Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 31, 1919, Page 9, Image 9

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f , Local fight fans will see a real
championship battle to-morrow.
While Johnny Gill is scheduled to
battle ten rounds with Jack Brttton,
the welterweight champion, to-mor
row afternoon at Stcelton, those who
know the game say this is long
enough to decide who is the best man
In the welter weight class. Gill is a
strong favorite.
There are many wagers on this bat
tle. Gill Is picked to win In less than
10 rounds bv a number enthusiasts
while others are wagering that the
fight will go the mlt. and that Gill
will have the best of "• all through.
The contract calls for laO pounds for
each flghtei it no. n to-morrow. The
battle is the wlndup of a bill that
starte at 3.0' P. M. Brltton has a
number of h ckers who are of the
opinion that lie Deal boy will not
, stand up. Britton has a dangerous
k punch.
B Britton Is Clever
W Following is battle with Mike
f O'Dowd on August newspapers all
■ gave 'Britton 'he decision. In the j
W New York American the following at- ;
F count of th;s -attle is given under
L tlie heading. J*''* Britton Too,
Clever for O'Dowd" j
i "Jack Britton. welterweight chain- ,
Bfc pion, by a wonderful exhibition of |
W boxing skill 'earned the decision in
I his ten-r und LU Ith llike CVDowd |
■ of St Pail, a' the Broadway Sporting'
M. Club last night. was a rase of a ,
slugger against a 1 • er and the boxer ,
W ""11° every one of the ten rounds
100 O'Dowd plunged In with a varied as- j
V' aortment of .wing, and jabs whieh j
W the nimbled-footed Britton side
P stepped, caught them on his glo\e or
U let them curve around his neck. |
' Britton one of the cleverest boxer. ,
in the ring, to-day. was at his best
last night. His famous left jab |
k worked to perfection and when he
turnei it loose it seldom missed its
■ Booked I.lke Knockout |
m "As early n< the first round it
From Joe Barrett
••I realise that when Johnny
Gill meets Britton he will be up
\gainst the best man he has net
,n his career. GUI w out to win.
It boih m.n are on their feet a
he close ot ten roun.ls Gill will be
entitled to the decision. How
ever I lot for a new champion
by New Y. t? e oiling."
/ President Comiskey Again
Offers Reward to Proof
Players Were Dishonest
Chicago. *c. T :U, ."harles A.. Co
miskey, president o. the tQ _
American League Ha iball ch, J>-
day reiterated his offer ot $
direct information pvt. Hng t
f "nvest
threw" Barnes uing the 1919 sea
r son and during Id s series.
At the conel isi n of a secret
, „ff .f the team at
ference of off is t ..stifled
which two St 1 -us ™ en testineo.
Hrr- < ahiner announced
fhat Ct "id tic t. support the
charge had _b*-n produced.
Complete Schedule for
P. R. R. 4 Y" Cage League
The follow!'.edHle Y has been
arranged for t ' • opening
Ja a mc et wl he' aw,l M mday night
r January 5. be. J-en no Atretics . and
J Reds. The s.asor vll "? "? rcn
. "1 The sch ule - •- follows,
f Athl-tics ? 1 < January 5.
White So* v 'ut lanupy 7: Ath
letics vs. Whit kox January l-!neda
„ Cubs. Jan ry 14 Cubs vsAth
letics. Januar 19 h '* e Athletics'
Reds. January £ M Cutttl ;
Jan ua ry -®- ]etiof Vi . white Sox.
r a brui'rv'" : r: is vs. Cubs. February
k F- Cubs vs. bletii February 9:
I White Sox vs Reds. 1 ebruary 11 .
' Athletics vs. Red- : ehruary 16.
White So vs Cubh February IS:
k Athletics vs. Wiu S : ;S) >r : l t a 'le t ?cs
L Reds vs. Cubs. White
kr vs. Cubs. Mart i ' '■ *"•
P V°a X r'eli M 8: ri Whit - ''ubs. March
i." White Sox vs. \thh tics March
ire Reds vs. tubs March 17. Ath
letics vs Cubs Mar. Reds vs.
4 "White Sox. Ma"Ci
M The basket 1 1 gun sib.-dul.il be-
Y tween the Mm t I'm i IPgh Scliool
team, of Mount Fliion and the I'. It.
R Girls' quint of th city, for Jan
uary J. lias b. i foslpon. 1 owing to
the Installation of a new qor in the
Pennsylvania Ballr ad Athletic club
nt Seventh an. In yd streets. The
game will be playltl here on Jan
'• uary 9.
