Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 30, 1919, Page 2, Image 2
2 Happenings of a Day in Central Pennsylvania BODY OF SLAYER LIES UNCLAIMED Brother of Clarence Wallace Willing to Bury Remains With Insurance Money Waynesboro. Pa., Dec. 30.—The body of Clarence S. Wallace, of this place, yeggmarr and slayer of Leo M. Creager and who was shot to death by officers at Santa Barbara, Calif., while resisting arrest, was still in a vault at Frederick, Md., last night, no one having claimed it. Frederick authorities announced this morning that if it is not claimed during the day it will be taken to Montevue and buried at the expense of the county. James Wallace, a brother of the dead man, intimated he would have the body buried if he could obtain $230 insurance carried by the mur derer. , , , So far as is known no other claims for the reward of SI,OOO offered by the county for the arrest and deliv ery of Wallace, dead or alive, have been filed except those of Mrs. Flor ence Graft, of Baltimore, and the detectives of that city. It is ex pected however, that the California officers who actually captured the man will file a claim for the reward. Mechanicsburg Woman Dies After Long Illness Meobantoshurß. Pa.. Dec. 30. —After a long illness of a complication of Haeases. Mrs. Uattie Heikes died on Sunday at her home in North Arch street. She was aged 61 years and was a member of the Church of God it Allen. Two daughters survive: Mrs. Walter Glace and Mrs. George !fooper. both of Mechanicsburg. Sev eral sisters also survive. .'Funeral services were hold, this '.fternoon at her late home, conducted >y the Rev. Russell Bucher. pastor •f the Church of God. Burial was in the Mechanicsburg Cemetery. Lebanon Is to Have Mill to Produce Hose Lebanon, Pa., Dec. 30. —Another *extle industry for Lebanon was as sured to-day by the announcement .jf Harry R. Heilman and Robert J. "lehnev, who are making prepara • tons to open a hosiery mill in North : ,'inth street. The partners are : taking every effort to secure the i iachinery as speedily as possible .jod start the operation of the plant. se McNeil's Pain Exterminator--Ad 1 Beckley's Business College I ■ ENTER ANY TIME DAY OK NIGIIT ■ 121 Market St. ■ Bell 125 Dial 401 ■ JsLfiL j3S mTM Helps make strong sturdy men and beautiful healthy women— Used by over 3,000,000 people an nually as a tonic, strength and blood builder. Ask your doctor or druggist about Nuxated Iron. FLORIDA •• ' ' ... I United States Railroad Administration Announces Inauguration of New All-Pullman Tourist Trains from New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington to Florida. Effective with first trains leaving New York January sth, 1920, and continuing throughout the Winter Tourist Period. ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILROAD "FLORIDA SPECIAL" • "FLORIDA LIMITED" v I.T Aew Vork I I*n HKI <1.30 nil l.v \rn York |Pn RR I B.SO I'M l.v Weat Philadelphia H..13 PM l.v Wril Philadelphia H. 47 I'M . I.T nnltlmvre 11.10 PM l.v Baltimore 11.01 PM l.v IVaahlnston IWS-RF4P lilt I 12.31 ft AM l.v IVnahtnarton <IV Vlll'l Pltlt > 12.10 AM Ar Jatkaonvllle IAD.RRI 0.30 I'M Ar .laekaonrllle tSALRRI o.4ft I'M Ar Pulrn Brneh tFKCRRI H.IO AM \r Palm Bench IFPX' Rll I S.2S AM Ar Miami IFECRRI 11.1 ft AM Ar Miami iFtX'RRI 11.30 AM Ar Key Weal IFKCRR) 0.211 PM Ar Key Went IFF.C RR> 11.20 1M Ar St. Peteraburc lACI. Hill 0.00 AM Vr St. Prtrrnhnrn (SAi.RR) S3O AM Solid Pullman train carryin* club, eleepine. eompartmer t an* Solid Pullman train earryinr club, sleeping. rompartmont mmt obeervation car*; through serv.ee from New 1 ork to Palm Beach. ohaervation care; throuch eerviee from New York to Palm " h Miami. Key Weat and St. Petersburg. Miami. Key West, and St. Petersburg. - Dinintr ear service. Bath*. Valet. Barber. Ladles Maid and Stenographer Service. Dining car service. An extra fare will be charged. Accommodations on this train Will be limited to a a peel fled number of passengers. Thooo train* are in addition to (Ae mioiing daily Florida oorwioa via A.C.L. R. 32. and S.A.L. RR. Special