Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 29, 1919, Image 1
Problems Raised by Government's Action in Biding Bituminous Coal Strike Being Discuss 2 LXXXVIII—No. 304 14 PAGES Da ' a\ s th" d Po.t offlJrut a Ha ! J'r!rtur* IaBS HARRISBURG, PA. MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 29, 1919. ox VEWSPAPKU , i!o :SH si TW L O CENTS 3 HOME EDITION DRINK AND DRUGS DRAG HIM FROM SCHOOL TO COURT Former Principal of Class room Pleads For Sus pended Sentence SERVED YEAR IN FRANCE Former Judge and Two Attor neys Ask That He Be Released from principal in the public schools in Landisburg and Pleasant View, to the United States Army, to employment at the American Railway Kxpress Company warehouses, then to he brought into criminal court to answer a charge of theft of wearing apparel from the company, is the brief history of the life of I). .1. Pat- Hrson during the last few years. A former judge and two well Known attorneys, one of them presi dent of tiie Dauphin County Bar As sociation. appeared in court to in tercede for Patterson, who is a na tive of Perry county. WltlKkv at Fault "Whisky and habit-forming drugs; wen blamed by the lawyers for the ■ downfall of the man, and they ap- | pealed to the court to release him on j probation in order to give him * chance to reform. • Former Judge .lames W. Shull, of Perry county, told President Judge George Kunkel and Judge S. J. At. j McCarrell. of Patterson's past. tie i said that Patterson had always been respected in his native county, taught ' school there for seven years, and at one time was principal of the Pan- ! dishurg schools, later coming to Dau- , phin county to teach. Served In Army Drugs, drink and family troubles were blamed by the former judge.' who said thai just about the time Patterson started on his downward I career he entered the army, served | about a year abroad, and returned, but failed to gain his former stand- [ ing. Charles <". Stroh. attorney for Pat-I terson'B wife, denied one of former! Judge Shull's charges, but admitted j ihat the man had always had a good ' reputation until recently, when he was arrested for larceny. Scott K. l.eiby, counsel for Patterson, also asked the' court to suspend sentence, tin Probation Judge Kunkel permitted Patterson to be released on probation under bail, and because of that decision sentenced James Thompson, colored, to serve SO days in jail. Thompson, pleading guilty also, was charged with receiving the stolen articles. William Harris, alias .Tervick, charged with stealing S2OO in cash and jewelry from the- residence and i store of I.ou Baum, by whom he was i employed, was given from 15 months ! to three years in the ICastern Peni- I t entiary. Select Jury For Trial of Prohibition Inspector Charged With Murder Manassas. Va„ Dec. 29.—Diffioul-i ty in obtaining a satisfactory jury: was expected to delay proceedings | when William G. Hall, prohibition I inspector, accused of murder, went! on trial here to-day. Tt was expect- ' ed that the venire of thirty-six men ! • ailed would prove inadequate in view of the general discussion of the! case and wdespread feeling against I the defendant in this section. Dent-' onstrations against liall and his! deputies when they were arraigned 1 at Winchester last fall caused local I otficials to take every precaution' against similar occurrences during) the trial here. Hall, who is accused of having! killed Lawrence D. Hudson and | Raymond Shackleford during a re-! volver light between the two men; and an automobile load of prohibi- ! lion inspectors last March, will make! self-defense bis plea. He will claim! that, the first shots fired came from I the car occupied by Hudson and' Shackleford. Hall was tried on the! same charge last September, the jury; being unable to reach a verdict. ( Trial of three other prohibition of-' ficials. Deputies Harry S. Sweet, Sr., | J. 11. Sullivan and William R. Dun-' leavy, awaits the outcome of Hall's! trial, it was said here to-day. They' were members of Hall's party. The! officers claimed the men killed were engaged in illicit whisky traffic. ' To Sound Out Public on Plan to Guarantee Against Price Decline Washington, Dec. .29.