lA'triahtwii, vt M.'KNMNG, Mat 2T.1S-V1 ....... . l-.,..t-.'itir. r M.n-lint li.tiiirS !,'v the . . . . Mw. .1,- w- It To rll oil Ml ..mniiifiit r..i.imnttia. I III .it I'f"iU- l-Uili'Tft tvt I Imtiii.. . .J VtT1 .ti t pi-Htf t '" tl. -t';ir."M- it." mitln-ut not (.n in,'d f liiii! ou-in-f-. r-i'fiit iihvni'tH "' mui be mi in in no.a.. ,.k uvk. r-..-!:ivir. r. cri-t t" 1 n--l'..r. t au.l f iuiv 'it u't ,,l s llli;H..-Tli' ... ..... I'.l- ..k. -li It! IT. lM I '" t .( ("I '.I'. f.T IT UMIIK-. I . II- t, Mil H.II.Vt illlioi. ---We lately adverlicl o -iciau at a ill-lance. 1ml tins individ 1 ri li'ii'iu cs in Lancaster llial iuijiirr-l . siiipiif lie loulil be woi'liv of the le III lolilOHl-. Souiewnl, silll-e, IloWe..-- he iiin-l repi'c;ab papers of ;i,iucei linn a a tiia k, Ii. I.Iiii? loiih tf under two iiaiio--. c. As we ee no ic denial of '.he charges, and never io nium toailow our paper to lie used for any uhltul character, we have ou:ated his 1-, and iveail our rcadets thisiiitiely nu- .1. Whi." hrtve tuini-tu'd u w nil the f.d. i;i in" Mimm trv 'l the ( n Diui.'iil hv them t ttt-ek, (ix d;iys ;) heal h'h.'ts l',,f a ln.i.oit do Kv .'t.lMHt tin - r .'.! do I The amount h.nislit or stored by oilier dea- l.-i,. in town and couniy.or sent otr by boats, ,,. have lift collected, but is very larre -coii-s -this the "hard tunes" and -scarcity of tirain." 's evident that our riullalue and P'Hiis Valley l-'arraers have not ull beeii starvniK." I he money brnupht into circulation anion; farmers by the eniptyms of their granaries, shi'iild make an improvement in business, tin 1 cause the payment of thousands of debts J !,.., delaved. (and -uking" a lew more clubs t f the .Virr 4' Cttrimuit.) There has been pram there is money and the prospect liois far never was better tor tinecrops ahead. Thank the Lord and keep to work." , Aud Mil! rhe dram comes ! lyOn our first page will he found a state lu. ut of the mnrtality of t,ewisbur, last year I into every lOOtl of theiopulation. To, r nipare this with the general average of health in the most civilized countries, we copy the following statement from a late I'lolad. L'di'r: "The mortality of some of the large cities Is llius given : I'hilada. and London, about 22 in limn 2S in Minn 2ti in KHHI 21 m lonO .11 in KHHI in lonO .16 in inoil 3sl in ll'Oil Ilerlin is 2S in luno I Turin is l'aris H enoa is Lyons is Hamburg is New Yoik is And this too, while the people in the 1'nitert States are probably the healthiest in the , world, as will appear by the following : In England, France and Denmark, deaths ' are about st: in IIHIU ; in Holland and Sweden, I 14 in HMKi; in Prussia, 3 in HMM); in Austria, ; III in loiill; in Russia, 36 in lutiu ; in United States, only 15 in looo. j t"i?'Thc following singular case, which was tried before the Juniata county court, shows that there are some trials and dangers in the oilice of :ounty Commissioner, as well as J 1,1 honors. They should tie held to a Strict aC- r..tmtahilitr a well as other Officers With. rountaDilii), as wen as oineririintrs un- siot knowing anything about the particular circumstances, we snuuiu suppose me ieits. Would have a right to appeal. Vvwttif fH,wi.sjiioMer, r... IK 11. Flickingrr unit Jnmrs Anittrstn This was an action in stituted by the County Commissioners against Ihe above defendants, ex-members of that Hoard, in relation to a bridge near Bealetown, Tuscarora Yalley, erected by these gentlemen during their term of office, and which, Ihe . present Commissioners alleged, cost ton much , by some ".Taio ,.r $71111. It was argued before the Court. From the testimony, the bill was not high enough fur the llndge,aiid his Honor, Judge t.rahatn. thought 11 ought tu be allowed. However, he was overruled by his Associates, who decided against the defendants, thus com-. pelling them to pay some six or seven nun- ' dred dollars, which thecouniry was in justice 1 and honor bound to pay. .SulimL CJUnEY'S LADY'S HOOK f ir June closes ' another Volume of this long-established work. ' THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY also closes ' a volume wuh the half year. ! tydloth the above leading Magazines we club with the Star tV Chronicle at fit.50 per year. Now is a suitable time In subscribe, j " Our Muiical rVient." We have received IYo. 25 of this work. It is devoted exclusive ly to the publication of music in sheet form, in a convenient size for the piano desk. C j 15. Seymour A Co, 107 Nassau it, N. Y. 10 -cts. a week, or; $a year. 1G pp. in each No. i Musical 'ioneer." A monthly publication. devoftd to music, musical intelligence, iVc, Published by F. J. Huntington, 7 Beekinan st. New York. AO cts. a year. An excellent periodical, and should be well supported. The " (treat tii public Monthly," for June has "been received. This is a large, handsome magazine, nicely illustrated, and filled wuh very pleasant reading. I'ubh-hed by Oak.: Fmtth Co., 112 and Hi William st N. V.J Iric -t i a year- Vol. 2 commences with the j July No. .taS-Mr. Ilict0K. hag sent us a copj of U WttUy Victoria Gazette, small five J J ' i eniumn lulio issued on V anconver s isiaoa (Western coast of Hritish North Ameri ca,) Jaied March 2C, 1859. This paper claims that the extent of the "gold belt" (including Frarer's River) in British Col umbia, is double that of California, and fruiter than an; other in the world. The people there u well as at Pike's Peak eem determined to leave no means un tried to induce emigration. MsiT Vie Rrpullic, i sound Republican pper at Washington City, is afforded to clubs td" 10 at $1 each. We should be fUd if a few clubs could be raised fur it io this region. sTho request addressed to Mr. Sands in auother column, we are insured, is with rn I , , , , , , . i . .e .uuwietjze. oni I FPeeaT IfPiY IS : A, I "-,llrcu' t . Mllll;i S llMiN. Il is to 1-e li.