Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, May 20, 1859, Image 2

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    4 ,
... i .
Vlljr IflU iLyrOnirlf
Tm ttnfftrm .ffVi. Tim I.fWlSDV'lto CnmoJncLB,
puMit-t.--! u tin? I'n'h yolt-m. lint; thr laivttFt auJ bent
cln-uUiia f mt Ncnta(r iu Cui-.u Coui.ty.
i, ," ,. ". """7t
HwJora.naJwnjil Flamy. '""alj
The citizens rd IMn I :nl-l pi i a and ill? se ver
al counties of ibis 'Viiim.. nivalin attached '
the t'eople's party, an t all others who are if
posedlotheil.iivi.se anil extravai'.iiit mea
urea of ihe Nvmn.-il Admtiiisiratioii, are re
quested to send deleaalos. equal in number to
their representation in ilo-to-ii-ml Assembly,
to a Convention to he held ;ii ilKHisHt-aft n
WfttiiipiT THcNiiinrJi'M. t.s.V.I. to nomi
nate candidates for Auditor lieti'-ral and Pur
veyor (ieneral. to I'e voted for at the lieneral
Kleclion in next llciohT.
IIKNKV M. FI'l.l.LI., t h tuman.
V. II. Mi?i. Stcrrlun.
Meeting of the Connty Committee.
Thostau.l.ug committee of the opponents
... V.....:, Administr-tion i , linion
of the
county, couveiicd at the liullalo House,
Lewisburg, May 17, according to appoiut
tnent. Present Messrc. Marshall, Irwiu,
Shecklcr, Forrey, Swengle, pigi lmoyer,
Eanders, Klcckrer, Miller and Worden.
Kcsolved, That we c tirur with Snyder
county in the noniiuaiinu of IIknhy K.
KtTTER and with Juniata county in the
nomination of I. W. A. Hklfuku as
Delegates from thisT.cpresentative. District
to tbe 8th June Slate Convention, with
power to appoint substitutes in rie
their ood attendance. The nomination of1
GEO. W. ClIA.MBEItS by our Convention
litO. lV . LI1A UMis "V uui iiiiur;uiiiju
last fall, was re-.ffirD.tJ, with the same
power of substitution.
Resolved. That iu cs of any vacancy
in our Delegation to the State Convention
unprovided for by those appointed, we em-;
power J'.l.l tWFEB. to nil sueu vacancy.
1. I.. 1 'l'i... . a l...r..l... .,vr.r..d mir
, L r 11 1 v .(
Snyder county f .r Auditor Geuenl. .
Kcsolved, That the opponents of the
National Administration in I'uiou county
disapprove of any attempt, iu the State
Convention, to give any expression rela-
t, -i .-I 1 . i:.l....... i...:
live ro resiueu .a. v.a.o ... . ,
dential Convcnttoos. That Louventiuo .
should confine itse.f to the objects speci- i
fied in its call State topics aud State can-;
Resolved, That the regular Delegate
Election be appointed for Saturday, Aug.
27, and the County Convention on Mon
day following C-'Jth) to commence at 11
A. M. at tbe Ruffaloe House iu Lewisburg.
Delegate Klectiniis to he held from Ihe
hours of 2 to 5 P. M. ia the Townships,
and from 4 to 7 in the D iroughs. In
New Berlin. Delecate Elections to be bold
at the bouse of M. Kleckner; iu Mifflin-1
knnr at Wm. Inhoffs ; i White Deer at !
T. Sander's; in We.t liuflaloe at thoieuce here ou Monday evening. Forty
Kaufman pchool-house ; and in the other five ministers and delegates were in atten
districts at tbc same place of holding Gen-j daucc. Not having bad the pleasure of
eral F,lectious. j atteudina; the sessions, nor access to their
IlCsOIVtU. J uai w e t 1 J..11 eni u nu.in '
v 1 . ...
. . . - -i 1. . . i i
in this county is ne w.g.mwv , j
in their ennvass forcoun'V officers Select-
.u. mr,.t .oiinhln nnrl most rlc. ,
ierving men and then unite upon them ;
like a band of brothers, and ensure tbeir ;
success by a handsome vote. i
The question of equalizing the ratio of ;
representation was deferred to the Con- j
en,'on- j
Aljouroed to the call of the Chairman.
). N. Wottl.F.x, thr.
StlEM Sl'ir.t.EMVEtt, Sec.
Uaion County Court rrocpe liiis. church I have seen.
Monday, May 16, 1S;9, the Court con- ! On last Sabbath, our town was filled
vened Abraham S. Wilson, President, with strangers who came to witness the
and Philip Tvuhl and John W. Simonton, i dedication. A German sermon was prcach
Associate Judges. j ed on tbe occasion by Kov. Mr. Zell. He
Constable, Jacob Kostcubader. Dauicl j was followed by F. II. Anspaeh, D. D.,
Ilawo and Robert Lyon, Tipstaffs. j who is gaining distinction as a niinister
Tbe old Constables reported, and the ; and writer, and is also at present editor of
new ones were qualified as follows :
Buffalne John Koser
Kast Buttaloe (ieorgc Dunachy
Hartley John Betz
llartleton David Moyer
Kelly Jacob Hater
l.ewisbur'r tleoree J Rohtand
Lewis John A Kline
Limestone Chrisuan Dauherman
Mitllinbtir; John Weirick
New Berlin Ilaniel Pry
ITnion Charles Cauley (or depmy)
West Billl'alee Andrew 1 l.lie.L'S
VVhite Deer Jacob Kos'enba.ter.
Jesse Merrill, Esq., aud D. L. Mont
gomery, Esq., were admitted to practice
io tbe several courts of Union county.
All the Licenses applied for were grant
ed, as follows
William L. Ruler
New Columbia,
While Peer Mills
West Hudah.e
Harlleton Boruiieh
Hartley Township
East rtiiilaloe
rl.ewib'p."orth Ward,
New Berlin
Ann tiinter
Jiinas Kisher
Philip Ueiter
Priscilla SSeehler
Charles Crotzer
William 1 1. lit n"
William Wolfe
Jonathan Hoch
Havid Stiizer
E. V. Moore
Gideon Hielil
Ueorge Kreisher
Peter Wehr
y ' p
Charles I). Cox '
A. J. Weidensaul
K. G. Hctzel
Samuel H.ium
Michael Kleckner
Martin Kudy
The first case tried was an appeal from '
a Justice of the Peace Thos. Church &
Co. vs. Solomon Mojer. Verdict fur the
1-iff., $64.90.
Commonwealth vs. Jonathan II. Ho-
bcnold Indictment for forgery,
Atue j
Tbe Grand Jury found two "true bills'
for assault and battery. j
. si w SMS.., .