Winter Excursion Fare Tickets on Sale Daily, With Limit to May 31, 1920. Liberal Stop-over Privileges. For further information call on or writ# any Tickst Agent or: Travel Bureau, Travel Baraau 141 Liberty St.. 143 Healey Bids- New York City Atlanta, Ga. ■tniiinniiiiiiimniiiiiiiniiiiii(^^^)ininniinnnniiiinnniimii :■ V ' ' * ' ' - - TUESDAY EVENING, Personal and Social News of Towns on West Shore Miss Lizzie Pownell, of Philadel phia. .is visiting relatives at New Cumberland. Mr. and Mrs. William Bender and daughters. Violet and Mary, of Read ing. are guests of Mr. fend Mrs. A. K. Shuler at New Cumberland. Prof. George H. Rupp. teacher in Mont Clair. N. J.. Academy, and his bride, who formerly was Miss Louise Marie Merrill, of Skowhegan, Me., are spending the holidays with the for mers parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. ißupp, at Shiremanstown. Mrs. Miami S. Erb, of Harrisburg. visited Mr. and Mrs. George F. Jacobs at Shiremanstown. on Monday and attended the funeral of Joseph Erb. I Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Anderson, of Enola. and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Howry and son. William Edward, of Shire manstown. were entertained Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. Abe Miller at Arog town. Miss Rachel Baum, of Mechanics burg. was a week-end visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Faust, at Shiremanstown. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Meloy and daughters, Thelma and Adelene, | have returned to their homes at Boil- I ing Springs and Mechanicsburg. after | being entertained at the home of the ] former's grandmother. Mrs. Isaac ! McKonley. at Shiremanstown. I Thomas W. I,antz. a student at •Muhlenberg College. Ailentown. is spending the holidays with his pat ients, the Rev. and Mrs. Henry K. ! Lantz. at St. John's parsonage at I Shiremanstown. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Kipp and daughter. June Romaine Kipp. of Shiremanstown. have moved to Har risburg. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Brubaker and two children, of Williamsport, who had been guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Brubaker. at Hillside, New Cumber land. returned homo. Miss Margaret iioltz. of Juniata. Is spending several days with Mrs. Rheuben Rapp at West Fairview. j Mrs. X. F. Hospinson. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hogeland. of Philadelphia: Mr. and Mrs. Guy Schaefter, of Altoona: ! Miss Sophia Huber. of Bellefontaine, Ohio, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Fisher, at West Fairview. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Swilpey, of Harrisburg. visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Fisher at West Fairview. Miss Annie Gher. of Carlisle, visited Mr. and Mrs. Luther Gher at Shlre- I manstown on Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Erb and fam ily, of Erb's Bridge, visited Mrs. Erb's parents at Shiremanstown on Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Paul T Wolfe and daughter, Myra Marcella. of Shire manstown. spent the week-end with the latter's uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Malvin Chronister, at Harris burg. Mrs. I,awrence Gribble, of Shire manstown. spent Monday with Mrs. Charles Grissinger at Mechanicsburg. Mrs. John Hinkle, of Mechanics burg. was a visitor at the home of Miss Mina 'Smith at Shiremanstown ; yesterday. Contract Is Given For Erection of Big Garage Lemoyne. Pa.. Dec. 30.—A contract i for the erection of a modern fire- [ proof garage along the Susquehanna j river on the West Shore between the Market street and Walnut street bridges near Wormleysburg was let to W. E. Bushey, contractor, of this place. The building will be a one story brick. 100x50 feet. A charter was issued to the West Shore Auto Company by the State Department. 