-ped On ttn-iuN of every jM'iith Si-In -id in the cntMitv, ami of every rmj:M'i'iht'od whete there hotiIil be a l-'.ild-a:.. l-Vlmcd, u ill pre pare t send lit more or less delegates t th proposed Convention en (he tli of June next, ft is called with the hope of doing tnmtthivtt lor the good of the youth, and, through them, of our country. We are advised to call a meeting of the Superintendent, Taylors and others tnti-re-i- d, in our Dorotish. at the HaptiM h use of worship, this (Tudav) even in v. a: 7 S i.Yiork, to make the nere-aiy arrangements J.r the meeting. A prompt attendance is urireiiiiy solicited. Lewidbttra BK),.On Saturday last, the I'.i an liauil took the tour of tie liorouli, in a vehicle Jiawn by four horse, "dis ruursitig nitric" arnl 'i nvaliadci' about s. thousunil boys afoot '. it rtlT'i I'll n S Inrli.-. i.lie ,...1 l.y I rf.-t II).. li Tli lh" a mm 'il i't nil loliiii nl- ir. nl it- !.! iiu'-m. 1 1 i.inii. i. lit hi - ii tlif ill I... . I 1 li.- r.l.-rr I m. tn. h. Hi Hi.- iti-i.niM.rt-il tir, Uv On- u !t.liHI 1 r. nu- tv i !n-!i ..rjii- Hit- lur! urt I.- nei.n.i'iu.-il A - IT.-ii-i.-l.r.MTli tin- i-nis to.- in. -I t.-iil'v rw.'in limi ! !. 1 tiuv 1'iiritv tlif li iti- ItiO'tiiHl n l mil itr' to t-.-r tim. m .1. 1 1 t'.r In- li in nr.-- it..' rviMiltr .li-riinr-'i' "I all r lure iiiait.T t tiroull III. tiali.r.O mii.I Irmtiiiiat.' i ! aiil:.'l. IK -pepMaisa h vdra-hea leil ilisea"'. arol only in the Otvijeiiit'il H,itei (, rs it tind a "loetnan wortbv of us s:rrl.'' 'i'lns reuifdy at oiieee xpcN the disease tioin the sy-tem. and re-iores the digestive orcans to a state t.f health and coinl'ort. tii k iiai vini 4o;pu:ir. Am.thrr jTr-t ctirr r i-.'i t-y t'r. f tank's IrRT- Nt- K, I'll.,' IV IN". Cn , O't. 1. 1 c " . . Ir. llw. i. V. r mi; l.ti i fitlhutr tit f- f..r m'iii-' y i- j;i-t. I d.-i.-rit y ur 1'n 1 & trial, i i M'Ttiffim nt I wh t tCi JIVi I ii Mi I tie nt til- 'i"r-.i Hlxl : II HI I l t,- iu I r-Miiu' tu n iis lui.ti l w .t-til ti 1 iiri-'l. -tl.-it : to U- tir-t r.'t.' rtrtl. i.' ; ami mi,. .- I vv ti., -1 ttn iti. I h ,.- ti .i IukI .,iit .iliiti k, .n l Mm ni'W in tin- t-i in.-nt iZ-n'J ii n:iIi. 1 Jiiii, r it I - ' Ktl'v. i ftir-. A-., I ' .'"N rtl ".I. .1 M OJIS. 1' M. Thf I'iIN t-r rMiiiiiii lc.l t'. m.- l.y lr. No- t',Lu wl.t'Mt aaarr.-:. -..a til" III. Those Pills beside, curing Epilepsy, are a specilic for alt ino;liticaio!is ot nervous dis ease. Price S: I per box ; two boxes lor ; twelve hoses lor '.'!. rer-ons enclt'sthu a leiiiittauce will have the Pills sent llieui through the mail, mi us receipt. For sale by , S,th S. Ilini, Xo. 1 OS llaltniiore street.' I'.iliimore, Md.. to whom orders from all parts ol the I'moti must be addressed. i I lllllrl.. IlltllllVi. A ro.'s i PATENT CHAMPION SAFC. LA IE llllt: AT l'llll i,l t:, mi, . In in .u. .lull. 7. ls..1. I C.titt: T urn ri"iii-t..l by tr T A I'.l ".'n ran.-, i.t i li is .M. e. Ii. Ml)' I ' I I U tl. lt I'll tli.- Illlll it it. i.l tin- 4 III llll-t . ' nIsi.ii a uYiiM-k. In- tliTe l.sik fir.', iitid tin-. utirt- si i. k i.l .-. was ..-.-;re..l. Tin- Ii. at Usmiii. M-.ii.l I. i,.j iii t. !!.. Hour I-1 Ilie jiiKsls Pi.iiltl ...-. I... ..hv,. 1 : j I til i TIiiuaO'ly In- I i.ks an I .i rs. wl.i. li w-iv in , .lie ( ol m ur ( 1 im in .n .satin, tvi-r.. nil iri'.rr,,-. rar.lullv. A ill Wit Hi'' III IV li' I'all.'il t.'lllll('i... .-r illllll.i; tli" ! li. li riiif!i.i;rat;. i thi r. wiisiii... fii.'i.s.aiii puunm. ,.f ' tlatiir iliri i'tl, Ukiii tlif .ale Inrli t-iiiitHiiirtl tli.-lu. Anil : still. UJH'M tilirliiliit it. tlir I1IM.1" ws l-.timl In i- urntcly nrui, while tile i.iitsi-l. ,ms Ul'jslsevri ly srnrrhi..!. Yours truly, .N. A. Mh I.L'UK. llerrine'i Tatrnt Ctniniiaon Fire ami IttirrtHr-t'riif fub'S. mill ll ALL'S I'A'I'KN f full HHK fl.iMil I.IH KS. ullonl th" irriaTr.t Mrurity of any safe ni lln- wirl.l. Ali anil I'arlur hatt-r, cf elrgaut workoiuu riiil una Tlnisli. f.T fl ite. Ai-. IAKKI.L llhKKIM. ii Clk, haTe ri'mttveil friMn "4 aliiiit St . t.. th.'ir U.'i.' stiue. .... t.".i I'lir-ttiut St.. (JilSk s II ol.i ln tlie liirj;e-l k-scrtuieut ut afm lu ttir wurld t-uil ts' l'.uliil. FU'.KKL. ltntttlNil i fi. SmTTS 6-1 ClItSTSl'I MKtlil, JilL in i i.IiV, I'lllLAli. DU VALL'S I't'i-Trd vrinirmVif t-;t J'KOF. It. tf ti.riufrly "f Ut- v.1Ihh ot rurir. on-, I'itTir1, is Mow orrturi Tf. Tit k pi nt.ic tf-f'trthrCur'nf aU Sr'nuii t'umj'ti Ihs"ite3 . V H iiiftttic fain fir evirt-nw in rtit j.nrt nf th ByfU-m, l.tttruuiktisui, in the b.irk. breut or piiff, UmI.-I tirt-iint. N't uraliriM. Hum, i-fitin-, Itt'ii'liirhr, t'nnp tn th f totrn'ti, or !iy otlwr di-H-m tlmt it r-oltK anl i'AIM- tl.. nM it i- only r "ill rJ.isKol tliw-Nru wi-iKiiu t'Kl.r fctT T'KV. We nJ pnnitlTt ly to our pit t run s, w run th FutiVrr M tttne nut ot I.. We woutil jurt wiy loth piiMir, I'n.f. tu Valt wns 25 ynrn In brintrliiH to Hit on-lirin cujef rioritv ovr all i.tbrn. I'rtr ..0 rU ,r huttlf iy pr t oil to the LraUe. 