Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, June 03, 1859, Image 4

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What one Skunk Skin Did.
Tba high price of tkioi hn given an
unwonted activity, "down eaat," to tlie
pelts of "essence pedlars." What tbeir
iutrioaic valua is, general!;, we da not
Luow, but tie value of a particular one
our reader can appreciate, when they read
furtber :
In tbe town of Washington, Litclfield
county, Ct., a few weeks aince, oue Demo
crat stole, from another Democrat, a akutik
kiu. Tbe uiao robbed, applied to tbe
Grand Jura fur a presentment againit tbe
tbief. It should be borue in mind (bat
in Connecticut the Grand Jury of a coun
ty is apportioned to tbe different town
ships, so that each township baa a certain
number who serve fur a given tinieou tbe
Grand Jury, and, through these township
members, complaints reach the full board.
Veil, tbe members of the jury living in
Washington, were Democrats, and, for
tbree sessions of the Jury, neglected to
present tbe skunk skin matter, giving as a
reason, to tbe Democrat who lost the skin,
that it was not pJiry to prosecute tbe
matter until ojter election, as it was a close
town, and tbe party needed all their votes.
Tbia excuse, however, availed but little
with the owner of tbe skin ; be demanded
justice, but cried in vain. Out of all man
ner of patience, be related bis grievances
to bis neighbors, who sympathized with
him, and five Democratc and himself, on
election day, voted against tbe Democratic
ticket, because tbe Democratic township
grand jurors refused to enter a complaiut,
just before election, against a brother
Democrat !
But, mark tbe effect. In that town
ship, Messrs. Logan and Hatch, Republi
cans, were elected Representatives one
by three votes and tbe other by tic. In
that Senatorial District, (tbe lOtb) James
liird, Hep., of Bethlehem, was elected by
only six votes. Tbe one skunk skin sent
three members to tbe Legislature of Con
necticut ! Cleveland herald.
One of the Jurors.
We bave occasionally given specimens
of tbe intelligence that finds its way into
the jury-box, in this age of enlightenment;
bat tbe following anecdote of a Lycoming
county juror beats anything that ever
came under our observation
One of tbe jurors in tbe case of Updc
graff, at tbe last court, was, after the die
missal of tbe jury, interrogated by a per
son who wished to kuow something about
tbe case,whcn he remarked that "be didn't
understand ezaetly bow it was, tut it was
eider Clint Lloyd, or Len. Ulmer, or Abe
Updcgraff, dat vas being tried, he couldn't
tell which, but 'twas one of dem tree"!
And this was one of tbe number who were
in favor of conviction, when be absolutely
did not know who was to be convicted !
Jersey Shore VeJette.
Tbe trial referred to, lasted over a
week, and was hotly contested by five of
the ablest lawyer on each side. Lloyd
was the prosecutor, in tbe name of tbe
Cum'tb, and was a witness ; Ulmer was
also a principal witness ; and Updegraff
was Deft. The Jury did not agree, but if
all bad been such doughheads as that de
scribed, they might bave agreed, perhaps!
There are too many such Jurors in every
The Truth Coming; Out !
The Packer and Buchanan Democrats
cf Pennsylvania are particularly compli
mentary toward each other of late. For
instance, tbe Stale Sentinel, a Democratic
Anti-Lccompton paper published at Uar
risburg, uses the following mild language
towards the President :
"He is a violator of pledges, an unwise,
unsafe, ani corrupt Executive, a Pro-Sla-tery
Viiunionut, a pirate in intention, a
tyrant, an apostate from Democracy, a
wool-dyed Federalist, and a dixrrganizer!"
To which tbe Pbila. Pex.nsvlvxian
retorts by calling Messrs. Forney and
"Red mouthed AlfJitionists, corrupt and
rotten at the heart, capable of perpetrating
the foulest and blackest crimen, who have
lived all their livet on plunder, dealing
from the Treasury of the Government, and
when the door wot shut against their wholr
$ale stealing, they turn round and abuse the
men and party who gave them life."
Id a charge to the jury in a recent poi
soning case, Judge Roosevelt of New
York, said, "We bave the higliesl author
ity for saying "all that a man bath be will
give for his life."
The "highest authority" is to be found
in Job, chap. 2, verse 4 thus :
"Satan answered the Lord and said,
kin for skin ; yea, all that a man bath
Will be give for bia life."
Tbe Judge's citation of tbe devil as tbe
"highcM authority" was not very bappy.
A "higher law" man of that stripe, is o
great prophet.
Good Advice. Kind reader, that
amokest occasionally, do not go into any
place of business nor into our post office,
whenever there is a crowd with a cigar
in your mouth. Recollect, that much as
yon, and many otbtra may like it, every
person is not fond af tobaceo smoke and
there may be gunpowder about; if not
tbare are "olfactorita," for tbe meaning
f wbicb we refer you to Webster.
Eompino. Never punish a girl for be
ing a romp, but thank Heaven who has
given ber health to be so. It is better
than a distorted spine or a bectie cheek.
Little girls ooght to be great romps bet
ter than paying a doctor's bill for them.
Where ia tbe gymnasium that should be
attached to every school ?
That's coming,
loo, like other improvements.
Look out in "One Eyed Saul" in tbs
bird up papers continued (of course) in
the X. y. Excruciator !
ot uiMinna mil
Just opened., opposite the Riviere
House, iu the Room lately
occupied by A. Singer.
FULL and complete assortment of
INGjSnch as Overcoats, Dress Coals. Busr-
nessi-uais, ana inais oi every aiym u. pat
tern; and Pantaloons and Vests to suit. Also,
a large variety of Under Clothing, such as
Drawers, stuns, Ac. Also, a fine assortment
of Boys' Clothing of the latest styles. Also,
Ha TS and CA FS equal to any offered in this
country. In (act, I have everything necessary
in the shape of Clothing, which I offer at a
very small advance for cash.
nTAlI kindi of Country Produce taken in
exchange for Goods. Lewisburg, Oct. 22.