The Galahad tv will resuitu their
basketball achedui this week after
r taking a vacation Muring the Christ
mas Holidays. The )<>< Is will play
the Hershey b ishey on
Friday night, and ti ■ l.incaster Army
Club at Lancaster on tur biy night.
A number of the Deal ngi fans w'il
make the trip to Hkr-h-y ot Friday.
Leading Trapshooters of 1919
Shooter „ ' f Ave. ]
Rtiih Razee Cunis.NNt" t ..9801 |
Mafk Arie Chan i-.-ign. 111. 9780 !
yj Henderson Leklngt.in, Ky.,9779 I
. /S VP M Troeh V* n "'• v er, \V. .9752
IbV Homer Clark Alton 111. ..975.-,
W J R. Jahn Long .rove, la. 9755
■ Fred Gilbert Spirit L.ke, i a . 9753
K Oscar Hansen Fremont. Feb.. 9730
Hka Guy Ward £"?"• 1 1 9728
Hi Art Kisser Paris, 111 97 1 6
' l :
Your New Year—
I He re hoping that 1920
Mr will be the best year you've
ever had in every way.
. I W. C. Consylman & Co. |
The Big Uptown Gents' Store
pit -I
■ • r - •
11 looked as though Mike was due for a
. : short sleep. Shortly after the bout
i started Britton sent his right crash
. , ing against O'Dowd's jaw and the St.
■ Paul lad fell against the ropes. Brit
> ■ ton went after him and pummeled
; him all over the' ring, but Mike
i ! weathered the storm until the bell
l came to his rescue.
"O'Dowd outweighed Britton by six
l ! and one-half pounds and this handi
i i cap at times made the welterweight
i I champion wary of his aggressive op- i
' ! ponent. The St. Paul boxer showed :
! a rushing style which, while it failed
i | to phase Britton, nevertheless earned !
: O'Dowd considerable favor with the i
i large crowd of spectators.
"The majority of O'Dowd's rushes j
In the direction of Britton were
i cooly avoided and his blows were |
I cleverly "blocked, or Britton stepped
I nimbly inside the guard of the St.
[ Paul man with effective coun'ters
' with either the right or left hand to
j the face and stomach alternately.
! "After the first round and until the
' final bell Britton contended himself
| with giving an exhibition of his skill
| and seldom became aggressive."
Other* on the Bill
i Work is progressing nicely on the
I arena, at the corner of Front and
i Chestnut, Steelton, and Barrett says
everything will be set by to-morrow !
j night. Every man on the card has
, reported himself to be in good con- '
{ dition. Young Fulton, of Allentown, i
! will meet Mickey Dougherty, of Bal- |
! timore; Little Jeff, of Baltimore, will
I meet Mickey Devers, of Allentown,
j while. Kid Richmond, of Baltimore 1
j will open the show against Dick Got
walt. of York. Several other matches
| are in the making, and will likely be
j put on by Joe. Judging from the ad
vance sale of tickets, over 2500 will
greet the boys when tliey square off.
I The seats are going rapidly—so 1
I fast that Manager Barrett was
obliged to arrang for more seats
for the Olympia A. C.
Both Philadelphia and Chi
cago Are Making Bids For
I .
t hli'.iKo, Dec. 31.—l ew real base
ball trades have been mentioned
Since ilie close of the season in Sep
, tember, but that is no indication f
. that the presidents of the major i
league clubs, especially those in the j
. National League, have none in mind, j
| Some of them have. It would not!
be startling to ltear of a big deal or '■
two being closed this week, and the
• Cubs, pith President Veeck and Man-'
. ager Mitchell on tlie scene, are likely
to put over one of the biggest of the j
season with the Philadelphia club. I
t President Baker of the Phillies was .
i in Chicago -for two days in confer
, ence with Veeck, which adds to the !
possibility of a deal being made.
What the Cubs need is a left
handed pitcher. Eppa Rixey would
be a lucky strike and surely would
look fine on the staff with Grover
" Alexander and Jim Vaughn. A left
■ hander is what Manager Mitchell
I needs to beat teams like New York !
