Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 30, 1919, Page 11, Image 11

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Princeton Tutor Got Knocks
But Is Now in For
New York, Dec. 26.—King of the
"fall guys"—that's the coach.
When he develops a winner he gets
a bigger hand than the well known
prince. When his team loses, he's as
popular as "Pussy foot*' Johnson
would be in Havana.
Four (coaches —Oil Dobie. Hill
Roper, Bob Zuppke and Charley
Moran—are eating the proverbial
white bread now. Next year they
may be feeding on the biblical husks.
If the experts had to pick an ail-
American coach it is almost a cinch
that one of the above four would be
named. . , ,
Bill Roper got a lot of mean knocks
before Princeton was willing to ad
mit he had the goods. After the
West Virginia and Colgate games, the
Tigers following began to take about
Want to Keep Itoper
But when McGraw, Thimble, Mur
rey, Scheerer and company tied
Harvard and beat Yale, they changed
their tune and expressed their favor
of a lifetime contract for Koper
Gil Dobie came to the Navy in 1917
known as the- "wizard of the West.
For 13 years he turned out a team
at Washington that didn't lose a
game. He didn't have much to work
with among the midshipmen but he
turned out a team good enouglh to
beat the Army after lie had led
everyone to believe that the Middies
would be crushed.
Zuppke is one of t..e old war
horses" of the western conference
He has a long list of citations, not
the least among which is the one
ncauired this year when I11I "°'®
Ohio State and won the conference
Ch Cha P rr e n ." h Moran, National League
re Pl i"'' the^boquef' handed K to R tha!
asrsv ssssy a
and Fielding Yost.
Nm Conch I 4 or I enn
Folwell is being nominated for the
irate at Pennsylvania and Dr. "H
flams is the favorite as hi- successor;
p,.i,u who was nuntiea ij
rnrnoil on t'ha recommendation of
Charles Bartlett. is being urged tor a
husGing out on recommendation
fllf "eleven* with Frit*
Sh Michi C gan was booted around^hy
n. 'as:
feeling out has not
fx%eT^ 0r Milh°.gan C and unless the
athletic authorities believe in the
"scrap of paper" theon he win
ba^lSa y fs r wihout a coach since
Harvard Is Coming Right;
Crimson Is Now Favorite
~ j_ . Dec 30. —Weather
lu n liere were described as
rrl by Tramer Donovan, who l.as
Charge y of conditioning the Harvard
football team for its game on New
Year's dav with the University <f
Oregon. Donovan said the weather
was just enough to suit the needs
of his men who. he indicated to-day
were still overweight.
On the other hand. Coaeli Hunting
ton. of the Oregon squad, has de
cided after observing the easterners
that his team will require more
poundage and Is putting the men
through only one light practice
daitv. Harvard is regarded as a
slight favorite among followers of
the game.
Hicks Win Fast Game
From Excelsior Tossers
The Hiek-A-Tlirift basketball team
defea-ted the Excelsior A. C. team in
a fast cage game last night by a
42 to 12 score. The summary and
Lingle. f. German, f.
Malseed. f. Felker, f.
Dunkel, c. Ellis. c.
Strong, g. Ha gar. g.
Fed row, g. J. Beck, g.
Substitutes for Hick-A-Thrifts:
McGlaughlin, Hall, Wissler. Field
goals. Lingle, L Malseerl, 1: Dunkel,
4; German, 2; Felker, 3; McGlaugh
lin. 3; Ellis. 5; Hall, 4: Hagar, 2: J.
Beck. 1 Wissler, 1.
By Associated Press
Chicago. Dec. 30.—Rumors that
three members of the Chicago
American League team had made an
ofTer to n St. Louis gambling syndi
cate to throw baseball games dur
ing the 1919 campaign, were inves
tigated at a mee'ing yesterday. Fol
lowing the meeting. Harry Grabi
ner. secretary of the White Sox,
said that two members of the syn
dicate had stated that their knowl
edge of the throwing of games was
from hearsay, and that no direct
evidence, involving members of the
Chicago team, had been produced.
—■ v
Army & Navy Goods
Bell 182-R
THC.MP ROOCIH TIT pr!f*c* l>clow ac
tual coNt of production.