STONEWARE mturerc"
Fiuiebt Street,
(near the stale Caiitnl Steam Floor Will,)
Harrisburg, Fa.
A full assortment of Ware constantly on
hand. Ware made to order. For Price Lists
address the Proprietor. LV"Orders by Mail
promptly attended to Gm7C2
Wiia.IIrown Jr. &. C lis. C. Dunkle,
Having formed a Partnership, at the old
stand of Wm. &. J. 11. Brown, Market Suabove
4lh, Lewisburg,
AI!K olfi-ring a large assortment cf
Spring and Kuiiiiiirr Goods,
oonaiMing of Keady Made Clothing, Cloths,
Casuneres, Coatin&s. Veslings, Carpeting,
Bleached aud Brown Linens, Diillings, Shir
tings, Ac.
Also a large variety of LADIES' DRESS
GOODS, such as Calicoes, Challies, Lawns,
Delains, Barages, Silks, tiinghams,Shawls,&c
Also all kinds of -Notions, Groceries, Hard
ware, Ccdarware, Queens and Glassware,
Fish, Salt, Tobacco.
Also all kind of Ilrlck for building par
poses. Call and examine foryoufsclves. Produce
of all kinds taken in exchange for Goods.
Lewisburg, April SO, 1859.
MRS. MAIZE desires to inform her friends
that she has just returned from Phila
delphia with a new and elegant variety of
which she will sell at prices as low as those
at which they can be bought at any place in
lown. Thankful for past patronage, she de
sires a continuance of the same, at the old
stand, on Market street, between 1st and 2d,
Lewisburg. April 14, 185UI3
nfln. I-" -aa
Arrangements for the Year.
JACOB G. BROWN, having supplied the
Lewisburg Market for ihe pari six months,
has made the following arrangements for the
coining year
The best of Beef, Mnlton, Veal and Tork
ran be had on Wednesday and Saturday mor
nings of each week, at the Market Hoose. on
Maiket street, between Schalfle's and Wolfe's,
Lewisbnrg, Pa.
His motto is " Quick Pate fin-Cash, and
Small Profus." Examine his meat.
A p. 1559. I. 8. 6TERNEK, Agent.
VFTER one year's trial, we are satisfied
that a Hal Manufactory can be sustained
in Lewisburg, we are now prepared, with the
largest and best selection of Spring Styles of
HATS and CAPS ever bronght to this market,
snch as fine Mole, Silk, Dress Hats, Drab,
Beaver, Oiler, High and Low Crown, Soft
Hats and Caps, and Summer Hals of latest
styles for Spring and Summer wear, all of
which will be sold at City Prices, for Cash.
Our mono shall be, "Quick Sales and Small
Profiis,"of which the pcblic shall be the judges.
Hats made lo order at short noiicr.
April 15, 1R.VJ. JOS. GIBSON, Halter.
at G. Hash's Cheap Boot & Shoe Store.
T L'ST received from the Manufactories, an
J entire NEW STOCK, to be sold at Aston
ishly Low Prices.
French & English Lasting Gaiters .75 to 1.00
Kid Slippers .75 to 1.00
Kid & Mo. Buskins, enstom made .87 to 1.25
French Mo. Kid Lace Boots, do., 1.50 to 1.62
Men's Kip Bmgans.whole leather,!. 00 lo 1.12)
Men s Calf Congress Gaiters 2.25 to 2.75
and everything else in proportion, warranted
as good as anv in Lewisburg.
TO ONE AND ALL. Don't buy a Boot
or Shoe until examiningand pricing our stock
then buy where you think you can do best.
Remember the place, sign of the
ts-itiG hoot, Exi'Lomxcrs
opposite the Bank. GKIGGS MAKSH.
Lewisburg, April 15, 1S59.
The Best Work and Latent Styles
thankful for past favors
would state that he has re
ceived the Spring&Summer
Fashions, and is prepared to
garments as usual. He will
endeavor, as heretofore, to
execute his work satisfacto
rily to ail. Lewisburg, May 24,1858
riHIS Ware is clear of all poisonous mat-
ter. The glaring is made ol common $att
and clay. Apple Butter or anything else may
be kepi in it with perfeet ttifrly. There is no
I t)l SON in it an th-rr ia in mmmoD ml KarliieB-Vartx
Milk and Butter krt-p narh twt-r ia thin material thao
in Knrtltrn-Ware. It la tmrot to flint body, will not
ahwrb n part of what mf b put ioto it, and it not
llaMr to ormR nr era in UMop.
it Slor Krvpers in LCWISBUKO sod gena
rallv tntvtichout I hi Ptat.
llinnfarlvri FUbrrt t, but th Pteam Floor Mill
Hamburg. WM. MOVER,
rUTt Proprietor
Sprixg 1859 !
TUST received a large assortment of
pueb u
PcPaines, Cliallies, Bcreges, Cropso-
er Mohairs, Berege Angelais.Silk Foulard,
8aiin t'hallirs, Tamartuies, 8-4 white and
black Berrge, Berege Robes and Organ
dies, very handsome French Brilliants prin
ted, Percals also a great variety of square
and round cornered 8TEI.I.A SHAWLS,
varving i. price from $3.50 to $14, Brocbe
border', black lace, pointed and square
SHAWLS, lace Mantles, black silk Netting,
black demi Veils, real Matiese Collars, very
preity sett of Collars and Sleeves from $2
to $5. Cambric Edging. Lace Skirling,
French Dimity, Dimity Bands, Handker
chiefs from fit Ms. lo $1 each, embroidered
Mitts from ftO et. to fS per pair, besides a
great variety of Fancy and Siaple
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware,
Queens ware, etc. fcc. fcc,
all of which will ba sold very cheap. Call
and see.