, j and Cincinnati, the two clubs that
are expected to stage a terrific fight i
for tlie championship again next sea- i
son. Rixey always has been effective
against both those teams and would 1
be a tremendous asset to the North
! Side team if lie were obtained, and
that he will he obtained is not at all
unlikely. •
"What will Manager Mitchell do
; with three southpaws?" may be
asked. He is not going to have three >
of them unless George Tyler does a
remarkable comeback after having!
nearly all of his teeth extracted. It ;
is not certain he will return to his I
old-time form, and because there is a '
possibility he will not. President '
Veeck and Manager Mitchell are
looking into the future and striving
to obtain a pitcher who will be
capable of taking Tyler's place in the
event he does not return to his
normal condition. Should he do so
i Mitchell will be able to use three i
I left-handers of unusual skill with
out worrving how to operate them.
Rixey is one of the best southpaw
pitchers in the National League. He ,
was developed by Pat Moran and for j
that reason is a clever ilinger. With
the cubs he would be a whale be- j
cause it would be the first time ne ,
was ot a real team, and he would be j
more than delighted to come to Chi- j
cago. according to a letter received |
here by one of liis former team mates ,
in which he is credited v ith saying ]
She would like to have a -nance to
| work again with a tevr. Dial had a|
1 chance to win the pennant He a.so ,
! likes Chicago and would welcome a
| transfer.
Scott High Eleven to
Meet Everett Tomorrow j
Seattle. Wash., Dec. 31.—Members
of the football team of the Scott
High school, of Toledo, 0., arrived
vesterdav on their way to Everett, ,
' Wash., where they will play the ■
I Everett High school eleven New
I Year's day. . ... j
! Heavy rain did not prevent the V
Toledo lads from working out on ,
a Seattle gridiron. The visitors said |
they welcomed the opportunity to
practice on a wet held, as they j
expected the Everett gridiron would
be soft from recent rains. j j
Tech's manager. Louis J. Sny- ,
der, has sent a challenge to Seattle!
claiming the championship and i
{ agreeing to play the winner of the
j above game.
New Orleans, La., Dec. 31.—Pete I
Herman, of New Orleans, bantiftn- !
weight champion, and Johnny j
Ritchie, of Chicago, will meet here i
January 7 in a ten-round bout. Ar- I
""tides were signed to-day.
SNOODLES Hungerford
National Baseball Federation
Will Take Up Important
Johnstown. Pa.. Dee. "I.—The sixth
annus! meeting of the National Rase
ball Federation, the recognized sand
l lot baseball governing body of the
I'nited States, is to be held on Fridnv |
.'nil Saturday. ..lanuarv 16-17. at the:
Holienden Hotel in Cleveland. Ohio.
This eitv is the biggest and most en
thusiastic sandiot baseball center in
the world, holding the record for
baseball crowds of 90.000 to 100,010
on different occasions at its famous
I Brooksidc Park stadium, and scores
of amateur baseball players, officials
and enthusiasts are expected to at
tend the annual convention of the
federation The directors meet on
I Fridav afternoon to close tin their
nffairt Air the past year, and the con
vention pro'ier opens on Saturday
i morning. Prominent officials of
Cleveland will welcome the visitors,
and tlie conference will close with a
banquet given bv the Cleveland
' Amateur Baseball Association.
Strong in West
The National Baseball Federation
is strongest at the present time in
I tlie Central and Middle West. It. is
| establishing a foothold in about fifty
cities as a working basis. The objects
and purposes of the organization,
'quoting from its constitution, are the
promotion, promulgation and per
'petuation of noneommcroializcd base- i
I ball throughout the United States:
to surround it with proper safe- :
' guards; to aid and assist in fos
tering. developing and regulating of
local associations in accordance with
the spirit of sportsmanship, honesty
and fair plav; to aid and assist in the
] furthering of inter-eity contests and .
an annual championship inter-city
Iseries: and to foster an annual eon- •
< vention for friendlv open discussion
!of the purposes outlined.
The annual inter-city championship ■
1 series has become a classic already,
and thousands of amateur ball play
ers follow the games. About 200,000
I ball plavers of all ages are registered
.with the city associations, connected I
'with the National Baseball Federa-1
\ tlon.
Staub-Witman Wedding
at St. Mary's Churchj
The wedding of Howard S. Staub.'
Arntzville, and Miss Maude Witman. j
of town, was solemnized yesterday at:
the St. Mary's Catholic Church, thel
ring ceremony being used by the Rev.
Jules Foin. A large number of rela-!
lives and friends were present. Miss|
1 Elizabeth Stahl. Harrisburg. was the !
j bridesmaid, and Martin Kane. Steel
' ton. was the best man. Miss Witman I
lis a graduate of the 1913 class of the
! Chambersburg Hospital. She is a
'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Wit
'man Cambridge. Mr. Staub Is a son
of Mr. and Mrs. John Staub. Arntz
ville. He was recently mustered out]
of service after serving twenty!
months with the A. E. F. A wedding
breakfnst was served at the home of
the bride's aunt, Mrs. F.mma Fisler.
