JU 4 14 IT. h The Landlord's Joke. Nut Lit frmii the eiijr of Moutgomerji in ibr State of Alabama, ou one of (lie old stage romls running fnuu that city, lived j IU landlur.1 by the l.hiii- of Ford. Iu fur weather or foul, iu liar J times or soft, Ford would have liis j'ke. One bitter, stormy night, or lather morning, two hour before daybreak, he was aroused from bis sluuibiis by ioiid fliuuung and j knocks at bis door. 1 1 o tumid out, but Sorely against Lin wi'.l, and deiiiainled what was the niattci ? It wastlmkaf tar, and a he ceuld .-ee no one bu cried out, ''who are. you there ?" ' Murder and Yancy and Klui'ire, from M"Utg"inery," was the aiirwcr, "on our way to Tuscalnosa, to at lend Court. M't are benighted, and want to stay all night." "Very sorry I can't accommodate you, to far, ge.nl Icuien. o anything lu oblige jou, but that's impossible." The iawyirs three uf tbe smartest iu the State, and all ready to drop down with fttigue held a brief "consultation," aud then, as they could du no belter, and were too tired to g'l another step, they a.-ked : "Well, can you stable our horses and give us chairs and a good lire till morning?'1 "O, yesj can do that, gentlcuieu." Our learned and legal friends were soon drying their wet clothes by a bright fire, and composed themselves to pass the few remaining hours iu their chairs, doziug, nodding, aud now aud thcu swearing a word or two of imi atn nee, as they waitid until dijli-ht did at'ieur. The longest night has a morning. and at list the sun came along, aud theu in due tune a go "1 Lreakf.i.-t made its appear anco ; but, to the surprise of the lawyers, who thought the bouse was crowded with g iestc, nuiie Lut themselves sat down to j'irtako. ".Vhy, Ford, I thought your house was so full you couldn't give us a bed, last uight ?" said Uurder. "I didu't say so," replied Ford. "You didn't? What in the Dame of wonder, then, did jou say ?" "You asked me to let you stay 'all ni-jht' aud I said that would be iuipossi bie, for the night was nigh unto two-thirds gone when you came. If you only want ed beds, why on earth didu't yon say ao 1" Tbo lawyers had to give it up. TViree latcyrrt on one aide., aud I ha landlord Lad beat them all ! Spurgeon and the Yankee. A gentleman who has recently returned from England, relates an anecdote of Mr. Spurgeoo that ia too good to be lost. The preacher bad for bis theme one day the power of individual, personal efiurt, and to illustrate it be told a story of a Yaukce who boasted tbat he could whip the entire English natiou himself. "And how could you do it?" said a bystander. "Why," said the Yankee, "I would whip one, and then I would take another, and o 1 would go along till I bad whipped the entire nation." At the close of the sermon, Mr. Spur geoo and several friends retired into a vestry. Soon there came in a tall, lean, long-faced, solemn looking man, who bailed from the State of Maine. lie pre ented to Mr. Spurgeon a letter of iutro duction, and was welcomed by tbo preach er. Soon, Mr. Spurgeon addressed the new comer by saying, "Well, my Ameri can friend, how do you like my illustra tion uf individual power, drawn from jour countryman ! "Oh," said the member from Ihe Tine Tree State, "1 was well pleased with it, because it was so true" aud this was raid with the utmost suleuiuity of tone and gravity of maimer. "So true, so true," said Mr. S., "what jln vtm mean, sir ?" "I knew a Yankee that did that.ouce," was the reply. "And what was bis name?" Mr. Spurgeon asked, to which Yankee an swered "The name, sir, was George Washing ton ; perhaps you have beard of bitu ?" Mr. Spurgeoo was dumb for a momeut, then joiucd in a hearty laugh, and allowed the Yankee was too much fur him. Jiui tun Juurim. Who is I'eaii ? The W as'uiugton Re publicans, uot leiug allowed to fire their .... i.. i.ncclicut victory within ! .t . i rMi ,,r nr.ln.jnni ,,rn t the city, dragged their ordnance across j the river into Virginia, and fired them from the banks of the Potomac right into ! , . ..... I tbc ears of the 1 resident of the bite j House opposite. While engaged iu this v . . .., uusiue.s, ui.u.u ..- , from tbc Presidential mansion with very anxious looks, and supposing that some one was drowned, and tbat the firing was ouly to raise the body, eagerly asked, "Is any one dead !" "Y'es," waa the reply ia) solemn tones. "Who is it ?" "Jamea lluchanan." Tke truth bore began slowly to creep over the visitors, and they bowed themselves off. A "hasdy" Aticlb. Adam Slona ker, a number of years ago, came to Hun tingdon Furnace, and seeing there, for the first time, a pair of snuffers, he asked, "What's them for?" "To snuff the candle." The candle just then needed attention, and Adam, with Lis thumb and finger pinched off the snuff, and carefully pukeil it into the tnuffen, saying, "Well, now, them is bandy." The bell swinging ia the tower of St. Stephen's Church, Eist Haddam, Conn., if over a thousand years old ! It bears the date of A. D. 815. f Guess there should Utl before the S J Educational. iw.oo 1 JAYS fur a full course in the Iron City Ct.llese. inosi exiensivelv patronized and best organized Commercial School in the Uni ted Stale-. uf)7 Students nIMiiliii'i daily, Jn'A,18:i!L Usual time to complete a lull course, from 6 to 10 weeks. Everv Student, upon cradua tiiiX. i guaranteed lo lie competent to manage the Hooks ol any Huniess, and tiualilied to earn a salary of fiotn sr.OO lo S.1UOO. Students enter al any time Ko Vacation Review at pleasure. Fifty-One rreminins for Host rcnmaii-.