Jobn alter ana .oan v uts, inuict
cd for assault and batttry, were tried rn
Tuesday and founl guilty. It appears
that many boys and girls, (or young men
aod young women) in tba neighborhood
tbat these parties are from, were in the
babit of collecting together on Sundays
and spending tbe day, or puts of it, in
amusements, jumping rope, 4e., with tbeir
parents' knowledge. As a consequence,
thesa boys bave been convicted of the in- j
decent act of attemntinir foreihl. in ..V. . '
' n J ,
ft h.i,ni,.r. ;.r. .i..fc: tl. i
j 1 . . 6 . .iuiuS. iucjr
were set t.'nccd to py a fine of 55, costs,
and be confined 21 days in Jail.
I Tlirt r.ranJ Jurv. bavin a GuiabeJ their
j t i
I biB8" "ere discharged Tuesday noon:
Grand Inquest iu and fur tbe couuty of
Union, respectfully teg leave to report
that they have examined the County
' BuildiiiL'S aud crouuds or appurteuances
thi.reuIi MJgiut ,Ild rd the ......
in good condition aud repair, so tar as fin
ished. The grounds, fie., have been fitted
up ill pood taste, we would now recom
mend the rmttini! up Mops at the main
eutratice to the building, aa soon as can
couvcuieutly be doue, and the funds of
the county will permit. The doors of the
main tnuauce to the prison cells are iu-
.uliici-M, and have been . reported by
several June,, tot tlll .r. 10 me fame
in the fame
. ennditi
We again recommeiid the
. y.iiii.: t
j f
the atteutiou of the Coti.....sf ion-
mo f - i , .
imuieilialo repairs. me i.nngin
..,.,..; Tiiril., t'.v.k. in Kast liulTaloe
"'"".'!"'' is
in a
nan coniiiiion, aim
-l ,...1.1 I... Mnnir...) i li-jtoltf .lid I U
' . , . .b I ,.-.r tVnter
'"' . 1 ' ' " "
; vine, i.
lllleaione mwiiMiiii, uaus 17411.
J.-k llr u-. lW,m,i.
! The uext civil case tried was taken up
: on Tuesday David I'ishcr vs. Jonathan
1 Dieirouderfer as Coustable of White I leer
! trespass for selling Plfl's. horse unlaw -
j fully. Verdict for 1 "1 IT, 0V.c'5.
j Weiler, Kline & Ellis vs. John I.eiser
1 and wife Assumpsit. VerJijt for PifTs.,
' 21S !IG.
j Heirs of Seebold vs. Oldt, Mauck and
the Counties of I :uion an 1 Snyder. Ej - ct -
nient from the old coiiuty Jail, at
. ... . ,
1"ila- lh,s Prov"s Pre"J
the same as the late trial of the same
beirs for the Court House. J ho chief ad-
ditional testimony for the defence was that
0f James Dale, E-q , the only surviving
i County t'ommissioncr to whom tbe county
1 l...;l. ,l..A.l...l l,n.A .An1t..oii..n
buildings were deeded, whoso recollection !
is that the Comity positively refused to '
receive the Deeds until they were absolute !
anj unconditional. An uuusual number!
of white-headed men were found interested
iu this trial, as parties or witnesses. Sltn-!
k j h f ,,, ,, ,lock ,nJ
1 ne s" went to tbe
Jury, 1 hursday afternoon
LuJwig and Hanek vs. I. Kanck's Exe
cutors, was expected on next.
C..rn.j.onJ.ne of Ihe S'lr & Chronicle."
Lutheran fyii'ti...I)ftic(ition of new T.n-ti'-MH
t'hii(l...ttt-0. 2)r. Ansjntrh...
!r Uif. llnuft; under way...Cuitccrt...
Miftlinbi no, May IS,
Tho Central Pennsylvania Synod of the
11... 1 . 1 - e.'i
uenom, nation, c.oseu lis comer-
. . ,
linnilles. I enn not rennet Tlinai who
minutes, 1 can not report.
. . . nnw an i
tbe next iiutuber of tbe Lutheran Obiert fr.
The chief object in calling the synod to j
this place at this time, was, I presume the
dedication of the new Lutheran bouse of
wursniD. This is a larce and beautiful
lrick B,ril(.,ul.ej i,uiit on the most clcva-
ted site in Market, the handsomest street
iu town t(3 wails" ar9 frescoed io oil
, , att0.,(,lui,r ;s finished and
j furnished as magnificently as any village
the Lutheran Ohsrrvrr. His aermou was
I a most pleasing picture of tbe glory of tbe ' There are 100,000 French troops in Picd
; church, founded upon the XLV. Psalm, niout. The Austrian and French Enipc
' wt.irc tbc eulject is introduced. Mr. J rors will command their respective troops
' Ar.spacb. has rhetorical powers which we , in Italy.
j seldom see excelled. His strength seems j
tne power oi love auu pcisuasmu.
' analogies, drawn from the affections and
cmre.l rebitionj! of life, are civcn With
au. '
I ...-.ilnis almost irresistible. It was
! nounced that a debt of 82500 was re
maining upon the church. During tbe day, i
tbe bandsnn.e sum of 100 was collected ;
and subscribed towards its liquidation, j
Dr. Anspaeh remarked that eighteen years :
ago be was a student of our Academy,
and on accouut of old associations he felt
like contributing to the church. His
present will be a bell worth about S200.
Tbe new German Reformed Church is
I finished, but not yet dedicated, nor am I
aware tbat the time for its dedication has
l been fixed. The congregation hold tbeir
j service in the basement.
A Concert will be given by the Mif-,
i flinburg and l'rceburg Vccalists on Sat-
i formed church.
Uusiucss seems to be brisk bcre at pres
ent. Several of our Merchants have en-
larrred their rooms, and a large stock of,
G j ha9 bccn brouht t0 town. Grain
busjIlcss t00 j3 etirriog. Surprising ! i
Tue .mouthed'' farmers in the Val- I
wcreim,,,, for a long time. Now, j
, ' , bl.hliM , whon th can .. 50 ,
' '
per bu. for Wheat, SO cts. for Rye and ,
Corn, and 50 cts. for Oats, they bring it
on ;n abunJi,nce. At least one thousand
was ebippeul from here to day. T.
New Berlin Items.
Iter. F. Hendricks has been appointed
Associate I'riucipal of tbe Union Semina
ry, and Miss Harrison (from tbe East)
I'reccptrcss botb, terj competent and
popular instructors.
Monday evening, June 13, Prof. Bass
lcr and bis pupils will give a Couccrt.
Tuesday evening (14tb.) Ker. Otis H
Tiffany, of Baltimore, will address tbe Lit-
uvwuiics. muuvvu.
,..t v .. t ........ s...-
i wm,j mo x.aaics 01 tn ursi uruuriDg
Class wm occupy the time ana in toe
aftetnooa tbe Gentlemen tbus clotag (
; the Term
The cxeicisrs will be Leld
out of doors if the weather will permit,
and will doubtless be worthy of a large
D. Heckendom is appointed Clerk of
the Council, in place of C. Bryman.
