It r 8$ t - a il '(TIjrlfQrCIjronirlr o. N. wen DIN k J. K. COKNELIOS " T'. .,,.. .f,rm. -The limn marina. li.l.i in th- iv-n yM'in. ha the lariat and hat eireulau.., of anv ! -nv N-w.paer in I'nion r-ronty. Frwilom, nalinnsl: Slavery, sectional! The Signs of ths Times. j However unwilling sonic nin mav lie to recognize an iiii!ca.ant fact, no reasonalile, imellii'iit man, can shut his eyes to tiie truth that Si.a- j very is America win. demand tuiikb ; MOKB CONCESSIONS IX THE l'liESIPEX-1 tial Election' op Ih;o. Since the annexation of Texas, that dark power lias been sloadily :ivtinciii, until now it has every (lciar!tncnt of the Government uinler il.s control Le-i islative, Executive, tiu.l Judicial. It now (Icinumls FntsT. That the Foreign Slave Trade lie put upon the same footing as the I'oincstie slave-trade that the importation of slaves into Georgia, A-c, be allowed as well from Cuba and from Africa as from Maryland and Virginia and that the brand of; be estimated from the last previous Siate or "piracy" ou that very lucrative and j National vote. This would give us, I sup respectable business be taken off. The j p0e, a body of ftO, fit), or 75 men. Districts test vote in Congress, at the late ses-1 p.dlin; Hit) or sou votes would then have Kiou, OU that subject, sltowed more j what they are entitled to more votes than men in favor of African free trade in those with half the vote. This is the system slaves, than at first advocated the ex- Lancaster and other counties have adopted, tension of the slave power by Stealing ' an1 everywhere they are coming into the Texas. Slaves are constantly impor-' sa,ne rli,n- Such a convention would be ted from Africa, ns proved" by the niUl"h 'arger, more enthusiastic, and more "Echo" and the "Wanderer" trials ;! P"Pular- 11 woultl sP"r "P -ach township and Southern Juries under oath and borough to get out its whole vote every will not convict the undoubted viola-1 'ear anJ ,n ' order to keep or in- tors of theblaiti law airainst them. The Slave-l'owcr at Washington will not agree to such a mutual right of search for slavers as is required to re-1 deem our plighted faith to the world to put down that infamous traflick. j Large associations are formed in the South, for the purpose of nullifying I the law against the African Slave ,,, , . n .. -! 1 rade in form as it now is in fact. They intend to secure men in power j under whom that law will bo a dead L'tfot. If if ij rtrxt rnrs.s-1 loll Secon d. Thev will demand Con- pressional intervention in favor oft fe tattaw.ssa Kailro.d, last week. Slavery in the Territories. The de-. A fire in Pittsburg, Saturday last, de lusion of "Potiular Sovreiirntv" hav-; stroyed ten steamboats, and it is feared ing served one cud in the 'election of Buchanan, but nanny; failed of the ! subjugation of Kansas as was likewise I The ISellcfonte papers record the rob- John Young, the oldet Merchant in desired by the Dark Power, they now bcry of seven stores in Milesburg, and the Sunbury has sold out his home and store turn about, and will be content with ; stealiug of two horses in Centre county, i r0uln t0 j. Weiser Uassler, for 53,850, iioiiiing snori ui a pruiiiiiu tun ui any j right in any lerritory to keep out or! lr" lue c"es- toabolish Slavery. Having procured I Judge Vonilersmith, of Lancaster, was from their Supreme Court, and from last week convicted for forging land war their President, an endorsement of : rants to a large extent, some years since, the dogma that "the Constitution of, H was setitenced to twenty year's impri the U. S. CARRIES Slavery into the sonment, a fine of five thousand dollars, Territories," they now take another! and make restitution to tb (internment step, and declare that the same U. S. : tn the amount of thirty thousand dollars. Constitution protects Slaverv there, ; lu is forty-six years old. It is a good in spite of "Popular Sovreignty." 15u-! th,Dg ,0 see even one rich rascal punished, chanan's new organ, The Coxstitc- j The Republicans of Bradford county TIOX, occupies this ground distinctly. ; nominated Wm. C. Bngart, G. II. Wat Its echoes, North and South, are pre- kins, and Jas. II. Webb, Delegates to the paring the public mind for the same i State Convention, and denounced any at dezradation by cautiously advocating tempt to make the State Convention sub- a "kcbmission ot t lie whole oceptkix to the SUPREME CoI'RT" that is, to ! the five slave holders, whose opinions , A. M. Coe is appointed Postmaster at in favor of slavery no one doubts!' Lock Haven, vice T. M. Caller. (We might as well '"submit the whole j The number of merchants and dealers question 'of Temperance to live mve-, returned to the Treasurer of Chester terate topers, as to "submit the whole j county this year, as subject to license, is question of Slavery" to the five 'Dred j -4-ir,. The number last year was 396, Scott" men sooner trust a pack of ! showing an iucrcase of 50. Punishing dogs with our dinners !; j Tho corDer.s,,-infi of the new Ger Ruf. Gov. isc of a., has lately written j cIlurchi sbove lilUcinJi wiU be Iaid on a twenty-eight column letter, in which j sutJday, 15th of May. he conies to the honest conclusion 1 , , ... . that ",opular soreigntv" is a humbug, j . A MM T alley town- j J ., ,, ship, Montour county, by Peter k. Sny- and that tho V i mot 