Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, May 20, 1859, Image 3

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JjCtvisbitr?, ipt.
FkIIUY MonxiVG, MAV 20, lSui.
AbVX'r.J-''t7. i-u.ti.t,.r- '
t uij l'iy the
i inrzv
r.nl iuiTfuiir rir.-ul.it. "D in a tim.iirtiity iN-iiiainiii.: a
totl d-..rs " " t-t"-
gj Nrc Wv i I i-'in nl5.
JegAo excellent Kami in White l'eer
township some eligible I!jilding Lots
anil a snug improved l'ropcrly in town
may te touad noticed auioug our Jew
i . :
. . :. . . '
Huritm u.l.i.O. I.. ... lli .1,.. . '
the I'uragunvun war. lieisiu good trim.
Ve have tried some of his l'araguay tea,
which we did not perceive but was just as
good as tho preparation supposed, i iu ti e
simplicity of our natives) to be imported
from China.
rji,Tlie oldest No. of -The Fxion"
we have received, is No. 'ci;!, Aug. :2t,
1811 which Would fii the Gist isue of a
Jiaper in L'uion county to be in .Ian. 1SI J.
(instead nf .March u we Cist stateJ.)
A bole No., -j-'Ili", if counted to this time.
Any number older thau this, shall entitle i
the giver or loauer to a year's suUeiibtion
to our paper.
tsjyOur niuh esteemed youiig fellow
citiz-.-n, IV. Hamlet Kerr Kennedy, has
associated in the practice of medicine with
bis uncle, Ir. John V. Kennedy, in Phel
lyville, Ind. Korty-live years ao, I'r.
J. . Keunedy publi.-Led "77ie Lawn" iu
Jlifllinburg, Pa.
Bfji.The process of s idJin arnund tbo
Court House and College J! lildings has
thus far been very successful, but as tbo
sod is yet feeble ami imperfect, the author
ities having the management especially
d, t i , f if j
esire that every .me wou.d carefully al-
Stain from walking upon or iu any way
iaiuriiic the same. Iu a year or two, it
, ,. . , . .
may b- come lirui, but f r bouic time it .
febould not be evcu touched. i
Now is the Time! Ueforo the hot
weather ernes ou, aud the dust stifles
breath, fills the lungs with uau-ea and di
sease, Soils goods, and injures hue clothing
and furniture. ..before that time, we say,
some thing should be devised to have
Market street sprinkled whenever needing ,
it. In Money, means have already been
devised to "down with the dust." The "
Council should do it, or a subscription be
.l(,il,..... Tl. . e u:
. i.va lo. wuv, iuil-'sv. a,i.i tn ouuuiv
Include Third street during t.oiunience- .
tnent, and from Market street to the Court
House during Court weeks,
start tbe ball t
Who will i
BpnAn inspection of J.S. Marsh & Co's j
Lcwisburg Foundry, reccutly, revealed to !
about 100 Reapers already prepared :
for maiket, including Mar.Mi's latest im
provementii. One of these called"l'enn- j
fylvauia" reaper is so constructed that j
grain may be cut aud thrown one siue, ;
without tbe necessity of at once binding ;
it io as to be out of the way of the horses
when next passing around. This is very ;
dciirablo, as it leaves the grain and bot- i
torn grass more time to cure perfect!y,and ,
coables the farmer to cut with fewer work- j
men. j
fsjy"Ve submit to our Typo brethcrn, 1
bether it is exactly fair to puff in ad
tmce, and advertise, f t circuses and other ,
'trolling ragabonds, ainl; when they have
ja'ttd away, traduce theni 1 lictter dis
courage and proscribo them from your
columns from tbe first.
fafA dcepatch from fct. Louis states , t -
tV- )!, flllfi wvw, i. s l r,fn ra
fcv,uvw uiaLij.puiiiiT.u aaiiMA a ta. iC-
!rriin and that tlirrn flr 000 nin
4-r",nPl "U lUai lUCr0 8re mPD .
?ar Omaha starving an i threaten to burn 1
bG tOICD i
- . ,
UT.nn.tf.-n.t. Tl 1 a a
Ua?IIIX.T0N'. The Paraguay treaty, ,
r ten years has arrived. Lopz npolo- i
f .1. ll I
- lUf lUC BllOl.lt UU (IttlA-t It l.C U. I
"It is plain to our appreUcDirton that ;
ie movctneut ot which .Mr. 1-omcy is
m ..... .
Le leader, is a premeJitcJ and irreparable
vlt against Ihe Democratic organization. I
v 13 equally obvious, that no matter what
Xiy be the present inteutions of thope
xQSj they will fall by irreMct.ibie
't'lvitation into the boom of the Ulack '
'publican party. Iu support of this
M niiii. we propose to aJJuce various
'ptt conttderatious when wc have op
l"Tt unity fur a mom elaborate disoussion !
f the matter." The above extract U '
Jat'D frjm r.e Y,ffl tl.A nrrvnn of S.r,-
... -t .v w
'-r Ior(;i..s. at Washington. 1
I li,..,. f.. . r.
j i
ii has convicted the engineer of the j
i v ii-Tiiiv. a mrv in r-t. i
-n pray on an iudictnieut for man- j
iiter, growing out of the tlct'ructiou ;
Lt vessel ty fire, whereby some ten I t
;! ere lost. Tli-is the first contic-
: u..lr l.. l. ..t n ,:.:..- I -
aw of Congress Fov,d,Ug
iuv i
JMtectioQ of lives and t roperty ou
tf steaiuloats, and the example, it
will not be lust oo those who j
-Urge of our.tc.M vessels.
: I
' 'n is noir under sentence of death,
'"h taroiiua, for killing a mail under
If-iocation than iekles bad. Hut i
'"lour man, and not ao "Hon. il. C." !
.'C lJf.. . . . . . . . . . .
.. ..-., , . t'llitou Idnvd, Jii , .Mrs. Llarl: s ware-
IV thaniberun lire s nlvertise Whale Oil , , , ,, y ... ....
ft fr , ,, , , ,, , bouse. John I raiuei's tailoring establish-:
Soap for Ihe Ueslruetion o! iheCurculm. ' .
ment, and the house of worship of toe Old
lojrPavid M. Xefbit, of (Miillis.iuaq-ie, s;cll0ol l'rcsl,Jteriau ehu.eh, which were
Las left with us a fma'.l lot of seeds of the ' cons,:n.cl. 'J 'be house of lha N. . 1're.
Drangc Watermelon reeouimenJod as of, alJj j, j; cUu-hcs, with several utL.
a superior quality for distribution. ; tr ,u,Kliij. s, also took fire, but were saved
s: l iv
teff-Kngiueer Ortcr Las returned to ."u tul 1",le dan:arc. Samuel Wise
Ljwisbur2. after a ten uioutbs' absence, and A. 11. IVig'Jsou and family barely es-
,,"""' Lieinill, lias DeCD
eil fur his ri'pucrv, and ihe one at
, it i. r,..- 1 .'ill I ! ,
' rumored a ill bave to ni for
line cause.
l llii'.S. Lin Friday evening, a lire
broke out in Mii.tun, near the. brook'
which, runs through the loan-rend of town,
wl"c!l - '.inumed live stables, belonging to
S. T. llroivu, Dr. Dougal auJ others, when
itxv;,i bt.rj.ily arreted b, the cffirts of
the lire couifanies or it vnuld liav; beeu
tuueh more destructive
There was con-
.... . ,
SiJurable personal property Io-t, and two
of the stabled had briek walls.
Iu Wii.liam.si.out, about ten o'clock of
M.wdaT cveuili" ias', a hre emanated lrotu
usitia's stable, spread to the liiUi T
S ore of l'ctcr Wise, theu to the house of
... .. . ...
. i .1...;. !:-.. ti... ,1 .,o
CU'LU IW11I lltW.s. A ; niu n ....
high at the time, and the me engines
Were not at liist leiy iueet.-sfu!. The O.
j. Church occupied the spot where asimi-
ilar calamity happened ten years ago.:
Their loss is about flO.OUtl, iiisurauee
f I.MItl.