Prospects for crop3 along I'cnus Creek
Peeking Catti.k. Mr. Slear, of Iluf-
faluo towuship, sold eighteen bead of cat
.1.. .1... Mil. :... .. U:l. l.,... f,.,l
but two months, and madu to gain twoi
hundred and filtceu pounds each, or at j
j the ttlie 0f a hundred and livo pounds per
; ,,,, or twi;uty--ix and one half pounds
. . ,hcm WM a pair 0f
I 1 f .
I "- r-"
' r....i I......1.....1 ..,..1 fifl- noiiinld nr litre-
i"S u,...o... j, , - j
six aud one fuuth noutids per W.-ik
. , a rap,j gaiu, aud we doubt wucthcr it
I . . . ..- - - . n-t
i ":" bC,!a viciouy. J ne
eattie were sold to an Kastern mau fur the
I - , . .
' Pbiladelphia market. .tryiif.
j St. Jiiiins, N. May 111. The steam-
ship Arago, from Havre aud Southauip-
' ton, has been intercepted off t'ape Itacc,
I and Liverpool and London advices of the
: 4th inst., have beeu obtaiued.
I The steamers t'ity of lialtimorc and
j Vauderbilt, from New York, both arrived
I 0ut on the 4th inst.
i The latest accounts from Italy state tliU,
though no actual collision had occurred
; between the Austrian
and Sardinian
armies, intelligence of a conflict was ex
pecttd at any moment.
The Emperor Napoleon bad sent a for
mal declaration of war agaiust Austria to
1 the Corps Legis'atif, and also aunounccd j
1.1. ;..,nnr;..n I,nnd ih. nrmv ttt .le.:
his intention to head the army.
parturo was expected on the (.th. His
manifesto states that Austria has virtually
declared war against France, and nothiug
remaius for France but to take up the
sword in defence of Italy. He disclaims
all idea of conquest, and being about to
place himself at tho bead of the army,
leaves tbe F)iupre9s and bis son under the
patriotic care of the French people.
The French troops aro pouriog into
The Austrian troops are concentrating
along the Sesia, and occupied Vcrcclli,
Trieste and the surrouudiug country,
which bad been placed in a state of siege.
Gen. Giulay, tho Austrian Commander,
bad imposed heavy contributions upon the
towns occupied by biiu.
The panis on the Paris llourse contin
ues. Three per cent. Rentes bad declined
to OOf. lie.
Tbe Hank of Frankfort bad raised tbc
rate of discount from 3 to 41 per cent.
. ,Tb. U.nU or Fr.BM U. .he rate
ol discount trom 6 to 4 pr cent., and a
further advance in toe rite wa expected
bJ tn8 IJaDk of Eugiand on the Otb.
The ,,utch Onvfinment bad applied to
the Chambers for a credit of A'iiUO.OOl).
Tbe ship Cbauipi. n of the Seas had ar
arrived from Melbourne, with over jCOO,
OUI) in gold.
The French Minister at Vienna, and
the Austrian Minister at Paris, bad both
taken tbeir departure for their respective
f-irLatest ! Tho Canada passed Cape
11 ace on Tuesday evening, with London
dates to the 7th.
Tho Austrians wero repulsed while at
tempting to cross the river Po at Trcssalia.
The Sardinians seized all the Austrian
merchant vessels in tbe harbor of Genoa.
Xcu)5 Jlfm5 from Conu,ifS
Mr. Kerstctter, who was lately robbed
of $2,700 in Philadelphia, was in town
on Tuesday on his way borne. He seems
to be very much dejected, lie stated that
tbe wife of Mr. Foy, who was poisoned
and Lss since djed c'aiue Q bimIone d j
while in llle cltT. and with ,car, in hr
eyes begged of him to release her husband
as a wituess against the party who robbed
bitn, as they threatened bis life, but he
being the principal witness, Mr.Kerstettcr
could not well comply. F'iveof the party
who robbed Kerstctter were conyicted.and
if proven that they were the direct agents
of poisoning Foy. we hope for this double
crime of robbery and murder, they will be
hung higher than Hainan. Millonitin.
Ou Saturday, in the Court of Quarter
Sessious, Judge Thompson refused a new
trial in tbe case of Alderman Allen, con-
victcd of conspiracy to defraud Jacob Kar-
stctter. Coustables Patton aud Trout were
' . ' -ibltfa suinlot ...ri
sonmcnt for the same offence. In conse
quence of Allen having official business
to settle, the judge consented to defer bis
sentence until Saturday next. Jhiladu.
We learn tbat Mr. .Tn Tims., of M.
cy, rcceutly lost oue of his eanal beats,
during a severe storm on tho Ray. It
hloi ,,00se from tuf tcr h! "
V1J cncc of tli0 8,tor?. anJ drifting upon a
reei was so mncti aamagea that it soon
8Uufc. jt wag loajeJ with iuniDt,, WQich
we believe was subseqently saved.
The Rev. George Lane died on Friday
week, at Wilkesbarrc, Pa. Mr. Lane was
ono of the oldest clergymen cf the Metho
dist Episcopal Church, and was for many
years the senior Book Agent in New Yoik
A fluid lamp in Dauicl Carter's barber
shop, Mifflintown, exploded on Friday
evening last. No damage was done, ex
cepting tbat tbe said Daniel got his hands
and face slightly burned.
We are happy to welcome to our midst
Dr. James W. Crawford, who has been
spending a few months past io a Southern
eiinwte, lor tne Denelit of bis health. Ihe
,A . . I. . I 1
quite materially
ucior t.je m uu ueen
benefitted by his trip. Juniata Reguter.
The Milton Bridge Company, bas de-
kci2red a dividend of fl 'Zb per sbaro.
The Court of Lvoouiing county (uuder ,
Judge Jordan of Sunburj) has granted a 1 Pinieal wiy of disposioa of thieves in
mandamus agaiust the Commi.-itioiiers of Sclioylkill county. We learn from n pa- i
that county, tumptlling them lo comply 1 per iu county that one Cornelius;
with thu recommendations of the Grand ; Wenrieh, of Ilegins township, was lately ,
Jurors to enlarge and improvo the Court arrested for thieving and taken before a j
Ilouso at WillTamsport. The Cominis- 1 Justice of the Peace, but upon confining
kiouers will be compelled to enlarge the , his guilt, ho was liberated upon condition
old bouse, or to build a new one. j that he would leave the ciunty an 1 U
,, , T . . ,,- re ' u'.ud f.'ie S-nuii,hmu,ii. 11U liny be a
The Good Intent lire Company of Son- . jfur , Bcbuj.,km county
Lurv nurcliaacd tbc hurIiod vutfinc, rot!,, . -f . , , z
and 50U feet of hose, from
the Olnrouu
: I.n..nv nt I'. iltimorn for STllll
Some worthless dogs broke into the
sheep pen of Mr. Kli J. w, residing in
Fermanagh township, Juniata county, on
Monday aui kllki 5uvcral bf
" F- . . .