1. W. Appier, of this place, and C. B. Miller, of Harrisburg. are the incor porators. with R. A Myers, of Le moyne. treasurer. Samuel S. Reisher Very 111 From Blood Poisoning Cliambcrsburg, Pa., Dec. 30. Samuel S. Reisher, one of the best known citizens of Franklin county, is seriously 11! at his home along the Pittsburgh pike, west of this town. While trimming trees on his farm Mr. Reisher sustained a slight cut in the wrist, which becoming in fected, developed blood poisoning. His condition was reported slightly | improved to-day. Girls Are Making Good Records at Basketball Lewistown, Pa., Dec. 30. The girls' basketball team of the Burn ham high school and the girls' high school team of Reedsville are both making excellent records at the game. The Burnhatn girls are a husky aggregation and say they are ready to try their skill against al most any team. The high school of Lewistown is organizing a strong team. WILL HAVE FARE DROPPED IN BOX Valley Railway Co. Decides on Trial of New System on White Hill Line Leiuoyne. Pa., Dec. 30.—Announce . ment was made by officials of the 'Valley Railways Company to-day that fare boxes will be placed for use lon the White Hill line on January I in an effort to ascertain what patrons i think of the system used in larger I cities and which recently was placed in use by two ct#.ipanics in Wash ington. D. C. In connection with the installation of fare boxes on this line passengers will board the car by the rear door and will alight by the front. This system has not been used at any time on West Shore lines. The push but tons also will be used on the cars for the first time. Passengers in getting on the cm are to drop their fare in the box. If I they do not have exact change the coin will be given to the conductor, who will make the change and re turn It to the passenger, who will then drop the fare in the box. Bills of more than $3 denomination will not be changed by the conductor. The reasons udvanced for installing this system temporarily, one of the officials said, is a move for facilitat ing service on West Shore lines. In addition, it Is pointed out, the system will provide quicker movement of cars. If the system is used on all cars it w 4 U mean remodeling most of them and changing them into the "pay-as-you-enter" type. The boxes will remain a reasonable length of time, it is understood. LEWISBERRY liO\visherry. Pa.. Dec. 30. Miss Marjorie Knsminger, New Cumber land. was a few days' guest at the home of her father, Stetler T. Ens mi nger. Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Slade, Balti more, and Miss Helen Wolfe, Phila delphia, are spending the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Wolfe. Mrs. Sophia Erney, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bankert and daughter, Ber nadine; W. H. Erney and daughter, Helen, New Cumberland, was Sun day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Erney. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Downs, To cumtown, were Sunday guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Downs. Mrs. Catherine B. Fetrow gave a dinner Sunday to her three sons and daughter's families: William Fet 'row, Goldsboro; Lloyd Fetrow, Har vey Fetrow and Elmer J. Bonner, Lewisberry. Miss Jennie K. Hammond, a school teacher of York, is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Hammond. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sliettel at tended the funeral of M. M. Hays, held at Newberrytown, Friday, Lewistown Is Not to Be Deprived of Ice Crop Lewistown, Pa., Dec. 30. Last winter there was no :ce cut in this section and the consumer had to de- i pend altogether on the manufac tured article. This season the streams are frozen over and with excellent prospects of a big harvest. Leonard Saxton, of this place, for years wherr there was a natural ice crop, har vested much ice and will do so this year. New Faces to be Seen in Huntingdon Courthouse Huntingdon. Pa.. Dec. 30.—With the inauguration of the new county officials next Monday several new faces will be seen at the courthouse. Samuel G. Wilson has been named [deputy sheriff by Sheriff John A. Steele. Deputy Sheriff George G. [ Steele will be chief clerk to the new } board of county commissioners. Dr. G. G. Harman has been appointed Jail I physician and Clarence H. Whittaker 1 will succeed R. A. Orbison as county [ solicitor. EMPLOYES GET TURKEYS ! New Cumberland. Pa., Dec. 30.