Lewisburg, April in, ljj.
PAY8 for a full course in the Iron City
College, most extensively patronized and
betf organized Commercial School in the Uni
ted Slates.
357 Students attending daily, JarrA,1859.
Usual lime to complete a full course, from
6 to 10 weeks. Every Student, upon gradua
ting, is euaranteed to be competenl to manage
the Bonks of any Busiuess, and qualified to
earn a salaiy of from
$500 to $IOOO.
Students enier at any lime fio Vacation
Review at pleasure.
Fifiy-Ouc rreiniiinis for Best Penman
ship awarded in 1858.
rMinisters Sons received at half price.
For Circular and Specimens of Writing
Inclose two letter stamps, and address
7H F. W. JENK1K8. Pittsburgh. Ta.
or t
WILL commence on MOXDAY,April
55, 1859, to continue 13 weeks.
Instruction will be given in all Ihe Branch
es of a thorough Academic Course; and
youths desirous of preparing for College, for
Teaching, or for business, will find it lo their
advantage to enter this Institution.
The Bible is a text book.
A large Class of Young Ladies is secured.
TUITION per session of 13 weeks, including
contincent expenses.
PRIMARY T Reading. Writing. Ih liner, Arithmetic.
Dene.. Oram. anil U. 8. Uilury. $S0O
AOVANCKO KNULk-U sit not included aboTe, SMI
LANUUAUF.il, 8.00
No additional charges; also, no deductions
except for protracted sickness. Tuition paya.
ble immediately upon the close of the session.
April 8, 185!). Principal
H 'II E Summer Session.consisting of one
A. Term of 14 weeks, will open on Thurs
day, April 51st.
CULLto'E Tuition Ibr tbe Penrion nf 14 week $10 00
aUjum rent, library, care and repsira S W
ACADEJtr Tuition for the Srtwioa of 14 week. ;
1'lan.lral and higher nclih 7 00
AJranred Engluh S 00
Lower ClaM 4 Oil
Care and repairs 45
FEM. .VSTrCTX Tuition per fVarlon 14 weekl :
Regular touree in 00
Primary ? 00
htrs SO
A. K. BELL, Treasurer
Lewisbnrg. March 31, 1859
J I 'ST received at the Lewisburg Book
8tore from the lale Philadelphiu Trade
bale, a large collection of Books and Station
ery, embracing good Books in the different
departments of
Science and Literature; Religion, Lav,
and Politics; Histories, Biographies, Travels;
a varied and well selected stock of Miscella
neous books; Pocket and Family Bibles,
from thirty-fire cents to seventeen dollars;
Encyclopaedias; Ladies' Albums, Gift books.
Autographs, Architects; Dockets for Law
yers and Justices of the Peace; Day Books,
Ledgers, Composition books. Copy books,
Pass books and Pocket Memorandums; Math
ematical Instruments; Visiting Cards; a
large lol of Printers' Cards, very cheap;
good Cap, Bath and Note paper, from IS to
Wets, per quire; Opaque, Damask, de la
Rue and Buff Enrtlupts from 4 to 15 cts.
per pack; Blank Deeds and Bonds; a large
assortment of 8nnday School books and Re
wards; Common fchool and College Text
books aluxy on hand.
This stock was bonght at very low prices,
and is offered so much below regular prices
as to make it an inducement to persons wish
ing good Books either for the library, general
reading, ora handsome present, to call before
purchasing elsewhere. Special attention of
superintendents and leachers ol Sunday
schools is invited to our large stock of S. S.
Books aud Rewards always lo be fonnd on
our shelves. Sunday school Catalogues fur
nished free of charge.
Merchants supplied at the nsnal rates of
discount. WILLIAM AlLKKA X,
Lewisbnrg, April 8, 1859.
Pciphcr'tt Line, R.R. Freight Can
jsmgan setwieu
Philadelphia and Lewisburg.
'I'Ko en lnftriKar a-vs nninir sa lima nf frAirvkf
cars to and from Philadelphia without re-shipment,
and hopes to establish a good business
uj 'ioiiiii ucuvciirs si icTtuiiauic lain.
Wink..,, in lhil-M with Fri V,rA At
Freed, 81 1 Market street, where goods &c. for
Lewisburg and intermediate points should be
leu. i nufltio i r.irnr.r, xiarrisuurg
Feb. 2, 1H59 mfipd
RELIEVES all pain and soreness in from
5 lo 30 minutes. See another column.
Price 50 cis. per bottle only. Shipped to all
parts of the U. S. Fr sale by
J Batter 4 Co, Lewinburg I M'Creiirht A naork,Itnf XRda
C Vt Schalne do W Vt Lirvtenmuth, Buff. Hotel
C D Roueh. New Berlin B-arer, Morria A Co, Wiaftelt
veil i.Tnmiy, i umeTius loanaman s to. so
J B Mateeman. Kelly Tp II Miller, MiBjnturg
Cummins ACo.iTarlletn I Mars M glees ds
Administratrix' Notice.
TTTHEREAS. Letters of Administration
V to the estate of DAVID HAYES Esq.
deceased, late of Hartlelon borough. Union
county, have been granted to the subscriber,
by the Register of said county, in due form ;
all persons indebted to said estate are request-
ea to mane payment, and those having claims
against ihe same will present them duly
suineDucaiea lor settlement, to
Hartlelon, April 1, 1859
HAS just received a splendid assortment
of the very best, cheapest and most
lasnionabl Jewelry in the market. His
- Stock comprises
Dreaat Plna,
Ear Ring,
Finarer Rlngi,
Sleeve Buttoni,
which will be sold extremely low for Ca.