-liifi awarded in 1S8. t"v"Minister.s" Sons received at half rrire.. For Circular and Specimens of Writing tnelosc two letter stamps, and adiltess ? F. W. JENKINS. I'iitsliiireh. Pa. TIIK SUMMEIl .SESSION LEWiSS'F.6 ACADEMY W .riLl, conimemxon MONDAY,April IK51I, tit continue :l weeks. Instriietooi will be siven in all the branch es of a ihorouch Academic Course; anil vouilis desirous of preparing for College, lor Tcaehintr.or for btiMtics, will liud it Iu their advantage to enter this Institution. The Itible is a text book. A large t;i.iss of Young Ladies is secured. TUITION per session uf 13 weeks, including contingent expenses. riilMAKY tn-n.liti;. Vt mitt;!. tt fitter. AriMimetie- !... tiratit. n.l I'. S. llislory. $' "0 A I V A t'l It KMil.lsil alt o..t ill-lu,le.l att.Ye.l !' : LAMiLAi.ES, S-'iu No additional charges; also, no deductions except for protracted su kness. Tuition paya ble imiiiedialely upon ihe close of the session. JOHN RAXWHd'H, April s, 1S59. Principal UNIVERSITY SCHOOLS. r I 'HE Summer St'ssion.cnnsistin"; of one 1 Term of 1 1 weeks, will open on Thurs day, April 21st. VOLLtiiE Tuilmn fnr the SYion of 14 wwk $10 00 Kiton reul, lilmry, rre aud iviire ' ACADEMY Tuition for tlir Seiwion of 14 wwka : rint.ii-al mid hirlier Knglirb 7 00 A lunml Kngitdb 4 IM LiiwitCIhmi S (K i'Mn nml n i-niri 4a FEU IXSrirrTETmUou per St ien 14 wU: n.'iiulKr eiurAe 10 00 rrimujr 7 0(1 A. K. UK. 1. 1., Treasurer I.ewisburg, March 31, 18S9 BOOKS AND STATIONERY. JUST received at the I.ewisburg Book Store from Ihe late Hhiladelphiu Trade ale, a large collection of Books and Station ery, embracing gimiu Books in the different departments of Science and Literature; Religion, I. aw, and Polities; Histories, Biographies, Travels; a varied and well selected stork of Miscella neous books; Pocket and Family Bibles, from thirty-five cents to seventeen dollars; Encyclopedias ; Ladies' Albums, Gilt books. Autographs, Architects; Dockets for Law yers and Justices of the Peace; Day Books, Ledgers, Composition books. Copy books. Pass books and Pocket Memorandums; Math ematical Instruments; Visiting Cards; a large lot of Printers' Cards, very cheap; good Cap, Bath and Note paper, from 12 to 40 rln. ptr'i'tirr; Opaque, Damask, de la Kue aud Buff Enrrlopa from 4 to 15 cs. per park; Blank Deeds and Bonds; a large assortment of Sunday School books and Re wards ; I'ommon School and College Text books atwai9 on hand. This stock was bought at very low prices, and is offered so much below regular prices as to make il an inducement to persons wish ing good Books either for the library, general reading, ora handsome present, to call before purehain" elsewhere. Special attention of Superintendents and Teachers ol Sunday Schools is inviled to our large slock of SS. S. Books and Rewards always In he found on our shelves. Sunday School Catalogues fur nished Iree of charge. Merchants supplied at the usual rates of discount. WILLIAM MURRAY. Lew ishurs. April . 1S.VJ. IViiilicr'k Vinv, It.K. l'rt-ittlit C ars j> riiilauVIiiliiii and Lewihur?;. The subscriber is running a line of freishl cars to and from Philadelphia tmthtmt rt-nhip-ror, and hopes to establish a good business by prompt deliveries at reasonable rales. WiiMiousc in Philad. with Freed Ward & Freed.Hll Market street, where goods Ac. lor l.ewisbur? and intermediate points should be left. THOMAS PEIPHEIi, Harrisburg reD. a, mi-pn BLINDS AND SHADES ( licnp Tor Cash. B. J. WILLIAMS, No. 16 North Sixth street, Philadelphia, is the largest Manufacturer of and dealer in WINDOW SHADES, of every variety. He is the Originator of all New Styles, and has a line Stock to be sold at re duced Prices. Biilf, and all other colors of Linen Shades. TiiinmiiigvFixtures.&c. STOKE SHADES Painted lo order. t sT B. J. VV. invites Citizens of this County lo ca" l)t"",re purchasing, and assures them K H sell a better an icle for the money than (,1(.r Kstamisnmen, lr-A' T T 'U PITVI Vlfl nTT "l ' an iim vim "I LI.Ih r.s all pain and soreness in from I ' 5 , :((, ,,,. s,c anthrr clumn. Price nil cts. per bottle only. Shipped to all partsol the i,. s. 1 F r sale by j.v,.rXlwil.unT M CrviL-ht a llnnrk.riuf X Rita I' W Srli.lfli- do tt Linilrnmiilh. Buff. lli.U-l C I) Itmi-h. N IVrtin f ItVuviT, Morrin k C, Wintivld l.i I tooiIt. Turtlili Yniiii'.'in.B k I'o. do J II lt.ii.n. K.