—M. S. Althouse and C. S. Althouse, of ' Reading, owners of the Pennsylvania ■Dye and Bleach works during the ; holiday season presented turkevs to employes of the local plant. This Is I the first year the Reading men have jhad charge of the local plant and I they followed out a custom in vogue .for years at the Reading plant. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH FIND WORTHLESS CHECKS ON BANK Columbia Merchant Brings Suit After Discovering the Spurious Signatures Columbia. Pa., Dec. 30.—Among fraudulent checks discovered in the Central National Hank here is one ser.-t in by the bank at New Freedom and another by a Gettysburg bank. Both of these are drawn to the order of "Melvln Staub" and in the corner of each is the notation, "for turkies." One of the checks is for $46.70 and the other for $43.33. The checks were not honored by the Columbia bank and the New Freedom and Get tysburg institutions will therefore have to stand the losses. Isaac Morrison-, a clothier,- has en tered suit before Justice of the PeaJbo McCracken against Paul H. Kauff man, charging him with passing a bogus check. It is not believed Kauff man is responsible for the checks cashed at New Freedom and Get tysburg, but it is said other mer chants in Columbia also cashed checks passed by Kauffman. Morrison alleged that a man rep resenting himself as Paul H. Kauff man came to his store and after pur chasing a bill of goods amounting to $7. he tendered in payment a check for $32. Morrison cashed the check and gave the man $25. It was later discovered the check was a forgery. Dead Man's Name Is Drawn For Lebanon Jury Ijchanan. Pa.. Dec. 30.—The name of E. J. Withers, once a resident of North Londonderry township, ap pears as a juror for the January term of Lebanon Common Pleas Court, although the bearer of that name has been dead for nearly four years. It is supposed the name got into the jury wheel by mistake. John Clarke Passes Away at Lewistown t.evriiitown, Pa., Dec. 30.—Funeral services will be held to-morrow at 10 o'clock over the remains of John Clarke, who died on Sunday evening, aged 71. Ite had been a Lewistown business man. was for forty-six years one of the librarians in the Presby terian Sunday school and member of Lewistown Lodge, No. 203. Free and Accepted Masons. He was up and about until the day of his death and evidently had been reading in bed when found a corpse in his room. Busy Silk Mill Firm Raises Employes' Wages LeuSstown. Pa., Dec. 30.—The large Susquehanna silk mills at this place arc stocked with orders and a double turn will be put on in the near future to meet the demand. A few days ago the management gave the employes an increase of 10 per cent in wages, the second one in 1919. WAR VETERANS DINE Liverpool, Pa.. Dec. 30. —Saturday evening the veterans of the Civil War, the Grand Army men. held their an nual banquet. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. Silas Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. George W. West. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Kniscly. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Reifsnyder, Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Sweezey. Mrs. Annie Lutz, Mrs. Alice Shuler, J. E. Shue, Harrison Shuler and Squire Wright. BRAIvF.MAX IS KILLED Simbury, Pa., Dec. 30. —With his lower jaw crushed. Emanuel Bordner. a Pennsylvania Railroad brakeman in the Northumberland yards, was found dead along a siding near the Key stone Forging Works, at Northum berland vesterday morning. It is be lieved he met his death under an ex press train. SUNDAY SCHOOLS ELECT OFFICERS Leaders Named to Direct Work During New Year Now Fast Approaching MeehanlcNhurg. Pa.. Dec. 30. tn several Sunday schools in this place officers were elected for the ensuing year, among which were the follow ing: Church of God—Honorary superin tendent. A. G. Eberly; superintendent. •Tames L. Young; assistant superin tendent, J. B. BenLs; superintendent