Brown street. Mr. and Mrs. Staub will
! reside at the Boose Apartments. Ann
j St Christian Hershey. of Water street,
was tendered a birthday surprise
'pnrtv at his home on Monday evening.
I at 8 o'clock at the manse of the Pres
byterian church. Main street, by the
I Rev. T. C. McCarrell.
Swatara Council, No. 949. Royal
! Arcanum, elected the following of
ficers for 19920: Regent. A. G. Banks;,
1 vice-regent. .Christ Ober; orator, J. E. !
icobaugh; past regent. R. Freidman;jl
I treasurer. C. S. Few; secretary, E. L. •
Croll; collector. H. W. George. M. D.;
I guide C. R. Poist; warden. W. 3. |
I Sides' sentry, M. R. Metzgar; chaplain, i
Leonard Schenty; trustees. S. C.
Young. H. V. B. Garver and F. Y.
I I'Mnhcr. i
I Verna M. Pfaunmiller. the 10-month- j
old daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
'Pfaunmiller, died at the home of the
I parent*, on Monday afternoon, on j
| Three-Mil" Island. The body was'
! brought to the home of the grand
parents. Mr. and-Mrs. A. Conrad. Roy
alton. by Undertaker H. S. Roth, who
I crossed' over on the ice. Funeral
I services will be held from the grand
i parents' home on Friday afternoon at
1.30 o'clock. Burial will be made inj
!the Geyer cemetery, at Hillsdale,
i Stephen Marninehock has enlisted,
in the navy, and was sent to Virginia. I
1 He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Mar- j
! minchock, lawrence street.
Eli Metziar. who was a member of j
,lhe United States Marines, was mils-'
'tcrod out of service and returned to
itlio home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs.
I Eli Metziar. Sr.. Royalton.
Higher Salaries to Meet
High Cost of Living
By .Associated I'ress
New York, Dec. 31.—High cost of ,'
living probably will result in base- j'
ball players demanding increased ] •
salaries next year, according to of- 1 1
ficials of local clubs to-day. Base- i <
bail contracts for the 1920 season j <
must lie mailed before midnight to- 11
night to reserve a player. Of the
three local major league clubs, the i
New York Americans have signed t
eight regulars, the New Y'ork Na- i
tionals three and the Brooklyn Na- i
tionals five.
Pittsburgh, Dee. 31. —The 1920 jj
football schedule of Carnegie Insti- ■ j
tute of Technology, announced here i i
[ yesterday, includes games with Yale,
I University of Rochester, University j
of Cincinnati, Lehigh, Allegheny
; College and Washington and Jcffer- |
, son.
Announcement was made that a 10 •
per rent, bonus will be paid by the
H< rshey Chocolate Company to all
I employes who uro with the firm Jan
• uary 1. 1920. About 2.00 employes
j will be affected. Tlie amount to be
| paid la being computed now.
Popular Referee
In agreeing to Harry Stout, of
Milwaukee, as the referee for the ;
Gill-Britton bout to-morrow after
noon at Steelton, both Joe Barrett j
, and Dan Morgan have selected one i
|of the best ring officials possible,
j Stout is no stranger in the Rast anil j
has been the third man in the ring
| in a number of important battles,
j While he is a close friend of Dan
i Morgan, manager for Jack Britton.
Stout is one of the fairest men known !
to the fighting world.
Victors Meet Independents
Tomorrow Night; Prob- j
able Lineup
Locust Gap cagers last night
triumphed over the Trenton Eastern !
League team, score 50 to 20. This
means that the local Independents j
will have to go some to-morrow night \
to win. It will be a much different
team representing Locust Gap than \
was here early in the season.
The victory at Mt. Carntel last I
night was due to the accurate shoot
ing by Moraski and Betz, who scored !
six and nine respectively. Harry j
Hough, the Trenton star, was unable !
to do better than one goal. Lynch i
was the big league star.
Probable Lineup
On the Trenton team were, Lynch, j
Hargraves, Davis. Hough and Watts. !
Reports say it was a great game
with Locust Gap doing sensational j
stunts all the time. 'The teams to- j
morrow night will line up as fol
Wallower, f. Doyle, f.
