Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, May 06, 1859, Image 1

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Ul 11
THE L'NIO.N'-E-T.'.i .1.1.-1:1::.. ! -1 l-Yix: n :;.
At S1.50 per Year, ulnayn isi Alliance.
CI I RO N I ' L I! Est a 1. 1 : ; 1 1: i .. ! - 1 : U V.
Cfec Star anD (Llmmidc.
MOtY, Mil 2, Ir,!.
To l!ir Falrim, X I rirnil. f the 1 Bind tount Mar:
The iimW.-i.-'m:-!, rrojiriolnr of the
"Union County Sur," havinirtlipo-cl
of all lils interest in, and the gouel
will of, that cstanlirhni.Mit. to Mers.
AVm:!i:n' A- ('nr.Ni:t.n's, the Sr.u will
lioi-eafi'T I'O iHil'li-hud in conneetion
with tins Ciii.oMn.i:. The
is now the ohk-.-t pa per in the comity.
The two papers in their day have done
good service, and having- now joined
heart and hand, for better or wor.-e. .
the o'.d and sieadfi.-t lViends of each,
we hope, will continue to give it their
support, and the I'liMis'icrs. that cu-cir.iia-'"tii''iit
which their energy and
per-everaneo o richly merit. ;
IMav-lW,.). Sam'i. II. Okwi:. j
f "R TUB STAR h 1 i:wiT:.H; I IlK't.NKH,
V.:t v.niTt no mk sru: k.im:iu
A itiiWy vj u'Jfn- ,V-rr Sjf.nyJ'-il Ilinnrr.'
Mr. Itraly, in . 'r-cfli in the trial (f i.-kl-s mi-Ji
t1.- tn!I.. .nc Jil iii i"ti t" ;.r imt: -i-.i! th- -t:;!
i1 r.:tnncr," f wlii'Ii tl..- t-v.-i ,i'. mi l j : .it
f tii-r . r Mr. K-v. vh f. 5. I.y the l.:ilii i,f Mr. ftrklr?
1m- i he Iout ff tinc t!ii- .tntt. ir
T!ic vr iti j f tin 1 :i ii i '!-(' i f wn imit'i-1 i
!:!. ...inti,. r.-,. .. t. .lr. J. y in:...- I11.1.1' lit il
T .1 !
: I-- m-
,.i in II,
r hut
-it i
.1 tin I! i
. Mil 1
.11)1 IKI-
-mtr.ul 1-
!,1 Ij i- .l.-liii.' ii h !
:i ..--). r.-. . :!.. .m. t tl
t ii tz . f.-ir ; ' 1 1 1 1 1
if Ii ill r- in iii'- 1 1-I 1 1."
.1 r h- n in Hi-- v. if if
ii 1 1 in l-.-i :hl hv th- ..Iv.iiUih.u Ir. -l.-r. Ii
r l. in-flm . ii ti,;it fo-it xul-liluti f.r it
lie wi'U.i n-. vir li.t.i- tdiitvu Uiee!
1 I.
i.-.i 1. r :h.-r. i-i-rk
rn.w , wiih Ml ! i h
I i:-.v- l ! ii Wfll ;i
(p Hi.- Iiiutv t I ;i
. hi,. I I. 1
iiri.-w'L.h i i, i,.
A ll' T.-V C . II mi
(' HI
tw. lint
.! n ' i' ("r f' n f,:r.n.n f h ''7 r'n-.f
. ' ,- ,". r f ,.-:,. '., '- in, S l -f.",!!.
If ii I ; : .tJi.T ii:.-u!r:t.-!. in )hi;t!-Ii !-. t!i
J n r ..j' it.- .It-p !! ;t-i :!. t- n'--! lii-irli.tm
n.- .m-: tl inf.-iMii -i a t- If .1 .-s it 1 i:i !..
- . iit'i fluty f 1 1 Am-'i i an fi.i "Ii ! jr-'tifT hi- h i' i
;i..m:.-I !;" iiiT.i-i.'ii if E : t iriH"r. It". -tfu!ii in'f - I:
ti. . i .i - nil I r i!:.' i r.-ti-xt tl i n-l-lnji. it.'ii ! - :i It
ly u 'tin i oii hid hiti'i'ii:'!. an 1 uiuis ilfu ut hi? in nniT
Thr Mmrm' titvof Ihr r.irs'ti:ij Viiii1ntB...U"!l tn l
IViiil' iiI ! ai;-i hl I :tmti.i ...IErj(fliitsi r
ihr I'nuT pro iatici i.-.l trii lilt, r.irun.i, Koourlo,
A i ., Ar.
Vrrf.-'fii l.'15-i f rt'.i- ?t.ar A riimiiirli-.J
r f. '!."i'n Ft it.iv. )
FlrV!itpf: I if I'.in.-niiv KJ liri-ii. -it
-M.I". it r- .j t. I. 1 '.. )
I liave lately written juu a pretty lon
letter, ba as several interesting events
Lavo bappeued i-itieL, I will a-iiu tU'U-a-Yr
to jrive you a hasty hkntrU of the;u.
All our Jifiieu!tit.s with larjj:uay having
been t-ati: f.jctori!y itrr-mgnJ for the pre
sent, the Fulton ana Walerwitcli Itft As
bun:ptiou on the 10th itt-t.