primary department, Miss Florence assistants, H. B. Markley and Miss Martha Anderson; superintend ent home deoartment, Mrs. A. E Sieber: superintendent cradle roll. Mrs. Robert Myers; assistant. Mrs. " llbur Forney: superintendent tem perance department. Mrs. Samuel Keller; superintendent missionary department. Miss Minnie Hershman; secretary. G. Z. Fishel; assistant sec retary. H. 8. Michener: treasurer, Tohn E. Asper; pianist. Miss Etta Mll 'er: assistant pianists. Mrs. Barch and Miss Martha Anderson; librarian. Kenneth Shope; assistant librarian. William Biddle; managers. Mrs. Es ther Miller. Mrs. Russel Biddle. Mrs. M. K. Sultzaberger. A. E. Sieber, D. L. Laird, George Guyer; auditors. Le rov Ocker and Lloyd Baker. Grace Evangelical—Superintendent. W. F. Snelbaker; assistant superin tendent. Clarence Shover; secretary. Miss Sadie Snelbaker: assistant sec retary, Miss Catherine Arbegast: treasurer. Mervin Shover; pianists. Mrs. Myrtle Trostle and Miss Martha Seifert: librarians. Paul Meals and Ben Snelbaker: assistant librarian. Miss Mae Garrett; chorister, Miss Helen Barnes; superintendent of pri mary department. Mrs. T. J. Webb: {assistant superintendent. Mrs. M. L. Slyder: superintendent home depart ment. Mrs. J. L Fisher; superintend ent cradle roll. Mrs. Clarence Shover. The K. L. C. E. also elected these office*;: President. Charles Mat thews; Vice president. T. J. Webb; secretary. Miss Ida Kunkle; assistant secretary. Miss Alda Snelbaker; treasurer. Merion Shover: pianists. Miss Bertha Seifert; assistant pianist, Mrs. Myrtle Bower. First United Brethren—Superin tendent, W. C. Faust; assistant super intendent, Lewis A. Sutton; superin tendent primary department. Miss Maud Ulrich; assistant superintend ent. Miss Ada Keller: superintendent junior department. M. C. Keller; as sistant superintendent. Guy H. Lucas; superintendent home department. Miss Ida Eberly; superintendent itradle department. Mrs. John Cllne; recording secretary. Llovd-Ulrich: as sistant secretary. Howard Heinman; financial secretary. J. Wilbur Diets: treasurer. M. E. Anderson: pianist. Mildred Hollinger: assistant pianist. Alice Ulrich; chorister. George C. {Diets;, librarians. Herbert Lehman {and Jesse Meredith; library secretary. LEVSJSJC uiricJß. WOMAN IS FOUND DEAD IN KITCHEN Daughter in Upstairs Room Did Not Hear Sound of Ex piring Parent at Carlisle Carlisle, Pa., Dec. 30.—Mrs. J. Edward Fortney was found dead on the floor of the kitchen in her home at 55 North Bedford street yester day morning. Iter daughter, Mrs. Margaret Wetzel, left her in the best of health but ten minutes before to do some work in an upper room. The dead body was found by two women who entered the Fortney home a few minutes after 11 o'clock. The daughter in the house heard no sound, although persons in the ad joining room say they thought they heard some one fall shortly before the corpse, still warm, was found. Mrs. Fortney. who was 70 years old, was a native of Shippensburg. For forty years she had resided in Carlisle. She was a member of the First Lutheran Church and also of the Home Department of the Sun day School. Besides her husband, J. Edward Fortney, she is survived by five chil dren: Mrs. Margaret Wetzel. Car lisle; Mrs. C. A. Harris. Carlisle: Ella. Washington. 1). C.; John and Alvin, Carlisle. Two sisters also survive: Mrs. Mary Etter and Miss Magrgie Hubley, both of Shippens burg and also ten grandchildren. Palmyra's Shoemaking Industry Gets Impetus Puimyra, Pa., Dec. 30.—Palmyra's chief industry., that of shoe manu facturing. was given a decided boost yesterday when a $25,000 real es tai? d ° al was consummated by which the Grieb company acquired additional land adjoining Its factory site. More than 100 additiona'l hands will be employed. .„T h h e factory now employs about 100 hands. Alterations are expect ed to be completed before Mav 1 The Grieb firm is the fourth and RS,.?S •" WILLIAMSTOWN r i n;L , 'V' m * ,o^ n A Pa - Dec- 30.—George mas In u>wn Readin *' Christ ¥jses Eva and Annie Ralpu. at home SPent thp week-end Miss Cleo Haller is a visitor at the Hoover.