tmii m STAl- M imfiflPflinDP. vvJuSJijjUJmiBr lull. Mil BY 0. WORDEN AND J. At $1.50 per Year, always l n;,.nlntm! tirfc T cu k'i!irT!irnnirl( I nioat miiM Mar. Lew ijar iiruuiue . fitarJ Ffilijf,at Is-iriJ'unjjL niun Co.Pa. i t-r T.-ajT. T hC rUI IS AT'TASCt M 1 .r ur tit T j ri- fr-ix m -crlj. 1 !.. . ll-U Un-fUIl. i I-T two our fr. io for t n coiir i nf tiur lir. M -t kiui- Tr-iuf r.-t i-ii l tlieffir. (du. ' ; dtp a runuiu: j t.-am it i Ti ,i'i'Kl- t-jusrv ..u- K. ft- U 'IT ibM-rli-.n. i dyl I'- r t-ix C; .utii. Pr ' ar- il 1 M1 rt- l; - V -:. 4 J 1 1 - ;Jr. 1 ; '. . . M.-n l.uu. Ac. Hot OT-r ftuf I urUi o! ruiainn. U U-1. (--r -nr. u:tn-r I bi a if a.T- W 'i;- Q. A .(UTr is !tUr or tmllrt ivt-- or "T n-xt r-iT. A i-n: tn-nt o 4trt . i.r- nit, o -t lunttl. Comraimcstion j-irt-i --uv ; x m. int.-r t D t mi.ii.ii! J ' :' r-: nr-- aaj )lrfi. Thr M i N i i"J' 1 Kl-l.'.ii i- i--7it.4 ,n lb- N w- ta :a'te f lh- !Mlvi. Ha:;. O ni"-:-i h-" "- amj.l- matirll fr ot k'-ti- ..I J JB FRIN'TIN. nt!i trul Irin-uird w.Ui a: A :v. r i.- ui- ui if tw pujlvr waeu Laul.-d -5 "'fcul-14rk"1 Wort 4 orm liu. Ll)c tar aaD Cljroniflf. M(IIV, ?14V 10, 1-9. The elevtions for a:l com Biiiii uti 'ieers of tLe Volutitcers throufh.-ut tbe State, except .'uj r ulu era!, will t:ike ji'-ce ou tie first Monday inJuLeutit. t (Biers are elected r fiir vears. TLe Mii.T Generals are elected, Ja.y f,., ty the CummU- , j ! iioned c-ffietrs. : . Sure senate The terms of ff" Senators txpired with the last .cssion Meisrs. Wright and Kaudall, of PuiiaUel- i phia; l etter of Perry and Cumberland; j llrewtr of Franklin and Adams ; Steele Of Lui.rue ; and Cretwell of lilair ; Lem- ocrats, in ai us aua .-les.-ra. uamu,, . Messrs. f Allegheny; CVC.y of iuJiana; .Myer of lklfrd; Scte.d of Warren; and Harris of liutlcr; Kepubiicans, in all "re. Those holding over are equally di vided, eleven llepublicaus to eleven l'em- ocrats. 1 he five U . publican districts tney will certaiu'.y carry, as they are all strong- ly lleputiicao. Cumberland and Perry last Fall gave Porter 147 maj. over Head, but ail the other districts went Opposition. With ordinary prudence and energy, our next State Senate must be Republican. j--h was tor some time thought that James Buchanan was the last "old etfcr- alist" in public life. But this appears to be a mistake. A correspondent of the Williamsport JWu states that Capt. Wm. j P. BaAUV, who for so many years, under everv administration, has betu unanimous- t i .t f tk- o.ii-i.n i Seward and Lincoln. ly elected to oversee the Senate chamber we were not allowed to keep iL If retain 0fpennslvania,declares himself a "iiWt .cd, this would have been put under the aT.i..j-V..,r..;;j " nothini? more.noth-' same restriction as the sword. I would i ing less eschewing all 'isms, 'crats, and have liked to have kept my share. I could ether new fangled inventions. Weil, he then have "stood treat" for all Lewi,burg is an excellent wfficer, anyhow, and as "he ; to a cup of tea. fought .o brave at Erie," and wears a Our stay in the Iragua, was short, and lter medal as a memento of the fact, wturoeJ to Montevideo. Here we re tbe Captain has a perfect right to be just i 6a b b of be'g fiaE hlP of tbe what be please. '. (Be it Paraguay Expedition and Brai.l Squadron, ver the Captain is nU a Buchanan man.) ; bJ trnifer of onr fllS " 'b F"'e ' I Sabine. Decline of Agriculture. Some cf our Western free trade cotem- ; . , , 1 1 i r,.a eortrie. appear to be considerably betogged ' i in contemplating the statistics ot .gncul-' , . , g . , , . . . . .1 msrpB.l nf taking rains to ID- ture;and, instead of taking pains to in- ' form themselves with regard to the causes of the comparative declino in this impor- f - .i ' tant department oi muusiry, iue, a eu- ; deavoring to scold people into engaging in , nnprofitable employments. Here is an ; extract from an arucie vj out u mo t...kaM ff nn i ir. cctiDUUiv kkucii j "AGRICLLTlkb rui 'f- . . T ; .ri r f 1 n I feari petrs from carefully reTisea tables upon Bbj, : ou iu .fin...... r- . ---- a -i L,h in .he till and New World, induced, , iio doubt, by the great desire to live easily od live Uziiy ; to get ofEce, if possible, .... -. L 'I TL. and bold on to it as to an neir-ioom. aue discrepancy can scarcely oe accouuiiu iur . in any other way. it wors.s uj un ; ua ( tbe desire to evade hard labor is growing with our crowth and strengthening with ; cur .irenetb, in the face of facts going to , falling off of 32 per cent 1 et the Uuth ! is obvious, that there are too many men ! BC .1 . .1-1.. T.r'.li,'in thrnilfrh 1 ...lyg uil I t .