-ll, Tp II II Miller. Mifflinhnrg Cummtnffia'n.llrtletn I NariTR M Stern de Administratrix' Notice. "Vl 7" HE RE AS. Letters of Administration to Ihe estate of DAVID HAVES Esq. deceased, late of Hartletnn borough, t.'nion county, have been granted to the subscriber, bv ihe Register of said county, in due form; all persons indebted to said estate are request ed to make payment, and those having claims against the same will present them duly aulhenticated for settlement, to HELEN C.HAYES, Adm'r Hartleton, April 1, mS9 TIIOS. G. GRIER nAS just received a splendid assortment of the very best, cheapest and most fashiunable Jewelry in Ihe market. His Stock comprises Breat Pins, Cbalna, Ear Rlngra, Flaarer Rlnjr, Bracelet, Sleeve Buttons, Stads,J.c..c, which will be sold extremely low for Cub. He respectfully asks the patronage of all his old customers; and also invites new ones ,0 him before ""kin hir pur. chases. Call at the sign of the Big Watch. j Varkc: w; mi of Seon -i. Dec. 24,'Sa UNION COUNTY STAR Commonwealth Insurance Co.,IIarrisb'g n tKTKKKB CUMTAL, 3O.0. rpiIE subscriber is appointed agent for I this well established Company, which insures Buildings and other property against loss or damage by fire, perils of inland navi gation, traiii.port.iUon, Ac, on most favorable terms. iwrUmtcm. .v.wi.v r.4 vr.nox. r rm.-nt.XJ. r.mht:. t-i- StfreUryS Atih'lt H. I''"" rW(i'J. J. II. MLALGIIMN, Agent. Lewisburg, Feb. 1, ISS ni5 Dl'Jf (BiOHJIJBJ. a'JO'Jtt Just opened, ojipositc the Riviere House, in the Itoom lately owiipied liy A. Singer. IT'LL ami i-oniplt'le assortment of iV FALL 4, WINTER CLOTH- I N G such as Overcoats. Dress Coats, Ilusi ness Croats, and t'oats of every style ani'. pat tern ; and Pantaloons and Vests to suit. Also, a large variety of Under ('bulling, such as Drawers, Shirts, &c. Also, a tine assortment of Hoys' Clothing of the latest stvles. Also, Ha 'IS and CA Vi equal to any offered in this country. In fact,' haveeverylhing necessary in the shape of Clothing, which I oiler al a very small advance for cash. I'lllLll (iOODMAX, Ag't. rTAIl kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange fi r Coeds. Lewishurg, Oct. 22. Ayor's Sarsaparilla A compound remedy, in wliieh we bave la in irerl to produce the most elFeetual alterative that can be made. It is a concentrated extract of Para Sarsii:irilla, so comhined with other sulxlanecs of still greater alterative power as to alford an elfcctivc antidote for the diseases Sur.-aparilla is reputed to cure. It is believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who suffer from Strumous complaints, and that one w hich will accomplish their cure must prove of immense service to this hirgc class of our atUictcd fellow-citizens. How completely this coiniound will do it has been proven by exper iment on many of the worst cases to be found of the following complaints: SiuoiiLi and hi.norri.or CoMrr.Aixrs, Eui prioss and Kuvri'iva Diseases, Ulceus, l'lMFLE, UlOTCUKS, TCMOUS, SaET ltHEI'M, j bcALD Head, Svriiii.is axu Sviiiilitic Ar- ; fectioxk, Mekccuial Disease, Dnorsr, Xev eali-.ia oa Tic DouLociiEi x, Debility, Dys- rEPSIA ASU IxniUESTION, ICllYSirELAS, RoSB or St. Antiioxy's Fikk, and indeed the whole class of complaints arising from Impliuty or THE llLOOl). This compound will be found a great pro moter of health, when taken in the spring, to expclstthe foul humors which fester in tha blood at that season of the year. Uy the time ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders are nipped in the hud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels ot the txxiy by an alterative medicine. Cleanso out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the akin in pimples, eruptions, or sores; cleanse it when you find it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is f ml, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and Jive longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something most go wrong, aud the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deserves orach, the reputation, of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sanaparilla, or any thing else. During late years the public have been mis led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, barsaa rilla, but often no curative properties whatev er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla width flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we cailthis compound Sursapaiilla, and intend to supply such a reiuedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy hich rests upon it. And we tliink we have ground for believing it has virtue's which are irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend ed to cure. Iu order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. rBEPARFn nr DR. J. V. AVER cV CO. I.OWi:i,L, MASS. Price, 8 1 per Itottlc f Six llottles for $3. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, has von for itsrlf nich a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and I-unt; (.'on i plaint, that it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it lins been era loyeti. Ah it has lonr been iu ennt.int use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people its quality is k-pt up to the best it ever has hern, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it ha ever been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, TOU THE CUBE OP Cottirenns, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, InrHgrstifm, Jlyseidery, Foul Mnmach, llty&ipela, Htatlache, 3tles, lificiimatixm. Eruption and Mm Diseases, Liter Complaint, lwpiy. Tetter, Tumor and Stall lihtiim. Worm, Gout, Neuralgia, a a Dinner Vill, and for Purifying the Blood. They are sttpnr-roateri, so