The day after too treaty was pigned,
i : Couimissioocr I! wlln, aecornp-tuietl hy
ConnnaJore h'huhrick aul all the offijeru
of our two vessels that could be spared
from duty, tok a farewell of I're.sidint
Lopt l. This was the first opportunity
thut rnary of u had of seeiii his exeel
leupy, and to all of us the 02raim wa?
prumUin with interest. Loptz h;s a
very ex:mel opinion of Lis dignity, an I
..ur'vmsttrrtuttmhtj- is a great Mic-klcr on cercruouy, so that all
'it'-.'i n . tr.itt j. r m iij ''i:j't!r
' f n Wihff if,,,.?
A'- .
i tf.e t,-titnft.
- r tUul .
I ,h V,
Furly lue yar a-.i. yem:? men l"fi
Ihe -liriick-rit" "1 Aiivlrt'W ki-nni.lv the cMer,
in N-.nlui.ii!vrla.i.l li.-r -.ili, M M't up busi
ness fur i!i.-me!vfs in wu crUMtiis jul nr
ganif.l ti.i'ii c'J ra.'ib'T XorthuuiluT'.antl.
0. t ItM.uur. S iMt -! r.i-'- l at lljitville,
wlre be t-r,.u:;la f..r many y.-ar. an.l J:-J
rcni'ntlv near .Mcri-sl-iri ! an a ivanet 1 a i:
The uih-r. A vmicw KiEi.r Iii'- y.iinm' r
wli ) is suit Uviui. in ii''alt!i, aul l.'U-rli f.T tiie
1. 'oni .nissutnt r a! I.cwisi'iir;! t-k lus typo,
.c. across iha Wet Brauc-h mi t!i- tev (the
Briitgn not bein? t!c:o buili) to .M.:!1iiibtirs.
where, in M.irrh, HI!, he is,ue,t ih- nw
rr i v INnix rurvTT, entitle,! 7";'
I'.MOX." That paper as sulyct t.i many
mutations of owner-hip, a ul was remove !
with the county eat to New Uerlin. We can
not trace its history, tier do we claim for it
any infallible -chain of apostolic succession" j
Jnwn to our dav. It was the oldest paper ami Ha just entered its Huh year, ami on the r.c
had a wide influence. Its spiritual successor
r in In"': Ii
l-u.l f;
- i
t , . ii V j ;.,
'I (.;. ' v itr-l
a i.i-j -s in tl ,r yi-avz.
f Qr ov ;
. Injur.
n ',... -I.- ,- a l,r i
--. .ni.i ... I -i,.i:i a
;'. i s -i i.l jn -l,
- :- --i-i:i '-
-I iv "-'-J
land . t't- li .t".
-I it;
who wished to be present at tins lutoivit-.v
w: re ordered by the (.'otiiiiioJore to appear
in fill dross. Nearly every naval itlicir
has a strong antipathy for a stiff collared
coat and cocked hat, yet on this occasion
wc mustered iieiriy thirty volunteers. As
wb marched along tie fjaiet streets of As
sumption in thid style, wita swords dan
dling at our sides, we prcsoatcd quite a
formidable amy. As it Lappenel that
llni was the lir.-t time that 1 had any oc
casion for mounting a cocked bat or a fall
dress eoat, (uliliouli I liavo been taking
good c:ire of tlu m, in traveling nearly
lorty thousand iniies, f..r any particular
occasion that might turn up,) 1 considered
! that Lipiz was honored nafiicieiilly by in--,
j Wc were received hy I. 'pci and a suit
of Lis own ctU -eri, iu liie reception room
j of Lis palace, lie was dressed in a rich
i military costume, bcariug his cocked Lat
There is nn unsreji l-attlr-fie! 1
In evrry human breast,
Vhre tui opposing (nrrrs mePt,
And where they MvMtm: rest.
That fitl.1 is veil d fria uiurtal sight,
'Tis (iii!y '' ty ne.
Who knows a.imc uhrp' virtory li"$(
When each day's IiL'hl is ttime.
One armv elHsters Mrtiiisand tierce,
Tii fir ciiifl 'I ib i:t":i Irm ;
II;s I. row is !;! tin thiiinl-r-f!nn-!,
Jli vciee lli' bursting sturui ;
His rapMins, Pri le and l.u t an l ITa'.c,
V. Unit truttps wairli n.i;lit :iud day,
ISw.lt i tk:fi:t ibe utaUt'M pwiut.
And tlur-tiii'-' Ut liie liay.
C'lnii'iiii' with this niitity f'irrr.
Is but a lit tic band ;
Vt there, with an nui?i:i:l:n fix-nt,
Tii.t--f warriors 1 i 1 1 ; i y s'-.ind.
T!i"r Jead-T ist-f "d-Iik:: f-rni,
' t eiMi;:i',na;ir' serene,
An 'f'Win i' bis i breast
A nakci rn -b ii t en.
II is capiains, a:;d Hope, and Luve,
I'l'iui t.i tii.it wuii ir.Mis ;:;nf
And pnig on it, ail reeeive
tui'ii.h lrom a souree divine.
They P el it speaks a pluriutis truth,
A ir'iih as rt at as Mire
That i.i be victors, t!ie hum learn
'i'u iv. ct'iili ie, erniure.
Thai fiiiili sublime in ivible.t Mrilc
Impart a hoiy calm
rr everv ib-a'!iy bh'v a ?hieM,
r"ur evt ry uwniiil a talia.
And when thy win th' battle-lie!.!,
I'at toil is ijiute torot ;
The plaia wiiere rarnaite once had reigned
Uecuine.i a hallcwt J i-put
A spot whfre l! wers of joy and peace
Spring lrom the leitiie si.d,
Ami bre.i:'ue liie pt-rrume ot their praise
Ou cveiy brttze to tiu t.
The Voyage of this World.