--n the medium of speculations and taxes of various kinds,direct and indirect. On the whole, Farming is the most profitable, tappy and independent pursuit, as well a. tbe most bonest,'but not the most popular among the ill-judging. sad kn tb Uxl. to IbrnMilf 111a s Fy, W Im-t. .Mllb krr.aal.l but .t WJ 1 Pr. 4 lrd. w.i fl ntti. or w OlI A knatk m kn.k liva . hmth baU mmir; Bat a bt.14 vemry, w.u.lrV. prsic IM ooot' t ia loat, aa r o. .oppiitd." The New York correspondent of Tbe Kentucky Free South advocates th. show that the average oi me in iue rurai ; u ueeu - ; what do yon want oi me f ' lbe woman I a : th rrimean war .ft r ,v u I ascending streams. ben 1 nrl stocked jBt.. a merely rev,.l-i-,onar document, an ' . , 3 ' employments U far above that of any other bad several thousand ton. of our aothra- u d ..j dlJ , mean you, but mj ! , k a , T '.,,! my trout-pond, I placed 1,500 in it, ! abstract truth, applicable to all men and a'l squashes, and other plants .uVject to tho branch of busine,s-Profe,iona!, mercan- cite caai geiecteJ and exported especially ! 'Z.'rk? he Was watchine the ! f and was accustomed to feed them with an! i! t v-- tile, or mechanical. fjr tbe U!e of tbU elpediloa. I bas cost, i " U "J V" ' L ".oU J i 'T '' "J FJa . "J s4 grasshop-! il-ck'to the very barhmger, ; Tbe plum and other fran. subje.-, to ho "Inl30,the agricutural population ' " T . . ,fn ' &'e 3oad" kJ 'L tr,ok' , "" EM ulterior ODjeci. j" tr,hieh thev attacked with ereat of re-aipear.i,2 tv.annv and oppression. 1 ravage of insect., may be saved by plac-.ho-ed TT per cent, male and female.while nearly as I ascertain, from fifte n to Uve hidJen bimself gomewher. from the In ; lbe iLflaeDce of LoUjs Xapo. ! P. f 5 , of te folk Yo" ulM "", ' iS o the tranches and thr..u,h the treo S"o? IS lo exhibited the ratio of agri- t-enty-four dollar, per ton before being : itflrm. x eame t0 take bim bome. See , leon ,o of eJ , vorac-y, to the amu-ement of tho .look. aj,. , culturUt. at 45 per cent, of the entire pop- delivered aboard of our steamer., at ou thew fae Me. at last, out from the bush- ter. It is BCarceIj possibIe ,bat sbe wttlJ j S grow much more rap.dly Woman.-A Hartford , , ' ' k . Nation, with increase of perhaps not less coiling sUt.ons, for use. This great cost , rMIk, ,hc boy from th. city, reli- j b meani be induced ,0 eB,Utagainst ! ' 3 felr ,eK, ,h, fl,0.iog s(0ry t, illustrate ' , Kl'P1,!' f thin 5,000,000 in tbe ten years. .ri.e, it is true,, from trans- j ,cd how b, bld uken bcr yoice fjr , voice . Jf , from .be fact that they are better fed, and P . - ia-oaDecueal " ft"ful We think there must be some mistake , portation. uut what I wish to draw your froffi belTen. Thtn lhe fMei , . not compelled to exercise. Trout ire the j ( lcDce ,bl h a!tenda the hrst stag,, of ,n- either in that 77 or4o--hicb, w. do not j atuntion t0( i. that a great portion of it bsf deTOUtly tcd 0a j mJ j ( ; lm only fish known to me hat posse, a K.-PWi party every-. '"V-, r " knew, but there could net have been a ( was 0f the mo.t inferior quality. V e ehj,d do ot tbaDk ,n- tb, C6S tbat I , . ' - ..'.,, -oice, which is perceived by pressing , SJ s,rurs of the fail of, a lowiog nominations lor l?ou: rrw'Jlkl An inferior article takes up too ident, N. P. Bank, of Massachusetts; for . much epace aboirJ Bipf gnJ wiU no, plJ Vice Presidwnt, Cassins M. Clay of Kj. ! fof exportation. Our Steam Navy is ra "Test sami old Coos." CoL Slifer, ! pidly increasing. Pennsylvania ! look to the State Treasurer, ha. completed the j your interests, and let us have your coal, organization of hi. "Cabinet" by lbe ap-' not elate and du.-t. pointmeLt of Mr. Jactb Ksco, Messenger. J E tti tin.e, I iuppoae, all cf car .:e- R. CORNELIUS, In Advance. Thf alf SirrmTMI tetra.iriaiza.Hl9 W rallh .rmnlnts:lt,ir, hmv, f.n.. oa our (ruirrnnirni. , Cvrrt.-j-ociJf nc of thp 5tr k Chrx-nirle. U. f. ?tKM FCLT'S, at ! Off C.) Ii.Urr. April , lV. Messrs. Kditurs : "There is & River in ; the Ojcao. Ia the tererest droughts, it .ever f.",!., ..d in the cight flood, it nev.r ovc.fh.s. Its baDk3 and it. hot- tom are cf cold water, while its cu rr... cf watm. The T.ulf cf M.iiea is iLs foun- Uin, Hi iu mouth i ia the Arctic Seas, It is the Gllf Stream. There i iu the ; 01 01 our " uul world do other .uch maje,t:c flow of wa-' PeDsa "f our lnd "f J"'- ters." A. I m haviog this one-.ided j I5't,er dJ re ""g- 0" stea" chat with jou, we are ruhiDS across the me" P""1' WIP9 out ,he dl'gr"e deep blue water, of this mighty river, at j "There goes eight belU," aod I must make ti.. f .1 t , l , ,i- I the best of our tad anthracite fur the ntxt a,usj laic ij. iitiu nuuta au ujui- .1 iuu place, in bread'.b is estimated at about seventy-five miles; its d.