4-All onltT" mm In- mMivHM-tl to J. D. STONEROAD, Ar.iit f-rV 9., JuJy'ii,y Lrwit-wu, Mtjiiin b. h. Till: OWI.i:ATI I ItllTOtS. Kir th ran t.f lvsF:ei. or IniiH,estms(, ,rvr Oun- 'owi, iWirn,i., Ajp,tar. yrr tn.4 -I'm. ""( lurn, ltr Jtntth,! v, S-a .Wtwn, tfrurry. .Vi-a, Jf'nitichr, hnui, and t-nr-U Itt'.itity, 1 or"ny M" hinK itnoritein in tmjrf,rt igtUtm. ( l J( ;trrr, a- all rla-wn f 0ur tvlinw rttu-ns in- : rlu imn Xmbm of Omnri-.s, I'liyinanH, th- itnlif t tj', crrtam and twrrrrttpt .HfEcitic for Ui tiuiitv j ditt- rWi-t and p-rinnnrnt ruiv f thf ninny rrufl lila m t whirli in auine ilidt: other of iyyjtiu afflict Our rxrr. Ttiffs- li'ttiTM we r- difw-flTf ml bv nniiit It. Qnr.TX, and in thfir lortnula d.ff.-r fntin-ly fr-in thai if any fthr lin-paratiun of tnfiln'iuf. Coutninimc no al'-li-.tiol no miiH-ra,l no jMiison no nnxioii dru-j in th'ir natun tonic, nr-t Ptimulatine. is-taini njr tht-ir virtu in any rlinif, tbfy an "a ronit.inalii-n ami a form indvfd" t.f Mflirinf whkh known no rial in f strm matin r diiwarw and rvnt'tritiir the rynU'm to it prist inf vior ana health. No mattf r ot how Ionic xtaniiihtr. or however induced or rhroitir in itJ rharartu-r the diwitrv may he, no matter that it hat twfHfd the itkiil of the hii-ian, ami is-xiitfil I the efl.trlK of M.-dirine. a fiinrle tnnl ot thene ISttt. r will j wtli-fv the (-uffHrer that hi di'a?n- w aini tiitLlr to Lhe j l.roper renifty. J In te-trnioiiy of the ninny rurei efT.fte.t l,y ihU Ili-m- edy pferen-ip h'l to thf ri!t-n rt-rtlt.--it''!" from dht- : tiuuislifd iudi.iduiili! known all over the land. Au Obdurate and Iuveterate Case of iyspppsia Cured by the Hitters. The following from m (-"MtU-man w.-JI known In th rt iri-.n in which he lives outfit to iatbt- ail Uiom; of lit tl ti th : VT.TFUT'-. X. V . .Tuly 2. 1S..S. S. W. Fotrti! k Cn, Koiton. Hirr: Nine year.- mnce I wai attark-l hy tlmt rur-tot all Di-itM.t. If ti spry tut, lii h to atf-Tted Hi to cm use pn-nt o;-.r'-s.-in, ful ne and hloatimrof the howid. iinineii:iUlv hUi-reatiDti, aeomi('Mtii-il with terrilil- (jHins in tin; otoiuHrl., oln-ti orvai .nine nausea, vomiting, arilitv. and headache, to therwilh jreneral d.-btlily and bUlIeriOK, alt-pelhT li-nd.-rini; lif a t.nrth-n. After having tried every known remedy withouteiT.Tt, and den pain it it f ver Pvatniiie iry h-allli, wai indured to make use ol the ox yCf-ut'-d Hitters. th phv elWtn of whirh wen iiumediately vifilde on my iVnltli and nvrstem. fielore Ufine a nhole twttle 1 wan entirely rornl; ami I feel a pleasure in inducing all like title r ers an uijwlf to mak. uac of Uas retnarkahle n irrnlv. Tll CAI.iiWi;i'.l.. S. W. FOHLr & CO., l'roprlctor. It 4t S T OS. For mle by their an nt nvervwhere. and In Twi. phurir by J A J Hall and F. S. CaUwell, and in New Berlin by Mr. Margaret M.te. . eowT,K HrxutflUtiiQ iHarhct. Corrected HetrAry Wheat Ityc Corn .... Oats l,f.O Kirgs.. s 10 75 75 60 Tallow . Lard.,., liacon . Ham.... . 12 . 12 . 10 . 121 ....10 .4,50 Flaxseed.. 1,12 I'ned Apples. J,')J tUouIder... Butter 15 Cloversced l OTk U MAIIHIKI ""r'- Krlrnmtiyer. J. 11 Ashl.N!. of Northumberland, anil KMXABKTI! IIAHTMAN', of Monrne. I At the he of Kohert Ierr, I'.'th iut.. byRer. JofH ' ua Kelly, WILLIAM Kl'CH and Mias MAKV MoVtlt, both of liewia Tp . Northumberland county. j In Harriaburp. ThurMlay laM. at the reaidenco of tliM ! . bnde'n father, by He, famuel Kepler, JAM W. CLAKKK, penior editor f th Ayrvmin &urtt Wil- j liani-'ioK.and Miff M AKT.eldeit daughter oftiov Parker, j In Morel and. 11th in., by K-v. Andrew F. shanafelt. Rev JOHN It. SHAN AKKI.T, of Berwick, and Mlfts liAN- j naii T. tsMlTtl, of M. Ireland, i.yrominir rouniy. I RiIuotI, ... . . . ... .... i on the sth in-t. by 1. ihwter, J. u. u.u.i and Misa i rilKIIK SIIAKFKK. all of Selin.aroya. On the lnth in.t.. l.y Key. I . Harden. J. T. TIHTK KNBKRUY.ofClearlieldCo, .ml Min MAKYE. STK VKNSON.of Miltoa. On the 24th inat., by RT. F. I?ndrirk, WILLIAM C. rtNill.K and Mia. KATE OUKLACIIfcll, koth of New Ilerlin. tin th.l.Xh in.t . hy Iter. J. P. Pbirdel. Mr. I.I-V1AX, of Ferrjinille, Juniata county, and ELIZA MILLER, of Middle ,ur. DtrU, On the "let Inst . In Centre Tn.. Snyder Co- I1E.VBT FTICJX, aito.t fto year, of ase. I on Ihe lath inat.. in I rutin Tp., M13in Co., DAVID I IIU.KU. aed M years. In Lower Men, ., near Philad . l-th in.., FRANCKS t., aaaen iu;nur oi y. u. w. sad Hvu 1. Auaer- X-1 1 yeaw. lnr.ryille,stbin..l,by.,troketf IJJ, Mir.n.N', tti-t;ta. UNIOX COUXTY STAR Sabbath School Convention. Al the N-Uiniu! Convention tit' Sunday School 'I '".u'lii-n lately rn-l l in I'lnla.l, the lolltiwitu: resolution was adopted : liesoived that we recouimtied ihe holding of Stale mot County Convent-ons ,.f Sunday School Teacher-, as eminently calculated lu promote Christian fe llowship, lo collect in litrtnatmn, to devise plans of action and stim ulate fa! in the cause." In pursuance of which resolution, the un dersigned hereby earnestly invue all Sunday School teachers of I'tnon couiitv, together wnii all oih-r friends of Sunday Schools, 1,1 meet in the I'orough of Lewtsbi.irg on Tues day the iiii l.iv ot June next, to promote the object contctiip'aicd m: said lesoltition. A Su'inrford II llerkendorn S llietiend. rler ;i A FinU naac slenker Lewis E Kesslcr A bill Sehorh John il l.eas I' W Pollock II Cio.i r s'lllll I o'll.le.l IJ. o M N.iir J .hti I' Miller () X W or len J V i: K. r Tlitunas M Keese .la s K I. inn Tims Howard t'li ir'es S .lame S loinon U.ller .1 I, ( 'ono'ii'is J C Mo'lioiise W I Hess, r I.'ith-r Ansp.nh (Jilb-rl w.-horh 1) llaun I' M.