All Meur;i!'':c jiileciouis are relieved in
from live lo linriv imiiiii'-s r.nd soumllv cured
bv ihe in-e use el DC VA1.I.S liAI.VA.Mt;
IIIL. Pi n e 5:1 rents a bottle !
II .:i '
K'.l I l
till II, .V
ll'.S 0;TMST Ti I'll I J A II, T- ll.-t
r tl,-
i i f' : Ti' :m - ti -i a I -ll..- j .i !i-iL.ii ' ..!i:.
i iiii i. V- l t li.- :.'i'. ..,.i-t i I , ."tin, riir-
,.s i.,.i il.i ini-i.. "VI .j.-io.f, 1i;i. 0.1 I tlml
I.. nil, (idif'iini r. if 1 I i. a .'ii -. Mil
nltnTlia,iil.it iii.;,i,i-il lur Ilnlim.;i3 "i. ii uii-.tn-s
t iu i.ui- r.t.. . . a, I I- I, rill- III....- uj .at wl.. ,,,
ln.li "i.-u-iil -r ,iii.t- :, ii 1. ... t..-. II i-l; . ,. I. 1
in noi. Kri'in Hi.. t. .!iu,..,iv vuliiii, ilium, niilti.'n:,.,
11, ij inn ,i .' ' , ' .' ir :i, ..li n oi' n tl.i- m..,,i I i-. ui tu In;
trn... Tl.i ti i in I ,i ill.'-:, mi i- Ili.nU. iiii
liirntiiliii tTii.i .ra- , ".lOi.l nil. -.-n. n . 1 Hi.- in i. It,
r an 1 I. .U.-U, m, ;.1 i., lln ir i u, itv in u,..l ri f-t in
t;v.' n.ilii. iir.-.
Tin: i i::t iirtt i:ip; ::tk.
Af .'iiit jr'r, ! c . ,.r 1 i j :j I'r. fo.ci'f
I't !;, im Cr .
t. 1. IV.
in ii ,
Vr. IUN..-i).;ir
fall: lie I t' t -r M-Uiv j
j-.tir I'nN a tn.ii.
p- ni.' '1 Oi- ):' f--.i
p.tll.f III 'It ih?1. Im.i! i
ti. he n tii-l r.ttf articc
ll I Vf II -1 lill-t (Hit.- ill ' li'' I
vtjl tii-allb. 1 ;.iu,
'Z 1 1
i I .l.-t.-n
1 ti:. lit i-T will h I w in
m.'i i-i. in in. ( 1 t its- Itn iii I r
.:-.n:t:. I in. . .1. II- li-ii' tfi.ui
t ;.l .1 -in I luir ti-.-l th- ttl. I
v. :.n I jiii i.'-w mi th- n ; .3-111 -lit
,r r i Mi j . v . hit.-. -
' J'lS A Mi J. -I Vi i;s.
V. S. Tli riil- ! r.-.-fmiii -it i- i m- l- Mr. Xa
th.ili trl-3,ul ll: is .-iiUllty, I ) W liv .i- aJJn.-s JuU sent
Tho-e l'ills besides rnrin Kpib'py. nre a
lor all itiitdilic.Uii.ns id in i v..ii d
i ! se. i lit pr I'i'A i o 1 1 1 x ' s n r :
lu,;ve ,r' s,, ,. ,Vr.,.s e..cl..sil.s a
n uiuiancu will have Hie Pills sent iliein
,!'e mail. . .. us r-c-ipi. K. rsaleby
iscrii is. Ham .:, .No. lost lialttinore street,
ICj.itim.-re, Md., t.. wlmm orders from all
parts td itie L'nion musi be addressed.
l llll.li, IlillillVIt A li.s !
i.i ie lint: -i r vein '.' : "ii.i. ;
.,an. .. is.,.,. i
f :! : I Mm rr-'Mi'-t.-.l I'V Mr. T. A. t'. t i..-liriiii.-. ui linti
i;ir, to liny to i i.u ll.iit u l Ii- nioi in it : if lln- 4;h n.t ,
:.l,in o r), ck. in t-tori- t- ..k lir.-. atul lln- .iitin si'v. k
nt irihl il'-ftrovtil. J I,- li -at I it.ii:ii- ! - ml li n m
I. Iim- tlillt llotif r-t tin !""!" t'l ltlil '"-:l!lV I't" r-tii i;
tut forliiii;ili-iv h; l" nk? u:i-l i.:it. rr. viii !i w-w in nin-
Ittttlin.H ;tI-f. w'T"1 .ill jrfMt-.i ran Iilllv.
I tdf.v nir fx- CfMliiiioii. f.-r liunii-r tl,.-
n li. .If (iii'.:..'uiffii tii.-if v:i- .ui.' ui-.stt i-ni(.ij . r
,liri-itlv ui..n tl.r-r.;,! w hi. i roiilaint-il UjfHi. Aii.l
-f'" '"- " "-- " '.':'"'"':: ".'"'y
wi.iui, . line uie ni-iue :i. uium wnn-i. nnrrni.,,
y..n. truly, .v a Mr-LIKE.
ll-rrin,-. ret . l,,.i, Fir. al l.r..rlT.-.r
p;n ,., H 1 1 ll 1 1 A 1 .1. . V I K l I'l I W I 1. 1! I l.'Hir I.I M K, ,
AM..b.i.i..,a'r.rirar. - .,.t .-ieMat wil:
".'Mw ...h. t..r jaate. j.,- i
Iire r- nieTe.l from ::t
".iio.t.si t.
tl.eir le'W ,lu,e. .N.i. ti';. I'tie.Imit St..
, liere ttie l;,rei.t Kiirmie,it .I .-iif. s .a
the Moria i-uii Ik- leunl. i
FAItlild.. IIKIIKIVI 1 Ol.
tlPiTH f.JIl ClIESTMT STIttl.T, J.'rv 'i ll-itl, I'lIU.lD.
Prl'rr,i ..r. ....,.;. y l, 1'ltuF. 11. W V.lLL,
turiu'-riy of the t ollt-ji-nt ."urj-. oiii, I'rid,
Jin "n;i;Ku I" rut ri in ic
fjrforthr furrttf all Srrt ami i'.imjui ltiatrt..f
1,'tiH in'taurt- 1'nin nr nm-fiif-n in any part "t th!
pa t-n-in. Klu'iiiiuiti-tii. mi: in Hit- lnn '.. lin-ast
r Fi'lt f, In-:i1.1 t.n a-t-. N. tiral-ia. Iltirn, prHin-t,
HeaJarlit . t'rump in tli M.-nitu li, or hhv otliT
(Jjs.-iif..- thai i .J.K ami I' A IN H'L. hd4 it ip mly
t.V.T tl't t'uimA .llsrnHf tt f cliuiii a t'KliFKt T ll
T'tKV. W f:iy (-iuv. lv to enr i;itiuti, we can
r-h-v- tlti- JUill-r.-r . linii-i out of 1 n. We tr--n hi
ju-t nay to th- (Mil.lic 1'Ml. Iu Vail win 2- y ar in
trininti.tlii- nii 'lirtu,. su)-ritrit ow'mfh tln-rs.
I'r in- itn -r iHittlf .. j.r rt nil ft) llm tra-ic.
-.H -r..T iiiii-I It- .-nl'lr.'.-..,!
J. D. STOjNKOAL), S.le Ant f.r I'.S..
July '.y L' U t. t 'trtt, Mrktn i h. i'a.
Tin: ovi;i:.4tx:i in 1 1 i:iis.
For On nr.- ,l ln-i'i.i -ii i,r 1 n-.h.Em m-r i.w
pl.nnt, A tlnH't. i'lstir'ti'tt, lstt i. .t7-fi. y.r,r .ind '
.irr , .Vim..-.. Ih"tiaciu:, Hur.ui. iin-l ii- nmrl lu-UtUfy,
or miv ili-i-ti-r Iihviiik il.- origin id ni rf-rt oi.j-h.h.