McCord, f. McHugh, f. , !
Kline, f.
Moorehead, e. Sebastian, c.
McCord, g. Betz, g.
Gerdes, g. Moraski, g.
Referee, Horace Geisel.
Harvard Eleven Ready For
Battle With Oregon Team
By Associated Press
Pasadena, Cal., Dec. 31.—Harvard !
and Oregon football teams to-day |
completed their training for their
contest at Tournament Park to-mor- I
row. After light workouts this j
morning both coaches said their men '
were ready.
Players of both teams to-day ap- !
peared to be nearer equal size than j
at any other time since their ar- j
Harvards men in a week's grind :
under the hot sun, had worked o
considerable avoirdupois. The Ore- j
gonians during the same time gained j
weight. The latter's stiffest work- ;
outs ended about the time the Crim- i
son squad began and the last few
days have seen the Oregonians in- :
dulging in only light practice. More 1
than 30,000 people will see to-mor- j
row's game.
Sale of the Hcrshey House to K.
Humawci. former owner of the Crys
tal restaurant and A. Relchas, was
announced yesterday with the filing
of the deed for the transfer. The i
consideration was about SIIS.OOO, it Is;
said. William H. Mocrner, former |
owner disposed of the prop- J
erty to William J. Sohland, who ar- |
ranged the sale without taking title, j
Plans are being considered now. It j
is said, for altering the building so |
that the upper floors can be used for j
hotel purposes and the first Moor for j
a restaurant and ice cream parlor. |
When a chunk of coal fell on his
leg and broke it while lie was work- j
lng at the Susquehanna CoUier'cs .
yesterday. Daniel Fritz. 54 years old,
was admitted to the Harrleburg Hts- j
pltal. His condition is good.
Women Leaders in 1919
Mrs. C. E. Groat.
I,os Angeles. Cal. .2400-2204-918:1
Mrs. Harry Harrison,
Rochester. N. Y. ..2910-2558-8790
Mrs. A. H. Wlnckler,
Chicago, 111 2105-1814-8760
Mis. H. R Berber
>1 i n ilea polls, Minn. 2000-1698-8242
Mrs. Curtis King.
Memphis. Tenn. . .2050-1514-7285
■ ■ ■ .
Play Alumni Five Tonight;
Thrilling Battle Is
Tech high basketball team w ill
open the season to-night with the j
i Alumni five. This game is scheduled i
to start at 8.15. A preliminary eon-j
test will start at 7.30 between Tech !
Reserves and a local five. Dancins i
will follow the big game.
I A fast game is looked for as the
' Alumni five, made up of college boys j
home for the holidays, anl former lo- |
cal stars, promises to give ihe Ma- '
roons a great battle.
Tech will enter the game with the !
same lineup as last "enson when they
won the championship of the league, j
Under the careful coaching of Doc i
Miller the Maroons this season prom- j
ise to show a still faster pace, 'ihei
Houston, f. Beck. f.
Ebner. f. Lingle, f.
Sourbeer, c. Wllabach, c.
| Bihl, g. Frank, b.
G. Klllinger, g. Smith, g.
! Reiff 190 125 157 — 472
j Hess IC7 160 159 486!
| McFarland .. 135 143 165 443 1
I Runk 154 160 133 447
' Zeiders 170 141 130— 441
I Total 816 729 724—2329
I Comp 110 147 150— 407
| Mann 178 161 146 485
like Schricver 152 144 206 502
j Graham .... 139 158 135 432
| James 199 164 146 519
Total 778 774 783—2345
R. Heeser . . 9S 117 149 364
Ciowell 118 128 124 307
Atticks 154 94 170— 480
Fowler 125 140 158 — 403
Palmer 133 124 89— 346
Total 628 603 670 —1901
| Litner 114 152 135 401 i
Goyne 117 120 128 — 365;
' Bachman ... 105 131 142 378;
Stein 127 125 150— 367
Mcßride 137 129 120— 386 j
j Total 600 657 640—1811 J
Hoeker 161 136 148— 445 1
Critchley 146 149 107— 4021
Kline 117 116 .. . 233 ;
! Shlomberg ... 158 130 151— 439 i
j Price 119 174 117— 410 !