Till* *nl* made po**lblc by <lc
arrival of thoiiNfimiM ©f wciiMonablr
ROOIIn from tlic I . S. Shipping
Hoard, iii( ludinu Mackinaw*, Rain
coat*, lllaiiketN, Jerkin*, Wool
Underw < r. Shelter-Half Tent*,
liiirfce Tent*. Soek*, etc.
All Wool
Tnlbot Flannel. Ideal for school
girls, skating, etc.
Navy Pea Jackets
Fine for chauffeurs, motorraen
and all outdoor work.
U. S. Army Style Munson
Navy Watch Caps
All wool, warm, well made,
serviceable. Can be pulled down
over cars.
Large quantity of
Men's und boys', at exceptional
Americans Give Notice to
Twirlers That There Will
Be Changes
Chicago, Dec. 26.— pitchers in the
American League are not going to
have anything on those in the Na
tional when it comes to operating
on the rubber, as all freak deliveries
are to be barred from the Ban John
son circuit, the same as they have
been in the- National league, accord
ing to Information gleaned from
President Johnson to-day. The
younger major organization has not
taken any action on the subject yet,
but when t lie time comes it will
legislate against the artificial means
of hurling, the same as the other
league has done.
"All freak deliveries will he barred
to meq coming into our league," said
President Johnson, when asked what
the American League purposed doing
on the question. We have not made
any definite decision yet, but 1 am
pure that the shine ball, spit ball and
other artificial means of throwing
will be eliminated.
♦♦Spilters to Break Slowly
"Of course, it would bo unjust to
ask spit ball pitchers to discard that
mode ft Hinging immediately, but
they will be given to understand they
will have to/ acquire a new style in
a year's time. Youngsters just break
ing in will not be allowed to use any
thing except speed, curves <and a
change of pace." , . #
The National League has already
prohibited the shine hall, emery ball
and other forms of freak deliveries.
Pitchers who have been in the league
for a year or more are permitted to
use the spit hall next season only,
after which that particular delivery,
too. Will be tabooed.
Last season the shine hall was ap
parently overdone. Nearly every
pitcher with a few exceptions tried
to throw the shine ball, with the re
sult that some became remarkably
effective and others lost what little
stuff they possessed. The most of
them, however, developed so much
effectiveness that the games resulted
in pitcher's contests. The hitting de
creased and a howl of protest was
hoard from the- batters. whose
averages suffered as a consequence
of the deceptive shine hall.
Denny 126 91 129 346
Howe 05 128 131—— 34 4
G. Murttn ... 95 99 107— 301 |
Banks ...... 112 113 121— 346
Gordon 126 146 98 — 370 |
Totals .... 544 577 586—1707 i
•Shplcy US 120 118— 331 i
Michaels .... 136 119 87— 34 2
Nunemaker .. 150 99 124 373
Low 124 11 7 100— 341 i
j Burger ....... 175 115 149 — 439
Totals .... 703 570 576 —1549 j
Bobb 123. 125. 109— 337
Smith 11l US 124 378
Hoffman .... 133 122 82— 337
Gosnell ...;. 149 1144 129 392
Worley 140 119 122 381;
Totals .... 656 623 566—1545 j
H. Martin ... 113 144 140— 397
Rice 123 96 136 355
Shields 74 112 109— 295
Warfel 86 142 114— 342
Fox 76 130 98— 304
Totals .... 472 624 597 —1693
Schedule for to-day, Giants vs. Pi
rates, Yankees vs. Braves.
! Barnes 14J 112 107— 361
I Rowe 130 115 139 384
; Martz 7. 138 94 122 354
Walzer 141 136 116 — 393
.Hippie 140 92 152 — 384
Totals .... 691 549 636—1876
| Trace 160 176 113— 449
j Miller 122 122 134 378
Haines 143 104 113— 360
1 Taylor 121 114 161— 396
! Banford 168 130 178— 476
Totals 714 646 699—2059
Standing of tlic Teams
W. L. Pet.
! Crescents 19 11 .633
i Senators 14 13 .514
Keystones 12 12 .500
Victors 14 16 .466
Giants 13 17 .433
! Nobles 12 15 .444
i Schedule for Wednesday, Victors
| vs. Nobles.