He respectfully asks the patronage of all
his old customers; and also invites new ones
lo give him a call before making their pur
chases. Call at the sign of the Big Watch,
Market street, east of Second. Dec. 24,'5e)
OF Danville. Milton, Muncy, M'Ewensville
8nnbury, Northumberland, Selinsgrove,
New Berlin, Mifflinburg, Hartlelon, and scores
in Lewisbnrg. have bought their HATS and
CAPS al Gibson's Emporium of Fashion
within the past year, and are urging their
friends to do likewise. Always a fine assort
ment of latest styles on hand, very cheap, al
John B. Linn.
bis house en N. Market St. beL 1st & S.I
67 " Lenlaburf, Fa.
gpBook Bindery!
rpHE suberiber having rented the entire
J Book Binding establishment of Worden
&l Cornelius and added to it his own tools, is
now prepared to
Cooks, Magazines. Pamphlets, Music,
Catalogues, Newspapcrs.&c.
either Full or Half-Bound, in various kinds of
LiiTas or of MceLis.and liued with Marble
Paper of different figures.
Old Bibles and other Books or Papers which
it is desired lo preserve as memorials in a
family, can be made more secure by the Bin
der's skill.
(rJ-Blank Books, Bibles, Hymn and Praver
Books, Pocket Books, Albums. Diaries, Ac,
Lettered wills Gold
in legible and durable characters, lo order.
MUSIC PORTFOLIOS, &c,made to suit
UTA good Bindery has long been desired
in this vicinity, and I therefore respectfully
solicit Ihe public patronage, trusting that my
experience and attention to business will give
satisfaction. I intend to charge moderate and
uniform prices, on the Live and Lei Live"
principle and hope to make it a permanent
I'rmluce and Store Goods tahen in pay.
T9"Rent and stock requiring money.I expect
FA Y ON DELIVER Y of all work.ji j
Bindery in Beaver's wooden block, N.Third
street, four doors from Market sireet.near the
Chronicle office. CHA'S J. 8TAHL.
Lewisburg, April 1, 1859
REMOVAL. Dr. A. P. Meylert has
removed to the house lately occupied by
Mrs. Kincaid, corner of Third and St. Mary
streets, two squares North tit Market St, east
side. OFFICE in same building. Sonth door
on Third SL Lewisburg, Kow 18, 1858
HE subscribers have for sale
(in lots to suit purchasers)
a large stock ol
FIKE ttUARDSPane Stnff
Plank. Vc. Also S.OOO fA RAILS.
26 inch Sawed Shingles superior quality.
Also Square Timber for Buildings :
Which are offered low for cash, at our Mills
on South Branch of the White Deer Creek in
Hartley township or delivered on the Brush
Valley Narrows road at the end of our Road.
I f A Diploma for a superior sample of
Planks, and a Premium for Rails and Shing
les,were awarded us at the last Union Co.Ag.
Iy773 Forest Hill P O, Union Co, Pa
1859 Spring Styles.
Just received at GIBSON'S HAT
Manufactory. Call and see them.
L. D. BREWER, Proprietor.
TIIIS House is the largest and most
spacious in Lewi.sburg, and situated op
posite ihe Court House, on ihe most elevated
and pleasant part of the town. The proprie
tor, who has recently purchased of the late
firm of Lawshe & Sebold, has spared neither
pains cor expense in refilling and re-furnishing
the House.
t7Please give him a call and judge for
yourselves. July 1, 1HS8
rpHK frre aVlmirsiona of all Nation, as veil a tha
Trrdirt of the Iradtnr Hnrpital of lh Old as well as
ihe Nrw World, rtatnp (bis pt.wrful rrnifdi&l spent as
(he greatest bealinir pr parmtion r mad knowo to
fuflvrinjc nan. Iu penetraliva qoalitirs sre more than
tnnrrelouii, throupb the external orifice of the pain, in
viffible to the naked eye, tt rrarhe the veal of the lufer
ntd disearc ; and in ail external aflections its an ti in
flammatory and healing virtues nurpasa anjtbing
vm itwiu, urn m Kaiun n grru an J.
Am two of the most eommon and virulent disorder
prevalent on this continent, to the the Ointment ia as-
pecially antagonistic, its "modus operand ' int tosra-
WMTSM ur venom &uu wen complete uie cure.
Case of many years standing that have pertinarioaply
reiotea tn yieia to any outer remeoy or uraimeni, nav
invanaDie aucrumtwa to tew applications oi hum now
erful unguent.
Arising from a bad elate of the blood or chronic din-
pane are eradicated, and a clear aud transparent aurfaoa
regained by tbe rentoraiive action of urn Ointment. It
surpasxea many of the coHmetics and othr toilet appll
aneea in its power to dispel rmha ami other diafigur
menu u.e iac.
Ever form and fi-atnt-e of thee nrwwaletit itrl etntv
born disorder ia eradicated locally and entirely by the
we vi in us emoiieni ; warm lomentauons inouia pre
cede its application Its healing qualities will be found
to be thorough and invariable.
Both the Ointment and Pitt thould U
vted in (he following casct :
Bnntottf Rbeamat.ua Sore Throat
Burns Ringworm fore of all kinds
Chapped hand Bait Kbeum Fprain
Chilblains Scalds Hid Joints
Vlstnlsj kin diseases Tetter
Gout Swelled U lands Ulcers
limbago re Legs Venereal Sores
M ercurial enrptiona Sore Breants
Wounds of all hinds
rues eore beada
-CATjTI0N ! None are genoine unless the words
"JlobiMtaf, Arw i'orit and Lmdu,n are discerniMe as a
M'aUr-Mark in every leaf of tbe book of directions
around each pot or box ; the came may be plainly aeon
by kiddmg the Uaf Utle tight. A handeume reward will
be given to any one rendering sneb information as may
lead to the detection of any party or partiee eonnterfeifr
ing the medicines or fending the same, knowing them to
be Fpurions.
old at the ManntWtorie of Professor Hollow.,
M Maiden Lane, New York, and by all renpectable Drng
glsts and Dvwlera In Medicine throughout the United
bUtet and theciviliied world, in boxes at 2fr cents, n3
cents, and $1 each.