: Bruce 159 159 j
j Total 701 705 682—2088 i
Holohan 198 177 118— 493 1
! Henderson .. 157 140 126 423
Long 170 135 170— 475 I
Stripenhauser 125 114 109— 348!
| Smith 136 168 124 428 j
Total 786 734 647—2167 j
Standing of the Teams
W. L. Pet. |
' Tramps 6 3 .666 ,
! Jinx 6 3 .666 '
■ Bear Cats 4" 2 .666 j
i Rustlers 5 4 .555 .
iT. N. T 3 3 .500
| Tanks 3 3 .500:
I Regulars 2 4 .333 !
! Outlaws 1 8 .111
At Progress
Smith IC6 108 111— 325 I
i Itobison 79 92 91— 325 ,
I Jones 83 83 105— 281 I
Dayhoff 98 106 115— 319
Storm U6 114. 112— 342
' Total 482 513 524—1529
Schmidt 81 105 108— 294
I Strine 93 91 107— 291
Wix HO 91 87— 288
Shields 96 114 93 303
Oumpher .... 94 93 98 — 255
Total 474 494 493—1461
I Andrews .... 121 142 123 386,
| Mtigaro 116 110 133 359'
I Siblo 112 95 87— 294 i
Killing 115 104 154 373'
! Sol 143 118 148— 409 j
! Total 607 569 645—1821 j
! Harmon .... 93 105 108— 306
Kerson 133 133 107— 373 i
1 Frv 133 143 1 38— 409
Delseroth ... 144 127 141— 412 i
Taylor 137 131 105 — 373
Total 84 0 639 694—1873 !
, Early 77 B'J 132 298
Julius 143 116 108— 367 1
Johnson ...• 109 130 105— 344 j
: Sempeles .... 127 114 112— 353 ,
Rogers 102 108 129 339
Total 558 567 586—1701 '
Page 89 153 129 371
8* ull 126 112 1 19— 357
ROWC 75 81 123 279
Coloviroa 100 156 141— 397;
Simmons .... 115 105 110— 330 !
i Total 506 607 672—1734!
; " Members of the South I' lirview Rod uiul Gun Club are enjoying venison
| steaks these days. Five big deer were brought home from the South
I Mountains by nintrods representing this organization. The above picture
shows the deer brought down by Levi Eby, Munheim; Murk 1.. King. Harris
burg; Wayne Bishop, Carlisle; Harry Sirgler, Lancaster, and Irwin Hoffman,
I East Petersburg. The officers of this club are: Ji
President, H. R. Rassler, Lancaster; J. 11. Croman, Carlisle, treasurer,
land I.E. Mellingc r, Lancaster, secretary. The latter is quite a successful ,
hunter and is well known in and about Harrisburg. During the past season |
I with Orrin McGonigal, a mountaineer, many skunks, foxes and raccoons
I were captured, the value of the skins being estimated at $-'OO. This game j
was in Cumberland county.
! ~~ ~~ ' I
i— . .
Draws With K. O. Willie
Loughlin at York; Brit
ton Coming Tonight
Johnny Gill, who will meet Jack
Uritton in a ten-round bout to-mor
row afternoon at Steelton returned
'from York this morning and resum
jed his training. Last night in a six
round battle with K. O. "Willie
Loughlin, who has defeated Britton,
Gill registered a draw. Local funs
who were at York claim that Gill
had a shade the best of the battle.
There was little doing in the first
two rounds. In the third and fourth
both boys mixed it up. In the fifth
] Loughlin hit Gill on the nose, open
' ing up an old sore. Gill retaliated
j with a hard punch on his opponent's
I nose followed by one on the neck
[which staggered Al Lippe's protege.
I In the sixth it was all Gill.
Britton Arrives To-night
Word was received this morning
from New York that Dan Morgan
and Britton would leave for Harrts-
I burg at 5.35 p. m. and would reach
'this city about 10.30. Morgan will
iat once report to the local sport
! writers. He will have his hendquar
i tors at the Penn-Harris Hotel.
' Kid Richmond, who is on the card
! to-morrow afternqon at York last
i night had the best of the fight with
i Young Murray, and Mickey Dough
erty shaded Mickey Brltt. Manager
! Barrett returned home this morning
! and to-day worked on Jhis arena.
College Men Organize
Flying Association
By Associated rress
New York. Dec. 31.—The Inter
j collegiate Flying Association was
( organized at a meeting here of
j grndnates from Yale, Harvard,
■ Princeton and Columbia Universities
I and Williams College. Its object,
I as announced, is "to promote and
I further aviation l>y combining the
I various university and college clubs
| under a single organization." An
j intercollegiate cross-country flying
j race on May 8. is planned, for which
i a silver cup has been offered as a
| trophy by the Cleveland Flying
Club, of Cleveland, Ohio.