H.l lit. l, e regi 1:1 lua-uni inai .mi.u
j ,Iu,t teMiu j,, Turbui township, mar
. . ' . ... i
(u)s i;orjUl!i, comiultted suicnlo ou Hcil-
! nesdav cveniuir last, bv hanoiui; himseif
j m a stable, near his residence, lie was a
ijuiet, iuotfMisivo man, and 110 reason can
lie assigned for this ru.-h ai t except that ;
be was under the iutlueiicc of l.juor. Fur
Uieriy no Was aU'llCICJ 111 lllieiliperjuce,
but he has been leading a s.bcr life for
some time, aud became a member of the
Lutheran Church, at this place. For the
last few days be bas been in town and get -
ting in company with some of his former
associates, was induced to drink again.and
, . 7, .,
thus ended his career m this wori.l. lit
was atioui ti. years 01 age. .uiuuma.
Sophia lilock died at Danville, on the
a , , r ,. r -a .- 1 .1 .
24th ult. from mflamation iu her throat,
occasioned by a bone which had lodged in
her throat, which she was unable lo swal-
low, aud which could not be removed.
The Cattawissa Railroad Company speak
cheerfully of their income aud their pros
pects. Two men havo been held to b;ii! in Ly
coming county ou a chargo of maliciously ;
shooting a yoke of oxen, and auotUer fur
s.-ltini' h'ro a barn in .ler.sev Sliore.
A man named Anthon llowley was
stabbed, fatally, at Scranton, Sunday eve
ning, by Wni. 15ell. lluwiey commenced
tbe attack.
Destulttive Fires at II.vRrti.snuitn.
About 11 o'clock on Thursday night
last, two barns belonging to the State Lu
natic Hospital, at Harrisburg, together-
with a large quantity of hay, farming itn-1
..inn....d 1 - l.l I...' 1
jjii ujiu.s, iijuu9 miu 3CII.U .aiuavic noises,
wero destroyed by fire. The loss is about
?10U0. Aud on Friday morning about '1
o'clock, a splendid new barn attached to
the County Poor House, together with
four mules, five borscs, sixteen valuable
horned eattie, 25 tons of bay, grain,
j were also destroyed by lire. Loss about (
$5000. These tires happened within three ;
or fuur hours of each other, and it is sup
posed that the property in both instances
was fired by a man named M irtin Henry .
Wolf, formerly an inmate of the Asylum, i
but sent to prison in January last on ac- I
count of violent conduct. Ho remained I
in prison until Thursday last, when, by 1
order of Court.be was removed to the Poor j
House, but effcetod his oiioape from that i
institution the same day. He was arrested j
as the supposed incendiary, in llarrisburg, j.
on Friday morning, and committed. He '
is believed to be partly insane. I
The masonry work of the new Mctho- j
dist Church in Milton is commenced. j
Col. II. C. Eveb and Mr. John Ait!
are rapidly having their land in the nor- :
thern and western part of Selinsgrove, j
laid out into town lots, to meet the de- i
mand of purchasers. j
The Physicians of Milton and neighbor-:
hood have formed themselves into a "Nor
thumberland CouutyMedical Association."
Wife Murder. An Irishman, named
TnoMAS Kilouoii, residing in Troy bor
ough, lir&dford county, while suffering
from delirium tremens, beat bis wife so
severely, on Sunday evetiing, 1st inst.,
that she died on the following day.
K hough was arrested and committed to
jail to answer the charge. He is repre
sented as being an industrious and peace
able man, except when under the influ
ence of whiskey.
Citizens should be on tbc look out for
a lot of lazy scoundrels who are prowling
about too lazy to work, but steal all they 1
can get their bands on. I
.....I .TT. , . . I
manna nuuson, an aoorttonisr, was
convicted in Philadelphia, on Monday '
week and sontenccd to the Penitentiary
for seven years for killing a young wou.au
named Topan, in endeavoring to procure
The new furnace of the Groves brothers :
at Panvillc, will have a stack of fifty feet !
in height, the highest in the country, and
the furnace is calculated to make 2U0 tons :
of pig metal per week.
On Monday week, a horse, belonging j
i i f a, ,
. . . ..v.k. j J i I JiilH'l. lpHisi, 1 flnttrr mvm ll that thi im d.-si-
and entirely demolished the watrnn (o ; r"uof 'irtr nnyti,iinr in my Hti mn h-r tm.i N-t-whicu
be was attached. ilr. i. choch f.-riia nu.piw.
wa9 precipitated from tho vehicle and j I an aNo prppared to do all kinds of
Slichl V llliured
A Uriilrrn from Snnhnrr, tn the Sr.e.L.r '
A iiriuf-e irom cunoury to tne finyaer !
county side of the river is proposed in i
I'etcr Killraever. of Kloomsburi
lav! '
Friday lost a valuable horse from ovcrJri-
Ting. Ihe day beinc rather a warm one.
and the drive hard, the animal could not
endiirn it !
s- - s !
New York, May lti. The Italians
havo called a meeting for to-morrow eve- ,
ning, to express sympathy with the struir-
cle now coitii on iu Italy. Tho call savs
"Italy has emanated her war cry ; that ,
cosSa in ita ia! Italians ! the hour . !
long expected is come ! All arouud the I
'flag tricolere' let us fly to assist the cause .
of our country I" l
liALTIMORE, May, 13. The Pepnt of
the Baltimore, W.Lington & ThLdel- i
ph.a Railroad, was totally destroyed by :
fire, together with six locomotives. The j
fire broke out about 2 o'clock this morn-,
ing. It originated from tbe sparks of a 1
freight loeotnotive, which ha not been ;
entirely extinguished The loss on the ;
building will probably amount to five;
tl I Jll 1 t 1 .-
.uuusauu uuiifis, aim ou eacu locuuiuuve (
from three to five thousand. . j
Mr. Cradlebaugb, U. 8. Judge in Utah, ;
wbose course brought bim in conflict with
wuv. v.ummi..g, um ueeu removeu. ioe;
Tacancy Will not bf filled for Home time. J
They appear to have a handy and ceon-
. ,- r - . ,
il.e i rnen.-G of keel. inc them iu prison, but
we scarcely believe that tbe system will
fiud much favor with the people living
"beyond tbe Susquehanna."
!lll!-a S-llllr--0"
VCMJD.-At the solicitation of feme
friends. I am induced to i.lier mvscll lo
ihe Voters of I'nioii comity, at the enstiinn
Oci. Kleetion, for Ihe 1 lliee i.l I reilMII IT,
sul.jeet to a noinination by the County Con
vention, of the S'Jdi Aoitusi.
lw KiliiKUT H. I.AIKO
') the Citizens of 1'nii.ti county. I take
I ilus inelliod of inlorinilii! die people of
the roiiniv .hat I will be a candidate lor the
j nier of i'rullioliofiiry at thr rnsuini;
eiecnun suujeci i. ...S..SO... ,.