The following eloqurut pasao clnsos
the lUecalaureilc Address nf A. II. Lr.(;
STit klt, i'reidi tit of the rfouih (.'amliua
I'oliege, at t'uiuiuhia, tj the roveut Grad
uating ClaM.
"You are embarking upnn a strange
world, uiv vuun frieuds. It bauUhed
Tliomu IIunltlL Jax.rs Vvirlkt n Jrnao T.ll.i!r. ( 1 arth-iiukc 'n lull L
"The elder Judge Juraido presided
I in one of the courts uf iVnusylvania when
thfl nicmoralle caso of I 'arsons vs. I arsons
was on trial. James l'ttriken, , was
f.l. c.t ..:-hi.l 1,W y amrj T f t rt'-Tit
Half, lU'l Halo was ."ptakinj, and hav
ing made a strong point, whiuh the Cur:
challenged, he e aid that he could su. rain
it Ly citation cf casts from the L j.jJ-', but
Lc had left them at his olfi-.-e, d by.
" 'Why did joti not bring 3 jar LoL.s
here?' asked tho Judge.
" 'l;eeau.so 1 considered tie print 51
plain a. laot to ucid lie sur ; tr'. of other
cases; but I will stop over aJ :t thi.
"As Mr. Halo left the bouse the J udg,
in a pet, said, 'That man r.tiiiu Js u. J 't a
carpeuitr who cama to Work fr la-:, at.d
left all his tools at hom. The CoUit h is
for otten more lair than that vuu man '"'la-.y
.there is jlenty,
I. r 'r
o, -j 1
.. bid -LN
n; iir-t f
'.sitcil 'J.l
l's .!:: 1'. '
PEAltSl.t: V.'
! J o'cloil:, 11. u It t
tpiake which !.a
om mi. in . 1 ': s
are throirii down, r
an 1 t!i.; str. ts in many p'a
! r I., n tilus pr. ;..: a'i. 1 :.
1. tie j'l-t return. 1 I'rJu :
11 f: 111 wu.c'a v.o r :
17th i:,-f. I- i- in rui'!1 a
the r f is 1! ii, a!-) a 1 rt
..!i, 1' ,'J.
iiii.ru Irtij ar
v te K.r:!;-
.!;..- . ..:r.;g the
!;: i'. .1 ;v.i ul 01!
s T :-.i .i.y cicire'i -..fl.
u- sf.;' : ; ;
. 1 -il 1. .
if til
t!i- t-:.it!iii-y t':r
ctr: : 1 - r iy t'.e
furnltare i-r-. 1. 1,
an ! tl! s iro f or c r
ov-.r t'j- bed pl:e- s !, r .- v
is "ir;" 1 the e Vus'r I.y
My pro-'Oit h u . is m:.'
ore a--.li: st !'.' '.
"'Th-at,' said Mr. l'ctrikenis just what
wo complain of that your Honor lnujvr
filti 11 tun viu h.'
"And so it proved; for the books came
with Mr. liale, aDd they revealed the fact
that the memory of the Court bal been
too short ou this pjinf, if on do other.'
Ilalu has Einc2 be-u a very alio Jj !gc,
and ii now Memb.r of Congress tleet J
"The case of Tarsons v. Parsons wn
brought by ono brother against ati'jthr,
for the purpof-o of breaking their father'
will, which cut off Abraham, the older
brother, wilhout a ceut, giving all the
property to Samuel, the younger. Tiiis
Samuel was a stout, broad-snou' Jered
1'euusylvauia fanner, well-dressed and
portly, 5howiug hia.self to be sourjin iy ;
while Abraham irai a laLk, lean, ill-lav r
ed man, with thin and thread bare cl j'bes
in bad weather. Mr. Petriken, counsel
f r Kfu g-. Mrs. I; ;-L:il.v- all
1 i:.t 0 tl." patio, a i: 1 tl. ; t.'.l '.: :i
vt'.u i ii-tj the g :rl ti dris- i' -from
our f o-i : 1 . a I s .r the a .'!
bouse an 1 the Uioveia.. -t of tl. .
A brieklayr on the r; if, is.,il
chimney top, found it ll.r..r:i i
i .n ar ui.d bin:, and t 1 k a 11::.
h 1J himself froiu f !itl:: : !..- i..
There i- anre or 1 ss of ii.' irv
the c:ty, but details ar: y-: o: I.-:
do not think the muil.. r i.llle !.
large. I hive halting:'., il .1:
slight per-iu-i! exa:i,!:::;:l
are Very inueli siiatier. -a:. u::
vcre tii. ck Would pro luce i-;u
strue'i on.
Keports frc:n tH.ig'.h .rln s vl.l,
res-at them as havii.g .-1. .: re 1 t
and we'awai'. cctr- 11 ;n the .-" u'
previous II ir-.l.ij i
'' J -
Aristid.s, poisoned Socrates, uiunb red for poor Abraham, asked a wituesi.'WLat LlI La
1 1
The View York Tribune
and co-worker. Ttie I nim I aunty Slur, like
wise was the ollicial urcan of the county, and
had a lare circulation until the chanse of
the county seal deprived il of some of its re
sources. Ahout ISt'l, Lewish-ir; havins no local or
gan for its increasin? Ini-iness, ilie f 'An.mre
was estaliiished ly Messrs. r-,iiii.in A: U111K-IMii-iK.
The removal of the x-at of justice
lo this borough, cave its paper mure conse
quence and circulation. It was 110 longer a
licit, but a fouii'.i journal, and l.erame the
medium for thetiansart.on of the county linsi.