Tli.-e HtHrrr. an all rlaM't ot our f How i-iiin-n. in
clii'ttiitC .M.-iiiIth of Ciiincri'i'p, ,HwyTM, I'liy-n ian!",
riTjA mi-ti. I'lanti-r!, Farm. -r, ami iiflo ra tfNtitv. art
tiir "m'-v xij'--, rtrtmn ami mr- rn-pi (.pk ihc for tin- iiutiii.
Uiati- n-Ii' t anJ i'riiiari'int curt- of tli-- iiimiiv cru.
curt- of tli-- niMnv cru. r..in- 1 ;
I'lmnU w iii. li iu buiuv i"hfc ur otticr of J'tyrjisia allii.-t
uur ritr"
w.r.-ilisroT..rMhynKor:Eii. flKErx.nnl
a tJtlT'-r fiitin-ly ln-in tli at of any nlln-r
nnaration nf mf.ii.-in-. ..nt
nt no a!'-lin)iol no 1
Ulllifntl 11'- I-Oll no HnXlf'ltrl lm" in lli-ir natun '
tl.n,P( , t -t im ulatiiiT. fi't Htiiin z thi-ir virtui-n iti any
rf"" u" ' "" ml.tnuti-.n an-t a firm in.i...l -if
l.-.ll :i..-wl.i. l.kn..wn.. rival in . xt. rmii.atn.tr .Ii-. a.
ln,i '7''" ;.vi-m t.n. .ri?iii,f ,u..rai,.i i,..aiii..
No matt'T ot lew Ion tan-lintr. ir Imwcv.-r iii'im-.-.l or
'" l" i1"1 " liarai l'-r Hie .Ii-.-n may h.-, tn tiiatt.T
iiihi ii naF i.;iiin'n in- nKiii ah i n. jinvM'-iaii. ati.l r---t.-1 I
tli - ft-Tt n nt M-.lirnif. a nini.l trial oi t tn-w lii t ti-rs ill i
Mti.fy th-,i.tvr..p hi in am. dum t tL
TtV-t"'. of ti... mnny err- .fT-ri w thu n,m. !
civ r'-fftflir. in t.M'l to tin- Written r.-rtihi-Hln fn.m .li.. I
,:' ..iJ,,,.. ,i,1.1IL..,.n.,I,..,...l,. U...I ,
CA Ohduratc aud Inveterate Case ot
A.' .-I't.- I in 14 VjUIVU I'V I IIC IMIH'IS. I
, .,;.,', fr,.m . .,,,.,,: ,,. knnwn f .
JJfl ! -uubt u.,mm, .11 tu..f nt-
. . r ! 1
w" attrk.-.i i.y tt..u nir,.-
hi.-h phi irf-r.-.f tn-mn t.i i
t all Iti!
' vv""""'
irr.-i.t ii-t-r. -i'.ii. tul-
iif-Mf. ami l loatiti"t the Ih.w.1- imin--liat. 1 ulo-ri-atin,
armuipanifil till U rril-li- 'aiti" in tl.t c'l'iiiMi-h. -ft ti
iK-.-afi 'luiit; iiau-a, viiiitm, at-i.Iity. mi 1 li aih-tii-. t-p-tli-r
with ti-itfr.il il.'l.iiity anil miIUtiiij. altt.i-ita-r
r'-n.i--rittir lif- a l.urtti n.
Aftrr liMvini: tril i-vitv knnwn r m.-'ly witlinnt i-fr.ft.
aid i.-.(-ainii' i. i-vt-r r'cniiili.ic my l""1 li-altli. I fun
ili.lll.ili l.- Hi-ik- UMi.f tli- '-Il'.il IlittiT-. I In Cm-I
fltt-i-tH nt wiiich w- r- immi-dial-ly iilili i.n my Jii-alth
ami M.-tvm. llrtnri' iimdi a Imlllf I wa nir'I-
rurril; ami I f. l a iili-aun- in inJunii,' all ii .-titt r
er aj njifirlf to uiakr use of tl.i.- r.'ttinrkjil.lt- ri innlv.
. vttw i.v. Sl O.. Irot lt'liri.
. . . . ",,ST,,N-
For naif 1v ttr ir afiitR v.ta vli.-rt. ami in l-fwc-
rhare ly 1 J w",u K in ' ''
CtrrteltH Wtck'.il
S1..10 KirgM $ 10
.. 80 Tallow 12
.. tl) Lard 12
4" liaenn 10
i I., it t.n
' " Z l
ijutlt.r.;.;....; '15 ciovt-raccd 4,50
pmlj (j
' - -
on ,h iVK-ii! mkmavv.
nurlntL'tou, N. J., and ilia. AN.MK 31. tii..lil., vf ?un-
i...r. i .
On tlK ltli inKt.. Vr -Hl.NATM AV NF.sKlT. tt
Teari. ll .mk in nr tu ujm n.i m-ii i-rtt-.-itHi
re..tnt - .r, i',,T lli.rouali. Hip titni-rul will t.k
fta, tnm tk. l-m.krt.-naa liar.-h, to-lay irrotaj)
In li. Tp., 15th inpt, CuKX KMl'S IHDV, aS. J
,( ,. .nr..
.K-.b (.. la .taekw. Tf., border Cc, CCOKGB
i.l - lb, il .'.vut 1- ;...
! SaLbath Echoal Convention. i
At the National Convention el" Sunday
?'u' Tea, l',tr la,"'-v '" M '", I''",ai1' t!ie
--liesolved that we ivciiii I the hnUin-
S,:"P 1 ' '' r""v
ns ill huixlar
Selni.il Teachers as eminently calculated in
promote i tiriMuii ic.i.msiup, to collect in-
loniiaii.ni. In devise plans ot'acliuu and stun-
"'!'' z"a: 1,1 ra"s'"-
in piirsirinee hi n inen rei;iinnn, ine nn-
dersmned hereby earn-stly invite all Sunday
i Sehtml teachers of l.iuoii nmutv, together
'"i,l,ia" ,""'r,r ,Vie".'ls f, S,""':'y fic,"":!.s lu
meet in the ItoitMi'jh of Lewisti'ir!; on I nes-
day the ith dav l June nut. to oruuiuie ihe
object cui,leini:aied in said resolution.
,, "'""'"
If It t'ck imi. turn
ill A Fink'
A I) 1 1. nvii
I' Meviert
lIN-tfr lliifsli
I U I.ooniis
j riininas F Curtis
li U Dli-s
H I !,e:er
li II l. iil l
Jsiicni sipmclmver
Samuel Svent;lc
jll.-nrv Oiwii;
jll'-iijamin -Meuseh
itti'oie Kiu
llobi it V (i:over
Ibilliel I.0115
.John llii'.'cr
' (and others )
Isaac sVnker
. ,.., i,-.vi,
l-eis I, kssler
Almi isehoeh
j,,1M j j ,,.ls
F W I'ol'b.'ck
W a'I
Is"',' .r.:,,'r'S
J' dm I' Miller
" u'"r len
j w- K Ker
Th,,,,, ,s l Hree
I. inn
Thos If
iw a rd
t 'hares S .lame
Sct.imon Kilter
J li (.'ttrueliiis
!,Vf i"1 carried Mom I..'wihui:r lo Phi
Ji"U, ladelpina tor ;n .Ms per llbl
I tiller this date
Mav t-'ii, ls5'.
I'lM-tou, l.tt A. ( at. I':i.
Mil', unb r mic.I are niaiiulacturin? all
ies o! FI.OI K II ACS in Ihe most sub-
.laiilial manner. Terms nn. derate orders
promptly tilled. KlLTlAiiT A; llliVKA
Pulsion, May "!0 p ldm
T.D t'tipiier. llrass st
ami l.t-ad ut
V ted, lur which the holiest marliet puce
will be paid in cash, ai
i:.i;i.n wokks,
rcima. It. Road, above Slate street,
Ifirrisburv, Mav "0, IN.Vimii.
NV ai
id every !e-vripfi"ri f l.rass or
M'-ial ('a-nncs made in !he innst
p'-iieci inani.rr. 't' the hf-i in.utTia!-., and al
lirucsi inaiut.'t p:ice, at trie
KAliLK WOlllxS,
renna. Ii. Knad, atmve .Niaie Mrcet.