. ven.ion of the opponents
miiiisiraiion. . ....
! Nl"","'r?- M ir" ,8- .... .
j r7".4. It. rw respectfully annonncr
. Ihat he will he a candidate for the i.lhr.e id
; WsTKICT A TTtlKXCY tor Cn.ui, county-
siibiert to the decision of the convention ol
he., (( All,,,ist May l. 1"-VJ
J ,w""iJ respectliiily a...
' m.nucr Hal he will be a candidate tor Ihe
. f ,ST,.,rr A I Tt'liV EV lor I ni..n
! C(lnIVIs.,i,iect to the choice of ihe conven-
j ,, t -Uli Am, next.
May in, Ir-Vj
INT OI' Vl:Mi:itSwt Merchandise
subject to License, within the Ctiinty
1 I.Mtl.N, fur ihe year IS."!.
Hill'ini F.v!"
I I. .i.O- rl.u lint's
A. Ameniti
llr'.u 11 A Pui.Mu
T l;.-.lii.. . r
.1 - 1 1. M l . tin
1 t; i;,io.. x C.i
I u x M !:..li.l.augh
Ii... r-- li l-I.in
.;. .-.-I l. 1 u
II V lr. l..-r
I v.-r- .iu..' n
. II.
111.;;- M .r.h
...... j tl 1. II:. W.I
.. S. ion.-r .. s..n
tl.-:.r kl . ni.-r.v M'rlur!
Irm Kin. s CMttiil
J .V .1 U
In - K V,i
A l: . no ii!.'w
Vide. .11 Murr..y
I't.ihp li.H-lll.IOI
rl. r Kt-iili : nr- A M'-ars
'I Ii- :n.i- ii on. r
J In. II I'.-..-
it lulu 11 H ..ir..
II i.r-li A li.-.ainnn
. X Co
II W ,..rre,t
J li tiir, I o
C U s. t.nttl.
..iiii...Tiii..n 1 7i-llr-rfl
II. h.. r
4 Is .
He...... Ne.-1-lt
.1 N.-l it
.1 1 Kl. ti. It is
Mr- I. M .
31... 0..-O l'.-.nrv llo.,
.1.-.T (.1. . I. rj
lliir-l..-. Il.il.ln-i.n
i.oHiii ... It.i-i.n
I'.ii-o.n . ll-s fc.)
Is) .lo
"1 S. . fc.T
J l.n I'.o-Mran
K f I I.T ToWxeiTip
J h '"iri Nb i on niu l'i
haulm m A KrhtT Whitk l. ih I' 'WTi-ltlP Mi
It-aver X l u du
I. S r is. turn !'
J.-Ini it li..irar New Helus
liiiuard tt lifnn do
h.-iu-rt ,-wincluni ti
' I ll.-o-h iii
1 - Kli.tT ll
t. Muk i .
I it Kt-rt-t LiT.zLTiNt lUrtli-y Tp.
S.IDIIK ) V t-j rritttil lit.
Sil. iiii.n hr. i.-hiu-b 1Urti.lt Tp.
M.irk I i 1 f nuy ilo
n.ri-ti:tn Ktif l.riTp.
It V ! T-r 11ai.iii.tos
l. iiiniiu: t- ft W liitujrr ilt
.iili4iu V ttittiJr Mitrt.iiniRu
. a HrtH-r d
J 1 S t.:l-t do
I' .m I II lii'l dn
T H II M--.nilu- do
M.-ni'ier.- hwim tlo
J II Y'.un: k Co do
!'- Jl ItftrU-r d
Lr.ly A llnto lri-ih Ki. Mi-Tirti i r.
M LrtiLt Jt ilauck liirrAUj K0AD8.
R-ifh Jt Tro. Wht Iti rri.MB.
KuJi 4 tiH' t ir.3IU'.VLL.
lit 1 1 htfj II ' u ses.
iliium liani k M irruMti'M.
Ii I) i.ul'tin Ltwistmiuj.
N nth.' n Km n d
K ; 11. d-
ii is .i
la 11
lo ...
; eo
U 10
In is.
lo ')
T i.l
lo -o
.1 ?...
M ..1
1- ...1
1U IH)
e? no
W mi
10 00
lo (Ml
10 CI
lu i
10 t ")
Aii anneal will be helJ at thff ctfice if the
TreasurtT in Lewisburc on iSaturii;y ihe -tih j
day of June next, between the hiuirs (' ten
ami Uo o'clock. JOSKPH t.RKKN, j
Appraiser of Mercantile Taxes for l?o9 !
f.eu i-tnirsf. May f, 15U j
, r T
I. I. I
ami unify
n j: n
. M1MK1 I.. 7.1 ltr.lt respectfully
inlorins the citizens ol I.ewisbtir: and
vicinity, that she has opened an exiensive
.nunnery ami rancy fiore in I'orter s lllocli.
on Norili 2d St., near Ihe Kiviere House.
she has fur sale Xeop,. loan. Lace,
Ilraid and I.echorn FlO.N'N KTS, also '
a larae stock of HATS and FLATS of vari
ous sizes and shapes.
PltKsS TRI.MMIN'CS of every color, and
tin- newest styles, alwi lirvm " R.tii, Kirtii.-t, nr
MxuiN I'.!.,-., at iVr Mow. Alt a Tandy of KM
J.K IIKKV.i.nrh ax rolL-trn, .M.rT.'i. r-'l'-unriinr. Iit'.int
lt..ii-f. In-. rtiDg ana t-i.-a all of wtiwb will Iw noM
ft-ry rlicap.
I II.,,.,..,. .. 1 i V-.l- s- .
i.tkin ukiiiu ui uit n.ir hi nmii .rw
tii ..iiitv ...i v V. .. . :
III.KAI lll.. .urli ... N..ti...hti.n. Ilrio.l nu.l Strnw
li..nn.i.i!i,u,ni.. A ii,v' INI. i, i i i.iijrpn'. n..nn-!s
"i.r.Ai Mix. Mirli mm ...oliUn. Hn.i.l ami Straw
--,1"- ''' "" " nr.in.u nrr uture ot-,
t.i,, b). mnli,,, in ,,,i9s.ljnf 1(,llnl
1 1 .v. .... ii thi' rn .. .1 . .i i
"'" 'ui' i r ni tne snunesi nonce i
ni! in 11;
in. .i i. r..T...i v,. warrstit.il lo etri. 1
-"' e m.Mrnii; nr mm imir i.i.l
t'onfnlent that I have everythin
in- u,.t f.,.i,.ii.',. ,' . . "1 ' ?" ?
'"r' i'""-ian,iR iw.h. re.
Lew. isbnr;, April CO, issn. I
. " ; j
A Wew Business In Central Penn. !