—Business I interests, labor unions and the pub-i lie generally are to be sounded as to the sentiment in regard to the guar- ' antee-against-price-decline system i said to be in use by many mariufac- I Hirers and wholesalers in the sale i of goods, the Federal Trade Com- ' mission announcing last night that! it had sent out several thousand let- • ters asking opinions of the plan. The guarantee-against-price-de dine system amounts to a guarantee ', by manufacturers and wholesalers!, in selling goods that should a decline in price occur before delivery of! the goods the buyer shall benefit by I, Hie declinfc but if the market should !! rise before delivery, the munufac- ' Hirer or wholesaler would assume!' the loss. j 1 Complaints lodged with the com-1 mission assert that working out of 1 ihe plan tends to prevent a decrease ' ' in the cost of living. | 1 Gov. and Mrs. Sproul to Keep "Open House" New j! Year's Day From 4 to 6 ! The Governor and Mrs. Sproul an- I ! nouneed to-day that "open house" I will be kept at the Kxecutive Man sion on New Year's Day. when all ' citizens will have the* privilege of ' I ■ ailing on Hie chief executive and his 1 ! wife. The reception will be from I to 6 o'clock and as this will lie their flint I * "at home" a large number of guests are expected. IS HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH ®K £toc-3n&cpen&eitt. I Boy, Page Sir Isaac Newton! BIG ROUNDUP OF BOOTLEGGERS TO | FOLLOW DEATHS | Government Takes a Hand After Many Are Killed and Blinded j By Associated Press j >" Vork. Dec. 29.—One of the bigr | gest roundups of bootleggers and | manufacturers of illicit liquor ever I made in this country, is impending as j a result of the wave of the deaths and j blindness which has followed the sale of poisoned liquor, Daniel 1,. Porter. I supervising revenue agent for- the I New York district, announced to-day. Hold Three For Harder Evidence already in hand is suflfici i ent. Mr. Porter said, to hold Adolph j Panarelli. a Manhattan wine and | liquor dealer; John Komanelli, a j Brooklyn undertaker, and Samuel K. j Sales by, a Brooklyn druggist, the al leged principals in the distribution I of poisonous liquor in New England, j on charges of first degree murder. ! The men are being held incommuni- j 1 cado during the 48 hours which will j ! elapse before they are arraigned be- ' 1 fore a United States commissioner, . | *.""•0.000 Hall Itefused Bail of $50,000 for immediate re- j lease of Panarelli already has been : refused, Mr. Porter said. When the 1 men are arraigned, Mr. Porter de- I dared he would ask the commissioner ' to set the hail at $30,000 for each de fendant. ■ Twenty revenue agents to-day made a careful search of the premises on Bleeker street occupied by Pana relli and took away with them every [Continued on Page ll.] Prelude of Terror to Red World Rule Shown by Bolsheviki Papers ! New Vork, Dec. 29.—The hideous j details of a gigantic Bolshevist con- j spiracy to strangle industry and while the world was staggering under the ' blow to inaugurate a reign of terror j that would give the trained agents of , Trotzk.v and Denine an opportunity to j seize the governments of the world are now in the hands of the authori- ! ties in documentary form- It was intimated that the govern- | ment machinery for the apprehension and prosecution of the leaders of j this Insidious plot against civillza- i tlon will be put into motion shortly, i The proof against Trotzky and ! Denine, together with certain of their ! agents in this country, is conclusive I and, because of the nature of their crimes, the matter may be laid before j the military tribunal which would i have the power to summarily order ! the execution of the conspirators. ' The documentary evidences ugaiust ! the murders and thieves of