Ilarrit'urfr. May -n, l.V.imK.
i large and well selected stock of new
(.'nods in the .Notion and Variety line, '
has just been received and opened at the Post
id lor sale cheap lor cash.
AVI" received th-i r ti:co X ll ARRIVAL
ring and Summer (J.iods, Ladies'
s (loo. Is, M.innlias, and a large lot of
Ladies' Collars and Sleeves from auction.'
A a general assoriment of Men's Wear,
Tnin tu ni'.'s. c..!. Ti-ides, Cassimers & Cloths,
Mjiicl. Hi e so ll c l-'an.
Mav 1.1. Ii.VJ. I
1ST i:i:n;iVKi) at the lliiuk Slore
in I.r ivitMit'L
, . , . 1( .
J.ii.--'I'-hi mi ti.- ir'iirj im e, n-w fiillli II,
price ' 1 I he alien turn ol all In vers vl
im i..t-no,l t.. iV.. i-il.i.t.I .... L-
i-,-s l.,,,r FT,t.en, nr i'r.,nhec
... . . . . , 3
cspeciallv as regards the I'uiied Slates. Price
40.1,. -'-This is truly a re.narka ble book." ;
M a V I W M I ' If If Y
u m. ay.
-Isl. niMU'llIM-s: I
.K. . i Il.l.W lll.l . ;
" -
F1UK W( 1 1
Til OF Jl !.V, I:.: The suhM-nher is
.f naCUOUKS. The
le varicir greater than ol" ,
.e I S, and cotnpnes -
complete assortment
Mftf.k larger ainl th
anv other house in ihe
It'u.- I.L'htd No. i x -2
lirti-li -j.ji. rs No. 1 A 2
I'm li.-4'lr. No 1,3
a lia. r- N.i. 1 i
.Vn.i: A li.-.-N
fHXfllt W (li'i-IH
.'t-l'.iint Mar
Mine, 4 !"!.-.i'
t '.n No. 1 2
I'liitir- IVnny Itnrkrl.w
fir- CtH-ktrs, to in tike
tfiii'-ininoui r jmrt
Pulling t.'rui'kf ri
in.in -ATi'li' P, imii izw
1 lmtii 1 K.ll to 15 11 ill-.
Kutiinn 1'iii'llca. cnldrej
Hner I'd-. 4 mzm
Triiiujl.-s No.
i 'i-' ii Triiiiitii'w i
Triaiijeif. n-i-'rcU euiia
ICn-k-t- 4 tin-
out-!,- M. tl.iiTS
hiut'hv Mnrifn
I'ti nk ur !u.- i i'-k, Ac. Ac.
Alnri a pn-:it Turi-tT KANCV mr,0;ri WollKS fnr
Pulilif ami !"natt iixlul-itii-n!.. Tri m J.'-u tn t.Vtm. lurn-i-lii-,1
Hti'l Wiirraii'i 'l t triv.- tt-itir-frlion. A II work i-ar.-
fully pti' k. -i Hin
il firwanli I. Aj (-Iti-ation nLt-ulJ Le luaji I
'U.-oU H. lJ-fiil-U- to I
as early tu the r-u.-oU n. y
.ntfSFlMl :t ??lFU.
n Pnuth Wi,arv.-s Phil vi..:li-hi ;
AIllliills(i:ilor'N .olUo. j
Nv.mm-.i- 11. T11
OJHh is Lrrcliy ;n cn, lh;it Lrttcrs :
i.f Ailt.. in .... ,h- Fvta. ..f
HENKY M. MDWHCIi, late of New lierlin. !
l'nion countv,dec'd.have been emitted to ihe ;
lemineil by the Kemler of I nion countv
T . - I
in due inrin of iaw ; therefore, all persons in-
dehied lo said estate are rennesi'-d Ui make '
immediate pavment, and those Jiavii:? anv iust
... ..,.,,1 ..,,-,,.., ..j ,u t . . .
claims are aKo requested to present them lc-
gaily atnheniieared for settlement,
ti ill V l n ;.v w i hi
JOHN -M. BA'NKK.II, Administrator
Xew lierlin. May Hi, ln.V.I
l'OST oitice.
VLAT.nK siiiil of Umiks.Slatiimery,
JVrlumerv, Jewelry. Toys, Confection-
TM X t-'wiit iik (.lvL.
Va: ,'a uf i,CK X'ACKs
I H'II AND PLNE OIL can be bad at the
I M.K (.old JKXd fur Ladies and (.ents can
be had at the
SKVKKAL elts of CAMKos and other
Hreast Pins and Lar Ki mr- ran he had
very cheap at ihe IHis'V OKFICK
)L'TJ'LU, llizz. Laid and Poultry taken in
Lichange lor (ioods at the
Fl'' I-uxes .if KaiMns, Fifrs, Uates and
i'mnc I'riines 1,-r ale ai the
OKDF.lis fur Hunks nr lined nf any kind
prumptly attended to at the
IAIilEs ran find the largest and assnrt
i ment nf Letter and Xnie I'A PEIt.Et.rrl
opes Ac. at the l'OST OFFICE
The oi III Ail il I.I up ll. HioSoulli!
"l TK will f.dlow ihe example of our new
I nei-;lit,,rs
Our present stock of 1'oots ami Slinrs
will positively be ollered at COsT
"the 1 1 ii aceonipanyin the sate.
r.vo.v t-.i i .i . r
- if
Vim ate hereljv cum- i
''T: ii3 nianneii lo meet at ine
4i(y .I pulilic house of liidenn
iJ r X liiehl, in East Dnlliili-e,
nianded lo meet at the i
, ."" "" Saturday, May S.'Sll,
'ni.yx.rS al 10 o'clock, A. M., in
full tirnloriii for parade. He order "I the
-3ptain: 1. 1IL UI.LH, 0. n.
.Mililtnhif-:, May r, IS.VJ
?r ,. ,.... tV.l1. P.rcl
yl'-ireel. 4:li inst..a lilit briruite Iresh
mi.k .. ainml 7 years ol.l. net tai, untie
3 ; Mnpe part of l.cr bacK, and Lite upon
ner i.cny arm fas. vv as e,,i troin in.vuni-
minus in Chilhsiinaijiie Tp. Whoever drives
'"T mck nf (jives iiitiirmation win re i tuny
I'-id her shall be sutlal Iv rewarded.
I.ewisbur?. .Tay 10, ls.VJ
Joiah linker & Co,,
HAVE matlo arranmnits villi E.
K. I.L'cke V Co. to t'lirtiNt 'J-t l"r com.
by ihe Ilbl. an! H.ilf Bill, .is cheap as il can
he hciiUt tn IMula l'-lj'hia.
They have aUo jut received a grn'ral ai-
snriment oi
Paints and Oi!.;iaK mtd I'uUy,
COPAU Vir;'v'i:Sfi;ES,
CVTLKUr. HUtXiXO t'Ll ll,
Tini Oil nil lKiniiliir l'iiti'iil Mt'ilici lips;.
Li.iiiors.ToliitiTo, Snuir.Inks, S(b!a
Ash, Wheel Crease, &c. &e.
All ihe above articles .tiered r.Ki
CIIKAP FOIl :.MI. Call before Luym
e Isewheie. (ar Motto is
I'KiIils ni ! .iatt s.'
j It'wihitr
, .
Mav Itl.
iki-i o
; "I ) Kill I'opp. site Tower and old Townnoek
ou can rind a new and I'ir.hi.inuMc Stock
"I lolitilli; !' sun Ihe yoon; and old
Clothiiii; lor warm days. I 'lolhin 1 .r col
AH colon and Miles ol Clot lung will be
K''r'- here In In yen just call ;
and see.
i is all well m.vte, nio! s. : i 50
That vou can alb rd lo bnv. we know.
We h.ive a!o en hand Cl.OI Us, 'asinctts
Ac a nice I. t ol '.lA'V.VN, Wmden and
Ctlin-inixed, al DnUd'a prio's aSi IIm r
t lil.-l.ith. Walt Paper. Shirt, Collars, Dum,
II.Mit!kereliiers, lin-it-rv Ae.