-vlert Peler Harsh .1 It l.oornis , rtooiias f Cmtil !i; i: isiiss ,11 I' Sheller IK II I ::nd sbein .Siie!mver Samuid s n I'tifle jlleiuy Oiwio jltenjaiiiill Mensch Itleore Kuiir ll.'obeit V t;:ver Daniel I - jjohn Ilil-.- r ;John Iteiuhart II II M . I ;. r s Shannon !' n K I! char! i:iia IJi-lil "J HUi SAI V.. CIIKAP-A f.'ti Pn-M mid i " 'I'rim'uhi Sniff, n eohvpnieiil atiu lc fur rntitr-r in una paniphl-ts. r. Mav 7, V.. ,.J.rJTAin..H -ok Minder. FOR SALE. IO S liii of ih r.Ti f it tf i urnm?rcifil nUr ; sl.ur:: V. Addr-s It k Ih'i, .May ls.V. VI.I. p'Tsons paving the State Tax bv ihe tli July, sha'i receive an a bateinent of ;, per ceni. II. P. SIIKI. I. El!. Treasurer. The Collectors that have not !ei:ed up tli"ir d-iplirates for 'oS are reijit.-sTt-d to tin so immediately, as no longer indulgence can be tveii. Lewisburg, May -i, Is.'J Hi 1 1, O I. O I.. riIii; subscriber keeps constantly on hand a laige assortment of the very best Sha niokiu and Wilkes-Ilarre COAL, for linieand stove purposes, w Inch he will sell at the very lowest prices for Cash t,r Country Pro, luce. Also, Hhrkiniitfi t'nal, Vliiftrr an.t Suit. Wish it distinctly understood, that I will not be undersold by any man. Having good weigh-scales. full weight will he given. Coal Yartl near Weidensaul's hotel. (ii:oi;i: llOl.STEIX. Lewisburg, May "7,'ii5l. j MILITARY ELECTION. i "VOI K K is hrrty ftiven, in ' x pur.Uiinre (" the law reiti!a tni2 the iihitormed militia of the t Second Brigade, sib. division IVnn- syUama militia, are herehy r ' dtTt-d to hold an t leclitnon Mon day, ihe fit. i day of Juiie, iiieiirinj; at I" o'clork, . M.t at 1 their usual places of myelins', to I elect one competent person for Unuai.e I'lpector. and the neces sary (.'ompany Oiiicers, for said Bri-ade. Tlv ord.T of JOHN W. SIMONTOX, llri-a-ln Iii-jH-ctor Hth !t.viiiun P. M. If t A carried from LewiNhiirs to Phi .iVilMiv ladelphia hr 70 cts per Hhl. alter this date. THO S PUH'llli - Mav 20, tf - i pr nun nan tvt a MTir1 a i-"rnn v t'UVUU UUU iii.V Ul A&V. A Ulli IMtlNton, Co. PaJ j fTlHr. ttndersigneil are manufacturing all , mc ti i w.-v..s. ni ii,,: iom suis stantial manner, promptly filled. Pittston, May 20 Terms moderate orders K1CHAKT t UE YEA pd.llll WANTED l OIi CASH. OLD Copper, llrass spelter and Lead wan ted, for which the highest market price wilt be paid in ca!.h, at the EALE WOKKS, Penna. R. Road, above State street. Harrisburg, May 20, IH.VJmr;. P.RASS FOUNDRY. VNY and every description of Brass or tiun Meial Castings made in Ihe most petiect manner, of the best materials, and at lowest maiket prices, at the EAGLE WORKS. Penna. R. Road, above State street. Harrisburg, May 2, I85!lmfi. VARIETY OF VARIETIES ! A large and well selected stock of new Goods in the Notion and Variety line, lias j ti st been received atol opened at the Post . Oilice, and lor sale cheap lor cash. i J. SCHREYER & SON IT AYE received IheirsECOND ARRIVAL ! of Spring and Summer Goods, Ladies' j Dress Goods, Mantillas and a large lot of Ladies" Collars and Sleeves from auction. Also a general assortment of Men's W'ear, Trimmings, Cottonades, Cassimers Si Cloths, which will be sold cheap. Mav 15, I Sail. FIUKWORICsS ! FIRKW'OIIKS ! A TH OF JI"LY, IrtRU. The subscriber is 4 now receiving from the Factor v a full and complete assortment of FIREWORKS. The stock is larger and the variety greater than of i any other house id the I..S, and comprises llSue Liffhta No. 1 A 2 .rtih...nT No. 1 k 'J Fin W heeii. No. 1,4 J rhswMT- n. hi tsrt)ll Wheels taxn W he-Id VlVint tlart Milieu, 4 fflzeR rag-nr No. 1 2 hitiese Penny ISockrta Ft re Crackerf. tn make tre me ml ! 'UK reHrt toman Candle, nln nines front 1 IU1I to 15 lull.-. J.oman Candle, colored Flower Pit, 4 riaew iTrtanzlefi No. 1 a Tori-edoe Open Trianet' 4 ntn TrianKle. colored uuS Kocketf 4 JizeH Double lleaderf 'hi new .Maroon I'unk or Jojtftt'k, ke. Ac kr. I'ulltnK trauera Alan tnl yariely r.r FANCY CObOiIKD WORKS for Tiiblir ami I'ri.iite Kxhihitinna. frero f5n to f nlHI, furn istietl ami warraiitl to trtye a-jti.fartion. All workH eare fully pai-kisl anil forwartteit. Aptilkatrun ffboulil be tuatte as early in the waftua w pouible to JOfEPlt BI'SSIKIt, Prinri,ial Firework, Ifc-pot, TSR 110 ?outh Wham-,. l'HiLto,l.riitt A New Business in Central Fenn. In the public in general A Millinrn in particular, r.-.j, The undersigned would respectfully ft w.infi rm the dwellers in Lewisburg and lCv surrounding couutry, that they have opened a .straw Hat &. Ronnet Itlrnrhtni; and PRESSING establishment in this town. where we are prepared to eiecute all work entrusted to our care. Having had 14 years constan, experience ,n 'he business in to.. .. 1 l. . . . i.i. wflnnnwil ntilr, ,n. mtitt vuj, atiiu uonf, ....... - - approved process of Bleaching, we are confi dent of our ability to suit those who give us their custom. By devoting time and attention to our business, performing worlr neatly and delivering it promptly, we hope to succeed. We also .Scour and Rc-Finiih FELT and BEAYER Halts. Our work is done in City style and at the lowest City prices. We make the usual liberal deduction to the Trade and hence Milliners will find it to their advantage to deal with us. We intend to make it a rule to finish and deliver all work during theweclt it is received, provided we pet it on or before Tuesday JOHN H. M'DANIEL de CO. Et. John ft., tsrtwam Ita u4 Ma, J- fhrtotra, tarch 9,Hj'J Lewuburg & LEWISBURG CHRONICLE MAY 27, 1851). The oi lli "li ur.l up totlirPoulli! "11 T'K will follow the example of our new neighbors Otir present stock of UtmU and Shoes i i. ;ii r.u;t; 1... i,ir...oil t f'fiST will positively be olleieJ "Ilie im" accompanying sales. .May l J V.ME.