Petrograd : and their agents here WHS obtained ' when operatives of the Secret Service I abroad captured couriers from Soviet i Russia on their way to the United ! SUtes. j | | CLERGYMEN ASKED TO WARN CONGREGATIONS AGAINST "POISON" By Associated Press | Perth Amboy, N. J.. Dec. 29. TV prevent wood alcohol poison ing. the city authorities have I asked clergymen in all churches to warn their congregations to j refrain front drinking any alco • liolic beverage on Xew Year's i day. The warning was issued particularly for the benefit of the large foreign population here. So far no wood alcohol poisoning cases have been reported here. I WAR MESSAGES I FROM DEAD ARE BRANDED FAKES •j"Mediums" Termed "Gibber- J ing Old Women" by Pro fessor of Theology "Notoriety seekers and mercen | aries, who do not believe the things ; they say and are only in the busi : ness from purely selfish motives, are j wilfully misleading thousands." I In these words Dr. S. W. Jfannen, professor of Biblical Theology at Drew" Seminary, Madison, N. J., scores those who call themselves spiritualists, mediums and like names, and claim to have commun ion with the other world, and to be I able to predict all manner of events. | J)r. Hannen is in Hurrisburg for I j the coming week, when lie will con- | i duct a series of meetings of Bible I I study at the invitation of Stevens i | Memorial Methodist Church. "There are doubtless many scien- i tifio persons who are well meaning ] 1 and sincere in these wild predictions j I which they make concerning the end I iof the world, and like unknown ( j events," said Dr. llannen this morn-I ! ing, "hut the very untruth, so often 1 j evidenced, of these predictions shows i that the prophets are of unbalanced | | minds." "There are very many theories I ; which enn lie carefully worked out | in the seclusion of one's study, and | may appear absolutely flawless, but i.iust go out tn the practical world and jtry to put these theories Into prae j ttce and see how soon you discover I their imperfection." "Durihg the war there were many j people who took advantage of the opportunity to exploit spiritualism • and communication with departed ; spirits. It certainly stands to reason i that if one of your pals, one who was | near and deur to you and fought at j l your side, should be killed, and it I should he possible for his spirit to i I communicate, he would not take, i (some gibbering old woman as liis medium. He would not make her I mutter some unintelligible, senseless | messages. He would communicate I directly with you." I 'COMMISSION TO INVESTIGATE PAY I I OF MINERS MEETS (Confers With Tumulty and j Later Lays Out Program of Procedure i By .-1 ssocialed Press \\ nsliington. Dec. 29. Members j of the comfnission named by Presi- | " i dent Wilson under the coal strike i | settlement agreement to investigate! ' wages and prices in the bituminous j j coal industry conferred with Seere-j i tary Tumulty to-day at the White j House. The commission is expected l ( to lay out a program for its work at' i meetings during the day. I ; Members of the executive com- i II mittee of the Bituminous Coal Op- j I orators' Association also were in the j | city to-day and it was expected that I the operators finally would tender; | their assistance to the commission in | jits work, in spite of objections that! ; have been made by the operators to j ' the Government's plan. Km powered to Grant Raise i Under the strike settlement agree-! ' | ment with the miners, made by At- j 1 ' torney General Palmer with Presi-; j dent Wilson's authorization, work! has been resumed at the mines, a! fourteen per cent. increase in wages' has been given the miners and Gov- ! ernment-flxed prices on coal of $2.35 1 per ton mine run at'the mine have | been retained. The commission is! empowered to grant further in-1 creases, if that is necessary, and has [ been requested to report a decision'' within sixty days. The members of the commission ; are Henry M. Robinson, of PaSa-; j dena, Cul., chairman; Rembrandt; j Peale, representing the operators, l and John I*. AVliite, representing the' ] miners. Bituminous Operators Discuss Attitude on j Commission's Action 1 ' .Chicago, Dec. 29.