-pth, fevea hun dred feet; aul its current, at about three knots an hour. We will sjon be across it, and pL'jhin the waters of the Chcaa p eake, and then of the Potomac. We are bound fjr Vrashintoo. When I last wrote to you, we were ia the La l'iata, at Kosario, coaiiug slip preparatory to our Tirit up the Uruguay liver, on a Tisit to Gen. L'rju'n. He ia the Presi dent of the Argentine Confederation, and h" h'-ea 1U"J Jei" IU1st Pminent actor in the many tragic revolutions of J . these soutuera nations. We met hiin in para-uay, when he urged the invitation of m Tl4 Qf C:Jllr:.e) lbe Tislt wa, more of , poiitie,j or Barional affair, than social, The Fu!ton lal Wa(er Wl!ch wef( tbe cnjr ,ijat weDt up tiie i;raguay : ll)cj WiTe M tte oul 0Qcg tQ gJ up tte paragU3J. xhe Commissioner and Com- modore were accompnuied by as many of the ot,-!.rs from each ehip as could be spared from duty. They were entertained, in munificent style, for several days, at bis atamia. which is about twentv-one miles ;from C(juception ijrjmM ia probably ! ,he weaiia:est min on ,ce Western Hem- Sphere, ile estimates his land by the l vjuare Lnyuc, and bis cattle, horses, and sheep by the hundreds of thoiuandi. As j a memento of our, be presented Com. Shubrick with a splendid sword, valued j at about three thousand dMnrs. It was 1 roived with tbe understanding tnai mis presentation must be ranctioned by Can- gress before it becomes valid, Afur our treaty with Paraguay, Lopei preseuted us with Beteral thousand dollars worth of yerba. mate or Paraguay tea ; but i Wi;i not boast much of the warlike i ppearance of that fleet of seventeen .ail. i. , j, was not such as would make an Amen- I . ... ' can abroad feel proud of his country. W e ; . . , , ,, ,, , . , . ..,.l ,.l. ,V,. '.t ,,1,.;V parted company with the gallant Shubrick ; and suit, also with Commissioner Bowlin, ; with regret. Being ordered to return ; . . ; Dome ln company with the aterwitch, we remained there about two weeks, until : sha Was ready for sea. We bad a lively ; time there, as tne Americans numDerea ar.iiiT nnr.tirn an in n. " -".--j w-.. ...... 1 M - .1 . . t t 1 nu iae exctpuon oi some oaa wea- 6hortlj tfler W9 eft Montevideo, w ; 8"J f"ored iQ M ! , j . ... - . We ?t0PPed at tb isI"d of St" Catharine, ! at Pcrnambuco, and at Barbadoes, for coal, ; spending a few days in each port pleas-; . ( antly. i Allow me to take this opportunity of , l-.,rin. ..-.m. f r,,. I,nn.wln;. f.;. - - "-'' "7 f , D0W L0W " lf e reputation ot our j uvn - - vs wwsk , anthracite coal, lor me use oi me -avy, , frequently bad to throw at least forty per ceEt overboard as waste. Do you ask the reason T I reply, incompetency or rascal ity in the persons who selected tbe coal As a Pennsylvanian, I feel greatly inter ested in this matter. The Keystone State cm, and should furnish our Navy with i coal. She can do it far cheaper and give a. a better article for our purpose., than J any other country. We are now consum. ing thonsinds of tons of British coal, an- j nually, which Pennsylvania might furnish, t provided honest and capable men bad the r ' . .,nt nf :.. ,tiM,;0n and i.urchae. Comi for onr ns, mutt U o a npcrior . i t... Ar-.i'.i ii, a i. iF.rn rvi r v is s . . m.m w. i n c v. Muuiim i i .... - fcwuuv-, . v. . v. . ... j - ,iar fcfi i iitpi i nwi- mn :nvf pnenmriara. LEWISBDRG, UNION CO., PA., FRIDAY, ii ... Fi0t -rcrrtirfT ihft , Metacomet, are on their waj home. The KniLr nf that atpamer h been condemned .u .i,. -u -mi m.;n nnc'avDrthv. io that sua will remain tMoDtiJeonntil further order, from home. The ch.rter of this old craft ha. been Use swindle upon tb. purses 0f j b. people. I. fc-. all of the chartered tID"' b" CMt 0"om'J. im l tear 1 would have been found ery luefficicnt in I ca3 ot tction- A irlanee at them has D i j SiTe0 foreigners quite a favorable opiniun four hours. Kespeetfully yours, tiii: un iri:. G. Lav the Rein upon my bosom. Let me feel her eet, warm breath, For a stranee chill o'er me passes, And I knuw that it is daih. I Houlil gaze upon the treasure Scarceiy uvea ere I co. Feel her rosy, dimpled hnzrs W'an ier o'er my cheek ui snow. I am pasinj throujh the waters, Bui a b!esed shore appears. Kneel beside me, husband, dearest! Let me kiss away thy tears; W resile vtih thy enet, my husband, . ?snve