Snangier .... 92 95 157 344
Hamilton ... 82 100 127 309
Witmnn 58 105 86— 249
Lewis 127 144 11 3 384
R. Reeser ... 11l 98 124 333
Totals .... 470 542 597—1609
Firkes 103 106 103— 31 2
I Brovcll 77 158 107— 342
• Atlgelo 99 136 99 334
! RoifT 113 98 .1 14— 325
j Palmer 130 139 145 +ls
Totals 532 647 550—1828
j Krnll 160 201 160— 521
1 Ebersole 163 200 163 526
j Criswell 102 165 162 429
iP. Sehriver .. 193 157 151— 501
| Wagner 142 169 137 448
Totals 760 892 773 —2425
| Reiff 139 16b 150— 449
! Hawley 129 107 148— 381
I Riley 175 118 130— 423
I Hornberger .. 144 157 197 498
| Brown 180 198 157 — 535
Totals 767 740 782 —2289
Schedule for to-day, Trainmen vs.
| Engine house No. 2.
Brown University Has
Nine Games Scheduled
By Associated Press
Providence, R.I, Dec. 30.—Brown
University football schedule Issued
here has nine games, with six of
them on the home grounds. Colgate,
Yale, Harvard and Dartmouth are
the four big games scheduled. Col
gate being the only one of the
I stronger teams to piny here. The
| schedule follows, the first six games
I being at Providence:
j September 25, Rhode Inland
i Stnte; October 2, Amherst: 9, Unl
j versity *>f Maine: 16, Colgate; 23,
] Snringfleld Y. M. C. A.: 30, ITniver
sity "of Vermont: November 6. Yale
j at New Haven; 13. Harvard at Cnm
| bridge; 20, Dartmouth at Boston.
SNOODLES By Hungerford
f V
ItHe PE*CE ) \ x
i&PEy (16*™') a/ W ©s@g | Now! ) J
Leaders in Sports
in the College World
Colleges which stood at the top
in the various branches of sport
Track Athletics Cornell
Baseball Holy Cross
Rowing Navy
Swimming Y'ale
Water Polo Princeton
Basketball Pennsylvania
Cross Country Syracuse
Hockey Harvard
Lawn Tennis Yale
Golf Princeton
Wrestling Penn State
Soccer Football Pennsylvania
Fencing Columbia
No eleven earned an undisputed
place in football.
Kilbanc Unable to Land Ef-j
fectivc Blow; Other,
Good Bouts
lSy Associated Press
Jersey City, N. J., Dec. 30.—Young j
Chancey, of Baltimore, out-fought j
and out-pointed Johnny Kilbane, the
featherweight champion, in an eight- j
round bout here last night, in the |
opinion of the majority of the New J
York morning paper writers.
Chaney weighed 122 pounds and \
the champion 123. The Baltimore
boxer took the aggressive at the 1
start and although not as clever as
Kilbane, often sent in blows so fast j
that the titleliolder was frequently j
forced to clinch. Chaney took the \
llrst, third, fourth and seventh rounds, :
and Kilbane the second and eighth, j
The fifth and sixth were even.
The best blow Kilbanc landed was j
in the second round when he placed '
a right smash to the right eye. In j
the last round Kilbane tried to score
a knockout, but Chaney fought back J
Other Fast Uouta
Jeft Smith, of Bayonne, knocked out j
Jack Coyne, of Orange, N. J., in the j
second round. Smith weighed 157
and Coyne 155.
Gene Turney, light-heavyweight
champion of the American Expedition
ary Force, scored a knockout over
Bob Pearce, of Chicago in the sec
ond round of an eight-round match
here last night. Tunney weighed 175
pounds; Pearce, 166. The bell Baved
Pearce in the first round when he
was down from a right uppercut to
the head. His seconds threw in the
sponge in the next round after the
second knockdown.
Tom Cowler, the English heavy
weight. won in the third round from
A 1 Iteich, of New York who was dis
qualified when his seconds sprayed
him with water while on the canvas.