1 is right U' A,fred u m priiic.p.e .or e u.j: . ,? urn. v,.,.,-. nr0 c-hsts.U inlni-rnrfl" tn tDIni?T : of Slavery in the Territories, lhe; wholcSouth Administration and Up- position il running a race iu t-' ,t was snot by Mr. Snyder. It fell to the which can sustain this doctrine most1 ground completely stunned, but, after re plausibly and forcibly. Iouglus ; covering, whipped two Iar?e dogs. This himself, it is believed by many, while j is the second wild cat, kiiled in Valley retaining his own views, will soon : township this spring, announce his willingness to surrender, : PaTid ManDi one of the 0,jMt citjMni unreservedly, on the pretext of sub-j at i;ejrord, died a few days ago. lie mission to the Supreme Court I , w Auditor General of the State under Third. The annexation of Cuba I Gov. Siicltz, and filled other important will be made a greater "necessity" public stations, and was considered one of than ever, since the failure of Ducha-! the most prominent and talented men of nan to obtain Thirty Millions of Pol- that day. lars, to be used by him secretly for j Funeral Pbocessiox On Monday that object. Cuba is much nearer last, we witnessed a large and solemn fu ours, now, than Texas was at the first j ncral procession, pass our office, bearing effort. The cunning Southern mani-; to its last resting place, tbe remains of the pulators of the Democratic wires are ' wife of Edward Crompton, pastor of tbe actively arranging all their plans, . Primitive Methodist Church. The pro and having the Convention inCharles-j cession was headed by tbe Church Choir, ton, the hot-bed of Fro-Slavery Xulli-; chanting the solemn announcement, that fication, are prepared and determined be deceased bad departed to "that bourn to mould and knead the Dough-faced ' from "bence no traveler has e'er jet re party into exactly the shape they de I turned." Danville intelligencer. pi re satisfied that, now, there is no- Charles Gass was removed from the thing too mean or wicked for the county jail to the residence of his father word "Democracy" to commend to j in Sunbury, by a hnUas corpus. Kccog the votes of "their white'slavcs at the , nizance was entered into for 810,000 for North!" " his appearance at next ConrL On account The Republicans of the Union of ,0 injuries under which he is suffering will oppose each of these schemes. ! from th drunken spree in which a knife They will be the only power to thwart j uged 11 wai thought proper to remove these "rule or ruin" politicians with j ",m- whom Human Oppression is the one ' . Special Election. On account of r,A nf r.TiBt.noe. A rnnn.l nnrt nf , tie vote between Peter Hanselman, Mar- theso flags the whole nation must j rally. Uod or Mammon Kiglit or Wrontr Anti or Pro-Slavery there is no middle ground. The Cowboy plea of "submission to the Supreme Court" will not avail, for that is mere ly a branch of tho Slave Power, and th People make Presidents and Su preme Courts. Jt will be for the voters directly to decide whether Slavery shall advance, or shall ret bourape. "Trust in God and keep your powder dry," is our advice for the present. The Packer paper at Ilarrisburg, states that Forney and his friends all aided tbe j Democrats in the recent election in ! Pbilad.. and significant!, .st, if .1,. .,,'. ltd DMMoracy can not carry Philad., how awful mart be their defeat when d'mukd ? -Jasl so !" FOR THI T CU1CU. Afl Improvement proposed. The object of all conventions is to get as . . -ti.L : - 1 .. t . L f , j ncar s posstuie me minus 01 u,c uic mi ! " tney act, uut who can no. an asseiomc J inyeihrr. As an inevitable conseuuence. the t . . - nu inner 01 ueieeates acting snouiu oe uisiri- baled iu a equal a proportion as possible aiming those for whom they act Uut it has Ion; appeared to many that our county nominating conventions are not found ed upon this jut and equitable principle. In our State and National Conventions, counties or states are represented in proportion to theii constituents, and why should it not be so aiming us T Our conventions, comprising only two 1x0m every township whether large or small, are little bodies, without much interest or influ ence, and their lewdness in number gives more chance for bargain, intrigue, or corruption, '.... .1... Ih.ra r. In h unarate.l , unull , ., bc ,,. and lhns lhe people are often thwaned in their desires. I (Jen. Jn0- Potter, formerly of Lewis Foi these reatous, allow me to urge upon town, has been elected Mayor of l''on du our Mantling committee the propriety ox call ing our nett convention upon the basis of two delegates from every district, and then giving one additional delegate to each forevery frac tion of twenty-five or fifty voters over fifty, to crease ,ne,r Power '" counlv conventions. At the same time, the smaller districts would as they always do-be able to take good care of themselves. The plan is certainly just and honest, and let us try it one year. Kkfonm. Xrujs items from (Ptljcr Counties. , , ... .. , ...