Iiess. A inure extended name seemed there
fore to be appropriate, ami we soupht that of
Ihe J ju'i'i I'uuuti Sir, which expresses its
peneral tieht, and as the oldest name lal.es
precedenre. while its junior retains its litle
and fues its locality more definitely. Ti.e
political sentiments of the two papers harmo
nized, and our local contests he in? endrd ami
old quarrels buried in the sea of oblivion, the per year to H I it .r, i'orrespoii.leiiis, ami lie
i..n.h.hin,. fpiii, rmiiK fitU- nn wr. and we purlers : ' -.m o p r 5 car lor on
custom,) and supporting himself on bis
cane. He appeared about live feet ncvcu
casion of its appearance in a new dress, (and inches high, is rather fleshy, and ban a
...mewbat enlarged) last week, ihe editors maiked air of intelligence and amiability.
g;ve us some interesting statistics, -.howin-r T , j Lim well. a be is about
six'y years of age. lie is somewhat rc
Linkable al.ont the fas? on account of the
his hand, (uot on his bead, as is his Oicerj, ati-1 crucified the LuJ of (ilory. -u- relative wealth of the -w -"tl-"s-" 1 .hat I know.
h.l r-'.y
ed my-Vo'J
have b.
s.. t .
it' in !
s r- -p.
r ;.rts.
er tj
Ihe remarkable success which has a'lende.l
the enteriTise, ami the unparalleled circula
tion the pao-T has now attained. The Ihnl'j
Tn'.-.n- was first issm-,1 i, ihe Huh .lay ..I" relative breadth between his fori head anil
AjTil, islt, on a she.et presenting a surface the lower part of his face, his fat cheeks
(on hutli sides) of l:;oi square ini l.es ; and , a;mosf resting en h is filoulders. A con
gratulatory and farewell speech was read,
ill the Spaui-h language, for our Commis
sioner ; to which Lopiz 1:111 lo a v.rba! re
ply, iu the same language. He sp ke
with great fervor and feeling, but brietiy.
Then, all being seated at his request, a
of B iciablo
doubt not will be welcomed by the former pa
trons of both.
The s-rAit and the l'iinu-:iri.i: each l:a
many true friends, who are partial to the re
spective names, anil who we trust will appre
ciate our motives in identifying their interest.-,.
Ve shall seek to have our paper more of a
County Journal, and by intelligence from
every quarter make it sought tor I.y all the
present and former citizens of 'o!d l.'n uu
who may feel any interest in its state and
ftotio c.-pies were printed, ulneh proved to be
con -iilerably more than could be disposed of.
The ree-i-ipts for the first week were only '0-,
w lute the expenses aiiiounteil to .o'o. The
ttVr.y 'friliiine was not started linn si nic
months after. At the present tiiiK-,the editors
iiH- ii.....- ..n-e.n-. on a sii.-n -, , fu w i,jre iu torinal ixe iian -' 3
I v '' 1 n.eiies in area, civing an extent i t , . , ,
.V.ils'in. o-s. lr .Tjereeateeonsiimption of S -Mimeuts were made between l.-.j ez and
paper is M.s reams (1 l.oou pounds, or "ticart our Cotumissiout-r and Comtuod-ore, when
loa.l-) per we-k, mainly manufactured ex. , fi.aftfrJ!llW tultrac(,a anJ sLo..k hands
pu-sslv lor us at tlie Aiacara rails .Mills. -
ilnr av-rae-i- weekly expenses have gradually with the CuuiUiisaioncr only. His fare-
r.si-n ir.ou .-,:.-) t , sjc.soo; u- pay xn.iiiiu n . . e consisted of a nolite
. ... . e .. i l:..: 1 : :..
rin ihe de- "-""i !-u'J a SJrt 01 a uacuiuiijuai jaisiug
p;ir'tii'-n' ot I noting ; nearlv -slii.oi:l in Unit ot his hands.
ol Mailing, average about -MilamO for 'IVIe- i - . .!, ,ll.1 nt
11.., u6 "13 ........ ,
The spirit of Themi.-tocles, of .M-iitus, of j "i oppos.ug iayer jumpen up auu c j I;i t.KM sw
Anthony, and Caiaphas, is still in the i objected to the question. 'It was of no . ,,. j yhr ,!, J: :,.Jlll,.',u rj.
world-greatly subdued, and law-bound, J consequence who was richer or who was j Other account state that th.-.u-to
be sure, but uot extinguished. You poorer; it was a question of law.' ; MUJ4 f persons, in all, lost their l.v.s by
may cxp. e', there fire, at tiiuss, to be de- "l'ctriken saw that the question would this earthquake- J
pressed by your rivals, condemned for , not be allowed, and calling out to bis ! ' Tint Thirty TI Tion "
your patriotism, and tormented for your client, said, 'Abraham, staud up by the ; Tj.,n. jr, ,;.,! m '' , ', n . ...
beue'laetions ; to nave your couu lenco u.uUL. .