-i SCOTT Josiuh Uiikcr & Co., TTAVE niailc arnn'-pmcnls wiih K. 11 E.l. ocke .V (.. to furnish MS per cent. 1 by the Uhl. and Hall Hid. as cheap as it can be hoiiiht in Philadelphia. They have also just received a general as sortment of mm, mmm I'aints uuil Oilx.l;! :iiiI I'uO, MII-.m AM. I f.l.l I .Ml.l. , CONFECTIONERY, FANCY SOAPS, i; ri. ;.')', ;t kxim; i i.i ik, riiit' Oil, all imimlar I'ali'nt dlnlirinrs, Liijuiirs.Tiiliarni, Sn ml'. Inks, Sihla Ash, Wlit'i'l 1,'iraM', U: &c. All Ihe above articles t rl'i ied VEKY CHEAP KIK CASH. Call before buying elsewhere. Our Motto is M:ill l'iolil A. iuiK SiiH-s." l.i wisliiiif, Mav 1:1. IH.'iii. GOLD IN I Kiin'cppoiteTow iuti( lorli 1 k. You can liiitl a new an I fa htona le Sti.rk M lolllinn to suit tii" vour.s and old !- ituriu tor days, i'loihini; tor coldj All fuhif. and style.s ot Clothins wit! he Kept hTe to tit i u jn-t call and rc, '' ail well m.i'if. ami s,.il vU That you can allord ttt boy. we kfi.-u. Wc have al.o on han-1 "l.nTls, Casinrtts Ac a nue lot of VMilEiSy Woolen and ('otfon-miTd, at l'hilnd'a priers also Floor Ollrloth, Wall I'aper, Mint-. Collars, Uusuuis, ilan lkrrlnefs. ilosit ry &r. Which can he huuht rheap at our New Clothing More on Sniitli Third sirft. Iia - call and examine for vour-selvs. 'IVrin' Cavfi. ZIMMKIIMAN & KI.l.LUS J.ewi'-hiir. May 11. is.VJ Cuimt rrifriiirnt ! AMI STILL 4.I;KIT1:R l;KllllTil in riiiiKs:: riH H nndprsineilfindinff times rather hard I and money scarce, t'li'-rs his r'.N'-.p I IKK STMtK of HOW'S AM .sl('-M now on haud (which is the largeM in the" CouniV) at COST PRISES FOR CASH ! C i?J-No mistake call ami exatnino for your selves either W'utltMuIr or JirlaiLi store keepers and others engaged in the shoe trade will find it tn their advantage lu call and look at Ins stock and save at least 23 per cent. ! l:9liuf.l fill illtj of all kinds done at very iiioi.vrate prices und KEPAIK1.M, at the shortcut nonce. 1 ? Don't forget the place nrxt duor to J. ., .. HViV .Vot, LEW Islil ltd. May 9. 1:9 W ILLIAM JOHNSON Hursh & Goodman, Jlu-rJiuniLtwMr NcwSpring&SunrcrGooils TT AYE received and opened a CHOICE assortment of all the latest Mvles of j gpnng and Summer Goods. The particular attention ot ine I. allies ,s e attention of the Ladies is called to their stock of Jinlliants Dress Silks Prints Delaines Shawls t'hallies Collars Ducals Sleeves (Jlnghams Inserting, Foulards Edgings Chintzes lilovesAc. ALSO Cloths, Plain and Fancy Cassimeres, Jeans, Tweeds, Vesnngs, Muslins, Drill ings, Tickings, Flannels, Boots and fiTShnes, Hats and Caps.j together with a complete assortment of Groceries, Hardware, Cedartrarc, (iiieciirivvare, tec. all of which will be disposed of on as lavora Me terms as the same articles can be purch ased anywhere. (Vice u a rail.' VI). 1 Marktrel, tn half, quarter, anit .tatith M.t,.. just A rec'tl anj fur aale by 11L KS1I . tltXiDUAN. VI. 2 Mai-ki-rel, half and quarter Ma, ju.t ree'J anil A' 't.r' alet.y Ill'tiStI A III Nlt,M A N. i "-1 fira)j.i..t ,m. .,i fnr wte t.y j - - - U lllTr: Ft-h in half and uuart ami fur -air l.y I l.arrrts. Ju.t rri'rlyiai lirilell .t OIIOIIMAN. lit HSU Until. MAN. IILASTKII, (Xo ?tMtia) junt n r. i. it anil fbr ,le hr 1 III lisll I tlnnliMSN. fJK"t'NI) Alum. Marnhall and l.atrv Slt. ju.t o anil for MHle l.y lll'ltstl dt retetvrtl tli.tntlMAN. CRAII Cider Vio-gar, just receive.! and f r Bute l.y Itt itMl vJOnOSiAS. (WIS' While I. a.l. In 1no,Sn. 25. and !2' Hike, " ju.t reed anil lor .ale by Iirttsll a liiK.uMA.V I INSKKI), SjH'ttn and Fi-h Oil. Ju.l reiyett ami for JJ fale l,y II U KSH lilHItlM AX. ,'Kti Ml Tul... Corn Rasketaanl Wno.1 lliirkrla. ju.t rv-- erivislamt for nle l.y lll:KSIl X I.IHU.VIA.N. Ijt'NCA.NXON Nails anil tfiike. just rviviveil anil far "ale f by in KSII tliKilitttS. CTKKI, Shnvi'lH. Manure and liny Fork,, just rveeiyed J ami Sn- aale by JIlllISII A liiKHIMAN. CYTIlll and uuth... just rets-iyrsl and fi.r.ale by IILIISII A Uili.MA. lirtNTanf17;iiir Wuh Itoartt.. w la ami ltitty, I . an., .-ri.n.. nar-. m.t r.t-rlyr.1 and ror .ale elieap for ea.h. ir eyrhanc Tor all km.lnof ro.ntry Pro-tluts-. Hiitheat market j.ri.v iat l f .rall kin.trnralu. f4!X'exfs! Always oil Hand! Job. walls. Johnsoa Walls, J. & J. WALLS TTAVE insi opened at the long established I L MAMMOTHSTOHEonMarketSiiuare, a large and fresh slock of SPHINtt AND RUMMEll IVEW GOODS ! adaplr d tn the season and to the wants of nur old patron as well as any number ot new. We have on hand LADIKfs' nOGPS, GEXTS' CLOTHING STUFF, FAMILY HKOCERIKS, yUEEXSWARE. HARDWARE, - FISH, SALT.Ajc. In short everything wanted in a Family Mer cantile Establishment. ORAI.w AXO PRODI'CE bought and sold as usual, on the most accommoda ting terms. Give us a call and see and judge for yourselves. J. & J. WALLS. Lewisburg, April S3, 1R69. No GrLndstones,Groceries, orHonkey Coats, TET hundreds of Hals and Caps of the J f latest styies.a little cheaper than can be l.tund elsewhere. Call and see them at OibtontUut Mivwfuctury, LcicuJbHrg, Tu. i A PIKE'S j; erk PEAK I , hi. .r.. "At-.. ill! !! I i Cljamlicrlin pro.'s CarH. We have tebtcd the merits of a J. trmlni-d n A to doTiut from it. Our tixk l no" Uru-r, nl mcrtf entni'lete tltitn rrrr, mwl w r ft- t pirrf to fumlh nr tr ltbr-thiilB our lin i ft l-u-iuet-s, E lh ln-t priren ftir Ctl. or In rutiaW"! f.,r Whdit. Kt. t,ru, 0l, CiotrrM. .1 B-rli T, limolhy rl, I lux ar.