-"TP ' ('.hatreh; " J Hhoile Island, but a leading member of ,. , . ...' i . , , . d)ei ast week rf wddcnlj Id New York city, in the prime of life. Several families of Mormons parsed over lUt '!,e steward and two hoys perished on ouc 01 - - ..m di-v-iu kv uo ciivauiug uui ; "'"""y ' any -auouai voovenuon or 1'residential candidate. fcet jn ,en th nd ,w0 feet in faei The e - Aril. nil viaa firt A i c n tj j mil n on t iha Karn pf j H M and being closely pursued by , dn(Ji took refugc np on a (ree when tin K''nr and Wm.R. Punham, at Nor- tbumberland, for Councilman, a special election was held on tbe 2nd inst., at which Peter Hanselman and Wm. R. Dunham were candidates. Th former received 114 votes and the latter 40. Mrs. Bagiola, the mother of Mrs. Sick les, was formerly a resident of Sunbury. She was born at Croton Falls, West Ches ter county, N. Y., her maiden name b ing Cooke. At tbe age of fourteen sb was adupted into the family of Alooza Deponte, in New York, an Italian cele brated for his literary and musical acquire ments. Mr. Deponte came from New York to Sunbury, where he resided for 'everal years, in tbe bouse at the corner of 5Iket td Deer streets, now occupied DJ r.awara Uass, at wbich time Mum Cooke resided with him. Upon the re. turn of lb Deponte to New York, Mis Cooke married an Italian oiusi teacher i by the name of Bagiola. UNION COUNTY STAR Re. D. J. Wallek, Pastor of tbe first Presb) teriau Church of Hlooinsburg met with a serious acciduut ou last Sabbath week, at Oraiigevillt-. Iu assisting to uu hitch the horses from his carriage, at the Church, whither he had gone to preach, be was severely kicked on the side by one of tbe horse. We are gratified to learn, that bit injuries were not internal, tod that be il recovering from bis wounds. Damages. The suit between Benja min Hendricks and the Northern Central Itailroad Company, for damages done to the property of tbe farmer by tbe con struction of tbe road of tbe latter, was re moved from Northumberland county to tbe Court of Common I'leas of Schuylkill county. The case was tried before a jury J at Sunbury, and damages of $0000 awar- ; ded. The case wag then removed to Schuylkill county by the Company, and . iliA Jam.n.. tnonrrn.l IB OTA rfi(IUCtd tfl ; 3.200. Lao, Wisconsin The Steamboat has run ashore opposite Sunbury, and causes much inconvenience. A novel proceeding says the Lancaster (I'a.) Espre novel at Ica9t in this State took place iu the Court of Com mon I'leas, ou Saturday. Catharine Zel lers, a German woman, made formal ap plication, and was sworn and admitted as a citizen of the United Slates. Some think she is one of the "strong-minded," and is getting ready to vote in "tbe good time coming;" but tbe more probable supposition is tbat she wants to sell "red eye," and has taken this preliminary step towards applyiug for a license. Pr. Pesbler, assisted by Prs. Smith and Ilillibish, amputed the leg of Miss Kliza belb Mover (of Millheim) spraining BboTe tl,e Bnklu aout 17 Juars "6. nd then again about 7 years ago, made ampu tation necessary. Tbe patient was put un der tbe influence of chloroform, and when awakened, would not at first believe that amputation had been performed. Dr. D. performed the operation in less than 2 minutes. The dry weather, last of April and first of May, caused many fires in the woods, which darkened the atmosphere, and in some cases destroyed a large amount of val uable lumber and other property. A horse, stolen from Michael Shcadlo. j of Nippenose Valley, was bitched to the roadside for some purpose, when be broke oose BI)J returned home' dra him a lan;e post. au(j retires trom business. Gov. Packer has signed tho bill passed by the late Legislature, authorizing tbe Courts of Common Pleas to change the names of persons. It is a great pity that some court on earth could not be invested with power to change the nature, of indi viduals. Thr would b work for such a judiciary. The real eetafe of et-Gov. David II. Porter at Ilarrisburg, consisting of tbe large furnace, bis dwelling bouse on Mar ket street, and other valuable property, was advertised to be sold last week by the Sheriff. The sale was stayed. The per sonal property was sold. A police officer named Cunningham shot a man named M'Crory, a tobaconist in 7th street, below Lombard, Philadelphia, on Friday, fur refusing to go with him ; the policemau having a warrant for his arrest on the complaint of his wife. The unfor tunate man drew a knife with which he cut bis tobacco, and threatened the officer, when the latter drew his revolver and shot him dead. The officer was committed. lioDY Found. The body of an un known man was recently discovered lodg ed at the head of Coyer's Island in tbe Susquehanna river below Sunbury. The deceased bad no marks of violence about his person. There was nothing about him by which he eould be .identified ; be was apparently from 25 to 35 years of age, about 5 feet 8 inches high, of ordinary build, black hair, and a fine set of teeth, several scars were on bis left arm ; had on a pair of dark pants, vest, roundabout and a pair of boots; on bis person was found a silver lepine watch, CO cent in silver, and two lock keys. J-Dr. D. II. B. Brower, of the late American, having returned from Danville to Butler eounty, was complimented with the publie presentation of a gold watch from his personal friends. Sensible. The Governor of Louisiana has refused to appoint any Delegate to that annual sectional farce, tbe "Southern Convention," and the Governor of Geor gia it is believed will do the same. These conventions would be pronounced "trea sonable'' at the North, and will now prob ably die of self-disgust