trom midnight until day. It may have an angel's blessing When it vanishes away. Lay the srem open my bosom, 'Tis not U'ne she can be there ; See ! how to my heart she nestles, Tis the pearl I love lo wear. If, in alter years, beside thee sits anuiher in my chair, Thouch her voic? be sweeter mnsie. And her lace than mine more fair If a cherub calls thee 'father," Far mure beautiful than this. Love thy ilrst burn ; O, my husband ! Torn not trom the motherless. Tell her sometimes of her mother, You will call her by my name! Shield her from the winds of sorrow ; If she errs, oh ! gently blame. Lead her sometimes where I'm sleeping, I will answer if she calls, -An 1 ray breaih will stir her ringlets When my voice in blessine tails, And her soft black eyes will brighten Who wonder whence it came ; In my heart, when years pass o'er her, She will And her mother's name. It is said that tvery mortal Wj ki between two angels here; One recur ts the ill, but tiots it, If before the midnight drear Man repenteth ; if uncancelled. Then he seals it for the skies ; And the right hand an eel weepeth, Bending low with veiled eyes. I will be her richt hand angel, Sealing up tne good fur Heaven, Striving that he midnight watches Find no misdeeds uulorgiven. You will not U rget me, husband, When I'm sleeping "neaih the sod! Oh, love the jewel given as. As 1 love thee next lo liod ! THE THUNDER STORH. Frank, a boy from tbe city, bad been picking raspberries in tbe woods. A. be was on bis way home, a violent storm arose; it began to rain, to lighten, and to thunder, fearfully. Frank was very ' , macb frightened, and crept into a hole, in an old eak tree, not far fiom the roadside. ' m , , i . . i i . : He did not know that lightning is very arJt ta strike a hollow tree. But, all at 0BCa be heard a voice that called, "Frank! 1 ' ; Frank ; conle, 0h I come out quickly 1" frallt jumped iustantly from the tree, but ecarcel, bad his feet touched the ground when the lightning struck the : . i . u . .1 j 1 1 r.;nu.r..iiM irec, iuu vu9 iuuuuci vt uucu iiiLutiuu . . . . . . Xhe cround quakea beneatix tna temned boy aDd it Iecmed as if he was standing io the midat of fire. Bat he was not hurt at .n and he exclaimed itb raised hands, "That voice came from beiven ! n b ved Xhrn, O dear Lord, bast .a1 ' me But once more the voice was heard 1 i "Frank! Frank! do vou not hear me?" i .1 . . . ... ... . lie looked around htm, and discovered a j . - nn-t BhA a a I j in rv Krnr i pint woman who waJ ealiiog. Frank rlQ towards ber, and said, "Here I am, the voice came from tbe month ot the poor peasant woman. It was lis who willed tbat I should call your name, al though I knew nothing about yon." "Yes, yes," said Frank, "God served ! himself of your voice', but my escape, nv- crtbeieSa eame from heaven." Aiway. remember, dear reader ! that WQnr iafet depends not on accident or ntnee) but jt proceeds directly from your jjtaTeoij Father, and that not a sparrow th ground without his notice. . . rr i:..t. lnn r aht i in the II J w tic . uww w - . bosoms of those around us! We might ! explain many a coldness could we look in- i to the heart concealed from u. ; we should j often, where we bate, love, when we cnrl the lip with scorn and indigestion. To i ad 'e without reserve of any hnman ac- J e . ... lion is a culpable temerity, of all oar Sins tie icost unfeeling a&d .'reqarEt. .k l.,...,.. Fl.ot ..n ni lha T. inmi m.r Pliln. of tkt (ontrnSlar resaraeu luo prcsn.." . TkP m.p.piti. of ike toBteiiiiu , , rvMcra. No complication of human affairs could ' more exciting and tracic than such a t & Penerl1 war M D0W threi,n turoPe- j Tblt U (wi11 infl:ct : pon m.ll.oo. of men, i, iceviuble. Tb.t "T"'; ' " ' - -v. ! "uruPBi " uul mpr"a"ie. inaiiimaj give to tbs down-trodden nations of the Old World extended political liberty and j substantial rewards for the terrible evils i wbicb the strife, let it result as it will, j must entail upon tbem, is possible. If tbe latter end is accomplished, tbe war will 1 serve a useful aod beneficent perpose; if it l. not, it will prove, like many bloody struggles which have preceded it, but ano ther carnival of fiendish carnage, disirrace fu! to the character, and unworthy of the dignity, of man. The immediate parties to the war arc France, Sardinia, aad Austria, and the j immediate pretext for it is the Italian po licy of the two latter Powers. Italy, long the cynosure of the world though she has given birth to the greatest gianig of .L-i . , , . influence upon human destiny than any other portion of, U