4S)Tbere is considerable saving by taking the larg
er rises.
M. H Directions for the guidance of patients in every
disorder are affixed to each box.
THEY are the Best Calicoes yet of
fend lo tba Public fur tba laoney.
WaoLSaua Aanrrs,
6a783 Sew York.
Executor's Notice.
"VTOTICE is hcrtbr pivpn ihai l.iipr. ii
mentary on the last will and testament
wi jnvuu jijnj, titie oi x.asc xi ull.i!te
township. Union couniy. deceased, have been
granted to the undersigned, by Ihe Register of
uuiuu Euuiuj, m hoc turmoi iaw,inerelore,all
persons indebted to said rtat.
make immediate payment, and those having
claims against the same will nr...m ih..n
duly authenticated fur settlement.
juji.ii a. aicktz, Exeentor.
Lewisbarg, April 16, 1859.
Executrix' Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given, that Letters
Testamentary on ihe last will and testa.
ment of JOHN F. WILSON, late of
Union eoonty, deceased, have been eranted to
the undersigned, by the Register of Union
eoonty, in doe form of law; therefore all per
sons Knowing memselves indebted to said
estate are requested to make immediate pay
ment, and those having jtm claims against
the same are also requested to present ihem
properly authenticated for settlement.
AU.tS WILSON, Executrix
U.rlleton, April 9, 180a
I I m-f
Clixds and SiirrrEns,
riooring, Siding,
Framing, &c.
for axle at tha Hardware Stnra r
jiv-r The undersigned have as-
t! sociate d themselves into copart-
nershtp for the purpose of carry
ing on the l.umlienny, I laninr,
and Carpentering business in all their various
branches, at the
ttnriobnrg Slcam pinning lUillo,
where they intend to keep a stock of Pine,
Hemlork, Walnut, Cherrv, Puplar, Ash, Ma
ple, and all kinds of Lumber, Kloorintr shel
ving, Siding, Shingles, Lath. Joists, Sluilding,
Fencing, Pickets, Duor and Window Frames,
Poors, Shutters, Blinds, Sash, MonUlings,
Brackets, &c. Planing, Slitting, Scroll Saw
ing, Ac, done al short nuiice and all work
warranted to give satisfaction, both in rice
and workmanship.
lewWmr Planlna Milla, iprll 1, lh6n.
$3,000 Wanted!
IN pursuance of an act of the last Legisla
ture of Pennsylvania, the Commissioners
of Union county desire to IIorrow money
In Ihe above amount, in sums mil less than
$100, the interest to be paid annually, and the
principal within three years. Inquire of
H. P. SHELLER, Treasurer.
Lewisburg, Pa., May 26, 1858.
William Jones,
TTOItftEY at Law.Collections
rrompllv attended to. Ofliceon Market
street, opposite the Presbyterian chuich.
Fruit and Ornamental Trees,
The subscriber has on hand a splendid
2f collection of both Fruit and Ornamental
TREES, Ac. Ac embracing the very best
varieties of Apples, Pears. Peaches, Plums,
Cherries. Apricots, Nec ari ies,Grapes,Goose
berries, Raspberries, Currants, Strawberries,
a mo
Large Horse Chestnut. European Mountain
Ash, American Mountain Ash, Sugar Maple
for street planting, Ever-blooming Ruse, and
a splendid collection of Bulbous and other
Flowering Plants.
r7"Nursery Grounds on the farm of Ja's
F. Linn Esq. on the Turnpike, within half a
mile of Lewisburg. All orders will receive
strict attention. CTTcrm inmriablu CASH.
Lewisburg, July 7, 1858.
New Arrangements--New Goods!
T0SEHI L. IIAWN having taken the
J well known SF YKER HA T STORE, has
refitted it, and filled in an extensive variety ol
Hats, Caps, Gentlemen's Clothingt dr.
Also a large and splendid stock of CLOTHS
CASSIMERES, Ac, which he will make up lo
order, as he still continues the Tailoring Busi
ness. He is prepared lo execute all work
nu-nstrd to his care.lo the satisfaction of the
N. B. Cutting and Repairing. done lo
order. Lewisburg, April 10, 1857
THE subscriber is engaged in the manuf
acture of the
Latest Improved
HUNSECKER Clover Hullers.which he offers
at very reasonable rales. There bave been a
large number of these Hullers sold in this
neighborhood and county, and they give good
satisfaction as the very best. Any person
wishing lo purchase a good machine, will call
or apply by letter to C.P.EMERY,
l v'JA3 Laurelton P O, Union Co, Pa
MORTH 4th Street. The subscriber
i. 1 most respectfully informs the citizens ol
Lewisburg and vicinity, thai he has on hand
and for sale a cheap lot of Ft KMT l lit,
for the Spring trade, comprising
Dressing and Common Bureaus, Sec
retaries and Book Cases, Center,
Card and Pier Tables, Dining and
Breakfast Tables, Cupboards, Cot
tage and other Bedsteads, Stands,
roias, and Chairs
of all kinds. Q Q p p sj S made to order or
short notice.
The public are cordially invited to examine
his work, as be is sure thai they will be satis
fied with his stock of Ware, and prices.
Lewisburg, Sept 15, 1856
James F. Linn. J. Merrill Linn.
J Afiorneya at Law,
671 Union County, Penn'a.
1. MERRILL LINX Conruaiosu for tha Plata of Iowa,
with power lo take Deposition, arknowledira Dceda,ae.
Broom Handles and Curtain Rollers,
Illcltok's PatcBt Machinery.
