriuilv.t iurr and trr.-a.
I t ii d -iplrs, IVut liiv, I't uiii's, Cur
rantn, J'rcsi.-tviii C'ilrons. Fi'.,
L'ati's.Kuisins t'roni Oi to ),
cts. jut lb., I'ifkk's of
all lt'rriitions,
Pure Jai a C III l l:i:. pi t unci.
and put upin air-tiytit e.M. rpr..,!, f.r fmity u.
A Lirr it if u'ntrr MA 'A r.'A'.".. .s It
COO Fisll, III.l, K1SG, HAM, fi.tco.V, .ye.
A ll. n.ral aaanrlment or
Willow and I pilar Mare.Gla
ware, iirrnTCare, i::irllirii
ware, Hope, '1'tilne, M'.
EUh Oil, Huiil, 1'iue Oil, t'liiiiln, Cinifle
ami J.timp HV. A-, Tilotc, I.unf, il'c.
Sonjisof all kinils. Wheel rcase, etc.
(L'obiuto onD Scqars, a tljoifc oarictn.
Flour, Corn Meal, rotatix'?, Corn,
live, Oats, Ac, always on hand. i
Himnh dftiprrerf frrt cf charge ta customer
re"(mir within the liorvuh. I
To attempt tn rnnm.ri.tr- all tbe arttetrt whi--h a. !
bay. fhr Dale w.ml.l be Hopniwihle. Wa r.i. rrspm t .
full) my it. lb. public toi-ali .oil .Main, our a.run.-i.t 1
ft t.rvr.rina- Wr ara .-.nh.l.ut ol r. i.ta al'l.- ti. ..-II s
rl..-ap a. Ib.y ran br bn---ht lb. M-lr .-l 1 h:lt:.i.-lj ti.a.
Wa a. ...14 partirularlv cheit.ur country bh ud, U)bitc
ua acall; k.r
He pvrrluire r,7 ttmnner f i'l-o-ftut,
and pay aa htsh as any bojy elae.
Uwi.barz. April .1'. I J. T r", EVAX5 i l"'. '
rl ET married when imi ih, i nly so you
T call at MTAIiDIN't HAHllWARE .
M ORE. and eet a first rate COOK sI'tiVB ai
first cost, ai I want to clr not in smrlr of
eoole stcv.s. JJ. M t'ADOiX.
JERSO.NS desiring to l...d or CnToiJ
Boats at ih above Wharf. 1 recently c8
cupied by T. II. Fih-r) will ?pp!y 1.. the ua
dersigne t. CLARENCE II. FRltK.
I.ewisburg Cross Cut, May , 163.
I)ERsMl.S shipping (w to I'hilad. will
please be particular and
Hark them in care of Peipher'i Llnfl
otherwise, they will be re shipped at Harris
btirt', wl.irh will be at:eir'f'l with .telav.
.Vay , IS.'J. THUS. FElfHER.
C. W. !. KO!i:Mi il.IIj
j.v. r a.u .si.i-
31 1 L L I N i; 11 S ,
French Flowers and Flillinery Good!
C'lrvrr of M,i,-k,f ,k l'h gts.t tuuthtiifs.
I.ewisbur?, April 2J. H.W.
I I LAKGE sapjily of EuckStationer,
t i J. L JVrlunierv, Jewelry, T.-vs, Confection
enes, 1 is, Pptces, t nut. .nis. riasket9
ficlures, and a variety ol MCK ACKS fur
sale rlicup at the
1'LLIU"A.M l'l.NrJ OIL can bt had at ib
E liold l'E.3 :t,r Ladm and Oents cau
' be had at the l'OST OFFICE
t Mt.vr.KAL sus ot i;.VMt.i3 ana otner
1 ) ilrfat Fins and Kar Ktngs ran be had
i . .1 ii.is.-r nrrirr
ci y v (!' alii ai iiir- ii.
! I
)l ITKK, I'Zi. I.ard and Poultry takea la
Lxcbdiie tor t.uus at the
I T.W lli.iei of Kaisins, Fis, Dales aud
Prime Prunes lor sale at the
: ;v
I I ,H"tKS lor B.n.ks or Uo. ds of any kind
, y
promptly attended lo at the
! I AHIEScan lind the larcest and 4. assort'
! I i mvnt ..t' I.Mr an.l V...O PIPI'H Vnvl.
Al.. a, ,he post OFriCE
fK-mm fM 1M 1,11 IK , Co.,
fccrifcs-PI consti.n!v on hand and
n.anul.ietore to ordrr I'lOOriflST. Sidiua
Ioor. Suah, Sbuttt-rs. IlliitUs,
.lluutiliims. ot ail patterns,
and all othT descriptions of Wood Work nseiX
in B ii ; I
Orders respectfully sotiete.I and promptljr
filled. A:I work warranted to gire satisfaction.
IV'An exttnive lot of Lullllx-r of ail
descriptions nn hand f. r sale.
Factory im VorA Hecund street, LewuuurgJ'a.
April S2, ISJ9.
! "VVEit Jos. M'Fad'.len's Hardware Store,
j J formerly Iloushtou's Shoe itore. Market
street, l.ewi-tiurg, ra.
i AiinuonTEs, .vELAisyyrrrES.
