Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 29, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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—— J ■
Don't Envy a JVoman Every Woman Will Want a ~ 'J
Beaded. Bag $8.95 ~~ ~cS"~ I
JC n stm n C high £ rade construction and.fine quality of leather. 1 I
J u VJIJ l>~-- Purchased^ several months ago. These shoes could j; H
Glass Beads, Seed Beads, Crystal-lined Beads, Brown Calf Lace Shoes; light welt sole and j <B> I
Iridescent Beads, cut steel, cut gold and cut jet. leather Cuban heels. r
Ask to see the Bead that stood the water test for P ace Shoes, turned soles and Louis XV I
W (\ J Bag Pauerns, Bead Looms, Bead Needles and
/ Our Instructors' Services Are Cheerfully Given. $8.95 Pair II
Floor. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. j l
In this selection of high-grade Suits arc
included our. entire line of stout and extra Isls il/\J \X/ UJ A / wL/ %Ca| Our Entire Line of Handsome
size garments. 3oj rajb], I
Straight line, semi-fitted and flare styles. ~*WT ~*f" 1 nA? 1 SftV L TOCIKS
In regular sizes there are fur trimmed and m. JL t I M I i
plain tailored models from which to make l m f \ £1 t§ts Dainty and fresh looking, they are excep
vour choice. ▼ ▼ CL OAX X. M {J SB tional values. Light and airy tulles, satins
BOWMAN'S— Third noor. . RfiZ taffetas in pastel colors and lovely laces
- [?>•/ • j j ij ii i_• i i ~ •„ . sS&i and satins in brown, navy and black. A good
i-- (\ l't r> -ii , fesn Even the wintry winds and cold blasts which are most natural at this season of the year, range of sizes.
rltic vjuahty Kiooecl £jjoj Will not stunt our imagination for the select and beautiful sheer cotton fabrics which have just SB * bowman's-Third Floor.
Cnttnn Vp<;fs onH P-mfc come 10 us ' all the . way f rom England. §B3 ; - - I
v>WlLVyil > 1.3L3 qiiu 1 ailta "Sheenore," its English copyrighted name, is a cotton tissue that radiates refinement. Its SpCCICIIS Itl
GC T; 1 =s3 leads one to think it's a silky mixture, yet it's all cotton —and what originality of printing Kg
rLdCII ,, u and colors! The designs are Persian and Indian. j\K J
Flcccc lined. Made for service and comfort. Vests COTlfined tO BOWKUM 'j Exclusively For Hdrrisburo • Wt lltC VjQOQS
with high neck, long sleeves. Pants .lace trimmed; all ?X?[ J & )/flv
Sk 2?5 to a piece, $2.50 piece.
Torpor! QiIL-
>ilv)kKlll s > multi color prints; $1.25, $1.69 and $1.85 cotton of unusual beauty; big selection; gjfe 10 yards to piece, $3.00 and $3.50 per piece.
CO P™V • yard. SI.OO yard. ' ' W& English Longcloth in two grades of good I
Sl.oU lair , fW ' S§3 substantial quality, 36 inches wide; 35c and 45c I
lil % c*>a BOWMAN S—Main Floor. I Ml .
. Vyl per yard.
Extra line quality Pure thread Silk Stockings; me- PQD| ",, M • . , or , . , ~ ,
diym weight With serviceable 1 isle tops and lisle feet. j 39 inches wddc, 10 yards to
Do You Envy Those I
Smart Looking Women I
Whose Clothes Always Fit So , Well ■ ®; I
—and whose manner has the as- ■! J | 1C e^ern orset can do
..... . ! J I i • i I I I Ii more to transform a woman's ap
i surance which belongs to the , \ I I I
I . ' \ / / I JOk I pearance than any other one
perfectly-groomed, the exquisite- YV"TVZy\ / ... I
; II || I or dozen things, for
fWe take for granted that you v — - j| | ' r^ finable air of smartness—-and, y
well-fitting spats; and we say to |l RCCtfCVtI ' ■
■ - - 1 BOWMAN'S—Second Floor.
t .. ~.. r . • v , . § *
DECEMBER 29, 1919.