WE bave completed arrangements
fnr Makinft Broom Hnlk aad Curtain RoUra
lo m manner and perfectkin bitbvrto unattatnahle la th
maoulartaiT ol this rurlt, and are pfaand to nupply
BronM Mftkera, Window hivd Manufavrturvm and Mvr
clmnts with any quantity of tnm at nhort notie.
They are nwle of tha tout Panel Stuff, and ia a supe
rior manner, on new marhtirrry MTfT bt-fora nard.
V atao make, on Aiew.j katented Machinery, the oett
Wooden Jsench and Hand ikrcict
tbat have erer been He fort the public.
dftarvroen prompuj num. Aiirrn
W. O. 11ICKOK,
nuusBvio, Pa.
tm7M agent of tha fiagle Worka.
and Jeweler,
second door above Third,
on Market street
Would respectfully inform Ihe public that he
has on hand fine assortment of Gold and
Silver Lever and Lepine Watche a good
stock of Gold,Cameo and Masonic Breastpins
of Ihe lateit style Gold and CameoEarrings
Ac, which he intends to sell verr cheap also
a splendid assortment of Eight-Day and Thirty
HourC'LOCA'Sand Time pieces. Every article
warranted to be what it is sold for.
The greatest care will betaken in Repal
rlnc and Cleaning of Clocks, Watches and
Jewelry, and everything warranted to give
satistaction. Please make him a call, and
give him some trouble to show his Watches
and Jewelry July 21, 1858
Clockx.Wal ch-
eu, and Jewelry,
I4th door West nl Hanlr
Also, particular attention paid to RE
i-AIKINU nt nil binrfB-
I have also the agenry for the sale of
tne ceienraied aaxai ana i nmiu
which will recommend themselves lo
evert one. Call and see. (
fcept. 9, 185HJ A UENORMANDIE
TBE ctttAnn urr. lysmAycu. J'"
ThlST iOMI'AM-.lf 1-lllLAlitLlUIA,
TIKIS IDUWAY,risMt. JV).r.JAIK!f.artnarT.
taalul :M ) 3W.IOU- Barter nrraeual.
LIVES on Ihe most reasonable terms.
The capital being paid up and invested to
gether with a large and constantly increasing
reserved fund, oilers a perfect security to the
one insured. , lf
The premiums must be paid yearly, nan
yearly, or quarterly.
The following are a few examplesfrom the
Am MM nj t
V. of
JftAirs mr
hi fmttrt mfl'lttvni. j
t ;,-ll 2 M
3.17.r DO
ItTThe undersimied is Agent fur the Com
pany in Union couniy, Pa., through whom ap
plications for Insurance can be made. 1 o
mechanics and business men generally, desi
ring to effect Insurance on their lives, it of
fers inducements not equalled by any other
company in the United States.
Tho. II. Wii.. M.D-Examining Physician
S. H.ORWIG, Aeent, Lewisburg, Pa
West Branch Insurance Company,
OF Lock Haven, Pa., insure Detached
Buildings, Stores, .Merchandize, Farm
Properly, and other buildings, and tbeir eon
tents, at moderate rates, lioing business on
bothCash and .Mutual plans. Capital,liao0,UU0.
Hon John J Pearce Hon G C Harvey
J .hn B Hall T T Abrams
C has A Mayer D J Jackroan
Chas Crist W White
Peter Dickinson Thos Kitchen
Hon. d. C HARVEY, President.
T. T. ABRAMS, Vice Pres.
627 Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa.
Common wealth Insurance Co.JIarribb'g
(HALTKIit U t.iriTAI, WOO.flOO.
THE subscriber is appointed, agent for
this well established Company, which
insures Buildings and other property against
loss or damage by fire, perils of inland navi
gation, transportation, Ac, on most lavorable
w.fciij Sf.v).vM.vrso.V.
rjta-nt'J. tAKkn, Kq.
hv-TOaj .V A. CAk l:lt.K. rt 7ifi7d.l.
J. II. M I.AI.UHI.1N, Agent.
Lewisburg, Feb. 1, I59 m6
American life Insurance & Trcst Co.,
(Capi'al Stock $500,000) J
COMPANY'S Buildings.Walnut street, S B
corner of Fourth Fhitadtlphia.
Ct?"Lives insured at the osual Mutual rates
or at Joint Snxk rates about 20 per cent, less
or at Total Abstinence rates the lowest in tha
world. A. WHILLIMN, President
Jims C. Sins, See.
747 GEO. F. MILLER, Agent, Lewisburg
rriT)irs'& SJiw'lwiKs' 1snrqn;e Coinp.
B.w. com. ascoD asv wiurrv srs, ruiLAbaxrua.
C apital $1,250,000.
Assets f Ii, lot 13, invested in Bonds, Mort
gages and other good securities.
BY FIRE ! There are but few who
receive sympathy who incur loss by neglecting
this most necenfaru and substantial preeaution.
We often see it announced that persens have
lost their slocks of Goods and Furniture, anc
results of years of Industry swept from them
by the devouring element over which they
have no control but by being insured.
Insurance protects you from the incendiary
negligence of servanis and the casualties ol
ypnr Brielitar. It vill impart crtufMlearp to yvnr rrrd
lura, and civa a rharartri rw prudence and brccanlHia lo
al) your buaineaa iroDmrtkxi..
H rriuirt t-ut a very rmall na to Inanre in anma
raiiffiiiic (nB flUOtn $1mpu. and J-t h.-w miu th.reare
ht hara no inpuranrr ufnn (iondK. Furniture, or anr
thin? rlaa! If jour Utixk ia rniail, fCllI tile Liito to Jou
Biiifht be aerioua.