Winch ran he h-nrm cheap at onr !ev
Cli'iluui,' tnte on ijitulh Timd sireet. 1 eae
call an I examine lur yourselves. 'I'er'iiv
ra h. zinu::iM. a. ysAA.Ui
I.evishnr Mav 1 1.
Curat iBxriff ninit !
AMI MILL 1.1.1 tfl It
itr.iiKTiiii i l'ltnis::
r J,In' undi-rsisncd.findii.tr limes rather hard
g .no, nioitrv sc.., . e, OII.TS ,t;s l..s-j,,
i ii:i: stock oi" hoots am .i j
iuuv on ham: (which isihe lmcaiiuihe
i uuntv) at
" -No mistake call and examiuo for Voiir-
selves either ,....-ne or A'u7. .:- ; ttoie.
keepers and others engaged in ihe Shoe trade
w ill lind it to their advantage lo call and look
at his slock and
save at leist 25 percent.! - -
Ulintlf'.M (III illg; of all kinds d. ne .it
vrry m, ,.ei.iie prices an. 1 i.LPAIiil.Nt; at the
shortest nonce.
I :: Di'it'l forget the place next dunr o .7.
-V .. IWA' .v..,r, LF.W IMJI'ltU.
. ... . . . , .... .
tt,i. s. r, , ... r . ,
UH & U JOtSman, W r, !: ,, ,r,,l,nrj
vcwi?.)rj12: Slim'er Goods !
i,t, -l'lA"oVOlllll tlUUUUr;
, " '
I I receive,! an-1 pene,! a fllOK C
II asM.riineni ol all ih I.vm syhs t(
.'n'aiH!MiIi.m-r(;..li.. The p.ntirnlnr
atieuu.m o! ihe Ladies is called io lia-tr slt.ck j
Iie,i.L Sf. L'c lie,. ...
l)re Silks
Ducal s
Oin-:l ami Insertinsrs
Foni.mts Kdiiis
Chinizes (i!ni-pAc.
ALSO Clolh, Plain and F.tnrv CasMtm res,
Jeans, Tweeds. Vrsiincs, MuvJinv, Urill
inv. Tirkmcs. KlanneN. Hc(ts and
-Shoes, Jlats and Caps. 4i j
loeth'r with a complete norunent of
Ci rOLTTIO3 1 1 1 11 10
. , , '' "
Ct'ti;irwarr-. nrn-Piwu-nrr A-p.
aI1 rt '".. will be disposed ol on as lavora-
hie terms as lite am- .irt tries ran be puteh-
ael anyivhere. .re ux u euU ' i
Nlrtda,N7ri,;,',I '"m"1'1,;!: Vi"" 1
u utiii l-y III I,. II A.t.11 ilUN.
'l - " r'''' ,I:tIfaI,,, Vrtvr 11:-. j.M r.-.-M an l J
' -
111 UMi A ..NiiMAN.
'K 1 ( 'iT ju-tl -"w'-'i '
II I l'-.ll i
Ill K-H a ... fliIAN.
lt-IMTK H.li il, linlf unJ i)uarl.T l.arn-Rj.ot r. .-. ,v. d
" ni. I I T -si,-! v lll'l;-ll A 1.11 il,M A.
1 1 lir.lUMi, in lii.l lnrrvlr.ji.-l r... n.-l mi.i f. r .ale
Jl . III li'll A l.ooiiMAN.
llLASTKK. (Nnta p.-..ii. i ju.-t r iv. .1 ii,l f..r sl I.y
iirn-ii ii....i,n.
i'liorvil Alum. M;irsl.;ill ainl lisirv S:,1I. i t.t r.s-.-iv,
,i.l 1-Tsi.lr l.y 111 HSU l'.ilIAN.
'KAIlCilir i:i.-ai
t l: is- i,i. I...,
j.isl U an.l li.r
K All Ciii-r i:i.'0,ir, just r.-c.'iT.'.t an-l f r s:t1.- t.v
III i;.-M A .in 'IIAV
I. in I'm, . -jr.. .-.ii.i f. 1 , Id k .,,
i-alf I'V III liSM J: (oi.riiM.W.
I '-Vsl '-t h tdi atul i-i-li UiN.jn.-t r. n iv. it hi:. I f r
Ji " I'.v IU ;sil X i(1u.Ma.
t Mil ah mm, corn ItnvKftd
ii;iv.-.l ami ..r Half i.y
a i wwvi r.n
lit n.-H a
k-t-.jti.t rr-
)lN'CANNoN .ai.-.aii.liik.'.jti-t r-.-. ia.i ami f..r-ate '
lv 111 I!SI1 A i i iiM.
CTI .lil..s,.,.,.,. anur. .j ,y f,,rk . ji r.,-.-it.,l '
- """'" ' . IU HSU ;""liMA. i
tr. Hill ami .in.- Wash llo,.,. Mr... m..ii
. ri.i-l.erv ,i. st,. lj(r...j. rivi.
I. J
l anl ti.r
rh.-.,. f..r ,,r .-v liatisf f-.r all k.nil
mni rv I'm- I
U..I-.-. iii-iiii-i in:irKi .iit-i-s jiai-i i Tail K twi i-l i rain
at tl..- ..i l -Uit. ..f III K-M a t.o-M'M N.
Always on ILind!
J.ihn V.jlis. J.ilinsi.n Walls.
i J . tt. J . WALLS I
T AVE just opened at ihe Iiii-.- esialilish-d i
1 1 MA.MMiirils roliE.ui.M.iiI.ei.Siiiare,
a larjje and liesh sl.iek ul
a lapf il to the season anil to the w ants nf our :
old patrons as well as any number of new.
We have on hand
SA LT.rvc.
In short evcrvthing wanted in a Family Mer
cantile Ktabhshiuent.
l.ltilV AMI I'UOIIKi: boushl J
and sold as ustiul, on the inosi aeeonimo.Ja- j
IIII'I lerillS. ..li e Ua a call anil see ainl lllil'-e :
fur yourselves. J. A. J. WALL.
Lewisburg, April 1:1. IS.9.
TITT htiniirejs nfJLas and Caps of the j
I I latest styles, a little cheaper than cau he i
I, mud elsew'.irre. fail mid see item t
6W tit .ynifailjn; L-.wLuni.Ta.
(Cijarabcrl.it pro.'s '..rt.
e have tested t!iO Inn its Ol tl
' . ,,... . . .:,.,,. , ,.r.
, d,.,,.rniin,.,i Ullt ,,, j,aN. r,m ;.. nir ... now
I ,rp,ri .j .,,. a,mi,i,.i tl,-.-. er.r,a..J .r. rr-
,i-,-j to furui.h ..uritrun witli ru rjilnniin ..Ur lin.
of Lu-iu.-H, tat the- luwet j.rii ift lor Ciuh, "r in x- liaise
for W 'beat, live, dm, :it, ClitVfrMi-tl lUrd-y. 1 inu'liijf
" -.i, FJa Si-4, Statues, UiiC n, IliiUtr, lAT, t,
Xulluw, fua(, A a.
W.- lfO ty cah fr all hinds t Prftluce.
fI'OU destroying ('urculi'i ami oth-
m J - vr iumi'Uou l'ru:( Ti f"r .nl.' I'V
1 U.t.Ml.l.iiLlN UKO'S.
j VKKrfll from tlio kiln, for stib' by
1 .iiam1:k::,,m......,
riOfS LUA' lor saIc
I ,J-,J IUMI!K!;l.
1 5 HIILS. Kasiport Il.-rrinS jus
! JtsVp cJ. linriiaAlil',i.iia rl...p
i ihmi:!.i:i.i rinvs.
o i-: i : s
O i-"ii-
:i:i:i roT.T( n:. Tiiosi;
hiave arrivt'tj an I an m I! n. j r-; .'y nt
a .. r rnfhft. ril.AMItKi;i.l Llt-f-.