that the most sensi tive can take them pleasantly, and they are the best aperient iu the world fur all the purposes of a family physic. Price 25 cents per Box- ivr Boxes for $1.00. Creat mimbersof Clercymen, Physicians, States men, and eminent ncrsonaues. have lent their I name; to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our space here will not permit the ; ;M-tu,n of them. The Acenta below named fur- liif-h gratis onrAMr.ii a i ... J- :- -k,u tv,. I are piven; with alo full descriptions of the atMv ! complaints, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure. Do not bo put otF hy unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more protit on. lemaud Ayek's, and take no others. The sick want the best aid there ia for them, and they should have it. Ail our Remedies arc for sale by CSold by CWPchaflle and KSCaldweil Isewisburs; C JJ Roush, New Berlin ; J I) S Gast, Mirtlinburg; and all Druggists ly764 I'iMO.V n.lKERY ASD CONFECTIONERY. rpHE subscriber respectfully takes tbismt I thod to inform Ihe citizens of Lewisbnrg and vicinity in general, and the Ladies in par ticulai, thai he has opnned a Bakery and Confrrlioncrj-, on Market street, in Mr. Beaver's Building, where he will be ready to supply all who mny favor him with a call with the best of everything in his line of bu siness. BREAD, CAKES and CONFEC TIONERY on hand at all times. Being a practical Baker and Confectioner fornpwards of twenty-five years, he feels confident that all who favor him with a call or give him a trial shall not be disappointed. Weddings and Parties supplied at ihe shortest notice, on the most reasonable terms. Alt sorts of Orna mental Work done to order. BREAD delivered at Houses at all timet when desired. CHARLES HEINER. Lewisburg, Oct. 7, t5 LAW OFFICE REMOVED. John B. Linn, ATTORNEY AT LAW Office at his house on N. Market Su bet. 1st & 2d 678 Lewliburf, Pa. & LEWISBURG CIIRONTCLE 3IAY 20, 18). LIFE INSURANCE. I the GirtAhn mfr ixsvkaX'.k, Asxrirr asp 1 TKl.ST lOMt'ASl', if VUtLAltKLk'UtA, TIIOS. R 1 Dli W A Y, Presiilcnt. JSO.r.JAMK.-.Artrj. j Usltftl (MM mp) $3W.mM-4 barter prrpelnal. (CONTINUE lo make INSURANCE ON j MVC3 on the most reasonable terms. The capital being paid up and invented to- ; reihrr with a laree and constantly increaing : reserved fund, oilers a perfect security to the one insured. The pre:ninms mnsl be paid yearly, half yearly, ;r quarterly The fallowing are a few examples from the Register: Am mntof uwrf y.f ats v.v xa Sum Inturnt. lieu smH, KmHr ltoitusJ"ttt iitrfauii AftttiUtm. y futHTt iltifittf'H. 1,:;j6 ..il r.i (Mi Via :a: m 1MHI l?"l'he undersisned is nt fur ihe Com pany in Union county, ra.,inrmi;;h a hmii ap plications for Insurance can be made. To ' mechanics and tiusus men cenerally, ilesi- , ring to ell'ccl Insurance on their lives, il of- j fers inducements not equalled Dy any oiner company in Ihe United Slates. Tho. II. V'iimi. M.D.. Examining Physician 8. H.OKWIU, Agent, Lewisburg. Pa 1 EMOVAI.. Ir. .4. I. Mfjlcrl has i removed to the house lately occupied I'y Mrs. Kiucaid, corner of Third and Si. Mary streets, two squares North of Market St, east side. OFFICE in same building. South door on Third SI. Lewisburg, Nov IH, lN.i LUM1JK11! LUMHKIU! rilllE subscribers have for sale (in lots to suit purchasers if) p!1!"7kJ a larse stock of (fF'SjfSSiS i'.VK IIOAUDS Panel Stn(T.Vlw.a Plank. Ac. Also 5.0M i'AA.' KAIL. .Mi inch Sawed Shingles superior quality. Also Snuare Timber lor Buildings : Which are offered low for cash, al otir MilN on South Branch of the White Deer Cieek in Hartley township or delivered on the r,ru-h Valley Marrows road at the end of our Road. I iTA Diploma lor a superior sample of Planks, and a Premium for Rails and Shing les, were awarded us at the last Union ('o.Ag. Fair. JtlllX 1 M'CAI.L A lil.u s. j iy?73 Forest Hiii p o. Union Co, Pa 1S59 Spring Styles. Just received at GIBSO.VS H AT Manulactoty. Call and see them. BUFFALO HOUSE. LEWISHURG, USIUS CO PA. ' I.. I. IIRi:wi'K, I'roprlctor. THIS House is the largest ami nuM spacious in Lewisburg, and situated op poite the Court House, on Ihe most elevated and pleasant part of Ihe town. The proprle- j tor, who nas rerenuy piirrnasett 01 ihe late firm of Lawshe & Setold, has spared neither pains nor expense in refitting and re-furnishing the House. ryPlease give him a call and jndeefor yourselves July Caldwell's mammoth Drug Store. pnYSICIANS, AND OIIIKKS.WAN- X tinz l'ui Drolni le.llelnj ill .