—Representatives j of coal operators in llie bituminous I Ileitis met here to-day to discuss the j j attitude to be adopted toward the j findings of the commission appoint-1 ed by President Wilson to adjust j wages of miners- after settlement of I the recent nation-wide strike. 11 i The operators assert that they hail; I not committed themselves to accept ing or endorsing any decision the! I President's commission may reach, j Most of the mine owners opposed! any raise in miners' wages above the | fourteen per cent, set by Dr. 11. A. | j Garfield, former Federal Fuel Ad-' I min'strator. which became the pre-' ; liminary wage advance when the ! strike was nettled at Indianapolis by J Attorney General Palmer and the : union leaders. They contended that any increase in wages above the! fourteen per cent, would raise the! cost of production, and dually the|! consumer would be obliged to pay a , I higher price for coal. PERSHING TO BE GUEST OF CITY IN EARLY SPRING i- ! Commander of the American ■ Forces in France to Address ! Chamber of Commerce f TO INSPECT U. S. DEPOTS I I jCeneral Plans to Visit Middle town and New Cumber land Plants j General John J. Pershing, eom- j j mnnder of the American Expedition- , ' ary Forces in France, is planning a 1 visit to Har risburg. It was announced iat tlie offices of the llarrlsburg | Chamber of Commerce this morn- j j ing. | During his visit, he will be a guest ; of the Chamber of Commerce at a ' luncheon meeting. I An invitation to visit Harrisbms i as a guest of the Chamber of Com ' merce when he inspects the avia j tion, ordnance and quartermasters' } depots at Middletown and New Cum-; , berland, was extended General Per ! siting December 13, by K. J. Stack pole, president of the Chamber of j Commerce. The following letter in ! reply was made public to-day: j "1 have just received your letter ; of the' 13th, which was forwarded to jme from Washington, and I uppre- , : eiate very much the invitation you | extend from the llarrlsburg Chatu- , ; her of Commerce. I hope to inspect \ the aviation, ordnance and quarter- ; ' master depots in the vicinity of liar- ; ; risburg next spring, but as yet no I definite date can be determined up ' on. When 1 do visit the city, it will ! give me great pcasure to accept your 1 invtaton.i" The Invitation i The invitation as extended by j j President Stackpole was cpntained j , in the following letter: | "We are advised at the offices of (the Chamber or Commerce that you; i will in the near future visit officially ; the aviation and ordnance depot; • near this city, and also the quarter-j ' masters depot, near New Cumber- j land, opposite Harrisburg. ' "If agreeable to you, the Cham- ; i ber of Commerce will be pleased to j i have you as its luncheon guest on ; 'that occasion. The people of liar-j ; risburg and this vicinity would be for the privilege of showing; i you In some proper way their uppre- ; i elation of your splendid service#' ! with the American Expeditionary: j Forces. ; "You have maintained in a world j 1 crisis the best traditions of the American people and American : lighters. i "Acting for the community, the; | Chamber of Commerce will be more : than delighted to be advised that it. ; will be highly convenient for you to I break bread with us on the occa-I . sion of your forthcoming visit." j Arrangements for the visit will be ; made when more definite arrange-: ments for the time have been made 1 jby General Pershing himself. : Would Save Life by ! Forbidding Use of Rubber I Tubing to Gas Pipes! By Associated Press | New York, Dec. 29. —Steps io save ' | life by forbidding the use of rub- ] ] ber gas tubing are contemplated by I I the city authorities. It was learned ; to-day. As the result of disclosures ' !by the medical examiner's