° ?iSICI ' Harold is M u er< ? t ' of Philadelphia, parent" rt vacat 'on with her a„Tii°i mas Graham returned to Phila home.' a U few days s feiu at, and Mrs. Ivor Jones, of Harris •£?' o e wr V? wn visitors this week. Mark Walkinshaw, of Altoona is ■ spending the week with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. Walkinshaw. Hagerstown Congregation Calls the Rev. David Dunn Hagerstown, Md., Dec. 30. The congregation of Zion Reformed l Church, on Sunday morning, unani-j mously extended a call to the Rev. ! David Durrn, Turtle Creek, to be-! come the successor in the pastorate' of the late Rev. Dr. J. Spangler Kief- j fer, who had served more than 50 years. The consistory of the church \ met last evening to formally extend j the call in carrying out the action of the congregation. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Shaffer j Entertain Sunday Events New 4'urn brrlnnd. Fn.. Dec. 30 1 I Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Shaffer, of Bridge! street. entertained the following! guests on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Jo-1 seph Wilhelm and daughter. of, iWooster. O.; Mr. and Mrs. Calvin , Boyer, of Philadelphia: Mrs. Jane Murr and Mrs. Roy Murr and daugli-' ter. of York: the Misses Lillian and 1 Edna Shaffer, of Wormleysburg; Air. and Mrs. Jacob Boning and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Shaffer and son. Vance, of. New Cumberland. ANNOUNCE BIRTH Liverpool, Pa.. Dec. SO.—Mr. and l Mrs. George Owens announce the birth of a daughter on Saturday, De cember 27. Mrs. Owens is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. 1 Shule'r, of Market street, ar.-d will 1 be remembered as Miss Ruth E. j Shuler. MUMMERS' PARADE PLANNED Liverpool, Pa., Dec. 30.—Plans for a mummers' parade on Xew Year's Day that will far exceed those in the past years jtre rapidly nearfng com pletion. It is expected that prizes will be offered as in previous years. Little Lines From Nearby Letvistown —The Christmas char ity ball was held in Market Hall last night and was largely attended. Heading—William H.Ludcn, candy manufacturer, will have a $40,000 pipe organ installed in his new home in Clymer street. Letvistown —Charles E. Stoop and Miss Mary Ilaks, both of this place, were united in marriage at Altoona by Alderman T. D. Crawford. Columbia —-St. Peter's Holy Name Society held a smoker in the parish hall here last night and had the men of the parish as guests. Lewistown —Jonas Lins died at his home here yesterday, aged 84 years. He was a Civil War veteran and had last been employed at the Burnham steel works. Mount Joy—Frank Haug, of Iron ville, and Miss Sara K. Hinkle, of this place, were united in marriage by the Rev. Albert Dombach at the home of the officiating minister. Gettysburg —The Good Samaritan Lodge of Masons ' hold its annual banquet at the Eagle Hotel here last night and John D. Keith addressed the banqueters on "Washington and Adams County." York—There are 19 vacancies, 12 in York and seven in Adams county, in the list of census enumerators for the Thirteenth district, due, the cen sus supervisor says, to the general industrial conditions. Gettysburg —A warrant has been sent to Sheriff Howard J. Hartman for the arrest of Edward Vincent, of near Fairfield, who is charged with the stealing of $3,000 worth of furs at Lewlstown. Md., and who is at large. DECEMBER 30, 1919. DANCE IS GIVEN ATFEIGHTHOME Mrs. Edith Feight Hostess at New Cumberland Function Saturday Evening J New Cumberland. Pa.. Dec. 30. Mrs. Edith Feight was hostess at a dance held at her home in Market Square on Snturday night. The par lors were attractively decorated with Christmas greens. Those in attend ance were: Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Smouse. Mr. and Mrs. Neil" Mr. Lungiotx. Mr. and Mrs. Duglass. Mrs. Samuel Dunkle. of Har risburg; Mrs. Cluude Brenser, Mrs. Councilman, Mrs. Martz, of Steelton; Lewis O'Donnel and Mr. Dunkle. New York: Mr. and Mrs. Cadwalader. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Black. Mr. and Mrs. Park Buttorf and Clyde Kunpman. of New Cumberland. lame Feast mill held in Bauglunan Memorial Methodist on Wednesday evening. Next Sunday communion services wilt be held at 1(1:30 and 7:30. The offering- taken in Trinity Unit ed Brethren Church for the Quincy Orphanage and Home last Sunday amounted to sll6. Watch night services will be held in Trinity Fnited Brethren Church 1 to-morrow night beginning at lO'.'lO p. m. The funeral of M. A. McCreary will be held from his late home on Thurs day morning, conducted by the Rev. A. It. Ayres. pastor of Trinity United Brethren Church. The body will be taken to Shippensburg for inter ment. Teachers to Hold Institute Saturday Lewisbcirjr, Pa.. Dec. 30. The teachers of Fairview township will hold their fourth institute at the South Point school Saturday after noon and evening. Features on the program will be; Devotional serv ices by the Rev. 1.. L. Owens; "Thought." by J. A. Fishel; "The in dividual in the World War," by Wil bur Cross, new Cumberland; ad dross by P. C. Bell, principal of the Goldsboro schools; debate, resolved | that the pen is mightier than the sword." affirmative. J. W. Weigle j and Aaron L. Myers; negative, Ira C. Shaw and Ralph Straley. Teacher Has Pupils as Guests at Her Home MechnnicNburg, Pa., Dec. 30. —Miss Martha Morrett entertained the little girls of the class of which she is teacher in St. Paul's Reformed Sun day school st her home In South Mar- | ket street yesterday afternoon. The j young people had u merry time play- , ing games. Refreshments were served, to Frances Romack. Alice Kckert, Grace Lauck, Lulu Coover, Marie Winand. Frances Winand, Elizabeth Brindle. Susan Morrett, Florence Ilgenfritz anel Alma Corn man. WOMAN DIES AT 88 Waynesboro. Pa.. Dee. 30.—Miss I Louisa Buckhart. one of the oldest residents of Waynesboro, died on I Sunday morning at the home of her' daughter. Mrs. J. S. Jacobs, from in-! firmities incident to old age. She was $8 years old. y famiElinniTjS^Eijfag^^ I I I■ - Store Closed All Day JSeiv Year's Day jf 28-30-32 North Third Street jj I Blouses at Special Prices J §! Attractive Groups at Large i Savings Lot of Blouses Lot of Blouses Sale Price $1.59 At $4.69 H This is a splendid groups of j A small but choice group of Voile and Organdie Blouses in j Georgette and Net Blouses in white and colors, formerly \ flesh and white, values $5.95 to Hj priced $1.95. I $6.50. ||; Lot of Blouses Lot of Blouses At $3.49 At $6.59 About two dozen Black Very smart high class Crepe s . , de Chine Blouses in flesh and = Crepe de Chine Blouses that wWte These are extraordi . H sold formerly at $5.95. nary values. EE: H I All Suits at I Our entire line of Women's and Misses' Suits M \ P | EE HI is included in this sale at clean cut reductions I IT of one-third off the regular selling price. This JJ| I means that every Suit in the house is reduced one-third and you may take your pick regard- EE less of the style, size, quality, or former price. All transactions must be Anal, and none return- a I able at these prices. Great Reductions on All Coats, All Furs and S All Trimmed Hats InWiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM New System of Pork- Making Proves Failure Williamsport. Pa., Dec. 30. —The time honored custom of scalding a hog and scraping the bristles from Its hide is too slow und laborious a process for modern times, In the opinion of Richard uennlnger, a farmer of Derry Township. Brad ford county. A few days ugo Ben ntnger killed a big hog und when it was ready for the "debristling" pro cess placed it on a stone boat and poured gasoline over it, applying the match. At first it looked as though the experiment might be successful,\ but the boat caught lire and an instant, later a pail of gasoline burst into flame. Alarmed by the impending loss of his tine pig, Benninger gave the pail a vicious kick and came near "kick ing the bucket," according to the common usage of the phrase. Ills clothing caught lire, .and but for the timely aid of his son he would have been seriously burned. The hog. somewhat singed, was rescued. S. S. Officers