globe-now lies bleed - V.. .. , .. .." mg, pr.trate ana Helpless, a mere depen - dint upon the whims and caprice, of na- j xhe republican States, with their respec tions which were once her abject pro- j tive wbit9 pop!1lation, are placed in one vinces. Among ber States, Sardinia has j column tbe Democratic States, with their for some year, past thone pre eminent for j respectiTe white population, in the other, the wi.dom and liberality of ber govern-1 It wiU be8een that the white in habitants .f ment. Toall her just popular concessions, Austria has been .trongly opposed. She ha. ruled ber Italian dominion, by despo tic power, and curbed the aspirations of ber oppressed subject, by the .tern band of military rule, and by aavage erueltie. ,. ' ' b . . disgraceful to the age. Her principal cause of complaint airainst Sardinia at this moment is, that the example of the latter, and tbe sympathy she has .hown to tbe victims of Austrian despotism in tbe Ital ian fit.tA .nilini,.. ik. .nrti n na ( I ... , u. Austrian control over iu victims. The Austrian monarchy has always bten dis - . , , , ' J tinguisbed for the tenacity of iu hold upon its posse.ioD. It elutche. every inch of territory that it can acquire by force or fraud, with the determination of an old miser in hoarding op bis precious gold ; and tbe feelings, or tbe right, of the people who inhabit it. provinces, are no more respected than if they were mere V.A..,. 1 1 fill. .1.1.1, I. . I J , "r" """" " uuiua dominion. In the present war, tbe whole royal family of Austria i. said to cordially concur. In France, the war is the most popular movement that Louis Napoleon ever made, With him war of some kind is to some extent, a necessity, to gratify the martial pride of bis country ; and he certainly could not have engaged in one that would nave been more congenial to tne feeling, of his country. A. tbe French troop, are marshalled to the seat of war tbe recollec "on oi me inumpus oi toe great r. .. . ! Uesliny upon the same theatre is , . , - , , and their renewal u eairerlv and c I e tion cf tbe triumphs of the great Child o! recalled, Jbfil nt- ! , - , , t ,u fc fP , I .,.. t?..:. b..i::. j , .fi . .7 " ji r ot acting tne seiosn and cowardlv tart ot j Au,tris actively participated in the .trua - j , . . , , - !;.. of ,b. melnorabIe canjpai cn io thg 7. T. ..- , ,. ". " , i This claim to French sympathy en further itrenthened bv . hi m, sn lurmer atrengtneneu Dy tne ma - ill alliance between the daughter of - - 1 1 l trimonial alliance between the daughter the King of Sardinia and Prince Napo lea. Thus, France is in an admirable ' position to command the svtnpathies of'"1 u" ' ""' ' I Mu .n I k ". . .j. I are always in season when their bead, are her people, and to excite ber troops to the I . ... ... disnlav of those miht .n.l of . at wonderful miii trv .kill l,o-h . . '. repeneuiy euciieu tue asiouisumeat and adn,iration of the world .... ence against Austria for her rfimliifw prevailing that she bas already entered into a secret compact with France and Russia. In EnyLwd, the public mind has been terribly exercised by recent events. The ry demand. 1 when it is popular sentiment of tbe count neutrality in the contest; and recollected what an immense debt .be has incurred by ber former interference iu con tinental politics, and bow little benefit has been realized by ber people from the ex traordinary expenditures to which they have been subjected, wisdom seems clearly to dictate that she should not become an active participant in the struggle. It is natural tbat ber statesmen should have made efforts to prevent the war, for it is . one in whieb she can gain but little, while she may lose much. In no quarter of the world bas a more active sentiment against . .- 1. -- ai L i Austrian crueiue. ana uaroariue iu iiaiy prsrailed, yet at tLe same time have Jong MAY 20, 1859. reetraea me preserTauuu ui ma u I i .i -r L. A... - . A t UOTCromeDK U S ueccwarj wioui' ,v the baUnc of power in Karope,and mnj of them consider a combination between two such powerful nations as France and Kuasia, inimical to the safety of their own "fast-anchored isle." JWaJ. 1'reu. tiii: evi:ig 1IOBV. IT E. O. V. JKHfU- Th farmer at his plow duth stop. His limbs are weak and wurn : He fain would cae his tmlsome wurk But waits the Evening Horn Hark! from afar, a mellow sound; On zephyr's wings 'tis borne Mt is, it is," the farmer cries, It is the Evening Hur." With joyful haste he no leaves off His work till morrow-m. rn. And next we see him on his road He