office ! i that most of the city's accidental I j nsphyxiattons in cold weather are : ! due to leaky rubber tubing connect- i [ ing pipes with gas heaters, an ordi- ; I nance has been introduced in the i j Hoard of Aldermen requiring metal ! tubing or pipe lo be used. Forty-six accidental deaths from > ■ gas occurred in New York city tlur- I I ing November last and forty-three I | in the corresponding month a year; ago. the. figures being more than I ! doubled with the arrival of winter. I ! Medical examiners found that tub- < : ing was the cause in three-fourths ! . of llie cases. In many instances the ! S rubber was worn by use so that it ! : leaked, and gas flooded the house ' i while the family was asleep. Some- j ! times a member of the household 1 steps on the tube inadvertently and ' | shuts off the flow of gas for an in- I I stant. Then he retires and the gas I ; flows on without ignition. State Warns Against Use of Wood Alcohol i State officials are to-day outlining I a campaign to warn the people of; Pennsylvania -against the dangers: lurking in concoctions of. wood alco-I ; hoi and other substitutes for liquors! and to arrange for the fullest nieas- i arc of co-operation with Federal! and local authorities. The conference was called by Colo- j | nel John D. McLean, deputy com- i missioner of health, and attending! i are James Foust, director of the! i bureau of foods; f\ F. Kramer, of f the Stale Hoard of Pharmacy; Dr. j Thomas S. lilair, chief of tlie bu-1 reau of drug control, and represeii-t j tatives of the Internal Re veil ue and! ; other Federal services. Oves Names Three Clerks j For Treasurer's Office i City Treasurer-elect Harry F Ovi a announced to-duy that lie' would appoint Joseph A. Mlnnaugh, I at present a clerk in the treasurer's' office, as chief clerk: Charles A. Mad den, 171S'.i North Fifth street, and I George p. Dtmkle. 1940 Derry street ' deputy clerks. Mr. Mlnnaugh lias hern connected with the treasurer's office for a nuin- ! her of years with ttie exception of the time he was In service. Mr Mnddrn for the last several vearji has bee.i a clerk In the Central Trust Company and Mr. Dunkle has liKd much experience j n tax affairs as county tax collector in the Thir teenth ward. MRS. VERM I LYE TO CONFRONT HUSBAND WHO AT 62 YEARS ; TOOK PART IN LOVE ? Miss Keeney Calls "Quits" l By Associated I'tcss. .Honson, Mass., Dec. 29.—Miss Rutli M. Keeney, the Buckneil University professor of Spanish, who was left waiting at the church here when Dr. William Grey Vermilye, of New York, failed to appear for their announced wedding, said to-day she had closed the affair. Miss Keeney, with her father, George L>. Keeney, returned to their home after an unsuccessful attempt to ir.-terviw Dr. Vermilye ut the | New York hospital to which lie went for treatment on the day lie I was expected to be married. Mr. Keeney said his daughter had an engagement ring given her ' by JJr. Vermilye and that Dr. Vermilye had asked him for iter hand I in marriage during a visit here in September. Miss Keeney showed a . newspaperman the. ring which she said was giver.- Iter by Vermilye. He assured her, she said, that lie was free to marrv. 500 LJITLE FOLKS ' GUES i 5 AT DIN NER ! Rotary Club Entertains Youngsters at Annual Christmas Dinner, Who Show Appreciation by Eating, and Eating and Eating Five hundred litlle l'olks of Hnr-c 1 risburg, in whose homes Christmas | was not celebrated as it might have | been had their parents been more | i prosperous, were guests to-day of j ! the Hurrisburg Rotary Club at that j • organization's annual Rig Brother | . dinner. It was a highly successful affair — j ask any one of those present, hosts \ .or guests, if you doubt it. l.ast yeiyr j • the little hall was large enough. This • year the big auditorium was scarce- i 'iy sufficient to accommodate the | throng. The Kotarians had it all j planned. They were going to call i I for their litlle guests in automobiles, j and many of them did. But a