The weights were; Cowler, 212; Reich,
Reich did well for a minute for the
first round, but took the defensive
thereafter. He was floored twice in
the second round, the bell ringing as
the count reached six on the second
knockdown. In the third round, he
went down from a light push blow.
Illness prevented Harry Greb, of
the United States Navy, from meeting
Augie Itatner, the A. E. F. middle
weight champion.
Harrisburg Independents
Meet Fast Team When
Locust Gap Five Plays
Harrisburg Independents will meet
a much stronger team New Year's
night when they go up against the
Locust Gap five. This will be the
second game. In the previous game
Locust Gap lost out by a score of
l 50 to 37. For the game Thursday
! the visitors will have a squad of
j eight stars.
I The locals will have their reg
' ular lineup. Ike McCord, who was
out Saturday night, will be baek in
; the lineup. Eddie Wallower will be
i on hand along wttlT Kline, Moore
j head. Ford and Gerdes. The Inde-
I pendents had a hard practice last
| evening in the P. R. 11. Y. M. C. A.
Jimmy Doyle will head the Lo~
| cust Gup crowd. He has been put
! tng up a great game since he played
i here and has been doing some long
i distance shooting. With htm will be
! Sebastian. McMugh, Rctz. Mariski
I and McGinn. The game will start
.at 8.15 and will be followed with a
I special New Year's dance program.
By Associated Press
New York, Dec. 30.—The National
Collegiate Athletic Association
opened its fourteenth annual con
vention here to-day with a review
of the work accomplished during
1919. Lieutenant Colonel Palmer E.
Pierce, president of the association,
analyzed the activities of the organ
ization during the last twelve
months and forecast an even more
active period during the coming
year. The forenoon session included
j several other speakers, notably
Newton D. Baker, Secretary of War,
who spoke in a general way, on
"Efficiency As a National Asset."
By Associated Press
Pasadena. Cal., Dec. 30.—The ex
ceptionally hot weather of the Inst
few days has resulted in a decision
to begin the annunl New Year's dny
Tonrnnment of Roses football con
test. between tennis representing
Harvard and Oregon Universities,
tlii- year, at 2 30 p. m.. Instend of
at 2 p. m.. it was announced to-day
by the football committaa
New York, Dec. 30.—Changing
training camps continues to be a
popular diversion of major league
club owners during the off-season.
A year ago 12 of the 16 clubs were
sent to pastures other than those
where their training had been done
In 1917, and the announcement of
plans for the 1920 conditioning cam
paign shows that ten are to desert
the cities where they worked out a
year ago.
The ten changes are evenly divided
between the two leagues. It ia inter
esting to note that only two clubs,
the Chicago Cubs and the Cleveland
Indians, have not made a change in
the brief space of three years.
An odd feature concering the 1920
training rests is the fact that the
two clubs which tried out the home
training system last Spring are going
far from home this time. The St.
Louis Cardinals, after a season of
conditioning at home, are scheduled
to work the kinks out of their arms
next Spring in Brownsville, Texas,
said to be the most southerly point
ever chosen for a training camp by
a major league club. The Philadel
phia Athletics, the other home train
ers of 1919, will get into condition
at Lake Charles. La.
May Pick Texns
Official announcements as to train
ing locations have not been made
by the owners of the Chicago and
St. Louis American league clubs, but
it is generally believed that tho
White Sox will go to Waxahachie.
Texas, nnd the Browns to Mobile,
Ala. It is known positively that the
Sox will not return to Mineral Wells,
Texas, where they have trained for
several years past, and the Browns
have passed up San Antonio, Texas,
which cifv has been taken by the
New York (Jiants. McGraw goes back
to Texas after one try on the At
lantic Seaboard, but he has passed
up Marlin. where the New York teams
trained annualjy from 1908 to 1918,
inclusive. /
In many instances cities which
have been passed up by one major
Jeague club are taken by another.