Officers elected are Leonard
Thomas. Harvard, president; Ronald
Cralgtnvle, Colombia, vice-nresl
dent; U. Kenneth Perry, Williams
College, secretary, and Juan Trlpno,
Yale, treasurer. All served In the
I war.
i By Associated Press
| Newark. N. J.. Dec. 31.—Frank
| Mornn. of Pittsburgh, and Fred Ftil
• ton wi'l meet In an eight-round
; bout at the First Regiment Armory
! here on Jnnnarv 12. it was an
; oouneed to-dny. The bout will be
| Mornn's sixth in n series of "come
i back" contests In which he has
' knocked out four of his five oppo
i nrnts.
woeoriTovs AS conn
8v feeding the birds In January one
nrovldes ammunition arralnst the
•nesenltoes of lane exnln'ns a mem
ber of the Animal Protective League,
tt seems that b'rds feed their young
on mosouttoes thus destroying grant
numbers of the pests Little natural
fend Is available fo' birds In the win
ter except In the extreme South, and
even there less can be found bv them
et. this seaaon than In the summer,
, So when the tahle or pantrv shelf Is
cleared of crumbs. If the contents of,
the crumb trsv are scattered out/
doora instead of being nut in the gar
bage can. the birds will lie thusrrtcful.
end will eh"w their gratitude/by sav
ing the food-giver many a yfnosqulto
i i.lte next summer. r
Mosquitoes are only ot/e of th"
many exce'le n t reasons Avhy birds
rhould he fed during the winter. The
others are all the other injects which
I hamper the production of *he garden,
land all pleasures of Jsong and
! plumage.—St. Joseph Gagltte.
I Completed Pipe Organ to Be
Played at Informal Re
cital January 13
Music lovers of Ilarrlsburg will !
.have opportunity on the night of!
1 '.. anu! " y " to hear for the first time
i '! completed new pipe organ, the j
Ifv i William P. Starkey, of Grace
{ Methodist Episcopal Church, at the
initial formal recital of Bernard
■ Maussert, organist.
The date of the recital was deii
' j nitely fixed at n luncheon meeting of
i a committee of members of Grace
[ | Church at the Penn-Harris Hotel.
( Complete plans for the recital, out
. I lined by Khrman B. Mitchell, ,)r„
chairman of the committee, include
the participation of a vocal soloist
1 of note and the choir of the church.
The program is now bring perfected. |
I; It was explained at the meeting'
j that the installation of the manifold)
complexities of the great organ, in
' | eluding the reed, harp, chimes, vox
huninna, and "echo" organ sections,
will he entirely completed by Janu
ary 13. and for the first time, the re
; markabie instrument, one of the half I
i dozen finest organs in tlie United j
States, will he, in every detail, under j
the complete control of the organ-
I ist -
The recital will not only afford j
; opportunity for acquainting Harris
burgers with tile wonderful range of
tone possibilities of the- organ, but
[ will also be the first public and for
mal appearance of Bernard Maussert,
' i the new organist of Grace Church,
1 in a program of scope- adequate to
■.demonstrate his interpretattonal abil
• i ities.
- The committee In charge of prepa
| rations for the recital includes:
; Mrs. William Gorges Hicks, Mrs.
Homer Black, Miss Maud Stiimm,
Miss Almeda Herman. Mrs. Frank C. j
| Sites, C. M. McNaughton, William |
l i Gorgas Hicks. K. Bruce Taylor, S. S.
l i Riddle-, E. Fred Rowe. Charles K in
i ter, Charles Roll, Roy Chapman, John |
SchrelTler, William R. Denehey, Dr. |
C. M. Rickert.
Chambers Pledge Aid
to National Foreign
Trade Convention
Local Chambers of Commerce in all
1 parts of the Country are taking an
active- interest In the plans for se
curing delegates to the Seventh Na
! tionul Foreign Trade Convention,
] which will be held at San Francisco, I
May 12-15, 1920, under the auspices
iof the National Foreign Trade
I Council, the chairman of which is
James A. Furrell, president of the
j United States Steel Corporation.
[ Associated with Mr. Farrell in the
I work of organizing the coming con
vention is a blue book list of Amerl
j can foreign traders, including A. C.