heard the Evening Hum. The bleatinz sheep now wend their way Along the he.lge of thorn. And, by the chiming of each be!!. Answer the Evening Horn. The crazing catile lift their heads, And now their pasture scorn ; Fast to the farm-house next they go They heard the Evening Horn. The Two Great Parties. To those who are in the babit of re- garding the Democratic as the dominant (c o i r-v - , " : by apportionment, we commend the fol - ! lowiJ table, compiled by the AJU., 1 juUrnal from the United States Census the Republican State, out-number those of the Democratic Sute. it proportion of t ico to one : Republican.' Democratic. i Maine 5i,-!l.l Maryland 4I,W3 i -Vnampsnire ji7,4.s .rg.nia 'ermont 313.4i N. Carolina i Khode Uland 14,753 s. Carolina 891.ioo 53tl.0tiS 57463 S:i.A75 : Connecticut 363.099 Georgia Massachusetts Alabama New York 3.0H.:)5 Mississippi New Jersey Pennsylva. Ohio 456.509 Louisiana a.558.160 Texas 1.955.0.sO Arkansas 677,1m Missouri M6.031 Tennessee 376.071 Kentucky 304,757 California laioaipiortds Soo.otK) Delaware 162.1 9 injiana i lil.'nois 1 JI.'cniB . W isconsin . L.wa o?..wi 756.836 7io,000 200.000' ! 71.169 j J Minnesota Oregon 40.000 13,530,750i 6,162,418 Democra's are fond of applying to their opponents the epithet of "Black Republi- canism," a. if tbey in some way derived their .trencth from tbe African race. We - - - " ... . tngeesi to toem a carciui examination oi ; the above figures, which show that the Repablican is pre-eminently the Party of j ,be White Men of the Union, while the Democratic only maintains it. power at all i by three million black, held in alavery, ; which it represent, in Congress and the ! Electoral College, although it will not ; allow them to tote either for Electors or , Congressmen The Tront. The trout i. the only fish that comes in f ! and goes out of season with deer ; he B'"-t"-J " ' O mil giuniu, a ue louatu e um 1 ia October at a different time from '. nearly all other fish ; after which, both male and female become lean, weak, and . . 1 unwb)I;s0me ",,Df' lnd ,f eximlne1 j , closely, will be found covered with a pe- eies of clov.-sb.ped insect, which appear; ' v.. j ! continue until warm weather, when tbey ) ... - , . ! rub be 1DSeCtS ff 00 ,he gf"e ' , I to suck their .ubstance trom them. Ihey I medutely grow strong. The female is t,. k.i f tn. M. Sn n h kr.nwn U'D!.L II ..1 k.1. ... , ! 80 aM M t0 U disproportioned to the ; siza of tbe,r bo J"' The trout is less oily and rich than the salmon ; the female is : ..... , '. i macn DrlCuler lna m" oeautuui man i itio ma a r n p Ta" wim raniii v. ami iiiLfii fc ' e ' ! ..,. -I, .h. .mil . tr-iriuTiriniT ' sound and tremble all ever.-AWrt L. Ftale. The late Dr. Chalmers, of Scotland, being interrogated by a woman of bis ! congregation as to what he meant by "ca-1 1 tastropne, of which be bad spoken so .. ... 0.M...1. lUUCll aLI O uiciivua wawwwsu, tauiw.iw .l. I uL lUC ICriM U UCI B Ual.aUiU lit- st,.w hwh of a thing." This satisfied the woman, who thought she might now safely intro duce so fine a word into ber own vocabu lary. It so happened that tbe Doctor bad to pass tbe woman's house that same evening, and being buried in deep thought as he rode along, be did not observe that a large thorn bad been fastened to bis bore's tail, until he came opposite tbe bouse aod heard ber shouting "Ah, Doctor, d'ye see that big thorn at je r ' ' aittumphtT CIIROXICLE-Estabushed, 1843-Wuole No., 7s 3. .Tii b.T.:F.l.TT , Tnl llllft w i w " I j w j, Sewari and the I I Abribam LiBCOjDj were iofited to; j Ueud he ce!ebra?ion ia honor j of the birthday of Thomas Jeff rson being able to attend, they write letter. which we publish. Tbey speak the ear - nest, bope.'ul word, of men who b" .,ith in the truth, and its sure and eer- tain triumph at no very distant dy Be- publicanism, l.ketheD.mocracyof J.ff.r son, is f iund.1 upon the per.onal rights ol a,l men, ana tne numoiest c.tia u can comprehend and be made to understand j them. Fo Hos. V. H. S.w a. .. . V. Y Annl 5. 1?S9. 1 Gentlemen; I eive you my sincere and cratrful acknowledgments tr your kind invi - tation to the festival vou propose to make in honor of Thomas Jetterscn, -the father of the ordinance of 1 W, and the apostle of Siaie ordiuance 0: li',ana uic pLi.c ui oidx r.ghts." occupation consent on a long absence from my home, wi'l r ndrr it im- pussle irme to accept th.s curtesy. I trut, however, that you wil. a low a,e t. ccn - cratula:e vou oa the uu'm-'akab evidenre that the country is rapidly and surely return- ing to the uuiy true oatiunai p .. .tica! plait. 