Washington takes Tampa, passed up
bv the Red Sox; the Giants go to
San Antonio, which the Browns
passed up; the White Sox are slated
for Waxahachie. where the world's
champion Reds got a National League
pennant and then a world's cham
Maroons Meet Alumni Team
Tomorrow Night; Balti
more Plays Friday
Tech tossers have two games
scheduled for this week. To-mor
row night the Maroon meets the
Alumni Five and Friday night the
Baltimore Polytechnic tossers will he
the attraction. At those games and
all others scheduled for this season
there will be dance programs. An
added- feature to-morrow night will
be a game between Tech Reserves
and an all-star team.
The Alumni aggregation includes
all college cage stars, including
Glenn Killinger, the Penn State ath
lete: Huston, of Penn State; Bihl and
Ebner, of Bucknell. and W. SchefCer,
of Gettysburg College; L. Scheffer,
formerly of Gettysburg; R. Shroy, of
the Galahad R. C., this city; "Dutch"
Miller, of the University of Michi
gan, "Midge" McGann, of Bucknell;
Eddie Harris, Elwood Sourbier and
Johnny Beck.
Ileek's Injury Bothers Him
From present appearances the
Tech varsity lineup will include
Dingle and Beck at forwards; Wils
bach at Center, and Smith and Frank
at guards. Emanuel and Snyder,
two players who have figured in tilts
with the Teeli Reserves so far this
season, are regarded as being strong
candidates, and will make hard fights
for positions.
Beck is not in iho best of condi
tion to play Wednesday night, owing
to a football injury which lias been
bothering him. somewhnt, &nd It is
probable that he will alternate with
Emanuel during the Alumni battle.
All the other Teeh varaity men ap
pear to be In good shape.
By Associated l'rcss
Boston. Dec. 30.—A trade of
players between the Washington
and Boston clubs of the American
league was announced yesterday.
The Red Sox gave Both, an out
fielder, and Maurice Shannon, sec
ond bascmnn, and received in ex
change Harper, a pitcher; Eddie
Foster, second baseman, and Me
nosky, an outfielder. There was no
money Involved, it was said.
State Shooter of Score
Alabama Mr.s. O. D Garl Birmingham 231
California Mrs. C. E. Groat Dos Angilcs 280
•lowa Miss Knimn Wettleaf Nichols 163
Indiana Mrs. W. M. Meyers South Bend 2.22
Illinois Mrs. Harold Alrnort Chicago 261
fldaho Mrs. O. M. Jones Boise 60
Minnesota v Mrs. R. R. Barber Minneapolis 240
Michigan Mrs. D. C. Vegel Detroit 260
Mississippi Mrs. J. D. IJogett Olarksdale 227
INew Jersey Miss Alice Doerkin Paterson 20R
New York Mrs. Harry Harrison Rochester 271
Nebraska Mrs. W. C. ICdimtstnn Ralstf n 231
Oregon Mrs. Ada Schilling Portland 280
Pennsylvania Mrs. J. H. Rruff Pittsburgh 261
South Dakota Mrs. C. M. Buchanan Sioux Fnlls 267
Tennessee Mrs. Onrtls King Memphis 216
Wisconsin Miss Ruby Dreyhus Milwaukee 213
{Washington Mrs. D'. 11. Boles Taeoinn 00
Vermont Mrs. R. J. Harmon Montpclier 213
National Champion
Mrs. A. H. Winkler. Chicago, 111.
•200 targets. 170 targets; 120 gauge gun; {l3O targets.
pionship. while the lteds go to Miami, I
a city which the Braves gave up a I
year ago after conditioning there for |
several years.
Snißf Old Pluce
The Y'ankees, Tigers, and the Cubs, .
Robins, and Braves of the National |
League are the clubs which will re
turn to the scenes of the 1919 con
ditioning campaigns.
Florida is again the leader "among
the States chosen for training pur- '
poses, having been selected by tour 1
clubs. Texas is next In line with '
three, while Arkansas, Louisiana, J
Georgia, and Alabama will each en- j
tertain two major league teams, i
California will have one club.
The Boston Red Sox and Pitts-1
burgh Pirates, after training for sev- >
oral consecutive yfars at Hot Springs,
gave up that city within the last .
two years, but both will return to !
the Arkansas resort next March.