Are Elected in York County Borough Ig?wisberry, Pa., Dec. 30. —The Methodist Sunday School board met and elected the following officers: Superintendent. D. L. Snavely; as sistant superintendent, H. M. Sutton; secretary of the schools, Miss Fatrle J. Zlnn: assistunt secretary, Miss Edith dine; secretary of the bourd, J. P. Sutton; assistant secretary, Wil liam D. Downs; treasurer, Miss Anna Sutton; librarians, Paul Welker and | Gerald Snavely; assistant librarians, Russell Weigle and Hurry Fickel; pianist, Mrs. D. L. Snavely: assist ant pianist, Miss Edith Cllne; choris ter, D. L. Snavely; superintendent of home department, Mrs. Ella M. Sut ton; of cradle roll. Miss Julia S'ut- I ton: of missions, Mrs. E. A. Penning | ton; assistant. Miss Mary Frankeber ! ger; of temperance, H. M. Sutton; j superintendent of the elementary de | partment, Miss Mary Frankeberger; | assistant. Mrs. John H. Shettel; or : ganist. Miss Anna Sutton. Sunbury Hotelman Is Dead; Had Been Railroader Sutibury, Pa., Dec. 30.—Samuel Weaver, for more than lip.lf a century proprietor of the Susquehanna House, 'died at his apartments in that hotel I Sunday morning Mr. Weaver was X 2 | years of age and was born at Mifflin burg, Union county. When he was two years old. the family moved to Berrysburg. Dauphin county, and from there to Trevorton. At the age of 14 he went to work in the mines at Trevorton. He left that occupa tion to enter railroading, j He was a brakeman on the first train which carried coal from Treyor- I ton to Baltimore. j On April 1. 1569, he moved to this I city, established the Susquehanna j House at Fourth and Penn streets, land spent the remainder of his life, a period of 51 years, as the proprietor lof that hotel. PERRY RAILROAD SOON FOR SALE Newport and Sherman's Val ley Properly to Be Of ferred on March 31 New llioomflrlri. Pa., Dec. 30.—No tice been given by the Real E tato Trust Company, of Philadelphia. j trustee under the lirst consolidated mortgage of the Newport and Sher man's Valley Railroad, dated January 1, 1908. that all of the franchises and property, real, personal and mixed, of *. the railroad, will be exposed to sale at the public sale rooms of Barnes and Isjftland. Room 201. Bourse \ Building. Philadelphia, on Wednes day. March 31. The railroad was ordered sold by the Perry county court recently. It has its headquarters in Newport and is a narrow gauge road extending from Newport to New Germantown, a distance of thirty miles. It is located entirely within Perry county and was built twenty-five years ago by David Gring. Its present president. During its existence it has experienced many trials and vicissitudes and the result of the sale will be awaited with in terest. It is the' sole outlet for the western section of Perry county. David Sunderland, Once Traveling Salesman, Dies K Lewis town, Pa.. Dec. 30.—1n the death of David Sunderland, which occurred here on Saturday night, one of Lewistown's best-known citizens passed away. He was a traveling salesman for at least 15 years. Pre vious to that time he had been In the grocery business. He was born ami reared In Lewistown. Every person here knew him. He quit the road about a year ago and was em ployed at the Standard steel works until his health failed. He was 54 years old. DO YOU NEED A KIDNEY " MEDICINE? Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not recommended for everything, but if you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble, it may be found just the medicine yo,u need. Swamp-Root makes friends quickly because its mild and immediate effect is soon realized in most cases. It is a gen tle, healing herbal compound—a physician's prescription, which has proved its great value in thousands / of the most distressing cases, ac cording to reliable testimony. At druggists' in large and medium size bottles. You may have a sample-size hot tie of this always reliable prepara tion- by Parcel Post, also pamphlet telling about it. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., and en close ten cents, also mention the Harrisburg Telegraph.—Adv.