Thia r..ni.nT lnrore flrr f7.Vi7.v. yrRrn.t.I-UtOUUv.-
H Klll'KKXIAVHlM.lll uvL&lum
FliOM wlOO TO w5l'H(,
at the fawftt Kab- and upon the mol Liberal Terma,
and 1 bom FT rilMilil on tbe adjuatment ax Luas.
lion Tho B.FVr.nca I Jrt E Nrall I F.Iw K TTelmho'd
Or II.Arm.trooa I Clia'. Dinir-e K.t'arrol Rrew.ter
tbaA.Kul.incaia I Ih ManderSeld lraac Leecb, Jr.
UenaraJ sapenntendetit JOHN TnrtM.ASOX.
T1KI' M. rUlHL.NtC.r'reaidcat.
ED WD R. UKI.VIM'I t. Sr. rrlanr
657 LEWlzBlRG, Union Co. Ia
1 linue
subscriber con
es to carry on the
Livery HuMincMi ai
the Old Stand on South
Third street, near Market, and respectful!)
solicits the patronage of his friends and th
public generally. CHARLES F. Hi3.
Lewisbur?, May 22, 18.50
Drug and Chemical Emporium
M.trket Street - - - Lewisburjt, Ta.
James B. Hamlin,
JA. VS Office on Second St. west side ,2nd
door sonth of Market, Lett iKhurs,
6mS9J Union Co. Pa.
Afar Ilurlleton, Union Co., Fa.
THE subscriber, thankful
for past patronage, would inform
his friends and the public in gene
ral, that he continues to manufac
ture all kinds of Woolen Good, such as
Cloths, Cassimeres. Tweeus, tsattinelts, Jeans,
Blankets and Flannels; also. Carpet .and
Slocking Yarns. His machinery being of the
best kind in use, and having employed the
best of workmen, he feels sale in saying
that bis work shall not be surpassed by
any establishment in the country. A good sup
ply of the above goods kept constantly on hand
for sale or to exchange for wool, at prices
that can not fail to please. WOOL will be
Carded in the best manner and on the shortest
notice. Terms for carding, cash on the de
livery of the rolls. MARK HALFPESNY.
Winfield Mills, March 30, 1857.
(Bureeasor to J.L.Toaaa)
Watchmaker and Jeweller,
Located two dtora e.t or the utaml recently occui-ied fey
Mr. Voder UiVt ItBtKii, Fa.
Clocks, Watches, Ac, repaired on shoit
notice and warranted to give satislartion.
CB"An excellent assortment of Watches,
Clocks and Jewelry cn hand Cheap fur t'aih.
GILT FRAMES of all sizes made to ordec
Lewisburg, April 29, 1854
ARE opening, direct from M'Callnm Sc
Co.'s Carpel Manufactory, Glen Echo
Mills ermanioavn. Pa., one ol" the pretnesi
and best assortments of Carpels ever bro't
lo Lewisburg, such as
Three Jly, ITmp Yenitian,
fiup. Ingrain, Manilla Matt,
Union do.. Cocoa do.,
i-ATwilledYeU;a,A- Oil Cloth,
3-4 do. do., 8-4 do. do.,
fine do., Carpet Binding, dc.
Market street. next door lo Brown A
Kitltr'!, Store LEWISBIKU, PA.
rURE and Ko. I Ground Pepper.
Ginier. Cinnamon, Al!pice, Cloves.
American and Enriish Mustard. 4
Cayenne Pepper, Nutmegs, Mace.
8up. Carb. Soda. Saltpetre, Saleratns,'
Caraway and Coriander Seed.
Hal Soda. Indigo.
Ashion Daily and Ground Salt, At,
For Sale at Ihe Eagle Mills No. S41 inj
216 North Frt-nt street, corner of .ew pi,
Car" Purchasers will find it greatly t0 tfcrir
interest boih in quality and price to bay ifcM.
goods, which are warranted as repraarnifrlj
forfeited. A trial is solicited. 779yl
BUAnUDft UftX.
Evans k Wataoi,
No. South 4th St.
FTaea now on band w
a.fMnment ol I'ire and Thler Provf ealamaDdrr la,.
Iron Inra 1r Baak.aoil Mi.re.,lron t.utter.lna
all niakeaol Locaa,eiual to aav in tiie luted ctaUa.
CFive Safes in one Fire ail come out righl
with contents in good condition.
7U Sulamtmlrr Softs of HitUdrlfKa nvauat lit KnUI
r.T.4S &. WATSON
ITar hud tlie ur-t demon Rtratioo in the allowiarra
tifirate tliat tbeir Mantttaelureot falanikoler ilaln aaff
at Irnclb full, warranletl tl.e retjre.-ii talmas that aa,e
been made of them a- rendering an nndbubleaMcanrf
najnal tba let nttic nleOMHit :
Pnrub , Pril 11WML
Mewra. 13S WaTfos firatl.aira: ItaSi rdaaelaf
fci-heeleatiaelion to ,Ule to y, u. tbat oni&sln tbef,
,rut et i.e qrialiliee of two of tbe faUntandw fanw bkb
we ,or baced of joa p me frw nH.nlb. Hoee. mv a
lare porU n r-f onr jewelry, and all oar book..
i(. el4ieed to tbe eaintuilon. Brain lUnebad I'iaca, a
tbe morning of tbe lltbiiwaDt-
nbenwa fetleet tbnt Ibe-.-alea were loeau-l ia tba
roartb atory of tbe butluinz we orrapied. and tbat tfe,
f-l aul-,uentlr into a bean of burning ruin, abna
tbe Taet euneentratk.n af b-at eanArd tbe brae alau, ta
melt, we ran not but retard tba pnowrTalan af tanff
eaiuabla eontenta aa mot er.nvincuig proof if the pent
aeeurity alTordtd by your ."-are,.
We eball take rnurb pleaeure in reeommer.ilinf Umw
to men (d bu.ineee aa a ,ure reliance ai:iDat lira.