The training camps for 192e nnd
the cities where the clubs worked
out last Spring are as follows:
American League
New York—l92o, Jacksonville, Ha.;
1919, Jacksonville, Fls. ]
Boston—l92o. Hot Springs, Ark.; j
1919, Tampa, Fla. !
Washington—l92o. Tampa. Fla.;
1919. Augusta, Ga.
Philadelphia—l92o, Lake Charles,
La.; 1919. Philadelphia. Pa.
Chicago— l92o. •Waxahachie. Tex.;
1919, Mineral Wells, Tex.
Cleveland —1920, New Orleans, La.; j
1919, New Orleans, La. |
Detroit —1920, Macon, Ga.; 1919, j
Ma eon, Ga. , ~ ,
St. Louis —1920. •Mobile, Ala.; 1919, ;
San Antonio, Tex.
National League
New York—l92o, San Antonio, Tex.;
1919, Gainesville, Fla. '
Brooklyn—l92o. Jacksonville, 1- la.; j
1919. Jacksonville, Fla. j
Boston —1920, Columbus, Ga.; 1919,
Columbus. Ga.
Philadelphia— 1920, Birmingham, |
Ala.; 1919. Charlotte. N. C. I
Chicago 1920, Pasadena, Cal.;
1919, Pasadena, Cal. ]
Cincinnati —1920, Miami, Fla.; 1919,
Waxahachie, Texas.
Pittsburgh 1920, Hot Springs.
Ark.; 1919, W. Baden, Ind.
St. Louis—l92o, Brownsville, Tex.;
1919, St. Louis, Mo.
•Probable selections.
English Promoter Here
to Get Dempsey to Sign
Up For Carpentier Bout
England's premier tight promoter,
i Charles B. Cochrane, lias come to
America to obtain Jack Dempsey's
signature to a contract to meet
Georges Carpentier in. a bout for the
world's championship. Cochrane says
that immediately after the .•'rcncil
mnn won his quick victory over Joe
JtC'Ckett In Dondon he got Carpentier
to sign up for a bout with De-mosey,
when and w!ere he. Cochrane, stipu
lated. This contract, he declares,
runs for 18 months. It is reported
that Cochrane is willing to go as high
as £70,00(1. lie will meet Jack Kerns.
Dempsey's enthusiastic manager,
| within a few days.
I Philadelphia. Dec. 30.—-Dr. Rus-
I sell H. Conwell, pastor of Baptist
Temple nd president of Temple
University, Is ill at his home here.
i Me is suffering from a rheumatic at
Boxing Champions
Crowned During
the Year 1919
Following are the world's box- I
ing champions for 1919:
Flyweight ..Jimmy Wilde (
Raniamwetght Pete Herman
Featherweight... . Johnny Kilbane
Light weight Benny Leonard
Welterweight Jack Britton
Middleweight Mike O'Dowd j
Heavytyeight Jack Dempsey I
Central "Y" Teams to Start
Friday Night; Good Sport
All Winter
Volleyball sport is not dead in j
Flarrisburg. During the busy lioli- .
day season local teams were resting. I
Beginning this week there will be |
games throughout the city.
Businessmen who are members of j
Central Y. M. C. A. gymnasium classes !
have organized a league. The first I
game will be played Friday night, j
There will be a game every Tuesday
evening. A committee consisting of j
Dr. M. V. Hasten, Norris Longanaker, I
Robert Storey, Mark Milnor and V. i
H. Brackenridge was named to look I
after a schedule and other business. I
Kight teams have been selected, as ;
White Sox—John Herman, captain; j
Robert Storey, G. W. Preston. M. T.
Milnor, 11. If. Baldwin, R. F. Kin- ,
stein, if. T. Ncnle, J. P. Jones, A. C. I
Davies, J. Mel. Smith, W. L. Stern,
D. Fink. j
Gray Sox—C. B. Price, captain; C. t
W. Wolfe, 11. C. Webb, E. K. Miller, |
W. D. Kvorland, John C. Reed, L. K. i
Showalter, 1,. L. Pennypacker, R. 1,. I
Barley, H. B. Orr, 13. F. Rowe, H. S. {
Blue Sox—R. Griswold, captain; !