Iul'"Pull": mineral t Mdlinm in particular.
iLT"V 1 ne ""dersined would respectfully !
l,'""tr", "e dwellers in LewisburR and
nped a 5 ' ' lhcy bave
entrusted to our care. Having had Id years'
constant experience in the business in I'hila.l.
-") M" De'"B acquainted with the
I approved process of Uleachinsr. we are conn- '
. our abiluy to sult ,hse who Rive us !
J?a' .
deilVer,nS it pr..npilr e hpS to i
We also .Vmir and He-Finish FELT and '
, l,r ' "one in City style and at Ihe
ZnZ VtVitiTt to""
We intend to make it a rnle to !1 , '. !
j - t: .. ... ... . . "'
worn miring the week it is received
provided we net ii on or before Tuesday
st V y.'r" ", wrJ. w. shrink
LL , j
i;.sr.,..HUl, Leases for Landlord1
Xj and Tenanu,forsale al lUelhrvnuk office I
r:H)i)l. )l!ii;i;s neailr printed and ti.r
the t'tin.mrti' Ultire
llli: IH i:. An e.rre!l?nt S,l
ver LKUilt V. A'l t il lor sale at a
ain milM 2i. 11.1,'nre ir
A E. UKMIiniANUlK, l.ew'shitr?
New Hotel ia HifEinburg.
r TMl sut.eril-er Hon'd le.speeiiullv in
jf.,rm the TravelniB Pnhlic everywhere,
il.al he has taken and tilted up the premises
o t. or'e sirho. h, 111 Ihe renire of
where he piepaied lo aecoininoftate strang
ers and travelers men and lieasis in the
best manner, wt'h IJiard and Lo.lu'ing-t'lea-e
ive uie a call.
Ap.i.wj t iiAKi.ns ci:otzi:i(.
OX f-Vu:, r..
ri.nsi-ui.i: hi
.th sti
et, a property
I f lame Houseia 2
Terms easy. A 1 ply
A. I!. voi:i;
I a i;
m a half l.oi of p. 111. I,
May l.J
ritUO I ,.-s sW-s.x feel ir.oil ear h. a'
J ,he wc .. l .d M AKKKT sl llDiT,
i.,r 1 1, M,e. Terms 111. .I.1.1 e. i:i...i,ie of
" M.iv a... !-.-.! !.. W M. H.i:h.
- ' ' ' " " m .
L A j l J. () . All? I' S
A " - ' , '
TIMH. siil.se.nl.ers , !; r at I rivate f..i.e that
! exeelleni Farm ,. J..s.t...i Him a did.
1 m w hue Deer I p. I 111..11 t o, fa, ci.mp
ahioit acres. '1 i.e mi;. r.-vemenrs are s-
a Hoed ihrer-sti rev f I ).N V. I! (I I E an.i
a Well at the door, rsprin;: and Spring H o'-e
li"t two reds di.-t.mi, a Fiame liA.NK liAII-N
ahoni :tt by til, a V ajm Mied and ner Jiv
fflJJliit-biii:.lin!.'s, an Orehard, and al .oil !
, neies ,.f Wo. d and. '1'lie rrir. ;. ii. d. r is
under soi.d cultivatii.il. well lein-ed, has 1 n it
a .iii'..onr (ji.i.irr, and about io aeres id it
heavv I. inieslt.ne land, j t a!;I l:. K.
M..): !. 1-..J 1111 l.i.,1 l:.V k. ... .11! rs.
' i.tir-uaiit e of an all
is ..r.ier of the Or.
onil. trial. I county.
plia.'is i "-'in l A 1 .
the tin lerso'iie.! will epi.-e to rutoie. ts.l.e.oti
i S:iIiii iI:ii. Jluv I ''. on th- rrem
i ises, ail ihat eeiia.n 'I KACT (If I.AM) la-e
' ihe est.iie ot l.rnwin i'ri.i.i.noii. ib-c'd, s.loa:.
in 1 'hiois.jii;e'ie t -uri-hip, about two and a
h.lil liiiies liool I.eu l-Sur z, and 'he same
; distanee Irom M.lti.n. a.ljoiiiiii! land- i 1 J. hn
I llest, Thomas Alien, John tiucker and others.
cuiiiainiiig ai'oiit
I !1 ACKF.S,
t mere or It", il.t.nl ."' a--rs f wh;rh are
f!r;ir J nii l uii '- r a ure i cu.uv ati n.
, -yrti- I iiph.v.Mn-1's itiv-,f , a UOtHi
J ii,! .'A' A "'. Ia'"!v erM-lc-rh.!V!: a
a i.cvcr-Iai 'iti- ' ! i.r.i r v. :ih r w h a i't.ti.j;
i in n. a ESanK i:ii i.. :: n-r, u i-h i
; ..iiii.Ti ! ;:d--. A a I l. T H"l !! ar .t
:Tin'j 1 L'f -I V if.-r i.e.-r t. I .- re
an OKl'MAK!'
iU trip l'.u in.
tn Ci rTii::
lay, u ii-'ii It. i i.i
M.iy 0, J
l-J 1 f llt.'i .' H ii'-H Ii M
illolnfiblc Suva fur 'nlc!
; TIHL snl'-rriber will expire tti Public S.ile
j f at (fie lin-itre 11 u. Lnvfthura. a' 10 A.
! M-. on afiri4l;ir, llir ttli of . I -mm
! next, a 'J ran t l.A.M nua;e iu Ke.ly Tp,
J L'niun Co., containing
j i:;v aoiu:s.
: or inerenroniw. ,.n u-hien ar-- eree:.; lu-o
; Los Hl.l.lAt; Hill l;s and a Hum.
I Kprmp House and oilier buildings, and iwo
I ells of VVairr on the Farm.
1 p". About one hundred aeres of the sai l
, tract are cleared and tin ier a o..d state
' ot euliivation. The bjlance of li.e tracl is
! well Timbered.
I 'J'his I.;.nd is sirn.ved in a r lri I neiehb .r
' hoed and is about ba.l' a mile n.-rib 4. ihe
public r. ad lea.iii." Ir .in Milionto l!rii-!i Va!
' ley and '' t from I.eu i-bnri-.ar.d a !j"ins laiels
j iT John Bennae. Laird Howard, Uaiio I
hautni.in and Pavid Kelly.
a:d Land w-II be sold as the propertv id
Alkx.si.ek M'L.sti.k. deceased. Temls of
I sale made knouu on ii,iv of sale bv
Administrator with the Will annexed
Kelly Tp, .May S, s.-)9
i 01: sai.i:.
Di:sii:ai;lk ituiitiin i.ot
feet front by l5 .hep. Fn.;mre of
Heaver, Kremer & M't'Iure.
I iilKs ai,,l Lots, each snnal e foriji
I two lainilies ,.ne on iorih Founhireei and
; one en St. John street, for Sale. Hall el each
j of the above Houses are f. r Kent.