1 Bedford, chairrfian of board, Stand
| ard Oil Company of New Jersey;
| Robert Dollar, president the Robert
: Dollar Company, San Francisco, Ca).;
i Alba B. Johnson, former president
j of Baldwin Locomotive Works, Phila- .
deiphln. Pa.; Cyrus H. McCormick, j
president. International Harvester ■
Company, Chicago, 111.; William I
Cooper Procter, the Procter & (lam
j ble Company, Cincinnati, O.; W. L.
' Saunders, chairman of bonrd, Inger- |
'soil-Rand Company. New York; John i
IN. Willys, president, Wl'lys-Over
land Co., Toledo, O.: and Thomas E.
I Wilson, president. Wilson & Com
pany. Chicago. Hi.; and O. K. Davis,
< secretary. National Foreign Trade
Council. New York.
1 So that the American business men
may obtain first hand Information
regarding the market conditions in
' foreign countries, the Council has in
vited/special trade advisors from the
leading nations of Australasia, the
Fap East and South America. The
Be/vices of these trade advisors will,
ojf course, be offered to the conven
tion delegates as a part of the reg-
I /ular convention program.
Portraits of the four mayors who
i have filled the office of chief executive
during the past four years were un
\ veiled this morning at the Mayor's
■ office. The portraits are those of
the late Charles A. Miller, the late
William L, Gorgas, 3. Wiuiant Bow
man, and Daniel 1* Keieter.
From Dan Morgan
"Jack Britton. world's welter
weight champion, has been in
strict training for his battle with
Johnny Gill, which will be decid
ed on ew Year's Day. Britton
realizes he will have to be in first
class shape to defeat the hard
hitting Gill, and will continue
training until the day of the con
test. finishing his work at Harris
"Britton has been matched to
meet Benny Leonard at the New
ark Sporting flub, the latter part
ol' January, and will have to be
returned a winner in his bout
witli Gill or forfeit the match
witli Leonard. So get in line for
the greatest boxing contest ever
held in Pennsylvania."
Claims Welterweight Cham
pion Is Afraid of K. 0.
Willie Loughlin
j That the Gill-Britton bout to taka
place at Steelton to-morrow after
noon. is an important battle is
| shown by the many inquiries from
I protors all over the State, and from
some outside of Pennsylvania. While
Johnny Gill has met boys in the
Eust liis recent aspirations for title
honors is stirring up m-nagers.
There is a difference of opinion us
to who is the best boys to meet in
order to get a light to a decision.
In a letter to the sport editor of
the Harrisburg Telegraph A 1 Lippe,
manager for K. O. Willie Loughlin
reters to Britton as the man who re
fused to meet Loughlin. He says:
AT ulsa, Oklahoma, promoter
offered Jack Britton a match
with K. O. Loughlin, and al
lowed Britton to name his own
terms, his own referee, the weight
and the number of rounds. After
everythnig for which he asked had
been agreed to, and forfeits posted,
lie ryn out of the match. Ho had
a perfectly good reason for refusing
j to meet Loughlin, as the latter de
| leated him the only time thev ever
! met. Some of the men Loughlin lias
"Jack Britton, Soldier Bartfield,
Bryan Downey, Steve Latzo, George
Chip, Tommy Ferguson, Jack Mc-
Carron, Johnny Oelmars, Marty
Cross, Joe Eagan, K. O. Brennan of
Buffalo .Chuck Wiggins, Kddie Re
voire, Johnny Wolgast, a brother
to Ad Wolgast; Battling Koplin,
Billy Kramer, Cyclone Scott, Lcn
j Rowlands.
J "Loughlin has defeated every
.good welterweight in the L'ntted
| States with the exception of Ted
j Kid Lewis, whom lie has never
fought, and Johnny Gill whom he
met last night at York.
"Loughlin is willing to box Brit-
| <on in a 20-round fight to a decision
'and if Britton can get as good a.°
ja draw with Loughlin. he can have
| all the money. Tlua, Oklahoma,
, will offer a large purse for (the
1 match." ,
wanted as General Agent for this
j section by one of the oldest and
I largest Life, Accident and Health
I Companies. A splendid opportunity
j for an energetic man. Either ex
j perienced or one who believes he
I lias the ability to make good. We
I will train you in the profession,
j Write, stating qualifications, to
i B. F. Maxey, Ager.-cy Supervisor,
j 024 Council Bldg., Scranton, Pa.
are constantly in-
Jf i creasing, accord-
Ing to the large
jp\; i. demand for the
P? ft.'-- P°P u 'ar
fii JOHN
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If you have not
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vorite brand yet,
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Re c o m m ended
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10c and tip.
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Smith & Keffer Co., Inc.,
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