"Abraham planted his thin hure, in
shabby clothes, by the side of the corpu
lent, well-dressed brother ; and l'etrlkeu
cried out to the jury, 'A ir nmjiue tlx-
abuse!, your integrity deri l.-f, and to
sillier a thousand impositions in smaller
tna'ters, from those from whom you bad a
right to einect better things. These are
haid things to bear, say y.,u. They arc jirti." The ilbo.-t was instantaneous
so, my young friends, an 1 you never will and complete, and far better for Abraham
bear them as you should, unless you take than any evidor.ee ( witues.es as to the
the Good ilook lor your guide, and look amount of his property. The jury gave
daily to its Author fir supplies of strength him a verdict ; and, law or no law, be got
MlTwient for your ttial. Ho this, and all half of his father's property." JJaqm's
will be well at last. With that chart iu . Jy-uiie.
your band, now launch y our bark upon j liO'.v P-ouit lot Mi HK.N flUMCim.
tho troubled ocean of life; and wh.Mi tho Youug uiau 1 aro you poor, and with
squalls strike you, be at least as prudent ; eut of litr!urging" iu life as
as the common sailor, and bo found hard Jou luuucu UP0U ,lltf b"ow"? li your
at the helm, with vour chart before vou. f-"r poor, and unable to give jou an
rapbir.. cmpbty I OS per-en1-. beside enr-ner-.
riinnoii, Ac. Ac. We have U'-etl lnr-
1112 the pa-t var, fit.oi:i pmnds uf ink, rrst- t0 ls family. W'c met hi wife, dau h
in" vcr fiioo, and havp during that neno , , . f c
e.,7P!ove. 2.S It. pound, of ile and II bar! . r uJ sun- A "" "f our lar-C
r.-ls oi the to-t refined Cane Synip in the party were persona. ly introduced to the ,
manufacture of the Bolters whereby that ink fUIlljy hile the rest of us satisfied our I
is applied. The Meain Power-Pressrs and . . , ,. , .
oih.-r machinery u-ed in the rapid production curiosity by looking oil. UlS daughter
is unmarried, and about twenty years of
and your eye fixed on li.thie-hem's slar.
his private residence, to pay our respects Wbtn tlu... m away take vour reckon-
outfit ? He uot disheartened ou account
i of all this. Take tamest hold of busi-
oeratic I". S. Senator,) e.f MeUipLK Teun ,
in a sp.-ech a: Nishvill.-, recently, said
that it re.iuirtd extra .tdinary cr. ii;i.;y '
believe that the Adnrui-tr it: a iir.i-n.'... i
to use the j,:;:i;ii.. ,i u ...I ita-k.J.! ti.e
Ia'e Congress in the iiiclus. et t.'u'.a.
'Iu my honest opii.i .n," c .n inu.d Mr.
Clemens, i.tbiitivn l.-; . lit-- us
niRUl-I-TloX rvsu t- f. .,-. .',
I'mi mi l !i n of John .-il.i.ll 2s 1'.-. si
dent of these I ;;i;cd S'at.s. 'i h. re i
nothing in the past hi : ry of t.:l. r
Jamcs l.'itr'.ii'.Tiau or John S...M1 j ' :. .
tht m above susj-ici n. li.v- t! - : 1 .
Ol"J,!00 to be u.-et iu lol:-g S ...1 .
facials, and ui.Iess So:.:o soh n..:':;.e . :
curs as that f ti.e 1.-. p.: i '.!; :t:.-:- .' 1.1,
?f ..:s, a pai t of tha: .-tun v. ,11 1 e:. ; . y 1
iu liiyi.ig the Chaih s' u ('.:.:::.,;:, u . 1
the reuiaiuder in ir.-h...-.: the v j..
essary to insure ticeiiua if its i.o'u;:,. .''
. . . i ,e r-
ing, and sec where you are. If yo have : Bes aua CI rtfc':"
lost headway, right ship, or crowd sail i &tl"r V"rht t!iat bf Ll1u-
and to vour curse again cheerilv. To- ' aaJ PT- f,a'JJr cIe!i'
wards tho close of the voyage, you will , lhe UDt of Jour own ,umJ for kLor er a ! Katiiek Sevei-.i:.-T
Cud that the smiU crafts whioh shot ahead TtMssvu. V hatever you resolve ttpon, !1. l'otlcr, a uiemi-er el
at the beginning, but veered about bv i Jo tatlS ' Mhw s"iil!-v Hh-lo Island, ou Kiu-.r
i I our i-stie liave rust us over .it),(Mi0, and
wepayaiiouiNio..,,,,, p,r annum lor I yr. .,.,,,. ,,,, ...,. L..ulv. but cvideutly I tiringlv : never look backward to what ill man. re 1 loeti.l, r ef
!i:.!l tin se l-res-..,, owing to the extent ol -e- . .- tij .ieasaue Uieet-,aic an wictneu, , nj,
our eliiii.ns. rap, !!y reduce lo a defaced and her beat point is her f. Hw "- , dismantled, or far iu vour r-ar. firin-' 1 Jou have encountered, but a.wavs f-rw.rd sail: "Mr. Si a::, r, w l.e:i I
Tl.. whn ee ihis eon.li.!aieJ raner f..r iioxpre-sive nieial. , also, is rerr flesh v. The room was finite , . .. .i ' to what is withiu vour erasp. iiie'Bor.d
- - - - - i i .... , -,f , - . .1 u.ii guits ui ei is
nee thai 1 i ne .e-ip.s ... .... s..,.s. ,,,,.,i, ... , , furuLshed. and cvcrvthiu
tl.n r..r wn,.t.-s Pt. 'in- on S.tI n -.l.-i l:.sl an.l
J 1
the first time, will please take
tr issue il on ihe (asu ok aiivaxc.. pax pi.as
srn,!,n- it awav lo no one until it is mm he corresponding w
fur, and wi.eu Ihe time expires tor Inch "" 'ear
a paper is paid, Jixuntinui: it until sub- Mail
Kcnntmn be renewed. For upwards of four K-'crtpts
rears the (.'huom. le trie I this plan, with de- I The total circulation at this time is
the ra'e
copies for
ks of the three preceil-
are iven as follows : :
is:.?. ir.s. !:.. ;
lii.His sjt i osi ..-:,-, on '
1 1 ."