- nMiny by hUTlnK l.ttbJ iwmJTAJJ'I!M.'S Prnl'. C rl! Al.DWELL"S LRl!G 8TOUK IS Til K lam to bur tlmrrltwin'fc llmirrm mti lllenn rele- brmul Terfumerf. Kxlnrtu for tbr huKlkercbwI. from 16 cttt ll.uo pr ItotUe, wiirrmnu-d ipwd. .' LETTER PA HER OF EVEKY QV Al, itf. Him and kin.1, rnlH mnd nnrnled. front ft.ttv to $iO(Hir ram, fomle-t CAI.lWKLI'Dru(E Store. CA I.DWEL1VS DlTUG STOU E IS TH E r-ture tn bnf Pstntn, .Ml, Putty, !.". Pii.h. Tine Oil. Hut'!. rnuftTtmiMTy. Nti, Ki-oi!i. I'runfc A-.. r. POirfMON'N A 1 KS, ITK.SES, AN1 Pocket llooks, 100 diUerent ktitil., for wtt very rhwp st t AI.IIWKI.L'S Until u.t. II AIR liHl'IIKS AND COM US A rood and fine awortmptit, at almnf't t pri". at rALOWKLL't lrn bw. T Al ADIKS, remember that Caldwell in ra-llinc Woratwl. Ftw, Thread. rrocht Nordlm I' inn, tfciwrft, He-ltn. It ut toon, "-, cb-aLcr than Ui-r werm er otFrrtfl in IwUlmrir. I"?XVELorES of everr kind and J nr.fnrtnli' at CALItWKI.L'S Bruc Store. M US. S. A. Allen's celebrated Hair KDtorer anil Hair llreffPintr. for Mir at CALItWKI.L'S llrntr Store. FANCY BASKETS. The fiuest aud cheapest in town, just rerelTed at CALItWKI.L'S nrng ftore. CASTILE Soap, Itosin Soap, and a large stock of Toilet and Fanrr Soa.it. at CALDWELL'S Hru Store. AIR Oils, Pomades, Ac. at CAI.UWKLL S Droit Store. II ELM COLD'S P.tteliti for sale at Cil.llH Kl.L.s Drug Sbire. CALDWKLL keeps for ?aU; I. aor?. lltn.o,tnip.t( having oaps.Crfaoir and Brushffl CALDWELL'S Drug Store is the tilace to buy all kinds of Fancy Notions for Wbat-Nots, Centre Tables, Ac 1"flflk-t TtrtnL-s t t nt ntv n-l.nlnsnln J .rice,rhearrthantheyeanh. bottiti .itr.tiere rise, at i'ALUWKLl.s linn M.m. a-'avIJa ai a. 7 t iiiiiiiiil, mi niunui i J Ji-IIirtt, IHanc-MaDf. Sonps. l.rnTi-". Ac. Idiet try it. For ! at CALIWK1.I, I 'rue More. ALliWKLL'ri Drttrr store is the y placv to huy th Wet quality of lrt M init-J'lboo Wine, WJiiskcy. 11 rand v. Ai.. fur Ditlt'-inal purootf a- COD Liver Oil. Simc's pure Cod Lirr Oil, juft received and for m1 at CALKtt Kl.lS Itmtr Ptorp. TVOUWOOD'S Vcratrum Virido. a X 1 mdiint' for Heart di. and Artcri-n. Kwm niendfd ty tbe medical Farultv. Warraiitfd )nod, for aalt-t.y 'AUiWKI.I.'S bruic Ston-. Anriti(rinksaui(i T notd'ii celr.rU-d Writitift Fluid. Itiifuier, l.ip pincott's. HifWley'H, FahnrKtork'n. and Hott' Ink a, for ftalcrhap. at l'Al.lWKl.li Hriiff Stt-. IOOTII lrusliC3 of every st leant! kind. at all pi If w, at CALKWKI.I.'S I'ruj Stoi . ALU WHIRL'S Drug Store is the place; A- itlifrffrj tint- can tv nuppHru witn an 'ndlpa vtt- ; rtty or arti'-lra. Coror and make jour prlretionp. Titt I RAILROAD. AT a meeting of the Board of Direc tors of the Lewisburs. Centre &. Spruce Creek Railroad Company, a Resolution was adopted, '-That iu order to defray expense of survey, .$2.50 be called in on each share of stock subscribed on which nothing has been paid, and where notes for IU per cent, have been given, one half of said notes be now collected. In pursuance thereof, I hereby give notice! that payment is required within 30 days, ane those neglecting lo pay will be proceeded against according tn law. G. F. MILLER. Treasurer. Lewisburg, Sept. 9, 1858. SALT SALT, SALT !! We are clearing out the last of IOOO Sacks at $1.35 for Ground Alua. A deduction made to the trade. . BEAVER. KREMF.R & M'CLURE Lewisburg, Jan. Sift, 185S DR. I. BRUGGER, IIOMfEOPATHIC PIIISICIAX, In W.Brown't Aeur Block, Market ., 738 (tames Fifth k Sixth,) LEWIflllltO, Pa William VanGezer, ATTORNEY at Law, xL aLewlfburg, I'd Ion Co., Pa. tyOffiee opposite Kliae's Hotel S74 FOUND. A pair of Spec- tacles, which the owner can have by calling a: thfCAronjWe otSre aod" paying eipeuse- 7H SA.SII ni.ixns and Fiirnniis, Floorincr, Hlilliijr, Frainii:, A.c. Fur Mir l Hk It Pt"i "f J..M IAI.DIN. Lrwl.l.ilrir, IVt J5 COPAKTNKUSU 1 1. jr The iinilt-rsinni'il Lave as- f!-jTjL?Jocialeil themselycs into copart fjK.tnersliip fr Ihe purpose of carry tKmsSrsa on J.timbrnn..', I'laninz, anilCarpentrring business in all theirvarious branches, at the tctuiobnra Dtcnm planing fUills, where thev inteml to keep a sirck of Pine, Hemlock, Walnut, Cherrv, l'. plar, sh. Ma ple, and all kinds ol l.unilicr. Kionniia shel ving, Siding, Shingles, Lsth. J.i-ts, lud.ling. Fencing, Pickets, l)...r and Window Frames, Doors, Shuiurs, Uiinds, Sash, .Mouldings, Brackets, &c. Planing, Slitting, Scroll Saw inir, &c, done at .shi rt nonce and all work warranted lo give salisfariiou, bolli in rice aud workmanship. J. D. DIEFFEMiERFER, MART l. HUEISBAI -II, 1!K KRS AMMOXS. Iwtkliurir Planing lill. A ril 1. lk''S. 8:3,000 Wanted! ! TX pursuance of an art of the last Legisla ture of Pennsylvania, the Comniissii. tiers ol I nion county desire lo ISori'UW money to the above amount, in tuns not less tliai SillHI.ihe interest to be paid annually, and the i princioal within Ihiee years. Iii(uire ol II. P. SUELLKR. Treasurer. Lewisburg, Pa., May -ii, l.'.H. NOTARY 1'UIiLIC. William Jones, A1 TTOnNEY at Law. rollcct inns rromptly attended to. Olliceon Market street, opposite the Presbyterian chinch. 5:m Li:lslil Hi:, I' A. Fruit and Ornamental Trees, I? q0 itrci'ii'q i'i.-ii e. The subscriber has on hand a splendid collection of both Fruit and I Irnamenial TKKES, Ac. Ac. emhracii.z the very best varieties of Annies, pe.-rs. Peaches, I lutns, t'herries. Apricots, Xer ari leSjIlrapes.tJoose berries, Haspberries., Currants, Sirawberne-- ALSO Large Horse Chestnut. European Mountain Ash. American Mountain Ash, Surar Maple for street plannns. Ever-bhiomins lo.se, and a splendid rollecuon ol liulbous and oiner Floerni2 Plants. IV Nursery (ironnds on the farm of Ja's F. I. inn Esq. on the Turnpike, within hall a mile of l.ewisburj. All orders will receive strict attention. IVTeraua itirarinlilu CASH. WILSON I. LINN. I.ewisburg, July 7, !H5. New Arrangements---New Goods! 