Paul Renworth, Kd. Moore, L. D.
Metzger, 'N. S. Longanaker, C. S.
Hoffman, C. A. StoufTer, L. V. Harvey,
G. T. Ashley. J. S. Musser, G. W. Bau
der, P. M. Bitner.
Black Sox—Pat Reagan, captain;
T„ K. Scheffer, A. N. Sayres, E. Roth,
K. R. Kckenrode, H. F. Hopkins, O.
P. Tillottson, Berry Strouse, A. J.
Simms, D. A. Burkholder, E. C. La
mey, W. S. Essick
Brown Sox—J. A. Gebhart, captain:
H. F. Cobaugh, Charles Beck, 13. B.
Glace, J. W. Hollahan, James A.
Shope, Ed. D. Jennings, W. N. Hoer
ner, J. S. Belslnger, J. H. Messersmith,
11. G. Kochonour, G. C. Farrell.
Pink Sox —R. Jobe, captain; Charles
Rell, B. F. ICahn, H. G. Perlow, K. N.
Hershey, J. B. Lawrence, Charles
Aaronson. Herman Tausig, Gus Stein
metz, M. W. Urlch, B. T. Barnes, Mau
rice Gordon.
Red Sox—George Carl, captain: L.
M. Cornell. H. B. Bruce. J. 13. Mc-
Manamy, W. J. Fisher, Al. Seligman.
J. S. Brisban, George Kellers, Perry
L. Beck, J. P. McCullough, H. H.
Balsh, E. R. Kelfer.
Green Sox —Samuel Kades, captain;
V. H. Bracken ridge, R. A. Coombs, R.
H. Lyon. O. F. Dumb, Charles Brenner,
J. Miller, W. H. German. C. B. Frantz,
G. G. McFarland, J. W. Itoshon. John
Tower City Winner in Game
With University Five
Before the largest crowd of the
season the Tower City five defeated
the University of Pennsylvania Jlon
-0 rclis in one of, fastest games ever
seen on the local floor. Score, 4 4 to
21. The Tower City team has not
been defeated in the last seven
games and on Thursday they expect
to take two games from the Meth
odist Club team of Harrisburg.
Bowers, the Minersvllle baseball
and basketball player, will jump
center for the Tower City boys. J.
Miller starred with eleven fle.d
goals. Dineup and score;
J. Miller, f. O. Miller, f.
Updegrove, f. Erb, f.
Achenbach, c. Bashorc, c.
| Dins, g. " Hennigh, g.
! Sei sholtz, g. Snnvely, g.
Field goals—J. Miller, 11; Upde
| grove. 3: Aclienbnch, 3; Dins, 2;
j Seccsholtz, 3; O. Miller, 2; Erb, 3;
i Bashorc, 6; Snavoly, 1. Fouls. O.
Miller, 2; Bashorc, 2 Score tit end
of. first half, 28-8 In favor Tower
City. Referee—Troutman. Scorer —■
By Associated Press
New Orleans. 1.e., Dec. 30. G. D.
Bryan. Jr.. of Baltimore, part owner
of Bowie, Jefferson. Thorncllffe and
other racetracks, announced last
night lie had formed a partnership
with Dominlek J Tortorlcli, boxing
promoter of New Orleans, to form
a syndicate for obtaining at any
1 cost a bout between Jack Dempsey
and Georges Carpentier next No
Chester. Pa.. Di-c. 30. Disregard-
I trig the opinion of City Solicitor A. A.
Cochran, that n councilman is not
| eligible to vote for an increase of Ills
I salary. City Council yesterday adopt
! od by a margin of one vote an ordl
• nance giving the members of City
I Council and the Mayor an increase.
beginning with the new body, wblch
• will fake hold of the city's affairs on
the first Monday in January.
Hummclstowii, Pa., Dec. 30.—The
, Time Society will hold its annual
| meeting to-morrow evening in the
i parish house of Zlon Dutheran
I Church. The first service will begin
iat 8.30 o'clock and will be. literary
in character. The second hour be
ginning at 10 o'clock will be given to
i the social side. The third and last
! hour which will begin at 11 o'clock
[ will be the devotional hour.