s, while you iujvj gd- j t0 wuat ' witlliu J"ur Lh B jr'J 1 "h rl
There you will cast an- 0WC3 CViri' l-wt aa comfortable iiv- cue to ti.e C-ngre
lug, and a respectable position iu society:
y man's sue
ided advantage to primers am! patrons. Oar copies, of which the Daily Tribune has 3V,V.'.o, belirJ K0 heavy or a Uiore handsomely i jc.,e 0f a j.uajro I auii fjrty UJ fur tbuu
,r.s are reasonable but unvarying-. ,o0 . mi.Week.y '"''''" U'-kly Tr.bune .5V ' M,ute tllil0 Wils given by the Fulton. ! sauJ thousands, of all n iti.ms, kindred,
-r year, 75 cts for ( months, and so on at ooo, (aliforiua nlition -Hii'U. I his circulation , ., , . f .,..,. .1,,, , i ' '
.era.eof 3 c per week. Clubs of four H distributed through every State and Terri- A" ,Lc j .. rchoed i p80p,e uudcr a Teacher ah-
....... 1.a I.illj r.t I'.r.tmnw if- Tirn.liii.'.il . . . .. , .
or of 1(1 copies feir flO ra-h tory in the l,'nion,wr.h 12-1tl copies to Cain.ia,
always in advance, r or l, we will sen l to loo in i.ur. pe, Ac. ti.,,iso are taken in
anyone from Uns lime until the 1st oi Jan. York, 11,'. in :n Ohio, I .".,--32 in Pennsylvania,
cext . lg..i'.l.i in Illinois, Id, t. US in Indiana, and so
p j'We tend out this No. of our jt.nrr.al to ' on ; an I notwithstanding the well known
many former patrons of the .Vur, intending ' anti-slavery sentiments of the paper, more
and hoping to win their favor and support, than :'v,t)0 copies are taken in the dull-rent
Anyone who feels disposed to try us, can . slave Stales.
send or bring in their pay, in specie, good
bills, postage stamps, merchantable proeiaoe,
or cash orders on good men here, and re
ceive the paper in return lor as long a time
as their money lasts, and need not fear
(loon JJve. "What shall be done by
the Southern States," asks the Jackson
J.Ws. ij ii'ini; "if oui ciietniej,t he pledged
de-s'royirs of our civil and political rights
having the paper forced upon them longer. Il meaning Kepuhlicans "shall succceit i
they do nut desire lo take the paper, they need iu the next Presidential election? Hut
nut send this No. back, as it will not be seut ,,De alternative will bo left a separation '
itiiin without the pay. f assa-lcJ States from the aggressing
lautiy into p rt. 1 here you
chor and enter a eilv of inconceivable
tion at the quarter of the Cjuiuiissioner, j 5!);t.ujrtn8 ttew Jerusalem its build- 1 mean are abundant to cv
our party disbanded. I of pure gU) itj Wliu of j isper, and ! 5 aal "n have only to adopt will
. We have mutually exchanged national ; its"g:ltC3 of p,.at. There you will be wel- j a"J to them.
salutes of twciity-oucguus each. I never j Cumej. wi;lllju. fmcstioi. to a Great Col- Tj "d'luo ovcr a want of m'"ipy anJ
. 1 property to start with, and over the- w.iil ot
i the props of influential relatives, is un-
uiauly. I.tt a young ui-.n sttivo ti create
over the hills of 1 aruguay, it produced sou;c;v perfect atol a!to"c:hcr lovely. a fortune rather than seen- to inherit ote.
New ! general fecliugs of rejoicing and gratitude, j,, aU tbul T13t brothirhuod, no unkind!1' n ignoble spirit that leads one to
Assumption was illumiuated dainig tho (,,,.ln., ;s cver ppokeu, no sigh is ever borrowing iustiad of biqucal!.i: g nunns.
evening. It is most probable that with. brcl,Jtfji n, tear is uvcr obcj . aa,i tbcre j Co f.rth into the world, con-clous -of tiod
out the presence of our large armed force ,U5 sa(j wdrj wlt!l w!lil.a r ci,,s0 my c,lun. J within you, and his providence ever y j,
iu these waters, our dillioullics would have soj ncvcr l,ear,i ',,rnrilt. May Ilea- aud Cght jour oivu way to distinction, and
remained unsettled. It is true that the , T(.u's r;cuest blessiugs attend you through . 10 comfort. Pity in your inmost soul the
laurels gained by bloodshed aud bri.liaut iifo and llcaveu's richest rewards await J0,,!1o mau wi;m,ut auJ' charge, is
JOU at its close. Again, firewall !" unable to support himself, and is wlitiiing
- around, and tugging the ii.flu. nee of oth-
Better ProspecU for Farmers. er? tu t.t bim iu:o employment ! lel,
We would not eue-ourage any false uuJer all circumstances, that it is more
I am uo.tge.l to a--J
e.'ple ci. - to m :
VL : a 1 1
A err. sp n a. tit ! ;!
cu'turi.-t sajs that f -r I'
lo the sul -oil, as that -r
fiiihle and Kami c.ii !
well. Pot f, r (I.:.
deeper, and ao for
to s'-i ling n i'h '1 1:..- :
-.l. wie.g ii.u-t be cai r
with r.as :i and . Ii
s e.i t...
elate m 1
i !..!:."
lo cat:
members of the Union, ought iustautly to
Wo have an impression that
t ir'There are many men who might raise.
nra.vwt in r. f'l.rits f..r Ilie Son A-
I'lll.iv,.,. Tl,. n.m.s mar he sent lo il.f. take place.
fereru persons, in our own county or in oth- something of that sort has been said be
er S':a;rs. Atl each lo clubs of ten only fore I .
two cents a week every inaa in or lrom
L'aion county should have iu
I. iit ti- ii.. k "i k i ;. , i
Iml, pre; are? tils ai ..lo li
giue in boiling water, L-l:-
cn; tigh to reduce the i;'a t .