lot of | t boys and girls took no chances. May- 1 | he they knew about tire punctures! land blowouts and the balky tenden | cles of automobiles in cold weather; | ! at any rate they began to assemble I lat 10 o'clock, not to mention three. ! who were on hand at 8.15. "We | came right after breakfast," they ex- | I plained, "to avoid the rush." i tine of the early comers was a lit- 1 Ut lad who walked four miles yes- t ittwAay to tell Frank Pavefiport, ' ■ chairman of the dinner committee. ; tIPM his father is sick and that the 1 ! family "had no Christmas." He ask- i ed to have his four little sisters ad mitted. and was overjoyed when lie J j found that there would be places not alone for them, but for himself ' as well. Tlic Hall a Picture The hull was a picture in its , j Christmas decorations. All of yes- J | terduy a party of Kotarians undei j the leadership of Arthur 'H. llol j man hung the walls and the ceiling I 1 ill green and red garlands, holly and ! ; laurel being used in large quanti- j ties. The whole front of the gallery | [ was screened in holly and long fes- j ! toons hung from the ceiling beams. ; i After the day's work Frank Da veil- j 1 port entertained the committee at I ! dinner, tin the committee were the j i following: Arthur H. Holman, | chairman; Samuel H. Hughes, T. R. ! Dickinson. Walter Davis, Charles j i Goodman, Isaac C. Hess, J. Harris j ] Roll, Aslimer M. Blake and Norris j | S. l-ongaker. Under the direction of J. William ' Bowman, chairman of the presents ! committee, and Rudolph K. Spicer, ; I master of ceremonies, the long j J tables were laid off checker-board j ; style in green and red. so that the j :Waiters assigned to each table knew j j just where they were to serve. ! Mr. Davenport, in the absence of j ! S. S. Rutherford, who was attend- I j ing the funeral of a near relative, j | cooked the dinner and thene was | everything from roast chicken to ice I cream and cake that u boy or girl I could enjoy. Well-known business | and professional men and their j wives in waiters' garb servpd the | food, while others presented the j children with bugs of candy, apples, ! cakes and oranges and gifts ospeei ■ My selected to suit age and sex. i These gifts were purchased by Mr. ' Bowman at wholesale rates and I given to the club at costs. All the ] expenses were borne by the club, j members and the cost will be nearly ! SSOO, including the hall, which j Zembo Temple, through Colonel j Charles E. Covert, gave for the ; event at a reduced price. Daniel F. j Miller, the custodian, helped the | j Kotarians greatly and received a j i vote of thanks. The Dinner William S. Essick opened the din- ! ner by saying grace, and as soon 1 •as the tee cream had been put I 1 where it would do the most good, C. •Floyd Hopkins opened the enter-j | lainment with moving pictures that ! included a Charley Chaplin film. | After that C. W. Miller, physical dl | rector at the "Y," did a tumbling j j clown stunt that set the little folks | j wild and directed a number of i ; members of the Y. M. C. A. gym- ! | nnslum classes in a wand drill. The I ' Orphemn orchestra was donated fori the occasion and played for the | I THE WEATHERI I Harrlaburg and Ylclnltyi Unset- I tied, probably snow to-night nnd Tnesdny. Continued cold to night with lowest tempernture nbout 22 degrees. Warmer Tues day. Eastern Pennsylvania ■ Increasing cloudiness probably followed | by snow late to-night nnd on ! Tuesday. Warmer Tuesday and In bent portion to-night. Mod erate variable winds becoming south to-night nnd Inerenslng. Itlvcei The Susqnehannn elver and [ all Its branches will fnll slowly j or remain stationary without ' mnch change In the conditions. I The river will continue tee bound and nearly statlonnrv at Harrlaburg at a stage of 0.3 to f T < L I 1 OFour Melody Maids and an Kuro- j I jiean musical act, a part of the Ma- I | jestie theater program for the week, j j the participants giving their services | | free. And then there was . Charles