1 OSEPH L. HA WX having taken the J well known SI'YKEK HA T STOKE, has refitted it, anil filled in an eitensive variety ol ILitt, Clip, Gentlrmin's Clfthi)iijt if r. Also a larse and splendid slock of t'l.OTHS CArtMMEKEtS, &c, which he will ,'iAe up to order, as he Mill continues the Tailoring Busi ness. He is prepared to execute all work entrusted to his care,lo the satislaction of the customer. X. B. Cuttins and Repairing at done to order. Lewisburg, . 4 pril lti, GLOVER HULLERS. THE subscriber is engaged in the manuf acture of the Latest Improved HUNSECKEI! Clover Hullers.which he offers at very reasonable rates. There have teen a large number of these Hollers sold in this neighborhood and county, and they give good satisfaction as the very best. Any person wishing to purchase a good machine. will call or apply by letter to ". I' KMEKY. lv'J;i3 Laurelton P O, Union Co, Pa CABINET AVAKEE003I VOUTH 4th Street. The subscribei 1.1 most respecttully informs the citizens ol Lewisburg and vicinity, that he has on hand and for sale a cheap lot of II It II I lit, for the Spring trade, comprism Ilrcssing and conimon Jureans, .-CL- ItlUI 11 J tlll( ...."-. l-v llt.i P.ir.l i..r Tm1i14 Iriiiiiifr jtml t ir . n n , m... . l r . I.rcaklast lalile?. (.npliotirils, ( , t - tarc and other IJeditead, Staud.-i, Sdfas, ami Chairs of all kinds. COFFINS made to order or" shlTt ntittre. j The P"1''6 cordially invited to eiamine ; his work, as he is sure that ihey will he satis- SOLOMON YOL'NG Lewisburg, Sept. IS, ltv'16 James F. Linn. J. Elerrill Linn. T F. & J. M. LINN, J Attorn?) at Law, LEWlsUUKti, 574 Union County, Penn'a. i. MKItlillL ll " Cnxismr fnr the State of towa, wilh ftwertoUke Itepoiti(ini.a,'kntwVJite ltr.l,.ar. Broom Handles and Curtain Rollers, auri m llltkok l'ati nt .Maililncry. WE have completed arrangements for making Broom llandl1 and t'lirtain lioltfra in a man tier and prrlrrtioa hithrto unattainaM- in the Bn-.m MMk-ra, Window Manufn.-turen and Mriw rnanw witii mi hi -f ah.trt notin. 1 hT r made ot tin ot fan! Mutt, and in a "upe- rior mnBitr. on nrw utat-hiTi.Tr nt-rrr t forr ttr.1. Vt aim, make, on Nrwly 1'alnt.nl Mat-hitifrtr, the beat llrttYn l'truth ami llund Kerens that have erer l.s-n rM-ritri1 tli publir. -trdr protuptly tiH,-d. .A.l.lre. W. O. IIK hOH. IlABBittBURfi, Pa, CmTitH Attt'bt ol th 1Ui:I Worktt. LEW IS I'll.. !!:, AKimiLti ana 1 UAMSHLhG, r.4 CT0ir.ee in the I.'niversity Building 68:1 . ... r..m , ...... , .... ClorkH.Watf li eu, and Jewelry, 1th door west of Uauk, Also, particular attention paid to RE PAIRINC of all kinds. I have also the agency for the sale of the celebrated C oal Oil LailipN, which will recommend themselves to every one. Call and see. Sept. 9, 1858 A E DEXORMANlllE SPICES! SPICES! SPICES! PURE and No. 1 Ground Pepper. Ginger, Cinnamon. .Allspice, Cloves. American and Enelish Mustard. Cayenne Pepper, Nutmejs, Mace. Sup. Carb. Soda, Saltpetre, Saleratus. Caraway and Coriander Seed, rial Soda, Indigo. Ashton Dairy and Ground Salt, Ac, For Sale at the Eagle Mills Mo. 241 and 146 North Front street, corner of New Phil adelphia. HOWARD WORRELL. t"Pnrchasers will find it greatly to their interest both in quality and price to buy these goods, which are warranted as repreaented.or forfeited. A trial is solicited. fit'-'yl) (ji-:ntual 'C.filLV.4Il.l AtCS C o 73 c FAHILY SEWING MACHINE. ( i;i:at ukulction i. i'i:irK. l .,ir,ori..lrr--.l.iii.l.t!.. l;i:nlLrul I l.j (if ur S' wtiiu' Vai hiet-. will Im 3 l..l:u : NKW .-TVI.K M.4I IIINK t ; Jlhl'lL f 'n l .l le, ' " Hull ('.- fjfl II .. I ' I'-J crl'.!ark Vtali.tr - tun : Mill ' U " VMM .1. 1A' IU.NK LAK'.K -1 A 111 Mi ,''. TV itiiHi.ntiou- luv'Thi'- I nttt-n !') thf ifitt"! nr tif l, 1. 1 V. h'tlT A U. i. l-rtlll.ly rrWlll; M; l..U.l it....'.-iit .-..J.-ur, .i i:n . .;i.u.v. It I- rimll. t., i-'n t. it li.i- ti-. Mil ii!-f!.i;.-ii i- t" "I'll-' a !' tn---Il i.i.l.tiitr i.. ih t.-t n'niM bv ii"""""':'' ' l,,..u-..i..tr ft Bti.i.t iiinnf rank in li - I.. ti... It.. tn- l.ltli- ft" r. fi fi Ui :t ailing tt.e-tii -' t it-:. lv..t.T;.L-.-,. it .. tt ' I - au..-..ll.-tlt.-tj..ry ir. iM.t l rM-H' t' l- M.1V..I. i tit uwn nip-n-iv r- .1- ,- t i. l - t t- -tim : .- 't.u-l.iij l T i.fTur.i. , . i.nr Tt-nii'-t l.it It liac't?utl.jriii.-iruii.fit.-n.vl: uiiiiif tli an i , Tin Mmhin i" ! IAI. t.ilit! I'f l.ll . il (.mi rrin-h!" fTt!-f.Tf-:-:-:.ili!iir:it'' :;.( tr.l n- tin mi.-t rK tterv kii'l : tun! rial: atiJ. iKm: t.-U..a tl-r-'. .:.!" I t -I th in ' -t.-. :n- Ii -v I- itnK t ui -1 :tt -itl- u.- 1 i .ii.. .'- I Vs.t ill. ii.t"ii" 't ::, i' i- lr;,-te.. Ih.tt ii -.T i . II.:- i.-.jui-it- t" -.int,i. tr ait-J ru. 'i Mai-iiiu--. it CMia ii"t t bj i iourln-J iu lt:el- ,., ar ill a I I Ii- lrti"f. it j on ott all i u iff : otlitr-. iiit-k it:tJ"-l t'.ln.it.: 1. t. -ut.i li. i! v ! r..n-trii ti"n. ami . rwiuftit fr- d'-rn lr..iii ili-rant-ti!fnt at!i n- i "I rt'l1" 'Z It- un- iamj-!ft Titi-vhtv an I a.-r ol If. t...'.nl. I IU" Ti ll.' lit. ration. 4 1 "r-:tt arir-tv I t i-rn - wl: li it t an ' ar t lir-l, t.;ih rati U- a-hi. ly i utiit-r tu.L-t.abu al. ui.iin-. Ami. i. Tic- rt-f ininetit rr'.ni an I r ; r i!:ii.itt f r '-rK IVrsiHiS o.