It is then rc:n ived !'r mi ti..- ;:
cietit alcohol p 'Uied ::i t ti,;
right CoCsisilLe-.-, St il t g ii t
Ou our arrival at the city ol Concntcs, t hopes, or say a word to lead tanners or 1 noble, more houorabie, Id cat the ciu-t is kept ;u a L it .e w. :i a j. .
we met five of our vessels aud as wa were - others to relax the strict economy which j you have earned, thau to flourish with rubber or blaJd- r tl. a n i
coming down the river wo met six moru j has been impelled, or compelled by the i coppers inherited. You may j roudly con- and will he im :- t ' . . i-
' e.-i ruiife for Paraguay." Several of our j depressed fiuaiicial condition of the coun- 1 fruut the ti . blest amoug us, when you are f. r y. ar. 1: is thus al .-. .; r
vessels have not yet arrived from tho L. 1 try, for the past year. Still, we think, so j conscious of beiug the architect of your without tha trouble of ; ' ;
S. We ar now all at anchor at Kosario, j far as we can observe and study the j own fortune. Young mau, are ivu p.uor ? wanted. Iu very c II ir- tb
the steamers coaliug. During our short ' "signs of the times," from an advantage-i Ite honest, be vir'.uou-., I e industrious; Lced to be wain.-. 1 a i. tl.-.
actions have been denied us, but this I
hope may be considered as auother honor
won by our country, whoso true policy 1
believe to be a peaeeful oue.
h. .. .... s..
Ia a r- ,-.
m, ' 1 ..ul
- ;
1 s .;. i-.r '
::i I. Is r- --'
i; i J f
: J
d C
f ;
tellilr :.:
paper in t'mon county, aiot the Stab
C'muncLE will be found the best vehicle tor
stay at Cotieutes the citii tij gave our i ous point of observation, there is much to
BTiJf "Squatter Sovreigu" will get officers quite au extensive ball, at which j encourage the hope that a more prr.sper
fiom Douglas ii'msr., over his own name, a iqbo beauties" of the city wero well rep- ous state of affiirs lies but a little way-
ahead of us. Tho use we would now
make of this is, to encourage farmers to a
more extended aud thorough cultivation
of various crops, the present Spring. The
season bids fair to bo a favorable one.
Prices of produce are, iu the main, higher
thau they have been for some time past,
r?"The Cii hois lb has for some years j statctnout that be either personally or rosuutcd. Tho population of the place is
past had much the widest circulation of any bv b;g fimily is in nowise interested in ! hout 12.0U0. Wo ulso again stopped at
tt .1... m,...riv lo.t. nlfirlv onnosi'il lo l. ......... . I.., .nir.il nf I ln Ar onti'ii; loin-
o." r'T'oi j -it iiu.iui. .--
.rt, t muo lie worth thn Ink it Wl 1 f...l. ,...,;.., Tiiis i a. new and r.uttu thri.
the dissemination of Real llstate and othir . . . , ,.... ,i,.f :i i,...,i I . .,.. ., ,,, ;,..,.:
Advertising in this region. i iukc. n")""-!; , ving ciiy, 01 aoou. ao,.oU ,o..
!y make him a good Free Soil candidate, ! our V0sel3 are all dressed in bunting to-
words :
-1 Ms.rn '1 . n-iin .
A' i.l 1. i- Ins ti
W i . li.1,....- !..- I'm
r ieul uitl A luliii
. i.i,, 1
, I - ttrtli,
i.- Ii.ua.-,
hold up juar boa 1, and say by y .ur tie-j V77 ';..-'.' 'J 1 .
li.rus aud looks, what the pO'.l hath said iu , , . ,, ., .. ,
' 1 . lulutubiatti t .... 1 1. 1 1 ...
to be all. ct-.-i in :-t by mi..K-.v i . .hy --
sons. Iu t!:e moi.-; t.io. ..j : i :.. a.
ij .us iiau i.-.." i this ftuit is ral -ed iu ti.e .-r- t...
Scittni RB Law. John Crahatu Uu-1 u"e mi-J,! is c i,r' !? Ul' ''" ,
dcrtook to justify Siekles in the killing of, cov.-tit.g the t:-it.J a. o.;
Key by quoting from tho P.ible, but 'he roots with straw, leaves .u t,,.l..i
he did not refer to the Epistle of ' keeps the surface moist, and . u-,1 u
hich ! pfvi-ntive ot tuis b.ight.
! Frmir. Si' iir t.'nt V,i-;. P.W Cool
' A
j r- -
d In t'
:' :s ; 1: :,- ;. J
r i 1..-; ; 1 j:u tr j. ar. 1
. .i !. II i's eo.e-ts, l,n
a fr- 0 ou w'-.:e!( he had
'--I -.y fi iii f-r two or
lie sjrlng. i me
r e t s with
i 1 i. '. r. : t l:irva.'s f
' :.e-l: j a L n tl.j
: .'i m the .1 .wcr. T'l.o
1. r '1 uu atan Jacce f
. f.ult fritu that file cf
i the other r.o fruit ri; r,-i-.
' t.e i:u:ne.3:a'e ricijltj
: by the C'.irejlis. Tte
'. .a tie j r r -rt-r n cf
r - v n g-.doLS of wat.r.