1 IV Also, lor sale, tour Hnillms I.n;s in
Norih Filth street. JOHN Hi )L liHTO.N.
i Leu-isbiip', Jan. SO, I ."!. A-ent
r"I!HI" well known Tsi T1I Sfaiul
I at the easi end of the l.ewisbuicixi
Itridce, in t 'hillisniiaoiie township, X.-rih d
t'o. It will be sold on reasonable terms
Inquire of WILLIAM FKIl'K.
Lew jsbnr';. Pec. 17, ls..s.
ritHE rrsi.ieno of the subscriber, on -
I Market street in ihe ltoronch ol li j
Lenisbnr?. The house is of IiKlt'K, well
finished in every respect.
Terms one half tn be paid betrreen lliis
nu rs. nay 01 April next; the balance
.v. i . .
' e l,ahl "r ,lvr vears. a may
uit the bluer. Fusses -ion tu rn ae.v tune.
jun. , ... . ... . , . ....
" 1
von SAT.K.
VnnslUKXfKon North Third street. JrX
it ben.! a Half I.i li.fllround. whIi-LX.
a c.mf. rial le Tu
Morev llnek House. name
stable, e.
I Well of Waier, and a variety ol
choice Frui'.
ln.iiire, f J. B. M LAFtlHLIX, A3ent.
rpili: T lUXIHS occupiej at rre
1 sent by Washiuion II uti hins. d as a
!alopn. They are suitable lor JSl I Ol'S.
For Terms apply lo h
Jaii.S7-Ih.-iH. JOHN II. LINN.
I'he subscriber! Hers in sell the
M'arje llnek roiindrv at the west
ft. m,.,.!'"'- ''J. s'ft. lactudinj
vtclinerl , i3'"?" "
?''''r-,'S,''",'c- It is resarded as one
t pm ''""a'tons for a sood. sale business,
T1,e Fropnelor's time is wholly engrossed in
SVrJlr."nU'-V '"J- V" ,s '.he rT"" he
?.X K..K"",,rJ- -
p', WH.L1AM FK1CK, F.ewi.bnr,. i
-JiMS8 Inion fo. Pa
ftA Half Lot on Market M.. or.po.site
s reJl1 w"h a f!"0,, We" Wa-
"hfr Lt,!, ome wnh and some
Wl"""" Buildings. JOHN LOCKE. :
Lewi.buis, Oct. 9, 1857.
Tit '
..n ..an.l 1 ....
,u e -i " 1 ".iin ll'ir,. ,
r.Ki.' .ill s.re,, and tnrai-l.e
t-J.iele renoire,! p n,.i!.
t'ompleie 'satisfaction ruai.ini. ! I. r ...'
artic.e soil. Millers uh. pr-tt-r me s '
Unrr, I y v.ivii a 4 to i monlhs' ni.!r, r '
h.r. e their triers es-cired at the ;,,'. '
rral.ee. A 'flress W V. II. KKt'.'.t
Jf T'l t. f '.'J l.'i llflrri!,.j V.i'i'),,
I'L"jii-iJiTi dAS ymp:-.
n .S Iit '-n n ni'ivt'l Iiir"
Itlock. on N. nh Third s'rre;. ,.'
Ilom .ll.nkH, uhere Ihv :ne p.
e!l Uicds ol ik in tio ir lu.e t l? . -,
i)i lers and ir'jiinie
touris proi::; tly a:ei. !-! t
!r. :n
-ail and trjr.nii.r.e r ur !
i.xunes id the rii. -t a: ;
ll.ei.l o
and Ik.
All 1
lif t,- .
ik w a: rat.
i.e 10 i.r-!e
le.!. A!
o Strain l it.
-t"l:7. A; ;(i . f
'. il.ei-t
the Cii'.t.s I
I!. 1.. II !!! i.:i
in it.'ii) 11 e K. v.ere lb
r-iii 1 :
tc V;-
.. ll.ei.t i f
Widow Ar:;,
...r a: ove lis l'o-l fi::'.i e.
..- Lil'if., he hopes to ii.-
I the p'll-lic pulri. n.T.-e.
r -J.arj.
'2?P'?g5 h-u Ai;f!it.n.-erl
1". l.SiosH'llolWI ha ;r. u :j r rp ir.:-t-.e
Atii I . i ; i . f-i : r Lev. .-bi.t ; '
a;'e..J hi a!i fill is 111 h l-s lA'' Hi a
Comnlsslcn Sales.
In Aj'ri! :.t :'. I ii.:m'I in i p- n . ri M;.r'
1 !: t ii K rn l" r rt-c p' n n. ! !;. .: t
h 'aTr- I hn.es i I a;I li:r.t - ' at A :r,
hitii. Any t-ii1 r.-i.-hiiii ! ip.-e i t ar.v ar;
ran 'i'-fM.-:! n u iih me a i. f I h ;i ? 4;
if.-- n:vari';:-r I t.in and char'r a
l ei.. r a 5fi.M:iiou fr
S. u:h r.r. n ar Mai kf-i :
V f
i.l ii,rm;. pa.
w iii 'C la! i h Ui! v a u! pr ri;p;,y a'."-
'A i.i
I I) If In
1' J
i t (t i i it i:. .r
A-' l i'ibpidiii.! l."!ratio!'Jiii;idnl!f
uli.l n!'
- St..) 1!
ti.l.. 1 1 r.
V.T. K 1.11
1 t.r- I.;.
tt t.
hi- i..
HiJ t.Im
: -. 1
t.- V-i
; I . . r- i ' td. r-;.--. . i
r . : ti t- V. i.i h. T-i w
'.-r. r .rl-r licli ai.-l a.. I'.-i--.
uri-ii from an ;m-
ii j .it t I'.'ir'vui -.1. t, inT.niut r m ). In
:.It m.i'l 1,'oT l.;l"lt it 1 1 in-ir TP ft i!- fnl to ! . . " n
.! (-t-jrit.r I: - u-i .: I y ft ,1 ai..l i
t t.r. ti.li- it tl. r. tit.'iv ( )i r wiTii.i it- t -rrrnl
Al I MM 1 1 K AM" i I II A I i K atf.-rt tn tt.- orKfil
tiiMi.ic uim'ii-i . .ii- itot hf-itaif to r-t Dim-ni it n a
It i; i h l.t LT M.I k tii. :
IHIm-. 4: K-tr Mr, t. l.t-rc It. IfaTlc OiJ b' PffliSLi
I. ! M . i lil-r
:.t t)- l. i i an prf-rur Clrmltr & ntaiDing a
laip lu.is.' i f iLr- tin.-: rr-pi tal-ir tU uvt.