-'!'Tififj tiecp!flr;itftl Marhine s from ihe Out nil Affnry, have i.nly tlie rreiohi tn rav In m H irnsl urs ; n. i-haiii l r bttjini:. An ( ratiT will soon visit l.e-.vi- i bur" to show its t-reat beauties and I 1.rs,)ns WMiiin:f Marhine will plea-e uiiliiy. ifdress f.illiSx W O lil('KtiK,Ham-buri Pa .'( l V ItT. 1'FMIsT, j ArfVrr5 MarifI street, nejt d...r lo Brown ,V - n, si.,re- Killer's Su re LEW l.-Ul Mr,, PA. West Branch Insurance Company, OF Lock Haven, Pa., insure DelaelieJ lluildtngs. Stores, Merchandize, Farm Property, and other buildings, and their con tents, at moderate rales. Doing business on both Cash and Mutual plans. l'apital,$lHt,uuO. IHHICTOKS. Hon John J Pearce John H Hall ( has A Mayer I has Crist Hon (i C Harvey T T Abrams Il J Jarkman W While Thos Kitchen Peler Dickinson Hon. C. C T. T. HARVEY, President. A PR AMS, Vice Pres. THO S KITCHEN. Sec'v. JAMES B. HAMLIN, A rent. 627 I.ewisburg, I nion Co. Pa. THE subscriber tnn- 1. tinues to carry on the l.lierj BiiMinrNsi at the Old Stand on South Third street, near Market, and re.pectfutlj solicits the patronaee of his friends and ih public generally. CH ARLES F. HESS. Lewisburg. May 22, IXftll C. W. SCHAFFLE S WHOLESALE and KETAIL Druij and Chemical Emporium M.irket Street - - - Lewishurg. Pa. James B. Hamlin, TTORNEY at LAW, SY Vv Otlicr on Second St. west sii!e,2ni dcMir south of Market, L.4.' M ilui tim.r'.l L'moD I o. Pa. WINFIELD FACTORY! Ar llurllcloll, Union Co., I'a. THE subscriber, thankful fttr past patronage, would inform his friends and the public in gene ral, that he continues lo manufac ture all kinds of Woolen t.uutls, such as t'lolhs, t'assimeres. Tweeua.altinetts, Jeans, Blankets and Flannels; also. Carpet and Stocking Yarns. His machinery being of the I...-. t...i ..... u ..I ,h. i besl of workmen, he feels sale in sarinr j v.iw uaauiiaai-t s- I ' : anyfRiablivhmentin the countrv. A sihxNhp- ; plv if the above eid kept Ct'nsianily in hanl . p - elch fl,r .,,. i, mces that can not fail lo please. WOOL will be Carded in the best manner and on the shortest notice. Terms for cnrding, cash on the de livery of the rolls. MARK HALFPENNY. Wmfield Mills, March :t, 18'7. THOPIAS G. GRIER, M altliniakfr and Jonrllcr, Located two ,l..r rttyt of tlit tjtr..t rtmitlj occUte-d t Mr Ymlrr LKW ism liii. I'a. Clot'kw, Watches, Ac, repaired on shoit notice am! warranted to give satisfaction. LV An excellent assortment of atches, ('locks an.l Jewelry en hand Cheap for ( '.A. (ill.T KKA.ME8 of all sizes made to order. Lewisburs, April 29, lefts Executrix' Notice. VOTICK is herc!.y siven, that letters V .r , . Jv , . ,, , J.1 Jestaiiientar . 1 the last will anil testa- mont II III V r Wll SillV lot. -f inent of JOHN I'. WILSON, late cf I nion county, deceased, have been granted to the undersisned. by the Kesister of Inion county, in due form of law; therefore all per sons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment, and those havmir just claims against the same are also requested to present Ihem properly authentiratrd for settlement. AONKS WILSON, Executrix Hartleton, April !), 18."i9 J. SCHRETER & SON I A RE opening, direct from M'Calliim A; kV Co. s Carpet Manutactory. (ilen Echo ! ittin 1 to Lewisburg, such as Three j,, jj yeH;,:,m .111 s ermantitu'r, rn. ,uu . Sup. lmjrain, Manilla Matt, Union da., Cocoa do.. l-lTiciledrenttian,4-l Oil Cloth, 31 do. do., Fine do., 84 do. do.. Carpet Binding, Ac. ABR CI E. BOWER, Waltliiimker a n U Jenelrr, second door above Third, on Market street LEW I an it nr.. ur...n . r- ii .... " uum respecituiiy iniorm the public lhat he has on hand a fine assortment of f :.,!, an, I Silver Lever and Lepine Watches a good sloclt ol (iold.1 amroand Masonic Brcastptiis of ihe latent style iold and Cameo Earnnes Ac, which he intends to sell vervrhean un a splendid assortment of Eight-Dav and Thirtv HourCLtiCA'SandTime pieces. Every article watiitiiiru 10 oe wnat it is sold for. The greatest care will betaken in Be pal ring and Cleaning of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, and everything warranted 10 give satisfaction. Please make bun a call, and give him some trouble to show bis Walrhes Ap?& ilyjl j and Jewe'ry. Jti y SI, lets Philadelphia. fSefiti Evans & Watson. it i I,- . ' " " fciml , lfo b.r. I..r B..uk.-i0'l.sI'.r',irf.B Miultr, IrB . II ,.. Ik,,r.,u .l U, U m IL. lo:t-l JUU,. ' V Five Safrs in one Frre a) enmr ( ot rihl Wiih contents in roimI condition. t s Jht SiluuiawU-r 3f'. f iful-jd'ptit a-inu 0 w,lTlif i;T.4s &. W iTSO !! tbt- "Uf -t 4nKBiinrt(n in th.- fa. 'r,mr lirtfitr Hint tl.t'ir niruf:-ttirt-r.t ..l..nih'lr r t at i.ti;i h f i ' v wrrnti tt.r r-ifriit.;t. Lt:,( ; 4. I rtu in-.-t tlis-m a rs-Mlfrii ;to una'-i.t:ra.t,tar yaiitdl iLe ivrrittK eiiwiriit : 1'i'inti. Atx - v fr f.is i Wt-5 ; n:. in n : it ,rj. Vr ,,a In-1.' - i-f ;,,ri ''tat- t" ' U. that i ii: it, tjr. f-" i ri.t. i-uii- 'piain,-. t'.. 'f ti.e .tiiij.an ivf jifcj,,. w i-urt !n ' "f V " "- t, w 0 !l -- A , t-X t. tt ' :tfl M'-0 hTK IU KaU-hj t. , J ti r n.-.ruii).- ' r tt- f.it.n -tiM. U, l.f .-S.-rt tlt.l lh--.-af- w I. !B . fit.rt.ti i-t.-rj t r -n.-I: iijt - (ffuph-l. ari'l tLj rf I. tt -t;t - ilt-il tt I' 1" li'iH' t litrn:i:- r:iri, , ' i t 1 tt.- t.r.; i .t Itf t TJT ta'u.-.l If "itt- ui- a n:bt M-r-tr.tv a-'.