-d, FuUtot-s, bjnou, Tsllow, oti, Ac. Uu,r, L.,J, tlS-. . iy nh fur ll kinJ .f Proiure. WHALE 01 1. SOAP, FOlt ilcclroviiiff CuriMilin and oth , . ...1 r,.,t 1 I r . .- t. llAMBhKUN IIH'M j WHITE FISH LAKE TKOUT, ! I X half hbl J i-..ii.!tii..rt. t. r -i pac ti'.'f'S, iiti'l i" l 4 M Ith It UN Ill's WHITE MAKSH LIME, ij.h fn)lll the kiln. I..,- s:tl.. I.v . , ,,,, fur salt; hv t tt MtiKt:M' fRo .- 1 ;i:iiS. K:i-;i'irt nnrin ju3t 1 - fr J. tlli-, n n 1 -hMp . IIAMKKItl.tN mt'i'H- T3 I'-itnt H- h:ie aruvtrti, ati'l :ir" :-n - r!"i:' ht ..T t.ii-h' i. ' l 'inr.i.i.i TKAs TKAS ! TKAS 'We liavi. r.-f. .vl tl larir- li.t t.f Mil' .rei n ami Jllai k It.. In.ia N.-w lurk. .tl artitli; t.f Y.iui.g llv.rin nt rTs mt I.'. ( H III. IS iil'.'V Mrri:i:! :fi'i:i:: coi ti:k:- - l:-:isfc. nn.l -XT' tiiJ-i t w mi:ki.i s I.f. s i i:ai:! srr.Ait-! h'oak.S!' . ail kiu 1... fUi-ri'ir M iahtv. an. I at rei'.t.,M . I ll IM1.1.KI.1.S HIOi .. YKIT.- moi.a-si:.-! syim'iv: A i l.i.V'i' tu. Uv l.l st rttj s an-1 .1 !a----. at " I l'IIAMHMll.l. LKo.S. trt uiL'ly Itw i.rtiv?;. .O.T-.V .ami In tc l ia-TfT. hiki n:u, v ni mu SALT SALT SALT. Utiin.Mur.-ltull G KNK.-KK.Hromt'l line ilini iJsUty MIt, fur H.Miti:i.i.rv Binffi. FLOUR. K krp a constant j T y of W- I I t. ru W intf l-at H-.-ir : l rTi,.-t tr- H..iir. (11 AM i:Mtl l IlICo FEKD. "lOUV, TJyo, Outs ami all kinds of ' tliujt etu3, cnittatitly on I rtlAMIIKItt.tV IIBU'S K0rK. (JOHDS & TW1NK. VFl'I.L assortment ol" Hay l.njip, Ttiw Lint-.. Btal IVirtls, Itro. m Tin. NVt Twn., nu I Lin.... t' l.iii... .te. I II ttlliKHI IS 11!:..'- CIIKK.SE ALWAYS on hand. ciiamiiermn rimy.-. FISH KLSIl-riSlL 1 0() i:i!I,S. l'rosh JlarkcTpl, in as- lo unuull tin-this aa aiM-u. Al-o. .a t. H-Trni-:. nj QiUlit. r.r w,c l.y (H Mi:Ki;i.lN ll;o. WATKU CltACKKlIS. AV K pet a montlilv fresli from the Bakery, of tlie ts st iiuality hand BuuV Cri -kern. I II AMIiKKl.l.S liltn? I SUNDRIES. ALL kinds of Snices Dried Apples, Dried Peaches Prnnes.Corrants. If in.cli Kaisins.Cooking Raisins, cheap Citron, Corn jfj Starch, Farina, Kice Flour, Flavoring Ex tracts, Olive Oil, Sap Sago Cheese, Dried Beef, Roasted and Ground Coffee, Adamantine Candles. Tallow Candles. Olive Soap, Rosin S.oap, Detersive Soap. Toilet Soap, Castile Soap Maker's Chocolate. Baker's Cocoa, Ba king Soda, Sal Soda, Soda Ash, Wagon Grease. Wooden Pails, Tubs, Churns W hue Sand, Kosendale Cement, Calcined Plaster Beans. Brooms, Brushes. A large assortment ol Tol.uc. o ami srciirsi, Ac. Ac. For sale by t HAM1IEICLIN BRO S. Lewisburg, April 39, 185H. I Scream !---Ice Cream ! ! Tj'YERY Evening at Charlst Heixta's. J next door to the Telegraph aud Chrrmirte oilice Market Square, Len uburg. The very best in town. Call in and see! May V'OU TUST RECEIVED at the Book Store J in Lewisburg Langstroth on the Honey Bee, new edition, price $1,2',. The attention of all lovers of Honey are invited to this valuable book. Pitt's Lectures on Fulfilment of Prophecy especially as regards the Cniied states. Price 40 cts. -This is truly a remarkable hook." May 18. VM MITiKAY. Family GYoccry Store. T. G. EVANS & Co.. OhNtllAL I. KM. KKS IN GROCERIES ANO PROVISIONS, KmbrnriDit efery artl'te common t Ihe tratlif, nuch ju GRAIN, FLOUR AND FEED, TEA, COFFEE. MOLASSES, SUGAR. CHEESE, FISH, FRUITS, Ac. Ac. Ac, Market itrrrt npmsire the 1'otC Ojfite, Ulturjr, I'a. ' rP (!. E. A Co. have just rccoivc-l ' .1 . fresh from Philadelphia a tr. Mendon, .totk of taeil M-lerted tlroeeriea of every kiud, atnunic .hub are . I'earhea and TomntAem, fnt op lu Can., aud warmnted pure and trr.h. Hriod Applos, Peaches, Prunes. Cur runts, Prcserviii"; Citrous, Figs, Dutes.Raisins lioinOl to lfi cts. per Ii., Pickieij of nil descriptions, Pure Java 4 rrt:i:, ground, and put up In alr-tiffht Can.. eTpis,tv fur family n... A larize IntnJ ..,er,',.r MA C A KA't'L, SUA I), COO FISH, HKKKiya, HAM. HM V.X, c. A Oeneral anwirtmrnt of Willow ami t'cclar wart, uf('iisvare, i:urllira nare, Koie, Titlne, aVr. Fith Oil, Fluid, J'inc Oil, Cnnillt t, Vitndle and Jj(ttp H'i'i, Tnllutc, Lard, ilc Soaps of all kinds, Wheel Grease, etc. (Tobacco anil Ocaars, a choice tnuictn. Flour, Corn Meal. Potatoes. Corn. Rye, UatS, JtC, alwavs OU Imnda I L t . t r : . . s Guod arhvertd free of charge to cuxtomtri remitng wuiuh the uoruugtu To attempt ta canntfinte ail tee anicWf whhh e hmvelor ul woald bv itnpoti4bl. W would r-pct-fUy iDittb public to call aud Mam tot Pttra-rtowat of (.rontiiA W ara troDlidcDt of tMing at to m-il mm rhap tb5 eao b bought tbta tida of Philatjalpbia. 2 j W would parUcMuurlvaoliatoar country frknda to aiy. lu . ,'all; lur He purchate all mnnner of Product, and pay a" hi?h a. any body els. Lewib.rrr, April S. lstn. T. C. ETASi'S A CO. tVMARRIED ija GET married when von wish, cnlv so Ton " call at M FAliDlN'S HARDWARE STORE, and get a first rate COOK 8TO V E al first cost, as 1 want to clos cut mi stock of cook stov.s. JOS. M FAtDEV. Lwiitarg. March II, ISfS. , ( KOSSCCT WHARF. j IjERS'l.Vs deMtiip lo l.oul it l'n!o'l Boats at the above Wharf, recently or., ciiuied bk- T. 11. Kisher) will npply to 'h' u- j dersigned. CXAKE.NCE U PRICE. , l.ew.sburg Crus Cut, May 0. 