T1LVS ! TKA.S ! TKAS ! W'r
'i l.a rt-r. i?i'l a litrtre lot of puiit-ri.T qunl.ty
? ' ri i-ti Jtt.'l k Ifiiii Aew itk.
.1 k... J nrli.le if V.iuiis lly.-..,i t .''I : .T IK
. lUMiiii. t.is l it ,s.
, ' " " ..."
il' I I'A'l I ('Ui-1' KK ! l' f KI'.I
J .tree.,, ui,, M1j javaon.-... i:..;.-,.-i n, i .r i.i
Hi... I4.illl,f lew l,v I'll A M IIKIILI N I..,,S
SFdAUS! SLiAl! S-l .Alls !
nf ail kind?, sU1r,r .j-iaiity, nti 1 i.t r.-i...,,nlii
ftiiw. ii i"mi:ku.i lo.., s.
S' IM l 't AfnT ' r t VPI'Pi
, liL I Mj.. . r,. . a 1KL1. .
A i-lioi.w wltfTtlwn tt .-vrui- n-Ml-.lit-'-. ar i x-
m-iut-W low i-ricon. t 1IAWU1.UL1.N tliu S.
! iri-uitij
I.UKnnd White I'l:i?t(r. mill foal,
sair i.y i:u.ii::.i:i.is lilies.
NKSKK.dmmul Alum. -Mar-hall
hue anil l)ir .ait. f-r f-tli ) i
WTE korna ronstiint Flipt.lv of We?- : 'r-' a '"' ''r" ' '"',t 5 la est fair price will be paid per ion. Persons wish
II t'ru wiiiu. Wh.t Hr.r: .... i.rn,eiir Ki.ur. Coin pi is n ions br Ihe Piano. ' iri( 10 engage in lirinding will please call on
HAMiiUiLls. lilt j April -1, ls:9. THOS. i. tiRIL'R. ! him at Lewi, burz, or address bv leuer. Mills
rU)lS, Ttve. Out ami all kimls of
Vy l imy rtuft. c.'Uatantiy
r ou J.iin l.
i it MiKi:i IN i:t:o
Vl'l'I.L assnrttiiont of I fay I.'njir,
. 'low l ines. t,., ('or.N, lln. m T.inerNet Ti.,ie,
i 4 IAYAYrf Oil llUlld
J.- CI
cilAMnrp.Li T.TSi
l'lSII FIsfll FISH.
1 rt( llUl.S., Markorcl. in as-
J ' ..rt,-1 ,ku.e. No.. 1. ;,,! a. 1 l,...-iitv
li unii-tinllv t in- thin a
(.tlt-h l r !-w i hy
AI-o. .-liHil. Il-rri'i.-. ni.J
fllAMr.Ktil.IN iu;i.
YrM fri:t a monthly fii.jily, fi-Crh
I I fr. 1U the lUkcry, .if ll.e K-t .ia'tlitv l,;.ud
tn:e. I,rnil.er. ell.Ml!Mtl.l. liln.s
A 11 kin,Is of Sl'Iees Drlt'il Apples,
Dr.rd IVaches-Prunes.Curranis.liuncl.
starch. Farina. Kice Ihmr Flavoring F.
lracK, Ohi-e Oil Sap San CheeM' Unet!
IteH, K.-asiea and UrnimlLVlVee. A,larnar,one
Candles. Tallow Candles. Ol.ve Nan, U-m
(ap, Detersive Scap. T, (!. t S-aP. CaMile
.. .... ' '
el Toli;iC4 o and r, Ac. V
tor sale by C 11 AM 1SKKL.1.N bllO'S.
I.ewishiirj;, April .'-', IS.'iX
I Scream !---Ice Cream!!
"IVLT.V Krenini; at Ciiabl
.1 J next door 10 the Tclesr.iph
lf.i II ns-rw .
ph and 'fir,inrie ;
t.tiiite .MaiketS.uiare, Len-istiirr. The very ,
hesl in town. Call in and see! May .
1 ()T? K V Till' rTKfimw nf till
V o.ll-i-"-im lIMim.t 01 Hit '
- - W''I! kn"'n 'y. fake ,v ire
1'ieatll S-ar.d. on M.irket Street adiomin- H.p :
Cnronicle Otfice, will he sold ch-ap. For
nari.,-1.1 ,rv annk- tl,- r,i.-.. TU
premises are lo let with it if a sale W made.)
Lewisburg, Apri! 26, ItJ.VJ.
Familv Grocery Store.'
T. G. EVANS & Co.,
Knit-raring i rrry nr?i--.i rfitnmi'ii t.. tit- tr...!.-. I: a.t
crai.v, Fi.oru ani ii:i:i,
si'OAir. ciii:i:si:. i-i.su,
FKHT.S, Ac. Ac. At-.,
j Mirkct stmt, ojyrmte the J'mI OJtrr,
'l O.K. ,t Co. IiaVO tlist rOC'lA'Cll 1
I . rresbfm. ritadeMnaaJ-. "7
I Hili a. ' " ' . nin'i. .mi"ii, wimuMr
I I'eiH lMH and Toniators,
put up in laiis, an-l warranU-J i-urr aii-J tn.-li.
r it'll iitiltM 1 Vni'lii'j Pi'iitio. Cur- !
, . ...
rants, J'lesorvin": Citrons, I'iirs,
Pates.llaisin-j l'niin Oi to I t
els. per 11., Tickles of
nil ili'-cl'int iiins
. . ..........
rurr Ji la ( Oli l I .uroiiml.
au.l rill hi. in iitr ti-hl Cai,.. f..r T.miiv ,. ...
- l"l"J uytrit,r MAfhK!ii:i...ll.ili.
!'' I lsll, .7.A'.V;, .1 11, HM U, .Sc.
a ii.-iirrai ...iin,i,itt
WiiioAv:.i..llar ft iiit-..l:tss.
' 7
f isn a iuiu, i tn? ti, t uttm., i ttmu
ami L.OVIJP ifkf 7'ttlfow, Jttnt, (
Soapsof all kint?, Wheel Grca.se, etc.
Cobncco anil Scaurs, a djoicc inuictn.
Flour, Corn Meal, Potatoes, Corn,
llyv, Oats, Ac, always ou ha ml.
T" ntt-ni't lo rmilOf rsti' all th itrtirl.fi will, h wr
linr l..r (iitlt witul l U iui"iMilil. woulJ p-"frt
Inllv in it I tie i-ultiir to i ;tl I :inl rxnminf i-nr n.i'riinut
nf l.riN--ri'. W tie i-tinTi'l-nl rf U in; nl'lf ti "i ll
rh.-iip a- tiny ruu 1 Ixnikiht tli in finl- ot I'll 1 :11 riita..
Mr- would iiartit Uiru cvlicitour ct-uiitry trii-iiili tuaivr
u.arall; l!.r
Me fitm hatc all m-iWHt'r ttf 7Votiurf
.ml pa ui iniin a. any t-tslj rise.
..-.i.t-utt:, April li'., Is.-'.'
"1 ET ma-Tied when yon wish, enlv so vnn
IT call .M'FAl)IN'!S II A KIIW A liE
MOKE, and set a first rate COOK STl iV E al
iit.sl cost as I want to close ent nir f.-k of
ec - ok siovet. JOS. .M FAJDUiJi.
ica-i'-bmc. Match 11, It..-. j
".ia p liiiker s Chocolate, Uaker Cocoa, Ila- I t r T I S MIT t Y 7 r'' V . I . , , v
kin- Soda Sal Sodi S..di -h wi-.n! ' -'---I '. J ,o, Oit motto shall be, "(Ji.iek Sales and Sma.l
Cre ive W, , !,.n P.ii T..K ru,n " . vc, in me umi.ii stiprrior siy.e. in aaanion ; Fronts. "of w bich the prbhc shu be the iud-es.
(..ease Wo, len I a.lN I hs I hnrnW h.:e , ,lCNp pictlirt.s, am nw rn,pnr,.(, , fa!ie . f 4 J. fa J 0
Ha,; ;.7n; remenHotned IMa.er- riloloriUhs. ,a, osiL.. eT,al to! Apr.lT ll rX Halter,
lieatis. ISrm.rns, ISruhes. A lare as. r:intnt h..wt .,,. 1 ,r ai... n V 1 1 ' .
nCIWH.NS desirm? I.. I.--ad . r I ,.'... !