at the South, which is really not afraid of the North, DOT don it ntl (oc daro to diaaolva the Union. B&.Last accounts from Pike's Peak em igrants generally represent great suffering from starvation, and desperate prospects ahead. Others, however, still encourge the movement, probably intending to or ganize tbe disappointed and reckless gold seekers into marauding bands for the in vasion of adjacent parts of Mexico. Another. The people of Connetticnt having defeated Wm. D. Bishop in his hope of re-election for Congress, James Buchanan has made him his Commission er of Patents 1 Thus, for the people to condemn is for the President to honor. John Doherry, a Dem. member of the State Senate, from New Ytrk city, died at Albany tf Wednesday the 20tb inst, the day after the Legislature adjourned. lie was a man of intemperate habit. Enlisting roa Cuba. W observe by Southern papers that recruiting agents are traveling through tbe South endeav oring to enlist men for expedition against Cuba and in many instance with con siderable success. Two Irishmen, M N'amee and Finn, were hung on FriJjy last, in Chicago for murder & LEWISBURG CHRONICLE-MAY R JS-jl). The Cuban tirvoiuMcmlsl Kmiunira. A few weeks ao, a j.mrnal in New York announced, with a great fl.iuri.ili, tbat a "band of patriots had started Ir.mi had started irnin this couutry for Cuba, and that the tint news would show that the island was iu a lews wuuiu ouuw state of insurrection. Tbe public have waited patiently for the news of this re- , . r , . , r n volution, but every arrival from Havana showed a most provoking fUictude in pun- tical affairs. Yesterday, however, a toe graph despatch brought intelligence of the revolutionists, and the result of their pa- : triotic enterprise. A filibuster schooner ; arrived at one of the ports and attempted I to land thirty-five men, but fortuLe did not favor tbe brave. Tbe boat was swamp ed and the heroes returned with wet jack ets. The schooner then sailed for Ilayti, the ezDeditiouists not meeting with that sympathy from the inhabitants which they . , . t. . i expected, and the s'eameri , of war bet tit? nuick in permit. l!y the last accouuts, the "patriots" were in a desti tute condition at llajti, the American Consul having refused them any assistance. We can scarcely imagine any more stupid adventure than such enterprises a. , hi, A well-appointed army would probably find some difficulty in taking Cuba, guatd- - w ed as it is bv sea and land. For a hand ful of men to make such a venture seems like the highest of foolhardy daring or madness. It is probable, however, that (he individuals engaged in it have been I deceived by tbe falsehoods of the Cuban Junta, a band of heroes, who, from their safe and comfortable refuge iu New York, ! are continually putting forth false mani festoes of the progress of the revolutionary feeling in Cuba, and persuading heedless : young men, and persons of desperate for tunes or love of adventure, to embark in . such crazy undertakings. The unfortu- nate ending of all these fiilibustor expeJi- tions ought to teach a lesson of wisdom and put an end to the folly and crime in-, volved in tbe undertaking. 1'Uil.Leiljer. j Kentucky. The campaign was open- I ed in Kentucky, lat week, at Lebanon, 1 where the two candidates for Governor : met aud addressed the people. Bell, 1 Opposition candidate, took the m ist ultra pro-slavery ground. He took up these i two questions: 1st, Has Congress the constitutional power to protect slavery iu tbe Territories ? 2d, Ought Congress to interfere to protect Southern prnperty in slaves in tho Territories 1 and answered both squarely in the njjirmotler, asserting tbat it was tbe bounden duty of Congress . to protect, not only against any actual ' probibitiom, but against any "unfriendly legislation" on the part of a Territorial ! Legislature. He, and ihuao who support . bim, are tbe men who ask us to give up -tbe Republican organization and unite , with them in electing a President of their j own kidney in I860 '. rittJiinj Gazette. Letcher and Gogpin, tho two candid- ' atcs for Governor of Yirginia,are also both ! trying to see wbich can be the hottest in defence of Slavery and Goggin's friends talk about fooling Republicans into a "Un- j ion" in a Presidential Convention ! fttTAnd Netherlaod, the Opp. nominee for Governor of Tennessee, "out-IIerods Herod" in bragging up Slavery and abuse against its disbelievers. Ho is tbe brute that created that great excitement in tbe Presbyterian church by his barbarous whipping of his slaves behind tho meeting house. He deserves a Xethcr-laml vote ! Killing, no Murder. The Sickles trial has resulted in tbe acquittal of tbe prisoner, and be is congratulated in the most extravagant terms by counsel, jurors j and witnesses, as if he bad dono a very commendable act. Tbe fact gnes to show how little human life is regarded in this fast age. Whether society will be im proved by this departure from the strict principles of law and justice, remains to be seen. If every injured husband and wife should, by this sort of encourage ment, be induced to take tbe law into their own bands, there is a fair prospect ..1 i a -.