'nn laid duwn by" Jrfferson and his immortal as- sociates in the Declaration of American In- dependence, nameh.-he nshts li Human Na- ; ture. Alter a iuu scasuu i mi-ar pre nensirn , II l nu. .,.5 ,v ... .. , , can cause is at once a selt-sustamir.g and tZZZ inn Henr. fur.h I reel a-sured'that it will advance unul it shail be universally accepted by the pepie of our own country, and by all nations. I am. tenilemen. A c. WiLti.M H. Sawaao. Facf Hon. Ataman L'coti SfaivcritLit, LI., April 6, 159. Gentlemen : Your kind ntte, inviting me to atteud a festival in Boston, on the 1.1th in si., in honor of the birth day of Thomas question, taken by the Opposition in Vir Jenerson, .as duly received. My en-'. in;4 d KeDtucky. Tte opp3nenU 0f m.nit ftnrh thai I rin not attciid. bear. . J rr ing in mind that about seventy years ago two i great political parties were first formed in I this country; that Thomas JerJerson was at the head of one ot them, and Busion the head j quarters of the other, it is both eunros and 426.514 1 interesting that those sapposei lo descend, S95.7M I politically, from the party opposed lo Jeffer 325.491 j son, should now be celebrating his birth-day 151.034 ! in their own original seat of empire, while i those claiming pulmcal descent from him I ; nave Dearly ccascu iu uieauc uis name citif. j where. Remembering that the Jefferson party was formed upon its supposed devotion iu me perianal r.ghts cf men, holding the. rights of prupertu to be secondarv onlv. and ' greatly inferior, aad then assuming that the ! fal'ed Democracy ufuiav are the Jeflr- , son. and iheir opponents me anti-Jer!erson w.U be equal interesting w note fae loealitie., in.lead of paBdering to iZ how csmpletely the two have changed hands 1 . .. , ma as u the pnnc.ples upon which they onginally supposed to he divided. the Dinucracy of to-day hold the .aerfy j ai nn. man m apsdjiai. iv nmnmi- wnn in of one man to be absolutely nothing, when in i . .L , connict wun anotner man s ngui ti frr.n. Knn S, iranc on In f.inTfir- ar lor h,ilh the man and the dulhr : but m cases of con - flict the man ft?ure the dollar. ! my'. crcssing the Ticino. This stream 1 remember being once amused at seeing ,, . two pamaly luumcatei men engaged mi 13 riTcri IlslDg ' the foot of fisrb: with their great coats on, which fitrht. Mount St. Gothard, in Switzerland, Cow alter a long and rather harmless contesi, end- ,0uthwardly through Lake Maggior., ed in eacn havinj fought himself out of his 1 . B ea own coat and into thai of the other. If the and fina.Iy emptying into the Po near Pa iwo leading parties of this day are really iden-1 wia. During the latter part of its course tical wiui the two in the davs oi Jenersun and ; ., . , , ,. , T Adams, they have performed the same feat as '. lt form tbe boundary liae between Lom the two drunken men. j bardy and Piedmont, and bene its im- Bui soberly, ii is t o child's play to p!)rUnce in a military point of view. It save the principles of JeUersun Irom a total ; ., ' overthrow in this nation. , w easi.y crossed and not .trongly defen- One would state with confidence that he ded, is remote from all the centres of Sar- coold convince anv sane child that the sim- , ,i . . pier propositions of Euclid are iru-; tut dinian population and streng'h, and bene, nevertheless, he would fail, utterly, one is naturally chosen as the most feasible should deny the o-ehnit.oMan.1 axims. anJ axioms of tree sucietv. And vttt.rrare denied anl evaded, with no small h.'w of !rrt. tine di.hmii ea i tnem ' ing seneral.ties." ano.h-r bland v calls them -self-evident lies ;" and others msidauusly V11" the- cn 10 "ia inese expressions, ci.tnns m mrm. air i identical in object and effect, t has f'Pr'am - , mg the of iree guvt-rnment, and ! restoring those of classificauon. cast and le - Xne cXrrfsions, d.ifering in form, are gmmacy. They would iiHi.:ht a rrntica!i..n 1 ot crowned heads plotting against tne perpie. ; , i.iry .e .... ...ivvi..- u.. Thev are tht vancuari the mi1 .. .i , pers of returning despotism. e m.isi ie pu'se them, or th-y will snt;ura-e cs. -ri... .. . w.,.n f r.,mn,n..i,..., and , sIaTe a'ut coa.rlll u, , no s;ave. Those who deny freedom to other deserve it not iur n,eme.r. . aim. u, . lu-t Uod. can not long retain it. i A,, h ,nr , Jcir.f,n lhe man who. m j Tn j". .nrrt'rc nrfikurr ci anu.'.c iti uaut'ii- indtfpendrnce bv a s.r pejpV, had the wnere: ana is j , . 1 . itl I, . tl.A rl.