1 lioats at tin' above Wli.tif. re.-ci.ilv ic
copied hv T. II. Fisher) will app v lu ''i' mi- .
defined. t LAi;i:.N' i-: ti I U!Ch. t
noTicE to smrPERs.
I'jKKstlN'.ssliippHi? : I- to I'lnl.vl. will
pb-a'-c be pariicu'.ur iitid
Plark the;n in care of Peipher'a Line;
oiherwi'.e. ihev will be r mm;'', ! at llarris
bur'. ulnrh will be a!'.'-: :-d ith orlu-.
Jiav U. !VI. TII'S. i'KII III'lt.
"k 1 III', .li.'rn? a larje assortment i.f
VJ ftMUTT P PJ5??'T A Mii.s ami Mimimr .oi..f,
7H!flJU 1 I rt I lilUIW'', siiiis.l lieady Made Cn-ihins. ....ih ,
I i,.-,.rsr"'XrMTp''uij a fo
r..:sJ ' ' ' . lin k. "
Executor's Notice,
f XOTIC K is hereby jriven that Iers trta
; inptiT irv "n ih- ,t' will .-ind esinnifiit
ul J ( 0;i M KIM, lar- ol Ir.i Biiltnloe
ttivti-hip, I ninti (uuniv. lie- t!. have Leen
, l.'iiinn Ct'init in tine I'-trin '! I.iv,ih-r'lci,a!l
p- rou- ini!et.t,ii !( anl p--:.iif ai e irnufNieii Ui
m:i!,e ni:i:if'iiaie pavrnei't. an-1 ihtre havm2
ria'!ii aamM Ihe sarnr w.i present ihetH
i!u!y auih''iit ratf.l Ur sruitnumK
JuH A. M K.IilZ, Kx'cut. r.
Executrix's notice.
I .ui. is 10 ...... i ,.,....
1 imentarv on ih" last wdl an I tesi.itnent
: A.N.N' WAI.Ti:!!, U! of the horonh of
1 e ivi nr., I'ni n c aiiitv. deceased, have l.e. n
ranted in ih- mi !eri"tled. bv the K'-ei-ter of
t. T
I mon county, in due loin, ot law;all persons
! havuij claims asain-' a, 1 estaie will present
Ihem lo the .VlbM-r.l.er b'l settleilu-nt. and
ihose owing said estaie are retietet to
pret nt them !eal'v airhennraied It-r seti!e-
J)Pnl- li KitAK TM'I.r, Kxectitnx
. - , , . ,, , . . -
! lei-.':irsf, April
fiAMAGE PLANTS, L'arly Vork.at!
J tl-a ets a hund. or 4 cts a doz.
A!soCAUIIA;i. HhAliS tresh anl zr.t
For sale at Ihe l.ewishnr Xiirserv by
April -;i -N". MALI..
... . -
f;i The uinlcr-igr.-d has just received
I 1". MY. & 31. ItOtl: I! il I". II,
FAS' r A.l .sK.iir
31 I L LI E II S ,
s iu.'.ul w
French Flowers and Hillinery Goods,
t'orwer - .l,.r.-. I , i 's., ,ath .ii.'e.
I.ewilmrr1 April 3'-, 1.MJ-
LlWuriLltll. Jos. ..!.. j.j.riLxtl.
I.il..AI:H X ( o.,
T . I 1 ,r itll
:rXi.vi i-ini.'suui-, ii.ii.ii,., .'nil,
ittiiiV'Xiieep consiantlv on hand and
maiiuiaefire to order I'loot'i lis. M.I-llir,
Door. Mtii. MiitlttTM. lilii-tit,
.Aloitl.liiiUH ol all patierns.
and ail other descriptions of Wood Work used
in Buildine.
Ilr.l.p. r.an.rii 1 1 1. ...Iif...l an. I nenmn'te
...... .. .,.-,'11....... (
filleil. A:l work warranted lo give satisfaction. ,
t i.n extensive lot of I.l.iiiIxt of ail I
descriptions on hand for sale.
titri,n t n .nrti Sccimtl ilreet,l.Wifliur,l ii.
April IS.'ill.
VKIE J.s. MKad-le.. Har.Uvare Su.re.
I I n.rtnerlv llouhtui .shoe Store, Markel
Mreei. I.euhu,-. I'a.
. '
TYl'KS. The-e pictures are color"! to rep
resent hie, and are superior i ait mi painting,
"tviri" thai tidelnv ol 1 x;irrxx)(,n and larure
thai can be produced otilv by the Camera.
These pictures are patented, and 1 h tve the
excliiMve rtit lor I nion roiin'v. I an and
examine sieciiueti. lApid 2!.
- - - - - - -
iew (ioods lor t lie Million!
. ,
-w V. . , X "
7 f A K just received tlo-ir iren-ral stirp'v
t ,; 1(,.u i..r u,esiM;iNi.A m m;1;k
. , Th ,....l ... .1 ...
latesi and must lashh-nalile stv!e oi
1 A'nl v.v; ,P' 'r '-finVi
surti a naulN. Ai.tnurs. iii.x, fir-re-e, I i
siieN, de Lanier, (titiL'hati.s. I'nnls of all
miti'n.s i;.',',..ti 1 ., U ,.,...t.
tti.nnet rr..,,m,n2s. is.rv,'
til 'ves, Han lkerelii-'is, .Ve.
ion ti 1 1: ; i-'.nti.i-:mi:n
lhev have a ht avv a' rtinmt of CI. .Mo, t,as
simeres, Coiti.nt-K, tnij;N. H.tlf Hom,
Ci av.tN. and a!i other dt .eri'tt- nol"
ni t-fiiiiiie li-Ki'My, w hu h cuii
not alen in this rrmon.
ri'Call airl take a lo.k at oir asortnient,
and yon will be convined th u yn ean'l do
belter anywhere ele. C. tmiry Produce
taken as usual. J. SCUKLVLK A. .
lwlst nrir. At -t: ls.'.i.
I T V TUP III 11 tl . -I-l
N THE i.l MIOIM-The iuheJ i
I tuovul.ll. s" " Hie I It i
I7i WisT.ni - nil. I vieimlv lll.U lll-'v lime
-IIS .11 r
l'..'ll-d ,
a iirli.ersh,p in the
'he well-k no u-ii M.md of .hunpN l'n.M..v! on '
IMnrl. - t sf r.-. t w Iht.- lh.v:n .,r..r. I...
C7.IAf M I a t, I r to opVr in in-verv
iie-i snie. ..im s rtiiu s 1 KKIItriK !
I everv de-crip' ion on sio i t in.i.rr. c ak
a bhaieol the public p.iir-.ti.i
J. F. t'U AFFKK.
Lewi-burs. April 1. :'j
Citizens ! Look to your Interests.
.11 ' ret eived
' LlOlTS hilt bun
pru es :
I. a hire jsupplv ol'
n.s al ilie I.mUiwip"
Call IJuoH,
K.p d.i
fit) to C Ho '
i .Ml to A CO
do Ct nres ...ii'er, V,fy
dj Parent Leather liailet s,
do Oxford T.es,
do Kip rtioi
do Clipper"
Boys' Boots, Kip,
" 50 lo 4 oo '
i 5 to s .mi !
- in :i c-i
1 no io . on !
7." to l .'.o '
1 Ml lo -1 ."HI !
.Mi to :i no j
I i:t lo 1 ft ' I
i - III I :n I
d.) ssh.ies.
Ladies' Kid. Boot HerU,
do .lo Lire-boot uprinrs
I t'-i to I e".
l :i7 to I -.ft
Calfskin laeebo.'t heels, I 10 1 k;
tiiain do I I'll lo I Ml
(.alters, English la tin. 1 .00 t- " :r.
do French lasimp s-princs d- n. I :
do do tasting wilh heels I ."iO i" I
Slippers, heels fanrr I HI to 1 T" j
Turkey Slippers r-i-elle Ml lo 1 So I
Cl.'ih and Caip--i ahpprrs 50 to 75!