- hiicic fiic ii i mi aic if lipoma n, Jacr. tbat the population of oar large cities ; Slraw Braid anJ IrfhlrD B(XXKXSi also' will in a short time be considerably rc-1 a larKe stock of HATS and FLATS of vari duced. ! uus sizes and shapes. Sinee Ilcrbert and Sickles, each of whom shot down and killed a man in broad day and before several witnesses, in Washington, have been found "not guil ty" of tbe crime of murder, some have in ferred that the right to kill any obnoxious j ind iviiltiaiT to tmnnd tliA fr I ir I tier a nn fe.rl h, .ha, Ponalifntinn nn )etoeee ! J - " " . Members of Congress. Whether the sam rule would apply same ruts woum appiy in a itepuoucan i i 7 r . Congressman, is not so well settled, such a ....a. ant ..a .-J ' i A V ashineton correspondent of tbe . Tribune, sneakine of the acnuittal of Sic- i kles, says, It may now be reearded as J B settled that while Mr. Crawford is Judge, no member of Congress can be convicted of a criminal offence." .There hat been no karder-rcorked : man in public life these many years, than I Wm. H. Seward. A journey to Europe, I as hit only chance for relaxation from ' crushing personal, political and profes-1 sional cares, has been long hoped for by bim, and last Saturday bo entered ship at New York for that purpose. He was i honored with an immense and enthusiastic eacort who called him out in a SDeech in ! escort, who called bim out n a speech, in which he Btated that while be should seek ' for a time to forget all anxieties, his love I - . for the great cause of tbe good of man-j kind, at home and abroad, was undimin-1 ished, but that he Uft it. defence and ad- j vance, nere, in good bands. Ho antici pate! returning in the fall, and we trust will come with plenty of healthful vigor for twenty yean more of official labors. A Western writer says the number of persons going to Pike's I'cak is "getting to be a serious matter." ! STATE CONVENTION, ! T!ie citizens "f Philadelphia and the sever al e. unities of tins Coinmoiitt'eailh ail;i.-i--d to ' ,1... Pennte's oarle. anil all others who are ip- .,.,,, ., .,,,. anA ,x,ra. ,,g..t me n- ores of the National Administration, aie re- "' ' uVlegaie-.. lal "' number to teir representation in the Assembly, , a .invention t. be hel,! at H.kkisbi m. th: Hm Ji .u. is.v.i, to nmni- nate randidates for Auditor tSeneral and Sur- , ,( b v,Pll for aI lhe (ieneral j Eleciion in next (letuher. IIK.XUV M. FI LLER, Chairman. B. Msn, St-eretttrtf. I The Standing Com ni itlee of I. Tnion coun ty are invited u meet at the Rullaloe House, l.eivisbursj, at 1 o'clock, I'. M.. on Tuesday of May Court. (I71li.) Intake sin-li action as may be deemed necessary relative to lele gales In the State Convention at Ilarrisburg. ami also to con-ider the railing of the usual County Nominating Convention. The Com mittee are Messrs. O. N. Worden, Ceo. P. Miller, Ar chibald Thomas, Ahram Fridenck. Michael kleckner. II. K. Sanders. Stieni Spieelmver. Samuel Swenjle, J, is. I. Forev. Conrad shec- klrr, J;imes lrlun m. P. Uuugal, James Mar-hall. NOTICE. a MPTTIM: nf tt. KYce.itive Commiltep l f'lh'e ( ((,((J r,y .ricultuml .wiry be held at the office cd J. A. Mkbti. in 2 ; r,.slunt. J. A. M Kit I Z. ser'y. i The Committee are the following persons : ; I u I.. 'I'l.... u.k.. SI..I Ivitler. J:iroh (i. Rrown, F. Wilson. David Watson, W illiam Naile. John M'Call. Isaac Ever, Wm. Rule, I J. A. Mertz. J. M. Linn, R- H. Laird, V. I. j Linn, It. V. B. Liucoln, A. Frederick. M ay 6, I H:'J. I sllll-. O-IIIO--- -w- I 1ST OF Vi:.Ii:RS of Merchandise j subject to License, within the County oi L.MON, for the year IVi!. Cl'itl. l.irmtr. u " VI 1-' SO It 7 DO u vi :.( II 7 OO Witlnm Vf-f ChnnOnrhb Uio'4 A. Au.lili.ti br.-wli X llunkle V T Kr:ttQ..-r J.-.-1-ti M.tlin T II hvnn. A Co C W A. M Ki.lriibaugu do do do d. do 7 no a l.ri.rjf- llol.teia u- I'.wi-U l.:tMU (Iu II ( r..U. r d. Itvt-r. Amnion U J..I111 11. uv'litttn lr (rif. Mursli 1 J..-. .i L llswn lo J Si-hrer 4. ,-..n d llest.-r Krne-rA MTIure Hi riklui S I lUW.ll J J Halls UO K Mnixe A K li-V-iiiinnilu V illiam Murray I'tulii ....luiiiti x M.-ars Tliouia- It Orli-r J.-hn II Beale V lijflin II Wolf. II iir.h A lt.ili!mn l..lle. U-!-i a do VI : 11 : II l..rr.. II 14 J (t'v.-r Jt t o tl niitMTtuKii A Zelierp do 14 J.1I1I" .T. It (1.. M ("huri.d ll-'ITiar d'l Misiiufi lft-llirb U.i 1 A t lU m.r tl' ' T 1-I.SH ll l 1 1 T! "in i" N. -t it l - 1i J N tlu U .1 V Kit-li-'ltx J" 1 Mis i: ...x. 1i 14 Ml" Znl.. t. KanrT lio 14 " ZtllilT tJ 14 lhir-hA Ihtt. i.tMiD (lf 1- M ill tniii J. hii-ou tlo )4 ul-tiii f I:hk ' H MiSptkiT ir 14 J -hi. luUsninD Krti.T 1wiiip 1 J K I'orrie Nw ,'trt'i 1-f KuIu.-b M t)-r tnTK !. T?MIIP riitrit-f "aw-y Wisrtrvn, I'nioa 11 11 aver k to lo 1 1 I. ? tnim ! 1'i J"hn It M. 'tc.r New Huu.i I K-t-:.r.i WiU..n d. l ' Ki tstTl Swiutfforl vtrt 14 ' ! l..l(ih i.. 14 Immi- Kintt drt 14 V V Mhim it 14 1 It hrn Lmikkltox. Hartley Tp. 14 :iraut l H'riilcniil 'to 14 StlittMD lr-ilurb Hartlki Tp. 14 lnik llAlfft,nj ti.. 14 Cliri-tiKD Kfif I.fwhTp. 14 K Itli.Tvr HiKTI.ETUM 14 MWitt Sjiic!m'Tr ilo 1 i uiitiinii A Ulii(mr 1( . lilt-Ull MlFFI lNBtRO 1- Wollf k li;.rb.r d-i 1 JliK t drt i ; Ittvul II Kiefl do II T A i II Hi.ia-nrTiiij; do 1 I Mt-nt-iiitv ivliro tli 14 J II YMims k l o dr. 1 : .ttfiir A Htrlvr do 14 lii.Jv k llnnclrsMch F n mkhkttm tc 1' M freight k lUuck BiffaLo X KtMDS. iJiftiller. R. inh k Brott. Wim B ffaL"!. 9 Kutij- k Hkk I'AKMUtfVILt. 