. '." 1 i:..bia C ) , X. Y.,
: I : b;.-- skill aid U'
.: -. itil .rrned u, that
; a .'. 1 ( f his plums f.r
. ..r-aii i huvifg bligh'ed
. : - li ivj 1 n an aban
;" '" "XJ e:irj?nt he took
v . h wa- .r juit 5u5i.
t i ; .v I t, an I applie 1
- ; .' t'-o 1....J ia a bag
1 t i- ire, :j that it
'. f tie! it to tha
. a : 1 : 0 -r J'lg'.ly elu-ted
v i- ii 'lie several times
: fl: ' set, a-. 1 the result
er p of fiuit. Others
1 uii'.ache I ashes to bo
a j w ir. A ay ri ae or all
::'s w.ll eo-t but little,
will a'atil.n-ly rep-iy
ai '. i.o :
. .!
l: -:,::. r t:.at
y ei eati :i-;.:ee to 1 ,ca-e
ri is c.ii ( f esen: at.d
Wealth. I. .ul
f tr.o, and tr .
tr..-, at. 1 v.
year own m-:-l
1-.:1 i ! 1:
bail 11: g. and
them i,:i'te a
Bests, an 1 will
Utter .!;!:::
ij i'.mily of birls
i-e upaa yo ir trees,
. a ' j
IS r ill cheap- upon tha
, e
, a r.- cheap. Plant mora
a j i'ir oth- r crops raisa
-Ij. !:.i;,:ir.:g. the b js t
an 1 1 e.t t!.c:a np-.n tha
s. iu.s w.ll a;Uso
; -li as rolling lirds'
r wl-Lia th-.-iu much
We or;-e visited a
i o:-.i llaglan i.wher.3
cf r- .:l:.g -i largabirl
t" a I t:g r -!e ia ths
i. -s u cu icj-.ua ob
;y s v"c neel
la vlg r-i, h-rticu!-at)
1 tl.at -;,e f lace was
-. t -i i, a:.d plums ;
-: i : s, e-:r.-an-s, aal
i 11: Is ti k earl
'' " lii take carj
" tL. i a ek..i.e-".
. -tr j lA.ttVV3.Sil.
.... ai-i ; 'at ii iuti a
- -.. . '. u atr as will
'1 . :: t'.:;w i:i about
f r a pe-.-k i f lime.
tt. '.. will n;-.-!t tho
- 1- tl. ::.-. -'irr.d
r : o.-.. 1 tr ;: n j
i .
' i j ii,.
.ive been
ft.l-.ht if
a-e." I:n
r greas.,
u r
, v. LI
h thj
: eatt
iV.:.g and
i ,U ti-4
. -. . b
k a ; rc-
a 1 i-.!ir
v ;---a'
i , 1
:o i.l li:.
I', lately
1 i-ieaui e'o
ir in t:. -t
ftrThe late accession to the number of ,,:. i,s,,ni:n ! tho otiibbiii!' and so-1 .1.. ..,,1 .i n...... fTrc.l a salute in honor of
ouryarsasa paper, makes us outrank the ... i ,n,.Mimrtnt 0f f.ct, tilieil in ! '..;..... hirth J. Th l-'ulton is and will nrobablv increase still furihrr i Jamesi cnaP- " M 10 auJ 1 '
MiUanian, and all other papers within fifty . .. . c. r I t . ' a- . . i . read thus:
miles or more, save only tie t.yron.ing vl h,s beUif: filing up the Cragua, river to ban Jo,e, Let every one ma, an effort to plant or M . ,he wLuIe Uk
i. to which we dot! our hat as the mother! Geo. W. Doane, llishop of the Trotes-, to visit Urquiza tho Present of the Ar- sow an acre or two more than the, Ml;
of .he Typo Seribes. ! (ant Episcopal Church, in New Jersey, gentiue Coulederatiou. e anticipate a intended, and to till those crops already j f ,j u ,lut j j)n nM .,.,
lied at bis residence iu Ilurlington, on pleasant time. Our squadron will reudez- j panned f.r, with more care. Tho extra , duJU.ry ku;J, Do not kill 1 Now if
Will leave : produce thus secured may he a make- thou cmuiit uo adaiteiy, yet II ihoa till,
Th n!,l.o V,. .,f Ti. r ........ t,,.. lc
da'f i isi6. when it wa, .-ouJuctcd bv lleiiiv ! V.'eduisday last. He Was a native of vous at Motitevi ie.i, ulieu
a.'ip, at New Hediu. v. e will fiw a year's . Trenton S.J- a;:d in tho C'jih year cf for home, c'eJpi the l'rigite Sabiuo auJ ; weight lo turu the sc.le ia fvjr cf Tutuiu tuou a:;
fciii.srription of our Orti.er ..i it.e .,i.;c - ceoie ! 1 ' ' !..-.- i.. i. f !;-" "
tf VK USi tha be Uht i-l. " 1 i itf. I tbC trifS-ut-Bar. KSf, ij. . k-j-1. y.-A,... .!;,!. ,
.ejaiilj ii .iait
... iuc
Ashtabula Co., O., writing ao-mt the pre- ;
judico against oak tucs iu (; n Held,, as
uot M:i.f r, li able, slalcs tl t ho has : -. j
wLi.h Uiui.-'Ji re .'vd for :.-, thau the
eat.iO i - . -1 l..a iftt:, . .C..1 ..'jft u..: '
e.e 1. tl:.:
tneiv.: to
quali-y i
j .n it:.
oitit of l i
u 1 I
:h2 t
a i: .o
: i .l
e last
ft's ud.l. r
1 show,
alt.. .1 'rem
iv ws, ex-
o il.OU of
iu tho
U.i.c', a
lot 1: I f a
iii reaiify
e :... a 1 i