DECEMBER 30, 1919.
Harry Trout Selected as the
Referee For Britton-
Gill Battle
Announcement was made yester
day that Harry Trout, of Milwau
kee, would referee the Jack Brit
ton-Johnny Gill battle, at Steelton,
Thursday afternoon. Trout is .well
known throughout the United States,
having refereed important bouts for
the Inst fifteen years. He is known
as the international referee. Trout
will reach Harrisburg to-morrow.
Trout has also been signed up to
referee the Leonard-Britton fight
next month.
At the Gill headquarters yesterday
four big fellows worked hard with
the York boy. Langford is back in
the game, as he was scheduled to
i meet Jimmy Duncan, at Williams
port, last night. Rube Bennett,
j Schupn and others each took
a hand at Gill. Manager Joe Barrett
with his protege, left for York at
| noon and to-night Gill meets K. O.
j Loughlin.
Dan Morgan, manager for Jack
I Britton, has written Barrett that he
; will reach Harrisburg some time
I during Wednesday and will have his
I headquarters at the Penn-Harris
! Hotel. Britton will train hard to
day and after his arrival here will
i indulge in light exercise.
Arena Near Completion
Work on the arena at Front and
Chestnut streets, Steelton. will con
t tinue night and dav, and there is
every indication that the seats will
be in shape bv to-morrow night.
Reports from the sale of tickets in
dicate a large crowd. Yesterday a
big order was received from Allen
! town and Reading. Ijancaster wired
; for a bunch of tickets on Saturday.
; Every boy on the Steelton card
McFall's First '■
Clothing .Sale
Sale Prices are less than wholesale costs today. "
$75.00 Overcoats, now $60.00.
$60.00 and $65.00 Overcoats, now $50.00. 4
$52.50 and $55 Overcoats, now $45.00. i
$50.00 Overcoats, now $42.50.
$40.00 Overcoats, now $32.50. \
$65.00 Hickey-Freenian Overcoats, now $55. *
$55.00 Hickey-Freeman Overcoats, now <
$47.50. ' <
$40.00 Ventilato Raincoats, now $32.50. <
$55.00 Suits reduced to $45.00. <
$42.50 Suits reduced to $35.00. <
$40.00 Suits reduced to $32.50. 4
Third and Market Streets
It has been a difficult matter
to supply
King Oscar Cigars
in quantities sufficient to meet
the ever increasing demands.
Sustained quality and increased
quantity insure your steady sup
ply at the old
I Seven Cent Price
J. C. Herman & Co.
Harrisburg, Pa. >
reports that he is in good shapt
for thoir bouts. Young Fulton, or
Allentown, will meet Micky Dough
erty, Baltimore's best bantam;
"Little Jeff." of Baltimore, will meet
Micky Devers, of Allentown; while
"Kid" Richmond, Baltimore's
phantom. will open the show
against Dick Ootwalt, of York. Sev
eral other matches are in the mak
ing, which will likely bo put on by
Joe, to give the fans their fill and
to make this a show long to be re
By Associated Press
Newburgli, N. Y., Dec. 30.—More
than sixty entries, including the
lending speed skaters of the east
and Canada, have been received for
the eastern outdoor skating cham
pionship meet to be held here on
New Year's day. The entry of sev
eral of the fastest of the Montreal
A. A. A. skaters gives an interna
tional aspect to the races.
The program consists of quarter
mile, half mile and five-mile handi
cap races with several exhibitions
and time trials.
By Associated Press
Albany, N. Y., Dec. 30.—Anthony
Cummings, of Green Island, an
nounced here that he had signed a
contract to manage the Syracuse
baseball club of the new Interna
tional League in 1920. He has play
edin the New York State, Connec
ticut and Ohio and Pennsylvania
wanted as General Ager.-t for this
section by one of the oldest and
largest Life, Accident and Health
Companies. A splendid opportunity
for an energetic man. Either ex
perienced or one who believes he
has the ability to make good. We
will train you in the profession.
Write, stating qualifications, to
B. F. Maxey, Ager.-cy Supervisor,
524 Connell Bldg., Scranton, Pa.