8 Eitiruf lfou$CS. 3 1- ;i K ' 1- ti 7 i". in it lt I'U M (v 7 IM 10 uo J 3 HVitnWh New Ituiux. R WiHHtu Knock M IFF! fSBl'RQ. Il txiul'lta Lew m ni Rt. H Nitthta Kuwd do 8 111 (H) 10 00 K G llfU-l do 8 10UQ An appeal will he heM at the rfTlce of lhe Treasurer in Lewisburg on Saturday the 4th day of June next, between lhe hours of tea and two o'clock. JOSEPH CRKKN. Appraiser of Mercantile Taxes for 1859 Lewisburg, May 6, IS.VJ M I L L I N E II Y , A LUMKV KAMI STOKK. VMWIM L. Zl BER respectfully informs the citizens of Lewishnr and vicinity, that she has opened an extensive Millinery and Fancy Store in Porter's Hlock, on Xorth 2d St.. near the Riviere House, L. l. r i x- ... DKEsS TRIMMINGS of every color, and tbe n..wet fftylen, alio Drew SlrTe BwuiueK. Birtha, or Mantle Pattern, at her utore. A1m a variety of KM IIKiltllKI'.Y. urh a Collar, sweeten. I'lxum-tnir. Infant Inserting and Kdgea all of wliich will tie wU very rbeap. Havin? made my purchases in both New York and 1'blla.l.lphia. I Salter myself that ihnw deal-1 ! feml In thu pltww. ' m. ,SO V"V"i to do all kinds of Hl.KALillMl pueh Near-eliran. and Straw Bonuen.witiiOent" Bojrs'iiati,an.ictiiKiren'i Boneu ir,T,nit mem a new ir,inir them a neana of a,.pear.Dr never before at- xari br milliner, in mi .euUD uf country. Dresses MADE UP at the shortest notice aa,iOu.-tion u anjr peraoD favoring ana la tfa. nmt approved ntj la warranted to ffive full e aim Ueir patro- "l1. 1!,at. I hiy rylhins; nsually eallelt for in a Ladie' l-'anea Brora, .n.l th. I . . I then,""t,,i'H"""'""',"',"nrkaciieDetoeaiibe. burchajtine elaawh.M Lewisburp, April 20, 1859. A New Business in Central Fenn. To the public in general 'J) Milliners in particular. jj-'ji, The undersigned would respectfully Winform the dwellers in Lewisburg and ICva'snrrounding country, that they have opened a Straw flat . Itonnct Itlcachiug and TRESSING establishment in this town, where we are prepared to execute all work entrusted to our care. Having had 14 years' City, and being acquainted with the most , cousiaui experience in ine nns, iipss in fit, a. i al'l,rov1 process of Bleaching, we are confi- ,h 5U't ,hSe h, R'Ve US ! heir custom. By devoting time and attention : ' r business, performing work neatly and . 7 """'"l"'" p" "r.c"11' I .. c ami. iiniur BEAVER Hut, r i vrB , a ave-j-miw and , , "r work" s done in City style and at the will find it to their advantaze to deal with We intend to make it a rale to finish and deliver all work during the week it is received, provided we gel it ou or before Tuesday JOHN H. M DANIEL & CO, St Jntin St hetween tth and Un, near .1. W. Shriner's. ,iw i.ewisburg Ii: tSr.t. Blank Leaves for Landlord ' j and Tenant,for sale at Ihef 'hruniclt office I KE.Nf II HI Kit 3T0ME EANUFACT0H7. PULL ifr'vY Tf.r uii'lrrtiL'nri kpys ron j' f sintiliy on han.r trtnrft tturrt or ..r; v "ttrrrvjiJ ill s'es, and Ittrnisben every ar- restored bv the intltiti' Ira.le. Complete 'sallslaction guaranteed lor every articie sold. MMli-rs who prefer the solid Hurr, I.yuivin4 to 0 mouths' notice, can have their i-r-ler.s execuied at the quarries in France. A i.lirss W M. II. KEFNKK. Ajiril I, If.'iDmfi llurribur '... I'a New Hotel ia Mifflinburg. tB 'I'll E subscriber wotiM lespectfully in j.' ' l- rin the Traveling Public every" here, that be has laken and hue. I up tbe premise! of (Seore Schorh, in the centre of MAIN STREET. MIFFLINBURG. where he is prepared to accommodate stran? ers ami travelers men and beasts in the best manner, with Board and Lodging. Please e;ive me a call. Ap.1,'59 CHARLES CROTZKR. ;rnKNS p panrille. Milt n, Muncv. M'l I sunhnrv X..n!iumlerland s w "I U n Ewensvtlle, stelm-srove. n ml in Le ihui" have b. ui'lit iheir II VI 'S and CATS at .il soli's Emporium i f Fahn.n ttiihin the fasi year, and are urzmj their Iriends to do likewise. Always a line assort ment of latest styles on hntid, very cheap, at .IIf'S HAT MAX! FACriiKV, I.EWISRCKti. eal Estate. A I Ml X I S T I A T O K "S SALK OF WEAL ESTATE. T N pursuance of an alias order of the Or. X phans Coiiitol .Northuinbenan i county. me undersigned w ill expose to I'ubiic Salr.on MiltllKlay, May 'i. 1S!. "n 'he prem - ise, all that certain TKACT OF I.A.XU late aie I a lhe estate of Lt nwin Frti-inou, dt-e'd, situa in ChillismiaMtie township, about two and half miles horn Lewist.ur?, and the same ' distance Irom Milton, adjoiinns lands of John j liest, Thomas Allen, John (iucktr and others, containing about i ill AGUES, more or less, about .r" a. res of which are cleared and under a eood state of cuitiv.-cn-n. -The Lnproveiiii-nts consist of a tiOOjf xi Ithlt'K lliiL'si: lately erected Jmviii? t a i.ever-i.ii!m...U e;l near the door wnh a Cuinp ! in il, a Itiink llill ll. -il o new, n rh other Ouibiiildinxs. Also a TENANT IIOI'SE and I Sprnii of -M.-d Water near it. 'I here isjJj an OIM'IIAKD of bearing Apple Trees-C u Use Farm. j Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A Sf of said dav, when terms w-i:l be nin.le kn.-wn bv. ! jo.-lth m. N'.:i:rr. Mac 'J, lia Administrator ! IhUaalUc arm fur clc! 1 M-. ti :.(i;i ,!:m. Hic lib it" Juno : next, a 'J'i.m'I i I I.A.NiJ Miuale hi Kr.i 1 1, . L ii iuti "o., cfiiitamtn ! v-y acuks. i or !hf-reahuuis, on winch are erectei! two J , L.'L- DW KI.I.1.