-ifl. -I "f -; . -IimI . Uk IM"' U p'.fif'T v- uifu buin" ;i -'- " i.K .T..K M MM tw' Wi... I.-' I'.ir-t..- "- Ilea '.N t hi..). 1 m ::r.-. . .uif.i.'s.. Chicktiin,' &. Sun-; ((Ji)T J) n ar 'ifae'urer. i f i . n.inritniani picno Jartts i ii'-imit St. 1 iiu..uit,t.nt;.t. l I ..1,-iii.llv nb and a iar-.-e si. tliiti.or Ijrutit 'uand uniij'iull'd instruin. li'. I',r. l.f ! in eierv variety tt :i.e, at jfr., r;i:e.r,: from 175 to J.ri.'i. We have aaar'ei and .Wr firt Vlw V. 'a.i at iti li!Vf rHt KxluKri in th -s c l:. riipc J . r v.-pericr nianiit;ic:i:rp. .' i:.d Y.: A i'lTi! Iisrouitt t" ti.e c:. t;v ami seu.it;dr.' s , : ,nP niti7. II' l.lu-uaiei de.cr.f;r.e rii'a.-::,, seiit to ary a.I ii s l11"4 CA It l'KTS. t r ii. i.i.diciim;i:. L 1 Mat.ul.'turer, lu.poiter and Iiea'fr.a UarIctii.fcv.0;lcl otI ' 3I;itt:r.;. &.C. Bi in? in a bye-street, nnder verv 3:i expene. this Il. ue has been ei.b.t ', ., many ve?rs to mat o tain .he reputaiii n ct if.ri the iHtirt.T in the City. iirrhut -Vo. j:J Mrairhrry Str. secoi.d d. or aS. ve l'hetnut street. S:r; berry is tl:e fn: street west of Secttd i'.:rt'H PHILADELPHIA 3m;75 f AMI M S A rhHK"S OUILMIL Ii;Tt;KMt 04P. 1 IIIl.AL'H.I'HIA. 4rjited to (.ive rntrerr mTt-rs-Tio!!, oe thi itif WILL HL aUTl.flitft. And nHT Agut mrr hrf y avthorttrd ta mal pori Mf Jutlu -J if ol our tJ-f UM. A. TAN HA AtiKN Yinf j.nrtwul Makir sM hnviiii: pt ihf iatt t-if rr'.i .iin. m t-0" j-rriDH lit'd Upon iiD'l t's-trt! tli io (Mrtirulair SuV- :E Tu n- m: (t w . fl-r it U th- , ut-itr sn a ' will ! TIMI-. I.Al;K n-i h'N.V. We -rf tt f liotl I.t t"-t U-U lt(-D Birlllf. All W It . it a lair trial, atid um it rr.riii t -nr air' ttr uti't id -!ch I- x. and iff il ! mot gi fui. .La tii r it,.- moi.fv will !. rr-tumltti. Am.DC Ibr BlkDV axlVHta.f- OTer OtbtT W.L.B Small-, til" btilowttii: Blf T ft- tlatnifil. I. t u tb'f r'l no t .ilt eg, Bud rrT Jj:;. rofcfiof. f moj-t artivl- ft n I I, Mi'1 l'-Mt"! Hi v tar. ' T -e. tt r r.un-tf ut c iumtD rucio my, tit two j-uuiiUr ur iini- Iw wap. li. It r-iuirc Ifin triKBj onr half t!i tim-and in do tt.r WNi-iijR.: tfi family, tl -t it r-,-.ir. Mi (fft Uuu'y atiap, aiiU i arrabUl t tu injure Ut fcrrir 4. F'-r !' nnifirr Puint and rrmoTitie tl'-!!1'. Tar it: I'riirt. r luk. it li MO-uriaor-d. f an-br ; -t-. rr;t ait) I'-tnt-r ai'i t cii it an invalnabl artirir f r iuit hand-, &i tt dii Dt t chap, tut gn-atlj at t J km i. Thr anfi-writy of th material? ni. and tl' ivr ifiMiiiMi i xt ff" cr n hies. imorv nn..l any i.th- r kit n W a-h-r- -j and ui.dt ut i fwt a i.t'tt i i.r whit a'i ri l' r d rttithirff. rnit ri. - l.s-r. and ia W AliKAMfci I -THEi ! 1 ill-:. tr naif at alt rreertaM firorerr 5torf io tir Dd o.eLbotiDg tvDt. aud hfWat "tiiT TKAIN A M hrtiNF. 3m5 Pelwwn M irkrt and(.brtut ru.lt. N. S. LAWRENCE'S I'aper, lrinlrr ( aid. and Lb WAREHOUSE, No. 405, Commerce St., Phi'-aMi ECash buyers will find it for their ltr.rri to call Phiiad, Jan 1. is.'itf y COOPER & WORK, KlfiLts.lLE I'EALERS IS iiito r tic an,t wTIMU' rflf)T' No. 46 North Third street, brlnern Market aitl Arcb. M. root'FR. t. It UOKK ;, rniLADn.ri. wixciiiti:r & co. GENT'S FDEN1SH1NG STOEI Talent Shoulder Steam Shirt JlarJ';- AT THE OLD SIAND, Xo. to I Cliesttnut l. I'liilad. OPPOMTE the Washinston WINCHESTER will ive.as lierf.: his personal supervisitn of Ihe I V.:::i;J .Munutaciurinc departments. I r it-rs : celebrated styles ot shirts and t t i.jrs i. - the shortest notice. Persons desiring to or;ler h.r'-. t'j" " supplied with the Immula It r laeas-irKa: application ty mail. Ctinstantlv in hand a rarifil an ! selcc- of i'T'1' f" V . u Lif holesale Orders su: : l.ti ti i.-v Ir"1! ''S" - - ' AniPrii 'ltl 1 il'r Insttr-in,,. v TrL"I 0-i i AIUlntJn LU nWMtl A- if-'1 (Capital stock : 0 CIOMPANY'S r.'jildirrs.M.i'' corner of Fourth i '' UV Lives insuied al tlu u-'1-or at Joint Stuck rates at t i:t '-' 'M'j'.tta'.rt or at Total Abstinenre rat. s ilif li"'J world. A. tllLLUlN. Jons C. Sins, Src. t 547 CEO. F. MILLER. ."! !'.'- qh)ci'st TJaVifiiiK's' K J.v. txa. sbcosd a.xu a umt . run tiur C upiful 5..-J.t.0iO. Assets f loM.iii 13, invesittl in B 1 ' gages and other goi.d sicurn rs. VKE YOI' INSl'KED AGAINST t' BY FIRE ! There are hut if" 3 receive sympathy whe incur loss bvc? c this mosi nfrrAaury and tubtfuii'iil rt,'i'iL")t We olten see ilaunounced lhat person"-' losi their stocks of Goods and Furnittif- results of years of industry swept bv the devouring element over .h"'1 ' have no control but by beins insureJ- Incnnnr.. nr-.il ... ...... lV..m til Illf tT.: . neelipenre of servants ami ihr caua:' joor Dfifrlihnrs. It vill mprt r fidf u torn, antl ite a rbar&rU-i 01 pruJt-Dev um1 ft" ' ranrfioit Inm 11UV tn AltNNI. Biril ! ht h. ... !., ,.,; ,;,;.d.. u,n t-" : ihinr.l: if ii,..i..i ..mail. aim i t"" ' i " .,..,., ,' '-'i i UM,wvik r't h y ntttK ma itiyrKi -nJ ' : - ... it-. .... .,,n ,k. mo.1 11"1 .. . 1 ,tr: o i 1'mi rnnui in aOjufinrat rf DIKECTOKS Hon Tho.R. Florence I J.n.ei-K Neall tieo II Arm.lrt-ttK I t'ha". I'mcee 1'ha.A.KubiiH-am I Tb ManJetliclU , It n-'"" "a! ueo-lle.'ntt.ia vst',s uoeral Supertoter. tent JiH' Tl'.' -l.ja IIlW'D B lIKLMHol It. Seerelarr , j. MERKM.i. 1 1. n 57 HWlsuUhC. 1 'tt 1 in