C., 10 th? U-Ual sUTTior Style. Ifl addition
) n lh- BirI.ir-. 1 .m now nrpn.ir.d la ik
Pholul ;.l)S laicr ur small, qnal to
k. w..-. I , .. i ae II.. 1J t r I I
' "- ii.ili.v
These nu-iures are colored in ren-
sen, t.fe. ami are snnerior to an oil naintiriv.
eiiriu ui.ii iiiifiiiv vi pjj'rrssion ana iratures
lhat can be pruduceii only by the Camera.
The pic!ur are fateitted, anJ 1 have iti
exclusive rzht t-r I'moh munty. Call an I
eiaiui.u-J ptxiiijf. April 2!. loU.
Xcw Goods lur the Million!
UA I. jut receive J tlieir general uppy
i f fi.io.ls f.r the SlKIMi A bL MMtK
ii t.VJ. Their stock cmsits in part uf thtf
la:el an:! most tavhionabte t)Ips ol'
sui'h a- hawN, Mantlt. Silks. lercev Ti
sues, tie Lames, tnaharn, I'nnu ff all
paMern, Kibbon, Lares, BunneM,
lii.nnt i minings Htisiery,
liltires, H.iniikert'hirl's, Ac,
lUcy have a h'-avy avsnritiirnt f 4'tihs. Cas-uniere-,
Ti'tt-'ni-ts, Ve-imj. Half He,
'ravat. ami all other ilr riipu- nsoi
masculine irrf-rv." vbit h caa
not be bt ateti in this rt-icn.
IT'""' "all at:1 lake a Unk at our assortment,
ami v i ii will le cnvinri! thai you ran! do
tfiirr anwiu re tle. Sr l Vun.rv Hrohic0
taken as usual. J. sCHRHYLK ilk fc-0..
L-iurir. Apr.? IT?, .....
IN THE l.l MI()l'!-Tlie ,ubrrrVr
npeelfnl:y ai.n nnre to ihe citizens nf
l,. wil iirs and vieiimy that liny have formed
a ijrtnerh:f in the
Tailoring Business,
at the well known stand of James CrKwell on
Market street. wh-rr thev are prepared to
( I f .I.V) W.tAf (7'tu'rrder in ihe very
brai Mrle, Mn.s and l..a' 4 liithliitr rf
j every de-cnpio.n on shori notice. c aU
' a share ut the public patronaee.
JAMKS i i;iwfi.l,
I.ewibnri?. April I. l.'t
Citizens ! Look to your Interests.
V . -
JI'sT receivrt!. a lare supply of
Jb.ors ni s.uua9at tie totlowing
puces t
"ii It Hoots, f t SO tn C 00
K p .1.. s ftll lo 4 I t)
I'.-ncrrss i;aiter, I'alf, 6.1 iu 4 ml
1'aieni Leather Uaiters, S IS to 5 50
iMlord Ties, I 7 to 3 00
Kip shoes I m to t 00
dippers 75 lo I M
Hoots, Kip, 1 f to 2 SO
do Calk I .',11 to 3 nil
louth's Boots, 1 25 to I 50
do Mines. 10 1 SO
Ladies' Kid. Pi ot Ifeels. 1 f,-i to I f.7
do do laee.tn.ot spnncs 1 37 to I "ly
Talfskin lace-boot heels, I to I S7
Ciatti do I nil to 1 51I
(isuters, English lastine. I hu to S 3T
do French lasting snrn cs K'i to I C5
do do tastlni; Hull heels I Jll to I 7.,
Slipprrs. h,els tiinry 1 lo I 75
'I'm key Slippers ro'eite nil to 1 M
I'b'ili and t'arpt s:ipjeis f-o to 7.
.1. tii rsnns. K.d 1 bO 10 I fil
Misi s' Kl.l, lieris IS lo I -A
I' 'l. Mo:t ceo spnrtca f 'Z 10 I 2.
"hi!.!rrn sh.s to i. 74
, :!iJAKssrivrpA:ar,.ei'-uar.
I f.r- w ; sunt . ; i . I
Ali:iinlsl t :! N .uticr.
of A.l.eii
liiTf-hv Ki.i'D.liiut Lrttcrs
tralion oil li.e Estate of
HE.M.V .M. .MOWKI'.i;. I ate of New Eerlm.
I i.tufi c,'untv.d. e .l.h;ive ten granted lo ibe
underpinned by tl:e Reisiey ..f I'ttton C"un'f
in due form nt taw ; iheiefrre, all persons in
debted lo said estate are req.ie-n d in miti
immrdiate pa ment.and those having any juet
eiaims are al-o requeued io f-r.eni ilieui le
gally auihenueaied f. r x-itien.f rr.
JuH. M. fci'.NTLU. Atlministrarrr
N-w lleiltn. Mav lu, K J
' f.3,"-tsee.iel tiotfU aliibrarfe
A.: X '-.f t;.a: Hind en bv d or to. H. r b- l .e
jLe - ur, a, -iiar.c i:..ZihL
1 B01
1 dopw