(. Ho!'Lfatnl a Ham SprniL' H -ue am iher buiMing. anil two ; U t-ii of Waif r in ih Farm j Alfiit hup hunJrecl arrts if lhe said j ZL trart are cleareii an. I under a Rood state ; ut cultivation. The balance of the tiact is well Timbered. j Tins f.anj is situate,, in a zood neihhor hi.od aiwl is attout hall" a mile north ol th I pnl-Iu: rtad leadn in 'in Milton tn llrusii Val i Icy and 'J rrnni Lt-msliurir.and adjuins IjipN l f John IJtTinase, Laird Huuard, lanicl , I Kautinan aud JJavid Kelly. ) 1 faid Laud wU be sold as lhe property of I Ai.kaiifh M I.KSTKR. tlereard. Terms of, ; sale made Ulowu on dav nf sale hy 1 JOHN ISIXAf.n. Af-ministrater w ith the V:!1 ain.eied KHly Tp, .May ', IS.VJ ' loi: salt:. ! t I)i:slKAl;l.K ICiiililiiiu I.ol.":l feel : feet Iroiit by tttep. Kmpure of j Leaver, Krerner & M'Clure. ' FOR SALE OR RENT ! - , ' r ' T falsi? TWODorULE FRAME HOI" and Lots-, each stiiialde forjLLi two lamihes one on ZWih Fourth street am! w . , . e . 11 ia v one on M. John Mreet, for sle. Hallot each of the above Houses are fur Rent. t'Also, for sale, f.-ur Huildim? LoN on North K.f.h Mreet. JOHN IIOLUHTO.N. LewusburPJan. 20. 19. A.t nt - - - PHP CATP w WUUUI flHE well known Till crii Sf ami f"- at the rat end of the l.ewi.sburci.Li nridge, in i hillisquaque lowntiip, .v.rtti it Co. It will be sold on reasonable terms. Inquire of WILLIAM FRICK. I.ewisbursr, Pec. 17, lS.'iS. iFov Salt, I TIHE residence of the subscriber, on trwV I Market street in the Borough oljLai : Lewisbnr?. The htnse is of BKIUK, ell j finished in every respect. Terms One half to be paid between this and the first day of April net; the balance j to be paid in two, three or 6ve years, as may suit the buver. Possession siven any time. June 'J, ISAAC WALTER. FOR PALE. A RESIDENCE on North Third street, it be i n i a Half Lot of lironnd, aei.h-a" I a comfortable Two-Storey Brick House, fiaine aMr. d Well -f Water, and a vane.y of choice Krtii. Inquire of J. B. M LAl'UHLIN, Agent. Lewi.hur. ,k-toWr is. is:.s. tf FOR SALE. rMIE subscriber offers for sale that large,' new, modern built, double brick house, ' nearly opposite the new Presbyterian church, adjoining the residence of Dr. Hayes. The house is butlt in the best style, rat-proof, and well guarded against fire. A good Well of Water, and Cistern of never-tailing water. ' Terms made easy, and will be known on an- plication lo JONATHAN NESB1T. Lewishurg, Ang.6, 18.S8. FOR RENT! miin THO KiMHIi. nccunie,) at nee. j sent oy nasningron nutchinson as a Saloon. They are suitable for IOl'S. For Terms apply to Jan. 87. I8f8, JOHN B. LINN. ... . - .. ' BRICK FOUNDRY FOR SALE. The suhscriheroflcrs toseil lhe -jl.i a- , .l Llfesajend of Market street, mcludin". fri-'-ithe Wareroom, oilice. and the Nahi"ery atlached-also a larSe amount of palttrs for Patent Richts for Asncultural Ma, h.uery.Stoves. Ac. It is regarded as one f the best locanons for a g-od.saie business. The Proprietor's time is wholly engrossed in j another employment, which is the reason he desires to dispose of this Foundry, fcrany luriher particulars, address i WILLIAM FKICK. Lewisbnrg, ' Feb. 1S58 I nion Co. Pa F O li S A L E . tV. Half Lot on Market ft., opposite S. Hitter's residence, wilh a good Well of Wa ter and new Stable : verv desirable for a busi- ness stand, or residence, (or both combined.) -4lM," other Lots, some with and some without Buddings. JOHN LOCKE. Lewisbnrg, Oct. t, IB 7. FREEBURGER & BRO.'S . it I.IMI i s;vr 1 1 AS liecn removed to Beam's Brit 1 1 lilock, on North Third sneet. Ir.on Market, hrre they are prepared u, 4 ail kinds of woik in Iheir line on it.e shor, notice. Orders and innirifs from n'iglit'jr tow ns promptly attended to. ' 3 1'leae call and examine our lar?. asrn. meni of Futures of the rao:l ap; no.ej 4). , and finish. All work warranted. Also Strain -. I in?; done to order. I.ewisbuis, April 1. 53 NOTICE. TIO the Citizens of LewMhorr and rirjnj 1 i:. I.. ISim-N has remove.! h,. liarr.', Shop Jrom the Kivtere ll,n-e 10 Market st,,.. basement of Widow Anions' buiiiliny, (,rJ door above the Tost Olfire. Thankful lor,' pat lavors, he h-pei to merit a eori'.n,ualtt of the puuiic patronage. X. 15. all wfio Tarry hew till th-tr ' arl rrw Ir rtw -nt nttnf-, i hh! mm l-arln r -r 1 1.11 ii.Mfl , hi- r,u tn. r t-t-(jJ. t-i- n, rzor? rrirp mi tM-iBin-r fc.on, Je Wilbur?, -April 1, IK.'j'i. Auttiua an4 I uniiaiNiua Hons? m LrsNbBrx Irsal Auctioneer! '..LlluilS-Iloairr havinpleen j sole Auctioneer tor l.ewisl.i.r?, is preparp.1 -(, attend lo all calls in his line in oa at.J country. Commission Sales. In April nrji. I intend to(p.n r-n Market Mreet a R om for the rccepu. n. ai. l the at slated limes, of all kind, of ti. ...s at Auc tion. Any one wishing todispo.e of anv arti cle can deposit it u iih me and 1 wilt sell -t u the best a lvantace I can and charge a m ceritatr Feb. for the same :, 1-.VJ F A Uri.NEIIO'.l Elt iilniliil-ifrutoik' ulUr. V'-'TH'K is LtTt-ltt siveil.tliat Letters 1 v of A-lministration on the L-!a:e f il.l.l.. 1A1L, lateol Martler t..u., Pf Lnion county, decM. have teen Brat.te.l t,, tj,t under-ttjned bv the liegister ot I nn-n c-ur.'