J- tlersons, Kid I ml ! 1 Ail I
Mu-sr," Kid, heris :. lot-'ftj
do do Morocco sprint's h'.-io 1 ::,
Children", shoes -to to 7.S ;
Call at J Vt Ks Md T I'S.Maiktt !;naie.
Lewi.l.m-. April !f.
I wiM.it.u r.iovtu,
' Tfi U 5 VU I U 5 M A U U F A C"
Kil.ButT riirr.T,
Harris'ours, Pa.
A full assortment of Ware ecrnani!r en
hand. Ware made to orde r. Fit Pro e i.in
a l lress ihe Proprietor. Ijf Ordeis by Mh I
pi'uiupily aittn'.led in Omi'i
' tf'iii.nrown Jr. & C. Dunklc,
Hvm? (nriiifd a Par'-n-! -hip, at th- t-I-'
rtart i t-f Win.iV J. II. l!rowi, Market Si. atuv
1'h, IiWisbiir,
f "a Minn r, i 'fiilifis. Vrsiinir, CarpeiM. ;.-..
Ulearhci and brown Linens, Ltil!.xgt, fi..r
tiriL'. Ac.
ANa !ar-e varipfr of LAMES f,M;y
KOttliX, Mi-h a Calicoes. Chaiiie".. I.iwni,
lJains, !l,trai;es, Silks. GirtjrharnvShawKA c.
Also all kili'is of .Notions, (ircceries, Ilrf!
ware, CeI:trwarp, (Queens arid Gfa.ware,
Fi-h. Salr, 'I't.Nareo.
ANo all kind tt Hi il k tor building pur
Call and etainine f.ir yonf selve. Produp
f of all kinds lakeu in eirhanje for flm-ds.
Lewibir, April 189.
RTS. MAIZII desires to inform her frienrfi
that -he has just returned from f'hila-
cciptna witri a new and elegant vantiy of
... i' ,
at which they can be bought at any place in V0
town. Tbanliliil for past patronage, she de-
sire a ci ntinuacce of the same, at Ihe old
'land, on Mai Let street, between ll and
f , , ,, ,.rn
I.ewisaurj;. April U, lf.Wi3
rpiIE subscriber, bavin; taken the TAN"
I -NLIiV at I.ewihnrg, formerly in lha
occupancy of Henry W. Fries, would respect
fully in vne Ihe attention of ihe public, ha
wishes lo purchase a quantity of
for which he will pay the highest price; alsn,
chestnut or Rock Oak wanted tor Tanctnz
purposes. Persons bavins Ilark t dispos
,,f w,u please call aud coutracl for Ihe same.
He also r. she. to employ several MILLS TO
. t.KIXT) BLACK OAK BARK, and lo rece.v
Hark at their respective places, for which a
near the l.ailroad preiei red. lie would alsu
! solicit a share of public patronage in his line
! of business throughout, as he is determined.
by strict attention, lo eive satisfaction.
' .ip. i.i. . Lewisnur?, i nion t.o ra.
j 3:MCtU MiirlvCtt JV
j Arranemrnt, f,r the Year.
TACOB (S. BROWN, havinsr supplied ths
Lewisbutg Market for the nasi six months.
. vm--..- arransemrn!. f.,r lb.
! comins; year
I The best of Beef, Mutton, Veal and Pork
I can be hadon Wedncsdav and Satuidav nior-
ning. of each week, at the Market House, on
Market street, between SchatSe's and Wolfe's,
Lewi-bur?. I'a.
His motto i Quick Sales for Cash, and
Small Profits." Examine his meat.
j A p. 15. '59. I. . tTERNEK, .A pent.
I " "
I FTER one vear's trial, we are satulicl
I that a Hal Manufactory can be sustained
in Lewisburg, we are now prepared wiih tho
largest and best selection of Spring rstvlcs oi
I IIAISam! A P evr r brushl lo Ihis nmrkf I,
1 H A TS and CAPS ever brought to this market,
"cil ne Mole, Sulk, Uress Hatf4, lirah,
Bvrr, Oiter. High and Low Cr.wd .St.lt
I I,a!s a!ul taPs ai,,J Utni,,er llals ,,f Uif
i sl'lesu r ,rinff and Summer weir. all. .
I ti-hii-h r 1 1 1 ho c.l.l I'f . .s a. t. m 1.,.b
inaii l'liicns:
at G. March's l' heap Boot & Shoe Stcirc
I "S f received from lite MantifjeTones. an
entire NEW STUCK, to be suld al Au n-
i-hly l.ow I rices.
km Mt-s''5hLa"'rgiilltrs."".o Z
Kul 5r Mn. lt:i!. ins.cnsti m made 7 tn 1.55
I Kreiu h Mo. Kid Lace Boots, do., I.fio tu l.r'3
Men"- K'p Hro;dn, whole leather. MiO to 1.1)
; Men's Call Cuiigre; Caiiers Z "5 to
' and everythinc e!e in proportion, warranted
as z I a anv m Lew:btirc.
' AM' A1.I. I'lii t miv a Boot
or Shoe until iain:nin and pneina our Moelc
then buy where you think you can do besU
Keinember the piace, Mn ot" the
I t-- Hid J'.OOT, LXI'LOPIXO,-
opposite the Bank. ; l;U;i ;s MAll.
' . 1 ,ulsb"r- -ilUili?"
1 lie lit-si Work and Latol M)lr9
Jf I thanktui lor pai laiors-
J would state that he ban re-
ffil-e.it lh.i Snr rioA Smt.mftp
ra-hte-n-i. arid is pr pared u
trarmrnts as noal. He will
endeavrr, w
i.r rfi riTiisfaeio-
rilv l.
slmrv, .Mav -t, lb.'.S
.."""Il-'"'"y viw"M
riiins u ure i?. e'er nt all r-is.'nuus miiT-
i n zi t; i; i uia te ol enmntt-n vift
chtu. Aitle Unttrr or anvihmc else mar
b,' kf-nt i n it with tirrl'tt 7 vf tu. 1 I. ere ts no
ii it tlt-rv i" in ,,n m n r- I Ktnth"?! Wr .
,, '.ir: h. . V,r... ll m hmM tu. t. fti-t My. u.-t
a.. v-.-rt .-f !i- ma ! tm n-o- ii. iiti 1 .t
Ii, l-tr-MlA t
i i ifini:.
M-r in !.-w lr-l Kli KU-! fm
r.-l v tl-rm. li-iit tli- srafn.
IfrtqriiU. ur- ut-rtl M, n-ar tl. Sr-am K.iir MiM
ii.--r.i... - M. Mt'VFK.
Sri: ink 185;) !
J I'ST reccivtil a larj;e a.-ortii!Ctit of
pcPaincs, Cli'illics, H.'roL'f, Crosf-o.
ver Ii.l,.,irs. II r-'ce A use. a is. i.k r out at.!
sa:in Chaihes. 'ramarnnrs, H-4 white and
black Bere-je, Beieire Kob.s and Organ
dir.. verv handsoine French lirilhanis prin
ted, Petca's also a Kreal rarieiv of square
an.l round rorneir.l STET.I.A 'lHA L.
varvine n. pure fi.itn t?t!.50 to arc 1 1. Br. rhe
b-irdt-rs. bl.ck Lice, pomled and -quai
MI WVI S. lace Mantles. Mack silk Neitme.
black item i VeiU, teal Mauee Collars, Vriy
prritr sell of Collars and Sleeves from S3
t,. Si , Cambne F Isms;. I. are SWirni t.
French llnnitv. Hmntv Hands, llandkrr
chiefs from els. lo l each, rmbroider t
Mills from .r0 rts le ?- per pair, beside a
great variety of Fancy and fiaple
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware,
(iueensware, Jic. ve. jtc,
all of which ill t-e soli! verv i heap, ("it
and .e.
I.wi..B'.r. April ?. le.sj.
dopy Cjci