Tin- il:'rir . f IW :t't . s Xi PJ.ItMn th frltowi
t. m::. ii; tl--.t;rt-r .-t J n i: i ry i -1, l-.-i. ci.nrrriilii J
l'r. tKn t i- f-w.: i,r. vhu h ruri-d Ir.tu ot i.ry-ip.-l-ki :
It tiAV!- I'M I kATI Vt; U m rmt to tbrhatit
:r r.-it-if I- th- nv .if rDarrax. u-
.-Iniui-. I.i
i h may b.ij yn to ! al-rti-l.--t.r.
u-t-d lT. litia'
l.ii.j.-. 1!:
n.. -ii-.j . : mi iii,.- t i.. u r-n:iy s-j of ! -n t
. m:.':. . ; - I. r l.ij-i . i: zrrat J'lra.urn
:n -.; 'i , . r..iu- r.-iii..- ti.f I-urattre to Ubi rj
ihi.1 jlri.. ti' ..
Htir.I M 1TI-M.
I'l.ii...iij ,i;i. AncTtt. 1r.
f n vi"'t rv. r. v i!:t'i lit rr, t d-n in h. t mi,- !t .
yc.-ir. :if k-.t .th li.T sm't-rv kM-niMti-m. , !
i -r . it ir.u I, t). Al. 1 rt:- :,t!t-rrl tt. 3 - l
. v ! if i .r r. - ;...;n : r lhr- p,.,0 - , r n- fr. I mile, -n
n ! I - -i. ; .. . l.i i i ' iiu. .1 t. ati - r.'l h r witdi ui n
i::n n. in--t. i..-:ttnj nuiifi ii;-iTnr:-ti. I n ti- :'!
i. r J' J j ..- J v ut,r: .- l.r.-t U.itlf -h t r u
i .-.) :i .J. ftl. ! ..t :.i te : r i t-.f i tu r. M.- mLiint.- i
ri it . ;r..- I r f tut- : ti .f ali.i ll j.P. , t,-j a rrlv-. l ru:-:'rt.
1 ! r-mttii t 1 li i f Kli.-uniait-iu t d hv liraltt. 2-vi
1 -T r Wlt-, l mi; U, aroi: tl t" Tc:ir.
MI S M TIHtll'SiA'.
I No 11 liuti hlQ.-tVU ?C
ti!i:ot dim im:.
Tt.W Ir.- i .1 f t .:i-a-. ir.-iii.Miiir I Irt-rati'"!.. In
f -fi :.. i, Ti i.l i.i Irr i t -, ir.. i ne st m- -r
:un ir- Mi. 1 I y tt.t . t l'r. I i rurativr and It
I'i.ii- Ti -i. -ti i ii. l;.:i.itf, t. i lowing ca..!
-"i i curr ;!': r - iit:i. i'i -iitl. riut: :
! r ..?t i-.uf tln.-n-r Co., July 2,
PR. PT:--TVHr ?;r:
A! . v rr- jt.-n I att:it l(. .I with )t i.isetvM. rf
tit., il.i.-i.t. h - . n irr;lii;;y. tut at t:nif h. n
1 . ii ( l t;.V i.'-l :i j urn nr.l -nt!. rir ouM tt
ii-tr. -m . :v ti.j n.-.1 w:th I' s i( '-rr lo Mirh art
i.t t! nt I . ui.l it- t ni k al. f a Uit. Ti. di-
.... r- uMliU.-l r-f. r. r-l nhtH'(ifljE I a
r 1 1. im .tvjii It- ..im-'tit tt I. ur ihli-rm l.sirini
T- ITlir; l!iinil--l :tt Civ ri-ndltl. Tt. 1 . tirUldft t Z- t'
ri:tta l. it l.i:i hnl r. i.-tut jnu. minrti y. U rrr-'Urct I .I.i
in : h- :iit-r f ti.-n joa rn-nniui i: nic t tsk
v ur I f.iirt;Tf ; T--i I tl,c Uft t t- ur i'tti-9 -it it. in
-i in;, x. ii ;th tuir tliri'Ht ( j-ll-'ati.-n. I wa fijlir!f
rut- T. ai.-l Ii..t.' r. nijiunl wfi. It jj. n..w njort- ttiMt
, !ir tt.t i utw was lf.-t-l. lt-pfITlil'T. T- ur
frit "i. t aki.akktta r. Bipiiiii-.
fj MMm-I?" T? j( K.iUltilolTVlMr!
TtH.mi AITI I ATImN . I.iiM an.ii.ir.y tl,- I'. jt.r
nt! ii oafrs of MTt fuli-us tlrrn ar.d I li-vr.4i- .! ill
Thr, -t.
Call on the A rents. J. BAKEK A ( O i
I.rwul urf. an.I .rr. nrf rirnil.r" r--ntaiuitij a H:
Din.-- "f -itl.-i)c-in taf'TtT th int-di' in.
J. UAhl.i: l Co. a-;s ft r I nu n cvuuty. '"5'r
rpAKE NOTICE The nndersisned are
J appointed Asenls for ihe sale ff
luoit. Itli.KN & Wimlon .K-.is.Ii
of all sizes, made i f the best nia'.-rTu!. ft
work warranted. I"?-.Made bv L.U.I'KI1 f,
Huchesville, I'a. and for sale hv
' J F s .LllV;LL;ersrl:
at a r.Aur.Ai.v:
The sni.seriber has on 1 .ar 1 f 'f
'io X' lluszirK. i. .h h!
i ner al a nar-a n
lor fash or id Kn-h.i"-'
f. r a e..od HuKss.
miss it.
fall seen or I. n
3. F. lil KIL
t H.ir.h A i;..lne.n s'-
rr irabsent. inquiie ot W . II. Kilter, at Wis.
( Bon, Jr."s store. Lewisburi;. Feb. Ii
"IA T H V don't ynu sell cheaper V Whaf.
y 1 cheaper vei ' hv. I am in
sell,,,; MIA.1I)K (OIL for 1 t
S.'.'i per loii. according io qiialnv bin net in
a itui 's credit : those are ihe price. lor rash:
or country produce. I will sell by the b. a:
load it by the ton, and deliver at anv p'acc
within the bi roucli Inniit. Havin: W nsh'
scales, full weishl will 5 piven. Also,
Hhi. k. milks' Cixd, and H iikts-Hrtrrr Cut t. t
F. un.liv purposes. Vard on Water street,
near Wei .'en -aui's hotel.
l.ewibV.May 27,'SOyl C. HOL8TElX.
t V VLAS'l tlli and .s'.t .'' cheap for ras!i
bv IIKll Hul sTFIX
OF Danville. Mill. n. Mime?. M'Ewrnsvillf.
!Sinburv, .V rtlinmberland, 5elinsroi e.
New Brrbii. Miltlinburir, Hanletun.and score
in Lewtsburs. have bunch: iheir HATS and
CAPS al .itiMIl' Emporium of Fashion
wiihin the past year, and are urrring theif
friends to do likewise. Always a line assert
rem of latest styles on hand, very cheap, at
ft- l'o Kct Itooksi andotherart.cleT
it l? .i-of thai kind on hand ortoorder buh
i ''L-ewisbarg Brokbtnder, CH; ST A H!