? in due lonn ot law ; therefore, all person :n'. debted lo said estate are requested to rt:ai, immediate pa wnent.and those havti:? any "j-t claims are aNo requested to present uroi.e. gaily authenl.cated lor settlement. ROISKKT FOSTER, SAM I LL I'. TATE. Hartley. March 14. .s a mi ii. ii. tftoiiicy al law. OFFICK cm S. .nth Sc-m', near MaiketN. LlfUl'f. i'A. All I rr!V'Hi...a. Uuii.e rn trusted to his rare will be fau.ila!!v anJ yn uipily an-- 137;, m:ri rarnr, ir I- UI1J Tf 1 f r tl.r mr.f ,-rr. ftila nrr all ri,-t n t-t. Kxina-iit ftn't h mii -r: y. I-: i,r nt-1 i.iu'Ii, Thn a: .Itlfi j I I . It .U. Ne 'i lu: iiM.:(rv l;!i. unt.i i I.- I V J I -II. l'.i:,e. u.:..,. .,. -s h.. hi. I t .t-rti iif. Afli-ri v, f.jt-:itj. 1. n-Mt-..itk-u.-ia. ,''! UliJ OtftiO:,; '.H'v.f Sie, ?fllii; - f I tin- ! i-. ( r. 1 r--i.t. : ft, t,Lt. ; ii i i.ii I . -.-r- .in. l Kru I.U) u-. Kiil fiL I 1. , t K.laif.TttiiT. liurU-r' i-i .t.iv ai.l nil li'-a--f nri u.h. li.1(i)l., Itf h a, i Trr-m so .It h Ilil i(L :ittr LeridiUM f a .cir.l. 'II..- -r.-Ht j.. ,-iilarit. ! t.-l- Tin. iuralu:,t. r. m-.' 1, . .1 i- .m .i.t: ,.. it. it trinsu- merit s n-t -'.. rw tit. l-o-t ii. OT. It i.- OP.-1 ! ailriaf-ev i ; 1 j.-.. Tl. r- u.t: i.t tl.e e- lint, v. I.m. n.p a o- a -1.,:: t Al.Tl ltATH K IMi BATH K alt,-.,., in tl., ..r . .. duM--es. do oL h.-.irnle u, ri-. n-m.ud it j a V .1 l U:l , AST OL! .hl.I kill- ISi- "f:.e. I;..,,- aliein lr. Itlis iujv tK- c-n.uV-te.l .1. :.!. .II-. ...... , ..'I i.t ,1. ! (t-t .n.t i-riH-nre Cirrn'ani e- n'a.c.&j Ijl. .u.-- . 1 ll.. !....- i.-,,-i,. eidetlca. The alitor . f tl.e i -m' 7 -V .,. h - ln th. trii.-. 1 ti ltt ,-r i l J.i,iuai i-t, l.Si. rtinrrr: ih h;rii l-t nr. hl U ( ur tl tiitlt til Kri t i-; Pr I!.- I KH t:TtVr-Vr m nt in ihrhal.t ' f f rj.un-ii.tiB- i.-tur r- Ji irr- th-- n ff f.-niioa .!-. ta!t. fi. ni. 1 ii -tiiiiu. tl.;.-ii trf tiHiD t lr fll;iei ffi ititui t titun-. li:ti;n-. I c rirr, ur-tl It nn-li' itti' ai d !i tail-! it t. t-- f. all v j n-fi 1 , i,PiP . vii rat if- 'iii-.iUiK I'i.r Ki vi- In-. tnkr tr.,? ; :-.-.. Ur 111 -j. m z ml,-! ri.itiiiif ti-iui j tl. l'urat.t- Ik vliirrs IllUa .It.., at- i. Kill. I'M tTIMI. l'l.t!!( l ta. An-nC,TS'.r Tn ?;.rtmrv. 1. wy dau hi.-r. tlifU in h r tiTrK-t. T. nr. attjrk J Willi ll.t1..IIIat'rT H Dt:iID .4 1 h-r ji'llitsi Hr l.iU. ll -Hi.ll. U. aliil fbr Fllttr-Ifl tLr T- -I j t-xcruvirfttn f.;n for t hrf nir-ntl. nr mre. 1 r. : ,0 1-lijflriau. bu ..iitinm-tt n aftrnd h-r witf j: ar lilll r.i.t Ul tit. tu tting Biurh iliM rnrn-.,l I . , 1.. ii,lrJt ' t try ir i',t ii-iurrtn-. tli- tirt uw.r n ir-iu- '"V" Ur 'u f -r th- N-trr. h uua xn ' mliriDf to r ci mr tiru a til it atTrrtrd a xtrl-1 ut. tW T, ni.i... utf ki, ..n-.ii.-ui ti L,r W.ti. . t:r t-.t u.ara? 1 1 tw.. vmw. I 311.S. m TiinMi'V. I THM-r n.tVVlr ; uj.t:nt r. , fi;ti:iiinti. lip U'-hial Iirtt:atM n. kr.. if m -u ! uHy tr. nt.d hj U.i us ft Or lri JVpurariTr i, 1- , Ij-.ia- Tlirtiat ,i tiliotion. Kra,l th- ft. ll.. iiy ftr '""u rontimifd uivrnip : 1 r- Tl ... r, . J nf ?itrr .o juij i?iki. , A.-at it-y.i.M. co I wm tt.krj with diM-rf i tiirt-nt. h; h t-tn cn trr:.Uialiy. Yul m tin- h- 1 mu.J tl,rn..l Hit- i-riln ni ttuflrririi: wouiil N- Trrr i tli-tri fif-. trroi am J wittt it n-. of toii-r- lo urh vxtfiit tl.:t 1 rouW not yk mlr m hp-r Tt.- u j ! ri'DtinufJ tfrttmif r. ntitwitlmtu-Jm 1 ur.dt r the m tlirI tr uttnt-nt of fur -lillrrcnt yhy i-fca 1 tWi mirt(f ftlarDird mt my rt'Bdilwi,. I roDctuiti't" if rhtlaarlj Htiil rt t)s.utt ou. hirh yU rrr)llwt I J i in tt,f wintvr of ih.'il, when you rrtt.ti.nirniJriJ tnv tu T"Ur PffurntiTe: rd hy tli r of ft ur l-tt.?i' tf it. ;a ronnfxinn with ycur throat nf-plirnti-n. I . rr.'irv'r . run-d. and br r maiDftl t-H. It it now m.-re tlr I ymr iui-e Ui cure hji tfHrtitl. K- tfni:. tr frirnil, .VAIIUAKITTA t BK-H' C i Ilt. IMVF3' ANTT H ROH !tlNTMl Ttil TUKOAT Al''ATIt.N fWnld avrompaiiy thr ltnf alivr -d crntva ul fcrotuluu I Itrrs i.U I lo-'r, ir . of ut I Tbnmt. Call on the Apents, J.BAKEK A Cf..f j tafwitbunr- r"('"' rirculvm rtmtaiiiini i-a ja.ts of fTidrnr in fnvorof thr tnfdirin. . J. BAKLK k CO. Ast tor I mou unly. i"' HOUSE BUILDERS, , rVA "E ,1 1 appointed Agents for the s.t!e j Boor, ItlintN & intluu ah j of all sizes, made of the best matenal. All work warranted. ty-.Made by L.U.."1'K0( J", I Huahesville, Pa. and lor sale bv , 6Js F 8 CALDWELL, J .e"":- AT A HAltCAlN! The subscriber has en hat"' 1 sale lt .fv ltueeirft. 'n otter at a bargain for Cash orwii! Exchai- for a eunA HtlRsK rn ...,o ..r i,iu..l ! miss h. B. F. ti I KH. j at nwh a ,;,an st re. ' or if absent, inquire of W. H. Kilter, at W in. I Brown, Jr.'s store. Lrwisburg. Feb- '5 I " HARD TIMES! fc "17HV don't you seil cheaper! ' '!' tf cheaper vet! hv. I am ' selling Ml t.llOKI (OIL lr j1 ;" .15 per ton, according to quality but i-,'1 "Q a year's credit : those are lhe prices for cas! "r country produce. I will sell by the load or by the ton, and deliver at anv pw within the borough limits. Having: eii:n' scales, lull weight will be given. A l' l.luck'lmtht Oil,, and Wiiket-Hnrre Cent'' Foundry purposes. Yard on W ater :rtc:e near eiifensaui's hotel. Lewisj ?..Hy27. Srtyl O. HOI.sTElV i j rLA.TKK and SALT che.ip for e- bv OKO. HOLsTEIN It tltt. II A E.-An excellent ?:i ver LENEK MATCH lor sa.e at " bargain must o. Inquire ot A E. DENORMANl'lE. Lew-sburi W W i L'ULS. Family Extra White 1 V 7 V M heat 1'l.OC'R very cheif article lor sale by ' ?L"L1 tn . 'tin- ci-iy1";: T Of T. A black t; Lace VEIL, a ir "r n.rtf-s sine 'I'Ke fioHer is reCtie ted : it : the ( l.nn.J.t ct5ce. Much !