185'J. NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. T r'ERS(?l"j shirpiT o"ds to Pliilai. will I td'-asc bt particular end nark thm .n care of pciphtr-9 LIae ; I otherwise, toev will be re bipp"l at iiarrn- I u lurh will bc:t'ndei :th ilelr. May li. 1 -''' THOS. I'EII'HEH. C. X .11. ItllDIMItO'll, stra i w w T V 1 I) J .Tl 1 li li I il 1 ) Frencu Flowers and Killinery Goods, I ewi-bui'.', Afni I-''1. VARIETY STORE AM. 1'i.ihT m ric A I.AKiiK siii'ph ol Jiiinks.Slii'.i itifry, I'erlimi'-r; . .l-tvelry, Tos. C. Mec'ioii- ero'S, T-a-, Sji.'i's', fruit. N'l'.s, l.:oi.i., Pi, lutes,, and a vane y of NICK .ALhs r sale Jlt ap al the -.ii.i j l.EWIMMT.O 1'OsT OFFICE. I M.l lL) ANU PINE Oil, ran be ha I al the POST OFFICE E li, !d PENS !or La ! es and Oents can ' I - had at the PO "JX'A S lEVEKAL m"s ot CAMEOS a',1 n'M Breast Pins and Ear King can te hd V cheap at the l'sr 01 HI t. )l TTt'.li. ICgjs. Lard and Poultry taken in ) Ext bance ;,.r tioods a' th- VI 1ST off;ce , Liates and A Fl: W ll. xes 1 lla.snis, Fijs Prime Pi tines lor sale at the I't .ST OFFICE in S tor li... k. itnptlt' atteiidt': t;- (e ds td any kind to at the I'tisT OFFICE IALlr;ran find the largest air) .n. r j iii-nt of Letter and V i'Ai'KKVKnie!. i. pes c at th- HiT OKFU'K 1.111 hALMl.K. rrm I.. IMI.MI It SyC-r! l.fH'Murt; I'lanins Mill. seep constantly on hand ati-i uoiiiiilat iiire to i r ier l looi iii. Milium. Iloi.r.1. ;ih. Miull r. ISliiMls, HollUlillgH ot all patterns, and all other descriptions ot Wood VVoili use.! in Hiiil. ling. fir iers respectfully solicted and promptly filled. All work warranted to give satistaction. llr'An extensive lot of l.umlMT of all descriptions on hand lor .ale. I 'actitrif t-n .Y'.rrA Srcjnditrett.J'xitbur.Va. April 2-. is.". 9. MOWRYlS SKY-LIGHT GALLERY, OVKlt Jos. M Fad len's Hardware Store, formeriy Houghton' shoe biore. Market street. Le isburg. Pa. A MHUOTYI'KS, MELA 1X0 TITUS, Ac, in the usual superior sty'e. Li addition tti those pictures. I am now prepared to take I'llOtOjCI'ill.ti, large or small, eipial to the best niaoe aiivwl.ere. Also, HALLO TYPES. Thee pictures are colored to rep resent I if", mid are snoerior to an oil oainiiiiff. ! curing that JideUty of aMtprsssmon and features that can be produced only by the Camera. These pictures are patented, and 1 have the exclusive right for Union cnunrv. Call and examine specimens. April 21, 150. New Goods lor the Million! J. SCHREYER & SON n AYE just received th-ir general supply of Ootids for the SPKlNtJ .V M.'VM KH of 1MVI. Their stock consists in part of the latest and most fashionable styles of j SJiiaSS iilJliDS, j such as Shawls. Mantles. Siiks. Bereges, Tt. sues, de Lames, Oinghams, Prints of all patterns. Ribbons, Laces. Bonnets, Bontiet Trimmings, ILtsiery, Olnves, Handkerchiefs, .Vc. roit ti 1 1: a extlkmkx they have a heavv assortment of Cloths, Cas simeres, Cottonets, Vestings, Half Hose, t .rava's, and a.l other descriptions of "masculine toggery." which can not be beaten in this region. nrCall and take a lock at onr assortment. and you will be convinced that yon can't do better ant w here else. tV Countrv Produce taken as usual. Leal.bunr, Ar-rV g". J. sCHUEYEli SON". . is:. NEW FIRM THE OLD SHOP! The subscribers i T I respectfnily announce to the citizens of i Lewisburg and vicinity that they have formed a Partnership in the ! j Tailoring Business, j j at the well-known sland of James Criswe'lon I Market street, where thev are prepared to . 1 CI T AM. .V IAE I r" to order in the very j best Mvle, Men's and Boys' Clollllns of; . every descripnon on short notice. We ask ' a share ut the public patronage JAMEs CRIstVELL, J. F. SC11 AFFER. Lewisburg. April 4, IMSit Citizens ! Look to your Interests. JI'ST received, a large snpplvof, Boots isu Sinusal tde fotlowiug prices . Oeiit,' Calf Boots, !f:l sn to fl Oil 2 51, to i mi 2 flit to 4 DO S 7ft to 5 50 I Ml to .1 Oil 1 00 to 2 111) do Ktp tti, do Congress Hatters, Calf, lj Patau! Leather (jailers, do Oiionl Tics, do Kip Shoes do Slippers Boys' B.tuis, Kip, do do CallV - -Youth's Bools, do Shoes, Ladies' Kid, Bool Heels, do rio lacc-boot springs do Calf skin lace-boot heels, do (iam do do O.nters, English Instin-;. 7., to I 50 ... . 9 ,ft 1 no IO i .-! 2 frll to rre 1 25 IO 1 W US to I 50 t fii to I 7 1 "7 to I 75 I tr, to 1 R7 I 00 to I 50 I 50 to 2 37 do do Trench lasting springs do do do lasting with heels dr. Slippers, heels fancy dti Turkey Slippers rosette An Cloth and Carpet slippers rin JenVraona k',rl 62 to I 50 In i 2 I 7fi 1 37 to I 75 50 to 1 AO 50 lo 75 ! I III) to I 50 75 to I SB I j Misses' Kid, heels do do Morocco sprinet 62 to 1 S5 Children's shoes u to ?s t allat JA1KSroTTtMarki.tSqaare. Lewisburg April 27. 15.1. 1 , AdnilnilrBlor9s lotlce. "OTICE is hereby given, that Letters J.1 of Administration on the Estate of! HPYKfV al ttnWDVD I r tar n I. I HENRY M. MOWRER. late of New Berlin. L'nion county, dee'd, have been granted to the j undersigned by Ihe Register of L'nion count ! in due form of law t therefore, all persons in ; denied to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having any jtr.l claims are also reoested to present Uieia le gally authenticated for settlement. . JOH.N M. BNFER, Administrator New Berlin, Mav 18, 15 rye.-'a. BaA-l. av VTn-Lai a'lnleer articles if --y-or that Wind on hand or fr.m-der bvth ! il. i iM.twt.twTg Brst kliader, CHi S IV. HL I tll.l.!il MUllll, STONEWARE MTURtKC" FlLLtltf S'fKEM, (n.-r tb ?ut ( :.- s:..:,,; Harriibarg, Pa. A foil asonrrient rf Ware c-fsrji.i'j i ri hand V,' air ma le to order. I' .r fi.t! .it!r' I'rjpriet.,r. IV "r !"'