-cf irn Hit wa 1 1 1 otJ ' " ' , come, lout to tne story : "In Mr. Arnold town, a cood womm ' , ber Bu,baad on Mondav morning : ' 'Husband, I have prd tu (W thai Mr. , Arnold may be defeated, and John Wood- j run may am eiecieu ; ua nu, Uu.u...., 1 a I 1 1 BWi.leka don I you come nome 1111 nigm, uu .uC l. 1 .1.. 1 1 i 1 J LorJ belp you to do yo onr duty !' " Arnold was defeated Woodruff was elected ! Bishop Jasks a Fbk Masos. A cording to one of the Westera Methodist pspers, Bishop Janes, during the receni noisy Conference in Texas, h.d in tbe hour of extremity, given the -Mln' sign, when tn. raoo.e ( ouf 5iclle, poiUy of Conference was emitted to close lU seJ KaanaM for a low sion. Soitseems that Border Kut5an. , .j mnmtM bo WM DOt wottk t and Bishops U.C41 00 the sau ' broad'' i kiDg ,.jeb a about.'' True as p rea plstfurm of a sceie. society ! : cbioj. Advice from the Bench. Judge Marvin, of the Circuit Court in Cbatauque eoooty, ' York, a short time tinee, bad eight or ten boys arraign, ed for various offences, and before sentence ia nerl. he inn'iire.! of them in I wnrd ,0 tLfir parentage, employment, ; flf Aff j.- rep;ieJ ,ba ba , hiJ br011,ht op a firmer ; that U went ,0 UsniiDSi or iotl, , UTtr0i ieiraei j t3 m of chfiw obiw dritit j &e Ja ,he of h;j rem4rlj on tU ; ioa . , . ., . - . , I Le . f,. ,rda to . tfc f ct couat fc agriculturists in particular, some of whom are here to-day looking on the saddest ssene that it has ever been my lot to see . in this c.utltry so many boy., farmers' ; eonj) too, ail of them to be sent to the ' ,, . . ,. , , , j for and burglary, I Farmers of Cbatauque county ! when your i iiumciaui tur.auij'iecuuilij . wutll . b , j enough to work, find J e ' for them at Lome ; on no account let I work them ; gj t0 teaming ; I care not if they can get . , , ., ., c ; J I month, It Will be . dead , I '.s. They wi.i just as surely follow j be fIample ,f tfcese boj, B0W fcefore J , r J? . . ' tucy leave the .acred and restraining infla- . encj or home. Oive them DlentT of eood , , , , , , - 9 d t od keep tbem there until they art of aire. I snd KiT tfis i A n m tr ratat ffita ramnr. I " 1- ' tion of ,b bi!l wagj 0 the road or in i the tavern, but obtiiaed at the expense of j e.arie, " e The Baltimore Patriot, an old and in Stieotial journal, of American proclivi ties, declare, that it has 'no sympathy with the extreme view of the alavery j the Democracy in those State, will find, ' before tbe campaign closes, that they ! , ,.fu:,.j . , t , ; ' "" - ..--v.. u. yr cai friends in sister State, a. well as tba confidence of the people whose vote, they are endeavoring to secure. The self styled democrat, are sufficiently ultra on tbe slavery issues to suit tb most fastid ious, and hence it is worse than folly ta attempt to deprive them of that advan tage. How much nobler their mission ould have been bad the opposition of , i-, t. . j v i a . KeDtuck' nd ,rS10I endeavored to . enlighten public opinion in their respee- norant prejudices! "Tne Ticixo." Cscsar'. decisive step was tbe "crossing cf tbe Rubicon," and , conceded on all har.U is ha Ari. - ' sire oi peace or war, is the Austrian ar- entrance fur tbe Austriaa troops into Sar- dinian territory. A Hint to take Now 1 White walls and long linos of white fences gleaming laiiJ iUI,iriiDt and embowering foliage, , g;Ve to a farm establishment an appear- ance oi neatness ana rural eitgioce mi ' f indescribably attractive to the ' J , man of taste, and can in no way be so ef- hhK of neatness and rural eltcanee and fectually and ecnnmic!!? secured a- by Liviii lueui a lew eoaia ui wuiiewasuioz ; . I f . t I . l. : , ,, . ,, , ot catt.e and low stall, as well as in- I side cf b". totes and henneries not ro'v me 11 n. coies aja nenn.ri.s, box ro.y render, thtm more healthy, tut pr, ven-s ' ,be animal aud fowls from bein infested it Li tr-utltsoUit; aud fiAhy Ttruiia. Thk Klmb Blii Ij5cts never touch cldtr buh?. The leaves of tho grain of camphor, f rnied into a pill, and followed ly a draught of aa ousce and a half of tbe infusion of ho; s, mixed with 6e drops cf so phuric etb.r, u hi. rem- tuy lor procuring sleep. TLe fashionable tailoring firm of La- . .... . iiFnti... .s .1. w no. .'i.'iiicpy .it., .u i ..... 7- '...'. . . ' isne a circular to the publie in which ; they "offer, at all times, to tbe purchaser Dew r,,c'e, of 'te pattern, fur tie rei- son tbat all those remaining at the end of each vear are excorted to America. It , mum appear that the Paris tailors send , lbeir eld clothes to tbe Lnited stales s j GaKlu ry waad.. on tbe ?ickle qae9tion. It says, I r. r i fy i' a--