I.K.i"I.K W ,"l..N.- t HKil, JfUn.
7- j Hbo have purrhaaed aU laxxc alaa nara.
Chickerin & Sons,
manufactarfrs of
i.wi 0. Mi x ur i ru.n
piano ortrs
130. Chestnut Su
Fil-onsiantlron hand a large stockolfiir
brant ful anil unrqualltd instruments, fitmhrl
in every variety of style, at prices raot:
from -$175 to $10110. We have been awarcei
SH Gold and Stlrer Fir-t Cluu Mftials at
ditii-rent Exhibitions in ihis country and Ef
rope for soperior manufactnre. A liberal
discount t" the clergy and seminaries uf !rar
ning. l i Illustrated descriptive eauiofsn
sent to any address IT"''
nil. ELDKinCaE,
. Manulacturer, Importer and Dfa'trj
Ac. Bein? in a bye-strcet, under very f:sti
expense?, this Houe has beeo enablfrt
mau wears to maintain the repatation of be.t i
the HPri-T in the Citv.
t War (how Aa. 43 Strawberry .SfHi
secood door abore Chestnut street. Stra
berry is the first street west of Second sirrft. I
war ia XT id TO srri rntrtcT wnrimos, om m -wt I
And our Ayrmta -r Mfr-fy n ?rm?d fa malt p
Jailtre of U al vur txfntt.
A. TAN m ACKX Mmt rnrtinl Mkr m
nTioc lir lb lwt t tmrritftt difie-r-t tia.
ptTinif otnl upon stil tfrr-tvil thin i artw-ulir a
rmac with, m i tlfr it l lt- i ur.iir a ?tff
mil rm-r T1MK. 1 AHK D1 i"M- V W rw
it nhoul! rv-'l urru it cow n rrit. A II r i-k ;t I
it f'.r trti. rd uw it nrrtline to i ur dirw
(t uDil iu rurh (&.) aBfl if it Uocs nut lull f
t o. ih- Bi'-ni- iii ! rWuBittd.
Amoni: thr many adTsuinc' nvrr of her WiM
SorH. tbr lUaluWltltf Is avwBTIaNl:
1. CU'ih- a,t--d dq buil.t.);, and vrr? little rMa
(mot artirtti bob )
One p-UBtl vtll frr, fnr rf n.
foQBwin bi tBimun rosin atap, tr twt .ubtio Drc t
Z. It rrioirp !) than cnrtaf tfc tim ui I
to do th uliini; of a tvily. that it i.(mrv rta I
hft fkmiij toap, and is warranud Bvt w t;mi li-I
4. Kor rlfaniDir raintu and rwteyh? '. Tr l
Printer lok. it in un-urf arii. Maclt.BiM-S Fnatm I
and Paititt-r will rind it an ii valuable rure wt I
Inc bandit, a it dur-e But cliap, tut grvati itttiit-l
earn. I
6. The nnrTfprjtT ef th atr'riartJd. J th- ? I
any otbrr knan 1ah.nfr S p. and nr.i)aKutt,T
tt mdnntt-al fnr whita (mi rt i r, il riMhir-r.
rmrK and Uce, and WAKKAMtU NfT I
lor fal at ail ?p-taM- Ororrrr Ptrnvn ti th 1
and ocigbUiruig uwbi, and wh-.PraTr xpiv
TKAIN Mrkt-1-NK.
Zl .Vkuth Whit"
Zmt'i Bftwef n Market and Cbrftaut l-u.ttJ I
I'apcr, rriutem' C ard, anil l
a t-lope
Ko. 405, Commerce St., riiilaJel,!..
CiTCash buyers will find it for their it;w
to call. Pbilad, Jan 1, 1S; J
Ho. 46 North Third street,
bcteo Sl&iket and Arch.
i. i.cuester & ra
ratent Shoulder Steam Shirt lTaitf.
Kd.OJ Chestnut nl.I'liHa
PPDMTE lh tt'aOiir.'MI H '
WINCHESTER wd: ns "W"'
his personal supervision i t the tnuite
Manufacturing denartmrnts. Ordus u-r -
critroriiicii siyies 01 Sfniris 8uuv-
the shortest notice.
, t V.t J-.. arshiX.e
I l c) u J Ul. Ola til j; IU vi ui. - jl I
sapplied with ihe K-rmuIa fur nieaurettet I
application by mail. . j I
( on-ianuy cn nana a rarif u an"
f tf2.n.la.maV. I I ew il.
vi a i uiu'io v'x " ,
nrVlVi.tLU t.r.l.r. c.innhFtl CD-7"
w-w e uvuoaiL . i ti i a J " I .. -
lerms 1?53
Eneravina and Seal CuttiES
OF all kinds, at 201, ChcMint
PHI LAD. Visitins and rther -k'
Corporation and other SEALS.and ,ver .
in our line of btiMness, promftly at'""-'(,
in good style, and on rwnpir
ders from Cily and Country s..'Iic:'"'-
. H. rn.T)..j. W. t..MA? .
imiviw ix-n .'TitTiri;
No. 16 Xonh Suth strret, PhiladelrS
largest Manulaciurer of
and dealer in WI.MiOW MIA1EA y,
variety. He is the llrigmau'r '". ... -1
t,..L. ...h ,;,, si.,-k 10 be M'tf I
ilnreii Prices. .-i...1-
Bun". and all other colors of '-'"f" vi ?
Tiimnnngx, Futurrs, &c. fclt,lt' I
Painted lo order. . CfC'l
IV B. J. W. invites Citizens oi W t, I
lo call betore purchasing, anil a "itls1
he can sell a leitrr arltrle i"r ine
nil. -a.' I ''kTt-
A' Oar J) -A
; WpianjTtrrtxsy
any other i.itaUlijuiucu;.o mv t