- by M I promptly H, :n7s- NEW FI3M AMD NEW GOODS. iii.Hrottii Jr. 4i t II". t'. IIUUI-, HaiT.? I'iriT.eda I'ai'nei -K.p. at 'lie i I I and ot Win A J 11. Uion, Mai l at' ? 1rli. I.ewist"irr. 4 Iff" ir larre -"t ftiTnt ; Mliix tin'l Nuiimn-r .oi. t lx !v Al i.-. I klh-, Carpetmcs, inii-, n.f- (;.isiu. r -. ' I'li-.s. V rrir-. lllea. b-i lm'-. Ac. A;-,, a ! t t;timix-. sn lie':.... U ,r.i A '.. ail ! ' wati.. I.'.'.!' P..!.. s.,'.. T. A a.. . a l..nri., li i f . J'f'.v l.HfcH i-es Cba.i'e.. t.awti.t, Jli.i Ii IT:- v. sr'- 4'. i. r,s, tii-. i Har t' ens an I l .i'ai. itii U - f rvonr I t:l ail k:n Lett:-'. ..r ; i;; ni -" " A V Lit .NKLE. . I .,:. rr. A it m 4 W '.. 31- RS. MAIZE I in m ; irtit-i) I .-he ha :i3-l licj'ir i :'h a riHiv an-i pierint van'y :,:ch be will sol at price- as low as wiileri li.ev r'i be Is mitt at fcey fltt'e tri n. i . r rvt " of li rarrpiiHe, -t.e ce be lrf and -ii. -e. at M.ikft :i e"t. Apr l ! etWeeli I si Li NOTICE. i'.'-r, havmsj tanen ;he TAN w i '.S'urir, former" m in II- i.i v V'. Fi ;e. ui.l re-pT T HE sri'i-c m.i;y ; i -1 ' J sue;.' ol v ;!) ii'h i.':- n t the ubac. Il Uirie--. to a ....r.liTy ft lii-ACic oak j:m:I. f r h:ch he w.'.i ray the pr rr( ai' hfi'iiit i r Ii tK arj wanted lor 'J'ani!n.( purnos-s. JVr-:cns havitig liark to divpnr ' t w ill pa-e ctid a'1 -on:rart tor the arn'. H" ;. v::h- to employ 'n- ral V ILLS TO UlllS 1 15LACK o K liALK. and to r-ceiv Hark at their r-pT'-ve plates, for hieh a price will he a.d j r ion. i'ersons wish iri to ert' iL'e in Orindit; will p!eae ca'l on him at Leu ;hur. or a'iirrs l-v ietter. Milt near the Kailruati prelr-iresl. He would alto so'it ii a share of pMiic ( atronae in his !,ii of hiisir.ess ihroi.Lhi uf, he ti dt term! ncd, by sine: alleiitiuii, U cve satisfaettrn, LI'IIK AIM J. HFLL. Ap- l.l.Ti'X LewisLur, I'moii (To., P.t4 Arranijrm'nts fur the Yeir. ACOU i. BKoW N. havme supplied th Lewisbutg Market for the pav sn months, J has made the fuiluwiag arrangetnetr.s f'lr th comti g vear The Lest of Beef, Mutton. Yeal and Pork can be had on Wednesday and saint. lay mor nings ol each we-k. at the Market House'. ( It Mark! street, between Schalile's and Wolfe's, Lewisburg. Pa. His tnotu. is Q'lick Sales for Cash, anil Small Profits." Examine hs meaL Ap.IS.Ti9. I. s. STEK.NEK, Agenr. - SECCND YEAR. FTER one rear's trial, we are satisfied! that a Hat Manufactory can be sustained in Lewisburg. we are now prepared with the largest and beat selection of ?prinr; styles of HATS and CAPS ever brought to this market, such as line Mole, Silk. Dress Hats. Drab, Beaver, Otter, High and Low Crown, Sott Hats and Caps, and Summer Hals of lai" stvles for Spring and Summer wear, all. w hich will be old at City Prices, fi r Cash. Our motto shall be. "Q'ltck Sties and Small l'rolits,"t f w hich the ptblir shall be the judges. Hats nia le to onitT at short notice. April 15. I'SO. JOS. GIBSON. Hatter. TREMENEOUS EXPLOSION ! ! o man rrticEsi at G. Marsh's Cheap Eoot & Shoe Store. ' I s r received from the Manufactories, an tl entire N EW STUCK, to be sold at Asion f ishly Low Prices. French & English Lasting Gaiters .75 to 1 00 I Kid Slippers .75 to I.Ort 1 Kid & Mo. Buskins, cnsicm made .S7 to I.2A French Mo. Kid Lace Boots, do., t.fn to 1.6S Men's Kip Urogans. whole lea'her.l.lMI to 1.12) ; Men"s Calf Congress Gaiters 1 15 to 2.75 and evervlhit g else in proportion, warranted as good rs any in Lewisburg. TO oE AMI ALL. Don't buy a Boot or shoe until , xaiiiinitig and pricing onr stork then buy where you think you can do best. Remember the place, siirn of the fc-?.; hoot, opposite the Bank. fiLICGS MARSH. Lewisburg. April I.V 1S59. 1 lie 1H'I Work and Latest Sit lea TAILORING. John P.. miller thank t'u I for past faror!" would ..tare that he has re cived the SpnnpA. Summer Ka-htnn. and is f-repare h ( I T, MARK, and KKPAIR rarments a usual. He will endeavor, a heretofore to eiecuie his work atisfacto nlv lo all. Lewisborg, May , Uf,si HARRISBURG ST0WE-WARE. riSHIS Ware is clear of all poisonous wiar- Ier. The glazing is macie of Common ntlt emt cluu. Apple Butler or anything else may be kept in it with prrf-ct infill. There is nr. l'ltS In it a tliere ta in etunmon red Kartrte. Ttare. . Slllk and KiO.rr k.-ep mtirh ts-tt. r in Ihlamatertal than ' to kartlirn-Uare. It ia l.uri.t I.. a tttt.l brsly. .ill not ,,.wrl uf tnay ba atu tW. It, aaal ass . fiarlTe,k nretat-k in usinr. Sold l.y Site, ki;r. ID LEl IfBt'WI ttl4 (T. ral,, tnrounout the State. tlnitufMrtnrt. Filbert at, near the Seam FieYtr Wills ll.,el'..r4. W.M. MoYEK. fiiniS'i Proaneiivf Spuing 1851) ! I " UST received n larrrc assortment of l FANCY 2F.ESS GOODS, auch a. piePnincs, Clifillits. Rerecrrs vcr Mohairs. Berere Angelats.Sillv Fonlard, Satin Challies, Tamarlines, 8-4 white and black Berege, Berege Robes and Organ dies, very handsome French Brilliants pur led. PercaU also a great varterr of sonars and round rornered STELLA ftHAWLS, rarving in price from S2.50 rr 91-1. Brrrhis borders. b!.,c"f lace, poinied and ssjuaro SHAWLS, lace Mantles, black silk "selling, black demi Veils, real Matiese Collars, YerT preitv sett of Collars ird Sleeves from 1 lo $S. Camhne Edging. "kiriuig, French Dimnv. Dimit Bands. Handkers. ehiefs from cts- to 91 each, embroidered Vit's from 5u cts. to t per rtr, besides a great van. lyof Fancy and Si i pie , Dry Goods, Groceries, IiarJware, Quetnsware, &c. &c. &c, I a'l of which will be soli trry cheap, t'a'l and see. BEAYER. KREMER MftfBE. Lwwisbnrg. April , ls. . f ! - ' ! h i i i- t