j i J. Colta, a magician, who did all ! manner of amusing stunts and add ! t<l much to the hilarity of the oe ; cusion. Altogether Jt was some party and after it was all over O. M. | Meinntctz, president of the elub. said: "1 think it only iiuo Unit I l-'runk Davenport, John S. Musser, I Arthur 11. Ilolman, C. Floyd Hop ! kins. J. William Bowman, V. Grant j j Forrer, Frank B. Musser, Rudolph | K. Spicer, Norris S. l.ongaker, Rieh i ard C. Jobe and those who served ! under them on the various commit- I tees should •be thanked in a pub lic; way. indeed all Roturians re | sponded nobly and assisted in every ' way possible, and with their wives [Continued on I'age 13.] I t - I * : I GET SIO,OOO AND CHECKS FOl ~ . J id, Ohio, Two armed foctpac ■ > i ) in cash and $65,000 in checks in a daring i the downtown section of James Hodiif, | | X who was carrying the money from a savings and ioan , I ■ | J company to a bank. - j i GET $7,000 AFTER SHOOTING CASHIER ; ! | Toledo. Seven'men to-day held up the People's 11 9 .tawa 'Lake, Mich., and escaped with $7,00 I in cash and Liberty bonds, after'shooting Herman Roth- 1 $ :ss, tl hicr. In their haste, the raiders over 1 S2O. C i ! rency and bonds. • | : S WB I T WOMAN CHARGED WITH MURDER OF BROWN 1 \ I Clemens, Mich. A warrant charging "c.a- 1, 1 trice Workman, alias Cecelie Vester, with the mufder ct" j £ J. Stanley Brown, shot to death in his automobile near m j here, lact ruesday night, was issued her,, to-day. f i J DISCUSSING RAILROAD LEGISLATION | 1 Washington. While the joint corfgressiona! con- v | ference committee was discussing point of difference 1 I between the Cummins and Erch railroad orgartizatiqp M . T :e tc-dajr in an effort to concilate minor disagree- , \ ! I nts and pave the way to consideration ' , . S strike provisions of the Cummins measure, | 1 union officials were gathering to attend a IJ 7 j i e railed by Samuel Gompers t® formulate a ! I j definite pplicy to be pursued with regard to the offensive ( j | ', cf the Senate bill 1 : CREW PERISHES WHEN SHIP I SWRECKED ' 4 | < Halifax. The Belgian steamer Anton Van Driel' 1 I 1 has been wrecked west of Cape Race and all her crew ] * j 'perished, according to wireless dispatches received here ! I to day. ' ' < ; '• ~ MARRIAGE LICENSES Paul 11. Rnclirr. Pcnlirook. nnl Helen 1.. Hauler. HurHiklrm , Mcrvln O. Mi-mlnner, lloKNtuirn, and Idn M. Hair, MechnalcabnrKil llpry K. lllink lr. Vork, nnd Mnry A. Baker, Welt Falrvlew. ' ■ wylll WllA|Mk|U. MltfkMlpl|>|Wd. t Wife Prostrated at News of Alleged Romance KNOWLEDGE OF GIRL DENIED Mrs. William Grey Yermilye is packing' her effects at the home of her daughter, 2210 , North Third street, as quickly as she can so that she may go at , once to New York and confront I her husband. •Mrs. Vermilye intends to visit her ! 02-yeur-old husband, the former I Navy surgeon who is accused by Miss | lluth M. Keeney, a former instructor ,in Bucknell University, of having deserted her ut the altar on Christ ! mas Eve, the time set for their wed i fling. Prostrated by News. "My mother is prostrated by the terrible news we have heard and ! will leave for her Brooklyn home as | soon us she can pack her things." I said Mrs. E. It. Baines, her daughter | to-day. "It is absolutely impossible for | anyone to attempt to see Mrs. Ver- J milye," Mrs. Baines continued. ".She j is worn out and so shocked by the I dispatch which we read in the paper I We have not heard from Ur. Ver niilye but Major Baines is seeing about that part of the matter." M'-s. Vermilye has been living at 70f 'ii-eeii street since early in the summer. She came here from her Brooklyn home so as to be near her daughter who is the wife of Major iE. 11. Baines who has apartments lat 2210 Xorth Third street. Since. I publication of the Kecney romance I the wife has been staying with her I daughter. Visited In City The Vermilyes are in comfortable circumstances. Br. Vermilye visit ed the city thre months ago and I [Continued on Page IS.]